Transition Scotland Recipe Book

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Feeding positive change...

How to cook good, healthy food for large gatherings


An introduction from Robin Naumann and Scoutt Winter of boe


elcome to this wee inspirational starter for ten on cooking for your gathering. We’ve tried to keep to using seasonal produce, available in Scotland, and keeping the recipes vegan and gluten-free. There are of FRXUVH DV ZLWK DQ\ UHFLSHV LQĂ&#x;QLWH VXEVWLWXWLRQV DQG FKDQJHV that you can make as you work with your budget and the ingredients and cooking facilities you have to hand.

Can  we  help  you  or  your  organisation? boe  (bespoke  organic  events)  is  a  community  interest  company  working  with  and  supporting  a  variety  of  community  organisations.   We  offer  event  management  and  outside  catering  services  across  Edinburgh  and  beyond.  We  organise  live  music  events  for  charities  and  grassroots  organisations  and  prepare  luncheons  for  AGMs  and  conferences.  We  can  help  you  plan  your  ethical  wedding,  or  provide  stalls  at  community  events  selling  high  quality,  organic,  local  and  seasonal  refreshments  and  a  range  of  products  from  local  social  enterprises.  For  more  information  and  to  get  in  touch: 07946  226  208

7KH PDLQ WKLQJ ZH Ă&#x;QG DERXW FRRNLQJ IRU ODUJHU TXDQWLWLHV is to keep it simple, and not to be afraid. Just go for it and enjoy! The process of sourcing your ingredients and catering HTXLSPHQW LV D YLWDO DQG FDQ RIWHQ EH D YHU\ HQMR\DEOH SDUW of cooking for large numbers. Go meet your local growers DQG IDUPV Ă&#x;QG \RXU ORFDO ZKROHIRRG VKRSV 7KH\ FDQ RIWHQ deliver and might well be up for discussions about discounts LI \RXĂ–UH EX\LQJ ODUJHU TXDQWLWLHV (QMR\ PHHWLQJ DQ HYHU growing number of community gardens, city farms, organic farmers, small growers, and market gardens across Scotland. It is also important that you keep up your food hygiene standards whilst preparing and cooking at your gathering. Unless you have a proper food handling policy and system in place I would strongly recommend not charging for any food you prepare (including as part of a fee for the conference), as you could well fall foul of environmental health regulations. Cook amongst yourselves and ask for donations - it’s much easier that way. At the end of this cooking section we’ve added our basic hygiene notes. Priorities are make sure you have a separate hand-washing sink, use clean aprons to protect the food (not to protect your clothes!), use tea towels only once, keep fresh prepared and dairy produce in the fridge as long as possible, check your temperatures (hot food DERYH Ă?& UHKHDWHG DERYH Ă?& UHIULJHUDWHG EHORZ Ă?& DQG NHHS IRRG RXW RI WKH GDQJHU ]RQH Ă?& Ă?& DV PXFK DV possible) and just keep washing your hands (your hands pose the primary risk of food poisoning). Phew, but don’t worry too much - all of this is fairly straightforward and the more you do, the easier it gets. :H KRSH \RX Ă&#x;QG WKH IROORZLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ XVHIXO DQG ORRN forward to hearing news of exciting happenings all over Scotland. Keep up the spirit, enjoy, and celebrate food! An army marches on its stomach - go feed!

The  ceilidh  collective  is  the  voluntary  arm  of  boe,  bringing  live  music  and  dance  to  all! 07946  226  208


Robin Naumann & Scoutt Winter boe - outside catering & event management

Contents boe’s seasonal specialities Tasty meals for groups of 10 or 20 from boe arranged in handy seasonal menus.


Summer Spinach and bean dip Green salad *UHHQ VXPPHU VRXS 6XPPHU EHUU\ FUXPEOH Autumn Leek and tattie soup Spiced tomato stew New potatoes with mint 0L[HG EHUU\ DQG SOXP SXGGLQJ Winter &UHDP\ FHOHULDF VRXS Vegetable roast Tatties and neeps Onion and mushroom gravy Poached pears with chocolate sauce Spring Roast garlic french onion soup Roasted root vegetables Celeriac and carrot coleslaw Apple and rhubarb crumble

4 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12

Some recipes from other groups catering for activists A seection of recipes for larger numbers of people, from the websites of the Anarchist Teapot and Veggies - both groups which cook to support the campaigns they believe in.


Pasta sauces Soups ,GHDV IRU RWKHU WDVW\ Ă&#x;OOLQJ PHDOV Other ideas and tips Including how to boil water (!), sourcing bread IRU ODUJH JURXSV DQG MXGJLQJ TXDQWLWLHV DV \RX VHUYH

14 16 22

Appendices We have made the information on Food Safety in the appendices into handy, easily printable posters that can be displayed in your kitchen.


Appendix 1 - Food safety essentials Appendix 2 - Critical temperatures for perishable food $SSHQGL[ &RPPRQ FDXVHV RI IRRG SRLVRQLQJ Appendix 4 - Allergy, intolerance and dietary preference $SSHQGL[ 0DVV FDWHULQJ ORJLVWLFV DQG TXDQWLWLHV

23 24 26

Image  credits  and  thankyous: This  booklet  was  published  by  Transition  Scotland  Support IRU WKH EHQH¿W RI 7UDQVLWLRQ JURXSV DQG others  campaigning  for  positive  change.  The  content  was  largely  written  and  collated  by  boe,  but  also  uses  content  made  available  from  Veggies  and  the  Anarchist  Teapot.  The  source  of  each  section  is  made  clear,  and  we  thank  these  groups  very  much  IRU DOORZLQJ XV WR EHQH¿W IURP WKHLU YDVW H[SHULHQFH of  catering  for  large  campaigning  groups  and  gatherings. Photographs: Images  from  Flickr  users  are  all  used  under  a  &UHDWLYH &RPPRQV $WWULEXWLRQ /LFHQVH H[FHSW ZKHUH VSHFL¿HG &RYHU )OLFNU XVHU LORYHEXWWHU ERH WKH ODUJH LPDJH LV IURP )OLFNU XVHU CampActionClimat2010  (Benka)  and  is  used  under  a  Creative  Commons  Attribution  (no  derivs,  non-­ commercial)  License.  Page  2:  boe.  Page  3:  boe.  Page  4:  Flickr  user  thebittenword,  boe.  Page  5:  $ODVWDLU %XUQ 0XUGRFK 3KRWRJUDSK\ )OLFNU XVHU 09, ERH .DUHQ *UDQW 3DJH ERH 7UDQVLWLRQ %ODFN ,VOH )OLFNU XVHU 1RHO =LD /HH 3DJH )OLFNU XVHU NHYLQPDUVK 3DJH ERH 3DJH .DUHQ *UDQW 3DJH )OLFNU XVHU FKHUU\OHW 3DJH .DUHQ *UDQW 3DJH ERH 3DJH )OLFNU XVHU 5KLD Y. Page  17:  Flickr  user  bobjudge,  boe.  Page  18:  boe.  Page  19:  Flickr  user  krossbow.  Page  20:  Flickr  user  serenejournal.  Page  22:  Flickr  user  mrdsdewinter. Layout  and  design  by  Catalyst  Campaigns  (


boe’s seasonal specialities

Summer Spinach & bean dip Green summer soup Fresh berry “crumble�

Summer is the time for leafy greens. Make the most of those vitamin-rich goodies with these green recipes! Spinach & bean dip (serves 10) Equipment needed – hand blender and large bowl or food processor, large saucepan to cook beans. For a hearty starter on days that might be too hot for soup, serve this with cruditÊ (gluten free!), oatcakes or bread. To ZRUN RXW TXDQWLWLHV LPDJLQH KRZ PXFK RQH SHUVRQ PLJKW want and then multiply by the number attending. eg. 1 person might eat half a carrot and one stick of celery. 2 x 400g tin of cooked beans, washed & drained or 3 cups dried beans, soaked & cooked (you can use any type of beans, I recommend butter beans or haricot beans) 2 bunches of fresh spinach, washed & drained, destemmed & coarsely chopped 1 bunch of fresh basil, washed & drained, destemmed Olive oil 3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped Salt and pepper to taste Water if necessary Method: Place drained cooked beans, spinach, basil and garlic into a food processor and blend. Alternatively you can use a bowl with a hand blender. Add a little olive oil and water as you go to create the right consistency. The amounts you need will vary depending on the beans you use. When you have created a nice creamy dip, add salt and pepper to taste and serve with a sprinkle of toasted seeds on top, or a garnish of basil. Green salad Use a mixture of salad leaves such as lettuce, spinach, rocket, chard, sorrel. Add in some locally grown poly-tunnel tomatoes, some carrots, and some toasted seeds or nuts.


