January 2010 Edition

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The Magazine for DestinationTravel Specialists


Posada del Angel A Romantic Hideaway in Colonial Antigua, Guatemala

Querétaro, Mexico The Dominican Republic’s North Coast Explore the Unexpected

The Complete Vacation Destination


JANUARY 2010 executive office

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Turexpo Galicia 2009 Makes It’s Debut







Las Vegas, Nevada




Making One’s “Way” to Galicia

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Maria Rebello • a c c o u n t i n g m a n a g e r Shawn Hebert • I T m a n a g e r Cindy Johnson • c i r c u l a t i o n m a n a g e r cruise editor

Michael Iachetta southeast regional correspondent

Joan Gonzalez western regional correspondent

Connie Skoog

CARIBBEAN The Dominican Republic’s North Coast: The Complete Vacation Destination


Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Appoints Jim Curtis Area Director of Sales and Marketing, Caribbean


Half Moon Certifies Travel Professionals With Its Select Program


St. Maarten Launches New Branding Campaign That’s “Plaayful’



contributing editors

Mona Birch • Ann Charles • Gail P. Dubov Judith Glynn • Barry Goldsmith • Peggy Hageman

MEXICO Querétaro, Mexico: Explore the Unexpected


Guadalajara Prepares to Welcome Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art


Hacienda Tres Rios Contest For Travel Professionals


George Hairston • Al Haut • Marjorie Klein • Peter Lowy Nancy Marcantonio • Anita Mason D.O. Christian Rieger • Knox Robinson • Mary Ellen Schultz Helen Kitti Smith • Robin Swados • Diane Terry Travel World News (ISSN 1044-4602) is published monthly by Travel Industry Network, Inc., 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. The cost of a subscription in the USA is $25, in Canada $40. For subscribers outside USA or Canada, the rate is $80. Please send check or money order in U.S. dollars payable to Travel World News. For change of address, please enclose your mailing label and send to: Circulation Department, Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Periodicals postage paid at Norwalk, CT, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Address advertising inquiries and/or editorial copy to: Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission. All advertising in Travel World News is based on data submitted to the Publisher by the advertisers. The Publisher shall not be liable for the accuracy or inaccuracy of any information contained in Travel World News and shall not be liable, including but not limited to consequential or special damages, to any party for any products or services advertised or reported upon herein. The Publisher shall not be responsible for typographical errors. All information contained herein is subject to change without notice by the parties providing such products and services. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that has been submitted at his sole discretion. Upon providing a refund of any amount paid to the party whose submittal was rejected, the Publisher shall not have any liability to any party for such rejection.


LATIN AMERICA Posada del Angel: A Romantic Hideaway in Colonial Antigua, Guatemala


Guatemala: A Country of Active Volcanoes, Tropical Jungles, an Ancient Culture – and Endless Tourism Potential


AeroGal Makes Aviation History With Nonstop Flights to New York


Latour Appoints Arthur Berman New Managing Director



ASIA-PACIFIC APT’s Kings Canyon Wilderness Lodge Takes Awards Kyoto Will Celebrate Its 1300th Anniversary

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COVER PHOTO CREDITS: Dominican Republic-North Coast, Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club Resort; Querétaro, Mexico, Peggy Hageman; Posada del Angel, Guatemala, Gail P. Dubov.


2010 Discover America Pavilion Program and reach targeted audiences around the globe Discover America Pavilions offer cost-efficient opportunities for in-market exposure and face-to-face meetings with top buyers and influential international media. Annually, hundreds of U.S. companies and organizations sucessfully use Discover America Pavilions to promote their destinations, products and services.

SPAIN: Fitur 2010 Madrid, 20 – 24 January INDIA: OTM 2010 Mumbai & New Delhi, 7 – 14 February ITALY: Bit 2010 Milan, 18 – 21 February GERMANY: ITB 2010 Berlin, 10 – 14 March RUSSIA: Mitt 2010 Moscow, 17 – 20 March SWEDEN: TUR 2010 Gothenburg, 25 – 28 March U.A.E.: ATM 2010 Dubai, 4 – 7 May SOUTH KOREA: Discover America Seoul, Fall 2010 JAPAN: Discover America Tokyo, Fall 2010 BRAZIL: ABAV 2010 Rio de Janeiro, 20 – 22 October SINGAPORE: ITB Asia 2010 Singapore, 20 – 22 October ITALY: TTG Incontri 2010 Rimini, 22 – 24 October UNITED KINGDOM: WTM 2010 London, 8 – 11 November CHINA: CITM 2010 Shanghai, 18 – 21 November SPAIN: EIBTM 2010 Barcelona, 30 November – 2 December www.discoveramericapavilion.com www.discoveramericapavilion.travel B-FOR International 805 Princess Anne Street Suite 1, Fredericksburg VA 22401-5819 , U.S.A. Tel: (540) 373-9935 Fax: (540) 372-1414 b-for@exhibitpro.com www.b-for.com


Turexpo Galicia 2009 Makes its Debut Fair Focuses on Jacobean Year 2010. R O B I N S WA D O S ROBIN SWADOS


urexpo Galicia 2009 made its inaugural appearance at the International Trade Fair of Galicia exposition center, a short distance from the city of Santiago de Compostela in the Galicia region of northwest Spain, on Nov. 27. Primarily aimed at bringing together tour operators from various world communities including South America, Europe and Asia, the fair focused its attention on the famed St. James Way leading toward Santiago de Compostela, which for more than 1,000 years has served as a final destination point for pilgrims wishing to recreate the fabled walk along a wide variety of paths in both France and Spain. The route includes stops at countless monasteries and cathedrals, a path along which local inhabitants frequently open their doors and homes to some of the thousands of modern-day Traditional fishnet weaving at Turexpo Galicia 2009. pilgrims making their way toward Santiago de Compostela by foot or on bicycles. Each of the numerous “ways” toward Santiago—the opened as an entrance into the Santiago Cathedral. Today French Way by bicycle or on foot; the English Way; the Route the Way is traversed not only by anonymous pilgrims in of the Sea of Arousa and the Ulla River; the Southeast Way— search of spiritual and religious fulfillment but also by Via de la Plata; and the North Way—traces a different scenic celebrities and public figures as well. Once arriving in and historic path toward its fabled destination. The route was Santiago, they are free to partake in the city’s long tradition declared the first European Cultural Route by the Council of of art, history and culture. Designed as a business tourism exhibition, Turexpo’s main Europe in October 1987; it was also named one of UNESCO’s activity at the International Trade Fair was a Hosted Buyers’ World Heritage Sites. Program, aimed at promoting Galicia among national and A Very Special Year international wholesalers and tour operators. The sectors In its first appearance, Turexpo Galicia quite naturally fo- present in this professional event represented the Galician cused on St. James, the patron saint of Spain and one of the tourism offer, as well as that of the rest of Spain and North of 12 disciples of Christ, whose remains are believed to be in Portugal from all perspectives: Religious Tourism, Cultural Santiago, considered to be the third most holy town within Tourism, Congress Tourism, Thermal Tourism, Rural Roman Catholicism (after Jerusalem and Rome). Tourism, Gastronomic and Wine Tourism, Nautical Tourism, The traditional pilgrimage to the grave of the saint, known Nature Tourism, Sun and Beach Tourism, Golf Area, and as the Way of St. James, has become the most popular Camping/Caravanning—in short, offering something for pilgrimage for Western European Catholics from the everyone, no matter what type of vacation or pilgrimage they Middle Ages onwards. The feast of St. James is might have in mind. celebrated on July 25, and when it falls on a Sunday—as it Turexpo Galicia, turexpo@feiragalicia.com, will in 2010—it is a “Jubilee Year,” and a special east door is www.turexpogalicia.com 4 • JANUARY 2010

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INDUSTRY EVENTS ADVENTURES IN TRAVEL EXPO EXPANDS BRAND TO SHOWCASE FULL SPECTRUM OF TRAVEL OFFERINGS Adventures in Travel Expo, the longest running series of consumer travel events in the United States, and co-producers of the USA’s largest Travel Show, The LA Times Travel & Adventure Show, has announced plans to expand its events, now to be called the Travel & Adventure Shows with a supporting tagline branded “The Show for REAL Travelers.” This brand change reflects the show’s evolution from an Adventure Travel Show in its early years to a “Travel Showcase” focused on bringing together worldwide destinations that offer authentic and experiential vacations. The growing trend of experiential travel has affected every aspect of consumer travel with an increasing number of tour operators, destinations, hotels, resorts and attractions adding authentic itinerary options to their vacation packages. “Our efforts in re-branding the LA Times Travel & Adventure Show just a few years ago resulted in that events’ largest period of growth. Based on those results, it is a natural progression for our events to follow suit so we can meet the expectations of our high-value travel customers,” said John Golicz, CEO

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of Unicomm. “Most of the destinations and tour operators who support our shows encompass a wide range of product offerings, and this new positioning will allow them to market all their vacation options to our growing attendee base and realize an even higher ROI on that participation.” “This is a positive change for an already successful series of travel shows. The Caribbean countries that have typically supported the events can now expand their presence and exhibit more of its unique offerings,” said Fernando Abreu, Deputy Director of Marketing at the Caribbean Tourist Organization. While the name is changing, the focus on marketing and selling is the same. “The show will continue to deliver qualified travelers and be a great source for short and long-term leads and bookings—all in a professionally run environment,” said Chris Wayne, Vice President, Exhibitor Development. In 2010, the shows will be presented in four U.S. cities: Los Angeles, February 13–14; Washington, DC, March 6–7; Chicago, March 20–21; and New York City, October 9–10. Travel & Adventure Show (formerly Adventures in Travel Expos [ATE]), www.adventureexpo.com

JANUARY 2010 •



proposals of the exhibiting promoters of itineraries bringing the tourist close to the reality, culture and traditions of these towns and villages, while demonstrating concern for their environment’s sustainability. Fully aware of the importance of protecting nature, FITUR is also launching 2010 FITUR GREEN. This section of the Trade Fair organized in collaboration with the UNWTO and the Madrid Tourist Board will combine an exhibition area for companies to promote renewable energies and energy-saving devices applied to tourism. There will be a seminar Thursday, January 21, with examples by industry experts of accommodation and destinations already implementing some of these systems. Companies from more than 170 countries and regions will be participating in the annual trade show, with vast representation from Spanish autonomous communities and the most competitive firms from the travel sector. All the activity will take place in the halls located around the central avenue of the Feria de Madrid trade fair center, facilitating the entry of trade visitors. FITUR, www.fituronline.com


The International Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR) will hold its 30th edition in Madrid this month January 20–24. With its main goal being the undisputable meeting place for the travel industry, three decades later FITUR continues to contribute to the objectives of tourism professionals. FITUR 2010 is developing new initiatives to make the sector more dynamic. INBOUND SPAIN will be unveiled at FITUR 2010, grouping programs for promoting Spain as a destination. The section will enable trade visitors to locate all the proposals under one heading, to facilitate networking between companies and potential clients. The event’s involvement with tourism goes beyond its role as a leading commercial platform, as demonstrated by the introduction of INVESTOUR for the first time at the upcoming edition. The forum developed in conjunction with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Casa África will foster Spanish investment in tourism projects in Africa, assisting the continent’s economic evolution and helping improve the standard of living of its inhabitants. With the intention of promoting tourism as an engine of development in unprivileged territories, a new concept and philosophy in travel has emerged: SOLIDARITY TOURISM. The trend was already gaining momentum during the last edition of FITUR and by its 30th anniversary will have a bigger profile. It will include a conference on the sector and will underline the 6 • JANUARY 2010

November’s World Religious Travel Expo and Educational Conference concluded with global leaders in the religious travel industry reporting better than expected figures and predicting continued resilience in faith-based tourism. Positive input by WRTA Expo participants—including representatives from Switzerland, Cyprus, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Germany, Greece and Jordan—confirm recent conclusions of the World Tourism Organization that religious tourism has proven resilient to the pressure of recession because it’s not seen so much as “luxury” but rather travel with purpose. For 2010, operators expect 500,000 visitors for the Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany, which happens only once a decade. Spain has declared 2010 a holy year with the feast of St. James falling on a Sunday, July 25; many will travel to Santiago de Compostela, whose cathedral houses his relic. And through June, seminarians and priests will go to Ars, France, where St. John Vianney served his entire priestly life, to recognize The Year for Priests. In Italy, a rare exposition of the Shroud of Turin will open in 2010. With more than 300 million traveling annually for religious reasons and revenues exceeding $18 billion every year, faith tourism has become a significant global industry. WRTA reports that faith tourism today is more than just pilgrimages; it includes travelers strengthening fellowship and faith on cruises; volunteer vacations; adventure trips; leisure vacations; conferences and events and more. World Religious Travel Association (WRTA), www.wrtaexpo.com, www.wrtareligioustravel.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News

INDUSTRY EVENTS UPCOMING MITT AND UITT LARGEST INDUSTRY EXHIBITIONS IN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE MITT and UITT have become main meeting places for the industry in their respective countries of Russia and Ukraine, with opportunities for great numbers of new contacts in a short space of time, and generating great market awareness. In order to maximize business potential, the first two days of each event are reserved for ‘trade only’ visitors. Event Director Maria Badakh explains, “In both Russia and Ukraine, the combination of a rising disposable income, improved flight connections and a more adventurous choice of holiday destination has proved irresistible for many international companies and organizations over the last few years. MITT and UITT provide the ideal environment to discover more about these markets and gauge demand for destinations and services. As such, they have become key components in many companies’ promotions.” MITT, the 17th Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition, takes place April 17–20, 2010. The vibrant event hosted approximately 3,000 exhibitors in 2009. In addition, there are seminars, conferences and round-table discussions on the latest travel news and industry regulations. In 2009, an impressive 85,741 attended.

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Since 2008, well-known destinations have competed for the position of ‘Partner Country.’ Greece will be the event’s partner country in 2010, with a huge stand featuring hotels, tour operators, airlines and other travel companies from Greece. ITE’s travel team is still accepting applications for the ‘Wild card’ initiative, which gives a free stand at the event to one new destination. Details are available from Maria Badakh. MITT is closely followed by UITT March 24–26 in Ukraine. Many companies that have seen success in Russia go on to develop their business in the Ukrainian market—similar in terms of development and characteristics. The exhibition is complemented by a number of co-located events, including the ‘Spa in Ukraine’ conference, the ‘Small Hotels & Apartments of Ukraine’ forum, the MICE Ukraine conference and an exhibition of medical tourism companies. In 2009, the event attracted 15,000 (up 18 percent from the previous year). Egypt, Israel and Czech Republic have all increased their stands at UITT, while other confirmed destinations include Dubai, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Spain, France, Cyprus, Slovakia, China, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Thailand, Malaysia, Spain, Czech Republic, Cuba, Slovenia, Tunisia, Dominican Republic, Maldives, Seychelles. ITE Travel Exhibitions, maria.badakh@ite-exhibitions.com. www.travel-exhibitions.com

JANUARY 2010 •



Phil Otterson, President, American Tourism Society (ATS), has announced that the ATS Fall 2010 Conference will be held in Pristina, Kosovo’s capital, October 25–27, 2010. This ATS-organized event in Kosovo, which only gained its independence February 28, 2008, will be the first-ever tourism conference to be held in the newborn country. “Kosovo is a perfect example of what ATS’s mission is about,” said Otterson. “Assisting transformational destinations with tourism marketing skills, training through the onsite ATS tourism college program, and educating ATS members about the newest destinations.” ATS used the platform of the USTOA Annual Conference and Marketplace in Banff, Canada, in December, to roll out the promotional campaign for this historic event. The official ATS announcement follows the formal invitation made by Kosovo host, Bujar Kuji, Director, the Republic of Kosovo Ministry of Trade and Industry Department of Tourism, at the closing of the recent ATS Fall 2009 conference held in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. At the ATS 2010 Fall Conference, NTA will co-sponsor the postconference new-product development tour to Southern Kosovo and Tirana, Albania, October 28–31; and Tourism Cares will organize as part of the ATS program, its second annual local community service project for ATS delegates. The ATS Tourism College, which has received accolades from past host country tourism professionals, university professors and students alike, will involve local university students in special sessions and as invited guests to the ATS conference. American Tourism Society (ATS), info@americantourismsociety.org, www.americantourismsociety.org

AT DEMA SHOW 2009, THOUSANDS OF DIVING PROFESSIONALS MEET FACE-TO-FACE DEMA Show 2009, the largest trade-only show in the diving and watersports industries, took place in Orlando, Florida, November 4–7 at the Orange County Convention Center. More than 575 exhibitors showcased their products and services at this year’s show, and more than 9,000 industry professionals registered, including buyers, travel buyers, instructors, and other diving professionals. DEMA members and fellow dive professionals filled the show 8 • JANUARY 2010

floor and seminar rooms networking face-to-face, learning about new travel destinations, checking out the latest gear, conducting business and educating themselves on how to improve their businesses. DEMA Show 2009 showcased 23 DEMA-sponsored educational sessions and 43 Resource Center sessions while 52 exhibitors offered over 240 exhibitor-sponsored seminars. That’s over 300 hours of DEMA, exhibitor and training agency-sponsored education provided at this year’s Show. Highlights of awards party the included a tribute and thank-you to Mort and Alese Pechter, beloved industry photographers, for their recent donation of the entire Pechter photo collection to DEMA, and the presentation of the 21st Annual DEMA Reaching Out awards to Bill High and Michael Lang. Continuing to be the largest trade event in the world for companies doing business in the scuba diving, ocean sports and adventure/dive travel industries, DEMA Show 2010, the 34th annual DEMA Show, will take place November 17–20, 2010, at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. DEMA (Diving Equipment & Marketing Association), 800-687-7469, info@dema.org, www.dema.org

