Connect magazine October 2020 - Next Generation

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agazine M

October – December 2020

eneration G NEXT

Meg is on a mission Through the tears Being a Christian is not démodé I see a future Heart Cry Prayer Diary


Next generation Recently, we’ve seen a string of anniversaries celebrating 20, 25 and 30 years of ministry by our partners in Europe. Maybe you too can recount decades of support for TEN. All this reminiscence begs the question, what next? We looked a little closer and made some exciting discoveries. God has been quietly raising up a new generation to carry the torch of the Gospel. In many cases, the children of our European partners are being equipped to take up leadership and ministry roles in evangelism, pastoral care, music and business. We asked a few of these young people to tell us more. Some of TEN’s partners have become mentors and they too have wonderful stories of transformation in the lives of ‘adopted’ sons and daughters.

The children of faithful TEN supporters also have tales to tell. You can read about Meg who now lives in Liverpool. She followed her mother and aunt in pursuit of mission and has already notched up 25 mission trips. There’s Debi from Nailsea, who was inspired by her parents’ commitment to Harvest for the Hungry and the work in Romania. Our special guest contributor is Dr Stephen Woodworth from the USA who is a regular visitor to the International School of Theology and Leadership in Albania. He shares with us what he finds among the young students. As we look to the future, we see glimpses of the next generation. Young leaders who need our prayers and our practical support as they forge ahead. We pray for more young lives to become involved in the work of TEN and to extend their passion for mission to yet another generation. ’The promise is to you, your children and to all that are afar off.’ (Acts 2:39.) Thank you for your continued interest in the vision of TEN.

TRANSFORM EUROPE NETWORK Registered office: 23 Apex Court, Woodlands, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 4JT Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161





TEN Magazine written and produced by the TEN team. Design by Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design. Transform Europe Network (TEN) is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered in England and Wales as a charity (no. 1140592) and company limited by guarantee (no. 7507682).




4 Meg is on a mission

When the people of God returned from exile under Ezra and Nehemiah their world had changed. A generation that remembered the kings was no longer alive. They had to work out how to live as the people of God in their changed times. How God has been working in his worldwide mission has been changing for a long time. Slowly. The current pandemic has sped up the need to respond to the questions that have been asked of those engaged in mission, both at home and abroad. Those questions include a challenge as to how we will pass on the call to God’s redemption plan for all the nations, and especially to younger generation. Can you remember those who passed on a passion for mission to you? I can. Gently, and sometimes less gently, they modelled what it meant to take up the call to be part of God’s plan and invited me into it. I must do likewise and we must do likewise with those in our churches in the UK. Encouragingly, both in the UK and Europe this is already happening. In this magazine, you will read some amazing stories of how God is raising up a new generation of mission-hearted young people. Be encouraged. I pray that we’re all challenged to seek out those we can nurture and intentionally invite to be part of God’s mission plan, in our churches, in spite of the pandemic. Like the Israelites returning from exile, the world has changed, but we are still called to be God’s witness here and to the ends of the earth. Thank you,

James Vaughton, CEO, TEN P.S. As I write we are beginning to hear news of an emerging famine in Moldova (see back page). Our partners and news sites are reporting that the harvest will be very poor this year. In the light of Covid-19 and this latest crisis, your support for Harvest for the Hungry will be as vital as ever. 3

6 Through the tears 7 Being Christian is not démodé Albania 8 Prepared for service North Macedonia 9 Heart Cry Prayer Diary October – December 14 Instagram stories Naomi Greenwood 15 Partner funding James Vaughton 17 God is good and He always finds a way Kosova 18 I see a future… Albania 20 Without mentors in my life it would be very difficult to grow Bosnia and Herzegovina 21 Josip and his transformation Serbia 22 The chosen generation of Jesus Albania

Meg is on a mission Interviewed by Lucy Hynam, TEN Ambassador

When we speak of mission, we often use the metaphor of sowing seeds and this is particularly true in younger lives. However, in the case of sisters Rachel and Jane, one seed was sown far closer to home. As far as following in the footsteps of your family goes, the story of Megan Reeves (formerly Lee), shows how young lives are shaped by influential role models.

