January 2011 Transformation Magazine

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Events Section Title Real Community Life Transformation

A Brand New YOU 4

AWAKENING with the Editor The Story of Transformation Magazine She Did It! Karen’s I CAN DO IT! Story Positive Change: Introducing Holy Mole New Years Resolutions You Can Keep Finding Your YES! Optimism Enlightened Relationships: Joeel’s Story Angels and Inspirations Column Parenting in a Conscious World How to Survice Flu Season, Naturally Ask Dr. ZZ Column Out Your Ego... wake up to who you are The Way It Is: BOB’s Story, Part II Spiritually Speaking: Nostalgia Try Posi Music for a Change You Reap What You Sow

6 8 10 12 14 17 19 21 24 27 30 31 33 35 37


38 44


For A

Brand New YEAR

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For advertising information and to request a Media Kit, email: ads@suncoasttransformation.com If you have an idea for an article or would like to submit your personal transformation story or artwork for the cover, email: editor@suncoasttransformation.com

(941) 479-0323 Visit Transformation Online www.SuncoastTransformation.com Š Copyright 2011 Transformation Magazine. All rights reserved. Transformation Magazine is published monthly by Transformation Services. The information provided herein is for entertainment and personal development purposes and should not be construed as health care diagnosis or therapeutic service. The publishers do not necessarily agree or disagree with the views contained herein. Proofreading done by www.BartonProofing.com


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Natalie is a Transformation Coach who has worked with hundreds of individuals seeking to live a life of purpose and genuine relationship with their true selves, others, and their world. She believes in uncovering the core of life challenges and creating change by rewriting our scripts and rewiring our brains. This column addresses the Awakening and the resulting transformations being seen and experienced in our community and within our own lives.

•••••••••••••••••• Be the Change

The Story of Transformation Magazine The most powerful stories are those that are about personal transformation, about people who live and breathe and are the change they want to see. We encourage all of you, our readers, to consider sharing your own personal stories of transformation, as your life lessons and experiences may be just what others need to hear to inspire them along their own journeys. Because we ask our readers to share themselves with the community in an intimate way, the publishers of Transformation are willing to do the same. Joeel is sharing a personal story in this issue on page 17, and you will read my personal story in these pages next month. This month, we are sharing the story of how Transformation Magazine came to be. A Seed Was Planted We were finishing a Laughter Yoga session taught by Velora Peacock and were talking with Doni Doty, the owner of The Chakra Center in Sun City Center. In the midst of our excited conversation (we had just finished laughing for 30 minutes) Doni mentioned that:

“I wish there were a magazine that united the spiritual and personal-development community.” What a great idea, we thought. We left without another thought about it, but a seed had been planted. A Seed Grows Only in Fertile Ground Without us realizing it, the experiences of both of our lives have been cultivating the garden of Transformation. Our personal and professional experiences have conspired to make us perfectly suited for this endeavor. When I began my career in marketing 10 years ago, I had no idea that I would one day be utilizing the skills I gained as magazine layout artist. When Joeel received his Masters Degree in Counseling or finished his last class for his Ph.D. in Psychology, he never would have guessed


he would be reaching thousands of individuals through a community magazine. When we both started a non-profit youth center, neither of us had a clue that we would one day embark on an even greater adventure together (more about this story next month). One thing we did know was that even though we had reached hundreds of people through our workshops and life coaching, we felt a strong pull to reach a broader audience. We both knew, and have always known, that we were meant to empower individuals, to expand people’s minds, and to change the community on a larger scale. Looking back at both of our paths it is clear to see that Transformation Magazine is our purpose. Growing Season It wasn’t so much the seed being planted that made it blossom, it was that it was perfect timing – it just so happened that it was growing season. A few months prior to “the planting” Joeel was completing his contract teaching Psychology for a local college. I had spent the last year as a Life Coach. We were at a crossroads and in much need of a break in order to clear our minds, evaluate our options, and reconnect back to nature. We got just such an opportunity and spent nearly a month of Joeel’s period of unemployment in Puerto Rico, where we could live practically for free. Remaining there long-term was very enticing, but something felt like it was pulling us back to Florida. When we returned, potential “corporate” positions presented themselves and the offer of gainful employment was tempting - but deep in our cores we knew that there was something else we needed to be doing. We just didn’t know what it was. We had a conversation one night that we were going to stop preaching about faith, limitlessness, abundance, and following your purpose, and we were going to BE THE CHANGE; we were going to live it. We made the decision not to continue to pursue traditional employment. We were determined to create our own employment, which we had both done before, however at that moment we had no idea what that would be or where our finances would be coming from. Let me be clear here that aside from my meager earnings as a life coach, we had no financial support (initially) to carry us through this unknown process we were about to undertake. This is important for you to know, as:

This story is truly one about two people following Divine guidance and living in alignment with their purpose – supported only by faith. The seed was planted the day after we made the commitment to opening ourselves to finding what we were being pulled to do. Once the idea of a magazine that would connect the community and empower individuals made its way into our garden, we knew with every fiber of our being that this is something we had to do – whether we knew how to do it or not. Bloom Where You Are Planted

As all life does, we did the only thing we could – bloomed where we were planted.

We researched printers, placed ads for writers and employees, made connections to New Thought Churches, health food stores, and healing practitioners. We were immediately flooded with responses, and not only was the community interested in and supportive of what we were creating – they were excited! Nearly every day since we’ve began we have heard someone tell us:

“I have been praying for this!” Blossoming Literally six weeks after inception, the first issue of Transformation Magazine was born. Although it has taken countless nights working until the wee hours of the morning and 12 hour days on the road, Joeel and I cannot claim responsibility for the success of Transformation Magazine. All of those individuals who have been setting the intention for a spiritually-minded magazine and a platform for connecting and transforming the community – YOU created Transformation Magazine. All of the supporters – the writers, the advertisers, the distributors, our employees, and the readers who are sharing and spreading the light – YOU are growing Transformation Magazine.

Readers, writers, advertisers, publishers – together WE are transforming the community. Grow With Us Our vision is to connect the community and raise each individual and the whole to higher levels of conscious living. To help individuals connect and share the journey with others who are also evolving into their true, higher selves. To support and build-up independent practitioners and small businesses that help community members improve their lives. We aspire to change the community from the inside out – within the heart of each individual that chooses to join with us on this journey of transformation.

We envision a community where we all work in cooperation, knowing that we live in an abundant universe and that we will do more together than we ever could separately. Call us flowery, woo-woo, mamsy-pamsy, or even idealistic, but this is the community we intend on creating. One in which we live intimately with each other in our humanity; spiritual beings living a human experience. We invite you to join us and be the change that YOU want to see. Tell your story, promote your conscious business, spread the light, empower yourself, and/or support the conscious businesses who have so graciously aligned themselves with Transformation Magazine. We are truly grateful for all of you who have joined with us in support of this vision for our community. Remember the moral to our story: change happens when you make a decision. Decide to transform with us!

Cover Artist

2011 Manifestation Mandala This is a powerful transcendent year! This year is in perfect harmony between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine which opens the opportunity for remarkable realized manifestations. K. Allen Kay (Keith) - Transformational Artist Keith has spent many years researching esoteric writings, ancient religions and spirituality with a special interest in Sacred Geometry, Numerology and Quantum Physics. This study has created the foundation for his work today. Combining his passion for spiritual artwork, science and spirituality Keith has developed a unique and artistic form of expression called Energy Mandalas. These Energy Mandalas are created using Quantum Fractal Technology and personal numerology. Each individual Mandala is unique and contains a powerful intention for limitless expansion for each Mandala that Keith creates. Client feedback continues to affirm the powerful transformative aspects of Keith’s personalized art. Keith is a speaker; teacher and energy worker who has created several programs and technologies that are integral to transformation. Keith’s transformational work has opened an expansion of that which includes animation and a new field that he has named BioMagnetic Field Remapping. This technology combines a variety of technologies and helps clients transform specific patterns that create their life. You can see Keith’s work at: www.FractalEnergyMandala.com and http://facebook.com/QuantumFractal



Karen’s Story of the I CAN DO IT! Conference

When my husband Danny and I met Joeel and Natalie, the editors of our areas wonderful new Transformation Magazine, we had no idea that I had won first-place in their contest in the November 2010 Premier issue. Their contest was to write about one’s own transformational journey. The grand prize was two tickets to a full three-day weekend experiencing the nationally renowned speakers of the “I CAN DO IT” conference. The Sunday before my experience was to begin, I had an experience of a different kind, tripping and falling face first at a friend’s house while visiting in Atlanta. The trip however (no pun intended) actually set stage for the preceding series of events that was to be experienced on the upcoming weekend.

The series of events that was to follow was truly inspirational and revolutionary. After an emergency room visit and leaving with two arms in casts and slings, the look was indeed pitiful. Glancing in a mirror and chuckling, the reflection resembled more of a little wounded bird with broken wings rather than a green preschool owner/teacher. The airport experience is anything but pleasant however things began magically happening, situation to situation and moment to moment. After arriving home to Sarasota the orthopedic, Dr. Sugar, removed the right cast as my elbow was not fractured after all. Praise God! Going from two casts down to one for the five weeks was an amazing blessing. Husband Danny and Mama Wanda lovingly cared for the school keeping everyone loved and safe, allowing the broken wing to heal. Being a cancer survivor since 1993 of a 6” Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma tumor on the heart, I have a belief system that God never gives us anything he knows we cannot handle. Hummm, and now a broken wrist, what’s a girl to do? Attending the conference and enjoying the victory of winning the tickets was just like dipping my big toe into a pool of sparkling cool water that ripples and ripples into connections of all the people to meet and all lessons that were to be humanly learned.

As expected, the universe did not waste any time presenting God’s miracles. Why? Because asking and expecting miracles is easy. Trying to get on a plane in the wheelchair with two full-length arm casts was not so easy. Upgrading two tickets to first-class


was even easier and not a normal practice for someone who would rather spend the money on vegetable plants or garden supplies.

The magic started before the conference even began. Standing at the parking meter, preparing to enter the Conference Center, we spot a young woman holding a stack of Transformation Magazines. I mention to her that I was the winner of the contest and the author of the story on page 4. It turns out that this young lady was Emily Andrews, one of Transformation’s columnists. After wiggling into the comfy seats of the fist session, this intense urge to pop up and relocate to the adjacent classroom occurred, and we did. In Sonia Choquette’s opening statement, Sonia remarkably expressed the importance of “In this time and age, we must take control of our lives and stop living our lives on standby”. She then extended her arms and invited her audience to:

Make the life-shifting decision of ‘upgrading to first class.’ WHAT? Did she just say “upgrade your life to first class”? Astonished and looking at the soul mate beside me, both wiggled our eyebrows in unison. Wow! Making it next into Deborah Knight’s presentation, she requested volunteers from the audience who needed healing. Humm, a broken wrist needs healing. I stood up and wailed the good arm anxiously to catch her eye. Going onstage and expecting her to know the casted arm needed healing; she chose to remove some negative energy instead, stating that the results could come as quickly as in a day as the body heals. Amazingly, upwards of 20 strangers approached the next day inquiring on the healing progress. Feeling better indeed began that same day, and as energy increased the coincidences, or better yet GOD sequences, prevailed on and on. The next session was Jean Haner’s Children’s Face Reading. The next lesson learned would have been beneficial to have learned in childhood. It was right in front of my face my whole life. The reflection in my mirror is reflecting the image of what is now understood to be a “gift”. It was explained that a high forehead (which is a painful childhood memory of daily teasing) is now an indication of being a highly spiritual and

intuitive person. This facial characteristic also indicates strong ancestral attachments, she explained. Every face holds its own patterning, stories, every line and wrinkle indicating a meaning or message. No mistakes, no flaws she was happy to see “joy lines”, her name for crow’s feet. Joy lines, sounds even better, don’t you agree? Joy lines apparently are something to be proud of for accomplishment to experiencing life’s lessons. Looking at a crow in the near future will defiantly be a changed vision. Sitting in a ballroom speckled again with hundreds of comfy chairs were 900 people. It was amazing to feel the stillness and calm as Dr. Brien Weiss’ voice soothed us all into a meditative state. Awwww, breathe, breathe, breathe. As words were spoken and pictures were vividly produced individually deep into the quieted folds of the mind. Some experienced the lovely pearls of hypnotic peaceful state for the first time, while others traveled with him into a deeper journey. All awakened with more inner peace and relaxation as his voice was transforming to everyone within ear shot. Helpful friends and family continue to call with dinner invitations to their homes while the cast remains until just before Christmas. Fresh foods are lovingly delivered and friends come by to prepare it for a speedy recovery.

Blessings abound with each lesson when hearts open up to receive them. As the caterpillar transformed into a healthy butterfly as told in the November Transformation Magazine, the butterfly’s flight of lessons never falters. Life blessings continue to appear like the white whispery clouds. As magically as the dew forms over the still nights, transforming the mornings into new experiences and adventures, just sip it up and enjoy the hydration of each day and each gift, and don’t forget - to breathe and fly first class!


The Publishers would like to thank Karen Leonetti from Earth Angels Preschool in Sarasota again for sharing her amazing stories with us and our readers. Karen’s positive attitude, big heart, dedication to her students, passion to give of herself, and ability to see the joy, wonder, and miracles in every life lesson exemplify what Transformation Magazine is all about. You are an inspiration, Karen. Thank you for touching our lives.


Randy owns Triple 3 Marketing based in Sarasota. He’s a long term advocate for positive change having owned a couple community magazines since 1999. Randy sold Positive Change Media in April 2009 and took a year off before launching Triple 3 Marketing. In addition to helping business owners, he also provides private coaching. Randy has a masters degree in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where he studied persuasion and attitude change. Contact Randy at randy@triple3marketing.com.

Rick Hotton is stuck in time, but he’s not complaining. The 52-year-old cartoonist and long term resident of Sarasota lives life with the kind of soulful deliberation more commonly associated with an ancient temple or monastery. Hotton would rather observe the flight of a mud wasp or study a turtle munching on grass than watch a popular television show or sporting event. His reflective nature and reverence for life is the by-product of practicing and teaching martial arts since he was 14. Hotton has trained thousands of students over the years; 55 have earned their black belt under his skilled tutelage. It is Hotton’s regard for tradition and ritual that frames his outlook about life and the human experience. It’s also the essence of his award-winning cartoon Holy Mole, an original creation influenced by Eastern sensibilities and the etiquette of martial arts.

“Mindfulness is at the heart of my martial arts practice and Holy Mole” “Both involve an appreciation for the intrinsic spirit in everything and the deeper truths about living with focused awareness.” Hotton hand draws each strip with an ink pen on a plain sheet of paper. He uses a simple water color set to color the strips; the same inexpensive brand found in many elementary schools. The Holy Mole collection

features 900 strips, and current customers include 30 newspapers and magazines in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Great Britain. Most of the cartoon’s growth has occurred in the past several months, and the Holy Mole Facebook page has attracted more than 1,200 friends from around the world. Hotton sees Holy Mole as an unassuming crusader for mindful living in an era when people feel disconnected from the superficiality of modern times. His strips capture the angst and humor people feel about a culture obsessed with celebrity worship, new gadgets and continuous hype presented as news.

“Holy Mole reminds people what’s real and important; things like compassion, honor and the regard for the sacredness of life.” “It’s an expression of the kind of authenticity many people long for in their busy lives.” Hotton never set out to be a cartoonist or advocate for social change. The art form found him in 2005; first as a relaxing outlet and eventually as a creative way to encourage mindfulness and compassion. Holy Mole caught on quickly with early fans that began collecting and sharing Rick’s doodles. Today, he draws six new strips each week with a mindful focus that would impress any age. The central theme of Holy Mole is the hero’s journey to greater understanding and self-acceptance. It’s a familiar path of hope and courage that resonates with people of all ages. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Which path is right for me? The woodland critters in Holy Mole mirror our human tendency of stumbling forward in spite of our misunderstandings about ourselves and our circumstances.

Mole, the endearing star of Holy Mole, is the archetypal seeker, which is ironic given that moles are blind. It’s an intentional irony reminding us that our spiritual instincts provide us with clarity as long as we pay attention. Hotton finds fulfillment in knowing that sharing Holy Mole and teaching martial arts encourages mindfulness. “I’m one of many people that long for a kinder world,” he added. “Although the path can be difficult at times, we make our greatest progress when we share our journey with others. I feel that sense of connection when I’m training in the dojo and drawing a new cartoon strip. It’s a good feeling that gives me hope and a deep sense of purpose.”


