Under the High Patronage of HRH Prince Radu of Romania
2015 - 2016 Royal Edition
The Royal House, Engine of Nation’s Development
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Cover photo: Peleş Castle made by Daniel Angelescu Photo AngelsPhotography Art Director: Mihai Armanca Design Arcadia Media Srl Printed by:
Royal Edition
A New Dimension of the Historic Role of the Royal House of Romania
The history of the Royal House of Romania overlaps to the point of identification with the history of the modern Romanian state and with the reform and modernization of Romanian society.
During the exile imposed by the establishment of communism in Romania, His Majesty King Michael I continued to promote the interests of Romania and Romanians alike.
The role assumed by the members of the Royal Family in a process that began 150 years ago has been overwhelming. The Royal House of Romania was not only the main agent of transformation for the better in Romanian society, but also the main pillar that provided stability for those values that have internationally transformed the Kingdom of Romania into one of the most democratic and respected countries in Europe.
After the fall of communism, with the return home of the Romanian Royal Family, the traditions discontinued in 1947 were resumed. The Royal House of Romania once again granted the title of Official Supplier to those companies which deserved it. Also, HRH Prince Radu of Romania has decided to put his vast diplomatic experience, gained both in his capacity as a member of the Royal Family and High Representative of the Romanian Government, in the service of the nation. HRH accepted the proposal of the International Committee, a structure that brings together the major business clubs in Transylvania and promotes their companies at an international level. Thus, HRH continues a glorious tradition that has its roots in the reign of King Carol I.
The improvement of the Romanian economy has always been a priority for all Romanian kings. King Carol I basically created the rail and road infrastructure in Romania, and his name is connected to the beginnings of Romanian aviation. During his reign, Romania attracted important investments in the industrial sector and the extraction of mineral resources. Moreover, the great king was personally involved in the creation of economic enterprises and created a system that is still valid today, through which Romanian companies that develop quality products can qualify as Official Suppliers of the Royal House. These trends have continued and have been developed by all his successors.
Such gestures were familiar among other members of the Royal Family, i.e. the Queens Elisabeta and Queen Maria. Queen Maria’s United States tour during the interwar will remain in history as an example of best practice, as she did not hesitate to advise American businessmen to come and invest in our country. Thus, the activity of Prince Radu of Romania constitutes a much needed bridge over time and across countries.
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History & Legacy
Parents of a Nation
Romania’s kings and queens have profoundly influenced Romanian history and they continue to do so today. In 2016, Romania celebrates 150 years of royalty, marking the years that have passed since the enthronement of Carol I, founder of the Romanian royal dynasty. Romania’s independence, the Union with Dobrogea, the Great Union of 1918, when the Kingdom of Romania was united with Transylvania, ara ure Cri ana e Bana Be ara ia and Bu ina u al e ic rie in e ar nde endence e ec nd Bal an ar and e C ec l a un arian anian ar e are all connected to the Romanian Royal Family. His Majesty King Michael I of Romania has played a major r le in en i c ura e u ac r ened e war by six months. The restoration of Romania after the fall of communism and the country’s integration into NATO and the European Union are closely linked to the efforts of the Royal Family. The Royal Family of Romania had a substantial contribution to the building of the country’s statehood, its economic development and the democratization of Romanian society.
CAROL I the Founder King Carol I was the one who founded the Romanian dynasty. The Great King of Romania was born in the Catholic branch of the Hohenzollern family, whose Protestant branch yielded numerous German Kings. In 1866, following the abdication of Alexandru Ioan Cuza and under the pressure of the great powers who wanted to break up the union between the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, the members of the Romanian elite decided to bring a prince from a reigning European house to the Romanian throne, to save the young state recently created during the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. The appointment of Prince Carol of Hohenzollern - Sigmaringen was suggested by the French Emperor Napoleon III.
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King Carol I and Queen Elisabeta
Prince Carol was a graduate of some of the most prestigious Prussian military schools, soon standing out as an officer of the Prussian army during Schleswig’s Second War with Denmark. The young prince readily accepted the proposal to become the ruler of Romania. He was forced to travel incognito towards his new country, under the name of Carol Hetingen, due to tensions between the Austrian Empire and Prussia. Prince Carol travelled by train from Dusseldorf to Budapest, then further by boat to Drobeta Turnu Severin, where he landed in Romania. Prince Carol used to say „From the moment I stepped into Romania, I became Romanian”. The first house entered by the prince regent later became a library. Prince Carol went to Bucharest on a road that, in a symbolic manner crossed the old capitals of Wallachia: Câmpulung, Argeş and Târgovişte. He entered Bucharest on 10 May, which has since become the national holiday of Romania. Carol was sworn in as the prince regent and was crowned on the same day at the Metropolitan Cathedral, which, during the reign of his successor, Ferdinand, was to become the first Patriarchal Cathedral. Thus May 10, 1866 marks the beginning of the longest reign of a monarch in Romanian history. One month later, inspired by the Belgian model, the Prince regent enacted one of the most modern constitutions in Europe. Prince Carol managed to quickly modernize Romania, endowing it with all the proper institutions of a modern state, from hospitals to the Academy. In 1877, Prince Carol decided to discontinue the dependence on the Ottoman Empire, proclaiming Romania’s independence on May 10. Bombed by the Ottoman artillery, Romania declared war on Turkey. The entering of the Romanian army into the Russian-Turkish war changed the fate of the war as Prince Carol personally ordered the Romanian and Russian armies to besiege the most important Ottoman fortress in the northern Balkans, in Plevna. Prince Carol I managed to obtain this victory, which bought Romania a new future.
Royal Edition Romania’s state independence was recognized in 1878, when the Parliament granted the Prince the appellative of Royal Highness. Following the peace treaties that ended the Russian-Romanian-Turkish war, Romania was granted its state independence, receiving the Dobrogea province, located between the Danube and the Black Sea, but sadly losing southern Bessarabia, which was annexed by the Russian Empire in spite of earlier promises of the Tsarist authorities. In March 1881, Romania’s international prestige determined the Parliament in Bucharest to decide Romania’s transformation into a kingdom, leading to the coronation of Carol I as King of Romania on May 10, 1881. His crown was forged from the steel of a gun captured by the Romanian army during the War of Independence. Romanians were most grateful to both Carol I and his wife Elisabeth of Wied, whom he had married in 1869. During the war of independence, Elizabeth founded ambulances and hospitals where the wounded were cared for, irrespective of the side they had fought on. Moreover, the one who would later become the first Queen of Romania was personally involved in the purchase of the medicines missing from these hospitals.
King Carol I, Crown Prince Ferdinand and Prince Carol
omania developed rapidly, and the country’s economy soon became one of the most prosperous in the region. Queen Elizabeth, a much appreciated writer herself, writing using the pen name Carmen Sylva, was a consummate patron of Romanian culture and its personalities, such as the poet Alecsandri and the composer and violinist George Enescu.
Romania developed rapidly, and the country’s economy soon became one of the most prosperous in the region. Queen Elizabeth, a much appreciated writer herself, writing using the pen name Carmen Sylva, was a consummate patron of Romanian culture and its personalities, such as the poet Alecsandri and the composer and violinist George Enescu. However, in 1912, Romania faced a new crisis emerging at a regional level and was forced to enter The Second Balkan War. In the First Balkan War, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia and Bulgaria obtained a series of important victories against the Ottoman Empire. But Bulgaria, aspiring to achieve hegemony in the Balkans, was now battling her former allies. Romania entered the war against Bulgaria and the Romanian royal army, commanded by Crown Prince Ferdinand, obtained the surrender of the Bulgarian army. Following the Peace Conference in Bucharest, Romania obtained South Dobrogea, the so-called Quadrilateral. King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria in Alba Iulia
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History & Legacy
King Carol I
The Royal Family of Romania
Two years later World War I broke out in Europe. King Carol I died the same year and King Ferdinand I of Romania ascended to the throne. He was the grandson on the brother’s side of King Carol I, who had died without direct heirs. King Ferdinand I was married to Queen Maria, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and the Russian Tsar. For the first two years, between 1914 and 1916 Romania remained neutral. The Romanian public opinion was divided between those who wanted Romania to join the war on the side of the Central Powers in order to release Bessarabia occupied by Russia, and those who wanted to go to war alongside the Entente to release Transylvania and Bukovina. In August 1916, King Ferdinand and Queen Maria decided that Romania should fight alongside Britain, France and Russia. Thus, King Ferdinand I placed Romania’s interests above his feelings, because he himself was born and educated in Germany, and would have preferred to fight alongside the Central Powers. The Romanian army entered Transylvania and released the south of this province. However, during a Bulgarian attack from the south Romanian troops failed to cope with the German-Austro-Hungarian counter-attack. In the fall of 1916, Oltenia, Dobrogea, Muntenia and the capital Bucharest were occupied. The King, Queen, Government, Parliament and the Army had to seek refuge in Iaşi, in Moldova, which remained free and it is from this place from where the Romanian resistance carried on. In 1917, the Romanian royal army was reorganized and equipped with modern weapons, with a franchise military, led by General Henri Berthelot. The Romanian army, commanded by King Ferdinand I, managed to resist attacks of the armies of the Central Powers, led by Field Marshal von Mackensen, then pass to the counteroffensive. Queen Mary and Crown Prince Carol II showed great courage and often went to personally visit the troops fighting in the front rows. Regina Maria risked her life during a typhus epidemic that took many lives. The Queen of Romania attended hospitals to personally care for the wounded and the sick. Nevertheless, Romania had to call for a truce after Russia’s Tsar Nikolai II was deposed and the Russian Empire came under Bolshevik control.
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Romania’s new government, appointed by King Ferdinand I, negotiated a separate peace treaty with the Central Powers, which the King then refused to sign. In the spring of 1918, Bessarabia proclaimed the union with Romania, and in November 1918, King Ferdinand I of Romania decided to re-enter the war alongside the Entente. After the defeat of the Central Powers, Bucovina and Transylvania, Crişana, Maramureş and Banat decided to join Romania. The collapse of the German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empire created the context for the union of all Romanian provinces. In 1919, however, Hungary, where a Bolshevik republic had been established, attacked Romania and Czechoslovakia. The Romanian Royal Army, whose troops were comprised of Transylvanian volunteers, defeated Hungary, subsequently occupying Budapest and abolishing the Hungarian Soviet Republic. Intense negotiations for the recognition of Romania’s new borders followed and Queen Mary was among those who played a decisive role in the success of Romanian diplomacy, as she attended the Paris Peace Conference. In October 1922, Ferdinand I and Maria were solemnly crowned King and Queen of the United Romania. The ceremony took place in the Coronation Cathedral, built in Alba Iulia. In 1923, King Ferdinand enacted a new democratic constitution, and the idea of an international tour was born at that time, one in which Queen Mary was going to promote Romania. In 1926, Queen Mary arrived in the United States and her visit was an overwhelming success. This entire period, which was particularly auspicious for Romania, was overshadowed by two events. The first one was Carol II, the Crown Prince’s decision to renounce de facto his marriage to Princess Elena, born Princess of Greece and Denmark. The Crown Prince Carol II of Romania then renounced the throne and moved to France and his son Mihai I was proclaimed Crown Prince. The second sad event was the death of King Ferdinand I in 1927. King Michael I of Romania ascended to the throne but the sovereign powers were actually exercised by a Regency led by his uncle, Prince Nicolae of Romania. The first reign of King Michael I lasted until 1930, when Carol II decided to return home. He was proclaimed King of Romania, and Mihai became again Crown Prince, receiving the special title of Grand Prince of Alba Iulia. Although he started under the auspices of an unprecedented economic crisis, coupled with a major political crisis, King Carol II lead Romania to a rapid economic recovery. The year 1938 was the best year to date in terms of the country’s economy. Also, from a cultural standpoint, this was a golden period for Romania, which saw the rise to international fame of the sculptor Constantin Brancuşi, the musician George Enescu, the poet Lucian Blaga or the scholar Mircea Eliade.
Royal Edition
King Michael I
The eminent Romanian diplomat Nicolae Titulescu was the only person who was elected twice president of the League of Nations. However, because of the rise of dictatorships in Europe, Romania’s diplomatic situation deteriorated, given that one of her allies, Czechoslovakia fell apart due to the Munich Agreements of 1938. King Carol II was also facing the rise of followers of right wing political movements, namely the Legionary Movement. To prevent the coming to power of these extremist and anti-Semitic movements during the elections, King Carol II changed the constitution and promulgated a new fundamental law, introducing an authoritarian royal regime.
In 1939 The Second World War began. The Polish Government and army sought refuge in Romania, while their country was attacked by Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. In 1940, following the division of the spheres of influence between Germany and Russia, Romania’s Union fell apart. Russia occupied Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and Herţa, Hungary occupied Northern Transylvania, while the Quadrilateral was given to Bulgaria. General Ion Antonescu forced King Carol II to leave his throne and together with the Legionary Movement, established a dictatorial regime. King Michael I returned to the throne in a formal manner, but his role was strictly ceremonial. His mother, Princess Elena, was proclaimed Queen Mother and received the appellation of Her Royal Majesty. Romania joined the Axis, given that all its allies in Central and Eastern Europe had been occupied by Germany and Italy, and its former great ally, France, had capitulated. In this context, the Legionnaires tried to suppress general Ion Antonescu, who was proclaimed prime minister and leader of the State, but their rebellion was defeated in January 1941. In June 1941, Ion Antonescu ruled Romania’s entry into the war against Russia, to recover the occupied Soviet territories. In the first phase of the war, Romania succeeded in freeing the territories occupied by Russia, but then the Eastern campaign lost popularity after Ion Antonescu decided that the Romanian army cross the Nistru River, the traditional Romanian border. Many Romanian soldiers died at Stalingrad or in Crimea. The Russian counter-offensive managed to push the front back to the Romanian territory. On 23 August 1944, King Michael I decided to arrest Ion Antonescu and exiting the war against the United Nations. His gesture shortened the war by at least by six months and saved thousands of lives. Following its decision, Northern Transylvania was returned to Romania, but other areas remained lost.
The Royal Family today: His Majesty King Michael I (second from the left), HRH Crown Princess Margareta (first from the left), HM Queen Ana and HRH Prince Radu of Romania
King Michael I decided to partially reinstate the Constitution of 1923 and return to the democratic tradition of the country. Britain and the US, however, abandoned Romania to the Soviet sphere of influence. King Michael I was forced to appoint a pro-communist politician, Prime Minister Petru Groza, on March 6, 1945. The King continued to fight the Sovietisation of his country and became the strongest opponent of the communists. In December 30, 1947, he was blackmailed with the threat of being responsible for the killing of 1,000 students, unless he would sign an otherwise illegitimate and illegal deed of abdication, then being forced into exile. King Michael I married Queen Anne` of Romania and the royal couple had five daughters. During the long and painful exile, King Michael I fought tirelessly for the rights of Romanians, but after the fall of communism in 1990, when he tried to return home, he was driven out the country by the neo-communist authorities. He returned home in 1992, to Bucharest, where one million Romanians acclaimed him for hours. Although Romania is still a republic, the royal family is still one of the most important public actors, enjoying great trust from the population. Crown Princess Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown, along with her husband, Prince Radu of Romania, is involved in important charitable, educational, cultural and health projects. The activity of the members of the royal family is one of the most important vectors of Romanian diplomacy, as evidenced by the major role it played in Romania’s accession to NATO and the European Union.
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History & Legacy
the Throne of the Kingdom in the Heart of the Country Peleş Castle is one of the most beautiful royal buildings in Europe whilst being the location of the royal throne of Romania. The castle was built at the request of King Carol I of Romania, following the plans of the architects Johanns Schultz, Carol Benesch and Karel Liman. The church was decorated by famous artists such as JD Heymann, August Bembe and Bernhard Ludwig. Peleş was built on the personal expense of the first king of Romania, Carol I, who wanted to grant his dynasty a castle that would highlight Romania’s new international status. Art specialists consider Peleş to be one of the most important castles raised in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. Carol had taken the decision for the construction of the Peleş castle in the year of his ascent to the throne. At that time, Carol I was only a ruling Prince, later to become Romania’s Sovereign on May 10, 1866. Later that year, in August, he went to visit Prahova Valley. There he discovered a wonderful piece of land near the monastery of Sinaia, a place which reminded him of the mountains of his native Germany. Back then, Sinaia was a simple mountain village, called Podul Neagului and the area in which the Prince Ruler decided to raise his castle was called Piatra Arsă. The area was favoured by King Carol I and was praised in the fairy tales written by Romania’s first Queen, Elizabeth, his wife, who became known as a writer using the pen–name Carmen Sylva.