inspired her from a very young age to think of those less fortunate than herself. She was raised with a passion for mission and a more caring and giving heart. Through Meg’s amazing 25 mission trips since 2007, she has cultivated a deep love for the CASA Grace team in Romania, returning every time with the feeling that she’s coming home to family. Anyone who has met Meg can truly see how she too tries to follow the CASA team in spending each day working for the Lord. Megan is gutted that due to Covid-19 she will miss, what is to her, the highlight of her year! ‘Not seeing the children’s faces and not being able to hug the CASA team, is so hard to comprehend’, but next year promises a camp full of renewed vigour and excitement!

It helps having inspirational people in my life, but I think I always wanted to be a part of mission and I believe that is God’s plan for me. Megan Reeves It was touching to discover how Meg has been shaped by those who are passionate about mission, especially her mother Rachel Lee and her auntie Jane Jones. Rachel has been involved with TEN and the Romania CASA camps since the get-go, and has even been coined as ‘Mother Teresa to the children’. Her Aunt Jane also worked on staff for ‘Eurovangelism’, as TEN was formally known. They have both given Meg an incredible outlook and

Would you like to join a TEN mission team when we've come through the pandemic? Contact us on 01179 615161 for more information. 4

Through the tears By Debi Hall, TEN supporter

I have a vivid recollection of that day back in 2004… I was sat on the sofa as my dad relaxed in his armchair. In the lead up to this wonderful memory of mine, Dad had been helping organise Harvest for the Hungry, where donated food was collected locally and made into food parcels for struggling families in Eastern Europe. As part of this, my dad was given the amazing opportunity to see first-hand these parcels being delivered to families in Oradea, Romania. He had put a lot of work into this and I was very proud of him. When he returned from Oradea, my special moment was born. My dad took my mum and I on an emotional journey, speaking through his tears about his experience in Romania. It went from tears of pain, for the families out there struggling with very little, to tears of joy for the amazing work God was doing through Transform Europe Network. This moment touched me deeply. I felt the Lord really wanted me also to help, in whatever way I could.

So, I set up a standing order with TEN and requested the money was used for the work in Oradea, where my dad had visited and where I felt the Lord wanted my help to go. I’ve been donating since then and receive regular email newsletters, so I can see the amazing work being done. Last year, the Lord took my mother home. At the end she was wanting to go to be with Him; this was such a testament to her faith, and it helped us to let her go. The support TEN showed my family after my mother’s passing is something I will never forget. The people at TEN really do care so much and I have no doubt God is at the heart of everything they do.

Debi Hall with her dad, Barry Mead 5

Being a Christian is not démodé I’m a 20-year-old Albanian called Joel Bedulla and I’m also a pastor’s kid! Ever since I was little, I loved reading Bible stories with my parents. Before my father started his ministry as a pastor, our family had been regular members of a church. I was active in the children’s Sunday School and I used to ask a lot of questions. I was a very curious kid. After my dad opened his own church in the city of Korçë, I found myself to be in a different situation compared to being an ordinary member of someone else’s church. This is where my inclination to become theologically articulate came from. I love learning foreign languages and I have always considered the ability to learn and memorise quickly as a gift from God. I retain the same curiosity I had as a kid, which makes me interested in learning about religion, from different perspectives and belief systems. That’s why, in 2018, I started my higher education studies by choosing a double major: studying French language/culture in a secular university and studying theology in the International School of

Theology and Leadership in Tirana. My main motivation for studying theology is to serve others, specifically young people. I find that my church is a safe place to develop ministry and sometimes I get the opportunity to preach from the pulpit. At other times, I lead the Sunday School ministry. It feels very rewarding and uplifting to be able to explain God’s Word in a community that appreciates me. Being a Christian is not démodé and as a young believer I find it a wonderful and challenging experience. Many young adults find it difficult to confess their faith publicly because of their desire to fit in. The fact that my secular friends criticise religion is frankly distressing. When it comes to defending Christianity from verbal attacks, I admit I don’t have all the answers. But what I do in such cases is to show the love of Christ. I want young people to see that Christianity simply means loving God and loving people.


