Marketing Co-Op | 2014

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marketing co-op program twenty fourteen

The Dubuque Area Convention & Visitors Bureau will lead tourism destination promotion and development to enhance and expand the Dubuque Area experience.

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a letter from the president Economic prosperity... reinvented. With over 1.9 million visitors and $320.56 million in economic impact annually, the tourism industry has been recognized as an integral component in the development and continued prosperity of the Dubuque region. The reinvention of Iowa’s first city over the past 15 years has been a catalyst for the evolution of the Dubuque area as a destination for travel. This same evolution has allowed new opportunities, new partnerships, and new growth. With growth, comes change. In July of 2013, the Dubuque Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) began as it’s own organization; operating as a destination marketing organization whose sole focus is providing and advocating for a strengthened tourism infrastructure for both visitors and partners.

As we continue to achieve such great heights in the travel industry, the CVB believes it is imperative to reinforce our existing partnerships and to foster new ones. We present a one of a kind marketing co-op program to further our mission and yours. Inside this book you will find opportunities that can leverage the CVB as a tool for your business and allow you the exposure that the CVB can provide to our visitors. We look forward to growing our industry, our opportunities and most importantly, our partnerships.

Keith Rahe President & CEO Dubuque Area Convention & Visitors Bureau

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basic marketing co-op (January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014*) *By agreeing to terms of Co-Op for FY 2014, partners will receive the benefits of partnership from September 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013. Same terms & conditions apply. W H AT M A K E S A BUSINESS ELIGIBLE?

The CVB is focused on providing the best possible promotional opportunities for its partners. This requires a targeted approach when offering these services to the Dubuque region. What is required to be considered a Basic Marketing Co-Op participant? Businesses must fall into (at least) one of these categories as they are the travel related categories as defined by the CVB: Attractions, Events, Nature & Outdoors, Restaurants, Retail, Sports, Bed & Breakfasts, Cabins, Campgrounds, Cottages, Guest Homes, Inns and/or Rentals, Full Service & Select Service Hotels There are also two subsets of the Basic Marketing Co-Op that interested businesses must fall into. Inside of Dubuque County Co-Op Participants and Outside of Dubuque County Co-Op Participants. INSIDE DUBUQUE COUNTY C O - O P PA R T I C I PA N TS

Businesses located in the City of Dubuque and/or Dubuque County that fall into the categories of travel related businesses as defined by the CVB are eligible for Basic Marketing Co-Op at no cost.

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Businesses located outside of Dubuque County that fall into the categories of travel related businesses as defined by the CVB AND are located within a 50 mile radius of Dubuque are eligible to invest in a Basic Marketing Co-Op. Attractions, Events, Nature & Outdoors, Restaurants, Retail, Sports, Other = $300 Lodging: Bed & Breakfast, Cabin, Campground, Cottage, Guest Home, Inn and/or Rental, = $300 Lodging: Hotels (Full & Select Service) 0-50 Rooms = $300 51-100 Rooms = $400 101+ Rooms = $500 Why is there a fee for Co-op participants outside of Dubuque county? The CVB is funded through Dubuque hotel/motel tax dollars as well as an investment by the Dubuque County. This funding allows the CVB to properly promote and support those businesses that fall within those parameters. In order to extend these services beyond the Dubuque County border, an investment must be made to give participants of the Co-Op outside of Dubuque county the same amount of promotion and services.

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For both Inside of Dubuque County & Outside of Dubuque County Co-Op Particpants, a Basic Marketing Co-Op includes the following: ›› Listing in the Dubuque Visitors Guide 115,000 guides printed annually & distributed across the globe. Available online in an interactive flip book. Includes business name, address, (1) website url, (1) local phone number. A 30 word description is listed if space allows.

›› Listing on Averages 9,000 visitors a month and is mobile device friendly. Includes business name, address, (1) website url, (1) photo, (1) local phone number and a 30 word description.

›› Listing in the Meeting Planner Guide*

Guides printed annually & distributed to meeting planners through tradeshows, direct mail, sales calls, etc. Available online in an interactive flip book. Includes business name, address, (1) website url, (1) local phone number and a 30 word description.

›› Listing in the Group Tour Planner Guide*

Guides printed annually & distributed to group tour planners through tradeshows, direct mail, sales calls, etc. Available online in an interactive flip book. Includes business name, address, (1) website url, (1) local phone number and a 30 word description.

›› Listing in the Sports Directory Guide*

Guides printed annually & distributed to sports planners. Available online in an interactive flip book. Includes business name, address, (1) website url, (1) local phone number and a 30 word description.

›› Brochure Space in Iowa Welcome Center

Located at 300 Main Street, the Iowa Welcome Center sees thousands of visitors throughout the year. Includes one 4” x 8” space reserved per partner. Additional space can be reserved at $50 per 4” x 8” spot. Brochures and/or publications larger than 4” x 8” subject to additional fee.

