INSPIRATION & GROWTH Free to Just Be 3 Keys To Sustainable Creativity To Age or Not to Age? We Started the Fires Do Something that Matters Inspired Living THE Most Important Question
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FEED YOUR SPIRIT Spiritual Aliveness Find Your Way I Don’t Believe in Divine Intervention
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PUBLISHERS Natalie Rivera Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed.
EDITOR Lisa Cedrone
CONTRIBUTORS Linda Commito, Kate Pennell, Arielle Giordano, Jo Mooy, Mary Boutillier, Mark Pitstick, Owen Waters, Gregg Sanderson, Terez Hartmann, Noelle Sterne
© Copyright 2021 Transformation Services, Inc.
All rights reserved. http://www.TransformationMag.com
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Free to Just Be
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Mason Hassoun
Creativity needs space and play time without judgment. By Linda Commito I grew up with a workaholic father in a business that enveloped all of us. My dad owned Art’s Variety Store, a 15-hour-a-day, 7-days-aweek, 365-days-a-year business. The only time that the store hours were shortened was on Christmas day, by four hours, so that my dad could enjoy dinner with our extended Italian family. It may be hard to believe, but the first and only
day that the store was actually closed was for my wedding. (Maybe he should have kept it open!) So, it came as no surprise when, many years later, I found myself working 60 to 80 hours a week in my home accessory business. The concept of free time as an opportunity to allow creative thoughts and ideas to manifest—or to simply ‘just be’—wasn’t a big part of my reality. It wouldn’t be until decades later, after I sold my business, that I could explore other ways of being in the world.
Concerned about not being productive and fearful that I wouldn’t find anything that I would feel as passionate about, I wrote this poem: White Space so unfamiliar. Open, expansive, unfulfilled, yet so full of promise. The past was a time of “filling spaces”, unable to accept the quiet, emptiness, the white walls. And now life is one big space, with nothing to do, but to let go and just be in it . . At first, I felt apprehensive about “white spaces,” especially when I tried my hand at painting or writing, unsure whether I could fill the empty canvases or pages with something meaningful or worried that I might somehow mess up their pristine appearance. I remember taking an art class titled, “Freedom, Passion and Painting.” We students arrived in the studio, armed with several large sheets of white paper. Many of us felt intimidated, wondering if we would ruin these pages with our inexperienced hands and paint-filled brushes. But we didn’t have time to think about it. The first assignment was to fill the entire page with paint in 8 minutes, all while listening to lively music. No white spaces and lots of smiles! The next assignment was
to paint the UGLIEST PAINTING that we had ever done. No problem there! While keeping our feet moving to fun music, we playfully threw paint on the paper. But wait! We looked around . . . there were no ugly paintings! We laughed. “OK, we can do this!” By the next assignments, we were open and fearless and having a blast! I learned that creativity needs space and play time without judgment. I loved having the time to learn, explore and discover new things and I no longer needed to fill up every space and moment to feel productive. In fact, while writing my book, Love Is the New Currency, my best writing flowed when I let go of stress by doing some deep, slow breathing or walking in nature. I was pushing to get the book finished in two years, working nonstop.
A friend said, “Linda, natural child birth is a much better way to go”—and so it was, many months later. I no longer accepted that we have to sacrifice precious moments to a culture that demands productivity at the expense of creativity. Francesco, a talented, professional musician, believes that “like children, we need play time to be creative. Imagining and dreaming are vital to fostering a sense of freedom and creativity.” Many of us have had a lot of white space this past year and much of it has been uncomfortable. And it’s not that we still don’t have responsibilities. But what if we could value not only what we have accomplished, but equally, the creative ways that we have “reinvented ourselves” and what we have learned, read, written, or simply enjoyed?
Love is the New Currency with Linda Commito Linda Commito, author, speaker, entrepreneur, consultant and teacher, is passionate about her vision to leave this world a kinder, more loving, and interconnected place. Linda’s award-winning book of inspirational stories, Love Is the New Currency, demonstrates how we can each make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others through simple acts of love and kindness. Her latest project, the card game Just Ask 1 2 3, was inspired by a desire to connect people of all different ages, beliefs and lifestyles to share our individuality and find commonality. Linda also created “Kindness Starts with Me,” a program, book and website for children. For more information visit http://www.LoveistheNewCurrency.com or visit the Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Justask123game.
NOT JUST A GAME! Each custom-designed deck of Just Ask 1 2 3 cards offers 53 thought-inspiring questions and a Directions card. A lovely organza gift bag is included to hold the cards for selecting.
Just Ask 1 2 3 is a fun pathway to conversation, kindness and connection!
Only $15.95 There are different pathways to connecting: Deck 1 Easing In – easy, playful questions to break the ice and have fun! Deck 2 Getting Closer – thought-provoking questions to get to know each other better . . . including ourselves. Deck 3 Deepening Conversation – Insightful questions that invite sharing experiences and reflections on life and relationships.
JustAsk123.com & LoveIstheNewCurrency.com 7
3 Keys To Sustainable Creativity
Why you should stop trying to produce a bestseller. 8
By Kate Maria Pennell Whether we are an entrepreneur, a writer, or a documentary filmmaker, these titles can seem the very badge of honor that we aspire to with our work. Yes, aiming high can help us apply ourselves to our chosen art, but there is a shadowy side to going for such specific targets and being motivated by bestowed prestige. And it’s probably not what you think. I’d like to share with you three keys that contribute to sustainable creativity and, in due course, success.