I decided to participate in every ministry I’m Mirjeta Dreshaj. I’m 22 years old from Kosova and a third-year student of Iliria Bible School. I decided to give my life to Jesus in 2018 and it is the best decision I have made. Shortly after I accepted Christ, I had a great desire in my heart to serve Him. In the beginning, I decided to participate in every ministry that was happening at our church, with the hope that I would use the talents God has given me. The first ministry I served in was Kids Club. I always had a strong desire to work with children and saw it as a great opportunity to serve the little ones. Later on, I became part of the worship team as well. Worship was the way God touched my heart from the very beginning. Even though, I didn’t really like how my voice sounded, I just couldn’t stop worshiping.

times I felt like I should even give up on my ministry. But God has always found ways to encourage me. Finally, I understood my calling and God has revealed the talents he has given me. One thing that is giving me much joy is a new project called Ark of Life. The idea behind it is to go into villages of Kosova with a mobile truck and take Kids Club to the children. It has been a special experience to prepare for it, which I am sure is going to be a great place for me to develop my skills. If today you don’t know your calling, by serving in different ministries and not giving up, you will find it.

God has always found ways to encourage me. While I was serving I continued praying to God about my calling. I was growing daily in my faith. Sometimes I felt as if I wasn’t in the right place, at 7

Prepared for service My name is Ivan Petrov from Shtip in North Macedonia. I have recently completed two years of Bible study in the Summit International School of Ministry in Philadelphia, USA that was founded in 1994 by Rev David Wilkerson of Times Square church. I know that God has called me to serve His Kingdom and throughout my studies I proved God’s faithfulness and provision. It’s been a blessing to also learn the English language. I’m thankful that God changed my life and He is preparing me to serve in His field. He said that harvest is big but the labourers are few. Currently, I’m back in my hometown of Shtip and serving in my local church in where my father is the pastor.

When God is preparing us for service, He also prepares hearts that will support us. I’m hoping to complete my studies in Croatia. Raising finance is a big challenge for every young person who wants serve. The economy is weak, there are few jobs and especially during the Coronavirus restrictions. But I believe that God chose me and I know that He will provide. One of my teachers says, “When God is preparing us for service, He also prepares hearts that will support us, and will answer the call to be with us.” Meanwhile, I’m happy that I can help as much I can do in my home church and assist my dad. I know that God will guide me and He knows the best. We pray that God will raise up a new generation hungry for the Gospel and also that God will open the hearts to support the work.


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HEART Prayer requests from across Europe October December 2020


— OCTOBER 2020 — ANATOLI & DESI YANKOVI BULGARIA 1 Please pray with us for cameras and microphones to enable us to broadcast our services live. 2 Pray that Bulgarian lawmakers will not pass laws that violate the free confession of our Christian faith. 3 Pray that corruption would be exposed and that justice would prevail. 4 Pray that the economy of Svishtov would generate more employment and offer better wages. 5 Pray that the hospital in Svishtov would attract more specialists to avoid long distance travel for patients.

BENJAMIN & MARIA ROSA MARTIN SPAIN 13 Pray that God would enable the ministry in Spain to help meet the needs of many people who are facing hardship due to the loss of employment due to the pandemic. 14 Pray for the new contacts made through the online services and in-person gatherings. 15 Pray for our online outreach that is attracting a steady flow of enquiries and interest in the Gospel. 16 Pray for Manuel from Venezuela, who has recently come to faith. 17 Please pray for César as he recovers from pneumonia and starts his discipleship studies. 18 Pray that God would speak into the lives of the families who receive regular food parcels.

6 Pray that the local academy would offer higher education to many more students.

19 Pray for the churches in Vélez-Málaga and Torremolinos as they return to main worship services within the coronavirus guidelines.