Randall Moore helps Holy Mole build relationships with media customers around the world. He’s also a martial arts student in Rick’s dojo. Learn more online at triple3marketing.com. Join Holy Mole at facebook.com/holymolecartoon


The Dojo Kun embodies the core values of Rick Hotton’s martial arts dojo in Florida. Students recite the values at the beginning and ending of each training session. The same values are reflected in Hotton’s Holy Mole cartoon strip. 1. To strive for the perfection of character 2. To defend the paths of truth 3. To foster the spirit of effort 4. To honor the principles of etiquette 5. To guard against impetuous courage

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery from The Prince









You Absolutely Can Achieve By Rena Greenberg

It’s the dawn of the New Year and your motivation to take charge of your life is high. As you assess your life, your attention is steered to an area that you’d like to improve upon. Whether it’s losing ten pounds, eating more nutritious foods for the sake of your health, beginning an exercise regime or quitting smoking or drinking, your goals are lofty and feel like they are within your reach. Then just as you are beginning to feel the inevitable joy arise within you at the prospect of being all that you can be, the dreaded voices of doubt begin to barrage your senses.

“Who are you kidding; you make this commitment to yourself every year. Why would this time be any different?” “What makes you think you can do it? Just sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. Why set yourself up for disappointment?” Before you succumb to these negative voices, rise up to meet them by putting in place the following eight steps which are guaranteed to ensure your success and help you to create the life of your dreams. 1. Make the Goal Realistic Don’t set the bar too high. In other words,

If your goal is to begin exercising, avoid the temptation to run five miles the first day... ...and then fall over in exhaustion, thereby halting your inner commitment to get in shape this year. Instead, remember that slow and steady is what ultimately wins the race when it comes to achieving your goals. If you want to stop drinking and cold turkey has never worked for you before, begin to cut back and


set guidelines for yourself, e.g., I only drink on Saturday evening or I will not drink alone at home. 2. Stay Focused on Your Vision Rather than putting all your attention on any possible failures, focus your awareness on the outcome that you desire for yourself. Spend time fantasizing about the reward of achieving your higher potential. If your goal is to become an excellent public speaker, imagine the audience clapping and smiling with delight as you approach the podium. If you have been battling with nicotine addiction, use all your senses to help you relish in the wonderful feeling of living your life smoke-free, breathing easily. Take time to sense the relief and the joy of having your hair, clothes, furniture and car smell clean and fresh. Hear the sound of your inner voice and the voices of loved ones supporting you and congratulating you. 3. Model Success Find someone who has already accomplished your coveted goal and discern their wisdom in this area of their life. See if you can distill the steps they took to achieve what you desire to accomplish for yourself. Use the person who has already succeeded with what you are attempting to achieve, as a model for yourself to help you break free from any obstacles. Chances are they encountered similar challenges and by studying their method of success, you can obtain valuable information on how to get beyond these difficulties. 4. Believe in a New Possibility for Yourself

The past need not be a barometer of the future.

You are worthy of attaining the goals that mean so much to you. If there is anyone else that has what it takes to achieve the goal, know that you do, too. The key is belief in your self, perseverance and persistence. If you feel discouraged, remind yourself that it took Alexander Graham Bell fourteen years to invent the telephone. Even though Babe Ruth is famous for having the most home runs when he was alive and playing baseball, it’s helpful to realize that he also had the most strike-outs. Failure and success go hand-inhand when you are playing the game of life. Stay strong in your belief that you deserve the best life possible for yourself. 5. Set Attainable, Measurable Goals It makes it a whole lot easier to experience success when you have a measurable, realistic goal. Rather than focusing on a large goal that looms in the distance, such as eating only organic foods that you grow yourself, tell yourself that you will plant an herb garden with five or six fresh herbs within the next ten days. Find a time when you can comfortably shop for the plants, fertilizer and pots, and schedule it on your calendar. Then plan a few meals that will allow you the delicious reward of eating the nutritious greens that you have planted yourself. Setting these types of specific, reachable goals ensures the likelihood that you will ultimately live the type of life you desire. 6. An Action a Day Establishing positive momentum is the key.

Each day take a minimum of one positive action towards your goal. If your goal is to lose 20 lbs, make sure that every day you are moving in that direction. Keep one or two full glasses of water near your bed, so that when you wake up in the morning you can be sure to start your day with sufficient pure, fresh water to help cleanse your system. If you take the bus to work, get off the bus a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way. Have comfortable shoes in your bag to make it easier to follow through on this goal, despite the fact that it may be raining or you may feel tired, in the moment. Commit to taking these small actions regardless of your moods or the weather.

7. Ask for What You Want

Sometimes we are afraid to ask for what we want for fear that we won’t get it. If we don’t request it, however, we are far less likely to realize our dreams. Faith is essential when we are stepping into a new way of being. Take a few moments each day to bow your mind to your heart and just ask your Higher Self, God, or even the deepest place within your soul, to help you to find the courage, strength and wisdom within yourself to master this area of your life and be all that you can be in the world. Ask to be shown how you can not only change for yourself, but set a better example for others by living in this new way. Often when we set goals, not only to improve our own lives, but to create greater good for mankind, those positive impulses help to propel us forward. 8. Write Your Goals Down There is a certain power in writing things down. Write down very specifically what you wish to create for yourself and be sure to include details in your writing. For example you may jot down in your journal, “I am happy and vibrant. Every day I put on my headset and walk, jog, dance or rollerblade. I love to be outside in the park exercising, enjoying the fresh air and all the delightful sights, sounds and smells around me. It feels so good to be alive and move my body.” Writing these goals down will strengthen your own personal commitment. Following these eight steps will improve your ability to accomplish that which means so much to you. Every day affirm to yourself that you are worth it. You don’t have to let life’s challenges and distractions get in your way. This year, 2011, truly can be the year that you step into the fabulous, beautiful self that you truly are!


Rena Greenberg is the author of The Right Weight: Six Steps to Permanent Weight Loss used by over 100,000 People (Hay House Publishing 2006) and The Craving Cure: Break the Hold Carbs and Sweets Have on Your Life (McGraw-Hill 2007). She conducts weight loss seminars at hospitals on a regular basis. Rena is located in Sarasota and can be reached through her Web site at: www.EasyWillpower.com


Finding Your “Yes” By Terry Patten

Optimism vs. Pessimism About Humanity’s Prospects Today at breakfast, Bert Parlee and I were discussing our multiple simultaneous emergencies (overpopulation, climate change, culture wars, and the new emerging design vulnerabilities of a single globalized human life-support system). We considered how attitudes tend to polarize. Many extreme postmodernists feel very pessimistic. Their words are haunted by a quality of dread, a sense of impending calamity. And we considered how some of our Integral friends, reacting to the self-fulfilling prophetic defeatism of postmodern anxiety and doubt, have attempted to opt radically for optimism. Since history and evolution are always developmentally progressing forward towards greater depth, complexity, and consciousness, they have instilled optimism as an article of faith, perhaps even at the cost of going into denial of the likelihood of the global human economy being tested by some “500-year flood” type events—disastrous systemic shocks and large-scale socioeconomic dislocations. The Core Existential Question I told Bert that what I think haunts this discussion is a core existential question:

Are we inspired or discouraged by an uncertain, treacherous human future? Can we use our fear productively? The prospect of a new dark age, of a “Mad Max” descent into warrior consciousness, or of human extinction is so terrifying as to be mind-altering. We don’t want this for our grandchildren. Can we tolerate that possibility, and even be drawn to heroism by its potential eventuality? Is it worth working for evolution even if there’s a significant likelihood of evolutionary regression? For me, this all goes back to a stark confrontation I engaged in 2002-2003. For years I’ve pondered the koan of how to respond to this amazingly “interesting time” on planet Earth. During those years, I researched and wrote a (to be published) book, The Terrible Truth and


the Wonderful Secret: Answering the Call of Our Evolutionary Emergency. I looked closely at all the futuristic projections, whether they were inspiring, alarming, or depressing. I made it a practice to transcend my tendency to go into denial about what upset me. I felt like I was “putting my eyeballs in a vice” and forcing myself to look at all the potentials I found most upsetting. And at the end of the process, I realized that human knowledge was too incomplete, and my expertise was insufficient. The bottom line was that even though the world is out of balance, we just didn’t know—and couldn’t know—how bad (or good) things really are. We don’t know how severe or sudden climate change will be. We don’t know how much sea levels will rise. We don’t know how disruptive the transition will be from our unsustainable global financial, food, and transportation systems to sustainable ones. We cannot and will not be able to know how much disruption, pain, loss, and degradation are in store for us—or not. An Unconditional Commitment We don’t have to be caught in the dilemma of having to figure all this out, though. We don’t have to handicap this unknowable high-stakes evolutionary horse race. We can cut through all the mind chatter by asking a deeper and more essential question: Can I find in myself a no-matter-what commitment?

Under the worstcase scenario, can I nevertheless find inspiration to meet each new day with passion, resourcefulness, and selftranscending integrity? If, in my lifetime, beyond my control, no matter what I do, evolutionary history is doomed to pass some awful point of no return resulting in grim outcomes, will I still have a basis for going on? Can I, no matter what, find the spring in my step and the twinkle in my eye to come alive fully, to do whatever I can? And can I do it nobly, in service of something far greater than myself? Can I make my evolutionary

contribution, even if it seems tiny by comparison with the scale of deep time and a global 6 billion? Can I bring care, compassion, and consciousness into life just for the sake of doing so? Am I willing to invest my heart in evolutionary creativity without a guaranteed return? Can I find it exciting to help the human flower come an iota more fully into bloom even if it might be destined to wilt? Finding a “Yes” I struggled with these issues for a couple of years, working to grapple them to the mat. And, pinned, I found my answer. It was, and is—yes. And that yes makes all the difference.

Can you find your “yes”? Can you choose (again and again, every day) to live on the basis of an unconditional inspiration? If you can, you’ll step over a threshold into a different level of evolutionary responsibility and leadership. There’s a community building out here on the skinny branches. This is a transformational community, a powerful agreement, an amazing fellowship of Evolutionaries. It’s my experience that we seem to be in the process of summoning something miraculous into being. Are you called to be a part of that?


Integral Spiritual Practice founder, Terry Patten, is a leading voice in the fields of integral evolutionary practice, leadership, and spirituality. He speaks and consults internationally, inspiring, challenging, and connecting leaders and institutions worldwide. A communitybuilder, entrepreneur, and author of four books, Terry has worked for over three decades as a philosopher, activist, coach, and teacher.

Energies of Life— Medicine for the 21st Century

with David Feinstein, Ph.D. & Melanie Smith “Energy Medicine is both a complement to other approaches to medical care, as well as a complete system for self-care and self help.” ~Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine, Energy Medicine for Women, and co-author of The Promise of Energy Psychology.

January 14 & 15 Based on the understanding that the body is designed to heal itself and feel good, Energy Medicine taps into the rich storehouse of the body’s natural wisdom. Experience the power of Energy Medicine with Donna Eden—one of the world’s most sought after and joyous spokespersons in the field!

Get tickets and learn more at WingsBookstore.com or call (727) 522-6657.

4500 4th Street North | St Petersburg, FL 33703 Sponsored by: Well Within Natural Medicine, Inc.


By Dr. Robert Reck

I’m married to an optimist. She can see the bright side in any situation and is consistently hopeful and confident about the future. Moreover, I find her optimism is contagious; I’ve watched it spread through the family whenever she’s around. Personally, I’m a student of optimism. I have more ‘up’ than ‘down’ days – thanks to the presence of my spouse, but I’m aware of swings more than she appears to be. When I started to think about my spiritual growth and development, I realized that it’s difficult to embrace those concepts if you’re in a ‘down’ mood. Even further, I realized that being optimistic brings you closer to source energy and the realization that you live, move, and have your being in a friendly, supportive, and abundant universe. Shifting your emotions from feeling pessimistic, gloomy, or detached to a more positive outlook helps you manifest the upbeat life you think about. Thus,

Being optimistic is a skill contributing to one’s spiritual growth and evolution.


2. Act ‘As If.’ Smile. A friend tells the story of how she had the world’s worst and lowest paying waitress job, yet she knew she could get better tips if she were cheerful and pleasant. She taught herself how to act ‘as if’ this was the most important and best job in the world, and remarkably, pretty soon it was and she became a top earner with high customer praise (and tips). She speaks of how that job taught her to be so positive and upbeat; she’s now one of the most positive and enthusiastic people I’ve known.

I have a wonderful filter when I’m in a negative or down mood – I can see something negative in everything. Moreover, I can personalize it – making whatever the situation is especially relevant and unfavorable to me. Occasionally, I can ‘catastrophize’ the situation, specifically, making it much worse than it actually is; psychologist Albert Ellis calls this ‘awfulizing.’ Life also becomes polarized; there are no shades of gray; things are bad or good, and in this mood, probably bad. Now, that’s not a pleasant way to be and when I get in a pessimistic mood, I’m probably not all that enjoyable to be around or live with, and I’m certainly not spiritual. Inevitably, someone close to me will hit me along the side of the head with a proverbial two-by-four and jar me back towards a positive mood. Thank you very much. Given the wisdom that comes with living like this for a few decades, I resonate with what people have learned about Optimism and how to capture and hold that mood for long periods of time. So here are ten ideas to move you in a positive direction and sustain you there. I attest to the success of each of these techniques.

3. Focus on the ‘Now.’ You can’t do much about the past, and the future is only an uncertain dream. Don’t carry luggage from the past or burden the future by ‘awfulizing’about it. Live today and do your best. Carpe diem.

1. Bolster your own self-esteem. A positive viewpoint is hard to find or sustain if you’re feeling ‘down’ about yourself. Do something that increases your feeling of self worth. One certain area is to do something to help others – volunteer; be helpful. Take care of ‘#1’ – you! Wayne Dyer suggests looking at yourself in a mirror, and repeating ‘I love me.’ Don’t forget to maintain eye contact!

5. Tell yourself positive things. Shift your focus onto the things that make you smile and feel good. Barbara Ann Kipfer wrote a book over a decade ago entitled ’10,000 Things to Be Happy About’ – the new version is up to 14,000! Make your own list or read hers – many things on her list will remind you how great it is to be ‘here.’ In this action area I recommend you distance yourself from the negative things going on in this world: wars,

Smile a lot; you can actually fool yourself into a positive attitude.

4. Nurture positive friends. The attitudes and viewpoints of the people you hang out with form your outlook on life. If they are ‘down,’ critical, and worried about life, it will affect your views and emotions. Lose the losers. Find upbeat people to befriend and socialize or work with, and your life attitude will change.

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violence, injustice, crime, drama, etc. I don’t mean to be ‘unaware’ of them, but rather to not allow such news to create negative emotions that affect you. I moderate my own intake of ‘down’ news, and I feel better for it. If a situation has made you feel low, verbalize the positive lessons you learned from what happened. Recall Edison’s reply when asked about his thousands of failures to make a working light bulb; he retorted that he now knew thousands of ways not to do it – a positive spin on all his failures.

visualizations for yourself – either physically or with your vivid imagination; have a great dream – then make it happen! 8. Meditate. There’s that word again! I know; you don’t do it well. That said, the silence and contemplation you experience in a meditative state will return you to a spiritual and positive perspective on your life and the events around you. The act will help you rise above negative things and experiences.

6. Create positive affirmations. Read them a dozen times a day. My list is posted on the bulletin board by my desk. It reminds me about the universe I live in, the kind of person I am, how I behave, and my birthright. Reading it makes me feel good – positive and optimistic. If you’re not where you can read (for instance, at each red light), give yourself some positive ‘self talk’: how great the world is, how great you are, how wonderful today is; be specific – smile a lot. Use your positive affirmations as a mantra to refocus you on the spiritual side of life, reminding yourself that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.

9. Pull someone else ‘up.’ Once you become aware of your own positive nature you’ll also become aware when someone around you needs a hand up. Provide the positive lift they need through direct interaction, or simply put yourself in the position of being a role model for them – despite your own feelings, perhaps to the contrary. Bring humor into the situation. Again, act ‘as if’ you were the most positive person in the world. Soon, you will be.

