Transformation Coaching Magazine October 2021

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COACHING AND BUSINESS TOOLS Rising Star Spotlight: Olajumoke Lawal Is Your Business Ready for 2022? INSPIRATION & GROWTH Saving Your Sight Who Needs Need? The Second Pathway Let’s be Kind to Our Planet How to Drop the Baggage Prosperity & the Law of Attraction The Courage to Overcome Embrace Curiosity The Way

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FEED YOUR SPIRIT Spiritual Growth


PUBLISHERS Natalie Rivera Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed.

EDITOR Lisa Cedrone

CONTRIBUTORS Jowanna Daley, Carol Randaci, Gregg Sanderson, Linda Commito, Arielle Giordano, Terez Hartmann, Rebecca Edwards, Mary Boutieller, Jo Mooy Owen Waters

© Copyright 2021 Transformation Services, Inc.


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All rights reserved.

We believe that self-employment is the ultimate form of empowerment. Our mission is to bring you guests whose powerful entrepreneurship stories and real-world advice will give you the inspiration and tools to create a business and life that you love.

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Love, Magic and Perspective

Here at Transformation Academy we are excited to announce our October's Transformation Academy Rising Star – Olajumoke Lawal! Our goal with this initiative is to recognize and celebrate group membership who demonstrate the heart and service of a coach. Each monthly recipient of this recognition will be selected for a unique reason. Some will be seasoned coaches who serve as valuable mentors within the group. Others may be just starting their coach-training journey and exude a contagious attitude or passion. Others may be actively supporting other group members, whether by providing resources, answering common questions, or providing moral support. Regardless of each of our wonderful group members’ background or experience, we all benefit from the mutual support and varied perspectives offered within this diverse group! The Rising Star initiative is a way to give a special THANK YOU to those who go above and beyond to share of themselves within this community. This month we would like to recognize Olajumoke Lawal for her life of service and inspiring us all! Olajumoke joined the Transformation Coaching Group recently when she become a Certified Professional Life Coach through Transformation Academy. We immediately appreciated having her in the group, as she shares genuine, heart-felt messages and is a wonderful role model of someone who lives their life on purpose.


In one of her posts, Olajumoke shared that, "Sometimes you think you are wasting your time serving others but you are actually finding you. That's one of the things that help my discovery journey. Active service to God and humanity." The mission-driven way Olajumoke lives her life, in service to her community and it's youth, is a shining example of what it means to be a life coach!


Olajumoke Lawal was born and bred in Ondo State Nigeria. She is an inspirational speaker and writer and studied business administration. She is passionate about being a positive influence and seeing them grow. She is committed to helping young adults discover themselves and become their best version. Below is an interview we conducted with Olajumoke .


Self-discovery and personal development. I was able to choose it because that's my passion. I have helped a lot of people discover themselves and help them to grow.

WHO IS YOUR IDEAL CLIENT? Male and female young adults.

"Inspiration comes from within. I am here to activate it." WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO BECOME A LIFE COACH?

Let's just say that's my calling. I love to putting people through and make sure they don't make my mistake.


When someone thought she has lost it all and discovered she still has life in her.


It has not just change my life but shaped me into a better person.


Getting people to understand why they need a life coach. A lot of people in this world need it, but just a few of them did get one.


I should have gotten to know coaching much better and get a mentor in the field.


Helping people build an empire and become a great personality and a change agent.


Life is not a bed of roses, and you need to find the bed before you find the roses. The way you lie your bed is the way you lie on it. Keep improving on yourself.

Making impact positively and making the world a bet-


Is Your Business Ready for 2022?


10 steps to help you prepare for the coming year. By Jowanna Daley No matter how much we find ways to get our business started faster, we still need plans. Long, drawn-out business and strategic plans are outdated, but the process isn’t—and now is a perfect time to get your business ready for 2022. When you prepare your organization for next year, do so with a beginner’s mind. Assumptions may cause you to overlook simple solutions to any risks you find. Here are 10 steps that will help you get ready for the upcoming year.


Data is your friend, and your internal data is your family. Reviewing your data tells you where you are and helps you plan for where you are going. Information empowers you to make informed decisions for your business. Your data come in all forms. Here are some examples: • Sales revenues • Expenses • Social media insights • Client feedback • Reviews • Google Analytics • Email marketing data • Surveys • Industry trends • Your skills bank • Technology trends • Government regulations • World events (such as COVID-19) • Political events • Environmental concerns If you are unsure what to do with it, gather the information and discuss it with your coach or consultant. Accountants, business coaches, consultants, and local nonprofit small business organizations (e.g., USA’s Small Business Administration (SBA) branch) can help interpret your data.


As a new business or someone in a new industry, it may take a while before you know how to have the perfect description for your business. As life coaches, our identities are closely

tied to our businesses, especially in the early years. It’s like a newborn baby—it takes them about six months to realize they have a separate identity. It’s the same with your business. The longer you are in business, the clearer you’ll communicate why your business exists. As you prepare for 2022, review your business’s vision, mission, and core values.


Your vision is where your organization or whom you are targeting will be once you realize your mission. My life coach business is a world where small businesses and professionals care more about people than profits. As a business coach, I know that profits are essential, but my clients are people who care about others. Review your vision statement to see if you are fully articulating your vision. Your vision usually doesn’t change, but you may need to refine it to communicate further what you are trying to achieve.


Your mission is the general statement that explains what you will do to realize your vision. My mission is to help people. More specifically, help life coaches and therapists who what to start a business to help people. Examine your mission statement annually.


Your core values are guiding principles that define how people in your organization behave. They are the bedrock of the culture you have created, and they have a significant impact on how you do business. As your business evolves and grows, you may need to refresh some of those core values. As you plan your business initiatives for 2022, analyze areas where you are expanding—such as the market segment or product offerings—and check for alignment with your values. Look at the feedback from your audience and internal team as well.