20 Please pray for the government of Spain comprised on a socialist and communist coalition.

7 Please pray that God will enable us to run the Alpha course in Serbian and that the team would know divine protection.


8 Please pray that church members who were made redundant during the coronavirus will find new employment.

21 Please pray for a special touch of grace and favour of God for the new autumn season in the Hope Centre, Bathore.

9 Pray for unity among the evangelical churches in Montenegro especially when the country is so divided politically.

22 Pray that the Holy Spirit may refresh the team of Mission Possible Albania that we may be witnesses for God in our families.

10 Pray that Mosaic church in Bar will be able to help poor families during the winter months.

23 Pray that the Mission Possible team would be led and directed by love and not by fear.

11 Pray for Daniel’s recently widowed mother who lives in Serbia and faces many challenges.

24 Pray for the Christian ministry we have with ladies, children and teenagers of Bathore and that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit may be evident.

12 Pray that God would meet our practical need of transport and regular financial support as Daniel and Irinka adapt to shared ministry and married life.

VANCE & TANJA GOLOMEOVI NORTH MACEDONIA 25 Please pray for the 40 families in Shtip who will receive food parcels and the 10 families who will receive firewood. May their hearts be opened to the Gospel. 26 Please pray for the new government of North Macedonia following recent elections. 27 Pray that God may protect all the families during the coronavirus pandemic. 28 Pray for the children and students as they return to education in schools and colleges across the nation.

7 Pray for Tanja Vegel as she befriends and supports women in the community.

JOVICA & SAVKA BACVANSKI MONTENEGRO 8 Please pray that Savka will be refreshed following a challenging few months. 9 Pray for Jovica as he recovers from injuries sustained in a traffic accident. 10 Pray for pastoral assistant Boris and his wife Ursa, staying in Slovenia, as they await the birth of their baby while separated from each other.

29 Pray that the believers in Sveti Nicole will be strengthened and that God would provide a new leader for this work.

11 Pray for God’s presence to encourage the church after a difficult few months of negative influences since the beginning of this year's ups and downs.

30 Please pray for our church gatherings as we return to use our buildings for worship and outreach events.

12 Please pray for the financial situation of our people. All of us were affected by the economic impact of the pandemic..

31 Please pray for the new church plant in Radovish and especially for the family of Robert, Krasi and their son David who relocated there.

13 Please pray that the newly formed government in Montenegro will have a clear mandate to lead the country following the recent elections.

— NOVEMBER 2020 —

14 Please pray the antagonism between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Montenegrin Orthodox Church will cease and that religious freedoms will be restored.

1 Please pray for divine protection upon our family, my wife Tanja and children, Ana and Stefan. 2 Pray for the new people coming to the church in Shtip and my follow-up meetings with them.

ZOLTAN & TANJA VEGEL SERBIA 3 Pray that the new Rehab coffee house will become a popular meeting place. 4 Pray for Nenad and Ilaria as they manage the coffee house and undertake theological study. 5 Pray that God would lead missionaries to Sombor in Serbia. 6 Pray for innovative evangelistic events in the city of Sombor.

ICO & JAGODA MATULIĆ CROATIA 15 Please pray for the church in Korcula as they resume indoor meetings for worship and evangelism. 16 Please pray for our vision to plant a new church in Orebić on the Pelješac peninsular based on the current house group. 17 Please pray that new people will continue coming to church in Korcula. 18 Pray for an upturn in the economy following the losses caused by the Covid-19 crisis. 19 Pray for the financial provision to cover the costs of outreach in Orebić.

ARTUR & BRIKENA KRASNIQI KOSOVO 20 Pray for the worship team in church as they welcome new members, write new songs and prepare for deeper experiences of praise and worship. 21 Pray for all those who have approached the church during the crisis wanting to know more about Jesus. 22 Pray for the scores of people who watched church services online through Facebook. 23 Pray for all those reached through online evangelism and those who requested literature. 24 Please pray for protection as the church resumes its gatherings and fellowship with social distancing measures in place. 25 Pray that the government of Kosovo will know stability as it leads the nation through the pandemic and political crisis.

