April, 2019 Letting Go of Perfectionism

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COACHING & BUSINESS TOOLS Letting Go of Perfectionism Rock Solid Overcoming Your Resistance to Coaching

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INSPIRATION & GROWTH With Every Ending Comes a New Beginning Healthy Thoughts are FundaMENTAL Stretch into Spring Every Job Matters Believe and Receive The Seed of an Idea Where to Get More Love

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FEED YOUR SPIRIT How Time Is Changing


PUBLISHERS Natalie Rivera Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed.

EDITOR Lisa Cedrone

CONTRIBUTORS Janine Graham, Mary Boutieller, Owen K. Waters, Rev. Marla Sanderson, Terez Hartmann, Natalie Rivera, Arielle Giordano, Noelle Sterne, Gregg Sanderson, Jo Mooy, Alan Cohen

© Copyright 2019 Transformation Services, Inc.


All rights reserved. http://www.TransformationMag.com

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Letting Go of Perfectionism

Perfect doesn’t exist—and mistakes are where the growth, change, and learning happen. By Janine Graham I received an email from a fellow coach yesterday. I was thrilled to receive it, as it was a woman from the United States who was going through the same challenges that I had in regards to starting my own business. And any opportunity for me to assist another person on his or her journey is a gift to my heart and music to my ears. She told me that she was inspired by a post I wrote on a coaching page that we are both members of. She asked if I had any tips on starting up her own business; she is suffering from perfectionism and fear. Let’s call this coach Lisa. This was my response... Hello Lisa, Thanks so much for your email and thanks for reaching out! It’s very encouraging to hear that I’ve been able to inspire based on what I found really difficult. There’s always a silver lining for things we struggle with, hey? I did an incredible amount of work on “trying” to get myself out there and, yet, still went around and around in circles and felt like, although I’d spent so many hours, I was going nowhere fast. I discussed and bounced ideas off my sister, who has her own small business. I wrote pages and pages about my aspirations. I even took it to my counselor at the time, and I thought about what my


life would look like as a coach, a hell of a lot. The bottom line came down to asking the question: What is holding me back? For me, it was several things including the fear of what might happen, the fear of the unknown, and certainly a long list of “what ifs.” • What if I put my business page out there and everyone realizes I’m a fake? Not smart enough? • What if I’m not cut out for this? • What if I decided I don’t want to do this? • What if I/my page/my business isn’t perfect enough? • What if everyone laughs at me? • What if everyone thinks less of me? • How could I ever compare to the other coaches out there? • What if I get a client and can’t help them? • What if all of this hurts my pride? The list goes on… I identified that my biggest fear was the fear of what other people think of me tied into the fear of not being perfect enough. I have done a lot of personal work on perfectionism and have come to understand that it is one of the biggest forms of self-abuse. I also realize that perfect doesn’t exist; it’s just a fantasy. I remember someone asking me years ago, “What does perfect actually mean?” I struggled to answer this question, and I realized that I was

actually striving for something that was not only unachievable, but was also something I didn’t actually know how to define. How can I achieve something when I don’t actually know what I’m striving for? There begins the never-ending merry-go-round of perfectionism and mental torture. Nowadays, when I notice these debilitating thoughts come up, I can catch myself and use positive self-talk. This is GOOD ENOUGH is what I tell myself. I can come back to it another time and improve on it later. I am almost lying to myself or tricking my brain because I often don’t come back to it, but that’s more than okay. I have also realized that it’s like a muscle or habit. The more I practice this habit of positive self-talk, the easier it gets to kick perfectionism’s butt. The more I see that the world didn’t end or I didn’t become the laughing stock of the town based on my lack of perfectionism, the more I am coming to not only accept but—believe it or not—value and take pride in mistakes or tasks which could’ve been done better (in my eyes). Mistakes are where the growth, change, and learning happen! Remember, whatever you put out there can always be changed later. You simply need to start somewhere. Even the big hotshot coaches started where you are right now. Interesting thought, hey? For me, it was starting a Facebook page, putting up a photo, a background, adding some bits and bobs about myself, and simply taking charge.

The “pull the trigger” moment was when I was working with a coach through ReciproCoach. It was our third session, and I had talked a lot about my fears, doubts, and insecurities around putting my vulnerable and fearful self out there. She caught me off guard and bluntly said: “You’ve been talking a lot the past few weeks, but you’ve taken NO action.” I was taken back and a little offended (at that moment), as I had taken so much action! Well, maybe I’d taken action in prac-

ticing perfectionism. I just had to bite the bullet. Being a bit stubborn and frustrated with her comment (or challenge), I got off the phone, I went to Facebook, I spent 30 minutes going over a few things and created my first ever post. I’m very thankful for that daring coach! And can I tell you something? Not one of my fears has come true. If anything, it has been the very opposite. I was inundated with love, comments, likes, and emails that night, and I struggled to sleep

from overwhelm! I do believe the first step was the hardest. Imagine a very large rock. It may be stuck in the ground and extremely difficult to move. You may need help and support from others, you may need some strategies on how to tackle moving this rock. But when this rock eventually starts moving, it builds up momentum. It starts to roll. It rolls faster and faster and with less resistance and less struggle. This rock analogy can be you.

Janine Graham is an adoring mum, a dedicated primary school teacher, and a motivated, solution-focused Wellness Coach. It was not until Janine was bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, completely consumed by physical and mental exhaustion, that she began to listen to herself and contemplate her purpose in life. Through her dedication in mentoring and furthering her studies at the Life Coaching Institute of Australia, her business Free To Be Me—Wellness coaching was born. Gaining strength from her personal battles and victories, Janine is passionate about many women’s issues, particularly those around body confidence, relationships, fertility, parenting, life balance and unconditional self-love. Follow more of Janine’s story on her Facebook business page – Free To Be Me – Wellness Coaching at http://www.facebook.com/Freetobemewellness/ and her blog at http://freetobemewellness.com.au/.


Photo Credit: Unsplash/MatĂ­as Guerrero

With Every Ending Comes a New Beginning


Being “thrown out of the nest ”—whether by choice or necessity— can be scary and can also be exciting. By Mary Boutieller As I sit here and write, it is beautiful outside. Trees are budding, several songbirds are singing their little hearts out, and the wind is gently blowing. Winter is finally coming to an end and, in its place, spring is bringing new life and new hope. I’ve been thinking lately about endings and beginnings, losses and gains. Most of us experience lots of subtle shifts of endings and beginnings throughout our lives. We stop working out (or doing yoga) and then start again; one season ends and

another begins, it’s night, then day…you get the picture. I think these little nuances in perspective prepare us for the bigger shifts and let-goes in our lives. I’ve had many endings and beginnings in my life with jobs, friends, activities. Most recently, I resigned from a teaching position at a local gym that I had held for almost 15 years. It felt like a loss and still does in some ways. Over those 15 years, I had grown so much as a teacher. I had met so many wonderful, engaging, special people who willingly came to my classes. I was attached to these students— these friends, who had shared the journey with me.


Yet I had a conflict with “management.” Their decisions were at odds with things that were important to me; their business model moving further and further away from what I held dear, even as I taught there. And so, with a heavy heart I finally turned in my resignation. It was the end of an era for me; an end to something I had known and been a part of; a letting go of an identity. And it was hard. Yet it was harder to stay and feel resentment; to stay and be quiet. So, I quit. At first it felt sad and a little bit scary. I wondered how to say goodbye, how to let go, how to practice non-attachment and be the witness to this experience. Author Jill McCorkle said,

“For me, a happy ending is not everything works out just ight and there is a big bow, it ’s more coming to a place where a person has a clear vision of his or her own life in a way that enables them to kind of throw down their crutches and walk.”