Your mission sets the tone for your strategic initiatives. Each strategic activity aligns with the previous actions. For instance, your objectives support your goals.



Your goals are broad and long-term achievable actions. These are the outcomes you want for the year. For instance, you may have the following goals: • Increase brand awareness by 60 percent • Increase sales by 200 percent • Increase customer retention by 40 percent


Your objectives are the specific ways you will achieve your goals. Make your objectives SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound). • Increase brand awareness 20 percent each quarter • Make $50K per quarter • Improve customer retention 20 percent by 2Q • Improve customer retention by another 20 percent by 4Q


You can create strategies for either goals or objectives. I use strategies to describe how I will approach my objectives. Here are some examples: • Use social media to increase brand awareness • Use digital strategies such as directories and listings to increase brand awareness • Join local associations and attend digital conferences to raise brand awareness

• Offer two more group coaching programs to increase sales by $20K per quarter • Offer two more online courses to increase sales by $5K per quarter.


Your tactics are the specific actions you will take to execute your strategies and achieve your company objectives. I treat tactics as projects since they usually involve a group of activities. For instance, increasing brand awareness on the Facebook platform consists of a group of tasks such as: • Setting social media goals, such as reach • Developing content and creatives • Setting a budget • Monitoring outcomes • Determining campaign and ad sets Most new business owners have problems gaining traction because they often start at the tactical level (well—kind of). For instance, they may create a website and a Facebook Page, but it does not trace back to a goal.


Managing a business can be disorienting. The ability to trace your actions to a goal serves as a compass. Take the time to map out your strategy for next year to know the steps you are taking to trace back to your company’s initiative.

The Daley Word with Jowanna Daley Jowanna is a business and personal coach, consultant, freelance blogger, and personal brand photographer. ­Jowanna uses her 20-plus years of business, information technology, business analysis, and project management experience to serve solopreneurs, microbusinesses, and professionals through consulting, coaching, training, and workshops. She is also a freelance blogger who serves corporate and non-corporate clients. Visit her website at Email Jowanna at or ­message her on Facebook @jowannadaleyllc.



Saving Your Sight

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Jorge Fernandez


Resolving emotional issues and changing to a whole food, plant-based diet are keys to eye health. By Dr. Carol Wentz Randaci If you’ve been diagnosed with AMD, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts or other debilitating vision conditions, you can begin the healing process by resolving emotional issues and changing to a whole food, plantbased diet. The health of your eyes is not separate from the health of your entire body. The primary problems contributing to the current state of “dis-ease” include emotional, chemical and environmental stress, poor diet and overwork. Any of these can have a detrimental effect on your principal health—including vision. Within this realm, emotions and diet are two significant areas that have a drastic impact on your vision health. Through the lens of Oriental Medicine, let’s look at each component separately, but bear in mind the two factors are interrelated.


First, let’s take a look at the negative emotions that can impact eye health. Worry: This can be defined as a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems that may or may not even exist. Worry can decrease the amount of qi (or vital life force) your body is able to produce, which can lead to the manifestation of ulcers and styes, as well as eye inflammation. Grief and Depression: Grief, as in deep sorrow, is most often connected to traumatic loss. It turns into depression with a reduction in qi, leaving you tired, fatigued and withdrawn. Grief may also impair the circulation of retained water and fluids, leading to swollen and painful eyes. Fear and Panic: These emotions stem from a deep and unsettling lack of trust. Fear can be a feeling of anxiety concerning the outcome of something or the safety and well-being of someone. This deep-seated emotion can constrain, diminish and stagnate the healthy flow of qi. Fear and panic can injure the fluids hydrating your eyes, leading to dim vision, a total lack of light perception, or an over sensitivity to light. Panic also can be attributed to many cases of acute glaucoma.

Anger and Rage: Although anger is a natural emotion, when overly expressed it can lead to deep-seated impressions that, like a rut in the road, become your go-to reactive response to any situation you feel is annoying or unpleasant. The long-term result of unregulated anger is often floaters and visual disturbances. The term “blinded by rage” has significance here.


All four of the most common causes of vision loss— age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetes retinopathy, glaucoma and cataracts—can be prevented with a healthy plant-based diet. As an Oriental Medicine Doctor specializing in vision disorders, I’m often asked if food or certain diets can change a person’s genes. The simply answer is yes; while what you eat won’t change the sequence of your DNA, your diet has a profound effect on how you “express” the genes encoded in your DNA. The foods you consume can turn on or off certain genetic markers that play a major—or even life or death role—in your health outcomes. Your DNA changes throughout your life. It can be damaged and significantly increase your susceptibility to health conditions leading to vision problems. The most significant consequence of oxidative stress in the body is thought to be impairment to DNA that can permanently damage your eyesight. Nearly all of your cells’ genes are influenced by the nutrients received through food. In fact, in many cases the effects are so strong that changing a cell’s metabolic profile could make some of its genes behave in a completely new manner. So while a healthyand nutrient-rich diet will promote eye health, eating highly processed and high-fat foods will most likely increase the risk of eye problems. For example, researchers at the University of Oxford in England say vegans are 30 to 40 percent less likely to develop cataracts than people who eat meat. Foods that create a healthy environment for your eyes include antioxidant-rich citrus fruits, leafy greens containing phytochemicals, and non-ocean produced omega-3


Photo Credit: Unsplash/Nonsap Visuals

algae. Dark green veggies like dandelion greens, bok choy, beet greens, kale, spinach, arugula, collard greens and broccoli all hold the iconic antioxidant duo lutein and zeaxanthin—two important plant pigments key in maintaining good eye health. They’re also highly effective in preventing serious eye conditions, like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Research has shown that eating a 1/4 of a cup of slightly cooked greens four to six times per day supplies the nitric oxide needed to keep your blood vessels cleared of the plaque that eventually leads to heart disease and cuts off the oxygen and nutrients to your eyes.