MITM AMERICAS 2010 TO BE HELD IN QUITO, ECUADOR GSAR Marketing has announced that the XVI edition of MITM Americas, Meetings and Incentive Travel Market, will be held for the second time in the city of Quito, Ecuador, October 6–8, 2010. Twenty-eight cities from Latin America, Caribbean and North America had requested to be MITM’s venue in 2010. Having already hosted MITM so successfully in 2006, Quito was chosen again.The fifteenth edition of MITM Americas, Meetings and Incentive Travel Market, was held in the Melia Cohiba Hotel in Havana, Cuba, November 18–19. For MITM, held for 15 years throughout Europe, North Africa and South, Central and North America, the success of Havana was not a surprise—important users and buyers from all Europe and the United States proved Cuba to be an attractive destination for congresses, events and incentive travel. Visitor registration had to be closed three months prior, as MITM received more than 200 congress and events organizers’ requests; a good number couldn’t attend because there wasn’t any more space. In Havana there were congresses, conferences, events and incentive travel organizers from 16 countries—in Europe plus the United States, Canada, Mexico and Brazil. Under visitors and exhibitors’ requests, MITM programmed 2,620 one-to-one encounters between all the exhibitors and visitors. Almost 100 Latin American and Caribbean exhibitors showed vision seeking the profitable MICE niche of business travel with their efforts—at a time when tourism is experiencing critical cutbacks by many countries and companies, the least appropriate time for a reduction in promotion. MITM Americas (Meetings and Incentive Travel Market), charo.trabado@gsamark.com, www.mitmamericas.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News

INDUSTRY EVENTS REED TRAVEL EXHIBITIONS ESTABLISHES AIBTM SHOW FOR 2011 Reed Travel Exhibitions is adding AIBTM to its international meetings portfolio, which includes EIBTM in Barcelona, GIBTM in Abu Dhabi, CIBTM in Beijing, AIME in Melbourne, and the ICCA Congress Exhibition held annually in different destinations. The inaugural Americas Incentive Business Travel and Meetings Exhibition (AIBTM) will take place in Baltimore, Maryland, June 21–23, 2011. Vanessa Cotton, Chair of Reed Travel Exhibitions Meetings and Incentive Events commented, “Having consulted with the industry we now feel that it is an appropriate time to announce the launch of AIBTM in 2011. When the global economic downturn hit the industry, and we had to postpone the event, it was always our intention to consider 2011 as our goal for launch.” Tom Noonan, President and CEO of Visit Baltimore said, “This is a major coup for Baltimore. We are delighted that Reed Travel Exhibitions has demonstrated its commitment to our city and belief in the resurgence of the U.S. economy.” AIBTM is a joint venture between Reed Travel Exhibitions Meetings and Incentives Events and Reed Exhibitions Americas.

Chet Burchett, President of Reed Exhibitions Americas commented, “We are delighted to be part of bringing the world’s best brand for business travel, meetings and incentive travel to our customers in the Americas and offering an extension of the value we already provide to them around the world. This venture is a clear indicator of the opportunity our customers find in Reed’s global scale. With more than 100 tradeshows, meetings and conferences every year in the Americas, we have the resources and local market expertise to help AIBTM quickly gain traction and add value to the industry it serves.” Cotton summarized that AIBTM “aims to become the industry’s major annual event in the U.S.—designed to provide meeting and event professionals in all sectors—association, corporate, government and third party—with quality interaction with over 300 North American and international exhibitors. We are looking to attract 500 Hosted Buyers, of which 100 will come from outside America and around 2,500 trade visitors made up of largely North American-based meeting planners with domestic, interstate business.” Upcoming dates established for AIBTM are June 21–23, 2011, and June 19–21, 2012. Reed Travel Exhibitions, www.reedtravelexhibitions.com

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JANUARY 2010 •


INDUSTRY EVENTS APTA ANNOUNCES EXCITING NEWS FOR FOCUS ON AFRICA AND DISCOVER AFRICA Travel professionals may register now for a deluxe opportunity to meet the trade representatives of various African airlines, lodges, camps and tourist boards and to network with industry colleagues from around the country. APTA has selected its keynote speakers for Focus on African and Discover Africa. A joint presentation by Marett Taylor, Sales and Marketing Director for East and Southern Africa, Abercrombie and Kent; and Lynne Leakey, Kenya Professional Safari Guide Association Silver Rated Guide, will explore the impact of the rising demand for environmentally and socially responsible travel products in the African tourism industry, and the critical role played by safari guides in linking communities and wildlife to tourists. The presentation is entitled “Unsung Heroes in Conservation and Community Development: Reshaping the Face of African Tourism.” Focus on Africa—APTA will once again partner with the New York Times Travel Show to present this industry-only conference at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City. APTA corporate members are invited to participate in the expanded program. On February 25, they may join the Focus on Africa “Launch” sponsored by the North East APTA Chapter. This evening event will include dinner, networking and a trade show. The next day, Focus on Africa begins at 8 a.m. and will include expanded sessions exploring the issues critical to the market. Newly arranged is the trade show portion of the event following the conference, open 2–7 p.m. on the floor of the New York Times Travel Show. During this time, the show is open to the entire agent community—a great benefit to Focus on Africa exhibitors. A $1,500 cost to participate includes both events. Exhibitors will have a tabletop display and a five-minute presentation with projected images at each venue. Dates and host chapters are March 2 in San Diego, March 4 in Northern

For more info, visit www.AfricaTravelAssociation.org E: info@AfricaTravelAssociation.org - T: +1.212.447.1357

10 • JANUARY 2010

California, March 9 in the Midwest (Chicago), and March 11 in Florida (Fort Lauderdale). The cost to exhibit at each venue is $700. APTA (Association for the Promotion of Tourism to Africa), discoverafrica@apta.biz, www.apta.biz

ITB BERLIN 2010 WILL FOCUS ON TRENDS AND CHALLENGES ITB Berlin 2010 will take a first look at a future marked by the financial and economic crisis as well as by structural changes and changing travel behavior. Highlighting ITB Berlin is the world’s largest industry convention—the ITB Berlin Convention. Over the last six years, 50,000 professionals from all tourism source markets and destinations from around the world have visited the Convention. Each year, it’s been able to build on its leading think-tank position in the global tourism industry and in 2009 recorded its highest attendance—12,000 participants, an increase of 10 percent over 2008. At the ITB Berlin Convention, decision-makers from all walks of the global tourism industry enjoy networking opportunities among professionals to discuss the latest trends as well as pressing issues and market topics. High-ranking speakers from tourism and industry have already announced their participation. The Theme Days highlight the latest trends and background developments. Innovators and futurists will be presenting global mega-trends at the ITB Berlin Future Day. The challenges facing the hotel industry will be discussed at the ITB Berlin Hospitality Day. The ITB Aviation Day is the leading event for the global air transport industry, where key issues concerning the latest developments in the airline and airport industries are discussed. With its ITB Corporate Social Responsibility Day, which celebrated a successful debut last year, ITB Berlin is again organizing a definitive forum of experts in travel matters. Corporate social responsibility is becoming an increasingly important topic in the tourism industry. Forward-looking destination management concepts from selected regions will be presented at the ITB Berlin Destination Days. The ITB Business Travel Days will be taking place on all three days of the convention. Workshops focusing on practical issues, podium discussions and keynotes will provide opportunities for exchanging opinion and furthering one’s knowledge on business travel and events. The Travel Technology Convention PhoCusWright@ITB focuses on the latest technology trends and the complex world of travel technology. ITB Berlin 2010 will run Wednesday to Sunday, March 10–14, and will be open to trade visitors only from Wednesday to Friday. Parallel with the fair, the ITB Berlin Convention will be held Wednesday to Friday, March 10–12, 2010. ITB Berlin, ITB Berlin Convention, www.itb-kongress.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News

INDUSTRY EVENTS GUATEMALA PREPARES TO HOST CATM 2010 CATM 2010 returns to Guatemala October 8–10, after its original inception, having been hosted in other Central American countries over recent years. The ‘Heart of The Mayan World’ will once again have the opportunity to promote its tourism to hundreds of exhibitors, tourism wholesale suppliers, international media outlets and service providers from Europe, the United States and Latin America. Guatemala has much to showcase, with new products and segments attracting thousands of tourists from all over the world. “Guatemala is a country of contrasts and diversity. We have the experience and a proven winning record in the convention and meeting segment. We pretty much have it all: hotel infrastructure, know-how and multiple top-of-the-line and prestigious convention centers. Rest assured, we will use these fundamental tools to successfully position Guatemala at the next fair,” said Roberto Robles, Director of INGUAT. The Guatemalan Tourism Board, INGUAT, attended the sixth CATM 2009 in San Salvador in October, where it presented businessmen, government officials, the media and special guests, all who will be key players during this year’s event.

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During the fair, the Central American region came together with a common goal in mind: to find ways to promote the tourism industry to key spending markets. All Central American countries joined in at CATM 2009; Guatemala captivated attendees with the participation of 15 private tour operators, service providers and tourism self-managed committees. During CATM 2004, held in Guatemala for the first time, high standards were established for both the public and private sectors. At the fair, tours in the host country are offered prior to the event. Cultural and social activities are part of this program, designed to promote the natural wealth and historical heritage of the host nation. Participating wholesale suppliers and attending international journalists can also take post-fair tours throughout the region. The fair hosts an exhibition area where tourism industry leaders and businessmen gather to interact and promote their products and services; all of them are organized through their respective national chambers that make up FEDECATUR (Central America Tourism Chambers Federation). CATAM (Central American Travel Market), www.visitguatemala.com

JANUARY 2010 •




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PATA AT&RTCM 2010 Holiday World Discover American Pavilion at OTM 2010 EMITT Discover American Pavilion at Bit 2010 Boston Globe Travel Show Jordan Travel Mart UNWTO International Summit IFT 2010 New York Times Travel Show

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TTG Polish Travel Mart 2010 ITB Berlin 2010 Discover American Pavilion at ITB Berlin 2010 MITT Discover American Pavilion at Mitt 2010 UITT TUR Discover American Pavilion at TUR 2010

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12 • JANUARY 2010


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INDUSTRY NEWS ATS ELECTS DIRECTORS AT 2009 ANNUAL MEETING IN GERMANY David T. Parry, American Tourism Society (ATS) Chairman, and Chairman, Academic Travel Abroad, presiding over the 2009 Annual Meeting, announced the results of the biennial elections to the ATS Board of Directors. The Annual ATS Meeting took place at the Grand Hotel Heiligendamm in Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Germany immediately preceding the opening of the ATS Fall Conference. Leading ATS for second terms are Chairman, David Parry, and President, Phil Otterson, VP External Affairs, Tauck World Discovery. Other ATS Board Members elected to the Executive Committee are Jan Rudomina, Polish National Tourist Office; ATS VP and Finance; David Spinelli, Vacations.com, ATS VP and Secretary; Nico Zenner, Travelbound by Travelport, new ATS Director; and Don Reynolds, Executive Vice President Parry, in his opening remarks at the ATS Annual Meeting, noted that “In the 40 years that I have been in the U.S. travel industry, this past year has definitely been the most challenging one. Despite the problems that we all are facing, ATS membership has remained stable and actively engaged in promotional activities. As an organization we have made great strides in the implementation of our Strategic Marketing Plan as outlined several years ago, thanks to the hard work of the Marketing Committee led by Dave Spinneli.” The other members of the new ATS Board include Malia Asfour, The Jordan Tourism Board N.A.; Fred Berardo, Central Holidays; Pamela Hoffee, The Globus Family of Brands; Gordon Stearns, Tour Designs; Donna Flora, American Express Company; Mirko Ilich, Traveling Times; Helena Novak, General Tours World Traveler; and Robert Whitley United States Tour Operators Association. The ATS Board also expressed thanks and appreciation to departing members of the Board including H.E. Akel Biltaji, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; Knut Haenschke, E H Marketing; and Michael Stolowitzky, American Express Vacations. American Tourism Society (ATS), info@americantourismsociety.org, www.americantourismsociety.org

ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES SIGNS FIRM ORDER FOR TWELVE AIRBUS 350 XWBs Ethiopian Airlines has signed a contract for the purchase of twelve Airbus A350-XWBs aircraft firming up a Memorandum of Understanding signed in Addis Ababa in July 2009.Ethiopian Chief Executive Officer, Girma Wake and Airbus President and CEO Tom Enders, signed the firm order at the Dubai Air Show on November 15, 2009. “We are committed to investing in industry leading technology to maintain our unrivalled reputation in Africa whilst continuing to grow,” said Girma Wake, CEO of Ethiopian Airlines. “In placing this order today, we are ensuring our passengers highest-level comfort while operating the youngest and state-of-the-art aircraft.” On his part, Tom Enders, Airbus President and CEO said, “The A350-XWB’s extra efficient and cabin-comfort will strengthen Ethiopian Airlines’ position as a leader and benchmark in African aviation.” Including earlier deals, Ethiopian has 35 new airplanes on order direct from the manufacturers. With the recent orders of five B777200LR and twelve A350-900, Ethiopian has also on order ten Boeing B787 and eight Bombardier aircrafts. These investments will also enable Ethiopian to operate one of the youngest fleet in Africa with better comfort and efficiency. Presently, Ethiopian operates 36 aircraft, comprising of ten B767-300ER, eight B757-200ER, two B757-260 F, two B747F, two MD11F, five B737-700, two B737-800 and five Fokker 50 aircraft. Ethiopian Airlines, www.ethiopianairlines.com; Ethiopian Airlines Journeys, 866-599-3797, www.seeyouinethiopia.com

VIRGIN GALACTIC UNVEILS WORLD’S FIRST COMMERCIAL MANNED SPACESHIP On December 7, Virgin Galactic unveiled SpaceShipTwo to the world at Mojave Spaceport, California. Future astronauts, VIP guests including Governors Bill Richardson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and 800 press gathered in the desert for a press conference and to view the rollout of the world’s first commercial spaceline. The SS2 spaceship was christened with the name Virgin Space Ship (VSS) Enterprise. Despite gale force winds and stormy weather, guests gathered on the runway after the press conference to see SpaceShipTwo for the first time. The spaceship was carried down the runway by her mothership, VMS Eve, to a spectacular display of lights and music. Virgin Founder Sir Richard Branson and SpaceshipOne (SS1) designer Burt Rutan led the press conference, and special recognition went to the dedicated team at Scaled Composites. As the official sales channel for Virgin Galactic throughout the Americas, Virtuoso® and select members of this leading luxury travel network were present for the unveiling event. The organization’s CEO, Matthew D. Upchurch, who is also a “Founder” passenger with Virgin Galactic—meaning he will be aboard one of the first 14 flights, headed the Virtuoso group. Remarked Upchurch, “The unveiling of SS2 marks one of the most exhilarating advancements in the tourism industry for travelers who value travel for its ability to provide a new perspective on the world, a detachment from the ordinary, the ability to create a lifelong memory and growth as a human being.” The SS2 design will be refined and completed during an extensive test-flying program to commence shortly, and it will be an entirely new vehicle capable of carrying up to six passenger astronauts and up to two pilot astronauts into space on a suborbital flight, subject to applicable regulatory approvals. Virgin Galactic, www.virgingalactic.com Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com

JANUARY 2010 •





hank God for Las Vegas where I can go to Luxor, Paris, Monte Carlo, see Caesar’s Palace spend time with a Venetian on the Riviera and end up where I started – New York, NY – all within a few hours. As someone who has been to 106 countries and only 26 states, I’m glad to see that Las Vegas encourages international travel. So far, there is no Vermont Hotel, no Mississippi Hotel and no Carolina Hotel – North or South. Hopefully when visitors see Paris, the hotel, they’ll want to see Paris, the real city. If I want real elegance, I’ll go to the real Paris and the real Monte Carlo. If I want kitsch – I’ll go to the “Kitsch Capital of the World” – Las Vegas. Here’s a plea to the Las Vegas Tourist Board, Chamber of Commerce, Steve Wynn, Siegfried or Roy: Please keep my kitsch! In fact, please increase kitsch! I have been to the medieval banquet at the Excaliber Hotel. “Banquet” in the land of “all-you-can-eat buffets” is an oxymoron. Because Americans are becoming more obese – I think Las Vegas could use yet another theme hotel, the Ireland Hotel – with a special nightly dining feature – “The Potato Famine Banquet,” where guests learn how to control their appetites. Add a great spa and it could be marketed as a wellness hotel. There is an historical time gap in Las Vegas theme hotels. As a history buff, I started at Luxor, then went to Ancient Rome – Caesar’s Palace – and then to Medieval Europe in the Excaliber Hotel. Of course, since the Irish saved civilization during the Dark Ages – this is yet another reason to have the IRELAND HOTEL – but with very, very dark lighting in the public areas. Jeremy Handel, Public Relations Manager, Las Vegas CVB, suggested that Las Vegas is going more upscale and elite, "Some recent resorts in Las Vegas have started to go in a new direction -- with 'name architects'." Designer hotels with designer malls with designer stores. To a professor of architecture and humor – a kitsch devotee– this is a big calamity. I want more kitsch. What about the Versailles Hotel? There’s Casesar’s Palace why not Marie Antoinette’s Palace? And if Vegas wants more designer jewelry stores, let them open a Faberge Jeweler in Czar’s Palace Hotel – with Faberge eggs made out of real gold and real diamonds, not the schlock sold by venders in Palace Square in St. Petersburg (Russia). Souvenirs should be unique to their particular destination. Why the same Cartier store in four deluxe Las Vegas shopping malls offering the same merchandize that you can buy at Cartier on New York’s Fifth Avenue, Cartier on Paris’ Place Vendome and Cartier on Moscow’s Tsverskaya Street? If you stay in kitsch (hotels), you should be able to buy kitsch! There are only two places in the world where you can buy a 14 • JANUARY 2010

The famous Las Vegas strip.

gondolier’s straw hat with flying ribbons (made in China) – Venice and the Venetian Hotel in LasVegas. Las Vegas has truly unique shopping experiences – now! As for classical entertainment and fine art, Las Vegas has a Guggenheim Museum. I can go to a Guggenheim Museum in New York, Venice, Salzburg, Berlin, etc. However, the world has only one Wayne Newton – and there is only one place where I can experience him – Las Vegas. As for designer architects – Disney has one of the world’s greatest designer architects, Robert AM Stern – designing hotels that are historical pastiche bordering on kitsch. In fact, Robert AM Stern was a professor at Columbia Graduate School of Architecture when I attended. There I was taught that new buildings must blend in with their environment. This still holds true in every place but Las Vegas, where their architecture school likely teaches courses in landmark preservation – protecting buildings from the 80’s (not 1880’s, but 1980’s). Imagine the world’s top pastry chef making cakes that all have different and elaborate icing patterns – only to be the same cake underneath. With the exception of the Hotel Luxor and MGM Grand Hotel, the Las Vegas-theme hotels have the same tripartite floor plan – three identical wings radiating from the center circulation block containing elevators and stairs. Add a mansard roof and put a reduced-size Eiffel Tower in front and, voila, the Paris Hotel. Add pseudo (Doge’s Palace-like) -Gothic arches to the top of the Venetian Hotel and put a diminutive St. Mark’s campanile in front – presto, the Venetian Hotel. However, I’m willing to be objective. I love cutting-edge deconstructivist architecture and I’d be honored to visit and review LasVegas’ new City Center and other new hotels intended for the chic luxury, upscale market. Remember, if the newest hotels are not kitsch enough, there’s always the Times Square solution – pile on the neon!