Green summer soup (serves 10) Equipment needed – 1 large heavy-based saucepan 1 onion, 2 leeks (trimmed & washed) 2 small courgettes 3 tbsp oil 6 handfuls of sorrel 2 large lettuces 2 handfuls fresh spinach SRWDWRHV URXJKO\ FKRSSHG 2L stock Salt and pepper to taste *DUQLVK Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG IUHVK KHUEV VXFK DV SDUVOH\ RU FKHUYLO Method: Peel & chop the onion and leeks, sautee in the oil for about 3 minutes then add courgettes and sautee for another 2-3 minutes. Rinse and chop the sorrel and spinach, shred the lettuce. Add these to onions & stir through. Add the potatoes and stock to the pan. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 30 minutes. Mash up the potatoes or puree the soup. Add seasoning and serve garnished. Summer berry crumble (serves 10) Equipment needed – oven dish/tray, blender, wooden spoon, oven, mixing bowl. Summer berries are so beautiful it’s almost a crime to cook them. Here’s a recipe you can choose to cook or to serve at ambient temperature, keeping the berries fresh & full of goodness... You can serve this crumble with vegan ice cream, soya or oat cream – but bear in mind that oat cream isn’t gluten free. 10 cups of summer berries: any mix of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, gooseberries, loganberries, brambles... even grapes. If using sour berries such as gooseberries or currants, it is a good idea to add some sugar – about 1 tbsp per cup of berries. This is variable depending on the your berry mix! For the crumble: FXSV RI ZDVKHG RDWV ZDVKHG RDWV DUH JOXWHQ IUHH 1 cup of nuts or seeds ž cup of sugar ½ cup of vegan margarine or vegetable oil (for baked crumble) ½ tsp freshly ground cinnamon Âź tsp freshly ground nutmeg (spices are stronger when fresh - if using pre-ground spices, you may choose to add more) Method: ,I XVLQJ RYHQ SUHKHDW WR Ă?) Ă?& JDV PDUN 0L[ WKH EHUULHV VXJDU LQ D GHHS oven tray or casserole dish. Use a blender or food processor to grind the oats and nuts into smaller pieces. Don’t turn it into dust, just make oatmeal! Add your spices now. For fresh “crumbleâ€?, you can toast the oat/nut combo in a saucepan until it begins to brown. Mix in the sugar. Place berry/sugar mix into individual bowls and place a good big tablespoonful of the toasted oat/nut/sugar mix over the top. Serve! For baked crumble: add the sugar to the dry oatmeal/nuts. Rub the margarine into the dry mix until there are no lumps left. If using oil, mix thoroughly through with a wooden spoon. Spread the fruit mix into a deep oven tray or casserole dish. Spoon the crumble mixture out evenly over the fruit, making sure it’s all covered. Bake in the preheated oven for 30-40min until the top begins to brown. Serve hot!


Leek & tattie soup New boiled potatoes with mint, spiced tomato stew Mixed berry & plum pudding Leek & tattie soup: (serves 10) Equipment needed – large pot with heavy base & lid, chopping board, knives, ladle, hand blender or food processor. This can be prepared the day before use and then heated before serving. 2 brown onions – peeled & chopped OHHNV Ă“ ZDVKHG WULPPHG SRWDWRHV Ă“ ZDVKHG SHHOHG LI QHFHVVDU\ GLFHG 1L stock Water 1 small tetra pack soy/oat cream (optional) Salt and pepper to season Olive oil for sautee Garnish of chopped parsley or toasted seeds Method: Slice the leeks in half and chop into roughly ½ cm half-moons. Sautee the onions and leeks until they begin to become transparent. Add the diced potatoes. Put the lid on and turn heat down slightly, allowing vegetables to “sweatâ€? for about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. $GG VWRFN DQG WRS XS ZLWK ZDWHU XQWLO OLTXLG LV OHYHO ZLWK WKH WRS RI WKH YHJHWDEOHV Bring to the boil, then simmer approximately 30 minutes until potatoes are soft. Season with salt and pepper. If you like, you can puree all or part of the soup with a hand blender. If you want to make this soup extra creamy then you can add “creamâ€? after the soup has cooled a little. Beware – if you add the cream when the soup is too hot, it will separate and look a little funny! Alternatively you can use the soy cream as a garnish, along with some chopped parsley or toasted seeds.


Spiced tomato stew (serves 10) Equipment needed – 1 large pot with heavy base, ladle, chopping board & knives. J VR\ FKXQNV 793 YHJJLH EXUJHU FKXQNV FKHFN IRU JOXWLQRXV LQJUHGLHQWV RU [ J can of cooked beans, washed & drained 3 tsp yeast extract 1 stock cube/1 tsp bouillon Oil 2 large onions 1 large parsnip 4 carrots 1 large handful of green beans/runner beans – chopped into 1 inch pieces 2 tsp caraway seeds 2 tbsp smoked paprika ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper 4 medium potatoes [ J WLQQHG WRPDWRHV RU VPDOO FKRSSHG WRPDWRHV 3 tbsp tomato puree 1L stock Salt and pepper to season Method: Soak the soy mince/tvp in hot water with the yeast extract & stock cube mixed in for at least 20 minutes. Chop the onion roughly, and the root veg into biggish bite-sized bits. Gently sautee onion in a heavy based pan. Add the carrot & parsnip and “sweatâ€? for about 10 minutes, on medium heat. Add the paprika, cayenne and caraway seeds and stir through. Add the drained soy chunks/TVP/canned beans as well as the tomatoes & tomato puree. Stir IRU PLQXWHV Add the potatoes, green beans and stock to just cover the vegetables. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 20min until the vegetables are soft, stirring occasionally. Add salt and pepper to taste. If your stew is a little too spicy, you can add a touch of sugar to calm the tastebuds down! New potatoes with mint (serves 10) Equipment needed – 1 large saucepan, large bowl and spoon for serving 2kg new potatoes, washed EXQFK IUHVK PLQW ZDVKHG DQG FKRSSHG Ă&#x;QHO\ 2 tbsp vegan margarine or olive oil Salt and pepper to season UHG RQLRQ Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG RSWLRQDO Method: Bring a large pan of water to the boil, add 2 tsp of salt. Add the new potatoes and boil whole until soft – approximately 20 minutes. Check carefully, as you really don’t want them to be mushy! Drain the potatoes, and mix through the margarine or olive oil. Sprinkle with mint, salt & pepper, and onion and mix gently to combine. Serve hot.


Mixed berry and plum pudding 7KLV LV D VLPSOH UHFLSH ZKLFK FDQ EH SUHSDUHG LQ DGYDQFH DQG UHTXLUHV DERXW 2 hours of chill time in the fridge. Equipment needed - blender or food processor, wooden spoon, whisk, saucepan FXSV PL[HG EHUULHV SOXPV ZDVKHG DQG SOXPV GHVHHGHG 1 cup “milk� 1 Tbsp vanilla extract 1 2/3 cups sugar 7EVS FRUQVWDUFK Pinch of salt Method: In a food processor, blend together the fruit, “milk� and vanilla until smooth. In a medium-sized saucepan, stir together the sugar, cornstarch and salt. Whisk in 1/4 cup of “milk� to make a paste. Stir in the remaining “milk� mixture and bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and simmer for 1 minute or until the pudding starts to thicken. Portion evenly into serving bowls, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.


Creamy celeriac soup Vegetable roast with tatties & neeps and onion gravy Poached pears with chocolate sauce Creamy celeriac soup (serves 10) This is best served with fresh bread or oatcakes. For gluten free people, provide some rice cakes! Equipment needed – large heavy-based pot, hand blender/food processor, chopping boards & knives, ladle, wooden spoon. 2 large celeriac – washed, peeled if necessary, roughly chopped. 3 medium potatoes – washed, peeled if necessary, roughly chopped 2 medium onion, chopped 6 cloves garlic, peeled, roughly chopped Oil ~/ OLTXLG VWRFN Salt and pepper for seasoning 2 teaspoon thyme 1 cup non-dairy milk 1 tbsp whole-grained mustard Fresh chopped parsley to garnish Method: Sautee onion & garlic in oil until they begin to brown. Stir through the mustard. Add the celeriac and potatoes, half of the stock and the thyme. Cover and simmer until celeriac is tender (20-30min). Use hand blender/food processor to puree half or all of the mixture. Add more stock until it reaches the consistency you want, then add the “milk�, salt and pepper to taste and mix well with wooden spoon. Serve hot!