So, over the next few days, I decided to reframe this decision of mine. Instead of losing something, I was gaining space and time and peace of mind. Instead of living with unnecessary frustration, I was opening myself up to other opportunities. I was listening to my inner voice instead of holding on to outward expectations. And as I changed the lens through which I viewed my decision, I started to feel a little lighter, a little less anxious, a little more excited about what might lie ahead.

Through this experience, I thought about other endings and beginnings, and wondered what a change in perspective might do for all of us. As we learn from the smaller stuff, we can apply those lessons to the bigger challenges that come our way. One that comes to mind is…getting older! Did any of you groan when you read that? The dreaded and unfortunate idea that we are all getting older—with some aches and pains and wrinkles… AND…with new growth, more wisdom, a better appreciation for these precious lives, and for the relationships and the peculiarities of life. Think of the dramas of your teenage years compared to today, and try to convince me that you would rather be there than here!! Another one is our health— wishing we felt like we did when we were in our 20s when we are solidly in our 60s, or losing a job, a friend, an identity, or a truth that you always stood by firmly. Buddhist nun Pema Chodron said,

“The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new.”

So I had to practice what I so often preach and listen to my heart and to the still soft voice of wisdom. I had to be willing to step off the edge of certainty and let go of what no longer belonged to me. Alexander Graham Bell said that,

“ When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”

Whether we make mistakes or find ourselves at the end of an “era” in our lives, maybe we can find ourselves looking forward instead of back. Maybe we can release the energy and hold of those things that no longer serve our highest and best good and move, instead, in the direc�on of that which feeds our truth and our souls. Pema Chondron also said this:

“Fear is a natural eaction to moving closer to the truth.” And this:

“To be fully alive, fully human and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to be always in no-man’s land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. To live is to be willing to die over and over again.” Being “thrown out of the nest”— whether by choice or necessity—can be scary and can also be exciting. Standing still when the strongest impulse in your body is to move becomes painful. Some lessons are easy, some a little harder, but all provide us with an opportunity for growth if we are willing to look, to listen, and to shift our perspective toward the door that is opening. May you continue to find your own unique and beautiful path, with grace and ease.

The Yoga of Life with Mary Boutieller Mary Boutieller is a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga since 2005. Her work experience includes 22 years as a firefighter/paramedic and 10 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist. Mary’s knowledge and experience give her a well-rounded understanding of anatomy, alignment, health and movement in the body. She is passionate about the benefits of yoga and the ability to heal at all levels through awareness, compassion, and a willingness to explore. She can be reached at: SimplyogaOm@gmail.com.



Photo Credit: Unsplash/Andrik Langfield

How Time Is Changing


The shift from “Old Reality” consciousness to “New Reality” heart-centered consciousness includes a shift in our perception of time. By Owen K Waters People often comment on how time seems to be passing much faster today than it did just 10 or 20 years ago. It’s not because we’re getting older; it’s because our experience of time is changing. This is occurring because the frequency of human consciousness is rising, so the experience of the passage of time has accelerated. The speed of the orbit of the planets is still the same, the speed of light is still the same, and everything in the outside world is still the same, but our experience has changed. Experiential time is the experience of time, as in “time flies” or “time drags.” It is subjective, as opposed to the objective time of the outside world. Our internal experience of the passage of time can vary considerably. When a person is not happy in their work, for example, the time clock on the wall seems to take forever to turn, and the end of the working day seems to take an eternity to arrive. On the other hand, when a person is joyful and excited about what they are doing, their consciousness is vibrating at a higher frequency and, for them, the experience of time flies at a fast rate. As they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Energetically, the difference is that joy is expressed through higher, heartcentered consciousness, while boredom takes one deep into the lower frequency of the solar plexus center of consciousness. When you are bored, your perception of time runs slowly because your consciousness vibrates at a slower

frequency. When you are filled with joy and engaged in favorite activities with people you love, your consciousness vibrates at a higher frequency and your perception of time runs more quickly. The principle at work here is that the perception of experiential time varies with frequency of consciousness. Experiential time runs faster at higher frequencies.

WHY THE DIFFERENCE MATTERS The shift from “Old Reality” consciousness to “New Reality” heartcentered consciousness includes a shift in our perception of time. Heart-centered consciousness brings with it an increasing degree of freedom from objective time. It makes life’s experiences more important to your consciousness than the passage of time. Life becomes a chain of experiences that seem to expand and contract the time that they take to occur. The objective time continuum is the same, but the perception of the experience is different. The key to understanding this is that, because life in the objective world is a projection of the greater reality that exists within you, a shift to higher consciousness brings you closer to the reality within. At that point, objective time loses some of its importance and the inner experience of time takes on more importance.

HOW TIMING WILL CHANGE IN THE FUTURE As people’s frequency of awareness rises in consciousness, they will become more attuned to the synchronicity that is offered by an experiential approach to time. The more people become mentally attuned to others, the more they manifest synchronicity in their lives.

Eventually, when experiential time is given more attention than objective time, people will arrange to meet each other, not by making appointments in their calendars, but by both knowing when the time is right for such a meeting. At work, the attuned person will know from their soul-fed intuition which task is most important for them to address right at that moment, and this will lead to even more synchronicity with the minds of other, intuitively driven people.

THE REASON INTUITION WORKS The intuitive mind senses the reality of all situations in ways that the objective mind of the physical senses cannot. When a situation develops into fruition, in which it can best be addressed for most effect, the intuitive mind has that perfect sense of timing and can help all those involved in handling the situation. In fourth-density, heart-centered consciousness, because more attention is placed upon the inner reality than the outer world of clockwork motion, life becomes more fluid and less rigid, based upon an intuitive sense of what action is right at any moment in time. Timing becomes everything, but in a way that the objective, physical mind cannot possibly comprehend. Intuition feeds synchronicity, so the experience of time, with its expansions and contractions, takes on more importance than the fixed pace of the outer world’s objective time. Higher consciousness adds more abilities to the ones we have already developed. Intuitive perception leading to perfect synchronicity is a perfect example of the growth that awaits us as we step into the “New Reality.”

Spiritual Dynamics with Owen K. Waters Owen is a cofounder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy, where a where a free spiritual growth newsletter awaits you at: http://www.SpiritualDynamics.net. He is an international spiritual teacher who has helped hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers to understand better the nature of their spiritual potential. Owen’s life has been focused upon gaining spiritual insights through extensive research and the development of his inner vision. For the past 12 years, he has written a spiritual metaphysics newsletter which empowers people to discover their own new vistas of inspiration, love and creativity. Spiritual seekers enjoy his writings for their insight and clarity.


