March 2010 Edition

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MARCH 2010

The Magazine for DestinationTravel Specialists


FITUR’s 30th Edition an Exhibit of Strength in Challenging Economic Times

Richard Doumeng Named 2009 Caribbean Hotelier of theYear


MARCH 2010 executive office

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INDUSTRY EVENTS FITUR’s 30th Edition an Exhibit of Strength in Challenging Economic Times CHTA Promotes ‘Unity for Action’ at This Year’s Caribbean Marketplace Florida Huddle 2010 – “Educational” and “Just Plain Fun” Third Annual Moroccan Travel Market Takes Place in Marrakesh


NORTH AMERICA EUROPE The Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg Reflects St. Petersburg’s Renewed Elegance

4 6 8 10 12 13


14 15 18

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Michael Iachetta

CARIBBEAN southeast regional correspondent

Joan Gonzalez western regional correspondent

Connie Skoog contributing editors

Mona Birch • Ann Charles • Gail P. Dubov Judith Glynn • Barry Goldsmith • Peggy Hageman George Hairston • Al Haut • Marjorie Klein • Peter Lowy Nancy Marcantonio • Anita Mason D.O. Christian Rieger • Knox Robinson • Mary Ellen Schultz Helen Kitti Smith • Robin Swados • Diane Terry Travel World News (ISSN 1044-4602) is published monthly by Travel Industry Network, Inc., 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. The cost of a subscription in the USA is $25, in Canada $40. For subscribers outside USA or Canada, the rate is $80. Please send check or money order in U.S. dollars payable to Travel World News. For change of address, please enclose your mailing label and send to: Circulation Department, Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Periodicals postage paid at Norwalk, CT, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Address advertising inquiries and/or editorial copy to: Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission. All advertising in Travel World News is based on data submitted to the Publisher by the advertisers. The Publisher shall not be liable for the accuracy or inaccuracy of any information contained in Travel World News and shall not be liable, including but not limited to consequential or special damages, to any party for any products or services advertised or reported upon herein. The Publisher shall not be responsible for typographical errors. All information contained herein is subject to change without notice by the parties providing such products and services. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that has been submitted at his sole discretion. Upon providing a refund of any amount paid to the party whose submittal was rejected, the Publisher shall not have any liability to any party for such rejection.

PUNTACANA Resort & Club Founder Frank Rainieri Recognized for Leadership in Sustainable Tourism Jamaica Tourist Arrivals Reflect 3.6-Percent Increase in 2009 The Sands at Grace Bay Offers ‘Cash In Your Kids’ Mom’s Day Discounts

22 24 27

MEXICO Valentin Imperial Maya Resort Offers Unique Meeting Space and World-Class Service New, Affordable Ocean Breeze Hotel Opens in Riviera Maya, Mexico Solmar Hotels & Resorts Offers Collection of Los Cabos Properties


28 30 32

LATIN AMERICA Tara Tours Introduces 2010 Guatemala Brochure Mantaraya Lodge Deemed Among Top FiveUnique Hotels by Bassotti Crillon Tours Packages the Bold Beauty of Bolivia

35 37



PROFITABLE WORLD OF NICHE MARKETS Hotel Flamingo Announces Spring Dive Promotion With Aquatic Sports AMAWATERWAYS Announces Second Ship on the Mekong Luxury Wildlife Safari Offered By Exotic Journeys

40 43 45


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FITUR’s 30th Edition an Exhibit of Strength in Challenging Economic Times The fair, which took place January 20–24 in Madrid’s IFEMA, drew 211,718 visitors.


tressed economy notwithstanding, the 30th International Tourism Trade Fair, FITUR 2010, managed to attract almost 11,000 companies from 170 countries, with 211,718 yearning to learn the latest news in tourism January 20–24 at IFEMA. Although professionals dropped six percent from the last edition, the percentage of visitors from abroad was maintained — 18 percent of the total, confirming FITUR’s strength. The Fair, obligatory as always for the media, attracted over 7,352 reporters. The Hotel Industry, representing 39 percent of the total promotion, were prominent exhibitors, followed by Spanish Official U.S. Ambassador Alan Solomont with wife Susan at the ribbon cutting for Discover Institutions and in third place Travel America’s new Pavilion. Agencies. A majority of professional visitors belonged to the Travel Agency and Hotel Industry segment, FITUR CONGRESOS comprising 17.5 percent and 15.1 percent respectively. They As a prelude to FITUR, on January 18 and 19 FITUR were particularly interested in promotions by Travel CONGRESOS was held at the Madrid Convention Centre. Wholesalers and Tour Operators (14.8 percent), and those of These conferences attracted 139 Spanish companies from the Travel Agencies (12.4 percent), followed by proposals re- business travel, with 187 international buyers originating from 39 countries. First-time participation of buyers from lated to the Hotel Industry (10.7 percent). Thirty-one percent of professionals sought proposals related Saudi Arabia, the Philippines and Taiwan is noteworthy. to Europe, while America aroused interest in 15 percent, as In two days, 4,300 professional appointments resulted from did Asia and Oceania. The objective of 13 percent of the visi- the meetings. tors was promotions offered by Africa and the Near East, with interest approaching the percentage of more traditional des- Business Initiatives tinations like America. Eighteen percent came to FITUR The 2010 edition witnessed the creation of RECEPTIVO looking for promotions within Spain itself. ESPAÑA (Incoming Spain), to provide greater visibility and encourage meetings between professionals interested in Discover America Spanish incoming tourism. Consolidates and Expands To encourage energy efficiency in hotels, FITUR GREEN This year, Discover America integrated exhibitors under a was designed in collaboration with the World Tourism single umbrella, increasing its exhibition space to well over Organization (WTO) and the Madrid Tourist Board. 3,000 square feet, and nearly doubling exhibitors to 47 in this Companies such as Robert Bosch España S.A., TÜV show compared to around 25 last year. Rheinland Iberica and Home Hotel Energy took part; they Biggest exhibitors were NYC Company, Las Vegas, Orlando also gave a workshop January 22 on energy solutions for hoand Dollar Thrifty. Remarked Michael Walsh, Discover tels. “For the first time, participants had the unique opportuAmerica’s Pavilion Project Manager for B-FOR International: nity to join up with experts in energy technology specializing “Visitors this year literally stood in line for over an hour to be in the hotel industry at the FITUR GREEN exhibition,” able to speak to someone about NYC and Las Vegas. This in- pointed out Zoritsa Urosevic, coordinator of the project terest from Spain is phenomenal.” Soluciones Energéticas para Hoteles (Energy Solutions for The U.S. Ambassador to Spain, Alan D. Solomont, was on Hotels) at the WTO. hand for the ribbon cutting introducing the new Pavilion. Successes like those carried out within project SAVE pro4 • MARCH 2010 • Travel World News

INDUSTRY EVENTS moted by Sol Meliá were explained. Participants learned of the positive experiences of Relais & Châteaux from International President Jaume Tàpies, and from the European Federation of Youth Hostels in Germany and Scotland where, according to Director of Operations Constanze Adolf, “accommodation is being developed with neutral CO2 emissions.”

market tourism is growing fast; there are many hotel projects, and at this event we can contact professionals of the sector in this continent and offer them our technology,” commented Bernardo Puyol from Delta Informática. Ndiaye expressed the hope that the various contacts made between the Spanish and the African people will materialize into fruitful business relationships.

Encouraging Development

Within Everybody’s Reach

The objective of INVESTOUR was to promote Spanish tourism investments in Africa, contributing to the development of the continent and creation of employment. The forum gathered nearly 62 entrepreneurs from the Spanish tourist sector and the representatives of 112 projects in 24 African states, among them Benin, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Morocco, Mauritania, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia and Uganda. In all, 256 trade meetings took place at the January 21 conference. Ousmane Ndiaye, regional representative of the WTO for Africa, stated: “In its first edition, INVESTOUR has reached its main objective: to draw the African tourism potential closer to the Spanish market.” Spanish entrepreneurs acknowledged INVESTOUR opportunities: “We have technologies for hotels, and in the African

Social networks, video marketing and future Webs for tourism were discussed at FITURTECH, where Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero (ITH) (Hotel Technological Institute) saw remarkable attendance. The 2010 edition of FITUR instituted a page on Facebook connecting 2,294 fans and also uploaded YouTube videos that included past FITUR events and FITUR CONGRESOS in English and Spanish. A first QUEDADA FITUR was organized, promoted by the social travel network MINUBE.COM. Summarized Álvaro Carrillo, ITH Managing Director, “The market changes, the client changes and FITUR changes with them; this is the FITURTECH concept.” The next IFEMA Fair, scheduled for January 19 to 23, 2011, is already in its planning stages.

Travel World News •


MARCH 2010 •



CHTA Promotes ‘Unity for Action’ at This Year’s Caribbean Marketplace


anuary’s Caribbean Marketplace 2010 held in the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan was upbeat, There were 1,362 delegates—just 10.5 percent off the recent high of 1,521 attendees in 2009, and a record number of 19 sponsors plus two additional supporters for the CHTA Board Meetings. “The attendance at Caribbean Marketplace held better than most other tourism industry gatherings over the past year, many of which have been down by as much as 40 percent,” said Enrique De Marchena Kaluche, President of the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA), host of Caribbean Marketplace 2010 along ENRIQUE DE MARCHENA KALUCHE with co-hosts Puerto Rico Tourism Company, Puerto Rico Hotel and Tourism Association, Puerto Rico Convention Bureau, MasterCard and Virgin Holidays. “The general mood of the hoteliers, tour operators, wholesalers and tourist office officials that I spoke with indicated that the economy is shifting back into a higher gear than experienced in the past 18 months,” added De Marchena. Avid interest was demonstrated by the tourist boards from 23 countries that were in attendance. He announced that CHTA endorses and supports the renovated efforts of unity among Caribbean governments now being proposed by CTO tourism ministers, who met in San Juan just prior to the Marketplace. De Marchena emphasized, however, that “While CHTA supports this proposed unity, we strongly assert that it must be ‘unity for action’ in order to have any meaning whatsoever. “The Caribbean region has been facing an economic crisis as are all other regions of the world, and the tourism sector has been hit by this global economic downturn in particular because the Caribbean economies are the most dependent on tourism, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council, and there is a trickle-down effect on the rest of the economy, including agricultural, telecommunication, transportation, commerce and banking sectors, among others. “As a result of this loss of revenues from tourism-related industries, he explained, “governments have reduced budgets which has put pressure on the provision of social services 6 • MARCH 2010

among others including reduced tourism budgets.”

Marketing Most Important De Marchena expressed concern that “Governments have so far not been able to agree on how the funds for a Caribbean marketing plan should be generated.” His remarks alluded to a CARICOM Heads of Government agreement at the July 2007 tourism summit in Antigua on the implementation of a regional marketing program and sustainable funding for the program. Years later, CARICOM hasn’t yet agreed on a formula, despite serious difficulties faced by the industry. When CTO billed their members based on a formula of funding from internal resources agreed at a January 2009 meeting, only two countries submitted payments, according to Alec Sanguinetti, Director General and CEO of CHTA. “All governments are seriously challenged for money to support their own destination marketing programs. In addition, this money is needed for airline guarantees for new and ongoing services which puts more demands on dwindling government resources,” he noted.

