Transformation Coaching Magazine September 2024

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Natalie Rivera

Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed.


Lisa Cedrone

Terez Hartmann, Darrel Hammon, Jo Mooy, Dr. Heather Smith and Yanni Charalambous, Mary Boutieller, Alexander Balla, Tamás Járdán, Marla Albertie, Spencer Rouse, Linda Commito


Like many visionaries and creatives, I am a being who was born with a deep appreciation for the nuances of life and a heightened level of sensitivity. While this has often been THE superpower that fuels my music, courses, writing and speaking, unless I am in a solid, high-vibe state of being, it can be far too easy to feel and tune in to the thoughts and feelings of others…

…It was the summer of 2024, and much had transpired in the United States that left a large percentage of the population feeling a range of emotions from outrage, to profound sadness, to even a sense of utter hopelessness. What was happening felt like 1,000 shades of wrong, and with this, I knew I wanted to do whatever I could to help. So—contrary to everything I knew in my heart and even to what I have taught for years—a part of me wanted to be as informed as possible to gain a clearer understanding of the big picture.

For the first time in my life, I found myself wanting to sound the alarm, issue all-points-bulletin warnings to any and all who would listen, and share every possible reason why we MUST make different choices…

…But even with the best of intentions, my energy, mood and vibe dipped ever-lower with every headline I saw, video I watched, or word I spoke—devolving into what my close family and friends would call a full-blown obsession. And, for a time, I literally did not recognize myself.

I found myself saying things like, “This can’t be happening! How can they NOT see what is at stake?! This is madness!” But as justified as all of this felt, my heart and mind were slipping into a heavier and darker place with each passing day. I wanted to help with EVERY facet of my being, but all I managed to do was kill my energy, make it next to impossible to focus on anything else, and (without meaning to) create a POA (Point Of Attraction) that was all about feeding:


= The exact OPPOSITE of everything I wanted to accomplish!

Whether talking about world events, wanting better experiences and outcomes for our loved ones, wanting to improve our financial situation, or having the desire to sort out a health/well-being-related issue, virtually EVERY one of us has a “hot topic” that can set us off at some point in our lives.

It seems SO logical that the answer lies in digging deeper, doing mega research on all that can go wrong (in order to “prevent” bad things from happening), or to inform/ warm others in an effort to keep them safe, but all we actually do is tell our RAS (Reticular Activation System) to look for MORE of what is not working, what feels awful, and to seek out problem-focused data.

The good news is, like it or not, there typically comes a time that your “inner wisdom” and brilliant body step in to kick your caboose (a.k.a., butt) and take you out of an unhealthy loop via exhaustion, amped-up physical or emotional pain, or a weakened immune system that lays out a welcome mat for the first available virus that happens to be in the neighborhood.

In essence, once you are basically “forced” to loosen your problem-focused grip on life, solutions and ideas finally, slowly, start creeping in.

Yes, in all honestly and fairness, a barefoot-uphillin-the-snow path of misery, pain and suffering can eventually lead you to the answers you seek…

…But if you prefer to reach solutions via a path paved with FAR more ease, flow and even JOY, give these ideas a spin!


This may sound overly simplistic, but did you know you already have an all-access pass to the ultimate, on-board, direction identifier? I like to call it your “Inner Compass” or “iExpert”, and it will always let you know whether you are moving toward or away from the solutions/intentions/state of being you are seeking. For example:

When you feel a level of heaviness (a.k.a., tension, tight muscles, stress, or what you would describe as negative emotion) you actually work against finding solutions and slow your flow. From a scientific, biological standpoint, when you are stressed and let the amygdala and limbic system (you inner “fight or flight” team) run the show, you no longer have the same access to your prefrontal cortex—the part of the brain that is synonymous with clear thinking and finding solutions. So, you literally are NOT operating on all cylinders!

Whereas, when you feel a sense of lightness (a.k.a., relief, calm mental clarity, good energy, relaxed muscles, and what you would describe as positive emotion with no perceivable “edge”), you move toward solutions and ALLOW your flow! Here, your prefrontal cortex IS the one running the show, and low, and behold, solutions abound!

In my case, once I had the presence of mind to identify my direction, I knew that if I was going to contribute anything of value to the world (or my world), it was time to change course!


In the “SHIFT” process I shared in a previous article (which I’ll also be sharing in detail in our upcoming “Law of Attraction: Abundance—SIMPLIFIED” course), if you know you have mostly been pointing away from solutions, it’s time to CTFO, and stop feeding the funk. The best way is to “drop it like it’s hot”? Focus on an unrelated topic or activity that commands your attention.

For me, going for a walk or hike in nature/a beautiful area, watching videos/shows about travel, classic cars or “stuff and nonsense”, playing my instruments, or getting into megacleaning mode are tremendously helpful tools for “breaking the spell” of unhealthy thought processes and shifting into chill mode. But whatever you choose, let it be something that slows unhappy momentum and feeds calm

BTW: Ever notice that the word “calm” contains the lovely sound of “Ahhhhh”?

Do note that if you (or your clients) have a style of mental processing that tends toward holding on to things a wee bit longer, or if you are dealing with a subject that has you hella-triggered, please be kind and patient with yourself, as it may take a little more time to shift into chill mode. It’s

also a very rare human who can instantaneously switch from full-blown crisis mode to ultra-chill mode, so rather than trying to slam on the brakes, taking gradual, more incremental steps toward greater calm and ease is often the best medicine.


For me, virtually ANYTHING was a step up from what I was feeling, so each time I completed my segment of focusing upon the distraction of the moment, I knew I had to be extremely mindful and deliberate about what I would choose next…

So, without missing a beat (pun intended!) during one of these shifts, I marched straight over my keyboard and started playing a few chords. Lo and behold, a song emerged almost instantaneously called “Find a Way” that helped me to express my feelings in more constructive ways. This, in turn, helped to raise my vibe, which then also allowed me to “receive” some solution-oriented wisdom:

“Even hating hate poisons the seed

Of hope and possibility

So turn your gaze to the light

To keep solutions in your sights

And reach out a hand to those who might


We all really want to find a way

To some better days

Every day we have a choice to make

Why not choose love?

Even though we never all will agree

Everyone deserves to be free

Let’s take a real step today

To find a way…”

~From “Find a Way” © (p) TTRH

Without introducing presence and awareness, it would have been all-too-easy for me to drop right back into the funk, but though I still had some work to do to TRULY reconnect with my core self, I was, at least on my way onward, upward and forward.


After playing through the new song with a few close friends, I strongly considered sharing it in a more public format; because if it gave ME a little lift, perhaps it could help others as well?