Healthy Thoughts are FundaMENTAL

Why it’s important to choose thoughts that are in harmony with the life we want to live. By Rev. Marla Sanderson If we had any idea just how our thoughts affect our lives, we’d be a lot more careful about what rattles around in our heads. Everything starts in Divine Mind and is perfect. It filters down through our “consciousness” to form all the conditions and circumstances in our lives. As Ernest Holmes points out in How To Change Your Life:

“You need to remind yourself that Spirit surrounds you and is unlimited, and is the source of all things; also that it is always becoming something in your experience, and the nature of that ‘something’ is decided by you.” In other words, what we think and believe makes up our consciousness, and creates our personal experiences. To put it simply, positive thoughts and beliefs


create pleasant experiences. Negative thoughts and beliefs create unpleasant ones. You can see how important it is that we choose thoughts that are in harmony with the life we want to live. Most of us were not taught how life works. We get things all turned around and think what happens makes us ­happy or sad. Everybody does it. Something turns out great and we’re excited. Life is great. We feel terrific. So we keep trying to get the stuff we want so we can feel good all the time. Then, when things go wrong, we think something is wrong with us. We haven’t yet realized that it was our thoughts and beliefs that created the conditions in the first place. We’ve all developed unconscious beliefs based on our upbringing and experiences. We can also choose new thoughts to create new beliefs and have new experiences. But until we take charge of our own mental habits and turn our thinking around, we remain at the mercy of our belief systems. Thoughts are easier to change. Counter your negative thoughts with a positive statement. Here’s a list of positive affirmations to get you started. Choose some you like or make up your

own, and write them down. Carry them with you, and read them several times a day. Better yet, memorize them and repeat them often to yourself. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Loving myself heals my life. I nourish my mind, body, and soul. I prosper wherever I turn, and I know I deserve prosperity. The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful. I know I deserve Love and accept it now. I give out Love and it returns to me multiplied. I release desperation and allow love to find me. I make positive healthy choices for myself. When I believe in myself, so do others. I am my own unique self—special, creative, and wonderful. I trust in the wisdom of life. I stop criticizing. I forgive, relax, and am open. I choose love, joy, and freedom as I open my heart. I allow wonderful things to flow into my life. I do not have to wait. Today is the time. Until I believe it is, I believe it isn’t. To learn how to think is to learn how to live. Love is my real nature. I sense love everywhere. The way is clear before me. It leads me to joy. I am guarded and governed by Infinite Intelligence. I celebrate the One Life in all and through all. The Voice of Truth always tells me what I need to know. It is God’s pleasure to give; it is my pleasure to receive. My loving thoughts of others attracts friends to me. I deserve all the good things of life.

You also must be willing to give up any stake in keeping things the way they are. Years ago I had a friend who believed he was mentally broken. With a short conversation I could see that he saw himself as a victim. Though he had taken several growth activities well known to help people create their own happiness and success, nothing seemed to work for him. He was in the middle of a lawsuit against his previous employer. He blamed his unhappiness and mental state on the pressure they put on him to produce. He thought everything would be better when he got his money from the lawsuit. The case dragged on for years. It was clear to me that he couldn’t be happy as long as there was a possibility of financial payoff for being the victim. How else could he win the case? He was a victim all right, but of his own choices. In the end, the lawsuit was dismissed and he got nothing from it but years wasted on unhappiness.

If something seems to get in the way of almost every good thing for you, it’s possible you have a stake in keeping things the same. Can you recognize your negative thoughts and turn them into something that will work better for you? You can make another choice any time you’re ready.

Practical Spirituality with Rev. Marla Sanderson Rev. Marla Sanderson is a skilled spiritual counselor, speaker, teacher, and workshop leader. She has studied and practiced the Science of Happiness and Science of Mind for over 40 years. Her website, The New Thought Global Network, showcases ideas from many New Thought disciplines. She is ordained in the Centers for Spiritual Living. (Religious Science). Contact her at 727-475-8991, or revmarla@newthoughtglobal.org or visit http://www.newthoughtglobal.org.


Photo Credit: Unsplash/Aziz Achark

Rock Solid

How to find unconditional stability and joy. By Terez Hartmann

ROCK STEADY WHETHER “THEY” DO OR NOT If only my family, sweetheart, friends, etc., would get well and stay well and happy, my life would be perfect! If only I could have more time available to just be able to chill, my life would be perfect! If only my coworkers, clients, boss would be nicer and do their part, my life would be perfect! If only the lump sum, windfall, big break, promotion, big client, or investment would come through, my life would be perfect! If only I could figure out the magic potion for my hormones to chill out, for my body to feel great, and move easily ALL


the time, for my mind to chill, and for sleep to be a total breeze, my life would be perfect! If only the people, governments, systems, and “they” of my town, city, state, country, world would get their sh!t together to create and promote a culture of peace, fairness, unity, and respect, my world—and THE world—would be perfect! No matter how far along you are in your journey of selfactualization, chances are you just may have entertained one or more of these ideas at some point in your life. But, as you and I both know, the “inbox” of life never seems to be empty and the “they” of the world never seem get everything sorted, once and for all. It’s no wonder your body, mind, and spirit can feel like the proverbial ping-pong ball, and that you can often find yourself “waiting” to feel good. While I most certainly do believe we create our life experience, perception, beliefs, and personal point of attraction, I have come to know that the “they” of the world also have the nerve to continue to create their OWN experiences—and often

without consulting you or me! And with that, nail-biting, stressballing, and gnashing of teeth can be a far too common companion that messes up what is supposed to be a glorious and FUN ride around the sun. What if instead of waiting for your “if onlys” and for “them” to figure it all out before YOU would feel any kind of peace or joy you decided to focus in a way that allowed YOU to still get to feel good NOW and EVERY day in some way, no matter what? Ever since I set this question in motion, life, the Universe and everything has revealed more and more answers, ideas, and insights with each passing day. However, when I allowed the contrast I was experiencing in recent times to challenge me to reach for my center in even stronger, bolder ways, a gift —in the form of a new process and flow—emerged that helped to bring about a major shift that is positively impacting every facet of my life to this moment. If you are ready to become rock solid and rock* steady, I dare you to try THIS!

And people, “rock” in this sense is most certainly a verb, baby!

FROM APPRECIATING CONDITIONS TO CREATING UNCONDITIONAL JOY Many of us maintain a practice of making lists of things we appreciate/are grateful for in our lives and often share this process with our clients to help them direct their focus in more positive ways, but even with all the good that can come of this process, we can unknowingly train ourselves and our clients to focus in more “conditional” ways. Granted, the idea behind creating and encouraging gratitude lists is to acknowledge that there are ALWAYS positives to be found—and it’s a powerful practice that is well worth continuing, for sure—but what if all the people/relationships, toys, vacations, pets, comforts, recognition, signs, abundance, etc., that came your way were no longer the SOLE reason for your happy feelings, but rather beautiful bonuses, awesome upgrades or sensational, happy surprises that only ADDED to your solid center of serenity and day-to-day “rule” of well-being? If you’re open and willing to give yourself a taste of what more consistent, day-to-day satisfaction and joy could look like, I’d like to challenge you to also create a different kind of list—one that celebrates the good that is timeless, unchanging yet dynamic, and that transcends conditions.