Ticket Tax Recommended “While the governments of the Caribbean may have recognized the importance of tourism, the need for action now is critical for their economies,” warned De Marchena, adding: “CHTA strongly suggests the CTO revisit the recommendation for a tax on airline and cruise passenger tickets to the Caribbean and additionally suggests that we use the precedent set by the Travel Industry Association in the United States which recently instituted a $10 ticket tax to fund its U.S. marketing and promotion efforts worldwide. “We further suggest that a $10 ticket tax on all airline tickets for incoming passengers could be effectively split to enable individual governments to use $5 of each tax for its own destination marketing while allocating the other $5 to a sustainable marketing fund for the region. Millions of dollars would result from such a ticket tax for each destination to supplement its marketing efforts as well as millions of dollars for a regional marketing campaign.” Jamaica’s Tourism Enhancement Fund based on $10 per airline ticket and a tax on cruise tickets is evidence such a plan could work. The Fund has proven its value in providing the country with the resources and war chest to mount and maintain an aggressive marketing campaign as well as attract new airlift. • Travel World News

INDUSTRY EVENTS Time to Act Now De Marchena’s remarks were intended to spur open dialogue among the region’s public and private sector organizations that may result in additional recommendations for a viable alternative sustainable formula. Regardless of the approach, however, the one thing that remains certain is that immediate measures must be taken. “Our fear is that many Caribbean nations are alienating themselves because of the lack of action. As a result of this inaction, certain destinations will further alienate other destinations,” explained De Marchena. “We are urging ‘unity for action’ to assure a sustainable tourism program that would help the economies of the Caribbean nations, including assisting in the alleviation of poverty throughout the region.” Unity of the private sector is reflected in current Marketplace figures—with 402 booths as compared to 410 in 2009. There were 190 buyer delegates, only 3.6 percent down from 2009, and 378 supplier delegates, 8.5 percent fewer than the previous year. With attendees and booths maintained at similar level to last year’s high, the strong commitment to the market by CHTA members as well as the tour operators and wholesalers that promote and sell the Caribbean is reflected.

Travel World News •

CHTA reports great interest already in the upcoming 13th Annual Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Investment Conference set for May 4–6 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. “This is expected to be a crucial meeting of developers, bankers, tourism officials and hoteliers which always results in expansion and enhancement projects for the Caribbean destinations,” said De Marchena. Sponsors of Marketplace 2010 included AM Resorts, Caribbean Travel + Life, Choice Hotels International, EventStar, Exposure 4, Forum Telcom, Green Globe, Interval International, InterContinental Hotels Group, St. Maarten Tourist Bureau, Starwood Caribbean Collection, Travelzoo, TripAdvisor, Tropical Shipping, Utell Hotels and Resorts— Pegasus, and World Group. Sponsors of the CHTA Board Meetings included The New York Times and TravelScream. “We are confident that by working together we can overcome the many challenges that face the global travel community and in doing so create new opportunities to ensure that the Caribbean remains the number-one warm weather destination in the world,” concluded De Marchena.

Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA),

MARCH 2010 •



Florida Huddle 2010 – “Educational” and “Just Plain Fun” 34th International annual Florida tourism show held in Clearwater. JOAN GONZALEZ


t’s a rivalry, for sure, but a friendly one: Florida’s west coast Gulf Beaches versus its famous, glamorous east coast (Miami Beach, Palm Beach) and on up and down the peninsula. However, as Rosemarie Payne, Director Leisure Travel for the US and Canada exclaims, “We have the sunset!” ( And what a spectacular sunset it is over the water). There are 35 miles of beaches and an excellent way to get around without the hassle of driving is to ride, “The Jolley Trolley.” A visitor’s guide to Tampa Bay Beaches promoted by the Chamber of Commerce states that visitors can spend hours doing a lot or doing nothing at all, adding that, “lying on the beach is considered doing something!” Clearwater was certainly a winning selection by Florida Huddle’s Lynn Warren, President/ CEO and DJ Towle, Director Media Relations for Huddle International’s 34th annual Florida tourism show. The show’s owner and staff, who all live in Florida, rightfully boast that it is the “only trade show in the world owned and operated by Floridians dedicated to bringing buyers and journalists interested in Florida to meet in Florida with Florida’s sellers. In other words, it’s, “All Florida.”

Florida’s West Coast The “Florida Huddle” show was sure to awaken an increased interest in Florida’s west coast with its 35 miles of beautiful beaches. The event drew sellers of travel from the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Argentina, Brazil (and others). The feed-back was all positive. Surprisingly, many visitors in the summer are from Europe when weather in their home cities is usually good, while North Americans and Canadians mostly head south for the winter months in order to enjoy Florida’s sunshine and warmth. Clearwater’s beach on Osceola Avenue has the distinction of being rated the best city beach on the Gulf of Mexico and especially popular is its Pier 60, with its daily sunset festival. The latest newcomer to the area is the Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach Resort and Spa that opened its doors to the Huddle group the night before its official opening in order to throw a major reception with dinner and dancing. A familiar face for many was Howard Clark, who was well known to the travel industry when he was with the Herradura Hotel in Costa Rica. He is now the Director of Business and Travel Industry Sales for the new hotel with a different twist. The units, all deluxe, are sold to investors who live in them usu8 • MARCH 2010

It was a fun night at the pre-opening party thrown by the new Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach Resort and Spa for the Florida Huddle group. The music had everyone dancing in the halls.

ally for most of the year and then turn them over to the hotel to rent them out the remainder of the year. For more information on how this all works, e-mail Howard Clark, Director of Business & Travel Industry Sales. ( Coming soon to St. Petersburg is a new Salvador Dali Museum with the grand opening set for January 11,2011. The present museum has been open for 27 years with the largest private collection of the Spanish artist’s works in the world.

A Clearwater Guide For more information on selling Clearwater, get a copy of the official Clearwater, Florida Visitors Guide 2009, published by the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce, 1130 Cleveland Street, Clearwater 33755,(727) 461-0011, Fax: (727) 449-2889 or Its an excellent guide and includes maps, The guide is called, “Clearwater, Its Award-Winning Beaches and So Much More.”

Don’t Forget Tampa While most of the attention at the show was focused on Clearwater and its fabulous, award -winning beaches, across the gigantic bridges is Tampa, with its fantastic Busch Gardens, a 335-acre African-themed park featuring thrilling (scary) rides, an incredible zoo, live shows, shopping and dining and not to be missed is Ybor City, established in 1886 when the Key West cigar manufacturing business was moved to the Tampa area. It is now a great entertainment district with its Latin influence in music, food and culture.

Florida Huddle 2010, • Travel World News


From left to right: Jeff Posner, Coastal Communications; representing Egypt, Magdy A. Keryakos, Vice President Marketing, Wings Tours Inc.; Nico Zenner, President, Travel Bound; representing China, Larry Kwan, President, Pacific Delight Tours; David Parry, Chairman, ATS and Chairman, Academic Travel Abroad; Juan Sepulveda, President, NY SKAL and Director of International Sales, Highgate Hotels; representing the Czech Republic, Mirjana Sebek-Heroldova, Czech Tourism Canada; representing Turkey, Nihan Bekar, Director, Turkish Culture & Tourist Office; and Don Reynolds, Executive Vice President, ATS. (Missing from photo is Jake Wolosz of the Polish National Tourist Office, New York). A successful, well-attended first joint American Tourism Society (ATS) and New York SKAL seminar focused on meetings and conference opportunities in new as well as established markets. Welcome and opening remarks were given by David Parry, Chairman, ATS and Chairman, Academic Travel Abroad and Juan Sepulveda, President, NY SKAL and Director of International Sales, Highgate Hotels. The panel was comprised of representatives from Turkey, China, Poland, the Czech Republic and Egypt, with Nico Zenner, President of Travel Bound and ATS Executive Committee Member, as moderator. The seminar, organized by ATS/SKAL member, Jeff Posner, Coastal Communications Corporation, was held at the Down Town Association and followed by a Skal lunch and Czech Tourism reception. American Tourism Society (ATS),, Travel World News •

MITM EUROMED TO TAKE PLACE THIS YEAR AT LLORET DE MAR IN COSTA BRAVA, SPAIN The 14th edition of MITM Euromed, Meetings and Incentive Travel Market will be held in Spain’s Costa Brava resort city of Lloret de Mar, June 9–11, 2010. MITM will be sponsored by Lloret de Mar Costa Brava, Olympic Congress Center, and Evenia Hotels, and it will take place in the award-winning Olympic Congress Center. MITM will bring to Costa Brava’s Lloret de Mar up to 100 top incentive, meetings and events buyers from Europe and the U.S., to meet with travel and tourism providers from Europe and the Mediterranean region in a two-day travel market. The event is specifically directed to the M.I.C.E. market (Meetings, Incentives, Congresses/Conventions and Events), and is open only to travel and tourism trade professionals. Neither visitors, nor the public is allowed.MITM Euromed is a serious, professional travel market. I ndividual and pre-arranged meetings between exhibitors and hosted buyers are set up. No entertainment is permitted except at specific hours within the stands, so that the working atmosphere cannot be altered. Post tours are offered to buyers and international press in order for them to know firsthand exhibitors’ venues and services. GSA Marketing/MITM Euromed,,

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Third Annual Moroccan Travel Market Takes Place in Marrakesh Exposition extends the “Beautiful Friendship” with the U.S. R O B I N S WA D O S

Places to Stay To the first-time visitor to the magical city of Marrakesh— with its effortless combination of personal warmth, sunshine, colors that range from an eye-popping variety of rugs and carpets to fragrant rose petals and baskets of rare spices and herbs, all swathed in a city whose primary color is antique rose—the 233-year-old friendship between the United States and Morocco should come as no surprise. It’s a remarkably easy city in which to feel at home, whether on foot, in a horse and carriage, a “little cab” (for one passenger) or a “big” one (for more passengers). From the expansive, elegant boulevards that line its upscale neighborhoods to the souks off of the Place Jemaa el Fna, its famed central bazaar, Marrakesh is a stunning blend of sophisticated, contemporary shops, restaurants, clubs and cafés, and wildly exotic alleyways filled with a kaleidoscopic array of merchandise—jeweled boxes, tin ceiling lanterns, leather goods, pottery, and rugs and carpets, to name but a few. Marrakesh is a jewel of the Arab world, yes, but it also compares in certain ways to Paris and even the palm-lined, sun-dappled boulevards of Los Angeles. For all its antiquity, Marrakesh contains a broad spectrum 10 • MARCH 2010



he third annual Moroccan Travel Market took place in Marrakesh from January 13 to 17 in a warm, sunny and festive atmosphere. Although it was 1942 when Humphrey Bogart made cinematic history in the film Casablanca when he said, “Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” the truth of the matter is that the real friendship between Morocco and the United States dates back to December 1777, when Moroccan sultan Muhammad III included America in a list of countries to which Morocco’s ports were open, making Morocco the first country whose head of state publicly recognized the new United States. Relations were formalized with the Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship negotiated by Thomas Barclay, and signed by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Muhammad III in 1786. The 2010 tourist market was only the latest example of the friendly relationship that has long existed between Morocco and the United States.