Vegetable Roast (serves 10) Equipment needed: oven, deep oven tray/casserole dish or 2 loaf tins, potato masher, knives & chopping board 1 ½ cups beans, cooked washed & drained (any beans - you can also substitute tofu here) 2 cups of grains (you can use cooked brown rice, washed oats, cooked barley – just be careful of gluten with the barley!) ž cups chopped nuts (walnuts can come from UK, hazelnuts from Italy) or seeds Ă“ } FXSV OLTXLG Ă˜PLONĂ™ WRPDWR VDXFH YHJ VWRFN PXVKURRP VDXFH FXSV PDVKHG SRWDWR SRWDWRHV RQLRQ FKRSSHG Ă&#x;QHO\ FXS FHOHU\ FKRSSHG Ă&#x;QHO\ FDUURWV FKRSSHG Ă&#x;QHO\ ½ tsp sage ½ tsp oregano 1tsp dried rosemary ½ tsp salt 4 tbsp oil Method: 3UHKHDW WKH RYHQ WR Ă?& JDV PDUN Cook and mash potatoes. Lightly mash beans or tofu. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Press into greased oven tray or loaf tins. %DNH LQ SUHKHDWHG RYHQ IRU DSSUR[LPDWHO\ minutes. Tatties & Neeps (serves 10) Equipment needed – potato masher or hand blender (for larger amounts), large pot, large colander, large spoon for serving. 6 large potatoes 2 large swedes (Scottish “neepsâ€?) Salt and pepper “Milkâ€? Oil or vegan margarine Method: Place large pot of water on the stove to boil. Wash and peel off any yucky bits from veg. Cut into small approximately ½ inch cubes. When the water is boiling, add the veg and boil until VRIW DSSUR[LPDWHO\ PLQXWHV Drain the water off. Mash the tatties & neeps, adding oil and “milkâ€? until you reach the creamy consistency you prefer. Add salt and pepper to taste & mix through.


Gluten-Free Onion & Mushroom Gravy (serves 10) Equipment needed: hand blender, heavy-based saucepan, wooden spoon, ladle to serve. 1 onion (red or brown) 200g mushrooms 1 tbsp fresh thyme or 1 ½ tsp dried thyme 1 ½ tbsp oil WEVS JUDP Ă RXU PDGH IURP &KLFNSHDV JOXWHQ IUHH 1 pint of stock 1 tbsp tamari sauce (wheat-free soy sauce) 1 tsp yeast extract Coarsely ground black pepper to taste Method: +DOYH DQG VOLFH WKH RQLRQV Ă&#x;QHO\ 6OLFH WKH PXVKURRPV 6DXWHH WKH RQLRQ LQ RLO IRU DSSUR[LPDWHO\ PLQXWHV $GG PXVKURRPV DQG KHUEV DQG FRRN IRU DQRWKHU PLQXWHV VWLUULQJ RFFDVLRQDOO\ $GG WKH Ă RXU DQG FRRN IRU VHFRQGV VWLUULQJ FRQVWDQWO\ 3RXU RQ WKH VWRFN VORZO\ VWLUULQJ well and bring to the boil. $GG WKH VR\ VDXFH \HDVW H[WUDFW DQG SHSSHU WR WDVWH 6LPPHU IRU PLQXWHV Use the hand blender to puree the gravy if you like, or just leave it chunky!

Poached Pears with Chocolate Sauce Equipment needed - Deep & wide saucepan, wooden spoon SHDUV FRQIHUHQFH SHDUV DUH Ă&#x;QH SHHOHG ZLWK VWDONV OHIW RQ 700ml white wine 2 cinnamon sticks 2 vanilla pods split lengthways J FDVWHU VXJDU 7EVS FOHDU KRQH\ 127 9(*$1 RU DJDYH V\UXS 2 blocks of vegan chocolate 200g vegan margarine Method: Place the white wine, sugar, honey, cinnamon and vanilla pod in a deep wide saucepan. Bring to a gentle simmer and then add the pears. Poach the pears over a low heat for 30-40 minutes or until translucent, turning occasionally. Meanwhile, make chocolate sauce: using a double boiler, or a heatproof bowl over steaming water, melt the chocolate. Mix in the margarine until a smooth sauce is created. Turn off the KHDW DQG OHDYH WKH ERZO RYHU WKH ZDWHU WR NHHS LW OLTXLG 'UDLQ WKH SHDUV DQG UHWDLQ RQO\ RI WKH FRRNLQJ OLTXLG To serve - place one pear into each bowl, with a little of the FRRNLQJ OLTXLG DQG GUL]]OH WKH FKRFRODWH VDXFH RYHU WKH WRS Mmmm...



Roasted garlic french onion soup Roasted vegetables with wild garlic pesto Celeriac & carrot “coleslawâ€? Apple & rhubarb crumble Roast garlic french onion soup (serves 10) Equipment needed - oven, roasting pan, heavy based pot, wooden spoon, ladle, knives, chopping board 4 tbsp olive oil or vegan margarine 10 medium onions, chopped 10 cloves of garlic, whole roasted then peeled (less if you’d rather not all have garlic breath!) and then mashed WVS VXJDU Salt and pepper to taste 1 L vegetable stock Method: In your heavy based pot, sautee the onions in the margarine until translucent. $GG WKH JDUOLF VDOW DQG SHSSHU VDXWHH IRU DQ DGGLWLRQDO PLQXWHV Add the stock, bring to the boil and then reduce the heat. 6LPPHU PLQXWHV 6HUYH ZLWK FUXVW\ EUHDG DQG YHJDQ FKHHVH RU D nice serving of rocket salad! Wild garlic pesto (serves 10) Wild garlic/ramsons - a good few handfuls 2 cloves of garlic Olive oil Salt and pepper J SLQH QXWV RU URDVWHG SXPSNLQ VHHGV RU URDVWHG VXQĂ RZHU VHHGV Ă˜1XWULWLRQDO \HDVWĂ™ D Ă DN\ \HDVW SURGXFW WKDW LV YHJDQ JOXWHQ IUHH DQG tastes a bit like cheese 1 tbsp lemon juice Method: Roughly chop a couple of handfuls of washed Ramsons leaves (wild garlic). Peel and crush 2 garlic cloves and blend together with garlic in a food SURFHVVRU DORQJ ZLWK PO ROLYH RLO DQG J SLQH QXWV RU URDVWHG pumpkin seeds). Stop, push down any leaves, add 1tsp “nutritional yeastâ€?, sea salt and milled black pepper to taste plus a tablespoon of lemon juice. Add more oil if necessary until preferred consistency is reached. Blend and serve! Lovely with oatcakes, or with your roasted veg!


Roasted root vegetables (serves 10) Equipment needed - oven, oven trays, chopping boards & knives. Root vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, EHHWURRW SDUVQLS EXWWHUQXW VTXDVK pumpkin and swedes all store well over the cold winter months. Any mixture can be used, providing you have approximately 400g per person. Herbs such as rosemary and spices like paprika or mustard are excellent additions to roasted veg. Salt and pepper! Method: 3UHKHDW WKH RYHQ WR �& �) Wash and prepare the vegetables, peeling if necessary. Cut into even bite-sized chunks: the larger they are, the longer they’ll need in the oven. Aim for approximately 1 inch cubes. Toss in olive oil, add rosemary & place into preheated oven. Roast for approximately 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Add the paprika, salt & pepper towards the end. Serve hot with a chutney or thick sauce.

Celeriac & carrot “coleslawâ€? (TXLSPHQW QHHGHG JUDWHU RU IRRG SURFHVVRU ODUJH VDODG ERZO VSRRQ RU WRQJV for serving. 2 carrots, washed & peeled if necessary FDEEDJH Ă&#x;QHO\ VOLFHG 2 celeriacs, washed & trimmed 2 tbsp wholegrain mustard Lemon juice Salt and pepper Vegan mayonnaise Optional - toasted walnuts! Method: Grate the vegetables and place in a large bowl. Mix in the mustard and enough vegan mayonnaise to cover the vegetables. Add a little salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste. Add walnuts for an extra delicious touch...


Apple & rhubarb crumble (serves 10) Apples keep well through the winter and rhubarb is freshly harvested in spring. Equipment needed – oven, blender/food processor, oven tray/casserole dish, large spoon for serving, mixing bowl. FXSV UKXEDUE ZDVKHG FXW LQWR LQFK SLHFHV 3 apples, washed, cored and cut into thick slices ž cup sugar FORYHV ½ stick cinnamon, broken into pieces For crumble topping: FXSV RI ZDVKHG RDWV ZDVKHG RDWV DUH JOXWHQ IUHH 1 cup of nuts or seeds 1 cup of sugar ½ cup of vegan margarine or vegetable oil (for baked crumble) ½ tsp freshly ground cinnamon Âź tsp freshly ground nutmeg Method: Preheat the oven to 200Ă?C/400Ă?F/gas mark 6 Lay the rhubarb and apple pieces into a lightly greased large heatproof dish. Mix in the sugar and ensure that the fruit is evenly spread. Crumble topping: Use a blender or food processor to grind the oats and nuts into oatmeal. Add spices and mix through. In the margarine/oil, add the sugar and mix gently. Spoon the topping over the fruit, ensuring all the fruit is covered. Bake in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes, until the top is browning lightly and the fruit feels tender when tested with a skewer/knife. Serve hot.