MARIAN & IONICA ŞERBAN ROMANIA 26 Please continue to pray for God’s protection on all the children in the care of Project Romanian Rescue. 27 Pray that the PRR staff team will be strengthened as they present the online teaching classes. 28 Please pray especially for Ana as she reintegrates into education under our care. 29 Pray for the new girls being assigned to the Casa Anna home. 30 Pray that all the children who came under the care of PRR will experience the Lord for themselves.

— DECEMBER 2020 — DRAGAN & BILJANA MANEV NORTH MACEDONIA 1 Pray for the small groups and gatherings of believers and new peoples in Resen. We feel that we are now like in apostolic time when believers gathered in houses for discipleship and prayers. 2 Pray for our children, Daniel and Marija who are more hungry for the Word of God after spending time with them during lockdown. 3 Pray for the families reached with Essential Gifts after facing extra needs during the pandemic. 4 Pray that North Macedonia will be spared a second wave of Covid-19 and for the resilience of the health care system. 5 Pray for a restoration of the North Macedonian economy. 6 Pray that God would reveal a new strategy and divine wisdom from for our church to reach new people for Christ and make disciples.

ANDREI GHIDION MOLDOVA 7 Pray that the crisis will end and that we can continue the Church ministries, worship services and planned outreach missions. 8 Pray that the Day Care centre can re-open and operate without restrictions. 9 Pray that the youth leaders will have fresh vision for the new generation. 10 Pray for the planned outreach missions and that the Lord would bless this ministry of spreading God's Word.

VALERIU & ANGELA MUNTEANU MOLDOVA 11 Pray for all the people in Tigheci who have heard the Gospel, but not yet responded.

12 Pray God’s blessing upon Elena, Valeriu, Vitalie, Eugenia.


13 Pray for God’s wisdom as we deliver food parcels and share the Gospel.

24 Pray for the Christmas ministry in the Hope Centre that despite the circumstances, we may share the Good News. May God direct those who listen to His Word, to accept this precious gift of God.

14 Pray for political stability for the government of Moldova and for the local authorities.

VASILE GRIGORITA MOLDOVA 15 Pray for the church as we meet together and prepare to celebrate Christmas. 16 Pray for the home groups as they plan for evangelistic events.

LUCIAN AND SVETLANA TABAC MOLDOVA 17 Pray for the Bible study groups meeting in Badicu. 18 Pray that the church leaders would know God’s wisdom in running the English language classes. 19 Pray that the members of Badicu Baptist Church would know great unity. 20 Pray for the plans to develop the church building in Larga.


25 Pray that this Christmas everyone from Bathore will know Christ for themselves.

MISHA & INA HIORESCU MOLDOVA 26 Please, pray that the people in the village of Ursoaia would answer God's calling. 27 Please pray for the Day Care Centre held in our church building and that the children would know and be open to God's Word. 28 Please pray for the youths, Olia and Nastea who were baptized, that they would stay close to the Lord in every moment of their lives. 29 Pray that God would reveal His will to the church workers and that they would do everything that comes from Him. 30 Pray for the church in Ursoaia and that each member would let themselves searched by God. 31 Please pray that the work of God in Moldova would experience revival in the New Year.

21 Pray for a clear vision for the work of the Day Care Centre 22 Pray that God would increase the English language ministry and provide volunteer helpers. 23 Pray that the church in Gotesti would live in purity, holiness, unity and integrity.

TEN is delighted to announce the appointment of Lorina O'Chieng as volunteer coordinator for prayer ministry. Lorina will assist with the Heart Cry prayer diary, share the intercessors weekly updates and help with the online partner prayer meetings. Please pray for Lorina as she settles into the role.

