Calls for help in the wake of Covid-19 and typical costs faced by leaders across Eastern Europe. My family and I are struggling to cover all the expenses we have during the pandemic. Rent, bills, food, etc.
The church can’t help us with our monthly £200 apartment rent.
The cost of a weekly food shop is £65.
People are losing their jobs and that worries us.
The monthly cost of church rent in the Balkans is £120.
We face a shortage of food and firewood.
Our children have lost the normal schedule of schooling getting barely 50% of lessons in school.
We don't have access to health care.
Risk of electricity being disconnected due to non-payment.
It costs up to £75 to heat a home for a month
A refurbished laptop costs around £180.
We were sick in hospital for seven days and may need rehab.
We don't know how the lack of money for healthcare and utility bills can be solved apart from prayer.
Find out about the Red Tulip Appeal on back cover 23