Interestingly enough, during this time I also had a feeling that somehow something was about to change. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but it felt like some kind of “Door No. 3” was going to be revealed…

…The DAY after I finished mapping out this song, a new announcement was made that completely changed the game in the United States. I was floored and overjoyed by the potential of what could happen!

Though there was clearly nothing I did personally to bring this change about, I couldn’t help but wonder if my desire for something different and willingness to ask myself constructive “what if?” questions added a drop or two to the “vibrational soup” that caused the tide to change?

BTW: Many spiritual teachers concur with the words of Abraham-Hicks, “One person in alignment is more powerful

than millions who are not…”, so what if we ALL have far more power of influence than many even realize?

As I was nearing my first window of opportunity to share “Find a Way”, however, I felt a distinct shift in the energy…And I knew that the song I had created, though ultimately hopeful, was not quite a match to the climate of the moment. Rather than just pull the plug entirely, I stepped over to the keyboard and wondered if something new could flow to match the growing excitement that was percolating:

In a matter of minutes, an entirely NEW song had emerged (lyrics + full arrangement) that took my vibe—and the message I wanted to share—to an even higher level, and from this “A New Fire!*” was born!

A few days later, I decided to be bold and share a short “unplugged” snippet of “A New Fire!*” on social media and with my email subscribers. I then got the inspiration to reach out to a fab multi-instrumentalist and brilliant producer, Jody Gray, who is typically booked up months in advance. As fate would have it, he actually had a moment to listen to the little song preview, just-so-happened to get a cancellation, and asked if we were available THAT week to start working on the song…

…Less than seven days later, the song, with all vocals and instrumentation, was almost completely done.

If this wasn’t already miraculous and exciting enough, one day after starting the recording process of the song, I had the rare opportunity to have an extended conversation with my agent who then shared some ideas for taking the song beyond the scope of my subscribers and personal circle of influence!

And (as of the time of this writing), I can’t tell you who/when/where this song would be played/heard, but I will say that since I began this journey of doing all I could to keep reaching UPWARD, I have been bombarded by magical sightings (saw a rainbow virtually EVERY day for over two weeks straight, saw fireflies at a location that I have NEVER seen them

before in west-central Florida where sightings are extremely rare, have seen infinity symbols and my life path number [8] in the weirdest places, have seen numbers lining up all day, every day, etc.!), have had incredible, helpful ideas regarding OTHER subjects present themselves to me, and have been enjoying one of the longest times of feeling consistently joyful and alive than I have in quite a while!

Plus, EVERY time I hear “A New Fire!*” I just can’t help but smile from ear-to-ear!

*For “A New Fire” lyrics and links to the song, visit:


I was also inspired to include an unusual element in a modern song; the sounds of the fife and drum…

…and after “hearing” this in my head and feeling utterly compelled to add these sounds to the song (thanks to Jody on the snare drum and my husband, John, on the “fife”), I later discovered that during the time of the American Revolutionary War, the sound of the fife and drum would be THE thing that:

• Helped to calm and feed morale for the troops during times of battle

• Signaled and communicated strategies and instructions

• Served as a sonic “beacon” to help troops reconnect with their company

…And in some cases, was even a core part of victory celebrations!

Plus as far back as 5,550 BC (and likely even further) EVERY culture on EVERY continent has felt the call of the drum; the human embodiment of the very heartbeat of life itself. Fast-forward to 2024, and music is still an incredible tool that has the power to:

• Shift your emotional state

• Increase focus

• Feed confidence and create positive anchors

• Raise your vibe

• Soothe your nervous system (and soul)

• Facilitate healing

• Evoke happy memories

• Celebrate important events and LIFE!


No matter who you are, where you are from, or what you believe, I feel that EVERY human wants to feel safe, be well, be loved and to prosper—and the sooner we turn our attention toward the thoughts, ideas and actions that actually feed SOLUTIONS—rather than amplify problems—as individuals and collectively, the sooner we ALL benefit in beautiful ways. Perhaps it is for his reason, I have—time and time again—turned to the power of music, because (for me) I have always seen music as a unifying force for ALL humankind.

But it is also SO important to note that there will never be a one-path-fits-all—nor is there meant to be: The human experience is (and always will be) one of diversity, with many different textures, flavors, sounds and options to choose from. And as I have personally seen throughout my life, one individual’s idea of “hell” can actually be another’s idea of “heaven”— and vice versa!

We may not ever understand why others make the choices they do, especially when they differ widely from our own personal world view, but I believe that as each individual remembers the power that we each hold in our OWN hearts and minds; has the courage to take the journey to get to core of what we TRULY want; and does the best we can to keep reaching upward, together we CAN find solutions that feed the fires of hope and possibility for ALL.

And as anyone who has studied brain science or Law of Attraction knows:

The journey to finding solutions or realizing ANY vision… Begins with discovering and focusing upon what you WANT to bring to fruition.

Here’s to BEING and spreading LIGHT for the benefit of ALL and to the beautiful power of MUSIC!


with Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann

Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann is a Visionary Creative & top-rated instructor, Law of Attraction & Allowing YOUR Success specialist, published author, speaker, singer-songwriter, recording & performing artist & composer, “Catalyst for Fab-YOU-lous” and true Renaissance Woman who has already helped over 10,000 students in over 130 countries allow success and live life on FIRE. She is deeply passionate about helping other Powerful Creatives and Leading-Edge Thinkers live unique, empowered lives on their terms by cultivating the courage to dream, to express themselves boldly & authentically, and to focus Onward, Upward and Forward into new possibilities.

As we continue to trundle forward in life, what we do affects people—knowingly and unknowingly.

It seems like everyone wants to be an “influencer” in today’s world, despite their skill set or abilities. Yes, there are some influencers who know what they are doing and do it well. Others, not so much, but the trend continues, fueled by online platforms that monetize those with large followings.

A year or so ago, I met with a couple in a leadership coaching session. They wanted to become “influencers.” I had known them for a few years, and we discussed how they had already been influencers in so many areas of their lives. We then discussed how they could continue influencing in higher, holier ways.

Just few days ago, one of our friends sent me a photo of herself between two men who are serious podcast influencers. Her comment was, “I wish I was as influential as these two great men.” My return comment was, “Never underestimate your influence.”

The ironic beauty of all this is that we can be influencers without seeking monetization. Take a look at the some of the ways that we can be and become influencers with a “higher purpose:”


Influencing ourselves is the most important way we can influence others because we are leading by example. If we are not motivating ourselves to rise above challenges in our lives, be positive, and make good choices, then how are we going to influence others? The subtle—or blatant—irony is that as we influence ourselves to do and become better, we are showing others that they can do it, too. Many people watch and imitate us. Our positive self-influence truly propels us and others to do better.


