COFFEE PLUNGER To make a great coffee with your plunger you need the best coffee, that has been freshly ground. The coffee needs to be medium ground and suitable for a plunger. If the coffee is ground too fine it will clog the plunger mesh and make it difficult to plunge. In addition to using freshly ground coffee and water, it is important to make sure the coffee plunger and cups are spotlessly clean and free of old coffee residue. The Tramontina coffee plunger was designed to hold enough for 3 coffee cups or 6 coffee cups.
Add coffee to plunger. For a normal strength coffee use 10 grams of ground coffee per 180ml of water. Boil the water then pour into the coffee plunger.* *Ensure care is taken when pouring the water into the plunger as fresh coffee will produce lots of foam. If you’re brewing a full plunger, fill with water to 3cm from the lip of the plunger.
Using a spoon, stir the coffee for 2 minutes. This process provides the maximum extraction of the coffee.
Insert the coffee plunger filter, lower the lid then push filter about 2cm under the surface of the liquid.
Wait 30 seconds, and then plunge all the way with a slow, steady pressure. Serve immediately.
Ground coffee will last a few weeks if stored in an air tight container and at room temperature.
TRAMONTINA AUSTRALIA Tras Marketing and Sales Pty Ltd Unit 7, 167 Prospect Highway Seven Hills, NSW 2147 Phone: 1800 110 885