2013: Catalogue industrial and logistic parks in Romania

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A new beginning by Ionuţ Oprea, Project Manager

just perfect. You will find in this pages, a current status analyze in Romania, with figures and emotions from the begininngs, managers statements and previsions about future developments, national and regional strategies of public administration, a view of international activity levels, an invitation to the 30th IASP World Conference “Science parks shaping new cities”, and of course detailed presentations of active parks and companies in Romania. As this project is a premiere for Romania, some of them decided to be included in the next edition, so I promise, youl find even more informations in the next year’s catalogue or at our second edition of a national conference dedicated to industrial and logistic parks in Romania. “Knowledge, rather than physical goods and tangible matter is now the main asset of the companies that create the highest value for countries and societies”, tells us, Mr. Luis Sanz, director general, International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP) in a special argument in this catalogue. So, meanwhile, as we wanted to create networking and business opportunities between companies in Romania and investors or partners abroad, we hope this guide will facilitate new profitable businesses. Togheter, we redefine history for the romanian industry.

“Catalogul este contribuția noastră pentru un mediu de afaceri informat. De anul acesta reindustrializarea a devenit politică publică, promovată de Guvernul României. Informația este resursa cheie pentru companii, ne-a susținut în mesajul său Dl. Luis Sanz – directorul general al IASP (asociația globală ce reunește parcurile, n.r.) așadar sperăm că acest ghid să vă fie util pentru a dezvolta noi afaceri profitabile”



We have the proffesionals that can deliver competitive products and manage profitable businesses for any partner, client or market, at a global level. The statement does not imply lack of modesty, it’s just the simple conclusion of this first inventory of industrial and logistic parks in Romania, modern facilities developed to add value in economy and life. Briefly, we congratulate the investors, developers, managers, workers and promoters for their contribution in improving a vital segment of the economy. Even if the traditional industrial platforms in Romania are now, almost all of them, just a memory, the new projects give us the chance to reset the efficiency and profit rates for our work. Transilvania Business magazine included coverstories about the industrial parks and companies active here since 2010, and in November 2012 organized the first national conference in Romania dedicated to industrial parks, part of a national strategy to revitalize this sector and reboost foreign direct investments in Romania. This year, the reindustrialization process became a national govermental policy priority for Romania, and since this month we have a new legislation for the parks. We decided even before to publish this catalogue, our contribution to an informed business community and promoting new investment opportunities, so now the moment is



După 10 ani Exemple ce au schimbat standarde Beneficii și chei de succes Investițiile atrag investiții Strategia de competitivitate Expansiuni în viteză

6 8 14 30 36 42

After 10 years Projects with new standards Benefits and keys to succes The conference Open4Business Investments atract new invesments Expansions in high rythm Case studies – global level National and regional strategies in Romania

53 56 62 67 74 80 83 101

Proiecte active – prezentări/Operational projects – presentations




Cu gÂndul la BrÂncuși de Aurelian Grama, fondator revista Transilvania Business

gaze! Putem avea turism. Putem avea agricultură. Ce ar fi să avem şi o prezentare a meseriilor pe care le ştim face exemplar - cu resursa umană cu tot - şi în format Iphone şi Android, care să apară pe ecran înainte de anunţarea reţelei telefonice în care ai intrat – ca străin sau ca român întors acasă. Bine ai venit în România, ţara ce-ţi oferă specialişti în meseriile...! Câţi primari sau preşedinţi de consilii judeţene s-au gândit să-şi promoveze la intrarea în oraş sau judeţ oamenii locului și expertiza lor?! Avem munţi, avem Mare, avem – vorba colegilor mei de la Transilvania Business – harta ţării de la finele de mileniu spunea tot – dar mai avem şi oameni, europeni şi ei, urmaşi de-ai lui Brâncuşi ce n-au uitat că întâia dată Pasărea-n spaţiu a creatorului de la Hobiţa n-a putut fi introdusă în SUA decât după un proces cu vameşii americani. Operă de artă sau obiect industrial. Până să ne refacem ţara ca pe o operă de artă, avem nevoie de zeci şi sute de mii de lucrători în industrie... Aici, acasă. Dintre cei de aici şi dintre cei ce se vor întoarce... Brâncuşi a rămas mereu român... Fi-vom şi noi Pasăre-n zbor?!

“What would be the impact of an advertisment in romanian airports, customs, railway stations, to a brand wich now does not exist – welcome to the land of IT specialists? Welcome to the land of professionals in oil & and gas industry? Or many other options… We can be competitive in Tourism? Or maybe in Agriculture? What if we would have an enciclopedy about the specialities that we can perfom at maximum level? Even with informations adapted to mobile operating systems? We promote the best companies, people and their expertise!” WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO


Cât de buni trebuie să fi fost ai noştri, încât să prindă seva vremurilor la 1848 - revoluţia, 1859 – unirea mică, 1877 independenţa, şi mai ales, ce măiastru s-au pliat la negocieri după primul război – unirea mare şi cât am recuperat la cel de-al doilea mondial după 1945. Aşa s-au născut lumi şi s-au trasat destine. Cât de buni trebuie să fim azi când războaiele şi revoluţiile, care au îmbrăcat alte forme, ară altfel de brazde adânci între noi?! Cât de buni trebuie să fim în a-i aduce financiar acasă, în România, pe cei ce mută ceasornicele vremurilor? Cât de uniţi? Şi ambasadori, cu ataşaţi comerciali, şi decidenţii politici din tustrei palatele: Victoria, Cotroceni, Parlament. Dar şi administratori de judeţ şi de oraşe care au sub semnătură bugete ce pot aşterne condiţii favorabile celor atât de curtaţi în timpurile de azi: investitorii străini. Insist şi susţin. Egali cu cei români. Sunt investitori români care şi-ar repatria şi investi banii dacă va veni un semnal şi un cuvânt serios de la conducerea ţării. Oare cum ar arăta pe aeroporturile – porturile – vămile româneşti o reclamă ce ne lipseşte cu desăvârşire?! Aţi aterizat în ţara sudorilor de mare clasă! Aţi coborât pe tărâmul României cu specialişti IT de nivel galactic! Aţi intrat în România cu profesionişti mondiali în petrol şi


Repere | Key Figures 55 de titluri emise în România BIP primul parc industrial înființat 300 mil. euro investiții în Tetarom Cluj 2 proiecte sunt în analiză pentru avize 38.000 angajați activează în parcurile

55 titles issued in Romania BIP the first industrial park established here 300 mil. euros invested in Tetarom Cluj 2 projects are still under review for approval 38,000 employees who are active

industriale 790 de companii sunt localizate în parcuri industriale 7.525 angajați - cei mai mulți într-un parc - Parcul Industrial Ploiești 132.400 mp - spații în parcuri industriale au fost tranzacționați în 2012 5 parcuri noi trebuie create în 5 ani 5 parcuri vor fi extinse în 5 ani 4.200 de locuri de muncă ar putea fi create 4 dimensiuni au strategiile pentru 2020: reindustrializare, inovare, export și modernizarea zonei rurale 463 km de autostradă existenți influențează direct noi investiții 13% din investițiile în imobiliare la nivel european au vizat spații industriale și logistice în Trim I

in industrial parks 790 companies are located in industrial parks 7,525 employees work in Ploiesti Industrial Park 132,400 sqm - spaces in industrial parks were traded in 2012 5 new parks should be created within 5 years 5 parks will be expanded within 5 years 4,200 jobs could be created 4 dimensions of the strategies for the year 2020: reindustrialization, innovation, export and the modernization of the rural area 463 km of existing motorways, directly influencing new investments 13% of the real estate investments at the European level focused on industrial and logistic spaces in QI




După 10 ani... Sub titulatura de "parc industrial", în România activează o diversitate de tipuri de infrastructuri de afaceri. Dintre acestea, pentru cele care îndeplineau condiţiile legale şi de fezabilitate, şi investitorii doreau să obţină scutire de la plata impozitului pe terenuri şi clădiri, iniţiatorii proiectelor au aplicat pentru obţinerea titlului de parc industrial, potrivit prevederilor Ordonanţei de Guvern nr.65/2001 privind constituirea şi funcţionarea parcurilor industriale, aprobată cu modificări de Legea nr. 490/2002, cu modificările ulterioare. Astfel, în baza legislaţiei amintite, primul parc industrial înfiinţat în România a fost realizat în localitatea Bolintin Deal, judeţul Giurgiu, are 143 ha şi este administrat de S.C. „Universal Management” S.R.L. Parcul a fost constituit de către iniţiatori în anul 2002 şi, în prezent, este operaţional. Bucharest Industrial Park (BIP) este situat la Km 23, autostrada A1, Bucureşti-Piteşti, şi a fost dezvoltat pe baza unui parteneriat româno (familia Raţiu) – belgian (Wilmarc Invest & Attis), investiţie privată. Compania H. Essers este cel mai recent client al BIP, aceasta construieşte aici un depozit de 30.000 mp, iar în faza a doua a investiţiei va fi realizată o zonă de depozitare de aprox. 100.000 mp. Cel mai recent parc industrial a fost constituit în luna noiembrie a anului 2012, în localitatea Bistriţa, judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud, are 30 ha, este greenfield şi este administrat de S.C. „Business Park Bistriţa Sud” S.R.L. Urmare a acţiunii de monitorizare a activităţilor desfăşurate în parcurile industriale, realizată la nivelul MDRAP, în ianuarie 2013, în parc existau 2 agenţi economici cu un total de 222 angajaţi, suprafaţa utilizată de aceştia fiind de 15,30 ha. AcWWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

tivităţile care se derulează cu preponderenţă şi care conferă domeniul de specializare al parcului industrial sunt în domeniul afacerilor, distribuţiei, serviciilor şi industriei uşoare prelucrătoare. Parcul Industrial Bistriţa Sud este un proiect al autorităţii administraţiei publice locale, iniţiatorul proiectului fiind municipiul Bistriţa. Potrivit raportului prezentat MDRAP de către societatea administrator, aferent activităţilor desfăşurate la nivelul anului 2012, infrastructura parcului industrial va fi realizată printr-un proiect finanţat prin Programul Operaţional Regional 2007-2013, având ca perioadă de implementare intervalul 2013-2014. ”Subliniem faptul că la nivelul celor 55 de parcuri industriale constituite până la această dată potrivit OG nr. 65/2001, nu pot exista comparaţii, deoarece toate sunt proiecte diferite, demarate pe indicatori/caracteristici diferiţi/diferite (locaţie, capacitate de finanţare, atractivitate etc.). Indiferent de capacitatea de dezvoltare a proiectelor, ministerul nostru susţine pe fiecare dintre acestea, înţelegând oportunităţile, dar în aceeaşi măsură şi dificultăţile pe care le întâmpină pe parcurs, iniţiatorii

tendinţe unor astfel de infrastructuri. Arătăm, de asemenea, că de fiecare dată când avem informaţii certe că proiectul nu are nicio şansă de redresare, nu avem nicio rezervă în a retrage titlul de parc industrial”, susţine Daniel Iustin Marinescu, director general, Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Administraţiei Publice, Direcţia Generală Administraţie Publică. Cel mai mare parc industrial din România, înfiinţat potrivit prevederilor OG nr.65/2001, este Parcul Industrial Ploieşti, unde agenţii economici localizaţi utilizează o suprafaţă de 162,66 ha. Parcul industrial cu cei mai mulţi agenţi economici activi este Parcul Industrial Sema, Sector 6, Bucureşti, unde sunt înregistraţi 122 agenţi economici. Parcul industrial cu cel mai mare număr de angajaţi ai agenţilor economici este Parcul Industrial Ploieşti, cu 7.525 angajaţi. În anul 2012, la nivelul ministerului, au fost avizate pentru extindere proiectele depuse de iniţiatorii din: Parcul Industrial Craiova (după extindere, 18,3 ha) şi Parcul Industrial Allianso Business Park Ariceştii Rahtivani (după extindere, 253,2 ha). În prezent, se află în analiză la Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Administraţiei Publice două proiecte pentru obţinerea titlurilor de parc industrial pentru: Parcul Industrial Hemeiuş, judeţul Bacău, şi Parcul Industrial WDP Parc Industrial Codlea, judeţul Braşov.

Bilanţ după 10 ani, perspective Primele parcuri industriale au fost create în contextul divizării unor societăţi comerciale aparţinând fostei industrii de apărare şi transmiterii unor active ale acestora autorităţilor administraţiei publice locale din respectivele localităţi. Ulterior, parcurile industriale au fost constituite atât de autorităţi ale administraţiei publice locale, cât şi de persoane juridice şi fizice private care s-au asociat în acest scop. Dezvoltarea parcurilor industriale a fost susţinută prin măsuri de natura ajutorului de stat care, ulterior aderării României la Uniunea Europeană, nu au mai reprezentat un sprijin semnificativ, în raport cu volumul investiţiilor necesare unei infrastructuri de afaceri de anvergură. Rezultatele celor aproape zece ani de implementare a politicii parcurilor industriale sunt următoarele: există 55 parcuri industriale (ale căror condiţii de constituire au fost verificate de administraţia publică centrală) în care sunt localizaţi 790 operatori economici cu un total de 37.000 de angajaţi. La nivel de politici publice, la care se adaugă recenta iniţiativă a noului Executiv de reindustrializare, strategia pentru noul obiectiv urmând să fie finalizată în toamna acestui an, există următoarele obiective: consolidarea legislaţiei existente, în prezent, în număr de trei acte normative, prin clarificarea condiţiilor de constituire şi funcţionare, până în anul 2014; creşterea accesului la oportunităţi de finanţare şi facilităţi fiscale, prin prelungirea până în anul 2020 a schemei de ajutor de stat, în prezent în vigoare până în 2013; includerea întreprinde rilor mari şi/sau a lucrărilor de infrastructură din parcurile industriale ca şi solicitanţi/activităţi eligibile pentru finanţare prin fonduri europene, începând cu anul 2014; asigurarea acordării ajutoarelor de stat de către autorităţile publice locale; înfiinţarea de noi parcuri industriale în următorii 5 ani, precum şi extinderea celor existente. Totalul investiţilor iniţiale preconizate, prin înfiinţarea a 5 noi parcuri industriale şi extinderea a 5 parcuri existente în termen de 5 ani sunt calculate la 11.4 milioane euro, iar o estimare de total rambursări din fonduri structurale prin proiecte depuse de parcurile industriale în termen de 5 ani contabilizează valoarea de 17 milioane euro. Aceste in-

vestiţii ar duce la crearea unui număr estimativ de 4.200 de locuri de muncă în parcurile industriale noi şi cele ce se vor extinde până în 2016. În cei mai bine de 10 ani de implementare se remarcă evoluţia parcurilor industriale de la proiectele autorităţilor administraţiei publice locale, dezvoltate pe vechile platforme industriale, la investiţiile semnificative ale sectorului privat, pe suprafeţe greenfield. Este o evoluţie firească, impulsionată, la început, de la nivel central, ajungând, ulterior, să atragă interesul sectorului privat. Exemple precum ale companiilor Graells & Loch la Prejmer – Braşov şi Turda – Cluj, ICCO la Braşov, Alinso Group la Ploieşti – Prahova, Warehouses de Paw care deţine 4 parcuri şi aşteaptă acordarea titlurilor pentru încă 3 sunt edificatoare în acest sens. De asemenea, şi investitorii în parcuri logistice includ posibilitatea realizării unor facilităţi de producţie industrială în aceste spaţii. Şi aici investiţiile private sunt numeroase, companiile CA Immo, Valad, Aviva, Portland, Transilvania Construcţii, Prologis, UBM Development, VGP sunt elocvente. În viitor, parcurile industriale trebuie să devină suport pentru investiţiile private în domeniul cercetării-dezvoltării şi inovării, astfel încât infrastructurile de afaceri din România să devină un real competitor pentru cele din statele membre. Parcurile industriale reprezintă un instrument de dezvoltare locală, iar rolul Guvernului şi al autorităţilor administraţiei publice locale constă în a promova constituirea şi dezvoltarea acestor infrastructuri de afaceri. Facilităţile acordate reprezintă o renunţare la venituri pentru bugetul unităţii administrativ teritoriale, dar investiţiile realizate aduc beneficii sociale, creşterea ratei de ocupare a forţei de muncă, cu toate implicaţiile care decurg: combaterea sărăciei, scăderea infracţionalităţii şi creşterea securităţii sociale (asigurări sociale şi asistenţă socială). În contextul actual, facilităţile acordate şi implicarea autorităţilor pot influenţa atât decizia înfiinţării unor noi parcuri, cât şi interesul unor întreprinderi de a se amplasa în astfel de locaţii.





Exemple ce au ridicat standarde… Creşterea cererii de spaţii de producţie sau depozitare moderne este susţinută de avantajul geografic al parcurilor industriale ce facilitează accesul operatorilor industriali către ţările vestice şi pieţele est-europene. Zonele de interes acum sunt Cluj, Braşov, Timiş sau Prahova. Dar cum au fost începuturile? Fie că au fost proiecte publice, private, mixte, realizate cu contribuţii din fonduri UE sau cu implicarea autorităţilor judeţene, fiecare dintre proiecte a început ca un pariu într-o piaţă ce avea nevoie de spaţii, iar managerii au învăţat din proprie experienţă că gestionarea proiectelor e la fel de complicată precum realizarea lor. Peste 60 de milioane de euro au fost investite până acum în Parcul Industrial Mureş. Zilnic muncesc aici aprox. 1.700 de oameni. Povestea a început în 2001, iar succesul a venit odată cu aderarea la UE. Realizarea Parcului Industrial Mureş a fost posibilă datorită unui proiect Phare câştigat de Consiliul Judeţean Mureş. Contractul de execuţie a fost semnat pe 19 noiembrie 2002. Costul total al proiectului, potrivit contractului de execuţie era de: 5,086,722.28 euro, din care 3,815,041.71 euro, echivalentul a 75% din costul total, reprezenta cofinanţarea UE din fonduri Phare, iar 1.271.680.57 euro, echivalent a 25% din costul total, reprezentând co-finanţarea naţională din Fondul Naţional de Preaderare. Construcţia a fost finalizată în data de 30 iunie 2005. Inaugurarea oficială a avut loc în 18 noiembrie 2005. Întreaga infrastructură realizată a trecut în proprietatea publică a Consiliului Judeţean Mureş, administrarea fiind făcută prin intermediul societăţii comerciale "Parc Industrial Mureş" S.A. Primele licitaţii în vederea unor concesionări de suprafeţe în parc au fost or-


ganizate în decembrie 2005, ianuarie 2006, dar fără rezultate imediate. În perioada mai-iunie 2006, s-a efectuat o nouă licitaţie pentru întreaga suprafaţă disponibilă în perimetrul parcului industrial, după ce s-a trecut la negocieri directe cu firmele interesate să realizeze investiţii în PIM. Primul contract de concesionare a fost încheiat în luna iunie 2006. Până la sfârşitul anului 2006 s-a mai încheiat un contract, iar anul 2007 nu a reprezentat numai aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană, ci şi anul cel mai favorabil investiţiilor străine directe. “Am ajuns la maturitate cu acest proiect, Parc Industrial, chiar în momentul oportun investiţiilor străine şi astfel am reuşit să mărim numărul contractelor de concesiune în anul 2007 la 17 contracte. În primăvara anului 2008, administraţia a reuşit să câştige licitaţia pentru administrarea unui incubator de afaceri, proiect al Consiliului Judeţean Mureş în colaborare cu PNUD, cu viitoarea locaţie în perimetrul Parcului Industrial Mureş”, rememorează directorul general al PIM, Nagy Istvan. La Oradea, municipalitatea contribuie la suc-

tendinţe cesul proiectului Parcuri Industriale Eurobusiness, pentru care au fost alocate 15 milioane de euro în mare parte infrastructurii şi utilităţilor. Pachetul oferit investitorilor a inclus infrastructura rutieră, hotelieră, universitatea şi chiar viaţa culturală activă, dar şi scutiri de taxe, ceea ce s-a dovedit o strategie câştigătoare. „Am încercat să creem un pachet competitiv, a fost greu să obţinem aceste informaţii, pe paginile parcurilor industriale aceste informaţii nu există. Noi vrem să avem o ofertă transparentă pentru că sunt câteva întrebări, pe care ni le pun investitorii străini când vin la întâlniri. În primul rând, transparenţa. În condiţiile în care oferta ta nu există undeva clar expusă, nu poţi să spui că eşti autoritate publică transparentă”, explică Delia Ungur, manager general Eurobusiness. Astfel, societatea administrator a reuşit să atragă la Oradea investiţii ce se cifrează la peste 150 de milioane de euro. Şi în judeţul Prahova, la începutul anului 2002, majoritatea întreprinderilor era în curs de restructurare, rata şomajului - în creştere şi situaţia economico-socială la nivelul judeţului Prahova - din ce în ce mai nefavorabilă. Revitalizarea economiei prahovene a pornit din partea Consiliului Judeţean, care în anul 2002 a înfiinţat Parcul Industrial Ploieşti, având ca acţionar unic Consiliul Judeţean Prahova. SC Ploieşti Industrial Parc SA a obţinut titlul de parc industrial în anul 2003. Solicitările din partea investitorilor români şi străini de a investi în judeţul Prahova au determinat societatea administrator să se orienteze şi către alte locaţii. În alegerea acestora s-a avut în vedere, în primul rând, rolul Parcului Industrial, şi anume dezvoltarea socială (crearea de locuri de muncă) şi dezvoltarea economică (atragerea de noi investiţii), în zone mai puţin dezvoltate, dar şi accesul dintr-un drum naţional sau judeţean. Prin Ordinul nr.154/15.07.2009 al Ministrului Administraţiei şi Internelor s-a obţinut al doilea titlu de Parc Industrial pentru terenul în suprafaţă de 31.4 ha situat în localitatea Mizil, prin Ordinul nr.177/13.08.2009 s-a obţinut al treilea titlu de Parc Industrial pentru suprafaţa de 35.06 ha din localitatea Urlaţi şi prin Ordinul nr.141/29.06.2010 s-a obţinut al patrulea titlu de Parc Industrial pentru suprafaţa de 45 ha din localitatea Ciorani. Societatea administrator are în acest moment 162.6


hectare în zona Ploieşti, fiind parcul cu cea mai mare suprafaţă şi cel mai mare număr de angajaţi ai agenţilor economici.

Investiţii private ICCO Grup a realizat Parcul Industrial Braşov după ce a dezvoltat competenţe solide în domeniul dezvoltărilor imobiliare, energie, instalaţii şi construcţii montaj, industrie, construcţii, electronică şi medical. “Înfiintaţă în 1991, compania ICCO a adăugat competenţe, a câştigat experienţă şi şi-a dezvoltat permanent domeniile de activitate. În calitate de antreprenor general în construcţii, ICCO a dezvoltat de-a lungul anilor proiecte de construcţii industriale şi civile pe întreg teritoriul României. Ideea înfiinţării Parcului Industrial Brasov a rezultat din dorinţa de a oferi clienţilor noştri o structură organizată, un proiect fiabil, la standarde de calitate solicitate de fiecare client, cu hale construite exact pe specificul activităţii firmelor. Noi ne ocupăm de tot ceea ce înseamnă teren, proiectare, autorizaţii, construcţie, utilităţi, în timp ce clienţii noştri se concentrează, aşa cum este şi normal, pe activitatea de producţie. Am demarat proiectul Parcului Industrial Braşov în 2007, prin semnarea primului contract de închiriere a 10.000 mp pentru firma Euro DruckService (EDS) Germania. EDS a pornit producţia în noiembrie 2008, iar acum în parc există 6 hale cu suprafaţă totală de 72.000 mp, unde îşi desfăşoară activitatea 7 firme cu un total de 1.850 angajaţi. Valoarea actuală a investiţiilor Parcul industrial reprezintă o zonă în Parcul Industrial Braşov se situează economică delimitată în care agenţii în jurul sumei de 35 milioane de euro economici se localizează având în teren, clădiri şi utilităţi. Cifra de acces la infrastructură şi utilităţi, adafaceri realizată în 2012 de firmele ministrate de o societate comercială. membre ale grupului ICCO a fost de Parcurile industriale – după tipul 112 milioane euro, din care Parcul Inde proprietate dustrial Braşov a realizat o cifră de 4 publice – terenul şi clădirile afeafaceri de 4,3 milioane euro”, a explirente sunt în proprietatea publică; cat Mirela Rădulescu, director vânzări 4 private – terenul şi clădirile afeşi marketing ICCO Grup. rente sunt în proprietatea unor persoane fizice şi/sau juridice de drept privat; 4 mixte – terenul şi clădirile aferente sunt în proprietatea privată a statului şi a unor persoane fizice şi/sau juridice de drept privat. Parcurile industriale – după tipul de organizare 4 parcuri industriale cu titlu acordat prin ordin al ministrului sau declarate prin hotărâre a Guvernului beneficiază de ajutor de stat (conform O.G. nr. 65/2001 şi Codului Fiscal); 4 parcuri industriale constituite conform unor legi speciale (privatizare); 4 terenuri industriale şi/sau spaţii industriale organizate tip „parc industrial” întâlnite pe piaţa imobiliară; 4 proiecte de infrastructură realizate cu sprijin PHARE – Coeziune Economică şi Socială sau fonduri structurale şi de coeziune.



Tendinţe Pentru a facilita transportul aerian în zona Braşov pentru investitori şi oameni de afaceri a fost construit în mai 2011 şi un heliport în parcul industrial, care deserveşte şi împrejurimile Braşovului. Şi Parcul Industrial Automecanica este unul atipic, este într-o metamorfoză continuă, iar echipele de management ale companiilor prezente aici se susţin reciproc pentru a dezvolta noi proiecte benefice pentru toate părţile implicate. Parcul este în proprietatea Automecanica SA – companie deţinută de omul de afaceri Nick Ştirban, iar activitatea de administrare a parcului se derulează prin SC Automecanica Parc Industrial SRL. Titlul de parc industrial a fost obţinut pe 13 noiembrie 2007. Suprafaţa parcului industrial de la Mediaş este de 139.862 mp. „Totul a plecat de la tradiţie şi ce a însemnat Automecanica SA ca producător în piaţa auto. Anii 2000 au adus pentru Automecanica o nouă viziune: şi anume transformarea, din cel mai mare producător român de suprastructuri auto şi semiremorci auto într-un Parc Industrial cu acelaşi profil de activitate, având colaborare cu firme de renume din Europa. Am ales această cale deoarece era singura variantă de a continua într-o piaţă în care eram cu ani în urmă faţă de competitori în ceea ce priveşte productivitatea, dar şi know-how-ul. Prima colaborare de acest gen a fost cu firma Geesink-Olanda producător de autogunoiere şi containere compactoare staţionare. Realitatea demonstrează că Automecanica SA nu a dispărut, s-a transformat şi a dezvoltat noi oportunităţi în domeniul construcţiilor de maşini, iar tot ceea ce contează sunt rezultatele: ca urmare a acestei strategii au apărut noi firme de producţie care s-au dezvoltat continuu, cu angajaţi specializaţi la firmele partnere din Europa de Vest, schimbând atitudinea în noile organizaţii. Produsele pe care le construim astăzi, în Mediaş, indiferent că sunt autogunoiere, basculante, cisterne, semiremorci transport, utilaje grele, sunt calitativ egale cu cele produse în Germania sau în Olanda”, susţine Florin Baba, directorul general al SC Automecanica Parc Industrial SRL. “Colaborările internaţionale au reprezentat singura cale de ieşire din impasul creat după 1989 pe piaţa românească şi est-europeană. Pentru Automecanica, în colaborare cu

Roman Braşov, salvarea a fost o comandă importantă de cisterne pentru statul malaezian, anul 1995 reprezentând astfel momentul primelor colaborări internaţionale ale Automecanica. Lipsa de materie primă de pe piaţa românească din acei ani a pus bazele cooperării între firma Fa. Stirban I.H.u.T. – cu sediul la Stuttgart, Germania, şi cel mai mare carosier român, Automecanica Mediaş. Marile firme producătoare de camioane (MAN, Volvo, Mercedes) şi carosierii Europei nu existau încă pe piaţa română şi astfel Automecanica, în colaborare cu Fa. Stirban I.H.u.T., a avut prima şansă de dezvoltare prin tehnologia importată. Astfel, calitatea produselor fabricate s-a apropiat de standardele Europei de Vest, devenind din nou atractive pentru piaţa autohtonă. Între anii 1998-2001 am preluat pachetul majoritar de acţiuni de la FPS, iar în anul 2003 a avut loc preluarea acţiunilor de la SIF Transilvania. Ca şi până în momentul de faţă, strategia firmei este de a atrage în continuare investitori străini din toate domeniile în Parcul Industrial Automecanica”, conchide Nick Ştirban, proprietarul Automecanica SA.

Expansiunea – exemplul Tetarom “În 2001, când am început, a însemnat un suflu nou, poate prea îndrăzneţ prin lipsa altor modele similare în România la acel moment, în timp însă s-a dovedit un model de succes datorită acţiunii noastre concertate şi hotărâte. Am început într-adevăr de la 0, fără know-how, fără proceduri speciale, doar cu o idee clară a ceea ce vroiam să realizăm. Norocul nostru e că am beneficiat de susţinerea autorităţilor locale. Pe lângă această premisă cred că principalul motiv pentru care am ajuns 10 ani mai târziu un exemplu este faptul că am fost mereu deschişi la solicitările investitorilor noştri şi satisfacţia lor pe termen lung a fost scopul nostru principal. Parcurile Industriale Tetarom sunt astăzi adevărate modele de business în întreaga ţară, iar succesul lor a determinat şi alte autorităţi locale şi judeţene să generalizeze modelul. Când am început să dăm viaţă



acestei viziuni, nu am avut ca target specific investitori străini. Ne-am gândit atât la cei din România, cât şi la cei străini. Şansa a făcut ca unii dintre cei mai mari clienţi ai noştri să fie două mari companii străine: Emerson (SUA) şi Nokia (FIN). Cât despre promovare asta am făcut-o cum am putut noi şi cum am ştiut, fără o strategie anume. Am început prin participarea la diferite conferinţe, forumuri, târguri internaţionale, am participat, ne-am prezentat, am împărţit materiale. Dacă vreţi tipul „the old fashion way” de promovare. Cu ocazia aniversării noastre, am decis şi iniţierea unui proces de restyling/rebranding, pentru a ne îmbunătăţi imaginea, care trebuie să spun, cu lipsă de modestie, poate, este una bună. Totodată am implementat

şi sistemul de calitate ISO 9000:2008, pentru ca, în acest fel, calitatea serviciilor noastre să fie certificată”, rememorează şi Viorel Găvrea, directorul Tetarom. În aprilie 2013, două contracte de finanţare în valoare totală de 125 de milioane de lei, unul pentru înfiinţarea Parcului Industrial Tetarom IV din comuna Feleacu şi altul pentru extinderea Parcului Industrial Tetarom I din Cluj-Napoca au fost semnate de ministrul Dezvoltării, Liviu Dragnea. „Am vrut să vin neapărat la Cluj pentru că povestea Tetarom este una de succes şi arată cum o autoritate locală ştie să folosească bani europeni pentru a crea locuri de muncă durabile. Aceste parcuri industriale şi alte investiţii pot face ca municipiul să devină un concurent serios pentru Bucureşti, să devină un pol de dezvoltare pentru întreaga regiune. Cele patru parcuri industriale reprezintă un mod de a crea locuri de muncă, ne arată că nu măsurile de austeritate duc la ieşirea din criză, ci investiţii durabile în crearea de locuri de muncă stabile“, a declarat Liviu Dragnea. Şi preşedintele Consiliului Judeţean Cluj, Horea Uioreanu, a subliniat că investiţiile în parcurile industriale vor duce la „continuarea dezvoltării economice a judeţului şi la crearea de noi locuri de muncă“. Parcul Industrial Tetarom IV urmează să fie dezvoltat în comuna Feleacu, investiţia în acest proiect ridicându-se la aproape 55 de milioane de lei, din care 14,3 milioane de lei reprezintă finanţare nerambursabilă din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională. Cel de-al doilea proiect, cu o valoare de aproape 70 de milioane de lei, prevede extinderea Parcului Industrial Tetarom I cu o suprafaţă de 168.000 de metri pătraţi, unde se vor construi mai multe hale şi sedii de birouri. Parcul industrial Tetarom I se întinde pe o suprafaţă de 320.000 de metri pătraţi şi este ocupat în proporţie de sută la sută de peste 50 de companii care asigură peste 2.000 de locuri de muncă. Valoarea estimată a investiţiilor în acest parc depăşeşte 60 de milioane de euro. Ambele proiecte vor fi finalizate în iulie 2015.





Transferurile de active ale companiilor din parcurile industriale. Aspecte fiscale. Dr. Gheorghe Matei Senior Partner „Leaua & Asociații” gheorghe.matei@leaua.ro

O serie de companii care își desfășoară activitatea în parcuri industriale au creat facilități de producție importante. Însă, datorită crizei economice și financiare ori din alte motive aceste companii sunt dispuse să valorifice aceste facilităţi. În același timp există firme interesate de preluarea acestor active pentru dezvoltarea propriei activități. Transferul total sau parțial de active poate avea loc în cadrul unor operațiuni cum sunt fuziunea, divizarea, vânzarea de active sau aportul în natură la capitalul social al unei societăți. Aceste transferuri de active pot prezenta interes pentru investitori și datorită tratamentului fiscal prevăzut în prezent de Codul fiscal român. Ne vom referi în special la aspectele fiscale care privesc transferul de active, înțeles ca și operaţiune prin care o societate transferă, fără a fi dizolvată, totalitatea sau una ori mai multe ramuri ale activităţii sale către altă societate, în schimbul transferării titlurilor de participare reprezentând capitalul societăţii beneficiare. Așadar, transferul de active nu implică dispariţia societăţii cedente, ci doar desprinderea din patrimoniul său a unei părţi egale de active în schimbul unor titluri de participare. În cazul transferului de active, în privința impozitului pe profit regula esențială este aceea că transferul activelor şi pasivelor nu se tratează ca un transfer impozabil. Valoarea fiscală a unui activ sau pasiv este egală, pentru persoana care primeşte un astfel de activ, cu valoarea fiscală pe care respectivul activ a avut-o la persoana care l-a transferat și, în consecință, amortizarea fiscală se va determina în continuare ca și cum ar fi fost calculată de către persoana care a transferat activul. Transferul provizioanelor sau al rezervelor nu se consideră reducere sau anulare a provizionului sau rezervei, dacă sunt preluate şi menţinute la valoarea avută înainte de transfer. Aceste reguli se reflectă evident în costurile companiilor implicate în operațiune și cresc atractivitatea transferului de active. Totuși, trebuie avut în vedere că aceste reguli favorabile se aplică doar dacă operaţiunea nu a avut ca scop principal evaziunea fiscală sau evitarea plăţii impozitelor. În Codul fiscal nu sunt definite frauda/evaziunea fiscală, deci această prevedere trebuie interpretată coroborat cu textele din legile penale care încriminează evaziunea fiscală. Contribuabilul trebuie să poată dovedi că operaţiunea de transfer al activelor


are un scop economic. Restricţia legală este și un efect al aplicării principiului realităţii economice, consacrat şi la art. 11 alin. (1) din Codul fiscal. Trebuie menționat și că în Codul fiscal român au fost transpuse prevederile Directivei nr. 2009/133/CE a Consiliului privind regimul fiscal comun care se aplică fuziunilor, divizărilor, divizărilor parțiale, cesionării de active și schimburilor de acțiuni între societăți din state membre diferite și transferului sediului social al unei SE sau SCE între statele membre. Dispoziţiile în cauză se aplică tuturor tranzacţiilor care implică societăţi din state membre ale Uniunii Europene, inclusiv în cazul transferului de active. În privința taxei pe valoarea adăugată, Codul fiscal prevede că transferul tuturor activelor sau al unei părţi a acestora, efectuat cu ocazia transferului de active sau, după caz, şi de pasive, indiferent dacă este realizat ca urmare a vânzării sau ca urmare a unor operaţiuni precum divizarea, fuziunea ori ca aport în natură la capitalul unei societăţi, nu constituie livrare de bunuri dacă primitorul activelor este o persoană impozabilă, acesta fiind considerat succesorul cedentului în ceea ce priveşte ajustarea dreptului de deducere a taxei. Din perspectiva taxei pe valoarea adaugată, transferul de active este privit ca un transfer universal de bunuri şi/sau servicii tratate ca un tot unitar la persoana impozabilă cedentă, indiferent dacă este un transfer total sau parţial de active. Este considerat transfer parțial de active transferul tuturor activelor sau al unei părţi din activele investite într-o anumită ramură a activităţii economice, dacă acestea constituie din punct de vedere tehnic o structură independentă, capabilă să efectueze activităţi economice separate, chiar dacă bunurile imobile în care sunt situate activele transferate de cedent nu sunt înstrăinate, ci realocate altor ramuri ale activităţii aflate în uzul cedentului. Totuși, pentru ca operaţiunea să poată fi considerată transfer de active care nu constituie livrare de bunuri, primitorul activelor trebuie să intenţioneze să desfăşoare activitatea economică sau partea din activitatea economică care i-a fost transferată. El este obligat să declare pe propria răspundere cedentului îndeplinirea acestei condiţii. Nu este relevantă împrejurarea că primitorul activelor nu este autorizat pentru desfăşurarea activităţii care i-a fost transferată sau nu are are în obiectul de activitate respectiva activitate, că este sau nu înregistrat în scopuri de taxă.


Avantajele arbitrajului și ale medierii în cazul parcurilor industriale

Str. Zborului nr. 10 sector 3, cod 030595 Bucuresti, Romania

tel.: +4031 405 43 04 fax: +4031 405 43 05 www.leaua.ro

Specific parcurilor industriale este crearea unui grup de contracte de închiriere care sunt semnate cu privire la diverse suprafețe de teren din cadrul parcurilor industriale, care cuprind însă, în cele mai multe cazuri, și clauze prin care se incorporează, prin referire, și regulamente interne privind accesul și utilizarea spațiilor comune din cadrul parcurilor respective. În fapt, în cazul parcurilor industriale, nerespectarea de către una din societățile care folosesc anumite spații industriale sau logistice din aceste parcuri a regulamentelor interne generează probleme directe de funcționare și operare nu atât pentru proprietarul parcului, cât pentru toate celelalte societăți din acel parc. Așa fiind, printr-un singur comportament al unui utilizator de spații – de exemplu blocarea unei căi de acces – daunele se pot produce mai multor utilizatori de spații din parcul respectiv și nu doar față de proprietarul spațiului cu care a fost încheiat contractul. În aceste situații complexe, ceea ce este de dorit pentru toți cei implicați este o soluționare rapidă a problemei de fapt - în exemplul dat, eliberarea căii de acces sau identificarea unor căi de acces alternative, pe harta parcului industrial respectiv – și, în măsura posibilului la fel de rapid, acoperirea daunelor provocate. Un litigiu pe rolul instanțelor judecătorești presupune desfășurarea unui proces destul de îndelungat, precum și implicarea, prin acte procesuale corelate (cereri de intervenție, cereri de chemare în garanție etc.) a tuturor celor implicați sau, în cazul cel mai nefericit, desfășurarea mai multor procese succesive. De aceea, una din posibilitățile care merită să fie luate în calcul este căutarea unor alternative la procesul care s-ar putea declanșa la instanțele judecătorești. Sunt două altfel de alternative care sunt în mod special avantajoase : medierea și arbitrajul. Medierea presupune o formă de negociere între toate părțile implicate, asistată de un mediator, respectiv de o persoană neutră care este autorizată să desfășoare o astfel de activitate. În cadrul procedurii de mediere, se încearcă găsirea unei soluții acceptabile pentru toate părțile implicate. Practic, se încheie un acord de mediere, care este echivalentul unei tranzacții prin care se evită declanșarea unui litigiu la instanțele judecătorești. Baza unei astfel de soluții poate fi de multe ori comercială, și mai puțin neaparat în cadrul unei abordări strict

Dr. Crenguța Leaua Managing Partner „Leaua & Asociații” crenguta.leaua@leaua.ro

legale. În exemplul dat, utilizatorul care a blocat calea de acces este posibil sa aibă o problemă obiectivă care îl împiedică să elibereze spațiul de acces (de exemplu are spațiile de depozitare blocate din cauza unui client care nu s-a prezentat la timp pentru a prelua marfa depozitată). În acest caz, în cadrul negocierii directe cu ceilalți utilizatori de spații din cadrul parcului industrial, este posibilă identificarea unor spații excedentare ale acestora, care pot fi utilizate temporar pentru un preț cu un anume discount, pentru depozitarea mărfurilor ce blochează accesul. O astfel de soluție strict comercială nu ar fi posibilă în cazul unui proces pe rolul instanțelor judecătorești, decât după parcurgerea unor etape procesuale destul de îndelungate. Fiind rezultatul unui acord de voință între toți cei implicați, există premisa ca, în cazul medierii, executarea acordului de mediere, a rezultatului negocierilor dintre părți, astfel cum sunt ele asistate de mediator, să se facă de bună voie, fără să fie necesare costuri de executare silită. În cazul arbitrajului, arbitrul unic (sau, după caz, tribunalul arbitral compus din trei arbitri) decide cu privire la pretențiile părților printr-o hotărâre, care se poate executa întocmai ca o hotărâre judecătorească. Pentru ca o astfel de procedură să fie posibilă, este necesară incorporarea în contractele încheiate cu proprietarul parcurilor industriale a unei clauze de arbitraj. Pentru ca eventualul litigiu să poată fi soluționat simultan cu toți utilizatorii implicați într-o anumită situație conflictuală, clauza trebuie să fie identică în toate contractele încheiate pentru un parc industrial. Avantajul arbitrajului față de instanțele judecătorești este în primul rând durata procesului, deoarece părțile pot conveni ca arbitrii să pronunțe hotărârea într-un anumit termen (de exemplu într-o lună de la sesizarea lor cu cererea de arbitraj), spre deosebire de instanțele judecătorești, în care durata procesului nu poate fi impusă de părți. Avantajul arbitrajului față de mediere este faptul că, la finalul procedurii arbitrale, se obține o hotărâre arbitrală care poate fi executată silit, înlocuind practic o hotărâre judecătorească. Din această perspectivă, arbitrajul este în mod special util în cazurile în care este necesară executarea silită a hotărârii, neexistând premisa unei executări de bună voie care este unul din elementele specifice în mediere. Din punct de vedere practic, este recomandabilă existența unei medieri prealabile care, în caz de nereușită, să fie eventual urmată de un arbitraj.





Beneficii şi chei de succes Ordonanţa Guvernului nr. 65/2001 şi Codul Fiscal (Legea nr. 571/2003) prevăd următoarele măsuri de sprijin din partea statului: nu se datorează impozit pentru terenurile şi clădirile din parcurile industriale şi scutire de la plata taxelor percepute pentru modificarea destinaţiei şi pentru scoaterea din circuitul agricol a terenului aferent parcului industrial, dar şi alte facilităţi acordate de autorităţile publice locale. Condiţiile legale pentru ca investitorii să beneficieze de ajutor de stat, sub forma celor amintite, sunt prevăzute de Schema de ajutor de stat regional acordat pentru investiţiile realizate în parcurile industriale, aprobată prin Ordinul ministrului internelor şi reformei administrative nr. 296/2007. Categoriile de beneficiari sunt: societăţile de administrare care au obţinut titlul de parc industrial; investitorii care au început investiţia înainte de 18 septembrie 2007 – ajutor de minimis, iar cei care au început investiţia după 18 septembrie 2007 – ajutor de stat regional. Pot beneficia de ajutor de stat/minimis investitorii din parcurile industriale care: deţin în proprietate teren şi clădiri în parcul industrial; au în concesiune, închiriere, administrare ori în folosinţă, după caz, clădiri/terenuri, proprietate publică sau privată a statului ori a unităţilor administrativ-teritoriale, aflate într-un parc industrial; nu se află în dificultate. Valoarea ajutorului (în forma renunţării la venituri), într-o perioadă de trei ani fiscali consecutivi, nu depăşeşte valoarea de 200.000 de euro.

Condiţii speciale Potrivit prevederilor Schemei de ajutor de stat regional acordat pentru investiţiile realizate în parcurile industriale, aprobată prin Ordinul ministrului internelor şi reformei administrative nr. 296/2007, condiţiile pe care trebuie să le îndeplinească beneficiarul ajutorului de stat regional sunt: cerere depusă înainte de începerea proiectului şi aviz primit de la Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Administraţiei Publice privind eligibilitatea; dovada unei contribuţii de cel puţin 25% din costurile eligibile ale investiţiei, fie din resurse proprii, fie din finanţare externă, într-o formă care să nu implice orice alt ajutor public; să aibă sediul şi să fie înregistrat pe teritoriul României; să nu fie în situaţie de dificultate, definită conform Liniilor directoare privind ajutorul de stat pentru salvarea şi restructurarea întreprinderilor aflate în dificultate, publicate în Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene nr. C 244/02/2004; realizează o investiţie iniţială într-un parc industrial cu titlu acordat prin ordin al viceprim-ministrului, ministrului dezvoltării regionale şi administraţiei publice sau declarat printr-o hotărâre a Guvernului; să nu fie în stare de faliment ori de lichidare, ori cu afacerile administrate de un judecător sindic, nu are activităţi comerciale suspendate sau nu se află într-o situaţie similară cu cele menţionate mai sus, reglementate de lege; nu face obiectul unei proceduri legale pentru declararea acestuia într-una dintre aceste situaţii; nu face obiectul unui ordin exigibil de recuperare a unui ajutor de stat, indiferent de obiectivul acestuia şi de organismul furnizor al respectivului ajutor de stat.

Armonie între business şi funcţional

Şerban Ţigănaş, preşedinte OAR


Locaţia parcului industrial este primul element de atractivitate deoarece investitorii semnificativi îşi amplasează afacerile în poli de dezvoltare, caracterizaţi prin indicatori socio-economici ridicaţi (de exemplu: nivel dezvoltat al activităţilor economice, învăţământ superior etc.). În general, parcurile industriale care nu au beneficiat de locaţie şi infrastructură atractive au localizat întreprinderi mici şi mijlocii care produc pentru piaţa internă. Parcurile industriale care îndeplinesc cele trei elemente de dezvoltare (locaţie, infrastructură, bun management) au atras întreprinderi mari, cu rezultate în ceea ce priveşte creşterea producţiei industriale şi a exportului, cu nivel de tehnologie crescut. “Implicarea autorităţilor administraţiei publice locale s-a dovedit un factor important în dezvoltarea unor parcuri industriale. Au fost identificate şi alocate fonduri pentru modernizarea infrastructurii şi, în anumite situaţii, reprezentanţii autorităţilor administraţiei publice s-au implicat în procesul de negociere cu investitorii. Pentru parcurile industriale care nu au beneficiat de locaţii avantajoase, nu deţineau utilităţi la data demarării proiectului, iar societatea de administrare a avut activităţi reduse, se constată o evoluţie lentă sau chiar stagnarea dezvoltării. Ajutoarele de stat sau facilităţile nu pot înlocui infrastructura sau alte lipsuri. Asigurăm investitorii străini de suportul oferit de ministerul nostru în ceea ce priveşte prezentarea condiţiilor legale şi administrative de demarare a unei afaceri în România. Avem tot interesul de a dezvolta relaţii de colaborare întrucât numai prin investiţii asigurăm creare de locuri de muncă şi dezvoltare locală”, a susţinut Daniel Iustin Marinescu, director general al Direcţiei Generale Administraţie Publică din cadrul

tendințe Ministerului Dezvoltării Regionale şi Administraţiei Publice. Arhitectul Şerban Ţigănaş, director al firmei Dico şi Ţigănaş, profesor la Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca şi preşedinte al Ordinului Arhitecţilor din România, pledează pentru proiecte cu “personalitate”. “Dacă vom privi parcurile industriale din unghiul autorităţilor, doar ca aducătoare de taxe şi furnizoare de locuri de muncă pentru localnici, din partea firmelor iniţiatoare doar ca un business cu terenuri şi din partea utilizatorilor, a ocupanţilor investitori doar ca o dezvoltare în care preţul terenului este foarte bun sau subvenţionat, de fapt nu vom vorbi de parcuri industriale şi nu vom avea parcuri industriale. Aceste zone de activităţi trebuie să fie locuri în care oamenii care lucrează să o facă în condiţii de calitate a vieţii la cele mai bune standarde contemporane. Indiferent dacă e vorba de firme cu mulţi angajaţi, concentrări de persoane sau de activităţi în care robotizarea face ca procesele să nu necesite personal numeros, toţi aceşti oameni trebuie să beneficieze de calitatea arhitecturii, adică de integralitatea calităţii spaţiilor exterioare şi interioare, publice şi private şi să găsescă toate componentele necesare tuturor momentelor prin care trec zilnic. E nevoie de facilităţile de transport bine rezolvate, de spaţiile de primire în parc şi în fiecare unitate în parte, de zonele pentru pauze, alimentaţie şi destinderea necesară, de servicii medicale de urgenţă şi, de ce nu, de zone cu funcţiuni conexe tot mai căutate de cei care se ocupă de coeziunea şi motivarea echipelor care lucrează, team-building, sport, viaţă sănătoasă etc. Dacă privim din nou din perspectiva dezvoltării durabile, parcurile industriale trebuie să fie generatoare de cultură construită de calitate, adică de arhitectură de calitate, ceea ce însemnă şi o relaţie bună cu peisajul şi structurile construite din vecinătate”, recomandă arhitectul Şerban Ţigănaş. Şi normele legale ce definesc funcţionarea şi susţinerea dezvoltării parcurilor au suferit modificări, în acest sens noi legiau fost aprobate în această luna de Parlamentul României. Traian Bărbat, secretarul general al APITSIAR, sintetizează: “Din perspectiva noastră sunt trei chestiuni pe care dacă le rezolvă noua legislaţie ar fi un succes deosebit: acces la fonduri europene structurale pentru societăţile administrator – acum doar cu acordul Consiliilor Judeţene se pot accesa pe proiecte, posibilitatea ca societatea administrator să furnizeze utilităţi în parc şi să poată desfăşura activităţi economice de sine stătătoare în parc”. APITSIAR a semnalat numeroase completări şi ajustări ale noului proiect legislativ, observaţiile punctuale din partea membrilor fiind dezbătute şi depuse pentru a fi integrate în viitoarea lege.

Alte modele la nivel european În Finlanda nu există documente de referinţă naţionale care să definească parcurile industriale. Orice parc industrial se autodefineşte şi are propria politică. Parcurile industriale cuprind adesea terenuri industriale, aflate în proprietatea autorităţilor locale, care le închiriază firmelor la preţuri econo mice pentru a crea locuri de muncă. Centrele tehnologice sunt concentrate pe producţia inovativă în cooperare cu lumea academică şi sunt amplasate adesea în clădiri de birouri. Parcurile industriale din Finlanda îşi fac propria politică potrivit preferinţelor proprii. În centrele tehnologice, principalii proprietari pot fi societăţile administrator ale parcurilor industriale sau proprietarii care includ adesea oraşe sau municipalităţi, universităţi sau politehnici şi companii mari. Proprietarii/factorii interesaţi aleg reprezentanţii în administrare şi în grupul executiv. În Germania, conceptul de parc industrial este foarte vechi. Există multe definiţii în multe documente diferite, cum ar fi în planurile regionale de dezvoltare şi în planurile de utilizare a terenurilor. În planurile de utilizare a terenurilor, parcurile industriale sunt acoperite de termenul „zonă industrială”. Politica regiunii North Rhine-Westphalia are ca

scop o balanţă între amplasarea companiilor de producţie, aprovizionare şi servicii. Definiţie: un loc pentru generarea producţiei şi serviciilor. Definiţia Planului de Dezvoltare al Regiunii: zonă pentru amplasarea comerţului şi industriei; un tip special de zonă industrială a fost definit în 1978: „zonă pentru amplasamente mari” cu o suprafaţă de minim 200 ha. În 1995, suprafaţa minimă a fost redusă la 80 ha. Actualmente, acest tip de zonă industrială este cu greu folosit. O menţiune a ultimelor publicaţii se referă la zone pentru amplasarea companiilor pentru producţie şi a companiilor în sectoare secundare şi terţiare. În Portugalia, conceptul a fost dezvoltat în decursul timpului, încă din anii 70, când a fost introdus pentru prima oară. La începutul anilor 90, parcurile industriale au fost înţelese ca aglomerări planificate de activităţi industriale cu scopul dezvoltării industriale. Consecinţa creşterii importanţei sectorului serviciilor (sau „terţiar”) la costurile sectorului industrial (sau „secundar”) a fost deplasarea conceptul de parc industrial spre „Zone de Amplasare a Întreprinderilor”. Acestea sunt definite ca zone limitate, în special planificate şi pregătite în a primi anumite tipuri de industrii precum şi activităţi comerciale şi servicii, care sunt administrate de o singură entitate cu competenţe administrative. În Portugalia nu există deocamdată nici o Zonă de Amplasare a Întreprinderilor (genul celor definite prin lege) şi există o definiţie specifică a parcurilor eco-industriale în documentele legale din Portugalia. În Olanda există mai multe accepţiuni pentru parcurile industriale. Cel mai des utilizat termen pare a fi cel de terenuri industriale, parcuri de afaceri şi terenuri de afaceri. Pentru uniformitate, va fi folosit în continuare termenul de „terenuri de afaceri”. Istoria terenurilor de afaceri datează în Olanda cu aproximativ trei decenii în urmă. Totuşi, terenurile de afaceri, ca şi concept în documentele naţionale şi/sau regionale este prezentat cu aproximaţie în ultimul deceniu şi jumătate. Potrivit definiţiei Subsecretariatului de Stat pentru Afaceri Economice, un teren de afaceri trebuie să îndeplinească două calificări de bază: suprafaţă de cel puţin 10 ha, utilizat de firme cu scopul de a face comerţ, industrie, servicii comeciale şi noncomerciale şi industrie, excluzând servicii pentru hoteluri, restaurante şi catering. Ungaria oferă o categorie diversificată de parcuri industriale: investitorii pot alege între 206 site-uri operaţionale, în funcţie de cerinţele afacerii lor. Localizarea companiei sau a afacerii într-un parc industrial are mai multe avantaje, cum ar fi managementul familiar cu mediul de afaceri local, sprijin din partea municipalităţilor, infrastructură dezvoltată şi servicii extinse. Investiţiile realizate în parcurile industriale pot fi implementate mult mai repede decât investiţiile greenfield sau brownfield.





Ce aduce bun noua Lege a parcurilor industriale? Cristian Tălmăcean, CEO Business Foundation, www.bfconsult.ro În prezent se constată că numărul parcurilor industriale, privite ca infrastructuri moderne de sprijinire a afacerilor, este redus la nivel naţional în comparație cu nevoile și oportunitățile existente. Factorii care sugerează potențialul dezvoltării de infrastructuri de afaceri sunt: presiunea asupra administrațiilor locale de creare de noi locuri de muncă pentru forța de muncă locală cu pregătire în diverse domenii industriale; oportunitățile de utilizare a suprafeţelor terenurilor unor vechi industrii nereabilitate şi neutilizate, pentru noi industrii de către noii proprietari; concentrarea dezvoltării în unele zone datorită potențialului de colaborare al mediului de afaceri cu cel universitar în dezvoltarea unor noi industrii; atractivitatea ce o reprezintă încă costul redus al forței de muncă pentru investitorii străini; finanțarea dezvoltării de asocieri în scopul creșterii capacității întreprinderilor românești de a face față pieței globalizate și de recuperare a decalajului de productivitate față de partenerii europeni, finanțări susținute prin fonduri europene. Dezvoltarea parcurilor industriale a fost îngreunată de lipsa unui cadru legislativ propice, care să integreze strategii naționale orizontale în cele verticale aplicate de diferite instituții publice (ANCS, AMPOSCCE, AMPOR, AIPPIMM). Problemele au fost identificate de către autoritățile competente în colaborare cu structurile mediului de afaceri: acordarea facilităților fiscale și lipsa efectului stimulativ real al acestora, stabilirea în clar a drepturilor și obligațiilor administratorului și rezidenților parcurilor, inclusiv a modalității de asigurare a utilităților, lipsa eligibilității întreprinderilor mari pe programele de finanțare europene și naționale. Noua lege privind constituirea și funcționarea parcurilor industriale, aflată la Preşedinţie pentru promulgare, vine să rezolve probleme practice izvorâte din realitățile socio-economice:

a. LIMPEZEŞTE conceptele Administratorul parcului este „persoană juridică de drept privat, română şi/sau străină, înfiinţată în condiţiile legii de către fondatori cu scopul de a constitui un parc industrial, de a dobândi şi deţine titlul de parc industrial, eliberat potrivit prevederilor prezentei legi de organul de specialitate al administraţiei publice centrale sau prin hotărâre a Guvernului, în cazul vechilor platforme industriale privatizate conform unei hotărâri a Guvernului pe concept de parc industrial, respectiv de a gestiona şi administra, [….], parcul


industrial”. Prin această reglementare se simplifică formele legislative eliminându-se conceptul de asociere în participațiune pentru înființarea unui parc și a posibilității obținerii titlului de parc industrial fie de către fondatorii parcului, fie de către administratorul parcului industrial. Se introduce posibilitatea persoanelor fizice de a fi asociați, alături de celelalte categorii de potențiali acționari (autorități ale administrației publice centrale sau locale, persoane juridice române, institute de cercetare - dezvoltare) într-o societate comercială ce fondează și administrează parcuri industriale. Un alt concept introdus de noua reglementare este acela de rezident al parcului: „orice operator economic, persoană juridică română şi/sau străină, ONG-uri, instituţii de cercetare şi alte unităţi care nu au personalitate juridică, care funcţionează conform legii şi desfăşoară activităţi economice, de cercetare ştiinţifică, de valorificare a cercetării ştiinţifice şi/sau de dezvoltare tehnologică, agroindustriale, logistice şi inovative, industriale, etc., în cadrul parcului industrial […]”. Rezidentul își desfășoară activitatea în baza contractului de administrare și prestare de servicii conexe fiind „contractul încheiat în formă scrisă între administratorul parcului şi rezidentul parcului, prin care se stabileşte cadrul juridic care guvernează raporturile juridice dintre administratorul parcului şi rezidentul parcului, în sensul că le reglementează drepturile şi obligaţiile reciproce şi interdependente privind asigurarea folosinţei a uneia sau mai multor unităţi, precum şi asigurarea tuturor şi oricăror utilităţi şi servicii necesare activităţilor desfăşurate în cadrul parcului industrial, dintre care enumerăm, cu titlu exemplificativ: furnizarea de gaze naturale, energie termică, apă, servicii de canalizare, servicii de telecomunicaţii, folosinţa căilor de transport de orice fel edificate pe terenul din perimetrul parcului industrial, de către administratorul parcului, în schimbul plăţii contravalorii acestora de către rezidentul parcului”. Legiuitorul specifică și elementul de proprietate al parcului industrial, respectiv: Unitatea – „parte integrantă a parcului industrial, proprietatea administratorului parcului sau, după caz, a rezidenţilor parcului industrial, conectată la infrastructura parcului, în cadrul căreia unul sau mai mulţi dintre rezidenţii parcului, după caz, desfăşoară activităţi economice, de cercetare ştiinţifică, de valorificare a cercetării ştiinţifice şi/sau de dezvoltare tehnologică agroindustriale, logistice şi inovative, industriale şi altele în cadrul parcului industrial, […].”

