Market Insights Through Data and Analytics

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Market Insights Through Data and Analytics

Cycle Tourism Conference Canada

Presented by: Samuel Lau, Director of Business Development

About Environics Analytics

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35,000 Variables about Canadian Life

• Who is using the trails and bike routes?

• What defines them by demographics?

• Where are they and where can we find like-minded people?


800,000+ Postal Codes

• What do they do in their spare time, aside from biking?

• How much disposable income do they spend and on which categories of airport vendors?

• What kind of media do they consume and how can I reach them?

• What media channels will produce the greatest ROI?

• How do riders use social media?


(where possible)

• +35,000 more

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Understanding NEW PRIZM Segment Descriptions

SESI (the lower the SESI number, the greater the affluence)

Income & Education

Low-Income Indicator

Dwelling Value

Net Worth

Discretionary Income

Household Size

Social Group

(the lower the social group number, the greater the affluence)

Segment Name


20 Social Groups

U1 – U6 Urban F1 – F3 Urban Fringe

Suburban S1 – S7

Town T1

Rural R1 - R3

Driven by:

• Urbanity

• Affluence

• Age

• Ethnicity

• Dwelling Type

Segment Icon

Lifestage Group (the higher the Lifestage Group Number, the further the segment is along in their life stage)

8 Lifestage Groups

Youth Y1 – Y3

Influenced by:

• Singles

• Families

Families F1 – F3

• Age of Children

• Age of Maintainer

• Affluence

• Language

Mature M1 – M2

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• Urbanity

MobileScapes ENVISION

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Algonquin Park

Visitors May 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022

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Total Visits May 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022

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43,785 20,870 15,653 15,033 14,749
389,269 Total Visits

Algonquin 2022 Summer Visitors: Demographics


• Families with Children Visitors

• Majority still in active labour force (weekend and holiday visitors)

• Diverse group of visitors

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Algonquin 2022 Summer Visitors : Shopping Preferences


• Advertising Opportunities with Partners

• What shops or restaurants would continue to attract more like minded visitors?

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Algonquin 2022 Summer Visitors : Media Consumption

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Algonquin 2022 Summer Visitors : Values

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Other Considerations

Geofencing the Bike Trails itself

2019 (Pre-pandemic) vs. today

Application goes beyond Bike and Tourism

EV Charging

Overnight Stays

Custom Target groups

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© 2023 Environics Analytics Questions? Contact: Samuel (Sam) Lau 647-241-6235 lau0308/

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