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Moreover, Peleş was elegantly described in the memoirs of the second Romanian Queen, Maria, wife of King Ferdinand I, the nephew on the brother’s side and the successor of King Carol I. Peleş is where the next Kings of Romania were born: Carol II, son of King Ferdinand I in 1893, and Mihai, the son of Carol II and Queen Helen, in 1921. That same year, Peleş hosted the wedding of Princess Ileana of Romania, sister of King Carol II, who became the wife of the Archduke Anton of Austria. Several buildings were built near Peleş, out of which the most important are Pelişor and Foişor (the gazebo). The story of Peleş began in 1872, when Prince Ruler Carol bought a plot of 1,000 acres. The construction began in 1873. For two years, 300 workers continuously worked on the premises. In 1875, the cornerstone of the castle was laid by the Prince Ruler himself. A few coins of 20 lei were buried under this stone, as these were the first Romanian coins bearing the image of Carol I, the king who was to obtain the independence of Romania in 1878, and become the first King of Romania in 1881. Peleş Castle was inaugurated in 1883 and has hosted many historic events ever since. For example, the Crown Council gathered here after the start of World War I to decide that Romania should remain neutral, a status that was preserved until 1916.
Royal Edition
After the war ended and after the Great Union of 1918, which brought Transylvania, Maramureş, Crişana, Banat, Bukovina and Bessarabia to the Crown, Peleş reached the very centre of the country and has remained the symbolic heart of the Kingdom of Romania ever since.
eleş Castle s a s l t s independence and power. The most beautiful royal crown is the trust and the love of a a s a ts al e l es a as merits.” The castle has 160 rooms and several entrances and staircases. It was the first electrified castle in the world, featuring its own power plant. This allowed the use of numerous innovations. For example, the beautiful glass ceiling of the monumental Hall of Honour, where many royal ceremonies are held, is mobile and can be electrically operated. The lobby is panelled in walnut and numerous basreliefs and statues. Also, Peleş Castle had central heating ever since its inauguration of 1883. The castle has a theatre with 60 seats plus the royal box. There is a music room, furnished at Queen Elizabeth’s request. Her furniture was a gift from the Maharajah of Kapurtala. The Royal Library has many rare books, with leather bound covers engraved with golden letters.
The Arms Galleries contain more than 4,000 pieces of European and Oriental origins. There is also a horse and knight armour that is unique in Romania. The Council Room is similar to one of the rooms of Lucerne’s Mayor Hall. The stained glass of the castle was bought from Switzerland and Germany. The castle has seven terraces decorated with fountains, statues and monumental vases, carved in Carrara marble. The building remained the property of the King of Romania until 1948 when it was confiscated by the communists. In 2006, the property was returned to His Majesty King Michael I. The importance of this castle in Romania’s history has been highlighted even by King Michael I: „Peleş Castle is a symbol of our country’s independence and power. The most beautiful royal crown is the trust and the love of Romanians and its value lies in Romania’s own merits.” According to the site familiaregala.ro „the castle is a symbol of the independent Romanian nation, a unified and consolidated state. From an architectural viewpoint, Peleş Castle is a masterpiece of the German Neo-Renaissance style. Peleş Castle is rather a Palace, whose patios combine Saxon and German elements and whose interior reflects the baroque influence. After the death of Carol I, the castle was bestowed on King Ferdinand, who bequeathed it directly to King Michael”.
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History & Legacy
Elisabeta Palace, the Residence where the Exile Began and Ended
The Elisabeta Palace in Bucharest is the official residence of His Majesty King Michael I of Romania. Its symbolic role in Romania’s contemporary history is is hard to overestimate. It is the place where the exile of the Romanian Royal Family started, when HM King Michael I of Romania was forced to sign his abdication on December 30, 1947. It is also the place where the exile of Royal Romanian Family ended in in 2001, when Elisabeta Palace became the official residence of His Majesty. Elisabeta Palace was not returned to the royal family. Instead, it was offered for use as a residence, as it still functions as a museum nowadays. The story of Elisabeta Palace begins in 1930, when the young architect Marcu Cornelius Duiliu designed it combining the Moorish and Brâncovenesc style, also known as Wallachian Renaissance. Victoria Palace, headquarter of the the Romanian government and the Theatre in Timişoara were both designed by the same architect. The construction of the Elisabeta Palace started in 1935 in one of the most beautiful green areas of Bucharest, comprising the Herăstrău Park and the largest museum dedicated to traditional rural civilization in Romania. The palace was built by order of King Carol II of Romania, who decided to build the palace for his sister, Queen Elizabeth of Greece. Queen Elizabeth of Greece was born in 1894 at Peleş Castle and was regarded in her youth as the most beautiful princess of Europe. She was named in honour of her aunt, Elisabeth of Wied, wife of King Carol I of Romania. In 1921, Princess Elizabeth married the Crown Prince George of Greece. The same year, the brother of Princess Elizabeth, Crown Prince Carol of Romania married Princess Elena of Greece, the future mother of His Majesty King Michael I of Romania. Following the enthronement of her husband, in 1922, Elizabeth became Queen of Greece. After a period of exile, caused by social and political turmoil in Greece in 1935, and after King George of Greece returned to the throne, Elizabeth divorced him and decided to return to Romania. It was this very same year, when King Carol II decided to build this palace for his sister. Elisabeta Palace was finalised a year later, however, Queen Elisabeta of Greece spent little time at the palace as she preferred to spend her time at her residence in the countryside, at Castle Banloc in Banat, where she quietly practised her passion for painting.
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he present role of Elisabeta Palace was most eloquently expressed by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown: „I learn to live in Elisabeta Palace, I learn to appreciate and understand it, and know that together with my parents and my husband I can leave my footprint between its walls, as a continuity of Romanian tradition”.
Elisabeta Palace became the residence of King Michael I during WWII. The palace was bombed by the German airforces on the 24th of August 1944, in retaliation for the king’s decision to dismiss the military dictator general Ion Antonescu, who had steered Romania into a war against the United Nations, abreast the Axis powers. King Michael I asked for his aunt’s permission to move in to Elisabeta Palace together with the Queen Mother Elena of Romania. Here he was forced to sign a document unworthily called an act of abdication. According to Romanian legislation, this document was and is considered null and void. By signing it, King Michael I was practically forced into exile. However, in 2001, once the Romanian Royal Family assumed a new role and became involved in the country’s efforts to join NATO and the European Union, Elisabeta Palace became again the residence of His Majesty. Since then, Elisabeta Palace has housed the royal family and a number of services such as His Majesty’s Cabinet, the Royal Secretariat, the Protocol and Press Offices, also hosting many public events. Until 2008, the palace was also the Government Office of the High Representative, a role fulfilled by His Royal Highness Prince Radu of Romania.
Royal Edition
Some of the spaces are private areas, to be used by members the royal family of Romania only, however, there are also spaces where Romanian hospitality is extended to members of other Imperial, Royal and Prince Families visiting Romania. The King’s Hall, the White Hall, the Queen Helen Salon, the Beams Lounge or the Large Dining Room continue to host numerous cultural, scientific, political, social or economic events. In recent years, the Palace Gardens have hosted an annual Garden Party, celebrating the true National Day of Romania, May 10, which is the day when Carol I became Ruling Prince of Romania in 1866 . In 1877 Romania proclaimed its independence, and Carol I was crowned as the first king of Romania in 1881.
His Majesty King Michael I Kings Hall
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History & Legacy
Săvârşin Castle, an Example of Sustainable Development Săvârşin Castle is the place where members of the Romanian Royal Family spend their Christmas holidays as well as a part of their summer holidays. At the same time, it is the location of the Royal Archive which preserves the documents concerning the exile of His Majesty King Michael I of Romania. The charm of the castle is enhanced by its arboretum, one of the oldest in Central Europe.
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Royal Edition
HRH Crown Princess Margareta and HRH Prince Radu of Romania
s e t e astle
Castle s t e l sest la e t
The Royal Domain of Săvârșin covers an area soul because every time I experience the of 20 hectares, out of which 6.5 hectares presence of Queen Helen, who organized are occupied by the arboretum. This was it and cherished it, and loved it so much.” created in 1514 by the viscount of Arad, a HRH Crown Princess Margareta of Romania, nobleman of the Forray family. The Castle Custodian of the Romanian Crown itself was built between 1650 and 1680 and was rebuilt several times after being affected by the events that disturbed Transylvania at that moment. The actual shape of the castle Margareta of Romania who wanted the dates back to the 1870’s when Săvârșin Castle reconstruction of Săvârșin Castle to follow was refurbished after the damages suffered the style of the Queen Mother. Thus, the during the Revolution of 1848. The castle is restoration works have marked an arch over built in a neoclassical style, featuring a typical the communist period. floor plan and a balcony. By inheritance The Royal Park of Săvârșin was also restored rights, the Castle and the Domain of Săvârșin - it comprises trees such as silver firs, spruce, became the property of Carol Hunyadi and Himalayan pine, Turkish hazel, swamp cypress after his death, in 1932, the Castle became or the Chinese scholar tree. The Royal Park of the property of the “Corvin” company owned Săvârșin is the location for various symbolic by the representative of a noble Romanian celebrations. In August 2013, when HRH Prince industrialist family named Anton Mocioni. On George of Cambridge, son of HRH Prince March 26 1943, Anton Mocioni sold his shares William Duke of Cambridge, grandson of HRH to His Majesty King Michael I of Romania the Prince of Wales, and great-grandson of who closed down the company and included Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II was born, an the Castle into his personal patrimony. The oak was planted at Săvârșin. In 2015, when his Queen Mother Helen of Romania started its sister Princess Charlotte of Cambridge was refurbishment during the hard times of the born, a Magnolia seed was planted. WW II, however, the Queen Mother and King The groups of Christmas carol singers that Michael were unable to enjoy the peaceful come every year to congratulate the members quiet of the castle located on the Mureș Valley of the Royal Family are received in the yard for too long. In 1948, the Communists seized of Săvârșin Castle; also the Royal Christmas the royal property which was restored to His Concert takes place in the Automobile Majesty King Michael I of Romania in a state of Museum. degradation, only in 2001. ‘’The Castle of Săvârşin is the closest place Since then, a large refurbishment project has to my soul because every time I am there started under the coordination of HRH Crown I experience the feeling of Queen Helen’s Princess Margareta and HRH Prince Radu of presence who organized it, and cherished it Romania, and stands today as a real example and loved it so much” said Her Royal Highness of sustainable development. The restoration Crown Princess Margareta of Romania. works are carried out with materials that are identical with the ones originally used: wood, According to the site familiaregala.ro, “Queen stone, brass, silk, flax and other materials. Helen put in the organization of the castle all her talent as a decorator, all her motherly love The restoration plans were drawn up by and all her personality as a Queen of a country Șerban Sturza, the president of the Romanian in dire need of role models and spiritual Order of Architects and the works proper comfort. The Crown Princess Margareta and were conducted by the British architect David Prince Radu wish to follow the same path in Baxter. This nine years effort is presented order to convert Săvârșin Castle into a model in the book entitled ”Săvârșin. The Detail” of rural community development and into a which renders the vision of Crown Princess Royal Romanian landmark for years to follow.”
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History & Legacy
The Royal House of Romania, Engine of the Nation’s Development In the year 2016, Romanian Royalty is celebrating 150 years since first gaining political power in the country after the coronation of Carol I, a historical figure who had been subject to many transformations throughout the years. The Royal family played an important role in the modernization and democratization of Romania.
In the year 1866, when Carol I took over power, the country had been merely a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, with an under-developed infrastructure and a rather medieval economy. However, by 1914 - the year when its king died - due to the efforts of the crown, Romania had been already a regional power that had won two consecutive wars: the war of independence (Russo-Turkish War 1877 – 1878) and the Second Balkan War (1913).
HRH Crown Princess Margareta and HRH Prince Radu of Romania
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By this time, the infrastructure of the country was in full development, as Romanian engineers had built several famous architectural masterpieces such as the Iron Bridge across the Danube in Cernavodă, the longest Bridge in Europe. Furthermore, Aurel Vlaicu and Traian Vuia had been the pioneers of aviation at that time. King Carol enabled economic development by introducing favourable laws and encouraging it personally by his involvement in different projects. He invested capital in local enterprises such as the Beer Factory in Azuga. He also invited foreign investors to open businesses in Romania and similarly encouraged Romanian businessmen to operate on the European market. His successors to the throne Ferdinand I, Carol II and Mihai I followed in his footsteps. Before the establishment of the communist regime, Romanian industry had experienced rapid development. By 1935, Romanian agriculture had been one of the most productive in Europe. According to statistics, Romania exported methane gas and petrol. It was also well known for its iron and coal exploitation. Romania was at the top of the European charts and 14th in the world in gold mining. In aluminium production it was in second place and Mica, it was in third place on global charts. They exported copper and salt to countries all over Europe and mineral water all over the world.
The countries industries abounded in oil distilleries, steel mills and ports and on the sea and major rivers. In 1866, Romania did not have even one kilometre of railway, but by 1935 the country was already in possession of one of the most modern and well-balanced railway systems in Eastern Europe as well as airports in all the historical regions of the country. The first local automobile and aircraft brands had been established: Malaxa and IAR. After the fall of communism, members of the royal family returned after an exile of half a century and have continued to encourage development of the Romanian economy ever since. Over 60 economic entities have been labelled as Official Providers of the Royal House; Furthermore, the members of the royal family had been involved in the promotion and export of local wines to Sweden and cereals to the Arab world. They continuously encourage major entrepreneurs from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Japan, Spain, Canada, Australia, New Zeeland, Denmark, Sweden and other countries to invest in Romania. His Royal Highness, Price Radu stated in a public event that “the royal family plans to continue its work in the future”. The event was a meeting held on 23rd of March, 2015 between His Royal Highness, Prince Radu and business people from Cluj-Napoca. “I would like you to know that members of the royal family do not spend their days offering high patronages. This is a family that has never hesitated to roll up their sleeves and get down to business whenever it was necessary. His Majesty, for instance, can fix your car. It is not a joke, in the 80’s two Romanians asked for his help because their car broke down in Versoix and His Majesty fixed it.
Royal Edition
King Michael I (in the middle), Crown Princess Margareta and Prince Radu of Romania
Not to mention all of the other public actions performed by members of the royal family in the service of the prosperity and solidarity of their country”, said Prince Radu. His Royal Highness highlighted the fact that the involvement of the royal family in such matters is part of a noble family tradition. ”I would like you to know that in 1926, when Queen Maria visited the United States of America and 400,000 people greeted her on the streets of Manhattan, she then launched a slogan that needed 70 or 80 years to become fashionable. She said: «Americans, come, invest and establish business in my country!» This was in the year 1926”, Prince Radu also said in his speech. This method has been used for nearly a century by the British royal family, who never cease to promote and encourage the public and private enterprises of their country. If such a well-developed country like the United Kingdom, at this day and age, still benefits from
the endorsement and economic promotion of the Royal House, then Romania is even more in need of such endeavours from the part the Royal House”, added His Royal Highness, Prince Radu when encouraging Romanian business people to seek the help of the Royal Family. “The best thing would be that, starting from tomorrow the important institutions of the city and municipality, political and academic institutions alike would not hesitate to pay a visit to the royal family in the Elisabeth Palace in order to have a low-key, bilateral discussion about how the Royal family could help the economic development of the city and how can it serve the community”, this was the message of his Royal Highness Prince Radu of Romania. He also added that “The royal family is involved in at least 12 official visits abroad each year and it would be a pleasure, not at all a burden, to make these visits useful for the citizens”.
Transylvania Today | 13
Chişinău, the Heart of Moldova’s Economy Chişinău, the capital of Moldova, is the largest and most dynamic economic centre between the rivers Prut and Nistru.
The economic development of the city received a new impetus after the signing of the EU Association Agreements, which confer the prospect of entering the European community, and also provide additional guarantees to investors. With a stable population of 678,000 inhabitants, Chişinău is the largest Romanian city after Bucharest, and at the same time the most important economic centre of Moldova. The city is divided into five sectors. It is one of the most beautiful and greenest cities in Central and Eastern Europe. The Public Garden, which occupies a significant part of the city centre, is a great example of showing care for nature and for the quality of life of its residents. The universities in Chişinău, such as Moldova State University, Polytechnic or the Free University, offer high quality education, and their young graduates make for a workforce that investors appreciate. Currently, Chişinău offers an interesting and dynamic economy and noteworthy opportunities for investments. Moreover, there are welldeveloped engineering skills and a significant experience in the field of high technologies. According to the academic Ion Bostan, part of the space programs of the former Soviet Union were carried out in Chişinău, which implied a special engineering culture that came to fruition in the recent years through international partnerships, but also through projects such as the launch of the satellite telecommunications Moldova 1, one hundred percent made in Moldova by Bessarabian engineers.
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Presidential palace
Also, due to fair labour costs and high technical skills, Chişinău became one of the most important regional centres for the outsourcing industry. The signal for investment in this area came from Romanian companies, and now Chişinău began to attract many Western companies. One area in which Chişinău and all of Moldova excels at, is the agriculture and food industry. When it comes to wine production, we find renowned vineyards in Purcari, Cricova or Tomai. There are also major players in the production of fruit juices such as Orheivit, in the city of Orhei. Chişinău, is also the home of the world famous sweets „Bucuria” ( Joy) which gained an international reputation due to the excellent ratio between quality and price. In infrastructure, Chişinău Airport is the main gateway for access into Moldova. The road infrastructure is currently being modernized. Moldova has no highways, but there is a dense network of European roads and the upgrade of these roads will provide decent transportation to Romania and the rest of Europe. The railway infrastructure is a legacy of the Soviet era. The wide track railway lines could be doubled in the foreseeable future by switching to normal gauge lines, which would transform Chişinău into the main platform for the exchange of goods transported by rail from the former Soviet Union and from the EU.