I’ve written before about writing drunk and editing sober; writing fully intoxicated with our ideas as they fill up our senses and then soberly editing them in the cool light of day to refine them. These are two distinct parts of the active creative process and, I would say, something for which we use two very different parts of our mind. The cool, critical mind allows us to select and choose and change our work in order to improve it. It is vital and plays an important role in us producing our creative work to a high standard. Unfortunately, it’s good friends with Ego. It is also pretty obsessed with order, full of its own self-importance, and focuses on the product, rather than the process, as the defining criteria in order to assign value to our work. Quotes such as, “We are instruments, more than authors, of our work,” from the beautiful soul of Julia Cameron, will cause it to start to sweat and hyperventilate. Control and quantifiable productivity are its preferred modus operandi. The artist-mind is a very different landscape. In the quantum space of the subconscious mind, ideas collide and spark. It is the land of questions and curiosity, of experience and connection. The spiced aroma of adventure can be scented on the breeze. The game is afoot. There is order, as in all areas of creation, but there are also organic growth and surprises. In this creative mind-scape, work happens. Just read Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic or The War of Art by Steven Pressfield to learn more about that. But the work is different. Stripped of obligation and pressure, the work takes on the dynamic of applied forwardmoving energy. There is discipline, but there is also expansion, there is synergy. Julia Cameron, once again, puts it beautifully: “Focused on our process, our creative life retains a sense of adventure. Focused on the product, the same creative life can feel foolish and barren.” I would go further to say that fixing our focus purely on our product is a sure way to create undue stress in our lives. Add to that working under the criteria of external merit, in the form of a bestseller or prestige awarded by others, and the pressure of that will crush our creative space. In response, we will cease to work from our creative minds and could move solely into the rational mind, which isn’t designed in the same way for creative output. We must work as a whole, with both parts—the artist mind and the critical mind—playing their roles. Martin Ritt (director and actor) tells us that “Cerebriation is the enemy of originality in art.” Ritt may be right; I would also say that cerebriation is the enemy of sustainable productivity.
Our rational mind, remember, favors control and correctness, rather than creation and experimentation. Such a stark environment will not encourage growth. When we work as if our product must justify the creative input behind it, through monetary gain or merit, we are ordering our brainchildren to earn their keep before they are mature. We measure their merit—their value—on what we think we will gain from them. That’s cold. That’s artistic abuse. The idea of the rational mind serving the creative mind—rather than the other way around—may feel precarious, out of control, out of our mind even, but I believe it is there that the power lies. Learning to harness that power in our subconscious will propel us to new heights of creativity AND productivity.
Where you are creating from, inside of yourself, is as important as what you create. (Read that again if you need to…) What I’ve sampled from those who crank out their work like a machine tasted bland to my pallet, rushed and not matured; it was manufactured rather than created, and I knew it. The point of origin showed up in the final work, and I could read their motivation like Braille across a page. The acrid smell of desperation, or dollars, lingered on. Their allegiance was to the award or reward, rather than to their craft or to the work. We walk a fine line between producing what there is a demand for and what our creativity wants us to produce. Ideally, we can combine the two and be financially and artistically satisfied, but at other times we play the game of not breaking faith with our creativity while still trying to make an income. The ancient proverb of, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” comes to mind. Where we perceive to be the greatest value, that is where we will invest our time and energy, where we will invest of ourselves. The problem comes when the perception is skewed and we gamble our success and wellbeing on something outside of our control. Back down the line in the process, it is a heavy load to work under, this goal of being recognized as the best and waiting for recognition. We have to hold it up high enough for us to still have space for ourselves to create and work under it. And that can be tiring. Physically, mentally, intellectually, and emotionally tiring.
It seems much healthier, to me, to invest myself in my craft. I can control the output and the pressure of working for such mercurial external validation won’t deplete me of my creative energy. Keep one eye on the prize, by all means, but keep the other eye, your mind, and your heart on your work. It is always your work that will carry you forward if you are faithful to it.
Burn out and block are the stuff of nightmares for creatives— whether you are an entrepreneur, painter, web designer, writer, or chef. Your creative health matters. To maintain that health, and our productivity along with it, we must learn to look to the process. More than that, to trust the process. Talking of process and creative mind-scapes, treasuring, and exploiting your brainchildren can sound all rather wafty, rather artsy-fartsy. However, it is the very opposite, this is serious stuff. Our progress is in the process. Creatives can—and do—make a living from their work. They always have done so. We must let go of the pernicious social myth that we can’t; it must die so that we may not just live, but flourish. We are vital to the survival and development of our societies, even when those in power forget that.
What is vital to our survival is our trust in the active process of creativity. First, we need to understand the different modes in which we operate (the artistic mind and rational mind). Second is staying faithful to our craft, and the final objective is understanding that the quality of our work comes through the quantity of our work. As in all things, truly, our progress is in the process. The actor Michael Caine talks about how critics have slammed him for making some awful films. His response of, “the film may be terrible but the house that it paid for is great,” for me, sums up his down-to-earth approach. There was always something to be gained from each and every situation he found himself in. Still working in his eighties, he has some very simple, practical lessons to share with us. I’d like to share this extract from his book, Blowing the Bloody Doors Off: “Success comes from doing. The best way to keep doing enough of the right things is to keep doing a lot of things. Even if some of these things end up being flops, you’ll be gaining experience, building relationships, building confidence, opening up opportunities, keeping life fresh and learning your craft.” When I think of those I admire, I see that quality: the quality that keeps going. Hit or miss, keep going, trusting the process and gleaning the good from each experience in order to develop something better. The greats of today understand this: Stephen King, John Grisham, Elizabeth Gilbert, Diane Keaton, Richard Branson, Taika Waititi. As did those of the past: Einstein, Fred Astaire, Arthur Conan Doyle, and the list goes on. I’m sure you have those you would add to both my lists. By trusting their creativity, understanding the process of creativity, and just plain doing the work, they gained the success that they enjoyed. Through that, they gained their acclaim. I am sure they are looking over their shoulders, winking at us, and beckoning us to do the same.
“If you make it in your universe, it’s because you keep doing enough of the right things. It sounds simple. It is simple, really. —Michael Caine
Permission to Launch with Kate Pennell
Kate Pennell, English and slightly geekish, is a coach and dream catalyst who lives in Spain with three kids, various furry creatures and a patient husband. She loves nature, creativity and seeing people discover what truly makes them come alive. Kate provides the people she works with permission to launch and helps them begin to fly as they were made to. She teaches, encourages and connects with fellow travellers across our global village. Find out more at https://www.permissiontolaunch.website/.
To Age or Not to Age?