ROCK YOUR WORLD BY CREATING AN “UN-CONDITION LIST” STEP 1: Do anything you can to lighten up your vibe Do something, go somewhere, listen to music that is linked to happy ­feelings, watch a movie/show/YouTube video that elevates your vibe and DO IT NOW. Once you feel a little lighter and brighter, move on to STEP 2. A side note: If you’ve also been longing for “you time” to chill, unplug, create, etc., there is great power in deciding to carve out non-negotiable time for YOU in your day/week/month. I recently started giving myself the gift of #HumanNatureMonday (dedicating most of my Mondays to spending time out in nature, and typically, by myself), and have kept this promise to myself for five weeks now. In addition to the fun and anticipation of enjoying my “me-time,” even though my “to-do” list continues, this simple act of self-love started a domino effect of well-being and productivity that inspired me to find a powerful list of my own “un-conditions,” to start dreaming in technicolor again, and amp up my Firewoman Mojo in amazing ways! BTW, you can see photo galleries paired with ideas and insights on my Facebook page and soon I’ll even be sharing my stories and adventures on YouTube and beyond, so stay tuned! One more thing to add here: I know I’ve said this before, but when you wait to LIVE, you live to WAIT. The journey really, truly, absolutely IS the destination, friends, and you deserve to start enjoying YOUR journey and LIFE right NOW.

STEP 2: Give your list a title that inspires YOU. Here are some ideas: My UN-Condition List/Unconditional Joy List My Eternal Flame List My Rock Steady/Rock Solid List My Solid & Steady List My Truth/What I Know for Sure List My “Anchor” List My “Reason to Feel Good Anyway!” List Once you have your fab, feel-good title, move on to STEP 3.

STEP 3: Make a list of your “UN-conditions:” The solid, steady things you know FOR SURE. Change is the nature of life, and people, creatures, environments, and circumstances can and will change—however,


there are things that ARE certain that no one and nothing can ever take from you—that you get to “keep” no matter what others around you may choose. These are things you KNOW in your heart that you feel are TRUE and undisputable with every ounce of your being, things that even your most critical/logical self cannot dissect. Create this list in one or more mediums that allow you to be able to access it from anywhere and at any time. I have a copy that I can access via my phone, printed copies posted throughout my home, a digital copy on my PC, and a handwritten copy in my journal. Below are a few items from my personal list to help get your wheels turning, but please note that your list may look quite different from mine—and that is VERY okay. All that matters is that you feel a resonance when you write something down, that it feels absolutely TRUE for YOU, and it gives you a sense of peace or even joy. It can be one thing, or 1,000. No one else EVER has to see this list. This is a gift to you, for you, from you.

MY ROCK SOLID, ETERNAL FLAME LIST 1. Every new day is alive with possibilities: beauty, joy, love, wellness, prosperity, and likelihoods for fabulousity continue to exist somewhere and at ALL times whether I’m perceiving them in the moment or not. 2. Source/God/My Core Self and My “Posse of Fabulousity” are always with me, loving me and guiding me toward my path of greatest allowing of my well-being. 3. Everyone I love and every point of consciousness ALSO has Source/God/their Core Selves and THEIR personal “Posse of Fabulousity” loving them and guiding them toward their path of greatest allowing of their well-being: And if/when I can be a cooperative component for their well-being and play a constructive role in that process, I feel clear and energized. 4. I always have some access to nature, whether I look out, up, down or inward. 5. There is always beauty to be found/perceived any time I am open and willing to look for it. 6. Music exists and I have a multitude of ways to enjoy and express it. 7. I have the ability to feel, express, and receive love. 8. I have the power to focus my mind and can use it to think better feeling thoughts, remember happy times, and contemplate the good that could be possible. 9. I have many natural talents, gifts, and skills that I can use in a variety of constructive, productive, fun ways—and have the ability to learn NEW things. 10. There will always be happy, aligned people and creatures who want to express love and participate in joy and fun, and I can encounter them any time I am open to perceiving and receiving them. 11. There is always more than one path (even multiple, infinite paths!) to realizing the things/experiences/state of being I desire, which can feel like gentle motion forward, be filled with light and/or even be OUTRAGEOUSLY fun!

12. I can always stop to ask, “How can I have more fun right now?” 13. Any moment I feel even the slightest bit better—whether it is simply a sense of relief or feelings of calm/serenity, hope, possibility, laughter or joy—are moments of success and victory. 14. I can always ask for help, and there will always come a time when I open myself up to be able to receive it. 15. Source always sees the big picture and is a MASTER & EXPERT at orchestrating the IDEAL timing and circumstances. 16. There is purpose and a gift in EVERY experience and everything IS always working out FOR me: I know my life is an ongoing journey of discovering greater clarity, more joyfilled adventures, and an even fuller expression and allowance of the love, brilliance, creativity, and joy of my SELF. 17. There are always times that I AM ready and DO feel inspired and happy to do things. 18. I always have some time available in each day to do things that nurture my soul, spirit, body, and mind, and know that I can upgrade my perception to know that “me” time IS always possible in some way. 19. If I’m not enjoying my journey, I always have the ability to take even a small step in a new direction that feels better. 20. I know at my core that I am a happy, kind, intelligent, fun, loving, beautiful, resourceful, creative being, that these aspects of me are eternal, and that they CAN be accessed by me. 21. I have a solution-oriented mind and thought process, and that I am, at my core, a visionary who can ask, “what if?” 22. Every time I make a solid decision about something and hold my vision, life, the Universe and everything backs me up and doors open!

STEP 4: Read YOUR list DAILY I like to read my list just after waking, as it sets such a powerful tone for the rest of my day. Starting with a rock-solid foundation of well-being and knowing has been seriously rocking my world, and interestingly enough, I’ve been attracting more and more “bonuses, upgrades, and happy surprises” ever since I started this process! Try it, you may like it!

Keeping a copy of your list with you will also give you a powerful go-to if your vibe starts to slip a little, and reading it before bedtime can even contribute to resting with a happier, lighter heart and mind.

THE BOTTOM LINE: ROCK SOLID! FINDING UNCONDITIONAL STABILITY AND JOY Let’s face it. Living a reactive, conditional life can flat out suck. Who wants to be a leaf blowing in the wind landing wherever the “powers that be” take you, when you can be a mighty oak tree or a proverbial Rock of Gibraltar standing solid and firm in your joy, no matter what weather comes your way? Here’s to choosing to rock steady, allow REAL success through letting yourself experience satisfaction and joy EVERY day, and to truly, madly, deeply living life on FIRE! Author’s note: Did this article and process lift your spirits and rock your world? For more tools, ideas, and insights for Allowing YOUR Joy and living life on FIRE, join Terez Firewoman and Transformation Coaching Magazine founders and master teachers, Joeel and Natalie Rivera, for a life mastery class like no other: https://courses. transformation-academy.com/courses/ law-of-attraction-allowing-yoursuccess-master-class (CLICK HERE) and enter coupon code

rocksolid to

snag it for 65% off (that’s only $47!)

ALLOWING YOUR SUCCESS with Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann

Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann,“Your catalyst for all things Fab-YOU-lous,” is the author of Allowing Your Success!, a proud contributing author of Transform Your Life! book one and two, a professional Keynote Speaker/ Workshop Facilitator, Singer-Songwriter/Recording Artist, “Allowing Adventures!” & “Savor Vacation” Facilitator, and true Renaissance Woman, and Visionary. She keeps her fire lit by embracing and promoting a lifestyle of “Allowing,” and by using creative expression to elevate and ignite the human spirit, a passion that she shares with her husband, soul-mate and creative partner of over 15 years, John Victor Hartmann. Together they share “Allowing TRUE LOVE” workshops and experiences designed to help others attract, allow, and maintain extraordinary relationships, and create custom jingles and voice-overs in their studio, THE Creativity Express. Visit: http://www.TerezFirewoman.com


Overcoming Your Resistance to Coaching



(Fear of Rejection, Failure, Success and Work) By Natalie Rivera Part of you is probably excited about venturing into the world of becoming a life coach! You’ve got some darngood empowerment to give and wisdom to share and you’re eager to get it out there! And, the idea that you can make money doing it—even better! But, part of you resists it, too. When you think about stepping forward part of you thinks “eeek!” What if no one signs up or they don’t get results or I choke? What if I fail? What if it takes, gulp, a lot of work? What if I SUCCEED? Then what!?