Nuts and legumes, rich in omega-3s, zinc, and vitamin E, also are good for eye health. They include almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, pecans, and macadamia, Brazil, and hazel nuts. Additionally, many seeds, including hemp, flax and chia, are rich in omega-3 and vitamin E. Citrus fruits that benefit your eyes include lemons, oranges, grapefruit, rose hips, amla, Barbados cherries, guava, kiwi, mango and cantaloupe. Make the changes now to see clearly for as long as you live.

Dr. Carol Wentz Randaci is the director of the Vegan Culinary Institute in Sarasota, FL, a board certified Oriental Medicine Doctor and Acupuncture Physician, Energy Therapist, Naturopath and Hopeful Human. Dr. Carol has trained with alternative medicine’s finest physicians and has practiced Raja Yoga meditation under the guidance of Ram Chanrda, Babuji Maharaja for 36 years. You can reach Dr. Carol at AiZen Healing Center by emailing or calling 941.284.8894.



Who Needs Need? The Second Pathway

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Ben White



By Gregg Sanderson Emotional needs, or “addictions,” as Ken Keyes calls them, are simply programs in your mind of how the world should be. They’re expectations founded in fear...And the ONLY cause of suffering. In our view, there are two basic emotions, love and fear. Love goes from feeling OK to passionate exhilaration and everything in between. Fear goes from mild annoyance to stark terror and everything in between. Love is more fun. When something or somebody doesn’t fit your program, fear sets in, often disguised as anger, frustration, jealousy, or something else that sure ain’t love. Suppose, for example, you see your significant other and a stranger off in a corner, whispering, laughing, and looking over at you. Then, shortly thereafter, you look for them and they are no longer there. What goes through your mind? Does it fit your picture of proper behavior? What are your feelings? Are you tempted to check the bedrooms? Is the car still outside? Where could they be? I’ll bet you never considered that they were planning a surprise party for you and the other person was a caterer. That’s the second pathway in action: I am discovering how my consciousness-dominating addictions create my illusory version of the changing world of people and situations around me. Needs create fantasies about the way things are. It reminds you that

what you don’t know CAN hurt you or, more accurately, can trigger your programming, and that hurts. I am discovering how my consciousness-dominating addictions... They’re never out of mind. ... create my illusory version... It’s MY illusion, nobody else’s. ...of the changing world of people and situations around me. It’s always changing, so my perception in this moment might not be valid in the next. Need also affects the way you view other people. When you operate from need, you can’t see beyond it. Instead, you see people either as suppliers or as competition. For example, take the womanizer who sees women only as conquests and men only as competition. He never gets to see and enjoy the whole person (same goes for the “manizer,” of course). Every addiction narrows your view of people through the lens of satisfy or compete, and it narrows your life experience accordingly. Look, for example, at a need for approval. When you’re addicted to approval and consider a course of action, your first thought is “What will people think?” not “Will it work?” or “This will be fun.” You see other people either as approvers or threats—sources of acceptance or rejection. I was once at a guest night for a teaching founded on the need for approval. An obviously shy student next to me summoned up all his courage, extended his hand, and introduced himself. I could feel his anxiety. Being the kindly soul I am, I smiled and shook his hand, and had

the stark realization that I could have destroyed him with a sneer. What power he handed me in that moment! Without the need for approval, he could have gone through the exact same motions, and it would have conveyed a completely different message. The most difficult addiction to overcome is the need to be right, and here’s a one-word demonstration of how the addiction creates your “illusory version.” Ready?...Be aware of your reaction... Here’s the word: Biden. Here are three possible thoughts that may come to mind. “OMG, Gregg’s a Democrat!” “OMG, Gregg’s a Republican!” “So what’s the point?” The first two OMGs will produce feelings of acceptance or rejection depending upon your own point of view. Those are the emotional reactions from a need to be right. There’s one other possible reaction I could only get from my editor: “OMG, Gregg’s getting political!” My point, and the point of the second pathway, is that needs keep you from perceiving people fully, and restrict your options as you live your life. I assure you there’s nothing wrong with being right or wanting approval. It’s nice that folks agree with you and like what you’re doing. It’s addictive programming though, when it dominates your consciousness or limits your action. There is a way out, and that way is the key to personal happiness and a stress-free life. Maybe I’ll tell you about it next month…

Happiness is BS with Gregg Sanderson

Gregg Sanderson is author of Spirit With A Smile, The World According To BOB. He is a licensed practitioner in the Centers for Spiritual Living, and a Certified Trainer for Infinite Possibilities. His earlier books were, What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens—Easing The Pain Of Divorce. His latest project is the New Thought Global Network, where subscribers can enjoy the best in New Thought presentations from anywhere at any time. You can see it at


Photo Credit: Unsplash/Krakenimages


Let’s be Kind to Our Planet



“The greatest threat to our planet is believing that someone else will save it.”—Robert Swan By Linda Commito One of my earliest childhood memories was standing at the window of our 3rd floor New England apartment with my parents, brother and cousins, watching people being lowered by ropes from the apartment building behind us. A dam had broken and we were living in the “flats”, the lowest area of our town. It had been raining incessantly, as cars, and even a house, were floating down the streets. At five, I wasn’t scared until my older cousin started crying and praying. It wouldn’t be long before we were rescued by row boat. Years later, at eleven, then living in a 2nd floor apartment next to my dad’s variety store, we were awaiting company to celebrate my little brother’s first birthday when we heard pounding at the door. Our downstairs neighbors shouted: “Get out! There’s a fire!” We ran to safety only to witness the 1st floor apartment burning. Our neighbors watched as many of their possessions disappeared in flames. We never moved back. My memories also hold overwhelming images of floods in Colorado when I didn’t know whether I would have a place to come back to and, more recently, spending time in a Florida shelter during Hurricane Irma. But things have gotten worse in frequency and intensity. It has been so sad and distressful to watch many a­ reas