Our bodies want to move and have strong muscles. By Arielle Giordano Did you know that every day, no matter what our current health status, we have a clear choice: we can grow older or we can grow younger. The truth is that, yes, in terms of linear time we all grow “older” every day. But we absolutely have a choice in the “relative” age of our bones, muscles, internal organs, and skin. You get to decide if you want to spend your days feeling vital, energetic, healthy, and joyful. It’s up to you whether you use your body to exercise, dance, travel, and play in life. Or, you can be confined by joint and back pain, have limited mobility, and lack physical strength—all of which can keep you sitting on the sidelines watching others do what you wish you could do again. Did you know that after age 35 our muscle cells begin a slow process of dying unless we exercise? Without exercise, a negative chain reaction starts with energy loss, less activity, cell loss, and muscle loss. Suddenly, before our very eyes, we develop the attributes of an “old” person! We find ourselves not being able to do the things we used to do so easily. You may ask yourself, “How does this happen?”
Every cell requires a source of energy to fuel and power its life, and this energy is called mitochondria. Most cells have only a small number of mitochondria, while muscle cells have so many—in the tens of thousands—that scientists have not been able to count them all! The reason muscle cells are the key to longevity and keeping us young is because they contain 95 percent of the body’s mitochondria. Scientists also have discovered that in addition to powering the cells, mitochondria play a huge role in our rate of aging and the length of our life. Mitochondria keep us young when we protect and nurture them! Hence, the myth that we no longer have control over our own aging process is debunked! Movement activates the mitochondria and a sedentary life deactivates them. With every move we make, we increase the quantity of mitochondria in our body, giving us more energy to burn. Our bodies want to move and have strong, energy-producing, fat-burning muscles. So if you are feeling tired or have been sitting for a long time, get up and start moving your mitochondria power cells for more energy and longevity. It is the perfect time to renew your body and grow into a healthier, younger YOU this summer!
Dancing from the Inside Out with Arielle Giordano Transformational Life Coach Award-Winning Author & Speaker, Professional Dancer. Arielle’s Award-Winning book for Best Self-Help Award: Dancing With Your Story From The Inside is available on http://www.Amazon.com. Her professional career includes the Lead Faculty Area Chairperson and Professor for the College of Humanities, History and the Arts at the University of Phoenix. She is a published co-author of Transform Your Life Books 1 & 2 and author for Tampa Bay Wellness, Conscious Shift & Transformation magazine. She has published her 4th book, an Instructor’s Manual for Barlow Abnormal Psychology 4th ed. and authored Psychology, A Journey 3rd.ed. Study Guide published by Nelson Education, Toronto, ON. She has also studied philosophy at the College of Integrated Philosophy with John DeRuiter for twenty years. Arielle has been a featured guest on radio and television, in newspapers, and the media across the US and Canada. She is a certified Essentrics Stretch and Dance Instructor. Arielle offers coaching sessions, classes and workshops and a free 30-minute Consultation. Websites: http://www.dancingfromtheinsideout.com, http://www.ariellegiordano.com. Email: agbeautifuldance@gmail.com
We Started the Fires
World events have the power to change individual consciousness and human consciousness on a greater level. By Jo Mooy “We didn’t start the fire, it was always burning since the world’s been turning.” Reflecting on the words of that Billy Joel song, written 42 years ago, I think maybe we not only started the fire but in fact, we keep it burning. When major events occur anywhere in the world, millions of minds engage simultaneously through the internet or television. The events could be the happiness of The World Cup winner, the tragedy of a natural disaster, the discord of an election, or the constant drone of lies that obliterate truths. The result is a global reaction to the events that trigger a massive emotional shift that impacts the human psyche. The effects can last a long time, or end in a shorter period. World Cup emotions may last till the trophy is awarded, while wars or natural disasters can leave indelible emotional scars that last a lifetime. The preposterous lies that burn the unseen atmosphere are more insidious. Those lies torch the fabric of the souls in individuals who are devastatingly weakened by the constant barrage of negativity in their lives. Nonetheless, any event has the power to change individual consciousness or alter personal beliefs in such a way that human consciousness on a greater level is also changed. These statements are not hyperbole. Princeton University tracked human
reactions to global events through 70 device-based measuring stations located around the world. After the data was fed into computer algorithms and analyzed, the lead scientist reported the results saying, “When millions of hearts and minds are engaged at once, structure emerges out of the randomness. There really are effects of consciousness in the world, and unexpected correlations in our network of random devices. Something is going on, and the most likely conclusion is that there is an interconnection of consciousness at deeply hidden levels between people and among people across the globe.” Those experiments show how events affect human consciousness. Can the reverse occur? Can changes in human consciousness trigger mass events? If every “thing” is interconnected then the empirical evidence points to yes. A government study showed mounting concerns for high blood pressure. In fact, the study actually “raised the blood pressure” of those reading about it, or seeing it on the news. Medical commercials for a product shown on TV create a mass consciousness change not only about the medicine but also about the disease. Fears about the disease can actually cause the disease to develop through the power of suggestion. When humans feel powerless and reside in a state of “generalized fear,” they will turn the most natural of observations into
personal high-drama. The end result is, fear consciousness breeds more fear. Everything is energy and everything is connected to everything else through fields of energy. This includes thoughts, feelings, beliefs, emotions, and senses. Quantum physics shows that everything from atoms, electrons, and quarks (the smallest particles in the universe) to the space between them is an energetic vibration that operates in an enormous field of connectivity. Nothing is separate from anything else. What is seen is vibrating energy just like what is unseen. Humans reflect an energy signature, though it’s not usually visible. The overall energy signature can be positive or negative, easy or sharp. It reflects who a person is based on their beliefs, their culture, their values, their geography, their emotional maturity. Every individual projects out to the world their summary energy signature. Many individuals can read the energy signatures. Psychics read auras. Others without that skill may meet a stranger and say things like I don’t like being around that person’s vibe. Or, they can casually meet another person and say I love being around her, she’s so upbeat. They may know nothing about the person but they’re reading the person’s energy signature. In that scenario, opposites don’t attract. Rather, similar energy structures attract magnetically to like energies.