Fear is a natural part of life. Fear can hold us back, but it can also be our driving force. If we have a big enough reason why we want something than the fear of not getting the outcome will drive us. For example, if your biggest fear not living life to the fullest, your decisions are going to be very different than if your biggest fear is death. Both fears will motivate you—just to very different things. If you fear death, you’ll be motivated to avoid risk. If you fear not living life, you’ll take risks. The emotion of fear evolved to help us survive. Without fear our ancestors would have perished in the jaws of a saber-toothed predator or suffered another untimely fate. However, in today’s society we rarely face life-or-death situations. The things we fear aren’t usually threatening at all. They usually don’t even exist—they’re imaginary. Often what we fear is something that might or could happen in the future. It’s not real and it isn’t happening now, yet we fear it. Our fear is no longer for survival or even based in reality. It’s strictly psychological. And it doesn’t always feel terrifying—it can feel like anxiety, nervousness, apprehension, resistance. Today our fear isn’t caused by


running from certain death, it’s caused by how we perceive our world. This is why we have to put fear into to context and realize that there really isn’t anything to fear. We can re-frame our fear and resistance as simply a sign that we’re pushing ourselves outside of comfort zones and remind ourselves that this is what it takes in order to expand and grow. When it comes to becoming a life coach, we have found that there are several fears that are common. It is important to asses these fears to make sure that they are not impacting your ability to take the next steps. Keep in mind, there may be other areas in your life that cause resistance for you and that this list is not intended to be inclusive of all possibilities in everyone’s individual experience.

Fear of rejection

Many people wait to put something out there until it is perfect because they fear that if it isn’t perfect they will be judged, disapproved of and rejected. But there’s one really big problem: it will never be perfect. Second problem: if you wait for it to be perfect it will be too late.

“If you aren’t embarrassed by the first version of your product, you waited too long to launch.” Reid Hoffman, Cofounder of LinkedIn The perfection problem is especially true when you are trying to share your knowledge or passions. Not only can’t it be perfect—but you’ll never THINK AND FEEL like it’s perfect, even if it was. Ever met an artist that loves their own work? Nope. When we’re sharing of our-

selves, we feel vulnerable. We’re putting ourselves out there. Just the thought of someone giving us a bad review or asking for a refund can be paralyzing for some. Rejection comes with the territory of making a difference. You will NOT please everyone all of the time. In the same way, not everyone who comes across your coaching offer will buy sign up. Instead of feeling terrible over the 95 percent of people who do NOT hire you, it’s important to focus on the 5% who do. In the same way, rather than focus on the 1 bad review or the customer with a complaint, focus on the many other raving reviews and how good it feels to know you’ve helped someone’s life. One final note about rejection… It is also important to keep in mind that not everyone is going to agree with your coaching strategies or messages. It’s okay for others to have different opinions and experiences in life. Even if a lot of people don’t like what you have to say, you cannot allow that to knock you off course of following your path and purpose. The people who need you NEED what you have to give. Not only do you not want to censor your message to make it acceptable to the general population, you want to say it BOLDLY because when your ideal clients—your tribe—hear it they’ll say “look, he/she is talking to me… yes!”

If you want the raving fans you have to be willing to ignore the pack of haters.

Fear of failure

It is normal to fear failure, we all do it. But the most successful entrepreneurs, visionaries, and creators understand that the best way to get where you want to get is to fail and do it often.

Bravery isn’t about having no fear, it’s about DOING IT ANYWAY. What do you actually think would happen if you failed? Will you die? Will you be publicly flogged or burned at the stake? No. Really, fear of failure is just fear of rejection in disguise. In life and in business you will have many failures, but each of them will teach you what is not working, which allows you to make the necessary changes and continue to adapt and improve. Therefore, the faster you can learn what does not work the faster you can learn what works. So get failing quickly!

The biggest reason most coaches FAIL is that they never get started. The question should not be “what if I fail?” but “what will I learn from this journey if I fail?” Ask yourself, “how many times does a parent let their child fail at reading or walking before they say, ‘well they tried but it’s just not going to work’”? Of course you keep working with them until they figure it out, no matter how many times they fail because you understand that it is just part of the learning process. The same thing goes for you and your dreams.

Fear of success:

Did you know that people fear success just as much as failure? Why? Because success leads to CHANGE. Eek. Success leads to us living differently. It may mean that we have opportunities that require us to change where we live, how we spend our time, who we are around, what we value. How we see ourselves changes. WE change. The people in our lives see us differently and sometimes they don’t like it. Our success threatens their excuses. Our

belonging comes into question. We will no longer be able to complain about our failures… what will we talk about!? Ultimately, we fear we’ll be rejected once again. You deserve success. You are worthy of living your dreams. In fact, you were put here to live your dreams because if you do—and you share what you have to offer this world—you help other people in the process, not only because you share your knowledge and wisdom but because your example gives others permission to do the same. And, if you don’t go for your dreams you rob them of the benefit you could have offered.

Fear of work

You may feel like you’re already busy and adding more to your workload seems like a burden. Or maybe you’re simply overwhelmed at the thought of all of the things you’ll have to do. However, if you learn how to CHUNK the work you have to do, it won’t feel overwhelming. Overcoming overwhelm: When you feel overwhelmed it is because what you have to do has not been broken down into small enough bite-size goals. Just like you cannot eat an entire meal in one bite, you cannot create and market your coaching packages in 1 hour. With both, you only have to bite off one piece at a time. You can start small. You don’t have to create an empire, just create your program outline or work with one practice client. Once you’ve got that down, move to the next step, and over time it will expand. You’re not trying to start a Fortune 500 Company. Don’t overcomplicate it. For example, when we started our magazine the thought of all the moving parts could have driven us into an inability to follow through. However, we took the smaller steps trusting that as it grew, we’d

get the help we needed to tackle the added workload brought about by expansion. Making time: So, you might be thinking, “how will I find the time to achieve all the things that need to be done?” You make it. People make time for things that are important. But, they also waste a lot of it. That wasted time can hold the secret key to successfully creating your life coaching business. Remember, you’re not just creating a business—you’re putting your years of passion and wisdom into a program that will transform people’s lives. You’ll be creating an income for yourself that can transform your life. This fits into the category of things that are important. And so, if you lead a busy life and you need to make time, SOMETHING’S GOTTA GO. You’ve got 2 choices: 1) Organize your life to free up time 2) Eliminate lesser important activities “Work” is not a dirty word: And finally, many people have a negative association with the word “work” because in their lives they’ve had to do work that they DID NOT LIKE. Work felt like something they HAD to do, like a chore. But, as life coach you’re doing work you WANT to do. It feels good! And, you’re doing it for YOU, not for someone else. It’s your choice. Regardless of the reasons you feel resistance or fear about putting yourself out into the world as a coach, you owe it to yourself and your future clients to GO ALL IN!

If you could help your clients create real transformation in their lives, it is your moral obligation to do so. To succeed is the least selfish act.