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, www.lvcva.com, www.visitlasvegas.com Barry Goldsmith is a professor of architecture and humor. Goldsmith is a television host of travel-related TV series in the USA and UK. And he is a regular on a new syndicated radio show, Let’s Travel Radio. www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News


Making One’s “Way” to Galicia The Trek toward Santiago de Compostela, the City at the Heart of Galicia. R O B I N S WA D O S

Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com



n retrospect, it seems almost a guilty pleasure to have arrived by plane in Santiago de Compostela, the glorious city at the heart of the Galicia region in northwest Spain. After all, this fabled destination for spiritual and religious pilgrims has long been approached throughout history by hundreds of thousands of people willing to make the trek either on foot or by bicycle, slowly but surely wending their way toward Santiago along one of numerous scenic and historic routes through France and/or Spain. At the inaugural exhibit of Turexpo Galicia 2009 in November, for example, booklets were distributed to an international assemblage of tour operators from Latin America, Europe, and Asia that featured at least six major routes (known as Caminos) to Santiago—the French Way on foot; the French Way by bicycle; the English Way; the Route of the Sea of Arousa and the Ulla River; the Southeast Way, Via de la Plata; and the North Way. The first of these is the most traditional of all the pilgrims’ ways to Santiago and the best known internationally. The route, which crosses the north of the Iberian Peninsula, was established in the late 11th century. What, exactly, is the pilgrimage about? For one thing, Santiago de Compostela is considered to be the third most holy town within Roman Catholicism (after Jerusalem and Rome). Believed to be home to the remains of St. James, the patron saint of Spain and one of the 12 disciples of Christ, the feast celebrated in his name on July 25 falls on a Sunday only every 6, 5, 6, and 11 years, the next one being in 2010 (after that, it will not happen until 2021). For pilgrims from all over the world, the Jacobean Year 2010 will hold special meaning, when the normally closed east door of the city’s magnificent cathedral will be opened to them as an entrance. The Cathedral itself is a huge yet delicately filigreed structure, its western façade flanked by twin medieval towers some 249 feet high. The gigantic Plaza do Obradoiro sloping gently upward toward the two towers is frequently host to pilgrims who close their eyes, lie on their backs, spread their arms like wings and face the towers upside down. While the cathedral may represent the heart of Santiago de Compostela, it is by no means the city’s only attraction. The town’s hilly, twisted streets afford the visitor views of architecturally stunning chapels and monasteries, intimate shops, leisurely, graceful parks, contemporary museums, and cozy restaurants. The city’s main hotel, the Parador Hostal dos Reis Catolicos, also located on the Plaza do Obradoiro adjacent to the Cathedral, is an attraction unto it-

The western façade of the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela.

self—a five-star wonder that boasts the singular distinction of being the world’s oldest hotel, having begun its life as a hostel in 1499. It contains four stunning cloisters, elegant living rooms, a luxurious dining room, and 137 spectacular bedrooms ranging in price from approximately $300 to $800. Those fortunate enough to spend the night in this unique accommodation won’t easily forget its tranquility and beauty. Plaza Do Obradoiro, santiago@parador.es A mere stone’s throw from the Hostal dos Reis Catolicos is the equally impressive San Francisco Hotel Monumento, which accomplishes the feat of sharing space with an active Franciscan Monastery while having renovated its guest quarters and public areas in ultra-modern style that nevertheless blends almost imperceptibly with the 18thcentury architecture that surrounds it. It is somewhat CONTINUED ON PAGE


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more intimate than the Hostal, containing 82 rooms, a glistening indoor swimming pool, two covered cloisters, gardens, the monastery’s orchard, and every modern convenience the casual or business traveler might need or require. San Francisco Hotel Monumento, commercial@sanfranciscohm.com, www.sanfranciscohm.com For those travelers wishing to indulge in the highest (and purest) form of luxury, the Balneario del Gran Hotel La Toja, located on the island of La Toja in the Rías Baixas region, approximately an hour’s drive from Santiago, is an ultra-luxurious spa resort featuring programs ranging from two to 10 nights (and priced accordingly). Situated a stone’s throw from the water, the resort features a swimming pool, hydrotherapy, facial peels, mineral, mud and thermal treatments, a nine-hole golf course, and tennis. Balneario del Gran Hotel La Toja, reservas@granhotellatoja.com, www.granhotellatoja.com

Promoting the Costa da Morte The Costa da Morte (Death Coast), a stunningly rugged stretch of land running along the Atlantic and located within an hour’s drive from Santiago de Compostela, culminates in yet another highly popular pilgrim destination, Finesterre (Land’s End), a rock-bound peninsula on the west coast of Galicia complete with a beautiful, if lonely, lighthouse. Finisterre is about a 60-mile walk from Santiago de Compostela. [Some pilgrims continue on to Muxia, which is a day's walk away.] This magnificently scenic coastline was the focus of a Turexpo Galicia 2009 lecture/demonstration by APTCM (Associacíon Profesionel de Sirios Turusticos de la Costa da Morte). “Promotur Costa da Morte” is an initiative of more than 70 companies within APTCM that offers tour operators the option to buy packages promoting the religious and spiritual connection between Spain and its Celtic and Atlantic forebears so prevalent in Galicia. The packages include such products as “Nature Galicia,” a program in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia (Galician regional government) for seniors interested in rural tourism; “Naturally Galicia,” a youth program in collaboration with the Galician regional government; “In Search of Mushrooms,” a pioneering initiative in Costa da Morte in 2007, combined with rural tourism mycological days; and “Bono Jacobus,” which began as a package based on the Way from Santiago to Finesterre and Muxia and has now expanded to other Ways. Guides are available for each package. For packages, www.aptcm.ed, www.reservasweb@viajesviloria.com, www.turismocostadamorte.com 16 • JANUARY 2010

The Pazo de Señorans winery in Vilanoviña, near Santiago de Compostela.

As might be expected, Galicia’s proximity to the icy waters of the Atlantic showcases a variety of some of the world’s most glorious seafood dishes, from crab and lobster to calamari, cod, and mussels and a sublimely prepared octopus, eaten all year round and at every fiesta in Galicia as octopus a la feira, where it is boiled, chopped into pieces, seasoned with paprika and salt and sprinkled with olive oil. It is, quite simply, heavenly, and could easily alter the misconceptions of anyone leery of eating octopus. Some of the finest examples of local seafood were to be had at the Parador de Cambados, a three-star hotel in a seventeenth-century manor house overlooking the Ria de Arousa on the west coast of Galicia, and at the San Martino Restaurante in Calo, which offered up some of the most fantastic examples of shrimp, crab, and mussels this reporter has ever tasted. Parador de Cambados, cambados@parador.es, reservas@parador.es Scrumptious though its seafood may be, Galicia’s culinary offerings are by no means limited to fish. The city of Lalin, for example, features at its town center its most famous resident—a larger-than-life sculpture of a pig, which showcases the city’s most important product. With a mixture of affection and pragmatism, the local citizens and farmers raise pigs with an eye toward making use of every single part of them, be it in soups, stews, or simply boiled. The Cabanas Restaurant, named for its famous chef José Luis Iglesias Cabanas, for example, featured a lunch that started innocently enough with a delicious bowl of soup and thin noodles and progressed gradually but inexorably from the ham shoulder to the head, ears, snout, and other parts of the animal not so easily identified, all laid out neatly on www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News


The cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, seen from across the city park.

sparkling white platters, accompanied by excellent local wine. While such a meal may present a challenge for even the most intrepid of eaters, it is worth a visit and won’t easily be forgotten. Rúa Pintor Laxeira, restaurantecabanas@gmail.com; www.restaurantecabanas.com While digesting that enormous meal, the visitor to Lalin might wish to visit its ethnocological museum, located a short distance from town in the countryside, which features a fascinating assortment of displays of local history, as well as the beautiful 12th century chapel located a short distance from the center of town. And for those wishing to explore more of the Galician countryside—either on foot or by car—a stop to the Pazo de Bendoiro, also in the Lalin region, is a must. An impressive walled building with an interior courtyard and porch, the Pazo dates back to 1579 and has been beautifully restored as a restaurant, hotel, events center, and favorite location for weddings and celebrations. Bendoiro-Prado, info@pazodebendoiro.com, www.pazodebendoiro.com

And to go with that food . . . Any stay in Galicia would not be complete without a visit to at least one or two local wineries. We visited two of the finest in the region. The first, AdegaValdés, located near the Parador de Cambados, is a relatively young 30 years old and produces a luscious variety of wines, including Gundian, Pazo Viladomar and Gundian Tinto, along with a number of eaude-vies and liqueurs. Sta. Cruz de Rivadulla, Vedra, commercial@gundian.com, www.adegavaldes.com Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com

The second, Pazo de Señorans, located in Vilanoviña in the town of Meis Pontevedra, surrounds an exquisite 19th-century manor house and produces two varieties—Pazo Señorans, and Pazo Señorans Add Selection. Together or separately, these beautiful wineries can bring a perfect day in Galicia to a satisfying conclusion, leaving a warm glow in your stomach and a lovely memory in your mind. Bear in mind that the Jacobean Year 2010 is now upon us, with July 25 a mere seven months away. Pilgrims wend their way toward the fabled city of Santiago de Compostela 365 days a year. With its panoply of cathedrals, churches, chapels, monasteries and religious sanctuaries, Santiago will be especially crowded this “Jubilee” year and promises to be an even more challenging place in which to snag a reservation for a place to stay. A word to travel agents and tour operators: the best time to reserve a spot for your client is . . . the day before yesterday.

GERMANY NUMBER ONE WORLDWIDE FOR EASE OF TRAVEL AND STANDARD OF LIVING For the very first time, Germany is among the Top 10 of the Country Brand Index, and number 9 among 102 rated countries. “An excellent result,” says a happy Lutz P. Vogt, Managing Director of the GCB German Convention Bureau, “which also confirms the performance of the German meetings and conventions industry. Germany ranks top exactly in the categories that are important for meetings and events: number one worldwide in the ‘Ease of Travel’ category plus number one in ‘Standard of Living’— with a good business climate, high per-capita GDP and cuttingedge infrastructure playing a major role.” With 16 international and 14 regional airports seamlessly interlinked with approximately 25 miles of railway network and almost seven miles of motorways, Germany offers excellent travel connections throughout. For the fifth time running, the U.S.-based FutureBrand company and Weber Shandwick agency have issued the Country Brand Index (CBI), for which they interviewed almost 3,000 frequent travelers from nine countries and over 30 experts on 26 categories. As the Top Country Brand, the USA has made it to number one in 2009 for the first time —ahead of Canada and the 2008 numberone Australia. “Germany’s number-9 position naturally means a further motivation boost for our local meeting and convention industry,” says Lutz P. Vogt. “Now we want to help Germany move even further ahead among the Top 10.” Published by the Frankfurt-based major institutions German Convention Bureau (GCB), the European Association of Event Centers (EVVC) and German National Tourist Board (GNTB), the Meeting & Event Barometer 2009 corroborates the results of the Country Brand Index. German Convention Bureau (GCB), info@gcb.de, www.futurebrand.com, www.germany-meetings.com JANUARY 2010 •



to his wife Elisabeth Christine, who lived in the elaborately decorated rooms until her death in 1797. The palace is one of the very few Berlin buildings not damaged during WWII. Located in former East Berlin, Schönhausen Palace became the seat of German Democratic Republic presidents. It’s open Tuesday through Sunday; entrance fee is approximately $9. Berlin Tourism Marketing North America, kirsten.schmidt@btm.de, www.visitberlin.de, www.visitberlin.tv


Over two million visitors flocked to Berlin, Germany, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Wall. On November 9, hundreds of thousands of Berliners and their guests participated in the celebrations at Brandenburg Gate. Burkhard Kieker, CEO of Berlin Tourismus Marketing, commented, “Over the last few days Berliners have shown millions of guests what they have done with their city in the 20 years since the Fall of the Wall. The fact that the world loves this new Berlin is confirmed by the steadily rising numbers of visitors—even in the thick of the global economic crisis.” Hotels in the city were almost fully booked for the anniversary. The “Festival of Freedom” at the Brandenburg Gate drew 2,800 international journalists accredited for the event; images were broadcast around the globe. Berlin closed its 2008 tourism year with record visits. In 2008, 7.9 million guests checked into Berlin’s hotels: a 4.2-percent increase over 2007. Visitor numbers have been increasing steadily for the past five years. In 2008, numbers from the USA and Canada remained in the positive, with a one-percent increase from the USA, and an impressive 22-percent increase of Canadian visitors. From January until August 2009, overall visitor numbers to Berlin have increased by 4.5 percent. Berlin currently boasts 104,875 hotel beds in 718 hotels and guesthouses, with more hotels scheduled to open. A recent survey conducted by Hotels.com, revealed Berlin’s average hotel rate of approximately $113 per night lies significantly below those of other top destinations. Hundreds of Berlin hotels can be booked online with a “best-rate-guarantee” at the Visit Berlin website. For the first time in its 350-year history, the baroque Schönhausen Palace in Berlin’s Pankow district opened as a museum in December. In 1740, Frederick the Great gave the palace 18 • JANUARY 2010

Tauck has announced its Tauck Bridges family-specific trips for 2010, and its portfolio will include a river cruise designed especially for families. Tauck had tested the family river cruise concept in 2009, and based on overwhelmingly positive guest feedback and strong sales, the company is formally adding it to its Bridges line for 2010. A total of 12 Bridges itineraries in Europe, North America, Latin America and Africa are offered. The Tauck Bridges river cruise, “Blue Danube: Family Riverboat Adventure” (eight days, from $2,790 ppdo, plus air) begins in Budapest and travels the Danube to visit Bratislava, Vienna, Dürnstein, Linz, Passau and Regensburg, with a full-day excursion to Salzburg included. The itinerary incorporates a number of components crafted specifically to provide family fun, including a scavenger hunt and whitewater rafting in Bratislava, a hands-on strudel-making class, a visit to quirky, whimsical Hellbrunn Castle near Salzburg, and a marzipan sculpting class. Departures are scheduled for July 1 and 29. Bridges trips have comprised one of the fastest-growing segments of Tauck’s business in recent years, and company CEO Dan Mahar credits the success to Bridges’ unique approach. “We build each Bridges trip around ‘shared enrichment,’ in which family members reconnect by building bonds—or bridges—as they experience the joys of travel together,” said Mahar. “Parents today want to stimulate their children’s curiosity and sense of wonder about the world, and they want to spend quality time together as a family. Bridges trips provide true enriching engagement within each destination, with the added benefit of having Tauck handle all the planning and execution of the vacation. Parents are free to totally relax and really get the most from the time with their children.” Tauck introduced its Bridges trips in 2003, and the collection has grown to include a dozen itineraries. Especially popular are “Italia Bella: Rome to Venice,” “Castles & Kings: London to Paris,” and “Cowboy Country” which visits Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Others explore Costa Rica, the Galapagos Islands, the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park, Tanzania, and the historic mid-Atlantic corridor including Williamsburg, Washington, D.C. and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Tauck, 800-468-2825, www.tauck.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News


Viking River Cruises Chairman Torstein Hagen celebrates the christening of Viking Legend with godmother Stevi Tracas.