If those like energies are magnified at a group level, it’s easy to see how the thinking or beliefs of a group can influence others of like persuasion—even if some of them are not fully committed to “the cause.” If group beliefs or thinking come from fear, then fear will be the projection and the attraction. If anger or hatred is the dominant emotion in the group, then anger energy will project out and attract other similar anger energies. In this manner, the emotional energies of fear or anger actually take form, creating a sort of amorphous cloud that magnifies that quality in the energy fields. Emotionally immature or unaware individuals who live in states of fear or anxiety then become swept up by those forms of energy. They project it out like a shroud to others who share those same characteristics pulling them into the shroud. Remember, all energy is connected in a web. Negative qualities like anger, hatred or fear are mentally and emotionally hot. The five elements (fire, earth, air, water, ether) that govern structure in this universe respond to the mental and emotional heat and form weather patterns. The atmosphere becomes heated, thoughts become heated, behavior becomes heated, and through this endless unified connectivity, new fires of anger and hatred are started while keeping the old ones burning. Is there a solution? Maybe it’s when each person in his own timeframe wakes up one day and asks the question, “Who am I? Who am I really?” The self-realized mystic Ramana Maharshi said, “Without understanding yourself, what is the purpose of trying to understand the world. All your thoughts and emotions and events are like pictures moving on a screen. They are not real. You do not need to aspire to another state. Simply get rid of all the thoughts and beliefs you hold dear and find that which is Real. Everything is projected onto this Reality which is the Eternal Pure Consciousness.” Finding the answers to, Who Am I may finally extinguish the flames or stop the burning altogether. And, we can get on with our real roles in life.
Conscious Living with Jo Mooy
Jo Mooy has studied with many spiritual traditions over the past 40 years. The wide diversity of this training allows her to develop spiritual seminars and retreats that explore inspirational concepts, give purpose and guidance to students, and present esoteric teachings in an understandable manner. Along with Patricia Cockerill, she has guided the Women’s Meditation Circle since January 2006 where it has been honored for five years in a row as the “Favorite Meditation” group in Sarasota, FL, by Natural Awakenings Magazine. Teaching and using Sound as a retreat healing practice, Jo was certified as a Sound Healer through Jonathan Goldman’s Sound Healing Association. She writes and publishes a monthly internationally distributed e-newsletter called Spiritual Connections and is a staff writer for Spirit of Maat magazine in Sedona. For more information go to http://www.starsoundings.com or email jomooy@gmail.com.
Do Something that Matters
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Jordan Wozniak
What we give, we will receive, and kindness is a path that goes outward toward the intended and inward toward ourselves. By Mary Boutieller Welcome to another month, another opportunity to share ideas and cultivate an awareness of life’s little lessons! Recently, I stopped by a small, local shop that had all kinds of handmade items. As I talked with the owner, I found out that a portion of every sale was used to provide food for communities in need. He was a delightful man, his store filled with lovely items, and his purpose steadfast. As we chatted, he said he had a motto: It was to “Do Something that Matters.” When I got to the car, I wrote it down. I considered his purpose in life, his way of serving the greater good, and I smiled at the goodness in the world. It was refreshing to have an honest-togoodness conversation with a warm-hearted stranger. Given all this country has been through and our general sense of unease these days, it felt so completely normal that it seemed to stand out. This last year has been tough on everyone I know. No matter how you feel about recent events, hearts have been broken, people have been unkind, the world has been shaken...and yet goodness continues to prevail. It may not always be obvious, but it is surely there. A recent story in the news talked about an eight-year-old boy who, upon seeing an elderly woman struggling to get up some stairs with a walker, told his mom to stop the car so he could help her. The video showed this sweet and unassuming young boy with one hand on the dear lady’s back, the other one helping to get the walker from one step to the next. At the top of the steps, she gives him a big hug and he walks away with a smile on his face. How proud his mother must have been. How hopeful our future is with young people like this living in the world. Kindness, it seems, is all around us. It is in us too. The 14th Dalai Lama said, “When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” We know that it goes both ways: that what we give, we will receive...that kindness is a path that goes outward toward the intended and inward toward ourselves. And that’s the beauty of it.
We benefit from being kind to others. So often, we underestimate the impact we can have with the simplest acts of compassion. It doesn’t have to be complicated—we just have to try to “do something that matters.”
Syed Balkhi wrote, “Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.” As a kid, I was nowhere near “cool.” I was nerdy and skinny with big teeth and unruly hair. I was good at math and terrible at gym class! So I like the idea that, by being kind, I can actually be cool! In fact, we can all be cool, in our own cool sort of way, just by giving someone a helping hand or talking with a stranger. We all have something to give...something that doesn’t require money, good looks, extra time or expertise of any sort. What we have to offer comes from that genuine place in our hearts. All it requires is doing what we were made to do, one day at a time, with no expectation other than making the world a little better place while we are here. By the way, it’s important to remember to give AND receive, as the energy of kindness is brightest when it is reciprocal. It also keeps us humble and vulnerable and open to possibility. So the next time someone extends a helping hand to you, accept it with graciousness and gratitude and let it fill your soul. The Dalai Lama went on to say, “This is my simple religion. No need for temples. No need for complicated philosophy. Your own mind, your own heart is the temple. Your philosophy is simple kindness.” Be on the lookout for these simple acts of kindness. Train your eyes and your heart to see the real, and the potential, good in the world. Then jump in. Let’s all be cool together!
The Yoga of Life with Mary Boutieller Mary Boutieller is a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga since 2005. Her work experience includes 22 years as a firefighter/paramedic and 10 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist. Mary’s knowledge and experience give her a well-rounded understanding of anatomy, alignment, health and movement in the body. She is passionate about the benefits of yoga and the ability to heal at all levels through awareness, compassion, and a willingness to explore. She can be reached at: SimplyogaOm@gmail.com.