The entrance to the 2010 Moroccan Travel Market.

of elegant, state-of-the-art places in which to stay, at all price levels, ranging from the famed La Mamounia Hotel, which recently underwent an enormous renovation, to the more mid-priced chain of Ryad Mogador Hotels (there are seven in Marrakesh alone), to stunning one-off boutique hotels like the Dar Rhizlane Hotel, located on the quiet, unassuming Rue Jnane El Harti. The intimate Rhizlane is an especially glorious example of Marrakesh at its most exotic and elegant, with cascades of bougainvillea and roses everywhere, fountains and reflecting pools strewn with incredibly fragrant rose petals (most of them freshly plucked from the owner’s own farm), and rooms so beautiful they would be remembered forever—a perfect setting for a wedding, or special occasion of any kind. La Mamounia Hotel,; Ryad Mogador Hotels,; Dar Rhizlan, Another special place to stay in Marrakesh is the Hivernage Hotel & Spa, one of the Great Hotels of the World, and an ultra-luxurious wellness center located in an elegant residential quarter of the city just a few steps away from the Mamounia. There are 60 suites, several restaurants, high-end shops, and (of course) numerous pools, all focused on a Zen environment of tranquility and well-being. Hivernage Hotel & Spa,

Alternatives to the Tried and True Some of the more noticeable exhibitors at the tourist market • Travel World News

INDUSTRY EVENTS this year focused on a number of out-of the-way vacation spots ideal for families with children, couples seeking a romantic getaway, athletically inclined vacationers, or anyone interested in branching out to unusual and frequently stunning locations in which to spend leisure time. The first and perhaps most traditional of these is the Samanah Country Club, a gigantic community currently under development (parts are already finished), located some 15 minutes south of Marrakesh. Situated at the foothills of the Atlas Mountains, the Samanah has already been awarded the Best Golf Development Morocco by the Arabian Residential Property Awards, in conjunction with CNBC, and no wonder: it’s a spectacular development of villas of various sizes and styles, available for rent or for sale, to suit any taste or budget, all of them in close proximity to very beautiful golf courses. Though the Samanah’s focus is primarily on golf, there are also eight tennis courts, among many other athletic activities. Other accoutrements include child-care facilities, many restaurants, shops, and full concierge service. Samanah Country Club, Another of these remarkable and unusual vacation getaways is the Bivouacs du Desert, an open-air community of tents, carpets, candlelit nights, bonfires, and Moroccan-style meals under the desert stars, complete with live music and traditional live spectacles. The Bivouacs offer an opportunity to live life a bit like the nomads do in a luxurious atmosphere every bit as romantic as one might expect. Bivouacs du Desert, For the ever-increasing number of tourists concerned about sustainable eco-tourism, Couleurs Berbères—a highly secure, tented community located at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, and about a 45-minute drive from Marrakesh— offers a truly unusual and delightful alternative to the tried and true. Founded by the brothers Loutfi in Marrakesh, this ultra-secure, walled vacation getaway, with its circular arrangement of fully air-conditioned tents, two swimming pools, and a gigantic bonfire around which to commune in the early evening, has more than just tourism on its mind. Created less than two years ago to bring people of different countries and cultures together for even a brief moment in time, Couleurs Berbères is designed to promote solidarity among all its guests, to foster communication between them that might otherwise never occur by providing art workshops for groups or single individuals, and to encourage teamwork through fun activities, whether artistic, creative, athletic, or introspective. It’s a beautifully unusual way to gather a variety of people together, be they individuals, couples or families looking to spend time in a breathtaking geographical environment, or even for business groups to gather together as an expression of a particular marketing message none of its associates are likely to forget. There’s a full bar and tented restaurant serving traditional Moroccan cuisine, an amTravel World News •

phitheater for live performances each evening, conference rooms, and sports activities that include hang-gliding, mountain climbing, swimming, and even meeting the local Berbers, all of which are enjoyed in ways that improve the standards of living in the surrounding local villages, respect the local population and preserve the environment. Couleurs Berbères,

Wandering Marrakesh’s City Streets There’s something to be said for simply wandering the streets of almost any city you happen to be visiting, and Marrakesh is certainly no exception. There is, however, a central attraction—the Place Jemaa el Fna, located at the epicenter of the medina (the old city), a visit to which is simply essential. During the day it is a bustling market, replete with friendly monkeys, mysterious snake charmers, and lively musicians; at night, it transforms itself into the world’s largest open-air bazaar, with literally hundreds of food stands selling everything from seafood to chicken, lamb, beef, sausages, tagines, and assorted other local specialties—all not to be missed. For a more traditional sit-down meal, laid-back, casual cafés like La Table du Marché, located at 4, rue du temple are a lovely way to pass the time, and the spectacularly atmospheric Grand Café de la Poste, a two-story mansion built in 1926 that now serves delicious meals in an ambience that can only be described as straight out of “The English Patient.” [The restaurant’s intriguing Web site alone is worth a visit.] And if the visitor to Marrakesh is lucky enough to spend some time exploring the glorious, massive El-Badiâ Palace, the Kosybar Restaurant offers not only fantastic views of it but excellent meals to boot.

Some Souvenirs If one had to choose mementos of Marrakesh, the city might be said to be especially memorable for two things—its carpets and its spices. As for the former, one of the best-known and most reputable collections of antique rugs, Berbers, and kilims is to be found at Aux Merveilles de Marrakech, located at 14, Souk Semmarine, just off the Place Jemaa el Fna. And a great way to bring back special gifts from Marrakesh at low prices is to pay a visit to the beautiful Herboristerie Palais El Badiâ, an herb and spice shop located at 22, bis Arset lamâach Touareg jdad, which has a truly remarkable collection of spices, herbal teas, essential oils, creams and ointments, perfumes, and hibiscus flowers. You won’t forget the shop. And you’ll never forget Marrakesh.

How to Get There All flights from the U.S. to Marrakesh make a stopover at Casablanca, which is a 25-minute flight from Marrakesh.

Moroccan Travel Market, MARCH 2010 •




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Adventure Travel World Summit 2010 MITM Americas 2010 CATM 2010 The Motivation Show ABAV 2010 Discover America Pavilion at ABAV 2010 ITB Asia Discover America Pavilion at ITB Asia 2010 TTG Incontri Discover America Pavilion at TTG Incontri 2010

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12 • MARCH 2010



INDUSTRY NEWS ARTA LEADERSHIP ELECTED SHOW DIVERSITY AND ACCOMPLISHMENT At its first quarterly meeting held January 23 in New Orleans, the nation’s oldest nonprofit association exclusively for travel agents elected officers. The ARTA (Association of Retail Travel Agents) board elected Barry Richcreek its Chairman for 2010. Richcreek is coowner of Richcreek Vacations in Harrisburg, PA., established by Margaret and Barry Richcreek in 1988. Richcreek also serves on ARC’s Joint Advisory Board-Airline Reporting Agreement (JAB-ARA), and the board of TAAP (Travel Agent Arbiter Program). He was a founding member of the local Make A Wish Foundation. Vice-chair is Sally Watkins, CTC, an individual agent working through Century Travel in Austin, Texas. She has been recognized in the community as one of Travel + Leisure magazine’s “A-List Super Agents” annually since 2004. Watkins has been president of the Travel Agents Council of Austin, and has served on the local boards of Foundation for the Homeless and Teenage Parent Council. Jane Dever, owner of Crosby Cruises and Tours in Florida, NY, will serve as Secretary. Treasurer is Lynn Hayes, CTC, MCC, manager of CWT Vacations in Greenville, SC. Hayes, a three-year honoree as one of the Most Powerful Women in Travel by Travel Agent Magazine, was also runner-up for Travel Weekly’s Travel Agent of the Year. She taught for three years at the International School of Travel in Greensboro, and has served on the Thrifty Car Rental Advisory Board. Four times named one of the Most Powerful Women in Travel by Travel Agent Magazine, Nancy Linares, CTC, who with her husband has owned and operated Holidays ’n Travel in Austin since 1972, will serve as Executive Committee Member at Large. Linares has served on major hotel and CLIA advisory boards in the past. The diversity of the travel industry is well represented on the ARTA board, from the home-based segment to branded retail agency, from ownership to frontline agent and independent contractor. ARTA is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. ARTA (Association of Retail Travel Agents), 800-969-6069,,

GOWAY CELEBRATES 40TH BY GIVING AWAY 40 TRIPS WORTH OVER $250,000 As 2010 is Goway’s 40th Anniversary year, many celebrations and promotions have already begun with the company. The biggest promotion to date, and probably the biggest all year, is a 40 Trips Giveaway. Yes, the company is giving away 40 amazing trips for two to the exotic destinations in which they specialize. The total value of these trips exceeds $250,000. “This is the biggest trip giveaway that we know of,” states Bruce Hodge, the founder and President of Goway. Prizes range from a seven-day Highlights of Jordan trip (valued at $2,070) to a 22-day fully-escorted, all-inclusive tour of Australia (valued at $22,554). For golfers there’s an exclusive package to the PGA Presidents Cup in Melbourne. For romantics there are several World’s Most Idyllic Islands escapes; for the active and adventurous, an African overland journey, Inca Trail treks and fun touring experiences in Europe and Australia. A visit to the Galapagos Islands, Papua New Guinea, Abu Dhabi and India, China, Israel, South Africa and Antarctica are also available. In all, if someone were to win all the trips Goway is giving away, they would visit more than 40 countries. Winners of the prizes, if they wish, will be able to give their prize away within a month of winning and they will have up to a year to travel. Travel agents are invited to participate in the competition. Those that do will receive a $40 credit for their next booking with Goway and will be eligible for other initiatives that Goway will be bringing out over the year. Goway Travel,,

VIRTUOSO REVEALS 2010 GUIDE TO THE WORLD’S BEST HOTEL EXPERIENCES Luxury network Virtuoso® has announced that its Best of the Best: 2010 Guide to the World’s Best Hotel Experiences is now available. The popular guide highlights the hotels and resorts of its elite worldwide membership, featuring properties in unique locations with extraordinary services and top-drawer amenities. Virtuoso Hotels & Resorts currently includes more than 800 world-renowned properties in 89 countries. Exclusive Virtuoso amenities await consumers when they reserve their stay through a knowledgeable Virtuoso travel advisor, such as room upgrades, breakfast for two daily, early check-in and late check-out, preferred rates and availability, and value-added Virtuoso amenities. As in past years, each listing features a valuable “In the Know” tip provided by one of Virtuoso’s expert travel advisors who has experienced the property firsthand. “The hotels featured in our Best of the Best guide represent the high caliber and integrity that travelers expect of Virtuoso and our member travel advisors,” said Albert Herrera, Vice President of Hotels, Destinations & Tours for Virtuoso. “Based on the recommendation of the members that make up the Hotels & Resorts Committee, we personally invite each property that you find in Best of the Best. Sections include: Annual Best of the Best Award Winners singled out by Virtuoso travel advisors as extraordinary; Virtuoso Lifestyle: Villas & Private Retreats, Africa & Middle East; Asia & Pacific; Caribbean & Bermuda; Canada & United States; Europe; Mexico, Central & South America; and an Introduction to the Newest Virtuoso Hotels & Resorts. Virtuoso, Travel World News •