Royal Edition
The railway station
Bell Tower
C Ĺ&#x;
The only known Moldavian Port, the Free International Port of GiurguleĹ&#x;ti is going through a special development. The port is arranged on the very short stretch through which Moldova has access to the Danube and from where it can access the Black Sea. The port was arranged in 2006 and since then it has managed to attract major foreign investments. The oil terminal implied an investment of 35 million dollars, and the terminal for cereal trade has attracted a direct foreign investment of 12 million US dollars. The passenger port also attracted investments exceeding 10 million dollars. The port area is flanked by an industrial free zone, with an area of 120 hectares, which can be a destination for investors, given that it is located in an area in which the frontiers of the Republic of Moldova meet with those of Romania and with the Ukraine. Under the new circumstances, the Republic of Moldova is experiencing a process of approximation to the European Union, which entails a more steady access to European funds, alongside the prospect of joining the union. The Republic of Moldova also enjoys a privileged partnership with Romania, and in the context of forthcoming profound democratic transformations, this area can offer investors excellent efficiency and opportunities that cannot be found elsewhere in the developed Western countries.
te a
a e stat e
Transylvania Today | 15
– Leader of Moldavian ICT
StarNet, a privately-owned telecommunications company, is one of the leading ICT companies from Moldova. In just 12 years, StarNet has managed to become one of the most popular and respected brands in Moldova.From 2014, StarNet is a holding of 10 companies, with over 600 employees and more than 100,000 customers.
The Moldavian ICT company focuses on creating the basis of the future, in which everyone has access to modern technologies that improve life, at good prices and quality services. One of the company’s primary goals is to provide integrated solutions for everyone. StarNet has succeeded to develop and implement in Moldova a wide range of services, needed in every home and business: fast Internet access and data transfers over optical fiber, metropolitan Wi-Fi network, corporate networks, Data Center services, IP transit services for other operators, fixed NGN - networks of new generation, IPTV with revolutionary options, computer security programs etc.
Alexandru Machedon, CEO
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The history of StarNet begins on the 7th of August 2003, in Chişinău. In 2011, StarNet extended nationally, opening offices in 11 cities. In 2013- 2015, StarNet team launched the online payment. ”Our clients can pay the company services directly through the site: www.starnet.md. The company anticipated the costumer’s needs and we launched the intelligent remote control. StarNet is providing Internet TV solutions for local costumers and foreign clients through MagicTVBox (www.magictvbox.eu). Also, StarNet Partnership means Megogo. net, one of the largest online cinemas licensed content in CIS. The Moldavian company launched Fax2Web and Web2Fax Service. Presently, we reached over 105,000 satisfied customers andStarNet is
determined to develop its network in the rural area”, says Alexandru Machedon, the founder of StarNet and general manager. Today, StarNet has its own fiber optic network - Fiber Link with a capacity of delivering 1000 Mbps. Over 4,500 companies have chosenits services and products and 15 cities are covered with StarNet fiber network: about 240,000 households in Chişinău and another 100,000 households in the rest of the country. Target markets include Residential: Primary (Chişinău), Secondary (regional districts) and Business: SoHo, SMEs and operators. Products and services provided are fixed broadband internet (up to 1 Gbps), IPTV and interactive services, landlines and Internet telephony. The StarNet key advantage is speed. The company was the first operator to introduce broadband in Moldova and the first Internet connection. However, the speed factor would be better described the way StarNet acts in implementing new solutions and bringing the latest technology to the market. With a powerful infrastructure, StarNet offers the opportunity of rapid developmentfor businesses. Every company will receive specialized assistance, advice and custom help. The main assets are the fastest data transfer speeds in Moldova, guaranteed broadband, unlimited traffic and favorable rates.
Royal Edition
StarNet is a socially responsible company, bringing each year its contribution to the development of information society in Moldova, raising awareness about the possibilities opened by the use of technology and innovations in the social and economic sectors.
The Moldavian ITC company invests in education and access to innovation. An important CSR project in n r e a ear i called e a recia e intelligence�, a project of 250,000 euro: 16 schools, over 20,000 students and 1,500 teachers were involved in it.
The StarNet Business Solutions offers management services, hosting, dedicated servers, transport data, colocation, renting lines for data transmission. IT outsourcing and consulting are provided by Starlab, part of the StarNet group. Starlab offers complete IT outsourcing and consulting services while providing performance-enhancing activities for businesses and manages all IT technologies. The company can provide specialized assistance to small and medium sized businesses helping them achieve the best performance over the IT infrastructure. Starlab provides technical assistance, thus undertaking the expensive tasks of maintaining permanent IT staff in the company. Customers are provided with a large range of services:
IT support, guaranteed response time, leading technology consulting, centralized documentation, know-how in business, custom client services, professional monitoring systems. StarNet evolution will continue in the next years based on advanced technology, exquisite innovative products and meaningful services for everyone in Moldova. Their goal is to be present in every home and business and to contribute to a better, richer and more comfortable customer life. StarNet will continue to consolidate its leader position on the internet service provider market, adding to the current offer more exclusive features and flexibility.
Transylvania Today | 17
Cluj, Transylvania’s Economic Engine Cluj is becoming the most important economic hub in Romania, outside the capital Bucharest. In top sectors, such as IT, Cluj ranks as the most important pole of development. Nowadays, the key word that characterizes Cluj is innovation. The city of Cluj-Napoca and its metropolitan areas include approximately 500,000 inhabitants. Out of these, about 100,000 are bachelor, master and doctoral students who are pursuing higher education in one of Cluj’s 12 universities. Joining these, there are tens of thousands of young people who study in the high schools of Cluj. Some of these schools are constantly at the top of Romanian undergraduate education. In 2015, Cluj received the title of European Youth Capital, and education was an important aspect of this European program. In 2015, Cluj took the first place in Romania following the results of the final examinations at the end of 8th grade, and also of the baccalaureate, which marks the completion of high school, but also those of the tenure exams, which are mandatory for the employment of teachers in public schools.
Public education in Cluj provides classes in Romanian, Hungarian and German and bilingual classes in English, French or Spanish. There are also elite private schools that offer education in English, following the Cambridge model. The 12 universities of Cluj offer programs of studies in Romanian, Hungarian, German, English and French. Babeş-Bolyai University, founded in 1581, is the oldest and largest in Romania. The university of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Haţieganu” has the faculty with the largest number of foreign students in Romania. Over 2,500 young people, mostly from France and Sweden, are learning in this college. The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine has its Faculty of Veterinary Medicine included in the European elite colleges.
Cluj Arena
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Royal Edition
Unirii square
The education system offer students numerous sought-after professional skills, but also important language skills. For instance, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer is included in top 100 faculties in the world and the Faculty of Letters with the Applied Modern Languages Department among the best 500 in the world. Cluj’s universities have generated many innovative projects in areas such as IT or life sciences. The project of the artificial blood or the bactericidal packaging are only two of the projects made in Cluj. With the combination of fair labour price, relatively low price of real estate and low cost of living, but also with the excellent infrastructure and high-speed Internet connection, it’s no wonder innovation has become the driving force behind Cluj’s economy. 20,000 people are either working or preparing to work in IT, according to Paris Match. In industrial production, Cluj has created the most powerful system of industrial parks in Romania, attracting investors like the American company Emerson, with over 100 million dollars invested, Bosch with over 77 million or De’Longhi, with an investment of over 50 million dollars. There are thousands of small and medium-sized companies, offering an interesting dynamic to Cluj’s economy. In the services sector, Cluj is the most developed city among Bucharest, Budapest, Bratislava and Belgrade. The most important Romanian owned bank, Banca Transilvania, is placed second in
the ranking of Romanian banks, and has its headquarters in Cluj. The insurance company Groupama with French capital, and the pension fund Aegon with Dutch capital were also created here. There are six major business clubs, reunited under Comitte International, which are also joined by clubs of Romanian and Hungarian investors. In the transport sector, Cluj-Napoca International Airport is the most important in Romania, after the airports of Bucharest, and in 2015 will exceed the figure of 1.25 million annual passengers. Currently under construction, Cluj Transylvania Motorway is linked via the motorway Turda - Sebeş, to the PanEuropean Corridor IV. The railway network is well developed, even if there is still need for substantial investments in upgrades. In the energy sector, in Cluj has the second largest hydroelectric power plant in Romania in Mărişel. Procedures for building the largest hydroelectric plant in Tarniţa - Lăpuşteşti have been set in motion, which entails a investment of over one billion euros. The mineral resources are also noteworthy, Cluj having one of the most important salt mines at Ocna Dej. Cluj’s agriculture is characterized by high quality products. A good example of these are the cold-pressed oils produced in Luna, by the Luna Solai company. They became the official suppliers of the Royal House of Romania, and two of their types of oil received stars from the Institute for Quality and Taste in Brussels.
Transylvania Today | 19
Enjoy driving in the city again
PARKING+PLUS and Deutsche Telekom, towards Smarter Cities in Europe!
PARKING+PLUS and Deutsche Telekom announced that they have initiated an agreement to have PARKING+PLUS as one of their few solutions partners in Europe. By working together towards smarter cities, their goal is to remove urban obstacles encountered by drivers when it comes to finding and booking parking spaces.
Designed in the country of IT wizards, PARKING+PLUS is a startup whose purpose is to bring valuable solutions to cities and residents by combining urban transportation with sensor technology and IT creativity. The Romanian startup provides an ecosystem of mobile and web applications working together to send real time information about the available parking spots, while having an in-app payment solution. The mobile solution is available on both iOS and Android, and the Smart Access Box is installed at physical locations via business partnerships that the team is currently developing.
Cristian Ureche and Bogdan Herea
www.parkingplus.ro Tel:
+4 (0) 729 030 385
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The two co-founders of Parking+Plus are experienced entrepreneurs. Bogdan Herea has made a name for himself in Europe by founding PITECH+PLUS, an IT consultancy group. He is also a co-founder at Umanlife, Academy+Plus and Younify. Cristian Ureche has a PhD from Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research.
One of PARKING+PLUS’s goals is to leverage the advantages of the Smart Access Box. This device allows people open garage doors and barriers, giving greater flexibility to business owners on how they work with their clients. The ultimate goal is to become the Airbnb of parking. In July 2015, the first release (at that point unreleased) of the app caught the attention of Telekom Romania. They awarded PARKING+PLUS a position on the Business Wall of Fame and the prestigious prize of being the Best Internet of Things Solution. This exposure leads afterwards to the announced partnership with Deutsche Telekom in Europe.
Royal Edition
ABOUT PITECH+PLUS and PARKING+PLUS PITECH+PLUS is an IT consultancy company founded by Bogdan Herea in 2005, and has 250 employees and 6 offices in Europe. In 2012 the group reshaped its business strategy by starting to design a mechanism of product innovation. In this context, PARKING+PLUS was born in 2014 when the idea received an initial development grant from the IT Cluster of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In 2015, the product was included in Telekom Romania’s business app portfolio, making a team of 12 members proud of their work. t sa
t t t t at a s le la e a e t e est s l t at s e e embraced the partnership with Deutsche Telekom and we stay open to other ideas that could lead to revolutionary new prototypes”, says Bogdan Herea. With one success in their pocket and ever aiming higher, the team’s goal is to seek funding and quickly expand to the US market of parking management. P P ll ee a sta cles without changing the traditional e e t ts a t at and connectivity. How fast can we tell our customers where to find the closest available parking spot? In real time. That fast!” says Cristian Ureche. In Europe the ratio of cars to parking spots is currently more than 6 to 1. Trying to find an available parking spot in a big city is like trying to get out of a labyrinth without Ariadne’s thread! Despite the increase in bicycle use favored by EU directives aimed to reduce the CO2 emissions, approximately 50% of the population still depends on cars. Aware of these issues, Cristian and Bogdan worked closely to shape a streamlined product: few features, but extremely useful.
In the app users will be able to find available parking spaces in real time, find their car afterwards (should they have forgotten where they parked it), and pay for parking in a straightforward manner right from the app. As for business customers, the Smart Access Box allows them to help their employees better manage their parking access or helps residents to control access to their parking spot. Currently, PARKING+PLUS’s team is working on smart city pilot projects in Bucharest, Dubrovnik and Cluj-Napoca, and the Smart Access Box is now available for Business-to-Business partners such as shopping malls, office buildings and hotels. After conquering the European market, the next step is to help the American driver. “PARKING+PLUS is a must for worldwide s a t t es t s te l at t solve a modern pain: lack of parking spots. We are not building new ones, however by adding connectivity to the current means we create value for people and for communities. Cities will benefit significantly from this new use of technology. Our future plans also include an opening of the American market”, says Bogdan Herea.
Transylvania Today | 21
KHAR & PARTNERS Research for Your Health
Drinkable Water for Everyone, Khar & Partners has been on the Romanian market since 2013. It’s a start-up which comprises a team of researchers, engineers and pharmacists. This company is set in Sibiu county, where they have developed a water filtration system in collaboration with a company from Cluj, the Water Sensors and Membranes Cluster (WSM) and Toulouse University. It is not any water filtration system, it can provide drinkable water from any source of fresh water (river, wells, dirty water...) to thousands of people. The novelty in that system is that it doesn’t use chemicals, reversed osmoses neither UVC, only physical principals. The company Khar & Partners is run by Khaled Al Mezayen, a young man who believes that the products developed by the company will have a major contribution to ensuring water supplies in the future. „The water is the main source of life and today, around the world over 750 million people don’t have access to potable water and another 1.6 million die every year lacking it. And we didn’t talk about the access to improved sanitation which affects more than 2.5 billion people. Common good of humankind, water is priceless”, explained Khaled Al Mezayen.
A Common Struggle
www.kharandpartners.com 24 A Litovoi Vodă Sibiu Tel: Fax:
+4 (0) 369 452 292 +4 (0) 369 452 294
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In most developed nations, we take access to safe water for granted. But this wasn’t always the case. A little more than 100 years ago, New York, London and Paris were centres of infectious disease. Child death rates were as high then as they are now in much of Sub-Saharan Africa. It was sweeping reforms in water and sanitation that enabled human progress to leap forward. It should come as no surprise that in 2007, a poll by the British Medical Journal found that clean water and sanitation comprised the most important medical advancement since 1840. “The amount of fresh water on earth is limited, and its quality is under constant pressure. Preserving the quality of fresh water is important for the drinking-water supply and food production. Water quality can be compromised by the presence of infectious agents and toxic chemicals”, said Khaled Al Mezayen. The system developed by Khar & Partners can eliminate particles, pollen, parasites, algae, bacteria and even viruses. Large organic pollutants and much of the mineral colloids are eliminated. The useful minerals to the body are kept.
Royal Edition
the Century Global Challenge
system allows e se e nities rapid access to safe water at an affordable e el s l et e l al challenge of water access.
“We can filter water up to 10 nanometers, which means that we can stop any bacteria or virus. Our system is perfect for small to medium villages, refugee camps, small hospitals; it doesn’t need any complicated maintenance”, sais the company CEO.
“Our vision is to play a central role in bringing safe, quality water to unserved and underserved people around the world who do not have reliable access to it. Every minute a child dies of a water-related disease. We don’t have any more time to waste.
According to WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines, access to drinkable water is around 20 liters per capita per day on average. The system developed by Khar & Partners can provide from 25 m3 to 100 m3 of drinkable water per day. This means drinkable water for at least 1000 persons to 5000 persons.
We are looking for partners around the world, private donors, non-profit organizations, foundations; we are open to any kind of partnership. We have already installed our machine in the Republic of Congo and Lebanon”, sais the company leader.
“We wanted to have a simple solution, which can be moved from a place to another easily. Our system can be plugged anywhere in the world near a fresh water source and provide drinkable water. Another important point was to have a system which is innovative but simple to use, without consumables, robust and reliable. At less than 2US$ per person per year, this system can provide healthy drinking water”, sais Kaled.
An Innovative Model In order to become more accessible to consumers, Khar and Partners follows a decentralized model. Instead of big plants with large capacity, it prefers setting up small machines at many different locations.
Sustainability and quality are the basis of Khar & Partners business model. By working with NPOs, communities and civil society, they can provide a lasting and affordable supply of safe water. Khar & Partners has also developed a complementary activity to water filtration; a hydroponic system which can provide fresh fodder for animals. Big animal farms or stud farms represent the potential customers for the hydroponic system. This solution is more appropriate for desert areas where there is neither farming land nor sufficient water resources. So far, the solution for the water filtering system has been bought by NPOs which are present in the desert areas of the world.
Transylvania Today | 23
Professionalism, Quality and Expertise. These are the fundamental traits defining the core the young start-up we’ll make a short summary on: Atracore.