7. Create joyful moments for yourself. Do special things for just you. Celebrate. Make something big happen for yourself – that stupendous vacation you’ve always wanted. Do something small that makes you smile – treat yourself to that special latte you love so much. If you run short on ideas, try reading the book by Cyndi Haynes entitled ‘2,002 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up.’ Another way to start this process is to create ‘positive’

10. Follow a healthy lifestyle. One sure recipe for feeling positive is to remain fit. Take a fast walk, exercise, and get your heart rate up. We know one side benefit of exercise is the release of endorphins in your body; natural chemicals that resemble opiates and that produce a general feeling of well-being. Whatever the cause, you will feel more energy, less depression and anxiety, and enjoy a more positive attitude. A final thought: I’ve noticed a relationship between finding my spiritual anchor and optimism. The two seem inextricably entwined: I need an optimistic attitude to connect to the spiritual world around me – to connect to source energy, and I need to be in touch with my spiritual nature to feel optimistic. I enjoy this pleasant duality, since either will pull me ‘up.’ Namasté and Stay Positive.


Dr. Bob Reck is a semi-retired international management consultant and executive coach from Sarasota. He has consulted to many of the largest firms helping them migrate through largescale change, taught at several New England colleges, lived and worked in Europe, became a commercial pilot, and most recently a New Thought minister. He invites comments and commentary on his articles. Contact Bob at bobreck@aol.com


Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed., Ph.D. (ABD) holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology. Joeel’s extensive career as a relationship coach includes certifications in P.R.E.P, a 30-year research-based program for couples, Nurturing Father’s curriculum, and Parenting 21st Century. Contact Joeel at joeel@transformationservices.org


We all have a story to tell that makes us who we are today. We ask people to tell their transformational stories in this magazine; therefore, I am going to share my story here this month. Through this letter to my brother, I will share how our enlightened relationship transformed my life. Daniel,

I write this with tears, but these tears are different than the ones that I carried for many years. I can now say that I truly understand your last words before your death. It seems like yesterday we were sitting across from each other in your room, you 17 and me 19 years old, practicing how to read each other’s minds. It seemed that from an early age you understood life, as if you were an old soul, knowledgeable and compassionate about making the world a better place. In fact, people thought we were twins because of our resemblance and the way that we communicated and understood each other without words. We always found ways to encourage each other through the challenging times.

Even when I had given up on my belief in myself after failing my first year in college, you encouraged me and reminded me of my potential. That night of July 1st 1999, when you were 17 and I 19, to this day seems surreal. As we sat on the roots of several-hundred-year-old Ceiba trees at two o’clock in the morning, probably as many people had before us, we were in a deep discussion about life. You looked at me as if you were talking to my soul. You explained that you had a deep feeling that you would die young and that you did not want to die but you knew that you would make a larger impact through your death than through life. I questioned you but you could not explain the feeling. We stood there in silence as we both started to weep as if mourning the inevitable. Two days later I was awoken with the sentence that still takes my breath away to think about.

“Wake up, Daniel has been in a car accident.”

I desperately asked if you were okay, just to find silence. I continued to probe and received the answer that in my heart I already knew. “Why you?” I asked, wishing that it was me instead. My emotions and my body sat still in time not knowing what to think and feel. I remember coming back home from your funeral as it started to rain. As if by instinct, I started to run in the rain, just like we had so many times as children. It almost felt as if through the rain you were washing away my tears. Why you? You had that energy and wisdom to change the world. Those words lingered in my mind,

“I will have a bigger impact through death.” You never explained the pain and what that impact would entail for my life. I was lost, desperate, overcome with the grief of losing my brother, my best friend, my guide. I developed severe high blood pressure, was sleeping two hours a day, developed ulcers, and lost over twenty five pounds. Several months later I reached my breaking point after getting in a car accident that nearly took my life. I remember being on my knees at home screaming, talking to you, desperate for answers. That night I saw you in my dream, you looked at me with the same look that you gave me that night under the tree. Through tears of your own you explained that you were okay and that you were paving the way for me and that you no longer wanted me to suffer.

At that point I wished you were not just in my dream, but I woke up with a sense of peace and purpose. This sense drove me to go back to school and finish my Bachelors with a 3.8, my Masters with a 3.9, and my Ph.D. with a 4.0. It drove me to open a counseling center for youth to honor your name as I had promised the day after that dream. The center still serves many teens that are sharing the pain that we both shared at your time of death. Through your death I have mentored, motivated, and shifted thousands of youth, individuals, and families, and will continue to share the light that you blessed me with. About a year ago, in a state of sleep, I had a dream that was so vivid that it seemed real. I saw myself living many different lives and in each one of them I would die a traumatic death. At the end of the last one it was as if my spirit was lifted and I experience your presence, your light. I explained that I didn’t see how I could live these experiences again because each time I come back more confused - it had created a fog in my being.

“You stated that in the next life you will come back with me and die an early death to shift me and change my path...” ... so that I would not have to go through that cycle again. I asked why you would do that, and you answered that I did the same thing at one point for you.


What ever meaning I can take from that dream, the reality is that it is exactly what you did. At the point of my life when you passed away I was reckless and confused and through your death it shifted me from dying an early, or a traumatic, death.

It is as if you had a contract with my soul. As my brother, my best friend, and soul mate I thank you for all the wonderful moments that you gave me in my development.

I thank you because the tears that I shed now are of joy and gratitude for your sacrifice. I finally understand your words, “I will make a larger impact through death.” I carry you in my life as if we were one, always remembering that the greatest thing that I can do for you is make the impact in the world that you so desired. And as I promised 10 years ago, through my life your name and spirit will live and be shared, Daniel Rivera. I love you eternally!

We all have people that come into our lives and help us grow through positive or negative experiences. Each of these individuals have crossed our paths to teach us valuable lessons. However, many people find it hard to look through the pain that some experiences may cause to truly reap the benefits that the experience has in your life. Don’t get me wrong,

I still miss my brother and all the experiences that I would have wanted to share with him physically, even if I see the blessings that he has brought into my life through his death. I ask you to take a minute and look at those that have hurt you or are no longer with you and truly find meaning and purpose to that pain or anger. You may notice that through that pain and hurt you can grow not only to teach yourself life lessons but also to teach those around us. At the same time, I would ask you to reflect on those that have given you love throughout your life and have a sense of gratitude and to share that gratitude with them. You don’t know how long you will have the blessing of sharing your life with them. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to the readers and every one else that contributes to the magazine, for your support is what allows me to share this story with you and keep my brother’s lessons alive.

Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. - Napoleon Hill


Join Emily every month as she shares messages on how the angels and archangels can help you to have a healthier and happier life. Emily answers reader’s questions by delivering messages and guidance from your guardian angels and archangels. To ask your Angels a question, attend one of Emily’s local events or email emily@LivingtoInspire.com


The emotions that surround the coming of a new year paradoxically range from excitement to dread.

Excitement for those who eagerly wait for the unfolding of their experience in faith of the blessings that lie ahead, and dread for those who are hoping to end the disillusionment that filled their experience in 2010. As I sat to compose this column I felt a sense of overwhelming emotions as I tried to express the multitude of information that wanted to be expressed through me. As I sat and tried to write I felt the desperation that has been part of some of my recent clients. I came to embody their emotions, not as my own, but as an observer of what is being felt by so many people in our world. The emotions that are manifesting as the need to know what’s next, the need for clarity, and the need to know what role they can play in connecting to the peace and flow they have for so long desired. So I sat in silence and listened. I listened and uttered the words,

“I surrender! I surrender to your wisdom.” I quickly could feel the sense of comfort and peace overtake me fully and I continued with the words, “I call upon God, the holy spirit, my teachers and guides, all my angels and archangels, and Masters that walk by my side. I ask that you guide all my words to be of inspiration, comfort, and love for all who read them.” As I surrendered a message was sent, and it’s this message that fills the rest of this page. I hope that through the words that follow you are humbled, comforted, and reassured. Humbled in the realization that when we can be open enough to SURRENDER, the words, actions, thoughts, and experiences that are needed for your highest good and everyone involved, will naturally flow with ease. As the words flowed through me I could feel how much love and power each of them contained; it is my prayer that you too can connect to the love and power wanting to commune with you today as you read. Love you.

“To know your truth, you need to listen.” “Listen to the birds, the sounds of nature, the sounds of peace. To know your truth you need to listen. Listening has been set aside as so many of you have focused more on the doing. The

listening can lead to the clarity for the doing that you feel needs to be done. The truth of the matter is that we are always guiding you in light and in love. We are always comforting your every thought and expression. We lovingly carry your gentle spirit in our hands and guide it to its full awakening. The world is on your side, when you can invite the essence of this truth you can see how much easier your life can unfold. This world is an intricate web of energies that collaborate in creating a beautiful reality, but unfortunately so much of this reality is overlooked by most. Discover that the fountain of youth is not within the external accumulation of the joyful experiences, but of the internal resolutions that create an understanding that your whole experience is the equivalent of joy. Perceptions are ill-fully created in a way that fogs the reality of the matter.

“If you could open yourself to seeing that which we see, you would know the beauty that is all around you and within your soul.” The eternal truth is that you are experiencing that which is temporary and that the wholeness of who you are is perfectly in peace. Connecting to the peace that is already part of you is simply a deliberate change in your perception of who you are. Deceit is what has clouded your understanding, not your eternal truth.

“Sink into the palm of the one that sustains your every breath.” Delve into the comfort that surrounds you now. Recognize that you are deliberately partaking in something greater than what your eyes can perceive. Know that you are a being of knowledge, who resonates with the symbol of the light and love within all humanity. Discover that the landscape of your life is a beautiful portrait being masterfully created in Divine perfection and illumination. Discover the gift that you are to us all and how we treasure your every beingness. Meditate on your desires and intentions for a more joyful experience, without the interference of fear and doubt. Trust that we, too, desire your clear understanding and your perception of the truth that all is well and in Divine perfection. Rise to the times in a clear understanding that your life is greater than what has ever been anticipated by your mind. It is a gift to the whole that will lead to an awakening that we are all embarking on through the unfoldment of each individual’s reality. Awaken to your potential and rest assured that we walk by your side in clarity and in truth to create the expansion of your beingness. Know you are loved and treasured at all times. Listen, just listen, and you will be guided in this knowingness. All will seem clear, all will seem right. All you have to do is allow yourself to experience the wonders that surround you. Be still and silent. Listen as we whisper your name and you’ll know where to go, what to do, what to say, and how to be who you have come here to be. In love and in light you are carried. In love and in light you will be. Surrounded and cared for in every moment.”

“Let yourself be, let your heart feel, let yourself experience. Surrender and listen.” 19

Carol L. Roberts, M.D. is the founder and Medical Director of WELLNESS WORKS located in Brandon and Sarasota. Dr. Roberts graduated from Harvard University and the University of Texas Medical School, specializing in Otolaryngology and Emergency Medicine. She practiced ENT for ten years, followed by eight years of Emergency Medicine. During much of that time, she practiced and taught the principles of healthy living. In 1994, she opened her private practice, WELLNESS WORKS so that she could devote her career to the integration of conventional medicine with natural and holistic healing.


A brief look back to 2010: Marked by at least five major earthquakes, wiping out 200,000 people in the space of a minute, two volcanoes going prehistoric, one of them grinding all of Europe to a halt, and countless mining disasters. One enormous oil spill in our precious waters that the whole country is busy pretending never happened. Countless personal tragedies, lost homes, and on and on, 2010 was not an easy year. It seemed symbolic of the crumbling of our formerly trusted institutions – government, education, “health care”, organized religion. Still, one iconic moment

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lives in collective memory. The true-life mythic parable of thirty-three Chilean miners lifted us, as it did them, from the depths, and gave the tired earth’s people a moment of triumph, a symbolic transformation. (Where have they gone, our sooty heroes? We held our collective breath as they were rebirthed from deep in the belly of the Pachamama. Then they disappeared again. Where did they go? When will they emerge? Are they now gestating inside the Hollywood story-telling machine? Are they in training for the talk shows? Are they getting their faces done? Are they studying English? Are they arguing about which of them will be portrayed by Antonio Banderas? Where are the miners???) Hopefully in this bright new year of 2011 we will have some of our questions answered and see Gaia calm down. We will see the continuing emergence of glimmerings of the new world, as we continue to see the crumbling of the old ways. Strangely, the new ways seem to be resurrecting some of the really old ways. In the countless millennia before industrialization made Nature seem irrelevant, we used to gather around the fire and wonder at the great wheel of the zodiac above. Now with the aid of the Hubble telescope our sense of wonder has come back strong. Today’s apple is a simple idea.

Pay attention to the sky! Look up! Be aware of what the moon is up to. She sails across the night sky with intention. If you understand the phases of the moon, you will know when to plant (in the growth phase, the waxing moon) and when to reap (the receding, or waning moon). That rhythm can apply to business ventures as much as any corn field. You will know that you don’t sign contracts when Mercury is heading backwards (retrograde) because communications (and travel) inevitably get fouled up. You see how things begin to lighten up financially when Venus and Jupiter team up in your life. Buy an almanac, study astrology. Follow a lunar calendar as well as the Gregorian. As I write this column the winter solstice is a few days ahead, the shortest day, the longest night, of the waning year. From there on it is only a few months till spring. We may have a ton of snow to shovel (well, not really in Florida, but we remember!) before the first crocuses push their little green heads above the ice, but we know they’re coming. We hunker around our gas fireplaces and read our Kindles, in full knowledge that winter is a passing affair, as are all affairs of humans and civilizations. Transformations begin under the surface, in the collective subconscious. They emerge in fits and starts, like the Phoenix capsule, carrying precious ideas into the sunshine. Let’s look to the highest and most constant stars to guide our planetary transformation. They are the witnesses and the guides of all our meanderings throughout history. Let’s pay attention.

The way in which we express energy, depends very much on the experiences we live through as children. Human relationships are constantly engaged in an exchange of energy. Many of these energy movements/ e-motions show up as feelings in our physical bodies. Connecting to and understanding our emotions can actually fine tune our intuition, as emotions are a way that the energy/spirit body communicates with us. The vibrations we feel and send out, communicate to us and others, much more than we realize. There is a definite shift occurring in the way we parent; humanity is slowly moving out of our heads, into thinking from our hearts and when we learn to feel the vibrations of life, deeper awareness results.

By Tanya Jopson & Ami Fountain We are living in a transition of expansive living and greater creativity with opportunities to experience ecstatic being. Evidence of a higher conscious humanity is everywhere and it has ignited the need for a wholistic understanding of the human family. The younger generation of this millennium is ascending upon us with a powerful higher frequency range of vibrations, which is augmenting this shift in consciousness. Now, more than ever, children noticeably show unseen world abilities such as: telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance and communication with spirit. They also overtly display their expanded sentience by speaking openly about saving the planet, green living or healing; and they naturally show empathy, compassion, and love. The only time these experiences are not noticed, is when we, due to the frequency level of our own energy body cannot see it and/or do not validate these expressions and abilities. We are all born with and have an energy body, which consists of our physical body and the unseen/energy layers: etheric, mental, emotional and causal aka spiritual – the inner connection to the Creator. We’re all intricately connected to earth’s energy matrix and are infused with the frequency of the Creator which vibrates through our hearts. We can find ourselves resonating within a range of frequencies on the electromagnetic scale, which is demonstrated in the tangible world through our thoughts, words, emotions, actions, situations and environments that we find ourselves in.

“Conscious parenting is the intentional effort of being in one’s true self, while engaging to allow a child do the same.” Knowing this information allows us to redefine how we perceive the world as well as how we parent. Conscious parenting awakens the profound role children play in our lives, respectfully as companions in this dance we call life.

We already know that we model to our children, in the very apparent likeness they mirror to us everyday. 21

Children also resonate with our energy vibrations and through reflection, give back to us, just what we are needing most. It’s important to understand/feel the vibration of all of our interactions because it reveals the deeper meaning of that moment (especially when a strong emotion is felt). When viewed solely from the outside, we only see the ‘behavior’; this perspective overlooks the vibrational frequency of the matter. However, when we can recognize the expression as something we are feeling ourselves, it takes on a whole new meaning. With the lower vibrational emotions and actions, it can be difficult to accept at first; but when you take notice of this amazing contribution we all participate in, letting go, reveals our personal truth, which then allows for authenticity and that is exactly what our children need from us. We provide guidance for, and simultaneously they teach us. Although these little people grace our lives, they also need healthy boundaries and guidance that looks very different than those of the old paradigm. An example of the old way is, “do as I say, not as I do”, or “I am the adult so I know more.”