MARCH 2010 •





arlos Santayana said, “He who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it.” Many food critics say, “He who eats food at historic restaurants is doomed to repeat it.” I disagree. Eating food at fine historic restaurants is an integral part of sightseeing. In addition to visiting historic interiors, historic restaurants offer specialties indigenous to their city and country: if you want nouvelle cuisine in a nouvelle setting in a nouvelle restaurant, go to a nouvelle city like Dubai. In Venice after touring Gothic palazzos, medieval churches, Rococo museums, the Byzantine San Marco, and riding in ancient conveyances – gondolas – one of my tours wound up in a gourmet restaurant with a minimalist interior. Sure, the food was great. However, the ambiance was a severe letdown. Minimalist restaurant interiors belong in New York’s Soho off Canal Street, not off the Canals of Venice. So where do my groups eat in Venice? In historic former palaces such as the Gritti, today’s Hotel Gritti Palace and the Dandolo Palace, now the Hotel Danieli. Although the Danieli’s rooftop restaurant only dates from 1948, the view is timeless. And then there are the two historic competing cafes (with competing orchestras) on Piazza San Marco – the 18th-century Florian’s and the even older, 17th-century Quadri. In Madrid, when we visit the Prado with Goyas, the Church of San Antonio (where Goya is buried), why not dine at the Casa Botin, where Goya worked before he discovered painting? The food is good, the atmosphere is great. And if you love literature as much as you love art, architecture and history, you can even sit at Ernest Hemingway’s favorite table. The Guinness Book of Records claims that Casa Botin is the world’s oldest restaurant. I’ve eaten at Restaurant Wierzynek in Krakow (Poland), which dates from 1364. U Flechu in Prague says it’s been serving continuously since 1499. (Which is impossible, because unlike Greek coffee shops in Manhattan, or Greek diners in New Jersey, U Flecku was never opened 24/7.) To absorb the history, architecture and atmosphere of one of Istanbul’s greatest buildings, Sinan the Great’s Suleymaniye Mosque, lunch at Daruzziyafe Restaurant – a 16th-century Muslim soup kitchen. In the 19th-century, it was said that, “Britain rules the world.” Today you can still eat “British” at Rules – an elegant restaurant founded in 1798 – finding something that is still rare – good English cuisine. Order Beef Wellington where Wellington actually ate it. One of the best cities for historic restaurants in historic settings is Paris. Le Procope (1686) still has Benjamin Franklin’s table. Many of the French Revolutionaries ate there until the 14 • MARCH 2010

Inside Le Grand Véfour, I’m with the head chef, Guy Martin standing on my left. I was getting over bronchitis and he made me a very special chicken soup. Excuse me, consumé!

guillotine interfered with their digestion. Other great historic restaurants are La Tour D’Argent (16th century), which has the best view of Paris. You can eat ribs while staring at an aerial view of Notre Dame’s flying buttresses – medieval stone ribs. My favorite is Le Grand Véfour, in the historic Palais Royale. It’s the perfect lunch break from the Louvre, just two blocks away. (Hint: Paris’ deluxe restaurants are almost half-price for lunch – instead of dinner.) Where Napoleon ate Napoleons (mille feuille). One of the most beautiful and historic restaurants in Paris is in a railroad station – Gare de Lyon, (It even beats Penn Station’s dining experiences – Nathan’s and Dunkin Donuts.) Le Train Bleu restaurant, which is also a listed landmark, is an Art Nouveau gem. If you want to see one of the best private collections of Art Nouveau, a lunch at the Art Nouveau Maxim’s will get you a free tour of several floors of Pierre Cardin’s private Art Nouveau collection. Meanwhile, if you love Art Nouveau, in St. Petersburg there’s the Grand Hotel Europe’s stunning Style Moderne (Russian Art Nouveau) dining room, where the Romanovs ate Beef Stroganov. And in Moscow there’s Yar where you can order the same 1910 dishes – but sadly pay 2010 prices. Yar still offers a stage show, which it did when it opened – when Rasputin was thrown out for drunkenness and lewdness – exposing himself. Meanwhile, I don’t want to leave you with the wrong idea: I do love modern, minimalist restaurants as much as anyone. And I even recommend one in Venice! The modern restaurant at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection – of Modern Art. Barry Goldsmith is a professor of architecture and humor. Goldsmith is a television host of travel-related TV series in the USA and UK. And he is a regular on a new syndicated radio show, Let’s Travel Radio. • Travel World News

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Complimentary Shuttle to Love Field Airport Complimentary Internet Service in each guest room ZÄžĆ?Ćš Ç ÄžĹŻĹŻ ŽŜ ŽƾĆŒ Íž^ůĞĞƉ EƾžÄ?ÄžĆŒ ĞĚÍ&#x; Complimentary well equipped fitness center Outdoor pool Vanessa's Restaurant Over 12,000 square feet of flexible meeting space 293 rooms and suites designed with your comfort in mind


Miyako Hybrid Hotel is offering guests an “Experience Japan” package that combines the hotel’s amenities—deluxe accommodations, exquisite dining, and a sake tasting—with a relaxing getaway in the heart of Torrance, the epicenter of South Bay’s burgeoning Japanese business and tourist market. Japanese hospitality is more similar to an elevated politeness that makes guests feel valued and respected. “We want our guests to feel relaxed and taken care of the moment they enter the hotel,” says General Manager Cherie Davis. “The ambiance of the entire building, coupled with the range of amenities, signal to them that their time here will be a unique experience.” Guests can personally embrace the uniqueness of Japan at the world-renowned Gonpachi restaurant. Executive Chef Alex Cabrera treats guests to a three-course tasting menu featuring Ebi Shinjo, a crispy fried shrimp dumpling with sweet yuzu chili sauce; Asari Miso Shiru, an organic Japanese miso broth with manila clams, wakame, and tofu; Gindara Saikyo, kushiyaki-grilled black cod in miso on hijiki brown rice; Gonpachi Temptation, tuna, salmon, yellowtail, halibut, and unagi sushi with spicy tuna and shrimp tempura-cut rolls. Desserts include Pumpkin Zenzai, chilled sticky rice balls in a roasted kabocha pumpkin custard sauce with vanilla bean ice cream and red bean paste, topped with almonds, and a Gonpachi Crème Brulee infused with Grand Marnier liqueur served with a ginger snap cookie. At its breakfast buffet, over 40 traditional Japanese and American breakfast items are offered including yakizakana, kinpira, hand-made soba and udon, inari sushi, and made-to-order omelets, pancakes, waffles, and eggs. The “Experience Japan” package offered at $149 ppdo ensures that guests can relax and unwind during their stay at the Miyako Hybrid Hotel. The package includes an overnight stay in deluxe accommodations, signature three-course menu, sake tasting, and breakfast. Miyako Hybrid Hotel, 16 • MARCH 2010

BLACK HILLS TRAVEL AGENT SPECIALIST PROGRAM ANNOUNCES SITE RELAUNCH Black Hills, Badlands & Lakes Association and Rapid City Convention & Visitors Bureau has re-launched their travel agent specialist website to provide an updated look and feel to the existing program while enhancing online resources, destination information and providing exclusive commissions for Black Hills Specialists. The program is an industry leading online study course designed especially for travel agents in the U.S. and Canada. The program started in 2001 and already has over 787 accredited Black Hills Specialists. The original program offered a variety of tools to help agents sell the region throughout the years. With the re-launch of the site, agents will now have enhanced digital sales collateral like: e-brochures, social media, an enhanced digital photo and video library, destination maps, and more. Additional benefits of participating in the program include exclusive Specialist commissions on lodging, air, car rental, attractions, tours and shuttles through Black Hills Central Reservations. The program also provides Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) through the Travel Institute (four CEUs) and the Canadian Institute of Travel Counsellors (three CEUs). As an added benefit to current Black Hills specialists, those who wish to retake the exam may to do so in order to earn the additional credits but it is not required. Agents can visit the website sign up to begin the free course. Once signed up, agents will receive ongoing e-news with Specialist program updates, educational opportunities, events and destination news to support their Black Hills destination expertise. Black Hills Travel Agent Specialist Program,,

COMING YEAR MARKS SANTA FE’S 400TH ANNIVERSARY Each year the Santa Fe Convention & Visitors Bureau publishes a free guide of vital information for visitors to Santa Fe. The guide is especially relevant for 2010 as Santa Fe will spend all year marking its 400th anniversary. The new guide is filled with information on Santa Fe’s fascinating history, traditional cultures, romantic allure, diverse surroundings, distinctive cuisine, and numerous attractions. There is a comprehensive list of the city’s many hotels, motels, inns, and B&B’s, maps of the downtown historic district and areas to explore outside the city, a calendar of 2010 event highlights, and a handy guide to traveling to the city. The Official 2010 Santa Fe Visitors Guide is filled with images of the city for a glimpse of how this very different town looks. and it’s packed with enough information to make anyone’s trip a success. The guide is free for the asking at the bureau’s offices in the Santa Fe Community Convention Center, 201 W. Marcy Street, by calling the Convention & Visitors Bureau’s toll-free number. Santa Fe Convention & Visitors Bureau, 800-777-2489, • Travel World News


specialty coffees. Known as the “Live Music Show Capital of America,” Branson features offerings that include over 100 live shows per day and a variety of impressive attractions. Among the offerings is the new $420-million Branson Landing in historic downtown, Dick Clark’s American Bandstand Theater Complex, Silver Dollar City, and The Titanic Museum. Chateau on the Lake Resort & Spa, 888-333-LAKE (5253),


Chateau on the Lake Resort & Spa in Branson , Missouri , has earned for the eleventh consecutive year the coveted AAA Four Diamond Award for 2010. “Consistently receiving honors like this recognizes that Chateau on the Lake Resort & Spa is an exceptional choice for vacationers and for groups,” said Marshall . “Not only does the resort have a beautiful mountaintop and lakefront setting, exceptional on-site offerings, and a great location near all of the diverse entertainment options of Branson, but we are consistently recognized for providing exceptional service too. Plus, the resort provides an exceptional value, with surprisingly affordable rates for both leisure travelers and groups.” The 301-room resort boasts one of the largest convention centers in Southwest Missouri , with 43,500 square feet of flexible meeting space, and the ability to host groups from 10 to 3,000. Boasting an impressive 10-story sky-lit atrium that features meandering streams brimming with colorful Koi fish, the resort offers vistas of the lake, lush gardens, and surrounding mountains. Recreational options include the 14,000-square-foot Spa Chateau; an Infinity Tub filled from the ceiling; an opulent Roman Bath beneath a waterfall overlooking Table Rock Lake ; a lake-view Movement Therapy Studio for Yoga; and a unique Barber Spa. The resort’s Chateau Marina offers more water sports activities than any other resort in the Midwest . Other recreational offerings are a 24-hour fitness center, two lighted tennis courts, a year-round indoor pool, an outdoor (seasonal) pool, indoor and outdoor hot tubs, nature and biking trails, the 54-seat Sassafras Movie Theater, Crawdaddies Kids Club, and full-service concierge. Golf at six area courses, including two of Missouri ’s finest, is also available. Dining options include the award-winning Chateau Grille, the Downstairs Deli, the Atrium Café & Wine Bar, and The Sweet Shoppe, offering hand-dipped ice cream, sweets and Travel World News •