Born half Belgian-half French, but raised Romanian, Atracore was launched in 2012 in Cluj-Napoca. The 3 founder-businessmen saw high potential in this particular Romanian city due to its renown through Europe for engineering and outsourcing of IT services. The host-city offered the perfect context for the company to start placing itself in the field of IT, where it rapidly grew by delivering quality services and complementary expertise. Our start-up combines innovation and dynamism, applying it in the diverse areas where it operates: pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies, food and banking. We have managed to cover part of the European markets (to be more precise, specifically the Romanian, Belgian and French ones) as well as the North-American ones, where we deliver high quality services. The fact that Atracore relies on more than 20 collaborators and our specialized teams managed to merge youth with expertise, brought the company to the encounter with a highly competitive market. The focus on a specific line of action was needed, therefore Atracore trusts on delivering 3 types of solutions:
www.atracore.com 9 MureĹ&#x;ului St. Cluj-Napoca, Romania Tel:
+4 (0) 364 630 047 RO +3 (2) 2 808 53 15 BE
Training Factory Content Management System (e-Learning design), Webinars, Learning Management System (Moodle, User management)
Bu ine Bundle Business process outsourcing BPO, Recruitment process outsourcing RPO, Project Management, Translation services, Education and development
Due to its professional services and their quality delivery, the company has rapidly reached a number of highly regarded clients from the Pharmaceutical field. We are proud to provide services to notable companies as: ADECCO, XPE Pharma cience B arine Harvest, ADIUTUM, La Lorraine or d!NK. Furthermore, Atracore is following a continuous ascension-process in its field of expertise, with the primer scope of
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Data Computing QA & Validation, Data management, Statistics, Software development, IT services
having a constant growth in order to reach new clients. The future perspectives of the company plan to furtherly improve the present services, as well as to strategically develop a new training platform along with a call-center, both dedicated to IT support. In addition, Atracore intends to reach the previously set milestone of supplying strong scientific profiles adequate to new quality demands within relevant present industries.
Royal Edition
Along with the future plans of the company, stands one present project that has also been launched under the full ward, support and sponsorship of Atracore. The project is called l t and proposes a new approach on the contemporary bicycle, by offering its users not only high comfort and protection, but also longer distance autonomy and proposes to resolve the frequently perceived inconveniences of the classical bicycle. The innovation brought by the concept of l t stands by the following main elements which give the old bicycle a whole new perspective: • electrical assistance allowing faster connection, longer distances, possibility to transport additional weight (passenger, goods, luggage), • improved comfort and safety of passenger / driver, decreased weight of the vehicle, protection of the passenger from bad weather, • entirely new and innovative concept of an electric vehicle, powered by batteries which can be recharged through solar panels, • removable battery allows easy transport and charging.
To sum up, the main objective of l t is to create an innovative green vehicle which offers its user maximum comfort, protection, longer distance autonomy and safety. The regenerated bicycle, is designed to be used as an eco-friendly means of transport, by investing a minimum amount of money. The l t vehicle not only is the green solution for transport, but also the solution for social innovation regarding the resolving a small percent of the unemployment issue. The project goes through different phases (one of which is the participation to The Sun Trip competition editions 2013, 2015) and after the prototype, additional personnel is needed for the line of production, thus offering new jobs on the market. By these previous challenges, l t aims to gain knowledge and experience to produce, test and launch a new, affordable and environment-friendly product that will encourage the physical activity.
The solar-vehicle proposed by Atracore’s project called Go4EcoMobility, has to go through 2 stages of prototyping, of which one has already ended and has been tested during the competition P . The competition is a solar bicycle race that connects the Universal Exhibition from Milan (Italy) to the International location of the Exhibition from 2016 - Antalya (Turkey), with a return to Milan. The Sun Trip had an official start on the 6th of June 2015 and has presented a vast pool of high technologies throughout the 8000 km of roads and trails, in a very friendly, yet competitive manner. The l t team has consisted in 3 people representing 3 different generations: Antoine Jonckheere, Laurent Dalou and Henri Jonckheere, the founders of the concept by which the team was named. l t has managed to finish the P race with excellent results, reaching the finish line on the 5th place, and have also managed to demonstrate the quality the first prototype of their echo-friendly bike.
Transylvania Today | 25
Veltravel.ro or How to Travel in the Digital Era
www.veltravel.ro 16 Splaiul Unirii, Bucharest
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VELTRAVEL.RO produced in 2007 the first Romanian online travel search engine and reservation in real time. It was an important success and today, VELTRAVEL.RO is the most advanced Romanian search engine and reservation for flight and accommodation in real time and is member of Expedia Affiliate Network (part of Expedia Inc.), one of the largest online tourism company in the world. Their system allows the customers to benefit from the best price. How? By searching and making reservation currently in Expedia and 5 more global accommodation and flights data bases in over 325.000 hotels and flight tickets in 12.800 destinations around the world. But VELTRAVEL.RO is more than a mere travel site. It offers relevant information about neighborhoods, districts, landmarks, hotel chains, meals, stars, price level, distance to the center, info-trips about destinations and comments from Tripadvisor.com. VELTRAVEL.RO’s mission is to elaborate performance tactics in tourism in order to grow customer’s satisfaction, knowledge and trust in the global travel with the help of the digital online devices, mobile phones, laptops or tablets endorsed by specialized human support, according to the vision of the owners. The company history stands behind its founder, Eugen Iacob who is an online pioneer which started his first online project in 1998 and build the first Romanian travel platform romaniantourism.ro in 2001.
The local team based in Bucharest was attentively selected to serve our customers following their expertise in tourism and geography and more important to embrace the a s al es at es e t trust, grit, analytic spirit” B dan Pră i eanu In 2014 a new shareholder joined the company which later becomes the CEO of the company - Bogdan Prăjișteanu who has 20 years of experience in media and advertising business. Further on, in 2015 the shareholding structure has diversified and another business angel, Stere Farmache joined the company to support the business growth with his extensive experience with more than 25 years in fields of finance, banking and stock exchange sectors. Their desire is to bring on the shareholding structure people with complementary experience in order to add value straight from the foundation of the company. ”The local team based in Bucharest was attentively selected to serve our customers following their expertise in tourism and geography and more important to embrace the company’s values: Innovation, respect, trust, grit, analytic spirit”, says Bogdan Prăjișteanu.
Royal Edition
VELTRAVEL.RO’s mission is to elaborate performance tactics in tourism in order to grow customer’s satisfaction, knowledge and trust in the global travel with the help of the digital online devices, mobile phones, laptops, tablets endorsed by specialized human support. In 2015, VELTRAVEL.RO started to work with a new development team based in Cluj, Pitech+Plus, run by IT entrepreneur Bogdan Herea to help the company expand the current accommodation data base up to 12 largest global reservation systems with a total of 650.000 accommodation in hotels, apartments and villas. Further on this phase the company will add new services as transfers, city tours, rent-a-car, train and insurance all in real time. Supplementary to flight plus accommodation in real time VELTRAVEL.RO would like to offer to all its customers the most competitive price for packages of touristic services: flight + accommodation + transfer or rent a car + insurance or combination of any of these services.
a P
The system will incorporate a new service for our customers as general and specific touristic information about its travel choices as far as the cultural activities, food, entertainment or any other information which will help him enjoy and fulfill his travel objective for example a skiing holiday, an outlet shopping during the weekend or spending family time in amusement parks and making his travel experience memorable. The system can be used by the Romanian customers but also any travelers outside of Romania. ”The final objective of this project is to have all of this information in top 10 languages of the world and to find partners outside Romania to expand the reach of our system globally”, explains the future plans the businessman Bogdan Prăjișteanu.
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EUROPEAN BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS Global Expertise Adapted to Regional Realities
EXPANDING BUSINESS IN A WIDER ECONOMIC AREA The enhanced facilities and framework for cross-border economic operations are encouraging more and more businesses to seek partners and expand their activities in a wider geographic context. You may be looking for opportunities to expand, invest or complement your current business activities, or may be seeking expertise or interested investors to support your business growth.
HELPING YOU ESTABLISH TRUSTED BUSINESS RELATIONS ur ean Bu ine Par ner i ur BP has the team and the expertise you need to identify and connect to potential partners and establish relations with companies abroad that can help your business grow. We have over 20 years of experience in facilitating business relations between companies and enterprises in Western Europe and Romania. Our mission is to help businesses identify and access opportunities, collaborations and resources at an international level to help them grow and compete stronger. ur BP offers you a dedicated service to find and set-up the business relation you need, whether you are looking for partners in South-Eastern Europe or you are a SE European company interested in teaming up with Western European business organizations. ur BP is prepared to assist you in exploring and selecting relevant partnering options across all regional market segments and according to a carefully sourced profile of interests. ur BP is offering companies which plan to enter into joint ventures or to invest in Romanian businesses an extended range of professional services. The same opportunity applies to Romanian businesses who seek to establish a presence in the UK, Italy, Germany, and Austria. European Business Partnerships works in close association with CS INVEST CONSULTING (www.csinvest.ro), its main partner in Romania, and NICHOLAS ASSOCIATES (www.nicholasassociates.co.uk), the UK partner.
Business Advisory www.csinvest.ro www.eurobps.eu 37 BraĹ&#x;ov St., Cluj-Napoca Tel/ Fax: Tel.:
+4 (0) 264 440 931 +4 (0) 722 261 333
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Services provided cover the key elements which will support a business in deciding whether to partner with or invest in a company: - Project feasibility analysis - Business plan preparation - Preparation of finance application documentation - General financial and economical analysis of the overall context for the proposed business.
Royal Edition
Our objective is to help companies review their business and operations models, and develop strategies to reach for resources for development at an international level: - partnering opportunities with businesses with similar or complementary activity, - programs for business stimulation, development resources and finance, - project opportunities to help your product development, - investment partners, and strategic alliances.
Valuation To allow clients to make investment decisions, ur BP provides valuation services as: - Business valuation - Real estate appraisal - Plant and equipment valuation - Financial and non-tangible assets valuation. We conduct business evaluations to understand the objectives, the models, and the processes which define a businesses’ activity and operations. Based on the insight into your business activities we identify types of external resources which can offer efficient support or bring new opportunities to your business. Once the needs and the options are known, we assist you in devising strategies for accessing and making the most of the identified types of resources and opportunities. This includes: - prioritising your efforts, - aligning business objectives and activities with the chosen resources, - planning for contingencies - thinking about how to make efficient use of the new resources.
Project management The PM activity has been specifically designed to support the development of tomorrow’s leaders in the construction industry and investment area. The assistance we offer our clients is focused on a strategic approach built on: - An overall view over the investment project, covering the project whole life-cycle, from the strategy / concept phase, through design, and on to the development and operation - Integrated services leading to complete solutions – from the identification and analysis of an investment’s adequate location, concept, design, and construction up to valuation, financing solutions, and assistance during the investment process, and on to the investment’s capitalization (operation, promotion, leasing or selling). - The identification of optimal market opportunities, the highest and best use, for the deployment and use of the developed solution in terms of potential, efficiency, and yield. - The support and assistance in identifying the best partners during the project development and implementation: designers, architects, general contractors and sub-contractors, suppliers, and other business partners. Our work is guided by RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), the foremost organization for property professionals in the world, internationally renowned for the high professional and ethical standards of the organization and its members. The RICS motto – “the mark of property professionalism worldwide” – is our inspiration and permanent challenge.
Transylvania Today | 29
Deloitte: Romania - the Rising Star for Foreign Investment The Romanian business environment is more and more appealing to the foreign investors from all over the world. The numbers show that the latest development of the economy is very encouraging for anyone who is prospecting for new business opportunities. Adriana Lobda, Partner, Audit - responsible for Transylvanian region and Alex Mircea Dascalu Manager, consulting, leader of the German Desk answered for Transylvania Today to some of the most asked questions about the Romanian business environment.
www.deloitte.com The Office Cluj-Napoca, 77 21 Decembrie 1989 Blvd. Tel.: Fax:
+4 (0) 212 075 417 +4 (0) 364 801 152
Bucharest, 4 - 8 Nicolae Titulescu Road, 3rd Floor, East Entrance Tel.: Fax:
+4 (0) 212 226 661 +4 (0) 212 226 660
30 | Transylvania Today
Transylvania Today: The foreign invest ment in Romania is rapidly growing; why do you think investors chose our country? Deloitte: Indeed, the recently revised Doing Business 2015 report published by the World Bank ranks Romania 37 out of 189 in the world in ease of doing business, making a huge leap forward from the previous year and an overall positive forecast for the future development. First of all, the accession of Romania into EU in 2007 has created many opportunities for foreign investors. In this respect, the most significant factors that make this region attractive are: (1) macro – economic stability with GDP growth in EU for the 2nd year in a row, (2) compelling location business case for different industries, like automotive, IT, energy, industrial and business services to name a few (3) Financially interesting/ business case effective investment. At the same time, being the 22nd largest economy in Europe and the 17th in the EU by total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) comes with great responsibility as a provider of real business opportunities. Romania is competitive in terms of: labor costs versus productivity as compared to other CEE comparable countries; education quality and workforce availability (second largest population and student pool in the region with excellent skills availability); fiscal system with fixed 16% income tax for both companies and individuals - one of the lowest in the region.
What are the advantages in favor of an investment decision? Do they get access to state a s e es t e sa le financing? Romania is one of the largest markets in Central and Eastern Europe, with its strategic geographic location at the crossroads of the traditional commercial and energy routes connecting the EU, Asia and the Balkans and last, but not least, its well-educated yet not so costly labor force. And let us not forget to add here the extensive network of double tax avoidance treaties. The acknowledgement of the following main benefits and opportunities Romania is being taken into consideration by the foreign investors: • Steady economic growth consistently higher than EU28 and Euro-Area aided by stable exchange rate and low inflation. According to Economist Intelligence Unit, the forecast average annual growth will reach 3.9% in 2015-18. • Latest technology IT infrastructure and broadband speed internet connection – superior to Western Europe. • The main attraction for investors when considering Romania is the size of the country’s labor force and student population and the strong language skills that are available in the country’s labor force. • International airports located in high potential cities within maximum two hours travel time to major European cities.
Royal Edition
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We, at Deloitte, focus on action and continuous improvement which is an important part of our everyday “Deloitte Client Promise”. That means that we focus on listening to our clients to understand their needs and expectations and that we offer strong professional support from staff at all levels. Furthermore, upon the country’s accession to the EU on 1 January 2007, Romania took steps to strengthen its tax administration, enhance transparency and create legal means to resolve contract disputes expeditiously. Its membership has also helped solidify institutional reforms by subjecting government policies to EU scrutiny and thus offering reassurance to potential investors. What about bureaucracy and other difficulties the investors could face during the process? The level of regulation and the stability of a business environment are key decision factors for any investment. Over the last years, Romania has been focused on increasing its economic competitiveness by also addressing red tape and challenges hindering business establishment and development. The promising results made so far have put – and kept – Romania on the radar of foreign investors. The country is constantly improving in terms of competitiveness, as different country studies and reports conducted by independent foreign agencies and institutions confirm. Some of the drawbacks for investing in Romania usually are tax related (difficulties in getting some clearances of permits) All in all, Romania still has a way to go until it will become a rising star for the
Adriana Lobda, Partner, Audit
foreign investors, but the development, as already mentioned, in the recent years is quite promising. Almost all critical country competiveness factors have improved significantly and Romania is starting to appear on the radar of the international FDI target countries. What is the difference between Deloitte and other players on this market? Deloitte has developed synergies amongst its practices – Audit, Tax & Legal, and Management Consulting – to the point where it offers its clients an overarching business solution: practical, financially sound, legally secured, and operationally agile. These complementary competencies, each with significant track records covering both public and private sectors, as well as all industries, ensure a comprehensive approach to any client endeavor. We, at Deloitte, focus on action and continuous improvement which is an important part of our everyday “Deloitte Client Promise”. That means that we focus on listening to our clients to understand their needs and expectations and that we offer strong professional support from staff at all levels. Our biggest competitive advantage translates into a high rate of “exceed expectation” client-feedbacks and longterm partnerships – our commitment and support is continuously making a significant impact on their business.
Transylvania Today | 31
Accounting and Taxation – Useful Hints for Foreign Investors Romanian accounting and fiscal system was for the last 25 years in constant change for modernization and adapting to European and international legislation.
Romanian accounting system relies on accounting regulations in accordance with European directives. According to the last legislative change in this respect, applied starting with 2015, the companies are divided into three size categories depending on which the annual financial reports contain fewer or more components: micro entities prepare only the abridged balance sheet and profit and loss account, small entities prepare in addition explanatory notes, and medium and large entities prepare all the components of financial statements. Apart from the low degree of complexity of these annual financial statements, applicable accounting rules for small businesses do not know other simplifications, which lead to a high administrative burden for them. Also, an aspect that foreign investors should take into consideration is the multitude of forms used in accounting, forms having a mandatory content of information necessary for booking them. www.ias-expert.ro 17 - 19 A, PloieĹ&#x;ti St., Ap. 33 - 35, Cluj-Napoca Tel.: Fax:
+4 (0) 264 446 611 +4 (0) 264 446 615
32 | Transylvania Today
Rules of valuation and presentation in accounting reports of balance sheet and profit and loss account items are similar to the ones used in western European countries. A particularity of Romanian system, which can lead to problems regarding the implementation of accounting software used for a group of international companies, consists in the valuation of items in foreign currencies.