›› Submission of events to our online calendar at www.traveldubuque. com and at the Iowa Welcome Center. Event must meet CVB guidelines. CVB reserves the right to review & reject all submissions.

›› Consideration for marketing promotion at the discretion of the CVB With an influential media buy, the CVB is able to market partners and the region throughout the Midwest as the ultimate vacation destination. Promotional consideration is given only to Co-Op participants.

›› Participation in the Dubuque Area CVB Sales Committee Meetings are held bi-monthly and participation includes leads from tradeshows attended by the CVB.

›› Visitor Guide Distribution Point

The annual Visitor Guide is available to Co-Op participants to utilize and distribute for clients and visitors. Items marked * must have the amenities to provide for specified type of visitor. Co-Op Marketing form(s) must be completed, submitted and approved by the CVB prior to Co-Op fulfillment on the part of the CVB.

additional opportunities : The CVB has designed the Basic Marketing Co-Op to allow for businesses to take part in this program with a minimal investment. However, we encourage businesses to consider the additional opportunities and benefits outlined in the following pages. Add on to a Basic Marketing Co-Op with Co-Op Plus. This opportunity allows businesses to heighten their promotion and participation through web, print and much more. Take the next step with the Elite or Premier Marketing Co-op and receive the exclusivity only these programs provide. From ad placements in key CVB publications to enhancements of the Basic Marketing Co-op, businesses will benefit from the added exposure. Event sponsorships are also available for What Women Want Dubuque Style, Mantastic Guyathlon, Duathlon, Border Battle and DockDogs World Championships. Choose from a variety of levels of participation and benefit from the additional exposure gained from sponsoring these events.

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elite marketing co-op $6K ($8.4K Value) (September 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014) Basic Co-Op Marketing Fee still applies

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W H AT ’ S I N C L U D E D :

›› Enhanced listing / top directory placement on

($200 Value)

›› Logo on home page

(Logo placement is EXCLUSIVE to Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($1,000 Value)

›› Logo on e.blast marketing sent to 10,000+ emails

(Logo placement is EXCLUSIVE to Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($1,000 Value)

›› Logo on quarterly Group Tour Planner e.blast sent to 500 planners

(Logo placement is EXCLUSIVE to Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($250 Value)

›› Logo on quarterly Meeting Planner e.blast sent to 5,500 planners (Logo placement is EXCLUSIVE to Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($750 Value)

›› 1 Year (4 Seasons) of advertising on the home page + advertising throughout

Ad may be changed each season. (Home Page Advertising is Exclusive to Premier + Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($1,300 Value)

›› 1 Notification Bar Ad

Choose 1 week to advertise on the notification bar placed at the top of

($250 Value)

›› Blog advertorial 2x year

(EXCLUSIVE to Premier + Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($400 Value)

›› Facebook & Twitter promotions 6x year (EXCLUSIVE to Premier + Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($450 Value)

›› Ad space in Iowa Society of Association Executives Annual Directory Deadline to participate is October 1, 2013

($200 Value)

›› Full page Group Tour Planner ad

Guides printed & distributed to group tour planners through tradeshows, direct mail, sales calls, etc. Also available online in an interactive flip book.

($600 Value)

›› Full page Meeting Planner Guide ad Guides printed & distributed to meeting planners through tradeshows, direct mail, sales calls, etc. Also available online in an interactive flip book.

($600 Value)

›› Full page Sports Directory ad

Guides printed & distributed to sports & event planners. Also available online in an interactive flip book.

($400 Value)

›› Logo on quarterly CVB newsletter to Co-Op

(Logo placement is EXCLUSIVE to Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($500 Value)

›› One season (3 months) point of purchase display in Iowa Welcome Center (EXCLUSIVE to Elite Marketing Co-Op) Pick One: __ January - March 2014 __ April - June 2014 __ July - September 2014 __ October - December 2014

($500 Value)

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premier marketing C0-op $2K ($2.75K Value) (September 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014) Basic Co-Op Marketing Fee still applies

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W H AT ’ S I N C L U D E D :

›› Enhanced listing / top directory placement on www.traveldubuque. com

($200 Value)

›› 2 Seasons (6 Months) of advertising on the home page + advertising throughout

Ad may be changed each season. (Home page advertising is exclusive to Premier + Elite Marketing Co-Op) Pick Two: __ January - March 2014 __ April - June 2014 __ July - September 2014 __ October - December 2014

($1,300 Value)

›› Blog advertorial 1x year

(EXCLUSIVE to Premier + Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($200 Value)

›› Facebook & Twitter promotions 4x year

(EXCLUSIVE to Premier + Elite Marketing Co-Op)

($300 Value)

›› ¼ page Group Tour Planner ad

Guides printed & distributed to group tour planners through tradeshows, direct mail, sales calls, etc. Also available online in an interactive flip book.