Englewood-based Stonebridge Companies has completed a new venture to restore and revive a structure familiar to anyone who drives Colorado Boulevard, a major north/south traffic artery in metro Denver. For the newly flagged Hilton Garden Inn Denver/Cherry Creek, the multimillion-dollar project goal was to completely gut and rebuild the eight-story former Cherry Creek Inn, and the finished product opened for business in December last year. The Hilton Garden Inn Denver/Cherry Creek has 210 stylish, comfortable guest rooms, 4,200 square feet of meeting space, a full-service restaurant, and 11,000 square feet of retail space. In addition to the new hotel rooms, there’s an indoor pool, hot tub and state-of-the-art exercise facility. The property is within easy walking distance to upscale Cherry Creek Mall and the diverse attractions of the Cherry Creek area. Also close by is the still-developing Infinity Park, with its impressive rugby stadium and events center. Business travelers will appreciate complimentary wireless highspeed Internet access, secure guest remote printing, Herman Miller Mirra chairs and a 24-hour complimentary Business Center. Downtown Denver is easily accessible. Glass storefronts for the restaurants and the retail center all face Colorado Boulevard, and include three well-recognized eateries: Café Rio, Garbanzo Mediterranean Grill, and Panera Bread. The Great American Grill has been chosen to be the in-house signature restaurant. Stonebridge Companies develops and operates properties scattered across the country with recognizable brands such as Sheraton, Marriott, Embassy Suites and Hampton Inn, among others. The Cherry Creek Hotel was purchased from Starwood Hotels & Resorts about two years ago. “It’s everything you look for in real estate,” observed Stonebridge President Navin C. Dimond. “The building is high profile and it’s on a great corner. The hotel has performed well in years past, but it was time for a thorough reinvention. Interest in the retail space was probably three or four times more than what we expected,” Dimond said, and credited the property’s location and the desirability of the hotel brand. The hotel renovation is the first of a two-phase, mixed use development of this location. Hilton Garden Inn Denver/Cherry Creek,; Stonebridge Companies, MARCH 2010 •



The Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg Reflects St. Petersburg’s Renewed Elegance BARRY GOLDSMITH BARRY GOLDSMITH


t. Petersburg is arguably the world’s most beautiful planned city. It’s one of the world’s most beautiful cities ranking up there with Paris, Vienna, Rome and Venice. And like Venice, it’s a city of canals. Like Rome, it’s a city dominated by buildings in pastel colors brightening the grayest of winters. St. Petersburg was Russia’s capital from 1703 until the Russian Revolution, when the capital was moved to Moscow in March 1918. The Russian Revolution was the worst thing for its inhabitants, but the best thing for its buildings; the center city was spared the stark wrath of Stalinist architecture. The night of the Russian Revolution, St. Petersburg’s premiere theater, the Mariinsky ballet, performed The Sleeping Beauty ballet. The imaginary royal court onstage fell asleep for 100 years. Peter the Great’s city fell asleep from 1918 to 1991,when Leningrad reverted back to its royal name, St. Petersburg. I am fortunate to have visited St. Petersburg when it was still Soviet Leningrad. And I’m even luckier to have visited St. Petersburg every year for the last ten years – leading press trips, leading commercial tours and even having filmed in St. Petersburg for international television. So I have seen, firsthand, the renaissance of this magnificent Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassical and Art Nouveau living-outdoor museum. After 2003 (the year St. Petersburg native Prime Minister Vladimir Putin poured billions into restoring St. Petersburg for that year’s G-8 summit), you wouldn’t recognize St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect (St. Petersburg’s Fifth Avenue) or even the Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg. Most of the facades on Nevsky Prospect have been restored – from the Admiralty past the Fontanka Canal’s Horseman bridge all the way to the Moscow Railroad Station. In 2004 a uniform granite sidewalk was added (like the Champs Elysees’ new sidewalk from the 1990’s) and now all the buildings flanking the Prospect (Avenue) are dramatically floodlit at night. This change is reflected in the dramatic renovation of the Corinthia Nevsk Hotel, which is so new, that even the name has change –it’s now the Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg. In fact, it looks like a totally different, more elegant and classical hotel. The minute you drive up, the uniformed doorman just doesn’t open your door, he actually assists your exit. You’ll find these personal touches everywhere. Through the second set of doors, a surprise awaits – a dramatic, stunning two-story Art Deco lobby welcomes you. (This new lobby replaces the former glass-enclosed modern lobby.) At the opposite end of the lobby is the symmetrical grand staircase – the perfect grand entrance to any function

18 • MARCH 2010

Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg’s Neo Art Deco lobby.

– from a Romanov wedding to your wedding. The staircase is an Art Deco interpretation of Rastrelli’s Jordan Staircase in the Winter Palace – the section of the Hermitage that housed Romanov Czars. But before you even get close to the staircase, you are welcomed at the check-in desk by a young woman in traditional Russian-peasant garb offering “bread and salt” – the ancient Russian welcoming rite. The lobby’s black marble floor is so highly polished and pristinely maintained that I could swear there were two welcoming women, until I realized that she was reflected in the floor’s mirror-like surface. If you arrive in the late afternoon, you can have an Art Deco tea in the lobby that reminds me of the tea in London’s Dorchester Hotel. Because of Stalin’s dislike of Art Deco, the Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg is the only Art Deco Hotel in St. Petersburg. Or as I like to call it, “St. Petersburg’s Waldorf-Astoria.” The main entrance and main façade are right on Nevsky Prospect. Since the renovation, the façade is now symmetrical with the main, larger building in the center, flanked by two smaller wings. The hotel is now the city’s largest five-star hotel, with nearly 400 rooms. The main façade dates from the 1850s and was designed in an Historicism style with elements of the Italian Renaissance. The façade’s lower section on the left is a reconstruction, but I dare anyone to tell the difference. The old, towering, main façade was cleaned to match the newer construction. The hotel blends in perfectly with all the 19th -century structures on the block. In fact, the hotel incorporates another 19th-century structure – an entire museum, which is accessible from the street at the rear façade or from the hotel’s interior – with direct • Travel World News

EUROPE cess from the hotel’s second floor. (There are a few other hotels in the world that have museums – museums dedicated the history of that hotel such as Raffles in Singapore, the Taj Mahal in Bombay and the Metropole in Moscow.) The Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg’s museum is a major sightseeing attraction of St. Petersburg. The Hotel surrounds and contains one of St. Petersburg’s most famous historic-home museums, the Samoilov Memorial Museum, which ranks with other famous historic homes: Pushkin’s apartment, Nabakov’s home and Dostoevsky’s apartment (which is just around the corner). The Samoilovs were the Barrymores and Redgraves of Czarist Russia. Vasily Samoilov was perhaps the most renowned actor at the Imperial Alexandrinsky Theater (a short walk on Nevsky Prospect from the hotel). His apartment is fully furnished with personal mementoes from 1869. The museum also features a section on ballet, with costumes from the original 1890 premier of The Sleeping Beauty at the Mariinsky Theater. There are also exhibits dedicated to Anna Pavlova, Natalia Makarova, Mikhail Baryshnikov and many other ballet and theater legends. You’d never know that you’re staying at the largest deluxe business hotel in St. Petersburg, with the most extensive convention facilities. And whether you’re there for business or tourism (or both), you have free internet access at the business center. I’ve been to over 100 countries (and even more deluxe hotels) and I’ve never seen a business center with a help-yourself-to-snacks complementary buffet. It’s these little touches that make the Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg even more memorable. If you arrive in St. Petersburg without a pre-arranged tour, don’t worry. The head concierge, Maria Golubeva, will arrange top guides and help open doors to some sites that don’t normally admit tourists. I’m glad that the Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg just added over 100 rooms last year so that you stand a better chance of becoming a guest at one of Russia’ most popular hotels. The rooms have every possible convenience – and they’re all accessible at your bedside with just a touch of a finger. As for dining, there’s the Vienna Café for a quick bite – and Russia’s best apple strudel. For more formal dining, the Imperial Café, lives up to its name with a royal view of Nevsky Prospect. The variety of its multi-national cuisine is amazing. At its sumptuous buffet breakfast you can enjoy everything from bread pudding (the best I ever ate) to blini with sour cream and caviar. You’re treated like royalty. (Royalty before the Russian Revolution.) The Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg takes its clientele seriously, but not itself. Every bathroom comes complete with something that makes your visit even more memorable – a souvenir rubber ducky!

Corinthia Hotels, Travel World News •


Travelers from all over the world chose the Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof in Vienna as one of the best 25 hotels in Europe when it received the “2010 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award.” Travelers use the hotel review and reservation platform TripAdvisor supplies to rate their experiences in different hotels. For eight years, these ratings have formed the basis for the “Travelers’ Choice Award.” International guests evaluate hotel features, such as rooms, restaurants, service and location, on a scale of one to five. The Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof in Vienna achieved 4.5 points, putting it in 18th place in the list of the 25 most popular hotels in Europe. Ninety-six percent of guests recommend the hotel. In a quiet but central location in the heart of Vienna’s First District close to the Hofburg palace, the hotel, with its boutique atmosphere, is ideally situated for all manner of excursions. It’s just a few minutes walk from the cultural attractions St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the Opera House and the Albertina museum—as well as favored shopping haunts like Kohlmarkt and Graben. Behind its historic, neo-classical facade the Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof has 186 spacious Superior and Deluxe rooms plus ten suites with views overlooking the rooftops of Vienna’s Altstadt district. In the rooms and public areas, the classical style of imperial times is combined with modern fixtures and fittings. The hotel’s conference facilities consist of eight air-conditioned conference rooms catering to up to 190 guests and a Business Corner with WLAN Internet connection. The generous, in-house Spa World Comfort pampers guests with a sauna, a steam room, a fitness room and a relaxation area. Massages and beauty treatments are also available. The cuisine of the Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof is another key attraction: the restaurant offers light, contemporary interpretations of Austrian dishes while Café Herrenhof, with has its own patisserie, represents traditional Viennese coffee-house culture. The Herrenhof Bar is a popular local meeting place in the First District. Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof, reservations@, MARCH 2010 •


EUROPE FINCA CORTESIN HOTEL, GOLF, AND SPA INTRODUCES RENE ZIMMER AS GENERAL MANAGER Recently named to Andrew Harper’s Hideaway Report Grand Awards 2010, Finca Cortesin Hotel, Golf, and Spa in Spain’s Costa del Sol has appointed Rene Zimmer General Manager. With nearly 20 years of proven success in the hospitality industry, Zimmer’s depth of knowledge in the luxury industry comes from his 10 years of experience working for some of the most highly recognized OrientRENE ZIMMER Express hotels throughout Europe. Rene’s appointment further solidifies Finca Cortesin’s position as one of the most luxurious resorts in Europe. From November 2006 until March 2009, Rene was the Executive Assistant Manager at the 301-room Grand Hotel Europe in St. Petersburg, Russia. Prior to this, Rene was Director of Food and Beverage at Hotel La Residencia in Mallorca, Spain. He received his Hospitality Degree while being an apprentice for a prominent Relais & Chateaux property in Bavaria, Germany; he later achieved a Short MBA from Marcus Evans, Cheney Court, England. Born in Bautzen, Germany, Rene is fluent in his native tongue, English, and Spanish, with a good knowledge of French and Italian. “It is quite a privilege to be working for the arguably finest property in all of Spain. Finca Cortesin welcomes world-class travelers who are bound to find a great experience whether it be at our championship golf course, expansive spa, or our wide selection of fine gastronomic offerings,” says Rene Zimmer, General Manager of Finca Cortesin Hotel. Finca Cortesin Hotel, Golf & Spa,