Some recipes from other groups catering for activists! ,Q WKLV FKDSWHU ZHĂ–YH LQFOXGHG D VHOHFWLRQ RI UHFLSHV IURP WZR ZRQGHUIXO DQG QRQ SURĂ&#x;W activist caterers - Veggies, and the Anarchist Teapot - who have made some very lovely and helpful material available on the web (anti-copyright for campaigners). Veggies Veggies is volunteer-led, a community-based, social enterprise, promoting vegan catering and VXSSRUWLQJ FDPSDLJQV IRU KXPDQV RWKHU DQLPDOV DQG WKH HQYLURQPHQW VLQFH See more information at: Anarchist Teapot An anarchist collective that cooks at events they want to support. Predominantly based in Brighton but have cooked at events all over the country. They cook affordable, vegan, GMIUHH DQG PRVWO\ RUJDQLF IRRG 7KH\ GRQĂ–W DLP WR PDNH SURĂ&#x;WV DQG GRQĂ–W SD\ WKHPVHOYHV See more information at:

Recipes from Veggies and the Anarchist Teapot Ideas for pasta: Bolognese sauce for 200

6DXWŠ XS WR NJ FKRSSHG RQLRQ ZLWK HQRXJK RLO PP LV D JRRG DPRXQW WR FRYHU WKH ERWWRP of the pan, add lots of minced garlic after a while (about 6 bulbs), and maybe some celery QRW PRUH WKDQ EXQFKHV Ă“ LW JHWV RYHUZKHOPLQJ FDUURWV FRXUJHWWHV SHSSHUVĂž DOO FKRSSHG IDLUO\ Ă&#x;QHO\ Keep sweating over a low heat as long as you can – stirring well! As soon as it starts sticking EH UHDG\ ZLWK WKH FKRSSHG WRPDWRHV Ă“ LI \RXĂ–UH XVLQJ ELJ NJ WLQV \RXĂ–OO QHHG DERXW $GG YHJ PLQFH Ă“ DSSUR[LPDWHO\ NJ GULHG ZHLJKW RI WKH 0,1&( QRW WKH FKXQNV Ă“ RU UHG RU EURZQ OHQWLOV XS WR NJ Ă“ DW WKLV SRLQW WRR $GG OLTXLG Ă“ ZDWHU RU UHG ZLQH Ă“ LI QHHGHG WR just about cover the veg and mince and make stirring without burning possible, but make sure you don’t add too much. Mix in some tomato puree to thicken it up – 4-6kg. Add herbs like oregano and basil (it can take a LOT of both of these), some thyme/marjoram if you like, paprika, salt, pepper, and sugar – a bit of sugar’s good to add to tomato sauces because it reduces sourness. Bring this to a boil then turn down and cook for at least 30 minutes, until done, add more herbs and fresh herbs like a bit of parsley (not too much), basil, oregano, if you have them, toward the end.


Vegetable tomato sauce for 200

More or less the same as the above, but with more veg instead of mince. 8VH WKH FDOFXODWLRQ RI J YHJ SHU SHUVRQ IRU WKLV 8VH YHJ OLNH FKRSSHG RQLRQ FHOHU\ FDUURW TXDUWHUHG PXVKURRPV VOLFHG SHSSHUV EURFFROL VHSDUDWHG LQWR ELWV ZLWK WKH VWDONV FKRSSHG XS Ă&#x;QHO\ HYHQ URRW YHJ OLNH FKRSSHG SDUVQLS VZHHW SRWDWR VTXDVK SRWDWRHV ,I \RX ZDQW WR use things like spring greens or spinach, add them later on when you have the whole sauce boiling. You can also use some beans in this – less than NJ DQG XVH NJ OHVV YHJ DQG HLWKHU FRRN soaked beans separately and add toward the end, or use tinned beans – soaked beans will take ages to cook in the sauce.

Creamy vegetable sauce for 100 No. 1

6DXWŠ NJ RQLRQ LQ D IDLU ELW RI RLO DQG DGG VD\ EXOEV JDUOLF DQG D ELW RI RWKHU Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG veg you decide to use – e.g. celery/carrot. The following needs a lot of attention, so, attention! 6ORZO\ DGG DERXW D WKLUG WR KDOI RI D EDJ RI Ă RXU and mix it in immediately so that it starts going all gooey down in your pan. Then have some stock ready – made separately with boiled water – to add bit by bit, alternating with some VR\PLON .HHS VWLUULQJ DQG VWRS DGGLQJ OLTXLG LI LWĂ–V JHWWLQJ WRR WKLQ %ULQJ WR WKH ERLO DQG \RX PD\ EH DEOH WR DGG VRPH PRUH OLTXLG WKHQ $GG VRPH ED\ OHDYHV Ă“ DURXQG VRPH VDOW and pepper, and maybe some herbs, and a bit of nutmeg is nice. Then, you could either be steaming some veg in a separate pan then adding it toward the end, or adding veg to the sauce to cook in it. Some nuts are nice in this too, like chopped cashews or hazelnuts.

Creamy vegetable sauce for 100 - No. 2:


Olive oil and pesto/olives/capers:

This needs a LOT of olive oil to be tasty, so it could become TXLWH H[SHQVLYH IRU RYHU SHRSOH EXW LWÖV YHU\ HDV\ WR make. It’s basically slowly cooking a bit of chopped onion, but mostly garlic in a whole load of olive oil, then mixing this into pasta with salt, pepper, fresh herbs like basil, chopped black olives and capers.

Vegan Pesto:

This is best made with a food processor. Lots fresh basil, WRDVWHG SLQH QXWV RU WRDVWHG ZDOQXWV VXQĂ RZHU VHHGV RWKHU nuts/seeds, olive oil, salt and pepper and go whizz! You can

add a bit more oil bit by bit if you like, while it’s going. Other fresh herbs are nice too, like parsley, fennel, mixed. This is one to experiment with, but can turn out really, really nice. Worth it if you can afford all that olive oil.

Genovese for 100:

This involves cooking things separately, so only really good for 100 or less on a decent burner with a few rings, while boiling the pasta water on a separate stronger burner if available. &RRN NJ VPDOO QHZ SRWDWRHV XQWLO MXVW GRQH 6FRRS RXW DQG FRRO WKHQ FKRS LQWR FXEHV &RRN 6-7kg penne or fusilli until just about done, scoop out and drain, mixing in olive oil and salt DQG SHSSHU 6WHDP NJ JUHHQ EHDQV FXW LQWR FP OHQJWKV IUR]HQ RQHV DUH RN GUDLQ Mix all together with a kilo of pesto, garnish with basil. Pasta bakes are possible if you aren’t cooking for too many, and you have a big oven. You can XVXDOO\ Ă&#x;W IRXU WR VL[ ODUJH FD FP[ FP EDNLQJ WUD\V LQ D ODUJH RYHQ Ă“ ZLWK HDFK EDNLQJ tray yielding about 10 portions. Don’t start stacking trays on top of each other, it just doesn’t work, because the heat goes down then. There are loads of recipes about for these, so I’m just giving you my favourite one:

Aubergine and tomato pasta bake for 50:

6DXWŠ ODUJH FKRSSHG RQLRQV FD NJ WKHQ DGG EXOEV RI JDUOLF DQG WZR KDQGIXOV RI GULHG EDVLO ,I \RX KDYH D OLG FRYHU WKLV IRU D ZKLOH VWLUULQJ RFFDVLRQDOO\ &XW XS WR ODUJH DXEHUJLQHV OHQJWKZLVH LQWR TXDUWHUV DQG VOLFH DGG WKHP WR WKH RQLRQ DORQJ ZLWK VOLFHG SHSSHUV DQG ODUJH NJ WLQV RI FKRSSHG WRPDWRHV Ă“ RU D PL[ RI WLQV DQG IUHVK WRPDWRHV Cook for a while, add a dash of sugar and some oregano (less than a handful) if you wish. 6HSDUDWHO\ FRRN NJ SDVWD WZLVWV H J IXVLOOL XQWLO MXVW DERXW GRQH 0L[ LQ WR WKH VDXFH along with some tomato puree (about 2Ă—900g) and a bit of stock, taste for salt needed. You can add some black pitted olives if you like. Bake at 200 degrees/gas 6 for about 1/2 hour.

Tips and ideas for soups for 100 people Stock:

If you have a spare pan, it’s really nice to make your own stock. Look at recipes for stock, or re-use water you’ve cooked veg in and add some things like fresh herbs/bay leaves/marmite, or boil up some water with a few whole veg in it like carrots, lots of onions, garlic cloves, celery/celeriac, a bunch of fresh herbs (e.g. Ă•ERXTXHW JDUQLĂ– ZLWK WK\PH ED\ OHDYHV SDUVOH\ WKHQ scoop out all that after a bit or strain the whole thing. <RXĂ–OO XVXDOO\ QHHG DERXW OLWUHV IRU SHRSOH If you’re buying stock cubes or bouillon, go for an RUJDQLF RQH Ă“ VR PXFK EHWWHU DQG QR PRQRVRGLXP JOXWDPDWH ( QXPEHUV HWF 6RPH DUHQĂ–W vegan, and some have nuts in them – avoid if you can, because it contaminates the whole soup for nut allergic people. We sometimes use the1kg pots of Marigold bouillon, but some aren’t vegan and those that are often have nuts in them. We like Vecon, which you can get in 1kg pots, it’s a darker, saltier stock, and a bit more ‘meaty’. Stock cubes are a really big pain when you have to use 30 little individually wrapped cubes. Remember that bouillon and stock will have salt in them, so don’t overdo it adding more salt – do a regular taste test instead.