Ignite Life with Natalie Rivera

Natalie Rivera is a firestarter, speaker and entrepreneur. She is passionate about empowering others to GET REAL and live authentically. After a decade of living a life that wasn’t hers and developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Natalie let go of everything and completely transformed. Through her journey to healing she rediscovered her true self and greater purpose—to inspire others to transform their lives. Natalie “retired” from the rat race at 24, put herself through school as a freelance designer, created a non-profit teen center, and later created Transformation Services, Inc., which offers motivational speaking, curriculum development, life coaching, event management, and publishing. She is also the Publisher of Transformation Magazine. Visit http://www.transformation-academy.com.


Stretch into Spring

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Jacob Postuma


How to use stretching to open your heart and touch your inner essence. By Arielle Giordano Stretching your nervous system and stretching your heart can hurt—but it is that good kind of hurt that will open your potential. If you don’t realize this, and you stretch out of your comfort zone, it will be easy for you to think that you are doing something wrong—and you might make the decision to never do it again because there is some pain in the process. Don’t make that mistake. It is only when pain and hurt accompany the opening that you touch your inner essence. When you first realize the goodness of opening within through stretching, and the subtle knowledge it releases, know that a valuable experience will follow. There is true wisdom in the experience, so don’t just take it at face value. Discern what you actually taking from the movement— and love it. When you workout hard in the gym and you haven’t done so in a long time, the next day your whole body is sore. But you know that this is a path to

physical strength, and if you keep up the practice you will see results over time. The same is true when we expose our nervous system and heart to stretching workouts—when we push our emotional limits and stretch our capacity for compassion and love; when we dare to feel the pain that will help to expand our range of motion and our consciousness. We should not recoil and retreat just because something makes our heart ache or brings up painful emotions. Instead, we need to look deep within and engage in moving through a workout to become stronger. For example, when someone is not moving along, and you feel impatient, notice how the impatience hurts. If you listen to your own discomfort, it is easy to draw the conclusion that you need to focus on changing other person to alleviate your pain. At this point, step back and realize that you can sit in the pain and practice patience, which will make you wiser and stronger and more understanding. That is true growth!

As you go forward, carefully examine everything in your life and— when something hurts—become willing to stretch and grow. This approach will lead to true self-realizations because it melds body, mind, and spirit. Do you really grow by stretching and listening within? Yes! When we stretch and grow our deepest knowing from our emotions, dreams, and trauma can be released at many different levels. Be open and soft in your heart, and learn to love listening like you did when you were a child and the world seemed full of fascination and wonder.

It doesn’t matter how old you are or at what stage of life you are in— there is always an inner light that can shine brighter from your heart.

Dancing from the Inside Out with Arielle Giordano Arielle Giordano’s new book, Dancing with Your Story from the Inside Out, was released in March 2017. With a Masters of Arts and Masters of Education, Arielle is an author, professional dancer, inspirational speaker, certified Essentrics/Aging Backwards instructor, and workshop facilitator. She enjoys sharing her gifts and talents with an authentic style rich in the grace of dance, psychology, philosophy and the expressive arts. Her career includes: provisional psychologist, guidance counselor and substance-abuse therapist. As a Lead Faculty Area Chairperson and Faculty Member for College of Humanities at the University of Phoenix, she inspired students with her creative gifts. She also writes for Tampa Bay Wellness, We Woman and Transformation Magazine.


Every Job Ma�ers

Photo Credit: Pixabay/StockSnap



When we work fully and positively, recognizing its value, our attitude then becomes one of giving and thinking of those who will benefit. By Noelle Sterne Do you wake in the morning and groan? Not because you can’t face another spartan breakfast of dry toast and skim milk, but because you dread your day job? All you crave is to stay home and paint, write, work on your latest interior design, or binge-watch Baywatch reruns. But you force yourself to get up, grumbling, and stub your toe on the pile of your rolled-up canvases, novel drafts, swatch catalogues, or last night’s popcorn kernels. As you rush out the door, you scowl deeper, anticipating another awful day at work. Such an attitude, which I too have harbored, is harmful, even damaging, to our psyche, our present job, and our future creative work. The remedy smacked me in the face right at my desk. Inscribed on my little blue vase of dried flowers to the left of my computer screen was this message: “Bloom Where You Are Planted.” This notion may sound cliché, distasteful, or outrageous. But, as a minister’s experience, described below, and my own show, you can change how you look at your distasteful job, how you feel, and thereby what you experience—and get closer to the dream of what you know is your “real” job.

Your Terrible Day Job

Paul had always wanted to work for the church and someday pastor his own flock. Just out of seminary, he joyfully accepted a post at the headquarters administrative offices. On his first day, the assistant office manager showed him to his office. Paul stepped into a badly lit cubicle with


a single lamp, a desk, and a worn wooden chair. Stacks of letters obscured the desktop, and squeezed among them rested a large, almost vintage electronic typewriter. Paul’s elation and ego fell flat. The assistant manager informed Paul he was expected to answer a certain number of letters daily, and they would be reviewed by the supervisor before mailing. “Good luck.” The man left. Paul sighed, guiltily wishing this prayer hadn’t been answered. He sat gingerly on the hard chair, poked at the typewriter, and took the top letter from the nearest pile. And so began weeks of toil. Paul managed to produce the required number of letters, but he developed eyestrain, backache, and an unpleasant disposition. After work, he ate too much, watched too much television, and found it harder to get up each day. One Friday, Paul’s supervisor took him aside. “I know you’re doing your best,” said Mr. Rennie, “but something is obviously bothering you.” Eyes down, Paul mumbled, “I’m fulfilling my quota.” “True,” said Mr. Rennie. “Your letters address the issues, but they’re”—he raised his hands as if looking for the right word—“uninspired. And several people in the office have noticed your negativity.” Paul squirmed. Needing this job, he didn’t want to admit his dissatisfactions. Mr. Rennie, a kindly man who saw Paul’s distress, suggested they meet after work the coming Friday at the local coffee shop to talk more. Paul agreed, feeling still uncomfortable but slightly relieved. In the coffee shop, Paul found himself telling this surprisingly sympathetic man about his excitement at acceptance to the headquarters. He smiled

for the first time in months. Then he burst out, “But I got the most insignificant job in the whole place!” “Oh, Paul,” said Mr. Rennie, smiling. “No. You have one of the most important jobs in the whole place.” Paul looked bewildered. “For so many people, you’re the very first contact with our church. Your reply determines whether they get the information, support, and comfort they need. Your responses answer their prayers!” Paul’s eyes widened. He’d never seen his job this way.

See Your Day Job Differently For the entire weekend, Paul thought about Mr. Rennie’s words and prayed for long periods. And he had no desire to overeat or watch too much television. By Sunday night, Paul realized several things. He had viewed his letterwriting as only menial and boring. Now, he saw, his letters gave people what they needed. Wasn’t his mission as a pastor to help, whatever the form? On Monday, Paul bounded out of bed, arrived early at work, smiled at everyone, and dove into the letters. A few months later, Paul was transferred to another position and progressed through the organization. After several years, he pastored his first congregation and went on to establish his large, successful ministry in New York City. What was Paul’s lesson—and ours? He learned to see his job differently and then acted differently. How we act applies to all of us who feel dissatisfied, frustrated, annoyed, or downright

enraged about where we are in our lives, careers, and creative pursuits.