What once may have worked before, is no longer applicable. Instead we can be honest and truthfully portray ourselves; children respond to energy movements and innately know/feel what vibrations you are emitting. Just like anyone, they pick up vibrations everywhere they go.

We cannot protect them from the world, but we can cultivate a strong connection with them. Improving upon ourselves helps the process of life. As we become more aware, either through our personal experience or with a little help from the our child’s love, we are learning to utilize our intuition which then guides us to provide an environment best suited for them. This creates a secure foundation for them to stand on and allows them to discover their own unique spark of the Creator. By being in every moment and truly engaging with them, you can be enlightened and liberated beyond any expectation. The frequency of the Creator is that of pure, unconditional love. Higher consciousness awakens and leads us to our natural state of heart centered living. There are many things that will allow a child’s energy body, as well as your own, to harmonize with love. But first:

Lift that old world parenting backpack off your shoulders, thank it and say goodbye. Be free to accept this little gift of the Creator for exactly who he or she is. • Play with your child outside in the sun • Communicate with them until their questions are spent • Only give what you want to have mirrored back to you • Accept what you readily cannot see • Place truth and love as the intent of all your connections


The conscious parent recognizes and embraces the energetic transference that transpires in any relationship. Our children receive energy imprints from us in everything we do, say, think, feel, and be around them. Where your attention goes, your energy flows and therefore grows.

Parent consciously, and watch your child soar into a reality where heartfelt desires and dreams always come true.


If you liked this article, you will find a lot more content in the book Higher Vibrational Living: Live the Energy Dynamics for a Greater Parent~Child~Humanity Connection. Tonya and Ami of Sarasota can be reached at www.higher-vibrational-living.com or higher-vibrational-living@live.com


mium fuel includes eating whole organic foods and drinking clean water. By avoiding processed foods and decreasing the amount of refined sugar we ingest, our immune system can more effectively guard against bacterial and viral attacks. Refined sugar alone is well known for its effect in lowering our immune system defenses, specifically in macrophage productivity. In taking this information to heart we should also use it in regard to what we eat while we are suffering from a cold. Isn’t it ironic that cold and flu season occurs during the holidays, when sugary cookies and desserts are at every turn? Avoiding refined sugar and sugar products during the time of the illness will allow you to heal much more efficiently and leave everyone wondering about how you “got better” so fast. It must have been a new antibiotic or nasal spray, they will wonder!

Cold and Flu Season, Naturally By Christina Captain

It’s that time of year, again. Cold and flu season is upon us and many have already been sick. For many people this time of year is the cue to call their doctor, get their flu shots and possibly a round or two of prophylactic antibiotics. The good news for those of us who do not subscribe to flu shots and antibiotics, is that there is another way. It is one that takes more planning and much more dedication than getting the magic bullet. Please understand that if the flu shot works for you then you should still get one. And by all means, if you have an infection, then antibiotics are the best way to go. So where do we start if we desire an effective immune system response throughout the cold and flu season? To begin you need to follow the basic rules of living a healthy lifestyle.

The first rule is what goes into the body is what comes out. In order to have all of our systems work at their optimum performance we must give our body premium fuel. Pre-


The second rule in living a healthy lifestyle is consistent moderate exercise of the mind, body and spirit. The physical body requires movement and flexibility in order to “roll with the punches” of life. Exercise is well known to decrease stress which is another immune system depressant. The mind requires exercise to remain flexible and open as well. Sudoku and other mentally challenging exercises are great ways to keep your mind active.

Maintaining a positive attitude and eliminating toxic emotions also promote health and wellness. The spirit also requires exercise and meditation. They are fantastic activities to center one’s spirit and maintain presence in the now moment. Being present many times is what keeps us focused on moving forward instead of being stuck in the past. Maintaining presence in the now moment also raises our awareness in what we are blessed with in our lives, and promotes a feeling of gratitude. I have personally found that yoga is the exercise for balance and integration of the body, mind and spirit. In some yoga poses I find my mind, body and spirit completely connected, usually wondering and praying about how and when I might get out of the position! Seriously, I believe that yoga is the Tao of health and wellness.

The third rule of healthy living is using good Feng Shui. Promoting positive qi flow, in and throughout your lives, will increase your ability to maintain a state of health and wellness always. Clear the clutter that congests energy flow in your space and watch your life become more organized and healthy.

The fourth rule of healthy living is to nurture yourself with massage and acupuncture sessions. Both modalities can relieve stress which we know increases your immune system’s ability to fight illness. Research on one acupuncture point alone revealed an increase in T-cell production, which is vital for effective immune system function. If you feel like you might be getting sick, visit your family acupuncturist and get a treatment to increase your immune system. This has been very effective in fighting cold and flu as well as speeding recovery for those of us already hit by the “bug” this season.

The fifth rule of healthy living is to increase immune building supplementation during the season. This can include Chinese herbs, western botanicals as well as homeopathics, Goldenseal , Echinacea, Cold Wuell, Immu-cor and Vitamin C to name a few. Most pharmaceutical grade nutraceutical companies have a product for increasing immune system function and fighting cold and flu. It is important to know who makes your supplement and where the product was harvested. Poor quality control is rampant and the consumer is usually the last to know the scoop. To summarize, remember in order to maintain health and wellness during this cold and flu season take the following steps: 1. Eat whole foods and drink clean water. 2. Exercise the mind, body and spirit. 3. Use good Feng Shui. 4. Try massage and acupuncture to increase immunity. 5. Supplement during the season with quality nutraceuticals. Here’s wishing you a healthy and happy cold and flu season!!!!!


Christina Captain, DOM, AP, SLP, FSC is a board certified acupuncture physician and the founder of The Family Healing Center. She earned her degree in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine from the East West College of Natural Medicine, Sarasota, Florida, where she is now a senior faculty member and advisory board chairperson. www.FamilyHealingCenter.com



What you discover will be like a breath of fresh air, but simple is not easy. Pat yourself on the back for each accomplishment as you add breath to breath, day to day, one insight at a time. The residual tars of nicotine and marijuana can remain in the pores of the body for up to six months. Detoxing can be a lengthy process. Be courageous, and don’t “quit.” Just stop. Dr. ZZ’s bold, upfront, directive style plays an inspirational role in the lives of people she touches. This forum offers potential solutions on health, emotional and personal matters. Dr. ZZ earned her doctorate in Natural Healing at Tenrikyo University in Japan. Drawing on non-traditional Ph.D. in Counseling (the spiritual dimensions of psychology), she holds a Reiki Master-Teacher degree and a variety of complimentary certificates in modalities such as Tantra, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Healing and Applied Kinesiology and now resides in Sarasota.


Question: It’s the start of another new year, and I have decided to give up smoking. Last year I went on a diet. The year before that I joined a gym. Rarely am I able to hold to a New Year’s resolution for more than a few weeks or a month before I’m back to my old habits. I gave up smoking once before and would like to succeed at it this time for good. What do you have to offer in terms of tips or advice? Dr. ZZ: Right up there at the top of the list with eating disorders, smoking is a socially acceptable addiction. To overcome it in the long term, you have to “stop” smoking as opposed to telling yourself you’ll quit. Quitting only gives you the opportunity to go back to it after successfully quitting for some time. The development of mindfulness can inspire almost any smoker to stop. For an exercise that may assist, buy yourself a cigarette case, put your pack of favorite cigarettes inside, and wrap 20 rubber bands around the case in one direction and 20 around it in the other direction. The idea is to allow yourself to continue your same old smoking pattern, changing nothing except for the fact that, each time before you light up, you take the time to calmly remove all forty rubber bands one-by-one, take out the cigarette you are about to smoke, and replace each of the forty rubber bands one-by-one before lighting up. This will give you a front row seat on the inner chatter your mind is broadcasting at you about this activity. As with any addiction, you want to notice the scenarios that play out in your head, and consciously refuse to act on them. If you can also find a close friend or lover with whom to share aloud the inner tapes you keep playing to yourself around taking or not taking the next cigarette, this may also provide additional support The only cigarette you have to refuse smoking is the next one. But in choosing not to light up the familiar smoke screen device, you are apt to feel exposed, vulnerable, scared and incompetent. If you put attention on the urge to smoke when your mind says, “Just once,” you will be privy to some interesting insight. Ask yourself: “What else is going on for me here? What was going on just before I had the urge to smoke? Was I afraid of something? Do I want to smoke because I saw someone else smoking? Am I simply wanting to relax without having any other outlets?”

Question: Over the course of the past year or so, I have put on 25 pounds. I am as physically active as ever, but the years seem to be catching up with me, and I am not able to burn off as much energy as I used to. I know I’m not eating correctly because of various excuses I give myself. Mostly I eat a lot of fast food. The answer may seem obvious, but for me it’s a problem. Please help. Dr. ZZ: Studies show that obesity brought on by fast food and junk food eating is fast becoming the number one killer in the United States today. If you don’t have an eating disorder, you certainly have a junk food addiction. As with any addiction, eating junk food serves as an escape from traumatic childhood experiences around which we hold ourselves guilty. Furthermore, the additives and chemicals in fast foods and junk foods disrupt the brain and fail to support healthful choices. If you genuinely loved yourself, you would not be abusing your body this way. In truth, it’s not what you’re eating, it’s what’s eating you. Hatred is an attachment. While one fist is stuffing your face, the other fist is beating you up for not having better control. The more you hate your extra weight, the more you reprimand, and the stronger


your hold becomes on the baggage. To turn this around, make time to stand naked in front of a full-length mirror once a day, and look into your eyes while telling yourself, “I love you.” As simple as this sounds, chances are you will barely be able to utter the words through clenched teeth when you first begin this routine. Nevertheless, as you practice daily, and as you gradually come to love yourself and everything about yourself more -- as you learn to accept and appreciate every bulge and ounce of extra fat for having served you in your times of need – then the fat and bulges will have served their purpose, and your self-hatred will fade. With that, the food abuse will become less obsessive. Along with this gradual shift in consciousness, the other daily habit you are wise to begin is that of drinking at least one gallon of pure, clean water per day. Finish it up by 2PM; so that you are not awake all night peeing. This will help flush out the toxins and will be a first step in getting your metabolism to function properly again. As you wean yourself off junk food and start eating healthful foods in its place, those 25 pounds ought to drop away in no time.

•Please • • send • •queries • • or•comments • • • to• askDrZZ@yahoo.com. All identifying information is kept strictly confidential.



Out Your ego! . . . and wake up to who you really are

Ego SETTLES Spirit REACHES By Staci Backauskas Remember the last time the waiter brought your food and it wasn’t exactly what you’d ordered? The conversation in your head might have gone like this: It’s not that bad. But it’s not what I ordered. Don’t make a stink. It’s not like it’s inedible. I deserve to have what I want. Everyone will think you’re obsessive. Just eat it. Whether it’s something small like how your food is prepared or a bigger issue – remaining in a relationship that isn’t what you want or a job that’s not a fit – ego will do its best to keep you swinging between the extremes of settling, which makes you feel

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like a victim, and the self-righteousness of not settling, which can make you sound like a jerk. Spirit, on the other hand, reaches for what is like itself. It does so with kindness and grace. No suffering required. So if you want your hash browns extra crispy, reach for that. If you want to be in a relationship or job that supports your dreams, goals and desires, reach for that. Because ego likes to be in control, chaos may be a part of your process.

When things don’t go the way you’d like them to immediately, ego will try to convince you that settling was the better option. Don’t believe it. Trust that reaching for the reflection of who you really are means that you’ll get that, even though it may not look like what you imagined. So if you catch some grief from your dining partners about sending your food back, stay in the calm center of reaching for the reflection of who you are. Smile. Know the chaos won’t last forever. Nothing does. Don’t settle, reach.


Staci B is an author and spiritual explorer from Tampa who’s logged over 10,000 hours on the journey of awakening to the truth of who she really is. She has written seven books, including ego: A Primer, and her Out Your ego! column is syndicated both in print and online. Her work inspires others to realize that there is no “answer,� only the next step – and that is enough. Visit www.StaciB.com

The only rule for each person was “We become what we believe.”

Largo resident Gregg Sanderson, The Stand-Up Cosmic, has a rare view of the metaphysical universe. He traveled the road from Christian Science through Judaism, Agnosticism, Atheism, Living Love, Psychic Development, Spiritualism, Teaching of the Inner Christ, all the way to Science of Mind where he is a licensed practitioner. He is the author of What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens - Easing the Pain of Divorce. Gregg’s latest venture is Spirit With A Smile — The Way It Is (Unless It’s Something Else).

• •When• •we•left•our• BOB • • (Being • • •of Bliss) • • in• Its• room • • last

month, It was about to add the dimension of thought to Its heretofore two-dimensional creations of things and creatures and all their relatives. Last month, BOB wondered:

“What would happen if I make other beings that can also think? They could think of anything at all, and thought is creative.” BOB couldn’t limit what they’d think, because it wouldn’t be “thinking” any more. BOB took a chance It added thought and made people, and since they were made out of BOB, they were also part of the Thought, Feeling, and Stuff and had all the power of BOB. Their mind was BOB’s Mind and they connected with their feelings. Love was the only emotion, and they could mold and direct BOB’s power to create whatever they wanted. All they had to do was think about it and love it. The same way we can watch a couple of TV shows at once, BOB lived many human lives at the same time. It experienced a wide variety of new things through them and loved every minute of it. The people had a proclivity to create for themselves. Just as our human brain directs parts of our body, so it was with BOB.

Since it was all BOB, the people learned the rule right away and had a dandy time creating anything they wanted as easily as a smile. They’d think a thought; it would happen; and BOB enjoyed the show. It got to experience this thing It called “Life” through each one of Its creations, and all of them at once. Everything was part of BOB, so there was no way anybody could be harmed. The “love it” part was especially easy, since there were no other emotions. All people had to do was put their attention on what they wanted to be, do, or have. The message would travel to the Master Intelligence on the wings of Love, which would then fill the request by adjusting the stuff of BOB to satisfy the want. BOB loved to create and every time a thought came, It got to share the joy of the receiver. It was a win at both ends of the deal, and BOB got very good at bringing forth anything that would produce more love and joy. Think of it as BOB.com, the Supreme Superstore. Place your order via e (emotion)-mail. BOB.com makes and ships it and It’s never out of stock. BOB.com’s motto is “You ask for it. You got it.” If a person wanted a house, and another was a builder, BOB knew that instantly and put them together. One person sneezes, another shows up with an extra handkerchief. Nothin’ to it. “Believe it and it’s done.” BOB was happy and loved Its people. What’s not to love? Each was a part of BOB and It got to enjoy life in a myriad of different ways through the love of all the different people It created. Everything was blissful and lovey dovey. Soon (in BOB time. Actually gazillions of years) lovey dovey became samey samey and BOB was bored again. (To Be Continued) Now what? What will it take to entertain BOB? How can It keep from getting bored so easily? And what has that got to do with us? For the answers to these and other profound questions, wait breathlessly for the next issue of Transformations, or go to www.spiritwithasmile.com and download the free White Paper.

When a part of our body is out of line, our nervous system tells us about it and we do what we can to ease the pain, scratch the itch, or enhance the pleasure. BOB does the same. A person BOB made out of Its stuff has a situation, and BOB immediately sets out to rectify or magnify it. How does It know? Because the person thinks about it, and the thoughts are directly connected to BOB’s mind with the force of the Love. Remember, it’s all BOB in that room. BOB figures “If they think it, they want it.” and proceeds to deliver it in a way that will lead toward the most happiness BOB could enjoy through them.



Section Title So Mary wastes her entire life involved in “La La Land”. I find myself involved with many people who do a similar thing with living in the past, living (or not living) in Nostalgia. Most of us are familiar with the word nostalgia but, former school teacher that I am, I went to Webster’s for a definition:

Marcia began her career as a school teacher, working with preschool through inner city high school students. She has worked with all aspects of Metaphysics for over 40 years and specializes in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia’s clients and students are in every state and throughout Europe. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot for the purpose of self-guidance and to use the powerful symbolism of the Tarot to reach higher levels of spirituality. Marcia is now in her 12th season of a local TV show called Metaphysics with Marcia. Her column, Spiritually Speaking, originally ran for 8 years in Attitudes Magazine in the Sarasota area.