of our country being devastated, day after day, by extreme fires and floods, as people lose their homes, businesses and, for some, their lives. One feels helpless, not knowing what to do, how to make a difference. Yet, there are wonderful stories about people reaching out to others, saving lives and homes, offering food and a helping hand to rebuild what has been lost. Thankfully, there are always good people who show up to support others during catastrophes. One of the most powerful ways to express our caring for each other is by being kind to Mother Earth. Each thing that we do matters, especially when multiplied by the millions of people sharing this planet. We can change our spending habits, donate, recycle, conserve water, stop polluting, and make a greater commitment to a clean environment. And

effective ways to bring about change are through our VOTES and our letters and calls to politicians to support and protect our natural resources and climate. I can’t help but be angry that there are still debates about whether climate change and infrastructure have anything to do with the disasters that we are experiencing all too frequently. We can’t wait any longer. Worldwide, we need to elect conscious leaders who will work together to protect our environment for future generations. We need to hold corporations who pollute accountable and to support organizations and people who are leading the way in environmental awareness and actions. It’s up to us to start where we are. There is always something we can do to help and to change our world for the better. If not now, when?

Love is the New Currency with Linda Commito Linda Commito, author, speaker, entrepreneur, consultant and teacher, is passionate about her vision to leave this world a kinder, more loving, and interconnected place. Linda’s award-winning book of inspirational stories, Love Is the New Currency, demonstrates how we can each make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others through simple acts of love and kindness. Her latest project, the card game Just Ask 1 2 3, was inspired by a desire to ­connect people of all different ages, beliefs and lifestyles to share our individuality and find commonality. Linda also created “Kindness Starts with Me,” a program, book and website for children. For more information visit or visit the Facebook page


NOT JUST A GAME! Each custom-designed deck of Just Ask 1 2 3 cards offers 53 thought-inspiring questions and a Directions card. A lovely organza gift bag is included to hold the cards for selecting.

Just Ask 1 2 3 is a fun pathway to conversation, kindness and connection!

Only $15.95 There are different pathways to connecting: Deck 1 Easing In – easy, playful questions to break the ice and have fun! Deck 2 Getting Closer – thought-provoking questions to get to know each other better . . . including ourselves. Deck 3 Deepening Conversation – Insightful questions that invite sharing experiences and reflections on life and relationships. & 21

How to Drop the Baggage

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Iurii Melentsov


Ten steps to follow on your own journey toward peace and happiness. By Arielle Giordano I recently realized how powerful past experiences can influence our present lives. It happened when I was working with a coach to address a betrayal in my life, and I connected it back to my divorce. During the process of separation, my best female friend told me that she had a lunch date with my husband. I was so shocked that all I could do was react with anger. That was the end of our friendship; we never spoke again. While the new situation did not involve a close friend, the awareness of betrayal from the past incident moved forward anyway, and it allowed me to see how experiences hold and carry energy. By understanding that we are clinging to past experiences, we can take the first step in figuring out how to release them and more forward without “the baggage.” In this case, I asked myself, “Did I repress this event to avoid pain?” and “Was this event brought into light from my unconscious mind to my conscious mind?” My answer is yes on both questions. The ­movement and awareness from the unconscious into the conscious mind can be a powerful method to release energy and tension, and observing this helped to set me free from the initial betrayal experience. Did this come up into my conscious awareness to be released and healed? Again, my answer is indeed a resounding “yes” and, as a result, I am now free to move forward without this burden and interference. If you, too, are ready to engage in releasing past experiences, those that are holding you back and keeping

you stuck, here are 10 steps to follow on your own journey toward peace and happiness: 1) Think of the things that keep coming up in your life: issues, dilemmas, and/or problems. 2) Pick one issue/dilemma/problem as your focus. 3) Relax, take deep breaths, listen to music, dance, and give yourself permission to think of the first time this issue/dilemma/problem occurred in your life. 4) Explore the details: age, place, people, and circumstances. Identify the “who, what, when, where, and how” of the issue/dilemma/problem. 5) Allow yourself to know and see all that is coming up for you. 6) Journal and write with your favorite pen and paper. • Write down your issue, and include all the details and circumstances. • Answer the question, “What am I attracting into my life?” • Explore through your writing and be honest with yourself. Let yourself flow with whatever comes to you. There is nothing to fear; the truth will set you free! 7) Find clarity: Find the real issue that you are dealing with and how you are participating in or contributing to the situation. 8) Let the answer come to you in the “flow.” You do not have to go looking for it. 9) Be open and soft in the receiving and surrender to the answer. 10) As you begin to know and flow, you grow!

Dancing from the Inside Out with Arielle Giordano Transformational Life Coach Award-Winning Author & Speaker, Professional Dancer. Arielle’s Award-Winning book for Best Self-Help Award: Dancing With Your Story From The Inside is available on Her professional career includes the Lead Faculty Area Chairperson and Professor for the College of Humanities, History and the Arts at the University of Phoenix. She is a published co-author of Transform Your Life Books 1 & 2 and author for Tampa Bay Wellness, Conscious Shift & Transformation magazine. She has published her 4th book, an Instructor’s Manual for Barlow Abnormal Psychology 4th ed. and authored Psychology, A Journey 3rd.ed. Study Guide published by Nelson Education, Toronto, ON. She has also studied philosophy at the College of Integrated Philosophy with John DeRuiter for twenty years. Arielle has been a featured guest on radio and television, in newspapers, and the media across the US and Canada. She is a certified Essentrics Stretch and Dance Instructor. Arielle offers coaching sessions, classes and workshops and a free 30-minute Consultation. Websites:, Email:


PROSPERITY & THE LAW OF ATTRACTION Prosperity & the Law of Attraction


How to let life and cash flow! By Terez Hartmann

Prosperity, it’s plain to see that you and I are meant to be together. It’s time to feel, live and embrace the joy, fun and fabulousity that is your birthright! You KNOW it exists. You’ve seen it in your mind and felt it in your bones. The question is: How do you attract and allow it NOW? To use the Law of Attraction (LOA) to your advantage, you have two things to do: 1) Let go of resistance and stop focusing on the ­absence of prosperity. 2) Get into a flow of allowing by focusing on the ­presence of prosperity. All LOA trained professionals know that you don’t release resistance by focusing on that thing you don’t want to think about. Even when you are in “problem-solving” mode, don’t do it. That’s because the focus is still on the problem, and the LOA responds to that problem, so this approach actually keeps the goods away longer. Affirming and visualizing in an effort to “fix” your vibe also keeps the funky vibe alive. You can’t fool the LOA, but you can make it your BFF by: 1) Diffusing the funk by thinking about things differently. 2) Changing the subject entirely by focusing on ­something else that feels like ease, flow, peace, fun and fabulousity!