For certain categories of enterprises, such as the regulated fields (banks, pension funds etc.), there are distinct accounting rules for each field. Also, listed companies apply International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Romanian fiscal system is based on the provisions of Fiscal Code and its methodological norms, respectively on Fiscal Procedure Code. Besides these main laws, unfortunately, there are a lot of special regulations, which make it harder to be understood and applied by a company. Therefore, even a small enterprise cannot handle the challenge of calculating and declaring taxes, without a professional help. The tax profit paid in Romania by companies has a rate of 16%, but in fact the rate is higher because of some expenses which have a deductibility limited by law. Examples of expenses which are non-deductible or which have a limited deductibility are: the ones regarding the company cars, representation expenses, social expenses, daily allowances for business trips, provisions for doubtful customers, sponsorship costs etc. The sponsorship costs are non-deductible, but they can be deducted from the tax owed, in some limits. A fiscal facility granted at calculation of the profit tax is the supplementary deduction of 50% from research and development expenses. Also, there is the possibility of tax exemption, in certain conditions, of the reinvested profit in technological and IT equipment.
Royal Edition
Sorana Celina Cernea chartered accountant, tax consultant and financial auditor
According to the conditions mentioned in the Conventions for the avoidance of double taxation or European regulations, the net profits obtained by foreign investors in Romania can be transferred to their resident country with or without withholding tax on dividends. For example, a company which held in Romania, at least for one year, a minimum rate of 10% from a Romanian company’s share capital, may transfer its dividends, based on European regulations, without paying tax on dividends in Romania.
The value added tax applicable in Romania is regulated by the European Directive regarding the common system of VAT. The standard VAT rate is 24%, recently being approved a decrease in two stages: at 20% in 2016, and then at 19% starting with 2017. The reduced VAT rate of 9% is used for accommodation, medications, cereals, books, magazines etc., and starting 2015 also for foodstuffs, catering and restaurant services. The reduced VAT rate of 5% is used for selling of so-called social houses, following to be applied also for books, magazines, access to cultural and sport events, starting 2016. The reverse charge between VAT payers applies for delivery of cereals, waste, wood material, and starting with 2016 also for selling buildings and land, respectively computers.
In Romania there is a single income rate, which is of 16%. This rate is applicable for all kinds of incomes, inclusively for the ones from salaries. In certain conditions, quite easily achieved by software companies, the programmers are exempted from salary tax. Besides this tax, from the gross salary the employer withholds and pays to the state the social contributions of the employee (in a total percent of 16.5% from salary). In addition, the employer also pays to the state social contributions in maximum limit of 23.45% from the gross salary for normal working conditions. For the second half of 2015, the minimum wage is 1.050 lei, and for 2016 it is foreseen an increase to 1.200 lei. The national medium gross salary income used as a basis in 2015 is 2.415 lei. Contributions to pension insurance are capped to a calculation base of five average salaries. Salary advantages (personal use of the goods and services provided by the employer), benefits, allowance and bonuses for rest leaves etc. are taxed the same as gross income. From investors’ experience, despite bureaucracy and frequent changes, overall benefits overcome disadvantages. Thus, the reduced tax rate, the adoption of the European legislation, as well as the reduced costs of workforce or high agricultural potential make the investments profitable in Romania.
Transylvania Today | 33
An Accounting Firm Fluent Not Only in the Language of Numbers
Investors seeking to establish their business in Romania should know that in ClujNapoca, Transylvania`s largest city, they are offered tax and accounting services of the highest quality and, most importantly, in their own language. Providing audit, advisory and accounting services addressing the needs of foreign investors doing business in Cluj and Romania, Contafiscal Group stands out from similar companies on the market as it invests in cutting-edge technology and delivers services using dedicated customerrequested software such as SAP, ERP, SAGE, or Winmentor, with great attention to detail and a competent team of highly qualified and multilingual employees (fluent in German, English, Italian, Romanian), in a multicultural city.
Romania is experiencing constant economic growth in real terms, which brings stability and attracts foreign investors, in particular those from Austria, Germany and Switzerland”, says Georgiana Costin, financial auditor, tax adviser and partner a C n a i cal euer era un rl l d
Georgiana Costin, financial auditor, tax adviser and partner at Contafiscal Steuerberatung SRL (LTD)
www.contafiscal.ro Cluj City Center Building, 14 - 16 Calea Dorobanţilor, Cluj-Napoca Tel.: E-mail:
+4 (0) 364 100 488 office@contafiscal.ro
What do you need to know before starting a business in Romania? The first thing one should find out is the minimum share capital required to set up a limited liability company (Ltd) [in Romanian: societate cu răspundere limitată – SRL], namely only RON 200 (EUR 40), or a joint-stock company [in Romanian: societate pe acţiuni] – RON 90,000 (EUR 20,000). The second question most frequently asked by those who are interested in Romanian economy regards taxation. A new Tax Code will become effective as of 2016, with a series of amendments laying down investor-drawing leverages. One of the most important changes under the new Tax Code is VAT reduction. As of 2016, the general VAT rate drops from 24% to 20%, and to 19% starting with 2017. Also, a 9% VAT rate applies to medicinal products, hotel
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accommodation, food, and restaurant and catering services. Another amendment is the extension of the scope of 5% VAT rate to books, textbooks, magazines, admission to cultural or sporting events, and admission to museums, house museums, trade fairs, or exhibitions. The VAT rate for the sale of social housing remains at 5%. Another aspect is the extension of the reverse charge scheme (VAT simplification without actual payment of VAT) to buildings, parts of buildings and lands, mobile phones, video game consoles, tablets, PCs and laptops. As for micro-enterprises (companies whose taxable earnings amounted to less than EUR 65,000 at the end of the preceding financial year, with consulting and management services accounting for less than 20% of total revenue), their income is currently taxed at 3%.
Royal Edition
Starting from 2016, a one-employee micro-enterprise will be taxed at a rate of 1% in the first 24 months of business if its associates/shareholders have never owned equities in other legal entities. There is also a series of profit tax incentives. For example, tax relief is provided for any profit reinvested in computers and invoicing equipment. Moreover, social charges may be deducted up to 5% of salary costs (compared to 2%, the 2015 threshold for such expenditure). Sponsorship expenses can reduce profit tax by 5‰ of the turnover (previously, the threshold stood at 3‰) without exceeding 20% of the profit tax and may be carried forward over a period of 7 years. The new Tax Code sets forth a dividend tax exemption which may be claimed if the person who receives the dividend has held more than 10% of the share capital of the affiliated company for over one year. As of 1 January 2017, the tax on dividends will be set at 5%. Last but not least, another incentive concerns the flat-rate expenditure ceiling for rental and leasing earnings, which in 2016 will increase from 25% to 40%.
Services provided by Contafiscal Steuerberatung SRL in German, English, Italian, and Romanian: ✓ Financial audit ✓ Tax advisory ✓ Insolvency/liquidation ✓ Accounting ✓ Employee record-keeping and payroll accounting ✓ Financial analysis ✓ Business valuation
Furthermore, foreign investors will have more business development opportunities as they can access EU funds or apply for national funding under IT technology purchase programmes. In this context, by 2020, the companies doing business on the Romanian market will be able to access EUR 30.6 billion in EU funds available under different programmes aimed at competitive skills development, investment, infrastructure as well as regional and human development, with grants accounting for 60-90% of the required capital.
Transylvania Today | 35
Neal Brothers are major specialist export packers of capital equipment established in the UK 1916. With nearly 100 years if experience, this privately owned and professionally managed business offers fit-for-purpose export packing solutions, consolidation, warehousing, inspection and quality check of packing level worldwide.
Service in any case
Tel: +4 (0) 351 448 484 Fax: +4 (0) 351 448 485 B P ALLIANSO WEST PARK L36, SE BLD MODULE 13-14 PLOIEŞTI, PRAHOVA Tel: +4 (0) 344 220 126 Fax: +4 (0) 344 220 127 B C C 25 - 27 - 29 CLUJULUI STREET, SÂNICOARĂ, CLUJ, Tel: +4 (0) 372 925 441
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Neal Brothers operate owned fully equipped freight stations, consolidation lay-down areas and export packing buildings in the strategic areas. Add to that our leading role in the INPRO, the International Export Packing and Routing Organisation, and Neal Brothers are truly a Global Export Packing Solutions Provider. As one of the internationally recognized names in the Export Packing Industry Neal Brothers is a committed ethics driven organisation combining old-fashioned customer satisfaction values and cost-efficient technologies. Established technical expertise, multinational human resources, Quality and Health, Safety and Environment compliance programmes, management commitment and user-friendly interfacial IT systems are the values which make Neal Brothers a reliable business partner. Our diverse portfolio encompasses Energy, Oil & Gas, Mining, Electrical, Machine Tool, Automotive, Construction and Government services worldwide. We continue to invest in the business through both internal expansion and acquisition. Recent developments have been realised in Belgium, Romania, and Italy.
We are also considering other opportunities particularly in Bulgaria, India, China and the Middle East. Whilst we are very focused on our core activity of export packing; we also have substantial experience in other disciplines such as warehousing and storage, logistics management, property rentals, machinery removals, packaging design and more recently verification/inspection services of both packed equipment and full trailers. We are certified by BVQI on ISO 9001 for quality, we are fully certified for health and safety, our green initiatives, including waste management and low emission vehicles etc. have allowed us to actively reduce our carbon footprint. We are registered members of various organisations including FPAL and INPRO, we’re ISPM 15 certified and many of our sites are able to handle and pack hazardous cargo and as known shippers we are security cleared to pack for airfreight. Our customers are well spread across a number of sectors. This not only gives us the knowledge and flexibility to adapt to their needs but also protects us when any specific sector suffers a downturn.
Royal Edition
Craiova and Ploieşti...
Neal Brothers have been in Romania since 2007 when we were invited by one of our key customers to tender to supply a full package of services including handling and packing for their Romanian manufacturing facility in Craiova. Our client had difficulties in supplying their customer base direct and wanted an expert in packing related services to provide a solution for their logistical problems, so that they could concentrate on their core competency. We designed a fit for purpose solution at the end of their production line which included improved delivery times to market, reduction in handling and transit damages, and expanded use of economical shipping methods. There were some issues and limitations with our operation being positioned within our client’s facility, their forecasts were growing and they required additional space for their production. Also business opportunities for us had been limited, being in our customer’s premises meant
that we were unable to market ourselves in the wider business community. At the end of the initial contract, we reviewed the processes and proposed a different model which offered mutual benefits for both our client and us. We successfully implemented a new business model which included the opening of our own manufacturing facility and delivering assembled products to the end of our clients production line on a just in time basis. Thereby freeing up space for them and also giving us our own facility where we could offer our services to other potential users. The transition was completed with minimum disruption and we have now been working from our own Craiova facility since May 2010. We have grown from our initial footprint of 1,000 sq. metres to a current foot print of 5,000 sq metres. Our efforts through local sourcing backed by a professional award winning purchasing system have made us more competitive.
Our strategy of expansion in Romania continues and as part of our business plan we have introduced a development strategy which is concentrated on the wider areas of Romania such as Ploiesti, Bucharest, Cluj, Constanta, Timisoara, Arad and Bacau. What attracts businesses to us is that we understand that Romanian manufacturers are looking to partner with companies that can offer a full professional support in order that they can: focus on core competency, improve delivery times to market and ensure full compliance with international packing standards, to expand use of economical shipping methods, to reduce in transit damages, reduction of expenditure as a percentage of goods sold. We know from our experience that it is often difficult to win business in Romania and there are often delays in decision making, we are fortunate that we have secured some good local people that are helping us to break down the barriers and we have already had success in the areas mentioned. Indeed after completing an extensive marketing campaign in Romania assisted by a number of business organisations and one of our leading existing clients, we opened our 2nd facility in Ploieşti in March 2013. This facility services many of the Oil and gas companies in that area, a sector we have major international experience in and in which we are accepted by most of the major players in that industry. The new rail and motorway links open up the area giving easy access to Constanta and other crucial exit borders. The industrial parks that continue to develop offer us the opportunities to grow our business in a modern business friendly environment.
And now the 3 rd facility in Cluj... We are now pleased to announce that we will open our 3rd Romanian export packing, inventory management and storage facility in Cluj-Napoca. Once again partnering with a number of well established companies in that area and supported by many business organisations. Our newly built modern fit for purpose site, operated next to one of our leading customers adds to our base in Romania and also opens up part of the country with many links to Hungary and beyond in the West, with our other facilities in Romania we can also offer companies a range of services aiding their access to the East.
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BLUE PROJECTS was founded by the coming together of two experienced project management professionals, Neal Barber and Umut Demircan, who share the same passion for perfection and dedication for delivering large scale capital expenditure projects. Their belief in attaining excellence with every project delivered has led the organization to become a leading player in the project management and construction management industry.
Since inception, the partners have shared a vision to develop a flexible, highly skilled and dynamic team of experienced engineers and project managers that were capable of providing the complete suite of skills and expertise required to deliver the most complex development projects. The strategy was then to focus these services on the following industry sectors:
www.blueprojects.ro Buc are ead uar er 3rd Floor, Tiriac Centre, 24-26 Soseaua Nordului, Sector 01, Bucharest | Romania Tel Fax
+4 (0) 21 350 44 05 +4 (0) 21 350 44 07
It was clear from the outset that the market was evolving into a demanding scenario of shorter and shorter time scales, and more and more emphasis on value engineering and fit for purpose developments, maximizing value for money capacity with the fastest possible delivery to the market. The result of these demands required additional resources and extensive engineering efforts in parallel to deliver this, placing additional pressure on engineering and project management, to increase efficiency. Blue Pr ec responded to these challenges by developing a detailed engineering
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and project management system, based on lean management principles. And hence lean integrated project implementation was born. The systems core emphasis is on eliminating waste and reducing waste drivers through the project life cycle, from front end engineering, all the way through to execution and hand over of a fully functional asset to the client. Blue Projects continues to challenge historical project management principles against the latest cutting edge methodologies being taught at leading International institutions, and evolving the Blue Pr ec way continuously to build, faster, at higher quality, and at the optimum cost.
Royal Edition
Kellogg's production facility in Kutno, Poland
One of the key waste elements during design and engineering is the time taken to transmit, receive and process information amongst project disciplines and trades. By developing internal departments for each and every discipline, Blue Pr ec is able to drastically reduce the time taken to convey information between designers, area engineers, construction managers and the HSE team. In essence, a dynamic and flexible company, that can deliver the complete suite of services in house, so as to provide complex brownfield and greenfield developments.
Our headquarters remain firmly planted in Romania in Bucharest, with an engineering support center for process engineering in Cluj Napoca. From this base, we have extended a number of regional offices in Poland, United Kingdom, Belgium, Russia and South Africa off the back of project and engineering requirements from our existing clients. Blue Projects Managing Partners, Neal Barber & Umut Demircan
Due to the nature of complex developments, irrespective of their sectors, the same core disciplines are required in varying permutations. The key, however, to project success is to seamlessly integrate each discipline, so as to avoid any potential clashes during the design phases, and smooth and detailed execution strategy during delivery to not only avoid equipment clashes, but also construction team clashes and elevated health and safety risks during construction.
petrochemical and real estate sectors. The focus has always been on having several core clients with global reach, and continuing to develop long term strategic and mutually beneficial engineering partnerships. With several of these valued clients, Blue Pr ec has developed detailed engineering work flows and systems that effortlessly integrate into the clients internal project management and capex gate systems, avoiding any potential duplicated work.
Blue Pr ec has re-platformed its entire software systems, in order to ensure that complete projects can be designed and integrated into one complete 3D model clearly, demonstrating detailed interfaces and potential conflicts early on in the design phase. This then clearly transforms into detailed 3D execution plan, by discipline, ensuring the highest possible level of control and safety during execution.
By continuously focusing on improving our service offering to the bespoke needs of our clients, we believe we are not only providing market leading project management and engineering services, but also ensuring maximum engineering value through optimized engineering resource costing, taking advantage of lower cost engineering centres. The results of this continued effort from the Blue Pr ec team is evident in the fact that we are continuously growing within our existing client base across business category, whilst also being requested to expand geographically to service our clients in other locations.
Blue Pr ec has been fortunate to have been afforded the opportunity to carry out large scale projects for a number of the world’s leading blue chip international companies, across all industry sectors. This includes key players in the food, beverage, brewing, consumer goods,
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Spyhce started in Cluj-Napoca in December 2013 and is focusing on Python. ”We target specific verticals such as e-Education, media, entertainment, insurance, offering services and products that increase our client’s business value”, says Cristina Ilinca, Operations Manager, into an interview for Transylvania Today.