Aside from ourselves, we can be positive influencers as spouses, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandchildren and grandparents. Sometimes as children, we tend to not get along with our siblings or our parents. Yet, as we grow older and wiser, we discover how much influence our families have had on us. Often, our families influence us to rise above the challenges of our childhood to become much better than we thought we could be. My parents taught me how to work hard and be persistent in doing what I needed to do. My siblings pushed me to achieve more than I thought I could. My wife has encouraged and motivated me to become the best person I can be.


One of the adages that I adhere to is, “You are the product of the company you keep.” My childhood friends were the best. Their influence was enormous in my life. I went to college because they went to college. I played basketball because they played basketball. I lived a wholesome life because they lived wholesome lives. I did well in school because they did well in school, and it was the thing to do. Now, I have attempted to reciprocate their influence by influencing others to elevate themselves to new heights, no matter where they are in life. I have seen miracles in the lives of my friends as they have improved and moved forward, climbed higher—and rose to amazing heights.


This might be the most challenging area because of possible workplace politics and environments. What I have discovered along the way is this: You can be a compelling influencer in your workplace by setting a positive work ethic of persistence, diligence and leadership, no matter what position you have in your company or organization. You all know people within your organizations others look to for counsel and influence. They exude a sense of belonging and knowing what to do. Their mere doing great things propels the rest of us to do good things. You may be one without even knowing it! Your positive and innovative influence may be small and/or large. Nonetheless, you can influence people within your organization.


Being a good influence goes beyond the workplace and family. For example, many people volunteer or sit on boards or do other things to support their communities. Being a part of communities can help you influence others in so many ways. I learned how to support my community by being with and watching others within my sphere of influence do amazing service-oriented things. When you serve, you expand your sphere of influence, meet more people, and show others that you really do care.


Amazingly, people watch us for good and bad. People have become people watchers, no matter the setting we are in. The question I always ask myself is this: “Is what am

I doing going to help or hinder someone who might be watching?” Think about the times you have been in a grocery store or airport or any other public venue when you witnessed both good and bad behavior, and how each influenced you. Remember Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet who said to Romeo and their friends when they were wanting to fight Tybalt and his entourage in public: “We talk here in the public haunt of men….here all eyes gaze upon us,” intimating what we do or say in the “public haunt of men” could influence good and bad outcomes.

As we continue to trundle forward in life, we should never underestimate our influence over the lives of ourselves, our families, friends, coworkers, or anyone else within our sphere of influence. What we do affects people—knowingly and unknowingly. We just have to remember that and always stive to live elevated lives, no matter what we are doing. The key is to become what we want to become and then live and act accordingly. Thus, never underestimate your influence.

Darrel L. Hammon has been dabbling in writing in a variety of genres since his college days, having published poetry, academic and personal articles/essays, a book titled Completing Graduate School Long Distance (Sage Publications), and a picture book, The Adventures of Bob the Bullfrog: Christmas Beneath a Frozen Lake (Outskirts Press). He also was the editor of the Journal of Adult Education (Mountain Plains Adult Education Association). Most of his essay/article writing has focused on topics about growing up, leadership, self-awareness, motivation, marriage/dating, and educational topics. Some of these articles/essays are in Spanish because Darrel is bilingual in Spanish/English, having lived in Chile, Dominican Republic, and southern California, and having worked with Latino youth and families all of his professional life in higher education. He has two blogs, one for personal writing at and one for his consulting/life coaching business (

Your perspective of time depends on where you sit on the Wheel of Time, and the cycles we occupy look like the seasons.

Time beats a silent rhythm in the background of our lives. It’s present, but outside the realm of the senses. We can’t touch it, smell it or taste it, but it’s a powerful anchor that governs the affairs of humans. We measure its passage in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years, and by describing events in the past, present or future. Time feels endless, until one day it’s not, and it becomes finite.

As children, chomping at the bit to become grownups at age 21, it felt like that milestone would never happen. Time dragged slower than a river of molasses on a cold morning. Our ages were measured in increments like six and a half, as though that might hasten the arrival of 21. When the big day arrived celebrations began. Soon after, we took our place in society, got a job, maybe got married and had kids or vice versa.

The subject of time came up recently at a luncheon with long-time close friends. All of us are retired now, so from that perspective, the topic of time took on a more philosophical tone. The children

we were who measured the days till we turned 21 stopped looking at time as a construct during our child-rearing and working lives. Time was endless. We had oodles of it to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted.

The friends spontaneously offered their thoughts on time. Karen said, “When I was working and ‘doing’ all the time, I never thought about anything but work. That was all that mattered. The job, the project, the clients, were the most important thing to focus on. There was no time to think about spirit or death because I had all the time in the world. But now, in retirement, there’s no job to distract me. Now that I have the time, I realize that time is not endless, and some day death is down the road for all of us. It changes what you think about and what’s really important.”

Mary said, “During the years I was raising my kids, during both marriages and in between, I hardly had time to think. I was so busy with managing home, work and kids! Now that I have been retired for so many years, I have had the time to really look at life, its meaning, and how I fit into it. This earthly journey is fleeting and

it will end at some point. But, I know that giving and receiving love, respect and appreciation is a major part of our purpose. I’m so thankful that I can now enjoy each day as a precious gift and I embrace this season of my life until it ends.”

Time is endless. Time is also finite. Your perspective of it depends on where you sit on the Wheel of Time. The cycles we occupy look like the seasons. Children are like spring—new, young, full of spontaneity, while rushing headlong into the next season. Adults are like summer—growing, producing, surging with abundant life, never thinking about what comes after. Crones are like fall—wise, able to reflect on life, willing to look back and teach the children coming up behind them.

Seniors are like winter. They’ve retired from the fray yet have the full knowledge of the four seasons to ponder life and their roles in it. They spend the hours that are left in quiet contemplation or in joyous companionship with friends or family. They know time is finite and every second from this vantage point is so very precious. It only took them 70 or 80 years to get there!