•••••••••••••••••• NOSTALGIA (Was the PAST really better?)

There is a card in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot called The Seven of Cups. Many years ago, I renamed this card the “Wally World” card and for my students who are now too young to remember the movie National Lampoon’s Vacation, I call it the “La La Land” card. It is a card that says a person must discover who they really are and what they really want out of life, what is real and what is fiction, and until one can discover this, there can never be true happiness in life. It is so much easier to live in fantasy (there is nothing wrong with healthy fantasy unless it prevents our functioning in reality), than to view life as it really is. When I teach this card, I give my students a farfetched, silly little example to prove my point. I will share that with you now. I talk of a fictional woman named Mary, (or Susan, or Linda if you prefer) who is totally “in love” with Brad Pitt. All she can do, day and night is think of him and of the life they will have together. When work is done, she watches Brad Pitt movies over and over and she never accepts a date because no man can live up to him. When she goes to sleep at night, she envisions a beautiful spring morning, around 6am, the sun just rising as she walks along the deserted beach at Siesta Key. In the distance, she sees a tall figure approaching and as the figure draws closer she sees a man, barefoot, shirtless, white, drawstring pants rolled up to the knee, with a large panama hat on his head. He draws closer still and she realizes it is Brad Pitt! He sees her and in slow motion, they run toward each other. When they get face to face, he pulls her into his strong, tanned arms, twirls her around, says; “Angelina is history now and it’s just you and I. ”IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!

“Nostalgia = a longing for something far away or long ago.” Songwriters often use the past for their material. Paul Simon: “long ago, it was a time, a time of innocence.” Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber: “memories, all alone in the moonlight, all alone with my memories, I was beautiful then...” Writer? The song: “those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end...”. While we are on the subject, how about the entire movie and song The Way We Were? I could go on, but by now you know where I am going with this. I have a few little plaques in my office to try to remind my clients to live in the NOW. “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” “Carpe Diem.”

“Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift. That’s why we call it The Present.” The older a person gets, the easier it is to indulge in looking backwards to the past. Was life really better then or have we just given up on the joy of living... making new memories? Everything looks better in hindsight. Nostalgia makes memories into something we refer to as “precious.” The reason for this is we put these memories into pretty little boxes, tied with ribbon, and keep them in the compartments of our mind.

We never put the negative times into the little boxes, only the really good stuff gets tied up with ribbon. As the years move swiftly forward, we allow our imagination to embellish and distort the past and often take things that were really rather dull and ordinary and make a shrine to them in our subconscious. We are all guilty of doing this, present company included. I am a Cancer (Astrologers smile) and few are as guilty of living in the past as my Cancerian brothers and sisters, though Pisces give us a run for our money! I still enjoy listening to the music of the 60’s and 70’s, remember how much “in love” I was with the actor John Derek (now I’m really dating myself), and think of Woodstock with... yes... nostalgia! The interesting thing is that it really doesn’t seem like the 60’s were that long ago! So, I wistfully remember “make love, not war”, tie-dye, folk music, red and white fuzzy dice over my rearview mirror,


Joan Baez and Bob Dylan, and let my selective memory forget Vietnam, the bloody civil rights movement, and the assassination of JFK and Doctor Martin Luther King. We are all guilty of romanticizing the past. I saw a little sign once that read “the past is always better because it is past.” What should we do with all those memories? First of all, we should continue to enjoy them because that is what one is supposed to do with memories. More important we should learn the lessons that came along with them and not continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again! More important still, we should be making new memories, better memories from the knowledge that we have accumulated in the passing years.

Let us become nostalgic about the future! Instead of longing for the past, let us look to the future and LIVE life to the fullest. The past is full of Karmic Lessons that have been completed; the future holds Karmic Lessons yet to be fulfilled.

And remember, Knowledge is the Greatest Power, So Walk in the Light.


If you are interested in receiving a reading or becoming a student of the Tarot, contact Marcia at Marlou2000@aol.com


TRY POSI MUSIC FOR A CHANGE This is music that can change the way you look at things, it can inspire you to take that next step, it helps you to make a difference. -Sue K. Riley, emPower Music & Arts, Clearwater, FL Transformation Magazine believes that one person can make a difference. Below is a story of how three people have revolutionized the Positive Music industry. Attend the Posi Awards Celebration to share in the joy, submit your own positive music to the contest next year, enjoy the hundreds of positive songs available on emPower’s Web site, or simply become inspired by what empowered people can accomplish!

Positive Music, a History emPower Music & Arts originally began as Itoi (eyeto-eye) Ministries in 2004. The purpose was to create a specific genre for universally spiritual music that would be uniting, healing, empowering and transformational. Up until now, Christian/ Gospel is the only spiritual-based music widely available. In the 1950s the Gospel Music Association was formed and helped create an industry for Christian-based messages in songs. Today emPower seeks to do the same for Posi Music. The creation of the Posi Awards, the PosiPalooza! Concerts, and the emPower Music Rights church blanket license is the foundation for a new industry to support the ever-growing roster of talented songwriters and artists who devote their craft to making “music that matters”. Posi Music is not new. Many mainstream music superstars have written and released music that would be considered Posi Music, all the way back to “Smile” or “Accentuate the Positive” and up to modern day geniuses like Stevie Wonder, Sting, and the Beatles, as well as pop-star Jewel. Posi Music artists however go beyond the token 1 or 2 songs on a CD devoted to something other than lovers angst, lust and broken hearts.

They devote 100% of their talents to create entire CDs of healing, uniting music with positive, empowering messages. As recently as ten years ago, the artists performing this empowering music knew each other, but were traveling parallel paths. Through the efforts of groups such as emPower Music & Arts, we now have a community of like-minded individuals. Now the artists and songwriters perform together, co-write songs together, and have become friends, as well as co-workers.

Ripe for Change We believe the world environment is ripe and ready for a new legion of musical artists, connected by the worldwide web and devoted to “creating a world that works for everyone.” It’s time for mainstream awareness of positive music and to give audiences a new choice – not “whiny victim love songs”, not Christian evangelizing, but simply Positive messages in all styles of music that people can use to heal themselves, heal their relationships and heal the world. With the growing demographic (over 50 million) referred to as Cultural Creatives and the “spiritual but not religious”, seeking media that supports their interests in environment, justice, social action, and peace, the audience is there. They just need to know about us. The emPower Posi Awards Celebration January 14 through 17, artists from around the country and Canada, as well as hundreds of fans, will gather to celebrate positive music. The emPower Posi Awards is being held right around the corner in Orlando for the second year in a row. The emPower Posi Awards Celebration is just that, a celebration of like-minded artists, authors, speakers and fans networking, enjoying and honoring the people who keep the philosophy of peace, oneness and equality alive. Think of the 60’s on steroids! The Nominees Artists submit their entries for the awards and their songs undergo a 4-phase judging process, including one round judged by the “Citizens of Empowerville” (emPower’s online community) and final judging by a panel of professionals (including Grammy winners). The Event The Posi Awards weekend is not just for musicians! 200-250 attendees will enjoy a feast of positivism during this three day event over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend: Friday: Attend the Music that Matters concert performed by artists whose songs were in the Semi Final round of the awards, followed by


the wildly popular late-night Pajama Jams – where you will hop from one themed hotel room to another listening to an acoustic showcase played by your favorite Posi Artists, in their pajamas. Saturday: Learn how to live a positive life or get mentored by positive musicians at the day’s workshops. There is a track for musicians and track for anyone else. The Mega-PosiPalooza Concert kicks off kicks off Saturday night, when 20 nominees will perform, followed by jamming and song circles. Sunday: A Sunday morning “Faith Lift” followed by an afternoon Speakers Symposium, where six speakers will emPower the audience, culminating in the emPower Posi Awards Ceremony featuring the 2010 Posi Award Nominees. Through our Web site, www.emPowerMA.com,

We are creating a community, a tribe, of positive message artists, speakers, authors, and fans. We invite visitors to our Web site to “take the Posi Music challenge” and listen to nothing but Posi Music for one month and blog on our site about how it has changed or affected their lives. This idea was initiated by one of our best known artists Jana Stanfield as part of the yearly Posi Music Month in November. The slogan: Try Posi Music For a Change.

We believe that positive messages can bring about positive change for the whole world. Our Mission is to “Change the world, one song at a time”.


Thank you to Sue K. Riley, Russ Hammock, Richard Mekdeci of emPower Music & Arts, as well as the Unity Church of Clearwater for informing us about this positive, empowering event.


them and ultimately proving what we truly believe about ourselves – that we’re not good enough.

Other times we allow a thicket of spiny bushes to grow hoping to cover up some overly consuming plant that has gotten out of control. We no longer want to deal with that issue so we try to hide the irritating plant behind some fast growing bush figuring if it’s out of sight it will be out of mind! Of course any gardener knows that you can’t ignore a problem plant with its tenuous roots multiplying everywhere. For sure “denial” is not a river running through your garden. An avid gardener does a little weeding and pruning daily to tweak their creation and make important changes as soon as issues come up. If we ignore how our gardens are developing it’s easy to become overwhelmed and make excuses for our procrastination and avoidance. We all know what happens next – the plants we ignore just keep on growing until they’re out of control and we’re forced to take action. Then not only do we have to take action on what we were avoiding in the first place, but now we’ve got to deal with the damage caused by the overgrown voracious weeds and wild bushes. Robert Louis Stevenson once said:

By Sheri Rosenthal January is a wonderful time to reflect upon all the seeds we’ve planted the year before. When I look upon 2010, I can see the actions that lead to the landscape of my 2011 garden. It’s important to take note of which seeds we planted, which plants we watered and fertilized, and which weeds we allowed to overtake our gardens due to our fear and denial. Creating a beautiful garden takes attention, dedication and desire – just like everything we do in life. The seeds we choose to plant are critical as we must live with the results of those choices. And should times get tough and we experience a drought – we can still prioritize and focus on what’s most important for us to cultivate, even if that means watering only one plant.

Many times we end up not liking what we’ve planted and rather than addressing the unwanted plants we get scared and abandon our garden. What grows in our garden isn’t anyone else’s fault or responsibility, but often we want to blame the way our garden looks on external circumstances. Instead of taking responsibility for our creation and changing it, we blame the mess on the rotten dog next door, the lack of rain, aphids, groundhogs, or killer weeds. We’re so afraid of our power of creation and the possible judgment by others – that we abandon our gardens, sabotaging

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” Indeed. If you plant cabbage don’t expect to grow lettuce. You might produce a huge harvest of cabbage – but that won’t meet your mental expectations if you were looking for lettuce. However, your efforts are always successful because they always reflect your actions. Knowing this – let’s focus on the seeds we plant this year and be clear about what we want to grow. Since we reap what we sow, let’s use our hearts to determine what we would like to plant and be very choosy about what goes into our gardens. Spend some time reflecting on what plants you would like to see in your garden. Imagine what your garden would look and feel like. Breathe in the scent of your garden and revel in the loveliness. You don’t have to have every step mapped out, simply take one action and the following step will be revealed to you at the proper time. Have faith in your creation and ability to create beauty as you are a divine spirit in action! I encourage you to be brave and open to what life has to offer and don’t abdicate your personal power to fear and uncertainty. May you have a blessed New Year!


Dr. Sheri Rosenthal of Gulfport is a master Toltec teacher and author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Toltec Wisdom and Banish Mind Spam!. Having trained with don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements®, she is currently the owner of Journeys of the Spirit® (www.journeysofthespirit.com), the premier travel company for transformational, uplifting and heart-opening spiritual journeys and retreats! You can reach her at info@sherirosenthal.com or www.sherirosenthal.com or www.withforgiveness.com.


Saturday, Jan. 1 Intro to Wicca, 2pm 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, FL Price: Free, Contact: (239) 939-2769 This is a continuing weekly series on Wicca. Classes include but are not limited to: concept of Deity, Altars, Holidays, elements, sacred space, herbs and oils, candle magick, spells – how to, ritual, and questions and answers. Free.

Sunday, Jan 2 Prevention Plus Health Screening, 9am-TBA A Path to Wellness, 6405 9th St. N.(MLK) St. Petersburg, FL 33702 Price: Price Varies 727-329-9637 www.apathtowellnessllc.com/id20.html In less than 1 hour you can avoid life-threatening disease by participating in accurate, affordable ultrasound screenings. Schedule with a company your peers know and trust.

Wednesday, Jan 5 Lose One Pound A Day with HcG Weight Loss Program! 6:30 pm Risoldi Family Chiropractic 3023 Eastland Blvd # 101 Clearwater, FL 33761 Price: $5 love offering 727-797-9900 FREE WEIGHT LOSS WORKSHOP, Space is limited. RSVP today!

Thursday, Jan 6 Keys to Keeping Your New Years Resolution TeleSeminar, 7-8pm, Virtual, Phone Conference Price: FREE, TransformationLifeCoaching.org Discover why new years resolutions don’t work. Learn the keys to making lasting change. Don’t have THESE same problems next new years! Solar Return Techniques, 7-9pm Hampton Inn on Ulmerton In Clearwater Price: $25, $15 members Laura Nalbandian, 2nd generation Seattle astrologer. The Solar Return chart is a powerful and expressive tool for understanding the issues of the “solar year” (birthday to birthday). Laura will use students’ charts to demonstrate. AASP-FL.com The Psychic Development, 7pm. 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, FL Price: RSVP $30. Contact: (239) 939-2769 Join Guisela the Medium in exploring the different ways to enhance your psychic development and communicate with the spiritual realm.

Friday, Jan. 7 Usui Reiki Level Two, 7pm. 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, FL Price: RSVP $50. Contact: (239) 939-2769 Learn long distance healing method using channeled life force energies and in-depth information on the chakras and auras. We will also utilize visualization techniques, pendulum work, and crystal grids. Reiki symbols, attunement, and certification available with this class. Prerequisite class one.


Women’s New Moon Meditation, 6:30 pm Rising Tide 5102 Swift Road Sarasota, FL Price: $5 love offering to Rising Tide jo@starsoundings.com or 941-866-5752 Women’s New Moon meditation for planetary healing & peace. Smudging & sacred space @ 6:30 pm. Meditation starts at 7 pm. Complimentary healings 6:30-7 pm. 500-HR Certification in Yoga Therapy 1608 290th Ave., St. Pete FL (727) 826-4754. Life Balance Yoga Therapy 300-hour advanced training program begins January 7, 2011. www.LivingRoomYoga.biz under “teacher training”. You must have your 200-hr cert. to apply.

Saturday, Jan, 8 Aura Photography, 10:30am - 5:30pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S, Sarasota Price: $25, www.elysianfieldsonline.com Exciting new aura photo technology is now at Elysian Fields! New upgraded digital equipment creates amazing photos and videos of your Auric Field! See your aura on a computer screen and watch the colors shift. The Aura Photographer will interpret your photo with a 5 minute mini reading. Karmic Astrology: Lunar Nodes and Aspects to the Nodes, 10-5 Hampton Inn on Ulmerton in Clearwater Price: $60, $45 members, www.aasp-fl.com Laura Nalbandian – leading Seattle astrologer. Lunar nodes through the signs and houses, using examples. Affordable Pet Vaccination Healthcare Clinics 11-12pm, Three Legged Poodle 715 Imar Dr. Sun City Center Protect your pet for less- $10 Rabies vaccines and discounted vaccines and tests + prevention + flea + tick products. Also Feb 5th and March 5th Grand Re-Opening Ochunsoino, 10am - 6pm 203B W. Shellpoint Ave Ruskin, FL 33570 Price: Free Contact: 813-649-4789 Grand Reopening, Food, Drinks and 10% discount on all vitamins and supplements. Yoga for Orthopedic Conditions Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Pete, FL 33713, (727) 826-4754. CEU for Yoga Teachers. $15 per training hour if you register a week ahead; $20 afterwards. Learn how to apply yoga therapeutically to back, neck, hip, and knee conditions to prevent injury and promote healing. Only 4 spots available! www.LivingRoomYoga.biz under teacher training and CEU for further details and to register. January 8th an 9th Removal of Obstacles Ceremony, 1:30pm Radiance of Sarasota, 941-927-6797. Removing Obstacles, be they personal, familial, professional, or global, does not have to be difficult. Through archetypal and symbolic ceremony, blocks can be removed in celebration. Join us in celebration.