Instagram stories By Naomi Greenwood, TEN Operations Assistant

Since joining the TEN team, I’ve seen many photos of mission trips, events and partners in action. I’ve looked at incredible archive photos of pioneers like Dave Foster and Gary Cox working behind the Iron Curtain, when sharing the good news publicly was forbidden. These are real human stories of God at work through faithful men and women, all captured by a lens. And our partners continue to serve the isolated, needy and marginalised in their communities. We need to keep telling those stories. Instagram is a visual means of communication. As you scroll through it on your mobile phone or tablet, posts are designed to catch your eye. It allows us to share stories soon after we hear them. We’ve used it to show how your support has benefited people in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, through WinterHelp and our Covid-19 Relief Fund. We’ve shared stories of hope, as our partners work tirelessly in their communities. We’ve promoted campaigns like Giving Tuesday and our current campaign, Harvest for the Hungry. We’ve shared updates, Bible verses and prayer requests, interviews with partners like Tefik Musoski in North Macedonia and dedicated ambassadors like Rachel Lee.

We’ve even featured what we talked about in our weekly team devotions as we grow in our daily walk with God. The best part for me is being able to contact partners and encourage them by asking to share the stories they share with us; by letting them know we’ll ask you to pray for them. Many of our posts call you to action, to share practically in this ministry we’re privileged to be part of. And we love hearing what you have to say. So, if you follow us on Instagram or Facebook, feel free to leave a comment! You’re part of this work too. Find us at transform_europe_network or scan the image below with your phone.


Where does the funding for TEN partners come from? James Vaughton, CEO TEN

Financial support for our partners comes from various sources including individuals like you, churches across the UK, trust funds and gift aid. In my last article on financial support, I shared how your giving often provides for partners in less-seen ways. I now want to focus on some different types of TEN income. So let me share about a couple of lesser-known ways that folk raise support for TEN.

running 10k in the garden and allowing people to join you on social media or presenting cookery online where you can pay to join someone via Zoom and be helped to prepare a tasty meal enjoyed with your family or friends. If you have a creative, sporty or ‘bonkers’ fundraising idea for TEN, please do get in touch with Melanie at and let us know. Melanie has lots of great ideas of her own so if you want to do something but are not sure what, why not connect with her for some inspiration.

Fundraising Events Creative supporters of TEN have done all sorts of things to fundraise for TEN over the years. These include selling cakes, cooking a meal for friends, sponsored events and more. At the moment one of our ambassadors is selling plants, another is planning a fundraiser for Harvest for the Hungry and still another a bike ride. These initiatives raise anything from £20 to hundreds of pounds. Alongside the incredibly valuable funds that are raised, importantly, those responsible will talk about our work and raise the profile of what God is doing in Eastern Europe. We are so thankful.

Leaving a legacy in your will Find out more by contacting Transform Europe Network 01179 615161 23 Apex Court, Woodlands Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS23 4JT

Virtual Fundraising With the restrictions that Covid-19 has imposed upon us all, lots of people in different charities are doing ‘VF’s — Virtual Fundraisers. This can include; 15


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God is good and He always finds a way I am Arteida Krasniqi and I am a third-year student at the Ilyria Bible School in Kosova. Being part of this school is helping me achieve a better knowledge of God’s Word and is helping me to know exactly what God’s calling for me is. I was saved because of the children’s ministry that has been going on in my village and I have been working with children for the past six years. Deciding to enroll in a Bible School changed the desires of my heart because now I understand how important it is to bring people to Jesus, especially children and youth.

The centre I serve is a project of my church and it is more of a community development centre. One of our main goals is to develop the community by living the Gospel since we are not allowed by law to directly share the Gospel. In my work with children, I realised how God has been blessing me every day with children who are interested to know more and are not afraid to ask questions. One of the main challenges on fulfilling God’s calling in my life is not being able to talk about Jesus freely and to share the Gospel as we would want to share it. But, God has helped us to find creative ways on sharing the Good News. We share Bible Stories and we teach the children good Christian values that would help them grow to be better people in the future. One of the biggest blessings would have to be the joy the children share whenever we meet with them. Despite the challenges one thing always remains, God is good and He always finds a way. 17

I see a future full of leaders who long to serve, rather than to be served By Dr Stephen L Woodworth

I first visited Albania in the spring of 2017, and immediately the people and hospitality of Albanians captured my heart. Like many Westerners, I knew very little about this resilient country before I arrived.