Inspired Living
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Gian Cescon
Know that we are timeless spiritual/energetic beings—and death is not a “goodbye,” just a “see you later.” By Dr. Mark Pitstick While sitting at the beach recently, I saw an elderly man walking alone. Moving slowly, he periodically gazed out at the water and sky, and looked very sad. I felt moved to talk with him and, after a few minutes of small talk, I discovered why. As his eyes swelled with tears, Dan told me that his wife of 42 years had recently died. He was especially struggling with her death because they both had lost faith in their religion many years ago. It began when they asked their minister important questions like: “Why does our church teach that an unbaptized baby might not go to heaven?” and “Why does our church teach that people who get divorced for very good reasons may not go to heaven?” In each case, the answer was, “That’s just what our church believes and you have to accept it on faith.” These answers drove them away from the church and their faith. Over the years, he said, they both had come to believe that when you die, you die, and that’s it. Dan wasn’t feeling very inspired. The root meaning of the word “inspiration” is “in spirit.” In his uninspired state, he suffered spiritual amnesia and forgot that he, his wife, and everyone else are infinite beings of spirit/consciousness/energy. What’s more, we each are one with the One
and part of Source Energy right now— not maybe, someday if we believe or do certain things. Fully 99.999 percent of who we are is light and energy; the physical body is a mere fraction of our entire being. In fact, it’s an optical illusion that we are just solid physical beings. Any good chemist or physicist will tell you that. I told Dan that all people are timeless spiritual/energetic beings. I explained that a vast amount of evidence, some of it objective and documented, strongly shows that death is not a “goodbye,” just a “see you later.” Upon hearing this information, Dan smiled slightly and his face lightened a bit. “I would love to believe that what you say is true,” he said, “if only I had the proof. I would love to think that I will see her again, that there really is life after death.” Suddenly his eyes widened and his voice grew stronger. “There was one thing that happened that makes me think maybe I will see her again,” he shared. He explained that his 76-yearold wife had withered away to only 90 pounds after a long battle with cancer. She had lingered in a coma, curled up in the fetal position for weeks, long after doctors expected her to pass. “Then, just 24 hours before she died,” he said, “it happened. Her face became beautiful and radiant like a young woman’s. She looked like she was 30 years old again and so very
peaceful. Doctors and nurses came to visit from all over the hospital. Everyone who saw her said she looked like an angel. Maybe that was God’s way of letting me know that death is not the final end we thought it was.” Maybe. Years ago, the O’Jays had a great song with the lyrics “Get on the love train, join in.” During that same era was a great dance show called Soul Train. Well, my newfound friend had just climbed aboard the “In Spirit” train and was picking up steam. As we said goodbye, he thanked me over and over again for telling him about all the evidence and giving him hope. I walked away with tears in my eyes, thankful for hearing another miracle and lighting another candle amidst the darkness. Yes, my friend, death is only a “see you later”— and that makes all the difference. Here are 5 keys to becomming a more inspired and passionate person: 1) Learn the evidence—clinical, scientific, religious/spiritual, and empirical in nature—that proves no one really dies. That removes fear from the equation since your real self cannot be destroyed and cannot ultimately fail. 2) Use centering practices regularly to quiet your brain and access your inner wisdom. Try meditation, prayer, walking in nature, chanting, spiritual study, dancing, drumming, gardening, 21
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Sebastian Leon Prado
etc. Basically, anything that turns down the incessant chatter of your cerebral cortex works. Then it’s crystal clear that you are an integral part of All That Is. How inspiring is that? 3) Get in touch with your purposes for being on this planet at this time. Fulfilling your soul’s missions fills you with energy and enthusiasm. Conversely, a life devoid of purpose leads to feelings of malaise and discontent. 4) Serve others in ways you feel called. Mother Theresa saw God in distressing disguises each time she served someone. Helping others helps you remember that your contributions are vital for solving life’s challenges. The more you give, the more you get back so serve others to increasingly lead an inspired life. 5) Enjoy the journey! Work hard, but don’t forget to play too. This earth experience offers so many physical pleasures and you deserve to enjoy them. Also, take time to fine-tune your body and mind so you feel vibrantly alive and able to face all of life’s c hallenges (that are really growth and service opportunities you chose) Although life is never-ending, it is ever-changing. So take full advantage of this exquisite incarnation and make your life a work of art that inspires others. Use these five timetested ways to increase your energy, peace, and clarity.
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar/workshop facilitator. He directs The SoulPhone Foundation and founded Greater Reality Living Groups. Dr. Pitstick can help you know and show—no matter what is happening to or around you— that your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit http://www.SoulProof.com for free articles, newsletters and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Daniel Mirlea
Spiritual Aliveness
Sunrise is the best possible time to recharge yourself for each new day of activity. By Owen Waters Spiritual aliveness is the result of making your spirituality the day’s number one priority. Achieving this is fairly simple—as simple as being aware of one or two secrets of the universe and then setting your intention for each day. Life is an expression of your spiritual self. You are here to gain experience on a grand scale. The small details of daily existence may not seem important, but they are all threads in the grand scheme of the life that you, as your inner self, planned before you were born. It makes sense, therefore, to begin each day by becoming charged with the best supply of life energy available. Then you can make the most of each day’s experiences as they unfold. Life energy, or etheric energy, is the main energy transmitted by the Sun. The Sun also radiates physical energy, such as light and heat, but the amount of physical energy pales in comparison to the amount of life-supporting, etheric energy that courses through our bodies. At dawn each day, the Sun brings a great change to your local environment. The swing from darkness to light at dawn causes a turbulence in the ethers as the life energy in the atmosphere reorganizes itself for a day of new activity. Sunrise is the time of nature’s awakening. It is the best possible time to recharge yourself for each new day of activity. Even if the sky is cloudy, the universal life energy comes streaming through your environment. By beginning your day with a connection to the Sun’s energy, you are actually aligning with the natural system of Creation. Infinite Being constantly feeds the universe with life energy in order to maintain all motion in the universe. Infinite Being sends the energy needed to maintain life through the central sun of the universe. From there, it works its way through the central suns of the galaxies and then through the suns of each solar system. Local suns radiate physical energy in addition to life energy. In a world where people’s main focus in life comes through their five physical senses, the Sun takes on a great significance.