Tendinţe b. Crește baza de potențiali solicitanți, prin îmbunătățirea condițiilor de eligibilitate. Sunt reglementate condițiile de fond aplicabile cererii de atribuire a titlului de parc industrial, distinct de condițiile de formă. S-au eliminat condițiile negative referitoare la inexistența sarcinilor de orice tip asupra terenului și/sau infrastructurii parcului. Noua reglementare permite existența oricăror servituți de trecere, precum și a oricăror ipoteci constituite în favoarea instituțiilor de credit dintr-un stat membru european. Prin noua lege se reduce suprafața minimă eligibilă a terenului la 5 hectare, față de 10 hectare în actele normative anterioare. Solicitantul va preciza durata pentru care solicită acordarea titlului de parc industrial, care nu va putea fi mai mică de 10 ani, cu posibilitate de prelungire.

c. Conferă instrumente de management eficient Capitolul al III –lea referitor la funcționarea parcurilor industriale reprezintă elementul central al reglementării. Noua lege conține reglementări pragmatice ale raporturilor juridice dintre administratori și rezidenți, care au ca scop susținerea viabilității parcului industrial: contractul de administrare și prestare servicii conexe – care rezolvă aspectele ce vizează exercitarea folosinței unităților, problema regimului de furnizare a utilităților necesare și conduita rezidenților parcului; și prerogativa de reglementare acordată administratorului prin derogare de la dreptul comun, de a emite regulamente (acte unilaterale) ce devin general obligatorii pentru toți rezidenții parcului. Legea conferă administratorului parcului dreptul de a elabora regulamente privind: strategia de organizare, funcţionare şi dezvoltare a parcului industrial; procedura de selecţionare a rezidenţilor parcului; contractul-cadru de administrare şi prestări de servicii conexe; furnizarea de utilităţi în cadrul parcului industrial; regimul circulaţiei pietonale şi cu autovehicule în incinta parcului industrial; modul de calcul al cheltuielilor individuale şi al cheltuielilor colective; infrastructura parcului industrial; destinaţia unităţilor; măsuri pentru protecţia mediului și orice alte materii care privesc organizarea, funcţionarea şi dezvoltarea parcului industrial.

d. Acordă drepturi mai clare privind facilitățile fiscale Spre deosebire de legislația anterioară în care facilitățile privind scutirea de la plata impozitului pe teren și clădiri ale administratorilor și rezidenților erau condiționate de acceptul autorităților publice locale, noua lege lasă la decizia acestora doar scutirea de la plata taxelor pentru eliberarea oricăror certificate de urbanism, autorizatii de construire și/sau desființare de construcții pentru terenurile și clădirile din infrastructura parcului. Titlul de parc industrial conferă administratorului şi rezidenţilor parcului dreptul la următoarele facilităţi: scutire de la plata taxelor percepute pentru modificarea destinaţiei sau pentru scoaterea din circuitul agricol a terenului aferent parcului industrial; scutire de la plata impozitului pe terenuri, corespunzător terenului aferent parcului industrial; scutire de la plata impozitului pe clădiri, corespunzător

clădirilor care fac parte din infrastructura parcului industrial; scutiri, numai cu acordul autorităţilor publice locale, de la plata oricăror taxe datorate bugetelor locale ale unităţilor administrativ-teritoriale pentru eliberarea oricăror certificate de urbanism, autorizaţii de construire şi/sau autorizaţii de desfiinţare de construcţii pentru terenurile şi clădirile din infrastructura parcului, ce fac parte integrantă din parcul industrial; alte facilităţi ce pot fi acordate, potrivit legii, de autorităţile administraţiei publice locale. Parcurile industriale reprezintă un instrument cheie pentru impulsionarea mediului de afaceri și practic, singurul instrument aflat la dispoziția autorităților publice locale pentru stimularea creării de locuri de muncă. Dezvoltarea culturii antreprenoriale și creșterea colaborării între mediul privat, public și universitar sunt, din perspectiva mea, ingredientele trecerii în această nouă etapă de dezvoltare. Accentul se mută dinspre interesul unei entități (publice sau private), înspre interesul unui grup de entități care colaborează, cu încredere și competență pentru a deveni mai competitive și mai sustenabile împreună.





Parteneriatul Public Privat o soluţie pentru implementarea parcurilor industriale Iulian Popescu, Partner Muşat & Asociaţii Reglementate încă din 2001, parcurile industriale se bucură în prezent de o atenţie fără precedent, conturându-se ca o soluţie reală pentru crearea de locuri de muncă şi stimularea investiţiilor. Importanţa sporită a parcurilor industriale se reflectă atât în strategia de guvernare, cât şi în plan legislativ, în prezent fiind iniţiat un proiect de lege privind modificarea cadrului legal incident parcurilor industriale. Proiectul de lege, în forma adoptată recent de camera decizională şi în curs de promulgare, urmăreşte introducerea de facilităţi fiscale şi eliminarea discrepanţelor şi amibiguităţilor existente în cadrul legal actual. Printre elementele de noutate introduse se evidenţiază clarificarea noţiunii de titular al parcului industrial, delimitându-se expres între fondatorii parcului industrial şi entitatea juridică deţinătoare a terenului şi infrastructurii parcului. Pe lângă clarificarea la nivel teoretic a noţiunii de titular al parcului industrial, proiectul nu adresează în detaliu implementarea acestui concept, o serie de implicaţii practice formând încă obiect de dezbatere şi analiză. Tot astfel, deşi varianta adoptată de camera decizională nu consacră expres posibilitatea constituirii unui parteneriat public privat („PPP”) în vederea implementării unui parc industrial, o asemenea abordare se pliază realităţilor practice şi ar putea prezenta avantaje atât pentru partenerul public, cât şi pentru potenţialii investitori privaţi. În cadrul unui astfel de proiect, se pune astfel problema viabilitaţii unei colaborări în baza structurii PPP, partenerul public oferind, spre exempu, terenul pentru amplasarea parcului şi contribuind la obţinerea autorizaţiilor şi avizelor necesare, permiţând astfel partenerului privat să se concentreze asupra finanţării, realizării şi administrării parcului. În forma sa iniţială, proiectul limita participarea fondatorului public care deţine în administrare terenul şi/sau infrastructura existentă, impunând ca administratorul să fie proprietarul terenului şi limitând astfel posibilitatea de participare a partenerului public cu aport în natură. Cu toate acestea, pe parcursul derulării procesului legislativ, această restricţie a fost eliminată, Articolul 5 din proiect introducând posibilitatea ca terenul eligibil să se afle fie în pro-


prietate, fie în concesiune, administrare sau folosinţă. O atare structură de tip PPP ar prezenta multiple avantaje pentru autoritatea publică, care transferă astfel riscurile aferente finanţării proiectului către partenerul privat, beneficiind de asemenea de know-how şi management eficient. La rândul său, partenerul privat are posibilitatea de a beneficia de baza iniţială a investiţiei sub forma contibuţiei în natură, urmând a recupera efortul de finanţare din exploatarea parcului industrial. Natura şi structura companiei de proiect, definită în baza legislaţiei PPP, sunt în acord cu definiţia administratorului parcului. Astfel, conform legii nr. 178/2010 şi OUG nr. 34/2006, compania de proiect este o societate pe acţiuni, având ca acţionari partenerul public şi cel privat, reprezentaţi pro rata cu contribuţia la proiectul PPP, partenerul public contribuind în natură, iar cel privat prin finanțarea investiţiei. Cu toate că proiectul de lege aprobat de cele două camere pare a înlătura o parte din piedicile la implementarea unui parc industrial din perspectiva PPP, anumite aspecte insuficient adresate îngreunează în continuare cumularea celor două mecanisme. Astfel, în ciuda efectelor benefice ale cumulării celor două mecanisme, o potenţială problemă o reprezintă obligativitatea transferării de către compania de proiect (administratorul parcului) cu titlu gratuit a bunului public, respectiv parcul industrial, către partenerul public la finalizarea contractului. Aspecte care necesită armonizare includ noţiunea de „interes public” şi „bun public”; precum şi cele legate de particularităţile companiei de proiect. Astfel, cu toate că iniţiativa introducerii unui cadru unitar este salutară, multe aspecte rămân încă insuficient reglementate de noua lege, acesta concentrându-se preponderent asupra facilităţilor fiscale. În acest sens, în vederea preîntâmpinării dificultăţilor practice şi creşterii atractivităţii unor astfel de structuri, ar fi utilă punerea în acord a celor două mecanisme prin eventuale norme de aplicare, în vederea armonizării tuturor prevederilor relevante cu legislaţia privind achiziţiile publice şi parteneriatul public privat.

Ce simt managerii Rememorând începuturile proiectelor, managerii parcurilor explică rețeta pentru succes: implicare, investiții, infrastructură, companii de renume atrase, promovare.



ES Elektro îţi ţine producţia în mişcare ES Elektro România este unul dintre cei patru piloni internaționali ai grupului olandez de companii “itsme”, abreviere pentru Industrial Technology and Supply for Mechanical and Electrical. Grupul oferă servicii de aprovizionare cu componente electrotehnice atât în România, cât și în Belgia, Germania și Olanda, “țara mamă” a afacerii. În Olanda, ES Elektro este lider de piață pe segmentul industriei. Cine este însă ES Elektro în România și ce vrea să devină? ES Elektro România se evidențiază pe piața din România în special prin oferta de soluții inovative și testate. Dedicată nevoilor şi solicitărilor clienților industriali, ES Elektro oferă soluţii logistice, expertiză tehnică şi servicii impecabile de furnizare. Activităţile companiei sunt susținute de aplicații dezvoltate “in-house”, prin intermediul platformei SAP. “Ne mândrim că facem mai mult decât să furnizăm componente, noi le livrăm la locul potrivit în momentul potrivit. Putem să oferim clienților noștri și traininguri specializate în domeniul automatizărilor industriale, soluţii pentru reducerea costurilor şi optimizarea proceselor tehnologice, dar şi să 12, Bulevardul Muncii, 400641, asigurăm continuitatea proceselor de proCluj-Napoca, Romania ducţie, asigurând, profesionist, stocul Tel: +40 364 416333 necesar de materiale. Avem o gamă variată Fax:+40 364 417333 de produse de la toți producătorii majori www.eselektro.com la nivel mondial (1500 de branduri) și o echipă de români dedicată, entuziastă şi bine pregătită. Ne străduim mereu să ne respectăm sloganul: Making you succeed! (Cu noi reușești!)”, explică Rolf de Graaf.

ES Elektro Romania S.R.L.

Expansiune în toată România ES Elektro se află de 5 ani pe piaţa din România şi are două birouri operaţionale: la Cluj-Napoca şi în Timişoara. “În primii 3 ani am dorit să ne aşezăm în piaţă, ceea ce am reuşit, apoi am început să gândim posibile extinderi. Timişoara a fost un pas următor logic, pentru că acolo am găsit o echipă valoroasă, avem deja un număr de clienţi industriali importanţi, iar zona are un potenţial foarte bun. Următorul birou al nostru va fi foarte probabil în Bucureşti, dar la fel de bine ar putea fi în Iaşi, Braşov, Galaţi etc. Oricum, în următorii 4-5 ani dorim să avem reprezentanţe în toate regiunile României!”, spune de Graaf. Clienţii industriali ai ES Elektro se împart în patru mari categorii: utilizatorii industriali finali (ex. Friesland Câmpina), producătorii de utilaje/echipamente (ex. CSi România), companiile industriale care instalează şi asigură service pentru aceste utilaje/echipamente şi producătorii mari de paneluri electrice. “Noi furnizăm


materiale spre companiile din tot acest lanţ industrial. În plus, un serviciu pe care-l facem este acela de a asigura continuu stocul de materiale pentru mentenanţă unora dintre clienţii noştri importanţi. Pentru o companie ce are activitate 24 de ore pe zi este vital să nu se oprească producţia din cauza unei piese, mai mari sau mai mici, pentru că aceasta nu există în stoc. Noi avem grijă ca aceste probleme să nu existe”, susţine de Graaf. Printre cei mai importanți clienți ai ES Elektro România se numără companiile CSi, Friesland Câmpina, Comau, Draxlmaier, Retec, Remarul 16 Februarie, Dexa, Contitech, Elro, Autoliv și Energom. “Avem relaţii foarte bune cu clienţii noştri şi împreună încercăm să identificăm nevoile lor pentru ca apoi să le oferim soluţii. Acestea pot fi tehnice, logistice, comerciale, sau combinaţii între aceste opţiuni. A fi un partener de încredere înseamnă şi ca uneori să-ţi sfătuieşti clientul să nu ia o anumită decizie!” a continuat de Graaf. „ES Elektro a câştigat încrederea marilor furnizori şi a clienţilor în ultimii ani. Cei din piaţă ştiu acum că suntem o companie serioasă, cu un nivel înalt de expertiză şi flexibilitate, lucruri importante pentru clienţi. A face business, la orice nivel, nu e aşa de complicat cum unii oameni sau unele companii lasă câteodată să se înţeleagă. Comunicarea este vitală, în special în zona noastră de business industrial şi,” concluzionează de Graaf, „câtă vreme faci ceea ce spui şi spui ceea ce faci clienţilor tăi, toate părţile implicate vor fi satisfăcute!”

Atuurile ES Elektro: - cei mai buni din punct de vedere logistic şi al expertizei - cei mai prompţi la livrarea materialelor - singurii care oferă alternative la produse care au ieşit din fabricaţie



ES Elektro keeps your production moving ES Elektro Romania is one of the companies that is part of the International group of companies “itsme”, an abbreviation for Industrial Technology and Supply for Mechanical and Electrical. The group offers supply of electro-technical components and services both in Romania and in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, the “mother country” of the business. In the Netherlands, ES Elektro is the market leader in industry. But what is ES Elektro in Romania and what does it want to become? ES Elektro Romania stands out on the Romanian market especially through the offer of innovative and tested solutions. Dedicated to the needs and demands of industrial clients ES Elektro offers logistic solutions, technical advice and reliable supply. Its activities are supported by applications developed “in-house” through the SAP platform. “We are proud that we do more than only the supply of components, delivering them in the right place at the right time. We can offer our clients specialized training and advice in the field of industrial automation, cost reducing and process optimization solutions to improve results, and ensure the continuity of the client’s process by reliable supply and keeping specific industrial stock. We have a wide range of products from all the major manufacturers’ worldwide (1,500 brands) and a dedicated Romanian team, who are well-trained and enthusiastic to help their clients to be more successful. We always strive to keep our motto: Making you succeed!,” as Rolf de Graaf explains.

Expansion throughout Romania ES Elektro has been on the market in Romania for 5 years and has two operating offices: in Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara. “roughout the first three years, we wanted to establish ES Elektro in the market. After having managed to do so, we started to think about possible expansions. Timişoara was a logical next step, because there we have found a good team, we have already existing industrial customers and we have identified a good po-

The strengths of ES Elektro: - the best in terms of logistics and expertise - the most prompt in the delivery of materials - the only ones who offer alternatives to products that are out of production

tential. Our next office is probably going to be in Bucharest, but it could just as well be in Iaşi, Braşov, Galaţi or any other city where we find the right people and the right customer profile. Anyway, in the next 4-5 years we want to have offices in all the regions of Romania,” de Graaf says. e industrial customers of ES Elektro are divided into four large categories: industrial end users (e.g. Friesland Campina), manufacturers of machinery/equipment (e.g. CSi Romania), industrial installers and the producers of electrical panels. “We provide materials to companies from all this industrial chain. In addition, a service that we provide is ensuring the continuous stock of maintenance materials for some of our key cus12, Bulevardul Muncii | 400641 tomers. For a company with an acCluj-Napoca | Romania tivity of 24 hours a day it is vital that Tel: +40 364 416333 production does not stop because a Fax:+40 364 417333 material, large or small, is not availwww.eselektro.com able. We make sure that these problems do not exist,” as de Graaf claims. Some of the important customers of ES Elektro Romania are companies such as CSI, Friesland Campina, Comau, Draxlmaier, Retec, Remarul 16 Februarie, Dexa, Contitech, Elro, Autoliv and Energom. “We have very good relationships with them, and together we are in the process of identifying their needs and then trying to offer them a solution. is can be a technical, logistical or commercial solution, or a combination of them. Being a trusted partner could also mean sometimes to advice the client not to take a certain solution” de Graaf continued. “ES Elektro has earned the trust of suppliers and customers over the past years. e market knows now that we are a serious company with a high level of expertise and, as important, reliability on which the client can build. Business, at any level, is not so complicated as some people and companies sometimes make it. Communication is vital, especially in the industrial supply business”, and de Graaf concludes, “as long as you do what you say, and say what you do to your clients all parties involved will be satisfied by our service level”.

ES Elektro Romania S.R.L.




Roboți industriali made in Cluj Olandezii de la CSi au făcut un nou pas înainte: au început producţia de roboți industriali, care completează sistemele de transport și de manipulare a mărfurilor în interiorul fabricilor sau depozitelor logistice. Clujul a început să devină un exportator tot mai important de produse industriale care încorporează noi tehnologii. Una dintre companiile clujene, care a mizat pe munca unei echipe de ingineri români și olandezi, CSi România, a început să exporte roboți industriali în toată lumea. Este pentru prima dată când la Cluj este realizat pasul de la roboții creați pentru distracție de către studenți la producția de mașinării industriale inteligente cu un puternic impact economic. Roboții industriali produși la Cluj sunt de mai multe categorii. Unii sunt capabili să execute câteva mișcări simple, care valorifică munca unei echipe care produce pe bandă rulantă. Însă sunt și așa-numiții roboți inteligenți, capabili să execute mișcări de mare finețe, spune omul de afaceri Daniel Măluțan, directorul CSi România. Prețul unui robot industrial produs la Cluj poate urca la mai multe sute de mii de euro. Cei mai ieftini sunt așa-numiții roboți smart, care efectuează operații simple, iar cei mai scumpi sunt roboții inteligenți, al căror preț depinde și de tipul de braț robotic folosit. CSi este una dintre cele mai dinamice companii clujene din domeniul industrial din Transilvania. ”Compania CSi România cu capital majoritar olandez este prezentă pe piața românească din 2004 și este cunoscută ca o unitate de producție pentru firma-mamă, CSi Industries, producătoare de echipamente la comandă pentru firme din întreaga lume. Obiectul de activitate al companiei derivă din cel al grupului, care este furnizor de sisteme integrate de manipulare, transport, paletizare pentru o gamă largă de produse din industria bunurilor de larg consum. Clienții CSi se pot bucura de servicii complete începând de la proiectare, producție, livrare, instalare până la punerea în funcțiune și service pe întreaga durată de viață a echipamentelor. Printre soluțiile inovative oferite clienților se numără: realizarea de conveioare pentru transportul produselor de larg consum, sisteme de transport pentru containere, sisteme de transport pentru carcase și cutii de carton, sisteme de transport și manipulare a paleților, sisteme de paletizare, executarea de tablouri electrice de comandă, executarea de instalații electrice pentru liniile de


transport paletizat, celule robotice, celule de sortare și etichetare. Compania produce in-house majoritatea componentelor necesare într-o forma personalizată, în funcție de nevoile clientului. Printre capabilitățile cele mai însemnate se pot aminti: conceperea și designul produsului, consultanță în alegerea potrivită a sistemului, debitarea laser și cea mecanica, îndoirea asistată, prelucrările mecanice convenționale și CNC, sudura de înaltă calitate, protecția suprafețelor metalice prin vopsire umedă sau în câmp electrostatic, software-ul industrial, robotică, testarea și punerea în funcțiune”, spune Daniel Măluțan, managerul CSi România. Sistemele produse la Cluj sunt folosite de clienți globali, de la Coca-Cola la JTI. Iar echipele de angajați ai companiei clujene instalează astfel de sisteme în toată lumea, de la Europa de Vest în Brazilia.

Ascensiune continuă ”Cu o echipă managerială tânără, CSi România a reușit să se impună pe piață ca un furnizor de echipamente de înaltă fiabilitate, siguranță și calitate. Pornind de la “green-field”, compania a cunoscut o ascensiune continuă, consolidânduse cu fiecare element integrat. Investițiile sunt continue, în primul rând în resursele umane, dar și în tehnologie de ultimă generație, asigurând astfel creșterea sustenabilă și durabilă. Angajații companiei prin seriozitate, flexibilitate constituie cea mai importantă resursă a companiei. În concepția CSi, fiecare angajat în parte trebuie să se bucure de ceea ce face și, în același timp, să muncească din greu pentru a răspunde cerințelor clienților, să respecte lumea în care lucrează, să ofere calitate. Totodată, acest lucru înseamnă îmbunătățirea continuă a tuturor aspectelor afacerii și evitarea pierderii din vedere a obiectivului principal: furnizarea unor soluții inteligente de manipulare a materialelor, eficiente din punct de vedere al costurilor”, mai spune Daniel Măluțan. Compania clujeană are în prezent 227 de angajați, iar până la finalul anului va ajunge la 250.



Industrial robots made in Cluj The Dutchmen from CSi have taken another step forward: they have begun the production of industrial robots, which complements that of the systems for transporting and handling merchandise in factories or logistics warehouses. Cluj has started to be regarded as an increasingly important exporter of industrial products that incorporate the new technologies. CSi Romania, one of the companies from Cluj that has relied on the work of a team of Romanian and Dutch engineers, has begun exporting industrial robots worldwide. It is the first time the step has been taken in Cluj from robots created by students for fun to the production of intelligent industrial machines with a strong economic impact. ere are several categories of industrial robots produced in Cluj. Some are able to perform a few simple movements, valorizing the work of a team that produces on the line. But there are also the so-called intelligent robots, able to execute movements of great finesse, as the businessman Daniel Măluțan, Director of CSi Romania, says. e price of an industrial robot produced in Cluj can go up to several hundred thousand euros. e cheapest are the so-called smart robots that perform simple operations, and the most expensive are the intelligent robots, whose price depends on the type of robotic arm used. CSI is one of the most dynamic Cluj-based companies in the industrial domain in Transylvania. “e Dutch-owned Company CSi Romania has been present on the Romanian market since 2004 and is known as a production unit for the parent company, CSi Industries, manufacturing custom equipment for companies around the world. e object of the company’s activity is derived from that of the group, which supplies integrated systems for handling, transporting and palletizing a wide range of products from the consumer goods industry. CSi customers can enjoy full services, from design, production, delivery and installation to activation and service throughout the life of the equipment. Among the innovative solutions offered to customers there are: the development of conveyors for the transport of consumer goods, container transport systems, transport systems for cases and cartons, transportation and pallet handling systems, palletizing systems, the manufacturing of custom switchboards, the execution of electrical installations for

palletized transmission lines, robotic cells, sorting and labeling cell. e company manufactures in-house most of the custom components required by the customers’ needs. Among the most important capabilities we should mention: product conception and design, consultancy in choosing the right system, laser and mechanical cutting, assisted bending, conventional and CNC mechanical processing, high quality welding, the protection of metal surfaces by wet painting or in an electrostatic field, industrial software, robotics, testing and commissioning,” as Daniel Măluțan, Director of CSi Romania, says. e systems produced in Cluj are used by global customers, from Coca-Cola to JTI. And the employee teams of the Cluj-based company install such systems around the world, from Western Europe to Brazil.

Continuous ascent “With a young managerial team, CSi Romania has managed to impose itself on the market as a supplier of high-reliability, safety and quality equipment. Started as a greenfield project, the company has experienced a continuous ascent, strengthening with each integrated element. Investments are continuing, primarily in human resources, but also in the latest technology, ensuring thus a sustainable growth and development. e company employees are reliable and flexible and they represent the most important resource of the company. From the perspective of CSi, each employee must enjoy what they are doing, while also working hard to meet customers’ demands, to respect the world they work in, to deliver quality. is also means continually improving all the aspects of the business and never losing sight of the main objective: providing intelligent and efficient solutions for handling materials,” Daniel Măluțan says. e Cluj company currently has 227 employees, and by the end of the year their number will reach 250.




Investiții pentru calitate și performanță Firma Hirschmann Automotive GmbH este un partener de încredere care oferă soluții inovative pentru industria automotive, în domeniul tehnologiei conectorilor și sistemelor de conectică. Activitatea grupului începe în orașul austriac Rankweil, aflat în zona în care Austria se întâlnește cu Germania și Elveția, Vorarlberg. Din 2007 Hirschmann Automotive este prezentă și în România, prin deschiderea locației de producție din Parcul Industrial Mureș, SC Hirschmann România SRL. În 2010 Hirschmann Automotive decide să vină în întâmpinarea noilor cerințe de pe piața de energie reutilizabilă, prin deschidere diviziei Renewable Energy, prin care se dezvoltă sisteme de conectică pentru industria producătoare de energie “verde”. În momentul de față plaja de produse include componente, senzori și sisteme de cablaje pentru elemente de siguranță și pentru zone intens solicitate din structura unui automobil. Fiind un partener de afaceri pentru cei mai importanți producători de autoturisme din Europa și America, grupul Hirschmann are contribuții importante în domeniul său de activitate. Calitatea produselor oferite, creativitatea soluțiilor propuse și competența personalului situează compania într-o poziție de vârf în domeniul conectorilor și cablajelor pentru industria auto. Toată activitatea companiei este marcată de responsabilitatea pentru clienți și de implicarea socială. Hirschmann România și-a început activitatea de producție în decembrie 2007, fiind una dintre primele firme active din cadrul Parcului Industrial Mureș. Alegerea Județului Mureș nu a fost întâmplătoare. Așezarea geografică, prezența principalelor căi de comunicație (Aeroportul Internațional “Transilvania”, drumul european E60, perspectiva autostrăzii Transilvania, cale ferată), trecutul industrial al zonei, forța de muncă disponibilă pentru un mediu competitiv, cum este cel din industria auto, precum și facilitățile oferite de către autoritățile județene în cadrul Parcului Industrial Mureș, au făcut din județul Mureș un candidat de succes. Un alt element deloc de neglijat este acela al culturii și mentalității oamenilor din acestă zona, care în decursul istoriei au fost puternic influențate de către interferenţele interetnice dintre români, maghiari şi saşi. Încă de la început, în procesul de creeare și dezvoltare, compania s-a bucurat de sprijinul administrației Parcului Industrial Mureș precum și cel al administrației locale. Elementul cheie în dezvoltarea firmei l-a reprezentat implicarea și motivarea personalului prin programe de pregătire profesională. Aceste programe au fost aplicate atât personalului direct productiv, cât și celui administrativ, fiind organizate fie intern, prin programele școală dezvoltate în cadrul grupului, fie extern, cu ajutorul partenerilor din România (Institutul KAIZEN® din România, camerele de comerț din zonă, diferite firme de consultanță și instruire). Din punct de vedere tehnologic, compania se află în primele rânduri ale dezvoltării, utilizând tehnologii de ultimă oră în injectare și suprainjectare a conectorilor precum și în preluWWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

crarea firelor și cablurilor utilizate în industria auto. De asemenea, începând de anul trecut, compania deține și un atelier de sculărie, având dotările necesare pentru realizarea de scule și de matrițe necesare proceselor de injectare. Calitatea produselor și a proceselor este susținută de un sistem de management al calității performant, certificat conform standardelor industriei auto. De asemenea, prezența unui laborator dotat cu echipamente specializate, începând cu microfotografie, până la investigarea cu raze X, întărește calitatea muncii realizată în zona de producție. Protecția mediului reprezintă o altă prioritate a firmei, aceasta dezvoltând un sistem de management al mediului certificat conform standardului ISO 14001. Valoarea investiției a fost de 15 milioane de euro în trei etape de extindere. Din punct de vedere al spațiului de producție, în momentul de față Hirschmann România ocupă 10.000 de metrii pătrați, fiind principalul angajator din cadrul parcului industrial. Cifra de afaceri a crescut de la 7 milioane de Euro în 2007 la peste 35 milioane de Euro, estimat pentru anul 2013. În spatele succesului locației din România a firmei Hirschmann Automotive a stat și o puternică orientare spre resursa umană. Cheia succesului în afaceri este aplicarea tehnicilor KAIZEN®, prin care Hirschmann România a reușit să implice toți angajații în proiecte de îmbunătățire cu beneficii de sute de mii de euro pe an. Pe lângă beneficiile materiale aduse prin Sistemul de Producție Hirschmann, valoarea cea mai mare adusă este schimbarea viziunii angajaților.



Dürkopp Adler sistemele transportoare de mare precizie Unul dintre cei mai importanţi producători de maşini de cusut din lume, Dürkopp Adler, a intrat cu succes şi pe piața producătorilor de sisteme transportoare. Hermann Johann, administratorul şi managerul firmei Dürkopp Adler România explică diversificarea proiectelor companiei. Reporter: Ce a determinat orientarea Dürkopp Adler și spre producția de sisteme transportoare? Hermann Johann: Criza economică mondială a însemnat şi pentru Dürkopp Adler o perioadă dificilă, dar, în același timp, o provocare. Din fericire, spre deosebire de multe alte firme din domeniu, am supraviețuit acestei perioade dificile. Am înțeles și mai bine în acești ani că monocultura este foarte periculoasă, așa că ne-am orientat și spre alte domenii de activitate. Aşa am început să fabricăm benzi transportoare, cu lanțuri sau cu role, pentru o mare companie din Germania, lucrând cu ei la diferite proiecte. Ca să optimizăm această activitate, pentru că depindeam de proiectele lor, cu o gamă largă de tipodimensiuni şi termene relativ scurte de execuţie, am trecut la standardizarea elementelor care compuneau aceste sisteme transportoare. S.C. DÜRKOPP ADLER S.R.L. Am făcut trei standarde de sisteme transSângeorgiu de Mureş portoare cu role, cu lanțuri şi benzi transstr. Agricultorilor 12, jud. Mureş, portoare, pe tipodimensiuni standard, în Telefon: +40-(0)265-208.300 funcție de necesități. Din multitudinea office@duerkopp-adler.ro aceasta de sisteme de transport, noi neam axat pe partea finală a sistemului de automatizare, adică tot ceea ce începe de la europaletă. Indiferent ce se ambalează în partea din față, la un moment dat totul vine aşezat pe paletă. Astfel, indiferent de proiectul lor, sisteme de ambalat medicamente, produse lactate, sucuri etc., noi eram implicaţi în toate proiectele. Rep.: Ce v-a ajutat să vă impuneți în acest nou domeniu? H. J.: Ca și la mașinile de cusut, ceea ce ne-a ajutat să ne impunem pe piață a fost, în primul rând, raportul preț/calitate. Așa cum în domeniul pieselor de mașini de cusut ne-am impus prin


precizie, prin calitate, am adus această precizie și în domeniul benzilor transportoare. Nu facem ceva nou, dar facem mai bine decât alții. În primul rând, am încercat să ieșim din șabloanele existente, aducând câteva standarde. Am standardizat produsele în așa fel încât putem lucra și pe baza schiței ampasamentului. Noi avem benzi standardizate de 1,5 m, 2 m, 3m, 4m și 5 m. Din acestea alcătuim segmentele de care are nevoie beneficiarul. Asta înseamnă că ne putem încadra în orice tip de bandă cu un număr “n” de de segmente, plus una specială. Cele speciale sunt cele mai scumpe. Înainte toate erau speciale, deoarece trebuia construită fiecare în parte. Acum, elementele standard mai complicate care sunt prelucrate cu laserul, standardele de precizie, inclusiv rolele, le avem în magazie. Timpul nostru de reacție este foarte scurt. Dacă înainte aveam 4-6 sau 8 săptămâni ca termene de livrare, acum în două săptămâni îi putem livra clientului orice standard. Durează puțin mai mult partea specială. Puțini manageri iau în calcul pierderile financiare generate de partea logistică. Adică, să faci modificări majore într-o fabrică, să blochezi oamenii pentru astfel de activități. Cu alte cuvinte, e vorba de a calcula cât pierzi la producție alocând timp pentru alte activități, cum ar fi problemele logistice. Ar mai fi de spus că în gama aceasta de sisteme de transport nu facem numai benzile, ci tot ceea ce este legat de sistemul de transportat paleți: stații de întoarcere, de rotire, depozitare a paleților, treceri dintr-o parte în cealaltă, pe curele, pe role sau pe lanțuri. Vorbim de la sisteme simple, care funcționează prin cădere, unde ne ajută fizica pământului, până la sisteme full automatizate, dirijate de calculator, cu condiționări etc. Rep.: Ați intrat și pe piața din România? H. J.: Am început să lucrăm și în România pentru câțiva clienți pe care îi aveam din zona mașinilor de cusut și care știau ce lucruri de calitate putem face. Au aflat că facem producție și în domeniul sistemelor transportoare și au decis să lucreze cu noi. Ei știu că suntem cei care le pot oferi produse de calitate, cu piese standard, termen de livrare scurt și durată de funcționare foarte bună. Deci suntem deschiși și la colaborări pe piața internă, unde le putem oferi soluții și companiilor din industria mobilei. Benzile transportoare le pot eficientiza mult activitatea.



Horaţiu Pălășan, director Parc Industrial Brașov

Investiţiile atrag investiţii Pentru judeţele și proiectele cele mai atractive reţeta a fost “simplă”: investiţii, implicare, infrastructură, companii puternice atrase, promovare. Reindustrializarea, ca politică publică la nivel naţional, anunţată, dezbătută și așteptată, poate aduce un suflu nou și pentru parcurile industriale. Investiţiile trebuie să continue. Parcul Industrial Ploieşti a fost un proiect al Consiliului Judeţean Prahova, care a pornit de la ideea de revigorare economică într-o perioadă în care mastodonţii industriei prahovene îşi restructurau personalul. Primii clienţi PIP au fost Yazaki România şi Johnson Controls, care prin prisma obiectelor lor de activitate au reuşit de la început să angajeze un număr mare de personal, cumulând, în prezent, 4.900 de angajaţi. În acest moment, Ploieşti Industrial Parc a acoperit


întreaga suprafaţă disponibilă pentru punctele de lucru Ploieşti şi Urlaţi, dar acum dezoltă încă două puncte de lucru - Mizil şi Ciorani. “Fiind printre primele parcuri industriale din România, a reuşit să acumuleze experienţă facându-se vizibil prin promptitudinea şi calitatea serviciilor oferite investitorilor, precum şi pentru grija cu care îşi alege partenerii”, explică directorul general PIP, Andrei Tudor. “Proiectul Parcului Industrial Braşov a fost de la început un proiect foarte important al ICCO, atât din punct de vedere al implicaţiilor financiare, cât şi al efectelor pe care proiectul ne-am aşteptat să le producă asupra zonei Braşov. Pentru comunitatea braşoveană, Parcul Industrial Braşov prezintă importanţă prin prisma locurilor de muncă pe care le generează. Totodată, veniturile la bugetul local, încasate de pe urma activităţilor economice din parcul industrial, sunt însemnate. Clienţii Parcului Industrial Braşov sunt companii româneşti şi străine ce au decis să-şi dezvolte activitatea în România şi care au ca interes comun dezvoltarea de afaceri de tip greenfield, pe baza unui scenariu de închiriere pe termen lung. Continuăm investiţia în hale pe măsură ce reuşim atragerea de noi investitori. Vom demara construcţia unei clădiri de birouri în interiorul Parcului Industrial Brașov, pentru a putea integra în parc şi companii ce nu desfăşoară activităţi de producţie. ICCO Solar Energy – firma membră a grupului de firme ICCO, grup ce administrează Parcul Industrial Braşov – îşi propune să realizeze propriul


Traian Bărbat, secretar general al Asociaţiei Parcurilor Industriale parc fotovoltaic în cadrul Parcului Industrial Brașov. Odată cu identificarea sursei de finanţare, parcul se va realiza pe o suprafaţă de 8 ha şi va avea o putere instalată de 5,15 MWp, un proiect ce integrează conceptul Micro Smart Grid, dezvoltat împreună cu firma Lockheed Martin SUA. Este un proiect ce va conferi un plus de stabilitate energetică parcului, siguranţă în exploatare, control dinamic al energiei şi, evident, reducerea costurilor. Înţelegem relansarea investiţiilor străine directe în România prin necesitatea direcţionării investiţiilor către acele sectoare ale economiei care produc o creştere economică sustenabilă, precum industria prelucrătoare, agricultură şi turism”, este mesajul directorului Parcului Industrial Braşov, Horaţiu Pălășan. “Parcurile industriale sunt un element important din strategia de reindustrializare din România, iar înfiinţarea acestora, începută acum mai bine de un deceniu, a dat o şansă nesperată de reînviere a economiei zonale şi a oferit investitorilor şi micilor întreprinzători noi posibilităţi de dezvoltare. Facilităţile fiscale acordate au făcut ca parcurile industriale să dezvolte infrastructura de afaceri, iar crearea de noi locuri de muncă a eliminat din dificultăţile economico-sociale din România. Braşovul este un judeţ foarte important în România, cu o puternică dezvoltare economică. Consider că trebuie creată, la nivel local, o strategie de facilităţi fiscale (scutiri de taxe şi impozite locale) şi să dezvolte mai multe parteneriate cu regiunile dezvoltate din Europa şi din lume”, consideră Răzvan Iosif, directorul Parcului Industrial Carfil din Braşov. “Proiectul Logistic Park este un proiect care se dezvoltă pe fosta platformă a Furnirom SA, fabrică de mobilă şi furnire din Constanţa. Suprafaţa totală pe care o deţine parcul este de 15 ha, fiind situată în zona industrială a Constanţei, la apoximativ 4 km de port şi 225 km de Bucureşti. Proiectul s-a cristalizat în anul 2007 când s-a luat decizia de încetare a producţei la SC Furnirom SA, după numeroase încercări de revitalizare a producţiei de mobilă şi furnire. La acel moment nu mai era rentabilă afacerea şi prin urmare s-a luat decizia schimbării denumirii societăţii în Logistic Park. Decizia schimbării activităţii s-a dovedit a fi inspirată, dacă, în anul 2007, suprafaţa închiriată era de aproximativ 3000 mp în prezent aceasta este de 43.000 mp. Momentan în incinta Logistic Park din Constanţa îşi desfăşoară activitatea peste 430 de angajaţi, din care 27 activează în cadrul firmei pro-

Cristian Pândichi, director comercial al Logistic Park SA Constanţa prii. La nivelul judeţului Constanţa, Logistic Park este singurul parc logistic organizat ca atare, toată suprafaţa parcului este deţinută de un singur proprietar. În momentul de faţă în cadrul parcului mai dispunem de aproximativ 5000 mp care se pot închiria pentru orice tip de activitate economică. Avem în jur de 40 de firme care beneficiază de spaţiile noastre. Ne bucurăm că mai multe firme naţionale şi multinaţionale au găsit în Logistic Park un partener solid pentru nevoile lor pe piaţa de sud-est a României. Aceste parteneriate s-au realizat în urma unor investiţii considerabile, deoarece am constatat că în Constanţa era o penurie de spaţii de depozitare de clasă A, aşa că am investit în realizarea de spaţii de depozitare la standarde europene. Urmare a realizării acestor investiţii o parte din firmele existente pe piaţa din Constanţa şi-au relocat activitatea în cadrul Logistic Park, iar altele, care au venit ulterior, şi-au deschis direct în cadrul parcului puncte de lucru. Logistic Park face parte dintr-un grup mai mare de firme, grup care cuprinde pe lângă Logistic Park şi Fabrica de BCA CELCO, SOCEP SA, Casa de expediţie Phoenix, precum şi două complexuri hoteliere situate în Neptun şi Mamaia. La capitolul servicii integrate noi suntem dispuşi în cazul în care clientul desfăşoară activităţi de import-export să asigurăm depozitarea şi operaţiunile portuare specifice. Operaţiunile din afara portului sunt asigurate de către Logistic Park, iar cele din incinta portului pot fi asigurate fie de Casa de expediţii Phoenix, fie de SOCEP SA membre a grupului”, a explicat şi Cristian Pândichi, directorul comercial al Logistic Park SA Constanța. “ Ca să faci ceva trebuie să contribuie toţi, şi investitorul şi autorităţile şi şcoala etc. România este încă atractivă pentru investitori. Chiar dacă forţa de muncă este poate îmbătrânită, există o deprindere, o pricepere moştenită şi pe care trebuie să o revitalizăm. Pe investitori îi interesează capacităţile noastre şi plasamentele în zone în care poţi să realizezi, inclusiv prin navetism, forţă de muncă. Strategic, şi recomandările internaţionale spun asta, ar trebui să extindem aceste structuri de afaceri şi în mediul rural. Dar publicitatea trebuie să o facem cu toţii. România poate încă atrage noi investiţii”, conchide Traian Bărbat, secretarul general al Asociaţiei Parcurilor Industriale, Tehnologice, Ştiinţifice şi a Incubatoarelor de Afaceri din România.





Tetarom – 300 milioane euro investiți în afaceri Interviu cu Viorel Găvrea, directorul general SC Tetarom SA Cum a apărut ideea / proiectul Tetarom, care a fost primul client și care este povestea debutului dezvoltării Tetarom? Ce raport are un bilanț al investițiilor făcute / atrase? Lucram în mediul privat, în IT, aveam propria mea companie. Eram îngrijorat căci majoritatea angajaților mei, nemulțumiți de viața din România, de oferta de pe piața muncii din acea perioadă, după o scurtă perioadă de timp, emigrau în SUA sau Canada. Și atunci m-am gîndit că trebuie să facem ceva să oprim emigrarea specialiștilor, așa numitul “brain drain”. Am studiat și am aflat despre parcuri industriale și despre cum contribuie acestea la dezvoltarea pe verticală și orizontală la economia regiunii. În acea perioadă eram consilier județean. Era în anul 2000. Am prezentat un proiect D-lui Ioan Rus, D-lui Șerban Grațian și D-lui Kerekes Sandor. Proiectul meu a fost îmbrățisat și s-a bucurat de toată susținerea conducerii Consiliului Județean din acea perioadă. Așa a apărut proiectul finanțat din fonduri europene: “Dezvoltarea Zonei Economice de Vest - Parc Industrial pentru Tehnologii Avansate, astăzi numit Tetarom I. Primul client a fost compania EGH, azi, încă în Parcul Industrial Tetarom I. Tot atunci am semnat contractul de cesiune și cu compania Energobit, care, în cei aproape 12 ani, a crescut semnificativ, în momentul de față fiind una dintre


cele mai puternice branduri din Cluj. Pe scurt, bilanțul companiei administrator TETAROM SA, după 12 ani de activitate arată cam așa: investiții de peste 300 milioane de euro în toate cele trei parcuri și peste 4.500 locuri de muncă nou create (conform contractelor semnate). Ce a însemnat în opinia dvs. dezvoltarea proiectului Tetarom pentru economia județului, care este rolul său actual și cum contribuie activitatea de aici la susținerea altor proiecte ale județului/ Ce înseamnă Tetarom pentru comunitatea clujeană/ Ce alte proiecte / efecte pozitive a determinat în comunitate? Pentru economia județului, contribuția Parcurilor Tetarom a fost una semnificativă, zic eu: investiții de 300 milioane de euro, TVA-ul plătit de clienții noștri se ridică la aproximativ 60 milioane euro, fără contribuțiile angajaților și fără să mai punem la socoteală contribuția noastră la dezvoltarea pe orizontală și verticală a regiunii. În cei 4 ani, cât a stat în Tetarom III, doar compania Nokia a plătit la bugetul consolidat al statului 40 milioane euro/an. Rolul actual al companiei Tetarom esta acela de a crea și suține înfrastructuri de afaceri, menite să ducă la dezvoltarea regiunii, să creeze locuri de muncă cu valoare adăugată mare. Contribuția noastră la alte proiecte ale județului, s-a concretizat tot prin

tendințe clienții atrași în cele trei parcuri. De exemplu, în cazul proiectului dezvoltării aeroportului, datorită numărului mare de oameni de afaceri, angajați ai multinaționalelor care călătoresc (vezi Nokia, Emerson, Energobit, Bosch, De’Longhi). Tetarom a mai contribuit și contribuie în continuare la proiecte și acțiuni importante și de responsabilitate socială în comunitatea clujeană: contribuie financiar, după posibilități, la susținerea unui centru de zi pentru copiii cu deficiențe, Centrul Sf. Maria, și este un partener, deja consacrat la acțiuni ca Balul Operei, Produs de Cluj, ca să dau doar două exemple. Care sunt în opinia dvs. elmentele de strategie, management și perspectivele, care au dus la succesul Tetarom? Nu știu dacă a fost vorba de la început de o strategie. Ea a venit pe parcurs. A fost, la început o mare dorință de a schimba ceva în bine, motivație foarte puternică, o echipă dedicată și foarte multă șansă. Desigur pe parcurs, am început să gândim în termeni de strategie, management, performanță, să ne perfecționăm, să vedem cum fac alții, să învățăm de la ei, iar azi să devenim și noi, model de bune practici. Care sunt succint atuurile ce diferențiază Tetarom de alte parcuri din țară, în perspectiva unor noi investiții? În primul rând localizarea (apropierea de vest, de granița cu Ungaria), aeroportul internațional, mediul de afaceri foarte dinamic, zona și potențialul ei (resursa umană). Apoi, susținerea din partea tuturor autorităților locale și județene care au trecut în cei 12 ani de activitate. Am găsit deschidere, susținere și implicare la toți factorii de decizie cu care am lucrat la nivel județean. E un lucru remarcabil. Și ultima, dar cu siguranță, nu cea din urmă, este echipa! A rămas aceeași de acum 12 ani! La echipa de început s-au mai adaugat oameni tineri și valoroși, dornici să se perfecționeze permanent. Sunt toți inteligenți, plini de energie, entuziasm și sunt foarte dedicați companiei. Suntem o familie frumoasă! Care este succint strategia dvs. pentru extinderea Tetarom? Cum vedeți posibilă relansarea creșterii in-

vestițiilor străine directe în România? Ce politici guvernamentale, legislative, etc, credeți că sunt necesare? Parcurile Industriale Tetarom acoperă perfect cererea din zona Cluj-Napoca. Însă, exact cum este prevăzut și în Strategia de Dezvoltare a Județului Cluj, este necesară extinderea lor (a infrastructurilor de afaceri de tip parc industrial), spre exterior: Dej, Turda, Huedin. Relansarea creșterii investițiilor în România este strâns legată de marketingul de țară, e nevoie de unul foarte agresiv, după părerea mea, în momentul de față el fiind aproape inexistent, de o coerență legislativă, de o mai mare deschidere a României spre Asia, UE și America. De asmenea sunt necesare analize, studii ale mediului apropiat (Ungaria , Serbia), al mediului îndepărtat (Turcia, Rusia), cât și al celui foarte îndepărtat (Coreea, Vietnam), pentru a vedea potențialii concurenți. În urma analizelor, trebuie gândite politici de dezvoltare adecvate. Care este viziunea dvs. pentru dezvoltarea orașului Cluj Napoca, județului, regiunii ca pol de investiții? Nu este menirea Tetarom să aibă o viziune despre dezvoltarea orașului sau a regiunii, și consider că mai avem până să devenim pol de investiții. Îi las pe cei abilitați să dezvolte o strategie în acest sens, si sper ca Parcurile Tetarom să facă parte din viziunea lor. Care ar fi recomandările / propunerile dvs. pentru dezvoltarea sectorului parcurilor industriale din România? Tetarom are, în acest sens un punct de vedere complex si complet. Este necesar să existe o lege updatată, coerentă, care să reglementeze toate infrastructurile de afaceri, parcuri industriale, științifice, tehnologice, incubatoare de afaceri, clustere, etc. Noi am elaborat propuneri legislative, în acest sens, cu o perspectivă mai amplă asupra tuturor tipurilor de infrastructuri de afaceri, pe care noi le considerăm motoare de dezvoltare regională. Am purtat discuții cu ministerele abilitate, cu autoritățile locale, regionale, cu toți factorii de decizie care ar putea face ceva în acest sens. Sperăm să reușim! Noi suntem optimiști.





Clusterele – rol în dezvoltarea economiei Practicile europene arată că, dezvoltarea este într-adevăr eficientă dacă este la nivel regional. În dezvoltarea regională structurile de sprijinire a mediului economic – incubatoare de afaceri, parcuri industriale, clustere - ar trebui să aibă un rol important. În competiția globală pentru piețe, șansele succesului economic al unei țări sau al unei regiuni se bazează pe specializarea ofertei și concentrarea eforturilor de dezvoltare spre domenii cheie unde se țin avantaje competitive, resurse și competențe. În acest context clusterele sunt o soluție de succes datorită faptului că oferă o combinație de dinamism antreprenorial, legături intense între companii și instituții ce dețin cunoștințe top level, respectiv sinergii pro-active între actorii principali ai inovării. La nivelul Uniunii Europene, clusterele sunt considerate ”motorul” dezvoltării economice și inovării, acestea reprezentând un cadru pro pice pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor, de colaborare între companii, universități, instituții de cercetare, furnizori, clienți și competitori situați în aceași arie geografică (locală, regio nală, națională, transnațională). Această formă liberă de asociere, care include atât mediul economic, cercetarea și inovarea, instituțiile statului cât și autoritățile publice pot contribui și în România la dezvoltarea economiei naționale. Cu ajutorul unei astfel de structuri, diferitele domenii de activitate pot fi prezente pe piața națională și internațională cu produse și servicii competitive și inovative.

De ce este important clusterul? Asigură cadrul pentru cooperare între firme din același domeniu de activitate – asigurând legislație, standarde, tehnologii noi, pregătire profesională și participare la târguri, expoziții sau alte acțiuni comune. Oferă posibilitatea


stabilirii unei relații de cooperare între cercetare și mediu economic – fiind de ajutor la stabilirea unor proiecte inovative, aplicarea și punerea în practică a acestor proiecte. Stabilește cadrul de cooperare între mediul economic și administrații – fiind de ajutor în dezvoltarea economică a unei zone, locuri de muncă, aspecte sociale. Și nu în ultimul rând este un cadru pentru relația între mediul economic și instituții catalizator – pentru dezvoltarea domeniului de activitate (Agenția pt. Ocuparea Forței de Muncă, Agenția pt. Protecția Mediului etc.). Clusterele industriale, concentrate în zone puternic industrializate; clusterele în domeniul turism și agroalimentar (agrofood) asigură un cadru pentru crearea unor branduri regionale. Managementul clusterelor poate fi executat de asociații profesionale ale căror membrii sunt firme dintr-un domeniu de activitate; asociația având formă juridică și reprezentând clusterul. Ar fi util ca sediul clusterelor, respectiv managementul să se desfășoare în incubatoare de afaceri, parcuri industriale (– firmele din parcuri industriale pot fi atrase în clustere industriale – administratorii parcurilor industriale pot asigura managementul unor clustere), camere de comerț, centre de cercetare; managementul clusterului ocupându-se de elaborarea strategiei, organizarea evenimentelor, ș.a. Pentru constituirea mai multor clustere e nevoie de o finanțare mai mică (100-150 mii EUR) și pe parcurs cum se dezvoltă clusterele și demonstrează că sunt viabile, ajutorul, granturile ar putea să crească.



Strategia de Competitivitate a României În contextul în care Uniunea Europeană se află într-un amplu proces de reconsiderare şi de întărire a rolului industriei pentru creştere şi creare de locuri de muncă, România elaborează o nouă politică industrială proprie, bazată pe competitivitate şi inovare. Ministrul Economiei, Varujan Vosganian, susţine că ”principalele direcţii pentru industrializarea României sunt privatizarea şi retragerea statului din economie, cu câteva excepţii de natură strategică, implicarea în zonele industriale de vârf şi integrarea industriei producătoare într-o strategie comună europeană, care să nu fie protecţionistă, dar care să susţină industriile”. Pe lângă acestea, este nevoie de promovarea industriei româneşti în străinătate, respectiv diplomaţie economică. Industria trebuie transformată într-un reper de demnitate naţională: aşa cum unele ţări se mândresc cu propria lor industrie, şi România trebuie să se mândrească cu produsele sale şi cu industria. ”Strategia de Competitivitate a României, asumată de Guvern, este o condiţie ex-ante pentru programarea bugetară 2014-2020, fiind elaborată în paralel cu Strategia de Reindustrializare care se va concretiza într-un document de politică industrială”, menţionează secretarul de stat din Ministerul Economiei, Adrian Ciocănea. În paralel cu Strategia de Competitivitate se vor elabora alte patru strategii: pentru cercetare-inovare, pentru implementarea Agendei Digitale, strategia de export şi cea pentru dezvoltare rurală. Toate aceste documente vor fi finalizate până la jumătatea lunii noiembrie, ele fiind importante în WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

contextul absorbţiei fondurilor europene în următorii ani. Ministrul Economiei, Varujan Vosganian : ”Competitivitatea se referă la nivelul de trai, la integrarea în structurile internaţionale, la performanţa instituţională, la calitatea infrastructurilor de orice fel şi mai ales se referă la înţelegerea faptului că nu banul este cea mai importantă resursă. Asta este o mare revoluţie în mentalitate.” Toate strategiile verticale vor fi înglobate într-una orizontală, de competitivitate, care reprezintă viziunea de dezvoltare pentru România. Provocarea cheie pentru toate statele membre UE este de a ajunge la o schimbare de ritm a competitivităţii industriei prelucrătoare europene, de a avea o abordare comună pentru a dezvolta un ecosistem industrial care să fie competitiv la nivel global. Este necesar să se asigure coerenţa politicilor europene pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea industrială. Ministrul Varujan Vosganian : ”Documentul de Politică Industrială va pune în valoare potenţialul industrial al României, în corelare cu resursele, cu forţa de muncă şi cu fluxurile investiţionale. Baza industrială existentă va fi consolidată. România are o moştenire industrială încă destul de consistentă şi un procent de reprezentare al industriei în PIB de circa 25%, care este mult peste media europeană şi peste reprezentarea altor ţări. ” Procesul de reindustrializare în România este dinamic, iar


Ministrul Economiei, Varujan Vosganian investiţiile străine în industrie au însemnat un câştig în plan tehnologic, al competitivităţii, dar şi al disciplinei în muncă. Este nevoie însă de o stabilitate şi durabilitate a acestui proces, ca lucrurile să meargă bine. Creşterea productivităţii şi eficienţa proceselor de producţie poate fi susţinută prin instruirea de specialitate şi schimbul de bune practici, precum şi consultanţă specializată. Propagarea cerinţelor de calitate între marile companii şi furnizori, pe lanţurile valorice poate contribui efectiv la optimizarea productivităţii. Reindustrializarea reprezintă o cale firească de revenire spre normalitate, de constituire a unei pieţe interne funcţionale pentru producţie şi consum, de stabilizare şi dezvoltare a forţei de muncă, de orientare a educaţiei şi cercetării, de creştere a bunăstării în general. Totodată, în contextul dezvoltării economice actuale, trebuie să fie evaluat potenţialul de dezvoltare pe plan naţional şi internaţional al tuturor ramurilor industriale actuale. România trebuie să se concentreze nu numai asupra celor şase linii de acţiune prioritare, ci şi asupra modului cum administrează baza industrială actuală (de ex. Iniţiativa comună pentru industria siderurgică). România, alături de Franţa, Belgia şi Luxemburg pot constitui un « patrulater » al ţărilor interesate să protejeze industria siderurgică, nucleu la care se pot alătura şi alte state membre ale Uniunii Europene. Uniunea Europeană are nevoie nu doar de o politică agricolă comună, ci şi de o politică industrială comună care să genereze avantaje competitive, să creeze « campioni eu-

ropeni » în domeniul industrial şi alianţe pentru a susţine interesele industriei europene. Totodată, ar fi necesară o nuanţare şi flexibilizare a politicii de ajutor de stat a Uniunii Europene (solicitanţii nu trebuie priviţi cu«suspiciune», mai ales când este vorba de protejarea intereselor industriei naţionale). Strategia de Export se va concentra pe avantajele comparative şi competitive, pe deschiderea către noi pieţe. Pentru a nu cădea în capcana sinergiei de criză, ţările europene trebuie să aibă o strategie comună privind deschiderea către terţe pieţe. Şi România trebuie să fie una dintre ţările care dau tonul în această privinţă. Inovarea, adică transformarea ideilor în bani, ne face să ne orientam direct spre industriile cu mare productivitate, pe industiile de vârf, cum ar fi industria laserului, nano-electronica, robotica, tehnologiile generice esenţiale. În acelaşi timp, trebuie să ştim în ce măsură resursele umane sunt calificate pentru dezvoltările industriale pe care ni le propunem. Apreciem că va fi necesară abordarea de o maniera foarte hotărâtă a reformei în educaţie, de o adevărată reprofesionalizare a României, fără de care nu vedem cum Reindustrializarea României poate avea succces. Fără îndoială, o strategie de amploarea şi importanţa “Reindustrializarii României” are nevoie pentru a deveni operaţională de surse financiare, mecanisme bugetare şi instituţii bancare şi financiare corespunzătoare.