Article by Dr Stephen L Woodworth, republished with his consent. 18

pursuit of Jesus. While the pain of sacrifice remains, they are quick to remind me that what they have gained in following Christ is a treasure of inestimable value. And so it is, that when I stare into the eyes of these eager students at ISTL, I see the future of Albania. I see a future full of leaders who long to serve, rather than to be served. Leaders who recognise that any power they are given is to be used in the service of others, rather than an opportunity for selfish gain. I see a future full of leaders who are passionate about Jesus and fervently believe in the power of the Gospel to not only transform lives, but an entire nation. And I see a future where graduates of ISTL are dispersed to the farthest corners of Albania, that wherever their feet tread, the ground becomes new territory reclaimed by the rightful King in a country that has known so much oppression. ISTL is raising up a new generation of leaders that are proclaiming freedom to those long imprisoned in darkness. They are an inspiration to the global church, and to me personally. In the years since I first began teaching at ISTL it has become increasingly clear that by their example, I have been the student, and they have been my teachers.

It is a desire that emerges from their deep questions and unique insights gained from lives dedicated to ministering to others. Having withstood violent oppression and foreign rule for much of its history, Albanians have inspired me with their optimism and hope for the future. As the Associate Coordinator for ITEN (International Theological Education Network), I have had the immense privilege of partnering with indigenous leaders with the aim of providing desperately needed theological education among unreached people groups around the world. When I first met Hervin Fushekati, it was abundantly clear that he shared our passion for training leaders and expanding the renown of Jesus throughout Albania. It is a contagious passion that I have seen in his students at ISTL every time I come to teach. Arriving in the evening, after a full day of work, the students at ISTL have always impressed me with their hard work and genuine desire to learn and develop. It is a desire that emerges from their deep questions and unique insights gained from lives dedicated to ministering to others. However, what has always touched me most about the students at ISTL is their profound commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ and their unwavering willingness to sacrifice everything in pursuit of his Kingdom. Each time I have had the honour to come and teach a course at ISTL, I have left with more stories from students who have lost family, friends, wealth, and opportunities in their

I see a future full of leaders who are passionate about Jesus and fervently believe in the power of the Gospel to not only transform lives, but an entire nation. 19

Without mentors in my life it would be very difficult to grow by Slavko HadŞić, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mentoring plays a very important part in the development of leaders in the Christian world. It is a principle that Jesus modelled for us by mentoring His disciples. I became a first-generation believer in my late 20s and mentoring played a crucial part in my spiritual development. I was a potential leader, without any experience, any role model in my family and without any formal Christian education. It is the same story today for most Christian leaders in Bosnia & Herzegovina and across the Balkans. Often, I was learning from my mistakes and although I completed some formal education later in life, without mentors in my life it would be very difficult to grow. So, I am aware that if we want to see the Kingdom of God growing in a healthy way, one of the tasks of experienced leaders is to mentor the next generation. Getting intellectual education at seminaries and from the books is definitely good, but far better is if they combine that with input from

more experienced leaders who will be able to advise, support, teach, correct and help them flourish in life and ministry. Two passions in my ministry are preaching and evangelism. Two years ago, I decided to step down from the role of pastor of a local church to devote myself completely to the task of evangelism and to mentoring preachers and evangelists. With Langham Preaching I am coordinating work in Southern Europe, where our goal is not just to equip preachers with tools and skills for better preaching, but also to encourage them to start preachers’ clubs where younger preachers can be mentored by more experienced ones. I founded the Good News Institute through which I organise evangelistic events, training for evangelism and help to mentor upcoming evangelists.