Conscious Living with Jo Mooy

Jo Mooy has studied with many spiritual traditions over the past 40 years. The wide diversity of this training allows her to develop spiritual seminars and retreats that explore inspirational concepts, give purpose and guidance to students, and present esoteric teachings in an understandable manner. Along with Patricia Cockerill, she has guided the Women’s Meditation Circle since January 2006 where it has been honored for five years in a row as the “Favorite Meditation” group in Sarasota, FL, by Natural Awakenings Magazine. Teaching and using Sound as a retreat healing practice, Jo was certified as a Sound Healer through Jonathan Goldman’s Sound Healing Association. She writes and publishes a monthly internationally distributed e-newsletter called Spiritual Connections and is a staff writer for Spirit of Maat magazine in Sedona. For more information go to or email



There’s only One Being and my Consciousness is that.

Yanni: In the chapter, “Love thy Neighbor” it tells us: I must “love thy neighbor as myself.” Why is that?

Heather In essence, we love thy neighbor because thy neighbor is my Self. There’s only One Being and my Consciousness is that. There is no “other.” It seems hard to believe doesn’t it, when we seem to experience such a variety of people, places and things? And especially when we’re experiencing individuals we’d rather not! So let’s examine how to address this in the context of a relationship—and that can be a relationship of any kind—that appears to be in conflict.

The real “knowing” that all I ever experience is my own Self comes from actually “seeing” it. Being still inwardly and then realizing that the I that I am contains is the substance of all things. We rest in the observing of thoughts, colors, sounds, etc. that arise into our Awareness and then naturally, by themselves, disappear. It all happens without us ever consciously taking thought. Life is living Itself. But when I turn my focus away from being the observer, and instead react with resistance to whatever it is I’m seeing, this creates the appearance of discord.

Yanni: So discord is the letting go of the attachment to memories we’re perceiving in the moment?

Heather: Yes, exactly. Detaching from all thoughts. Joel explains that spiritual healing transcends thought. In The Infinite Way, we don’t focus on thought to heal a relationship or a situation. He suggests that if we find ourselves reacting to a person or an appearance, it can sometimes be helpful to contemplate a passage from scripture in order to still the mind and let Peace reveal Itself. I’m going to read an extract from “The Thunder of Silence” in which Joel

explains that we should “know no man after the flesh.” This is from page 96:

To heal, it is necessary to transcend thought. Even though a meditation begins as a contemplation of truth, it must, before the healing is accomplished, rise into the higher realm of silent awareness. At the beginning of a healing meditation a passage of truth, such as “Henceforth know we no man after the flesh,” may come into thought. After that has repeated itself several times, or after we have consciously repeated it, thought slows down as we ponder the meaning of knowing no man after the flesh: Henceforth know we no man after good flesh or bad flesh; henceforth know we no man as sick or well, rich or poor; henceforth know we only God appearing as individual spiritual man

So we’re not judging by appearances. Instead, we’re “seeing through” to the spiritual identity that’s really here. Again, this comes down to stilling the mind and letting “That reveal Itself.”

Yanni: Thank you, Heather. Let’s take a look at our final question: “I have all that God has. I have because I and my Father are one.” Tell us more.

Heather: This is an important principle in The Infinite Way. We go to God—our own Consciousness—only for God. The forms are the “added things” that Luke refers to in the Bible. We don’t endeavor to manifest something, nor do we attempt to delineate or tell God what it is we think we’re in need of. As Joel says in this chapter, “There’s no record in the entire New Testament of the Master’s seeking health, wealth, recognition, reward, fame, payment or gratitude.” We know that our own Consciousness is all we experience—it is the substance of all form. Our Consciousness is a Self-sustaining, Omnipresent Intelligence. Therefore, anything we appear to be desiring we already are. We already have it because we are it! If there appears to be a lack, our job is to rest in the Mind that we are and watch inwardly as it shines through us, as our experience. This is what’s meant by “being still.” Another way of explaining this is to say that we rest in the awareness of being the Space in which all things appear to happen.

So, if we’re seeking something from a form outside of ourselves, we’re seeking amiss, and it will appear to be withheld from us. “I” is the source of all Goodness, and in order for me to experience that, I must consciously make my

Dr. Heather Smith is the Founder of “Mystical Meditation,” an online platform used to share Joel Goldsmith’s work. She has been studying and practicing The Infinite Way teachings for over 30 years, and hosts spiritual talks, meditation groups and events online and in person, in London and California. Find out more at: mysticalmeditation

mind a vacuum and let It express Itself through me. Good has to be allowed to flow out from me. So give yourself permission just to BE and then watch how that Peace out-pictures.

Yanni: So, by living in the Presence we’re trusting the mind to reveal the healing. And as we go throughout our day, we’re still taking action but without reacting—and that’s when whatever’s needed in the moment arises more naturally.

Heather: Exactly. I want to add that “I and my Father are one” means I and my consciousness are one. Language and

misperception have fooled us into believing that we experience something other than our own Being. We appear to experience different people, places and things but really we’re only experiencing our Self. We may think in terms of “me” and “my body” but really there’s only “me” appearing as “my body.” It’s such an important distinction, and we live from an entirely new perspective when we fully appreciate this.

Hear the interview on YouTube: com/watch?v=q5NTVzr0_8g.

Yanni Charalambous is a clearing the mind expert and life coach, who has dedicated the past eight years to guiding and empowering people through inner stillness and positive thinking. Find out more at: yannicharalambouscoaching.

Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash
We often forget that life is one big freaking miracle—that we are here, that there are enough trees, mountains, oceans and people to fill our imaginations for years.

“Why do we like doing this?” was the question my husband, John, asked me as we hiked up and down the rocky trail. He was mostly joking since we hike all the time, but it made me wonder why I enjoy it so much. After all, it was pretty warm out, and we were sweating and hungry. The trail we were on was 6.3 miles long and went all the way up, then all the way down, twice, just in case we didn’t feel our legs the first time!

So, why do I like doing that so much?

First of all, I love knowing that I can still walk up and down mountain trails on my own two feet, carrying a pack, breathing heavy, feeling alive. While hiking, I am surrounded by nature: colors in every shade imaginable, trees that breathe so I can breathe. I’m reminded of my true nature, the sinews of roots and limbs which seem to reach out for my own sinewy muscles and thoughts.

Out there, I can think or not think. All I have to do is put one foot in front of the other and pay attention. And when I pay attention, I see flowers hidden in folds of leaves, squirrels scampering from branch to branch, clouds forming and dissipating. My senses become sharper, my vision attuned to each rock and root, as muscle memory helps me climb yet another hill.

In short, I feel alive. I feel worthy. I feel proud of myself for getting out there; for starting and finishing something. I love how time stands still for just a little while…no phone (except my camera), no distraction, no need to do anything else. Just me, John, the elements, my breath.

As we hiked, I let my fingers brush against the trees I passed, sending them love, receiving their energy. I felt grateful to be alive; humbled by the passage of time and space and my life, day by day, hour by hour, knowing that anything could change at any time, taking nothing for granted.