Secretarul de Stat, Adrian Ciocănea, Ministerul Economiei În acest proces trebuie atrase şi firme şi instituţii internaţionale interesate care să se alăture efortului naţional, iar toate aceste elemente trebuie definite şi evaluate. Noua politică industrială este interactivă. Ea cere o cooperare instituţionalizată, susţinută a tuturor actorilor cheie în dezvoltarea industrială. În acest scop, conducerea Ministerului Economiei a invitat o serie de personalităţi să se alăture în procesul de elaborare a Strategiei de Reindustrializare. În luna aprilie a avut loc prima întâlnire a Comisiei Consultative de elaborare a Documentului de Politică Industrială şi a Strategiei de Reindustrializare a României, fiind prezente peste 40 de personalităţi din România. S-a stabilit ca Ministerul Economiei să iniţieze un dialog separat cu reprezentanţii fiecărei industrii pentru a se face un rezumat cu opţiunile tuturor în privinţa documentului. Au avut loc consultări cu reprezentanţii tuturor sectoarelor industriale identificate din România, de la manageri de companii şi asociaţii patronale, la institute de cercetare, cadre universitare şi alte entități direct implicate în evoluţia anumitor sectoare. Temele generale ale dezbaterilor au vizat cadrul instituţional, administrativ, legislativ şi economicofinanciar, procesele de inovare la nivelul companiilor şi relaţia acestora cu universităţile şi institutele de cercetare, resursele umane care să asigure dezvoltarea industriei, comunicarea pe tema legislaţiei europene adoptate şi în curs de adoptare. Obiectivul principal al acestor consultări îl reprezintă analiza tendinţelor industriei româneşti pe termen mediu şi lung, identificarea potenţialului nevalorificat şi optimizarea lanţului de valoare adăugată din fiecare sector industrial. Întâlnirile au constituit şi un bun prilej de a inventaria o serie de probleme punctuale care pot fi soluţionate într-un orizont relativ scurt de timp, cu efecte benefice asupra unor industrii şi economiei, în ansamblu. O politică industrială strategică pleacă de la analiza diagnostic a performanţelor şi constrângerilor sectoarelor industriale, identificarea actorilor cheie, selectarea instrumentelor WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

de politică industrială, identificarea surselor de finanţare, elaborarea documentului, implementarea şi evaluarea eficienţei întregului proces. Metodele utilizate vor include rapoarte intermediare, studii şi informaţii relevante, care pot fi atât cantitative cât şi calitative, analize, prognoze etc. Documentul de Politică Industrială va avea o abordare integrată a conceptelor de cluster şi pol de competitivitate, parc industrial, parc ştiinţific şi tehnologic, pol urban de creştere, incubator de afaceri, astfel încât industria noastră să ofere mari şanse să reinstaureze atractivitatea României ca loc de producţie şi de investiţii, cu condiţia să poată profita de posibilităţile oferite de noile tehnologii şi de piaţa globală. De exemplu, la întâlnirea cu reprezentanţii parcurilor industriale din România, s-au subliniat de către aceştia atât activităţile diverse desfăşurate, cât şi preocupările, problemele şi intenţiile pentru viitor, concretizate în chestionarele care stau la baza Strategiei de Reindustrializare. Una dintre preocupările majorităţii administratorilor de parcuri a fost aceea a valorificării patrimoniului statului prin crearea unor parcuri industriale pe platformele industriei de apărare, nefuncţionale în prezent. Parcurile industriale se dezvoltă prin colaborare instituţională între Ministerul Economiei, Ministerul Administraţiei şi Dezvoltării Regionale şi autorităţile locale. În cea mai mare parte, parcurile industriale nu sunt iniţiative private, ci sunt dezvoltate în parteneriat cu administraţiile locale. Ministerul Economiei nu va aştepta ca un parc industrial să fie finalizat, ci va începe acţiunea sa de promovare prin Camerele bilaterale şi Consiliile de Investitori Străini, pentru a discuta la faţa locului actiuni concrete de impact social şi economic important, inclusiv ajutoare de stat, pe care Ministerul Finanţelor să le prevadă în execuţia bugetară, iar Ministerul Economiei să le prezinte şi să le susţină la Comisia Europeană.


CA IMMO, portofoliu strategic Interviu cu Marian Roman, Managing Director al CA IMMO Real Estate Management România Ce definește CA IMMO la nivel internațional, care sunt țările / principalele piețe în care activează? CA IMMO este unul dintre cele mai importante fonduri de investiții imobiliare active în Europa, cu un portofoliu a cărui valoare actuală este de circa 5,2 miliarde EUR, fiind compus din clădiri de birouri, parcuri logistice și dezvoltări mixte (regenerări urbane). Prezent în Germania, Austria și Europa Centrală și de Sud-Est, CA IMMO s-a înființat în anul 1987, fiind listat la Bursa de Valori din Viena. Originar din Austria, CA IMMO a devenit în timp un jucător internațional cu greutate, urmare a achiziției companiei VIVICO (Germania), dar și a fondului de investiții Europolis (activ în Europa Centrală și de Sud-Est). CA IMMO are o politică de investiții conservatoare (“on the safe business side“), având ca obiective proiectele de calitate, situate în locații excelente, cu vizibilitate și accesibilitate deosebită, cu potențial de valorificare și/sau dezvoltare pe termen mediu și lung. În considerarea responsabilității pentru administrarea proprietăților deținute în prezent, CA IMMO va continua aceeași strategie, vizând cu precădere segmentul de birouri ce înregistrează o pondere de 52% din totalul portofoliului global. Care sunt principalele proiecte din portofoliul CA IMMO ca investiții și dezvoltare de proiect, care sunt proiectele curente în dezvoltare? Proprietățile deținute de CA IMMO în România reprezintă 8% din valoarea totală a portofoliului, investitorul fiind prezent în piața locală înca din 2001, odată cu achiziția primului proiect, Opera Center. Portofoliul actual reunește spații de birouri si logistice, însumând cca 330,000 mp, în cadrul unor proiecte de referință în piață: Europe House, Opera Center I și II, Bucharest Business Park, RiverPlace și Europolis Park Bucharest. CA Immo se preocupă și de valorificarea proprietăților cu potențial de dezvoltare, respectiv terenul din Șos. Orhideelor nr. 15, situat în imediata vecinătate a noului Pod Basarab, pe care va fi edificat proiectul de birouri “Orhideea Towers”, dar și în continuarea dezvoltării proiectului logistic Europolis Park Bucharest, în contextul unei evoluții a pieții ce va crea premisele necesare unei astfel de strategii. Ce înseamnă CA IMMO în România, care sunt principalele realizări / ecouri în piață datorită activității CA IMMO aici? Investițiile realizate în România de CA Immo vizează întotdeauna o perspectivă de termen mediu și lung, în sensul acesta portofoliul nostru este echilibrat din punct de vedere valoric, dacă ne referim la importanța și locul deținut de fiecare proprie tate în segmentul de piață aferent. Mai întâi de toate, administrarea presupune o interacțiune permanentă cu partenerii noștri,

chiriașii, în vederea menținerii unor raporturi de colaborare apropiate, care să ne permită în orice moment să avem o reacție promptă și de calitate, în raport de solicitările acestora. Totodată, în spiritul unui proprietar diligent, clădirile în exploatare sunt supuse unei permanente întrețineri, revizii periodice, înlocuiri, imbunătățiri, etc. atât pentru a asigura condițiile necesare “existenței” durabile a clădirilor în sine, cât și pentru a oferi nivelul de calitate corespunzător utilizatorilor finali, chiriașii. Care sunt principalele proiecte gestionate de CA IMMO în România în sectorul industrial/logistic? Care este perspectiva CA IMMO pentru piața de profil din România? În România, parcul logistic “Europolis Park Bucharest”, aflat în prezent în patrimoniul CA IMMO, provine din achiziția globală a fondului de investiții Europolis, finalizată la începutul anului 2011. Edificat în perioada 2005 – 2009 și recunoscut ca fiind cel mai mare parc logistic din București, Europolis Park are o suprafață totală închiriabilă de cca 216,000 mp, fiind compus din 8 depozite, cu suprafețe variind între 15,000 mp și 45,000 mp. Specificațiile tehnice îl recomandă ca pe un veritabil “AClass Product”, fiind strategic amplasat la km 13 al autostrăzii A1, asigurând astfel un acces facil tuturor chiriașilor, indiferent de activitatea acestora (operatori logistici, retaileri). Suntem onorați să colaborăm în Europolis Park cu parteneri experimentați, și mai ales reprezentativi pentru sectorul în care operează: Carrefour, FM Logistics, Gebruder Weiss, Tibbett Logistics, Interbrands, Macromex, Dante International (eMAG) , ELIT Romania, E Van Wijk, OTZ Logistics. Parteneriatele noastre sunt stabile și de lungă durată, alegerea inițială a clienților noștri fiind succesiv reconfirmată prin extinderea suprafeței închiriate, respectiv prin prelungirea duratei contractului de închiriere. Deși în ultimii ani, turbulențele intervenite în climatul economic global și național au afectat puternic sectorul logistic, putem afirma că am reușit împreună cu partenerii noștri să găsim soluții adecvate în fiecare situație și să ne continuăm colaborarea. În perspectiva diversificării serviciilor în Park, utilizând infrastructura de cale ferată existentă, a fost inițiat proiectul terminalului intermodal (Container Terminal), în parteneriat cu Tibbett Logistics, operator internațional cu experiență în astfel de activități. Având în vedere posibilitățile de creștere a stocului construit, ca urmare a valorificării rezervei de teren la dispoziție, suntem în permanență conectați la pulsul pieței de profil, pentru identificarea oportunităților de dezvoltare a Proiectului, în condițiile unei cereri relevante din punct de vedere a suprafeței solicitate, dar și al termenului de închiriere. Este știut că în condițiile actuale, numai încheierea unui contract de preînchiriere cu o durată minimă de 5/7 ani poate genera o nouă dezvoltare, piața schimbându-și esențial regulile în ultimii ani. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




Județul Mureș investiții majore Județul Mureș va beneficia de avantajele unui nod de autostrăzi, prevăzut în comuna Gheorghe Doja, satul Leordeni, ceea ce va însemna un beneficiu major pentru dezvoltarea economică a Mureșului. Președintele Consiliului Juedețean Mureș a anunțat construirea centurii de ocolire a Tîrgu-Mureșului. Valoarea proiectului este de aproximativ 56 de milioane de euro, potrivit anunțului de participare la licitația deschisă. Șoseaua va avea o lungime de 11,6 km, iar termenul de finalizare este de 48 de luni, începând de la data atribuirii contractului. Proiectul este finanțat din fonduri europene nerambursabile (FEDR) din cadrul Programului Operational Sectorial Transport și din bugetul de stat. „După 23 de ani, reușim construirea centurii de ocolire a Tîrgu-Mureșului. Vom fi singurul județ din Transilvania cu intersecție de autostrăzi, un beneficiu major pentru dezvoltarea economică a Mureșului. Sunt două decizii politice fundamentale, pe care mureșenii le meritau și pe care sunt mândru că le-am determinat în primele luni de mandat în fruntea Consiliului Județean”, a declarat Ciprian Dobre.

Aeroportul Transilvania – noi repere Introducerea noilor destinaţii operate de Ryanair de la Tîrgu Mureş, cu destinaţia Bruxelles, respectiv a zborului cu destinaţia Pisa, va duce la o intensificare a traficului aerian, la Aeroportul Internațional “Transilvania” fiind efectuate circa 56 de mişcări aeriene săptămânale aparţinând zborurilor de linie, însemnând un număr de 28 de curse săptămânale către diverse destinaţii europene. În primele patru luni ale anului 2013, Aeroportul Internațional “Transilvania” Tîrgu-Mureș a înregistrat un număr total de peste 120.000 de pasageri. În prezent sunt operate de la Aeroportul Internațional “Transilvania” Tîrgu-Mureș treisprezece destinaţii internaţionale: Bruxelles, Budapesta, Dortmund, Frankfurt-Hahn,

München, Roma, Pisa, Bologna, Milano, Londra, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona. Aceste evoluţii prognozează o creştere cu 30% a numărului de pasageri deserviţi de Aeroportul “Transilvania” Tîrgu-Mureș, în anul 2013, faţă de anul precedent. În ceea ce priveşte volumul de pasageri, Aeroportul Internaţional “Transilvania” Tîrgu-Mureş ocupă locul al cincilea între aeroporturile din România după Aeroporturile din Otopeni, Timişoara, Cluj-Napoca şi Bacău. La Aeroportul Internaţional “Transilvania” Tîrgu-Mureş sunt în curs de realizare lucrările de extindere și copertare a fațadei sudice a Aerogării. De asemenea, în cursul anului 2013, se vor realiza investiţii pentru echipamente de securitate, echipamente de salvare şi stingere a incendiilor şi echipamente speciale pentru deszăpezire pe timp de iarnă. Tot în cursul anului 2013 vor fi demarate lucrările de investiţie pentru amenajarea peisagistică a accesului la Aeroportul „Transilvania” DN15 KM 61+422 valoarea totală a investiţiei (cu TVA inclus) fiind de 8.530.659 lei. Astfel, se va amenaja un sens giratoriu de acces la Aeroport „Transilvania” Tîrgu Mureș şi va fi sporit numărul locurilor de parcare disponibile. Totodată, Aeroportul Internaţional “Transilvania” Tîrgu-Mureş şi-a propus extinderea pistei de decolare-aterizare la 3600 m în cadrul proiectului de dezvoltare şi modernizare a infrastructurii în cadrul Programului Operaţional Sectorial "Transport" 2007-2013. Proiectul cu finanţare europeană, în valoare de 38,9 milioane de euro se află în faza finală de evaluare şi vizează extinderea pistei de decolare-aterizare şi a platformei de operare pentru aeronave, inclusiv instalaţiile aferente şi modernizarea instalaţiilor de balizaj. Aprobarea proiectului cu finanţare europeană va permite extinderea pistei de decolare-aterizare, devenind unica de acest fel în Transilvania. În perspectivă Aeroportul “Transilvania” îşi propune construirea unei noi aerogări situate în partea nordică de lângă pista de aterizare, decolare, din apropierea Parcului Industrial Mureș.

PUTERE ELEcTRICă PENTRU NOI PARCURI INDUSTRIALE Ministerul Economiei, Comerţului şi Mediului de Afaceri a aprobat, în 2013, proiectul “Staţia 110-20kV + 2 X 25 MVA Sînpaul”, care are ca obiectiv mărirea puterii reţelei electrice din zona localităţii Sînpaul. Proiectul are valoarea de 20.943.156,16 de lei, jumătate din finanţare fiind asigurată din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională (FEDR),


tendințe cealaltă jumătate urmând să fie suportată de SC Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud SA. În condițiile în care exista un deficit major de alimentare cu curent electric, fiind doar două linii ce pleacă din Ungheni, şi nu era asigurată siguranţa în alimentare, acest proiect va face injecţia necesară de putere instalată în zonă, existând premisele în vederea ridicării unui nou parc industrial în zonă. Tot în 2013 se va realiza lucrarea pentru sporirea puterii reţelei electrice instalate la Depozitul Zonal Sînpaul. Până în luna octombrie se va construi o rețea electrică - LEA 20 Kw - de aprox. 8 km, pornind de la zona Aeroportului Transilvania până la amplasamentul depozitului ecologic de la Sânpaul, asigurându-se astfel puterea electrică necesară funcționării instalațiilor de pe amplasament, aferente atât depozitului, cât și stației de tratare mecano-biologică.

Centru medical de excelență Municipiul Tîrgu-Mureş este unul dintre cele mai renumite centre medicale din România, cu o infrastructură specifică pentru realizarea serviciilor publice de calitate în domeniul sănătăţii. Tîrgu-Mureșul are două spitale clinice universitare, dintre care Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă Mureş, clasificat în categoria 1A, are statut de spital regional de urgenţă. SMURD Mureş, prin strategia abordată, a devenit unul dintre cele mai eficiente servicii din România. La ora actuală, acest model a fost extins la nivelul întregii ţări, prin implementarea „Strategiei Sistemului Integrat de Asistenţă Medicală şi Tehnică de Urgenţă Prespitalicească şi Intervenţie la Incidentele Majore, după modelul SMURD”. Județul Mureș este singurul din țară în care funcționează 11 puncte de intervenție SMURD, astfel timpul mediu de intervenție fiind de 8 minute, față de norma europeană, care prevede 8 minute la intervențiile în mediul urban și 15 minute la intervențiile în mediul rural. Institutul de Urgență pentru Boli Cardiovasculare și Transplant Tîrgu-Mureș se va reînființa cu personalitate juridică. „Prin înființarea Institutului de Urgenţă pentru Boli Cardiovasculare şi Transplant TîrguMureş, ca unitate sanitară publică cu personalitate juridică, se preconizează creșterea calității actului medical, prin gestionarea activităţii de către o conducere proprie”.

elementelor caracteristice ale Palatului. Dintre cei peste 122.000 de turiști înregistrați în 2013 în structurile de primire turistică din Regiunea Centru, peste 21.000 de turişti, adică 17,37%, au fost înregistrați în judeţul Mureş, care se situează pe poziţia secundă la acest capitol, după Braşov. În scopul promovării turismului din județul Mureș, președintele Consiliului Județean a avut, în luna iunie, o întrevedere privată cu Prinţul Charles de Wales. “Ceea ce am reuşit să stabilim, este demararea unui proces de unificare şi de inventariere a tuturor clădirilor care pot face parte din patrimoniul cultural al acestei zone. Am propus şi sper să se realizeze, împreună cu judeţele Braşov şi Sibiu, un proiect de inventariere a clădirilor și bisericilor fortificate. Alteţa Sa Regală ne-a oferit sprijin şi promisiunea că va oferi şi va pune la dispoziţia noastră consultanţa de care avem nevoie pentru un asemenea proiect, care va fi primul de acest gen din România care să îşi propună să protejeze averea pe care o avem din acest punct de vedere şi această zonă binecuvântată a României”, a declarat Ciprian Dobre. Un alt subiect discutat de preşedintele Consiliului Judeţean Mureş şi Prinţul Charles a fost încurajarea micilor producători din zonă. „Alteţa Sa, spre exemplu, mi-a vorbit despre faptul că va trebui să găsim soluţiile prin care să încurajăm mica producţie de produse biologice. Acesta ar fi un mijloc de trai pentru toată lumea și încă un punct de atracţie turistică”, a subliniat Ciprian Dobre.

Proiecte europene în derulare Casa Regală interesată de Mureș În anul 2013, au loc evenimentele cuprinse în cadrul proiectului de aniversare a 100 de ani de la construcția Palatului Culturii din Tîrgu-Mureș. Seria de evenimente va așeza județul Mureș pe harta culturală europeană. În vederea punerii în valoare a identităţii arhitecturale a clădirii, a elementelor decorative şi arhitecturale specifice, se vor realiza instalaţii de iluminat care vor permite o lectură dinamică a

Proiectul “Sistem de management integrat al deșeurilor solide în județul Mureș” are o valoare totală de 188.242.469 lei fără TVA (aproximativ 45 milioane Euro). Prin acest proiect se vor realiza investiţiile prioritare legate de managementul integrat al deşeurilor la nivel judeţean: colectare separată, valorificare-reciclare, tratare şi eliminare a deşeurilor în condiţii de maximă siguranţă pe un depozit ecologic zonal, inclusiv închiderea a 5 depozite urbane neconforme de deşeuri din localitățile Tîrgu-Mureș, Reghin, Luduș, Iernut, Sovata. Pentru turismul de nișă se implementează proiectul „Parc Auto pentru Sporturi cu Motor”. Obiectivul general al proiectului, cu o valoare totală de 58.136.243,07 lei, din care 19.044.575,27 lei reprezintă finanțare nerambursabilă, este creşterea contribuţiei turismului la dezvoltarea locală şi regională prin diversificarea serviciilor turistice, respectiv crearea în judeţul Mureş a unui turism de nişă, pentru amatorii de sporturi cu motor. Complexul a fost proiectat de aşa manieră încât va deservi organizarea unor concursuri pentru sportul cu motor: Campionatul naţional de moto viteză, Campionatul european de supermoto, Campionatul naţional de automobilism viteză, Campionatul naţional de rally cross, Campionatul naţional de karting, Campionatul naţional de ciclism – circuit pe şosea. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




Expansiuni în viteză Operatorii logistici au punctat repere noi pe piaţa spaţiilor industriale şi au fost cei mai activi, au investit în extinderea capacităţii de depozitare, s-au orientat către judeţele Ilfov, Argeş, Giurgiu. DSV Solutions a inaugurat în octombrie depozitul D2, un nou terminal logistic cu o suprafaţă de 20.000 mp spaţiu de depozitare şi o încadrare în clasa A. D2 este situat în Parcul Logistic Bucureşti Vest, lângă sediul principal al companiei. D2 a fost construit în perioada maioctombrie 2012, în urma unor planuri de dezvoltare care au început în urmă cu 2 ani şi care vor continua cu noi dezvoltări în 2013. Aici, mărfurile vor fi depozitate, verificate, etichetate, împachetate şi livrate către clientul final din România sau Bulgaria în 24h. Şi H. Essers a achiziţionat un nou teren de 5 ha în Bucharest Industrial Park, în primă fază a construit un depozit de 30.000 mp. Cea de-a doua fază este reprezentată de o posibilă extindere în Bucharest Industrial Park (BIP), pentru o zonă de depozitare de aproximativ 100.000 mp. Lider important pe piaţa de logistică, H. Essers este o afacere de familie înfiinţată în 1928, activă în întreaga Europă, are peste 3.000 de angajaţi, sediul central în Genk, un sediu în România, sucursale în 10 ţări situate în Europa de Vest şi în Europa de Est.

Dietrich la Cluj Compania germană Karl Heinz Dietrich, specializată în activităţi logistice a semnat la început de 2013 un contract cu Consiliul Judeţean Cluj şi TETAROM SA, administrator al Parcului Tetarom III, şi urmează să ocupe la Jucu în primă fază 1 hectar de teren, iar în final aproximativ patru hectare. Compania va investi într-o primă etapă 5 milioane de euro, însă, în final, investiţia este plănuită să ajungă la 12-15 milioane de euro. “Vom angaja, în primă fază, 80 de oameni şi am vrea să ajungem la 200. Vom desfăşura, în special, activităţi de transport şi ambalare”, a precizat Hans U. Dietrich, preşedintele companiei. Compania Karl Heinz Dietrich (KHD) a fost înfiinţată în 1946, după încheierea celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial. Între principalii clienţi ai companiei se numără Bricostore, Continental, Colgate Palmolive, Kraft Foods România, Intersnack, JTI. KHD România este una dintre puţinele companii de pe piaţa autohtonă, care oferă toată gama de servicii logistice, între care depozitare, transport pe şosea, apă şi aer, intern şi internaţional, administrarea bunurilor. Şi GEFCO România a anunţat că pentru 2013 îşi propune să îşi intensifice prezenţa în Constanţa şi alte zone puternic industrializate din ţară, să implementeze soluţii noi pentru pieţe emergente precum Rusia sau Orientul Mijlociu şi să dezvolte serviciile de Overseas oferite clienţilor. GEFCO este, în prezent, un nume de referinţă în logistica industrială, prezent în 150 de ţări, GEFCO este unul dintre primele 10 WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

Iryna Pylypchuk, CBRE grupuri europene. Compania de logistică GEFCO România a încheiat anul 2012 cu o cifră de afaceri de 42,3 milioane de euro, aproape de valoarea înregistrată în 2011, de 43,3 milioane de euro. Profitul net înregistrat în 2012 a fost de 1,96 milioane de euro, reprezentând o rată de 4,64% din cifra de afaceri. “Rezultatele înregistrate de GEFCO România în 2012 sunt satisfăcătoare, luând în considerare şi factorii externi care au impact în activitatea noastră. Am reuşit să ne dezvoltăm considerabil la nivel local prin continuarea colaborării cu clienţii existenţi şi câştigarea altor 28 de clienţi noi din diverse sectoare: auto, retail, industria maselor plastice şi a lemnului sau FMCG”, a declarat Christophe De Korver, director general GEFCO România. Logistica vehiculelor finite a reprezentat o parte importantă a activităţii din decursul anului trecut, GEFCO România operând peste 30% din totalul autovehiculelor produse/asamblate şi importate în România. Şi operatorul austriac Gebruder Weiss are planuri semnificative în ceea ce priveşte extinderea pe noi pieţe, iar pentru România a


raportat investiţii de peste 22 milioane de euro într-un bilanţ din 2012. În anul 2012 s-au aflat în prim plan investiţiile substanţiale în extinderea filialelor pe pieţele strategice importante. Conform declaraţiilor lui Wolfgang Niessner, CEO Gebrüder Weiss GmbH, pe lângă extinderea prezenţei pur fizice, “s-a investit considerabil şi în tehnologie şi competenţă şi s-au depus în continuare eforturi consecvente pentru atingerea obiectivului de excelenţă în servicii”. Şi dacă Arcese Grup, unul din primii 10 operatori logistici din Italia, care deţine una dintre cele mai mari flote private de camioane din lume, activ în România prin SC Arcese Transport SRL Cluj Napoca, şi-a întărit parteneriatul global cu Iveco pentru îmbunătăţirea flotei de maşini, Van Moer Grup, unul dintre operatorii principali belgieni îşi consolidează poziţia şi în România. Van Moer Group activează ca operator internaţional de transport încă din 1990 şi are activităţi concentrate pe pieţele din Benelux, Germania, Franţa şi România. Din 2011, compania a deschis o reprezentanţă şi un centru de distribuţie şi în Bucureşti, iar în această perioadă pregăteşte extinderea investiţiilor în Timişoara, sub conducerea managerului Alain Schodts. Ahead Logistics Ltd. Este, la rândul ei, o companie cu experienţă, care se află în plină dezvoltare. Compania cu sediul central în Bucureşti operează propriul centru logistic în suprafaţă de 67.000 de metri pătraţi la 12 km de centura oraşului Ploieşti (aproximativ la 60 km de Bucureşti). Dinamica pozitivă în domeniul logistic este consemnată şi la nivel internaţional, unul din exemple fiind inclus în studiul CBRE: Norges Bank Investment Management a plătit 1.2 miliarde de euro pentru a deţine 50% din portofoliul Prologis Europe, o tranzacţie semnificativă nu doar datorită cuantumului sumei plătite. “Până acum, fondurile de investiţii s-au concentrat, în principal, pe spaţii de birouri sau centre comerciale când au făcut investiţii pe piaţa imobiliară din Europa. NBIM este primul fond care face o investiţie directă substanţială în sectorul industrial şi logistic din Europa”, explică Iryna Pylypchuk, Associate Director, EMEA Research and Consulting, CBRE.

din comuna Leţcani, judeţul Iaşi, este amplasat pe o suprafaţă de 23.000 mp. Aici se vor construi 4 hale care comunică între ele, hale ce au 2.400 mp fiecare şi o clădire administrativă P+3, cu o suprafaţă de 2.000 mp ce va include birouri de clasa A şi un restaurant. Printre avantajele viitorului parc logistic sunt menţionate amplasarea strategică cu deschidere la drumul european Bucureşti-Iaşi, pe care se desfăşoară 90% din traficul spre Iaşi şi în vecinătatea viitoarei autostrăzi Iaşi – Târgu Mureş, dar şi în apropiere de linia ferată şi gara din Leţcani. Proiectul care va avea peste 9.000 mp de spaţii de depozitare/producţie şi peste 1.800 mp de birouri presupune o investiţie totală de peste 26 mil. lei, din care peste 14 mil. lei este o finanţare nerambursabilă din Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regională şi din bugetul naţional. În imobiliare, Bogdan Piţigoi a mai dezvoltat încă un centru de afaceri – Ideo, deschis la finalul anului 2011, pentru care au fost, de asemenea, folosite fonduri europene. Conform acestuia, zona în care este realizat centrul logistic va fi viitoarea platformă industrială a României în anii viitori deoarece există personal bine pregătit, dornic să lucreze în întreprinderi moderne, costurile investiţiilor cu personalul şi nu numai fiind mult reduse faţă de alte zone ale ţării.

Investiţie nouă în Iaşi Grupul de firme Tester, deţinut de omul de afaceri Bogdan Piţigoi, dezvoltă Parcul Logistic Solo, primul parc logistic la standarde europene din zona de N-E a României, proiect ce va fi realizat până la sfârşitul acestui an. Centrul Logistic WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




Nakita - soluții optime pentru securitatea în muncă Nakita Prod Comimpex activează de mai bine de 18 ani pe piața echipamentelor de protecție. Firma produce echipamente de bună calitate și oferă consultanță pentru securitatea și sănătatea în muncă. Managerul companiei, Lucian Cueșdeanu, cel care împreună cu Alin Cueșdeanu și Ligia Cueșdeanu, conduc cu succes activitatea firmei, ne-a oferit amănunte despre produsele și serviciile Nakita. Reporter: Ce înseamnă firma Nakita pentru piața echipamentelor de protecție ? Lucian Cueșdeanu: Activitatea societății este împărțită în două segmente: partea de producție, în care sunt prinși cam 40% dintre oameni, iar ceilalți se ocupă de activitatea de management, marketing și vânzări. Avem reprezentanțe în țară la București, Ploiești, Bacău, Timișoara și dorim să ne extindem şi în oraşe din Nordul ţării şi din Sud. În ceea ce privește producția, grație accesării unor fonduri și a resurselor proprii, am reușit să punem la punct un sistem de lucru eficient, bazat pe oameni calificați, pe o gamă largă de produse de calitate. Toate acestea ne-au permis să ne dezvoltăm în permanență și să avem o ofertă tot mai complexă în zona echipamentele de protecție. Prin producția realizată reușim să acoperim mare parte din necesarul de echipamente de electrosecuritate, mai precis securitatea muncii, echipamente de lucru pentru sistemul energetic național. Și nu numai național, deoarece am început să exportăm echipamente și în alte țări din Europa de Est. Sperăm să extindem cât mai mult această activitate, bazându-ne pe forțele proprii. Mai avem depuse proiecte și așteptăm răspunsuri pozitive pentru a putea dezvolta activitatea companiei. Din păcate, nu am primit un astfel de răspuns la un proiect major, un laborator de testare a echipamentelor de protecție, în special pentru înaltă tensiune, foarte performant, unic în România și chiar în această parte a Europei. Vom relua această ințiativă anul viitor, sperăm cu mai mult succes. În momentul acesta testarea materialelor necesită costuri foarte mari ori funcționarea unui laborator propriu ne-ar ajuta să reducem mult aceste costuri. În plus, am putea efectua teste de verifi-


care pentru terți, din România sau din țările vecine. Pe piața românească vin foarte multe echipamente de slabă calitate din China, care trebuie verificate. Rep.: Ce proveninență au echipamentele individuale Nakita? L. C.: Toate echipamentele individuale de producție pe care le aducem sunt doar de proveniență vestică. La fel stau lucrurile și cu materialele din care sunt produse echipamentele. Toate au certificate europene de calitate. Rep.: Care sunt cele mai importante atuuri ale firmei Nakita? Ce v-a ajutat și vă ajută să fiți un jucător important pe piața echipamentelor de protecție? L. C.: În primul rând, cum am spus, calitatea produselor pe care le oferim și transparența în ceea ce privește certificările. Apoi ar fi de amintit experiența. Am înființat firma Nakita în 1992. Mulți ani de activitate ne-au ajutat să acumulăm experiență în realția cu clienții, să oferim servicii competente de consultanță. Nu în ultimul rând, ar fi de amintit seriozitatea și promptitudinea. Beneficiarii au nevoie de produse bune, dar și de furnizori serioși. Nu am avut până acum nici un client care să se plângă de calitatea produselor pe care le-am oferit sau de modul nostru de lucru. Rep: Cum credeți că poate contribui și Statul la îmbunătățirea situației economice? L. C.: În primul rând, ar trebui scăzute costurile bugetare și numărul de angajați din instituțiile publice, care este foarte mare. Apoi, ar trebui lucrat la mentalitatea acestor funcționari. Chiar zilele trecute am avut un control de la ITM. Ne-au cerut să mergem la ei cu documente, apoi neau mai cerut altele, apoi să mergem să semnăm. Nu cred ca e firesc să pierdem atât de mult timp, când acolo lucrează oameni care sunt plătiți să facă ceea ce ni se cere nouă. Dacă vin în control să rezolve problemele aici, la sediu, să nu ne pună pe drumuri. Noi plătim taxe la stat, nu suntem angajații statului. Apoi, o activitate mai eficientă a instituțiilor statului și o relație mai pragmatică, ar ajuta mediul economic să fie mai performant și, în consecință, ar avea de câștigat de aici și statul.

trends mentele oferite acoperă toate domeniile de activitate care necesită asigurare împotriva căderilor accidentale în timpul urcării / coborârii sau a lucrului la înăltime. Nakita pune la dispoziție solutii pentru orice condiții de lucru, începând de la situații simple de asigurare, până la sisteme complete de asigurare, echipamente pentru acces în spații greu accesibile și dispozitive speciale de ancorare. Firma oferă și servicii de verificare periodică a echipamentelor, realizate de personal autorizat, instruit de către producător în acest sens.

With over 18 years’ experience in the production and marketing of protective equipment, Nakita Prod Comimpex is today one of the leading suppliers of products in an area where safety is a determining factor. Nakita works with world-leading traditional producers who have invested heavily in high-quality safe, but at the same time, comfortable equipment. Nakita offers a wide range of products such as gloves, clothing, footwear, goggles and face shields, earplugs, helmets, welding equipment, half masks and masks, etc.

Produsele Nakita oferă siguranță și confort Cu o experiență de peste 18 ani în domeniul producției și comercializării de echipamente de protecție, Nakita Prod Comimpex se numără azi printre principalii furnizori de produse, într-un domeniu în care siguranța este un factor determinant. Nakita lucrează cu producători de tradiție, lideri mondiali, care au investit mult în echipamente sigure, de mare calitate, dar, în același timp, confortabile.

Gamă largă de produse În ceea ce privește protecția muncii Nakita oferă o gamă largă de de produse precum: mănuși, îmbrăcăminte, încălțăminte, ochelari și viziere, antifoane, căști de protecție, echipamente de sudură, semimăști și măști etc.

Nakita products, safety and comfort

Electrosecuritate Echipamentele tehnice de electrosecuritate reprezintă, de asemenea, unul dintre atuurile firmei Nakita. De peste 15 ani, Nakita furnizează echipamente de electrosecuritate pentru sistemul energetic național, necesare pentru lucrul în instalații și linii electrice. Experiența și seriozitatea au permis firmei să deveniă unul dintre cei mai importanți operatori în acest domeniu.

Laborator propriu Între serviciile oferite de Nakita se numără și funcționarea unui laborator propriu de verificări periodice pentru echipamentele de protectie pentru lucru la înățime și un laborator pentru verificări de înaltă tensiune aferent produselor de electrosecuritate (mănuși, cizme electroizolante, detectoare de tensiune).

Livrare urgentă Și în ceea ce privește livrarea, Nakita vă oferă cele mai bune soluții. Livrarea întregii game de echipamente și sisteme de protecție în toată țara se face printr-un sistem performant de curierat, sigur și rapid, în 24 de ore de la data efectuării comenzii.

Work at height and electrosecurity e equipment provided by Nakita covers all fields of activity that require insurance against accidental falls during ascent/ descent or work at height. Nakita provides solutions for all operating conditions, from simple insurance situations to complete insurance systems, equipment for access to inaccessible areas and special anchoring devices. For over 15 years, Nakita has also supplied equipment for the national electro-energetic system, necessary for working on electrical installations and power lines.

A private laboratory Among the services offered by Nakita there is the operation of a private laboratory for regular checks on the protective equipment used for working at height and a laboratory for high voltage tests on electrosecurity products (gloves, insulating boots, voltage detectors). e delivery the full range of equipment and protective systems throughout the country is made through an outstanding safe and fast courier system, within 24 hours of placing an order.

Lucru la înățime Nakita are soluții optime la echipamente individuale și sisteme complexe de protecție pentru lucru la înălțime. Echipa-





DAW BENŢA îşi consolidează prezenţa pe piaţa materialelor de finisaj Înfiinţată la 1 ianuarie 1895, compania Deutsche Amphibolin-Werke von Robert Murjahn (DAW), cunoscută ca grupul de firme CAPAROL, a sărbătorit 118 ani de existenţă în anul 2013. Grupului CAPAROL îi aparţin câteva din mărcile cunoscute pe piaţa din România: CAPAROL (vopsele, lacuri, lazuri, tencuieli profesionale), ALPINA (vopsele şi materiale decorative, gama de do-it-yourself ), DISBON (acoperiri epoxidice pentru pardoseli, acoperişuri, suprafeţe din beton), CAPATECT (sisteme de termoizolaţie). Numele CAPAROL a stat dintotdeauna la baza conceptului de calitate de top şi de lider în inovaţie. Astăzi, produsele CAPAROL sunt prezente în peste 29 de ţări şi sunt recunoscute după simbolul elefantului colorat, care a ajuns să reprezinte esenţa calităţii şi a tradiţiei germane. Din anul 2001, compania DAW BENŢA este reprezentanta pentru România a concernului german DAW. România este şi o locaţie de producţie importantă pentru vopsele, tencuieli, polistiren expandat şi adezivi pentru sistemul de termoizolaţie. Compania s-a extins şi în Republica Modova şi Bulgaria, unde funcţionează reprezentanţe începând cu anul 2007.

Lider în domeniul calităţii “Caparol, prin partenerii săi, a devenit o familie care a reuşit să treacă peste vremurile grele care au fost în ultimii ani şi care sunt sigur că o să reuşească să meargă înainte”, declară Remus Aurel Benţa, Directorul General al companiei. Produsele şi serviciile dezvoltate de Grupul DAW i-au poziţionat ca lider în domeniul calităţii. „Suntem lideri de piaţă în ţările germanice, Germania, Austria, precum şi în Turcia. Avem o poziţie puternică în Europa, datorată competenţelor tehnice şi capacităţii de inovaţie, unităţilor de producţie moderne şi gamei vaste de produse», explică Directorul General al companiei.

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cercetare şi dezvoltare », afirmă Remus A. Benţa. «Personalul este unul cu experienţă în piaţa naţională şi regională, şi este încurajată retenţia şi dezvoltarea profesională, caracteristici specifice unei afaceri de familie», completează acesta.

Eficienţa producţiei Din punct de vedere al produselor din portofoliu, Grupul DAW are capacitatea să acopere toate segmentele de piaţă. Există propriile patente şi formule, produse şi sisteme de colorare dezvoltate de generaţiile de chimişti aflate la cârma grupului DAW de 118 ani. Tradiţia şi continuitatea în cercetare sunt esenţiale, acestea fiind sursa avantajului competitiv pe care îl au produsele CAPAROL. Încă din anii 1990, Grupul DAW deţine cea mai eficientă unitate de producţie din Europa, aflată la Ober Ramstadt în Germania, iar unităţile locale din cele 29 de ţări aflate pe harta CAPAROL sunt bine aşezate în vederea acoperirii pieţei. DAW BENȚA România are pe platforma de la Sâncraiul de Mureş, Judeţul Mures, capacităţi de producţie a vopselelor decorative de cca. 7.000 tone şi tencuielilor de cca. 16.000 tone anual, o unitate de producţie a polistirenului expandat alb şi grafitat (Dalmatina), cu 200.000 mc capacitate de producţie anuală, şi o unitate de producţie a adezivilor pentru termoizolaţii care produce 20.000 tone adezivi anual.

Consolidarea poziţiei CAPAROL în România În anul 2013, DAW Benţa România finalizează un proiect de investiţii care are ca obiectiv creşterea capacităţii de producţie la vopsele, creşterea capacităţii de stocare a materiilor prime şi semifabricatelor, optimizarea producţiei şi colorării produselor, precum şi optimizarea timpilor de lucru în producţie. „Valoarea acestuia este de aproximativ 2 milioane de euro, iar bugetul total de investiţii este de aproape 3 milioane de euro. Ne bucurăm că am obţinut 50% din aceşti bani din fonduri nerambursabile, din lista de 150 de companii internaţionale cu domiciliul în România care au aplicat, am ocupat locul 10 în acest clasament al punctajului”, afirmă Remus

trends Aurel Benţa, Directorul General al companiei. Investiţia va fi finalizată în luna mai 2013 şi va avea ca efect mărirea capacităţii de producţie de la simplu la triplu. “Avem nevoie de parteneri puternici prin care să acoperim această capacitate şi să vopsim România”, completează Remus A. Benţa.

Academia Caparol Compania DAW BENŢA a înteles importanţa educaţiei şi investeşte permanent în această componentă atât în beneficiul personalului propriu, cât şi pentru partenerii de distribuţie şi angajaţii lor. Aşa a luat naştere Centrul de Training din cadrul Academiei CAPAROL, care şcolarizează anual peste 500 de persoane. Centrele de şcolarizare deschise la Târgu-Mureş şi Bucureşti însumează o suprafaţă totală de peste 500 mp, care cuprinde atât săli de curs destinate cursurilor teoretice, cât şi spaţii special amenajate pentru desfăşurarea instruirilor practice şi punerea în operă a produselor prezentate.


e Deutsche Amphibolin-Werke (DAW), the parent company of the Caparol Group, develops and produces high quality paints, enamels, glazes, chemical coatings for buildings, materials for facades and insulation technology. Caparol is the market leader for building paints in Germany, Austria and Turkey. With annual sales of 1.3 billion euro, Caparol is one of the leading providers in the industry. e company founded in 1895, is now run by the fifth generation of the family. As the best partner of the craft, it always manages to offer innovative products, technical expertise and highest quality assortment practical solutions with added value. e focus of the company's philosophy is always a long-term, responsible action. e principles of sustainable development - the harmony of economic, environmental and social aspects - are at Caparol long lived and actively implemented. In most modern, environmentally friendly production, the company uses resource-friendly raw materials of the highest quality - these are essential in addition to intensive research and development guarantee the quality of the product known high Caparol range.

Consolidarea colaborării cu meşterii CAPAROL Caparol Club a fost înfiinţat în anul 2012 şi numără deja 500 de membri activi, meşteri şi aplicatori care lucrează cu produsele Caparol şi sunt specializaţi în: vopsitorii interioare şi exterioare, sisteme decorative de interior, sisteme de termoizolaţii pentru faţade sau pardoseli epoxidice. „Caparol Club se doreşte a fi o comunitate a profesioniştilor din domeniu, în ideea de a putea împărtăşi experienţa lor din proiecte versus experienţa noastră şi potenţialul nostru de cercetare şi dezvoltare”, afirmă Simona Mărginean, Directorul de Marketing al firmei DAW BENŢA. Implementarea unui concept de fidelizare este o provocare pentru orice companie şi reprezintă un angajament pe termen lung faţă de membrii Clubului. Pe lângă acţiunile specifice de comunicare cu meşterii, Clubul Caparol derulează sesiuni de instruire tehnică, teoretică şi practică, informare a meşterilor cu privire la noutăţile din domeniul materialelor de finisaj, premierea acestora în funcţie de achiziţiile de produse Caparol realizate, precum şi promoţii periodice cu premii atractive.

Referinţe CAPAROL Ne bucurăm să remarcăm o specializare a pieţei materialelor de finisaj, care permite soluţiilor CAPAROL pentru segmentul industrial (de la vopsele speciale pentru industrie, tapete sau vopsele pentru spitale şi soluţii complete pentru amenajarea halelor de producţie) să fie solicitate la proiecte importante din România, precum: Hala de producţie Boromir (Sibiu, pardoseli epoxidice), Hală de producţie Romcab (Mureş, vopsitorii interioare), Fabrica Steinel (Câmpulung - Argeş, pardoseli epoxidice), Stadionul Cluj Arena (Cluj-Napoca, termoizolaţii şi vopsitorii), Clinica de Oncologie (Braşov, vopsitorii speciale şi termoizolaţii) etc.

International success e success of the Caparol Group is due to various core capabilities. In this respect we must first of all mention the high quality standard of Caparol products. As world class paints, our top quality products are highly valued at home and abroad in line with the motto, “It must be good, it’s from Caparol.” Caparol’s special expertise in the field of building paints and the consistent combination of product and ecological quality presents our customers with a competitive edge on their national markets. A further crucial success factor is the company’s innovative capability. DAW is the pioneering company for modern, ecologically compatible, water-thinnable, non-noxious E.S.F. paints (emission-minimized and solvent free) containing no plasticizer.

In Romania From 2001, the company DAW BENŢA represents Caparol in Eastern markets such as Romania, and from 2007 also Bulgaria and Moldavia. Romania is an important production site for paints, coatings, and adhesives for polystyrene insulation system. e company has added over time, local competence and vision to Caparol professional reputation, through Training Academy and Caparol Center Concepts. A team of motivated professionals with technical competences and market experience has developed and promoted the brand Caparol for the industrial segment, through onsite consulting and participating in extensive building projects throughout Romania, Moldavia and Bulgaria.




Romgaz SA, experienţa unui secol în extracţie Sucursala Târgu-Mureş a Societăţii Naţionale de Gaze Naturale Romgaz SA Mediaş exploatează perimetrele de zăcăminte de gaze naturale din Nordul Târnavei din Podişul Transilvaniei, cu 1600 de sonde, aproximativ jumătate din totalul deţinut şi operat de companie. În 2012, Sucursala Tîrgu-Mureş a obţinut o producţie totală de gaz de aproape 2,5 miliarde de mc, respectiv producţia totală de condens a fost de 360,8 tone. În afară de exploatarea celor 1.600 de sonde, Sucursala Târgu-Mureş mai dispune de 15 staţii de comprimare şi alte câteva zeci de staţii de uscare unde gazele extrase sunt uscate în proporţie de 98 %. În luna august 2012 au fost puse în funcţiune 9 staţii noi de uscare cu săruri delicvescente în structuri cu debite mici. Prin această investiţie se asigură practic furnizarea în condiţiiile de calitate cerute de lege a gazelor livrate de către Sucursala Tîrgu-Mureş. De asemenea, compania a investit în ultimele modele de staţii de măsurare şi control pentru a cuantifica cât mai precis şi a verifica înainte de predare calitatea gazelor care ajung în sistemul naţional de transport operat de Transgaz SA Mediaş. În 2012, mai multe investiţii derulate de Sucursala TârguMureş a SNGN Romgaz SA pentru a-şi creşte competitivitatea pe o piaţă concurenţială acerbă şi, uneori, agresivă au fost finalizate. Astfel au fost terminate lucrările de foraj şi probe de producţie la trei sonde, din zonele Eremieni, Luduş, Livezeni, şi au fost realizate instalaţii tehnologice de suprafaţă pentru extracţia gazelor la două sonde – Luduş şi Făurei. Activitatea Sucursalei Tîrgu-Mureş se concentrează de asemenea asupra segmentului de prospecţie pentru descoperirea de noi zăcăminte în condiţiile în care mai mult de jumătate din zăcămintele din Transilvania au ajuns la maturitate. Astfel, începând din 2010, lucrările de prospecţie din WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

comunele brăilene Mircea Vodă şi Vişani au fost coordonate chiar de către angajaţi ai Sucursalei Târgu-Mureş a SNGN Romgaz SA. Activităţile de prospecţie, cercetare şi exploatare a gazelor naturale se desfăşoară însă cu respectarea normelor şi standardelor de mediu. Preocuparea pentru mediul înconjurător şi protejarea sa au fost materializate printr-o serie de lucrări efectuate la instalaţiile de colectare şi evacuare a apelor de zăcământ în şapte structuri de gaze – Gălăţeni, Ghineşti – Trei Sate, Zau – Şăulia, Sărmăşel, Acăţari, Ţaga şi Buza.

Cel mai mare producător de gaze naturale Societatea Naţională de Gaze Naturale Romgaz SA Mediaş este deţinută de Ministerul Economiei – 85 % şi restul de Fondul Proprietatea. În 2011, Romgaz a înregistrat o cifră de afaceri de 4,21 miliarde lei şi un profit de 1,03 miliarde de lei. Romgaz SA este cel mai mare producător de gaze naturale din România, asigurând 46 % din consumul total al ţării. Activităţile derulate de SNGN Romgaz SA Mediaş sunt: Explorare. Începând din noiembrie 1997, Romgaz desfăşoară operaţiuni petroliere de explorare-dezvoltareexploatare în 8 perimetre concesionate pe teritoriul Romaniei. Bilanţul activităţii de explorare în perimetrele concesionate începând cu noiembrie 1997 indică peste 70 de noi descoperiri comerciale de gaze, cu un procentaj de

tendințe Investiţiile Sucursalei Tîrgu-Mureş Conducerea Sucursalei Târgu-Mureş a recepţionat în 2012 lucrări precum: - modernizarea sistemului de ape reziduale Ţaga şi Buza - reactivarea sondei 136 Şăuşa, - montarea de baterii de filtrare cu cartuşe de cărbune activ la SU Finta, Bibeşti, Hurezani, Piscu Stejari - modernizarea complexului mecano-energetic la SC Grebeniş - instalaţia de răcire gaze SC Mureş – refulare Hala 2 - foraj sonda 180 Luduş - foraj sonda 23 Eremieni, instalaţie tehnologică şi grup nou la sonda 3 Făurei - adaptarea Halei 1 a SC Mureş pentru a funcţiona în două regimuri de comprimare - instalaţie tehnologică de suprafaţă la sonda 180 Luduş - sonda 1 Livezeni - racordul la sondele 13,18 Miercurea Niraj – grup 5 Miercurea Niraj - staţii de uscare cu săruri delicvescente – în 9 locuri: Cucerdea, Turdaş, Boldu, Florica, Urziceni, Brăteşti, Săpunari, 23 Slatina, 26 Slatina - modernizarea sistemelor de colectare ape de zăcământ în structura Grebeniş – Dobra - modernizarea sistemelor de colectare ape de zăcământ în structurile Gălăţeni, Ghineşti – Trei Sate, Zau – Şăulia, Sărmăşel, Acăţari. reuşită de peste 65% pentru forajele de explorare finalizate. Până în prezent, din aproape 50% din noile descoperiri comerciale au fost extrase 3 miliarde m³ de gaze naturale. De asemenea, Romgaz este cotitular al Acordurilor petroliere în trei perimetre de explorare-dezvoltare-exploatare pe teritoriul României, în zona Moldovei, în consorţiu cu companiile Aurelian Oil&Gas Romania SRL şi Europa Oil&Gas SRL. Toate cele trei Acorduri sunt în faza primei extinderi a Perioadei Iniţiale de Explorare, în care s-au realizat 4 descoperiri comerciale în perimetrele Brodina şi Bacău. Producţie gaze naturale. Romgaz, prin cele două Sucursale de producţie, Mediaş şi Tîrgu Mureş, operează pe teritoriul ţării cca 150 de zăcăminte comerciale amplasate în Transilvania, Moldova şi Muntenia. Majoritatea acestor zăcăminte, în special cele de dimensiuni mari, sunt mature, având o durată de exploatare de peste 25-30 ani. Sucursala de Producţie Energie Electrică Iernut. ROMGAZ şi-a extins domeniul de activitate începând cu anul 2013, prin asimilarea unei centrale termoelectrice – CTE Iernut – operată de Sucursala Romgaz de Producţie Energie Electrică Iernut. CTE Iernut este o centrală electrică în condensaţie cu supraîncălzire intermediară cu o putere instalată de 800 MW ce are capacitatea de a produce energie electrică cu o cotă de piaţă în producţie la nivel naţional de 5%. CTE Iernut are în componenţa sa patru grupuri energetice a câte 100 MW şi două grupuri de câte 200 MW putere instalată. Instalaţiile de automatizare şi de protecţii ale grupurilor energetice independente au capacitatea de a asigura funcţionarea interconectată a sistemului energetic naţional cu sistemele electroenergetice ale ţărilor vecine şi cu sistemele electroenergetice din Reţeaua Europeană a Operatorilor de Transport şi Sistem de Energie Electrică - ENTSO-E. Înmagazinare. Înmagazinarea subterană reprezintă o parte vitală a industriei gazelor naturale. Posibilitatea înmagazinării gazelor oferă certitudinea furnizării în timpul perioadelor cu cerere ridicată prin suplimentarea livrărilor şi

reprezintă o măsură de siguranţă în cazul întreruperii producţiei curente. Romgaz, prin Sucursala de Înmagazinare Subterană a Gazelor Naturale Ploieşti, operează următoarele şase depozite de înmagazinare gaze cu presiuni de operare între 10 şi 150 bari: Bilciureşti, Urziceni, Bălăceanca, Sărmăşel, Gherceşti, Cetatea de Baltă. Capacitatea activă totală a acestor şase depozite este de 2.76 mld. Smc/ciclu. Comercializare. Romgaz se poziţionează ca o companie importantă pe piaţa europeană a gazelor naturale. În România este cel mai mare jucător pe piaţa gazelor naturale, livrând anual 46 % din consum. Sucursala de Transport Tehnologic şi Mentenanţă. Societatea Romgaz are în structura sa şi o Sucursală de Transport Tehnologic şi Mentenanţă (STTM), care are puncte de lucru în Tîrgu-Mureş, Mediaş, Roman, Ploieşti şi o formaţie în Craiova. Obiectul principal de activitate al sucursalei este transportul rutier de mărfuri. Totodată, în cadrul STTM se execută lucrări de reparaţii şi amenajări a drumurilor de acces, precum şi lucrări de mentenanţă în industria gazului. La ora actuală, Sucursala de Transport Tehnologic şi Mentenanţă dispune de circa 650 de mijloace de transport, pentru mărfuri generale şi persoane, precum şi utilaje specifice industriei gazului metan. Sucursala de Intervenţii, Reparaţii Capitale şi Operaţii Speciale la Sonde. SIRCOSS este Sucursala de Servicii la Sonde a Societăţii Naţionale de Gaze Naturale ROMGAZ. Obiectul de activitate al SIRCOSS este efectuarea de operaţii speciale, reparaţii capitale şi probe de producţie la sondele de gaze. SIRCOSS este certificat din punct de vedere al Sistemului de Management de Mediu DIN EN ISO 14001:2005. Pe parcursul perioadei 2003-2012 s-au realizat lucrări de intervenţie, reparaţii şi probe producţie la sonde de gaze cu instalaţiile de intervenţie cu turlă din dotare la un număr de peste 1700 sonde.