Stevi M. Tracas, Viking Legend’s godmother, broke the traditional bottle of champagne across the ship’s hull when Viking River Cruises christened its newest ship in Amsterdam last November. Her blessing: “May you sail the great rivers of Europe with impeccable style and with a special respect for our environment. May you be the setting for the delight and joy of travelers seeking new and enriching vistas, and may your journeys promote understanding and harmony amongst all cultures. I now christen this legendary ship Viking Legend. May you hold safe your dedicated crew and honored guests.” Ms. Tracas is married to Steve Tracas, President and CEO of Vacation.com, Viking’s top global marketing partner. “This was a momentous day as we have launched a beautiful new ship,” said Viking River Cruises Chairman Torstein Hagen. “Stevi is very familiar with the travel industry and has firsthand knowledge of our products. Viking Legend carries 189 guests in 97 staterooms, boasting the two largest suites on Europe’s rivers. The ship’s propulsion system is a “green” diesel-electric hybrid engine, with innovative noiseand vibration-reduction features. The 2010 season will start with the 10-day Tulips & Windmills program through Holland and Belgium; the ship will then spend the majority of the season cruising Viking’s popular Grand European Tour itinerary from Amsterdam to Budapest. Viking River Cruises, 877-66VIKING (877-668-4546), www.vikingrivercruises.com

POLAND CULINARY VACATIONS OFFERS MAZOVIA AND WARSAW, PLUS 2010 DISCOUNTS Poland Culinary Vacations, Inc. has added a new cooking trip to its 2010 line-up: A Taste of Poland in Mazovia and Warsaw. This sevenday cooking vacation in the Mazovia region of Poland (east-central) takes place in rural areas as well as in Warsaw. Dates for this newest cooking vacation, as well as trips to Silesia and Lesser Poland regions, are posted on the company’s website. A Taste of Poland in Mazovia and Warsaw is a custom-designed Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com

itinerary created in collaboration with local people. The trip features hands-on and demonstration-style cooking lessons in Polish villages, with side trips to neighborhood markets and Polish food festivals. During these side trips, participants will sample local breads, cheeses, preserves, sausages, wild game dishes, beer, honey wines, and world-renowned vodkas. Blueberry- and mushroom-hunting are also on the agenda. In addition to preparing regional cuisine with local cooks, participants will learn from professional chefs in Warsaw. Accommodations are in a 19th-century palace in the countryside and in a luxurious five-star hotel in Warsaw. The itinerary also includes visits to cultural and historic sites in Warsaw and to the famously unique Kurpie region in northern Mazovia. A 20-percent discount per person is being offered exclusively to Travel World News readers who register online for a 2010 trip by January 31, 2010. They must mention or comment during the reservation process that they found out about Poland Culinary Vacations from Travel World News. And, travelers who are already in Poland can get a quick introduction to Polish cuisine by attending a one-day Polish cooking class in Krakow (Cracow) designed to teach preparation of a three-course gourmet meal. Poland Culinary Vacations and the Culinary Institute in Cracow have teamed up to create these special classes. Poland Culinary Vacations, info@polandculinary.com, www.polandculinaryvacations.com

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The Dominican Republic’s North Coast: The Complete Vacation Destination History, activities, resorts. D . O. C H R I S T I A N R I E G E R I V LIFESTYLE HOLIDAYS VACATION CLUB RESORT

Aerial view of Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club Resort, Cofresi Beach, Dominican Republic.


o tropical vacation destination has more to offer vacationers than the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, from Isabella in the west, the first European settlement in the Western Hemisphere, to the Bay of Samana at the east end, visited by 3000 to 5000 humpback whales every winter, and with a variety of tropical playlands in between; Playa Grande, Sosua and Cabarete.

First in History La Isabella is the first European settlement in the Western Hemisphere. Christopher Columbus founded it on his first voyage and is the only place where he owned land. Similar to Williamsburg, Virginia, it is being rebuilt on 500 year old ruins to replicate the original. The major port-city on the North Coast is Puerto Plata, founded in 1496 by Chris’ brother, Bartholomew. (Who knew he had a brother, right?) It was Spain's most important port until 1520 when it went into economic decline. It picked itself up by the bootstraps when it went into the profitable smuggling business. At the port’s entrance is Fort San Felipe, built in the late 1500’s, one of the New World's oldest forts. Puerto Plata is known for its unique Victorian wooden buildings and town square with its two story band stand in the center. Around the corner and down the block is the Amber 20 • JANUARY 2010

Museum combined with ye oldee giftee shoppee where visitors can purchase amber bracelets, pendants and necklaces, as well as bugs in amber, just like the one in the first scene of Jurassic Park. The Dominican Republic is the only place in the world that has blue amber. A wonderful gift to take home to a member the discotheque crowd: it glows in black light. Slightly out of town is the only cable car in the Caribbean. For about $5.50, passengers ride to the top of Mount Isabel de Torres, 2555 feet above sea level. The changing views as the car ascends are exhilarating. At the top are botanical gardens, paved walks through the woods, and a replica of the Christ in Rio de Janeiro looking over the city below and the ocean beyond. Best to go in the morning, because the afternoon tends to fog it in. The Brugal rum factory is also nearby. Brugal makes the third largest-selling rum in the world. English-speaking, company guides introduce visitors to the history of rum making with its animal-driven, sugar cane-crushing equipment as well as methods used in modern production. The tour takes about three-quarters of an hour, and at the end there is rum and pina colada tasting for all.

First in Activities The Dominican Republic’s beaches are not just one shade of beige, like most beaches in the U.S. and Canada. They www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News


Where to Stay Next to Ocean World is The Tropical at Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club Resort. It has 282 spacious guest rooms divided into 229 rooms, most with ocean views, and 53 junior suites, all air conditioned. From February 1st through April 30th, rates range from $220.00 for a single room to $280.00 ppdo for a two bedroom suite. All the rooms have standard Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com


range from almost transparent, as in Diamond Beach, to Golden, as in the beaches at the resort complex of Playa Dorada. In between would be the sugar-white sand beaches as in the nearby Bay of Sosua, one of the most popular beaches in the Dominican Republic. The bay is so well protected from winds, the water rarely has more than a light chop. It is surprisingly clear and the bay is widespread with corals and colorful fishes in its protected waters of the Dominican Republic’s Coral Garden Project. If it is good enough to be protected, it has got to be good. Snorkeling and SCUBA trips can be booked at all hotels. A few miles east of Sosua is Cabarete. This small, beachside town has grown to achieve international importance as one of the top five kite boarding and windsurfing destinations in the world. So good are the conditions here, in fact, that Cabarete is regularly a stop in international competitions. The beach is lined with about 20 restaurants and bars, a few serving breakfast, most serving lunch and dinner, plus disco till dawn. Life here centers on the beach. It is not an appendage to other activities. During the day it is filled with adventure-seeking surfers and loungers-for-tans who convert to casual diners by night dining on steaks, pasta, pizza and fresh-out-of-the-bay-that-day seafood. Dining for dinner is casual. Perhaps less than causal: a wet bathing suit and bare feet is chic. One of the most popular attractions on the North Coast is Ocean World, at Cofresi Beach, a few miles west of the City of Puerto Plata. At a cost of $55.00 for adults and $40.00 for children for a day pass, guests can see a slew of shows and exhibits. These include the sea lion show, the dolphin show, bird show, meeting the tigers, participation in the world’s first interaction shark pool, a stingray encounter, snorkeling a reef, and hanging out at Dolphin Beach that has an aquaglide. The new Royal Swim Special, $199.00 for adults and $154.00 for children, gives 60 minutes of interaction and play with 2 dolphins. This puts ear-to-ear grins on guests’ faces that are almost impossible to peel off. They swim underwater with the dolphins, ride on the dolphins, feed the dolphins, and kiss the dolphins. It is an always-to-be-remembered experience. Definitely worth the bucks. Additionally, Ocean World has a casino and a Las Vegas quality showroom, Bravissimo. Its marina is an official Dominican Republic port of entry complete with immigration www.oceanworld.net ) and customs facilities. (w

Victorian band stand and monuments of national heroes in the main plaza, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.

amenities like daily-stocked mini-frig, iron, ironing board and coffee maker. The Tropical has six restaurants, five are table service. There is 24-hour food and drink service, daytime and late-night snacks. Liquor, soft drinks and beer can be had at four bars. The resort prides itself on its food. Some of it is organic, though the customers may not know this. This is part of Fadi Hamad’s, the new food and beverage director of seven months, concept of caring for guests. He explains, “My philosophy is that respect for food is respect for life, for who we are and what we do . . . it is central to the entire dining experience.” His main thrust is to work on new concepts in existing restaurants and bars, as well as planning new dining venues. The resort provides free introductory scuba lessons in one of the pools. Non-motorized water sports, fitness center, nightly entertainment, amphitheater shows, nightclub (drinks not included), kid’s club, daytime tennis, and bicycle and shuttle service on property. (www.lifestyleholidaysvc.com) Blue Bay Villas Doradas is in the Puerto Plata resort complex of Playa Dorada. It has 131 standard rooms, 106 standard plus, 4 junior suites and 4 suites for a total of 245 units. From January 4th through April 30th, the rack rates range from a reasonable $83.00 ppdo to $111.00 ppdo for standard rooms. This is the all-inclusive price for beer, booze, piña coladas, wine with lunch and dinner, the international buffet, and three a la carte restaurants — an Asian restaurant, a steak house and a seafood restaurant, with the latter two next to the beach and the steak house being opened 24 hours. The most popular meal is the Wednesday night Mexican buffet. The general manager, Oscar Lora, says, “One of our different approaches to our buffet is we also offer a health section in addition to the wide array in the main buffet tables. Each day at lunch and dinner there are three different entrees with healthy dining in mind. These are in addition to the soups, one of which is a light soup.” CONTINUED ON PAGE







For a mere supplement of $80.00 per room per day, guests get an upgrade to a junior suite, and $100.00 gets an upgrade to a full suite. The supplement includes, among other added benefits and services, daily appetizer in room, fruit basket, 24 hour room service for all meals, no limit to dining in a la carte restaurants, access to private beach area, early check-in and late check-out and private transfer to the Puerto Plata Airport. Plus, the refrigerator/bar is restocked every day with beers, wines and premium liquor of the guests’ choice — Johnnie Walker, Dewar’s, Canadian Whiskey and such. That’s a hell of a deal. Of its three pools, one is in a no-smoking and a quiet zone next to the spa. It is also opened to 11:00 PM. Most of November and into December, BlueBay is 100% occupied. You will be hard-pressed to find any resort, inn or B & B in the Caribbean Basin of which this is true. Lora has an explanation: “It’s the service.” (www.bluebayresorts.com) Also in the Playa Dorada complex is the 50 unit, all-suite, Casa Colonial Beach & Spa. No doubt about it, it is a luxury resort. One of the sure ways for clients to get luxury resort is if the owner/management was brought up in luxury. That is the case here. It is a member of the prestigious Virtuoso Hotel’s & Resorts Program and was recently awarded the AAA Four Diamond honor for both the hotel and its gourmet restaurant, Lucia. The property was also the first member in the Dominican Republic of Small Luxury Hotels of the World. For exclusivity and guest privacy, its pool is on the roof, along with a bar and four Jacuzzis to sit and watch the swaying palms and the ocean with tropical drinks in hand. Muy romantic. There are two restaurants, one is billed as gourmet. But in actuality, both are. You cannot have a luxury resort and a second-rate restaurant. Rates at range from $350.00 to $1300.00 ppdo per night, exclusive of food. Add $120.00 for FAP. And it is damn well worth it. For wedding receptions and incentive trips, the resort buy-out is $19, 460.00. Agent’s commission is 15%. www.vhhr.com) (w

Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism, www.godominicanrepublic.com

NEW ROCKRESORT OPENING IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IN FEBRUARY RockResorts is continuing to expand its international hotel portfolio with the announcement of its second Caribbean resort, Balcones del Atlántico, A RockResort. Scheduled to open in early 2010, Balcones del Atlántico will embody island elegance and undiscovered natural beauty, blending the Dominican Republic’s local flavor and Latin flair. The multi-room villa-suite resort is ideally situated along the sparkling waters of nearly a mile of white-sand beaches in the small fishing village of Las Terrenas on the Samaná Peninsula of the 22 • JANUARY 2010

Dominican Republic. The resort will feature four private spa treatment palapas, two pools with swim-up bars, a three-meal-a-day beach restaurant and bar, and gourmet deli shop. With 86 two- and three-bedroom villa suites, Balcones del Atlántico will offer a stylish and comfortable design with a strong emphasis on the natural surroundings. The Samaná Peninsula is easily accessible from a number of international airports, offering direct air service from New York, Miami, Boston, Fort Lauderdale and Philadelphia. In addition, the Samaná Peninsula has been blessed with tremendous natural attractions like Los Haitises National Park, El Limón Waterfalls, Rincón Bay, Cosón Bay and the vibrant village of Las Terrenas. Located on the north coast of the Samaná Peninsula, Las Terrenas brings together a myriad of cultures including French, German, Italian and Spanish influences and offers resort guests additional options for dining, shopping, nightlife and other activities within a short walk along the beach. Balcones del Atlántico, www.rockresorts.com

STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE APPOINTS JIM CURTIS AREA DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING, CARIBBEAN Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide has named Jim Curtis Area Director of Sales and Marketing, Caribbean. “Jim is an industry veteran with an outstanding record of leading sales and marketing efforts for some of Starwood’s topperforming properties,” said Graeme Davis, Vice President of Operations for Starwood, Southern and Caribbean Region. “His exceptional leadership abiliJIM CURTIS ties and results-oriented sales skills make him the perfect candidate to head up our regional portfolio.” In addition to overseeing sales and marketing efforts for Starwood’s Caribbean cluster, Curtis will manage sales and marketing for The Westin St. John Resort & Villas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Starwood’s Caribbean portfolio also includes Sheraton Cable Beach Nassau, Bahamas, The Westin Resort, Aruba and three new properties in Puerto Rico—Sheraton Puerto Convention Center, W Vieques (opening March 2010) and The St. Regis Bahia Beach (opening fall 2010). With 23 years of hospitality experience including 18 years at Starwood, Curtis most recently served as Director of Sales and Marketing at The Westin Diplomat Resort and Spa and The Diplomat Country Club in Hollywood, Florida. Curtis has also directed sales and marketing efforts at such signature Starwood properties as the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort as well as at brand hotels in Tuscon and Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. Curtis began his career with Starwood at the Sheraton New Orleans. Prior to joining Starwood, he held positions with Intercontinental Hotels and New Orleans’ Fairmont Hotel. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, www.starwoodhotels.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News

CARIBBEAN GENEROUS OFF-THE-RACK DISCOUNT AT THE SANDS AT GRACE BAY, TURKS & CAICOS The Sands at Grace Bay is offering 25 percent off the rack rates for all room categories, for travel to the resort between January 4 and February 12, 2010. With no minimum stay requirements and discounted rates starting at only $214 per night for a courtyard studio—this offer encourages families and couples to throw aside their snow shovels for sand shovels, and indulge in a relaxing and rejuvenating Caribbean getaway to kick off the New Year. A beach lover’s delight, The Sands at Grace Bay is situated on the world-renowned 12-mile crescent of powdery white sand known as Grace Bay Beach. The family-friendly 112-room resort located on six oceanfront acres offers accommodations in studios and one-, two- and three-bedroom suites ranging from 1,000 to 1,600 square feet, all of which combine comfort-focused amenities and spectacular natural surroundings. Suites also come with fully equipped kitchens appointed with stainless appliances, granite countertops, coffee makers and more. Guests have unlimited access to an ample menu of complimentary watersports—from kayaks and windsurfing equipment to snorkel gear and Hobie Cats—as well as three free-form pools for all manner of underwater activities. The Sands at Grace Bay is the home of Hemingway’s Restaurant and Bar—a legendary beachside venue and local favorite—where guests can enjoy gourmet selections and island specialties seven days a week. Spa treatments by Spa Tropique are available by appointment. Guests are also welcome to enjoy the resort’s indoor fitness center, non-motorized water sports, tennis court, and bicycles as well as complimentary WiFi in the rooms, restaurant and lobby. The 25-percent rack rate discount is valid for new bookings made on all room categories, for travel to The Sands at Grace Bay between January 4 and February 12, 2010. The offer is subject to availability and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions, and is not applicable for groups. The Sands at Grace Bay, 877-777-2637, www.thesandstc.com

After each section, agents submit an online test that gets submitted to the resort on completion. Those scoring at least 95 percent in each section will receive certification for the specific section. Agents are able to receive certification in all sections and specializations. In addition to increased knowledge about the Jamaican luxury resorts, travel professionals who successfully complete the program will gain benefits like priority notice for specials and promotions, participation in familiarization trips, automatic registration in the Full Moon Rewards program, access to the Half Moon reservation concierge, and a special welcome amenity for their clients. In order to maintain Half Moon Select status, agents are required to participate in at least one online training seminar conducted by the resort per year and are required to make a minimum of one three-night booking per year. Additionally, Half Moon Select agents will be upgraded to Half Moon Premier Select once they book a minimum of 40 room nights within a year. Agents can access the agent-exclusive portal for updates on new services, upgrades, products and features at the Jamaican resort. The site will also include current information on Jamaica, making it a one-stop resource for agents when booking a client’s trip. Half Moon, www.halfmoon.com/agents, www.halfmoon.com

HALF MOON CERTIFIES TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS WITH ITS SELECT PROGRAM With its ten room categories including private villas, activities that include championship golf, dolphin encounters and horseback riding, extensive meeting and function facilities and a host of other amenities, Myrtle Dwyer, Director of Sales and Marketing of Half Moon, wants travel professionals to be experts in selling the resort through its new Half Moon Select online training program. The program is divided into two sections; the first takes agents through property knowledge and provides information on resort and destination culture. The second phase allows agents to specialize more specially in groups/events and romance segments. Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com