DUBROVNIK TRAVEL SOLE QUALITY MANAGEMENT CERTIFIED DMC & PCO IN CROATIA DT CROATIA has been awarded the prestigious ISO Certification for Quality Management by Det NorskeVeritas, thus becoming the only ISO 9001:2008-certified DMC & PCO in Croatia. The certificate puts DT in the same quality league as some of the best-known hotels, DMCs and facilities in the world, and is a confirmation that a well-known worldwide institution, Det NorskeVeritas, has recognized them as an organization their new clients can trust. The vision behind DT’s activities to obtain ISO 9001:2008 surpasses improving their operation’s quality through standardization and excellence in service. Their intent is to contribute to the creation of a more economical, knowledgeable and stronger market position of ISO 9001:2008certified tourism professionals within Croatia. DT intends to pass on their knowledge and experience to outsourcing partners, thus 20 • MARCH 2010

building a foundation for high-quality service in the destination, with an ultimate goal of providing the best standard of quality services and implementing their knowledge and experience for the benefit of customers. Since January of this year, this certification is evident to their clients as all documents are standardized and now carry the ISO mark. A customer satisfaction questionnaire will arrive upon completion of any project with them to help in serving partners. Dubrovnik Travel is a member of SITE, MPI, Euromic, and ICCA. Dubrovnik Travel,,

HÔTEL LE BRISTOL APPOINTS DIDIER LE CALVEZ ITS NEW CHAIRMAN AND GENERAL MANAGER Hôtel Le Bristol Paris has announced that Chairman and General Manager Pierre Ferchaud will end his tenure on June 30. The property has appointed hospitality veteran Didier Le Calvez to take over his position. Le Calvez will join Le Bristol on March 29, collaborating alongside Ferchaud in a three-month transition period before officially assuming the role July 1. DIDIER LE CALVEZ Le Bristol under Ferchaud was elected “Best Hotel of the World,” by Institutional Investor magazine in 2008, gaining recognition for its luxurious accommodations, exclusive amenities and unparalleled service. He contributed to the success of the hotel’s expansion in September 2009, opening a new chapter in Le Bristol’s history with a seven-story wing and restaurant, 114 Faubourg. Also during his tenure, the hotel’s Executive Chef, Eric Frechon, received his third Michelin star in March 2009. Le Calvez has been a prominent figure in the international luxury hotel business for 35 years. During the last nine years, he served as Vice-Chairman of the Four Seasons in France and Portugal, as well as the Managing Director of the Four Seasons Georges V in Paris. Other previous positions have included Manager of The Plaza in New York and General Manager of The Pierre in New York and The Regent in Singapore. Le Calvez joins Hôtel Le Bristol at a time when new luxury hotels in Paris are on the rise—a challenge that motivated Le Calvez to accept his new position. “I am proud to work for such a prestigious establishment and it is an honor and privilege to succeed Pierre Ferchaud,” states Le Calvez. “My goal is to continue Mr. Ferchaud’s outstanding work by maintaining the esteemed reputation and strong values that define Hôtel Le Bristol and the Oetker Hotel Collection.” Hôtel Le Bristol Paris, • Travel World News


sonal butler takes care of private needs and longings. The Club can be rented exclusively on request. The rate starts at approximately $14,140 per night. Aurelio Lech is right next to the world-famous SchlegelkopfPiste. The convenient location allows guests to start a day of skiing directly from the hotel. With a total of 85 lifts, 173 miles of downhill slopes and 112 miles of off-track skiing, the area of Lech accommodates skiers of all skill levels. Located directly on the slopes, Aurelio Lech has the ambiance and elegance of a private residence with the sophisticated comfort of a world-class hotel. Aurelio Lech,


Aurelio Lech, one of Austria’s newest and most luxurious ski and spa lodges, has opened for its second winter season. As this year’s highlight, the hotel is offering guests the opportunity to book its private chalet, the “Aurelio Club” on an exclusive basis. The club features nine rooms and suites, a private spa area and a personal butler. It’s perfect for family vacations, weddings, and private celebrations. The luxurious chalet accommodates up to 20 and is divided into six double bedrooms, two junior suites and one master suite. The individually designed rooms and common areas are in pure white, crème and beige shades creating a comforting atmosphere. Wooden elements mirror the alpine charm of the surrounding mountain chains and make a cozy, private-residence feel. Furnishings are a mélange of elegant antique and modern furniture. A spacious living room with a fireplace is a great spot to relax after the day’s skiing with the crackling noise of the warm fire. The library offers over 1,000 international books and illustrations. The contemporarily designed spa area has a 54-foot indoor pool, a Finnish sauna, a steam bath, a Jacuzzi, a diving pond, two treatment rooms and a relaxation area. The freestanding Aurelio Club is subterraneously connected to the main hotel building, guaranteeing complete privacy. For breakfast and lunch, guests can choose between the hotel restaurant, Aurelio’s, or the exclusive atmosphere of the chalet while a perTravel World News •

Marking its 20th year, FLO USA is presenting a 15-day all-inclusive itinerary delving into the Turkey’s rich history and cultural traditions. One of FLO USA’s 11 escorted tours in Turkey, the Turkish Delights tour departs Istanbul on March 17 and is priced $1,299 pp—50 percent off the regular $2,600 pp rate. The rate includes all accommodations, most meals, entrance fees to museums and other attractions, land transportation, and travel insurance. Gratuities are additional. FLO USA is known for in-depth itineraries paired with authentic dining experiences (including such multicultural culinary delicacies as grilled lamb kebabs, roasted pureed eggplant and bulgar pilaf) and unique accommodations. On the Turkish Delights tour, guests will overnight in a thermal hotel in Pamukkale and beach hotels in Antalya and Kusadasi, among other well-chosen accommodations. “We believe that luxury travelers will always look to experts to provide “insider” connections and experiences,” said Cengiz Aras, President of FLO USA. To that end, the company’s 24 tours in 2010 are led by “experienced travelers, learned historians and culture buffs whose expertise, humor and sense of adventure set them apart.” Highlights of the tour include visits to the ancient Roman cities of Ephesus (considered one of the most important cultural centers of the ancient world), Troy and Pergaumum, as well as the painted cave-churches of Cappadocia and the capital city of Ankara. Turkey’s location at the intersection of Asia and Europe influences various aspects of the itinerary, which begins in Istanbul’s Old City with visits to Topkapi Palace, the main residence of the Ottoman Sultans, and the ancient Hippodrome. Turkey’s diverse architecture affords visitors the opportunity to experience a rare blend of culture and traditions—ranging from Anatolian to Ottoman, Greco-Roman to Islamic—that have influenced the region for thousands of years. Highlights include the Blue Mosque, Library of Celsus, Anýtkabir (the mausoleum of Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Turkish Republic.) Visits to the Museum of the Anatolian Civilizations, the Mevlana Museum and the Antalya Regional Archaeological Museum are among the museum stops. FLO USA, 888-435-6872, MARCH 2010 •


CARIBBEAN PUNTACANA RESORT & CLUB FOUNDER FRANK RAINIERI RECOGNIZED FOR LEADERSHIP IN SUSTAINABLE TOURISM The American Academy of Hospitality Sciences has honored Frank Rainieri, President and CEO of Grupo PUNTACANA, with their prestigious Personal Achievement Award. The award recognizes his work as a pioneer and leader in the development of Sustainable Tourism in the Dominican Republic. “We are sincerely honored to be recognized by AAHS for our work in this field,” FRANK RAINIERI said Mr. Rainieri. “When we began to develop the PUNTACANA Resort & Club over 40 years ago, the concept of “Sustainable Tourism” did not exist; our decisions were based on common sense, our limited resources, and a deep respect for the Dominican Republic, its people, and incredible natural resources. We are very proud to now be considered leaders in this field and look forward to their continued implementation at PCRC.” Sustainable tourism practices in PUNTACANA Resort & Club encompass both cultural and environmental programs and have, to date, included the creation of a school, clinic, a polytechnic university as well as the establishment of an eco-reserve, eco-foundation, water recycling programs, solid waste management initiatives and Voluntourism packages for guests. Mr. Rainieri also received the Presidential Citation award presented by Ronald Reagan in 1985 and the “Hotelier of the Year” award by the Caribbean Hotel Association in 1998. In September 2009, the Club was awarded the Condé Nast Traveler World Savers Award in the Education Programs category for its contributions to education in the community. PUNTACANA Resort & Club,

CASA BONITA TROPICAL LODGE BLENDS LUXURY AND NATURE Casa Bonita Tropical Lodge is a boutique hotel combining luxury in the natural surroundings of Barahona, the stunning southwestern region of the Dominican Republic. Formerly a private vacation retreat, the resort is still familyowned and is a member of Small Luxury Hotels of the World, the leader in worldwide luxury brands. Casa Bonita consists of 12 exquisite guest rooms and is situated on a hillside with views of the Caribbean Sea, the Bahoruco mountain range and the rivers surrounding the setting. Each room features a private balcony with impressive panoramic views, a wine cooler, Ipod-ready clock radio, wireless phone, air conditioning, ceiling fan and contemporary furniture. The hotel provides an ambience of intimacy with personalized service and upscale Caribbean fusion gastronomy. Casa Bonita Tropical Lodge includes an international bar, infinity swimming 22 • MARCH 2010

pool with sea views, relaxation massage, room service, adventure tour desk, meeting room, Wifi, mountain bikes, snorkeling equipment, surf boards and horseback riding. Its proximity to the island’s only Biosphere Reserve declared by UNESCO allows rich and diverse national park experiences. Casa Bonita Tropical Lodge is conveniently located for those who wish to explore Bahia Las Aguilas (a magnificent bay and secluded beach), the Oviedo Lagoon, Villa Miriam with its waterfall and natural swimming pool, Enriquillo Lake (the American crocodile habitat), the cloud-dense forest of Cachote in the eastern portion of the Bahoruco range, and the jungle-like Tarzan House. Casa Bonita Tropical Lodge,

ALL-INCLUSIVE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC PRINCESS HOTELS ENJOY INCOMPARABLE BAVARO BEACHES Hotel Bávaro Princess All Suites Resorts, SPA & Casino is graced by famous Bavaro Beach, renowned for the quality of its sand and clarity of water. Accommodation at this prestigious five-star resort includes 96 splendid Platinum Club Princess villa Suites, 40 suggestive Honeymoon Spa Suites, 82 functional Junior Suites, and 590 spacious and fully equipped villa suites. A variety of restaurants of every ethnic description are available to choose from, as well as 24-hour bar service. At the adults-only Hotel Punta Cana Princess All Suites Resort & Spa, there are 263 deluxe Suites and seven seductive Honeymoon suites. Rooms are equipped with myriad details and include a full range of services, a careful and select menu in the five restaurants and a more functional snack bar. Guests enjoy dedicated services throughout the facilities of this five-star resort, including an extensive gym and spa area. Caribe Club Princess Beach Resort & Spa is in an area on Bavaro Beach where the beauty of the countryside and the delightful crystalline water combine. The Royal and Honeymoon Suites have marvelous individual charm, and all include full conveniences. Topquality service in the Caribe Suites and the Superior Rooms complements all sorts of leisure and entertainment options available day and night. Interesting restaurants, a variety of beach and poolside activities, water sports, Children’s and Teenagers’ Clubs, and free transport to the Gran Casino in the Bavaro Princess—all contribute to the variety of this four-star getaway spot. Bávaro in the province of Altagracia in the Dominican Republic is the site of Tropical Princess Beach Resort & SPA, around 15 miles from Punta Cana airport. The tranquility of the spacious light gardens next to delightful swimming pools for adults and children creates a nice setting for family holidays. Calle Caribeña provides fun and interesting shopping, and there’s a large selection of daytime leisure activities at the spacious pools, in addition to beach activities and non-motorized water sports. Entertainment includes the discoteque and daily shows in two theatres, and Princess Tower Casino with free transport. Princess Hotels & Resorts, • Travel World News