Ungheni, potențial strategic Orașul Ungheni, din județul Mureș, situat la 10 km de Târgu-Mureș, poate ajunge în scurt timp un oraș de o importanță majoră pentru economia din Transilvania. “Există planuri pentru deschiderea unui al doilea parc industrial în Ungheni, iar prin amplasarea sa, la intersecția a două autostrăzi, localitatea mureșeană va deveni un punct important de atragere a investițiilor străine în Transilvania”, explică Victor Prodan, primarul orașului. ministrației locale de a dezvolta zona vor Orașul Ungheni este unul dintre aduce în viitorul apropiat vești bune penacționarii Parcului Industrial Mureș, tru toți locuitorii din Ungheni și din locacare funcționează cu succes pe raza str. Principală nr. 357, Cod Poştal: localității Vidrasău (Ungheni). În litățile învecinate. “Prin construcția 547605, Judeţul Mureş, România Parcul Industrial Mureș lucrează Autostrăzii Turda – Târgu-Mureș – Iași, Tel: 0265-328.112 orașul Ungheni va deveni singura zonă din aproape 1.700 de angajați, sunt înFax: 0265-328.212 Transilvania care va avea intersecție de auregistrate 17 contracte de concesiune registratura@primariaungheni.ro tostrăzi”, declara cu puțin timp în urmă semnate și 11 companii active. Este web: www.primariaungheni.ro una dintre cele mai importante zone președintele Consiliului Județean Mureș, economice din județul Mureș. Ciprian Dobre. Devenind nod de legătură Funcționarea Parcului Industrial pentru autostrăzile din Transilvania, vine în completarea unei activități economice consistente de orașul Ungheni va avea noi oportunități privind dezvoltarea care beneficiază orașul, cu multe firme active. Eforturile ad- economică. Un prim pas este înființarea unui nou parc industrial, aflat în preocupările administrației locale. Realizarea acestui proiect ar duce automat la crearea de noi locuri de muncă, asigurate în primul rând locuitorilor din orașul Ungheni și zonele arondate. O investiție serioasă în Ungheni, pentru care Primăria a eliberat deja autorizația de constructie, este un parc fotovoltaic la Vidrasău, cu o putere de 2,85 Megawatt. “Este o investiție privată de 3 milioane de euro, care va genera noi locuri de muncă, parcul urmând să devină funcțional în lunile următoare. Tot în viitorul apropiat vor veni în Ungheni investitori din Italia care vor deschide fabrici de adezivi siliconați. Noi suntem deschiși pentru orice inițiativă corectă, care poate aduce beneficii orașului și județului. În ceea ce ne privește, vom sprijini orice investitor serios. Zona industrială de la Ungheni și Sânpaul este o zonă a cărui potențial economic va crește foarte mult, pentru că se află la intersecție de autostrăzi. Asta înseamnă locuri de muncă, directe și indirecte. Vor fi mari oportunități pentru investitori. Trebuie să jucăm cartea aceasta, a atragerii de investiții. Este cel mai important atu al nostru”, încheie Victor Prodan, primarul orașului Ungheni.

Primăria Oraşului Ungheni




Oportunități DE INVESTIţII în județul Alba „Am plăcerea şi onoarea de a vă invita să descoperiţi judeţul Alba, nu doar prin intermediul cifrelor/ ci şi cu ajutorul companiilor care fie îşi au sediile aici, fie s-au relocat în judeţul nostru. Iar dacă vă gândiţi să vă extindeţi afacerea în judeţul Alba, vă prezentăm câteva motive care să vă determine să faceţi acest lucru. Cel mai puternic motiv rămâne, bineînţeles, parteneriatul solid existent între administraţia judeţeană şi mediul de afaceri, parteneriat pe care noi l-am dezvoltat şi îl ducem mai departe şi pe care nu-l veţi găsi niciunde în altă parte” - Ion Dumitrel, preşedintele Consiliului Judeţean Alba.

INFRASTRUCTURA DE TRANSPORT Judeţul Alba este punctul de intersecţie a două magistrale europene: E68 (Ungaria – Arad – Deva – Sebeş – Sibiu Braşov), E81 (Bulgaria – Giurgiu – Bucureşti – Piteşti – Sibiu – Alba Iulia – Cluj-Napoca – Satu Mare - Ungaria) şi autostrada Orăştie – Sibiu din Coridorul IV Pan-European. Judeţul Alba va fi traversat de o nouă autostradă, care va lega oraşul Sebeş de Turda, de fapt, o cale de legătură între autostrada Orăştie – Sibiu, care traversează Alba pe o distanţă de aproximativ 40 de kilometri, şi autostrada Transilvania. Județul este străbătut de două magistrale feroviare care fac legătura între E şi V, respectiv N şi S Europei, nodurile feroviare Teiuş, Războieni, Vinţu de Jos asigură legătura directă către coridoarele europene. Există o conexiune și la serviciile aeroportuare din Sibiu - 69 km, Cluj-Napoca - 97 km şi TârguMureş - 207 km (distanţe calculate faţă de municipiul Alba Iulia).

Forţa de muncă calificată Un avantaj major pentru judeţul Alba îl constituie prezenţa celor 4.310 studenţi pregătiţi la Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia, la Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca şi cei 55 furnizori de formare profesională. Calificarea forţei de muncă pentru industriile tradiţionale: prelucrarea metalelor, a componentelor pentru industria de maşini şi

Structura producţiei industriale: Prelucrarea lemnului – Industria alimentară – Fabricarea produselor chimice – Fabricarea articolelor de voiaj, încălţăminte – Fabricarea de maşini, utilaje şi echipamente –

49,4% 15,4% 4,7% 3,6% 3,5%.

Principalele produse exportate: lemn şi articole din lemn – maşini, aparate şi echipamente electrice – încălţăminte – textile –

51,14% 13,5% 6% 4,27%

Principalele produse importate: produse chimice – maşini, aparate şi echipamente electrice – metale şi articole din metal – textile –

15,55% 15,4% 12,5% 8,3%

Alba - cifre şi date echipamente şi prelucrarea lemnului a fost valorificată cu succes de investitori importanţi: Bosch Rexroth la Blaj, Star Transmission la Cugir şi Sebeş, Nova Grup, TEA şi Tehnoplast la Cugir, Kronospan şi Holzindustrie Schweighofer la Sebeş, VCST Automotive Production la Alba Iulia.

Evenimente de promovare a economiei - Târgul Grădinarului – promovează producătorii din domeniile: produse, unelte, echipamente şi utilaje necesare amenajării grădinilor şi spaţiilor verzi, produse fitosanitare, arbuşti, pomi fructiferi şi ornamentali, plante decorative, seminţe, accesorii şi mobilier de grădină. - Târgul Gustos de Alba – promovează valorile tradiţionale culinare din judeţul Alba. - Târgul Mobilei – promovează un domeniu important al judeţului - prelucrarea lemnului şi industria mobilei. - Târgul Apulum Agraria – promovează producătorii agricoli din judeţ şi îmbină prezentarea de produse şi utilaje specifice pentru industria plantelor şi zootehnie, cu expoziții de animale, păsări și produse agro-alimentare. - Best of Business – un eveniment de recunoaştere şi evidenţiere a performanţelor obţinute de operatorii economici cu capital românesc şi străin în industrie, construcţii, servicii şi agricultură care şi-au adus un aport substanţial la dezvoltarea economică a judeţului Alba.

Suprafaţa totală: 6242 km2 Populaţia: 385.024 locuitori Densitatea populaţiei: 61,7 locuitori/km2 Capitala - Reşedinţa de judeţ: Alba Iulia Rata anuală a inflaţiei (mar. 2013): 5,25% Rata şomajului (mar. 2013): 9,1% Exporturi (2012): 907,229 milioane euro (+0,04% faţă de 2011) Investiţii (2012): 163,97 mil. euro (+0,25% faţă de 2011)

Investiții străine directe Marea Britanie: : Roşia Montană Gold Corporation, Pehart Tec, Rapel Austria: Holzindustrie Schweighofer, Kronospan, Leier, Baumit, Frühwald Konnex Prefabricate, Schosswender Möbel Italia: Savini Due, Ciatti HT Sebeş, Saturn, Rekord, Galway Sport, Ener Rom, Nuova Romital Impex, Mobitalia Prod, Tehno Plast Germania: Star Transmission Cugir, Kosmos Tre Olanda: Bosch Rexroth, Apidava, DN Agrar Group Belgia: VCST Automotive Production Alba

Investiții românești în Alba Albalact, Alpin 57 Lux, Jidvei, Pehart Tec, Romaqua Grup, Supremia Grup, Transavia




Primex Mureș Tâgu Mureș, Str.Livezeni nr. 69A tel./fax : 0265 250314 www.primex.ro

Primex Mureș, precizie strategică Una dintre companiile cu importanță strategică pentru industria extracției și prelucrării gazelor naturale din România este Primex Mureș. Aici sunt fabricate diferite componente folosite în industria gazului, a căror execuție presupune un grad ridicat de precizie și calitate. În același timp, firma mureșeană exceleză în constructii metalice și părți componente, montaj echipamente și utilaje tehnologice, inginerie tehnologică, mașini și instalații diverse. Firma Primex Mureş a fost înfiinţată acum 14 ani de Nicolae Tâmpănaru, unul dintre cei care a cunoscut îndeaproape industria mureșeană de prelucrare a metalelor. Mulți dintre cei mai pricepuți oameni care au muncit în marile fabrici din județ, renumite și în străinătate pentru calitatea lucrărilor, s-au regăsit în echipa Primex. Profesionalismul oamenilor, stabilitatea echipei, echipamentele și utilajele folosite la lucrări le-au permis celor de la Primex Mureș să facă față unor exigențe mari în ceea ce privește calitatea pieselor executate aici. Legat de tehnologiile folosite la executarea lucrărilor ar fi de amintit: prelucrările prin așchiere, tăiere cu flacără, sudură electrică, tratamente termice în cuptor electric, rectificare plană și rotundă, execuție de SDV-uri: ștanțe, matrițe, montaje și ajustări, lucrări de lăcătușerie, debitare cu plasma, etc. Primex Mureș deţine 6 brevete de marcă înregistrată pentru piese din domeniul extracţiei şi are un număr mare de certificate de calitate. Printre beneficiarii importanți ai lucrărilor efectuate de Primex Mureş se numără Societatea Națională de Gaze Na-


turale Romgaz S.A. Târgu-Mureș, Societatea Națională de Gaze Naturale Romgaz S.A. Mediaș, Societatea Națională de Gaze Naturale Romgaz S.A. Ploiești, Societatea Națională de Transport Gaze Naturale TRANSGAZ SA Târgu Mureș, Societatea Națională de Transport Gaze Naturale TRANSGAZ SA Mediaș, SIRCOSS Târgu-Mureș, SIRCOSS Mediaș, Petrom Ploiești, Exprogaz. Piesele realizate de specialiștii Primex pentru aceste firme necesită un grad ridicat de tehnicitate, complexitate şi foarte mare precizie. Fiind vorba de industria extracției și prelucrării gazelor naturale, nivelul de proiectare și execuție al pieselor trebuie să fie maxim. În anul 2009 echipa Primex s-a mutat într-un sediu nou, construit în regie proprie, pe o suprafață de 1200 mp. Nicolae Tâmpănaru, fost jucător de fotbal al echipei ASA Târgu Mureș nu vorbește depre calitatea lucărilor efectuate, înainte de a scoate în evidență profesionalimul colegilor săi: “Avem oameni în echipa Primex alături de care am lucrat în fabricile de tradiție din Târgu-Mureș, din acest domeniu. Unii au peste 30 de ani de activitate. Am ales buni meseriași și oameni de caracter. Putem aborda orice lucrare, oricât de complexă ar fi”, a spus Nicolae Tâmpănaru. În afară de mecanică fină, Primex excelează și în alte segmente de lucru. Tot ce ține de partea metalică la mai multe săli de sport din judeţul Mureş poartă semnătura Primex. O biserică impozantă din orașul Reghin, partea suspendată a restaurantului Business de la intrarea în Târgu-Mureș şi zona SPA a aceluiaşi complex, fațada cinematrografului Arta din Târgu-Mureș au fost construite tot de Primex. Acestea reprezintă doar o mică parte din lucrările de construcții metalice efectuate de firma mureșeană. În ciuda perioadei economice dificile, primex Mureș continuă să fie un pion de bază pentru industria extracției și prelucrării gazelor naturale din România, pregătită să facă față oricăror provocări profesionale.

First projects How it all began in Romania, the current situation and the perspectives



After 10 years... Under the title “industrial park”, operate a variety of types of business infrastructures in Romania. Of these, for those that met the statutory and feasibility requirements and for which the investors wanted to obtain exemptions from tax on land and buildings, the project developers applied for obtaining the title of industrial parks, according to Government Ordinance no. 65/2001 concerning the establishment and operation of industrial parks, approved by Law no. 490/2002, as amended. Thus, under the aforementioned legislation, the first industrial park was established in Romania in Bolintin Deal, Giurgiu County, it has 143 hectares and is administered by SC “Universal Management” S.R.L. The park was established by the developers in 2002 and is currently operational. Bucharest Industrial Park (BIP) is located at Km 23 on the A1 Bucharest- Pitești Motorway, and was developed on the basis of a Romanian (the Rațiu family) - Belgian (Wilmarc Invest & Attis) partnership, being a private investment. The Company H. Essers is BIP’s latest client, and it is building here a storage space of 30,000 square meters, while in the second phase of the investment a storage area of approx. 100,000 square meters will be constructed. The most recent industrial park was established in November of 2012 in Bistrița, Bistrița-Năsăud County, it has 30 hectares, it is green field and is administered by SC “Bistrița Sud Business Park” S.R.L. Following the action of monitoring activities conducted in the industrial parks by the MDRAP, in January 2013, in BIP, there were 2 businesses in the park with a total of 222 employees, the WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

surface used by them being of 15.30 hectares. The activities that are mainly carried out here and that provide the area of specialization in the industrial park are in business, distribution, services and the light manufacturing industry. Bistrița Sud Industrial Park is a project of the local public administration, the developer of the project being the City of Bistrița. According to the report presented by the administrating company to the MDRAP regarding the activities from the year 2012, the industrial park infrastructure will be achieved through a project financed under the Regional Operational Programme 20072013, the implementation period being 2013-2014. “We must emphasize that at among the 55 industrial parks established up to date under Ordinance no. 65/2001, there can be no comparison, because they are all different projects, launched on various/different indicators/features (location, funding capacity, attractiveness, etc.). Regardless of project development capacity, our ministry supports each of them, understanding the opportunities as well as the challenges encountered along the way by the

trends initiators of such infrastructures. We must also show that every time we have reliable information that the project has no chance of recovery, we have no reservation in withdraw the title of industrial park,” according to Daniel Iustin Marinescu, Director General, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, General Department of Public Administration. The largest industrial park in Romania, established under the provisions of GO no.65/2001 is Ploieşti Industrial Park, where the businesses located here are using an area of 162.66 ha. The industrial park with the largest number of active economic agents is Sema Industrial Park, Sector 6, Bucharest, where 122 companies are registered. The industrial park with the largest number of employees of the economic agents is Ploieşti Industrial Park, with 7,525 employees. In 2012, the ministry approved for expansion projects submitted by the initiators of: Craiova Industrial Park (after expansion, 18.3 ha), and the industrial park Allianso Business Park Ariceştii Rahtivani (after enlargement, 253.2 ha). Currently, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration is analyzing two projects for obtaining the titles of industrial parks for: Hemeiuş Industrial Park, Bacău County, and WDP Industrial Park, Codlea, Brașov County.

The balance after 10 years, perspectives The first industrial parks were created in the context of the division of companies belonging to the former defense industry and the conveyance of some of their assets to the local authorities from those places. Subsequently, industrial parks were established both by the authorities of the local public administration and by private legal entities and individuals who became associated to this end. The development of industrial parks was supported by state aid measures which, following Romania’s accession to the European Union, no longer represented a significant support in relation to the volume of investments necessary for large business infrastructures. The results of the almost ten years of implementing the policy of industrial parks are: there are 55 industrial parks (whose conditions of formation have been verified by the central government) in which there are located 790 economic operators with a total of 37,000 employees. At the public policy level, to which is added the recent initiative of re-industrialization undertaken by the new executive, the target strategy having to be completed during this fall, there are the following objectives: consolidating the existing legislation, which currently comprises three enacted laws, by clarifying the conditions for establishment and operation, by 2014; increasing access to funding opportunities and tax incentives by extending until 2020 the scheme of State aid, currently in force until 2013; including large companies and/or infrastructure works in the industrial parks as eligible applicants/activities for financing from EU funds, starting from 2014; providing state aids by the local authorities; establishing new industrial parks in the next 5 years and expanding existing ones. The total initial investment envisaged for the establishment of 5 new industrial parks and expanding 5 existing parks within a 5-year period have been calculated at 11.4 million euros, and an estimate of the total reimbursements of the structural funds through projects submitted by industrial parks within 5 years amounts to 17 million euros. These investments

would create an estimated 4,200 jobs in the new industrial parks and in those that will expand by 2016. In the more than 10 years of implementation, there has been a progress of industrial parks from the projects submitted by the local authorities, developed on old industrial platforms, to the significant private sector investments on green field areas. It is a natural evolution, stimulated, at first, by the central government, and then managing to attract the interest of the private sector. Examples such as the companies Graells & Loch at Prejmer - Brașov and Turda - Cluj, ICCO at Braşov, Alinso Group in Ploieşti Prahova, Warehouses de Paw which operates 10 parks, are illustrative in this regard. Also, investors in logistic parks include even the possibility of developing industrial production facilities in these areas, and there are numerous private investments made by companies like CA Immo, Valad, Aviva, Portland, Transilvania Construcții, Prologis, UBM Development, and VGP. In the future, industrial parks should become the support for private investment in research, development and innovation, so that the business infrastructures in Romania may become a real competitor to those in the Member States. Industrial parks are a tool for local development, and the role of government and of the local authorities is to promote the establishment and development of these business infrastructures. The facilities provided are a waiver of revenues for the budget of the territorial administrative unit, but the investments made bring social benefits, lead to increasing the employment rate, with all the implications arising from this: fighting poverty, decreased crime rates and increased social security (social insurance and social assistance). In the present context, the facilities provided and the involvement of the authorities may influence both the decision of establishing new parks and the interest of businesses in positioning themselves in such locations.





Examples that raised the standards... The increased demand for modern production and storage space is supported by the geographical advantage of industrial parks, which facilitate the access of industrial operators to the western countries and the East-European markets. The areas of interest are now Cluj, Brașov, Timiș and Prahova. But what were the beginnings like? Whether they were public, private, mixed projects, produced with contributions from EU funds or the involvement of the county authorities, each of the projects started as a bet in a market that needed spaces, and the managers learned through experience that the management of projects is as complicated as their realization. Over 60 million euros have been invested in Mureş Industrial Park so far. Daily, here work approx. 1,700 people. The story began in 2001, and success came with EU integration. The achievement of Mureş Industrial Park was made possible through a Phare project won by the Mureş County Council. The execution contract was signed on 19 November 2002. The total project cost, according to the execution contract, was: 5,086,722.28 euros, of which 3,815,041.71 euros, equivalent to 75% of the total, represented EU cofinancing from Phare funds, and 1.271.680.57 euros, equivalent to 25% of the total, represented national co-financing from the National Pre-Accession Fund. The construction was completed on 30 June 2005. The official inauguration took place on 18 November 2005. The entire infrastructure entered the public property of the Mureş County Council, the administration being entrusted to the company “Mureş Industrial Park” SA. The first tenders for the concession of areas in the park were held in December 2005, January 2006, without immediate results. In MayJune 2006 a new tender was organized for the entire surface area available in the industrial park, after which there were held direct negotiations with the companies interested in investing in PIM. The first leasing contract was signed in June 2006. By the end of 2006, another contract WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

had been signed, and the year 2007 witnessed not only Romania’s accession to the European Union, but also the most favorable conditions for foreign direct investment. “We came of age with this Industrial Park project at the very timely moment of foreign investment and so we managed to increase the number of lease agreements to 17 in 2007. In the spring of 2008, the administration managed to win the tender for the management of a business incubator, a project of the Mureş County Council in collaboration with UNDP, with the future location within the perimeter of Mureş Industrial Park”, as Nagy Istvan, the General Director of PIM, recalls. In Oradea, the City contributes to the success of Eurobusiness Industrial Parks, for which were allocated 15 million euros, largely for the infrastructure and utilities. The package offered to the investors included the road and hospitality infrastructure, the university and even active cultural life, but also tax exemptions, which proved to be a winning strategy. “We tried to create a competitive package; it was difficult to get this information, because such information does not exist on the pages of industrial parks. We want to have a transparent bid because there are some questions that foreign investors ask us when they come to the meetings. Transparency above all. If your offer is not clearly displayed



177/13.08.2009, the third title of Industrial Park was obtained for the area of 35.06 hectares in Urlaţi; and under Order no. 141/29.06.2010, the fourth title of Industrial Park was obtained for the area of 45 hectares in Ciorani. The administrating company currently has 162.6 hectares in the Ploiești area, being the park with the largest area and the highest number of employees.

Private investments

somewhere, you cannot say you are a transparent public authority,” Delia Ungur, General Manager of Eurobusiness, explains. Thus, the administrating company managed to attract investment in Oradea which amounts to over 150 million euro. In Prahova County too, at the beginning of 2002, most companies were undergoing restructuring, unemployment was rising and the socio-economic situation in Prahova County was increasingly unfavorable. The revitalization of the economy in Prahova was launched by the County Council, which in 2002 founded Ploiești Industrial Park, whose sole shareholder was Prahova County Council. SC Ploiești Industrial Park SA was awarded the title of Industrial Park in 2003. The interest of Romanian and foreign investors in investing in Prahova County led the administrating company to look for other locations. In choosing these, it took into account primarily the role of the Industrial Park, namely social development (job creation) and economic development (attracting new investments) in less developed areas, as well as the access by way of a national or county road. By Order no. 154/15.07.2009 of the Ministry of Administration and Interior, the second title of Industrial Park was obtained for the land plot of 31.4 hectares situated in Mizil; under Order no.

ICCO Group achieved Brașov Industrial Park after developing solid skills in real estate development, energy, installations and construction assemblies, industry, constructions, electronics, and medicine. “Established in 1991, the company ICCO added skills, gained experience and permanently developed the fields of activity. Over the years, as a general construction contractor, ICCO has developed industrial and civil construction projects throughout Romania. The idea of founding Brașov Industrial Park came from the desire to offer our customers an organized structure, a sustainable project, at the quality standards required by each customer, with halls specifically built to suit the companies’ specific activities. We take care of everything relating to land, design, permits, construction and utilities, while our customers focus, as normal, on production activities. We started the project of Brașov Industrial Park in 2007 by signing the first 10,000 square-meter lease agreement for the Company Euro Druckservice (EDS) Germany. EDS started production in November 2008 and now there are six halls in the park with total area of e industrial park is a well-delin72,000 square meters, where seven eated economic area in which busicompanies, with a total of 1,850 emnesses locate themselves, having ployees, operate. The current value of access to infrastructure and utilities, the investment in Brașov Industrial which are administered by a comPark is around the amount of 35 milpany. lion euros in land, buildings and utilIndustrial parks - by type of ownities. The turnover of ICCO Group ership member companies in 2012 was 112 million euros, of which Brașov Indus4 Public - the land and related trial Park achieved a turnover of 4.3 buildings are public property; million euros,” according to Mirela 4 Private - the land and related Rădulescu, ICCO Group Sales and buildings are owned by individuals Marketing Director. and/or private legal persons; 4 Mixed - the land and related buildings are in the private property of the state and some individuals and/or private legal persons. Industrial parks - by type of organization 4 Industrial parks with a title granted by the Ministerial Order or declared as such by Government Resolution - benefit from state aid (under Ordinance no. 65/2001 and the Tax Code); 4 Industrial parks established under special (privatization) laws; 4 Industrial land and/or industrial spaces organized as “industrial parks” found on the real estate market; 4 Infrastructure projects undertaken with PHARE support - Economic and Social Cohesion or Structural and Cohesion Funds.



trends To facilitate air transport for investors and businessmen in the Brașov area, a heliport was built in the industrial park in 2011, which also serves the surroundings of Brașov. Automecanica Industrial Park Mediaș is also atypical, being in a continuous transformation, and the management teams of the companies present here mutually support themselves in developing new lucrative projects for all the parties involved. The park is owned by Automecanica SA - a company owned by businessman Nick Ştirban, and the administrating activities are carried out through SC Automecanica Industrial Park SRL. The industrial park title was obtained on 13 November 2007. The surface of the industrial park from Mediaş is 139.862 square meters. “Everything started from tradition and what Automecanica SA meant as a manufacturer in the automotive market. The 2000s brought a new vision for Automecanica: namely, the transformation of the largest Romanian manufacturer of auto superstructures and auto semi-trailers into an Industrial Park with the same profile of activity and having collaborations with leading companies from Europe. We chose this route because it was the only option to continue in a market where we were years behind the competitors in terms of productivity and knowhow. The first such collaboration was with the Company Geesink-Holland, manufacturer of trash collectors and stationary compacting containers. Reality shows that Automecanica SA did not disappear, but transformed itself and developed new opportunities in the field of machine constructions and all that matters are the results: as a result of this strategy, there have appeared new production companies that have developed continuously, with employees being trained by the partner companies in Western Europe and helping to change the attitude in the new organization. The products we build today in Mediaş, whether garbage trucks, dump trucks, tanker trucks, semi-

Nagy Istvan, General Manager PIM

trucks, heavy machinery, are qualitatively equal to those produced in Germany or the Netherlands,” according to Florin Baba, General Manager of SC Automecanica Industrial Park SRL. “International collaborations were the only way out of the impasse created after 1989 on the Romanian and East-European market. For Automecanica, in collaboration with Roman Brașov, salvation came through an important order of tanks for the Malaysian state, the year 1995 representing the moment of Automecanica’s first international collaborations. The lack of raw materials on the Romanian market in those years laid the foundation for cooperation between the company Fa. Stirban I.H.u.T. - Headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, and the largest Romanian body maker, Automecanica Mediaş. The major truck manufacturers (MAN, Volvo, Mercedes) and the body makers of Europe did not exist yet on the Romanian market and thus Automecanica, in cooperation with Fa. Stirban I.H.u.T, had the first chance of development with the imported technology. Thus the quality of the products it manufactured came close to the Western European standards, becoming once again attractive for the domestic market. Between 1998 and 2001, we took the majority stake in FPS, and 2003 saw the acquisition of shares from SIF Transilvania. As until now, the company’s strategy is to continue to attract foreign investors from all domains to Automecanica Industrial Park”, says Nick Ştirban, owner of Automecanica SA.

Expansion - the Tetarom example “In 2001, when we started, this meant a new life, perhaps too bold in the absence of other similar models in Romania at that moment, but in time it has proved to be a successful model due to our concerted and determined action. We really started from scratch, without the know-how, without special procedures, with only a clear idea of what we wanted to achieve. We were lucky to have the support of WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO


the local authorities. Besides this premise, I think the main reason we came to be an example 10 years later is that we are always open to the demands of our investors and their long-term satisfaction is our main goal. The Tetarom Industrial Parks are now true business models across the country, and their success has led to other local and county authorities to generalize the model. When we started to give life to this vision, we did not specifically target foreign investors. We considered both Romanian and foreign investors. It was fortunate that some of our biggest customers are two large foreign companies: Emerson (USA) and De Longhi (ITA). As for this promotion, we did it as we could, without a specific strategy. We began by attending various conferences, forums, international fairs, we went there, gave presentations, distributed materials. “The old fashion way” of promotion, of you wish. After 10 years, on our anniversary, we decided to initiate a process of restyling / rebranding to improve our image, which I must say, with lack of modesty, perhaps, is a good one. We have also implemented the ISO 9000:2008 quality system and, as in this way, the quality of our services can be certified”, Viorel Găvrea, Director of Tetarom, remembers. In April 2013, two financing contracts totaling 125 million lei, one for setting up the Tetarom IV Industrial Park from Feleacu and one for the expansion of Tetarom I Industrial Park in Cluj-Napoca were signed by the Minister of Development, Liviu Dragnea. “I really wanted to come to Cluj because Tetarom is a success story and it shows how a local authority knows how to use European funds to create sustainable jobs. These industrial parks and other investments can make the city become a serious competitor for Bucharest, and become a pole of development for the region. The four industrial parks represent a way to create jobs, and show us that it is not the austerity measures that can lead us out of the crisis, but sustainable investment that creates stable jobs,” Liviu Dragnea said. The President of the Cluj County Council, Horea Uioreanu, has also stressed that invest-

ments in industrial parks will lead to “continuing the economic development of the county and creating new jobs.” Tetarom IV Industrial Park is to be developed in Feleacu, the investment in this project amounting to nearly 55 million lei, of which 14.3 million lei is a grant from the European Regional Development Fund. The second project, worth nearly 70 million lei, envisages the expansion of Tetarom I Industrial Park with an area of 168,000 square meters, where several warehouses and office buildings will be constructed. Tetarom I Industrial Park covers an area of 320,000 square meters and is occupied one hundred percent, by more than 50 companies that provide over 2,000 jobs. The estimated investment in this park is over than 60 million euros. Both projects will be completed in July 2015.





Stability offers new perspectives for the industrial spaces market Interview with Marian Orzu, Head of Industrial Department, CBRE Romania

Which are the main trends of the industrial spaces market, visible starting with the beginning of this year? From what we have seen until now, 2013 announces to be a very active year for the industrial spaces market, while being, in the same time, quite peculiar. In the first quarter of 2013 we have noticed several specific trends, which are most likely to continue for the rest of the year. Firstly, the main activities on the industrial spaces market have been mostly renegotiation transactions, while new business deals were fewer. The reason is the fact that a large part of the contracts were signed by companies in 2007, when Romania joined the European Union, and, with the contract period getting close to the end, the companies are renewing their contracts. Also, we are seeing an increased interest for the East/North East area of Romania. The industrial spaces market in this region is still underdeveloped, mainly because of the low level of infrastructure, given that access to a developed infrastructure network, such as highways or intermodal transportation facilities represents one of the first demands for companies that settle or relocate. Still, the East/North East has important potential, especially in terms of human resources. The unemployment level in the area reaches double digits (11.90% at the beginning of the year), the highest figure in Romania, which indicates large available labor force. In the same time, the wage levels in East/North East are the lowest in the country, for all ranges of work, from highly qualified to unqualified jobs. For example, a plant manager is paid with around 27,000 Euros in Bucharest, while in East/North East the salary is around 23,000 Euros; a shift leader in Bucharest has a gross annual salary of approximately 13,000 Euros, whereas in East/North East a similar position pays around 10,000 Euros per year. Another trend that was visible at the beginning of this year is that manufacturer companies have been very active on the industrial spaces market, strengthening their work points in Romania by expanding their existing production lines or starting the development of new headquarters. After a slow 2012, the Greater Bucharest area is showing signs of recovery at the beginning of 2013, with demand for storage and warehouse spaces increasing in this period. What is different in 2013 compared to 2012? This year is expected to be better than 2012 in terms of political and economic stability and that is extremely important for both companies and developers. This is al-


ready starting to show in the figures we have until know. In the first quarter of 2013, around 83,000 square meters were leased and there are signs that developers will start working on industrial park projects that have been postponed in recent years. Also, the levels of rent are beginning to stabilize and this will draw the tenants from the less performing spaces and will lead them to class A facilities. Moreover, tenants will be on the lookout for efficient spaces, looking mainly for build to suit projects. Last, but not least, access to a developed infrastructure network, such as highways, intermodal transportation facilities or harbor connectivity will be very important criteria for companies looking for industrial spaces. What were the most important transactions in the first quarter of 2013? During the first three months of 2013, a total of 103,000 square meters were leased at national level. From this total, 65,000 square meters were intermediated by

trends CBRE, the most important being the extension of the contract for 45,000 square meters that Carrefour occupies in Europolis Logistic Park. In fact, this is the largest space traded on the industrial spaces market in Bucharest. Another important transaction brokered by CBRE in the first quarter was the renting of 9,000 square meters in Bucharest by auto motor parts distributor Elit. Also, CBRE brokered a deal for Intercars, a leader company in the distribution of car accessories and spare parts, which rented a 5,500 square meters storage space in the Codlea industrial park, developed by Warehouses de Pauw (WPD) in Brasov County, while Global Enterprises, a company specialized in the manufacturing of plastics and interior products for the automotive industry rented 5,630 square meters in Ploiesti West Park. Are there differences between regions in Romania when talking about industrial spaces? Yes, there are quite significant differences in this matter. The Greater Bucharest area is the most active in terms of total leasing activity. In the West/North West region we have a very good representation of the automotive industry as well as light manufacturing producers. Central Romania is characterized by a skilled multilingual workforce. The Southern part is dominated by cities like Ploiesti, Pitesti and Craiova while the East/North East region has high potential especially from the Constanta commercial harbor. With a stock consisting of 979,000 square meters, the Greater Bucharest area encompasses approximately 50% of the country’s total industrial spaces stock. Bucharest is followed by the West/North West region, with a stock of 480,000 square meters being hosted in this area, the rest being distributed in South Romania (320,000 square meters) and Central Romania (115,000 square meters). The least developed region is East/North East with a stock of only 10,500 square meters. Even the fact that 12.000 square meters are under construction in the area still leaves this part of Romania far behind in terms of industrial space stock. The main cause of this uneven distribution of industrial spaces across the country is linked to the level of infrastructure development of each region. As I said earlier, companies are interested in areas that provide easy access to developed infrastructure and as most of the public infrastructure investment programs are focusing on central and western Romania it is easy to see why developers are reluctant on starting projects in the East/North East Region. However, there are advantages of this area. It is true that the level of infrastructure and stock availability is very low in the

East/North East region, but we believe business opportunities are high in the area, the region representing the gateway for eastern products into the European Union. Rent levels are also different across the country, for example in Bucharest rent levels start from 3.5 euro/month/square meter and go as high as 4.5 euro/month/square meter, whereas in the rest of the country rents start from 3 euro/month/square meter and do not go over 4 euro/month/square meter. How easy is it for developers to complete a Greenfield investment? Greenfield developments can be handed-over to companies within 12 months. We believe this time span can be even lower considering the fact that half of the process is dedicated only to administrative procedures, such as the environmental impact assessment, the planning permit process and the building permit process. A more efficient authorization system would reduce the period, as developers need an average 6 months to build and deliver their projects to operators, after having completed all the administrative requirements. Which are the main characteristics of the industrial space market in Romania? The typical lease contract length varies on the profile of the company. Usually logistic companies sign lease contracts for at least 3 and not more than 5 years, production companies sing contracts that are valid for 5-7 years, while for build-to-suit projects the minimum period of the lease contract is 7 years. Contracts are usually negotiated in euro, but the actual rent is paid in RON. Average rent levels start at 3.6 euro/month/square meter and go as high as 4 euro/month/ square meter. Aside from these, tenants pay an extra service charge (on average around 1 euro/month/square meter), which includes building insurance, property taxes, 24 hours security, maintenance of the common parts of the property (including snow removal), maintenance and inspections of buildings and equipment. Other landlord responsibilities include external, structural and/or common areas repairs, while tenants are responsible for internal repairs, insurance costs for own premises, and content and civil liabilities. Depending on the length of the lease, agent companies generally request a fee between 16% and 25% of the annual rent plus VAT.





Benefits and keys to success Government Ordinance no. 65/2001 and the Tax Code (Law no. 571/2003) provide the following support measures from the state: no tax will be due for the land and buildings in industrial parks; there will be an exemption from fees charged for changing the destination or the removal from agricultural use of the land pertaining to the industrial park, as well as other incentives provided by the local public authorities. e legal conditions for investors to benefit from State aid in the form of the above are provided for by the Regional Aid Scheme granted for investments made in industrial parks, approved by Order no. 296/2007 issued by the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform. Categories of beneficiaries include: the administrating companies that have obtained the title of industrial parks; investors that started investing before 18 September 2007 - de minimis aid, and those who started investing after 18 September 2007 - regional state aid. ose who can benefit from state / minimis aid are investors from industrial parks who: own land and buildings in the industrial park; have the concession, lease, administration or use of, as appropriate, buildings / land, publicly or privately owned by the state or the administrative-territorial units, located in an industrial park; are not in difficulty. e amount of the aid (in the form of relinquishing revenue), for a period of three consecutive years, cannot exceed 200,000 euros.

Special terms According to the Regional Aid Scheme granted for investments in industrial parks, approved by Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform no. 296/2007, the conditions that must be met by the regional aid recipient are: an application submitted prior to launching the project and a confirmation received from the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration regarding eligibility; proof of a contribution of at least 25% of the eligible investment costs, either from its own resources or from external financing, in a form that does not involve any public aid; it should be established and registered in Romania; it should not in difficulty, as defined in the Guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty, published in the Official Journal of the European Union no. C 244/02/2004; it should make an initial investment in an industrial park with a title granted by order of the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration, or recognized by Government Resolution; it should not be in a situation of bankruptcy or liquidation, or have its affairs administered by an insolvency judge, it should not have its business activities suspended or in a situation similar to the above, regulated by law; it should not be subject to a legal procedure for declaring it as being in one of the above situations; it should not be subject to an outstanding order for the recovery of state aid, regardless of its objective and the body providing that aid.

Harmony between business and functional aspects

Șerban Țigănaș, president of OAR WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

e location of the Industrial Park is the first element of attractiveness as significant investors placed their businesses in growth poles, characterized by high socio-economic indicators (e.g. high level of economic activities, higher education, etc.). In general, industrial parks that have not benefited from an attractive location and infrastructure have accommodated small and medium enterprises producing for the domestic market. Industrial parks that meet the three development elements (location, infrastructure, good management) have attracted large enterprises, with results in terms of industrial production and export growth, with a high technology level. “e involvement of the public local authorities has proved to be an important factor in the development of some industrial parks. ere have been identified and allocated funds for upgrading their infrastructure and, in some cases, the representatives of the public authorities were involved in negotiating with investors. In the case of the industrial parks that did not benefit from advantageous locations or did not own utilities at the time the project was launched or where the administrating company has had little activity, there is a slow evolution or a stagnation of development. State aid or facilities cannot replace infrastructure or other shortcomings. We want to reassure foreign investors of the support offered by our ministry as regards the presentation of the legal and administrative requirements for starting a business in Romania. It is in our best interest to develop relations of cooperation because only through investment can we ensure job creation and local development”, according to Daniel Iustin Marinescu, General Director of the General Directorate of

trends Public Administration in the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration. e architect Șerban Țigănaș, Director of the Company Dico and Țigănaș, professor at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and President of the Order of Architects of Romania, advocates projects with “personality”. “If we look at industrial parks from the vantage point of the authorities, merely as revenue providers and creators of jobs for the local people, from the standpoint of the initiating companies, merely as a business with land plots, and from the users’ or the occupant-investors’ perspective, merely as a development in which the land price is very good or subsidized, in fact we cannot not talk of industrial parks and we shall not have industrial parks. ese areas of activity should be places where people work in conditions of quality of life at the highest contemporary standards. Whether we talk about companies with many employees, concentrations of persons or activities in which mechanization has eliminated the need for a large staff, all these people must benefit from the quality of architecture, i.e. from the integral quality of indoor and outdoor, public and private spaces and find all the components necessary for all the moments they go through on a daily basis. ere is need for well-resolved transport facilities, reception spaces in the park and in each unit, areas for breaks, food and necessary relaxation, emergency medical services and, why not, areas with related functions that are increasingly sought by those dealing with the cohesion and motivation of the working teams, like team-building, sports, healthy living, etc. If we look again from the perspective of sustainable development, industrial parks must be built as generators of quality culture, i.e. quality architecture, which also means a good relationship with the landscape and the surrounding built structures,” as the architect Șerban Țigănaș recommends. e legal rules that define the operation and the sustainable development of parks have been amended; in this regard, a new bill of law was adopted by the Romanian Parliament. Traian Bărbat, Secretary General of APITSIAR, sums it up: “From our perspective, there are three aspects which, if solved by the new legislation, would be a great success: access to EU structural funds for administrating companies - now it is only with the approval of County Councils that they can be access through projects; the possibility that the administrating company provides utilities to the park; and the carrying out of independent economic activities in the park”. APITSIAR has reported numerous additions and amendments to new legislative proposal, the specific observations of its members being debated and submitted for inclusion in the future legislation.

Other models at a European level In Finland, there are no national reference document defining industrial parks. Every industrial park defines itself and has its own policy. Industrial parks often include industrial land owned by the local authorities, which they rent at economic prices to the companies to create jobs. Technological centers are focused on innovative production, in cooperation with the academic world, and they are often situated in office buildings. Industrial parks in Finland make their own policy according to their preferences. In the technological centers, the principal owners are the administrating companies of the industrial parks or owners that often include cities or municipalities, universities or polytechnics, and large companies. e owners/stakeholders may choose their representatives in the administration and in the executive group. In Germany, the concept of an industrial park is very old. ere are many definitions in many different documents, such as regional development plans and land use plans. In the land use plans,

industrial parks are covered by the term “industrial area”. e North Rhine-Westphalia region policy aims to achieve a balance between the location of production, supply and services companies. Definition: a place for generating production and services. e definition of the Regional Development Plan: an area for the placement of trade and industry; a special type of industrial area was defined in 1978: “an area for large locations” with an area of minimum 200 ha. In 1995, the minimum surface was reduced to 80 ha. Currently this type of industrial area is hardly used. Recent publications refer to areas for the location of production companies and of companies in secondary and tertiary sectors. In Portugal, the concept has developed in time, ever since the 1970s, when it was first introduced. In the early 1990s, industrial parks were seen as planned clusters of industrial activities for the purposes of industrial development. e consequence of the growing importance of the services (or “tertiary”) sector on the industrial (or “secondary”) costs was the shift of the concept of industrial parks towards “Areas for the Location of Enterprises.” ese are defined as restricted areas especially planned and prepared to receive certain types of industries and commercial activities and services, which are administered by a single entity with administrative powers. In Portugal there is currently no Area for the Location of Enterprises (such as those defined by law) and there is a specific definition of eco-industrial parks in the legal documents from Portugal. In the Netherlands, there are several meanings for industrial parks. e most often used term appears to be those of industrial land, business parks and business land. For uniformity, the term “business land” will be used hereinafter. e history of business land dates back to about three decades ago in the Netherlands. However, business land, as a concept in national and/or regional documents, has been present in approximately the past decade and a half. According to the definition of the State Sub-secretariat for Economic Affairs, a business land must meet two basic qualifications: a surface of at least 10 ha, used by companies for the purpose of trade, industry, commercial and non-commercial services and industry, excluding services for hotels, restaurants and catering. Hungary offers a diversified category of industrial parks: investors can choose between 206 operational sites, depending on their business requirements. Locating a company or business in an industrial park has several advantages, such as familiar management with the local business environment, support from the municipalities, a developed infrastructure and extensive services. Investments in industrial parks can be implemented much faster than greenfield or brownfield investments.





SSIF Broker ţinteşte sus în 2013 Singura casă brokeraj din România listată la bursă îşi propune să ajungă în 2013 între primii trei intermediari de pe bursa românească. Ce argumente şi strategii are compania clujeană pentru a-şi atinge ţelul? Reporter: SSIF Broker are câteva proiecte ambiţioase în 2013. Care sunt acestea şi ce urmăreşte fiecare dintre ele? Grigore Chiş, director general SSIF BROKER: Anul acesta SSIF BROKER are în plan proiecte foarte ambiţioase, unele deja în curs de implementare, altele în fază de conturare. Un pas important în evoluţia companiei l-a reprezentat lansarea propriei platforme Multi-Market şi Multi-Asset, care oferă accesul la mii de produse, tranzacţionabile pe mai mult de 100 de pieţe. Urmărul pas îl reprezintă integrarea în această platformă a celei pentru piata autohtonă, Tradis Workstation Pro, lansată cu un an în urmă, în varianta DEMO. Activitatea societăţii noastre se va focusa anul acesta şi pe dezvoltarea de noi produse. Până în momentul de faţă SSIF BROKER oferă spre tranzacţionare pe Bursa de Valori Bucureşti produse structurate bazate pe cotaţiile a doi dintre cei mai de renume indici de pe piaţa bursieră: Dow Jones Industrial Average şi Euro Stoxx 50. Următorul pas însă va consta probabil în lansarea unui produs structurat pe un indice românesc. Un alt proiect de importanţă, îl reprezintă lansarea împrumuturilor pentru efectuarea de tranzacţii în marjă, care suntem siguri că va aduce un plus de valoare companiei. Rep.: Clienţii instituţionali vor avea parte şi ei de altă abordare. SSIF Broker a înfiinţat un departament de specialişti dedicat lor. De unde a apărut această nevoie? Grigore Chiş: Înfiinţarea departamentului destinat clienţilor instituţionali, prin angajarea unei echipe de şase specialişti în analiză financiară și tranzacționare urmăreşte lărgirea gamei de servicii oferite cu un pachet de servicii care lipsea anterior din oferta societății. Cu specialişti care au fiecare între 8 și 16 ani de experiență pe piața de capital, ne propunem întărirea poziției deţinute pe piața de servicii de investiţii financiare.

Despre SSIF Broker SA

Rep.: SSIF Broker se implică tot mai mult în educaţia financiară a tinerelor generaţii. Ce beneficii aduc asemenea proiecte? Grigore Chiş: Începând cu anul 2012 ne-am propus să ne implicăm activ în susţinerea educaţiei financiare a tinerelor generaţii. Astfel, în colaborare cu Organizaţia Studenţilor Economişti am reuşit să organizăm un seminar de analiză care s-a bucurat de un mare succes. Deoarece considerăm că educaţia economică ar trebui să înceapă încă din şcoala generală, am conlucrat cu Transylvania College la organizarea celei de-a treia ediţii a săptămânii ,,My Money Week”. Acest eveniment a fost un puternic imbold pentru viitorul apropiat în care, în colaborare cu organizaţiile studenţeşti clujene, dorim să punem bazele unei Şcoli de Tranzacţionare. In acelasi timp, dorim să creăm o secţiune de tutoriale destinate celor care-şi doresc consolidarea cunoştinţelor despre piaţa financiară. În acest sens am reuşit să facem deja primii paşi prin crearea unei secţiuni intitulate ,, Dicţionar Capital”, în cadrul emisiunii Business Express pe postul de televiziune

SSIF Broker SA s-a implicat în listarea la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti a unora dintre cele mai prestigioase societăţi din România, şi a cotat 11 dintre cele 12 societăţi listate iniţial la BVB, pregătind şi introducând la tranzacţionare un număr de 45 societăţi. În anul 2005, SSIF Broker SA a devenit prima şi până în prezent singura societate de servicii de investiţii financiare listată la Bursa BVB, la categoria I. SSIF Broker SA este primul broker local de retail care a listat la BVB produse structurate. De asemenea, compania beneficiază de suportul unui departament intern de analiză care răspunde nevoilor investitorilor instituționali. Compania are în prezent mai mult de 12.000 de acţionari persoane fizice şi juridice. Capitalul social subscris şi integral vărsat este în prezent de 84.670.466,75 lei. SSIF Broker SA este o societate înfiinţată cu capital privat integral românesc. De la înfiinţare şi până în prezent nici un acţionar nu a deţinut controlul asupra societăţii; prin actul constitutiv se prevede că nici un acţionar nu poate să deţină mai mult de 15% din capitalul social al SSIF Broker SA.


Transilvania Live şi prin prezenţa permanentă a analiştilor SSIF BROKER în emisiunea ,, Money Makers” de pe Naşul TV. În 2013 dorim de asemenea o implicare puternică în Social Media, intensificându-ne relaţia cu toţi cei pentru care societatea noastră este de interes.



SSIF Broker aims high in 2013 The only listed brokerage house in Romania aims to become one of the top three Romanian stock market intermediaries in 2013. What are the arguments and strategies of the Clujbased company in achieving this goal? ment for institutional clients aims to expand the range of services it offers with a package that was previously absent from the company’s offer. rough specialists that have each between 8 and 16 years of experience on the capital market, we intend to strengthen our position on the market for investment services.

Reporter: SSIF Broker has several ambitious projects for 2013. Which are they and what does each of them entail? Grigore Chiş, General Manager of SSIF BROKER: is year SSIF BROKER has very ambitious projects, some of which are already being implemented, others being in the delineation phase. An important step in the evolution of the company has been the launching of its own Multi-Market and Multi-Asset platform, which provides access to thousands of products, tradable in more than 100 markets. erefore, the next step is the integration, in this platform, of the one for the domestic market, Tradis Workstation Pro, launched a year ago in the DEMO version. e activity of our company will focus on developing new products this year too. So far, SSIF BROKER has offered structured products for trading on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, based on the quotes of two of the most famous stock market indices: Dow Jones Industrial Average and Euro Stoxx 50. e next step, however, will probably be to launch a structured product on a Romanian index. Another important project represents the launching of loans for margin trading, which we are sure will add value to the company. Rep.: Institutional clients will also benefit from another approach. SSIF Broker has set up a specialist department dedicated to them. Where did this need arise from? Grigore Chiş: By employing a team of six specialists in financial analysis and trading, the establishment of the depart-

Rep.: SSIF Broker is increasingly involved in the financial education of the young generations. What are the benefits of such projects? Grigore Chiş: Starting from 2012, we planned to actively get involved in supporting the financial education of the young generations. us, in collaboration with the Business Students’ Organization, we have managed to organize an analysis seminar which enjoyed great success. Because we believe that economic education should start as early as secondary school, we worked with Transylvania College in organizing the third edition of “My Money Week”. is event is a strong impetus for the near future, when, in collaboration with student organizations from Cluj, we want to set up a Trading School. At the same time, we want to create a section of tutorials for those who want to consolidate their knowledge about the financial market. To this end, we have already managed to make the first steps by creating a section entitled “Capital Dictionary” in the Business Express show on Transilvania Live TV Channel and by enjoying the permanent presence of the SSIF BROKER analysts in the “Money Makers” show on Naşul TV Channel. In 2013, we also wish to have a strong involvement in the Social Media, intensifying our relationship with all those for whom our company is of interest.

About SSIF Broker SA SSIF Broker SA has been involved in the Bucharest Stock Exchange listing of some of the most prestigious companies in Romania, and has ranked 11 out of the 12 companies initially listed on the BSE, preparing and introducing 45 companies for trading. In 2005, SSIF Broker SA became the first and has, so far, been the only financial investment company listed on the BSE, in Class I. SSIF Broker SA is the first local retail broker that has listed structured products on the BSE. e company also benefits from the support of an internal department of analysis, answering the needs of institutional investors. e company currently has more than 12,000 shareholders, individuals and companies. e subscribed and paid-up share capital is currently 84,670,466.75 lei. SSIF Broker SA is a company entirely founded with Romanian private capital. From its establishment until now, no shareholder has had control over the company; the articles of association provide that no shareholder may hold more than 15% of the share capital of SSIF Broker SA.




Investments for quality and performance Hirschmann Automotive GmbH Company is a reliable business partner that provides innovative solutions in automotive technology and connector systems. The activity of the group starts in Rankweil, an Austrian city, located in an area where Germany meets Austria and Switzerland, Vorarlberg. Since 2007, Hirschmann Automotive is also present in Romania by opening the production plant from Mures Industrial Park, SC Hirschmann Romania SRL. In 2010 Hirschmann Automotive decided to respond to new requirements of the renewable energy market by opening Renewable Energy Division which developed the connectors for the power industry that produces "green" energy. At the moment the product range consist of components, sensors and wiring for safety elements of highly stressed parts in the structure of an automobile. As a business partner of the most important car manufacturers in Europe and America, Hirschmann Group has significant contributions in its field. The quality of our products, the creativity of proposed solutions and the competence of personnel placed the company on a high level in the field of automotive connectors and wiring. The company focus is primarily on responsibility for customers and social involvement. Hirschmann Romania started its production activity in December 2007 and was one of the first active companies in the Industrial Park Mures. The choice for Mures county was not random. The geographical location, the main ways of communication (international airport "Transylvania", E60, perspective Transylvania highway, railway) industrial past of the area, the available workforce for a competitive environment such as the automotive industry but also the facilities offered by county authorities within the Industrial Park Mures, has made Mures county a successful candidate. Another element that cannot be neglected is people’s culture and mentality in the area, that during the history have been strongly influenced by the mixture of nationalities: Romanian, Hungarian and German. Ever since the beginning, the company has received support in the process of development from the Industrial Park Mures administration and the local administration. The key element in the company's development was the involvement and motivation of personnel through training programs. These programs were applied to both direct productive personnel and administrative personnel and were held in-house, with programs developed within the group, or were organized externally with our Romanian partners’ assistance (KAIZEN Institute Romania, local Chambers of commerce, various consulting and training companies). Technologically speaking, the company is in the first line of development, using the latest technology in connectors injection and processing of wires and cables used in automotive industry. Since last year also the Romanian plant owns a toolshop which has all the necessary equipment for creating tools and molds, needed in injection processes.


The quality of products and processes is supported by an effective quality management system, certified according to automotive industry. Also, the presence of a laboratory with specialized equipment such as microphotography or X-ray investigation strengthens the quality of work performed in production. e confidence of the Austrian company in the potential of the area was represented by the fact that, from the beginning, both the lower and middle levels of personnel and also the management team were represented by Romanian people. Environmental protection is another priority for the company, developing an environmental management system certified according to ISO 14001. The investment value was 15 million Euro in the three stages of extension. In terms of production space, at the moment Hirschmann Romania occupies 10,000 square meters. This makes the company the main employer in the Industrial Park. The turnover increased from 7 million Euro in 2007 to over 35 million Euro estimated for 2013. The key to success is the application of Kaizen® techniques that managed to involve all employees of Hirschmann Romania in improvement projects with benefits of hundreds of thousands of Euro per year. Besides the financial benefits brought by Hirschmann Production System, the highest value is changing the vision of employees.

Why and where In the first national conference in Romania and in the interviews, the general managers explain the key elements for succes of the parks



The Conference

“Industrial Parks. A National Strategy.” A premiere in Romania What are we offering the big foreign companies planning to invest in Romania in order to make them decide to settle in the industrial parks from our country? How are we supporting the Romanian investors so as to make them interested in running their businesses here and creating jobs and economic surplus value? How do the local public administrations understand their role in supporting them? These are just some questions that were raised and for which answers were sought at the Conference “Industrial Parks. A National Strategy”, held in Târgu-Mureş on 6-7 November 2012. An event under the trademark of Transilvania Business and Mureş County Council... For two days, between 6 and 7 November, at Grand Hotel 4* in Târgu-Mureş, ministers, heads of public institutions, industrial park managers and administrators, and business people attended the conference Transilvania Open4business “Industrial parks. A national strategy”, in their search for answers to the questions raised by the hosts of the event that was organized as a premiere in Transylvania. The conference organizers, representatives of the County Council and of the Transilvania Business magazine, shook hands in an attempt to conceive a strategy for restarting the engines of the Romanian industry. The event idea stemmed from a Romanian economic reality, which represents, at the same time, a shortcoming compared to the economic strategies of other countries from the EU and beyond. The team of Transilvania Business joined a group of experts, according to whom Romania has experienced a process of de-industrialization over the past 20 years, generated primarily by a deep crisis of the system. The natural question arose: what shall we do to reindustrialize Romania and what options do we have? One of the identified solutions refers to industrial parks, since countries like Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary have successfully adopted economic policies for the development of this domain. Starting from these premises, the decision to make the WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

first step came naturally, namely to organize a conference where the following, as well as many other questions will find an answer: “What prevents Romania from following such a path? What are the steps? How can we develop an industrial park? How can we finance it? How can we attract customers? What incentives can we give them? What are our arguments against the competition? How did others around us proceed about this? What type of management should we apply? How about the marketing?” In the team of “Transilvania Business” working on industrial parks, there were quite a few members who wondered what benefits such an action could bring. “Because we were received with different feelings at Cugir or at Cluj and Satu Mare, Braşov and wherever my colleagues went, we produced a series of four cover stories in Transilvania Business. And then, as the next step we organised this conference, Aurelian Grama said. The first national conference on industrial parks in Romania took place, and the team of Transilvania Business are synthetically outlining the most important teachings conveyed to those present, as well as the opinions of the participants about what should be developed and implemented in the domain of industrial parks, so that they can be genuine economic engines.


What are investors looking for? One of the answers was offered by Radu Costinel, the representative of Serban&Musneci. “Investors rely on three components: the delivery time, the costs and the risks they face when they locate themselves in a country. Investors have always sought to reduce delivery time to end users, many companies looking to relocate their production and assembly facilities,” as Radu Costinel, the Serban&Musneci representative, said. In other words, they seek a predictable economy, a well-established transport infrastructure and tax incentives. ese aspects were also pointed out by Vasilica Baciu, Director of the Directorate for Local Communities in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. “e main advantage of an industrial park - irrespective of who makes the investment, whether it is a company that administers it, that is, the entity that establishes the industrial park, or an investor that merely locates himself - is that on the basis of the initial investment made, he shall not be taxed for the land and the buildings he owns in that park. We are a Member State now, and we must offer the same advantages, the same modern business infrastructures. We must reorient ourselves towards beautiful, modern projects, capable of attracting strong investments,” Vasilica Baciu said. en, there is the workforce because, according to Sorin Vasilescu, Director of the former National Agency for Foreign Investments (ARIS), it is not enough to have cheap land for investors. “Investors are not interested in finding good conditions to be able to immediately start production. In the case of big investments, what they are interested in is that there should be cities, not just with universities but also with vocational schools. We need vocational schools. Investors need not only white-collars, but also technicians, specialists, people who know their job,” he said at the conference.