($300 Value)

›› ¼ page Meeting Planner Guide ad

Guides printed & distributed to meeting planners through tradeshows, direct mail, sales calls, etc. Also available online in an interactive flip book.

co-op Plus

W H AT ’ S A V A I L A B L E :

›› Website advertising $250 per season __ January - March 2014 __ April - June 2014 __ July - September 2014 __ October - December 2014

›› Notification Bar advertising $250 (Choose 1 week to advertise on the notification bar placed at the top of

›› Enhanced listing / top directory placement on www.traveldubuque. com – Yearly $200 Only 10 spots available per category

›› Visitor Guide advertising ›› Group Tour Manual advertising

Guides printed & distributed to group tour planners. Also available online in an interactive flip book.

›› Meeting Planner Guide advertising

Guides printed & distributed to meeting planners. Also available online in an interactive flip book.

›› Sports Directory advertising

Guides printed & distributed to sports & event planners. Also available online in an interactive flip book.

›› ICubs Game $250

Annual trip to ICubs game in DesMoines during the summer, targeting meeting planners and representing Dubuque’s amenities for meetings & conventions. 1 Representative + Hotel Room, Food & Drink provided during the game

($300 Value)

›› ¼ page Sports Directory ad

Guides printed & distributed to sports & event planners. Also available online in an interactive flip book.

($150 Value)

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what women want, dubuque style April 5, 2014

anticipated attendance: 450 women grand river center

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Presenting Sponsor $5,000 Industry exclusive, maximum of two sponsors.

›› Logo on What Women Want, Dubuque Style Website ›› Logo on all Advertising

Shopping Bag Sponosr $1,000 ›› Logo on What Women Want, Dubuque Style Website ›› Logo on 1 Side of Shopping Bag

›› Logo on Event Signage

›› Business Recognition on Event Signage

›› Logo on Shopping Bag

›› 1 Booth (8’ x 10’) at Event

›› Logo on Presentation Screen on Stage

›› Highlighted listing in Event Program

›› Opportunity to Guest Co-host ›› Infomercial during event ›› Full Page Ad in Event Program ›› 1 Large Booth (16’ x 10’) at Event ›› 2 VIP Tables (16 tickets) ›› Shopping Bag Inserts

Entertainment Sponsor $2,000

›› Logo on Presentation Screen on Stage ›› Shopping Bag Inserts

Drab-to-Diva Sponsor $500 (Must be for 2 Divas)

›› Logo on What Women Want, Dubuque Style Website ›› Business Name Recognition on Select Print Marketing ›› Business Name Recognition on Event Signage

One sponsorship available.

›› Opportunity to Present Transformation on Stage

›› Logo on What Women Want, Dubuque Style Website

›› 1 Booth (8’ x 10’) at Event

›› Introduce on-stage entertainment ›› 1 VIP Table (8 tickets) ›› Business Recognition on Print Marketing ›› Business Recognition on Event Signage ›› 1 Booth (8’ x 10’) at Event ›› Highlighted listing in Event Program ›› Logo on Presentation Screen on Stage

›› Highlighted listing in Event Program ›› Logo on Presentation Screen on Stage

Sur’prizes’ Sponsor $250 (Giveaway for women during the sur’prizes’ drawing. No cash giveaway accepted.)

›› Logo on What Women Want, Dubuque Style Website ›› Business Name Recognition on Event Signage ›› 1 Booth (8’ x 10’) at Event ›› Highlighted listing in Event Program ›› Listing on Presentation Screen on Stage

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mantastic guyathlon

Presenting Sponsor $3,500 ( I N C L U D E S M A N TA S T I C G U YAT H L O N , D U AT H L O N A N D B O R D E R B AT T L E )

Industry exclusive, maximum of two sponsors.

Mantastic Guyathlon

August 1-3, 2014 anticipated attendance: 70 people

›› Logo on Website ›› Logo on all Advertising ›› Logo on Event Signage ›› Throw out the first pitch at Softball Homerun Hitting Contest


›› Stage time at Rules Meeting ›› Rules Meeting to be held at sponsor venue if appropriate ›› Bag Inserts

July 12, 2014

anticipated attendance: 125 people

›› (2) 2 person teams Duathlon ›› Logo on Website ›› Logo on Advertising ›› Logo on Event Signage

border battle

›› 1 Large Tent at event ›› Bag Inserts ›› 5 entries Border Battle ›› Logo on Advertising

December 14, 2013 anticipated attendance: 80 People

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›› Logo on Event Signage

Presenting Sponsor $5,000 ›› Logo on Website ›› Logo on all Advertising ›› Logo on Event Signage ›› Bag Inserts ›› 200 Thursday Preferred Seating Tickets ›› 50 Friday Preferred Seating Tickets ›› 50 Saturday Preferred Seating Tickets ›› Dock Signage

dockdogs world championships *For 2013 Only November 13-17, 2013 anticipated attendance: 3,500 people

›› :30 Second Spot ›› 1 Large Booth ›› 8 Opening Reception Tickets

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