ANY SUBJECT CAN LEAD TO CASH FLOW Now that you know you need to put oodles of goodness into your vibrational account of fabulousity, why not let that prosperity and joy flow into tangible form? The destination of prosperity (and anything you truly want) is all about feeling good in one form or another, so to allow and experience the reality of any feel-good thing, you have to create and inhabit a feel-good emotional environment. And because the subject of money is typically a double-edged sword, the clearest path to prosperity is often found through focusing on a different subject entirely. No matter what topic you are contemplating, the LOA is always listening to your emotional conversation (AKA your dominant vibe/attitude). So even if you are focusing on the wonder of nature, the excitement of travel and adventure, how much you adore your favorite human or animal friends, how much you love observing or creating something beautiful, etc., every time you feel a pure vibe of ease, flow, fun and well-being, your mind and countenance becomes fertile ground for ideas, impulses and cash flow.

Focus on feeling good for any reason, do it as consistently as possible, and you will be amazed by what follows!


No matter where you are relative to experiencing prosperity, you are on your way to more in one way or another! Rather than beat yourself up for feeling a negative emotion, what if you congratulated yourself instead? This Now that you’re feeling groovy, feed the feel-good may sound nuts, but consider this: According to Abrahammojo by focusing on what you do have. Here are a few quesHicks, every time you feel negative emotion, you ask for tions to get you off and running: more and, hence, add more of it to your vibrational bank 1) What things do you have in your home/work account. So give yourself a break and cut yourself some e ­ nvironment that give you a feeling of comfort, ease, slack—using this approach, there actually is positive value in fun or beauty? a negative emotion! The next time you feel funky for any reason, try this 2) What people or animals do you have in your life who are easy to love? new resistance-busting affirmation on for size: “I may not feel my best right now, but I just made my life bigger and better.” 3) What physical abilities do you enjoy?


4) Which of you talents, skills or personality traits are you most proud of? 5) What things do you get to do that evoke feelings of freedom, fun and overall well-being?

The more you notice where prosperity is, the more you align with the continued and increasing presence of prosperity.

THE BOTTOM LINE ON ALLOWING PROSPERITY No matter how you may feel at any given moment or what you may have experienced in the past, there is a path that leads toward the feeling and experience of prosperity. Cash flow is simply the result of what happens when you let life flow, so when you choose to make feeling good your No. 1 goal, you get to “arrive” today and open the door to even more!

ALLOWING YOUR SUCCESS with Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann

Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann is a Visionary Creative & top-rated instructor, Law of Attraction & Allowing YOUR Success specialist, published author, speaker, singer-songwriter, recording & performing artist & composer, “Catalyst for Fab-YOU-lous” and true Renaissance Woman who has already helped over 10,000 students in over 130 countries allow success and live life on FIRE. She is deeply passionate about helping other Powerful Creatives and Leading-Edge Thinkers live unique, empowered lives on their terms by cultivating the courage to dream, to express themselves boldly & authentically, and to focus Onward, Upward and Forward into new possibilities.



The Courage to Overcome



Seven powerful journaling tools for teens in crisis. By Rebecca Edwards

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”—Maya Angelou Over that past year and a half, we have all seen that life can have enormous obstacles that we must learn to navigate. The pandemic created situations where we were all affected. We experienced various traumas and setbacks, including losing loved ones. Families lost jobs, careers, vacations, graduations, milestones, celebrations, and for many, a heartbreaking disconnection from our daily routines that we needed as a part of our sense of belonging to a group or community. These obstacles have been challenging for our teens. I have witnessed this firsthand as I have two teenage daughters of my own. I have watched them pivot through fear of the future, where and how they would fit in, and how the world would look moving forward. During this crucial time, there was an uptick in teen suicide, overdose and the need for mental health services among our teens increased at an alarming rate. Teens who have experienced these crises or sudden traumas may not have the necessary life skills or language to communicate their needs effectively. We need to listen to what they cannot say. As a writer of transformational content, my research kept bringing me back to one profound thing teens said: they want to be heard. They wanted the adults in their life to be fully present to listen to their fears. They were asking their


families and loved ones to listen to them without solving their problems. They were looking for compassion and comfort as they were seeking solutions to overcome what they were facing. Experiencing crisis was all too familiar to me because, as a teen, my life was riddled with trauma. Being an advocate and an author, I decided to dive into what I could write about to help connect our teens to their inner voice by bridging their gap from where they are to where they want to be so that they could pivot and rewrite their stories. I circled back to how vital journaling was as a tool to help my teenage mind process what my heart was feeling and experiencing. As a teen, journaling helped me gain a new understanding of what I was going through and what I was capable of achieving—despite what had happened to me. Journaling can have a profound impact on reframing emotional limits and clarifying mental obstacles. Below, I have summarized seven powerful journaling tools from my new book—The NETT, The New Evolution in Thinking for Teens, 7 Powerful Tools to Help You Rise Above Trauma—that can help teens let go of what was lost and find a renewed enthusiasm for taking action steps to embark on a courageous journey of acceptance and change.

discard outdated beliefs that are no longer valid and learn to rewrite every negative opinion, you can dig deeper and find the hero waiting within you. Write down who you desire to be and list action steps that you will benefit from applying in your daily life. 2. Create a New Paradigm of Thinking A paradigm is a fancy word for a pattern. If you shift your thinking and make adjustments in how you are speaking to yourself, you can create a healthy connection to the inner voice that can empower you to make better choices based on new information. Write about how you can silence the inner critic and learn to change the way you speak to yourself and about yourself.