What do we offer them and what could we offer them? Another question that seemed most important was what do we offer and what we could offer the Romanian and foreign investors in order to locate themselves in the industrial

parks from Romania? e first answer would be the state aid schemes. Investors may still be attracted with state aid schemes, which will end on 31 December 2013. ese are investments between 5 and 30 million euros, in which the investor may receive grants from the Romanian Government of up to 50% of the building construction value or the equipment value, if it is new. One aspect emphasized by the participants at the conference was the need for a friendlier fiscal policy adopted by the state and the local public authorities towards investors. We are referring here to tax exemptions mainly, an issue raised by Mihai Coca, the representative of Tetarom SA Cluj-Napoca, an expert on the absorption of European funds in the Cluj-based company, but also by Valer Băţagă, Director of the Directorate for Project Development and Implementation with the Mureş County Council, by Delia Ungur, Director of Eurobusiness Park Oradea, or by Nagy Istvan, Director of Mureş Industrial Park SA. In the absence of a friendly fiscal policy, the strategy for attracting investors conducted by the administrator companies of the Romanian industrial parks is more difficult to implement and, secondly, it should be much more intelligent. We believe this is an issue on which the government and local authorities should reflect and respond to through attractive fiscal packages. Secondly, there is the transport infrastructure. e problem of motorways, for example, was punctuated by Delia Ungur, who said at the conference that “we boast easy access using the road infrastructure in Hungary.” Solutions are being prepared. us, Simona Bolboacă, public manager in General Directorate of Strategy, Public Policy and Multimodal Transport from the Ministry of Transport, argued that the 2020 intermodal freight transport strategy was drafted in 2010, approved in 2011, and then put the scheme in the ministry’s organizational chart. “e main objective of the strategy is the development of the national freight system in order to streamline cargo transport and improve the impact of freight transport on the environment,” as Simona Bolboacă explained. A long-term solution is to create the TEN-T European Transport Network; this will be completed by 2050.




trends Also, the connection east-west and north-south - in terms of the road infrastructure - could be resolved in the country by continuing the construction work on the Transylvania Motorway and starting work on the Târgu-Mureş - Iaşi Motorway, which would create a local advantage for Mureş County, as Ciprian Dobre, County Council President, pointed out. “We shall have an intersection of two motorways, two national roads perhaps and an airport. From this point of view, the multimodal transport platform is basically a premise from which we start, since the economic development around a multimodal transport platform is a requirement. I think Mureş County must hurry, I think we have a lot of work,” Ciprian Dobre said. Land would be one of the answers. Whereas it was easier for the administrating companies that have local authorities as partners, such as Tetarom SA, Eurobusiness Park Oradea or Mureş Industrial Park SA, to obtain land for the development of the industrial parks they own, this is much more difficult for a private investor, especially if he considers that a viable industrial park must extend on a minimum land area of 300 hectares. is issue of land was brought into question by Negiat Sali, former Undersecretary of State in the Department for Interethnic Relations in the Romanian Government and a partner in a company that prepares an industrial park in Medgidia, a Turkish capital investment which covers an area of approximately 600 hectares of land, in his presentation “Industrial Parks, the Turkish Model. Proposals for Romania”. He advanced the solution of amending the law of expropriation so that investors in industrial parks could benefit from the advantages of expropriation for reasons of public utility. Another aspect pointed out at the conference was that of cadaster compilation. During a presentation entitled “Real Estate Property - the Basis for Developing Local and National Strategies”, Marcel Grigore, Deputy General Director in the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration, claimed that at the government level, efforts are made to eliminate the problem of land overlapping by creating a systematic cadastre. Within the National Cadastre and Land Registry Program, the Agency will cooperate with 125 communes. Also, to make life - including that of investors - easier, the agency has developed the Integrated Information Cadastre System and the “e-Terra” Land Register, and aims to reduce the cost of registration, including through an online application.

How and what should we develop? The decision to invest should be based on a feasibility study. “What interests us most strongly as regards the conditions for making an industrial park is that feasibility study which can demonstrate that the project is feasible, that it will make a profit. The investor must be convinced that through this regional development instrument, he will make a profit, and the state, in turn, regardless of who it is represented by, will find advantages in the creation of jobs and the attraction of investments. It is a collaboration that should not to be dissolved, that needs respect both from the state for that investor who puts his own resources on the line, and from the administrative-territorial unit, which should give him its full support,” Vasilica Baciu explained at the conference. Then, to ensure funding, money must be sought where it can be found. “I believe that the funding opportunities for such business structures must consider the existing European funds in this regard, but also the existence of national programs that may come to support such projects,” according to Valer Bățagă, Director


of the Directorate for Project Development and Implementation within Mureș County Council. The director appreciated that the activity object of the administrator companies should be rethought, through a legislative package, so that they may obtain revenue not only from the charges levied on the lessee companies from the industrial parks. To assist investors and facilitate their decision as regards their direction of investment, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration set up a working group for the business environment, with the main objective of promoting the workforce and supporting labor mobility, as Cătălin Surdeanu, Deputy Director General of the Management Authority for the MDRAP Regional Operational Programmes, said. “Among the key actions, we should mention the development of business incubators and the support of investments in self-employment and business creation, especially in sectors offering

trends conceive such projects,” Ovidiu Georgescu said. But investors should be alert to the relevant regulations in order not to enter a conflict with ANRE, which oversees the functioning of the electric energy and natural gas market, “in terms of efficiency, competition, transparency and consumer protection, and to implement and monitor energy efficiency measures at national level as well as to promote sources of renewable energy with the end users”, as the ANRE President, Niculae Havrileț, represented at the conference by Tiberiu Vintilă, showed. Also, investors and the operators of industrial parks could help their business by focusing on green energy production. The idea belonged to the Executive Director of APM Mureş, Dănuţ Ştefănescu. “Each industrial park should produce green energy, because there is this possibility by placing photovoltaic panels and hot water panels. I believe that these costs are eligible and are important because they have the effect of reducing carbon dioxide emissions,” he said. Also regarding the same idea, Klaus Birthler, the consultant for architecture and urbanism policies with the Reghin Municipality, spoke about “urban planning for the industry”, providing examples of Blue Economy, which is already practiced in Romania; he spoke of the first building in Europe with zero water consumption that will be built at Cacica, Suceava County, where they will use OSB panels manufactured in Australia, from corn husks, replacing aldehyde. Ionuţ Ţaţa, CEO Iceberg Consulting, suggested that the public authorities in Romania and the companies should build their strategy so as to include the component of investment marketing, by developing investment assistance centers, for example. He also pointed out that both public and private strategies should be calibrated on Romanian companies and local initiative to avoid the shock of large foreign company relocations. On the same, somewhat critical note, spoke Prof. Dr. Vasile Puşcaş, former Chief Negotiator with the European Union. “We have strategies that we make, pack up nicely and then send them straight into the archive, without ever putting them on the shelf. We send them straight into the archive. A small company needs a business plan for at least three months. A medium-sized company, not to mention the big ones, needs a long-term strategy. Without such a long-term strategy, no investors will show up”, Vasile Pușcaș said.

Collaboration, a key word new sources of economic growth, such as the green economy, sustainable tourism, including silver economy, and health and social assistance services,” he said. Also addressing the idea of ”how should we develop?” was the speech given by the head engineer Ovidiu Georgescu, Director of Electrica Transilvania Sud. He urged the company managers who had won European projects to have well-considered economic calculations when it came to connecting their businesses to the energy system because the costs of this were ineligible. “We have had several experiences with different companies that won European projects without knowing that the fees for connecting these businesses to the electricity system were ineligible. When they began the necessary steps for connecting to the system, they were surprised by the high costs. I therefore recommend the company representatives to anticipate costs of connecting to the electricity network when they

In order for an industrial park to be a successful business, something else is needed, a collaboration between the public and the private sectors. Several speakers insisted on this component, which should be included in any business strategy of this kind. Costinel Radu, the Şerban&Musneci representative, mentioned the need for a correlation between the local authority strategy on industrial parks and Romania’s export strategy, legal and taxation framework. In addition, what is also required is efficient logistics, although there are no persons specialized in this sense, and transparent procedures. Valer Băţagă was of the opinion that the local administrations must create a friendly environment for companies. “In relation to the workforce and the land available - regardless of whether they are owned by private or public authorities - and the collaboration potential between universities, the businesses environment and the public authorities, such projects should be considered in the future, provided that the optimal collaboration means have been identifies,” he said.




trends e concept of partnership was also presented to the audience by Professor Vasile Puşcaş, who stressed, however, its poor functioning, although the legal framework exists. “One of the fundamental principles of development is the existence of partnerships, the capacity of the local authorities, the market structures and the companies. e public-private partnership is very important; since 2005, 2006 the law of public-private partnership has constantly been perverted, in an attempt to privilege all sorts of clienteles around public acquisitions, and we have reached situations where a mayor may say that he wants to establish a public-private partnership to build a kindergarten. We need sustainable partnerships”, Vasile Pușcaș urged. e poor public-private cooperation was also one of the weaknesses in the organization and operation of industrial parks, mentioned by Traian Bărbat, Executive Secretary of the Association of Industrial, Technological, Scientific Parks and Business Incubators in Romania (APITSIAR). “We must increase the number, quality and competence of industrial parks in Romania. Unfortunately, the offer of the local authorities and the RDAs in this area is weak”, the association representative said. Despite the shortcomings highlighted by the speakers in their presentations, the participants learned that teamwork ensures success. is emphasis belonged to Gelu Maravela, a partner at Mușat & Associates, who focused his presentation on a specific case, namely the establishment of Tetarom. Mihai Coca, an expert in European funds absorption working for Tetarom SA, the company that administers no less than three industrial parks in Cluj County and that is currently developing the fourth, had the pleasant task of presenting the success story of the company, which was established in 2000. Tetarom owns about 300 hectares of land and has managed to attract strategic investors, such as Bosch, De’Longhi or Emerson. More recently, namely in 2010, Cluj County Council and Tetarom SA started a project financed from structural funds for the expansion of the industrial park infrastructure with yet another industrial park - Tetarom IV. is project is part of the Integrated Urban Development Plan (Regional


Operational Program, Axis 1). We are talking about 850,000 square meters of greenfield, destined to become a logistic, photovoltaic and industrial park. e project value is 54.3 million lei. Mihai Coca touched the subject of business incubators, too little developed in Romania, as he pointed out. Tetarom SA Company developed, on 1,302 square meters in Tetarom I Industrial Park, a business incubator for start-up companies working in the IT&C domain. In figures, Tetarom’s success translates into the investment of 21 million euros from government, county and their own funds, plus the 235 million euros declared to have been invested by the companies from the parks of the 257 million assumed. As a social component, Tetarom means 2,500 new jobs created, out of a total of 5,800 declared. Another model of best practice in this field was presented by Delia Ungur, Director of Eurobusiness Park Oradea. e park that received 15 million euros from the Oradea City, allocated largely to infrastructure and utilities, was designed for both foreign and local investors. e package offered to investors included the road infrastructure, hospitality, university and even active cultural life, but also tax exemptions, which proved a winning strategy. “We tried to create a competitive package; it was difficult to get this information, for such information does not exist on the pages of industrial parks. We want to have a transparent bid because there are some questions that foreign investors ask us when they come to the meetings. Transparency above all. Unless your offer is clearly displayed somewhere, you cannot say you are a transparent public authority”, Delia Ungur said. Also, the investors were supported in terms of bureaucratic affairs. In terms of business, the administrator company managed to attract investments in Oradea which amount to 150 million euros. Mureş Industrial Park, through the Director General Nagy Istvan, was another business model presented to the conference participants. Over 75% of the 44-hectare surface of Mureş Industrial Park is occupied, the amount of investment attracted by investors located in the park reaching over 60 million euros. ere have been created over 1,700 jobs, the majority of the workforce being drawn from rural areas. In future, the intention is to expand the park, two other areas having already been identified - in Sânpaul and Gorneşti. For this what is necessary is fundraising, Istvan Nagy claimed. e solutions iden-


tified to ensure the funds are national or European funding projects or partnerships with actors in the private sphere, perhaps the banking sphere. A fourth model of organization and operation of an industrial park was presented by Mihai Cotei, human resources manager of Automecanica Industrial Park in Mediaş. What is specific about Automecanica is that not only does it administer the industrial park, but it also has its own production. e industrial park covers an area of 10 hectares, of which 99% is occupied. In addition to industrial parks with seniority, the participants welcomed the youngest park in Romania, number 54, Bistrița Sud Business Park. e industrial park is owned by Bistrița City Council, it has an area of 30 hectares, of which 12% is logistic space, 38% is destined for industrial spaces and roads, and 30% for technical-aedility purposes. e company objectives were synthesized by Iulius Dumitru, the company administrator. “We want to attract 30-50 local companies and a local investment of about 20 million euros. We hope to begin actual work in the second quarter of 2013 and to start the operation of the administrator company and contracting in the first quarter of 2013”.

Competitiveness clusters and poles A separate discussion was born around clusters, an area that should be provided with incentives, according to the Minister Delegate for the Business Environment, Mihai Voicu (an office held in 2012, our note). “We need to boost this field. It is not the size of the city, of the region, the resonance of the place where such an investment is built that is important, but the environment that is created when investors decide to work together, to become associated. e reaction of the local authorities also matters,” he said. e minister’s position was reinforced by Călin Constantin Istrățoiu, Deputy General Director in the Ministry of Economy: “e competitiveness pole is a regional innovation cluster of national vocation and a common development strategy. is includes associations of enterprises, research centers and training institutions, universities, public administrations committed to the partnership undertaking in order to enhance the strategy, and is intended to unleash synergies around innovative projects developed jointly for one or several markets”. To gener-

ate increased competitiveness of industrial products, there is a government program granting financial support from the state budget to the economic agents whose main activity is in the manufacturing sector. Vajda Lajos, President of the Association of Business Clusters and Incubators, also advocated developing clusters. “For the stronger companies in industrial parks, vertical, integrating clusters are recommended. Around these companies vertical clusters can be organized, and in areas where there are no industrial parks, what is recommended is associating smaller companies with a similar profile in horizontal clusters,” as he detailed the models of clusters that can be developed. At the conference, the speakers identified several solutions that might be used in a national strategy dedicated to industrial parks. Undersecretary of State Negiat Sali (an office held in 2012, our note) proposed that “Romania should obtain a three-year exemption from the European Union, during which time approximately 3 billion euros could be invested in expanding industrial parks.” He also believed that two neighboring local councils should establish common areas to jointly develop their infrastructure. Mihai Voicu, the Minister Delegate for the Business Environment (an office held in 2012, our note), said that in order to attract investments, what is needed is the safety of the businesses milieu. A first step would be to reduce the value added tax to the amount from before the increase. But this will not be possible in 2013. “We want the VAT to return to the value from before the increase at the earliest. We do not think this is possible, at least in 2013. It remains an ambitious plan for the mandate that will begin after December 9,” Mihai Voicu contended. After the conference, some participants insisted on submitting their views on what should be improved in this sector. Gheorghe Petu, personal adviser to the Mayor of Sector 4 of Bucharest, Cristian Popescu Piedone, believes that on taking a four- year office, every local authority must, within a legally established period, present the program of economic development for the area concerned, based on the urgent creation of the Energy Program for the area. “e economic development program of the locality will be implemented by developing technical projects under which their authors will be responsible for the technical solutions and financial application visas during the established deployment calendar, in order to eliminate corruptive and tax avoidance tendencies,” he says. e strategy of the area (zone), which will also include their appropriate industrial sites, should be submitted to the Ministry of European Affairs, which is the project control authority. e strategy should also involve the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, which should train, through its technical-vocational, secondary and higher education institutions,, the workforce required. Petu also considers public-private partnerships important. Iulius Dumitru, administrator of Bistriţa Sud Business Park, thinks that what would be necessary is a national strategy on industrial parks. e solutions proposed by Iulius Dumitru in this sector refer to “de-bureaucratizing the establishment and operation of industrial parks, making it easier to attract investors, providing support in negotiating contracts with the utilities providers, especially the electricity supplier.” To make the investment opportunities that we have known, several speakers agreed that we need to promote them through marketing. e proposal advanced by Traian Bărbat, Secretary General of APITSIAR, was that “We should consider developing a guide of opportunities, with the land available, with concrete data on the cadaster, translated into one or two foreign languages, which we could present abroad”.





Clusters – Their role in economic development European practices show that development is truly effective if is regional. In regional development, the structures for supporting the economic environment - business incubators, industrial parks, clusters - should have an important role. In the global competition for markets, the chances of a country’s or a region’s economic success are based on the specialization of supply and the concentration of the development efforts on key areas where there are competitive advantages, resources and skills. In this context, clusters are a successful solution because they offer a combination of entrepreneurial dynamism, intense links between companies and institutions having access to top level knowledge, in other words, because there is a pro-active synergy between the main actors of innovation. At the EU level, clusters are considered the “engine” of economic development and innovation, representing a proper framework for business development, collaboration between companies, universities, research institutions, suppliers, customers and competitors located in the same geographical (local, regional, national, transnational) area. is free form of association, which includes the economic environment, research and innovation, the public institutions and the public authorities can contribute to the development of the national economy in Romania too. With the help of such a structure, different activity domains may be present on the national and international market with competitive and innovative products and services.

Why are clusters important? ey provide a framework for the cooperation between companies in the same field of activity - ensuring the existence of legislation, standards, new technologies, training and participation in trade fairs, exhibitions or other joint activities. ey offer the possibility to establish a cooperative relationship between research and the economic environment - being helpful in establishing innovative projects, enforcing and implementing these projects. ey establish


a framework for cooperation between the economic environment and the administrations - being helpful for the economic development of an area, employment and social issues. And last but not least, they represent a framework for the relationship between the economic environment and catalyst institutions - for the expansion of the activity domain (the National Agency for Employment, Agency for Environmental Protection and so on). Industrial clusters, concentrated in industrialized areas; clusters in the tourism and food domains (agrofood) provide a framework for the creation of regional brands. Cluster management can be executed by professional associations whose members are companies in an activity domain; the associations have legal form and represent the clusters. It would be useful if the cluster headquarters and the management were located in business incubators, industrial parks (the companies in industrial parks may be attracted into industrial clusters - the industrial park administrators can ensure the management of clusters), chambers of commerce, research centers; the cluster management could deal with the strategy development, event organization, etc. “For setting up multiple clusters a smaller amount of financing is needed (100-150 thousand euros), and as clusters develop and demonstrate that they are viable, aid grants may increase. We propose the signing of an agreement between representatives of similar clusters - Poles of competitiveness. ese structures without a legal form have the role of strengthening clusters, of harmonizing activities and proposals, and being dialogue partners of the government and the ministries. Clustero, the Romanian Cluster Association, was established in 2011 in order to engage in the process of clustering, to harmonize the relations between the clusters and to create national or transnational partnerships”, Vajda Lajos, Vice-President of the Cluster Association in Romania, said.



Horațiu Pălășan, Director of Industrial Park Brașov

Investments attract investments For the most attractive counties and projects, the recipe is “simple”: investments, involvement, infrastructure, attracting strong companies, promotion. The much announced, discussed and awaited re-industrialization, as a national public policy, can bring new life for industrial parks too. Investments must go on... Ploiești Industrial Park was a project of Prahova County Council, which started from the idea of economic recovery at a time when the industrial mastodons in Prahova we restructuring their personnel. The first PIP customers were Yazaki Romania and Johnson Controls, which, thanks to their objects of activity, managed from the very start to employ large numbers of staff, currently having 4,900 employees. At present, Ploiești Industrial Park has covered


the entire area available for the workstations Ploiești and Urlaţi but is still developing two working points at Mizil and Ciorani. “Being one of the first industrial parks in Romania, it has managed to acquire experience, making itself visible through the timeliness and quality of the services offered to investors, as well as through the care with which it chooses its partners,” Andrei Tudor, General Manager of PIP, explains. “The project for Brașov Industrial Park was from the start a very important project of ICCO, both in terms of its financial impact and as regards the effects that the project was expected to produce in the Brașov area. For the Braşov community, Brașov Industrial Park is important in terms of the employment it generates. Moreover, the local budget revenues, collected from economic activities within the industrial park, are significant. The customers of Brașov Industrial Park are Romanian and foreign companies that have decided to develop their activities in Romania and have a common interest in Greenfield business development, based on a long-term lease scenario. We continue our investment in halls as we manage to attract new investors. We will begin the construction of an office building inside Brașov Industrial Park in order to integrate in the park companies that are not engaged in production. ICCO Solar Energy - a member company of the company group ICCO, which administers Braşov Industrial Park - aims to construct its own photovoltaic park


Traian Bărbat, Secretary General of APITSIAR in Brașov Industrial Park. Once the financing source has been identified, the park will be constructed on an area of 8 hectares and will have an installed capacity of 5.15 MWp, a project that integrates the Micro Smart Grid concept, developed with the Company Lockheed Martin USA. It is a project that will provide extra energetic stability to the park, operational safety, a dynamic energy control and, obviously, cost reduction. The relaunching of foreign direct investments in Romania is accounted for by the need to target investments to those sectors of the economy that produce sustainable economic growth, such as manufacturing, agriculture and tourism”, is the message of Horațiu Pălășan, Director of Industrial Park Brașov. “Industrial parks are an important element of the strategy of re-industrialization in Romania, and their establishment, which began more than a decade ago, has given an unexpected chance to revive the zonal economy and has offered the investors and the small business entrepreneurs new opportunities for development. Fiscal incentives have led to industrial parks developing the business infrastructure, while the creation of new jobs has eliminated some of the social and economic difficulties in Romania. Brașov is a very important county in Romania, with a strong economic development. I believe that at the local level, there has to be created a strategy of tax incentives (local tax and duty exemptions) and more partnerships have to be developed with the developed regions of Europe and the world”, Răzvan Iosif, Director of Carfil Industrial Park in Brașov, says. “The Logistic Park project develops on the former platform of FURNIROM SA, the furniture and veneer factory from Constanţa. The total area of the park is 15 hectares, being situated in the industrial area of Constanţa, at approximately 4 km from the port and 225 km from Bucharest. The project crystallized in 2007, when it was decided to cease production at SC FURNIROM SA, after numerous attempts to revitalize the production of furniture and veneers. At that time, the business was no longer profitable and therefore it was decided to change the company’s name into Logistic Park. The decision to change the activity proved to be inspired. While in 2007 the rental income was about 9,000 euros/month, it now totals around 112,000 euros/month. Currently, the Logistic Park in Con-

Cristian Pândichi, General Manager of Logistic Park SA Constanţa stanţa hosts more than 430 employees, 27 of whom operate within their own companies. In the county of Constanţa, Logistic Park is the only logistic park organized as such, the entire surface of the park belonging to a single owner. At the moment, in the park there are about 5,000 square meters that can be rented for any type of business. We have about 40 companies that benefit from our spaces We are pleased that several national and multinational companies have found in Logistic Park a solid partner for their needs on the south-eastern market in Romania. These partnerships have been made after considerable investments, because we found that in Constanţa there was a shortage of storage spaces class A, so we have invested in the development of storage at European standards. Following these investments, some of the companies from the Constanţa market have relocated their activity inside Logistic Park, while others came later and opened working points directly in the park. Logistic Park is part of a larger group of companies, which includes, besides Logistic Park, also the AAC Factory CELCO, SOCEP SA, Phoenix Freight House, as well as two hotel complexes located in Neptun and Mamaia. As regards integrated services, we are willing, in case the client has import-export activities, to ensure storage, transport and specific port operations. Operations outside the port are provided by Logistic Park, while those inside the port are ensured by Phoenix Freight House, a member of the group,” Cristian Pândichi, General Manager of Logistic Park SA Constanţa, has explained. “To achieve something, everyone must contribute, the investor and the authorities and the school, etc. Romania is still attractive to investors. Even though workforce may have aged, there is a skillfulness that we have inherited and need to revitalize. Investors are interested in our capabilities and placements in areas where you can have the necessary workforce, including by commuting. Strategically, international guidelines say this, we should expand these business structures in the rural areas. But we must all do the advertising. Romania can still attract new investments,” Traian Bărbat, Secretary General of the Association of Industrial, Technological, Scientific Parks and Business Incubators, has concluded.





Tetarom – records and the story behind them Interview with Viorel Găvrea, general manager of S.C. Tetarom SA How did the Tetarom idea/project appear, which was the first customer and what is the story of how Tetarom began to develop? I was working in the private sector, in IT, I had my own company. I was worried because most of my employees, discontent with life in Romania, with the demand of the labor market at that time, emigrated to the U.S. or Canada after a short period of time. And then I thought we should do something to stop the emigration of skilled workers, the so called “brain drain”. I did some studying and I learned about industrial parks and how they contribute to the vertical and horizontal development of the region’s economy. At that time, I was a county councilor. It was in 2000. I presented a draft to Mr. Ioan Rus, Mr. Șerban Grațian and Mr. Kerekes Sandor. My project was embraced and enjoyed the entire support of the CjC leadership at the time. is is how the Europeanfunded project emerged: “Development of the Western Economic Zone - Advanced Technology Industrial Park, now known as Tetarom I. e first customer was the company EGH, which today is still in Tetarom I Industrial Park. It was also then that we signed a lease contract with Energobit Company, which, in the almost 12 years, has increased significantly, currently being one of the most powerful brands in Cluj. In short, after 12 years of activity, the balance sheet of


the administrating company TETAROM SA looks like this: Investments of over 300 million euros in all three parks and over 4,500 newly created jobs (according to the contracts signed). What has, in your opinion, the development of the Tetarom project meant for the county economy, which is its current role and how does this activity help to support other projects in the county/ What does Tetarom mean for the Cluj community/ What other projects/ positive effects has it caused in the community? For the county’s economy, the Tetarom Parks’ contribution has been significant, I would say: investments of 300 million euros, the VAT paid by our customers amounts to about 60 million euros, without the employees’ contributions and without taking into account our contribution to the horizontal and vertical development of the region. In those four years it stayed in Tetarom III, the Nokia Company alone paid about 40 million euros/ year to the state budget. e Tetarom Company’s current role is to create and maintain business infrastructures, aimed at developing the region and creating high value added jobs. Our contribution to other projects in the county has resulted in customers being attracted to all the three parks. For example, in the case of the

trends development project for the airport, given the large number of businessmen or employees of the multinationals who travel (see Nokia, Emerson, Energobit, Bosch, De’Longhi). Tetarom has contributed and continues to contribute to important projects and actions of social responsibility in the Cluj community (it contributes financially, according to possibilities, to supporting a day care center for children with disabilities (St. Mary’s Center) and it is already a well acknowledged partner in actions like the Opera Ball/ Brand of Cluj, (to give just two examples). Which are, in your opinion, the elements of strategy, management and the prospects that have led to the success of Tetarom? I do not know if, in the beginning, there was a strategy. It came in time. ere were, at first, a great desire to change something for the better, a strong motivation, a dedicated team, and good chances. Of course, along the way, we began to think in terms of strategy, management, performance, to improve ourselves, to see how others do this, to learn from them, and today we have also become a best practice model. What are, briefly, the strengths that differentiate Tetarom from other parks in the country, given the prospect of new investments? Firstly the location (closeness to the west, to the border with Hungary), the international airport, the very dynamic business environment, the area and its potential (human resources). en the support from all the local and county authorities that have been in office during our 12 years of activity. We found openness, support and involvement from all the decision makers with whom we have worked at the county level. It’s a remarkable thing. And last, but certainly not least, is the team! It has stayed the same as 12 years ago! To the team from the beginning we have added young and talented people, eager to continuously improve. ey’re all intelligent, energetic, enthusiastic and very committed to the company. We are a beautiful family!

What is, briefly, your strategy for expanding Tetarom? How do you see the possibility of relaunching the growth of foreign direct investment in Romania? What government, legislative policies, etc., do you think are needed? e Tetarom Industrial Parks cover perfectly the demand in the Cluj-Napoca. However, exactly as stipulated in the Cluj County Development Strategy, it is necessary to expand them (business infrastructures such as industrial parks), outwardly: Dej, Turda, Huedin. e revival of investments in Romania is closely related to the country marketing (a very aggressive one is needed, in my opinion, for at present it is almost nonexistent), the legislative coherence, a greater openness of Romania to Asia, the EU and America. What is also necessary are analyses, studies of the near environment (Hungary, Serbia), the far environment (Turkey, Russia) and the far away environment (Korea, Vietnam), to see the potential competitors. After analysis, appropriate development policies must be thought of. What is your vision for the development of Cluj Napoca, the city, the county, the region as a hub for investment? It is not Tetarom’s task to have a vision of the development of the city or region, and I think we still have some a lot to go before we become an investment pole. I shall leave those entitled to do so to develop a strategy in this regard, and I hope that the Tetarom Parks will be a part of their vision. What are your recommendations/ proposals for the development of industrial parks in Romania? Tetarom has, in this respect, a legally complex and complete point of view. ere should be an updated, coherent law, covering all the business infrastructures (industrial, scientific, technological, business incubators, clusters, and so on). We have developed legislative proposals in this regard, with a broader perspective on all types of business infrastructures, which we consider regional development engines. We held discussions with the ministries involved, with the local, regional authorities, with all the decision makers that could do something about it. We hope to succeed! We are optimistic.




trends Solo Logistic Park

Expansions at fast pace Logistic operators have added new landmarks on the industrial space market and have been the most active, investing in expanding storage capacity and orienting themselves towards Ilfov, Argeș, and Giurgiu Counties. DSV Solutions opened in October the D2 storage, a new logistics terminal with an area of 20,000 square meters of warehouse space and a Class A classification. D2 is located in Bucharest West Logistic Park, near the company’s headquarters. D2 was built in the period May to October 2012, following development plans that began two years before and will continue with new developments in 2013. Here the goods will be stored, tested, labeled, packaged and delivered to the final customers in Romania or Bulgaria in 24h. H. Essers has also acquired a new land plot of 5 hectares in Bucharest Industrial Park, and it initially built a warehouse


of 30,000 square meters. e second phase is a possible expansion in Bucharest Industrial Park (BIP), towards a storage area of approximately 100,000 square meters. An important leader in the logistics market, H. Essers is a family business founded in 1928; active throughout Europe, it has over 3,000 employees, headquartered in Genk, with an office in Romania, and subsidiaries in 10 countries located in Western Europe and in Eastern Europe.

Dietrich in Cluj e German company Karl Heinz Dietrich, specialized in logistics activities, signed at the beginning of 2013 a contract with Cluj County Council and TETAROM SA administrator of the Tetarom III Park; it will initially occupy one hectare of land at Jucu, and eventually about four hectares. In the first stage, the company will invest 5 million euros but the final investment is planned to reach 12 to 15 million euros. “We will initially employ 80 people and we would like to reach 200. We shall carry out especially transport and packaging activities,” as the company President Hans U. Dietrich says. e Company Karl Heinz Dietrich (KHD) was established in 1946, after the end of the Second World War. Among the company’s major customers there are Bricostore, Continental, Colgate Palmolive, Kraft Foods Romania, Intersnak, and JTI. KHD Romania is one of the few companies on the domestic market which offers the full range of logistics services, including warehousing, road, water and air, domestic and international transport, as well as stewardship. GEFCO Romania has also announced that in 2013 it aims to increase its presence in Constanța and other industrialized areas of the country, to implement new solutions for emerging markets such as Russia or the Middle East and to develop the Overseas services offered to its

trends clients. GEFCO is now a benchmark in industrial logistics, being present in 150 countries. GEFCO is one of the top 10 European groups. e logistics company GEFCO Romania ended 2012 with a turnover of 42.3 million euros, close to the value recorded in 2011, of 43.3 million euros. e net profit in 2012 was 1.96 million euros, representing a rate of 4.64% of the turnover. “e results of GEFCO Romania in 2012 are satisfactory, taking into account the external factors that had an impact on our activity. We managed to develop considerably on a local level by continuing our collaboration with the existing customers and winning 28 new customers from various other sectors: automotive, retail, the plastic and wood industry, or FMCG,” as Christophe De Korver, General Manager of GEFCO Romania, says. e logistics of finished vehicles was an important part of our activity over the past year, GEFCO Romania operating over 30% of all vehicles produced/ assembled in and imported into Romania. e Austrian operator Gebrüder Weiss also has significant plans in terms of its expansion into new markets and for Romania, it has reported investments of over 22 million euros in a balance sheet from 2012. In 2012 the forefront was occupied by substantial investments in expanding the branches on strategically important markets. According to Wolfgang Niessner, CEO Gebrüder Weiss GmbH, in addition to expanding in terms of purely physical presence, “considerable investments have been made in technology and competence and consistent efforts have continued to be made for achieving the goal of excellence in services.” And if Arcese Group, one of the top 10 logistics operators in Italy, which owns one of the largest private trucking fleets in the world, active in Romania through SC Arcese Transport SRL Cluj Napoca, has strengthened its global partnership with Iveco for improving the car fleet, Van Moer Group, one of the major Belgian operators, is consolidating its position in Romania. Van Moer Group has acted as an international transport operator since 1990, and has focused its activity on the markets in Benelux, Germany, France and Romania. Since 2011, the company has opened an office and a distribution center in Bucharest, and at present it is preparing to expand investment in Timișoara, under the manager Alain Schodts. Ahead Logistics Ltd. is also an experienced company, which is booming. e company, headquartered in Bucharest, operates its own logistics center on an area of 67,000 square meters 12 km from the Ploieşti ring road (about 60 km from Bucharest). e positive dynamics in logistics is also acknowledged internationally, as one of the examples is recorded in the CBRE study: Norges Bank Investment Management paid 1.2 billion euros to hold 50% of the Prologis Europe portfolio, a significant transaction not only because of the amount of money paid. Iryna Pylypchuk, Associate Director, EMEA Research and Consulting, CBRE, explains: “Until now sovereign wealth funds have largely focused on offices and shopping centres when investing in European real estate. NBIM is the first sovereign wealth fund to make such a substantial direct investment in the industrial and logistics sector in Europe. It is a particularly notable example of an on-going trend, with many institutions, such as pension funds and insurance companies, growing their allocation to the sector - showcasing strong belief in the strategic importance of the sector going forward.”

ropean standards in the area of N-E Romania, a project that will be completed by the end of this year. e Logistic Centre in the village Leţcani, Iași County, is developed on an area of 23,000 square meters. Here will be built four halls that will communicate between them, with 2,400 square meters each, and an administrative P+3 building, with an area of 2,000 square meters that will include Class A offices and a restaurant. Among the advantages of the future logistics park are mentioned its strategic location, with access to the European Bucharest-Iași highway, on which 90% of the traffic to Iași is conducted, and its situation in the proximity of the future Iaşi-Târgu Mureș motorway, as well as its proximity to the railroad and railway station in Leţcani. e project, which will have 9,000 square meters of storage/ production spaces and more than 1,800 square meters of offices, involving a total investment of over 26 million lei, of which over 14 million lei, represents a non-refundable grant from the European Regional Development Fund and from the national budget. In real estate, Bogdan Pițigoi also yet developed another business center - Ideo, opened at the end of 2011, for which there were also used European funds. According to him, the area in which the logistics center is made will be Romania’s future industrial platform in the coming years because there is well-trained personnel, willing to work in modern facilities, the labor costs and not only being significantly lower compared to other parts of the country .

A new investment in Iași Tester Group owned by businessman Bogdan Pițigoi is developing Solo Logistic Park, the first logistics park to Eu-



The experiment Case studies in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and the invitation to the 30th World Conference of IASP in Brazil – “Science Parks shaping new cities”



The Experiment


by Ligia Voro We spent five days in three different countries - Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary - in order to bring back to Romania models of best practice as regards the establishment, organization and functioning of industrial parks in Central and Eastern Europe. ese are states whose history is like our own, including from an economic point of view, since they passed from statist communism to capitalism; our colleagues from Transilvania Business have identified the models that are also applicable in our country. ree different models, each of which is functional and inspirational - if I may be allowed to use a word that is often used but rarely accompanied by an attached list of lessons learned. is is what we shall try to show you below. On one of the plots on the 560 acres owned by Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp, in Poland, we found that the state and the public authorities - despite our Romanian experience - can be good administrators and managers of a business if their target is the national economic interest. e most important lesson learned was that through collaboration and one-way communication between the management of a company and the leadership of the public authorities, it is possible to launch a long-term strategy that takes into account the human resources and the regional economic specificity; moreover, through a legislation adapted to the needs of - domestic and/ or foreign - investors and through tax exemptions or reductions, one can develop a region and create surplus value. Also, in order to be successful as a park manager, one needs to relate to a stable and predictable economy, so that one’s microeconomic forecasts will not be distorted by macroeconomic indicators. Last but not least, I learned that serious and innovative projects can bring important European funds through which one can develop other projects and keep the pace with the dynamics of the national economy and the international market. VGP developed in Horni Počernice one of the largest industrial parks in the Czech Republic. What I appreciate about the Czechs is that when one has a solid business, based on a long-term business plan, it is not difficult to arouse the interest of big investors. is explains why the majority shares WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

package of the VGP subsidiary from Horni Počernice was purchased by a British investment fund, and the infusion of foreign capital allows the company to expand and attack the market of the most robust European economy - Germany. I also have another tip for the Romanian investors, which I learned from the people in charge of a 100-hectare, nearly full park: the permanent contact with the market and the customers is a strategic point in any short, medium or longterm business plan, allowing one to quickly adapt to external economic changes. In Romania, there are also dozens of places filled with the surviving skeletons of former factories, each surrounded by dozens of hectares of weed-infested land. In Debrecen, however, the shareholders of Nyugati Ipari Park turned a communist industrial relic into a business of 150 million euros annually. e strategy, developed since 2000, was a simple one: we shall grow together, so around 90, mainly small companies have developed their business there. In addition, the economic benefits offered - rents and lower utility rates - as well as the flexibility of the municipality regarding local taxes and duties are the other advantages of the Hungarian park that could also be applied in Romania. We stated above that each industrial park was different from the others. With one exception, however: the infrastructure. All the three parks I visited were well positioned on the map of motorways, near airports and with fine-tuned utility networks so that investors would not have to worry about them. is should give food for thought to the Romanian public authorities when they develop a national economic strategy and when they draw a hierarchy of priorities. ese are a few of the aspects we noticed in our documentation journey. We consider that they can be a source of inspiration for Romanian investors or may be the catalyst for other experiences abroad, which will materialize in other models of best practice so that, ultimately, they can serve as a starting point for those who are interested in participating in the development of a long-term national strategy in the field of industrial parks in Romania.


Innovation and business Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp Krakow is the Polish city of information technology. It attracts the big corporations like a magnet because of the tax incentives it offers, its advanced infrastructure of highways and airports, its high technology and human potential. Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp has speculated all these human and fiscal-economic advantages, as well as the legislation on special economic zones, attracting investments of about 400 million euros. It is a model of good practices for the Romanian public authorities and private investors who are planning to develop a technological park.

Where it started ... ... in 1995, before joining the European Union, the Polish State established the first special economic zone, above all, in order to attract foreign investors through the tax policy applied in these areas, mainly through reductions in income tax, to which were added a series of exemptions or reductions in local taxes - property tax, for instance. Since then, 14 such exclusive economic zones have been developed in Poland, subject to the same regulations, and operating under the Ministry of Economy. e majority shareholder of these zones is the Polish State, represented by the Ministry. Under the same, much more permissive legislation, a special economic zone (SEZ) operated by Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp was developed in 1997, having Krakow as its central point and the Malopolska Region as its area. Due to its local and regional specificity, the special economic zone encouraged the development of business in fields like the new technologies, the new services, and IT companies such

as ComArch, one of the largest Polish companies, or Motorola have invested here since 1999. “e most important facility offered in the special economic zone is that investors are exempt from income tax. We also offer very well prepared plots for the new investors, usually at market prices. What is important about the special economic zones is that they should be developed on land owned by the town halls or, largely, on public domains,” as Jacek Bielawski, Project Manager of Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp explains. is special economic zone, managed by Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp - owned by the Polish State, which has 71% of the shares, the regional authority from the Malopolska Region, the Krakow City Hall and three major universities - the Jagiellonian University, the Technological University and the University of Science and Technology Agh-Ust - currently stretches across 560 acres, and by the end of the year the area will exceed 600 hectares. Around 70 companies are active in the special economic zone, and it is also in this area that 110 projects are developed. Foreign investors from the United States, Germany, Britain, Japan and Russia are attracted here. So far, according to statistics, 1.7 billion zlotys have been invested or declared as invested in the special economic zone. is zone is divided into 23 sub-zones - three are in Krakow and are considered technological sub-zones, centered on IT services (here activate companies like Motorola, ComArch, UBS Service Centre) and another 20 sub-zones in the region, which are offered disused land especially for the automobile sector and for modern industries that are also related to production.




trends ere are three ways in which companies work with the administration of the park: there are companies in their beginning, which come to the technological incubator; companies that do not want to exploit the advantages of the special economic zone and activate only in the technological park, with advantages such as open offices, the infrastructure, laboratories and service packs - conferences, seminars, etc.; and the third would be the special economic zone.

... the future belongs to technology Progress towards the development of a technological park appeared naturally. “In 2003 a new strategy was devised and then we turned our attention more onto technological park services, but still in conjunction with the idea of a special economic zone. From the beginning, we were the only ones who combined these two activities,” as Jacek Bielawski, Project Manager of Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp explains. Focusing on the technological park and the special economic zone was not the only concern of the management of Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp. In 2004, it began to develop the technological incubator. “We are in the building of the technological incubator, which was completed in 2008 and also became our headquarters (our note, built from 100% European funds). It is the largest incubator in Krakow and we are the only ones covering all the services we should provide our investors with,” Jacek Bielawski says. In Poland, there are very many business incubators. e one in Krakow has its specific character, because the city hosts so many students annually - about 212,000, approximately 10% of the total number of students in Poland, most of them studying at universities offering education in the fields of technology, engineering and exact sciences. It therefore focuses on technological transfer and support startups in the domains of IT&C, mechanical engineering or robotics. No. of companies – peste 100 “We focus on technology-oriented Volume of investments: 1.7 milbusinesses. In general, those who come iarde de zloţi are very young wine, usually after finNo. of employees: 9,000 ishing university or sometimes even Surface: 558.71 hectares while studying; these are young people Occupation degree: 62 % (end of who have a business idea but do not 2010) know where to start, and we support Legal basis: e Special Economic them. ey must have a business plan Zones Act, in force until 2020 to be accepted into the incubator, and *source: KPMG Report on “Special this plan is assessed by a board,” as Economic Zones. 2011 Edition” Monika Machowski, Project Manager of Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp, says. ose who want to be accepted in the technological incubator do not need to have their own company, but must present a business idea as a first step. “Currently we have about 30 companies in the incubator. We provide them with open spaces where they can work together or exchange ideas and their own offices. Generally there are companies operating in the IT&C field, but there are also some in areas like mechanical engineering, robotics and others,” the project manager adds.

Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp*

Businesses at the outset mintia.com is one of the companies present in the business incubator that has already entered the UK and Spanish markets. It currently has 12 employees, some of whom only work on projects, while others are full-job. “We are a marWWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

“We join forces, we promote one another, we speak the same language as investors do. Investors are no longer sent from one place to another, but come to one place where they get full and complex information. The people from the regional authority work together with us in the same office.” Monika Machowski, Project Manager of Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp keting company, but have recently created a platform for creative people and the idea is to link designers, copywriters with companies that need creativity. We have several thousands of people on this platform, on the one hand, and keep in touch with the companies, on the other hand. If a company needs a logo, it usually resorts to an agency and gets two or three proposals for more money. Here, we organize a contest where we present the company’s requirements, people send their proposals and thus we encourage competition and achieve better quality proposals. In the end, the companies choose and pay what they like best,” Przemyslaw Stanisz, Managing Director & co-founder of mintia.com, the platform concept, explains. e business was developed from European funds. Around 20-25 young people from Romania have joined this platform, and the company is still interested in Romanian graph-designers. It was also in the technological incubator that Berrylife Inc. started out. “I and two of my colleagues have owned a company for almost 2 years and a half, it is a design and multimedia company for events and exhibitions”, Marek Wierzbicky, Marketing Manager of Berrylife Inc., briefly enlarges on a business idea that he has conceived.


The Silicon Valley of Krakow Expansion in the field of IT&C will not stop here, because Krakow deserves its reputation as the information technology center of Poland. e technological park administration is currently developing a business center that will feature a hub for the companies in the IT&C field. e center, which will be located in a building three times larger than that in which the park administration currently operates, is designed to host 100 companies that will either activate there, or will use its services, because they will have access to a data center, a digital and media industry laboratory, a stateof-the-art conference room, etc. is project, a genuine Silicon Valley of Krakow, aims to bring together young companies and major brands in the industry, but the main condition for a company operating there is to have innovative employees, who are capable of sharing with others. It should also be noted that the building will be erected close to the premises of Motorola and Siemens, as well as to the Innovation Centre of the Jagiellonian University, out of 85% European funds. As an aside, so far, the park administration has withdrawn from 117 million zlotys from European funds, that is, over 40 million euros for the two buildings, as well as for other projects.

Collaboration, the key to success Poland is a very good brand, so it is not very difficult to attract investors, Jacek Bielawski says. Still, the Polish State

and the local authorities created some levers that may facilitate the dialogue with foreign companies and ease the life of investors from abroad in Poland. us, there functions a national agency - the Polish Information and Investment Agency - with which the park administration cooperates especially with regard to foreign investors. Mention should also be made of the Polish Agency for Business Development that is in charge of collecting information, supporting the development of the infrastructure, introducing new services, and developing business in general. e park and special economic zone are also promoted by the regional authorities and the management of the two promotes in turn the region and Poland. “We join forces, we promote one another, we speak the same language as investors do. Investors are no longer sent from one place to another, but come to one place where they get full and complex information. e people from the regional authority work together with us in the same office,” as Monika Machowski explains the marketing policy. Moreover, the park collaborates with and is part of Parks Association, which is an institution of experts on technological parks and their operation. In addition to the help provided by the Polish state and the local and regional authorities, they have their own strategy of attracting customers - participating in economic missions, advertising in the international media, on CNN, for example.





Facilities granted Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp grants companies tax cuts between 50-70% depending on their size and related, on the one hand, to land, buildings and other real estate property investments, and on the other hand, to the newly created jobs. us, a small size firm that invests 20 million zlotys will benefit from a public aid of 14 million zloty, while a large size company will receive an aid of only 10 million zlotys. e same is the situation of workplaces. If a company creates 100 new jobs it must pay for each worker 2,000 zlotys/ month, including taxes, for two years, which means a total of 4.8 million zlotys for the company, the public aid the investor will receive will be of 2.4 million zlotys in the case of a large firm, of 2.8 million zlotys for a medium-size company and 3.36 million zlotys if it is a small company.

What have the Poles exploited? When asked how they managed in 14 years to develop this area, which had, in 2009, a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of 30,220 zlotys, about 7,300 euros, the answer would be quite simple: the management of Krakowski Park Technologicyny Sp has speculated the advantages of Krakow and the region of Southern Poland very well. e first is accessibility, the two project managers emphasize: Krakow is in the heart of Europe, close to Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and interconnected with highways linking Germany to Ukraine, which is very convenient for foreign investors.


ere are also two international airports between Krakow and Katowice - in Balice, John Paul II, and Pyrzowice, so traveling from Poland to any city is quite easy. Balice is the second airport in Poland and is a major hub for Lufthansa. Another advantage is the labor force. e Malopolska Region has about 3.3 million people, and if one also considers the neighboring countries, the labor market reaches 8 million people. e quality of life - from cultural to educational life - is very good in Krakow, so it is convenient for the foreign investors and employees to move and work here. In addition, life is cheaper here than in other Western countries or in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. e representatives of the technological park have emphasized that it is important for Krakow and the Malopolska Region that they have an auto industry - MAN Trucks, for example, and are close to the automotive industry from Slovakia - Kia and Hyundai, and from Katowice, where Fiat and Opel are present. A big advantage mention by the two would be the fact that Poland’s economy is stable and predictable. Poland is the only European country that registered a growth of 1.7% in 2009, although almost all the national economies contracted themselves due to the global economic crisis. Moreover, in 2009, the Malopolska Region had a higher economic growth than the national average, i.e. 2.1%. In 2010-2012, the rhythm of economic growth was maintained and, despite problems in the euro area, Poland’s main export market, the Finance Minister Jan Vincent-Rostowski has predicted that Poland will record an economic growth of 1.5% in 2013.


The Czechs attack the German market The Prague-based VGP Company has announced that it will attempt to impose itself on the German market, while its expansion plans to Romania have been put on stand-by VGP, one of the fastest growing European companies in the field of constructing and leasing industrial parks, is trying to conquer the German market. e Czechs rely on the huge potential of this market and have obtained funding from some British investment funds, willing to support the expansion of VGP. e “General” who coordinates the offensive in Germany is half Romanian, half Saxon. Darius Scheible was born in Brașov, grew up in Deva and, in 1987, he moved to Germany. Now he is coordinating the VGP operations in Romania and Germany, from the Czech company’s headquarters, the Horni Počernice industrial park on the outskirts of Prague.

The great challenge VGP is a company holding that owns several private industrial parks in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. e Czech company was founded by a Belgian businessman, Jan van Geet, who came to Prague and who realized the huge need for modern logistics facilities and industrial spaces in the Czech Republic. He found a Czech partner, Jan Prohaska, then started to build. e heart of the VGP empire is the industrial park from Horni Počernice, a suburb of Prague. e park has 100 acres and approximately

100 customers. Already, there is a built area of over 100,000 square meters, 70 percent of which is leased. VGP has great plans to expand this area. “e business is very dynamic. We have many demands, many customers who will come to us and some who leave,” Jiri Zita, the Czech company’s representative, says. At this time, about 70 percent of the industrial park spaces in Horni Počernice are rented by companies in the logistics field and the rest by companies in the field of production. “We have planned new extensions and we want to attract clients from areas related to high-tech,” Renata Cihlarova says. At this moment, the company’s customers include some of the greatest logistics operators. For example, the DSV Company. Radoslav Palla, a Division Director in DSV, says that 40 people are currently working in the warehouse from Horni Počernice. e DSV customers are global players, but Radoslav Palla will not disclose their names, out of a desire not to provide the competition with ideas. But he says that this logistics base serves entire Europe for some of the major players in the medical or food domains. For the customers in the medical field, the DSV employees have arranged special spaces, which meet the strictest hygiene regulations and are isolated from the rest of the halls. But DSV is not the only player in the field of logistics operating in the park from Horni Počernice. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




Major customers include the Spar concern, which has arranged one of the most important logistic bases in the industrial park. Another major customer is Ikea, the world leader in furniture trade and interior decoration. But Ikea will soon be leaving the park from Horni Počernice because it has arranged its own logistics base nearby, close to the store that it owns on the outskirts of Prague. Even if the departure of an important client like the Swedish concern IKEA is not a While the Czech company sidelined source of joy for the management of the construction of new industrial the Prague park, it does not represent parks in the country, the countrya tragedy like the successive closure of manager for Romania, Darius the Nokia factories from the industrial Scheible, is facing a major challenge. parks of Bochum, Germany, and Jucu, He coordinates the VGP expansion Romania. is is because the VGP on the German market, one of the managers have carefully adapted their most competitive in Europe. Darius strategy to the market conditions. e Scheible has already initiated the diversification of the customers’ proconstruction of such a park near files is one of the directions on which Frankfurt am Main, but the Czech the Czech company relies. “We want to company is also considering the increase the percentage of companies possibility of building such parks involved in production. Usually they near cities like Berlin or Leipzig. e stay longer in industrial parks than lomoney for the expansion of the gistics companies, which can move Czech company comes from two very easily,” Renata Cihlarova says. But British investment funds. One has counting on customers in the producacquired 80 percent of the stock of tion domain has some disadvantages, the VGP subsidiary that administers the Czech woman explains. is is bethe “crown jewel”, i.e. the industrial cause these customers want halls they park from Horni Počernice in rent to be personalized according to Prague, and the other has bought a their own production fluxes, while the similar package, more than 80 perlogistic spaces have standard facilities. cent of the shares in the VGP subat is why, when they leave, and their sidiary that manages the industrial places are taken over by other inparks from the rest of the Czech Revestors, VGP must invest again in adpublic. Moreover, the Czech comjusting production spaces. However, pany could acquire significant funds most of the investors in the production for expansion in Germany also as a domain prefer to stay for a long term. result of reconsidering the initial A good example in this respect is the strategy on tenants. Specifically, so company Wavin Ekoplastik, which far, the business was based on rentmakes plastic products at Horni Počering of immovable property, but due nice, or other companies, which proto increasing demands, the VGP duce flooring. Another area is that of management is considering the posservices. In the industrial park from sibility of selling these buildings. Prague a Swedish company has its And Darius Scheible, who coordibasis for this region, which has specialnates the expansion to Germany, ized in transporting money and chosen may be officially recognized as one to invest in this park because its adof the best young managers on the ministrators have managed to provide continent if the VGP initiative is it with the required security condisuccessful. tions. Also, a data center is going to be built, or a “server farm”, which requires serious investment in high-powered servers that can be rented by several companies concerned about data security.

UK funds

Why Horni Počernice? Choosing the area in which VGP built its “headquarters” was strategic and with a long-term impact. e area is directly connected to the motorway network linking the major cities in the Czech Republic, as well as the capital of Prague and countries like Germany, Poland, Austria or Slovakia. e very good infrastructure has been a very good reason for the investors in the logistic and industrial park from Horni Počernice, followed by the high standards set WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

by VGP in achieving the constructions required by the customers. What also counted for the investors in the industrial park from Prague was the well-educated labor force available to the Czech capital. But in Prague, the unemployment rate is very low, and those who want good quality employees must pay accordingly. In the Czech capital, wages exceed those of many cities in Western Europe, which has tempered the investors’ enthusiasm to some extent. e industrial park built by VGP also has the advantage that it is close to the common transport networks, i.e. the bus stops and subway stations that connect the industrial area and the city, so every day, about 3,500 people commute between Prague and Horni Počernice.


More industrial parks e Czech company VGP currently has industrial parks in the largest cities from the Czech Republic, namely in Prague, Liberec, Brno, in Plzen and Olomouc. In Slovakia, there is the industrial park from Malacky, located near the CzechSlovak border, but also close to the Slovak capital, Bratislava. In Hungary, the VGP-owned industrial park is located in the town of Gyor, and in Romania, the Czech company has invested in Timișoara. Darius Scheible is the manager for Romania. After so many years spent in Germany and the Czech Republic, he still speaks Romanian fluently and, at the age of 36, he has become one of the most important members of

the VGP Company’s staff. “We studied several locations for our industrial park. Besides Timișoara, we also studied Cluj, Sibiu, Brașov, Constanța and Bucharest,” Darius Scheible says. Finally, the Czechs decided to invest in Timișoara due to its proximity to the border with Hungary and Serbia, and hence to the infrastructure of highways linking the capital city of the Banat to Western Europe. Another factor that mattered was the fact that there many students in Timişoara who can represent a well-qualified workforce for investors. e Czechs’ decision was also influenced by the dynamics of the economy, whose engines were in full throttle in 2007. “We had plans to open 6-7 industrial parks in Romania, but we dropped the idea after what happened in 2008 and thus far,” says the Prague manager of the industrial park from Timișoara. For now, in the capital of the Banat the Czech company has constructed a building with an area of 10,200 square meters, which was completed this spring. So far, the Czechs have been able to find a single client, a company from Iași, which has leased 1,300 square feet. It is a company that produces labels and because of the logistical difficulties posed by the poor infrastructure and by crossing the Carpathians, it has decided to move westwards. is example has strengthened Darius Scheible’s opinion on the uneven pace of development in the various regions of Romania. He says that more and more investors will choose the west of the country, because for them, the Carpathians and the poor infrastructure are obstacles to developing their businesses.





Industrial parks instead of gulyas Until recently, Debreczen was famous for gulyas or the renowned Hungarian sausages. However, the fame of its gourmet recipes is beginning to be overshadowed by that of the industrial parks in the city. e fall of communism brought to Hungary an economic upheaval comparable to that experienced by Romania. In the first decade after the fall of communism, many of the factories built after World War II went bankrupt. However, some of the Hungarians businessmen refused to abandon the industrial sites inherited from the communists. us, while in Transylvania, the steel mills or other factories were demolished for the reinforcing steel in the concrete walls, industrial platforms in Hungary found new uses and they now generate new businesses and new jobs. e city of Debreczen is, from this point of view, a good example. And the one who is the “brains” of this economic revival is the businessman Sandor Kunkli.

From a factory to an industrial park One of the general characteristics of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe and Asia was the preference for building blocks-of-flats in working-class neighborhoods. Under the slogan of industrialization and urbanization, two forced economic processes whereby the communist leaders attempted to catch up with the Western world, the peripheral areas of cities were transformed into large collective housing conglomerates. us were created factories of prefabricated building components, whose role was to provide the “raw material” for the block builders, who had to quickly and inexpensively construct entire neighborhoods that were to shelter farmers displaced into cities to work in the new factories built there by the promoters of a planned economy. Basically, there were plants that produced large concrete slabs of predetermined sizes, and they were then quickly assembled on site, WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

in a manner similar to that of the Lego game. After the fall of communism, the representatives of the new authorities no longer had the financial resources to continue building large block-of-flats districts or to start new projects. roughout Eastern Europe, blocks that had been started but left unfinished became famous. Private investors did not fund, for years, the construction of new blocks because, after the communist period, the customers’ preferences shifted to individual houses. us, prefabricated factories lost their market and entered a crisis. is phenomenon happened at Debreczen. e factory of prefabricated components for building blocks, owned by the Hungarian State, was privatized in 1998. As there was yet no “real estate investment bubble”, which seized Eastern Europe after 2000, the Debreczen factory went bankrupt. e businessman Sandor Kunkli decided to find a new use for the industrial site, so he created an industrial park, the first in Debreczen. He parceled out the 30 hectares he had and acquired the industrial park status in 2000.