Potato based soups:

There are loads of variations you can do with this. SautĂŠ XS WR NJ FKRSSHG RQLRQV DGG EXOEV PLQFHG JDUOLF (optional). Have the heat fairly low, and enough oil in, then add altogether up to 20kg chopped veg, mostly SRWDWR <RX FDQ DOVR XVH FRPELQDWLRQV RI FDUURW Ă&#x;QHO\ chopped celery, sliced leeks, shredded greens, chopped turnip/parsnip/other root veg, chopped herbs. For leek DQG SRWDWR VRXS XVH NJ SRWDWR DQG NJ OHHNV )RU ZDWHUFUHVV DQG RU VSLQDFK VRXS XVH NJ SRWDWRHV DQG DGG ODUJH EXQFKHV EDJV RI JUHHQV when the soup’s boiled and the spuds are nearly done. Add water or stock (also use a bit of white wine if you’re feeling like it!), enough to just cover the veg. You can still add more later if it’s too thick and nearly burning, but you might not be able to thicken it, so be careful. Bring to the boil, then simmer until the potato starts breaking down when you’re stirring. Stir a lot, pressing the potatoes up against the sides of the pan to break them down. Carry on cooking even after it’s done, so it breaks down as much as possible. Taste WKH VRXS DQG DGG VDOW DQG SHSSHU DV UHTXLUHG DQG PD\EH VRPH 'LMRQ RU ZKROHJUDLQ PXVWDUG and fresh chopped herbs.

Lentil soup:

6DXWŠ XS WR NJ FKRSSHG RQLRQ Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG EXQFKHV RI FHOHU\ DQG RU D ELW RI Ă&#x;QHO\ chopped carrot, and even a few potatoes (chopped small) to help thicken the soup later. $GG HLWKHU NJ UHG OHQWLOV FD OLWUHV ZDWHU RU VWRFN DQG ODWHU ZKHQ WKH OHQWLOV DUH FRRNHG XS WR NJ FKRSSHG WRPDWRHV ODUJH NJ WLQV 25 XS WR NJ UHG OHQWLOV DERXW litres water or stock (enough to cover). Add bay leaves and maybe herbs like thyme, basil, rosemary, and sage. Bring back to the boil, simmer for 20-30 minutes, longer if it needs to break down more. Stir a lot. Add salt, pepper, and up to 1/3 litre of lemon juice at the end (more if you’re using real lemons) and maybe some parsley. <RX FDQ DOVR DGG D PRUH LQWHUHVWLQJ Ă DYRXU WR LW LI \RX IU\ XS VRPH YHU\ Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG RQLRQ ZLWK JDUOLF DQG FXPLQ separately, then mix this in. Don’t put in too many herbs though if you’re doing this. Another alternative is lentil and miso soup – cook the soup with some grated carrot in it, then add 2-3 large packs of miso bit by bit while it’s boiling (mix in well).

‘German lentil soup’:

6DXWŠ XS WR NJ FKRSSHG RQLRQ Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG EXQFKHV RI FHOHU\ WKHQ DGG VRPH JDUOLF EXOEV XS WR NJ RI FKRSSHG FDUURW DQG XS WR NJ SRWDWR FKXQNV GR \RX VHH D SDWWHUQ HPHUJLQJ LQ WKHVH VRXSVĂž" 6WLU ZHOO DQG JHW FD OLWUHV water in before it starts to stick, along with up to 6kg brown or green lentils, a few bay leaves, marjoram, and a stronger stock like Vecon unless you’re using homemade stock. Bring to the boil and then simmer. It’s really nice, if you can, to separately fry up a bunch of veggie VDXVDJHV ZLOO GR IRU D VRXS IRU LI WKH\Ă–UH IDLUO\ ELJ WKHQ FKRS WKHP XS DQG VWLU LQWR the soup at the end. Taste test with salt and pepper. This is nice with a bit of fresh parsley (not more than 3 bunches) and some fresh marjoram if you get any.


Carrot and coriander soup:

Well, kind of the same again: sautĂŠ up to 10kg chopped onion, celery, garlic – if you like, you FDQ DGG D OLWWOH ELW RI JURXQG FRULDQGHU RU JLQJHU WRR Ă“ WKHQ DGG NJ FKRSSHG FDUURWV (maybe some potatoes too) and water/stock and bring to the boil. Use a lighter stock for WKLV RQH 6LPPHU VWLU D ORW VR LW EUHDNV GRZQ DQG WKHQ DGG VDOW SHSSHU DQG EXQFKHV RI FKRSSHG FRULDQGHU ZLWK WKH WRXJKHVW RI WKH VWDONV WDNHQ RII ELW RI D Ă&#x;GGO\ MRE <RX can also add some grated carrot to thicken it more. It can be nice to mix in a bit of soy cream at the end, but don’t let it boil after adding. An alternative would be to serve the soup with a ‘swirl’ of soy cream.

Minestrone soup:

6RDN NJ KDULFRW RU FDQQHOOLQL RU borlotti beans overnight. Bring a large pan of water to the boil, and cook the drained soaked beans until done. SautĂŠ NJ FKRSSHG RQLRQ WKHQ DGG NJ GLFHG SRWDWR NJ GLFHG FDUURW bunches of sliced celery, other veg if you like such as some chopped cabbage leaves or greens or chopped courgettes, DQG EXOEV PLQFHG JDUOLF 6DXWŠ XQWLO just before it begins to stick, at least PLQXWHV WKHQ DGG NJ FKRSSHG tomatoes – fresh is nice, but tins are okay too, or half and half. Also add about 20 litres water or stock, and some fresh herbs like bay leaves, parsley stalks, thyme sprigs, rosemary sprigs (if you want to tie them together like D Ă•ERXTXHW JDUQLĂ– '21Ă–7 XVH SODVWLF string, or rubber bands, or anything else that’ll melt!). If you want you can also add some green beans here – if using frozen ones, add later on with the beans. Bring to the boil and VLPPHU XQWLO YHJ LV FRRNHG 1RZ DGG WKH EHDQV DQG SDVWD Ă“ XVH NJ PDFDURQL RU RWKHU VPDOO SDVWD ,WĂ–OO FRRN SUHWW\ TXLFNO\ RQFH LWĂ–V ERLOLQJ DJDLQ VR FKHFN LW RIWHQ 7DVWH WHVW ZLWK salt, pepper, and a bit of sugar if it’s too tomato-sour, and stir in some fresh basil if you have any.

Veg and coconut soup:

A chunky root veg soup with creamed coconut stirred in toward the end is lovely. Here’s an interesting recipe. SautĂŠ 7kg chopped onion, add up to 20 kg cubed veg – any combination of SRWDWRHV FDUURWV VZHHW SRWDWR VZHGH SXPSNLQ VTXDVK WXUQLS DQG DGG RQH RU WZR ODUJH handfuls marjoram, a handful each of ground ginger and cinnamon. SautĂŠ as long as you can, WKHQ DGG EXQFKHV RI VSULQJ RQLRQ FKRSSHG ERWK WKH JUHHQ DQG ZKLWH ELWV OLWUHV VWRFN RU XQWLO WKH YHJ LV FRYHUHG EXW QRW PXFK KLJKHU WKDQ WKDW J Ă DNHG DOPRQGV RU PRUH LI \RX KDYH VRPH Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG IUHVK FKLOLHV Ă“ VD\ VPDOO RQHV DQG D ODUJH KDQGIXO VXJDU %ULQJ WR WKH ERLO WKHQ VLPPHU XQWLO YHJ LV GRQH *UDWH RU JHQHUDOO\ FKRS XS NJ FUHDPHG coconut (not the most fun job), stir in until dissolved, then serve with lots of fresh coriander (6-10 bunches).

Sweetcorn and coconut soup:


D IHZ NLORV RI Ă&#x;QHO\ GLFHG FDUURWV DQG XS WR EXOEV RI PLQFHG JDUOLF VWLU IRU D IHZ PLQXWHV then add 1 large root of grated ginger, or a large handful of powdered ginger, and if you ZDQW D VSLFLHU VRXS DGG DERXW Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG UHG FKLOLHV GRQĂ–W WRXFK \RXU H\HV $GG DERXW OLWUHV ZDWHU DQG EULQJ WR WKH ERLO $GG NJ IUR]HQ VZHHWFRUQ DQG NJ FKRSSHG creamed coconut (wholefood distributors will often sell creamed coconut in large blocks of NJ DQG VDOW DQG SHSSHU %ULQJ EDFN WR D JHQWOH ERLO DQG WKHQ VLPPHU IRU D OLWWOH ZKLOH longer until the coconut is dissolved and the sweetcorn is cooked.