Island Routes Luxury Adventure Tours announced the reopening of the Marina at Emerald Bay, Great Exuma, in November. The 150-slip marina is part of the all-new Sandals Emerald Bay, Great Exuma, Bahamas resort complex. Sandals Resorts purchased the former Four Seasons Resort Great Exuma at Emerald Bay, along with the 18-hole Greg Norman-designed championship golf course and Marina facilities, in August 2009, and is completing a $15million upgrade of the property. Island Routes Luxury Adventure Tours has been tapped to manage both the Marina at Emerald Bay and the championship golf course. Located 130 miles southeast of Nassau in the Exuma Cays, the Marina at Emerald Bay is a full-service facility accommodating yachts 35 ft. to 240 ft. at fixed and floating Bellingham docks. Berth facilities include electricity (30/50/100-amp, three-phase), fresh water, sewage pump-out at each slip, monitoring on channels 16 and 11, and fuel (gas, diesel). Upgrade to a 480-volt power supply is in progress. Maintenance crews are on hand at all times. The Marina at Emerald Bay additionally offers a convenient customs and immigration Port of Entry for The Bahamas. The Marina’s renovated Clubhouse offers informal, al fresco dining at Wahoo’s Restaurant & Bar with spectacular views from its wrap-around terrace. There are facilities to accommodate families with children and a new pool is being added in 2010. Rates for the Marina at Emerald Bay begin at $2.25 per foot with long-term rate incentives available. Marina guests can also enjoy all the facilities at Sandals Emerald Bay through a day-pass system—$180 per person for a day pass, $150 night pass. Passes include fine dining, unlimited premium drinks, watersports including snorkeling and scuba diving, land sports, taxes, tips and gratuities. The resort is scheduled to open January 22, 2010. The Sandals Emerald Bay’s Greg Norman-designed 7,200 yard, par 72, championship golf course boasts six signature holes hugging the perimeter of the peninsula. Greens fees are $175 per round and include a golf cart, sleeve of balls and yardage book. Marina at Emerald Bay, info@marinaatemeraldbay.com, www.marinaatemeraldbay.com; Island Routes Luxury Adventure Tours, www.islandroutes.com; Sandals Emerald Bay, www.sandals.com/main/emerald/em-home.cfm 24 • JANUARY 2010

DOMAINE DE LONVILLIERS IN ST. MARTIN HAS REOPENED Following his successes in St. Tropez, Avoriaz and Marrakech, Christophe Leroy, icon chef and darling of the jet set, has brought his famous baby “La Table du Marche” to St. Martin FWI at Domaine de Lonvilliers. Nestled in the sheltered bay of Anse Marcel, on a bed of white sand, the resort is featuring “La Table du Marches des Iles”—harmonizing the best of French and Caribbean cuisine. The resort is set amid a vast tropical garden with graceful palms and flamboyant trees, with a profusion of exotic flowers. A total of 145 rooms and suites with terraces and patios offer ocean or garden views. Airy, light-filled guestrooms feature flat-panel TVs, complimentary WIFI, terraces or patios, and bathrooms with soaking tubs and Bulgari amenities. Special reopening rates offered through March 31, 2010, are $250 per room and $450 per suite (taxes included). The resort features five cabanas, two beach bars, a freeform pool, spa, fitness center, and water sports. An adjacent marina offers a variety of boat rentals and deep-sea fishing charter excursions. The resort faces Creole Rock, one of St. Martin’s top diving spots and the neighboring island of Anguilla. Popular Orient Beach is about a 10-minute drive from the resort and The International Airport can be reached in just ten minutes by boat and a half-hour by car. Domaine de Lonvilliers, www.hotel-le-domaine.com; Dominique Debay Hotel & Resort Marketing, info@ddhrm.com, dominiquedebay@ddhrm.com, www.ddhrm.com

LONG BAY HOTEL IN ANTIGUA OFFERS SPECIAL WINTER RATES Long Bay Hotel in Antigua is welcoming guests with exceptionally low rates for the winter season—$98 per person/per night room only, for the best room available at time of booking. The resort continues to offer a unique Caribbean/Antiguan vacation experience, key word here being ‘Caribbean.’ At Long Bay Antigua—more an inn and small resort than a hotel, a vacation experience that mimics the past is emphasized, with a relaxed, easygoing, casual atmosphere that still offers modern activities and service at a reasonable price. Long Bay Hotel, Antigua, was designed with space and comfort as a priority. Although offering just 25 accommodations—spacious not massive, guests find far more comfortable public area spaces than they might expect. There’s a freestanding Beach House directly on Long Bay Beach that offers guests the convenience of food and cocktails just yards from the calm Caribbean Sea. And a Club House which supports the Hats OFF Cocktail Lounge, the Turtle Restaurant, the Bayside patio, a large games room and a 1,000-title library, as well as a reception area.This is a Caribbean resort and inn started by the Lafaurie Family in 1966, is now, with the addition of many services over the life of the Resort, a small Antiguan resort and inn that offers services rivaling many a five-star. Long Bay Hotel, www.longbayhotel.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News

CARIBBEAN LIFESTYLE HOLIDAYS VACATION CLUB PUERTO PLATA FORMS PARTNERSHIP WITH GLOBALIA CORPORATION Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club (LHVC) in the Dominican Republic has formed a strategic alliance with Spain-based Globalia Corporation, beginning with a high-end project in Puerto Plata to include 36 luxury, multi-bedroom suites of the new resort project. “Our exciting venture in Puerto Plata with Globalia is just the start of the great things we can do together in the hospitality industry,” declared Markus Wischenbart, President of Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club. The first venture, The Presidential Suites at Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Resort, opened at end of year, with ultra-modern oneand two-bedrooms, full kitchen, dining area plus living room and pull-down Murphy bed to accommodate eight. Amenities include a French Fusion restaurant, swimming pool with waterfall, hot tub, three professional tennis courts, wireless Internet, private beach and access to all Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Resort facilities. Globalia Corporation is a travel and leisure conglomerate in Spain owning and operating leading travel companies such as Air Europa, Oasis Hotels & Resorts, Travelplan, and Iberrail, as well as call centers, technology and graphic art businesses. The Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Resort encompasses four distinct products: The Tropical, The Crown Suites, The Crown Villas and The Residence Suites. Additional high-end projects scheduled include The Contemporary, Costa Esmeralda by Lifestyle and The Level. Guests have access to five swimming pools, six on-property restaurants, nightly entertainment, spa, beach, tennis and more. Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club VIP “Members only” amenities include a gourmet restaurant, café, lounge, bar, swimming pool, and beach, as well as golf carts, limo transfers and helicopter tours. Next-door is the Ocean World Adventure Park with daily animal and aquatic shows plus its signature nighttime Las Vegas-style show, Bravissimo. Other activities include a cable-car ride to the peak of Mount Isabella de Torres, whitewater rafting, horseback riding, deep-sea fishing, monster truck safaris and city tours of Puerto Plata, named in 2008 as one of the 53 best destinations in the world by The New York Times. Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club, www.lifestyleholidaysvc.com

Retreat four-night package for $3,585 for a party of two (plus 10percent service charge and 10-percent government tax). From May 1 to August 31, rates for the Girlfriends’ Getaway will be reduced to $2,985 (plus 10-percent service charge and 10-percent government tax). The package is perfectly suited for harried professionals and devoted family members deserving a brief reprieve from responsibilities and routine. In addition to four nights in a breathtaking Ocean View Double/Twin Room, the package includes a welcome greeting at the airport or ferry terminal Anguilla and complimentary transport to and from the resort. Once at Malliouhana, gals will indulge in three 60-minute massage treatments per person in the 15,000-square-foot oceanfront spa.Treatments include therapeutic massages, body polish, facial treatments and an oasis manicure/pedicure. Additionally, each will enjoy two nights of three-course meals from Malliouhana’s robust a la carte menu and daily continental breakfast. Perched on a bluff overlooking the ocean, the picturesque 55room Malliouhana Hotel & Spa is owner-managed by Leon and Nigel Roydon. It’s a member of Small Leading Hotels of the World and one of the prestigious hotels listed in the Condé Nast Traveler 2009 Gold List. Malliouhana Hotel & Spa, 800-835-0796, www.malliouhana.com

GIRLFRIENDS RETREAT TO MALLIOUHANA HOTEL & SPA IN ANGUILLA Females are urged to gather mothers, sisters, best friends and coworkers and set sail for Malliouhana Hotel & Spa in the British West Indies, where they’ll enjoy a well-deserved, soothing retreat, leaving work behind, children in the care of family, and housecleaning for the husband. They’ll return with a rejuvenated sense of mind, body and spirit—guaranteed. Beginning April 1, 2010, Malliouhana is offering a Girlfriends’ Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com




and economic developments and to conduct a strategic overview of the Commonwealth’s work in support of the interests of member countries. The objective of this summit is to engage leaders of the Commonwealth in discussing global and Commonwealth issues and to agree upon collective policies and initiatives. All nations, regardless of size, have an equal say and vote at this meeting and all CHOGM decisions and initiatives are reached only by consensus. Hyatt Regency Trinidad, 800-233-1234, www.trinidad.hyatt.com; Hyatt Hotels Corporation, www.hyatt.com


British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, greeted by Hyatt Regency Trinidad management on his arrival at the hotel.

Hyatt Regency Trinidad twice last year hosted a conference of world leaders and honorably welcomed Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Commonwealth Heads of Government during their biennial meeting held November 27–29. Key attendees included Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Gordon Brown, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada; President of South Africa Jacob Zuma; India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh; New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key; Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Loong; and Michael Somare, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea. In addition to 51 leaders of the Commonwealth, the hotel also welcomed non-Commonwealth members Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, all specially invited for the first time as guests to address the issue of climate change ahead of the Climate Change Conference in Denmark. “After the successful Summit of the Americas earlier this year, the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) marks the second major conference of world leaders we have hosted in 2009,” said General Manager Russell George. “Whether large or small, our venue is designed for meetings and conferences of all sizes and we have proven that Hyatt Regency Trinidad is the place ‘where the world meets.’” The Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting convened recently with representatives from 51 countries present. The hotel welcomed Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for a special evening dinner Her Majesty hosted for the Commonwealth Leaders and their spouses. CHOGM is convened every two years to review global, political 26 • JANUARY 2010

St. Maarten in the Caribbean is focusing on the variety of experiences vacationers enjoy with a new branding campaign that captures the “feeling of the experience” during their stay on the island. St. Maarten Commissioner of Tourism Frans Richardson explained that the concept behind the branding can be summed up with one statement: “It’s all in our name.” Working with the spelling of “St. Maarten,” the just-launched campaign will capture audiences across North America with positive adjectives purposefully misspelled with “capital double ‘A’s” followed immediately by the words “St. Maarten.” The campaign identity, created by Florida advertising agency Tambourine, will be visible in all logos, videos, print and outdoor advertising, specialty marketing items, brochures and stationary as well as an image gallery which features all new photography from an extensive on-island photo shoot recently completed by Tambourine. Adjectives will constantly be changing depending on the focus of specific ads. For instance, when promoting St. Maarten as a wedding and honeymoon destination, an ad may read: “PAASSIONATE ST. MAARTEN.” When conveying St. Maarten as an active vacation playground, an audience could see: “PLAAYFUL ST. MAARTEN.” A just-launched public relations campaign to promote winter specials for vacationers is using “SENSAATIONAL ST. MAARTEN” to capture extraordinary deals. Other words designed for the campaign include: MAAGICAL, GLAAMOROUS, CHAARMING, and ENCHAANTING. “Our mission was to take St. Maarten in a new direction and illustrate how the island ‘feels’ rather than literally documenting the infrastructure of the island,” said Rafael Cardozo, president of Tambourine. “We are excited about the new branding campaign and look forward to getting our messaging out to loyal vacationers to St. Maarten as well as those who have yet to experience our destination,” said Regina Labega, Director of Tourism for the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau. St. Maarten Tourist Bureau, www.vacationstmaarten.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News


Biking, Bio Bay, bird-watching, diving, fishing, hiking, and surfing are the natural wonders available around Rincon Beach Resort, an AAA Four Diamond oceanfront boutique resort in the corner of the Bay of Añasco on Puerto Rico’s west coast. Porta del Sol, as it’s called, is home to some of the world’s best beaches and surfing areas. The town of Rincon, known for its beautiful sunsets, is located in the center of the coast and was highlighted in The Beach Boys’ unofficial surfer’s anthem “Surfing Safari.” Rincon Beach Resort offers an array of sightseeing activities to ensure a memorable experience for its guests. They can visit the renowned Arecibo Radio Telescope, operated by Cornell University and featured in movies such as Golden Eye and Contact; stop and see Porta Coeli Church in San German, the world’s oldest church in the Americas and the oldest church in U.S. jurisdiction; or take a swim in the evening at La Parguera’s Phosphorescent Bay, where millions of luminescent dynoflagellates light up when disturbed by movement. For sea lovers, there’s an excursion to the uninhibited Desecheo Island with fabulous dive spots; surfing in Rincon; Rincon’s famous lighthouse or horse riding on the beach in Isabela. There are also two golf courses in the west coast area—Punta Borinquen in Aguadilla and Club Deportivo del Oeste. The resort features 112 guestrooms with 24 spacious and luxurious suites, an infinity freeform swimming pool with Jacuzzi overlooking the Caribbean Sea as well as a swim-up bar, boutique wine bar and two restaurants—Brasas Restaurant and the Pelican Grill. Rincon Beach Resort, 866-589-0009, reservations@rinconbeach.com, www.rinconbeach.com Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com

SEVENTH NIGHT FREE AT CARIMAR BEACH CLUB Carimar Beach Club, an ultimate Caribbean hideaway on Mead’s Bay in Anguilla, is offering the seventh night free on all new bookings. Limited space is available for the following winter periods: December 1 to 26, 2009, in Beach View’ January 4 to 26, 2010, in Beach View; and March 6 to 27, 2010, in Beach View. Carimar offers guests a laidback atmosphere that focuses on quality of service. Just outside their doors, guests can take part in numerous watersports in the crystal waters, or explore the nearby reefs. They enjoy fine dining with a romantic beachside dinner on the villa patio or they may venture off-site to experience some of the fabulous restaurants throughout the island. Each of the twenty-four comfortably furnished villa-style units includes a fully equipped kitchen within the comfort of 1,100 square feet of living space, and a patio or balcony with views of colorful tropical gardens and the ocean. At Carimar, honeymoons, getaways, family vacations and family reunions become even more memorable with the attentiveness and island hospitality of their staff. Introductory rates at Carimar Beach Club start at $390 per night. Carimar Beach Club, 866-978-6765, www.carimarbeachoffers.com; Grace’s Distinctive Properties, Ltd., 866-655-2200, gdistinctiveltd@aol.com, www.gracesdistinctiveproperties.com




Querétaro, Mexico: Explore the Unexpected PEGGY HAGEMAN


fter this past year’s drop in tourism, Mexico is launching several new campaigns designed to bring the tourists back to its pre-2009 levels. Even when Mexican tourism was booming, most Americans would think “Mexico” and their minds would turn to margaritas on a beach. As beautiful and restful as Mexico’s coasts are, many tourists are looking for more of what the country has to offer. The state of Querétaro, with its historical sights and stunning natural beauty, might be unfamiliar to Americans but it also just may be exactly what they’re looking for. JAIME NIEMBRO ALVRAREZ Querétaro’s Ministry of Tourism is expanding its efforts in attracting US tourists. Querétaro is an exceptionally safe part of Mexico, with one of the strongest economies in the country. There are activities and sights to suit many different tastes, from historical sites to stunning natural beauty to an active, urban nightlife. Their new tagline is “Explore the Unexpected” and it’s an apt description of this beautiful land full of unexpected beauties.

Santiago de Querétaro The Spanish conquistadors arrived in Querétaro in the mid1500s. With its strategic location and wealth of natural resources, Querétaro would go on to play a huge role in Mexico’s history. The architecture of the capital city of Santiago de Querétaro (usually referred to simply as Querétaro) reflects the history of the state. Walking through the city is like walking back through time. You can see Spanish and Moorish influences throughout the old city, right next to buildings built during the height of the city’s power in the mid-1800s. During the Mexican Revolution at the turn of the twentieth century Querétaro played a major role, many of the participants living and working in the city. Querétaro was even briefly the capital city of Mexico, beginning in 1847. These days, the city offers tourists many beautiful hotels and restaurants not to mention a plethora of historical sites. Quaint cobblestone streets lead to blooming balconies and perfectly manicured park squares around every corner of the city. The old part of the city was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO. There are numerous churches and former abbeys that are open to the public and illustrate the city’s fabulous wealth at the height of its influence in the 1800s. Gold leafing and ornate carvings cover every inch of the Templo de 28 • JANUARY 2010

Santa Clara. Many of the hotels located within the old part of the city are converted manorhouses. One of the most impressive is la Casa de la Marquesa (Madero 41, Centro Histórico). Built in 1756 in the baroque style, la Casa de la Marquesa has a beautiful, colorful exterior but its interior is positively jawdropping. Ornate carvings, chandeliers, even a private chapel make La Casa de la Marquesa an unforgettable place to stay. Each room is unique—the Don Mañuel room has massive wooden doors that one padlocks from within and a balcony overlooking the Templo of San Francisco across the street. Another beautiful place to stay is the Hotel El Meson de Santa Rosa (Pasteur Sur 17, Centro Histórico) which has a restaurant located in its lush courtyard. (www.lacasadelamarquesa.com , www.mesonsantarosa.com) Dining options are everywhere within the city, ranging from small bites to high-end restaurants to suit the most finicky palate. The very affordable Cafetería la Mariposa (Angela Peralta 7) has a small dining room and shop, and serves some of the best local food and Mexican pastries in town. Restaurant Chuco el Roto (at Andador Libertad and Plaza de Armas, Centro Histórico) prepares traditional fare and has patio seating overlooking one of the city’s lovely town squares. Harry’s Restaurant (Juárez Sur No. 7, Centro Histórico) is a fancier dining option, featuring Cajun food. Within the city center there are many important historical sites to visit. Many seventeenth century churches (called “templos”) and convents remain intact, and in fact most of the churches are still in use today. Templo de Santa Clara is one of the most ornate churches in North America, with painted and gilded frescoes and carvings covering every inch. Just outside the city center are the still-standing remains of a sev-

Sierra Gorda mountains. CONTINUED ON PAGE


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Only for Top Travel Agents

WIN THE PERFECT VACATION YOU DESERVE AS A TRAVEL PROFESSIONAL Sell at least 5 room nights for stays dated between January 1st and April 30th, 2010 and enter the raffle for a 20,000 USD first-class vacation. Your vacation package to the Riviera Maya includes: r Round flight in private jet (pick up in selected airports) r Seven nights all-inclusive accommodation for four people r Tours to Chichen Itzá, Tulum, Río Secreto and Canché r Massages and spa treatments for four people All sales must be made between November 1 st, 2009 and Januar y 31 st, 2010. The raffle will take place in June 15 th and the results will be published via email and in specialized magazines. Only members of Golden Club can par ticipate.