The pioneer from Debreczen Back then, the opening of an industrial park could be a real adventure, because the admission of the ex-communist countries into the EU was not a certainty. “I decided to go for small businesses from the very start. ere are many companies that have been with us since the beginning, since 2000, so they have grown along with us,” as Sandor Kunkli, the founder of the Nyugati Ipari industrial park in Debreczen, says. His strategy has been successful. In Debreczen, there were numerous small, highly dynamic companies, which wanted affordable locations to optimize their production flows, but

trends lacked the financial resources to buy new plots of land on the outskirts of the city, make them lucrative fast enough and set up their production halls in a short amount of time. ese companies chose to move to the new industrial park. Sandor Kunkli created a highly flexible strategy that allowed the purchase or rental of plots of land or small and medium-size buildings, so the Nyugati industrial park filled quickly. “Currently, our park hosts 88 companies that have a total of 880 employees. Most have been located in the park in 2000. Of course, there were some companies that died out or left because we could not provide them with new plots of land on which they could develop, but they were quickly replaced,” Sandor Kunkli says.

The elements of a winning strategy At present, the Nyugati industrial park from Debreczen is 100% full. “It has virtually become a closed park. We cannot, nor do we wish to develop any further. If a tenant leaves, we look for another in its stead,” as Sandor Kunkli sums up the prevailing spirit within the company he manages. Even if a company from Nyugati Ipari Park has an average of 10 employees, they have managed to cope with the economic crisis in an honorable manner. e turnover generated by the Nyugati industrial park is 150 million euros per year. e figure is impressive for a city like Debreczen, located in one of the poorest regions of Hungary. Also, the 880 jobs generated by the companies operating within the industrial park are extremely important for the local community. Another important element in the strategy adopted by the General Manager of the Nyugati industrial park is the focus on domestic companies. While large multinational corporations have rapidly relocated their investments in search of cheaper resources, the Hungarian companies have remained in Debreczen despite the economic hardships they have faced. Currently, the largest company in the Nyugati industrial park is a logistics company that has built cold storage warehouses where they keep various products with which they supply the market in Eastern Hungary. In addition, there are car dealers in the Nyugati industrial park, but the production sector has also not been neglected. One of the important companies produces high quality polystyrene at very low prices. Accordingly, this company has secured orders from all over the region around Debreczen. Moreover, the fame of local polystyrene has recently crossed the Romanian-Hungarian border, and many buyers come from Romania. For now, it is smaller buyers who purchase polystyrene for the insulation of individual dwellings. But economic relations between the companies in Eastern Hungary and Western Romania are becoming stronger and stronger. Romanian investors have begun to appear in the Nyugati industrial park from Debreczen, taking the place of Hungarian companies that have closed their doors due to the economic crisis. “We have a Romanian investor that produces furniture and has decided to start production in our park. We also have a solid Romanian partner in agriculture, Agrosel Company, whose management is represented by the Hungarians in Transylvania,” as the General Manager of the Nyugati industrial park says.

Why do investors come to the industrial park? e businessman Sandor Kunkli explains why many companies prefer to invest in the industrial park. One major reason is the reduction in local taxes and fees offered by the Municipality of Debreczen. e Hungarian city administrators have

“As regards electricity, because we buy and resell this energy to our customers, we have managed to get prices that are 20-25 percent lower than those obtained by companies that have started greenfield investments and individually negotiated with the power manufacturers” Sandor Kunkli encouraged investments of the industrial park type. Moreover, given that the two industrial parks that appeared after 1999 in the city failed to provide sufficient plots of land to investors from abroad, the municipality created its own industrial park, which has managed to attract Dutch investments. Also, an important advantage comes from the affiliation of the industrial parks from Debreczen to a national association between entities of this type. Even though the main duty of the member parks is presenting an annual activity report, this association has managed to create a favorable image of the Hungarian industrial parks and ensure a good channel of communication between investors and the Government in Budapest. Another important advantage was that the manager of the Nyugati industrial park succeeded in negotiating favorable contracts with the utilities providers. “As regards electricity, because we buy and resell this energy to our customers, we have managed to get prices that are 20-25 percent lower than those obtained by companies that have started greenfield investments and individually negotiated with the power manufacturers,” General Manager Sandor Kunkli says. e management of the industrial park in the city of Debreczen has also negotiated with the suppliers of gas and water. “We have water and gas power stations. ey represent important investments that provide good quality services to our customers,” Sandor Kunkli adds.





Activity levels in Europe Industrial and logistics investment was responsible for a record 13% share of overall European commercial real estate investment in Q1 2013, well above the long-term average of 8%, according to the latest data from CBRE. e €3.7 billion transacted in Q1 2013 also constitutes the highest level since the global financial crisis, and is 28% above the long-term quarterly average of €2.9 billion. e strong quarter of activity adds further weight to the latest CBRE Real Estate Investor Intentions Survey that highlighted logistics as the second most sought after asset class in 2013 behind offices. e UK, Germany and France were the three most active markets with €2.27 billion transacted between them, making up over 60% of the European market this quarter. However, the Central and Eastern European region, notably Poland and Russia, which considering the size of its economy and population, is dramatically undersupplied with quality logistics, also saw high levels of activity. ere are number of factors indicating that the European industrial and logistics sector is undergoing a structural shift and becoming an established institutional investment class alongside offices and shopping centres. e strong quarter was heavily influenced by the €1.2 billion transaction in which Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) bought a 50% stake in Prologis’ European portfolio, and is set to make further acquisitions in the sector through the joint venture vehicle. is transaction is not only significant because of its size, but also its structure and the type of buyer that it involves – namely a sovereign wealth fund. Iryna Pylypchuk, Associate Director, EMEA Research and Consulting, CBRE said: “Until now sovereign wealth funds have largely focused on offices and shopping centres when investing in European real estate. NBIM is the first sovereign wealth fund to make such a substantial direct investment in the industrial and logistics sector in Europe. It is a particularly notable example of an on-going trend, with many institutions, such as pension funds and insurance WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

companies, growing their allocation to the sector - showcasing strong belief in the strategic importance of the sector going forward.” James Markby, Head of European Industrial and Logistics Investment, CBRE, commented: “Quality industrial and logistics assets are perfectly positioned to attract investor interest in the current economic climate. For a number of years now, there has been very limited new development, which will lead to an even tighter supply situation than we are seeing today. is provides the potential for rental growth in strategic locations, as well as yield compression – as we believe that the sector is still broadly underpriced and will see further structural shift in yields as it becomes a mainstream choice for institutions.” Markby added: “Trends in e-commerce continue to drive changes in the profile of the logistics sector, which is set to play an increasingly important role in the world of retail going forward. is, combined with the defensive characteristics of core logistics assets, is expected to start feeding into investment transactions in 2013 and in the mid-term.”

Czech example e results for the first quarter confirm the slight optimism on the industrial property market. Companies leased more space than the case was in the same period in the previous three years. e increase of the new projects’ share in the total take-up and the growth in supply is also positive. Such are the findings arising from the statistics regularly prepared by Cushman & Wakefield’s Industrial Team. “More than 195,000 square metres of modern industrial space was leased in the first three months of this year. is is 26 percent more than in last year and as much as 38 percent more

trends DTZ estimations: 2013 - 17 A slow improvement in manufacturing in the eurozone in the final quarter of 2012 was overturned by consecutive months of declines in the first quarter of 2013, according to the eurozone manufacturing PMI. In fact, manufacturing output in the eurozone has been in contraction since 2011 H2. Besides,eurozone industrial production recorded a sharp decline for the first quarter of this year, reversing a recovery seen in 2012 H2. Reflecting our view that periphery eurozone countries, such as Italy and Spain, are expected to be affected more, industrial rental forecasts for Rome, Madrid and Barcelona in the medium term have been revised downwards. Over the forecast period of 2013-17, industrial rents in Rome are expected to be flat, whereas rents in Madrid and Barcelona are expected to grow slightly at 0.3% p.a. and 1.3% p.a. respectively (Figure 16). e downward revision has been offset by rises in several CEE and Baltic markets, such as Prague and Vilnius, due to their resilient economies and industrial sectors. In aggregate, rental growth on industrial property across Europe is forecast to be 1.4% p.a. over the 2013-17 period. Prague yields expected to fall below Berlin by end of 2017 With the majority of the industrial buildings in Prague being built-to-suit and pre-let given the favourable economic conditions in the Czech Republic, we expect yield compression in Prague industrials in 2014, to leave them at 7.5% by 2017, a level which is lower than that expected for Berlin industrial for the first time in history (Figure 17). Other CEE and Baltic markets are also expected to see yield compression as we expect these markets to be increasingly attractive destinations for investors, provided that the economic fundamentals of these countries improve. in the record-breaking year 2010,” says Jaroslav Kaizr, Head of Cushman & Wakefield’s Industrial Letting Team. “e demand for new space among tenants grew in the first quarter – new space take-up accounted for 56 percent of the total leases. e rest is releasing and expansions to previously leased space. e result is that the vacancy rate is diminishing,” Kaizr adds. e largest deal was the extension of HOPI’s lease at PointPark D1 (some 45,000 sq m). e largest new leases include the space rented by Skoda Auto at D+D park in Mlada Boleslav (about 27,000 sq m), Drylock Technologies at VGP Hradek nad Nisou (about 18,000 sq m), and Global Logistics Solutions at CTPark Pardubice (cca 16,000 sq m). “e increasing supply is welcome, but it is not sufficient to cover new demand. 27,000 sq m was built in the first quarter and another about 200,000 sq m is under construction now. Just 109,000 sq m was built last year,” Kaizr says. e developer D+D Real built and put in use industrial space in Mlada Boleslav in the first quarter; more space is currently being built by PointParks at Vsechromy near Prague, by CTP in Brno, Ostrava, Mlada Boleslav and Bor, by VGP in Brno, and by Panattoni in Nyrany near Plzen. “e situation on the Czech industrial property market favours the strategy of holding real property portfolios in the long term. As a result, owners are not interested in selling, which is why there are just few ongoing industrial property transactions on the capital market. e situation on the industrial property market in the first quarter of this year has led us to be optimistic in our future development predictions. As long as there are no major economic shocks, we can expect supply and demand to be on the level of 2011. at was one of the best years in the history of the industrial property market,” says Jaroslav Kaizr.

CEE & Baltics: strongest income and capital return in Europe Income returns in the industrial sector across Europe are expected to remain the driver of total return performance over the forecast period. However, capital growth will be the main differentiator across markets in the context of total returns. With yields currently relatively high compared to main global hubs such as the London Heathrow and Paris, several CEE and Baltic markets offer the potential for positive yield impact. Together with relatively strong economic growth compared to other European countries, capital growth forecasts are particularly high in markets such as Riga, Vilnius and Prague industrials.





Science Parks shaping new cities The 30th IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks and the XXIII Anprotec’s National Seminar on Science Parks and Business Incubators will occur jointly on 14th – 17th October 2013, in Recife (Brazil) organized by Porto Digital.

Rep: Who are the speakers, who are the participants / delegates, who is the targeted audience? P.T.: It's a mix. It can be someone of STP’s, politicians or others. e point is that must be someone who can contribute significantly for a good discussion. e Steering Committee have to approve the name before the invitation. e 30th IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks will bring together experts from STPs, academia, government and industry (members r not from IASP and Anprotec). e conference, held jointly with Anprotec (the Brazilian Association of Science Parks and Business Incubators), will look to highlight important issues and trends, to enable delegates to share best practices, innovative ideas and rewarding discussions through plenary and parallel sessions and workshops. is year we'll work intensively with social networks before and during the event promoting discussions about the main theme as well as the sub themes which can contribute with the discussion during the presentation. e estimate audience is arround 1.200 persons. Rep: Could you explain the profile of organizers, their members advantages and role of each in the organizing of the event? P.T: IASP is the worldwide network of science parks and areas of innovation. It connect the professionals managing science, technology and research parks (STPs) and other areas of innovation and provide services that drive growth and effectiveness for our members. IASP members enhance the competitiveness of companies and entrepreneurs of their cities and regions, and contribute to global economic development through innovation, entrepreneurship, and the transfer of knowledge and technology. IASP is a NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. IASP is a founding member of the World Alliance for Innovation – WAINOVA. Anprotec, the Brazilian Association of Science Parks and Business Incubators, is the association that represents the interests of business incubators, technology parks and innovative ventures in Brazil. It acts through the promotion of training activities, coordination of public policies and the generation and dissemination of knowledge. Confident in the work


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Rep: What is the concept of the event? Polyana Targino: e idea is to ask each and every one of us STP managers what we can do (and are already doing) in our parks to promote research and business creation in order to improve life in our cities. More than half of the world population is living in urban areas now. For better and for worse, tackling the great challenges of this century will be done from and in urban spaces - big or small, dense or otherwise, central or peripheral, old or new. And our STP’s are part of the problem and of the solution. We shape urban areas, we are neighborhoods, we create new urban environments, we revitalize decaying places, we develop new technologies (and businesses therein) for the new urban economy.

of the institutions it represents, Anprotec, together with the several partners involved in each of its actions, will continue to contribute so that innovative entrepreneurship can collaborate decisively for the sustainable development of Brazil. e Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) is a development and technical assistance agency targeted at small businesses, which account for 99% of Brazilian companies or 7 million enterprises, of which more than 2,5 million are Individual Entrepreneurs. Besides these businesses, Sebrae also assists 4,4 million smallholding farmers. In order to guide entrepreneurs in adopting a competitive and innovative management, Sebrae offers dozens of on-site and e-learning courses. e institution counts on approximately 700 regional offices spread throughout the country. Porto Digital is one of the mainstays of the State of Pernambuco’s new economy. Its work involves two activities heavily based on knowledge and innovation: (i) software and information and communications technology services and (ii) creative economy, especially in the fields of gaming, multimedia, cinema, video, animation, music, design and photography. Porto Digital is run privately by a notfor-profit organization called Porto Digital Management Unit (NGPD), to which the government has entrusted management of the park as a way of enabling greater flexibility. is novel arrangement allows the NGPD, not only to run the Technology Park, but also to be the point of articulation of various institutions responsible for the Region’s economic and social development. It’s mission is to promote competitive conditions for creation, attraction and strengthening innovative developments of Information Technology and Creative Economy in Porto Digital. Polyana Targino is Planning and Information Manager for Porto Digital e 29th World Conference of IASP was held in Tallinn- Estonia, between 17-20th of June. Science and Technology Parks: serving the companies and the innovation community.

trends foto: Imago Agency


The strategy in action Porto Digital is one of the mainstays of the State of Pernambuco’s new economy. Its work involves two activities heavily based on knowledge and innovation: (i) software and information and communications technology services and (ii) creative economy, especially in the fields of gaming, multimedia, cinema, video, animation, music, design and photography. It has a unique feature that sets it apart from most other technology parks: is its territory. Porto Digital is an urban park, situated in the historical city centre of Recife, on a 149hectare plot that was once a run-down area, but now, as a result of the expansion of Porto Digital, is rapidly being brought back to life, in terms of urban design, real estate development, and the restoration of historical buildings. Regarded as a benchmark for implementation of the ‘triple helix’ model, Porto Digital is the fruit of coordinate action between industry, government and academy, which has resulted, eleven years after its foundation (in 2000), in one of the principal centres of innovation in the country. Currently, Porto Digital is home to 230 businesses and associated service providers. e businesses that make up Porto Digital generated total revenue of around US$ 500 million. PD employs more than 7,000 individuals and around 600 entrepreneurs.

National and International Recognition For these reasons, Porto Digital has been recognized by numerous national and international institutions. In 2005, the international consultancy, AT Kearney, classified Porto DigWWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

ital as the largest technology park in the country, and a national benchmark in using public policy to promote innovation and strengthen the technology sector. In 2007, the National Association of Organizations Promoting Innovative Enterprises (Anprotec) considered PD the best technology park/ habitat of innovation in the whole of Brazil. e following year, the International Association of Science Parks published the first volume in the Learning by Sharing series, in which it highlighted the case of Porto Digital, along with three other science parks in Malaga (Spain), Manchester (UK) and Hyderabad (India). Also in 2008, the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Trade, and Industry recognized Porto Digital as the Cluster of Information and Communications Technology of Pernambuco. In 2009, a report published in the online edition of Business Week mentioned Porto Digital as one of the most innovative technology parks, listing it as one of the ten places in the world where the future is being created. More recently, McKinsey singled out Porto Digital, along with the Campinas Region, in the State of São Paulo, as the two centres for innovation with the greatest potential for generating business in the technology sector in the country.

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trends Location and governance Porto Digital is located in Recife, the capital of the State of Pernambuco, a city which is one of the principle hubs for business, politics and higher education in Northeast Brazil. e Federal University’s Information Technology Centre ranks among the top five such departments in Latin America and is also the most prolific in the whole of Brazil, in terms of academic publications and postgraduate dissertations and theses. Pernambuco is the fastest-growing of Brazil’s States, with a rise in GDP of 12.7 per cent in 2010 (a figure higher even than that of China). As a result, it is estimated that GDP will double over the next ten years. Porto Digital is run privately by a not-for-profit organization called Porto Digital Management Unit (NGPD), to which the government has entrusted management of the park as a way of enabling greater flexibility. is novel arrangement allows the NGPD, not only to run the Technology Park, but also to be the point of articulation of various institutions responsible for the Region’s economic and social development. Its management structure is composed of an Administrative Council, with 19 members representing the companies sited on the park, companies from other sectors which have relations with PD, the university, Recife Municipality, and the State Government. e Council makes the main decisions regarding Porto Digital’s development policy and strategy and has the freedom to appoint the directors of the NGPD. is board of directors has a president, a director of innovation and business competition and an executive officer. e NGPD has 40 staff members. e permanent technical staff members all have university and post-graduate degrees (MBAs, specializations, Masters and Doctorate) in fields related to managing innovation, information technology, project management, communications strategy and urban planning.

The strategy in action Porto Digital has a ten-year strategy. Its vision is to become the best environment for innovation and enterprise in the fields of information and communications technology and creativity in Brazil. Its mission to promote competitive conditions for creation, attraction and strengthening innovative developments of Information Technology and Creative Economy in Porto Digital. e principal strategic goal is, by the year 2020, to have 20,000 people employed in activities requiring high qualifications and to have increased the value of 400 innovative businesses. In order to achieve this goal, Porto Digital is running 43 projects, grouped into eight strategic lines of action: fostering business development and qualification of human capital; incubation and acceleration of new business; promotion and management of the institutional image of Porto Digital; raising capital investment; encouraging the practice of corporate social responsibility; cooperation with government, business and academia; incentive to improve the supply of housing infrastructure technology and business services and urban; continuous improvement of the technical team, work environment and management NGPD.

Social Responsibility and sustainability Porto Digital is aware that technological and economic development goes hand in hand with social development and environmental protection. It has therefore, in partnership with its businesses, developed a number of social responsi-

Francisco Saboya - president Porto Digital bility projects. Four lines of action have been accorded top priority. Porto Digital is directly responsible for the restoration of more than 40,000 square metres of historical sites. e total area with potential for restoration is 150,000 square metres and most investment comes from the private sector. Porto Digital is situated in the old port area, which has a core population with low levels of human development. As a way of contributing to the social development of this population, PD is working on digital inclusion and technical training projects for school-age youngsters. Concrete job opportunities with Porto Digital companies have been created as part of this scheme. Although it is considered to be an activity with low impact on the environment, information technology generates increasingly high volumes of technological waste. Porto Digital is advising its companies on the best practices vis-à-vis acquiring, using, re-using and disposing of materials in an environmentally responsible fashion. As part of this effort, Porto Digital has set up the ItGreen Centre for Management of Electronic and Electrical Waste to conduct studies and research, institutional linkages and provide environmental education. Porto Digital is working to broaden access to digital services and information for people with impaired hearing and vision. It offers (i) training for companies in the development of systems and technical appliances for people with disabilities and (ii) awareness-raising activities in the public and private sectors regarding the importance of designing websites and other tools that are accessible to this segment of the population.

Companies in Porto Digital Porto Digital targets small- and medium-sized businesses set up in the city of Recife but is also open to large multinational and Brazilian institutions such as Accenture, Avanade, C.E.S.A.R, IBM, Microsoft, Ogilvy, Stefanini, oughtworks and R&D projects in partnership with Alcatel Lucent, Bematech, Motorola, HP, LG and Samsung. e main areas of competences of PD’s companies are developing business management systems, urban mobility, games, animation, mobile phone applications, neural networks and artificial intelligence for finance and banking, data security, e-learning, e-entertainment and outsourcing.




trends e International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation – IASP – is a global organization with about 390 members in 70 countries. It aims to stimulate the development of science and technology parks through innovation, entrepreneurship, technology and knowledge.IASP is the worldwide network of science parks and areas of innovation. It connect the professionals managing science, technology and research parks (STPs) and other areas of innovation and provide services that drive growth and effectiveness for our members. IASP members enhance the competitiveness of companies and entrepreneurs of their cities and regions, and contribute to global economic development through innovation, entrepreneurship, and the transfer of knowledge and technology. IASP is a NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. IASP is a founding member of the World Alliance for Innovation – WAINOVA.

Science and technology parks are the answer “Industrial parks are the by-product of the traditional industrial economy characterised by relatively heavy facilities with machinery and important logistical needs such as frequent movement of raw materials and goods and labour intense activity. e new global knowledge economy has changed that panorama dramatically. Knowledge, rather than physical goods and tangible matter is now the main asset of the companies that create the highest value for countries and societies. A new kind of company, as well as a radically new type of professional, has emerged. Knowledge based companies, nurtured by knowledge workers (which is tantamount to saying highly skilled, enthusiastically innovative, and technically competent professionals) dominate the new economy and engage in a type of activity that is more and more based on skills, global competition, access to networks and command of the ways and rules of an increasingly international world. All these new things and features have also introduced dramatic changes in how the spaces and environments for these new companies are designed and built: science and technology parks are the answer to all those new needs and profiles.


In many cases, these parks are created from scratch, but in others, it seems logical and even advisable to analyse how could the existing industrial parks, or at least a significant percentage of them, be upgraded so as to cover many of the roles that science parks are supposed to play. Such an approach may speed up the creation of a relevant science and technology park infrastructure in a given country, whilst reducing the volume of investment that is necessary to such an endeavour. Initiatives such as those being carried out by Transilvania Grup Business, in organising the first national conference dedicated to Industrial Parks in Romania, and putting together this “Catalogue of Industrial Parks” are along the right track and may contribute to formulate such a strategy and accelerate these processes.” Luis Sanz, Director General, International Association Of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP)

Destination Romania National and regional investment opportunities in Romania, governmental plans and the strategy of reindustrialization



Romania, an ideal location for foreign investment

A strategy for more software parks Interview with the Romanian Prime Minister, Victor Ponta

Victor Ponta, the Romanian Prime Minister, who is also President of the Social Democratic Party and Co-Chairman of the Social Liberal Union, expressed his optimism that in 2013 Romania will succeed in attracting foreign investment of over 10 billion euros in sectors with high added value, where Romania benefits from clusters of competitiveness. Victor Ponta also said that Romania’s political and economic stability offers our country very good prospects for the future in terms of attracting foreign investments. You are the premier of the seventh EU economy. Please provide us with some details regarding the USL Government’s strategy for attracting investments into Romania and especially for the creation of new industrial parks and the development of a national strategy in this regard. I would start by saying that the USL Government is attracting very large investments in areas of strategic importance. ere are many billion euros that will enter Romania this year and will generate and create several thousand jobs. We hope to be talking about over 10 billion euros’ worth of foreign investments this year in areas with high added value, where Romania has clusters of competitiveness. Besides this, there are a number of solutions that we are considering in order to attract investments, especially into new industrial parks. ere are dozens, maybe hundreds of hectares of land in former industrial areas where we can build new parks. We rely on this type of approach including with a view to relaunching the economy of areas that have come to be affected by unemployment and poverty after the disappearance of the local industry. e establishment of industrial parks is part of Romania’s strategy of re-industrialization, this time by attracting private investment. Industrial parks entail jobs, the horizontal integration of production and lower transaction costs. We are also considering increasing the number of software parks. We have already adopted

“The way we try to create political and economic stability is in itself a strategy to attract investors from all areas, in addition to several specific actions that we have in mind, which I would prefer not to talk about just yet” WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

several measures to boost the high-tech sectors, and I would like to mention the increased deductibility of research expenses - development for the companies, the state aid scheme for the IT domain and job creation. How do you strategically plan to attract investors from the European Union, the BRIC countries, the U.S. and Canada, as well as from the Asian countries? For the USL Government, attracting foreign investors is one of the main priorities. Romania’s chance depends sensibly on the amount of investments that it will be able to attract in strategic domains, especially energy, IT, natural resources and agriculture. is government is not one of prejudices related to investments, the areas from which they come, as long as they are coming. e BRIC countries are among the strongest economies in the world, despite the effects of the crisis. It is not the area from which investments come that matters the most, but the investment vision, the manner in which the Romanian state and citizens can take advantage of this by creating jobs, by paying taxes and duties. e way we try to create political and economic stability is in itself a strategy to attract investors from all areas, in addition to several specific actions that we have in mind, which I would prefer not to talk about just yet What is your take on the actions undertaken by the Bilateral Chambers of Commerce in Romania in terms of attracting foreign investment? Do you considered it possible to present the investment opportunities in Romania through the embassies and consulates in our country? Ideally, the diplomatic corps of Romania’s partner states represent one of the very important channels through which we can convey messages or information about the investment opportunities offered by our country. In most cases this actually happens. e diplomats accredited in Bucharest have become the best agents of Romania’s interests, in the sense that that they have increasingly described the equilibrium and stability of Romania and invited businesses to come


here. In fact, I would like to thank these people for their support. I would say that the action of the Bilateral Chambers of Commerce would fit it into the same category. Overall, investment opportunities are brought to the attention of potential investors. What is your opinion on the initiative of the 32 USL MPs for a new law on industrial parks? In principle, any measure that effectively stimulates investment is good. is project is not assumed by the PSD or the USL, even though a significant number of social democratic MPs have initiated it. We are going to analyze the impact of such a proposal in order to formulate the Government’s position on this project. is analysis has already begun, especially since the idea of reducing the tax burden on investors is assumed by the USL. As an MP for Gorj, which do you think is most useful / fastest industrial park that can be set up in the area? First, I think we had better use the existing ones, especially the one from Bumbeşti Jiu, including with a view to solving their financial problems. I am thinking about expanding it to attract new investors and I will urge the Minister of Economy to submit proposals in this regard, in collaboration with the local authorities. Romania excels in the IT domain, both at management level and at the level of experts. As regards the idea of scientific industrial parks, IT clusters, how does the USL Government intend to keep these specialists in the country, so that they may bring added value and taxes to the budget? We’ve already come up with a consistent state aid for IT firms hiring youths. ere are over 100 million euros at

“We are currently one of the best locations in Europe for foreign investment and this is noticeable for investors, and the fact that in 2013, billions are coming into Romania from the private sector, from outside the country, will positively mark our course over the coming years!” stake. I honestly want there to be a development of the scientific and technological sector in Romania. ere are many Romanians working for the large firms in this domain abroad, who have the knowledge and experience to do something here. I wish that in the coming years we can ensure the conditions for this. What message regarding security/ predictability/ incentives can you convey to the potential investors from abroad through the Catalogue of Industrial Parks in Romania? Romania is politically stable, it is economically stable, its economic growth is real and it has very good prospects for the future. “We are currently one of the best locations in Europe for foreign investment and this is noticeable for investors, and the fact that in 2013, billions are coming into Romania from the private sector, from outside the country will positively mark our course over the coming years”





Industrial parks, extra efficiency and dynamism

A pledge to reduce tax costs Interview with Crin Antonescu, the President of the Romanian Senate

Crin Antonescu, the President of the Romanian Senate and of the National Liberal Party, also CoChairman of the Social Liberal Union, believes that Romania’s economic vision should be qualitative, not quantitative, intended to exploit the competitive advantages of Romania, to stimulate the economic environment, investments and entrepreneurship. Also, the Senate President said that one of the State’s priorities in the economic field should be to encourage both domestic and foreign direct investment in the industry, services, scientific and technological research, which would support the small and medium enterprises and especially help create new jobs. As Co-Chairman of the Social Liberal Union, can you tell us which is the USL strategy for attracting foreign investment and establishing new industrial parks in Romania? is strategy should be, first and last, a strategy of good governance. Foreign investors always correlate their business plans and investments, taking into account the quality of the economic policies, which are, of course, the main institutional benchmark for the business environment’s trust - in terms of investment or entrepreneurship. So far, if we consider the overall economic performance, the USL governance has managed to provide stability and balance, especially when referring to the macroeconomic balances, which are the first signs of an economy’s health. Romania has recently emerged, as regards the European assessment, from the excessive deficit procedure; industrial production has registered promising increases compared to the same period of 2012, and the trade balance in the first months of this year has marked, for the first time, a surplus that justifies our continuing to expect positive economic developments,


which will strengthen the foreign investors’ confidence in the business environment from Romania. Also, in terms of taxation, the flat tax in Romania is still competitive in the European space, although we plan to take further steps in this regard by reducing the administrative and fiscal costs of labor. So there are all the economic and institutional prerequisites for believing that foreign investment will be much more sensitive to Romania and the solution of industrial parks could provide, in this regard, the extra efficiency and investment dynamism a healthy economic development needs. What are the main steps on the USL agenda for relaunching Romania’s economy? e re-launching Romania must be seen in a much broader frame, that of deep institutional reforms, which will attract even changes to our economic philosophy. Changing the rules of the game will invariably lead to changing the players’ behaviors, so that the economic development model will be

trends able to support, in a real and sustainable manner, the Romanians’ prosperity. In recent years, Romania has gone through the experience of fiscal adjustments, with major social implications and weak effects in the economic recovery plan. Our vision is qualitative, not quantitative, designed to exploit Romania’s competitive advantages, boost the economic environment, investments and entrepreneurship. e first signs have already appeared, through the adoption of programs for supporting the small and medium enterprises and the young entrepreneurs... Naturally, we need public policies to go more deeply into the fiber of the economy by simplifying the administration and taxation systems, as well as through structural changes meant to bring order and rationality in the state-owned companies sector. Still, even in these areas there are encouraging signs whose fruits will be seen, I’m sure, in the future. e objective for Romania, which the PNL and the USL Government consider fundamental is rethinking the role of the state in the economy. e “player State” must necessarily become the “referee State” of the market economy, reinforcing, at the same time, its role as guarantor of the constitutional rights, equity and the good functioning of the market economy. e time for an economy built through and around the state budget has come. We must build development with confidence on economic freedom and private initiative which are the most effective ways to develop markets, boost competitiveness and substantially reduce poverty. How do you see the initiative undertaken by the 32 USL MPs of drafting a bill governing the operation of industrial parks? It is an initiative that we are convinced the Romanian economy truly needs, because it adds extra legislative precision and institutional facilities in the domain of industrial parks. We need to turn the boosting of direct investments, both domestic and foreign, in the industry, services, scientific and technological research into real priorities, which will support the small and medium enterprises, especially as regards job creation. In an increasingly competitive European context, Romania should adopt policies and measures to encourage the creation of productive jobs, generating wealth and capitalizing on our human resources. We cannot develop in a sustainable manner by relying on consumption and debt, but we must decisively put to work an economic model centered on investments and competitiveness. In our view, in the view of the National Liberal Party, sound economic development is anchored, not necessarily in constructivist terms, in the development of a strong private sector, independent of the political powers, which will generate wealth and generate prosperity in the Romanian society, also lending dynamism to the reforms in the public sector field.

“Investors should see the economic course of Romania as providing ever more numerous opportunities for business and development. There are already several important names of foreign companies that have started or are about to complete sizable investments”


The “player State” must necessarily become the “referee State” of the market economy, reinforcing, at the same time, its role as guarantor of the constitutional rights, equity and the good functioning of the market economy. The time for an economy built through and around the state budget has come. What is your opinion, as Co-Chairman of the USL, on the restructuring of fiscal control institutions, the ANAF, the Financial Guard and the Customs? To give a brief answer, it’s a good opinion. Moreover, the Minister of Finance has stated and explained repeatedly that the reorganization of the powers and spheres of institutional authority in this area, will lead to an improvement of the performance levels of the fiscal management and control institutions. I also believe that a more flexible system, which is less intrusive in the lives of honest taxpayers, is the right solution both for addressing the state’s problems, as regards effective tax administration, and for relieving the business environment, which needs to invest in its core activities rather than in the cultivation of various relationships, with or without quotation marks, with the state institutions. Would you agree that industrial parks should be exempted from taxes? Please explain why. As long as these tax breaks did not come into any conflict with regulations governing competition or similar rules of the market economy, of course I would agree. As far as I know, the aforementioned bill provides a series of tax exemptions, which generally operate in relation to the local authorities, which are actually responsible for various approvals, permits, etc. On the other hand, exemption from local taxes will be offset by the investment spillover effects generated by the development of industrial parks, which create jobs and generate wealth, in general, for local communities. is happily resonates with regional development and decentralization principles, which deserve to be intelligently exploited because competitiveness is also local and regional rather than global. I am therefore of the opinion that within the business environment, every possible incentive - fiscal, administrative, institutional - is an encouraging factor for investments and can foster a stronger, more competitive business environment. What message regarding security/ predictability/ incentives can you convey to the potential investors from abroad through the Catalogue of Industrial Parks in Romania? My message in this respect is quite clear and unambiguous: Romania has begun to take steps towards economic performance, even if we still have some serious reforms to achieve. at is why investors should see the economic course of Romania as providing ever more numerous opportunities for business and development. ere are already several important names of foreign companies that have started or are about to complete sizable investments, and we hope that in the near future the power of example will be accompanied - realistically, pragmatically and, of course, capitalistically - by the certitude of achievements.




Romania’s Competitiveness Strategy In the context in which the European Union is going through an extensive process of reconsideration and consolidation of the industry role for increasing and creating jobs, Romania elaborates a new personal industrial policy, based on competitiveness and innovation. e Minister of Economy, Varujan Vosganian, states that ”the main directions for Romania’s industrialization are privatization and the withdrawal of the state from the economy, with a few strategic exceptions, the involvement in the top industrial areas and the integration of the manufacturing industry in a common European strategy, which should not be perfectionist, but which should support industries ”. Moreover, it is necessary to promote the Romanian industry abroad, respectively economic diplomacy. e industry has to be transformed in a reference point of national dignity: as other countries are proud of their own industry, Romania should be also proud of its products and industry. ”Romania’s Competitiveness Strategy, undertaken by the Government, is an ex-ante condition for the budget planning of 2014-2020, being elaborated along with the Reindustrialization Strategy which will be materialized in a document of industrial policy”, states the Secretary of State from the Ministry of Economy, Adrian Ciocănea. Along with the Competitiveness Strategy, other four strategies will be elaborated: for research-innovation, for implementing the Digital Agenda, the export strategy and the rural development strategy. All these documents will be completed until mid November, these being important in the context of the European funds absorption in the following years. e Minister of Economy, Varujan Vosganian : ”CompetiWWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

tiveness refers to the standard of living, to the integration in the international structures, to the institutional performance, to the quality of the infrastructures of any kind and it refers especially to understanding the fact that money is not the most important resource. is is a great revolution of mentality. ” All vertical strategies will be included in a horizontal one, a competitive one, which represents the development vision for Romania. e key challenge for all the EU member states is to reach a change in the rhythm of the competitiveness regarding the European manufacturing industry, to have a common approach for developing an industrial ecosystem which should be competitive at the global level. It is necessary to insure the coherence of the European policies in order to support industrial development. Minister Varujan Vosganian : ”e Document of Industrial Policy will highlight Romania’s industrial potential, in conjunction with the resources, with the workforce and the investment flow. e existing industrial basis will be consolidated. Romania has an industrial heritage which is still consistent enough and a percentage of industry representation in the GDP of almost 25%, which is much over the European average and over the representation of other countries.” e reindustrialization process in Romania is dynamic, and the


The Minister of Economy, Varujan Vosganian foreign investments in industry have meant a gain at technological level, at competitiveness level, but also at the level of labor discipline. But there needs to exist a stability and durability of this process, for things to go well. Increasing the productivity and the efficiency of the manufacturing processes can be supported by specialty training and exchange of good practice, as well as specialized consulting. e propagation of the quality requirements between the great companies and the suppliers, on the value chains, can effectively contribute to optimizing productivity. Reindustrialization represents a natural way of coming back to normality, of establishing a functional internal market for production and consumption, of stabilizing and developing the workforce, of orienting the education and the research, of increasing the wellbeing in general. Also, in the context of the current economic development, we have to evaluate the development potential at national and international level of all the current industrial branches. Romania has to focus not only on the six priority lines of action, but also on the way in which it manages the current industrial basis (for instance, the common initiative for steel industry). Romania, along with France, Belgium and Luxembourg, can establish a « quadrilateral » of the countries that are interested in protecting the steel industry, nucleus to which other European Union member states can participate. e European Union needs not only a common agricultural policy, but also a common industrial policy which should gen-

erate competitive advantages, which should create «European champions» in the industrial domain and alliances in order to support the interests of the European industry. ere is also necessary a refinement and flexibility of the state aid policy of the European Union (the applicants do not have to be regarded as «suspicious», especially when it comes to protecting the interests of national industry). e Export Strategy will be focused on comparative and competitive advantages, on the openness to new markets. In order not to fall into the trap of the crisis synergy, the European countries must have a common strategy regarding the openness to third markets. Romania has to be one of the countries that set the pace in this respect. Innovation, meaning transforming ideas into money, makes us orient directly towards the industries with great productivity, towards top industries, such as laser industry, nanoelectronics, robotics, essential generic technologies. At the same time, we have to know to what extent the human resources are qualified for the industrial developments that we propose. We estimate that it will be necessary to approach a very determined manner of the reform in education, a real reprofessionalization of Romania, without which we cannot see how Romania’s Reindustrialization can be successful. Without a doubt, a strategy with the amplitude and the importance of “Romania’s Reindustrialization”, in order to become operational, needs financial resources, budgetary mechanisms and corresponding banking and financial institutions. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




Secretary of State from the Ministry of Economy, Adrian Ciocănea In this process, there should also participate international companies and institutions which are interested in joining the national effort, and all these elements have to be final and evaluated. e new industrial policy is interactive. It requires a supported institutionalized cooperation of all the key stakeholders in the industrial development. In this respect, the management of the Ministry of Economy invited certain personalities to join the process for elaborating the reindustrialization Strategy. In April, there took place the first meeting of the Consultative Committee for elaborating the Document of Industrial Policy and the Strategy for Romania’s reindustrialization, where over 40 personalities from Romania were present. It was established that the Ministry of Economy should initiate a separate dialogue with the representatives of each industry in order to make a summary with everyone’s options regarding the document. ere also took place consultations with the representatives of all industrial sectors identified in Romania, from company managers and employers associations, to research institutions, university teachers and other entities that are directly involved in the evolution of certain sectors. e general themes of the debates targeted the institutional, administrative, legislative, economic and financial framework, the innovation processes at the companies’ level and their relation with the universities and the research institutions, the human resources that should insure the industry development, the communication regarding the European legislation adopted and that which follows to be adopted. e main objective of these consultations is represented by analyzing the tendencies of the Romanian industry, in the medium and long term, identifying the unexploited potential and optimizing the added value chain from each industrial sector. e meetings also represented a good opportunity to catalogue a series of specific issues which can be solved in a relatively short time, with benefic effects on certain industries and on the economy, in general. A strategic industrial policy begins with the diagnostic analysis of the performances and constraints of the industrial sectors, WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

the identification of the key stakeholders, the selection of the industrial policy instruments, the identification of the financial sources, the elaboration of the document, the implementation and evaluation of the efficiency of the entire process. e methods used will include progress reports, studies and relevant information, which can be quantitative and qualitative, analyses, prognoses, etc. e Document of Industrial Policy will have an integrated approach regarding the concepts of cluster and competitiveness pole, industrial park, scientific and technological park, urban growth pole, business incubator, in order for our industry to offer great chances to reestablish Romania’s attractiveness as a production and investment place, under the condition of being able to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the new technologies and by the global market. For instance, at the meeting with the representatives of the industrial parks in Romania, they highlighted the different unfolded activities and the preoccupations, the issues and the intentions regarding the future, materialized in the questionnaires which are the basis of the Reindustrialization Strategy. One of the preoccupations of most park administrators was that regarding the exploitation of the state patrimony by creating certain industrial parks on the platforms of the defense industry, which have been non-functional up to the present days. e industrial parks are developed through an institutional collaboration between the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Regional Administration and Development and the local authorities. Mostly, the industrial parks are not private initiatives, but they are developed in partnership with the local administrations. e Ministry of Economy will not wait for an industrial park to be completed, but it will begin its action for promotion through the bilateral Chambers and the Foreign Investors’ Councils, in order to discuss concrete actions of an important social and economic impact, including state aid, that the Ministry of Finance should foresee in the budget execution, and the Ministry of Economy should present them and support them before the European Commission.



Romania ready for intermodal transport Adopted in May 2011, the Intermodal Transport Strategy in Romania 2020 outlines the intermodal transport strategy developed and proposed according to the provisions issued by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure no. 758 of 24 September 2010. According to the document, intermodal transport allows for the - advantageous, for a certain route - combination of the advantages specific to each mode of transport, such as the flexibility of road transport, the high capacity of rail transport, the low cost of naval transport and the high speed of air transport. “Intermodal transport has the capacity to contribute to connecting the main national routes to the TEN-T priority European transport axes, namely to Priority Axis no. 7 - the axis of the Motorway linking Igoumenitsa/ Patras - Athens - Sofia - Budapest Nădlac Highway - Sibiu - Bucharest/ Constanţa, Priority Axis no. 18 - the axis of inland waterway Rhine/ Meuse Main - Danube, Priority Axis no. 21 - maritime highways - and Priority axis no. 22 - the railway axis Athens - Sofia - Budapest - Vienna - Prague -Nuremberg/Dresden - Curtici - Braşov - Bucharest/ Constanţa and to ensuring compliance with the obligations stipulated in international agreements and conventions such as GATT, TER, NATO6, etc.”, according to the Intermodal Transport Strategy in Romania 2020.

Automotive and railway network extensive Currently, the length of the public road network in Romania, which includes motorways, European national roads, primary and secondary national roads, is 16,499.935 km,


and the length of railway lines in service is 10,784 km, of which 4,002 km are electrified. “The road traffic forecast for 2015 indicates that there will run more than 16,000 vehicles / 24 hours on the public roads in the areas of the large cities, leading to bottlenecks and delays in freight and passenger traffic. The operating motorway sections Piteşti - Bucharest - Cernavodă and Turda - Gilău, a total of about 306 km, are fully operational, being opened to traffic of goods and connecting at least two existing poles of economic development: Bucharest and Piteşti and a perspective pole of economic development - Constanţa, an entry gateway that generates a significant proportion of the flow of goods”, the document reads.

Ports, intermodal centers As regards maritime ships, they can be operated in the Romanian seaports of Constanţa, Mangalia, Midia and maritime ships with a capacity of 12,500 dwt can also be operated in the river-sea ports Brăila, Galaţi, Tulcea and Sulina, ports located on the Danube. “All seaports are connected to the national road and rail network, so the intermodal center function is provided entirely by those ports. Galaţi is the only port that also has broad-gauge railways, as well as opportunities for the transposition/ trans-shipment of wagons, which gives it an advantage for the development of intermodal transport activity”, according to the Intermodal Transport Strategy in Romania 2020. “The

trends transport of goods by inland waterways takes place in Romania on the Danube and the Danube-Black Sea Channel/ Poarta Albă - Midia Năvodari, namely through the ports therein. There are 28 functional river ports located on inland waterways, including the seaports Galaţi, Brăila, Tulcea, whose naval transport infrastructure allows the access of maritime ships with a maximum capacity of 12,500 dwt”, the document states.

The development of air transport - vital Another point envisaged in the Intermodal Transport Strategy in Romania in 2020 aims to develop the multimodal transport of goods by air/ road, using one air transport document for both modes. “Therefore, the development of cargo terminals has become an important goal in all the strategies of airports classified as European or international connection points. Currently, in Romania, there are terminals or cargo processing facilities at the airports “Henri Coandă” - Bucharest, Timişoara, Arad and Constanţa. The strategic development program of Cluj Airport provides for the building of a cargo terminal”, the document stipulates.

e analysis of the transport sector in Romania in view of the development of intermodal transport. Strengths: - Romania’s geo-strategic position and Romania’s potential in terms of intermodal transport connections with the neighboring countries and the Black Sea for international trade; - e growing interest manifested by industry in intermodal transport due to the companies’ increased attention to environmental protection; - Skilled labor and low costs; - Great location on the TEN-T network, with accessibility to the neighboring countries; - Well-organized and competitive road transport services; - Extensive rail network, accessible also to private operators, providing competitive local services; - e potential of the Danube River and other inland waterways for freight container transport over long distances at low costs; - Constanţa Port, located on the TEN-T network, has facilities and capabilities for operating goods and ships; - e potential of Constanţa Port to expand intermodal port activity, being a hub port of the entire Black Sea basin; - e advantages of inland waterway transport in terms of its reduced environmental impact and the reduced costs of development and maintenance; - e existence of a network of inland ports that can ensure intermodal freight transfer; - e existence of a network of intermodal terminals in Romania; - e significant share of intermodal (road/ rail) transport in the total volume of goods transported in domestic traffic; - e potential for developing logistics cargo platforms in airports located in the key areas identified for the construction of intermodal terminals, with opportunities for connecting them including to the rail network (Bucharest, Timişoara, Constanţa).


Potential locations of intermodal terminals considering transit flows: 1. Connection the Black Sea - Hungary (through the Danube-Black Sea Channel): • Using the three transportation alternatives: - Road/ Rail (Constanţa - Bucharest - Nădlac/ Curtici); - On inland waterways (Constanţa Port - the Danube-Black Sea Channel Giurgiu Port) combined with road/ rail transport on the line/ section Giurgiu - Bucharest and Bucharest - Timişoara - Arad - Nădlac/ Curtici; - On inland waterways (Constanţa Port - the Danube-Black Sea Channel Calafat Port) combined with road/ rail transport on the southern branch of Pan European Corridor no. IV, Calafat - Nădlac/ Curtici. • e use of inland waterway transport (Constanţa Port - the Danube-Black Sea Channel: Port of Giurgiu/ Zimnicea/ Turnu Măgurele / Calafat - Budapest). Potential areas for the location of intermodal terminals on this route are: Constanţa, Giurgiu/ Olteniţa/ Calafat and Arad - Timişoara. 2. Connection: the Black Sea - Bulgaria - Serbia - Hungary - Austria (through the Danube - Black Sea Channel): • e use of inland waterway transport (Constanţa Port - the Danube - the Black Sea - the Danube (Pan-European Corridor no. VII) - ports on the Danube in Bulgaria/ Serbia/ Hungary/ Austria; • Constanţa Port - the Danube-Black Sea Channel - the Danube - Calafat Port and road/ rail on the southern branch of Corridor no. IV, Calafat - Nădlac/ Curtici. Potential areas for the location of intermodal terminals on this route are: Constanţa and Giurgiu/Olteniţa, Calafat, Timişoara - Arad. 3. Connection Black Sea - Moldova - Ukraine: • Pan-European Corridor no. IV on the Section Constanţa - Bucharest and PanEuropean Corridor no. IX on the line Bucharest - Albiţa; • Rail: Pan-European Corridor no. IV and IX; • Inner waterways: Port of Constanţa - the Sulina Canal - Galaţi Port. Potential areas for the location of intermodal terminals on this route are: Constanţa and Galaţi. 4. Connection Moldova - Romania - Bulgaria: • Road: Pan-European Corridor no. IX on the Giurgiu - Bucharest Section - Albiţa; • Rail: Pan-European Corridor no. IX; • Inland waterways: Giurgiuleşti (Port Republic of Moldova) - Galaţi Port - the Danube (Priority Axis no. 18) - ports in Bulgaria. Potential areas for the location of intermodal terminals on this route are: Giurgiu/ Olteniţa, Calafat, Galaţi and Bucharest. In conclusion, the key areas identified on the basis of the analysis of routes and transit flows for building and/ or upgrading at least one intermodal terminal, are in the short run: - Timişoara Area (possibly Recaş); - Area of Bucharest; - Constanţa Area; - Zona bazinului fluvial Giurgiu/; - Area of the Giurgiu/ Olteniţa river basin; - Braşov area; - Suceava area. Additionally, there will be studies and analyses with a view to identifying new locations for the construction and/ or modernization of new terminals, medium and long term, in the following areas: • Calafat - Craiova - Piteşti; • Turda - Cluj Napoca - Dej - Târgu-Mureş; • Făgăraş - Sfântu Gheorghe; • Galaţi - Bacău - Iaşi; • Giurgiu/Olteniţa - Bucharest - Ploieşti.




A breath of fresh air for the SMEs The Ministry of Public Finance proposes granting a de minimis aid of up to 200,000 euros for the SMEs that will create at least five jobs. According to Vice-Premier Daniel Chiţoiu, who is also Minister of Finance, the amount allotted for this de minimis aid is about 250 million euros, this money being available in the state budget. The project is published on the website of the Ministry of Public Finance, and one of the main conditions is that the SMEs requesting this state aid should also hire employees who are work incapacitated. “This is a draft for a Government Resolution on the state aid scheme, the de minimis aid scheme for SMEs; it is a grant of up to 200,000 euros for which may be given to all the SMEs active in all fields except aquaculture, agriculture and pisciculture, taking into account that there is a financing scheme based on European funds at the Ministry of Agriculture”, the Vice-Premier exAccording to the Law on State plained. “These de minimis aids conBudget for 2013, the Section “Gensist of an irredeemable aid of up to eral Actions” from the Ministry of 200,000 euros from the Romanian Public Finance, the Program “State state for all SMEs that create jobs. aid for financing investment projThe only requirement is that they ects” has been provided commitshould create jobs. Five jobs for ments appropriations for financing those seeking aid of up to 100,000 investment projects under state aid euros and seven jobs for SMEs seekschemes administered by the Mining state aid between 100,000 and istry of Public Finance. e maxi200,000 euros. The condition is that mum limit for commitment three jobs for those seeking aid beappropriations, according to Govtween 100,000 and 200,000 euros ernment Resolution no. 1680/2008 should be for people who are work and Government Resolution no. incapacitated, or have been unem797/2012, combined for the two ployed for over three months, and government decisions, is 3.22 biltwo jobs should be filled by people lion lei. who have had no job for more than three months in the case of those Source: the Ministry of Public Fiseeking state aid of up to 100,000 nance website euros. Everyone who submits files to

Aids of 3.22 billion lei


the Ministry of Finance will benefit equally from this aid”, Daniel Chiţoiu added.

15,000 new jobs The Minister of Public Finance has estimated that over the next three years, the number of de minimis aid beneficiaries will be 3,000, so as to set up more than 15,000 jobs. Also, the Vice-Premier pointed out that the aid has the great advantage of not requiring co-financing from SMEs. “This is a 100% grant up to the limit of 200,000 euros. SMEs may apply for state aid for the purchase of equipment, construction of new buildings, purchase of IT equipment and also to ensure the SME’s operation for three years from the date this de minimis aid is received”, Daniel Chiţoiu said. Referring to the Standard & Poor’s Rating, which reconfirmed Romania’s rating at the ‘BB +’ level for long-term bonds issued in foreign and local currency, and the ‘B’ rating for short-term bonds issued in foreign and local currency, with a stable perspective, Daniel Chiţoiu believes that it is very good and shows that the measures taken by the Ponta Government inspire trust. “Standard & Poor’s rating is very good. This proves that Romania has gained credibility after the fall of the Boc Government, this proves that the measures taken by the USL Government, led by Victor Ponta, for one year, for a limited period last year and starting from this year are measures that give credibility to external partners, foreign investors and rating agencies. As you can see, in the last three months, Romania has been borrowing both on the external and on the domestic market, at the lowest level of yields since 1989”, the Finance Minister emphasized.


Reboot the absorption of EU money Eugen Teodorovici, the Minister for EU Funds, has proposed that the contracting of European funds should reach the level of 100% over the next period of time. Also, according to an Emergency Ordinance adopted on 29 May 2013, beneficiaries of EU Funds will be exempt from penalties, interest penalties and accessories collected by the state for tax not paid on time if the competent authorities in the management of EU funds paid the amounts they were entitled to collect after the deadlines set out in the financing contracts. One of the main measures to be taken by the Minister for EU Funds will be to reduce the period between the launching of the project call and the signing of the financing contract between the state and the beneficiary; as of 1 June 2013, all the guides for beneficiaries will be published on the ministry’s website. “In this way, all stakeholders will be able to see where they are eligible to submit projects. There will be a very short submission, as well as assessment time, so that in July we can conclude everything that the submission and signing of financing contracts entails. The Human Resources Program (HRD - No.) will be launched with the entire remaining amount still uncommitted, approximately 1.3 billion euros, in June. So all interested persons may submit proposals. That means that by the end of the year, we can make some of the amount that we sign for (1.3 billion euros - our note) payable. Thus the beneficiaries may have documents that have already been sent for payment and even paid”, Eugen Teodorovici said at national television.

Money transfers from one axis to another According to the Minister of EU Funds, this is an element that contributes to an increased absorption, which has now reached almost 15%. Even if, for the moment, the percentage is not very high, there are priority axes and areas that have fared outstandingly in recent years. “We are doing very well as regards the water sector, Axis 1 of SOP Environment, Axis 2 of ROP, i.e. county roads and regional infrastructure. For each Operational Programme, there are areas where the beneficiaries’ interest was lower. From there, the money will be reallocated to areas where the interest was a lot higher”, Teodorovici said.

To achieve this objective, the Government has already approved the transfer of EU money from one axis to another, depending on the number of projects submitted. “We will allow overcontracting at the sectoral operational programme level,” Teodorovici mentioned. At the same time, the beneficiaries of EU funds will be exempt from penalties, interest penalties and accessories levied by the state for tax obligations not paid on time if the authorities competent in managing EU Funds paid the amounts they were entitled to collect after the deadlines provided in the financing contracts. This provision is regulated by the Emergency Ordinance regulating fiscal measures initiated by the Ministry of EU Funds and developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, which was approved in the Government session of 29 May 2013. The mentioned measure was adopted because the beneficiaries had faced financial blockage because they did not received on time the amounts due from the Managing Authorities, and for this reason they have to pay penalties and penalty interest to the state budget. Following these financial bottlenecks, NAFA has already initiated forced execution procedures against a large number of beneficiaries in this situation. “The Romanian Government’s decision is extremely important, it will have highly positive effects on the beneficiaries, their business partners and the economy and, at the same time, it demonstrates our firm commitment to take decisions solely in favor of the beneficiaries. This measure is one of the most important for counterbalancing the negative effects of EU fund mismanagement in 20092011, which resulted in the pre-suspension by the European Commission of four operational programs and generated the obstruction of the financial flows to the recipients of European funds”, Teodorovici explained. As a result of deficiencies in the use of EU funds over the period 2009-2011, the European Commission has pre-suspended four OPs: the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), the Regional Operational Programme (ROP), the Sectoral Operational Programme Transport and the Sectoral Operational Programme Increase Economic Competitiveness. Due to the measures implemented by the Romanian Government, the Commission has resumed payments this year on two operational programs: SOP HRD and ROP, and Romanian authorities have taken all measures necessary to unlock the other two programs in the near future.





Discover Alba County “I am pleased and honored to invite you to discover Alba County not only by figures but also with the help of companies that either have headquarters here, or have relocated in our county. And if you plan to expand your business in Alba County, here are some reasons to get you to do this. The strongest reason remains, of course, the existing solid partnership between the county administration and the business environment, a partnership which we have developed and are carrying on and that you will not find anywhere else” - Ion Dumitrel, President of Alba County Council.

Alba - facts and figures

Transport infrastructure

Total area: 6.242 km2 Population: 385,024 inhabitants Population density: 61.7 inhabitants/km2 County Capital: Alba Iulia Annual inflation rate (March 2013): 5.25% Unemployment rate (March 2013): 9.1% Exports (2012): 907.229 million euros ( +0.04% compared to 2011) Investments (2012): 163.97 million euros (+0.25% compared to 2011)

Alba County lies at the intersection between two main European arteries: E68 (Hungary - Arad - Deva - Sebeş Sibiu - Braşov), E81 (Bulgaria Giurgiu - Bucharest - Piteşti - Sibiu Alba Iulia - Cluj Napoca - Satu Mare - Hungary) and the Motorway Orăştie – Sibiu the Pan-European Corridor IV. Alba County will be crossed by a new highway that will connect the town of Sebeş to Turda, in fact, a connecting link between the Motorway Orăştie – Sibiu, which crosses Alba on a distance of about 40 kilometers, and the Transylvania Motorway. The county is crossed by two railway lines connecting the E and W, and the N and S of Europe, the rail junctions Teiuş, Războieni, Vinţu de Jos provide direct links to the European corridors. There is also a connection to the airport services from Sibiu - 69 km, Cluj Napoca - 97 km and Târgu Mureş - 207 km (distances calculated from Alba Iulia).

