Bond letter to David Cameron on Anti-Corruption Champion

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Regent’s Wharf · 8 All Saints Street · London · N1 9RL · United Kingdom +44 (0)20 7837 8344 · ·

Rt. Hon. David Cameron MP Prime Minister 10 Downing St London SW1A 2AA 20 September 2012 Dear Prime Minister, Re: Government’s Anti-Corruption Champion I am writing on behalf of the Bond Anti-Corruption Group1 about the Government’s Anti-Corruption Champion. Over the past two years, the Bond Anti-Corruption Group has engaged with various government bodies on anti-corruption and transparency issues. Having an Anti-Corruption Champion has helped the UK to play an important role in shaping the anti-corruption agenda, such as in passing the Bribery Act 2010, in supporting the United Nations’ Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) review process, and also in cochairing the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group. We note that in the recent re-shuffle, no announcement was made about this post, as has been usual when the current post-holder changes departments. We strongly favour: 1. the continuance of the role of the Anti-Corruption Champion, with a clear remit to initiate, coordinate, and oversee anti-corruption activity across Whitehall; 2. the development and publication of a strategy or action plan which would allow Parliament and other stakeholders to judge what progress has been achieved, accompanied by an opportunity for Parliament to review or debate progress; and, 3. the focus of the role being both on the UK and overseas. In this context, we note that there has been ambiguity about the role’s remit, but that in the experience of our respective organisations the links between corruption overseas and in the UK, not least in areas such as organised crime, bribery and money laundering, make it imperative that the role should include a remit for tackling corruption both at home and overseas. We look forward to hearing your comments on this important subject and to working together with your Government – and with an Anti-Corruption Champion – to combat corruption in the UK and overseas. Yours sincerely,

Eric Gutierrez Chair, Bond Anti-Corruption Group


The Anti-Corruption Group within Bond has the following core members: Article 19, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Corruption Watch, Global Witness, ONE, Public concern at Work, Tearfund, The Corner House, Transparency International-U and TIRI. ● Registered Charity Number 1068839 ● Company Limited by Guarantee Registration No 3395681 (England and Wales)

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