Cristina Ilinca, Spyhce: ”We Deliver Tailored Software Solutions and Build Scalable Infrastructures”
What is the story of Spyhce? Spyhce was born as a subsidiary of Jibe Company Holding BV and 8vance BV, two Dutch companies with many years of experience and hundreds of satisfied customers across the globe. We began our activity in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in December 2013, a fast growing team of professional developers with big interest in Python. Actually we are one of the very few companies in Eastern Europe focusing on Python. Is Spyhce focusing on specific industries? We target specific verticals such as e-Education, media, entertainment, insurance, offering services and products that increase our client’s business value. In the field of Education, for example, due to many cultural, social and technological changes, teachers have to be able to adapt very fast and deliver educational content to the right audience and in a manner that their audience will better understand and assimilate. We deliver tailored software solutions and build scalable infrastructures that can use all the benefits a cloud based system can provide. “One size does not fit all” is our boutique approach, making sure that a solution will be found no matter the request, going above and beyond an “outsourcing “ approach. We strive to anticipate needs, better understand desires and deliver the best results to our clients.
Cristina Ilinca, Operations Manager
www.spyhce.com hello@spyhce.com
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As a client, what do I need in order to see my idea materialized in a software product? With a good idea and the desire and determination to make it a reality, you are already half way. We can get in touch in the early stages, in order to discuss high level the project goal, roadmap, budget, risks and create together a plan for the investors, or we can support only the delivery of your project on time, on budget and on scope. Tell us about a Spyhce product you are particularly proud of. What would that be? My mind goes to Smartfeedz, a Social Media aggregator we have developed in-house that aims to collect all messages related to a specific event or brand from different sources and present them on a live, real time wall. In July, we took Smartfeedz all the way to Bilbao, Spain, for the EuroPython Conference 2015, where it showcased its capabilities during this awesome event. What is, actually, your “Helping you help each other” (Lost & Found) platform? We constantly strive to get more efficient as technology gets more advanced. Data analysis tools, automated processes with almost no need for manual intervention and modern machine learning techniques can ease up our lives and solve a lot of the problems we are all facing. We live in a consumerist society and the pace of our lives makes it harder for us not to multitask and always remember where our goods are and not misplace them. Also pets are lost constantly and sometimes hard to find through classical methods such as ads on the street or asking around via friends or via Social Media. This project could really make a difference!
Royal Edition
People are good and are willing to help. Providing them with a system that facilitates that and makes it easy for them to help others will make the best use of this characteristic. We try to bring people together, help them help each other. Gamification components will also be implemented in order to stimulate public contribution“.
How will it work? The Lost & Found platform is relying on Web Harvesting, Machine Learning and Deep Matching technology, finding and retrieving lost items (including pets, documents, identity cards, keys and more). Practically, anything you lost and other people found. A public network will be built in which anyone can create in a few steps their own account and use it for reporting lost or found items. Using the image and description of the lost goods, the platform starts working for you in order to look for matches, instantly analyzing sources such as crowd funded pictures taken by people who found different items and are trying to locate the owners, online platforms (social media, forums), where lost goods are usually marketed, ads published on different online marketplaces throughout the world, scraping for descriptions that match combined with matching the pictures and crowd funded pictures taken by people who see strangely abandoned items or animals. While collecting information from these sources, the system will use matching algorithms power and deliver best fit until the reported item is found, while continuously learning and recalibrating. It’s not just intelligent, but also tireless. Who can use this platform? Anyone. Concerned citizens that have found or taken pictures of lost goods, event organizers that want to engage with their audience and the end of an event / festival and report all the items that were lost or forgotten by participants and many more. It’s a social network that doesn’t only connect people, but helps them too. Having in the background the power of technology, it will be as easy as using your phone. Is there any way to monetize this project? Reporting users will offer a reward to the finder. A certain percentage of that reward will be retained by the app owners. This reward also motivates people to engage on the platform and present any lost items they found. Events organizers can have company accounts. What are the technologies that make all of these possible? We use neural algorithms, deep learning algorithms, image recognition/ pattern matching, machine learning, Big Data, scraping tools and text understanding / semantic analysis. It’s a complex system, but the complexity is in the background. For the users it will be easy, fun and engaging.
Transylvania Today | 41
Managing IT&C Projects as Well as Relationships Offshore outsourcing for software development is starting to be a common practice for companies all around the world. And Romania is one of the worlds’ leaders in IT offshore. Romania already has an extensive history of collaboration with European Countries. As part of the European Union, Romania is aligned to the European policies and offers a key advantage through the higher degree of reliability and its financial stability. In 2014, the GDP of the country increased by 2,9% according to the National Institute of Statistics and the IT&C sector helped this growth with 6%.
Cluj-Napoca – the city worth living in, learn and do business In IT&C industry, Cluj-Napoca became a national growth pole. Cluj-Napoca, the second largest city and second academic center of Romania, was labeled by Paris Match as „Transylvania’s Silicon Valey”. In 2013, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics in Babeş-Bolyai University ranked among the first 150 faculties world-wide, in the prestigious Shanghai top. Together with the Technical University,
each year these two universities prepare around 2000 young specialists that graduate in informatics and computer science fields. Cluj-Napoca is often the first choice when it comes to doing business in the west of Romania. The Forbes Romania magazine stated that in 2014 Cluj-Napoca was the third city in Romania, worth doing business in, mostly in the area of IT&C.
Offshore software developement with AXON Soft www.axonsoft.ro 126, 21 Decembrie 1989 Blvd Cluj-Napoca Tel : Fax :
+4 (0) 264 487 026 +4 (0) 364 412 979
42 | Transylvania Today
The major arguments to entrust software development to offshore partners is cost reduction. Practically, offshore IT services can save up to 50% of project costs. This significant difference is done by the labor costs and all costs related to the presence of employees in the company’s offices. Not only get fair prices for projects, but also get access to new competencies, in order to enhance the quality of the software product. One of the enterprises built with passion and determination in the auspicious environment of Cluj-Napoca is AXON Soft. The company started in 1998 as a privately owned Romanian-French joint capital company, offering software development and IT consultancy services for Romanian and French market. Now the company is a full Romanian capital company and became a major partner of Cluj-Napoca’s computer science and computer engineering universities. With more than 15 years of experience in custom software development market, they ts t e l a e believe in strategic partnerships and long-term relationships. can understand business. Our clients are our partners. Like every solid relationship that we el e e ts a e e a t et e e t at e a e sa e al a el a le t at s e e sta all ee s t at a l e t t a ea t t a value to their projects”, say Anca Vescan, CEO & Co-owner.
Royal Edition
The pride of a work well done Since 1998, AXON Soft offers complete, end to end software development using the latest technologies and great professionals that ensure the success of their client’s projects. The company uses a standardized, clearly defined software development methodology, remaining flexible in meeting clients’ requirements. To determine customer needs, the company works closely with their clients in order to discuss the project goals, then define the technologies, the development approach and the applications’ developement environment meant to ensure a good execution. „We understand the offshore / nearshore software development methods, we have cultural similarities with western countries and very good foreign language skills. Understanding the concepts of offshore and
outsourcing in software developement was a process that needed time, but we were lucky to start with a smart and reliable team. We learned how to work from remote locations and improved our software delivery process. As an effect, the business started growing and clients started to recommend us”, said Anca Vescan. During the company development, they have reached many vertical markets, understanding their needs and developing proper software solutions for them: Administration, Agriculture, Banks & Finance, Commerce, Industry, Logistics, Real estate, Services, others. Among the clients of AXON Soft can be mentioned Raiffeisen Bank, Exim Bank, Banca Transilvania, Holy-Dis, Addenda Software, Log’In Space, Optilogistic, APX Synstar, Helix Developpement.
The team – daring young professionals The AXON Soft team consists of specialists with a high degree of education (bachelor plus master’s or even PhD in different fields) with a good knowledge of foreign languages and sharing the company’s main values: Trustworthy, Commitment, Performance, and Quality. „It is a delight to work surrounded by highly intelligent and passionate people. However, daily and hourly, we remember that we are working on software applications that are made to be used by other passionate people, so that they make better and faster their tasks/jobs. And this motivates us all to do things accurately”, said Călin Cenan, PhD in computer science and CTO. That’s why AXON Soft, placed in a perfect environment, is ready for its next stage in development. As they like to say, „Profesionists for profesionists, challenge accepted!”.
Transylvania Today | 43
Excellence in Heritage Conservation The beauty of the historical heritage of Transylvania has become one of the major assets of this region, that has the potential to develop into one of Europe’s main tourist attractions.
Ilie Covriga Dragu, vice-president of the cluster
www.holzboxindustries.ro contact@holzboxindustries.ro
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Numerous personalities have become involved in the preservation and promotion of this built heritage. Among them are members of the Royal Family of Romania, who excellently restored the Royal Castle in Săvârșin and promote the renaissance of traditional crafts, as well as the Prince of Wales, heir to the British throne, who has become one of the most fervent advocates of Transylvania worldwide, both through his extensive interviews in international press, and by his own example. His Royal Highness acquired a property in the Transylvanian village of Viscri which he
restored in a tradtional fashion, encouraging locals to do the same in the case of other historical buildings of the village. The fortified church of Viscri, included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites, as well as the interest of the heir to the British throne have transformed this town in the south of Transylvania into a tourist attraction with a solid international reputation. The preoccupation with the preservation of this heritage has led to the emergence in Cluj-Napoca of the first joinery cluster of Romania, which produces doors and windows made of laminated wood and
heat-insulating glass, the only accepted solution in the restoration of historical monuments. Restaurators of historical buildings are bound to use only materials and technologies that allow for the unaltered preservation of the cultural value of heritage sites. “At present we are a group of six companies forming this cluster which will promote, on the one hand, best practices in carpentry employed in the restoration of historical monuments, and on the other hand, the application of innovative solutions”, says vice-president of the cluster, Ilie Covriga Dragu. The cluster is also in talks with the universities of Cluj, which have expressed interest in joining this organisation as they also run scientific programs and courses in the field of restoration and conservation of built heritage. The group of companies present in this new cluster will also facilitate further specialisation of workers, resulting in superior quality work. ”From fitters to restorers of monuments, there is a variety of psychologies among the workers of a manufactory. Their attitude towards the object of their work, as well as their speed of work differ significantly. Today, many companies must carry out these different operations with one and the same team. Specialization of workers within the cluster would allow member companies to always rely on the same assemblers for individual operations, with increased efficiency and quality of the services offered”, notes Covriga Dragu, owner of Acorn Wood Ltd, a founding member of the cluster. The cluster will back both the specialization of workers in this field and increasing the number of specialists involved in this industry. He says that one of the challenges will be to eliminate monumental reconstruction work involving PVC joinery which is totally inappropriate for the use in historical buildings.
Royal Edition
The new cluster will promote an internationally al ate s e e product created by the team that laid the basis of Acorn Wood: WoodArt. The company received European endorsement for doors and windows produced under this brand through exports to markets like Germany, Belgium or Hungary. Ilie Covriga Dragu believes that the key to the success of these exports is the high quality of WoodArt products.
Manufactered in Transylvania, the products incorporate raw materials such as Romanian spruce, tropical oak and Northern spruce, while the glass is made by prestigious contractors. The Cluj cluster will continue to focus on quality, while the products of its members will be allowed to carry the Holzbox Cluster logo only following certification by a quality manager. At the same time, the cluster will start procedures for obtaining the certifications necessary to using joinery products manufactured under the supervision of the Holzbox Cluster in the restoration of monumental constructions across Europe, thus hoping to become one of the most appreciated Romanian export goods.
Transylvania Today | 45
Two Decades of Service Quality and Customer Loyalty It’s been two decades since Mihaela and Toni Miron founded the first dedicated prepress company in Transylvania. Many customers have crossed their threshold since and spread the word, so that Impress is now the most sought-after company for printing solutions. However, what determined customers to return to this Clujbased company again and again? It is the values that guided our business operations over the last 20 years. Impress understood from the beginning that customers’ needs come first. The company’s mission is to turn customers’ dreams into reality, while reducing turnaround time and staying on budget. Impress has taken a friendly and interactional approach to the customer, offering “consulting over a cup of coffee”. This strategy is quintessential for the success of every project and able to make customers’ businesses stand out from the crowd. Impress relies on highly customized solutions consistent with the brand identity and on-time delivery.`
First and foremost, I would like to thank our customers who chose Impress services throughout all these years and to express our sincere appreciation for their loyalty. We are confident that the core values which guide our a t a e s a e t e t at e a e a l s tance partner, heading towards a shared vision and fu ture. Moreover, please be assured that we will continue t e s e al atte t t at el t t e l e te l es es e t eet a t e ee s says Mihaela Miron, Impress Commercial Manager.
Thanks to the ongoing communication with customers and potential customers, the company learned to predict their needs and always managed to meet the most unexpected demands, developing and expanding thus its array of services. www.impress.ro 47 Tăietura Turcului C1 (Tetarom 1), Cluj-Napoca Tel.:
+4 (0) 264 592 468
46 | Transylvania Today
Impress has embraced innovation from the very beginning. It blazed the trail in the acquirement of dedicated equipment, specific to printing solutions. From the first year of operation, the company introduced top-of-the-line equipment, from worldwide leaders in technology.
More recently, Impress launched a massive program under European funding, for supply of new finishing equipment, which led to much higher production output, without compromising on the quality of work. Also, the Impress agenda features a premiere in Romania in 2000, i.e. the first completed hexachrome job (6-colour printing). The actual undertaking was rewarded with the award for innovation by the Romanian Design Foundation. Impress operates in a business area where attention to detail is critical.
Royal Edition
Being aware of this trend, the company trained the team to check thoroughly every material to be produced, in order to make sure that everything is flawless, down to the smallest detail. At Impress we lean a listening ear to every new idea, we implement changes rapidly and efficiently so that the end product meets or even expects customers’ expectations. Impress also takes pride in the stability and consistency of its team. From the time of incorporation until present we have made every effort to continuously train and keep our people fulfilled and committed. Our efforts were not wasted, since the team has remained almost the same throughout all this time. The stability of the team enabled us to gain and capitalise on our customers’ loyalty, who felt in safe hands coming across the same team members every time. In
another train of thoughts, the high level of employees’ satisfaction had a powerful impact on the quality delivered by the company, since they could rapidly pick on the latest trends in printing technology, based on their experience and familiarity with the working equipment and methods. Not only the company’s slogan, ‘Printing ahead’, but also its day-to-day operations speak about its visionary spirit. Aware of the rapid pace of technological advancement and the ever-increasing possibilities of the printing industry, the management wished not only to adjust to this pace, but also to foresee what is to come. Accordingly, Impress is about to implement a full ‘Web to print’ concept, whereby orders can be placed online, within a system that enables real-time order supervision and delivery straight to the customer’s site.
Transylvania Today | 47
The Guys Who Put the Apple Back into the Cider CIDER, a beverage with a rather long European history, is gaining more and more ground in Romania. While very popular in the UK or in France, cider is just starting to make its way into the Romanian market. In this economic context, two young Transylvanians have started a small business with great potential. TRANSYLVANIA BREW is the producer of the Harvester cider brand, a natural product that enters the Romanian market and, implicitly, the European one.
After years spent studying and working abroad in France and the UK, Sergiu ure an and aniel Cri an decided re urn eir na i e land ania open a cider factory. At present, the duo is the only producer of cider in Romania. Being pioneers in this field did not discourage them, in spite of a less than generous legislation in this particular field. Their cider called “Harvester” contains 100% natural apple juice, whilst the product of their main competitor in this niche contains only 25% apple juice. The two went to the same high-school and found each other again after many years of going separate ways. The factory they founded is located in the Transylvanian county of Sălaj, in a place called Zimbor. “Although it is a new product on the Romanian market, we refused to produce something that tastes merely acceptable, using cheap ingredients for maximum profits. Instead, we decided to go back to the roots, to the simple original product, using modern production methods. We avoid any synthetic or artificial additives, and we don’t use preservatives. Pasteurisation, a method used by our grandmothers to preserve jams, is perfectly adequate and sufficient. “After tasting our product, friends from the UK said that we have managed to put the apple back into the cider”, says Sergiu Mureşan.
Polish apples, Romanian product www.transylvaniabrew.com office@transylvaniabrew.com Tel.:
+4 (0) 774 402 717
48 | Transylvania Today
Making cider asks for a certain variety of apples which convey its specific acidity and aroma. Sadly, these cannot be found in Romanian orchards. Since this is a new product, no producer is willing to invest into planting these varieties. This is why the Transylvanian investors are forced to buy their apples from their Polish neighbours, who are known to be the biggest apple growers in Europe. “On the long run, should agricultural policy allow it, we would like to grow these apples in our own orchards - which is a rather ambitious plan”, says Sergiu.