Sunday, Jan. 9 “Miracles Do Happen” – An Introduction to The Trivedi Effect™, 1:30 pm -4:00 PM Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St. N. St. Petersburg. Price: Tickets are $25 (727) 522-6657, www.wingsbookstore.com. Meet world renowned Mahendra Kumar Trivedi (affectionately known as Guruji) and directly experience the well-documented transformational energy of the Trivedi Effect™. His presentation will include a group “energy transmission,” or blessing. Healing from Cancer, 1:30 PM Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL Price: $15 Contact: www.unityofsarasota.com Rescheduled from November, this seminar will focus on combining NATURAL MEDICINES, NUTRITION AND PRAYER to stimulate your body to heal from cancer and other serious conditions. Energy Medicine & You! 5 pm Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N. St. Petersburg Price: Love Offering Contact www.wingsbookstore. com, or call (727) 522-6657. Please join Liz Mason & Joyce Claflin, Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners, for an introduction to Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine. They will share the steps for “The Daily Energy Routine” The method is comprised of simple techniques that enhance your life by reducing stress and anxiety, strengthening the immune system, alleviating pain, and enhancing your intellectual processes. Metaphysical Church 7-8pm 8802 Barbara Anne Lane, Gibsonton Price: Love offering, 813-677- 6314 Rev Emma will offer a one Hour service that includes an inspiration talk, mini-readings and a meditation.

Tuesday, Jan.11 HerbalWise Tea Party, 6-7:30pm 5111 Central Ave, St Petersburg. Cost $10, RSVP: 727-384-4372. See, taste and smell herbs that boost the immune system and create your own tea blend! Bring your favorite mug or teacup and a friend. This event is offered in partnership by HerbalWise and The Sanctuary. Free Teleseminar interview with Craig Hamilton 3:00pm, Virtual Register at TransformationLifeCoaching.org Craig Hamilton is a pioneer in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality. In his inspired writings, talks, and teachings, he calls us to awaken beyond the confines of the separate ego and dedicate our lives to the further evolution of consciousness itself. He has worked and collaborated with individuals such as the Dalai Lama to transform consciousness. Tarot – Part One, 7pm. 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, FL Price: RSVP $30. Contact: (239) 939-2769 Learn the meanings of the cards and how to utilize this wonderful tool. A Rider Waite deck is required. Part Two is on January 18

Wednesday, Jan. 12 Dances of Universal Peace, 7:30-8:30pm Unitarian Universalist Church 3975 Fruitville Rd Sarasota FL 34232 Price: $5 donation, peaceinacircle@gmail.com susanslack.net/Dancesof_Universal_Peace.html Sing sacred phrases from world’s traditions while folk dancing. Moving meditation and social. Live music; all dances taught beforehand by certified leader.

Thursday, Jan. 13 Healing the Heart, 7:00 PM Unity Church of Sarasota YOU Building, 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: $10 Love Offering, DrDeri@aol.com You will move through a series of “experiential exercises”, acquiring new tools to move through life with the least amount of baggage.

Friday, Jan 14 Change Your Mind, 9-4pm (2-day event) Don CeSar Beach Resort, St Pete Beach Price: $249, http://www.cymproject.com A powerful, energizing event to help you think better, feel better, and live better. Hosted by Ken Block of the platinum-selling band, Sister Hazel! Voyager Tarot Readings w/ James Wanless 10:30am - 5:30pm, Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S, Sarasota Price: 30 min $75, 60 min $135 Contact: http://www.elysianfieldsonline.com Get direction and personal power from this savvy, fun and perceptive guide into the magic and mystery of self-navigation and self-creation. Séance is at 7pm. 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, FL Price: RSVP $30. Contact: (239) 939-2769 Join Guisela the Medium for an evening of communicating with our departed loved ones. Space is limited. Donna Eden - Energies of Life, Medicine for the 21st Century Jan 14, 7 - 9:30 pm, Jan 15, 9 - 5 pm Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St. N. St. Petersburg, Price: $149 (727) 522-6657 www.wingsbookstore.com. Experience the power of Energy Medicine with one of the world’s most sought after and joyous spokespersons in the field! Based on the understanding that the body is designed to heal itself and feel good, Energy Medicine taps into the rich storehouse of the body’s natural wisdom.

Saturday, Jan 15 Conscious Parenting Workshop, 11-3:30 6152 126th Ave #501, Largo, Price: $35/individual, $50/couple, TransformationLifeCoaching.org Recognize your child’s natural talents and personality. Explore the common misconceptions surrounding hyperactive/challenging children. Learn the purpose of Indigo, Crystal children.

Water Kefir 3:30pm to 5:30pm 5129 E State Rd 674 Wimauma Fl 33595 Price: $20 in Advanced and $25 at the door Contact: 813-957-3148 Susan Bishop Make your own natural, healthy, bubbly soda. Water Keifer contains 40 strains of probiodic, over six times more than yogurt. Taste different recipes and make a starter bottle. Reiki Classes - Reiki l , Jan 15-16, 10- 2pm 2313 1st St. Indian Rocks Beach, Fl. 33785 Price: $100.00 Contact: 727-595-2481 Discover the ancient healing technique that promotes healing for yourself and others.

Contact: To register visit or call (727) 826-4754. Yoga Therapist and Occupational Therapist Stacy Renz. Manage your curve and the pain associated with scoliosis with yoga stretching and strengthening. www. LivingRoomYoga.biz

Sunday, Jan. 16 Sacred Meditation Introductory Seminar, 12pm Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota Price: Free, www.scottsherman.org The most powerful principle basis for life is Unconditional Love. Scott Sherman presents this three-fold program using VisionQuests, Healing Experience and Appreciative Inquiry symposia.

Psychic Fair, 10:AM- 4:PM Universal Harmony Church. 5903 Seminole Blvd. Price: 1-15min for $10 or 3 for $25.00 Reservations on web site: theuniversalharmony.com Psychic Fair, 11AM- 4PM 8802 Barbara Anne Lane, Gibsonton Price: 15min for $15, 813-677- 6314 Popular and Well Known Healers and Readers available to help and advice in all life circumstances. Appointments available. Personal Feng Shui Consultation Workshop 2-4pm, 20 West Wentworth St. Englewood. Price: $50 includes Jaml’s personally autographed book. 20 WEST SPA 941475-0020 or email 20westspa@gmail.com Best selling author Jami Lin. Learn reliable, long-term House Astrology. Register by Jan 7th for Specials worth $90. Classes with James Wanless, 10:30am - 5pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S, Sarasota Price: $25, $45, www. elysianfieldsonline.com James will be leading 2 classes this day, 2011 Year of the Emperor and Navigating the 21st Century with Voyager Tarot. Explore the Emperor archetype through the Voyager Tarot as a 21st century “new male” and learn how to apply your vision and intuition using the Voyager “map of life” Cards. Yoga for Scoliosis Practice Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete Price: $35 a week before class. $45 afterwards.


Monday, January 17 HerbalWise Medicine-Making for Immune System Health, 6-9 pm Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies, 901 Central Ave, St Petersburg. Price: $60. Register: at www.HerbalWise.us.com or 727-384-HERB (4372) Advance Registration Required. A hands-on workshop on making your own herbal medicine to strengthen your immune system. Receive a stepby-step workbook and samples to take home. FREE Mediation - Experience Connection 7 pm Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N. St. Petersburg. Price: FREE (727) 522-6657, www.wingsbookstore.com. Join us at Wings Bookstore for a special ‘after hours’ group meditation. Panache Desai’s newest meditation CD, Experience Connection, is profound and powerful guided meditation that reminds you that you are never alone while connecting you to the wellspring of infinite potential that resides at the core of your being. Doors will be locked promptly at 7PM to ensure sacred space. Voyager Tarot Readings with James Wanless, 10:30am - 5:30pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S, Sarasota Price: 30 minutes $75, 60 minutes $135 Contact: http://www.elysianfieldsonline.com Get direction and personal power from this savvy, fun and perceptive guide into the magic and mystery of self-navigation and self-creation.

Tuesday, Jan. 18 Feng Shui 101 with Cheryl Grace, 6:30 - 8pm Mystic See 411 West Dearborn St Englewood Price: $20 Contact: 941.473.3816 Discover how practicing Feng Shui can bring new energy into your environment and bring positive changes to all aspects pf your life.

Thursday, Jan. 20 HerbalWise Skincare Workshop, 6:30-9pm Gentle Chiropractic, 2126 1st Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33712 www.HerbalWise.us.com or call 727-384-HERB. Learn a complete herbal skincare program for your skin type and how to make your own natural skincare products including a cleanser, mask, toner, and moisturizing cream. Receive a step-by-step workbook and samples to take home. Cost $60.


Friday, Jan. 21

Women’s Full Moon Meditation Friday closest to Full Moon, 6:30 pm Rising Tide 5102 Swift Road Sarasota, FL Price: $5 love offering jo@starsoundings.com or 941-866-5752 Women’s Full Moon meditation for planetary healing & peace. Smudging & sacred space @ 6:30 pm. Meditation starts at 7 pm. Complimentary healings 6:30-7 pm. Panache Desai - A Passion for the Possible 4pm to 6pm or 7pm to 9pm/ Saturday 9:30am-5:30pm Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N. St. Petersburg. Price: Pre-reg for a single session on Friday and all day Saturday $203. For single-day pricing visit www.wingsbookstore.com, (727) 522-6657 Unleash the power of love in 2011 with contemporary Spiritual Master Panache Desai! Connect to Divine Presence. Receive, renew and restore your being! Panache is a uniquely gifted vehicle for personal empowerment and spiritual transformation. No two sessions are alike and all attendees receive individual energetic work with Panache.

Saturday, Jan. 22 Tibetan Bowl Workshop 2-4pm 20 WEST SPA 20 West Wentworth St. Englewood. $30 Reservation Required 941-475-0020, 20westspa@gmail.com Learn to play the Tibetan Bowls and the sacred healing techniques upon the body with Robert Austin, energy sound healer. B.Y.O.B. (Bring your own bowl) or use Robert’s Massage and energy practitioners are encouraged to attend. Limited to 10 participants. Free Lecture & Book signing w/ Dr. Frank Kinslow 4pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S, Sarasota, Price: free, www.elysianfieldsonline.com “For years we have been waiting for a book that can translate the power of inner peace into immediate, practical, and concrete results. Within these pages you will learn a simple yet startlingly effective process which will change your life forever. The best part is that anyone can do it, without special training.”

Sunday, Jan. 23 Shaman Journey Experience, 2:00-5:30pm Rising Tide 5102 Swift Rd. in Sarasota Price: Suggest offering $20, 941-922-7839 Similar to a guided meditation enhanced by the heart beat of the mother drum. An evolving experi-

ence for personal guidance, discovery, spiritual expansion and healing. John Maxwell Taylor-The Power of I AM, 10:30 A.M. Center of Spiritual Awareness, 4880 Fruitville Rd., (Knights of Columbus Bldg.) Love Offering www.centerofspiritualawareness.com CSA welcomes internationally known John Maxwell Taylor as their guest speaker on the Power of I AM. Would you like to feel inner strength in all situations, deal effectively with negative people and express who you truly are? Join us for this very special Sunday Service.

Saturday, Jan. 29 Children’s Etiquette Class, 2-4pm Sarasota Healing Arts off Clark Rd, Sarasota 941-349-7536, earthangelpreschool@gmail.com Do you want your 5-13 year old child to brush up on their P’s & Q’s? Your sons or daughters are cordially invited to attend a child’s Etiquette class with Karen Leonetti CDA, CDS. Karen is fun food expert and educator. She is passionate about eating well and making food fun! $25.00 pp (family discounts available) MONEY MAGIC: Discovering our Divine Relationship With Money, 10:00 am Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: $28 Pre-Paid $35 at the door Contact: 941-955-3301 A spiritual and practical approach to activate the flow of abundance and money into your life. This is an interactive and fun workshop Please bring a notebook. Psychic Faire, 10am-4pm. 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, FL Price: 25 minutes for $25 Contact: (239) 939-2769 Choose from an assortment of well-established and gifted healers. Tarot readers, palm readers, soul chart progression, Oracle cards, full chart astrology analysis, rune caster, DNA and psychic cord cutting, mediums, chakra cleansing and alignment, and Shamanic Journeys. Share your Spiritual Experiences 2-3pm 20 West Wentworth St. Englewood. Cost: Free Contact: 20 WEST SPA 941-475-0020 or email 20westspa@gmail.com Enjoy the freedom to express your special stories in an informal, friendly setting with others who, too, have examples of little miracles. Sponsored by the Florida Satsang Society, Inc.

HerbalWise Solutions for Immune System Health 10am-4pm, Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies, 901 Central Ave, St Petersburg. Price: $100. www.HerbalWise.us.com or call 727-384-HERB Advance Registration Required. Learn diet, lifestyle, and botanical solutions for boosting your immune system. Participants receive a workbook to develop an action plan for addressing their specific health concerns. Participants will also learn how to incorporate concepts into their daily life. Intuitive Arts Fair, 11am - 5pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S, Sarasota Price: All 30 minute readings $35 www.elysianfieldsonline.com Purchase 2 or more readings & receive a 10% discount on all store merchandise! Astrology • Psychic • Tarot • & more! Searching for God in America, 1:15 pm Selby Public Library meeting room, Cost: Free Carol B. Green will lead a discussion on the changing tide of spirituality and religion in this Country. Green is the author of Spiritual Transformation in America. Moderator-host for the discussion will be author, lecturer, Robert Waxman, an expert on Comparative Spirituality. Free Yoga and Wellness for Neck Pain and Allergies, 1:15-3:30. Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Pete, Free, www.LivingRoomYoga.biz, (727) 826-4754 Stacy Renz, ERYT500, OTR and Colettle Cseszko, DC. Begins with yoga therapy with Stacy followed by a talk by Dr. Colette. Register by Thurs Jan 27. Donations to our scholarship fund will be cheerfully accepted.

Monday, Jan. 31 Making Herbal Products for Massage (Earn 3CEU) – LMT’s, 6-9pm Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies, 901 Central Ave, St Petersburg. Cost $60. www.HerbalWise.us.com, 727-384-HERB. Advance Registration Required. Add value to your massage offerings by incorporating therapeutic oils and herbs. Receive a step-by-step workbook and samples to take home.

Monday, Jan. 31

Choose to inspire your life! Awaken Yourself to a New Way of Being during this session for women designed to ignite and inspire your full potential. Each session is guided uniquely by Spirit, and will be facilitated by Andi Schenbeck. Arrive early as the doors will be closed promptly at 7PM to ensure sacred space.

Saturday, Feb. 5 Introduction to Lightworks Healing Method 3 to 5 pm, Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Learn about this exciting new method of guided energy healing. Receive an energetic transmission and perform an exercise to connect with your spirit guides.

Saturday, Feb 5 Abundance Ceremony 1:30pm 2868 Ringling Blvd Sarasota, FL 34237 941-927-6797 RadianceofSarasota@verizon.net Make 2011 a year filled with creativity, good health, joy, prosperity, protection, wealth, and wisdom. Help us bring in the Chinese New Year. Abundance Ceremony, 1:30pm Radiance of Sarasota, 941-927-6797 Make 2011 a year filled with creativity, good health, joy, prosperity, protection, wealth, and wisdom. Help us bring in the Chinese New Year.

Lightworks Healing, 3:00 pm Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: Love Offering, www.lightworksmethod.com Receive a basic understanding of the Lightworks Method of energy work, which allows anyone to act as a catalyst for healing from the Divine to the individual.

Quantum Entrainment® Basic Workshop 9:30am - 5pm, Holiday Inn Sarasota Airport www.quantumentrainment.com, 877-357-0750 Learn the basic Quantum Entrainment® Process by originator Frank Kinslow. You’ll engage in exercises to experience the “secret” of instant healing and be performing QE on others by lunch break. You will learn how to heal physical and emotional disharmony in yourself and others, heal at a distance, and use QE as a powerful meditation while performing daily activities.

Sunday, Feb. 6

Sunday, Feb 6

Music that Makes a Difference, 6:30 PM Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: $15.00 Children 17 and younger FREE Contact: www.unityofsarasota.com Musical artists David Roth, Karen Taylor Good, and Mindy Simmons, three new thought singer/ songwriters coming together in one amazing program presenting, “Music that Makes a Difference!”