Foreign direct invesments in Alba United Kingdom: : Roşia Montană Gold Corporation, Pehart Tec, Rapel Austria: Holzindustrie Schweighofer, Kronospan, Leier, Baumit, Frühwald Konnex Prefabricate, Schosswender Möbel Italy: Savini Due, Ciatti HT Sebeş, Saturn, Rekord, Galway Sport, Ener Rom, Nuova Romital Impex, Mobitalia Prod, Tehno Plast Germany: Star Transmission Cugir, Kosmos Tre Netherlands: Bosch Rexroth, Apidava, DN Agrar Group Belgia: VCST Automotive Production Alba

Romanian companies in Alba Albalact, Alpin 57 Lux, Jidvei, Pehart Tec, Romaqua Grup, Supremia Grup, Transavia

Events to promote COUNTY’S ECONOMY - Gardener's Fair - promotes manufacturers in the fields: products, tools, equipment and machinery necessary for the landscaping of gardens and green spaces, plant protection products, shrubs, fruit and ornamental trees, ornamental plants, seeds, garden accessories and furniture. - Taste Fair of Alba - promotes the traditional culinary values of Alba County. - Furniture Fair - promotes an important field domain of the county - woodworking and the furniture industry. - Apulum Agraria Fair - promotes agricultural producers in the county and combines the presentation of products and specific equipment for the plant and animal industry, with livestock, poultry, food and agriculture exhibitions. - Best of Business - an event for the acknowledgment and recognition of the outstanding results obtained by economic operators with Romanian and foreign capital in industry, constructions, services and agriculture, which have brought a substantial contribution to the economic development of Alba County.

Skilled labor FORCE A major advantage for Alba County is the presence of 4,310 students trained at the University “1 Decembrie 1918” in Alba Iulia and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and 55 providers of professional training. The qualification of the workforce for the traditional industries: metal processing, components for machinery and equipment industry and wood processing have been successfully valorized by major investors: Bosch Rexroth at Blaj, Star Transmission at Cugir and Sebeş, Nova Group, TEA and Tehno Plast at Cugir, Kronospan and Holzindustrie Schweighofer in Sebeş, VCST Automotive Production Alba at Alba Iulia.

Industrial production structure: Woodworking Food industry Manufacture of chemical products Manufacture of luggage, footwear Manufacture of machinery and equipment -

49,4% 15.4% 4.7% 3.6% 3.5%.

e main exported products: Wood and articles of wood 51.14% Electrical machinery, appliances and equipment - 13.5% footwear 6% textiles 4.27% e main imported products: Chemical products Electrical machinery, appliances and equipment metals and metal products textiles -

15.55% 15.4% 12.5% 8.3%

In conformity with monthly Statistic Bulletin no. 3 of Alba County from 2013 WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO



Arad County, proud of its European vocation Among the advantages of the county, we can mention the Cargo Terminal on Arad International Airport. Its infrastructure has been achieved through a PHARE - CBC project, through which Arad County Council received funding of 2 million euros, its own contribution being about 700,000 euros. More on Arad County in the interview with Nicolae Ioţcu, the President of Arad County Council. How would you characterize the potential of the area that you administer for investment in the industrial/ logistic sector? Arad occupies a leading position in terms of the number of new companies with foreign capital established in recent years. In 2011, Arad ranked fourth nationally in the foreign investors’ preferences, along with Bihor, with 19 newly registered companies with foreign capital. Everything here is about the economic recovery of the county, as reflected by a significant decrease in the number of unemployed people. e economic growth trend is confirmed by the official data and shows that the economy of Arad evolves in a positive WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

direction and Arad continues to be attractive to investors. According to the National Institute of Statistics, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Arad was, in 2004, 13,229 lei/ inhabitant, and in 2012 the amount increased to over 25,300 lei (about 5,850 euros). With this value of GDP per capita, Arad is among the top ten counties in Romania, after Bucharest-Ilfov, Cluj, Braşov, Sibiu, Constanţa, Argeş and Timiş. We are in the top ten counties in Romania and what important for us is that over the past 8 years, Arad has managed to double the GDP per capita. Our progress is great. 8 years ago we had a much lower position among the counties based on the GDP per capita: Arad ranked 22. Now the eco-

trends nomic and administrative evolution of Arad County has been confirmed, and if we go at this rate, of doubling the GDP every eight years, we can say that pretty soon we will reach the EU GDP average per capita. is increase in the GDP per capita in Arad is due to public and private investment, more jobs being created. Macro-economically, we have been successful. e GDP of the Western Development Region, which includes the counties of Arad, Timiș, Caraș Severin and Hunedoara, is in second place at the national level, after the economic pole of Bucharest-Ilfov. Regionally, Arad ranks second in terms of the GDP per capita, after Timiș (8,603 euros). e third place is occupied by Caraș Severin (4,800 euros) and the fourth is Hunedoara County with 4,692 euros per capita. All these data are strong arguments for investors, who want to open their business here, regardless of the domain they choose. What are, briefly, the main projects of infrastructure development, those recently completed, how many are underway, what are the expected completion deadlines and what is the projects’ value? e county and local administration’s efforts are reflected in the private investments in our county. Arad is the fourth in the country in terms of infrastructure investments, becoming attractive to investors due to the fact that the local and county authorities were able to take advantage of the EU funds offered to Romania. e development of the county is ensured by using European funds. Arad County Council has attracted significant funding in different areas such as waste management, water supply and sanitation, road infrastructure investments. Also, it contributes through co-financing, to local administration projects. Arad County has contracted 21 projects, amounting to 61.28 million euros. Specifically, of the 253 million euros - projects contracted at Regional level, 61.28 are Arad’s. Arad County is positioned very well in the West Region, in terms of both the projects submitted and contracted, and the payments, which have already been made. rough these projects, Arad County manages to be present on all the Axes of the Regional Operational Programme, namely road infrastructure, health, social services, education, tourism, growth poles and urban centers. Projects have also been covered on Axis 4, which refers to supporting the development of the business environment. If an adequate road and urban infrastructure is not provided, investors will bypass Arad County. Which do you think are the strengths of the area that you administer in terms of attracting foreign investors? Arad County is proud of its European vocation, given that it has a multi-ethnic structure of the population, higher education ensured by the presence of two universities, local authorities that are open to innovation. Without false modesty, it is the most western Romanian county both in terms of its geographical location, and especially as regards its industrial, economic tradition, the state of its infrastructure, the citizens’ standards of living. In other words, a county with many demands and many expectations, which require a competent administration, but also an extremely wellfounded vision for the future development of the county. Among the advantages of the area we can mention the Cargo Terminal Area of Arad International Airport. Its infrastructure has been achieved through a PHARE - CBC project, through which Arad County Council received funding of 2 million euros, while its own contribution was of 700,000 euros. e terminal is the first after the one in Bucharest, which was designed and built specifically to

The county and local administration’s efforts are reflected in the private investments in our county. Arad is the fourth in the country in terms of infrastructure investments, becoming attractive to investors due to the fact that the local and county authorities were able to take advantage of the EU funds offered to Romania. The development of the county is ensured by using European funds.

serve as a cargo terminal in order to ensure the air transport of goods. It was opened in 2004 and can provide services 24 hours a day. We cannot omit mentioning the Curtici Arad Free Zone, which is an area where investors enjoy incentives for carrying out their activity. It was established under Government Ordinance no. 449/08.06.1999 and has two platforms: Location Curtici, near the Hungarian border, on the railway; the location in the east of Arad, adjacent to the runway of Arad International Airport. Compared to the other free zones in Romania, the one in Arad is located on the route of a single pan-European transport corridor, Corridor 4, close to four frontier points. It can be accessed on three of the four existing transport means: road, rail and air. It is also the only free zone situated in western Romania, the other being in the southern part of the country, near the ports on the Danube and by the Black Sea. Last but not least, the Western Industrial Zone, which covers an area of 150 hectares, is located in the north-western of the town, with direct access to DN7 (E68) and the ring road. What is the message you and the county authorities you represent want to send to investors? It can be seen by anyone that in almost every town there is a construction site and work is done for a specific goal: the introduction of water supply and sanitation networks, the rehabilitation of schools and community centers, the paving of streets, the modernization of street lighting, the building of parks and children’s playgrounds or public buildings or public institutions. is is how we have come to reach today’s outstanding results, becoming the envy of most counties in the country, since we have received European funds of over 200 million euros, to which, I insist, are also added the projects received by the municipalities. Arad County Council has accessed 139.5 million euros for water and sanitation, 14 million euros for Juliţa-Mădrigeşti, 30 million euros for the Waste Management Master Plan and these are just our big projects. We have brought European money in Arad, we have developed using the funds that Europe provides us with. We have taken steps towards Europe and we are convinced that Europe is close to us!





Bistriţa Năsăud County Council Bistriţa, Piaţa Petru Rareş No. 1 Tel: 0263/213657 cjbn@cjbn.ro www.portalbn.ro

Bistriţa-Năsăud, the green business county Bistriţa-Năsăud County can be realistically labeled as the place where man lives and develops in perfect harmony with nature. For various reasons, nature has been preserved here perhaps best of all the counties, and this is today its main asset in its economic competition against the other counties in Romania. With 298,000 ha of agricultural land that has not been treated with chemical fertilizers and with 35% of county area being covered by forest, with beautiful tourist areas crossed by rivers, mountains, caves, lakes, with skilled and hardworking people, the main direction of the county’s development can be no other than investing in the “green”: solar parks, small hydro, bio agriculture, tourism, technologies of the future, clean industry, etc. “In a very short while we will running one of the most effective waste management systems; the development of solar parks is booming and the new technologies in the field of energy cogeneration based on biomass are becoming increasingly widespread here. Out of the desire to preserve the riches we have, we would like investments, even industrial investments, to use innovative, clean technologies, in order to generate healthy products for healthy humans”, as Radu Moldovan, President of Bistriţa Năsăud County Council, explains.

Pleading for a clean industry At present, the industry of Bistrița-Năsăud County is listed amongst the best in several broad areas: plastics, car bat-


teries, cable production, automotive, forestry, the production of industrial components and machinery. e County Council has already set as a priority the establishment of a business incubator where small and medium companies, especially in the IT and research domains, can develop, taking advantage of the real facilities therein. An advantage in this respect is the presence in the county of two renowned universities - the Technical University and Babes-Bolyai University - both from Cluj, with extensions in Bistriţa, training hundreds of young people for the big encounter with the labor market. Should they decide to start a business, these graduates, true professionals, will receive the concrete support of the County Council, through the establishment of this business incubator. Also, the county administration will support any Romanian or foreign investment that will contribute to the harmonious development of the county. Opportunities: - e development of photovoltaic parks (the hilly area of the county is the area with the highest intensity of solar radiation in Romania) - e development of biomass cogeneration plants (very

trends large resources) - e development of research institutes and companies in the field of green energy and technologies - e population of Bistriţa Sud Industrial Park - with an area of 30 ha, one of the most well-positioned industrial parks in Transylvania - e development of small industry and handicrafts - wool processing, pottery, furniture manufacturing and wooden handicrafts, leather processing, canning vegetables and fruits according to traditional recipes.

The future lies in organic farming e county’s agricultural potential is huge. 298,000 ha of bio agricultural land, which can be obtained as a lease or purchased at very reasonable prices. e county authorities take into account ever more seriously establishing, in partnership with the farmers, an organic agriculture cluster and an organic farming research center. Opportunities: - An ideal area for building livestock farms - A renowned area for its tradition in viticulture - e area with the highest reputation in horticulture - A huge beekeeping potential - An important forest area with the possibility of valorizing berries (raspberries, blueberries) and mushrooms - Arable unpolluted land, ideal for growing medicinal plants

“Bistriţa Năsăud tends to become the “greenest” county of Romania and therefore any investment in green techTourism and the value of Count Dracula nologies, renewable energy, industries Tourism is one of the great opportunities of Bistriţa Năsăud County, as well as a domain where investment can pay off that are considered clean, eco-tourism in the short term. erefore, the County Council uncondiand agriculture will be encouraged and tional supports any investment in this area of business, having started serious programs for creating or repairing the supported with priority by the County infrastructure in places that are highly attractive to tourists. Council.” Opportunities: - Tourism and eco-tourism: in Bistriţa Năsăud County, Emil Radu Moldovan, President there are some of the most authentic and beautiful rural settlements in Europe. e traditions, combined with the of Bistriţa Năsăud County Council hospitality of the people and with 100% natural products obtained in the home, make the villages of our county the ideal place to spend your vacation. Why not invest in agrotourism? - Health tourism: e Sângeorz Băi resort has bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, hypertonic and isotonic mineral springs. According to studies, their properties rival those of Vichy (France) and Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic). What’s the difference? Sângeorz-Băi Resort is very poorly developed and promoted, which is why it represents a huge business opportunity for investors in the area of medical tourism. - e Figa-Beclean resort: a relatively new resort with salt water and mud, which is annually visited by 100,000 tourists, represents an investment opportunity through the development of accommodation in its immediate vicinity. - Recreational Tourism: Developing the “Land of Dracula.” e plot of the novel Dracula written by Irishman Bram Stoker, takes place in the present-day Bistriţa Năsăud County (Borgo Pass, i.e. Tihuţa Pass today), as does that of the movie “Dracula” directed by Francis Ford Coppola. In the high mountains, in the location described by Bram Stoker, today lies “Dracula’s Castle”, which is visited annually by hundreds of thousands of tourists. Not enough, unfortu-

nately, given the global glory of this brand. Bistriţa Năsăud County Council is looking for a project and investor partners to succeed in exploiting the tourism potential of this huge brand to the maximum. We’re talking about building an entire complex, a sophisticated resort, with accommodation spaces, recreational grounds, show halls, playgrounds, with mountain circuits, all having at their center Count Dracula, a genuine symbol of the county. - e construction of the mountain resort Colibița. Currently, Colibița is ranked as one of the most beautiful mountain lakes in Romania. In order to develop a concept whereby there can be a constant flow of tourists regardless of the season, there is the potential (based on studies) for developing networks over 40 km of ski slopes, with snow 7-8 months a year. is location cannot be appreciated unless it is seen, but with an investment of a few dozen million euros, it could become the most important mountain resort in Romania. e strength of the Colibiţa area is the high concentration of iodine and ozone (the same level as that of Mont Blanc at an altitude of 2500-3000m). Located just 40 miles from Tihuţa Pass, the resort, with its beautiful lake and its surroundings, could be part of the Land of Dracula project. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




Cluj, a magnet for big investments Cluj County is offering potential investors a series of business opportunities in various domains. Over the past year, the credibility of the local administration in relation to investors has increased dramatically; there is a clear sense that there has been a big change locally. Tourism and the industry are the large areas in which the County Council is expecting serious and committed investors to express their interest in. Tourism. To attract investors what is needed, above all, is providing them with accurate information on the existing opportunities and human potential, the highly skilled workforce in the county. What is also imperative is rebuilding and modernizing the road infrastructure. From the standpoint of Cluj County Council, led by Horea Uioreanu, projects that have been delayed for years must be urgently put in practice. “We must rebuilt the road infrastructure because otherwise the county will not be able to attract investors or to develop mountain tourism and agro-tourism, a priority of the current administration. We have a beautiful mountainous area, we have salt lakes, high value cultural attractions, reserves and protected areas, but it’s almost impossible to visit them because of the lack of roads”, as Horia Uioreanu, the President of Cluj County Council, explains. “By autumn, we will have completed the tourist road Răchițele – Ic Ponor ; work has already started on bridges, but solutions must be found for advancing work also in the Beliș-Fântânele area, through Smida and Giurcuța, so that we may offer tourists the opportunity to make a full tour. I also want to put into practice an older project, namely the development of a tourist resort at Rogojel. Here we have the height advantage, the area being above Băişoara, and of the geographic orientation, to the north, which means that the snow lingers for a much longer period. We will modernize the access WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

road, I hope to find investors for the project”, Uioreanu stated. In his view, the mountain area of Cluj is gorgeous, suitable for tourism all year round; there are well-equipped accommodation spaces, all that is left to do is solve the problem of access roads. “On the other hand, we have the salt lakes and the baths from Turda, Cojocna, Someşeni, where with minimum, but targeted investment, one could create mini-resorts for spa tourism. A special importance should be given to medical tourism, as Cluj is a renowned center in this regard. In fact, after the road infrastructure has been upgraded, the problem of finding investors is easier to solve”, Uioreanu said. Also re-

trends lated to the infrastructure, the President of the County Council considers that the problem of continuing work on the Transylvania motorway could be solved through a public-private partnership, and the termination of the contract with Bechtel has opened the doors to this.

Industrial parks Cluj County Council owns and administers three industrial parks. At present, applications for locations in the parks exceeds by far the available space, which is why it has been decided to expand TETAROM I Industrial Park and build a new one, TETAROM IV, in the Feleac commune. “ere are investments of almost 140 million lei, the deadline being June 2015. Here we will have production halls, administrative buildings, but most of TETAROM IV will be available for the green industry, namely for a photovoltaic park”, Horea Uioreanu said.

Clujana A footwear brand once appreciated throughout Europe due to the quality of its products, Clujana needs serious partners today to resume its former glory. e County Council, the owner of this brand, will not give up the idea of making this company, a true symbol of Cluj, profitable.

The airport Another important project not only for the county but for the entire north-west zone is the completion of work on the new airport runway and the building of the cargo terminal and the parking site. By autumn, the first 2,100 meters of track will be ready. Part of the money for the works of diverting the Someș have been allocated and the county administration is convinced that other will come too.

The Regional Hospital “We have taken over from the Ministry of Defense the necessary land for building the Regional Hospital, we have also solved a property-related problem that could have impeded the project, and I am convinced that the new Health Minister, who is also the architect of the idea of building regional hospitals, will support us in achieving this project. And here we shall start tendering procedures for preparing a new Feasibility Study (FS). We shall proceed in the same manner with a project that is dear to my heart, the new pediatric hospital. Now we have 14 buildings that are scattered throughout the city, children are taken from one to another by ambulance for specialized investigation, so I want, it is mandatory to build a new hospital with all the necessary functionalities. ere are two other possible investments where collaboration with companies is possible, and the conditions can be discussed”, Uioreanu said.

“We have the advantage of benefiting from the contribution of a highly skilled workforce, and we have an obligation to offer the young graduates of the 11 universities in Cluj jobs. Jobs here at home! For this reason, any serious investment announced in Cluj will be given priority and will be dealt with professionally by the county administration!” Horea Uioreanu, Cluj County Council President





The Offer of Hunedoara County for investors The completion of Motorway A1 - Nădlac - Bucharest, major foreign investments, rich natural resources distributed throughout the county area and representing new investment opportunities, the tourism potential of the county, the completion of the conurbation consisting of Deva, Hunedoara, Simeria and Călan, and the experience in attracting European funds are the advantages of Hunedoara County in its competition with other Romanian of in European areas. Hunedoara County is located in the central-western part of Romania, being crossed by the Pan-European Corridor 4 (Motorway A1-Nădlac-Sibiu-Bucharest), the European Road (E68-NR7) and railways linking the west of the country to Bucharest.With the building of the A1 Motorway, which is partially operational, the upgrading of national (383 km) and county roads (1,412 km - the longest network of county roads in Romania) continues, making the potential of this area attractive for incoming investments. e high degree of urbanization in Hunedoara County (76%), its natural resources, the current industry: mining, manufacturing, electricity and heat production, construction materials production: cement, lime, masonry, the production of parts and automotive wiring (Sews, Draexlmaier) or bike production (DHS), the well-developed forestry fund, all these are prerequisites for future investments in the industrial and logistic sectors. Last but not least, the constant efforts made by the County Council to attract European funds and the results achieved, the creation of a favorable environment to attract investors, have raised the potential of Hunedoara for future investments. With a view to reindustrializing the county, the County Council leadership has set the following main objectives and WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

directions of development: continuing investments in improving the communication infrastructure, the development of tourism, with the component of industrial tourism, complex water management, the development of industrial parks in the Hunedoara and Călan areas and the creation, through a landscaping plan, of a conurbation consisting of Deva, Hunedoara, Simeria and Călan.

The projects of Hunedoara County As an implementation partner, Hunedoara County Council has contracted the following projects: the expansion and rehabilitation of the water and wastewater infrastructure in Hunedoara County, SOP Environment, Axis 1 - the Extension and rehabilitation of the water and wastewater infrastructure in Hunedoara County, amounting to 448,074,198.60 lei; the extension and rehabilitation of the water and wastewater infrastructure in the Jiu Valley, SOP Environment, Axis 1 - the Extension and rehabilitation of the water and wastewater infrastructure in Hunedoara County, amounting to 168,500,000 lei; the rehabilitation of the industrial site from the former Călan industrial platform and its preparation for new activi-

trends “The partnership between us, Hune- The strengths of Hunedoara County to the representatives of Hunedoara County doara County Council, and a potential According Council, the first advantage of the county is: the completion Motorway A1 - Nădlac - Bucharest. Also, the foreign ininvestor is a serious guarantee for the ofvestments that exist at the moment, which are models of successful completion of any project!” successful business for future investments: DHS, SEWS, Mircea Ioan Moloţ, President of Hunedoara County Council ties, the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Axis 4 Supporting the regional and local business environment, DMI 4.2, the total value of the project (phase A+B) being 84,525,307.85 lei. Hunedoara County Council has recently completed the following irredeemable grant projects: the modernization of DJ 708D: Veţel - Muncelu Mic - Poieniţa Tomii - Feregi, km 14+900-25+, Hunedoara County - Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, with a total project value of 29,042,797.06 lei; an integrated outpatient unit within the Emergency County Hospital Deva - its modernization and provision with specialized equipment - Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Axis 3 Improving social infrastructure, 3.1 “Rehabilitation/modernization/ equipping the infrastructure of health services, with a total project value of 5,638,869.46 lei; efficiency, quality, promptness in the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Hunedoara, Operational Programme - Administrative Capacity Development, with a total project value of 827,223.62 lei. It also is working on other projects with irredeemable financing: the modernization of DJ 687D: Teliucu Inferior - Topliţa Dăbâca - Hăşdău - Lunca Cernii de Sus - county limit Caraş Severin, km 15+100-45+380, Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Axis 2 Improving regional and local transport infrastructure, 2.1. - “Rehabilitation and modernization of county roads and urban streets - including the construction/ rehabilitation of ring roads”, in the total amount of 105,371,103.66 lei; business park Simeria, Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority Axis 4 - Supporting the development of the regional and local business environment, Domain of intervention 4.1 - e sustainable development of business support structures of regional and local importance, the total value of the project being 22,954,570.72 lei; e modernization of DJ 664 Vulcan Pass - Vulcan, km 38+000 - 41+700”, Axis 2 Improving regional and local transport infrastructure, 2.1. - “Rehabilitation and modernization of county roads and urban streets - including the construction/ rehabilitation of ring roads”, the total value of the project being 12,058,010.45 lei; As a partner and co-financer, Hunedoara County Council has implemented the following projects: the purchase of specific equipment for improving the capacity and the quality of the emergency intervention system and for granting emergency medical care and qualified first aid in Region 5 West, Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Axis 3 Priority Axis 3 - “Improving social infrastructure”, Domain of intervention 3.3 - “Improving the equipment of operational bases for interventions in emergency situations”, the total value of the project being 49,721,769.92 lei; the rehabilitation of Fortress Hill Deva, Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Axis 5, the total project value being 38,428,182.03 lei.


DRAEXLMAIER, ARCELOR MITTAL, HEIDELBERGCEMENT GROUP, etc. e community of foreign businessmen that has developed in the county is ever more numerous and important, representing another advantage of the county. Hunedoara County can boast rich natFor relaunching foreign direct inural resources, spread over the entire vestments/ developing the indusarea of the county, representing new trial/ logistic sector in the investment opportunities: deposits of Hunedoara area, the first three coal, iron, gold, silver, copper pyrites, steps that the County Council procomplex ferrous ores, raw materials pose envisage: easing taxation, esused in construction, limestone, gyppecially for new investments sum, quartz sand, marble, travertine, (start-ups), removing financial botdolomite, etc., mineral and thermal tlenecks, simplified methodological waters, tradition of animal husbandry, norms for attracting European a valuable forestry fund, etc., Hunefunds, for implementing projects doara county's tourist potential, which and evaluating results, developing offers great opportunities: Historical a set of legislative regulations that vestiges: Dacian fortresses in Orăştiei are clear, non-interpretable, attracMountains, included in the UNESCO tive for new investments and that patrimony (the most important being will ensure a climate of safety and Sarmizegetusa), the ruins of the capital reliability. of Roman Dacia - Ulpia Traiana, the

The proposals of Hunedoara County

Corvins' Castle in Hunedoara, the fortress of Deva, the Retezat National Park, the Dinosaur Geopark in the Land of Haţeg, Natural Park Grădiştea Muncelului-Cioclovina, the stone churches in the Land of Haţeg, the developing ski area, the well-developed network of boarding houses. Also, last but not least, the realization of the conurbation formed by Deva, Hunedoara, Simeria and Călan will be an important urban pole. We should also mention the experience in attracting European funds of the team led by the Hunedoara County Council President, Mircea Ioan Moloţ: the results obtained are guarantees for the creation of a “friendly” framework for prospective foreign investors.




“The Tourism could be an Engine of Development” How do you characterize the potential of the zone that you administrate for investment in the industrial/logistic sector? Maramureș was a mining district, with a processing industry, well developed until 1989, when this sector went on decline, which had an important economic and social impact. In Maramureș there are several major investments of some large foreign companies, but isn’t enough. e investors come if conditions, logistic, facilities are provided and in this segment Maramureș still has work to do. We have high qualified workforce in the wood processing industry, textile industry, traditional products, but also several projects of municipalities in the county to achieve industrial parks, that would be an important step in Maramureș re-industrialization. What strategy do you have for your county re-industrialization? e re-industrialization strategy requires a policy system established on national level, which consists in creation of an legal framework, in facilities for investors and private sector. e facilities for investors, like incentives for a period of time, are decisions taken in each administrative unit by local council. We, as public institution, can only provide the framework for meeting of the foreign investors with Romanian business environment. We recently had numerous visits of foreign officials, in order to discuss about investments in Maramureș and I think we made important steps forward. Which are in synthesis the main projects of infrastructure development, those recently finished, how many are in work, what are the expected completion time and the projects value? e 2013 years is one of the continuation and completion of the projects started in previous years and the preparation of specific technical and economical documentation for major investmens objectives in the coming years. Ungoing projects: the completion of the project ”Rehabilitation of the County Emergency Hospital Dr. Constantin Opriș”. e value at date of signature was 61.813.843,49 lei. Due of some unexpected problems, the value of contract has increased and extended the deadline for completion until June 2013. ”e Integrate Waste Management System” in value of 62.672.940 euro in which: 38.064.454 euro grant from CE and 24.68486 from local and national budget. e financial contribution of Maramureș County Council is 17.540.629 euro, in which: 11.147.028 euro represent VAT to be recovered. e project includes: the implementation of a waste system of collection and transportation thorughout the county, the construction of two transfer stations, a station of sorting and transfer and seven of bulky waste collection centers. ”e Circuit of Wooden Churches in Norther Transylvania” - in value of 16.602.286 lei with VAT presumes the promotion of wooden churches from 16 county localities, by facilitating the access to these monuments, by rehabilitating of the road structure in their proximity and by parking arrangement, 16 informaWWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

tion touristic centers. Another major infrastructure project is the road from Baia Sprie to Bârsana – a project started in the last mandate and at which are completed only some works, on certain sections. e value of project is 84.489.519,26 lei with VAT, the deadline for completion is summer – fall of 2014. Which do you think there are the strenghts of the area that you administrate to attract foreign investors? I think the tourism could be an engine of the economic development of the county. Obviously this can not be done without the existence of civilized roads and communication networks. erefore, we want to make the link with Transylvanian highway through rehabilitation of the roads from South zone of the district. We talk about the diversifying of the rural economy, the sustainable development of the farms and agriculture explotation, the increasing of the competiveness in the agriculture and forestry sectors and the adjustment of the supply to market requirement like economic strenghts of our county. What would be three measures that you propose to relaunch of direct foreign investments? First at all here should be provided a legal framework and here must be sensitized and involved our parliaments. en fiscal and logistics facilities for investors and, not least, the development of industrial parks in major areas of county. What is your message and of the county autothority that you represent to investors? I know that any investors are looking for serious and honest partners and Maramureș could offers workforce, but also the support of the authorities for any serious investment in our county.



Mures County new investments Mureş County will benefit from the advantages of a highway junction in Gheorghe Doja commune, village of Leordeni, which will constitute a major advantage for the economical development of Mureş County. Ciprian Dobre, the President of Mureş County Council also announced the building of the Tîrgu Mureş ring road. According to the tender participation notice, the value of the project is of about 56 million euro. e road will have a length of 11.6 km, the completion deadline being of 48 months, beginning with the award date of the contract. e project is financed from non-reimbursable European funds (ERDF) through the Transport Regional Operational Program and the State budget.

Airport – at a new level e introduction of new Ryanair operated destinations from “Transylvania” International Airport to Brussels, as well as of the flight to Pisa, will lead to an increase of air traffic at the Transylvania International Airport. During the first four months of the year 2013, “Transylvania” International Airport Tîrgu Mureş registered a total number of 200,000 passengers. ese developments forecast a 30 percent increase of the total number of passengers served by “Transylvania” Airport Tîrgu Mureş, in 2013, compared to 2012. At “Transylvania” International Airport Tîrgu Mureş works are in progress to extend and cover the southern facade of the air station. Also, in the year 2013, investments will be made in security equipments, rescue and fire extinction equipments and special equipments for snow removal during winter. In 2013, landscaping works will start, too, at the access towards “Transylvania” Airport from road DN 15 KM 61+422, the total value of the investment (including VAT) being of 8.530.659 lei. ereby, a roundabout will be arranged for the access to “Transylvania” Airport Tîrgu Mureş and the available number of parking spaces will increase. In the same time, “Transylvania” Airport Tîrgu Mures intends to extend its runway up to 3.600 m within a project of infrastructure’s development and modernization within the Sectorial Operational Program “Transport” 20072013. e project has an European funding of 38,9 million euros, it is in the final stage of evaluation, aims the extension of the take-off / landing runway and of the operational platform for aircrafts, including the relevant installations and the modernization of signalling installations. e approval of this project with European funding will allow the extension of the take-off / landing runway, which will become the only

one of this type from Transylvania. In the future, besides the extension of the take-off / landing runway up to 3.600 m and the raising of its passengers number, “Transylvania” Airport intends to build a new air-station situated in the Northern part of the take-off / landing runway, nearby Mures Industrial Park.

Electrical power for new industrial parks e Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business approved in 2013 the project “Station 110-20kV + 2 x 25 MVA Sanpaul”, which has as objective the raising of power for the electrical network from Sanpaul area. e project has a value of 20.943.156,16 lei, half of the funding being assured from the European Fund for Regional Development and the other half will be covered by SC Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud SA. As there is a major deficit for the supply with electricity, existing only two lines which start from Ungheni, and the safety of supplying was not assured, this project will inject the necessary installed power in the area, existing the premises for building another industrial park in the area. In 2013 will also be achieved the work for raising the power of the installed electric network to the Waste Deposit from Sînpaul. Until October an electric network –LEA 20 Kw – of approximately 8 km will be built, starting from “Transylvania” Airport up to the site of the Ecological Waste Deposit from Sînpaul, thus being assured the necessary electric power for the installations, afferents both to the waste deposit and to the mecano-biological treatment station.

European projects in progress e project “Integrated management system of solid waste in Mures County” has a total value of about 45 million euros. is project will carry out priority investments regarding the integrated management of the wastes at the county’s level. Motorsports park - the overall objective of the project, with a total value of 58.136.243 lei, out of which 19.044.575 lei represent non-reimbursable financing, is raising the contribution of tourism to local and regional development through the diversification of tourist services, creating motor sports complex, a niche tourism in Mureş County, for motor sports enthusiasts. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO



The golden projects of Sibiu County Council The creation of industrial/logistic parks and/or engaging in partnerships to create/develop them, in order to ensure a modern infrastructure, to attract investors and promote them in Mediaş and 9 other cities in Sibiu County - these are just some of the projects developed by Sibiu County Council in the current mandate. The geographical position, natural resources, history and craft tradition in processing its available resources are the factors that have put Sibiu County at an advantage and led to its harmonious and continuous development, placing it among the most developed counties of the country at the moment. Sibiu City attracts the largest number of investors, both because of the well-developed infrastructure and facilities, and because of the available labor market and larger retail market. Mediaş is the second pole in terms of the county’s economic development, followed by the other towns. The rural areas have a lower economic development, which is also one of the problems to be solved towards achieving a uniform development and increasing the living standards in these areas. This requires that each local council should develop its own policy to attract investors, based on valorizing the local resources (both human and natural) and the local potential. Agriculture and industry can also develop in various areas of the county. An example of good practice is the commune Şura Mică, which set up an industrial park that is currently fully functional and occupied by various companies. A problem that is also present in Sibiu County is that of WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

“the less favored areas:” From an economic perspective, Copşa Mică and Dumbrăveni face socio-economic problems following the closure of companies that offered jobs to a large part of the local population and practically gave the economic profile of the two localities (more specifically, the closure of Sometra Company in Copşa Mică due to lack of profitability and the pollution it caused in the area, as well as of most greenhouses in Dumbrăveni, also caused by the lack of profitability of their business). In order to counteract the negative effects caused by the cessation of these companies’ activities, what are needed are policies for economic re-launching and attracting different investors, as well as for retraining programs for the population, administered by the local authorities. The County Council is involved in this matter, promoting the potential of the localities whenever such opportunities arise. Also, in Copşa Mică the project “A research study for the remediation and sustainable use of soils polluted with heavy metals in the Copşa Mică area” has been carried out in order to establish methods for removing the effects of pollution, the County Council being a partner in this project. Another factor supporting the economic development

trends and the business environment in Sibiu is the Sibiu Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. It provides economic, financial and legal consulting, economic and commercial information, it organizes training and professional development courses, engaging actively in the harmonious development and progress of the economy.

Priority strategic objectives - The creation of industrial / logistic parks and/or involvement in partnerships to create/ develop them, to ensure a modern infrastructure, to attract investors and promote them in Mediaş and 9 other cities in Sibiu; - The modernization, expansion and equipping of the County Clinical Hospital/ Partnerships with the Military Hospital and the CFR Hospital for expanding the accommodation capacity and specialization (clinics)/ Reopening the town hospital in Cisnădie; - The creation of medical-social centers in villages/ communes including: a family medical practice, a dentist’s surgery, a human pharmacy, a veterinary practice and a veterinary pharmacy; - The farmer’s market, of the circulating type, in Sibiu, on the Transylvania Hall plateau, without charging the domestic producers, and facilitating direct sales to consumers at producer prices; - The Cultural Days of Sibiu County; - The development of Sibiu Airport for cargo freight type; - The creation of the Exhibition Centre - Sibiu Airport; - Upgrading/ rehabilitating all county and village roads in Sibiu County; - The promotion of thematic tourist routes in the 5 areas of Sibiu County: Mărginimea Sibiului, Ţara Oltului, Podişul Hârtibaciului, Valea Secaşelor and Valea Târnavelor; - Creating a network of cultural centers at village/ commune level, including: modernized community centers, the communal library, internet clubs; - Creating multifunctional sports and leisure grounds in the countryside; - Arranging playgrounds for children in the rural areas; - The establishment of regional/ local social networks to prevent institutionalization and the creation of social units tailored to the needs identified in the county; - Raising the living standards of the Roma/ disadvantaged communities by creating an infrastructure of utilities and facilitating their obtaining housing or land in the rural areas; - Workforce training in the county of Sibiu; - The extension/ rehabilitation of the water and sanitation infrastructure in Sibiu County; - The development of the resort spa from Bazna - introducing it into the tourist circuit and classifying it as a resort of national interest; - Valorizing the historical / cultural heritage and the old book fund of Astra Sibiu County Library and transforming it into a library of national interest; - The establishment of centers/ warehouses for the purchase/ sorting/ storage of agricultural foods (specializing in animal and vegetable/ fruit products) with a view to the retail distribution of the products through the large store chains; - Encouraging/ supporting the sports movement in Sibiu County (soccer, volleyball, basketball, handball, chess championships, etc.) at the level of high schools, regions, counties.

The strengths of Sibiu County - the central geographic position at the crossroads of main roads enables road connections with other areas and concentrates flows of goods and information. In the county of Sibiu there is a well-developed network of road (European Corridor IV, E68, E81), rail and air transport routes. - the existence of an international airport which intends to develop the Cargo sector in the near future. - the hydrographic network of the rivers Olt and Târnave - is a potential for agriculture and energy - a rich presence of various natural resources (forests, parks, water, gas, etc.). - a high degree of urbanization of the population - 65.8% compared to the national average of 52.7%, which makes Sibiu rank 5th from this point of view. - two areas - north and south - with well-developed urban functions and a diversified economic profile, have the potential of instilling dynamism in the surrounding areas - the network of public facilities for education is developed, encompassing all levels of education: primary, secondary, vocational and higher - the existence of a university center in Sibiu (4 universities with 25 faculties) is an important zonal potential - the modernization of telecommunications equipment and the extension mobile communications to 83% of the county area - the natural gas distribution network is well developed also given the existence of gas resources in the county - old traditions in the processing of some local resources - tourist resorts and spas (Păltiniş, Bazna, Ocna Sibiului), which play an important role in the treatment of various diseases - the superior valorization of natural and human resources and the creation of competitive products (improved quality of services) WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




INVEST NOW, INVEST IN THE FUTURE: Bistriţa Municipal Government Piaţa Centrală no. 6, 420040 Bistriţa, jud. Bistriţa-Năsăud Tel. +40 263 224706 Fax. +40 263 231046 primaria@primariabistrita.ro www.primariabistrita.ro

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Acces to the resort Future ring road of Bistriţa Football pitches Hotel, administrative and commercial facilities Aeroclub Tennis courts Indoor ice rink Aqualand Kart circuit Ski slope Hotel Multipurpose hall Equestrian centre Golf course

Wonderland BISTRIŢA A SPECIAL PROJECT FOR DEDICATED INVESTMENTS e multipurpose sports complex “Wonderland” is located in an area whose development is fully underway, less than two kilometers from the historic centre, being positioned amidst a special landscape in the vicinity of Bistriţa. e site has a variety of attractive natural elements that are well valorised: uneven terrain, overlooking the surrounding hills and the city, all these elements providing an organic architecture, moulded on the terrain, with many green spaces and openings to nature. Equally, all the functions will have a nonpolluting character, specific measures for the protection of the environment being already taken, according to the principle of “Eco friendly environment”.


270 hectars of entertainment Benefiting from a multiphase land-planning and development project, within an area that exceeds 270 hectares, the “Wonderland” complex will include features optimized to high standards, meeting every need for recreation activities and practicing sports, such as: a ski slope, an Aqualand, a kart circuit, football pitches, accommodation, administrative and commercial facilities, tennis courts, an indoor ice rink, a multipurpose hall, an equestrian centre and a golf course.



The intelligent re-industrialization of Bistriţa One of the newest industrial parks in Romania was founded by the Bistriţa City Council in 2012. With an exceptional location at the crossroads between the East and the West and the South of the country, as well as from the skilled labour force in the area, Bistriţa Sud Industrial Park is likely to become a successful project. 50% of the project, totaling over 35 million lei, has been achieved from European funds, through the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, the other half being covered by Bistriţa City Council. “is project aims to support industrial and economic development of the city of Bistriţa. Our plans are ambitious but feasible: for the middle term, over the next five years, we plan to attract 10 million euros’ worth of investments in the park, which means that about 150 jobs will be created. Ten years from now, we hope to have investments of over 20 million euros and 250-350 jobs!”, as Ovidiu Creţu, the Mayor of Bistriţa, confidently says. “What are the reasons why an investor, Romanian or foreign, should become a client of Bistriţa Sud Industrial Park? ere are quite a lot. In addition to multiple tax incentives provided by law, in addition to the incentives offered by us, that is, fully equipped plots, internal infrastructure at high standards, dedicated and skilled workforce, reasonable prices, we also offer something else: a strategic position in the upper half of Romania. Bistriţa is the point where the economic roads between West and East and South intersect and where products coming from the North and the North-West go down to the South of the country. e presence of a business in such an economic hub can only be very beneficial”, as Iulius Dumitru, manager of the company that administers the industrial park, says.

What types of business does Bistriţa propose e industrial park, located 3 km west of Bistriţa, covers 30 hectares of land(of which 19.6 hectares are up for lease), which will be rendered viable by the owner in the next 12 months. Under the Sustainable Development Strategy of Bistriţa’s municipality, in the vicinity of the park, there will be developed an investment in renewable energy production. e photovoltaic park, with a capacity of 5 MW, will ensure the full functionality for the industrial park. e main areas of activity that Bistriţa Sud Industrial Park proposes to the interested investors are in the manufacturing industry, with the possibility to concentrate on various leading industries; businesses, predominantly financial and banking activities, consulting, design, research and development, and activities business administration; distribution, in which freight storage and logistics activities prevail, carried out near the container terminals, the transport infrastructure (roads, railways) and customs points; services, predominantly the service producing industries, as defined by the National Classification of Economic Activities; related services, i.e. the pro-

vision of utilities, cleaning and security, trade and catering services, hotel business, bookkeeping services, business support services, insurance and the like thereof or directly related to them.

PARK STRUCTURE • Total area: 30 ha • Logistics spaces: 12% • (Small / large) industrial spaces: 38% • Service spaces • Administration: 5% • Green spaces: 15% • Technical-urban and roads: 30% • Height regime: max. 16 m • Buildings: P +2, except for the services and administration building, which will be P+3+M • All spaces will be provided with parking lots: 50-150 sqm.

SC Bistriţa Sud Business Park SRL Strada Nicolae Titulescu, No. 6 Adm. Iulius Dumitru Tel. 0744-772 139 iulius.dumitru@ideas.ro www.primariaBistriţa.ro




Reghin new development lines The development view of Reghin municipium starts from following marks: the regional importance of the municipium, its affirmation like a desirable investment centre, the transparent, efficient structure of actual administration, open to the investors’ requires and finally the existence of a dynamic business community, with tradition and involved in the citizens’ life. From this point of view, Reghin can proud itself with a strong tradition, and recently, the municipium drawn foreign investors. From the local Reghin administration point of view, there are three essential objectives for attraction and maintaing of the investors, foreigners and local: the modern transport infrastructure (the beginning of the works at the Târgu Mureş - Iaşi highway will be an incontestable benefit for Mureş County, and for Reghin too), the attractive fiscal politics (the exemption of taxes for land and builduings, in legal terms) and the facilities for the necessary ground for investments achievements.


One of the important strategic direction of the actual administration consists in the urban development, more concrete: territory planning, urbanism, infrastructure. The priority of this direction starts by the facts that could not speak about Reghin development and investments attraction until there are not solved the infrastucture issues, public utilities, sanitaton services, public illumination, roads modernisation, transportation, parks, garages, parkings, recreation areas and others. All urban devolopment aspects are a constant care for local Reghin administration, the infrastructure being, besides territory, one of the facilities for new investments attractions in the municipium. The main industrial branches in Reghin are: the forest and wood processing industry, the furniture and musical instruments production, the forest equipment production, the food industry, the leather industry, the construction materials industry. The trade and services providers represents also economic activities with a significance importance in town commercial activity. The economy of Reghin municipium had an ascendent trend, being in present an important economic center of Mureş County where are concentrated powerful commercial companies. In the top companies yearly realized by The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mureş, the commercial firms from Reghin are in all important groups. The excellences of commercial companies from Reghin is also attested by the CCI Mureş by confering the excellence trophy in 2012 for 7 Reghin based companies. The success of these trade companies represents the best recommendation for all potential investors, foreigner or national.


The principal foreigner investment in Reghin municipium is one of the global players in the wood industry. If we mentioned earlier the land and the infrastructure like the principal arguments to convince an investor to establish in Reghin, the affiliation of a strong business, with tradition, which, in spite of economic and financial crises from last years, registrated an ascendent trend, where can find serious partners, with experience and can put the basis of an partnership, represents a strong argument for any investor. The presence in the municipium of the principal bank and credit institutions offers to the investor a large palette of bank services from whom can pick after their curent needs. The work market specialized in industries with tradition in Reghin offers to the investors that are interested an experienced work force. An advance infrastructure and accessible lands are esential conditions but insuficients for investors drawing. A specialized work force is an advantage that Reghin could offers to the potential investors. The small distance, only 33 km between Reghin and the county residence – Târgu Mureş, universitary center with a lot of faculties, allowed to recrute the necessary human resources for their activities. An impulse for local affairs is the orientation for the production of the green energy. For example, in the area there are some investors interested in a photovoltaic panels park. The operational programs, that already local public administration initiated and that in the next period of time will be ended, include: the revision and the improvement of the planning systems, division into zones and development (PUG, PUZ, PUD) – repositioning of these documents will be allowing to those that are interested in investments to do the best choices about location, expansion posibilities and business planning, the supporting of internet networking development – the implication of the local administration in developmet and diversification of the IT services will allow to adapt more efficiently and flexible the internal and external processes, to work more easily with providers and partners; the promotion of the economic research and development – the settlement of

some coooperation protocols between Mayoralty, the business environment and university institutions in specific areas for basis of antreprenorial incubators; the connection to the public utilities of all zones included within the built-up area; the rehabilitation and the asphalting of the Reghin roads, especially of those from the outlying zone. The working out of an attraction plan for investments is on the Reghin townhall agenda for next period, by following actions: the elaboration of some public opinion poll for the evaluation of the business environment needs. Another action want to realized a manual that content all the proceeds and necessary documents for obtaining the approvals in case of beginning of a business, besides the afferent costs. A simple but important strategy, already begun by actual administration, is the using of the Townhall website like a promotion tool. There will be presented, besides general informations about Reghin municipium, the development strategy and the informations about the development potential of the municipium and also the opportunities and the facilities bringing by the local administration. These informations will be translated in several languages to facilitate the acces of the potential investor at the information that he needs to initiate of such colaboration. Even we talk about foreigner or local investors, the lasting economic development of the community must be the number one priority for any local administration. Nevertheless, the construction of a friendly environment for companies and the capacity of cooperation between the business environment and the public authority is the essential point. A responsable administration must think about the community in terms of years and decades, not in months. As a result, the Reghin administration think a strategy for long terms in absence of that the apparition of the investors could not be materialized. The success depends also by the link of the local strategy with the legislative frame and by the exportation Romanian strategy.





Satu Mare, an important development potential The establishment of the Satu Mare Metropolitan Area, its geographical position, the existence of access roads, the continuous development of the transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructure of the administrative territorial units comprised in the Association and the entire metropolitan area, the development, modernization and improvement of the public services, the development of tourism and the tertiary sector, and the development of new residential areas are some of the advantages the Mayor of Satu Mare, Dr. Dorel Coica, presented to the investors who would like to locate themselves here. How would you characterize the potential of the area you administer for investments in the industrial/ logistic sector? Satu Mare enjoys great potential for development based on: its geographical location - near the border with Hungary and Ukraine, the natural and cultural corridor of the river Someş amidst a rich agricultural tradition; a good-quality environment; the lack of major pollution factors, green urban connecting areas and an important hydrological system for the city; a well-configured, multi-ethnic, multicultural urban community and a vibrant cultural life; a balanced labor market and a stable economy with a growing trade and service sector; the existence of access and connecting roads to and from Satu Mare: DN19, the national road that connects with the city of Cluj-Napoca, through the town Zalău, direct road access to the railway station Satu Mare South (container terminal), closeness to (5 km) Satu Mare Airport (international traffic), the national roads DN19 (the east-west axis: Baia-Mare-Dej-Bistriţa-Suceava) and DN19 (the south-north axis - Oradea-Arad-Timişoara). What is the re-industrialization strategy for your city? e first strategic objective is the welfare of the citizens, namely: improving the living conditions of the people and


increasing the attractiveness of the area, so that it may become a pleasant place to work, study, live, granting access to all citizens to a quality infrastructure (urban public infrastructure, the basic infrastructure that serves the delivery of public services, the transport infrastructure, communication infrastructure, etc.), access to decent housing in safe conditions, access to the health services, good quality education, culture and social services in a sustainable environment. e second refers to creating an attractive and competitive tourist area for Romanian and foreign tourists through: its geographic position with a greatly diverse tourism potential, the possibility of practicing different forms of tourism: spa and leisure, cultural, religious, ethnic, eco-tourism, business and congress etc., exploiting the favorable natural potential of Satu Mare and its area of influence, valorizing the cultural, historical and archaeological heritage, launching new tourism products aimed at maintaining a permanent interest in the area throughout the year, the sustainable development of tourism. A third strategic objective intends: to increase the long-term competitiveness of the local economy aimed at sustainable economic development, to achieve a stable and predictable business environment and create jobs by increasing foreign and domestic direct investment, especially in branches with high eco-


nomic growth potential, encouraging the tertiary sector and those economic activities that generate high added value, developing high-standard connecting infrastructures at the regional, national and European levels, coherently hierarchized (highways, express roads, the development of cargo discharge airlines and the creation of new operating and processing capabilities), developing cross-border cooperation, human resource development, increasing employment rates in highly specialized trades and professions and using human resources as a factor of economic development. Which are, briefly, the main infrastructure development projects? e bridge over the river Someş, the location of Ştrandului Street, the beltway of Satu Mare, the development of 20 km of bicycle track in Satu Mare, supplying Satu Mare with an underground fiber network, building an underground parking lot in Piaţa Libertăţii from Satu Mare, landscaping the river bed and the floodplain of the river Someş and building a micro-hydro on the Someş to obtain a uniform body of water by the city of Satu Mare, modernizing public lighting in Satu Mare through energy rehabilitation, a polyvalent hall with 3,000 seats in Satu Mare, modernizing the bus stops, buying environmentally-friendly buses equipped with GPS systems, the building of social housing, including the recreation area Noroieni in the tourist circuit of Satu Mare, implementing the energy efficiency measures in residential buildings from the city of Satu Mare, the Water Museum arranged in the old water plant of Satu Mare. What do you think are the strengths of the area you administer for attracting foreign investors? e establishment of the Satu Mare Metropolitan Area, its geographical position, the existence of access roads, the continuous development of the transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructure of the administrative territorial units comprised in the Association and the entire metropolitan area, the development, modernization and improvement of public services, the development of tourism and the

tertiary sector, the development of new residential areas, according to European standards, the development of human resources, increasing employment rates and combating social exclusion and social disparities, attracting new investments and increasing access to resources, developing our own projects and programs, as well as in partnership with other individuals and businesses in the country and abroad, developing strategies, programs, studies and specialized surveys to inventory the problems faced by the population and the different categories of citizens in the metropolitan area, supporting the youth and young families, promoting integrated and efficient solutions for the building of social housing, active participation in programs on jobs creation and improving the general standard of living; Promoting public and private investment in the sustainable development of the metropolitan area and administrative-territorial units it includes; Encouraging and promoting school attendance and increasing the level of education and culture among the youth and other vulnerable groups; What are three steps you would propose for re-launching direct foreign investment / the development of the industrial/ logistic sector in your area? e unconditional and constant support of the local authorities in investment achievement, the development of programs for increasing the level of training/ retraining and continuous education for the workforce through irredeemable funds, the development of the industrial sector through measures for supporting the workforce and ensuring its professional development, the setting up of new industrial parks and the granting of incentives to investors, the establishment of recreational areas in the metropolitan area outside the urban area, the promotion of the metropolitan area in terms of existing tourism resources. What is your and the local authorities’ message to investors? We invite you to meet us, you will be convinced that it is worth investing in us.



Favourite projects Industrial and logistic parks in Romania – the current business opportunities, key figures and partnership options.



Un PIC de succes în Alba S.C. Parcul Industrial Cugir S.A. a fost înfiinţat la data de 30.09.2002, prin H.G. 1031/2002, în urma divizării S.C. Uzina Mecanică Cugir S.A. din cadrul Companiei Naţionale Romarm S.A. Societatea nou creată, respectiv Suprafaţă: 62.000 mp S.C. Parcul Industrial Cugir S.A., se Stadiu operaţional: 100% constituie sub autoritatea ConsiliuGrad de ocupare: 90% - 38 agenţi lui Judeţean Alba, în vederea admieconomici nistrării unui parc industrial și preia Locuri de muncă active: peste 430 activele necesare înfiinţării acestui Valoarea totală a investiţiilor: parc, active prevăzute în protocolul 2.331.296 lei la 31.12.2012 de predare-preluare. Societatea este Proprietar: Judeţul Alba înregistrată la Registrul Comerţului Cugir, str. Victoriei, nr. 8A, sub nr. J01/ 473/2002, având codul judeţul Alba unic de înregistrare RO14963620, și Emil Nicolae Muntean, un capital social la data înfiinţării de director general 6.308.720.170 ROL, reprezentând Telefon / Fax: 0258 – 750 626 valoarea activelor preluate din proparculindustrialcugir@yahoo.com tocolul de predare-preluare și muntean_emil2003@yahoo.com 100.000.000 ROL, sumă alocată de www.parculindustrialcugir.ro la bugetul propriu al judeţului Alba. Domeniul de activitate al Societăţii este administrarea imobilelor pe bază de comision și/sau contract (cod CAEN 6832). Ulterior, domeniul de activitate s-a extins cu următoarele activităţi secundare: distribuţie și comercializare energie electrică, combustibili gazoși, apă, colectare ape uzate; activităţi profesionale, știinţifice și tehnice. La momentul înfiinţării terenul aferent activelor WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

preluate acoperea o suprafaţă de 11,17 ha reprezentând 4,13 ha suprafaţă construită și 7,04 ha suprafaţă liberă și reţele de drumuri. Prin Hotărârea Consiliului Judeţean Alba, nr. 247 din data de 17.11.2005, s-a diminuat suprafaţa administrată cu 4,9694 ha, prin vânzare către SC Star Transmission Cugir SRL. Prin urmare, suprafaţa de teren administrată în prezent de SC Parcul Industrial Cugir SA este de 6,2 ha. În urma vânzării suma rezultată s-a utilizat pentru realizarea investiţiei de alimentare cu energie electrică a parcului industrial. PIC este membru al Asociaţiei Parcurilor Industriale, Tehnologice, Ştiinţifice şi a Incubatoarelor de Afaceri din România (APITSIAR) prin intermediul căreia este membru al IASP (International Association of Science Parks), şi EURADA (e European Association of Development Agencies) dar și membru fondator al clusterului naţional inovativ, Polul de Competitivitate Prelucrări Metale Transilvania, Metallcluster Siebenburgen, Cluster Metal Manufactoring Transilvania (PRELMET Transilvania) precum și membru partener în cea mai mare uniune interprofesională şi politic independentă a IMM-urilor din Germania şi Europa - BVMW Uniunea Germană a IMM-urilor. Parteneriatul între Consiliul Judeţean Alba și Parcul Industrial Cugir în vederea implementării proiectului “P.I.C. - performanţă, inovaţie, calificare”, în scopul derulării programelor de formare profesională, programe menite să deschidă noi orizonturi de dezvoltare pentru spaţiul economic local și regional.


WDP - 10 parks in romania WDP is the market leader in Benelux and a major player through its efficient customized services of development, letting and management of logistical and industrial property, with a portfolio of approx. 2 million square meters of warehouses, distribution centers and industrial spaces in Europe.

WDP’s approach of the Romanian market started by acquiring landplots in strategic locations throughout Romania (including but not limited to Ploiesti, Pitesti, Constanta, Brasov, Bucharest area etc.). On an overall area of approx 200 hectares, WDP is developing a strategic portfolio of 10 logistic and industrial parks (that grant fiscal facilities, as land and building tax payment exemptions for tenants), with direct access or close to the highways and main roads. e company secured a financing line for future developments from the European Investment Bank and, depending on the size of the project, our company can allso follow the client in areas in which it is not yet active. Since 2011, our Industrial Park Oarja – Pitesti, Arges, on Pan European Corridor IV, close to automotive manufacturers (and their suppliers) Renault Dacia and Ford is operational. But WDP is constantly pursuing its development plans on the Romanian market. For example, 2013 plans include the starting of a new Industrial Park in Codlea, Brasov, first phase expected to be delivered by end of the year, as well as the beginning of development of several solar parks. Our involvement in renewable energy and BREEAM certi-

fied projects has two main root causes: on one side, WDP as an organization is interested in contributing to sustainable regional development in Romania and on the other side to offer our clients lower maintenance costs and a very atractive price for the produced green energy, which under the current market conditions is an important asset in front of our competitors. For quite a while now, the Romanian market for industrial space and WDP Romania, warehousing is a mature market, 1 Baia de Arama Street, 022204, with powerfull key players, most of Sector 2, Bucharest them focused on a certain region or Tel: +40 312 257 116; a certain client group. WDP, having Fax: +40 312 257 116 more than 40 years experience, Valentin Stanciulescu: places great importance on the de+40 730 092 701 velopment of win-win relations with info-romania@wdp.eu its customers, delivering both buildwww.wdp.eu ings and all necessary infrastructure, while companies can focus on their core business. e company proves its flexibility through its willingness to adjust A-class facilities to the expectations of its potential customers (built-to-suit projects) who seek to efficiently use their space, may it be ambient or refrigerated, with special contamination regime, for ADR goods or specific warehouse or production halls.