The Sun is the closest thing to Infinite Being, the essence of God, within our sight. What better way to start your day than to breathe in the power of this mighty orb as it awakens you and your surroundings to the energy of the new day? Here’s how to achieve this, with one simple addition to the Infinite Being Meditation technique: On each in-breath, visualize white light, representing life energy from the Sun, coming into your body via your nostrils. See this white light as filling your entire body every time you inhale. This fills your whole being with extra life energy because air is a carrier medium for etheric energy. Etheric energy is highly responsive to directed mental pressure so, once the air is inside your lungs, the power of your visualization can be used to direct the life energy to fill your entire body. The energy will automatically follow your mental direction. Here is the Infinite Being Meditation technique, revised to include the life energy charging technique: 1) Focus your attention on the slow, even flow of breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils. 2) Visualize each in-breath as white light filling your body. Then, at the top of each in-breath, mentally repeat once the affirmation “I am Infinite Being.” 3) On the out-breath, allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, slow each out-breath and allow it to take longer than each in-breath. 4) Hold the breath out of the body for a short time. In this quiet space, don’t think, just be. Become quietly aware of thoughts and impressions that may arise from your inner self. The end of each breath cycle thus becomes your personal communion space with your inner being. 5) Return to active intention by starting the breath cycle again at step 1. Start a 20-minute meditation and charging session each day, 10 minutes before dawn. If dawn is at, say, approximately 7:10 am, then you would plan
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Karl Fredrickson
to start your day with meditation from 7:00 – 7:20 am. Reorganize your daily schedule around the most important natural event of the day. The deeper connection to nature is well worth the effort. At least once a week, check when sunrise occurs by referring to the news media, or to weather sites such as http://www.weather.com. Then you can be in tune with the greatest cosmic forces of revitalization that occur each and every day.
Make meditation at dawn your No. 1 priority of the day. Then everything that follows will be more energized and more in tune with who you really are. Energetically, the highlight of every day is dawn. It is truly a magical time. Editor’s note: Owen Waters’ latest book, Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise, is available in paperback and e-book format, at: https://www.spiritualdynamics.net/ebooks/higher.htm
Spiritual Dynamics with Owen K. Waters Owen is a cofounder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy, where a where a free spiritual growth newsletter awaits you at: http://www.SpiritualDynamics.net. He is an international spiritual teacher who has helped hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers to understand better the nature of their spiritual potential. Owen’s life has been focused upon gaining spiritual insights through extensive research and the development of his inner vision. For the past 12 years, he has written a spiritual metaphysics newsletter which empowers people to discover their own new vistas of inspiration, love and creativity. Spiritual seekers enjoy his writings for their insight and clarity.
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Find Your Way
By Gregg Sanderson There’s Angels and Masters and Dear late Aunt Tillie. All of this psychic stuff might sound pretty silly. Still we know that there’s something, we cannot deny it. But we’ll never know what, unless we just try it.
You were made perfect, and then just forgot; Beware of those who might tell you you’re not. Some try to convince you that you’re not so great. They’ll save you from Karma for a buck on their plate.
Some believe Angels are sent here to guide us. Others see Spirits around and beside us. Still more will converse with souls long departed And channel some wisdom from when the world started.
But that’s not the way the Universe works. You’re already OK, so don’t feed those jerks. God doesn’t make junk, you’re the best you can be. You’re just caught in illusion, but you can get free.
There’s past lives and next lives and reincarnation, The Secret, Sai Baba and manifestation. New seekers and students don’t know where to start. I’m happy to tell you. Just follow your heart.
Just open yourself to your inner direction And look for the love, then make your selection. Some find it in books, or classes or ritual. Infinite variety, no one size will fit you all.
Investigate, participate and see what feels right, You’ll never go wrong if you look for the light. “What light?” you ask. The white light of Truth That tells you you’re wonderful. Let that be your proof.
Explore the potpourri of Spiritual teaching On your path to the enlightenment you’ll someday be reaching. Go try what you like. You’ll never be trapped. Remember, the Truth doesn’t care how it’s wrapped.
Happiness is BS with Gregg Sanderson
Gregg Sanderson is author of Spirit With A Smile, The World According To BOB. He is a licensed practitioner in the Centers for Spiritual Living, and a Certified Trainer for Infinite Possibilities. His earlier books were, What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens—Easing The Pain Of Divorce. His latest project is the New Thought Global Network, where subscribers can enjoy the best in New Thought presentations from anywhere at any time. You can see it at http://www.newthoughtglobal.org.
THE Most Important Question
Experience more of what you want, feed a happy mind, and find solutions faster. By Terez Hartmann
Before you even start reading this article, I’d like to encourage you to first STOP to consider THE most important question: What Do You Want? WDYW? And, more specifically: What do you want to get out of this article? Did you take a moment to answer this question? If so, I’m sending you a virtual high five right now! If not, why not? Did you know that you are 100 times more likely to experience and get to where you really want to go when you are clear about your desired destination? Yes, I know for sure that there are
times you may not yet know exactly what you want or where you want to go, but rather than just wander the streets aimlessly, drive around in circles, or go shopping while wearing a blindfold, life is FAR more fun and rewarding when you consciously choose some kind of direction and start moving toward it. Case in point: Social media and the Internet. With bazillions of bits and bytes bombarding your brain from virtually EVERY angle ALL day long, it’s far too easy to find yourself wondering why large blocks of time seemed to just vanish from your life or how you managed to land on a video about the mating habits of Galápagos marine iguanas! If simple exploration or learning about the love lives of reptiles was what you were truly after, then yay! But if you’d rather not run your train of thought off the rails and instead prefer to chug happily along into the sunset, ask THE most important question first: What Do You Want? WDYW?
We humans are wired to move. We are movin’, groovin’ focusing machines that are always reaching for something. So when you’re rollin’ down the road or have boarded a train of thought that moves you toward something you want, this can definitely work in your favor. But, when the mind and body have not been given a focal point or target, all manner of mental (and physical) mayhem can ensue, which can and will lead you down some pretty crazy—or even dark—rabbit holes. The best fix? Give the monkey (mind) a banana by deciding in advance what you intend to focus upon next. I keep an “Onward, Upward & Forward” list handy that is filled with ideas for work/home/family/wellness/ fun/etc., which makes it easy for me to choose my next productive-focused option. While you don’t need (or want!) to plan every second of every day, if you have an intelligent, fast-moving mind that can go around the world in 8 seconds or less—especially at night when everything slows down—it is far better to be intentional than idle. So taking the time to… • Ask THE most important question throughout your day: WDYW? Followed by • Choosing a related focal-point or action …can be THE difference between a calm, clear, happy mental state or a monkey mind on speed!