Royal Edition
Who are the Producers of the Harvester Cider aniel Cri an 35, born in Cluj-Napoca, is a graduate of the Cluj Theological Seminary and of the Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj. He left Romania in 2004 and moved to France, and then to Scotland in 2008, and returned to France in 2013, where he worked in various fields. A year later, he decided to return to Romania to develop the TRANSYLVANIA BREW project at home.
er iu ure an 35, born in Zalău, is a graduate from Toulouse University in France. He worked in the fields of pharmaceutics, marketing and promotion. Like most of the Romanian expats, he took into account the possibility of returning home to build a better future, to partake in the modernization of Romania. The idea for the cider production project came to them naturally. He is currently enrolled at the Faculty of Law of the Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj.
Our British friends who tasted our product said that we put apple back in the cider”, aid er iu ure an
“Cider has an enormous potential and we believe that, as a beverage, it reaches out to a wide consumer base. Cider is very trendy right now, world-wide”, says Daniel Crişan. The two young men who founded TRANSYLVANIA BREW, the company that owns the Harvester cider brand, wants to launch three varieties of cider, asap: an apple and a pear one and one made of strawberries. In the future, both seek to obtain unique varieties, to set them aside from any competition, using local ingredients in different novel combinations. In addition to its cider production, TRANSYLVANIA BREW also plans to develop a brand of natural carbonated soft drinks. After an investment of approximately € 70,000 so far, the two say that if they were to start all over again they would do so without the slightest hesitation.
Transylvania Today | 49
the New High Priest of Transylvanian Grapes e as st t et a e e sa t e e eş s et t e st e s a a a e e t e eteas e al a e s t e e a a a tt e a e a s l a a es ates a t t ea e t a a e lt at a e e a s l a a as ee e te s e t s land was still part of the Roman Empire. References to the vineyards of Roman settlers, as well as recipes for the preparation of their wine have been preserved until this date. During the famous Roman banquets, the wine was heated up in recipients called „craters”, and fine herbs and spices were added before it was served.
www.hotel-hostel-aiud.com 1, Bethlen Gabor St., Aiud, Alba county ROMANIA Tel.:
+4 (0) 744 665 554 +4 (0) 728 831 735
E-mail: logoswine@yahoo.com
50 | Transylvania Today
The Middle Ages were a period of renaissance of viticulture in Transylvania. Among the factors that furthered this revival was the settling of Germans – later named Transylvanian Saxons – in the region, who build numerous towns and brought with them new grapes. One of their first vineyards was Aiud, or Straßburg am Mieresch in German / Nagyenyed in Hungarian. The town of Ciumbrud (hung. Csombord), located just outside Aiud, rapidly became well-known for its high quality white wine. Legend says that the wine of Ciumbrud was the favourite drink of Prince Mihai Viteazu, the first Romanian to unite the Principalities of Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldova. Historians testify that wine was an important part of soldiers’ staple as, in the case of a siege, their daily diet consisted mainly of crumbs, smoked meat and dried cheese – a combination that required the addition of wine as a digestif. The rich stocks of Ciumbrud wine in the cellars of the fortress of Alba Iulia surely must have had an influence on Mihai Viteazu’s choice for designating Alba Iulia as capital of the Principalities led by him. Wines from Aiud have remained within the elite of European wines since the Middle Ages.
Best among them are the ones produced by Plébanos (engl. parish priest) winery, located in the cellars of the Calvinist parish founded during the reign of Prince Gabriel Bethlen. András Emil, who has Szekler roots, came to Aiud to work as an engineer in the local Metalurgica plant. After the Romanian Revolution of 1989 he made a passion for quality wine and soon turned it in to a flourishing business. “The fullest taste of wine develops at its peak of maturity. Maturity comes after some two years in a cask and within 10-15 years when stored in bottles. Since 1991, Plébanos winery deposits its yearly yields of Fetească Regală, Riesling, Muscat, Sauvignon, Pinot Gris assortments, as well as our own wine, the Plébános, which we recommend to be served with red meat or traditional cabbage rolls. Besides our own brands and grapes we also offer varieties such as Sauvignon Blanc, Rhine Riesling, Italian Riesling, Muscat Ottonel or Pinot Gris”, explains András Emil. He adds that his own wine, Plébános, is a cuvée composed of Riesling, Muscat Ottonel and Fetească Regală. The history of Plébános started in the 18th century, when a Calvinist noble of Aiud who was also very passionate about wine married a beautiful young Catholic girl.
Royal Edition
The former engineer’s passion for wines soon developed into an important business opportunity. András Emil is confident that wine tourism will develop among the flocks visiting historical sites in the region, and that wine tastings offered with a selection of local cuisine will buy his bottles. “The Wine Route in Alba county attracts tourists from all over the country and abroad. Many of them stay overnight in our hostel, savour our different wines along with fine cheese and our special game stew. The feedback we receive from tourists is very reassuring”, concludes András Emil.
András Emil, owner of Logos winery
As each of them remained loyal to their faith, they attended their respective churches for worship. But the count did not like his wife be in the presence of young Catholics, so the Catholic priest was asked to perform Catholic service and Eucharist for the count’s wife at their castle. One Sunday after service the priest was invited in the counts cellars for a wine tasting. It was one of the days when raw wines were tasted and mixed just before they were filled into casks, while the remains of each process were poured into an old clay pot. Before anyone of those present could warn him, the priest poured
himself a glassful from the “leftovers” mixture, only to declaim that that had been the best wine he ever had in his life. The count then also tasted the wine and immediately enquired the master workers on the composition of that cuvee. Shortly after this incidental discovery of a noble blend, the master winemakers together with the priest and the count started numerous trials to reproduce what eventually was named Plébános, or “the priest’s wine”, concludes András Emil the story of the most famous cuvee of Transylvanian wines.
Transylvania Today | 51
Tradition at the Heart of Transylvania Luna Solai. A luxury collection of cold pressed oils combining exquisite taste and healthy properties alongside a modern image and extensive experience and traditions in cold pressing processes. Perfect for a healthy and balanced lifestyle, Luna Solai cold pressed oils provide you with all the natural richness of the seeds, thanks to a pure processing method which helps maintain a natural taste and all the nutrients of the seeds.
Passion for cold pressed oil
The story of these cold pressed oils starts back in 1998, in the Tulai family, in a village called Luna, in the heart of Transylvania. Luna is a place of tradition and experience in The story ofsun-flower our cold seeds. pressedThis oilsalso starts back processing inspired in 1998, family, in a village called Luna, the nameinofthe ourTulai brand. Luna was established 2012ofintradition order to in theSolai, heartasofa brand, Transylvania. Luna is a in place offer healthy richinoils to those sun-flower who appreciate a naturally and experience processing seeds. This also traditional present, inspired thetaste. name At of our brand. the range of products includes cold pressed oils made from sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, rape seeds and Luna Solai, as a brand, was established in 2012 in order walnuts, but also a range of flavoured sunflower seeds oil to offer healthy rich oils to those people who appreciwith thyme, basil and chilli, pepper and thyme.
ate a naturally traditional taste. At present, our range of products includes cold pressed oils made sunThe Tulai family has work relentlessly to grow thefrom business flower seeds, pumpkin seeds, seeds, hemp seeds, and their efforts have not goneflax unnoticed. Recognition for quality Luna Solai cold pressed oilsofisflavoured a natural rapethe seeds andof walnuts, but also a range consequence of all hard work:basil and chilli, pepper sunflower seeds oilour with thyme, and thyme. We have worked relentlessly to grow our business and our efforts have not gone unnoticed. Recognition for the quality of Luna Solai cold pressed oils is a natural consewww.lunasolai.com quence of all our hard work: 379 Luna,
2012 - ISO 2200 Cluj – Luna Solai cold pressed oils are manufactured in a Quality Management System, in compliTel : with+40 326 267 ance ISO264 22000 regulations regarding Food Safety. +40 747 921 004
52 | Transylvania Today
2012 - ISO 2200 – Luna Solai cold pressed oils are manufactured in a Quality Management System, in compliance with ISO 22000 regulations regarding Food Safety. 2013 - The most loved brand in Transylvania 2014 – ITQI – Superior Taste Award 2014 – One Golden Award Star 2014 - The official supplier of the Royal House of Romania The end of 2014 also brought the title of Official Supplier of the Royal House of Romania, which stands as proof of the quality and the value of our brand. The Tulai family has big plans for Luna Solai. Their products are sold we in gourmet shops and website. At the moment, are working on cretraditional shops throughout Romania and abroad ating a new production line which will give us the as well as online at our website. At the moment, the family possibility increaseonthe quantity of the cold pressed company istoworking creating a new production line oil we produce, while maintaining the same quality which will give them the possibility to increase high the quantity of the our products. of cold pressed oil they produce, while maintaining the same high quality of our products.
The Luna Solai story goesLuna on, and The Solaiwe story inviteon, youand to join goes the Tulay Family invites you us on this beautiful to join them on this journey. beautiful journey.
Foto: Daniel Angelescu
Royal Edition
HRH Princess Margareta awarding Felicia Tulai Official Supplier of the Royal House of Romania certificate
Transylvania Today | 53
Univers T, Host of The Romanian Royal Family in Cluj-Napoca The Cluj-Napoca Univers T Hotel and Restaurant has become one of the most important accommodation units specialised in business tourism. Despite being a three star hotel, it also offers apartments for premium and super-premium niche clientele. Among its guests, Her Royal Highness Princess Margareta of Romania, Custodian of the Romanian Crown, His Royal Highness Prince Radu of Romania, Her Royal Highness Princess Maria, Her Royal and Imperial Highness Maria Magdalena of Austria and Hungary or Baron Johannes von Holzhausen. The hotel has conference rooms and the necessary infrastructure for hosting business events. The hotel’s general manager, Valentin Lungu, intends to consolidate Univers T’s position in the accommodation market of Transylvania.
Transylvania Today: Univers T was awarded by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, which recognised the exceptional quality of the services provided by your company. What can you tell us about this distinction? Valentin Lungu: We were delighted when we received the letter that informed us that we had been awarded in the tourism section, more precisely in the restaurants - SMEs section. This is a distinction which shows the relevance of our company at a national level, as well as the quality of the services offered by our team. All these are further backed by the data from the Commerce Registry as well as from the Ministry of Public Finances, data which include the company’s profit and turnout.
www.universt.ro 53 - 55 Al. Vaida Voevod St. Cluj-Napoca Tel:
+4 (0) 264 414 161
54 | Transylvania Today
Beyond these quantitative and qualitative elements, the hospitality provided by Univers T was further noticed by your illustrious guests, such as the members a as al a l t als members of the Austrian and Hungarian Imperial Family. What kind of feedback did you receive from your guests? We were honoured to be the hosts of Their Highnesses and the best proof of the fact
that the Royal Family was pleased by our services is that they returned. For us, it has been an honour and a privilege. We are proud that we have had the chance to host such personalities. How difficult was the challenge to meet the expectations of such guests? It was not that difficult for us, these distinguished guests are, in fact, very warm, extremely polite people, who showed deep respect for each and every one of our colleagues who came in contact with Their Highnesses. This further consolidated our esteem and loyalty. From this point of view, it was fairly simple. We can say that there were beautiful and emotional visits and we hope that we will once again have the chance and honour to host members of the Royal Family. Univers T also hosts a great number of business people. What attracts them, to be your customers? We believe that this high occupancy rate, reaching 75%, is the result of several factors, such as accommodation conditions, and the quality services provided by our restaurant.
Royal Edition
We were extremely honoured to be the hosts of Their Royal Highnesses and the best proof for the fact that The Royal Family was pleased, is that they returned“. Furthermore, we have and a good geographic location, close to the city centre, to the airport, mall, which means that our guests have easy access to all of the above. What does Univers T mean at this moment in terms of accommodation units, utilities, services? The infrastructure was recently renovated, in 2012. We have 58 rooms and apartments, as well as five tennis courts and a park. Of course, we also have conference rooms, a fitness room, a sauna and so on. What we believe that we achieved is to show that this hotel, even though state-run, as the main shareholder is Cluj County Council, managed to create an expert team based on the experience provided by the employees who had been working here since the hotel’s opening, in 1985, combined with a sound marketing and management strategy made by new employees, which can channel all the efforts towards the needs of our clients.
Valentin Lungu, general manager
et e e ate t e e s s ess people and companies? Your guess is correct. Our company is highly based on this type of tourism, business tourism. I can tell you that, according to our statistics, on average, the tourists who come here spend one or two nights, which means that they visit Cluj-Napoca to do business, but also to participate in different events, including business, corporate, cultural, sports and many more.
Transylvania Today | 55
Gamification in Education.
Free Alternative IT School in Cluj-Napoca
Today, more than ever, Transylvania needs clever minds who will create tomorrow’s products and services. The IT industry is blooming, Cluj-Napoca is being called the Sillicon Valley of Romania, and the job offers exceed the number of well prepaired programmers. The time has come for practical and alternative methods of education that are complementary to the traditional system.
Ecole 42 was founded in Paris in 2013 and has since been recognized for its revolutionary learning method with a very difficult selection process and a practical approach. PITECH+PLUS signed a partnership with Ecole 42 and last year, in autumn launched ACADEMY+PLUS in Cluj-Napoca.
www.academyplus.ro Coratim Business Center, 3 - 5 Câmpul Pâinii St. Cluj-Napoca Tel.:
+4 (0) 372 909 166
Email: partners@academyplus.ro
twitter.com/ AcademyPlus_
56 | Transylvania Today
ACADEMY+PLUS has the mission to form tomorrow’s IT specialists through a free studyprogram with practical modules. High school graduates, or students who want to double their knowledge with something more practical, as well as other employees who are seeking a professional reorientation towards IT can apply for the Academy. The students have the opportunity to learn by doing and actually have fun while learning. Instead of teachers, there are trainers with a background in IT. Instead of following a schedule, the school is open 24/7. Students do not receive grades but reach levels according to their performance. Students gain both technical and soft skills in order to develop and become a highly performing employees, or even entrepreneurs. Self-responsibility and the development of decision-making skills are the psychological ingredients that determine the functioning of the whole programme without a timetable, without strict attendance rules and conditioning.
Selection is key In order to get into this free program, the candidates must pass an online test and enroll into a bootcamp style selection process called the Pool. In July, August or September they have 28 days to give their best and finish all given projects. They learn how to quickly find useful information, how to work on real projects, individually or working in a team, how to communicate and respect deadlines. Students start the Academy in November and start working on bigger projects, using different programming languages such as C, UNIX, PHP, JavaScript and others.
Royal Edition
They use a platform based on gamification, where they are challenged, can see their progress and get a sense of accomplishment unlocking achievements. Games are an effective educational tool which helps to create engagement and provide immediate feedback. The learning process combines peer-to-peer learning, highquality videos, multi-tech approach. Peer-to-peer learning – the students learn to evaluate one another and eventually, the purpose is for them to gain analytical skills.
The new generation starting at the end of October will be able to choose the languages they want to learn and further develop. At the Academy, people are being trained a wide ranged technologies. They are the solution for the current demand on the IT market” a B dan erea C P C P founder of ACADEMY+PLUS.
Team work – the evaluations as well as some of the projects are made in a team. This way, students are encouraged to communicate among themselves. Practice – students are given all the necessary tools to go about an issue and then they solve an exercise through a practical approach. Community – students are guided to create their own community with their own values. Besides working on the platform, the students develop different skills going to events and competing at hackathons.
Projects for kids and teenagers Because both Bogdan Herea, the CEO of PITECH+PLUS and the team behind ACADEMY+PLUS believe in the next generation and all the benefits of education, the projects they set up tend to address a continous growing audience. The staff focuses on the next generations by engaging highschool students and junior pupils in order to grow their interest for coding. Courses are aimed at all the Informatics teachers in schools and offer them a platform where they can post their projects. At the head office of the academy, on a regular basis, juniors participate at Coder Dojo, where they learn code related matters by playing all sort of games on the computer. The Game of Codes championship, a 12 hour long battleship contest for highschool students from different cities takes place twice a year.
Free of charges, because giving back to society is always rewarding ACADEMY+PLUS is free because everybody should have access to education and everybody should follow their dream and make the most of their passion. Hard work pays off in the end. „The new generation starting at the end of October will be able to choose the languages they want to learn and further develop. At the Academy, people are being trained a wide ranged tech-
nologies. They are the solution for the current demand on the IT market.” says Bogdan Herea, CEO PITECH+PLUS, founder of ACADEMY+PLUS.
After learning, opportunities develop. After a few months of learning and practicing, a compulsory stage of internship is the next step for the students. The flexibility of the program implies that internships can be taken anytime, depending on the results obtained in the academy projects. At present, a generation of Academy students are on the market, they have started internships or even got employed in IT companies. They work as front-end developers, business analysts, Q&A’s or in the mobile divisions, specialize on PHP, work on Zend or Ruby on Rails. One of the long-term objectives for ACADEMY+PLUS is to increase collaboration between the companies in search of workforce, becoming a source of well-performing staff for the IT market in Transylvania and solving this gap that keeps increasing. Eventually, every engineering and soft company will enjoy the benefits of recruiting people specialized at Academy+Plus.