3. What Beliefs Do You Have About What You Can Become? Your beliefs are yours to change. No one can do that for you. If you have had setbacks and disappointments, you may believe that you are different or that what you truly desire is unavailable. When, in fact, what sets us apart actually connects us to those around us. When you find and connect with those who support your heart’s desires, you will see that what you thought was impossible is possible. Write about things that empower you, excite you, and how different life would be if you believed you had the right attitude to go after the dreams rooted deeply in your heart and soul.

1. Uncover Your Truth— Who are You? How do you see yourself in the mirror? Do you see only labels, disappointments, setbacks, and failure? If you

4. Embrace Personal & Spiritual Growth Change and growth can feel scary, and it is OK to feel multiple mixed emotions while you are in the process of

growing. Shedding old, outdated beliefs about yourself and what you can accomplish is vital to reframing your ability to process anger, fear, and sadness. When you can put these powerful emotions in perspective, it allows you to hold space for the new seeds of consciousness that are blooming. Write about what you could do if you were fearless about pursuing your dream life. No matter how silly or farfetched it seems, write it all down. Have fun with this one. 5. Have the Courage to Be Yourself Please don’t compare your life, experiences, family, goals, values, looks, or self-worth to anyone else—they are not you. Everyone has a different starting point and an ending. You have a purpose and a place in this life that belongs to you and only you. Write a letter to yourself as the person you desire to become. Encourage yourself to put forth the effort that it would take to reach your pinnacle of success. 6. Explore All Your Possibilities Have you given up on miracles? Do you argue for your limitations, or do you set yourself up for success? Do you think you are not worthy of the time and self-discipline it will take to reach your goals? Life will not always be easy, and there will be setbacks along the way, but if you have a solid foundation to build upon, you can navigate around any obstacle that comes along. You alone harness the power to rise above any challenge. Write about all the fantastic things about yourself, dig deep and go for it. Then write those things on Post-it notes and put them everywhere

to remind you how strong, courageous, and brilliant you are. 7. Leap Into the Unknown How do you know what you are capable of if you don’t try? What if you transformed those thoughts of “what if I fail” into “what if I thrive?” What if everything you are afraid of turns out to be a blessing and sets you up for success? What if exploring all the possibilities created the life you desire to live? Write about what fears are holding you back from reaching your goals. If you write them out, you can talk to someone who has had experience in overcoming them. Much like a math equation, if you write down the steps, you will eventually find the solution to the problem.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”—Wayne Dyer With the proper mindset, you will have the inner strength, the courage, and the endurance to overcome any obstacles that have come into your path. You are not alone in your quest. If you have a more in-depth understanding of who you are, you will find compassion for the parts of you that are still healing, growing, and learning. And remember this: you are resilient, strong, and worthy of pursuing every dream in your heart.

Rebecca Edwards is the author of The NETT, The New Evolution in Thinking for Teens. 7 Powerful Tools to Help You Rise Above Trauma. Rebecca has dedicated her talents to speaking and writing as an advocate for teens with trauma and mental health challenges. This passion has helped her use her life experiences with childhood trauma, family drama, and addiction recovery to help teens reframe the negative aspects of adversity into powerful tools of self-acceptance and self-discovery. Rebecca is a contributor to multiple online magazines where she speaks openly on how important journaling was in overcoming obstacles to reach her inner peace and spiritual transformation. The NETT can be found on Amazon and Barnes & Nobel in softcover and as an E-book. Her vision for the book is to become a part of the creative writing curriculum at Recovery High Schools across the nation to help teens in recovery. Find out more at: Contact Rebecca by email at:


Embrace Curiosity



When we let go of who we think we are, we open the door to all kinds of possibilities. By Mary Boutieller What have you always been curious about? What do you think about when you allow your mind to wander? What is the answer to the proverbial question: “If money (or time) was not an object, I would...” Have you ever allowed yourself to think about it? I’m asking because I’m curious...and because I’ve been pondering the same questions lately. There are times when I think I am really courageous, trying new things, pushing my limits; yet as I’ve examined them recently, I realize that most of the things I do are still well within my wheelhouse. I love to teach, therefore I teach. I love to write, therefore I write an article each month. I really like to exercise, hence the upcoming bike trip for which I’m training. Yet the other night when my husband, John, asked me if I wanted to learn a few chords on the ukulele, my immediate response was “no.” Then I wondered, for a day and a half, why I said “no.” What was I afraid of? From where was my resistance coming? Didn’t I want to learn a musical instrument? Well, yes, but... (cue the excuses). Two days later, I asked John to show me a couple of chords on the ukulele (funny little instrument). It felt awkward and hard, and I certainly wasn’t any good at it. Yet, it sparked my curiosity and it made me feel kind of happy. I was reminded of what Walt Whitman once said, “Be curious, not judgmental.” One of my dear friends is always trying something new: jewelry making, hydroponics, clay work, mushroom growing...I admire that about him and realized one day that maybe this was one of the ways he plays in life. Imagine if we all looked at learning new things as a form of play where mistakes are good and there is no fear of failing? Albert Einstein said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.” For me, growing up, I was often afraid of failing, of disappointing someone, of being not quite good enough. As a re-

sult, I played it safe for much of my early life. And although I’ve since gone on to do some really cool things in my life, I wonder how much of that little child’s fear still resonates? Could I still be afraid to fail, and is that why I don’t break out of my comfort zone more often? As I write this, I can see how ridiculous this is, if it’s true. I picture myself as strong and capable and fearless, so I take a deep breath as I peel back another layer. Jillian Michaels wrote, “A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul.” When we let go of who we think we are (the ego), we open the door to all kinds of possibilities. What would you do if you didn’t care what anyone else thought? Would you dance in the street, laugh loudly in public, or write a book? Would you try something new, knowing that mistakes are good and failures are just another step in the right direction? Be in love with the unanswerable questions that draw you closer to who you were meant to be. Let curiosity be your guide and allow your imagination to lead the way. And if for any reason you feel afraid, remember that you are not alone.