CARIBBEAN P 22WESTIN ST. JOHN APPOINTS MIKE RYAN AS GENERAL MANAGER The Westin St. John Resort & Villas has announced the appointment of Mike Ryan as the resort’s new General Manager. Mike brings to the Westin St. John more than 20 years of experience with Starwood Hotels & Resorts. Most recently, he served as Senior Director of Operations for Starwood’s Franchise Division. Prior to that, he was the Regional Director of Six Sigma as a MIKE RYAN Master Black Belt. Mike has held a variety of hotel management positions, including General Manager, at such distinguished Starwood properties as the Tremont/Raphael Hotels in Chicago, the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers, Walt Disney World Dolphin, Sheraton New Orleans and the Members Club in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Westin St John Resort & Villas,

TEXAS GIRL, KAREN WHITT RETURNS TO HOME STATE TO PROMOTE TURKS & CAICOS Getting from Texas to the Turks and Caicos Islands is now much easier with the return of American Airlines’ nonstop flight every Saturday from the Dallas gateway since February 13, 2010. The President of the Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA), Karen Whitt is herself from Texas, and she is currently back home leading a sales campaign to further promote the KAREN WHITT Caribbean destination. She comments, “I am thrilled that fellow Texans can once again have nonstop access to one of my favorite destinations in the world, the Turks and Caicos Islands. I encourage everyone from the lone star state to take advantage of the opportunity to visit our five-star tropical paradise.” Whitt, who is also the General Manager of The Somerset Resort in the Turks and Caicos Islands, added: “I fell in love with the hospitality of the Turks and Caicos people as well as the endless stretches of pristine white beaches and turquoise shores—it truly is a magical place and it’s exciting that my home state can now uncover and enjoy one of the best kept secrets in the Caribbean.” She commended American Airlines for increasing flight options into the Turks and Caicos, noting that the airline’s commitment to the islands reflects the fact that Turks and Caicos Islands is an outstanding Caribbean destination of choice. “We are excited about welcoming new Texas friends to a country which has become known as Beautiful By Nature,” she added. Turks & Caicos Hotel & Tourism Association (TCHTA), Travel World News •


The Doumengs: (left to right) Paul, Colleen, Mikael, Richard, Katarina, Joyce and Dick.

In January, Richard Doumeng, Managing Director of Bolongo Bay Beach Resort in St. Thomas, was presented with the “Golden Conch” Caribbean Hotelier of the Year Award on behalf of the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association. Twenty-one years ago, Richard’s father Dick and his wife Joyce Doumeng, also received this honor. The award was presented during the 2010 Caribbean Marketplace in San Juan, Puerto Rico. “We couldn’t be more proud of our son and his wife for continuing and expanding what we had started more than 30 years ago,” stated Joyce and Dick Doumeng. “Richard has a knack for innovative public relations and marketing tactics, but more importantly he has a way of making all guests feel like they’re at home. His unwavering commitment to the community, students of hospitality, and his employees are evident by all who visit Bolongo,” added Dick Doumeng. The Hotelier of the Year award recognizes excellence in Caribbean hotel operations by demonstrating superior achievement in: Operations, Food & Beverage, Marketing and Sales, Maintenance, Staff Training and Motivation, Innovative Management, Environmental Practices, Community Affairs, and participation within the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association. Doumeng is the fourth hotelier from the Virgin Islands to earn the title of Caribbean Hotelier of the Year. In addition to Dick and Joyce Doumeng, past recipients include Lorette Resch, owner of Island Beachcomber; and Betty Sperber, General Manager of the King Christian Hotel and a past president of the St. Croix Hotel & Tourism Association. Mr. Doumeng is currently serving as first Vice President of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association and presently chairs the US Virgin Island Hotel and Tourism Association. Bolongo Bay Beach Resort is an independently owned and operated family resort that has welcomed guests for 35 years. It’s an island hot spot—Sherman’s Travel magazine just included Bolongo Bay Beach Resort as part of their Top Ten List of “Best All Inclusive Resorts in the Caribbean.” Bolongo Bay Beach Resort, 800-524-4746,; Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association, MARCH 2010•



Jamaica is off to a promising start for 2010 according to Director of Tourism John Lynch, who announced a 3.6-percent increase in arrivals from January–December 2009 (compared to the same period in 2008) at the third annual Tourism Outlook Seminar held February 2–3 at Ritz-Carlton Golf & Spa Resort in Montego Bay. The theme of the seminar was Challenges, Changes & Opportunities in Tourism—Rising Above the Current Global Economic Landscape. Director Lynch explained, “In order to achieve this level of growth, we had to devise strategies to weather the challenges of the economic climate and capitalize on opportunities in the industry as they arise. Our successful relationships with our hoteliers, attractions providers, transport providers and others partners also contributed to this favorable result.” Apart from employing strategies to ensure that Jamaica remained visible to consumers and trade, the Jamaica Tourist Board worked to expand the market through connectivity, especially partnerships with U.S. carriers. JetBlue Airways began service from Boston (BOS) to Montego Bay (MBJ) in January and commenced service from Orlando (MCO) to MBJ on February 8, 2010. This came on the heels of the airline’s inaugural Jamaica service between New York (JFK) and MBJ in May 2009, the airline’s most successful Caribbean launch to date. JetBlue also began service between JFK and Kingston in October last year. AirTran Airways also began serving the island’s tourist capital with nonstop service departing from Atlanta, Baltimore and Orlando gateways to Montego Bay on February 11, 2010. Additionally, US Airways introduced nonstop flights from Phoenix to Montego Bay in December 2009. From capitalizing on the development of the new cruise ship pier in Falmouth to securing additional airlift to service the destination, Jamaica will continue to build on its strengths while remaining responsive to changes in order to remain competitive. Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB), 800-JAMAICA (800-526-2422), 24 • MARCH 2010

A TRUE JAMAICAN ‘ROOTS AND CULTURE’ EXPERIENCE FOR GUESTS AT POINT VILLAGE RESORT For 17 years, Point Village Resort in Jamaica has prided itself on being dubbed “the village within the village on the sands of Negril.” Situated on 14 acres of lush tropical gardens, the resort’s name refers to its village-like atmosphere as well as the geographical location of picturesque Rutland Point situated between Negril’s famous seven-mile beach and spectacular Bloody Bay Beach. The main beach serves as a family beach and the other is a clothing optional/adult beach. Both beaches are private and provide the option of purchasing Jamaican craft items at leisure without being bombarded by vendors. Point Village has three restaurants, two of which are waterfront, serving local and international cuisine. The all-inclusive rate entitles guests to all they can eat and drink at any of these restaurants as well as the bar and grill open until 1:00 a.m. With a range of rooms including studios, junior and one-bedroom suites, two- and three-bedroom townhouses to choose from, the resort comfortably handles groups, couples, families and children or even individuals just trying to catch up on some much-needed alone time. Point Village Resort is located in Negril, 90 minutes from Montego Bay’s Donald Sangster International Airport and less than five minutes from Negril’s Aerodrome. Point Village Resort,

LE SERENO IN ST. BARTH’S OFFERS VALUABLE POST-HIGH-SEASON ESCAPE PACKAGE Le Sereno has put together for the mid-months of 2010 an excellent package for travelers so they can experience the same kind of glamour High Season at St. Barth’s sees at a fraction of the cost. Le Sereno is an intimate beachfront hotel with only 37 suites and villas along a long stretch of palm shaded sandy beach. The hotel unveiled three new 6,500-square-foot Villas in December 2009. They offer the best of both worlds: the privacy and expansiveness of a villa combined with the personal service and attention to detail found only at the best beachfront resorts in the world. The St. Barth’s Escape four-day/three-night package includes: a rental car delivered the morning following arrival; VIP reception service in St Maarten airport to facilitate customs, immigration and luggage clearance; transfers to and from the St Barth’s airport; a bottle of champagne on arrival; full breakfast for two served en suite or at Le Restaurant des Pêcheurs; one dinner for two at Le Restaurant des Pêcheurs; a welcome beach bag on arrival and use of snorkling gear and kayak; and complimentary use of gym and tennis courts along with a pre-programmed iPod. Grand Suite Plage is priced at $3,322 total for three nights ($554/pp per day) and Suite Terrasse a total $2,070 for three nights ($345/pp per day).The package is valid from April 15 to August 31, 2010. Blackouts and conditions apply. Le Sereno, • Travel World News

CARIBBEAN WILLIE CHIN RETURNS AS DIRECTOR OF SALES TO INTERCONTINENTAL SAN JUAN Willie Chin has been appointed Director of Sales and Marketing at the InterContinental San Juan Resort & Casino AAA Four-Diamond Resort in Isla Verde. He is responsible for leading and overseeing the sales as well as the catering and convention services team at the 402-room beachfront resort. Chin brings a wealth of experience and WILLIE CHIN is results-oriented, with 23 years of experience in sales and marketing, mostly in the hospitality industry. Prior to his appointment he was Director of Sales & Marketing for two years in the pre-opening phase of the newly opened 500-room Sheraton Puerto Rico Convention Center Hotel & Casino. Chin is no stranger to the InterContinental San Juan; he held the position of Director of Sales & Marketing from 2002–2007. Prior to working at the InterContinental San Juan, Chin was Director of Sales at the former Westin Rio Mar Beach Resort & Country Club in Rio Grande. He also worked as Director of Sales at the former Wyndham Old San Juan Hotel & Casino, former Crowne Plaza Hotel & Casino in Isla Verde and the Sonesta Hotel Beach Club & Casino in Aruba. Chin speaks fluent English, Spanish, Dutch, Papiamento, Chinese and Portuguese. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of South Florida. InterContinental San Juan,

WYNDHAM RIO MAR APPOINTS PHILIP D’AMICO DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING Rio Mar Beach Resort and Spa, A Wyndham Grand Resort, has appointed Philip J. Amico as Director of Sales and Marketing. D’Amico brings more than 25 years of experience to his new role at Rio Mar. “Philip is an industry veteran with a tremendous track record of leading sales and marketing efforts for some of the top hospitality providers,” says General PHILIP D’AMICO Manager Danna Holck. “We are thrilled to have him here at Rio Mar.” Travel World News •

D’Amico comes to Rio Mar from the RenoSparks Convention & Visitors Authority in Nevada, where he served as Vice President of Convention Sales for four years. Prior to that, he worked as Area Director of Sales and Marketing for Alabama’s PCH Hotels and Resorts and led sales and marketing efforts for The Adam’s Mark Hotel in Dallas, where he exceeded revenue goals by 180 percent. D’Amico’s additional experience includes managing sales for multiple New Orleans properties as well as the city’s Ernest Morial Convention Center. He is a member of several industry organizations, including the American Society of Association Executives, Meeting Planners International, Society of Government Meeting Planners, Professional Conference Meeting Planners and the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI). Wyndham Rio Mar, 800-4-RIO MAR (474-6627),; Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, Anuncio Verdanza 12/15/2009 4:35:57 PM

The Center of

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Located in the heart of Isla Verde Tourist Area, Verdanza Hotel is just minutes from all there is for your clients to see and do in San Juan. If it’s sun and surf they’re looking for, Isla Verde Beach is just one block away. If they’re in the shop-till-they-drop spirit, they’re a short drive from Plaza Las Americas Shopping Center. They’ll find old-world charm and cultural wonders in Old San Juan, San Juan Port - Puerto Rico Convention Center, just a quick drive away.

