Members are invited to the full range of our events, and receive our newsletter. To become a Member, there is an application process – the form below should be completed, and the application has to be approved by the Transparency International UK (TI-UK) Board. Please note that applications can take up to 5 weeks to be processed. Members are required to sign the declaration agreeing to agree to uphold the “Vision, Values and Guiding Principles for Transparency International” Members are able to attend the formal business session of the charity’s Annual General Meeting and vote on resolutions – for example, electing the members of the Board.
I (please print full name)______________________________________________________________ of (personal address, or name of organisation and address) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________e-mail_________________________________________ (we will usually communicate with you by e-mail)
do hereby affirm that: I agree to uphold the “Vision, Values and Guiding Principles for Transparency International” (attached) adopted by TI’s Annual Membership Meeting in Prague in October 2001. I apply to become a Member of TI-UK – minimum donation £40 pa., Life Membership £1,000 Please tick box to confirm the following; I have attached a summary CV or biography I am applying independently, as an individual, and not as a representative of any organisation or company (Please note that we do not accept group applications and strongly encourage membership donations to be paid from personal and not company bank accounts)
Please write/ attach a brief written statement outlining your motivation for becoming a member of TI-UK _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any interest in particular aspects of TI-UK’s work? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
Signed ____________________________________________ Date _____________________
DIVERSITY MONITORING FORM To ensure that our procedures do not discriminate, and to analyse whether our member applicants are representative of the population, we ask all prospective members to complete a monitoring form. It is not obligatory, but we strongly encourage applicants to complete it. This form will be treated in the strictest confidence. Please note that we will not use this information as part of the membership acceptance process. The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. It will help us fulfil our commitment to equal opportunities if you would complete all sections of this form. The information given will be used in compliance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. Surname:
How did you learn about TI-UK? Independent search leading to TI-UK website Media article Through an employer (please state) Through a friend/ colleague Other (please state)
Ethnic origin (please tick relevant box and specify if appropriate) A White British Irish Any other white background (please specify) B Mixed White and black Caribbean White and black African White and Asian Any other mixed background (please specify) C Asian or Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Any other Asian background (please specify) D Black or Black British Caribbean African Any other black background (please specify) E Chinese or other ethnic group Chinese Any other (please specify) Religion (please tick relevant box and specify if appropriate) Buddhist Christian Hindu Jewish
Muslim Sikh No religion Other (please specify) Age (please tick relevant box) Under 18 18 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65 and over Other (please tick relevant box) Gender Do you consider yourself to have a disability/ impairment?
Female Yes
Male No
Declaration I understand and give my consent that the information I provide on this diversity monitoring form will be processed and retained in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I understand that the information provided on this form will not be used as part of the membership acceptance process.
Signature: _________________________________________________________
Methods of Payment Once accepted as a member, there are 4 different payment methods:
online at call Claire Prescott at 020 3096 7675 with your card details set up a standing order – for a form, email Claire Prescott at send us a cheque made payable to Transparency International UK (if you send a cheque with your application, we will only cash it if your application is accepted)
Your donation
Standard membership donation levels are □ Membership £40 pa □ Life Membership £1,000 If you are able to make an additional donation of any size, it is extremely valuable to us.
Gift Aid Declaration – please complete if you are a UK taxpayer
I am a UK taxpayer and I want Transparency International UK to treat this donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to be treated as GiftAid donations. I also understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Title:
First Name:
Last Name: ____________________
Address: Postcode:
Signed ______________________________________________ Date ____________________
Return form to: TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL UK 7-14 Great Dover Street London, SE1 4YR or email to:
Data Protection To find out more about how we use the information you provide to us, you can read our data protection policy by visiting
A Statement of Vision, Values and Guiding Principles for Transparency International Members are required to sign the declaration agreeing to uphold the “Vision, Values and Guiding Principles for Transparency International”. Our vision A world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. Our values:
Transparency Accountability Integrity Solidarity Courage Justice Democracy
Our guiding principles We are a civil society organization committed to respecting the following principles: 1. As coalition builders, we will work cooperatively with all individuals and groups, with for profit and not for profit corporations and organizations, and with governments and international bodies committed to the fight against corruption, subject only to the policies and priorities set by our governing bodies. 2. We undertake to be open, honest and accountable in our relationships with everyone we work with and with each other. 3. We will be democratic, politically non partisan and non sectarian in our work. 4. We will condemn bribery and corruption vigorously and courageously wherever it has been reliably identified. 5. The positions we take will be based on sound, objective and professional analysis and high standards of research. 6. We will only accept funding that does not compromise our ability to address issues freely, thoroughly and objectively. 7. We will provide accurate and timely reports of our activities to our stakeholders. 8. We will respect and encourage respect for fundamental rights and freedoms. 9. We are committed to building, working with and working through national chapters worldwide. 10. We will strive for balanced and diverse representation on our governing bodies. 11. As one global movement, we stand in solidarity with each other and we will not act in ways that may adversely affect other Chapters or the TI movement as a whole. Adopted by the TI AMM in Prague, 06 October 2001 updated by the TI AMM in Bali, 28 October 2007 and by the AMM in Berlin, 16 October 2011.