Courgette and tarragon soup:

A nice one for the summer when courgettes are abundant. SautĂŠ up to 10kg chopped onion ZLWK Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG EXQFKHV RI FHOHU\ DQG D ELW RI Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG FDUURW DQG PD\EH D KDQGIXO RI GULHG WDUUDJRQ 7KHQ DGG XS WR kg cour-gettes chopped into chunks. SautĂŠ as long as you can, then add 20-30 litres stock or until the veg is covered. Boil, then simmer until cooked. If you can, scoop up some (up to half of it) out and mash or blend, then return to the pan. Add lots of fresh tarragon and serve.

7DVW\ Ă&#x;OOLQJ PHDOV IRU ELJ JURXSV Potato/Bean Provençale for 200:

It’s basically potatoes, or beans and some veg, in a tomato/red wine/olive sauce. We usually serve it with garlic bread and a green salad. Get a large pan of water boiling (for the potatoes or the beans). SautĂŠ a lot of onion (amounts for 200: ca. 10kg) , add lots of garlic (a large SODWH IXOO ZKHQ FKRSSHG DQG LI \RX OLNH VRPH Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG FRXUJHWWH QRW PRUH WKDQ NJ RU FDUURW VDPH RU VOLFHG DQG TXDUWHUHG DXEHUJLQH VDPH RU VOLFHG SHSSHUV VDPH RU D FRPELQDWLRQ 6OLFHG SHSSHUV DUH HVSHFLDOO\ QLFH ZLWK WKH EHDQV XVH D ELW PRUH WKHQ NJ Add red wine (2-3 bottles, depending on how much the cooks want to spare), bring to the boil and leave boiling for a few minutes. This makes the actual alcohol evaporate, but leaves WKH QLFH ZLQH WDVWH LQ 7KHQ DGG FKRSSHG WRPDWRHV NJ WLQV DQG VLPPHU D ELW WKHQ start stirring in lots of tomato puree (4 up to 6kg). Add any combination of marjoram, thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary, plus salt, pepper and sugar (not too much). Cook until dark red, stirring all the time. Add pitted black olives (3x 2kg tins – usually available from wholefoods distributors) near the end. Cook cannellini beans (10-12kg) – you can also use a mix of beans, H J EXWWHU EHDQV FDQQHOOLQL DQG VRPH Ă DJHROHW Ă“ FRRN WRJHWKHU DFFRUGLQJ WR FRRNLQJ WLPHV – or potatoes, chopped into large-ish chunks, separately. Scoop out when done – if the beans boiled up all frothy, rinse them a bit before adding – and mix in to the sauce. Taste again for salt before serving.

Greek Beans for 200:

Soak 12kg haricot beans overnight and cook until done. SautĂŠ beans in lots of olive oil or a PL[ RI ROLYH DQG VXQĂ RZHU ZLWK D ORW RI JDUOLF EXOEV RU VR VWLUULQJ ZHOO IRU D IHZ PLQXWHV Add up to 30 litres stock (until covered), bay leaves, some sprigs of fresh oregano (tie them WRJHWKHU ZLWK QRQ SODVWLF VWULQJ WR Ă&#x;VK WKHP RXW DIWHU ODUJH WLQV RI WRPDWR SXUHH LW shouldn’t be too red altogether), lots of lemon juice—use both fresh and bottled—enough to JLYH \RX D JRRG ZKLII RI OHPRQ ZKHQ \RX VQLII LW Ă“ DQG VRPH FKRSSHG UHG RQLRQ DERXW NJ Simmer, stirring a lot, for as long as you can, up to an hour is good. Then add 2-4kg halved black olives and salt and pepper. This is also good cold. Serve with French stick and a green salad for a simple meal.


Nuts and beans for 250:

6RDN NJ EODFN H\H EHDQV RYHUQLJKW LQ QHDUO\ WZLFH WKH YROXPH RI ZDWHU 6FRRS RXW DQG ERLO up in enough water to easily cover, when they’re done, scoop out, sprinkle a bit of salt over, and mash as much as you can. You’re not making a puree or proper mash, you just want to be breaking it down a bit. Try to keep this warm, or time it so it’s done just before the rest of the PHDO LV GRQH 0HDQZKLOH VDXWŠ NJ FKRSSHG RQLRQV DGG EXOEV RI JDUOLF WKHQ ODUJH NJ WLQV FKRSSHG WRPDWRHV DQG ODUJH J WLQV WRPDWR SXUHH %ULQJ WR WKH ERLO :KHQ LWĂ–V FRRNHG D ELW DGG NJ FKRSSHG PL[HG QXWV RU PRUH FKRSSHG EXQFKHV RI SDUVOH\ VDOW pepper, a handful of sugar or a bit more, and the mashed up beans. 7KLV PL[WXUH ZLOO EH GLIĂ&#x;FXOW WR VWLU QRZ VR GRQĂ–W HYHQ WU\ WR FRRN LW PXFK ORQJHU 7KLV LV QLFH served with boiled new potatoes with some marge and parsley in, or rice, and salads.

Chili for 100:

You might have your own way of making it – everyone seems to! But here’s how I make it – others in the Teapot PDNH LW GLIIHUHQWĂž 6RDN NJ NLGQH\ EHDQV RYHUQLJKW Scoop out, and bring to the boil in plenty of fresh water, turn down and cook until done – scoop out while rinsing LI \RX FDQ DQG NHHS UHDG\ 6DXWŠ NJ FKRSSHG RQLRQ DIWHU D ELW DGG Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG FKLOLHV DQG GRQĂ–W WRXFK your eyes when you chop the chilies! ow!), and spices: small handfuls of paprika, cumin, a bit less coriander, less cayenne pepper, and cinnamon. Herbs like oregano and basil are good too. Stir well, and watch it doesn’t stick. Add 6kg sliced mixed peppers before this happens. Be ready ZLWK RSHQHG WLQV RI FKRSSHG WRPDWRHV Ă“ ODUJH NJ tins. If you have fresh tomatoes, use half the amount of tins, and add ca. 4kg chopped fresh tomatoes. Keep stirring, and add 2-3 large (900g) tins tomato puree. Add 2-3kg grated carrot. Simmer until carrots are soft. Add the beans toward the end, a bit of sugar, taste test for salt and pepper. If you have some dark chocolate (1-2 large bars), break it up or grate it, and add it while it’s still cooking. Or at least add a bit of cocoa powder.

Apple Hotpot for 50:

This sounds weird but it’s very tasty. It needs a lot of stirring to start with so we haven’t DFWXDOO\ HYHU PDGH LW IRU RYHU SHRSOH 6RDN NJ EXWWHUEHDQV RYHUQLJKW FRRN XQWLO GRQH DQG ZKHQ GUDLQLQJ NHHS WKH ZDWHU 6DXWŠ DERXW VOLFHG RQLRQV IRU D IHZ PLQXWHV WKHQ add the same amount of sliced apples and a good handful each of turmeric, allspice/mixed spice, and cinnamon. Stir until well mixed through and the onions are cooking, then add the FRRNHG EHDQV DQG VRPH RI WKH OLTXLGĂ”XQWLO QRW TXLWH FRYHUHG 6WLU WKURXJK DQG VLPPHU IRU DQRWKHU PLQXWHV DGG VDOW DQG SHSSHU DQG VHUYH ZLWK FUXVW\ RU JDUOLF EUHDG $OVR QLFH VHUYHG ZLWK YHJDQ \RJKXUW PL[HG ZLWK FKRSSHG GULHG DSULFRW — PO SRWV SOXV FD J apricot). Tip for cooking pulses: if you need to hurry up cooking dried pulses, add a whole chunk of margarine to the beans when boiling. Make sure beans boil vigorously for at least 10 min-utes to break down the toxins in some of them. Add some bicarbonate of soda to the cooking water LI \RX ZDQW WR FRXQWHU WKH IDUWLQJ HIIHFWV :H GRQĂ–W ZH HQMR\ PDNLQJ HYHU\RQH IDUWĂž


Goulash for 100:

6DXWŠ NJ FKRSSHG RQLRQ WKHQ DGG DERXW NJ FDUURW FKXQNV DQG NJ SHHOHG DQG FXEHG parsnips until they start to brown. Add ca. 6kg veg soya chunks (get organic ones if you can), 25 XVH WKH HTXLYDOHQW DPRXQW RI IULHG XS YHJJLH EXUJHUV FKRSSHG LQWR FKXQNV $OVR DGG D ODUJH KDQGIXO SDSULND ODUJH NJ WLQV FKRSSHG WRPDWRHV DQG RU VRPH IUHVK FKRSSHG tomatoes, 1-2 large tins of tomato puree, and half the amount of the paprika of caraway seeds. Heat gently, then add some stock (up to 10 litres – much less if you’ve used cubed bur-gers) DQG DERXW NJ GLFHG SRWDWRHV %ULQJ WR WKH ERLO WKHQ VLPPHU RQ D ORZ KHDW IRU DERXW KDOI an hour until the veg chunks are done. Season with salt and pepper, then stir in up to 3litres warmed soya cream and a bit of parsley (1-2 chopped bunches, unless you can ‘garnish’ the servings with this), heat through but don’t boil again. Nice with rice, cooked new potatoes, mash, or chunky bread, and salads.