On another note, moving from being entrenched in a problem to realizing a solution can be far simpler than you think. During some of the events in my recent past, I found myself reeling and scratching my head trying to figure out what to do next to help my family and keep some kind of forward motion alive in my life. I kept asking questions like, “What do I do now?” or “How can I fix this?” But, even with the best of intentions, I found myself getting more frustrated, heartbroken, and depleted with each passing day; no matter what I did, I was just not able to see a clear overall solution. Sure, I was making a lot of phone calls and taking tons of action, but I was, in fact, spending far more time spinning my wheels than making any real headway. Yet, there was one ridiculously simple path I had not yet explored that had the power to change everything, and, fortunately, a very wise part of me knew I would not be able to see it until I allowed myself to step away from the fray. After spending some time in nature and getting some good rest, it finally hit me like a piano falling from the sky: I had not yet asked—or answered—THE most important question: What Do You Want? WDYW?
And when I discovered that I wanted a harmonious resolution that would… • place my mom in the caring hands of trained professionals who would advocate for her well-being • give my brother the best set-up possible for his treatments and best environment overall for helping him align with his well-being • ensure that “Prince” (their beloved pooch) would be loved and well-cared for no matter what • allow my husband, John, and me to move forward joyfully and happily in our lives …my actions and phone calls started actually producing RESULTS. Is everything perfect at the time of this writing? Nope. But rather than marinating in the funk of problems and issues, John and I are again moving forward for the benefit of all involved. Who knew that one simple question could be THE most important step in moving from problem to solution!
Ready to move Onward, Upward and Forward toward greater health and well-being, better relationships, more career success, or truly helpful solutions? Consider some of these ideas for common scenarios: When going to the grocery store or dining out, WDYW? • Something general or more specific? If specific, WDYW? BTW…I often use the “lists” feature in my Alexa app on my phone or compose a text to myself to create lists in advance. • To spend only a certain amount of money? If so, how much? • To purchase/order food or drink that: ◦ energizes you? ◦ supports a healthy lifestyle? ◦ feeds your soul? ◦ and/or is THE most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted? • To try something new this time? • WDYW? When going out on a date/ meeting other people, WDYW? • To find common ground? • To have and BE fun? • To communicate authentically?
• To keep things more casual or get more intimate? • To focus on what you like about that person? • To be sure to listen to your Inner Compass and do what feels right for you? • To be home/complete your meeting by a certain time? If so, what is it? When considering a new job/business/project/ client, WDYW? • A certain type of schedule that keeps your life in a healthy balance? If it applies, what specific days/times/ number of hours would be ideal for you? • An ideal/target salary/profit you’d like to receive? If so, what is it? • To include certain aspects that you truly love? What are these aspects? • Who/what type of individuals/personalities do you want to work with? • What working location/s and conditions would be ideal? When considering a new dwelling/home, WDYW? • To live in a specific city/town/village or more general area? If specific, where? • A certain amount of living space? If so, what is it? • To be walking/biking/easy driving distance to parks, dining, shopping, your work, school? • Certain aspects in the neighborhood? • A view of something specific or more general? • Low or no maintenance or a nice garden/yard/ number of acres? • A certain layout/setup? ◦ Free-standing home? ◦ Part of a community? ◦ A fab flat in an urban high-rise or historic building? ◦ Does it have wheels? ◦ Does it float? ◦ Would it be something different entirely? • Does it have certain special features? What are they? NOTE…These lists are provided simply for the purpose of getting your wheels turning, because the buffet of life will provide you with infinite opportunities to ask and answer, “WDYW?” As an advocate for your forward motion, it is my intention to encourage you to ask for what you REALLY want,
rather than just take what shows up or choose what others may want for you. This is YOUR life, friends, and you deserve to live on YOUR terms: Hence the emphasis upon “What Do YOU Want?”! And every time one more human remembers how to live authentically and fully—while continually moving forward in life—that person (aka YOU!) is an inspiration to all who cross their (your) path!
Sometimes the most powerful solutions are also the simplest ones. While having access to more data, resources, and tools than ever before is one of the incredible gifts of living in the 21st century, do remember that every great journey still begins with the most basic premise: A reason to go. As coaches, mentors, and people who care about people, it is especially helpful for us to ask for what we want, keep our “why” alive, and to be able to stay in a state of forward flow, for even though we may offer the best tools, program, or advice on the planet, we are far more effective with helping the ones we serve when WE walk the talk. And taking the time to ask yourself THE most important question each step along the way can and will set a precedent for clarity, focus and excellence that benefits ALL. So, on that note, here’s what I want: I want to you (and other humans) to remember that you have the right to CHOOSE your direction. I want to be a CATLAYST for good vibes, success, and forward motion. I want to be a living EXAMPLE of love in action and CREATE things that amplify beauty in the world. I want to keep the LIGHT of hope and possibility alive in my life - no matter what – and by so doing, remind others that: • there IS always a PATH onward, upward & forward (if you are open and willing to look for it) • it IS Human-Nature to ENJOY the journey • you can live Life on FIRE. So… What Do YOU Want?
ALLOWING YOUR SUCCESS with Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann
Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann is a Visionary Creative & top-rated instructor, Law of Attraction & Allowing YOUR Success specialist, published author, speaker, singer-songwriter, recording & performing artist & composer, “Catalyst for Fab-YOU-lous” and true Renaissance Woman who has already helped over 10,000 students in over 130 countries allow success and live life on FIRE. She is deeply passionate about helping other Powerful Creatives and Leading-Edge Thinkers live unique, empowered lives on their terms by cultivating the courage to dream, to express themselves boldly & authentically, and to focus Onward, Upward and Forward into new possibilities. http://www.terezfirewoman.com
I Don’t Believe in Divine Intervention
We can learn and practice ways to choose our experiences based on our divinity and the laws of Intention, Expectation, and Attraction. By Noelle Sterne In the last four days, two clients in my dissertationcoaching business declared passionately to me, “I’ll finish my dissertation—with Divine Intervention!” I chafed at this. Glad they used the word “Divine,” nevertheless I hastened to correct them (diplomatically) about “Intervention.” Admittedly, “Divine Intervention” is one of those theological clichés that’s supposed to show your faith. But it goes against everything I—and many, many others—believe and teach. Divine Intervention presupposes that the Divine Entity sits up there, somewhere. If we pray, beseech, bargain, promise to be good often and sincerely enough, He/She/It/They will turn and wave the wand in our direction. And according to Their whim, they’ll dispense favors, gifts, healings, meetings, money, love, lawsuit settlements. Divine hogwash! The notion is based on the concept, too often accepted, that we are frail, fallen, guilty, and subject to a mysterious Divine Caprice and Judgment about our worthiness to drop into our lives whatever it is we’re so desperately seeking. I’m glad to tell you that it does not work this way. Instead, think of the principle as Divine Intention. Wayne Dyer’s by-now well-known book, The Power of Intention is subtitled Co-Creating Your World Your Way. What does this mean? That Divine outcomes are in our power, not anyone or Anything else’s.
