White Stuff – Travels in India

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article Then came my Sikkim trip (My complete Sikkim Jalpaiguri, it was once is now available at Gonomad). After reaching New Avomine from the Khurpatal er leftov same the using was I again Avomine time. strip was from Nanital and which knew I trip. By the number of tablets used, n. Gurgao in ased purch was which one

article Then came my Sikkim trip (My complete Sikkim Jalpaiguri, New ing reach After is now available at Gonomad). leftover same the using was I it was once again Avomine time. ts used, table of er numb the By trip. Avomine from the Khurpatal ased purch was one which and tal Nani I knew which strip was from in Gurgaon. the Avomine We had no problems in Sikkim till we were using and we over got from the lot purchased in Nanital. But it to New tok Gang used the Gurgaon ones on our way back from returning of ght Jalpaiguri. After a trip to the hills the thou trip both of us to Delhi anyway leaves me flat but on this jeep did not seem to were feeli ng real bad. Once again the Avomine jeep stopped work and we were getting dizzy. Thankfully, the to purchase new for tea after an hour and I ran to a medical shop brand and I was lot of Avomine. They said they had a substitute new medicine and desperate enough to try anything. We took the felt better after a while and reached safely.

ine that I Now when I think about it, I feel that the Avom ine store was medic od borho purchased at Gurgaon from the neigh we cannot that g thin one is spurious. Scary thought, because it able to are we that ine Avom afford to get wrong. It is because of enjoy the hills.


kkim trip (My Then came my Si article is now complete Sikkim mad). After available at Gono lpaiguri, it was reaching New Ja ine time. I was once again Avom e leftover Avomin using the same tal trip. By the from the Khurpa s used, I knew number of tablet from Nanital which strip was s purchased in and which one wa Gurgaon.




We had no problems in Sikkim till we were using the Avomine from the lot purchased in Nanital. But it got over and we used the Gurgaon ones on our way back from Gangtok to New Jalpaiguri. After a trip to the hills the thought of returning to Delhi anyway leaves me flat but on this jeep trip both of us were feeling real bad. Once again the Avomine did not seem to work and we were getting dizzy. Thankfully, the jeep stopped for tea after an hour and I ran to a medical shop to purchase new lot of Avomine. They said they had a substitute brand and I was desperate enough to try anything. We took the new medicine and felt better after a while and reached safely.


ine that I purchased Now when I think about it, I feel that the Avom was spurious. Scary at Gurgaon from the neighborhood medicine store afford to get wrong. It thought, because it is one thing that we cannot the hills. is because of Avomine that we are able to enjoy



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kim We had no problems in Sik ine om Av e th ng usi till we were in d ase rch pu from the lot r and we Nanital. But it got ove our on es on on ga used the Gur New to k gto Gan m way back fro the to p tri a er Aft Jalpaiguri. ing urn ret of t gh ou hills the th me flat to Delhi anyway leaves h of us but on this jeep trip bot e again Onc . bad l rea were feeling to m see t no did the Avomine g dizzy. work and we were gettin pped Thankfully, the jeep sto I ran d an ur ho an for tea after ase rch pu to p sho to a medical d sai ey Th e. in om new lot of Av nd bra e tut sti sub they had a h to and I was desperate enoug new e th k too We . ng try anythi er a aft ter bet t fel d medicine an . while and reached safely



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