Satay Sauce:

This is just to give you the general idea, there are tons of good recipes for satay sauce: sautĂŠ onions, garlic, maybe a bit of celery and/or spring onion, fresh chopped chilies, lots of fresh Ă&#x;QHO\ FKRSSHG JLQJHU IRU DV ORQJ DV \RX FDQ WKHQ DGG D ELW RI OLTXLG VRPH FKRSSHG WLQQHG tomatoes (not too many), then slowly add lots of peanut butter stirring all the while, until you have a sauce that’s still creamy and stirrable but thick enough to not run—try to bring to the boil but if it starts sticking, you’re going to have to turn it off. Add some lime or lemon juice and salt and pepper. Cook some veg separately like shred-ded cabbage, carrots, other root YHJ EURFFROLĂž 7KHQ PL[ LQ WKH VDXFH WDVWH WHVW DJDLQĂ”PD\ QHHG PRUH VDOW 7KLV LV D JRRG one to make cheap veg nice with.

Rice and beans:

We’ve never actually done this, but I’d like to sometime – it’s from the Food not Bombs cookbook. SautĂŠ onion and garlic, add water and beans – kidney/pinto/black, one part beans WR WZR SDUWV ULFH WR Ă&#x;YH SDUWV ZDWHU $GG RQH WHDVSRRQ RI VDOW IRU HDFK JDOORQ RI ZDWHU KP ZKDWĂ–V D JDOORQ" DQG OHW WKH EHDQV ERLO IRU PLQXWHV RU OHVV LI \RX VRDNHG WKHP EHIRUHKDQG (advisable with most beans). Add long grain brown rice, half a cup of coriander or cumin per gallon, some pepper, and any vegetables if you like, e.g. carrots, onions, dried tomatoes. Cover the pan and bring to the boil again. Stir up from the bottom, then lower heat and continue boiling until all the water is DEVRUEHG RU FD PLQXWHV 'RQĂ–W stir more than once after the rice is in.

Sausages and burgers:

Meals like bangers and mash, with veg like cabbage stew or peas and gravy or cider sauce, or burgers with mash, or in buns with salads, go down really well, but be warned – frying burgers and bangers for hundreds of people gradually gets to you. Use a griddle, brushed with oil, or a wide, à DW ZRN IU\LQJ SDQ RQ D EXUQHU ZLWK lots of oil – it’ll be greasy but it’ll cook a lot better. For sausages, we use vegan sosmix – a 10kg sack makes about 400


Other meal ideas and tips:

Sweet and sour veg, stir fries (for under 100), bean stews, chow mein style noodles mixed with fried veg in a bit of sauce, ratatouille on grains, kidney beans and veg in a coconut sauce ZLWK OLPH DQG FRULDQGHU VR\PLQFH DQG YHJ VWHZHG LQ JUDY\ VDXFH RQ PDVKĂž Things that don’t work well or need to be adapted are very heavy sauces or sauces in which veg and beans need to cook in a heavy sauce (if you want to try it, cook sauce and veg/ EHDQV VHSDUDWHO\ SDHOODV DQG ULVRWWRV VHHP WR EH GLIĂ&#x;FXOW WR PDNH IRU RYHU SHRSOH WKLQJV LQYROYLQJ D URX[ L H D FUHDP\ VDXFH ZLWK Ă RXUĂ”LI \RX ZDQW WR WU\ LW PDNH D URX[ VHSDUDWHO\ WKHQ PL[ LQ WR WKH Ă&#x;QLVKHG PHDO DQG EDNHG WKLQJV IRU RYHU SHRSOH XQOHVV \RX KDYH VRPH kind of superoven. Search for calor gas suppliers via Calor Gas website /3* NLW SURSDQH JDV Ă&#x;WWLQJV EXUQHUV KRVH HWF DQG 9 LPSRUWDQWO\ WKH FRUUHFW FULPS FOLSV IRU gas hose (jubilee clips are NOT advised as they can pinch the pipe and cause gas leaks...) %(6 EDVHG LQ %LUPLQJKDP GHOLYHU QDWLRQZLGH DQG GR VRPH SOXPELQJ VXSSOLHV KWWS ZZZ EHV FR XN 3K Boiling Water ,W LV ZRUWK QRWLQJ WKDW RQ D W\SLFDO ULQJ EXUQHU RU ZDWHU ERLOHU OW ZDWHU IURP FROG WDNHV DERXW PLQV WR ERLO ZKLOVW OWUV DGGHG WR DQ DOUHDG\ ERLOLQJ ERLOHU GURSV LWĂ–V WHPSHUDWXUH WR GHJUHHV DQG WDNHV DERXW PLQXWHV WR JHW EDFN WR ERLOLQJ 7KH EHVW WHPSHUDWXUH WR EUHZ FRIIHH LV GHJUHHV Serving Bread Just a few notes on bread here. You might be wanting to put out bread with breakfast, and/or with soups, or for sandwiches. Find a nice bakery that does organic bread if that’s what you’d OLNH DQG WU\ DQG JHW WKH ODUJHVW ORDYHV \RX FDQ Ă&#x;QG XVXDOO\ J ,I \RX FDQ JHW WKHP VOLFHG and bagged up, there are advantages, but also some more waste. You might want to ask for half of the bread to be bagged up so it keeps better. Fresh bread will be okay, stored in bakers’ trays in a not too hot place for a few days (pos-sibly up to 3), but if you’re cooking over nearly a week, it’s best to try and arrange two or three deliveries of bread, unless you’ve got some means RI IUHH]LQJ ODUJH TXDQWLWLHV RI EUHDG Judging quantities when serving &RXQW RXW WKH QXPEHU RI SODWHV UHTXLUHG 'LYLGH LQWR WZR piles. :KHQ WKH Ă&#x;UVW KDOI DUH VHUYHG MXGJH ZKHWKHU \RX DUH PRUH or less than half way through the available food. Adjust portions accordingly.


Appendix 1 - a poster to print out and use in your catering kitchen

)RRG 6DIHW\ (VVHQWLDOV When cooking for large numbers you may be sometimes faced with unfamiliar kitchens, and your helpers will likely have varying degrees of experience and knowledge of food safety.This issue must be taken very seriously, but with common sense and good information, it is easy to take sensible measures to protect food safety at your gathering. $V D JXLGH WR WKHVH PHDVXUHV EHORZ \RX ZLOO Ă&#x;QG DQ H[DPSOH RI D IRRG KDQGOLQJ SROLF\ ZKLFK \RX FDQ DVN DOO ZRUNHUV WR DGKHUH WR (YHU\RQH LQ WKH NLWFKHQ PXVW EH IDPLOLDU ZLWK all the procedures detailed in this food handling policy and also within the “house rulesâ€? associated with the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) based food safety management system. The following list of food safety essentials does not, therefore, act as a substitute for this knowledge; neither does it provide an authoritative statement of law. It does however serve to highlight what we consider to be amongst the most important points about food safety. Ă? $OZD\V ZDVK \RXU KDQGV XSRQ UHWXUQLQJ WR WKH IRRG SUHSDUDWLRQ DUHD DIWHU SHUIRUPLQJ another task or where there is a cross contamination risks. Ă? ,QIRUP PDQDJHUV RI DQ\ VNLQ QRVH WKURDW RU ERZHO SUREOHPV Ă? 7XUQ XS IRU ZRUN LQ FOHDQ VHQVLEOH FORWKLQJ DQG DOZD\V ZHDU FOHDQ RYHU FORWKLQJ ZKHQ handling food. Ă? %H HYHU PLQGIXO RI WKH ULVN RI FURVV FRQWDPLQDWLRQ EHWZHHQ GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI IRRG RU ZKHQ D IRRG KDV EHHQ LGHQWLĂ&#x;HG DV FRQWDLQLQJ DQ DOOHUJHQ 5HPHPEHU WKDW \RX PD\ KDYH WR DGGUHVV the issue of cross contamination if you are preparing vegetarian food in a kitchen where meat is handled. Ă? 1HYHU FRXJK RU VQHH]H RYHU IRRG Ă? &OHDQ DV \RX JR ,I \RX PDNH D PHVV LW LV \RXU UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WR VHH WKDW LW LV FOHDUHG DV VRRQ as reasonably possible. Ă? $LP WR KDQGOH IRRG DV OLWWOH DV SRVVLEOH Ă? (QVXUH WKDW IRRG KDV UHDFKHG DQG LV KHOG DW WKH FRUUHFW WHPSHUDWXUH &RRO IRRG DV TXLFNO\ DV SRVVLEOH 5HPHPEHU WKDW WKH GDQJHU ]RQH IRU KDUPIXO EDFWHULD JURZWK LV EHWZHHQ DQG GHJUHHV &HOVLXV DQG WKDW LQDGHTXDWH WHPSHUDWXUH FRQWURO LV WKH VLQJOH ELJJHVW FDXVH RI IRRG poisoning. Ă? 1HYHU PDNH D JXHVV DV WR WKH FRQWHQWV RI IRRG SURGXFWV ZKHQ DQVZHULQJ TXHULHV IURP members of the public. Ă? (QVXUH WKDW DOO ZDVWH LV GLVSRVHG RI SURSHUO\ 'R QRW RYHU Ă&#x;OO ELQV DQG GR HPSW\ ELQV DW WKH end of each working day. Ă? $OZD\V FKHFN VHOO E\ GDWHV DQG LQVSHFWHG IRRG SDFNDJLQJ IRU FRQWDPLQDWLRQ GHWHULRUDWLRQ or damage.