Quantum Entrainment® Master Workshop 9:30am - 5pm, Holiday Inn Sarasota Airport www.quantumentrainment.com, 877-357-0750 This Master Workshop takes Quantum Entrainment® to a new level. Actually, you will learn refined Quantum Entrainment®. You will learn to apply Quantum Entrainment to finances, relationships, groups, world peace and learn how to teach children to do QE. The Quantum Entrainment® Basic workshop is a prerequisite for this workshop.

Thursday, Feb. 3 Astro-drama 7-9pm Hampton Inn on Ulmerton In Clearwater Live astrology enactment of natal charts. Excellent way to learn astrology. Watch professionals and amateurs get dramatic. www.AASP-FL.com

Inspiring Your Journey – A Group Session for Women, 7PM Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N, St. Petersburg Cost: Love Offering WingsBookstore.com or call 727.522.6657.



ONGOING EVENTS Monday Angel Reading & Healing With Emily Andrews 11-4pm, Om Gaia 312 12th St W Bradenton FL. Price: 15m/$25, 45m/$30, 75/1hour, 941-747-1922 Connect to your Angel and divine guidance as Emily shares their messages for you as they guide the healing for your mind body and spirit and provide clarity to your decisions and to your life journey. . Essential Oils for the Health of It Every 2nd Monday, 3:30 pm The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach, SunCity, FL 33573 Price: Free, Robin Lesia LeBleu, 813-545-1256 Learn how to use Certified Pure Theraputic Grade Essential Oils instead of over the counter drugs for common ailments, DoTERRA, Gift of the earth. Goddess Gathering, Every last Monday, 7pm Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St. N. St Petersburg Price: Love Offering, Contact: emily@livingtoinspire.com, (813) 758-1139, livingtoinspire.com Gathering empowers women to align with the Goddess within. Celebration includes belly dancing & exercises to assist women embrace the feminine energy that desires to express fully! Angel Gathering, Every second Monday, 7pm Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St. N. St Petersburg Price: Love Offering, Contact: emily@livingtoinspire.com, (813) 758-1139, livingtoinspire.com Connect with your Angels & Archangels. During each gathering, Angelic beings are channeled & discussed. Participants are guided through powerful exercises, to encourage the Angelic connection. Dare To Thrive! Start: Jan 31 – Feb 28, 10 am or 7 pm First Unity Church, 460 46th Avenue North, St Petersburg (727) 527-2222 x100 www.unitycampus.org “Will You Dare To Thrive?” is a fun, interactive class that will help you break through your crystallized thought strata about your “prosperity” or “lack” thereof! Why indulge in casual, causal, conversation about a weak economy? Let’s look at what Is really going on! Join us to share in the far more exciting, and infinite Truth of abundance!


Prosperity Class, 7:00pm - 8:30pm Starts: 01/10/2011, 8 week course Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 YOU Building Price: $100 plus class materials, (941) 955-3301 Start off 2011 with a power prosperity course offered Rev. Elizabeth Thompson, Senior Minister of Unity Church of Sarasota along with Rev Denise Oyler. The course will focus on the classic teachings of some of the greatest spiritual seekers of our century. Such as, Charles Fillmore, Ernest Holmes, Napoleon Hill and many others. Women’s Mysteries (women only), 10:45-11:45 Radiance of Sarasota, 2868 Ringling Blvd. Sarasota, Price: Love Offering 941-993-7478 or 941-809-7836 Every Monday, Different focus each week. Introduction to different goddesses from the various ancient mythologies. Explore the cycle of the Moon and Sun, how this applies to our lives and how we can use it. Open discussion groups, meditations, and ceremonies. Johanna Coplan and Donna Pinkston.

Tuesday Uncommon Success Seminars, 7-9 pm Event Date: Every Tuesday from Feb 8-Mar 1 Friendship Hall. First Unity Church, 460 46th Ave. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33703 Price: Free - love offering angelmoney4u@yahoo.com 727-954-4794 Learn how to manifest an abundant life from James Del Vecchio, a nationally recognized expert. Career, saving, investing, and spirituality that can change the world.

Intro to Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, 7-8:30 PM Starts: 01/11/2011, Every Tuesday eve for 8 weeks Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: $5 or less Contact: 941-552-8466 Introduction to meditation, taught by a student of Tibetan Buddhism. Meets Tuesday eves 7-8:30 for 8 wks. Taught by a student of The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, under his auspices. Be Balanced Now, 6:30 pm 13520 Twig Terrace, Largo Price: Love Offering Contact: (727) 386-6831 I facilitate clearing and balancing of perceptions, decisions, feelings and beliefs. Clear your blocks, change beliefs and transform your life. Weekly Event, Every Tuesday Laughter Yoga, 10:00am Location to be Announced Price: $5 Contact: 904-687-6972 Every Tuesday, Laugh your way to better health. You only need the ability to breath and the willingness to laugh for better cardiovascular health, pain relieve, and sleep. Available for private and corporate parties 5-Element Healthy Living, Open Forum, 12-2pm Dutch Retreat, SCC Village Plaza, Ste 104 (US301 South / SR674) Price: Free, DutchRetreat@yahoo.com Every 2nd Tuesday, Take charge of your own health by decreasing disturbances that can lead to ailments. Join me in an exploration of balancing our Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood Elements.

Kriya Yog - A Course in Meditation, 7-8:45 PM Starts: 01/11/2011, 4 Week Course Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: $50 for all 4 classes Contact: 941-493-0853 Self-disciple, profound Self-study, and devotional surrender [to the ultimate Reality commonly referred to as] God. Kryia Yoga is practiced to remove all obstacles to Self- and God-realization.

A Course in Miracles, 8-9:30 pm Location: call for details Price: Free, Contact: 941-323-1418 Every other Tues evening, A Course in Miracles discussion group from 8-9:30 pm every other Tuesday evening in a private home in Sarasota. Facilitated by Joan Haber, OMC

Discovering the True Self Rev. Barbara Calabrese, 7- 8:30pm Starts: 02/01/2011, 7 week course every Tuesday Mystic See 411 West Dearborn St Englewood Price: $75, Lynk50@aol.com An accredited course through The College of Metaphysical Studies. Do you want to meet a wonderful person? Experience positive thinking for your highest potential.

Grief Support Group, 6:30 to 7:30 pm Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: Free, Contact: www.unityofsarasota.com 12/15/2010 Third Wednesday of each month, Join Rev. Amy Zehe and others looking for support, understanding and compassion during the grieving process.


Self Realization Classes, 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm Location: Sarasota Gnostic Center, Clark road Sarasota Florida 34238 Price: Love donation, Contact: (941) 228-9208 Description: Experience Gnosis.Learn the secret practices used through the Ages. RelaxationConcentration-Inner Change-Guided MeditationChakra Activation-Astral Projection Tarot, and much more… Wonderful Wednesday’s 11am – 4 pm Miracles Metaphysical Bookstore 1950 2nd Ave. N. St. Pete: 727-822-3157 Beginning in January, Miracles Bookstore will start offering a 20% off special on Wednesday’s. In addition, during January, receive a small gift with your first purchase.

Thursday Reiki Share, 4:30pm-6:30pm Velora Peacock, Sun City Center, FL 33573 Price: Love donations, Contact: 813-633-9400 12/09/2010 First Thursday of every month. Come and experience the ancient Universal Life Force energy. Transfer healing techniques that reduces stress and promotes healing. Every one is welcomed. ROCK YOUR WORLD 7:00pm Alternative Health Therapy 1201 Sheridan Rd Clw. Price: Love Donation Contact: 727-449-9090 Discussing and exploring the tools of Conscious Evolution.Open to the energy of the Crystal World. B.Y.O.R.to share and learn.Limited Reservations. Ask and It Is Given: Law of Attraction in Action 7-9pm Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor St Price: $10.00 Contact: 941-922-7839 Focus is on the practical application of the principles of the Law of Attraction and Allowing, using the many works of Hicks/Abraham. New students welcomed. Hypnosis for Weight Loss group, 4 - 5:30 pm Starts: 01/06/2011, Three consecutive Thursdays 5104 N Lockwood Ridge, Ste 301 Sarasota Price: $120 for three sessions per person Contact: Cindy Kasper, CHt (941)893-7932 Overcome unhealthy eating habits, release cravings, increase desire for healthy foods and increase exercise motivation, confidence and self esteem. Small group, call to reserve spot. Spiritual Coaching, 1pm Megan Gray, M.A. Counseling 727-729-2246 mauisnorkelbabe@yahoo.com Motivation, releasing blocs. EFT and the law of attraction, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Loving Your Inner Child group.

Friday Free Belly Dance Class, Fridays 6 – 7pm Hip Expressions Belly Dance Studio, 1108 62nd Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL, Price: FREE www.hip-expressions.com, 727.459.8558 Description: Discover how belly dance is great spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Join the belly dance community – be strong, be sexy, belly dance! Quantum Super Wave Relaxation 300S. Duncan Ave. Suite 291E Clearwater Price: $1.00 2 Minutes Contact: Sandy Moon 727-458-9616 Every Friday, Destress and relax. Catch the Wave! On a Quantum Super Wave Bed, Space Age Technology. (By appointment) Spiritual Trance Dance, 8PM- 10PM Every 2nd Friday of the Month Prana Yoga & Healing Center 3840 South Osprey Avenue Sarasota, Fl 34239 Price: $5-$20 donation Normen1@Comcast.net or 941.726.3262 or www.ThroughFrequency.com Journey through music,sound & movement while blindfolded in a safe & sacred space. Dance also includes sound healing with live didgeridoo, chanting, & toning. A Journey Within” Soul Service Friday 3:00pm The Chakra Center 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201 Suncity Center 33573 Price: $10.00 Love Donation, 813-633-9400 Weekly Service includes a guided meditation,a soul sermon,and personal message from spirit. Rev. Debbie feels its important to open to the church within. CoffeeHouse, 7PM Every 4th Friday, Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: $5 Love offering, www.unityofsarasota.com Cabaret style, open mic for all who want to sing, dance, play music, tell jokes. Come and sign up early. Refreshments and beverages available.

Saturday What is Laser Therapy for Pain & Acupuncture 11:00am-12:00pm, 2903 Dr. MLK ST N, St. Petersburg FL 33704 Price: Free, (727)898-5900 or GoLumina.com Free Evaluation. Learn how quickly (from the first treatment $65) you can permanently reduce & heal pain. We combine 2 therapies resulting in fast results. Limited space call to reserve.

Teachings from the OM, 4:00 - 5:00 pm Radiance of Sarasota 2868 Ringling Blvd. Sarasota, FL Price: Love Offerings Contact: 941-993-7478 Every Staurday, Each week will have a different focus. 1: Bible Study for a new paradigm. 2: Channelings from the OM. 3: 2012 Update. 4: Open discussion.


Sunday Celebration Service, 10am Center for Conscious Living, 6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo FL 33773 Price: Love offering, Contact 727-538-0900 Sunday Service with life-affirming message. We are a New Thought center offering spiritual tools to improve our personal lives and make the world a better place. One From The Heart Healing Sessions 9:30-10:15 A.M., 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota FL (Knights of Columbus Bldg ) Price: FREE, www.CenterofSpiritualAwareness.com CSA Healing Practitioners offer 15 min. sessions to bring about a state of mind that responds in the reflection of Wholeness, Peace, and Love Lessons of Life, Sunday,s 10:30 A.M. 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota FL (Knights of Columbus Bldg) Price: FREE, www.CenterofSpiritualAwareness.com Spiritual but not religious? Join our loving community for Guided Meditation and Inspirational Messages for every challenge and circumstance in your life. Expand Your Awareness and Reduce Stress with EFT, 9am -TBA.. A Path to Wellness, 6405 9th St. N Price: $15, Dr. Jackson, 727-329-9637 Every sunday, Make a move toward freedom from holiday stress and the emotional burdens of financial and family challenges with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Turn off the noise. www.aptw.net/id20.html Contact office for specific sundays

Throughout the Month Advanced Chiropractic and Wellness Center Price: Offering $10 off the Beautiful Image natural face lift for the month of January! No down time, no pain, just less wrinkles, lifted jaw line and eyelids in 45 minutes. Call 813-8411118 and ask for Janet to set up your appointment.

Women’s Mysteries (women only), 7:30-8:30pm Radiance of Sarasota, 2868 Ringling Blvd. Sarasota, FL, Price: Love Offering 941-993-7478 or 941-809-7836 Every Thursday, Different focus each week. Introduction to different goddesses from the various ancient mythologies. Explore the cycle of the Moon and Sun, how this applies to our lives and how we can use it. Open discussion groups, meditations, and ceremonies. Johanna Coplan and Donna Pinkston.


Alternative Healing/ Holistic Practitioners Sarasota County Advanced Integrative Bodywork, Joanne Muir 2010 Pine Terrace, Suite B, Sarasota, Fl, 34231 813 857-5394, Lemuir8@aol.com Using unique integrative methods of bodywork, Joanne works to facilitate her clients in finding freedom, focus, balance, integration, in the subtle and structural body systems. Energy Sound Healer, Robert Austin 941-822-9046, Robertaustinp@verizon.com WWW.Crystalbowlsoundhealer.com Discover the healing properties of crystal and Tibetan Bowls. Available for private sessions, concerts and workshops. Family Healing Center, Dr. Christina Captain, Dom 1219 East Ave S #104 Sarasota, Fl 34239 941-951-1119, www.familyhealingcenter.com, dr_captain@familyhealingcenter.com The Family Healing Center is an integrative, alternative health care practice that incorporates traditional western ideology with Eastern and other holistic strategies. This integration of East meets West allows the center to provide specialized treatment for a wide range of health problems. Rev. Zan Benham, ButterflyDeerwomanm 941-922-7839, www.woman-spirit.com Spiritual counselor, Reiki master and teacher, hypnosis, regressions, shamanic practitioner, shaman journeys, soul retrieval, intuitive readings, classes, all for your empowerment, healing and expansion. Dr. Carol Roberts M.D., Wellness Works 1322 Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243 941-358-1071, http://www.wellnessworks.us/ We offer our patients an evaluation, treatment, and education based on the holistic model of body-mind-spirit. To recognize that the best form of treatment is determined by the individual need and preference to incorporate education to maintain the body and the mind.

Pinellas A Path to Wellness, LLC, Dr. Christopher Jackson, Ph.D., DOM, AP 6405 9th St. N. (Dr. MLK Jr. St. N.) www.apathtowellnessllc.com Holistic physician focused on the cause, treating body, mind, and spirit. Natural medicine from


around the world with western naturopathic and eastern medicine combined. Do you have joint problems? If you have pain and/or immobility you must CALL NOW. Learn about a NEW natural product that is literally changing people’s lives! Contains the only bio available Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid and also contains Resveratrol. Call 727-797-0567 for a personal consultation and overview of this life changing product. Essentials for Health Colon Therapy Sue Ontiveros LMT, CT 5710 4th Street North Suite 4 St Petersburg 727.906.6675, http://essentials-for-health.com We specialize in colon therapy, nutrition, and detoxification. Colon therapist, Sue Ontiveros, has performed over 8,000 colonics making her well qualified in her field. Garden of Eve Studio Eve Torres, LMT/Colonic Therapist 7754 66th Street, Pinellas Park 727-748-9017, www.gardenofevestudio.com Specialists in detoxification therapies: colonic hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage, ear coning, ionic foot detox, nutritional supplements and therapeutic massage.

Hillsborough Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic of Ruskin 203 W. Shell Point Road Ruskin, FL 33570 813-645-8168 fax 813-645-8169 www.Acupunctureruskin.com Dr. Ken, a Board Certified Acupuncture Physician, is also a certified Thought Field Therapist, Reflexologist, Hypnotherapist, Meridian Response Technique, and retired psychologist. Light Therapy, the quantum series Light Therapy system is for myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, joint pain, bruising, fracturs, muscle problems, and wounds. It Accelerates all types of healing. Advanced Chiropractic Dr. Heather Haverfield & Dr. Rich Rogan 110 West Shell Point Rd., Ruskin, FL 33570 813-841-1118, www.RuskinChiropractor.com Wellness based practice offering Chiropractic, Hair analysis, Detox foot bath, Reflexology, Standard Process supplements, nutritional council, Erchonia Cold Laser therapy, traction, electric muscle stimulation and ultra sound. Alafia River Aura Imaging Sparrow Slo’an… Knowledge that transforms… Riverview, Florida, 813-601-1276 Aura Photos, Research, Workshops, and Counseling — Certified Aura/Chakra Analyst, Ayurveda Practitioner, and Reiki Master. Utilizing the Biopulsar Reflexograph, Sparrow combines personal experience with multiple knowledge systems to interpret your aura photo.