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Anca Buzoianu, UMF Dean: „Our Graduates are the Best Ambassadors of Cluj’s Medical School”
Transylvania Today: How did the Faculty of Medicine in Cluj managed to attract such a large number of foreign students? Why do young people from France, Germany or Sweden choose to study Medicine in Cluj? Anca Buzoianu: The Faculty of Medicine has built a tradition and reputation in Romania, at the same time remaining a modern and dynamic faculty, which today ranks among the top medical schools in the country, as the largest and most representative college in Transylvania. Our faculty provides education to approximately 4,000 students following our four bachelor degree programs. We are also the faculty with the highest number of foreign students out of all the universities in Romania, we have 2,200 students from over 60 countries studying two specializations: medicine taught in English and French. Over the years, our faculty has built a solid educational foundation, based of its academic staff and the quality infrastructure. Anca Buzoianu,
Medicine Faculty Dean, UMF Cluj
www.umfcluj.ro/en/ Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca 8 Victor Babeş St. Tel : Fax :
+4 (0) 264 597 256 +4 (0) 264 597 257
Faculty of Medicine Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca 4 Louis Pasteur St. Tel: Fax:
+4 (0) 750 774 114 +4 (0) 264 597 257
Email: decanat_mg@umfcluj.ro
58 | Transylvania Today
Do graduates of this faculty possess the practical skills that allow them to practice medicine at a high level? Our university has opened in 2011 the first practical skills simulation center in Romania, as a result of an investment from own revenue of over 5 million Euros. Moreover, we have introduced for the first time in our curricula the training in the simulation center for students of both 3rd year and 6th year. They learn the basic skills required for a new doctor during their two practical modules: one of the modules teaching advanced resuscitation skills and the other specialized maneuvers. In other words, we make sure that all our graduates know how to execute all the maneuvers necessary for a professional medical, since medicine is a highly practical profession. The new simulation-based learning methods allow the acquisition
of adequate medical skills and attitudes, in an organized environment under the supervision of competent instructors, and following a well-structured program and without posing risks to patients. How are the doctors who graduated from Cluj markets regarded in the market of medical services in other European countries? Our graduates are the best ambassadors of Cluj’s Medical School, they accommodate smoothly to all the positions in the health systems and they are trained to be good physicians, equipped with all the qualities of an outstanding professional. Due to the professional mobility of our graduates, the adaptation to the requirements of the modern medical education and healthcare is our fundamental priority.
Royal Edition
We make sure that all our graduates know how to execute all the maneuvers necessary for a professional medical, since medicine is a highly a t al ess e e s lat ase lea methods allow the acquisition of adequate medical skills and attitudes, in an organized environment under the supervision of competent instructors, and following a ell st t e a a t t s s st patients“.
In a globalized world, where fierce competition requires standards of maximum exigency, the training of future doctors must follow two major coordinates: acquiring professional exper tise and practical skills, and at the same time, achieving superior skills of communication, grafted on flawless professional ethics. What is the level of the scientific research conducted by the academic staff of the faculty? In 2014 the Ministry of Education has awarded the University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Haţieganu” in Cluj for research excellence, for being the university with the largest number of international publications in Romania. Every year, the university offers young researchers and teachers the possibility of accessing internal fellowships and grants worth over half a million euros. Research Fellowships are offered to students who demonstrate research skills and willingness to engage in scientific activity. The results have amounted to a significant number of articles in journals with a high impact factor (ISI), the highest number of grants awarded through competition in the country, a significant number of patents and scientific awards, or contributions to monographs and treaties published by prestigious international publishing partners.
Many of the professors in the faculty are also editors of national medical journals and members in the committees of famous scientific publications. The Faculty you are in charge of has been s te l e e s e al sts working within North American and European universities. How did they reviewed the quality of education offered here? In the past 4 years, our faculty has been externally assessed several times: by education experts from the Medical University of Vienna in 2012, by the Board of Assessment CIDMEF (the International Conference of Deans of Francophone Medicine Faculties - part of the Network of Francophone Universities Agency); by EUA (European University Association). Following this assessment, our faculty has been awarded the „Label CIDMEF”, which certifies the high quality of the educational services provided by the school of medicine in Cluj, and we are the only medical school in central and south-east European to obtain this recognition. We were ranked by the ministry in the category of advanced research and education universities, located in the first rate echelon among Romanian universities. Moreover, we have a high competition for admission to study both in Romanian and Foreign Studies, fact that speaks for the high quality of the medical education in Cluj.
Transylvania Today | 59
USAMV Cluj-Napoca: How Tradition Becomes Modernity One of the most prestigious higher learning establishments of Southeast Europe can be found in Cluj-Napoca. The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca became a true leader in the Romanian educational system, due to the quality of its academic services, provided to young people coming from all around the world, who study in Romanian, English, and French. Young people from places like France, Belgium, Switzerland, Romania or Moldova, but also from other continents, have chosen this university to spend their most beautiful years. Alongside a high educational quality, another advantage, which counted in their choice, was the long history and tradition of Cluj-Napoca’s agricultural learning. Therefore, the university still honors its motto: Tradition and Modernity.
A century and a half of excellence
www.usamvcluj.ro 3 - 5 Mănăştur St. Cluj-Napoca Fax: Tel.:
+4 (0) 264 593 792 +4 (0) 264 596 384
International relation office: iro@usamvcluj.ro
60 | Transylvania Today
The high quality agricultural learning in Cluj-Napoca started 145 years ago, when, close to the former medieval Benedictine convent, the Agronomic Institute of Cluj was founded. The event took place in 1869, and since then this learning establishment has been gradually developing. The outstanding quality of creating professionals in agronomy earned the institution the rank of Academy, awarded in 1906. The following step was its transformation into a University, which currently has five faculties: Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Horticulture, Faculty of Zootechnics and Biotechnologies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and Faculty of Food Science and Technology. The educational quality of the university has been time and time again certified by the professional success of its graduates. One of the most renowned is Dacian Cioloș, the former European Commissioner on Agriculture from 2009 to 2014, who became Professor Honoris Causa of this university.
Prof. Doru Pamfil e s t s a ell
Moreover, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is the only Romanian institution of this type among the European elite and which has the best credentials. The quality and dynamic of the research performed within the university are evident in the numerous innovative research projects, such as the production of the sea buckthorn oil based protection cream, used by NATO soldiers deployed in Afghanistan, or the fruit and vegetables packaging with antibacterial properties, praised by the international media. These results led to a recognition from His Majesty King Michael I of Romania. His Majesty was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the university and accepted to grant his name to one of the most competitive Institutes of Life Sciences in Southeast Europe. The inauguration ceremony of the ”Regele Mihai I al României” Institute of Life Sciences was attended by His Royal Highness, Prince Radu of Romania, who also inducted the new amphitheatres of the university, that bear the names King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria.
Royal Edition
foto: Nicu Cherciu
The university’s chancellor, Prof. Doru Pamfil stated that ”the agricultural higher learning of Cluj-Napoca is now one of the most competitive in Europe, in education as well as in scientific research. In its entire 145 year existence, the Agronomy of Cluj-Napoca was sustained by great personalities of learning and science in Romania. Its graduates, specialists in agriculture, horticulture, zootechnics, biotechnology and veterinary medicine, constantly achieved remarkable results, in production and research, at home and abroad. Our university is nationally accredited and internationally appraised, as a „successful university”. After 2000, The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca developed at an astonishing rate. Specializations became more diversified and new sections were introduced, where, alongside Romanian students, young people from other countries study. Currently, the academic staff and the 7000 students benefit from exceptional conditions that help them in their theoretical and practical training, from lecture halls, experimental fields, veterinary clinics, a library with all the necessary facilities”, says Prof. Doru Pamfil.
Exceptional international collaborations Prof. Doru Pamfil also said ”Many of our staff, especially young ones, and many of our PhD candidates, benefit from specializations and studies at similar universities from countries with advanced agriculture. Through several collaborations with university and agricultural production structures from EU countries, UASVM annually organizes
foto: Nicu Cherciu
internships for many of its students. Our university created collaboration relations with universities and research institutes from over 50 countries, from Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America”. Furthermore, the dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Prof. Cornel Cătoi, is proud of the ever increasing international relevance of his faculty. ”The fact that we have an ever increasing number of students who choose English or French as their teaching language proves that the decision to develop these educational services aimed at international students has been wise. A reason for exhilaration is that many of these students come from western countries, which means that our faculty has become a formidable player on the veterinary educational services European market”, were the words of Prof. Cornel Cătoi.
Transylvania Today | 61
Cluj adopted the name of King
ienna dictate the University of misoara (FacultyEducation of Science) and s, Law and Medicine) I” University returns to Cluj d I University” becomes ”Victor
University of Cluj merges with ity. The new institution will be niversity”.
CESTAF, Camões Centre for Portuguese Language. Babeş-Bolyai University is involved in international multicultural programmes in collaboration with 138 universities in Europe, 36 universities in North America and South America, universities in Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Through its mobility programmes, over 400 UBB students have had the opportunity to get in touch with other cultures, every year, while 291 foreign students get in contact annualy with the Romanian culture through our University.
University, students can study n, German, English, French and programmes in the language rgraduate level there are: 153 manian, 75 specialisations in ations in German, 12 specialisaspecialisations in French.
CONTACT 1 Mihail Kogălniceanu street, Cluj-Napoca Tel: 0264-405.300, Fax: 0264-591.906 Website: http://ubbcluj.ro Facebook: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai
Tradition and excellence Tradition and Excellence in multiculturalism in Multiculturalism
Linguistic and cultural diversity are defining At master’s level there are: 175 specialisations in elements of UBB, representing a singularity not only in Romanian, 40 specialisations in Hungarian, 6 specialithe Romanian academic environment, but also in the sations in German, 38 specialisations in English and 6 European context. The multiculturalism project specialisations in French. in ui ic and cul ural di er i are de inin ele en BB re re en in a in ulari n nl in e promoted by Babeș-Bolyai University is considered to 17 cultural centres promote various cultures, Romanianbeacademic environment, but also in the European context. The multiculturalism project promoted a continental model. languages and ways of life, constantly enriching the Ba e B l ai ni er i i c n idered e a c n ineninternational al del perspective of our students: “Bernhard Historical guidelines: Stillfried” Austrian Library, Northern Studies Library, Brasil” Cultural Korean Historical guidelines: British Council, “Casa At do master’s level Centre, there are: 175 specialisa1581- Stefan Báthory issued in Vilna the founding Cultural Centre, German Centre, Italian tionsCultural in Romanian, 40Culturspecialisations in diploma of the Major Jesuit College from Cluj al Centre, RussianHungarian, Cultural Centre, Polish Centre for in German, 1581 - Stefan Báthory issued in Vilna the 6 specialisations 1872 - by Law No. XIX adopted by the Hungarian Language and Culture, Canadian Studies Centre, founding diploma of the Major Jesuit 38 specialisations in English and 6 specialiParliament and sanctioned by Emperor Franz Iosif the Belgian and French Language and Literary Studies College from Cluj sations in French. University of Cluj is established with Hungarian as Centre, Confucius Institute, Romanian French Institute 1872 by Law No. XIX adopted by teaching language of Cluj-Napoca, “Dr. Moshe Carmilly” Institute for theof Cluj Hungarian and and 17Jewish cultural centresof Turkish promote various 1919 - the Hungarian University becomes a Parliament Hebrew Studies History, Institute sanctioned by Emperor Franz Iosif cultures, languages and Romanian University and Asian-Central Studies, African Studies Centreways of life, the University of Cluj is established constantly enriching the international 1927- the University of Cluj adopted the name of King CESTAF, Camões Centre for Portuguese Language. with Hungarian as teaching language of our instudents: Ferdinand I Babeş-Bolyaiperspective University is involved interna- “Bernhard 1919dictate - thetheHungarian Cluj Stillfried” Library, Northern 1940 - following the Vienna University ofUniversity tionalof multicultural programmes Austrian in collaboration with Cluj takes refuge in Timisoara (Faculty of Science) and 138 universities inStudies Europe, Library, 36 universities in North becomes a Romanian University British Council, “Casa do Sibiu (Faculty of Letters, Law and Medicine) America and America,Cultural universitiesCentre, in Africa, Asia, 1927 - the University of Cluj adopted theSouthBrasil” Korean Cultural 1945 - ”King Ferdinand I” University returns to Cluj Zealand. German Cultural Centre, Italian name of King Ferdinand I Australia and New Centre, 1948 - ”King Ferdinand I1940 University” becomesthe ”Victor Through mobility Centre, programmes, over 400 - following Vienna dictate the itsCultural Russian Cultural Centre, Babeș University” UBB students have had the opportunity to get in and Culture, University of Cluj takes refuge in Polish Centre for Language 1959 - the Romanian University of Cluj merges with touch with other cultures, every year, while 291 Timisoara (Faculty of Science) and Canadian Studies Centre, Belgian and the Hungarian University. The new institution will be foreign students get in contact annualy with the Sibiu (Faculty of Letters, Law and French Language and Literary Studies called ”Babeș-Bolyai University”. Romanian culture through our University.
Centre, Confucius Institute, Romanian
be called ”Babeş-Bolyai University”.
Babeş-Bolyai University is involved in international multicultural programmes in collaboration with 138 universities in Europe, 36 universities in North America and South America, universities in Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Through its mobility programmes, over 400 UBB students have had the opportunity to get in touch with other cultures, every year, while 291 foreign students get in contact annualy with the Romanian culture through our University.
1945 - students ”King can Ferdinand I” University French Institute of Cluj-Napoca, “Dr. At Babeș-Bolyai University, study CONTACT returns to Cluj Moshe Carmilly” Institute for Hebrew in Romanian, Hungarian, German, English, French and 1948 - ”King I University” Studies street, and Cluj-Napoca Jewish History, Institute of they can attend study programmes in the Ferdinand language 1 Mihail Kogălniceanu Babeş University” TurkishFax: and0264-591.906 Asian-Central Studies, African they choose. At undergraduatebecomes level there”Victor are: 153 Tel: 0264-405.300, 1959 -75 the Romanian University ofWebsite: Studies Centre CESTAF, Camões Centre for specialisations in Romanian, specialisations in http://ubbcluj.ro Hungarian,10 specialisations in Cluj German, 12 specialisaFacebook:Portuguese Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai merges with the Hungarian Language. tions in English and 3 specialisations in French. University. The new institution will
www.ubbcluj.ro 1 Mihail Kogalniceanu St, Cluj-Napoca Fax: Tel.:
+4 (0) 264 405 300 +4 (0) 264 591 906
62 | Transylvania Today
At Babeş-Bolyai University, students can study in Romanian, Hungarian, German, English, French and they can attend study programmes in the language they choose. At undergraduate level there are: 153 specialisations in Romanian, 75 specialisations in Hungarian,10 specialisations in German, 12 specialisations in English and 3 specialisations in French.
Royal Edition
Technical Education for the Future The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the only technical university in Transylvania, is one of the top twelve Romanian universities, established as “universities of advanced research and education”.
www.utcluj.ro 28 Memorandumului St. Cluj-Napoca Fax: Tel.:
+4 (0) 264 401 200 +4 (0) 264 592 055
The university has nine faculties in ClujNapoca, three in the North University Centre of Baia Mare and four academic extensions in important cities of Transylvania; more than 1,000 academic staff and around 20,000 students at the Bachelor, Master and PhD level. For the main location, in Cluj-Napoca, the courses are in the technical field, ranging from Electrical, Telecommunications, Electronics, Computers and Control Engineering to Mechanical, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering or to Architecture and Civil Engineering. In the North Centre of Baia Mare, together with Engineering topics, courses in Arts, Humanities and Science are offered.
• Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings (Bachelor); • Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering / Applied Electronics (Bachelor); • Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering / Telecommunications Technologies and Systems (Bachelor); • Robotics (Bachelor); • Manufacturing Engineering (Bachelor), • Economic Engineering (Bachelor); • Robotics (Master); • Virtual Engineering and Competitive Manufacturing (Master). • The Manufacturing Engineering (Bachelor) • and Innovative Production Processes and Technological Management (master)
The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca offers, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration, 4 year programmes for Bachelor’s Degrees in Engineering, 3 year programmes for Bachelor’s Degree in Arts, Humanities or Sciences, as well as 2 year programmes for Master’s Degrees and 3 year PhD Programmes. The Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture is awarded through a 6 year programme.
Programmes are also offered in German, in cooperation with Stuttgart University, while the Master programme Processing of Signals and Images is offered in French, in cooperation with Bordeaux 1 University and Nice Sophia Antipolis University.
Courses are offered in Romanian for all subjects and some are offered also in English, German or French. The programmes offered in English are: • Automation and Applied Informatics (Bachelor); • Computer Science (Bachelor);
The research fields of interest cover Engineering and Technical topics, together with inter / multidisciplinary ones. In the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, high quality applied research, performed jointly with industry or serving the needs of the community, is a major task and is carried out by academic / research staff, PhD students and undergraduates / graduates, in the modern laboratories of the more than 70 research structures registered in the university.
Transylvania Today | 63
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