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enteenth century aqueduct. This aqueduct brought water from local springs to fulfill the needs of the growing city. Lit from beneath, the aqueduct is now one of the more striking elements of the cityscape. It is not just colonial historical sites that dot the landscape of Querétaro. Within the city limits there is an ancient pyramid left by the indigenous people of the area. Unlike many other pyramids in the world this one is a solid structure. The area surrounding the area is an active archeological dig and is open to the public and free of charge. The views of the city and surrounding areas are spectacular. As one leaves the city and moves along the colonial trail there are numerous small towns and cities to stop and visit. Among them is Bernal, known as the “magic” city. Rising above Bernal is a huge stone monolith, the fourth largest in the world. The town itself is also known for its weaving and wool products and many shops line the streets. There are numerous small hotels and inns. A recent addition right in the heart of the town is the Greek-themed boutique hotel Casa Mateo (5 de Mayo No. 0), which boasts a lovely restaurant and even has wireless internet available for its guests. (http://www.hotelcasamateo.com.mx/)

Out and About in the state of Querétaro The Frexienet vineyards are located within an hour’s drive of both Bernal and Santiago de Querétaro. This is the Mexican arm of the famous Spanish vintners. Cavas Frexienet are open to the public and have tours of both the vineyards and the cellars, which illustrate all the time and effort that go into one bottle of wine. Tastings are also available and there are facilities for weddings and conferences. (www.freixenetmexico.com.mx) Looming over the state in the northeast are the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains. Reaching a height of 2,500’ this arm of the Sierra Madres is contained within the Sierra Gorda biosphere preserve which covers an impressive one third of the state of Querétaro, and is the second UNESCO World Heritage site in the state. Within the area are three distinct climate zones and within a few miles one can go from jungle, to alpine to desert. Mountain pass roads through the mountains offer spectacular views. Some roads are accessible only by 4-wheel vehicle so be sure to tell clients to check before they go. Ecotourism is on the rise and there are campgrounds that offer all the best nature has to offer while maintaining the integrity of the land. Within the mountains there are five Franciscan missions from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Perched high on cliffs overlooking the sky, one can see how inspiring the monks might have found the area. El Jabalí is accessible by mountain pass roads that, while not for the faint of heart or those afraid of heights, offer some of the most breath-taking views in the world. Access to the 30 • JANUARY 2010

Santiago de Querétaro cityscape.

campground is by ATV from nearby San Joaquín. There is a parking lot available in San Joaquín in which visitors may leave their cars while at the campground. El Jabalí campground is made up of six safari-type cabins. Each cabin sleeps four people and has both a toilet and shower. El Jabalí feels like one of the most isolated places in the world and is perfect for getting away from it all, while still enjoying the comforts of electricity and hot water, provided by solar panels. Excursions from the campground are included in the price and include trips to the Bucareli mission, an abandoned convent from the nineteenth century, which offers a stunning view of the countryside. (http://queretaro.travel/ english/More_Sites/Ecotourism)

Querétaro Ministry of Tourism Jaime Niembro Alvrarez, Director of Tourism Promotion in Querétaro’s Ministry of Tourism, emphasizes the diversity of activities in Querétaro. Within the city of Querétaro, history and magnificent architecture are situated within a modern infrastructure, but just a few hours’ drive from the city there is a world of natural wonder and beauty awaiting the tourist. There’s something for everyone, for every kind of tourist. The majority of tourism in Querétaro currently comes from within Mexico, particularly weekend outings from residents of Mexico City. There is an average of roughly 13,600 US tourists who visit Querétaro each year. Querétaro’s Ministry of Tourism hopes to boost that number in the coming years by raising awareness of Querétaro in the international markets. “Querétaro should be perceived as what it really is: one of the most beautiful colonial cities in México, not to mention the wide variety it has in other touristic areas, such as nature, culture, traditional towns, history, and more. The destination offers many kinds of tourist attractions for a wide market, it is very accessible for the most part and the high quality touristic infrastructure is very diverse. Querétaro has a lot to offer.”

Querétaro Ministry of Tourism, queretaro.travel/english www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News



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Capella Hotels and Resorts has appointed Julian Smaldoni General Manager of Capella Ixtapa, the intimate and luxurious 59-room hideaway that marked the brand’s debut in Mexico. In his position, Smaldoni oversees all operations of the cliffside resort. “We are extremely pleased to welcome Julian as General Manager of Capella Ixtapa,” commented Bob Warman, Executive President and COO, Capella

Hotels and Resorts. Smaldoni’s career in hospitality spans more than a decade and at the finest resorts in Mexico. Most recently, Smaldoni served as General Manager of the Tides Riviera Maya where, under his tutelage, the resort was voted “Best Mexican Resort” by Condé Nast Traveler’s 2008 Readers’ Choice Awards. There, Smaldoni oversaw daily operations and sales activity for the luxury boutique resort. Prior to that, he was the General Manager of Quinta Real Huatulco and at Gala Resorts in Playacar and Huatulco, Mexico. Smaldoni is a graduate of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. He resides in Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo. Capella Ixtapa, 877-247-6688, www.capellaixtapa.com

OAXACA NAMED ONE OF LONELY PLANET’S TOP 10 REGIONS TO VISIT FOR 2010 Lonely Planet’s new release Best in Travel 2010 has named Oaxaca one of the Top 10 Regions to visit in 2010. One of the world’s leading travel media companies, Lonely Planet showcases inspiration to take travelers out of the ordinary into unforgettable experiences. “It is an honor for Mexico to be recognized once again, by Lonely Planet as one of the Top 10 Regions in the world. Oaxaca is one of Mexico’s richest cultural regions, and we are proud that visitors around the world feel the same,” said Oscar Fitch, CEO of the Mexico Tourism Board. With 2,500 years of indigenous history, Spanish colonialism mixed with contemporary progressive politics and art, Oaxaca is one of Mexico’s most cultured and colorful states. The capital, Oaxaca City, is postcard-pretty, with a tree-shaded town square surrounded by colonial churches and outdoor cafes, and cobblestone streets lined with craft markets and galleries. Enjoying a winding half-day’s bus journey through the misty mountains takes guests to its sun-soaked coast. There, the surf town of Puerto Escondido has a party atmosphere, while sleepy coves like Mazunte and Zipolite are fast becoming ecotourism destinations. Traveling further southeast, the people of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec still follow ancient Zapotec rhythms. Visitors can purchase iguana tamales from women clothed in vivid embroidered traditional 32 • JANUARY 2010

dresses. Oaxaca continues to attract an increasing number of believers in the ‘slow travel’ philosophy, which entails engaging more deeply with Mexican Life (la vida Mexicana) by renting a house, shopping at local markets and sipping ‘cafe con leche’ with locals at the corner cafe. “We’ve always known at Lonely Planet that Oaxaca is special with its green mountain vistas, tradition-rich indigenous enclaves, vibrant handicrafts, festivals and contemporary art, laidback beach towns, marvelous moles and tequila’s smoky, fiery cousin mescal,” says Catherine Craddock, Lonely Planet’s Commissioning Editor for Mexico. Mexico Tourism Board (MTB), www.visitmexico.com; Lonely Planet, www.lonelyplanet.com

GUADALAJARA PREPARES TO WELCOME MUSEUM OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ART Officials in Guadalajara have officially announced plans for a Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, which will be situated in the privileged city of Guadalajara in Jalisco. Slated for a September 2012 completion, over six acres of land will house the museum, which will collaborate with contemporary artists to create new works and will also look for participation from renowned artists who seek visible and lasting presence for some of their masterpieces. These new collections and collaborations with artists focused on Mexican and Latin American art will contribute significantly to the cultural heritage of Mexico and reinforce Guadalajara’s image as a cultural destination. The Museum, which will be planned at over one million square feet, will consist of three main exhibit sections: newly developed permanent collections of Mexican and Latin American art, designed especially for this new museum; special exhibitions developed by the healing and restoration staff; and special exhibitions developed by other museums and brought to Guadalajara by the Government of the State of Jalisco. The museum’s architecture will be designed by Herzog & De Meuron Basel Ltd., a group of Swiss architects responsible for such prestigious projects as the Tate Modern in London and the Schaulager in Basel, Switzerland, among others. The project’s site, the Huentitan Canyon, is a 610-foot ecological reserve in the Santiago River. It offers a chance to use the latest design and scope of sustainable buildings, including the low usage of power and high-energy efficiency, optimal life cycles for materials, maximum “green areas” for plants, and the facilitation of protection for water. Construction of the new museum will bring many benefits to Jalisco, including an increase of national and international tourism increasing revenue, and generating new jobs as well as contributing to the revitalization of the Northern Zone of Guadalajara and also reinforce it as an icon in cultural and architectural tourism. Tourism Bureau of Guadalajara, vive@guadalajara.gob.mx, vive.guadalajara.gob.mx www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News


By selling at least five room nights for stays until April 30, 2010, agents can enter a raffle to win a $20,000 first-class vacation at Hacienda Tres Rios in Mexico. The vacation package to the Riviera Maya includes a round-trip flight in a private jet (pickup in selected airports); seven nights’ allinclusive accommodation for four people; tours to Chichen Itzá, Tulum, Río Secreto and Canche; and massages and spa treatments for four. Sales must be made by January 31, 2010. The raffle will take place in June 15 and the results will be published via email and in specialized magazines. Only members of the Golden Club can participate. Located just south of Cancun, all-inclusive Tres Ríos is the only resort on the Yucatan Peninsula to contain natural rivers rather than channels. Each of its three ecosystems— jungle, mangrove forest and coastal dunes—has its own wildlife and vegetation creating totally unique landscapes. Guests enjoy guided nature tours, snorkeling in cenotes and rivers, white-sand beach, and daily activities for kids and teens. The resort has 273 suites using native materials and offering views of tranquil sea. A great variety of restaurants and bars are onsite, including a pâtisserie, a pizzeria and a Martini and Tea-time Terrace. There’s also an exclusive Exit Lounge—a private area for guests to enjoy while awaiting airport transportation. About 150 acres of land will be maintained as a reserve with little-to-no development to ensure the perfect balance of human enjoyment while protecting the greatest natural resources. The Mexican government recently recognized Tres Ríos for environmental stewardship. Hacienda Tres Ríos, 800-224-4231, goldenclub@haciendatresrios.com, www.haciendatresrios.com 34 • JANUARY 2010

ISLA MUJERES IS WHERE THE SUN RISES ON MEXICO The charm and beauty of Isla Mujeres far exceed its size: only five miles long and a half mile wide at its widest. La Isla, as it’s called, is just six miles across the Bay of Mujeres from Cancun, and offers white sand beaches of calm, clear turquoise waters, snorkeling and scuba diving to myriad surrounding reefs, accommodations to suit all ages and budgets and restaurants for every taste. Its people are descendants of the ancient Maya and fishing is still a way of life for many. The island has PADI certified dive shops and reefs with schools of colorful fish ringing the island. At Garrafon Park, visitors can swim and interact with dolphins at Dolphin Discovery. Hacienda Mundaca has extensive tropical gardens and a zoo; a turtle farm lets schoolchildren release newly hatched turtles into the sea each year. Massage and spa treatments, Spanish lessons, fishing and shopping round out activities. Trips to the bird sanctuary Isla Contoy can be reached in a day trip by boat. Accommodations range from shared rooms in a hostel to deluxe accommodations with private pool and spa services. Many choose the newer, deluxe condos on the North Beach while others prefer colonias, Mexican neighborhoods midway on the island. Isla Mujeres offers restaurants that range from “comida economicas,” small restaurants that serve traditional dishes for less than $5, to beachfront places where one can dine with toes in the sand, to five-star dining offering spectacular views and gourmet food to match. Since the island is sister to Cuba, that influence is presented at many restaurants: other cuisines include Thai, sushi, northern and southern Italian and Caribbean barbecue and chicken dishes. Touring by rented golf cart costs $50 a day; motor scooter is $20–25 a day. Many visitors choose to explore by renting a bicycle for $10 a day, or by foot since the island is so small. Trips to more extensive Mayan archeological sites can be done in a day: to Tulum, a ceremonial center to the south and to Chichen Itza, where three ancient cultures, the Olmec, the Maya and the Toltec once reigned. Isla Mujeres Tourism Board, www.isla-mujeres.travel.com

PALLADIUM RESORTS OFFERS NEW WEDDING WEBSITE Due to increasing demand for weddings and honeymoons, Palladium Resorts has recently created a website just for brides and grooms, newlyweds and those looking to renew their vows. The new website offers information on the resorts, wedding packages for all budgets, honeymoon extras, testimonials from former brides and grooms, an easy FAQS guide and much more. Couples may personalize their own package and discover more about romantic excursions in each destination. Everything about weddings, honeymoons and vow renewal at Palladium Resorts is now in one easy-to-use website. Palladium Resorts, www.palladiumweddings.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News

UNLEASH YOUR SECRET PASSION Now is your chance to enjoy the luxuriously pampered life you deserve, in a purely all-inclusive, adults only, intimate resort that answers to no one’s interests but your own. Come and experience award-winning service that puts the best of the Mexican Caribbean in your hands.

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Posada del Angel: A Romantic Hideaway in Colonial Antigua, Guatemala Sophisticated charm mixed with first-class service, this boutique hotel has welcomed princes and presidents in elegant Guatemalan style. G A I L P. D U B O V


here aren’t many seven room boutique hotels in the world that can boast a guest list of presidents, prime ministers and princes. Plus a few Hollywood celebrities who will remain anonymous, an indication of how protective this intimate posada—or “inn” in Spanish—is of its guests. Tucked away a few cobblestone streets from the heart of Antigua, Guatemala, Posada del Angel is one of the best kept secrets of this quaint colonial town. And its back story is as magical as its setting. It all started sixteen years ago when Mary Sue Morris, a native Texan and inveterate traveler, decided to stop wandering the world. She made Antigua her home, creating the hotel she always dreamed of staying at—one that was “stylish, beautiful, elegant…where you are just as comfortable being single as being married, a hotel where you get to know other guests and the local residents or you can be left entirely alone.” And so Posada del Angel was born, with rustic Guatemalan charm and a personal touch, the first boutique hotel in Antigua. When Mary Sue died in 2006, she left a legacy. The inn would be auctioned off, with proceeds used to finance “Becas Mari Sue,” a foundation to educate Guatemalan children, managed through a trust and supported by Posada del Angel. Enter two young entrepreneurs from Guatemala City, eager for a business but with no prior hotel experience. Owner Ricardo Balzaretti told Travel World News, “Enrique called me one day. We’ve been friends for a long time and have talked about doing a business together. He said, ‘I have a business but you have to decide today,’ Ricardo continued with a laugh. His business partner Enrique Urruela added, “We put together the numbers, had a good feeling about it and we just decided to do it.” The Balzarettis and Urruelas suddenly became hoteliers. The timing couldn’t have been better. It was right before the economic crisis began and the new owners were able to get financing. They added two new rooms—The Mayan Room and The Mary Sue Suite in honor of the original owner, a woman whose legacy they are determined to continue. “We knew this place was a jewel that needed a little cleaning to shine, Balzaretti explained with pride. They’ve been cleaning out for two and a half years now, bringing in high end mattresses, luxury linens and towels, and adding fine touches like handmade soaps and native incense. Without any experience in running a hotel, they had decided to “run it like our house with friends,” Ana de 36 • JANUARY 2010


Urruela explained. “That’s just what Mary Sue did and that’s what made it special.” Alicia de Balzaretti is now manager, and along with a staff of eight bilingual employees, gives a personal face to the inn. “That’s what got us through the economic crisis,” explained Ricardo, Alicia’s husband. Tourism has been down 15% in Guatemala but their personal relationships with guests have brought repeat business to Posada del Angel and the owners feel that personal touch has made the difference.