John Milton said, “Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.”

Our lives comprise both the mundane and the miraculous—the dishes and the birth of a child. Yet, sometimes we forget. We get bored, tired, disheartened. We forget that life is one big freaking miracle—that we are here, that there are enough trees, mountains, oceans and people to fill our imaginations for years. Just the idea of “the ocean”—the expanse, the beauty, the whales! Think about it.

Someone once said, “Our ability for counting our blessings is limited only by our ability to see the miracles big and small that visit us daily.”

It is a reminder I need from time to time. Maybe that’s why I hike. To be reminded of the miraculous; to witness firsthand the beauty that surrounds us every day.

What is it that you do that fills your heart to overflowing? It doesn’t have to be big; no one is keeping score. If it feeds your soul and reminds you of who you are in the Universe, it is more than

enough. Be willing to get uncomfortable, sweaty even, in your endeavors and seek the miraculous with a grateful heart. If you’ve forgotten how, start by looking out the window, find a tree and place your hand on it in reverence. Marvel at what is right in front of you and smile at the wonder of it all. You will live longer and find your cup filled to the brim.

The Yoga of Life

Mary Boutieller is a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga since 2005. Her work experience includes 22 years as a firefighter/paramedic and 10 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist. Mary’s knowledge and experience give her a well-rounded understanding of anatomy, alignment, health and movement in the body. She is passionate about the benefits of yoga and the ability to heal at all levels through awareness, compassion, and a willingness to explore. She can be reached at:

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The Path of Positivite Thinking


Understanding the astonishing science behind manifestation practices and the Law of Attraction.

This is, perhaps, the most incredible scientific revelation that has ever come across my desk. The concept, at its core, is very simple: Positivity breeds positivity, and positive thoughts yield positive experiences. Regardless of the label we choose to apply to the ideology, we see it everywhere—and that’s a good thing!

There has been one glaring issue, however, in teaching the efficacy of the Law of Attraction. Most people don’t seem to know how it works. However, once you have a working understanding of the principle, you’ll become an unstoppable force of nature.

Bob Proctor often said, “I do know this: “…you can cook a man’s dinner with electricity; and you can also cook the man.” (The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne). That’s how it is with the Law of Attraction. It’s either going to cook your dinner (grow your dreams), or it’s going to cook you (bring you the worst)! We can sum up that concept in one simple phrase: Flow follows focus. Bob Proctor had some pretty amazing ideas, and he helped countless people understand the methodologies of manifestation, but there aren’t very many teachers out there who can explain how it works. His model of the subconscious mind came extraordinarily close, but we’re going to get into the finer details of the biomechanics at play, because that’s a complex puzzle piece that needs to be put in place if we’re really going to start moving mountains.

Dr. Joseph Murphy, the famed metaphysician, once wrote, “You can become skilled in the operation of your subconscious mind. You can practice its powers with a certainty of results in exact proportion to your knowledge of its principles and to your application of them for definite specific purposes and goals you wish to achieve.” (Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy). Allow me to explain that in slightly different language. Once you begin to comprehend the limitless potentialities that exist within the quantum reality that we occupy, you’ll be able to step through the doors of understanding that will lead you to your best life. Comprehension and application are two of the fundamental ingredients of success, and once you master both, you’ll be well on your way to achieving whatever it is you’re aiming to accomplish.


In order to really grasp what we’re dealing with in all of this, we need to take a deeper dive into the quantum mechanics that govern our perception of reality, and there’s no better place to start than with the

Double Slit Experiment. In the 1800s, the experiment in question was performed by an English physicist named Thomas Young, who designed an apparatus to reveal answers about the nature of light by testing photons. The Double Slit Experiment has since been replicated many times over with electrons, which can be understood as tiny subatomic marbles (matter rather than light). Electrons, however, don’t act as they should when they’re studied under Thomas Young’s infamous experimental conditions. Sometimes, they act like particles; like unfathomably small marbles. Other times, they act like energy; like waves of quantum potential. Nothing is as fixed as it appears, nor is anything as static as it seems.

Even solid matter is subject to the quantum forces that defy the known laws of classical physics. The Double Slit Experiment shows us that electrons (solid matter) will appear simultaneously in two points in space and time, but it’s the experimental setup that dictates how the electrons respond. As unbelievable as this may seem, the one variable in the experiment which determines the response of the electrons is whether or not they’re being monitored. In other words, their behavior is dependent solely upon observation. Things get even more complex when you take into account the fact that the electron will only appear at two places in space and time simultaneously when

the results of the experiment aren’t being measured. The act of observing the electron, as it passes through the double slit apparatus, is what changes the outcome of the experiment, thus forcing the electron to make a choice. You read that correctly. The electron chooses how to behave based on observation or lack thereof. That also means, in essence, that everything around us is comprised of limitless infinite potentialities, because we’re

not monitoring every single photon or electron in space-time.

Many people have asked, “How does the electron know that it’s being watched?” The answer is simply this: Exactly! Everything in our reality, right down to the quantum nothingness that fills 99 percent of every single atom, is imbued with some kind of ever-present Infinite Intelligence. Nikola Tesla, the enigmatic physicist and inventor, often said, “My brain

is only a receiver in the universe. There is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I haven’t penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”

Max Planck, another noted physicist, wrote about the nature of the universe saying, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom

together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” It was the Double Slit Experiment which affirmed their shared hypothesis regarding our Hyper-Conscious Reality.


How, exactly, does that tie into the idea of manifestation, and how does this revelation in the field of quantum physics have anything to do with our own conscious efforts? That information comes to us from the HeartMath Institute. Their researchers have discovered a verifiable and measurable electromagnetic field that emanates from the human heart and, within that electromagnetic field, they found that they can accurately measure and determine the emotional state of any person. They also determined that the electromagnetic field of one subject invariably interferes with (and influences) the electromagnetic field of another subject. Simply put, there’s an electromagnetic transference of cognition, emotion and consciousness that is exchanged between two human hearts at any given time. That startling revelation means that consciousness moves consciousness and, if we live in a hyper-conscious reality, then our thoughts impress themselves upon that reality as they, quite literally, leave our hearts.