HerbalWise, Deserie Valloreo St Petersburg, FL 727-384-HERB (4372) www.HerbalWise.us.com HerbalWise empowers you to take control of your health naturally through hands-on herbal medicinemaking workshops, individual consultations, and Medical Qi Gong Practitioner, Lynne Nichols our own line of herbal remedies. 813-957-6855, Lynnegigong@gmail.com Strengthen and regulate the internal organs, the Lumina Healing Ctr. for Laser, Acupuncture & nervous system, and immune system. Relieve Massage, Oscar Hernandez pain, regulate hormones, and purge deep seated 2903 Dr. MLK St. N St. Petersburg, FL 33704 emotions to promote wellness. The imagination (727)898-5900, GoLumina.com leads the mind, the mind leads the Qi. Laser + Acupuncture will reduce & heal PAIN from day one (2 full therapies for $65), One hr. Hot Artists/Musicians Stone deep tissue massage $25, Herbal, Vitamin injections $25, facials. Harmony Stones By Therese Harmonyinnatureart.com, 941-953-5049 The Conscious Connection This one of a Kind Calligraphy on stone art seen 306 Orange St, Palm Harbor, (Ozona) in out door markets, the annual Asian Festival at 727.785.4444, www.makethecc.com Selby Gardens and Wellness Fest in Sarasota is Our highly talented and passionate practitioners created with Intention for Inspiration and healing. will ensure your experience to be personal, peace- Call to order your Holiday Gifts or to create your ful and awe inspiring. Feel the difference and lift personal Healing Garden or indoor Sanctuary your Spirit in the healing presence of the positive using all the earth elements. aura of The Conscious Connection®. Spiritual Consulting, Massage, Spa Treatments, Detox, Jack Alexander Ayurveda, Yoga, Energy Work, Cafe and more! www.jackalexander.mosaicglobe.com yohiel@yahoo.com, 941-359-9222 Quantum Acupuncture, Alexander’s artworks adorn the homes of such Sandy Moon recognizable celebrities as actor Dustin Hoffman, 300 S. Duncan Ave Suite 291E Archbishop D. Tutu of South Africa and diplomats Clearwater Fl, 727-458-9616 and dignitaries worldwide. Clients, decorators, beamup@yahoo.com contractors and collectors call him a “master” at Take a ride on the Quantum wave his craft and credit his images, murals, faux-finisha space age Technology that es and architectural concepts as having healing incorporates ancient healing and properties. knowledge. This new technology helps you relax and destress in Kirtan Sacred Sounds, Suzanne Alvarez minutes as well as provide you 813-785-7993, kirtanmusic.com numerous healing qualities. Call Suzanne Alvarez is available for singing at WedToday! dings, parties, or Kirtans.Sings Folk to Broadway. BA Theater in Arts

Books and Gifts Cozette’s Boutique and Enchanted Notions Cozette Roche and Christy Sheppard 667 Central Avenue St Petersburg (727) 823 2333, enchantednotions13@yahoo.com Electic Fashions and Accessories with a flair. Organic handcrafted gauges and body jewelry. Metaphysical stones, candles, incense books and tarot card readings by Christy. Elysian Fields Books & Gifts 1273 S. Tamiami Trail Midtown Plaza Sarasota 941-361-3006, www.ElysianFieldsOnline.com Award winning store in Sarasota where something wonderful is always happening! Books, music, jewelry, crystals, incense, candles, clothing, personal care & greeting cards. Intuitive Readers daily. Heavenly Things, Inc 216 First Avenue N (Jannus Landing) St. Pete 727 822 8938, www.arttozen.com We provide an assortment of unique art pieces, mystical objects, spiritual music, encouraging books, happy gadgets, popular relaxing products, fine arts & crafts, aromatherapy, essential oils, jewelry, altar pieces, tarot cards, semi-precious gemstones, incense and much more. Mermaid Minerals 306 Orange St, Palm Harbor 727-785-4444, www.mermaidminerals.com Our product formulas are infused with natural earth made ingredients. We left out toxic chemicals and preservatives to bring you quality products to protect and preserve your skin. Miracles Metaphysical Bookstore 1950 2nd Ave. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33713 727-822-3157 Miracles offers humanitarian and environmentally conscious merchandise; plus free information cards about many products. Ask for your ‘Frequent Shopper Thank You’ card. Free Wi-Fi. Mystic See, Lynne Kloss 411 West Dearborn Street Englewood 941.473.3816, Lynk50@aol.com www.mysticsee.net An enlightened gift and book shop and spiritual empowerment center offering Intuitive Readings, massage, classes, meditation and special events to enhance our daily living. The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd Ste 201, Sun City Center 33573 813-633-9400, www.thechakracenter.net Offering spiritual books, crystals, readings incense, jewelry, gifts and more. Full array of classes and workshops for enlightenment. Laughter yoga classes. Where light seekers gather.

Business/Personal Services Marcia’s Creative Solutions 813-980-0298, mkwsolutions@verizon.net Awaken to a space of harmony & balance… Professional Organizer for home, bills taxes and more. Need help to sort, organize and unclutter? Call me today!

Professional Proofreading, Susan Barton 407-382-0313, www.SusanBarton.net 15 years of professional experience. Polish your materials and solidify your image with a professional proofreader. Friendly, timely, extreemly accurate. (Transformation Magazine is proud to use Susan for all of our proofreading!) The Go-Giver, Gary Loper 727-374-7652, garylee.loper@gmail.com Learn the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success that will shift your focus from getting to giving. Build better relationship (personal and professional) through giving!

Counseling & Life Coaching Intuitive Coaching, Velora Peacock 904-687-6972, www.velorapeacock.com Readings, intuitive coaching, energy, session, animal spirit card readings, past life regression, Awaken to your true potential. M.S. in Parapsychic Science. Integrated Mindset, LLC, Cindy Snowball 941-524-1022, www.CindySnowball.com Health and Wellness Life Coaching. Find your life path through I See Your Dream Job coaching using numerology, astrology and intuition. “Intrigue the mind, nourish the spirit and energize the body.” Relationship Therapist, Helen Dahlhauser 727-692-6326, www.before-you-leave.com As a therapist who has helped hundreds of couples make the decision to stay or leave, I have developed a relationship process that can help you learn, heal, and make the best possible decision for your unique situation. Spiritual Coaching, Megan Gray 727-729-2246 mauisnorkelbabe@yahoo.com Motivation, releasing blocs. EFT and the law of attraction, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Loving Your Inner Child group, Thursday 1 p.m. M.A. Counseling 1983.

Churches/Spiritual Centers Radiance of Sarasota 2868 Ringling Blvd Sarasota, FL 34237 941-927-6797 or 941-362-0440 radianceofsarasota.com Experience Inspiration & Wellness in All Areas of Your Life! Come to Radiance of Sarasota and BE Well! Heal the Body, Quiet the Mind, Balance the Emotions, Open to Your Inspiration

We are a Science of Mind New Thought center offering spiritual tools to improve our personal lives and make the world a better place. Unity Campus, First Unity & Wings Bookstore 4500 4th Street North, St Petersburg FL 7275272222, www.unitycampus.org Unity Campus is a spiritual community that teaches a positive, practical and progressive approach to spirituality. Unity Church of Sarasota Rev. Elizabeth Thompson, Minister 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Florida 34231 941-955-3301, www.unityofsarasota.com Unity is a positive approach to life, seeking to accept the good in people and all of life. Universal Harmony 5903 Seminole Blvd. Seminole fl 727-392-7725, http://theuniversalharmony.com/ Our philosophy and mission is to present spiritual truth in a “universal” manner and to emphasize “harmony” in the individual path of Life-and-Living.

Healthy Eating Gateau O Chocolat, Emmanuel Roux 727-251-1879, www.gateauOchocolat.net Heaven’s official chocolate cake! Now available on Earth and online. Organic, gluten free, luxurious, flourless. For good friends, nice relatives, best clients, and YOU! Heartmade Gluten-free Sweets & Treats Lisa Stoler 727-686-3767, www.heartmadesweets.com Heartmade’s handmade biscotti is delicious and contains only natural, gluten-free ingredients. Perfect for holiday parties and holiday and corporate gifts! Healthy Hut Market, Restaurant, Cafe 595 Corey Ave., St Pete Beach 727-363-hhut (4488), http://hhutmarket.com/ At the Healthy Hut, our mission is to add one more choice for a healthy lifestyle to your daily commute. To do it to the best of our ability, bringing you the highest quality products and services in the pursuit of a life well lived seeking maximum human longevity and quality of life. Mabry Market 5129 E State Rd 674 Wimauma Fl 33595 813-957-3148 Specializing in organic herbs, fresh produce, farm eggs, naturally raised meat, dried herbs and spices, fresh bread and other locally produced product.

Center of Spiritual Awareness 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota (Knights of Columbus Bldg) 941-926-7828 Centerofspiritualawareness.com We welcome you with open arms and open hearts, to a warm, loving, divine fellowship of “The Spirit”, honoring diversity, nurturing creativity and celebrating community. Center for Conscious Living 6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo, 727-538-0900, www.consciousliving.org


Health & Wellness doTERRA, CPTG Essential Oil Robin Lesia LeBleu P.O. Box 230, Parrish, FL 34219 813-545-1256, www.mydoterra.com/robinl DoTerra, Certified Pure Therapeutic grade, Essential Oil. Holistic health care at home. CPTG essential oils, with their healthful properties, vs Over The Counter drugs. Ochunsoino’s Spiritual and Natural Health 203B W Shellpoint Rd, Ruskin, Fl 33570 813-649-4789, www. Ochunsoino.com Dedicated to all natural vitamins, supplements, organic products supplying a diverse selection of spiritual and metaphysical products to the community.

Hypnosis Cynthia Kasper Hypnotherapy Cindy Kasper, Clinical Hypnotherapist 5104 N Lockwood Ridge Rd, Ste 301 Sarasota 9418937932, www.cindykasper.com Change your life with hypnotherapy. Resolve issues with weight, smoking, anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, chronic pain, cancer and insomnia. Enhance sports performance, motivation and self-esteem. Hypnotherapy, Velora Peacock The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 904-687-6972, www.velorapeacock.com Self empowerment techniques to reduce stress and allow the body to focus attention on a natural course of healing. Finding solutions to self sabotaging behaviors lead to peace of mind & control of negative behaviors. IMDHA Certified.

Massage Dutch Retreat Massage & Wellness Clinic Deb van Raalten, LMT MA#55854 SCC Village Plaza, Suite 104 (US301 S / SR674) (813) 763-0340, www.Dutch-Retreat.com Dutch Retreat offers Handcrafted Wellness: Manual Lymph Drainage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Amethyst BioMat, Bamboo Fusion, Hot Stones, Reflexology & Organic customized Essential Oils, Natural Vitamins, Minerals, Herbals & Botanicals.

Facilities/Meeting Rooms Sacred Lands 1620 Park Street N, St. Pete, (727) 347-0354 www.sacredlandspreservationandeducation.org Sacred Lands Preservation and Education, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving land that has historical and archaeological significance. Sacred Lands hosts a variety of programs and events many of which are here at the mound site which is the location of an ancient Tocobago village. Sunset from our dock!

Associations/Clubs/Networking Holistic Network Tampa Bay www.HolisticTampaBay.com Building communities & strengthening lives! Inspire a healthier you in 2011! Feel Healthier and


stay connected. Join the Holistic Network today! Receive discounts with over 65 Bay Area health and wellness providers. Astrology Association of St. Petersburg 4050 Ulmerton Rd, Clearwater, 727-572-7456, Website: AASP-FL.com Oldest continuously running astrology group in the state; we invite profession astrologers and educators from across the world to speak, in order to advance the knowledge of astrology – the world’s oldest science. Prior to the meeting, we invite you to come and talk astrology. Meets 1st Thursday.

Past Life Regression Forever Souls, Elissa Bentsen 941-706-3583, www.foreversouls.com Have you ever visited a place and experienced that you have been there before? Have you ever met some one for the first time and instantly felt you already knew them? Chances are these are clues to your past life and they can provide valuable insight and information that can help you in this lifetime.

Pets Advanced Animal Chiropractic Dr. Heather Haverfield 813-841-1118, www.RuskinChiropractor.com Animal adjusting with Erchonia cold laser therapy to help improve your pets function and reduce pain. All treatments are done while working with your Veterinarian.

PSYCHIC Consultant Specialist, Mrs. Dixon 4403 57th St W., Bradenton 34210, 941-795-8978 Tarot and Palmistry Readings. Find that which is lost, who/when you will marry, solve your problems. Immediate results. Cynthia Castillo The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201 Suncity Center 33573 813-645-4979, greenize65@verizon.net CALLING ALL ANGELS! Rev. Cindy uses her life experiences to help guide you in the here & now. Connect with your angels, Intuitive readings Readers & Intuitive Wisdom From Above Rev. Emma Rosa 813-677-6314, 813-843-8961 Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master, Classes on developing your gifts, Phone consultations, Angel Reading, Medical Intuitive, Palm Reading. Honor your creator! Everything in divine order.

Spa and Beauty 20 WEST SPA 20 west Wentworth St. Englewood. 941-475-0020 or email 20westspa@gmail.com We work form “inside out”. Offering newly expanded services including colonics, facials, baths, & massages. Services customized to meet your individual goals and schedule, 7 days a week by appointment. Hair Shimmers- Bling for your Hair! Contact: 804-687-6972 Velora@ hotmail.com, www.Velorapeacock.com Colored strands of silk tied into your hair that last for months. Not affected by washing or drying, styling, or processing your hair. Many colors to choose from. Group discounts! Cost $2 to $40, Mobile,located in Sun City Central

Give a Dog a Bone 813-641-3734 www.Giveadogabonefl.com 6170 N Us Hwy 41 Apollo Beach Fl. 33572 We strive for the best products at the best prices! We carry only all natural dog and cat food/treats. Our products contain human grade meat, fruits, Nancy Homes Holmes, Esthetician and vegetables with no by-products. We also bake 941-416-7409, www.onsightbeuty.com all natural bones & cakes in the store daily. Voted A Natural Awakenings Favorite Anti-Aging Practitioner for 2010. Bellanina Facelift Massage Readers/Intuitives Specialist & Seminar Instructor. Face and Body Treatments that Refresh, Rejuvenate, and Relax A JOURNEY WITHIN, Rev. Debbie Dienstbier The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beack Blvd. Mediation and Yoga Suite 201 Suncity Center 33573 727-433-3896, spiritualdeb@gmail.com Apollo Beach Yoga, Julie Chavanu ‘A JOURNEY WITHIN’ Trance 118 Flamingo Rd, #C Apollo Beach, FL 33572 Medium,Clairvoyant,Healer I am open to commu(813) 422-2336, http://www.abeachyoga.com/ nicate w/guides and loved ones who have crossed We offer classes 7 days a week, Gentle Classes over. Over 20 years experience. Available Friday at to Vinyasa style. Meditation and Breathing classes the Chakra Center Sun City by appointment 3pm coming soon. NEW STUDENTS 1st Month UnlimFridays “A Journey Within” Soul Service. Sun. 1/9 @. ited Classes: $25. 730pm Speaking at THE Temple Of Love & Healing Private Yoga Instruction, Velora Peacock Intellectual Metaphysics, Marcia Bender Sun City Center, 804-687-6972 941-924-1721, marlou2000@aol.com www.Velorapeacock.com Over 40 years in all aspects of Metaphysics and Private and Semi-private yoga classes by Yoga specialization in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia licensed instructor. Restorative, Hatha chair and has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot. personally designed sessions to meet your comfort Currently Accepting Students. and special needs. Living to Inspire, Emily Andrews (813) 758-1139, www.livingtoinspire.com Intuitive Coaching, Angel Readings & Healing Sessions, & Past Life Readings. Workshops: Awaken your Intuition, Connect with your Angels, Connect with your Past Lives, Intuitive Parenting, & Meditation.

Womens Meditation Group, Spiritual Connections Jo Mooy, 941-866-5752 jo@starsoundings.com, www.starsoundings.com Women’s guided meditations on the New & Full Moons for global and personal healing. Healers offer complimentary energy services. Sacred space, chanting, silence, at Rising Tide Spiritual Center.



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