Perform Your Day Job Differently When I had an office job, my attitude was much like Paul’s first one. I constantly complained to my friend Peggy about the boss, the excessive work, my constant exhaustion, and how I’d never get to write, my true passion. Peggy, so wise and spiritual, waited until I finished grousing and said quietly, “To get out of this job, plunge into it. Give it a hundred and fifty percent.” “What!” She nodded and said nothing more. I huffed for a few days but finally succumbed to Peggy’s advice. At the office, I concentrated only on the work and doing it well. To my shock, everything went smoother. I stopped resenting the boss and felt less spent when I got home. Most evenings I even wrote for a half hour. Feeling better, I became friendly with office colleagues. As I told them about my writing, they asked for help with letters, announcements, children’s stories. Word got around, and I took more assignments. Eight months later, I was able to leave the office job.

What’s the Bloomin’ Lesson? Our problem isn’t the work, tasks, circumstances, or environment. Think of prisoners of war and victims of natural disasters. How do so many rise out of their terrible conditions? They embrace a hopeful, undaunted outlook. And here’s the big lesson: Our attitudes influence our experiences. How do you feel clearing a friend’s dishes after a party or your family’s nightly after dinner? Washing your watercolor brushes or the house painting brushes? Getting wet at the pool party or in the rain on the way to the office? How

can you transfer the enjoyment of one to the aggravation of the other? When we bloom where we’re planted, we invest ourselves wholly in the work before us, whatever it is, however we may have judged it. As the Zen saying goes, chop wood, carry water. This statement means to do your work fully and positively, recognizing its value—waiting tables, washing clothes, balancing accounts, chauffeuring children, writing poems. Your attitude then becomes one of giving and thinking of those who will benefit. My little blue vase reminds us, as both Paul and I discovered, that the lesson is to see and do your initially detested work in a different light. When you bless others this way, the blessings will and must come back to you multiplied.

Remember that your work, whatever it is, is good work. Every job matters and contributes. Hold to and act on these thoughts. Bloom where you’re planted, and your good work will metamorphose, slowly or speedily but inevitably, into your good creative works.

Trust Your Life Now with Noelle Sterne, Ph.D. Noelle Sterne, Ph.D. (Columbia University), author, mainstream and academic editor, writing coach, workshop leader, and spiritual counselor, has published over 400 writing craft and spiritual pieces, personal and academic essays, poems, and fiction in print and online periodicals and blog sites. Publications include Author Magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Children’s Book Insider, Funds for Writers, InnerSelf, Inside Higher Ed, New Age Journal, Ruminate, Thesis Whisperer, Transformation Magazine, Textbook and Academic Authors Association Blog, Two Drops of Ink, Unity Magazine, The Writer, and Writer’s Digest. In Trust Your Life: Forgive Yourself and Go After Your Dreams (Unity Books, 2011), Noelle helps readers release regrets and reach lifelong yearnings. In Challenges in Writing Your Dissertation: Coping with the Emotional, Interpersonal, and Spiritual Struggles (Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2015) she helps doctoral candidates complete their degrees. Noelle is finally rounding the completion corner of her first novel. For more, see Noelle’s website: http://www.trustyourlifenow.com. Noelle’s webinar on writing appears in the Writing Gym of Textbook and Academic Authors Association: ”Get Started, Continue Your Draft, and Finish!” (Click Here)


Photo Credit: Pixabay/Alexsander 777

Believe and Receive

“We teach what we most need to learn.” —Richard Bach, Illusions By Gregg Sanderson So here I am writing an article on prosperity. Some time ago in meditation, I asked a question of my Higher Self, Spirit Guide, God, BOB (The Being of Bliss) ... Whatever... “How come, O Great One, although I do affirmations, study prosperity, tithe, cut out pictures of money, and carry a fake million dollar bill in my wallet,


my ­four-figure bank balance still has two of them to the right of the decimal point? “Yet, there are those who do none of this. Their ethics are questionable, outlook materialistic, and they barely contribute enough for a meaningful tax deduction. They lie, cheat, and kick puppies, never do an affirmation nor read Catherine Ponder, still they’re loaded with dough. How come, O Great One, How come?” My answer came in a flash, “Money’s not up for them.”

But it’s obviously up for me, and I just set myself back again by writing a cute little line about my bank balance. I’m so clever, I made it all the way back to stupid. You see, our thoughts are creative whether we want them to be or not, and when they’re inconsistent, it’s like driving with a bad clutch—lurch and screech, lurch and screech. We do visualization and affirmation and prayer and meditation to get in the proper frame of mind. Then let slip something like “I’m broke,” or “I can’t afford it,” and it’s back to square one, because the Universe always says, “Yes” to everything we think or say. I once read about Baird Spalding, author of The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, and that he would give away all his money at the end of each day. He was always supplied with more.

As an enthusiastic student of metaphysics, I decided to try it. In our Monday morning class, I emptied my wallet and gave it to the teacher (Big sport. I knew I had just $13.00). But on my way back to my seat, she who shall remain nameless (Marla) said, “What about your spare?” She knew I always carried a spare $50 bill. As the southerners say, “Bless her heart.” In a state of shock, I handed over the $50.00 bill. Don’t tell me BOB doesn’t have a sense of humor! Before we left the class, somebody gave me $10.00 with which I bought lunch. All week thereafter, people came by the house to give us money, and our

workshop that had only nine sign-ups on Monday went off Saturday with our largest attendance ever—94 people and it was a smashing success. Ever since then, I’ve been afraid to repeat that stunt. So what’s my point? Just this. We may talk a good game about abundance and prosperity, but until we truly believe it all the way down to the gutsiest gut, it’s just a lot of words. Ernest Holmes calls it embodiment. When every fiber of my being believes in unlimited supply, it will truly manifest as I declare it. Meanwhile, I just keep pluggin’ along. Here’s a quick test to see if you have embodied a consciousness of true prosperity: Answer as honestly as you can: Do you use discount coupons? Do you have clothes still in your closet you wouldn’t wear on a bet? When you buy something and later see it on sale, does it hurt? Three “Yes” answers and you still have some work to do on your prosperity consciousness. Same for two or one.

The awesome Truth: In the restaurant of life it’s OK to order from the left side of the menu. BOB’s buying.

Happiness is BS with Gregg Sanderson

Gregg Sanderson is author of Spirit With A Smile, The World According To BOB. He is a licensed practitioner in the Centers for Spiritual Living, and a Certified Trainer for Infinite Possibilities. His earlier books were, What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens—Easing The Pain Of Divorce. His latest project is the New Thought Global Network, where subscribers can enjoy the best in New Thought presentations from anywhere at any time. You can see it at http://www.newthoughtglobal.org.