The Yoga of Life with Mary Boutieller Mary Boutieller is a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga since 2005. Her work experience includes 22 years as a firefighter/paramedic and 10 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist. Mary’s knowledge and experience give her a well-rounded understanding of anatomy, alignment, health and movement in the body. She is passionate about the benefits of yoga and the ability to heal at all levels through awareness, compassion, and a willingness to explore. She can be reached at:


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The Way


Every soul is on its own path, and each path has its own characteristics and qualities. By Jo Mooy I call the isolation of the 2020-2021 “The Great Pause.” As of this writing, it’s lasted 20 months. For some, it’s been unpleasant. For me, it created a break from the routine I’d been following nonstop for the past 15 years. It gave me a long-overdue rest that I didn’t know I needed nor would have taken. It’s been immensely beneficial because I took the time during the 20-month sabbatical to examine where I’ve been, what I’ve done and, more importantly, where I’m going next. I’ve written many articles about the spiritual journey that one takes in life. It’s been called The Path, a Quest, or The Way, and it’s often described as a long solitary trek towards an end goal. It’s an endless quest that can take thousands of years according to some esoteric traditions. It can be direct or it can meander around and detour into unplanned places. It’s expected to lead to some form of an “enlightened” endpoint. I discovered that may or may not be true because, while on the path, it doesn’t reveal its “truth” or the direction to take without doing some serious work. That “work” brought me to a different understanding of what the

journey is and facilitated the ­simple unfolding that occurs without any prodding. Sometimes it comes from unusual sources. During my second summer in The Pause, I met a Mandalorian and a foundling named Baby Yoda. The Mandalorian speaks of “The Way” much as grownup Yoda spoke of “The Force.” The Way is a type of Zen path where a code governs the behaviors of the Mandalorians. It’s a spiritual code held within a cultural path of honor that connects warriors or seekers. On the heels of the Mandalorian path of honor, I discovered the Platform Sutra. I’d never heard of it before. Its author is Huineng, called the Sixth Patriarch of Chan (638713 BCE.) He wrote, “We are what we think, having become what we thought.” When I read those words I wondered if Abdullah, (who taught my spiritual teacher Neville Goddard) may have actually influenced the Sixth Patriarch. Abdullah was descended from a 6,000-year-old Asian mystical lineage whose teachings were similar. Three paths that influenced my spiritual education were converging without any proactive effort on my part. Was this how the spiritual journey unfolds? You’re walking along living your life, doing your thing, and something spontaneously drops out

of the blue causing you to look up and meander in a new direction. When the Mandalorian “Way” dropped in, it stirred a memory that merged with Neville Goddard’s teachings and the tenets of the Platform Sutra. Those “codes of living” were rooted in the teachings of Lao Tsu’s Tao Te Ching, which coincidentally, was also written in the 6th Century BCE. All three of those spiritual disciplines came about in answer to devastating regional wars and terrible discord on the land. Each path offered rules on how to live in goodness and integrity during those severe chaotic times. The teachings are still relevant centuries later, as Covid’s arrival created its own discord across the world. Emotional and behavioral wars between usually well-meaning and rational individuals erupted constantly. In 20 months, the emotional and physical toll it provoked was soul-crushing. Yet, each person, following their unique Path, (whether they were aware of the Path or not) had to navigate the psychic boulders tossed up by the chaotic and cultural explosions, and somehow forge ahead with virtues like patience, tolerance and compassion. Many days it was a near insurmountable task that shattered the delicate social fabric holding us together.


The spiritual disciplines that each person experiences on their journey always deliver tools to help steer through the endless debris fields ahead. In a never-ending teaching mantra, spiritual disciplines affirm the virtues of meditation (or silent, quiet contemplation) and controlled breathing. The Sixth Patriarch said, “Meditation is the essence of wisdom, and wisdom is the function of meditation.” Practiced daily, it can restore harmony to the chaos. Wisdom and insights come forth when the mind is still. The Platform Sutra suggests just sitting. Add nothing to it—just sit and breathe evenly. In that space, (done for about 30 minutes) the discord lessens or disappears, and a sense of ease will return.

Walking The Way is not a technique. It’s a way of living and being. Becoming aware of it forever changes the individual. The Way opens “the code” of who you are. Every soul is on its own path. Each path has its own characteristics and qualities. What we might call a “negative path” has harsh challenges for the person walking it. But only courageous souls choose that path. What we call “good paths” are easy in comparison, for they carry lesser psychic wounds at end of life. Every path is going in the same direction. It seems like there are many paths but there’s only one path spiraling forward like an elongated slinky. Each soul, regardless of the positive or negative qualities expressed on its journey, is always a lighted pearl on the coils of the slinky.

There’s much more meaning to it than this intellectual understanding. Studying or trying to grasp the essence of The Way is a lifelong pursuit. Yet, in one moment of stillness, it can blossom. I’m only a novice with a rudimentary understanding. But every so often, while falling asleep at night, or in the silence of a no-thought meditation, I get a glimpse of the grandeur of the journeys each soul has chosen to walk and I see clearly how each one illuminates the next one. And, I see the magnificence of each soul that has chosen to do this during times of extreme disorder, like the one we’re currently experiencing. When those infrequent glimpses occur, the chaos dissolves, inspiration returns, hope is restored, and I’m good for another 50,000 miles along The Way.