Appendix 2 - a poster to print out and use in your catering kitchen

Critical temperatures for perishable food Danger Zone

8 – 63°C

This is the temperature range in which growth of harmful bacteria will occur. 5DSLG JURZWK RFFXUV EHWZHHQ DQG p& 3HULVKDEOH IRRG VKRXOG UHPDLQ LQ WKH danger zone for as short a time as possible (for example, during preparation or cooling).

Storage Of Chilled Food Delivery Of Chilled Food

5°C 8°C

Any food delivered at a temperature in excess of this should be rejected.

Storage Of Frozen Food -18°C Cooking 75°C 5DLVLQJ WKH FRUH WHPSHUDWXUH WR p& LV VXIßFLHQW WR HQVXUH WKDW KDUPIXO EDFWHULD are destroyed. Lower cooking temperatures are acceptable if the core temperature is maintained for the following amounts of time:



Hot Holding


Food On Display

above 8°C for no more than 4hrs in total




down to room temperature within 90 minutes

Appendix 3 - a poster to print out and use in your catering kitchen

The most common causes of food poisoning $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH 5(+,6 WKH 5R\DO (QYLURQPHQWDO +HDOWK ,QVWLWXWH RI 6FRWODQG WKH main faults contributing to food poisoning are as follows: Ý Food prepared too far in advance and then stored at room temperature Ý Cooling food too slowly prior to refrigeration Ý Not reheating food to a high enough temperature to destroy harmful bacteria Ý Cooked food contaminated with food poisoning bacteria Ý Under-cooking Ý Not thawing frozen poultry properly Ý Cross contamination from raw food to high risk food Ý The consumption of high risk raw foods Ý Holding hot food at below 63*C Ý Infected food handlers Ý Reheating food more than once


Appendix 4 - a poster to print out and use in your catering kitchen

Allergy, intolerance and dietary preference Types Of Dietary Restriction Allergic Reaction Allergens (usually proteins) in the food cause the body’s immune system to react in an extremely detrimental way, with the risk of anaphylactic shock and even death Food Intolerance The immune system is not involved and the immediate risk to health is usually lower than in WKH FDVH RI DOOHUJLF UHDFWLRQ 6LJQLĂ&#x;FDQW GLVFRPIRUW PD\ KRZHYHU UHVXOW Dietary Preference There is no risk to health. Note that in the latter case (for example vegetarianism or veganism), although there is no risk WR KHDOWK LW LV YHU\ LPSRUWDQW WKDW FDUH DWWHQWLRQ DQG UHVSHFW EH JLYHQ WR VXFK UHTXHVWV Types Of Allergy And Intolerance $ GHĂ&#x;QLWLYH OLVW LV LPSRVVLEOH WR SURGXFH RZLQJ WR WKH FRPSOH[ DQG RQJRLQJ QDWXUH RI WKLV area of research. However, The Food Standards Agency estimates that the following are responsible for 90% of allergic reactions: Ă? 3HDQXWV JURXQGQXWV Ă? 7UHH QXWV Ă? (JJV Ă? 0LON Ă? 6R\ EHDQV Ă? )LVK Ă? 6KHOOĂ&#x;VK Ă? :KHDW Plus more... Note that wheat allergy is not the same as coeliac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (found in cereals such as wheat, rye, barley and oats). Up to date information relating to a large number of allergies and intolerances can be found on the following Food Standard Agency website: Coeliac Syndrome Coeliac syndrome/disease is an intolerance to the gluten found in wheat, rye and barley, causing a reaction in the gut. Additionally, some coeliacs may have an intolerant reaction to the gluten-like protein found in oats.The level of intolerance varies from one person to another but in some cases it only takes a small amount of contamination to cause illness. Therefore, when catering for a coeliac diet it is wise to take the precautions employed for dealing with an allergy. (For example, do not cut gluten-free bread on a board that is also being used for regular bread). Note that it can be the case WKDW DSSDUHQWO\ JOXWHQ IUHH SURFHVVHG JUDLQV Ă“ VXFK DV RDWV DQG JUDP Ă RXU Ă“ PD\ EH FRQWDPLQDWHG with gluten during processing and therefore only such products that are labeled as gluten-free should be used when catering for such a diet. Further information about coeliac syndrome is available through the charity Coeliac UK. Catering guidelines and policies for restricted diets Ă? 'R QRW PDNH D JXHVV DV WR WKH FRQWHQWV RI IRRG SURGXFH LI LQ DQ\ GRXEW DVN WKH FDWHULQJ PDQDJHU Ă? 6WULFWO\ DGKHUH WR SURFHGXUHV GHVLJQHG WR SUHYHQW FURVV FRQWDPLQDWLRQ ZKHQ KDQGOLQJ VXFK IRRGV Ă? 6LQFH ZH GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ KDYH JXDUDQWHHV IURP HYHU\ VWDJH RI WKH SURFHVVLQJ RI ERXJKW food, we cannot guarantee that food is completely free from traces of nuts. It may be good for




0DVV FDWHULQJ ORJLVWLFV DQG TXDQWLWLHV If you are setting up a kitchen at a camp or a neighbourhood at a campaign gathering you PD\ Ă&#x;QG XVHIXO WKH 1HLJKERXUKRRG EULHĂ&#x;QJ SUHSDUHG IRU WKH &DPS IRU &OLPDWH $FWLRQ checklist to print (rtf). Additional advice (and some the same) can be found in Lou and Shannon’s Kitchen Skillshare (txt). How big a pot do you need? 8VH D SRW ELJ HQRXJK IRU DERXW OWU SHU SHUVRQ RU OWU IRU VRXS DV D PHDO 7KH YROXPH RI D SRW LV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ GHSWK [ UDGLXV VTXDUHG [ URXJKO\ Ă•SLĂ– 0HDVXUH LQ FHQWLPHWUHV DQG GLYLGH E\ IRU OLWUHV H J D PHGLXP SRW FP DFURVV E\ FP GHHS LV DOPRVW OWU HQRXJK IRU SHRSOH Tips on quantities From the Anarchist Teapot Guide to Mass Catering which is a fantastic guide on how to cook for loads of people, with tips, guides for how much for each person, and recipes. 0XHVOL J SHU SHUVRQ SHU GD\ Soymilk: 0,2l per person per day %UHDG D ELW OHVV WKDQ J SHU SHUVRQ SHU GD\ ODUJH J ORDYHV ZLOO IHHG MXVW XQGHU people at one meal Sugar: ca 1kg per 100 people per day for teas and coffees Margarine: ca. 1kg per 100 people per day for breakfast/bread with lunch Grains: 60-100g per person per meal &RXVFRXV EXOJXU NJ ZLOO GR SHRSOH SHU PHDO 3DVWD J SHU SHUVRQ SHU PHDO 'ULHG EHDQV J SHU SHUVRQ SHU PHDO Main dish: up to 0,4l per person per meal 9HJ LQ D PDLQ PHDO J SHU SHUVRQ SHU PHDO VR LI LWĂ–V PDLQO\ SRWDWRHV DQG FDUURWV Ă“ VD\ J SRWDWRHV SOXV J FDUURWV SHU SHUVRQ

7RPDWR SXUHH [ J GRXEOH FRQFHQWUDWH WXEHV IRU D VDXFH IRU Ó RU ODUJH VL]H FDWHULQJ tins (usually 900g) – 4x for a sauce for 100. A bit less if you’re using chopped tomatoes too. Lettuce: 1 iceberg for 10 portions of green salad, a bit less for other lettuces &DEEDJH J SHU SHUVRQ SHU SRUWLRQ RI FDEEDJH VDODG RU FDEEDJH VLGH GLVK &XFXPEHU FXFXPEHU ZLOO PDNH D VDODG IRU SHRSOH Vegan sausages: 10kg sosmix will make ca 400 sausages (not huge ones) %RXLOORQ VWRFN DERXW RQH ODUJH WLQ J IRU D VRXS IRU Dressing: 1 litre vinaigrette dressing for a salad for 100 people (more if a potato/bean salad) Fruit: if budget allows or we’ve been asked to, we’ll have fruit with lunch or dinner, usually DVNLQJ SHRSOH WR MXVW WDNH RQH SLHFH $SSOHV RIWHQ FRPH LQ NJ ER[HV SLHFHV %DQDQDV DOVR NJ DYHUDJH Ó SLHFHV RUDQJHV NJ DYHUDJH Ó SLHFHV


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