6 minute read
Coaches, mentors, parents, teachers, friends: If ever there was a time to be a catalyst for well-being, it is NOW in this pivotal, poignant moment in history.
By Terez Hartmann
I know we each have our own unique per- spective, style of expression and intentions, and that no words will ever resonate as clearly as those that come from within YOU. But when these words presented themselves to me during my “Covid chrysalis time,” I felt compelled to share them. May this letter ignite a spark within YOU to remember how magnificent you are, that life is supposed to be good for you, and perhaps to encourage you to take pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard/ touchscreen) to “coach the coach” and craft a letter of your own in YOUR own words.
Dear multi-faceted being, I just want to take a moment to say that I am proud of you. You remain open and willing to see yourself and life clearly—and it is especially nice for you to remember to see and seek the light in your SELF. It is so nice to see you being kinder and gen- tler with yourself, as your sweet spirit thrives when you allow your natural well-being to flow. You are on to something, my dear friend, so keep focusing in easy, relaxed, gentle ways and just as you have seen, the higher emotions are just as beautiful when viewed from a foundation of serenity and satisfaction. Even though the world may seem to reward those who endure suffering and pain in the name of checking yet another box of accomplishment, it is awesome that this chrysalis time of quiet metamorphosis is showing you that there is another path to allowing the things that truly matter to you: You have opened to the idea that you ARE enough and that expansion is just the natural order of things, so you don’t have to push and suffer for it. You know you are a work of art in progress and always will be, and by being present in your body and living/acting with intention, you can continue to move in the direction that is most conducive to your true joy and happiness, aka the authentic “success” that lies at the heart of every dream, vision and intention. You are allowed to “miss the mark” and always find gifts in these experiences, one of which is discovering new ways to talk to yourself that are infinitely more helpful and nourishing. You know how to bend and flow, while staying rooted in light, love and truth. You see and feel the lightness and benefit of letting go of guarding, protecting or defending, and you are feeling the power of embracing your light and joy gently. You have recognized that feelings show up to show you something. Observe and let them inform you of what to choose next. You know that now is when you allow. You are remembering that no moment or single creation defines you, these are merely jumping off places for your next evolutionary step. You have truly come to know that if you want to change what you are seeing, your mission is to upgrade your vision.
You continue to find a sense of stability—a feeling of stone beneath your feet—and the more unconditional you become, the more you can and will sustain well-being, no matter what the changing weather patterns of life may bring. You are valued and are valuable just by BEING. You were born of and in love. This love surrounds you and is in every cell of your body, ever-present— and in your heart-of-hearts, you know you are loved and that nothing will change this. You are remembering that you do indeed have angels around you every day, all the time, both in the non-physical realm and in 3-D. I’m proud of you in EVERY moment: when you have the courage to reach when you have the courage to feel when you have the courage to fall when you have the courage to get back up when you have the courage to rest when you have the courage to be present when you have the courage to be yourself when you have the courage to decide and move onward, upward, forward. It is ALL good. It is ALL helpful. It is ALL beneficial. It is ALL spiritual. It is ALL brave, yet at the same time, it is THE most NATURAL thing in the world. You came here to explore and reach for more, and there is no wrong path or wrong way to do this. Your mission is to discern what feels lighter or heavier to you—what feels more open and free, versus what feels closed and confined. Each state of being offers gifts: • Focusing upon freedom and truth attracts more of the same. • Times of perceived confinement and doubt ask for more freedom and truth.
The questions for you to consider are: • Which path feels better? • Which path is more fun? • Which path feeds serenity, well-being, and joy? • Which path feels like me? You were not meant to follow and do what others have chosen for themselves, you were born to lead, and—most importantly—lead your SELF. Others’ stories are only ever meant to be catalysts or breadcrumbs, but YOUR joy and sense of purpose is found in following YOUR inner muse and listening to YOUR inner compass. BE who you are and revel in ALL of it. Celebrate every season and style of your expression. While your words, templates, programs and creations can certainly be catalysts for inspiration and empowerment for others, your BEING will always speak louder and ignite more fires than any “thing” or word you will ever utter in a lifetime of lifetimes. I am proud of you and I love you now and always.
Thank you for all you do – and especially for all you ARE, dear friends.
Here’s to allowing YOUR success and to living this precious, magical, ever-changing, multicolored, beautiful, crazy, creative, LIFE on FIRE.
ALLOWING YOUR SUCCESS with Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann
Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann,“Your catalyst for all things Fab-YOU-lous,” is the author of Allowing Your Success!, a proud contributing author of Transform Your Life! book one and two, a professional Keynote Speaker/Workshop Facilitator, Singer-Songwriter/Recording Artist, “Allowing Adventures!” & “Savor Vacation” Facilitator, and true Renaissance Woman, and Visionary. She keeps her fire lit by embracing and promoting a lifestyle of “Allowing,” and by using creative expression to elevate and ignite the human spirit, a passion that she shares with her husband, soul-mate and creative partner of over 15 years, John Victor Hartmann. Together they share “Allowing TRUE LOVE” workshops and experiences designed to help others attract, allow, and maintain extraordinary relationships, and create custom jingles and voice-overs in their studio, THE Creativity Express. Visit: http://www.TerezFirewoman.com
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