Josip and his transformation By Danny and Vera Kuranji, Serbia

There is a great joy and fulfilment in watching a person change. Not just a little, but watch God transform someone. Seeing a person change after giving up on life is most fulfilling. To play a small part in bringing a desperate person to Him is an honour. "Bed bugs were the worst," he said, "and there were nights that I had to stand because I was afraid to lay down. I felt I was not standing alone. God was with me." After he was released, Josip came back to us before returning to his wife. He wanted to finish what he started. We are blessed to have him with us again and listen to stories that he is sharing. His desire is to help those that are in addiction as he was, to encourage them to make that vital step toward Christ.

Drug addicts are the lepers of today. People stay away from them, but we welcome them. Josip came with little hope that he could change. Doubt, fear, shame overtook him, but God helped him make that one step. He knew that any moment he could be arrested by the police and be taken to jail to serve his sentence. We all prayed that it would not happen before he became strong in God. After being with us almost a year, that day came. He was ready, he felt strong, but the test before him was great.

He came out victorious and full of stories how God helped him in so many situations. He truly is a miracle. Jails in Serbia are tough. However, he started putting to practice what he claimed to believe. The thought of spending a whole year behind bars would depress anyone. 21

The chosen generation of Jesus By Besa Shapllo, Mission Possible Albania

Men and women sow the seed and God works on it. (Mark 4:26-29). Here in Bathore, just north of Albania’s capital city, Tirana we have sown the seed for more than two decades. God works in every heart and the seed grows in its rightful place. God is good and is forever faithful. In the three last years, we strongly believe that God has worked among the Mission Possible team as much as He has worked on the children and teenagers with whom we have shared. Day after day and season after season, the living and powerful Word of God has continued its work. We believe that a chosen generation is growing in Bathore, for His Glory. Denisa, Juliana, Gerian, Kleada, Sebastjan, Ardit, came one by one. They each listened to the knock of God in their hearts and joined the large family of the Kingdom of God.

Juliana became a testimony-call to her classmates as well as in the teens’ meetings in the Hope Centre. She also had the faith to witness to her family and especially to her sister, Denisa. Denisa says, “My testimony shows that God is bigger than my story or my experience. It doesn’t have to do with me. Everything has to do with God and His work in me. To share my testimony means to share the Gospel. I’m sharing a story of God’s hope.” We pray that the knocking of God is heard by the other volunteer teenagers who serve in the camp. We pray for a special touch by the Holy Spirit so that, they too may become part of the chosen generation of Jesus. Will you pray that God may use the gifts of our teenagers as never before in the new season 2020–2021?

To share my testimony means to share the Gospel. I’m sharing a story of God’s hope.


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*** STOP PRESS *** MOLDOVA FACES FAMINE As if the ravages of Covid-19 upon the largely rural population of Moldova was not enough, this impoverished European nation now struggles with another major drought and faces the prospect of famine in the days ahead. Situated between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova remains one of the poorest countries in Europe. The whole region is threatened by climate change and efforts to address irrigation, forestry and improved crop management are slow to make progress. After many months without adequate rainfall the harvests have mostly failed. Crop yields of corn, wheat and sunflowers have been decimated resulting in a huge spike in the cost of basic food items. Many families have no other option but to raise poultry and animals for slaughter to provide food. There is widespread fear about surviving the coming winter. Covid-19 has resulted in tens of thousands of Moldovans losing their jobs. Within Moldova, working men have been unable to travel to find traditional work due to the local restrictions of movement caused by the pandemic. At least five of Moldova’s wineries have been forced to abandon the grape harvest due to high levels of Covid-19 among the labourers. The emerging crisis has led to widespread protests by farmers who have suffered severe losses. They are calling upon the government to help alleviate their mounting debts and to declare a state of emergency.

PLEASE PRAY: • F or all those aected by the drought and especially TEN’s partners in Chisinau, Cahul, Burlacu, Badicu, Ursoaia, Tigheci and Brinza. • F or the church planters reaching out to rural communities. • F or the Moldovan Prime Minister, Ion Chicu and for the government as it grapples with national problems.

Please donate to Harvest for the Hungry to help Eastern European families in crisis. Visit or text HARVEST2020NOW to 70085 to give £15 and feed a family in Eastern Europe for a week. Texts cost £15 plus your standard network rate.

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