Photo Credit: Unsplash/Andrea The Seed of an IdeaRiezzo


Instead of planting in rich garden soil, an idea, spun out of human imagination, is planted in the vast universal consciousness where it waits to become something. By Jo Mooy I sliced open a ripe tomato to add to a salad. It should have been a normal thing to do, requiring no particular contemplation. But this one did. I stopped slicing because it engaged all my focus. Inside the tomato were about 30 yellow seeds, many of them falling across the cutting board. The salad went on hold as I stared at the seeds. Questions raced through my mind. How did one single Campari tomato have so many seeds inside? Did each seed have the potential of becoming a tomato plant? Would that plant then produce a crop of more tomatoes? Would each of those tomatoes also contain dozens of seeds? Did the cycle of seed to plant to seed to plant ever stop? If so, when? I learned that gardeners plant two seeds per pot, expecting one to germinate. Most of the time, many seedlings appear and need to be “thinned out.” When fully grown each tomato plant can create 200 tomatoes. The process made me wonder why the Earth wasn’t awash in tomatoes. For that matter, if the entire plant kingdom behaved like the tomato then logically such abundance could feed billions. Standing at the kitchen sink, mind engrossed in tomato seeds, it

wasn’t a stretch to realize that an idea could be a metaphor for a seed. Instead of planting in rich garden soil, an idea, spun out of human imagination, is planted in the vast universal consciousness where it waits to become something. The similarity of seed and idea wavered at this point—though at their core they’re the same thing. A tomato seed is always a potential tomato. It isn’t going to become a zucchini. It can only create other tomatoes. An idea, on the other hand, can become anything. An idea can start as a random thought and soon spread into an extraordinary vision. When shared with others who embrace the same or a similar vision, it becomes fixed in consciousness and the vision takes form. In 1987 there was an exceptional alignment of planets in the solar system. The sun, moon, and six planets aligned to form a grand trine of two equilateral triangles in the sky. The visual symbol of two overlapping planetary triangles captured the imagination of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. The seeds were planted and a movement emerged from this state of collective consciousness called The Harmonic Convergence. The Harmonic Convergence was one of the first world convocations that emerged from the planting

of a visionary seed. It was believed that the planetary alignment signaled an energetic turning point to a more peaceful way of living. Groups that subscribed to that vision convened all over the planet to hold a coordinated period of meditation that lasted two days. Just like the tomato contained many seeds, so did the Harmonic Convergence—and those seeds were ignited in thousands of people on every continent. They subsequently carried the ideas and ideals from 1987 forward, creating endearing goodwill along with communities of peace. I was sitting in the dark on top of the Ramapo Mountains in northern New Jersey during the Harmonic Convergence. I participated in the worldwide meditation along with dozens of local spiritual friends. At dawn my visionary seed was firmly planted. I didn’t know how it would take form. But the vision was clear. I knew that within a short number of years my life was going to change dramatically. I sensed that I would leave the Northeast and move south. I knew without question that groups, joined together in frequent meditation, would become a major part of that vision. I waited patiently, allowing the idea to grow. In January 2006 the vision took form in Southwest Florida and became real.

Conscious Living with Jo Mooy

Jo Mooy has studied with many spiritual traditions over the past 40 years. The wide diversity of this training allows her to develop spiritual seminars and retreats that explore inspirational concepts, give purpose and guidance to students, and present esoteric teachings in an understandable manner. Along with Patricia Cockerill, she has guided the Women’s Meditation Circle since January 2006 where it has been honored for five years in a row as the “Favorite Meditation” group in Sarasota, FL, by Natural Awakenings Magazine. Teaching and using Sound as a retreat healing practice, Jo was certified as a Sound Healer through Jonathan Goldman’s Sound Healing Association. She writes and publishes a monthly internationally distributed e-newsletter called Spiritual Connections and is a staff writer for Spirit of Maat magazine in Sedona. For more information go to http://www.starsoundings.com or email jomooy@gmail.com.


Photo Credit: Unsplash/Alex Block

Where to Get More Love

The guru and God we strive to reach out there are really our own Self. 32

By Alan Cohen A seminar participant asked me, “How can I let in more love from my girlfriend?” I told him, “It’s not your girlfriend’s love you need to let in. It’s your own love you need to let out.” We have consistently been taught that what we need is out there

somewhere, and our task is to import it. This quest applies to material objects like cars and flat-screen TVs, as well as spiritual experiences like love from a romantic partner or salvation from a savior. This never-ending search is based on the lie that you are somehow flawed or lacking, and if you can just get what you need from

some outer source, you will become whole. But you can never become whole because the quest is based on the illusion that you are broken, and any campaign based on an illusion must fail. Contrary to what you have been taught, you were created in utter perfection. Your real goal, then, is not to import your good, but to 33

accept the good you already are. This is why the master yogi Paramahansa Yogananda called his organization “Self-Realization Fellowship.” We are not going for self-improvement. We are going for self-knowing. A Course in Miracles tells us, “Only what you have not given can be lacking in any situation.” This statement is highly confrontive, even insulting to the ego, which swears that if something in your life is missing, it is because someone or something out there is withholding it. Our pain is always someone else’s fault: My husband doesn’t share my spiritual path; my parents don’t understand me; my ex- doesn’t raise my kids properly; my company doesn’t pay me enough; the government won’t acknowledge my gay marriage. Our emptiness never has anything to do with our own consciousness, ego argues; we are innocent victims. We can resolve such frustrating situations by reaching into ourselves and claiming the experience we seek. Tony Robbins suggests a 90day marriage-saving technique. When a client complains to Tony that his or her partner is not giving enough to the marriage, Tony asks the client to invest more of himself or herself in the relationship. If you want more truth from your partner, give more truth to him or her. If you seek listening, listen. If you want your partner to share your path, make an effort to share his or her path. If, after you have given all you can for 90 days, the relationship is still not working, Tony suggests, feel free to leave. Yet in most cases the relationship

works better because you recognize yourself as the source of your empowerment, rather than demanding that your partner fill an illusory gap. This dynamic creeps more subtly into many spiritual paths and religions that teach you to draw energy from your mentor, guru, or savior. If you absorb positive healing energy, you will be healed. So you sit quietly and open yourself to take in the chi, prana, mana, orgone energy, or whatever you name it. Then you feel better and thank the guru for healing you. This technique surely works, and if this is your spiritual practice, I absolutely encourage you to continue. Any method that achieves healing is valid, and should be used as much as possible. All healing is of God, regardless of the channel through with it comes. Yet eventually you must consider whether or not the healing energy is coming from outside you or from within you. Is your guru or savior really a separate entity who transmits healing, or does he or she live in your own mind? Could your spiritual master be an aspect of your own higher self? Thus you are not reaching out for your answer, but tapping in. Ram Dass’s guru Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji) told him, “Guru, God, and Self are one.” This is the meditation of a lifetime! The guru and God we strive to reach out there are really our own Self. There is no separation. We make up stories of division and then struggle to bridge a gap that doesn’t exist.

Rather than seeking a guru to save you, seek to dissolve the false sense of separation that tells you that the guru lives in India rather than your own heart. In a sense, the ego is absolutely correct in telling you that the answer is out there. The answer is far beyond the ego’s own resources. A Course in Miracles tells us, “You cannot be your own guide to miracles, because it is you who made them necessary.” You will never get yourself out of trouble by using the same mind that got you into it. The self that is trying to help is the self that needs help. To be healed, you must reach beyond your current idea of self, which is quite limited and ultimately fictitious. What appears to be the outer teacher lives within you; he or she is the most valid part of yourself. The outer teacher is your “permission slip” to receive what you already own. Keep using that permission slip as long as it works; it is a blessing from God. Yet the greatest blessing is to recognize that God and all good dwell within you, as you. Then you won’t need to let in more love from your partner or the world. You will already own all the love you could ever need.

Get Real with Alan Cohen

Alan Cohen is the bestselling author of the newly released Spirit Means Business, illuminating how you can successfully merge your career and financial path with your spiritual life. He will present a program related to this book on the U.S. Mainland (West Coast) in August. For more information about this program, Alan’s books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes, online courses, and weekly radio show, visit http://www.AlanCohen.com.



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