It’s no coincidence that the greatest New Thought philosophers of

the early 1900s were getting closer to understanding the bio-electric nature of manifestation. Charles F. Haanel wrote, “We are related to the world within by the subconscious mind. The solar plexus is the organ of this mind. The sympathetic system of nerves presides over all subjective sensations, such as joy, fear, love, emotion, respiration, imagination and all other subconscious phenomena.” (Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel). What’s interesting about that statement is that the solar plexus, also known as the celiac plexus, really does serve as a conduit between the conscious mind and our subconscious reactions. Most notably, our conscious mind sends thoughts through our cerebrospinal column, where they’re filtered through the subconscious mind of the celiac plexus, and up into the heart. It’s an easy concept to verify. When you’re nervous, your heartbeat increases. When you’re upset or scared, your blood pressure rises. The celiac plexus and the heart, it would seem, are both thinking organs. One structure receives and processes thought (the celiac plexus) and the other structure transmits thought (the heart), not just into the rest of our physical bodies, but into our conscious reality.


Once we begin to understand the basic premise, we step into the wellfounded realization that we can—and do—create our experiences. That, of

course, begins within our minds and starts with our thought lives, but now that you know how the principle functions, you can start applying whatever methodologies work best for you. A lot of people don’t buy into the idea of manifestation, because they see no scientific justification for it. They consider it to be a pseudo-scientific pursuit, but nothing could be further from the truth. Psychology has long held fast to the truth of the self-fulfilling prophecy and medical science has frequently noted the beneficial effects experienced by control groups in which participants receive only placebo medication. Success rates, in some placebo control groups, have soared as high as 79 percent, and, in those cases, nothing but the power of the mind is responsible for the seemingly miraculous results. The Law of Attraction in action is clearly a very real phenomenon. In closing, it’s imperative that you work with your subconscious mind in a way that fosters positive growth and change because what you feed your subconscious mind matters. Your subconscious mind never sleeps, which means your heart is always sending thought signals to the Universe. Do everything you can to put away that negative self-talk and coach others to follow after that same path of positivity! Now, it’s up to you! Get out there and start working the power of your mind to your benefit! It’s all about what you think, what you do, and what you say, so start cultivating the life that you want to experience and know that YOU ARE LIMITLESS!

Rev. Dr. Alexander J. Balla is a proud recipient of Transformation Academy’s Certified Master Life Coach diploma, and holds various other spiritual coaching and pastoral counseling credentials and degrees through other agencies and ministerial organizations. He serves as the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed National Catholic Church, ministers weekly through their online platform, and focuses his efforts on raising awareness of metaphysical approaches to holistic spiritual wellness. Bishop Balla is an advocate for healing by faith that cooperates the miracle modern medicine and emphasizes the universality of spirituality. He shares his life with his young son, Joseph, and his beautiful wife, Sarah. Contact him via email at:

Five simple coaching illustrations that create confident decisions.

You’ve been drawing conclusions this whole time. Where are all the pictures?

When kids form a circle to devise a strategy, one of the first things they do is start drawing. They grab a stick, a pen, a pencil, or one of those rocks that leaves white marks behind when scraped against the concrete. After that, they might plop down a few rocks to stand in for some obstacle or erase the whole thing away several times with the ends of a tree branch. The bottom line, though, is that they are visualizing their decisions.

It’s no surprise that drawing increases individual recall by nearly 80 percent. But, it’s so much more than that. Drawing makes for better, more confident decisions, and guided drawing between a coach and coachee can completely revitalize someone’s decision-making routine.

It’s time to evolve your coaching, and guided drawing can be an essential part of that evolution. So, here are five simple coaching illustrations that will help both you and your coachees make more satisfying decisions. Each example informs a different part of the decision-making process with direct instructions on who should take the lead when you put things down on paper.


Some decisions are concrete and straightforward— door #1 or door #2. Still, high-level simplicity doesn’t mean these decisions aren’t complex in their own way and worthy of methodical consideration. Even if you know your options and understand the dilemma in front of you, it is absolutely essential to give that thought process a proper visualization. Drawing heightens your focus while brainstorming, and data visualization is a cornerstone of the best corporate decision making. So, let’s start with a simple seesaw.

The Seesaw takes two conflicting options and stands them side-by-side in a way that is easy to dissect and quickly compare. This drawing is constructed almost entirely by the coachee, including the decision in question and the two options being considered. From there, the coach and coachee work together to draw and redraw a comprehensive and weighted breakdown of the pros and cons of both possibilities. The end result is a decision that has been evaluated from every angle.


Sometimes, instead of narrowing your focus on two specific doors, you need to figure out where every door in the house might lead. Highly restrictive decisions can

feel overwhelming, especially when none of your current options are particularly appealing. However, if you and your coachee analyze your options as a drawing, you can expand your choices and reframe the reality of where your original options were headed in the first place.

The Decision Alternatives model is a natural extension of The Seesaw, and it is often the very next step when progress can’t be made. Unlike The Seesaw, this model is drawn mostly by the coach with the coachee commenting and contributing wherever possible. Isolating and analyzing one box at a time, this tool imagines the outcomes of your decision in as many useful ways as possible—A, B, both A & B, neither A & B, or even C. At the end of the exercise, both you and the coachee have a much better understanding of what’s possible.


Of course, the quality of your individual decisions isn’t the only thing that matters. In fact, tunnel vision is a very real threat to good decision making, and it is even more likely to occur in a high-stress environment. The truth is that every decision you make exists in a broader context, and it is just as important to understand the undulations of that bigger picture as it is to take notice of every fork in the road. When a coach and a coachee draw out the full trajectory of

the path they are discussing, they are better prepared for the rest of the journey.

The Satisfaction Curve plots the level of satisfaction or productivity experienced at different stages in life or in between the milestones of a long-term project. The curve highlights pertinent results or statistics, and it showcases different stories that help paint a more complete picture of what has happened. In this case, the coachee takes the wheel, deciding on the different stories and stages, as well as how far the curve stretches into the past or the future.


We don’t want to just make decisions—or even just good decisions. We want to make decisions that we feel confident about when all is said and done. Recent research out of Zurich has confirmed that we feel most confident about our decisions when we consciously put forth the effort to think them through to the end. Part of that process is getting a handle on your own capabilities as they apply to a given situation, and drawing these things out can be both inspiring and eye-opening.

The Greek Temple is a direct visualization of the resources the coachee has to support a specific goal. It is a recognition of what’s possible because it reminds us all how much we can hold up when we focus on the task at hand. However, it’s also an acknowledgement of one’s own limitations because we ultimately need a building that doesn’t collapse under its own weight. For this drawing, the coachee chooses a goal and then fills in the columns underneath with all the current supports that could help the coachee meet that goal.