In such a competitive market environment, WDP is driven by the one stop, one shop principle: built-to-suit, financing, development, construction, facility and property management. In short, everithing about WDP is added value. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO



Metrom se modernizează Metrom Industrial Parc este cel de-al doilea parc industrial funcţional din Braşov şi cuprinde peste 14 intreprinderi de producţie industrială şi diverse servicii. Metrom Industrial Parc este situat în municipiul Brașov, la intersecţia principalelor căi de comunicaţie naţionale şi internaţionale ce tranzitează România. Suprafața parcului este de 63.700 mp., din care 25.000 mp sunt deja construiți cu birouri, hale de producție și hale de depozitare. S.C. METROM INDUSTRIAL PARC S.A. asigură cadrul şi sprijinul logistic necesar desfăşurării activităţii societăţilor din parcul industrial. Sprijinul logistic constă în principal în asigurarea accesului la instalaţiile şi reţelele parcului, punerea la dispoziţia investitorilor a aparaturii proprii, tehnicii de calcul şi a informaţiilor utile, organizarea în beneficiul partenerilor a unor întâlniri, simpozioane, traininguri, specializări în sălile de conferinţe şi de cursuri proprii, precum şi asigurarea la cerere a logisticii pentru desfăşurarea unor activităţi specifice. Pentru a veni în întâmpinarea diverselor cerinţe şi probleme cu care se confruntă investitorii din parcul industrial,

METROM INDUSTRIAL PARC, a identificat principalele domenii și modalităţi prin care poate sprijini efortul acestora şi a lansat opţional oferte de servicii şi consultanţă, printre care se numără: consultanţă de afaceri şi intermedieri comerciale; consultanţă şi servicii S.C. METROM INDUSTRIAL de marketing-management; conPARC S.A. sultanţă juridică specifică parStr. Carpatilor, nr. 60 - 500269 curilor industriale; servicii de Brașov, ROMÂNIA secretariat si arhivare; consultanţă Tel: +40-368-10.10.12 şi servicii de contabilitate; consulFax: +40-368-10.10.13 tanţă şi servicii de management al E-mail: office@mipbrasov.ro resurselor umane; consultanţă şi www.mipbrasov.ro servicii de asigurare a protecţiei muncii şi prevenirea şi stingerea incendiilor; servicii de mentenanţă; servicii informatice şi de acces la reţele de telecomunicaţii; consultanţă şi servicii menite să asigure promovarea imaginii firmelor din cadrul parcului industrial.





APITSIAR – supporting development e association was founded in 2005 at the initiative of seven founding members. e association is located in Carfil Industrial Park, 119 Zizinului Street Brasov, and it activates for the sustainable development of industrial, scientific, technological and business incubators, it defends and promotes the interests of its members and it takes steps to Romanian and foreign investment attraction and accessing structural funds. After only a year and a lot of work, the Association already had 22 members and now the number of members increased to 37. APITSIAR has became a member of EURADA and IASP, the international organizations in the field of large-scale and permanent activity where

members of association are constantly kept abreast of international developments in this field. At the same time, there were organized important events where, besides the actual members’ work meetings, there were held exposures of interest, discussions with central and local authorities etc. APITSIAR has implemented an important experience exchange and signed a cooperation protocol with UNPIU (National Union of Hungarian Industrial Parks). APITSIAR was involved in many general issues related to economic development and social cohesion. “Our Association initiatives as economic, legal and social dialogue partner are still far from reach the goal. ose partnerships should give greater force to these business structures. For the period 2014 - 2020 the Association should be actively involved in finding viable solutions for the development of all existing parks and others that will be created. We take this opportunity to thank all those who give their support in promoting the community and beneficial approaches and, on the other hand, to remind all interested parties that APITSIAR is always a dynamic organization and it is open to any collaboration that can make important contributions to local and national sustainable development”, chairman dr. eng. Emil Muntean.




Arc Parc Industrial, An European location for successful investments Representing the first private industrial park in Cluj County, the idea of its development gained shape in 2004, when, because of Romania’s integration in the European Union, the economic situation became favourable to the development of an industrial infrastructure. Arc Parc Industrial project was carried out by the administration society SC Arc Parc Industrial SRL, and obtained the title of an Industrial Park in 2005, under Order no. 972/2005 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Located in the conurbation area of the towns of Dej and Gherla, which totals a population of about 85,000 inhabitants, the park is within favourable geographical distance of important locations: • 45 km from the Cluj-Napoca International Airport, which means a 37-minute drive; • it is located on the E576 section that links to Transylvania Motorway, ensuring the connection with the communication axes of Central Europe; • it is approximately 28 km away from the Bosch industrial platform; • it is 2km away from the freight railway station in Dej. This is an advantage, in case freight rail transport is chosen, an easy connection to Western Europe being also ensured.


As a business support structure, the Industrial Park covers an area of 40,185 ha. It is prepared for the development of investments with an entire infrastructure of utilities and buildings necessary at an industrial level: • 2,000 sqm Building for Services destined to investors, which provides office space and conference rooms, equipped at European standards; • the energy infrastructure: a new 110/20kV station with a capacity of 16 MVA, electricity distribution networks of 20 kV; transformer stations; we should mention that the nominal installed power of the station can be amplified up to 45 MVA; • local water networks, a 6.24-inch line with a flow rate of 150 m3/hour and a 19.5-inch main line with a flow rate of 300m3/hour; •the wastewater discharge is achieved through a pipeline at a rate of 300m3/hour, connected to the wastewater treatment plant of Dej, which is equipped at European standards; • a gas mains and a distribution pipe that can deliver a flow rate of 4.000m3/hour; • access roads.



e evolution of Arc Parc Industrial has been positive, as attested by the fact that in December 2006, the first user of the park, SC Trelleborg Automotive SRL, part of the Trelleborg AB Swedish Group, completed its investment, amounting to approx. 17 million euros. anks to availability and quality of the workforce in the area, but also thanks to the location, Trelleborg Vibracoustic will extend this year its production in Arc Parc.

Contact: Romania. Cluj-Napoca Tel/Fax: +40(0)264 406.817/+40(0)264 433.303 October 2012 marked the completion of the most important project accomplished by the industrial park administrator, to date, namely “Development of Business Support Structure Phase I: Construction of Building for Services and Building for Production and Storage”. e impact results of the project financed through European funds included, in Dej, the creation of 500 new jobs. e total value of the project amounted to about 4.5 million euros, generating over 7,000 sqm of built spaces for the SMEs in the field of production and services and attracting, in the industrial park, a leading player in the automotive industry, Fujikura Automotive Romania.

5,2 mil KWh/an, green energy 3,8 mil kg CO2 reduced/year

E-mail: office@arcparc.ro Web-site: www.arcparc.ro

OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVESTORS • At present, Arc Parc Industrial privately owns about 24 hectares of land, destined to green field types of industrial investments; • e surfaces can be parcelled out according to necessities, with a territorial occupation plan (TOP) of 70%, with an extension possibility of up to 80%; • Investors benefit both from tax exemptions both on the land and on the buildings made; • e park has all public certifications for a rapid development of the industrial investments; • Investments will be connected by the park administrator to the entire utilities infrastructure;


Future projects for Arc Parc Industrial

• Supply and distribution of electricity, gas and sewerage at competitive prices; • Space management services (sanitation, cleaning and snow blowing for outdoor spaces, street lighting, security); • 2 conference rooms available for organizing events, fitted with the latest audio-video equipment; • In partnership with the Technical University of Cluj (UTCN) and the Agency for Employment Cluj, we assist investors in the recruitment and training of personnel; • Legal, technical and economic consulting and support, throughout the implementation of the investment project

2013 - Achieving, in the industrial park, by the end of the year, a “Power station for the production of electricity from solar photovoltaic renewable energy”, with a power of 4.2 MW 2014 - Launching a social impact project, mainly for the approximately 1,000 employees in the Industrial Park, a project that consists in building an infrastructure for social services (cafeteria, kindergarten, recreational areas); 2014-2015- Attracting new European funds for the start of the second phase of project development, the expansion of the business infrastructure in the Industrial Park from Dej




Transilvania Logistic Park. Strategic position near Cluj-Napoca Close to the main access roads to the city of Cluj-Napoca, as well as to International Airport (2 km) and the ApahidaVâlcele beltway (4 km), Transilvania Logistic Park is located only 7 km from the city center. It is the largest private logistic park in Cluj-Napoca. Transylvania Logistic Park covers an area of 17 ha and offers a wide range of spaces for hire, from storage areas to reefer space, production and offices. Inside the logistic park operate over 90 national and multinational companies, including: SC Profi ROM Food SRL, SC Star Foods EM SRL, SC Schenker-Romtrans SA, SC Danone PDPA SRL, SC Pilkington Automotive Romania SA.

“Our goal is to create long lasting relationships, to provide quality services and to show flexibility towards our customers’ needs.” Alexandru Bolog, Manager of Transilvania Logistic Park

Strengths: * Excellent location, easy access for logistics * Labor force available in the area for production * Competitive rent prices * Preferential utilities costs * Adapting the spaces to customer demands Transilvania Logistic Park is owned by SC Transilvania Constructions SA, one of the leading local construction companies. Together with the construction division, it can create new, customized spaces to meet the customers’ demands in the logistic park, one of the latest examples of build-to-suit spaces being the cross-docking warehouse, destined for SC Schenker-Romtrans SA (see photo).


Alexandru Bolog, Manager Phone: 0722 757.144 E-mail: bolog.alexandru@transilvaniaconstructii.ro www.parclogistictransilvania.ro



Parcul Industrial Galați, pregătit pentru investiții Orașul Galați este unul dintre cele mai mari noduri de trafic comercial din România, racordat la Uniunea Europeană prin Canalul Rhin-Main-Dunăre, ce leagă Marea Nordului de Marea Neagră. Amplasarea parcului industrial în imediata vecinătate a granițelor cu Republica Moldova și Ucraina, este motivată de accesul la drumul național DN 2B, și de faptul că transportul feroviar din cadrul zonei este conectat atât la reţelele de cale ferată cu ecartament lat, folosit în CSI și unele țări asiatice, cât și la rețelele standard de cale ferată europene. Reporter: Care sunt caracteristicile Industrial Parc Galați? Costică Voicu: Scopul înființării Industrial Parc Galați este acela de susținere a economiei locale și regionale, dezvoltarea pe orizontală a acesteia și crearea de locuri de muncă pentru forța de muncă înalt calificată oferită de absolvenții universităților din Galați, dar și pentru cea necalificată. Terenul de tip greenfield, este amplasat în partea de Sud-Est a municipiului Galați și are ca vecini - la Nord: Regia Autonomă "Administrația Zonei Libere Galați"; la Sud: Fluviul Dunărea; la Est: Societatea Națională "Îmbunătățiri Financiare"; la Vest: Regia Autonomă "Administrația Zonei Libere Galați". Această amplasare oferă un avantaj pentru structura de afaceri și facilitează promovarea comerțului extern și atragerea de capital străin pentru o mai bună punere în valoare a resurselor și pentru introducerea de noi tehnologii. Parcul Industrial Galați se extinde pe o suprafață totală de 21,8 ha și promovează o abordare flexibilă în ceea ce privește delimitarea diverselor zone, întrucât se află în incinta Zonei Libere Galați. Rep.: De ce aș fi un investitor în Industrial Parc Galați? C.V.: În vederea asigurării unui sprijin real agenților economici din cadrul parcului, în sediul central administrativ există atât spaţii destinate activităților de administrare a parcului industrial, cât și altor servicii specifice firmelor ce doresc închirierea de birouri în cadrul acestei clădiri. Acestă structură, de importanță majoră, va asigura spații echipate corespunzător, ce vor răspunde unor cerințe punctuale ale societăţilor şi companiilor, cum ar fi: săli de conferințe, spaţii pentru organizarea simpozioanelor, locaţii de protocol etc., sau pentru Director general alte servicii de utilitate comună. PrinDr. Ing. Costică Voicu cipalele domenii de specializare în industrialparc.galati@gmail.com care vă puteți dezvolta afacerea sunt: www.parculindustrialgalati.ro distribuţie, în care predomină activităţile de depozitare mărfuri şi logistică, desfăşurate în apropierea terminalelor de containere, a infrastructurii de transport (şosele, căi ferate, fluviale) şi a punctelor vamale; industrie, în care predomină activităţile de producţie şi/sau prelucrare, cu posibilitatea concentrării pe diverse industrii de vârf, ex: Tehnologia informaţiei; Industria de procesare a produselor siderurgice; Bio-tehnologia; Industria audio-video; Industria alimentară; Industria navală; afaceri, în care predomină activităţile de consultanţă, proiectare, cercWWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

etare-dezvoltare, precum şi activităţi de administrarea afacerilor; servicii, în care predomină industriile producătoare de servicii. Rep.: Cum sunt promovate avantajele parcului? C.V.: Privit ca o concentrare de organizaţii şi activităţi specifice, parcul industrial, realizează o promovare metodică şi profesională a activităţilor şi oportunităţilor de afaceri, în vederea unei dezvoltări durabile a zonei de Sud-Est a României. Această activitate de promovare se concretizează prin organizarea de participări la târguri, expoziţii şi simpozioane, organizarea periodică de conferinţe de presă, în vederea sprijinirii activităţilor partenerilor şi venind în întâmpinarea rezolvării diverselor nevoi ale acestora. Prin prisma acestor deziderate, Parcul Industrial manifestă permanent o deschidere şi preocupare continuă a promovării imaginii firmelor din cadrul parcului industrial, contribuind astfel la promovarea mediului de afaceri gălăţean. Municipiul Galați este situat în apropierea Deltei Dunării, loc unic în Europa, cunoscut pentru varietatea florei şi a faunei din această zonă. Situat pe malul stâng al Dunării, la 150 km de Marea Neagră, la confluența Dunării cu râurile Siret și Prut, orașul Galați s-a dezvoltat ca important centru comercial, fiind cel mai mare port pe Dunărea maritimă, la aproximativ 200 km Nord-Est de București, la granița cu Ucraina şi Republica Moldova.


Parcul Industrial Călan Călan, str. 1 Decembrie nr. 40 Tel: 0254 730223 Fax: 0254 732954 E-mail: primariacalan@yahoo.com Proprietar: UAT Călan

Gata pentru investitori Parcul Industrial Călan se află în faza de execuţie în cadrul Programului Operaţional Regional Axa 4.2., prin implementarea proiectului intitulat ,,Reabilitarea sitului industrial de pe fosta platformă industrială Călan și pregătirea lui pentru noi activităţi’’ și va fi operațional de la sfârșitul acestui an. Dezvoltat pe o suprafață de teren semnificativă, 41.643 ha, Parcul Industrial Călan constituie o modalitate eficientă şi atractivă de organizare şi de dezvoltare economică, datorită faptului că firmele care îşi vor desfăşura activitatea în interiorul acestuia vor beneficia de avantajele infrastructurii, accesibilităţii şi prezenţei tuturor utilităţilor, de posibilitatea de colaborare directă între firmele prezente pe platformă şi mai ales de reducerea costurilor de exploatare datorită multitudinii serviciilor conexe oferite. Titularul investiţiei este Unitatea Administrativ Teritorială Oraşul Călan în parteneriat cu Consiliul Judeţean Hunedoara. Parcul va cuprinde: parcele modulate destinate activităţilor economice, ce pot fi închiriate în mod flexibil la dimensiuni începând de la 5.000 mp; trei hale în suprafaţă totală de 1298 mp; un sediu central, numit centru de afaceri, care va fi de asemenea funcţional la sfârşitul anului 2013. Clădirea este o construcţie P+3E având o suprafaţă totală desfăşurată de 3.050 mp. În cadrul centrului de afaceri vor funcţiona: un incubator de afaceri cuprinzând spaţii de servicii şi microproducţie, în suprafaţă de 1.227 mp; spaţii pentru servicii-suport în dezvoltarea afacerii şi dezvoltare regională - incluzând spaţii de consultanţă, elaborare studii, pregătire şi implementare proiecte, săli de training şi conferinţe; birouri pentru managementul şi administrarea parcului industrial. Infrastructura de utilităţi a Parcului Industrial Călan va cuprinde: reţeaua de distribuţie energie electrică şi o reţea proprie de iluminat; reţea distribuţie apă potabilă, reţea canalizare apă menajeră uzată; reţea distribuţie gaze naturale prevazută cu o staţie reglare presiune; reţeaua de drumuri interioare şi acces care cuprinde: acces-

ul principal se asigură din DN 66 printr-o intersecţie în formă de ,,T ", amplasată la aproximativ mijlocul laturii estice a parcului, acces secundar pe latura sudică, alei pietonale aferente parcelelor.

Poziționare cheie Poziţionarea geografică îi conferă o locaţie strategică în teritoriu, Parcul Industrial Călan fiind accesibil cu ajutorul mai multor mijloace de transport (rutier, feroviar, aerian), fiind amplasat în imediata apropiere a DN 66, la 12 km faţă de E68/DN7. Distanţa faţă de aeroportul Sibiu este de 110 km, respectiv 180 km faţă de aeroporturile Timişoara şi Cluj. Apropierea faţă de terminalele de marfă ale CFR este de 1km faţă de staţia CFR Călan Băi, respectiv 10 km faţă de staţia CFR Simeria Triaj. Accesul auto se va face pe autostrada Deva-Orăștie –Sibiu, distanța dintre parcul industrial şi autostradă fiind de 12 km. Localităţi apropiate: Deva (24 km), Hunedoara (10 km), Simeria (15 km), Haţeg (18 km), Orăştie (22 km).





Alexandru Hagea – Sales Manager +40 740078004 +40 213134445 alexandru.hagea@bucharestindustrialpark.com www.bucharestindustrialpark.com

BIP, prima opțiune Bucharest Industrial Park (BIP), situat la Km 23, autostrada A1, Bucureşti– Piteşti, este dezvoltat pe baza unui parteneriat româno (familia Raţiu) – belgian (Wilmarc Invest &Attis), fiind format dintr-un parc de 173 de hectare de teren. A fost primul parc atestat în România. Rep: Cum a apărut BIP? Alexandru Hagea, Sales Manager BIP: Începând cu anul 2000, Nicolae Raţiu şi Liviu Hagea au discutat mai multe oportunităţi de afaceri în Bucureşti. Una din observaţiile lor a fost că Bucureştiul fiind o capitală cu aspiraţii europene avea totuşi un nivel de retail şi comerţ foarte puţin dezvoltat. Existau semne bune că multe branduri de retail îşi pregăteau intrarea în piaţa românească, Bucureştiul cu o populaţie de 2,5 millioane de locuitori era o piaţă de desfacere perBIP oferă o flexibilitate maximă în fectă pentru ei. Ideea unui centru logisceea ce priveşte satisfacerea certic şi industrial a venit atunci foarte inţelor clienţilor săi prin oferirea rapid deoarece acest tip de parc era la unor clădiri la cheie şi terenuri gata vremea respectivă inexistent în jurul pentru construcţie, cu infrastruccapitalei. Alegerea terenurilor din Km tură corespunzătoare. BIP a obţinut 23 pe A1 Bucureşti-Piteşti a fost luată titulatura de ˝Parc Industrial˝, oferdin mai multe considerente, în primul ită de către Guvernul României în rând existenţa nu numai a autostrăzii anul 2002. Este situat la vest de BuA1 care face parte din Coridul 4 Pancureşti, pe autostrada A1 BuEuropean către Europa de Vest dar şi a cureşti- Piteşti, în dreptul localităţii unui pod care permitea accesul direct Bolintin Deal, la 8 km distanță de în ambele sensuri a autostrăzii. Distanţa actuala centură a Bucureștiului și la de 23 km faţă de centrul Bucureştiului 23 km de centrul capitalei, respecpărea departe pentru mulţi specialişti tiv la doar 4 km de viitoarea cende atunci, dar comparând cu alte capitură a Bucureştiului care va face tale europene cum este Budapesta, deja legătură între autostrada A1 Bumult mai evoluată în dezvoltarea parcureşti – Piteşti şi autostrada A2 curilor logistice, aveam convingerea că Bucureşti – Constanţa, facând locaţia respectivă era ideală. Procesul de parte din coridorul IV Pan Eurocumpărare a terenurilor şi de convertire pean. Este dezvoltat de Universal a lor a durat 2 ani, datorită şi cu ajutorul Propery SRL și administrat de Uniautorităţilor din Bolintin Deal. versal Management SRL. Bucharest Industrial Park a generat până în prezent investiţii de peste 70 de milioane de euro din care s-au creat peste 1.000 de locuri de muncă. Principalele companii din Bucharest Industrial Park (BIP) activează în domeniul logisticii, depozitare şi industrie uşoară: H.Essers, KLG Logistics, Gokbora Internaţional WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

Transport, AVE Intermed, Prologis. Rep: Ce înseamnă BIP pentru zona industrială Bucureşti A.H.: Credem cu tărie că BIP înseamnă azi un standard de calitate pentru zona industrială din Bucureşti şi un punct de reper pentru orice companie care îşi doreşte o concentrare maximă în implementarea şi dezvoltarea businessului fără a avea grijă căutării unui teren potrivit care în multe cazuri înseamnă un proces lung până a putea construi pe el. Cea mai recenta investiţie în parcul industrial este realizată de compania belgiană H.Essers care construieşte prima fază de 30.000 mp de depozit dintr-un proiect care va avea în final o capacitate de 100.000 mp. Alegerea companiei H.Essers de a se dezvolta în Bucharest Inustrial Park a fost o dovadă de încredere că produsul nostru este potrivit pentru piaţa de transport logistic. Suntem în discuţie şi cu companii mari de producţie uşoară, dorinţa noastră fiind de a acoperii şi domenii diferite de logistică şi deci implicit crearea a cât mai multe locuri de muncă în zonă. Rep: Ce perspective are zona N-V a Bucureştiului, în zona A1 Bucureşti - Piteşti, cum pot răspunde parcurile noilor provocări ale economiei? A.H.: Zona de N-V este, în momentul de faţă, cea mai potrivită şi dezvoltată pentru parcurile logistice şi industriale, datorită accesului rapid prin autostrada A1 BucureştiPiteşti. Putem spune că suntem doar la jumătatea drumului având în vedere numărul mare de teren încă disponibil în jurul autostrăzii. Speranţa domeniului privat fiind doar în respectarea cuvântului dat de autorităţile române de a finaliza marile proiecte de infrastructură de care toată lumea ştie că România are mare nevoie pentru a putea pretinde o evoluţie sănătoasă şi pe termen lung în toate domeniile economiei. Nu este o ecuaţie foarte complicată, infrastructura bună a unei ţări înseamnă transport de mărfuri, bunuri şi turism ca bonus, deci economia României ar avea numai de câştigat, trebuie doar că aceasta viziune macro să rămâna constantă şi nu stopată sau încetinită în funcţie de culoarea politică.



www.industrial-park.ro l În centrul logistic al Europei de Est l În centrul logistic al României l La intersecția a trei mari viitoare autostrăzi l La 500 metri de Aeroportul Internațional Transilvania l În proximitatea Căii Ferate

Parcul Industrial Mureș - Succes din fonduri de preaderare În Parcul Industrial Mureș lucrează aproape 1.700 de angajați, sunt înregistrate 17 contracte de concesiune semnate și 11 companii active. Realizarea Parcului Industrial Mureș a fost posibilă datorită unui proiect Phare câștigat de Consiliul Județean Mureș. Contractul de execuție a fost semnat pe 19 noiembrie 2002. Costul total al proiectului era de 5,086,722.28 euro, din care 3,815,041.71 euro, echivalentul a 75% din costul total, a reprezentat cofinanțarea UE din fonduri Phare, iar 1.271.680.57 euro, echivalent a 25% din costul total, a reprezentat co-finanțarea națională din Fondul Național de Preaderare. Construcția a fost finalizată în 30 iunie 2005, iar inaugurarea oficială a avut loc în 18 noiembrie 2005. Întreaga infrastructură realizată a trecut în proprietatea publică a Consiliului Județean Mureș, administrarea fiind făcută prin intermediul societății comerciale "Parc Industrial Mureș" S.A. Primele licitații în vederea unor concesionări de suprafețe în parc au fost organizate în decembrie 2005 și ianuarie 2006, dar fără rezultate imediate. În perioada mai-iunie 2006, s-a efectuat o nouă licitație pentru întreaga suprafață disponibilă în perimetrul parcului industrial, după ce s-a trecut la negocieri directe cu firmele interesate să realizeze investiții în PIM. A fost încheiat primul contract de concesionare în luna iunie 2006. Anul 2007 nu a reprezentat numai aderarea României la Uniunea Europeana, ci și anul cel mai favorabil investițiilor străine directe. “Am ajuns la maturitate cu acest proiect, Parc Industrial, chiar în momentul oportun investițiilor străine și astfel am reușit să mărim numărul contractelor de concesiune, în anul 2007, la 17 contracte. În primăvara anului 2010, administrația a reușit să câștige licitația pentru administrarea unui incubator de afaceri, proiect al Consiliului Județean Mureș, în colaborare cu PNUD și AIPPIMM , cu viitoarea locație în perimetrul Parcului Industrial Mureș”, precizează directorul general al PIM, Nagy Istvan. ”În parc activează firme din diverse domenii, de la prelucrarea lemnului la componente auto, de la vopsitorie industrială până la imprimerie pe WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

textile, firme cu diferite servicii pentru industrie. Proveniența capitalului este apoximativ egal împărțită: jumătate autohton, dar avem și capital din Austria, Belgia, Olanda, o mica parte din Ungaria. Purtăm discuții cu autoritățile pentru a dezvolta Parcul Industrial Mureș II, în același areal, dar în altă locație. Avem experiența și know how-ul” a mai spus Nagy Istvan.

Reporter: Cine mai poate veni în Parcul Industrial Mureș N.I.: Poate veni oricine, trebuie doar ca activitatea să nu fie poluantă, să facă producție, sau să ofere servicii. Am stabilit că suprafața care se valorifică să fie de minim 1.500 mp. În principiu, investitorul ar trebui să decidă din momentul zero dacă dorește sau nu să cumpere terenul. Dacă nu dorește, avem un tabel cu criterii de evaluare, privind mărimea investiției, numărul de locuri de muncă create, nivelul tehnologic cu care se vine în parc. În funcție de acestea se stabilește redevența care e între 0,25 și 1.8 euro/mp/an. Cei care doresc să cumpere terenul, încheie un contract de concesiune pe cinci ani și aici negocierea începe de la 2.34 euro/mp/an în sus. După ce expiră contractul de concesiune pe 5 ani, investitorii pot cumpăra terenurile de la autoritățile publice locale, proprietari ai terenurilor respective. Există și posibilitatea de cumpărare directă de terenuri de la SC Parc Industrial Mureș SA, fără a mai concesiona, deocamdată, pe o suprafață totală de 3,5 ha. E vorba de terenuri proprietate privata al SC PIM SA. Indiferent de forma de proprietate pe care o au, trebuie să plătească o taxă de adminstrare de 1 euro/mp/ an, care include o serie de servicii, de la curățenie, iluminat, pază perimetrală etc. Rep.: Cum vedeți ințiativa acestui proiect, acum, la 8 ani de la debutul lui? N.I.: Aș vrea să multumesc colegilor mei cu care lucrez. Dacă ei nu credeau în succesul acestui proiect și nu își dădeau sufletul pentru el, nu cred că ajungeam aici. Până la urmă se dovedește că inițiativa Consiliului Județean de a crea această infrastructură de afaceri a fost una bună. La fel se poate spune și despre celălalt proiect, incubatorul de afaceri.




County Council, after winning a PHARE project of almost 6 million € managed to start the largest industrial project in the area. Currently, the Mures Industrial Park employs over 1500 people. Industrial Park is managed by S.C. INDUSTRIAL PARK SA, the majority shareholder being Mures County Council. Currently, the Industrial Park has 7.5 hectares available, of the total of 43.4 hectares, divided into lots with an area of 2,900 sqm to 35,000 sqm. In the picture below you can view the lots. In Mures Industrial Park there are three different versions in terms of land occupation by potential investors: 1: Concession of the land for up to 49 years, with possibility of extension of the concession contract, with half the initial period (up to 25 years). e concession is determined by the parties, through negotiations, in accordance with legal regulations in force, the minimum payments as of 0.12 to 1.8 euros + VAT / sqm / year. e fee shall be based on an evaluation form containing the following criteria: the technology investment, the investment, jobs, the speed with which the place is functional, the investor market experience - all these criteria have a role in the procedure of evaluation. 2: Purchase of land, where the investor enters into a concession contract for a period of five years (fee is 2.34 Euro / sqm / year) and a pre sale - purchase, the investor having the right to buy land from

local proprietary authorities at the price of 9.5 euros / sqm. 3: Renting or buying of production facilities already constructed, from companies that have suffered economic and financial crisis, companies that are willing to capitalize these facilities. 4. Buying land directly from Parc Industrial Mures, we won 3.5 ha. For all variants of concession, management fee is: 0.083 EUR / sqm / month. Industrial Park has the necessary infrastructure utilities (electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment plant, sewer, optic fiber telecommunications network, access to E60, and the future highway). Mures Industrial Park is located in the logistics center of Romania, on the industrial platform Vidrasau (Ungheni), 15 km away from the center of Targu Mures. Mures Industrial Park is two kilometers away from E60 (DN15), near the railway Targu Mures - Razboieni, and near Targu Mures International Airport. From the airport there are planes flying to most major European cities (Budapest, Barcelona, Dortmund, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Rome, Dusseldorf). We mention that future highway Brasov - Targu Mures - Cluj - Bors will cross near the Industrial Park and will be connected to DN15 highway intersection and with the access road to the park.






Ploiești Industrial Parc Ploieşti Industrial Parc s-a înfiinţat la începutul anului 2002 – atunci când majoritatea marilor întreprinderi erau în curs de restructurare, rata somajului înregistra un nivel îngrijorător şi situaţia economico-socială la nivelul judeţului Prahova era din ce în ce mai nefavorabilă. S.C. Ploieşti Industrial Parc S.A. a obţinut titlul de parc industrial în anul 2003, prin Ordinul nr. 538/25.09.2003 al Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor. Societatea are în acest moment o suprafaţa de 162,6 hectare în zona Ploieşti. Prin Ordinul nr. 154/15.07.2009 al Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor a obţinut al doilea titlu de parc industrial pentru terenul în suprafaţă de 31,4 ha situat în localitatea Mizil, prin Ordinul nr.177/13.08.2009 al Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor a obţinut al treilea titlu de parc industrial pentru terenul în suprafaţă de 35,06 ha situat în localitatea Urlaţi şi prin Ordinul nr. 141/29.06.2010 a obţinut al patrulea titlu de parc industrial pentru terenul în suprafaţă de 45 ha situat în localitatea Ciorani. Ploieşti Industrial Parc este unul dintre cele mai mari parcuri industriale din Romania. Ca societate-administrator a acestui parc, suntem organizaţi în conformitate cu Legea nr. 31/1990, sub forma de societate pe acţiuni, având ca unic acţionar Consiliul Judeţean Prahova. Evoluţia parcului industrial a fost una foarte rapidă şi constant crescătoare. Având în vedere gradul de ocupare (100%) a locaţiei din Ploieşti, dar şi faptul ca au existat solicitări din partea investitorilor români şi străini de a investi în judeţul Prahova, societatea administrator a fost determinată să se orienteze către alte locaţii (Urlaţi, Mizil, Ciorani) pentru extinderea afacerii. În acest moment şi Parcul Industrial Urlaţi este ocupat în proporţie de 100%, singurele suprafeţe libere fiind în locaţiile Mizil şi Ciorani. În alegerea acestor locaţii s-a avut în vedere în primul rând rolul parcului industrial şi anume dezvoltarea socială (crearea de locuri de muncă) şi dezvoltarea economică (atragerea de investiţii), în zone mai puţin dezvoltate din punct de vedere economic, dar şi accesul dintr-un drum naţional sau drum judeţean. S.C. Ploieşti Industrial Parc S.A. oferă investitorilor români şi străini loturi de teren cu toate utilităţile necesare (apă menajeră, canalizare, electricitate, gaz, drumuri de acces), pentru construcţia de spaţii de producţie, spaţii de depozitare, servicii, etc. Ploieşti Industrial Parc este printre primele parcuri din ţară care au obţinut licenţa de furnizor de gaze naturale şi care deţine licenţa pentru distribuţia energiei electrice, emisă de către Autoritatea Naţională de Reglementare în Domeniul


Energiei (A.N.R.E.), precum şi licenţa pentru serviciul public de alimentare cu apă şi de canalizare emisă de Autoritatea Naţională de Reglementare pentru Serviciile Comunitare de Utilităţi Publice (A.N.R.S.C.). Director general, Ec. Andrei Gabriel Tudor



with the support of: www.wdp.eu

Parc Industrial Cugir 8A Victoriei St., 1st floor Cugir, Alba Tel: +40 258 750 626 +40 258 750 626 parcindustrialcugir@yahoo.com www.parculindustrialcugir.ro

Eurobusiness Park Oradea 1-3 P-ța Unirii, room 134, Oradea, Bihor Tel: +40 359 889 389 +40 259 408 82 contact@eurobusinessparc.ro www.eurobusinessparc.ro

Electrocontact Industrial Group Calea Nationala no. 6 710010 Botoșani, Botoșani Tel.: +40 231 513 710 Fax: +40 231 517 172 mihaela.muraru@electrocontact.ro www.electrocontact.ro

INDUSTRIAL PARK BRAȘOV 6 Aeroportului St. Ghimbav, Brașov Tel.: +40 268 402 949 Fax: +40 268 401 216 parc@parc-industrial.ro www.parc-industrial.ro

SC NITROPARC SRL 3 Republicii St., Făgăraş, Braşov Tel: +40 721 375 444, +40 723 140 277 Fax: +40 368 814 283 nitroparc_fagaras@yahoo.com www.primaria-fagaras.ro


Parc Industrial Cugir was established in 2002. It has 63,000 square meters and an occupancy rate of 90%. Here operate 36 businesses that have created 430 jobs, after 362,000 euro investments. e owner is Alba County. PCI is a founding member of the innovative national cluster, the Competitiveness Pole Metalworking Transylvania, Metallcluster Siebenburgen, Cluster Metal Manufacturing Transylvania (PRELMET Transylvania)

Eurobusiness Industrial Park is located at the entrance to Oradea from Vama Borș, having a street frontage of 1.2 km on E60. e Industrial Park is divided into lots, which in turn are divided into plots with different surfaces (the smallest plot measuring 3,575 square meters). Both the plots and the lots are modular and can be resized, according to needs and the intended investments. S.C. EUROBUSINESS PARC ORADEA S.R.L. is formed with the City Council of Oradea as its sole shareholder.

Botoșani Industrial Park is managed by SC Electromining SA Botoșani, an associated legal person of Electrocontact Industrial Group SA. e park is located in the northern part of Botoșani city, on DN 29B. It was created under a public-private partnership and has a total area 129,500 square meters. Electrocontact Industrial Group is the leading provider of solutions in the field of electrical distribution and control appliances, for both the domestic and industrial use.

Industrial Park Brașov offers Greenfieldtype spaces for long-term rent, destined for production activities, storage and offices. e halls are executed in accordance with the specific requirements of each customer. Construction started in 2007. e total area is 39 hectares. ere are complete networks of road and utilities infrastructure. Today there are 72,000 built square meters, at 100% occupancy degree, and a platform with 2,500 employees.

Nitroparc Ltd. was established in 2006 as a management society for Făgăraş Industrial Park. e hardened security infrastructure of most of its administered buildings is one of the “strengths” of the location. Făgăraş Industrial Park is located in the south-west of the chemical platform from Făgăraş, on an area of 10 ha, being connected through DJ 104 C to the transport infrastructure of the town. Its closeness to the future Transylvania Motorway (about 5 km) is another advantage.

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SC Brem Company SA owns and manages Zărnești Industrial Park, together with Zărnești Local Council. Available for rental Zărnești Industrial Park and purchase are industrial spaces, Aleea Uzinei no.1/A, commercial spaces, offices, plots of land Brașov, Brașov within the built-up area, the park’s surface Tel: +40 368 459 178 being 360,000 square meters. In the park bremcompany@idilis.ro www.parculindustrialzarnesti.ro operate three Italian companies specializing in the production of industrial precast concrete and metal components.

Graells & Llonch Administrare Parc Industrial SA operates an industrial park at Prejmer GRAELLS & LLONCH with an area of 839,000 square meters, being INDUSTRIAL PARK one of the largest parks in the country. e Tel: +40 268 362 658 park offers a wide range of investment opFax: +40 268 362 788 tions, because there are areas for industrial laura@graellsllonchromania.ro w w w.graellsllonchadminis- operations, logistics and retail, with surfaces between 1,000 and 21,000 square meters. trareparque.com/romana Graells & Llonch Industrial Park is managed by a company run jointly by members of state institutions and private shareholders, to ensure cooperation with the local authorities.

Carfil Industrial Park 119 Zizinului St. Braşov, Braşov Tel: +40 268 333 674 Fax: +40 268 321 244 cipbrasov@gmail.com www.cipbrasov.ro

Metrom Industrial Park 60 Carpaților St., Brașov, Brașov Tel: +40 368 101 012 Fax: +40 368 101 013 office@mipbrasov.ro www.mipbrasov.ro

Arc Industrial Park 3 /103 Horea St., Cluj Napoca, Cluj Tel: +40 264 406 817 +40 264 433 303 office@arcparc.ro www.arcparc.ro

An industrial park located in Braşov city, at the junction of the main national and international communication routes that transit Romania. e first functional industrial park in Brasov, Carfil Industrial Park comprises over 44 companies of industrial production and various services. e park area is 18,700 square meters, of which 11,000 square meters represent production and office spaces.

Metrom Industrial Park is the second functional industrial park in Brașov and includes over 14 companies of industrial production and various services. e industrial park area is 63,700 square meters, and the built area is 27,000 square meters. is is of particular interest to investors, given both its geographical location and its direct access to the technical and utilities infrastructure necessary conducting economic activities.

Arc Park is located in the town of Dej, 50 km NE of the city of Cluj-Napoca, on DN1C, and has an area of 40,185 square meters, being a private investment. Also, the park is located 37 km from Cluj Napoca International Airport. e administrator company also holds a license as an energy supplier. ere are two companies that are now active in the park.





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S.C. Reif Construct S.R.L. 64 A Iugoslaviei St., ap. 3 and 4, Cluj Napoca, Cluj Tel: +40 264 406 066 Fax: +40 264 432 425 office@reifconstruct.ro www.reifconstruct.ro

SC. TETAROM S.A. 47 Tăietura Turcului St., 400221 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Tel: +40 264 407 900/901/902, Fax: +40 264 432 750 tetarom@tetarom.ro www.tetarom.ro

Mangalia Industrial Park 1 Intrarea Portului St., PO no.1, PO Box-32, Mangalia, Constanța Tel/Fax: +40 341 566 942 parcindustrialm@yahoo.com www.mangaliaparc.ro

Moreni Industrial Park 16 D Teiș St., Moreni, Dâmbovița Tel/fax: +40 245 668 490 parci_moreni2002@yahoo.com www.parcindustrialmoreni.ro

Priboiu Industrial Park 60 Aleea Sinaia St. Priboiu Village, Brăneşti Commune, Dâmboviţa Tel/fax: +40 245 231 211 priboiuparcindustrial@yahoo.com www.parcindustrialpriboiu.ro


S.C. REIF Construct S.R.L. is developing infrastructure projects. In N-W Romania, Cluj County, it has recently constructed an industrial area for companies that want to establish in the region. On an area of 44 hectares (440,000 square meters), these companies have access to high quality infrastructure, a rich labor market and a favorable environment for business development. Reif Industrial Zone is adjacent to Câmpia Turzii city. Tetarom I Industrial Park is the first industrial park in Cluj County and was inaugurated in 2005. It has an occupancy rate of 100%, with over 50 companies, 2,000 employees and more than 60 million euros invested by its customers. Tetarom II has operated since 2006 and all the 120,000 square meters are occupied by Emerson SRL, a company that has 1,200 employees and has invested more than 120 million euros. Tetarom III has 1.54 million square meters and an occupancy rate of 75%; over 1,500 people work here, after investments of 200 million euros. Tetarom IV is developing across 850,000 square meters in Feleacu and will be completed in 2015. Mangalia Industrial Park covers an area of 13.1 ha and is located at a distance of 1.5 km from the west of the town. e land is owned by the City of Mangalia. e park has easy access to the DJ 391 county road, Mangalia Negru-Vodă, as well as to the E 85 European highway (DN 39) ConstanţaMangalia. It has access to the railway and to the port of Mangalia. Its closeness to the Bulgarian border creates opportunities for the development of import-export activities and cross-border cooperation. Moreni Industrial Park is located in the eastern part of Moreni town, Dâmbovița County, a town with ancient industrial traditions. Moreni Industrial Park offers on lease: industrial buildings between 100 square meters and 14,000 square meters, administrative spaces, covered warehouses, outdoor warehouses, 88,000 square meters of greenfield. Currently, activities in the park are diverse: from clothing molds for the automotive industry, to leisure boats and textiles. Priboiu Industrial Park is an investment of nearly 15 million euros Dâmboviţa County Council has made with the help of the European Union through the PHARE Program. It is situated 14 km north of Târgovişte and less than 100 kilometers from Bucharest. e park has an area of 32 hectares. e intention of its management is to host mainly manufacturing and financial-banking activities, but also consulting, design, research-development, and logistics.

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Strategically located in South-Central Romania, the Industrial Park RACARI covers an area of 238,466 square meters and preS.C. Avalon Parc Industrial S.R.L. sents great development opportunities for Tel: +40 722 237 597 large industrial projects. e park’s technical violetamolodetiu@clicknet.ro infrastructure, inherited from a disaffected www.racaripark.com industrial site, includes a massive power supply connection, a high pressure gas station, 16 deep water shafts and a sewage system, all of which represent significant cost savings for any future development.

Craiova Industrial Park is located in the eastS.C. Craiova Industrial Park S.A ern part of Craiova city, on the E574 European highway, at the entrance of Bucharest 10 Aviatorilor St., Ghercesti, and at about 6 km from the city center. e Dolj County, code 207280, land is adjacent to an area that currently comPlatforma Avioane Craiova prises Craiova International Airport, a shopTel: +40 251 466 185 ping area and the branch offices of the main www.parcindustrialcraiova.ro car-producing manufacturers in Europe. ere are land plots with an area of 18.30 ha.

Galați Industrial Park Strada Domnească no. 38, Galați Tel: 0721 845.487 industrialparc.galati@gmail.com www.parculindustrialgalati.ro

Giurgiu-Nord Technological and Industrial Park Șoseaua București 351 cod 080304 Tel: 0246 210 994 giurgiu_indpark@mail.com

S.C. GORJ BUMBEŞTI-JIU INDUSTRIAL PARK S.A. 462 Bumbeşti St. Bumbeşti-Jiu, Gorj Tel: +40 253 463 400 mvlaicu@cjgorj.ro www.parcindustrialgor.uv.ro

Galați Industrial Park is located close to the borders of Moldova and Ukraine, with access to the DN 2B national road and to rail transport - it is connected both to the broadgauge railway networks used in the CIS and Asian countries and to the standard European railway networks. In addition, it is connected to the European Union through the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, which links the North Sea to the Black Sea. Galați Industrial Park extends over a total area of 21.8 ha.

e Giurgiu Nord Technological and Industrial Park (PTIGN) is located in the northern part of Giurgiu on the DN5 national road. e distance from the capital is 65 km and from Otopeni Airport - 75 km. PTIGN is 3 km from the Danube port of Giurgiu, and the Giurgiu Customs are 1 km from PTIGN. PTIGN has access to the Giurgiu-Nord Railway. Its patrimony consists of land, buildings and infrastructure, which are leased for a period of 30 years by the shareholders of S.C. Dunãreana S.A. Giurgiu.

e Gorj Bumbeşti-Jiu Industrial Park is located in Bumbeşti-Jiu, in the south-eastern section of the town. e total area of the park is 186,200 square meters, with built areas of 38,000 square meters, 20,000 of which are currently occupied. In the northern part, the Industrial Park has a rail line that connects to the national railway in the Bumbeşti-Jiu train station. Craiova Airport is located at a 120-km distance.





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Hunedoara Industrial Park 2 DJ 687 St. Hunedoara, Hunedoara Tel: +40 354 416 553 office@pihd.ro www.pihd.ro

Călan Industrial Park 401 Decembrie St. Călan, Hunedoara Tel: +40 254 730 223 primariacalan@yahoo.com www.primariacalan.ro

S.C. Tehnopolis S.R.L. 10 Poitiers St., 1st floor Iași, Iași Tel: +40 332 102 208 office@tehnopol-is.ro www.tehnopol-is.ro

It is a project with an area of 20.23 ha, located on the 687 Hunedoara-Deva County Road, at the entrance to the town of Hunedoara. Being in the suborder of Hunedoara City Council, the park offers investors a range of facilities and partners the best prices. ere are 20 companies here. Investors are granted the opportunity to lease or purchase the land plots. Spaces for offices can be rented in the administrative headquarters.

Călan Industrial Park is in the execution phase, being achieved through the Axa 4.2. Regional Operational Program and is positioned between the Simeria-Petroșani Fourth Railway Corridor and DN 66, 10 km away from the A1 Deva-Orăștie-Sibiu Motorway. e total area of the park is 41,643 ha. e park also has a head office / business center. e park will be operational by the end of 2013.

e Tehnopolis Scientific and Technological Park has been accepted for co-financing through the PHARE Program 2000. Tehnopolis offers rental space (offices, production spaces), plots of developed land, exhibition spaces, seminar and conference rooms, and a business incubator. e field of activity areas is widening, companies from various activity domains operate in the Tehnopolis Scientific and Technological Park from Iaşi.

Bucharest Industrial Park (BIP), located 23 km from the capital center, on the A1 Bucharest Industrial Park Bucharest-Pitești Highway, has been develA1, km 23, București-Pitești oped on the basis of a Romanian (the Ratiu București, Ilfov family) - Belgian (Wilmarc Invest & Attis) Tel: +40 740 078 004 partnership and consists of a 173-hectare alexandru.hagea@bucharestindus- park. Bucharest Industrial Park has so far trialpark.com generated investments of over 70 million www.bucharestindustrialpark.com euros, which led to the creation of over 1,000 jobs. e main companies in Bucharest Industrial Park (BIP) operate in logistics, warehousing and the light industry.

Pro Faur Invest 255 Basarabia St. București, Ilfov Tel: +40 212 552 989 profaur@bega.ro www.inchirierispatiiindustriale.ro


S.C. Pro Faur Invest S.A. - located in one of the most developed industrial areas in Bucharest -manages Faur Industrial Park, offering consultancy to investors on the rental of industrial, production, storage spaces and logistics centers. e entire range of utilities is ensured for the leasable spaces, in accordance with the standards in force - water supply, industrial and storm sewage, electricity, gas, access roads, telecommunications, industrial equipment without operators.

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METAV S.A. Bucharest 67-77 Bihăria St. București, Ilfov Tel: +40 215 997 765 office@metav.ro www.mbp.ro

Metav Industrial Park is located in the northern area of Bucharest, Băneasa district. e built surface covers 60,976.81 square meters (10,206.3 square meters of administrative spaces and 50,769.76 square meters of storage and production facilities), the usable area being 75,983 square meters (26,767 square meters of administrative spaces and 49,216 square meters of storage and production facilities). METAV SA is listed on RASDAQ under the symbol METV.

SEMA PARC 319 Splaiul Independenţei St. București, Ilfov Tel: +40 213 189 177 +40 213 169 178 office@semaparc.ro www.semaparc.ro

Sema Parc Industrial Park is located in the western part of the capital, in the 6th sector, on Splaiul Independenței, less than 10 minutes away from the city center. Developed on a significant land surface, it provides the companies operating here all the necessary amenities for organizing and carrying out commercial, logistic and production activities. ere are class B office space, storage and production spaces available.

MUREȘ INDUSTRIAL PARK 1/G Vidrasău Ungheni Platform, Ungheni, Mureș Tel: +40 265 433 620 +40 265 433 632 office@industrial-park.ro www.industrial-park.ro

After winning a Phare project of almost 6 million euros, Mureș County Council managed to start the largest industrial project in the area. At present, MIP employed more than 1,700 people. e Industrial Park is administered by S.C. MUREȘ INDUSTRIAL PARK S.A., where the majority shareholder is the Mureș County Council. ere are 7.5 ha available from a total of 45 ha, divided into plots with an area between 2,900 to 35,000 square meters.

S.C. Brazi Industrial Park S.A. 13 Piatra Craiului St. Brazi, Prahova Tel: +40 244 547 499 +40 244 545 549 www.parcbrazi.ro

S.C. Brazi Industrial Park S.A. is situated in the village of Brazi, Prahova County, in the northern part of the Brazi industrial platform, close to the DN 1a national road (the city belt of Ploieşti) and its intersection with the DN 1b national road. It is located on the Brazi industrial platform, which also hosts one of the most important petrochemical plants. e area pertaining to the company is about 46 ha, 14 ha of which include built areas (halls, warehouses, etc.).

Plopeni Industrial Park 7 Armoniei St., ground floor Plopeni, Prahova Tel: +40 244 221 431 office@plopeniparc.ro www.plopeniparc.ro

Plopeni Industrial Park is located in Prahova County, on the Ploiesti-Slanic county road, at a distance of about 15 km from Ploiesti, and has a total area of 36.47 ha, of which 4.02 ha built area. At present, a total of 30 companies are operative in Plopeni Industrial Park, both individuals and companies, which have created a total of 407 jobs.





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Ploiești Industrial Parc Ploieşti, OP. 1, CP. 147 Tel: +40 244 434 028 office@industrial-parc.ro www.industrialparc.ro

Ploieşti Industrial Parc was developed in 2002. Now it has a total surface of 162,600 mp, and it is one of the largest industrial parks in Romania. Due to the 100% occupancy rate in Ploiești, additional parks are created in Urlați, Mizil and Ciorani, the only surfaces available now are located in Mizil and Ciorani.

PLOIESTI WEST PARK, the largest industrial and business park in SE Europe, mainly PLOIESTI WEST PARK focuses on light production, logistics and inAricestii Rahtivani, Prahova dustrial activities (surface > 285 ha; 110ha alSC ALLIANSO BUSINESS ready developed in less than 4 years). e PARK SRL park is developed by ALINSO GROUP, an inSoseaua Ploiesti-Targoviste Km 8, ternational real-estate and green energy proEast Zone, Trup II, 1st floor, jects Belgian developer. PLOIESTI WEST room 5 PARK has direct access to DN 72 PloiestiPrahova, Romania Targoviste road, A3 Bucharest-Budapest Tel: +40 344 228 200 highway (currently completed until 20 km contact@alinso.eu away from the park) and is located 45km www.alinso.eu away from Henri Coanda International Airwww.ploiestiwestpark.eu port. e park has access to the services of ALLIANSO TERMINAL, the first open and independent railway intermodal terminal in Prahova County.

Parc Industrial Jibou 4 1 Decembrie 1918 St. Jibou, Sãlaj Tel: + 40 260 640 558 primaria_jibou@yahoo.com www.primariajibou.ro

It will be developed on the industrial platform Ciglentir, in the city of Jibou, Sălaj county. Investors can negociate for 100 lots part of a surface of 22 ha, which is the total surface of the industrial park. e municipality estimates 1.000 jobs will be created by the investors in the park.

Automecanica Industrial Park 41 Aurel Vlaicu St. Mediaș, Sibiu Tel: +40 269 803 646 +40 269 803 606 info@autm.ro www.autm.ro

Automecanica Industrial Park is geographically positioned in the center of the country, being located in the town of Mediaș, Sibiu County, at a distance of 39 km from Sighişoara and 55 km from Sibiu. It has direct access to the European road and railway network. It is situated at a distance of 60 km from Sibiu International Airport. ere are 700 employees in the industrial park.

Parcul Industrial Sibiu SA (PaIS) 1 Telefoanelor St. Șelimbăr, Sibiu Tel: +40 269 210 503 Fax: +40 269 211 831 eugeniordanescu@yahoo.com


Parcul Industrial Sibiu has an area of approximately 100 hectares. It is located in Şelimbăr – Sibiu, at 7 km from Sibiu International Airport. In the Industrial Park operate leading companies in fields such as: metal processing, metal structures, chip removal machining. It has an area of 98.4 hectares. e companies that have so far chosen PaIS to develop their businesses are: Caucho Metal Productos, Caucho Metal Productos Total, Euromanagement, S.A.G. CNC Technik, Ejes. Many other companies have also submitted applications to operate in this location, which offers foreign or domestic investors an European economic climate and numerous amenities.

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e Sibiu-Şura Mică Industrial Park is located on the territory of Şura Mică, west of S.C. Parcuri Industriale Sibiu- Sibiu. e land is owned by the Local CounŞura Mică S.A. cil of Şura Mică, with a total area of 98.61 ha, 10 Parc Industrial St. to which are added the necessarily inteȘura Mică, Sibiu grated local roads, i.e. 0.56 ha. e Industrial Tel: +40 269 577 440 Park area includes industrial plots with sur+40 269 577 441 faces between 0.2 and 17.00 ha, an adminisipssm@rdslink.ro trative area, household utilities, green areas www.primaria-suramica.ro and network protection areas, an internal trafficking system.

PITT Calea Torontalului St., Km 6 Timişoara, Timiș Tel: +40 256 220 801 +40 256 220 984 office@pitt.adetim.ro www.pitt.ro

APITSIAR 119 Zizinului St. Brașov, Brașov Tel: +40 268 333 674 Fax: +40 268 321 244 apitsiar@gmail.com www.apitsiar.ro

Timișoara Technological and Industrial Park (PITT) is located at a distance of 6 km from the city’s center, on the DN6 national road, being a project undertaken by the Timiş County Council and the Timiş Economic Development Agency, to support the development of SMEs in fields such as IT, communications, electronics and electrical engineering, automotive and other industries that use advanced and nonpolluting technologies, cleaner production technology, design, research and logistics. It provides the option of leasing 25 plots which range in size from 950 to 8.420 square.

e Association of Industrial, Technological, Scientific Parks and Business Incubators in Romania (APITSIAR) was founded in Braşov in 2005. e Association currently consists of 22 main members. APITSIAR was created to promote and protect the interests of its members, to promote the sustainable development of industrial, technological, scientific parks and business incubators, and to attract investments. APITSIAR is a member of EURADA and IASP.

General Direction Public Administration – Ministry of Regional Development and Ministry of Regional Develop- Public Administration is responsable for ment and Public Administration authorising the industrial parks under the 17 Apolodor St. law statements. e Ministry of Regional București, Ilfov Development and Public Administration Tel: +40 372 111 443 has, among it’s main objectives, also the info@mdrap.ro support for the development of new induswww.mdrt.ro trial parks, especially for high end industries (electronics, IT, precision mechanics, etc. ). WDP is the market leader in Benelux and a major player through its efficient customized services of development, letting and manWDP Romania, agement of logistical and industrial property, 1 Baia de Arama Street, 022204, with a portfolio of approx. 2 million square Sector 2, Bucharest meters of warehouses, distribution centers Tel: +40 730 092 701 and industrial spaces in Europe. In Romania, Valentin Stanciulescu WDP is developing a portfolio of 10 logistic info-romania@wdp.eu and industrial parks in strategic locations www.wdp.eu (including but not limited to Ploiesti, Pitesti, Constanta, Brasov, Bucharest area etc.). e project in Oarja – Pitești (Argeș) and Codlea (Brașov) are fully operational. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO



Catalogue of industrial and logistic parks 2013 Founder Transilvania Business Magazine Aurelian Grama

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Sales Manager Alin Bolbos alin.bolbos@transilvaniabusiness.ro Nicolae Pop nicolae.pop@transilvaniabusiness.ro Marius Morar marius.morar@transilvaniabusiness.ro Florin Marcel florin.marcel@transilvaniabusiness.ro

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Accounting: Lia Pamfilie, Emo Veres +40 265 215 613

Address Transilvania Grup Business SRL 1 Primariei st. Chamber of Commerce , 2nd floor, room 206. P.C. 540026 Targu Mures, Mures County Published by Transilvania Group Business, editor of monthly magazine Transilvania Business. All rights reserved by www.transilvaniabusiness.ro For purchasing additional copies, please send an e-mail to ionut.oprea@transilvaniabusiness.ro


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