Attention to detail with first-class service Winner of the 2007 Andrew Harper Hideaway Report, Posada del Angel stands behind a set of ancient wood turquoise doors, a few streets away from Parque Central, the heart of Antigua. But once those doors are opened and you step inside the tranquil courtyard, the noise of motorcycles and cars fade away, your senses are soothed with incense, fountains and soft classical music. The colonial house beyond is reminiscent of a Mediterranean villa, with stucco walls of salmon and gold, created to blend the interior with the outdoors. A long, narrow lap pool, open to the sky and lined in a deep blue tile, runs the length of a stone walkway. A comfortable living room with its imposing fireplace sits opposite it, cozy furnishings and a laptop with hi speed internet connection available to guests. The dining room resembles a stone chapel, with morning light streaming through the floor to ceiling glass doors. This is where breakfast is served-- fresh squeezed orange juice, native fruit, hearty Guatemalan coffee and the inn’s signature dish, huevos rancheros. From your clients first cup of coffee, Simon, a 12 year employee, will remember just how they like it, bringing it to their table each morning. CONTINUED ON PAGE


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Rooms are decorated in the style of colonial elegance with rich, bright colors, local textiles and huge bouquets of fresh cut flowers. Luxurious 600 thread-count sheets and hand woven bedspreads cover the beds, each with a distinctively elaborate bed frame. Private baths contain thick bathrobes, lush towels and handmade soaps and lotions. Each room has its own wood burning fireplace. A roaring fire will be started at your clients request by a member of the Posada’s attentive staff. The busiest season is Christmas, New Years and Holy Week (Easter) when the city overflows with 40,000 tourists arriving for religious festivities. It’s a must see, when locals, dressed in purple, carry huge crucifixes in processionals down the crowded streets of the city. The rooftop terrace offers magnificent views of three volcanoes and is perfect for watching the sunset at the end of a day of sightseeing. Specially designed carpets cover the long stretches of cobblestone as thousands of onlookers watch the spectacle. Though temperatures stay in the 70’s through most of Historic Antigua the year, Antigua’s tourism drops from May to October, its Founded in 1543 as Guatemala’s capital, Antigua is a must rainy season. Sixty-five percent of the inn’s guests are from see on any tourist route. “It’s absolutely the center of our the United Stations, 20% from Europe and the rest from tourism industry,” said Evelyn Davidson, director of North Guatemala, Central and South America and other countries. American and European marketing for the Federal Institute “We have a lot of people from New York and D.C., given that of Tourism. A walk through the cobblestone streets of the (President) Clinton was here. It put this hotel on the map,” ex- city—only twelve square blocks—explains why. Its colonial plained Ricardo Balzaretti. “It was the only time an American architecture, restored cathedrals, convents, plazas and resipresident spent the night on Guatemalan soil.” Besides dences from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are the Clinton, the inn has hosted other dignitaries including finest examples of Spanish Colonial art and architecture in Canada’s former Prime Minister Trudeau, and the Prince of the Americas. Antigua has been called the loveliest Spanish Saxony and his wife, the Princess of Bavaria. But most guests colonial town in the world. Surrounded by three towering volare not royalty. “Eighty-five percent of our guests use the canoes, hundreds of thousands of people visit the city each Posada as their home base, staying an average of four nights,” year. They come to study Spanish, attend cooking school, volexplained Alicia de Balzaretti, hotel manager. Guests may unteer, and experience the culture of Guatemala. Others leave to overnight at Lake Atitlan and the market at come for the city’s art galleries, boutiques and sophisticated Chichicastenango or fly to the famous Mayan ruins at Tikal. restaurants. For its strong historical and cultural value, the The Posada can help customize any trip requests. city was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979. Destination weddings have made Antigua—and the inn— an attractive locale. The house can be rented for a week, en- Welcoming agents suring privacy for a family with the hotel’s personal services. Most of Posada del Angels’ business comes through their “A lot of people come from the United States to get married website, which is their most important advertising tool. But here,” explained Enrique. “We are trying to get weddings travel agencies are getting to know the inn and booking diand family reunions—there are special rates for these.” Last rectly with them. “We give 5% commission when we start a reyear, a family scattered from L.A. to NY rented the inn for lationship with an agent,” explained Alicia de Balzaretti, Thanksgiving, a cheaper alternative than flying to one coast manager of the hotel. “We can go up to 10-15%, depending or the other. Suites accommodate two adults and two children on the business generated by them,” she continued. or an additional adult. The majority of guests are sophisti- According to Balzaretti, the hotel participates in the cated travelers who are looking for something different or TACA fam trip and is open to customize any other fam trip honeymooners and couples who come to unwind in a roman- with interested and established agencies. Agents can book tic setting. “We don’t have phones in the rooms. We didn’t via email, website request or the hotel’s Miami phone numwant TVs in the rooms but guests asked for it. They are small ber. Rooms, including breakfast start at $175/night; suites and discrete. The level of noise is very low—it’s a place to start at $231/night. relax. We even talk a little lower here,” Enrique Urruela told Posada del Angel, elangel@posadadelangel.com, Travel World News. www.posadadelangel.com 38 • JANUARY 2010

www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News


Guatemala: A Country of Active Volcanoes, Tropical Jungles, an Ancient Culture – and Endless Tourism Potential Maya Adventures broadens Guatemala’s appeal with it’s action-packed adventure/nature tours. G A I L P. D U B O V GAIL P. DUBOV


ourism to Guatemala has more than doubled this decade, to 1.7 million visitors last year from just over 800,000 in 2000, according to government statistics. The country is attracting visitors from around the world, including a growing number of Europeans. And there’s a very good reason. In a country that offers thirtythree volcanoes, Mayan ruins, scenic lakes and black sand beaches, there’s something to offer every client, whether an history buff or beach bum. Maya Vacations was started in 2005 by local travel professionals, key players in the development of Guatemala’s tourism industry. Estuardo Riley, its ESTUARDO RILEY president, told Travel World News, “We started up four years ago to fulfill special travel needs in Guatemala for niche market segments.” Riley and his team believed that Guatemala as a tourism destination was more than just a country of classic tourist sites. International markets have promoted Guatemala’s famous Mayan ruins at Tikal, its colonial city of Antigua, the market at Chichicastenango and beautiful Lake Atitlan. But Maya Vacations’ goal is to broaden the country’s appeal. “Guatemala is full of opportunities for bird watchers, surfers, sports fishing, mountain bikers, trekking, white river rafting, and much much more,” Riley explained. With that in mind, the company has been offering custom made tours for wholesalers and tour operators worldwide so they can offer unique itineraries for FIT’s or groups.

Classic Guatemala or Action Packed Tours Maya Vacations has developed a series of sample itineraries that offer the best of Guatemala. The tours are adaptable to your clients needs, offering boutique as well as three to five star hotels. Price, schedule and places to visit depend on each group’s interest and size. The classic “Modern and Colonial” tour of 8 Days/7 Nights features the highlights of Guatemala. After airport pickup and a night in Guatemala City, clients are transferred to Antigua and a city tour. This old historic capital Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com

The colonial city of Antigua has charming cobblestone streets and classical Spanish architecture.

city is often called the most beautiful Spanish colonial city in the world with its original architecture, cobblestone streets and impressive sixteenth and seventeenth century monasteries and cathedrals. A tour out of the city to a coffee plantation is also included. Day 3 and 4 are at Lake Atitlan with a boat tour to some of the native villages that rim the lake. Then on to Chichicastenango, one of the largest outdoor markets in Latin America. Day 5 takes the client back to Guatemala City to experience the city’s rich cultural life. Day 6 begins with a very early flight to Flores Peten, where Mayan pyramids stand at the site of Yaxha. Day 7 takes clients to the most important Mayan archeological site—Tikal. Day 8 is departure home. Abbreviated four day/three night trips include Guatemala City, Antigua and eitherTikal or Chichicastenango. Varied itineraries address Maya Vacations’ goal of showcasing Guatemala as a destination for your adventurous, natureloving client. The 8-day Adventure Tour will satisfy any thrill seeker with a mix of culture and adrenalin rush. Just outside CONTINUED ON PAGE


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of Guatemala City, clients can rock climb; on the Pacific Coast, they can canoe through turtle reserves; in the highlands, they can mountain bike through Indian villages; in the jungle they can ride all terrain vehicles at night spotting nocturnal animals. Other tours include the 8-day Natural Paradise Adventure where clients explore ecological reserves, natural parks, archeologicalsites and volcanoes. Scheduled in this action-packed tour are cave exploration, mountain biking, sky walking and volcano climbing. An 8day tour of Guatemala’s Caribbean coast includes a boat trip through the Rio Dulce Canyon, a visit to the Candelaria Caves and floating in tubes through the underground cave network. The tour ends with a day of hiking Pacaya, one of Guatemala’s three active volcanoes.

One Day Tours Maya Vacations offers one day tours for the client who wants a day of adventure or a day visiting one of the country’s popular tourist spots. Your client can be picked up at their hotel fora day tour of Guatemala City or colonial Antigua. For the active client, a one day adventure tour to Pacaya volcano, just forty-five minutes from the city, can be scheduled. With its many rivers, whitewater rafting is another adventure option. There are class II through class IV rivers, depending on how much of a daredevil your client is. The most popular day

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tour is to the Mayan ruins at Tikal, a flight from Guatemala City arranged by Maya Vacations and accompanied by a guide. All one day tours are $75 (not including air), two person minimum. Clients have the option of combining Guatemala with other neighboring countries in Central America. Customized tours are available for clients within Guatemala and Mexico, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Guatemalan Highlights tours (8 days/7 nights): $1270/ppdo. Natural Paradise Tour (8 days/7 nights) starts at $1545/ppdo.

Maya Vacations, reservations@mayavacations.com, 866-498-5333, www.mayavacations.com

TARA TOURS OFFERS GUATEMALA SPECIAL FOR $970 Tara Tours is presenting a Guatemala Special priced at just $970 for six days/five nights featuring Antigua, Chichicastenango and Atitlan. In Guatemala City, accommodations are at the five-star property Barcelo Guatemala with full American breakfast served daily. The package offers the opportunity to get outside the capital and see some of the country, with an included half-day excursion to the historic town of Antigua and a full-day trip to Atitlan and the market of Chichicastenango. The beautiful Antigua, with its colonial architecture, was the first capital of Guatemala during the Spanish conquest (15-17th century) and is one of the best-preserved colonial cities in the Americas. On Sunday travelers visit the famous indigenous market of Chichicastenango, where hundreds of local people from the nearby villages come to sell and buy their products as well as offer the most incredible selection of tourist souvenirs. Chichi (as it is called by the locals) is a magical place, and the market is an amazing festivity of color, old traditions and religion. In late afternoon, guests are provided a guided tour of Atitlan with its lovely lake and three volcanoes. The tour departs every Thursday. From Miami, the $970 ppdo price through December 1, 2010, includes round-trip airfare to Guatemala via American Airlines (other USA departure cities listed below), hotel Barcelo Dorado for five nights with breakfast daily, all transfers and English-speaking tour guides. The following are add-ons via American Airlines—add $200 from ATL, BOS, DFW, EWR, HOU, LAX, NYC, WAS + Zone 1 (Florida) Zone 2 and Zone 3; add $230 from SFO and Zone 5; add $290 from CHI, SJU and Zone 4; add $340 from Zone 6. All rates are subject to change at any time. The American zone chart is as follows—Zone 1: FL; Zone 2: AR, LA, MS, NM, OK, TX; Zone 3: CT, GA, MA, MD, NC, NH, NY, PA, RI, SC, VA, VT; Zone 4: AL, AZ, CO, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, NE, OH, SD, TN, WI; Zone 5: CA, ID, NV, UT; and Zone 6: OR, WA. Tara Tours, 800-327-0080, www.taratours.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News

LATIN AMERICA CHAA CREEK PICKED ONE OF THE BEST ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY HOTELS IN THE WORLD The Lodge at Chaa Creek has been selected as one of the best environmentally friendly hotels in the world by CNN Traveler Magazine. According to the CNN press release, Chaa Creek was listed second among six other internationally recognized hotels. The preferred environmentally friendly hotels were located in Kenya, Australia, Philippines, Ecuador, Switzerland, and, of course, Belize. The Lodge at Chaa Creek was the only Central American hotel to be included in this distinguished directory. CNN Traveler is published in two editions—one for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA edition), and the other for Asia Pacific (AP edition) to ensure greater relevance to readers. The magazine has a readership of approximately 308,000 per issue and has received many accolades for its award-winning writing and world-renowned photography. Belize’s first Green Globe certified resort, The Lodge at Chaa Creek caters to eco-adventure families, friends and honeymooners and hosts an internationally recognized Natural History Museum, Butterfly Farm, Rainforest Medicine Trail and full-service spa. The lodge’s 365-acre private reserve also accommodates the Macal River Camp and provides miles of trails for walking, birding, mountain biking, horseback riding, a fleet of canoes, and a new eco-friendly swimming pool. The on-site organic farm supplies farm-fresh food daily for delicious regional fare while elegant accommodations create an ambiance of peace and serenity. Staffed by 130 professional individuals and with only 23 distinctive spaces, this romantic little lodge blessed with understated Belizean charm and a spectacular jungle setting guarantees a unique and truly intimate experience. Reef and Rainforest combination packages are also offered with Chaa Creek’s Caribbean partners. The Lodge at Chaa Creek, 877-709-8708, reservations@chaacreek.com, www.chaacreek.com

Vacation package. Package prices are outlined on Parrot Cove Lodge’s website. Guests may purchase a basic room and meals package and still choose from a wide selection of inland and offshore tours, all of which can be arranged through Parrot Cove Lodge’s friendly and helpful staff. Free use of the Lodge’s bicycles, sea kayaks and snorkel gear is included. The village of Hopkins is a short 15-minute bike ride from the lodge. Local taxi services or golf cart rentals are available. The Stann Creek District offers many natural attractions only a short distance away from the property. An extensive system of mangrove forests that run along the coastline supports a great diversity of marine life and is a haven for many mammals, reptiles and birds. Guests may choose to dive or snorkel the Belize Barrier Reef, or visit one of the atolls. Or they can discover tropical jungles, waterfalls, rivers or ancient Mayan Temples in either a half-day or full day trip. They might also explore the immediate surroundings of the resort by bicycle or kayak. In addition to snorkeling or diving trips, Parrot Cove Lodge can arrange personalized fishing trips with local guides (both freshwater and saltwater). The Sittee River is teaming with life, and guests often have the opportunity to see iguanas, crocodiles and numerous native bird species. All tours can be arranged directly through Parrot Cove Lodge. Parrot Cove Lodge, 877-207-7139, officeparrotcovelodge@yahoo.com, www.parrotcovelodge.com

PARROT COVE LODGE IN BELIZE REPRESENTS INTIMATE, CASUAL COMFORT Situated on the golden sandy beaches of the Caribbean just south of the village of Hopkins in Belize, Parrot Cove Lodge is an intimate adventure resort centrally located between the reef and the rainforest. The Lodge offers a variety of comfortably appointed accommodations ranging from poolside rooms and suite to beachfront one- and two-bedroom suites with Jacuzzi. All are air-conditioned, with queen-size beds. Full-service beachfront dining and bar along with a freshwater pool are featured. Winter season room rates are based on double occupancy and start at $130. One can choose from a variety of three- to seven-night inclusive vacation packages including The Parrot Cove Adventure, The Romantic Escape and the popular seven-night Family Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com

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AeroGal Makes Aviation History With Nonstop Flights to New York BARRY GOLDSMITH


ecember 7th is a day that will live in Ecuador’s aviation history. AeroGal became the first Ecuadorian airline to fly nonstop to New York (AeroGal has been flying nonstop to Miami since 2007.) AeroGal started nonstop daily flights between New York’s JFK Airport Terminal 4 and Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s José Joaquin de Olmedo Airport. The 24-year-old carrier’s new route has already extended its range from domestic flights, in Guayaquil, “the Pearl of the Pacific,” with nonstop service to Miami and Bogotá, AeroGal’s newest “Big Apple” service, Flight 901 departs JFK at 11:59 p.m., arriving in Guayaquil at 6:29 a.m. The return flight from Ecuador’s largest city and commercial hub departs at 2:30 p.m., landing at Kennedy at 8:40 p.m. AeroGal operates its New York service with a 210-passenger Boeing 767 – accommodating 25 passengers in business, and 185 in coach class. AeroGal also reports five new planes – two Airbus 319s and three Airbus 320s – will join its fleet next year. In addition to its international service, AeroGal calls on six domestic destinations: Cuenca, Guayaquil, Manta and Quito on the mainland, and Baltra and San Cristobal in the Galapagos. AeroGal now reaches a market of over 100,000 Ecuadorians living in Queens, JFK Airport’s “hometown”– directly serving the largest South American Latino community in New York. AeroGal also reaches out to the New York business community with non-stop flights to South America’s fastest growing city – Ecuador ’s economic powerhouse – Guayaquil. AeroGal is also positioning itself as the leisure-travel leader to Ecuador as the “Official airline of the Galapagos Islands” – a UNESCO World Heritage site. AeroGal now links three UNESCO sites all within Ecuador and all within 90 minutes, by air, of one another. It’s Ecuador’s “UNESCO Triangle.” In addition to serving one of the world’s greatest UNESCO natural wonders, the Galapagos, AeroGal also flies to Quito, Ecuador ’s capital and the world’s first UNESCO site in 1979. Quito has one of the largest, bestpreserved old cities in Latin America. According to this architecture professor, Quito is the most beautiful Spanish Colonial city in South America with a unique Spanish Baroque that incorporates elements of Italian, Moorish and even indigenous architecture. Cuenca, another 16th-cen-

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Gabriela Sommerfeld, President and CEO of AeroGal.

tury Spanish colonial UNESCO city, is in southern Ecuador. Cuenca even has numerous Inca remains. With a premium on first-rate service and comfort, even in economy class, AeroGal is raising the bar for the entire industry and making aviation history in Ecuador “I want to make flying the pleasure it once was from the minute the passenger steps onboard,” said Gabriela Sommerfeld, President and CEO of AeroGal. Before takeoff, passengers are offered a welcome cocktail: champagne, mimosas or orange juice. During flight, traditional Ecuadorian appetizers – empanadas de morocho and chifles – are complemented by juices, soft drinks and liquors, including Khumir, the country’s famed brand of spirits. Hot three-course meals (with a choice of two entrees) are served and the menus often highlight regional specialties. Following, coffee, tea and a warm cup of canelazo, a popular fiesta drink, are offered. All beverages are complimentary. In addition, even economy-class passengers are allowed free checkin of two bags. In-flight entertainment includes the latest films available in English and Spanish and children receive coloring books. Each seat comes with a pillow and blanket. AeroGal also provides a variety of member programs and discounts for frequent flyers. AeroGal is offering a special introductory rate round-trip from New York to Guayaquil. Blackout dates and other restrictions apply.