Whether you’re in the middle of making a decision or at the start of a new project, it’s important to know what’s next. Decisions have the ability to drastically affect our dayto-day lives or inject new attitudes in our everyday existence. If you don’t know what’s next, then you can’t possibly know

how to prepare yourself for what’s coming, especially when you’re simultaneously making decisions about the here and now. Simply put, if you sketch out what’s possibly around the corner, you’re much better prepared to decide to turn left or right.

The Stairway is a very basic illustration with a lot of underlying meaning. The steps behind the person represent all the progress thus far, whereas the steps ahead of the person represent opportunities and challenges on the horizon. The steepness of the stairway, as well as the height of each individual step, represents the difficulty of the challenges themselves, and the length of each step is indicative of the time spent surmounting that obstacle.

Your coachee might spend a good deal of time drawing and redrawing each simple component of this illustration. That’s good. Framing your past and your future in the context of what’s right in front of you can provide a powerful perspective, and how you feel about your perspective is exactly how you’ll end up feeling about your decisions.

Tamás Járdán, MCC, unlocks transformative coaching experiences through art using a groundbreaking approach that merges coaching with drawing. In his new book, Coaching by Drawing™: How to Spark Change with a Drawing, Tamás’ Coaching by Drawing™ method redefines conversations, empowering professionals from diverse fields to excel in guiding others. No artistic prowess required; just a pen and paper unveil profound insights and strategies. Tamás enriches your coaching arsenal with 33 potent tools, 1500+ impactful questions and streamlined guidelines. His movement is transforming visualization into tangible progress, inspiring leaders, coaches, educators, and selfimprovers worldwide.

In today’s evolving workforce, the ability to modify job tasks autonomously—known as job crafting—has become a crucial factor in employee satisfaction and productivity. However, according to research by Albertie (2024), not all employees have equal opportunities to engage in job crafting, particularly those with lower postsecondary education levels. This disparity is further compounded for marginalized groups, such as Black/ African American and Latinx females, who often face systemic biases and inequities that limit their workplace autonomy.


Employees who identify as Black/ African American and Latinx females with lower postsecondary education levels possibly encounter significant obstacles in the workplace. These barriers can include limited access to professional development opportunities, reduced chances for career advancement, and a lack of recognition for their skills and contributions. Consequently, these employees may feel less empowered to engage in job crafting, which can adversely affect their job satisfaction and overall performance.

For marginalized groups, such as Black/African American and Latinx females, the challenges are even more pronounced. Systemic biases and inequities in the workplace create additional hurdles that hinder their ability to modify job tasks and roles. These employees may face discrimination, microaggressions and exclusion from key networks and opportunities, making it difficult for them to assert their autonomy and engage in job crafting effectively.

This study underscores the critical need for organizations to address these disparities and create inclusive environments where all employees, regardless of educational background or marginalized

status, can engage in job crafting (Albertie, 2024). By doing so, organizations can unlock the full potential of their workforce, fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration and high performance.


To promote inclusive job crafting and workplace autonomy, organizations should consider the following strategies based on the research of Albertie (2024):

1) Professional Development Programs: Implement programs that provide all employees with access to training and development opportunities, regardless of their education level. This can help bridge the skills gap and empower employees to take on new challenges and responsibilities.

2) Mentorship and Sponsorship Initiatives: Establish mentorship and sponsorship programs that connect marginalized employees with senior leaders and advocates. These relationships can provide valuable guidance, support and opportunities for career growth.

3) Inclusive Policies and Practices: Develop and enforce policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. This includes implementing anti-discrimination measures, fostering an inclusive culture, and ensuring equal access to resources and opportunities.

4) Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Support the formation of ERGs that provide a platform for marginalized employees to share their experiences, advocate for

their needs, and collaborate on initiatives that enhance workplace autonomy and job crafting.

5) Regular Feedback and Recognition: Create a culture of continuous feedback and recognition, where employees are encouraged to share their ideas and contributions are acknowledged. This helps build confidence and encourages employees to engage in job crafting.

Addressing the role of education and marginalization in workplace autonomy is essential for creating a more inclusive and equitable work environment. By implementing strategies that promote job crafting for all employees, organizations can enhance job satisfaction, boost productivity, and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration. Ultimately, these efforts contribute to the overall success and competitiveness of the organization, ensuring that every employee has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.


Albertie, M.J. (2024) Examining the effects of education levels on job crafting and workplace autonomy for marginalized individuals. Proquest. Dissertation.

Dr. Marla J. Albertie, Ph.D. is the founder Truth Speaks Group, LLC, a multi-media coaching company dedicated to creating solutions for integrating work and life to create harmony. Marla loves to read, is a concert and comedy show junkie and a cruiser for life. Follow Marla on Twitter @tspeakscoaching and IG @Tspeaksgroup. Sign up for the Truth Speaks Group LLC Newsletter at

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How a threesome of felines created a purrfect state of loving kindness in my home.

I had been several years in my catless household when my daughter, along with some help from my sister, pulled a cat intervention on me. “Mom, you love cats. You live alone. You would enjoy the company.”

“Oh no,” I said. “I love cats but I don’t have time to care for them.”

“Well, the animal shelter is open today. We could go look.”

First mistake. When you love cats, there’s no such thing as just looking. I have to walk quickly by the cats in cages at PetSmart because I cannot stand to see them locked up. I rarely even shop there anymore.

Of course, I gave in. If it would keep her from nagging, I’d ride over there. Waiting at the door for us was this beautiful, sweet, adorable male tuxedo kitten.

“I think a male cat needs a litter mate buddy,” I said.

“Oh, he has a male litter mate,” my daughter said. “See, he’s tapping on the window. He wants to see you!” Sure enough, this gorgeous black and white cat, who looked like he knew what he was about, tapped on the window to get my attention. He was so polite. He purred. He rubbed up against my leg. What a nice little cat.

In the meantime, a smaller black-and-white cat was climbing up our legs, chewing on us, making himself mildly obnoxious, and almost shouting at us, “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!” I knew I had to get out of there fast!

“Well, which one do you want?”

“All three of them! Let’s go before I see another one I can’t leave behind!”

That’s the story of how I became a cat mom again to Beau (the tuxedo), Bennie (the litter mate), and Baby Cat (the obnoxious, loving one). They have grown and changed in the past 15 months. Beau climbs

screens like lightning. He jumps from the valance over the bedroom window onto the bed beside me. Bennie can dismantle vinyl window blinds with the speed of a ninja. He climbs the wooden ones just as fast. I may not respond to him quickly enough when he comes over to give me instructions. His favorite trick is to jump on the chandelier over my desk and hang from it. THAT gets a reaction quickly. Or he will smack the cord to the ceiling fan in the bedroom until it flips up and dings the light fixture. THAT gets my attention. He plays trampoline on my body if I sleep for a few extra minutes. He’s only 15 pounds now…Besides that, he is our chief inspector and protects us from spots on the floor, dust curls, and anything moving. He likes to analyze how everything works. He sniffs it down and pats it until he is satisfied. Like the ice maker. And the cell phone. And my laptop. He studies what I do. He may have been the one who made the last Amazon order for cat treats.

