Building the Market & Relationships for Non-Profit Cycling Events

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PwC MS Bike 2019 Cycle Tourism Conference

Overview of Big Data Project

• Used PRIZM5 technology and partnership with Environics and The Partnership Group • Consumer data across 68 different segments • In-depth look at more than 30,000 spendature variables • Highlighted six specific industries with a short list of companies

PwC MS Bike • MS Bike is one of the MS Society’s largest revenue-generating events • $8.5 million annually • Approximately 10,000 participants and volunteers • Connects new people to the cause and creates opportunities for relationship building • MS Bike stands for excellence and achievement

Selling the local experience • We want to go beyond simply providing information and promote PwC MS Bike as destination events • PwC MS Bike – Prince Edward County • Highlighting the town of Picton and local wineries • The idea of making the one-day tour into a weekend away • Adding a wine tasting the night before. Promotes local businesses and adds value

National Company Teams Program

• Growth potential • Gives companies increased visibly and a way to engage employees, and encourages wellness • Companies that have three or more teams • What we provide: online presence, onsite recognition, dedicated staff support, team area and tools/resources for kick-off • Fosters internal and external competition to increase registrations and fundraising

National Company Teams: Growth strategies • Expand current corporate sponsorship to include even participation • Expand current corporate teams to new locations • Engage new corporate teams • Focus: selling the experience, and then tying it to the cause

Cutting through the marketplace • Competitive marketplace

• Competing cycling events • Messaging to target audience

Reaching our target audience

• Our challenge: transition from “who we have” to “who we want” • Big Data Project gave an understanding of who our participants and donors are • Can be difficult to undertake new marketing or promotional initiatives while still marketing to current participants/donors, and can also be difficult to measure success of new campaigns • Limited budget – where possible, we try to get discounts or offset costs

Sponsorship – PwC • PwC is the title sponsor in Ontario

• Part of five-year agreement that began in 2017 • PwC has formed a team for every Ontario MS Bike tour • In 2018, PwC had 103 participants and 4% increase in fundraising • We offer support for corporate engagement: lunch and learns, pre-event activations and VIP treatment on event day

Volunteering – EMD Serono • Volunteers support registration, checkpoint support, logistics and much more • EMD Serono recruits volunteers and participants internally • Fun and engaging way for company staff to give back, and a great team building opportunity

Corporate Teams – Team Cowbell • Memorable, active, stimulating event for corporate teams, and also a way to help Canadians affected by MS • Cowbell Brewing Co. from Blyth, ON, runs Team Cowbell • We can offer corporate teams custom jerseys, tailored lunch and learns, and increased support in all aspects of the event • Can also provide leadership opportunities i.e. fundraising events, organizing jerseys, liaising with MS Society staff partner

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