AeroGal, www.aerogal.com.ec www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News



Thinking of the French Riviera, one envisions seaside resorts, sunshine, a passion for the finer things in life, and of course, exquisite bistro cuisine. The Jacques Cousteau Restaurant at La Mansion Inn captures—while reinventing—that essence in the tropical beach town community of Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. Tales of Costa Rica’s intense biodiversity are brought to life every week at the local Farmers’ Market in downtown Quepos, where many newcomers to the area swear they discover a new fruit or food every week. This is where the chefs of La Mansion Inn take advantage of “God’s kitchen,” selecting the finest and freshest ingredients for the hotel’s tables, rich in life and vivid with color. All the items listed on its menu are designed and skillfully prepared with an eye to preserving this vitality and natural richness, while also enhancing and complimenting foods to achieve the best culinary experience. With the completion of a new kitchen plus a renowned team of international chefs and an American-French trained restaurant consultant on board, visitors are given the peace of mind that the Jacques Cousteau Restaurant delivers products they can trust. Costa Rica recognizes international trade standards for U.S. beef and beef products from cattle of all ages. Likewise, the fish purchased from the Quepos Harbour is of international export quality. La Mansion Inn, reservations@lamansioninn.com, www.lamansioninn.com

The Bocas Sustainable Tourism Alliance (BSTA) has opened both a new Tourist Information Center and an innovative web portal. From accommodations to tours, all businesses and indigenous community groups highlighted on the site incorporate a sustainable tourism component along with the region’s beaches,best tours and activities, and provides background on the cultural uniqueness of the archipelago. Alexi Huntley, Chief Marketing Officer of Nature Air, the world’s first carbon neutral airline, says “the new Tourist Information Center and website are meeting an important need of connecting travelers to authentic tourism experiences.” Nature Air offers five weekly flights from Costa Rica. Aeroperlas and Air Panama offer daily flights from Albrook National Airport in Panama City to the Bocas airport. The website and visitor information center were made possible by funding from the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Conservation of Central American Watersheds (CCAW) Program. Within this program, Solimar International is implementing the Bocas del Toro Initiative. Bocas Sustainable Tourism Alliance (BSTA), www.discoverbocasdeltoro.com; NatureAir, www.natureair.com; Aeroperlas, www.aeroperlas.com; Air Panama, www.flyairpanama.com; Solimar International, www.solimarinternational.com

Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com

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LATIN AMERICA LATOUR APPOINTS ARTHUR BERMAN NEW MANAGING DIRECTOR Latour, a leading tour operator to Central and South America and division of IsramWorld, has announced the appointment of Arthur Berman as its new Managing Director. Arthur Berman brings decades of experience in the travel industry to his new role. In particular, Arthur has a wealth of knowledge and experience with the Latin America market as the forARTHUR BERMAN mer President of VTC (Vacation Travel Concepts), one of the largest wholesalers to Latin America. “Arthur will be a great asset to Latour and will be working closely with the travel agent community to expand the company’s reach within Latin America,” commented A. Ady Gelber, President and CEO of IsramWorld, the parent company of Latour. Eitan Silberberg, formerly Vice President of Latour, will work with the company on special projects within the Latin American market. Latour, www.isram.com/latournew/index.htm; IsramWorld, 800-223-7460, info@isram.com, www.isramworld.com

METROPOLITAN TOURING OBTAINS TWO IMPORTANT LATA AWARDS AT WTM EVENT For the second consecutive year LATA recognized Metropolitan Touring as the Best Ground Agent in South America and the company’s expedition yacht LA PINTA, operating in the Galapagos Islands, also obtained the award for Best Expedition Cruise. LATA (Latin American Travel Association) is a travel trade organization that was founded to promote travel to Latin America. The association brings together over 200 companies, including tourist boards, tour operators, hotels, wholesalers, media, airlines and overseas members. The prestigious LATA Awards were presented at the party that LATA organizes every year during the World Travel Market in London. Metropolitan Touring, with ground operations in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Peru, is well-known and respected for Latin America travel and a pioneer of Galapagos Islands exploration.The company commits itself to providing a Latin American one-stop shop solution with continuity of service in all South American countries where it operates, in combination with the expertise of specially trained hands-on local staff in each country. The LATA award for Best Expedition Cruise was granted to Metropolitan Touring’s newest addition to its fleet—Yacht LA PINTA—for 48 guests, offering a full-week itinerary with intense days of wildlife exploration ending with relaxing evenings of top-notch service, excellent dining and tastefullyappointed, comfortable accommodations, for the best Galapagos 44 • JANUARY 2010

experience. Metropolitan Touring actively participates in and promotes corporate stewardship, nature conservation initiatives and projects that improve the quality of life of local communities. These awards reflect the company’s in-depth knowledge of the destination and its background of over 50 years in providing guests with quality travel experiences. Metropolitan Touring, www.metropolitan-touring.com; LATA (Latin American Travel Association), www.lata.org


Tierra Atacama’s spa now has a private deck with a lovely wooden hot tub offering dramatic views of Chile’s Licancabur volcano. In keeping with the Atacameñan style of the rest of Tierra Atacama, the area is sheltered and private, with semicircular adobe walls opening to the Andes mountain chain for perfect vistas of the conical Licancabur. The deck is furnished with loungers made of local woods, with soft pillows and smooth alpaca throws, reflecting the ecological conscience and authenticity behind Tierra Atacama’s philosophy. Spa treatments at Tierra Atacama use natural desert elements in their treatments, such as the lithium rich salts and volcanic muds for scrubs and wraps. The new Spa Director is Karen Smith, an English/Brazilian psychologist and yoga teacher, who will be developing the wellness programs for 2010. Guests are invited to enjoy fresh juices and fruit or cheese and a relaxing soak with aromatherapy oils before wrapping up in a fluffy robe and retiring to one of the comfortable loungers nearby while enjoying the sunset over the volcano. For honeymooners or those celebrating a special occasion, Tierra Atacama offers a rose-petal soak accompanied by sparkling Chilean wine on ice and chocolate-dipped strawberries. Enjoyed at the end of an active day before a delicious dinner, it’s an experience not to be missed. Tierra Atacama, info@tierraatacama.com, www.tierraatacama.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News

LATIN AMERICA PATAGONIA OUTDOORS SERVES UP MEMORABLE ADVENTURE IN CHILE Patagonia Outdoors operates authentic adventure expeditions— day trips and outfitting trips exclusively designed for Chilean Patagonia. All-inclusive eco-adventure trips start at $1,275 for three nights, $1,700 for four nights, and $2,850 for seven nights; prices are ppdo and include a great mix of activities including superlative fishing. A 20-percent commission is offered to agents. Lodging is provided at Paloma River Lodge, a comfortable 1,980square-foot lodge offering one of the best fishing experiences in Southern Chile. Located just minutes from fishing destinations, a walk and wade trip starts just 200 yards from the front door of the lodge itself. Fly-fishing is a main feature—with very short transfer times to and from float and wade trips (average 15 minutes). Well off the power grid deep in the Patagonia, the Lodge nonetheless has its own generators and small hydro turbine. Four spacious client bedrooms each have a queen-size bed and private bathroom. With only four clients attended per week, each has a personal, private room. The bar is open to view from the dining room and the large living room, where fishing stories can be shared over a nice selection of fine Chilean wines. Fishing trips are priced at $2,850 for Sunday to Saturday and $3,250 for Saturday to Saturday, or $475 per night. Paloma grants 20-percent commission rates to agents. The lodge is located in the Paloma River valley, about an hour and a half from the airport at Balmaceda and the same distance from

Coyhaique. Patagonia Outdoors has also launched a new guesthouse operation on the Maullin River just outside of Puerto Varas. The complex consists of two private, luxurious houses—El Coigue and El Manio, with swimming pool and hot tub, all just steps from the river’s edge in a very secluded and private wooded area. This is upscale Chilean adventure for the discerning traveler. The first client commented, “It was a fabulous experience. It could have not been better. First class—fishing, food, wine and accommodations.” There is the option of the private chef coming to the house and preparing selected and/or requested meals, a treat for just $200 per evening. On a nice summer eve, there may be a barbeque on the decks overlooking the river, if preferred. Both houses have Internet availability, limited cell phone coverage, satellite TV, music, and a serenity only achieved by being in such a beautiful setting next to a calm, running river. The all-inclusive sport adventure package is $450 ppdo, $600 for fly-fishing, with up to 20-percent commission rates. The website for this operation introduces a new concept. It’s totally generic, with no contact information at all, so operators can send the link to agents, agents to end consumers and everyone has to revert back to the person who sent the link to reserve the trip. Patagonia Outdoors, info@patagoniaoutdoors.com, www.patagoniaoutdoors.com; Paloma River Lodge, www.palomariverlodge.com; The River Guest House, www.guesthousechile.com

Lake Llanquihue PATAGONIA CHILE The Llanquihue Lake is located in the Chilean Patagonia, about 1,000 km south of the capital Santiago. It can be accessed by air, with several flights daily and a flight time of nearly one and a half hour. Also accessible by land, with a travel time of 12 hours. The towns of Puerto Varas, Llanquihue, Puerto Octay and Frutillar and locations of Cascadas and Ensenada provide the visitors with all kinds of services and facilities, from 5 star hotels to small hostels, restaurants of all kinds serving gourmet food to local traditional fare. A casino, an innumerable number of companies providing tourist services, such as excursions, scheduled trips and in general everything the visitor needs to have a pleasant stay. Due to the diversity of the Lake, you client can experience a multitude of activities for all ages and tastes: from adventure sports like rafting, trekking, canopy, climbing, kayaking, skiing in the Osorno Volcano in the winter, to quiet and beautiful walks to enjoy nature. Llanquihue Lake also has a rich tradition related to German colonization and visitors can today enjoy a variety of dishes in addition to the rich architectural heritage.

We invite you to visit us and enjoy our environment and safety throughout the year.

www.lagollanquihue.cl Travel World News • www.travelworldnews.com

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Accepting the Eco Accreditation award is Myles McClure (left), APT Red Centre Operations Manager from Warwick Rock, APT Regional Operations Manager.

Australian Pacific Touring’s (APT) Kings Canyon Wilderness Lodge has won the Hosted Accommodation Category at the 2009 Brolga Northern Territory Tourism Awards. Recently awarded Eco Accreditation, Kings Canyon Wilderness Lodge is located on a secluded area of Kings Creek Station near Kings Canyon in Australia’s infamous outback near Ayers Rock. A joint venture between APT and the Conway family, it comprises 10 deluxe cabins with en suite bathrooms, and provides lodge-environ nature tours, three-course campfire dinners and full breakfast service in the Mort Conway Homestead—all in the shade of a majestic stand of ancient desert oaks. The category was open to owner/operator accommodation providers offering a high degree of personal contact with guests. Entry was open—but not limited to—bed & breakfast, farm stay, cottage or other intimate, boutique, colonial or heritage accommodation. APT Central Australia Operations Manager, Myles McClure said, “This award is an acknowledgement of the vision of Ian and Lyn Conway and Geoff McGeary and is a credit to lodge staff who have consistently delivered professional high levels of customer service to our guests.” Winners of the 2009 Brolga Northern Territory Tourism Awards automatically become finalists in the 2009 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards. Australian Pacific Touring Group (APT), 800-290-8687, reservations@aptouring.com, www.aptouring.com

MALAYSIA MAKES LONELY PLANET’S TOP 10 COUNTRIES FOR 2010 Lonely Planet has ranked Malaysia among the world’s top 10 countries to visit for 2010. The fifth annual, 208-page “Best in Travel 2010” lists countries, regions and cities chosen by Lonely Planet global team members. Joining Malaysia in the top ten coun46 • JANUARY 2010

tries’ list for 2010 are the United States; El Salvador; Germany; Greece; Morocco; Nepal; New Zealand; Portugal and Suriname. Malaysia is the only Southeast Asian country to make the list. According to the guidebook: “Diversity is what Malaysia is all about. From chaotic and modern Kuala Lumpur to the near mystical wilds of Borneo, there are mountains to tackle, beaches to bake on, coral reefs to dive and malls to shop. And if this incredible geographical variety isn’t enough, wait till you meet the people. Malays live in rhythm to the mosque’s call to prayer, while just around the corner garlands of marigolds are sold in front of towering Hindu temples and the sweet smells of incense emanate from ornate Chinese Buddhist clan houses. Top off a multicultural day with an Indian curry, Chinese noodles, Malay rice dishes with spicy sambal or the region’s most famous fusion dish, coconut-curry noodle laksa.” The guidebook identifies Malaysia as one of the Best Value Destinations for 2010, promoting the country as “A clever choice for travelers on the lookout for a bargain.” It comments on Malaysia’s wide range of accommodations, low-priced flights such as AirAsia X, and its extremely affordable food (approximately $7.50 for a three-course meal). “Best in Travel 2010” also ranks Malaysia among the top spots for medical adventures. “Places like the beach resort town of Penang, on the country’s northwestern coast, are popular for breast enhancement surgery that comes with packaged-tours.” Lonely Planet, www.lonelyplanet.com; Tourism Malaysia, www.tourismmalaysiausa.com

TAJ ANDBEYOND OFFERS ONE-OF-A-KIND TIGER CIRCUIT PACKAGE Taj &Beyond is offering exclusive savings at its four beautiful jungle lodges throughout Madhya Pradesh. Through March 31, 2010, guests who book at any combination of Taj &Beyond’s four Indian lodges—Mahua Kothi near Bandhavgarh National Park, Baghvan near Pench National Park, Banjaar Tola near Kanha National Park and Pashan Garh near Panna National Park—will save 33 percent off their stays. Travelers can choose to combine any of the following one-of-akind safari experiences: Track the majestic tiger among the dramatic mountain landscapes of Bandhavgarh National Park and relax at gracious Mahua Kothi; explore the teak jungles and rich wildlife of Pench National Park, while enjoying the charming ambiance of Baghvan; gaze at the endangered hardground barasingha at Kanha, one of India’s largest reserves and take refuge at intimate Banjaar Tola, overlooking the banks of the Banjaar River; or explore Panna National Park, where a soothing wilderness experience is complemented by the luxurious stone cottages of Pashan Garh. Whether the choice is two, three or all four Taj &Beyond lodges on the tiger circuit, guests will have the unique opportunity to discover the secrets of the jungle on twice-daily game drives led by expert &Beyond-trained naturalists. &Beyond, www.andBeyond.com www.travelworldnews.com • Travel World News



Responding to increased customer demand, India’s leading international airline Jet Airways is relaunching service on the B777300ER out of New York’s Newark-Liberty International Airport. The flights (9W227 and 9W228) will operate to Mumbai via Jet Airways’ Brussels hub through January 16, 2010, in lieu of the smaller A330-200. With the new aircraft, additional seat capacity will be available in economy and Premiere (Business) classes, and First Class cabins (private suites offering ultimate comfort, space, and privacy) have been reintroduced. Additionally, Jet Airways operates daily service from New York’s JFK International Airport to Delhi and Chennai, via Brussels, using A330-200 aicraft. Their fleet of 84 aircraft includes 10 Boeing 777-300 ER aircraft, 12 Airbus A330-200 aircraft, 48 next-generation Boeing 737-700/800/900 aircraft and 14 modern ATR 72-500 turboprop aircraft. Flights to 63 destinations span the length and breadth of India and beyond, including New York (both JFK and Newark), Toronto, Brussels, London (Heathrow), Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Colombo, Bangkok, Kathmandu, Dhaka, Kuwait, Bahrain, Muscat, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Jeddah, Sharjah and Riyadh. Attractive rates are available in all classes of service. Jet Airways and its no-frills Economy Class service Jet Airways Konnect together operate over 365 flights daily. Jet Airways, www.jetairways.com

Despite the tourist popularity of Kyoto, Japan’s first capital was founded in Nara, and Japan will celebrate its 1300th anniversary in 2010. For those traveling in 2010, there will be special events commemorating the anniversary that will make their visit worthwhile.Following the opening celebration on January 1, 2010, with music, dance and theatrical performances, the major event site throughout the year will be in Heijokyo Palace, symbolized with a remarkable red-roofed Suzaku-mon Gate. From April 24 through November 7, the Palace will exhibit the early history and founding of Nara capital, as well as the life and culture of the era. The biggest day at the Palace will be April 23, 2010, when the completion of the restoration of Daikoku-den, the Former Imperial Audience Hall, will be celebrated. Heijokyo Palace will appear with flowers in spring, then multiple LED lights and candles from August 20 through 27. Nara’s design was based on ancient Chinese elements including colorful mandala, the ancient Buddhist description of the universe, differentiating Nara from Zen-colored Kyoto. Nara is also a live museum for Buddhist art fans: the city houses numerous ancient Buddhist statues, scrolls of prayers and paintings, accommodated in the over 1,000-year-old wooden architectural structures. The anniversary year will present the opportunity to introduce these unique elements to the global community. Nara’s historic buildings and art pieces are designated as one of UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage sites. One of the significant sites is Horyu-ji Temple, the world’s oldest remaining wooden structure to this day, containing 48 Buddhist monuments, among which the oldest is from the late seventh or early eighth century. The exhibits and events as well as international conferences and other attractions will be held with the extensive support and participation of the East Asian countries and cities with which ancient Japan enjoyed cultural exchange. The program will help visitors learn of Japan’s past, present, and future using Nara, where Japan had its beginnings, as a living text. Japan National Tourism Organization, nakashi@jntonyc.org, www.japantravelinfo.com

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