Beau and Bennie are loving, sweet-natured cats. Baby Cat is still learning. He is very loving but on his own terms. He loves his siblings and plays well with them until he decides to bite their ears. He has recently compromised with me and graciously allows me to sleep in my own bed without fuss—as long as I do not try to move him from his spot. He’s even changed spots to move closer to me lately. Again, He likes to touch on his own terms and is very picky. He doesn’t like Beau snuggling on my other side, though. We’re still working on that. Not nice to jump over Mom and kick Beau out of bed. Not that Beau lets that affect him. He’s back in minutes. Beau just climbs in another way. No harm. No foul. So, the house may never have every room clean at the same time again. Many of my papers have chew marks on them. The heavy books that hold the dust cover on the piano are no match for my boys. Those books look better on the floor, anyway. The

dining room chairs are just fine without a liner under the seats. And there’s nothing that warms my heart like waking up in the middle of the night, surrounded by my three precious boys who love me and each other most of the time! You can feel the love, especially when they snuggle with each other.

Through the years, each of my cats has had a different personality and has brought something special into my life. Snowball liked to go for walks with us. She enjoyed just being with us. Midnight would greet guests at the door and follow them around, then escort them back to the door. He was our security officer. Eddie seemed to sense when someone wasn’t well. He would lie on them and purr as if to raise the vibration and heal them. All 20 pounds of him! The little guys in my life now bring joy, mischief, and laughter into the house. They are all sweet-natured, and their care for each other is obvious.

Baby Cat did not have a secure first few months of his life. He is still learning to trust. He defends first and snuggles second, but he is learning, at least a little. The other two will run to him if he starts mewing. It is beautiful to see the kindness. They groom him. He is family.

This is the natural way. This is love. This is what we can learn from our precious pets.

Elemental Wisdom

with Spencer Rouse

Spencer Rouse has been a professional psychic and intuitive reader, energy healer, life coach, and lecture/workshop facilitator for more than 20 years, working one-on-one in counseling sessions, in groups, and at psychic fairs and other events. She works primarily through the gifts of claircognizance—an inner knowing—and clairsentience—the ability to sense information through feelings and emotions. Spencer also connects with the different layers of the human energy field (the aura) using color and sound to help balance and invigorate life force energy. Visit her online at or email

From left, Baby Cat, Beau and Bennie, author Spencer Rouse’s cats.
Photo by Spencer DeMera on Unsplash
“Oh, beautiful wooded majesty, with God’s grace you came to be
All eyes that look upon you see, that you are more than just a tree
An ode to life is what you are—equal to ocean, sky and star”—Francesco Tarantino

Trees are amazing beings! They have more similarities to humans than I had realized. In reading the book The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben, I learned that “trees are social beings and have families. They support each other by sharing nutrients, especially with trees that are sick or struggling, and even warn of potential dangers.” An important way of their staying connected to other trees is through what Dr. Simands calls a “wood wide web” of fungi. Trees that are isolated tend to not live as long. And for trees, as well as humans, water is essential to their well-being.

My appreciation of trees has grown over decades. In the late 70s, while camping halfway across the country with a tent and sleeping bag, I was grateful for the many trees that offered shelter from the elements. Over the years, I’ve hugged many a tree, climbed, and even ducked under a few, while hiking the Colorado mountains, trying to avoid afternoon hail stones.

One of my most magical moments ever was spending the night outdoors in a sleeping bag, nestled under a giant California redwood tree. I remember waking up to this majestic being and looking up and up what seemed like forever, seeing a tiny light

peeking through and a bit of blue sky welcoming me to the day. It made me realize how small we humans are in the scheme of nature and life, and it filled me with gratitude for such an experience of Oneness. Trees provide clean air, beauty, shade, comfort, and a respite from the world. It is troubling to see the destruction of our trees for the sake of developers’ profits. Pink Floyd, a 230-year-old oak tree in Sarasota, FL inspired the poem above. Thankfully, although diminished, it was kept rooted after petitions and numerous efforts were made by friends and neighbors.

I found it painful to once witness the cutting down of a tree, with its limbs put into a shredder and turned into sawdust. And now my heart aches, witnessing the damage that forest fires (especially those set by humans) have caused to our forests, a loss that will be felt by future generations. But trees, like humans, can be resilient. Here at our Florida condo complex, during Hurricane Irma, we nearly lost a most magnificent tree, but amazingly, with a wooden crutch to lean on, this massive tree continues to grow and demonstrate its beauty and strength.

My friend and fellow Transformation Coaching author, Mary Boutieller, shared the feelings of connection and reverence that she and her husband

Pink Floyd, a 230-year-old oak tree in Sarasota, FL was kept rooted after petitions and numerous efforts were made by friends and neighbors.

hold for trees: “As John and I hike, I touch and thank them for all they do—especially the older, bigger ones. The things they have seen, the gifts they give to us, the storms they have weathered . . . It is such a wonder!”

There are many health benefits to being in nature. In Canada, some naturopathic doctors, like Dr. Melissa Lem, are prescribing what is called Park RX or Nature RX. She believes that “being in nature is therapeutic for those with mental health challenges” and considers “the 4 pillars of health to be diet, exercise, sleep and nature time.”

In the 1980s, the Japanese had a name for ecotherapy, “time spent in nature”, as shinrinyoku, known as forest bathing. It was a way then to counteract the tech burnout and inspire people to reconnect and protect the forests, and is still practiced today. And offers a wonderful community and website if you would like to participate in and to learn more about the healing connections between trees and humanity.

For the “love of trees” and each other, let’s connect on a heart level with the loving beings in our midst.

Love is the New Currency

Linda Commito, author, speaker, entrepreneur, consultant and teacher, is passionate about her vision to leave this world a kinder, more loving, and interconnected place. Linda’s award-winning book of inspirational stories, Love Is the New Currency, demonstrates how we can each make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others through simple acts of love and kindness. Her latest project, the card game Just Ask 1 2 3, was inspired by a desire to connect people of all different ages, beliefs and lifestyles to share our individuality and find commonality. Linda also created “Kindness Starts with Me,” a program, book and website for children. For more information visit or visit the Facebook page

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