Similarly, a Unity Daily Word (September 7, 2010) tells us this: When I live my life from a point of intention, I consciously create my experiences. If I expect a joyful encounter, I receive a joyful encounter. If I see my day going smoothly, I create such a day. By setting my intention, I am determining what my life will look like each day . . . . [I] trust that God knows what is my highest good. As we recognize our own Divinity (remember, we’re all Ph.D.s—Phenomena of Divinity), we create, fashion, mold, shape, call forth our life experiences. We don’t have to submit to what we’ve been conditioned to think of as “God’s Will.” Usually, this notion keeps us powerless before some faceless, to-be-feared, and impulsive dispensing Power that rains both good and evil on us and must constantly be supplicated and bargained with (and sacrificed to with farm animals). Rather, we can learn and practice ways to choose our experiences based on our divinity and the laws of Intention, Expectation, and Attraction. If you find this concept hard to accept and want some support from traditional teachings, think of Divine Intention as akin to the notion of grace, unearned favor, care, provision, sustenance, answers. In the King James translation of the Bible, the Old Testament tells us: “Grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever” (Psalms 45:2). In the New Testament, Paul declares: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).
Eric Butterworth, the Unity minister, defined grace as “the natural flow of the creative process in the individual.” The word is “an explanation of a wonderful facet of the activity of God in you. It is not something to work for, to develop. It simply is.” Grace is “a specialization of the divine ‘good pleasure’ that is in every person” (The Universe Is Calling, pp.41-44). So, grace is embedded in us, and we are entitled to it. Grace and Intention are cousins. The teacher-entity Abraham makes Intention and Attraction clear in another way: “The Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrator. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation” (Workshop, August 3, 1997, San Diego, CA). And another way: “Source Energy [God, if you like] is answering every intention” (Workshop, September 29, 2001, Syracuse, NY; website http://www.abrahamhicks.com/lawofattractionsource/ about_abraham.php). As Abraham also says, and you’ve probably found, to accept our good often takes some “self-convincing” before we will allow it (Workshop, October 2, 2004, Boston, MA). For your practice of opening to grace and Divine Intentions, here are some suggestions: 1) Identify your desire and goal. “I want to finish this painting.” (Substitute your own desire here.) Feel your desire filling you. 2) Create one or more strong affirmations. “I now finish this painting!” “I have now completed this painting!” Repeat your affirmations daily, one or more times. Write them out too daily, and fill an entire page, feeling them, knowing them. 3) Listen for guidance on the right steps to take. Guidance can come during meditation, in the car, at a neighbor’s party, when you’re falling asleep . . . anytime and anywhere. “I am now open to the guidance on the right steps to take to finish this painting.”
4) Yield to the guidance. You may be told, for example, to schedule specific times of the day or several days, or to seek advice from an established painter you know. Or simply to get thee to your drawing board. 5) Move your feet as you are guided. 6) Paradoxically, give up trying to force any outcome. You may desire it but the paradox is to rest in it and not feel pressure to achieve it. This is obeying that fascinating “Law of Least Effort.” No, it’s not celestial permission to sprawl on your sofa all day drinking beer. Rather, as Deepak Chopra says, this law is recognition that “nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease . . . [on] the principle of harmony and love” (The Seven Laws of Success, p. 53). In other words, no struggling or trying; no worrying about what to do, how to do it, or what others will say; no repeating your own self-judgments and dire self-predictions if you don’t finish this painting. 7) Practice the Law of Least Effort by feeling only love and ease when you think of finishing the painting. Think of flowing into it, like a child exploring a new toy. Referring to the axiom in Vedic science, Chopra asks us to “do less and accomplish more” (p. 54). Feel a weight lifted? 8) Breathe. In slightly newer words, Abraham sums it up. You need to recognize only three steps to whatever you want as you practice your Divine Intention and manifestation: 1) You ask (and declare). 2) You wait, listen, and the answer appears. 3) You receive, allow, let in the answer (see Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, pp. 47-52). True Divine Intervention begins with and depends on us. It’s not God’s tantrum-like favoritism and we don’t need to earn it. When we understanding Divine Intervention as our own Divine Intention, we design our lives and practice intending and expecting our best experiences. We deserve them.
Trust Your Life Now with Noelle Sterne, Ph.D. Author, editor, writing coach, workshop leader, and academic mentor, Noelle Sterne has published over 600 stories, essays, writing craft articles, spiritual pieces, and occasional poems in literary and academic print and online venues. Publications have appeared in Author Magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul (five volumes), Inspire Me Today, LiveWriteThrive, MindBodySpirit, Journal of Expressive Writing, Mused, Pen and Prosper, Romance Writers Report, Ruminate, Sasee, Textbook and Academic Authors Association blog (monthly), Thesis Whisperer, Transformation Coaching, Two Drops of Ink, Unity Daily Word, Unity Magazine, WE Magazine for Women, Women in Higher Education, Women on Writing, Writer’s Digest, and The Writer. With a Ph.D. from Columbia University, for 30 years Noelle has assisted doctoral candidates in completing their dissertations (finally). Her published handbook to assist doctoral candidates is based on her professional academic practice: Challenges in Writing Your Dissertation: Coping with the Emotional, Interpersonal, and Psychological Struggles (Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2015). In Noelle’s spiritual self-help book, Trust Your Life: Forgive Yourself and Go After Your Dreams (Unity Books, 2011), she draws examples from her academic consulting and other aspects of life to support readers in reaching their lifelong yearnings. Continuing with her own, she is draft-deep in her third novel. Her webinar about Trust Your Life can be seen on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95EeqllONIQ&feature=youtu.be Visit Noelle at her website: http://www.trustyourlifenow.com.