Conscious Living with Jo Mooy

Jo Mooy has studied with many spiritual traditions over the past 40 years. The wide diversity of this ­training allows her to develop spiritual seminars and retreats that explore inspirational concepts, give purpose and guidance to students, and present esoteric teachings in an understandable manner. Along with Patricia ­Cockerill, she has guided the Women’s Meditation Circle since January 2006 where it has been honored for five years in a row as the “Favorite Meditation” group in Sarasota, FL, by Natural Awakenings Magazine. Teaching and using Sound as a retreat healing practice, Jo was certified as a Sound Healer through Jonathan Goldman’s Sound Healing Association. She writes and publishes a monthly internationally distributed e-newsletter called Spiritual Connections and is a staff writer for Spirit of Maat magazine in Sedona. For more information go to or email



Spiritual Growth


The universal theme playing out on Earth today is shifting from one of separation to one of integration. By Owen K Waters Spiritual growth is the growing awareness of a higher level of consciousness. A higher level of consciousness brings an expanded view of reality. The more your view of reality expands, the more you are able to integrate any conflicting issues within yourself.


Spiritual growth has become such an urgent issue today because the frequency of everyone’s consciousness is rising. People may not be aware that they are growing. They may resist it. They may be in denial that today’s great changes affect them. Nevertheless, these are the days of great change, an era called The Shift. The Shift is a steady rise in consciousness which affects the entire planet. It is similar to the cultural shift of the Renaissance, only amplified several times over. The Renaissance was merely a practice run for today’s transformation. The Shift into higher consciousness is propelling today’s search for spirituality and meaning in life. Spiritual growth involves gaining a deeper sense of inner awareness. Deeper awareness ranges from light meditation to a complete and blissful union with your true, inner self. Exposure to the deeper states of meditation have the long-term effect of raising your everyday level of awareness. The higher the frequency of your consciousness, the more likely you are to see the synchronicity of events in your life and gain intuitive insights into these. The universal theme playing out on Earth today is shifting from one of separation to one of integration. Integration means learning how to love and accept yourself, and others, completely and unconditionally. Deeper awareness opens the door to an inner sense of the connectedness of all life. You begin to see other people as different expressions of the same Infinite Being. Not better than, not less than, just different than yourself. In the deeper awareness of spiritual growth, the universe is seen to be within, not something separate and outside of yourself. Inner integration is a process that causes issues of separation to arise so that they can be resolved. In society today, issues are coming up so rapidly that society

appears to be in turmoil or chaos. This turmoil is ­actually a great society-wide healing, with issues becoming resolved one after another. People are becoming more sensitive in many ways as the frequency of consciousness rises. The search for lighter diets is just one manifestation of this new lightness of being. The physical senses are becoming more acute. An example of this is people’s sensitivity to the smell of cigarette smoke in workplaces and restaurants. Back in the 1970s, people smoked everywhere and very few noticed any discomfort from it. By the 1990s, however, the majority of people’s sensitivity had changed so much that they couldn’t wait to get smoking banned from indoor gathering places. With the rise in consciousness comes a rise in personal empowerment. People are no longer willing to tolerate abuse or inequality in any form. Many forms of abuse which were traditionally ignored and tolerated have now come out into the public view for examination and reform.


The Renaissance movement was inspired by the icon of Michelangelo’s statue of David. The statue portrays David, strong-willed and ready, at the moment that he decides to engage the threat posed by Goliath. This icon of personal empowerment resonated with the cultural shift of the time. People wanted to explore their potential, taking personal initiative in their lives. Before this, they had seen life as a sequence of events caused by a preordained destiny. Up until that time, people had resigned themselves to a flow of events which they saw as being outside of their control. When people shifted towards the attitude that they might also be preordained to take some personal initiative, everything began to shift. The floodgates of possibility opened up as people began to explore their true potential. In that same era, people on Earth still thought that their planet was the center of the universe. The Sun was seen as orbiting around the Earth, and the stars were merely a decorative backdrop in the Creator’s sky. Today, it is known that the universe measures billions of light years across, contains countless billions of 41

galaxies, with each galaxy typically containing billions of suns. The number of planets in the universe is so large that it makes such an expanded view of reality almost impossible to grasp. When you consider that all of those trillions of planets were created by one Creator, there is an obvious need for today’s concept of God to expand to fill the new reality. Faced with such a massively expanded view of the universe, how are people supposed to grasp the concept of such a huge Creator in a way that makes sense today? What would David have done? As he faced the looming Philistine giant Goliath and readied his slingshot, to whom did he pray? Did he invoke the power of an external God for his protection? Possibly, but not likely. As portrayed in the Michelangelo statue, his face was set, but not with a need for protection. It was set in a defiance born of inner strength and determination.

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Motoki Tonn


Everyone possesses such inner strength. That same source of incredible personal power is available within everyone, and the source is your inner self. Often referred to as the soul, your inner self is the permanent part of you. While the physical body can pass away from the physical world, and later the spirit body can pass away from the spirit world, your inner self is the real, permanent you. It is the part of you that is permanently joined with your soul family in vibrant love and harmony. The more you contact your inner self through meditation, the more you can tune into this source of strength, love and harmony.

People’s connection to the Infinite Being always has been through their soul, or inner self. Inner contact through meditation is the most peaceful, and the most productive, part of any day. Everyone deserves quality time. When quality time becomes the first priority of the day, then meditation will happen regularly and the benefits will automatically be yours. Put meditation at the top of your to-do list for each day and watch your spiritual growth unfold.

Spiritual Dynamics with Owen K. Waters Owen Water is a cofounder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy and, where a where a free spiritual growth newsletter awaits you at He is an international spiritual teacher who has helped hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers to understand better the nature of their spiritual potential. Owen’s life has been focused upon gaining spiritual insights through extensive research and the development of his inner vision. He has written a spiritual metaphysics newsletter since 2004 which empowers people to discover their own new vistas of inspiration, love and creativity. Spiritual seekers enjoy his writings for their clarity and deep insights. Contact Owen via email


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