The Hotel that Has it All. When you’re out of town, it’s nice to know that your hotel offers all the comforts of home. Verdanza Hotel features 222 contemporary rooms and suites, 3 restaurants and 15,000 flexible meeting space, which include just about everything you can think of.

8020 Tartak Street, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico • 787.253.9000 •

A Member of Summit Hotels & Resorts

MARCH 2010•




Bucuti Beach Resort has a new eco-friendly Experience Aruba Green Package that includes a guided hike with a native park ranger through Arikok National Park, a preserve of desert resources comprising of 20 percent of the land on Aruba that is home to most of the island’s flora and fauna, including the unique indigenous burrowing owl and Prikichi parrot; a tour of the Aruba Aloe factory to learn how Aruba’s oldest industry has been producing aloe for more than 100 years; an authentic Aruban dinner for two at the resort’s Pirates’ Nest restaurant; and a full American breakfast buffet daily. Guests can also participate in the resort’s monthly beach clean-up, watch sea turtles hatch (seasonally) and enjoy a wide, pristine stretch of Eagle Beach. Bucuti also hosts seasonally environmental activities, including a bi-annual recycling contest where guests are invited to judge and a special Earth Day celebration. Rates for the five-night package start at $2,179 for a superior room, including all taxes and service charges. “At Bucuti, we are passionate about preserving the environment so we can share Aruba’s beauty and culture with guests for years to come,” said Bucuti’s owner Ewald Biemans. “The Experience Aruba Green Package will allow guests to experience some of the island’s spectacular sights, while also learning about our history and ecology. We hope this will help our guests develop a true sense of place.” A multiple award-winning and owner-managed resort, Bucuti has been officially certified Green Globe 21 since 2000 and ISO 14001 since 2003. The resort has implemented many energy and watersaving practices that include the use of solar panels, equipping guest rooms with automatic air conditioner sensors, flowing wastewater from the toilets to the government treatment plant for re-use, using biodegradable containers for beverages and food instead of plastic material, and collecting all water used in showers, sinks and baths in a grey water recycling system. Associates are trained on environmental practices along with customer service. Bucuti also sponsors several local environmental groups, including Turtugaruba Aruba’s Sea Turtle Foundation and the island’s Reef Care Foundation. Bucuti Beach Resort, 888-4-BUCUTI (428-2884),

Ladera, the open-air rainforest hideaway in West Indies’ St. Lucia, is offering a free night—the fourth one free, for stays of three nights completed by December 20, 2010. The offer is valid on all room categories and applies to new bookings only. At Ladera, suites deliberately lack a fourth wall, inviting sunsets and stars and fragrance-laden tradewinds inside. Accommodations are graced with four-poster beds of tropical hardwoods. Amenities include fine linens and each room has its own private plunge pool. Paradise Pavilion is a dramatic open-air destination wedding venue for ceremonies and receptions of up to 100 guests. The newly constructed Pavilion is located along Ladera’s extraordinary rainforest ridge, on previously undeveloped land adjacent to the hotel. Architecturally, the 1,200 square-foot Pavilion is a showpiece featuring the same renowned open-air design concept found throughout the resort allowing unending panoramic views. The Pavilion is crafted in Ladera’s signature rainforest style, with terracotta flooring, columns milled and richly polished from tropical Greenheart wood, and cut stone and tile work crafted by local masons. With the new Pavilion, Ladera is offering couples a Wedding Package starting at $2,000. The price covers all legal requirements and transportation costs, the ceremony at Paradise Pavilion with a 1,100 feet vista overlooking the UNESCO Pitons and Caribbean Sea, fresh flowers with a bouquet for the bride and boutonniere for the groom, champagne and canapés for four, a two-tiered wedding cake, a romantic dinner for two at Dasheene restaurant, and witnesses. This package does not include accommodations and cannot be combined with any other offer. Thanks to the innovative Best of St. Lucia Package, launched jointly by two of St. Lucia’s iconic hotels, guests can experience the majesty of the dramatic Pitons during three nights at Ladera followed by three nights at the fashionable new Cap Maison, a boutique hotel at the northernmost tip of the island located on a cliff overlooking the sea and with its own secluded beach. These two experiences provide the very best of St. Lucia with the ease of having all meals, beverages and much more included under a single rate. The package is valid now through December 18, 2010, and starts at $6,000 for two; rates vary depending on dates. And children are now welcome at Ladera—an incredible opportunity for kids 10 years and up to experience the wonders of the rainforest. The extra-person charge for each child is $125 per night. Ladera,

26 • MARCH 2010 • Travel World News


True Blue Bay Resort and Villas in Grenada is winding up its Winter Special this month, offering a free night’s stay—Pay for Six /Stay for Seven—good for stays until the end of March. Three room categories are featured. True Blue style rooms are spread over three acres of tropical gardens and near most facilities. All have charming terraces overlooking the bay. Teak furnishings and simple colors create a peaceful space for retiring after a fun day. Guests can opt for one king-size bed or twin beds; fully equipped kitchenette, fans, a/c, phone, cable TV, wireless Internet, safes, iron, hairdryer. Some rooms have convenient connecting doors or balconies. (Double occupancy, one additional person maximum.). Luxury Tower rooms are perfect for romantic getaways with their view of the Bay. Set on the first floor, a very generous shaded terrace is furnished with comfortable teak and bamboo chairs and sun beads. The rooms feature all the amenities necessary for a comfortable stay. Fully equipped kitchen, dining set, relaxing seating, generous bathroom with whirlpool tub and separate shower, and the basics like a/c, fans, TV, phone and wireless Internet are features. The piece de resistance is a private viewing tower. Enchanting Club True Blue Villas offer Caribbean-style luxury. Located in front of a new infinity pool, the two-level, two-bedroom villas have been tastefully designed to comfortably accommodate visitors of all ages. The master bedroom has a four-poster king-size bed and large bathroom with Jacuzzi. The second bedroom has option for king or twin beds and private bathroom. On the top floor there’s a veranda with a spectacular view of the bay, a fully equipped kitchen, spacious living room, dining room and a small patio with a private plunge pool. Accommodations are based on availability and not valid with any other specials or discounts. The code WINSPEC2010 must be mentioned at booking. Rate are 10-percent commissionable for travel agents. Blue Bay’s rack rates per season (winter, now through April 14, 2010; summer, April 15–December 14, 2010) follow, by room category: True Blue, winter $242; summer $160. Luxury Tower, winter $369; summer $225. Two-bedroom Club True Blue villas, winter $594; summer $393. Rates are per room per night and subject to 10-percent service charge and 10-percent VAT. True Blue Bay Resort,, Travel World News •

THE SANDS AT GRACE BAY OFFERS ‘CASH IN YOUR KIDS’ MOM’S DAY DISCOUNTS The Sands at Grace Bay is offering a “Cash In Your Kids” Mother’s Day promotion where moms receive $100 off the resort bill for each kid 16 and younger they bring over Mother’s Day. The resort will offer this discount for up to four children. A perfect gift for a mom is a relaxing, rejuvenating Caribbean vacation she truly deserves with this special Mother’s Day offer. Spacious, family-friend accommodations come complete with big-screen plasma TVs and overstuffed couches for comfortable cartoon-watching. Guests also have unlimited access to an ample menu of complimentary watersports, as well as three free-form pools for all manner of underwater activities. Spa treatments, fitness center, tennis and bicycles are also available. The “Cash In Your Kids” discount is available for bookings of four nights or more, in either the two- or three-bedroom suite categories. Bookings must fall on Mother’s Day—May 9, 2010—to be eligible for the discount. The $100 discount per child (four maximum) will be applied to the total resort bill at time of checkout. Mothers must bring a valid I.D. (with date of birth indicated—only kids 16 years and younger) for each child. The offer is subject to availability and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions. To book this offer, the “Cash In Your Kids” special must be requested when making the reservation. The Sands at Grace Bay, 877-777-2637,

GULFSTREAM INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES ANNOUNCES EXPANDED SERVICE Gulfstream International Airlines (AMEX:GIA) in February made changes to its schedule that will enhance service from several Florida points. Seasonal nonstop service linking Palm Beach International Airport with the state capitol in Tallahassee is resumed. International service is enhanced as nonstop service between Palm Beach International and Marsh Harbour, Bahamas, increases from one to two weekday frequencies. Fort Lauderdale International has increased weekday frequencies to both North Eleuthera, Bahamas (from one weekday roundtrip to three) and to Treasure Cay, Bahamas (from one weekday roundtrip to two). Seasonal Service between Palm Beach and Tallahassee resumes with two weekday roundtrips; Weekday service between Palm Beach and Marsh Harbour increases from one to two round trips; Weekday service between Ft. Lauderdale and North Eleuthera increases from one to three round trips; Weekday service between Ft. Lauderdale and Treasure Cay increases from one to two round trips; The new flights operate under Gulfstream’s “Continental Connection” affiliation with Continental Airlines. Under this arrangement, Gulfstream coordinates pricing and schedules with Continental Airlines. Gulfstream passengers may participate in the Continental OnePass Frequent Flyer program and may book their flights and select their seats via Continental’s website. Gulfstream International Airlines, MARCH 2010•



Designed for agents to offer clients a tropical getaway to the Riviera Maya, Mexico, Travel Impressions is featuring an Early Booking Bonus with reduced rates on three-night vacation packages to the all-inclusive Sandos Playacar Beach Resort & Spa, starting at $519 per person. Rates quoted are ppdo in deluxe room accommodations, for new bookings made by April 1 for travel now through April 1, 2010. The Travel Impressions Early Booking Bonus three-night package to Sandos Playacar Beach Resort & Spa includes roundtrip hotel transfers, deluxe room accommodations, all meals and beverages, sporting activities, access to the spa and fitness facility, daily activities program, nightly entertainment and entrance to the disco, and all hotel taxes, service charges and gratuities. Rates may vary by departure date and certain restrictions apply. Airfare is available from gateways nationwide and can be easily added to the cost of the hotel package. Travel Impressions is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Express. Travel Impressions, 800-284-0044,; Sandos Hotels & Resorts, 866-336-4083,

VALENTIN IMPERIAL MAYA RESORT OFFERS UNIQUE MEETING SPACE AND WORLD-CLASS SERVICE Valentin Imperial Maya Resort is a secluded retreat in Riviera Maya ideally situated to host corporate events, meetings, incentive trips, weddings and more. The resort’s expansive property offers 13,000 square feet of meeting space, ranging from small meeting rooms to an on-site, state-of-the-art facility that can accommodate up to 800. All event spaces are conveniently located on the property in one central area. The largest, El Palanque, hosts nightly entertainment but can also be converted for large presentations or an evening cocktail event of up to 800. The remaining meeting space caters to smaller groups and meetings, offering more intimate and personalized experiences. Five Imperial rooms offer occupancies ranging from 15 to 90 people and feature table, stadium and cocktailseating options. The resort’s front fountain area can be personalized for any group 28 • MARCH 2010

or theme. Planners work with the on-site coordinator to select décor, menus, seating arrangements and more. For intimate dinner meetings and small groups, the resort’s fine dining restaurants Il Olivo, L’Alasce, Ginger and La Hacienda, offer private dining spaces. Groups are welcomed with champagne and escorted to a private area for a relaxed, stress-free check-in process separate from the main lobby, with comfortable couches, reading material and a fully stocked bar. Guests are encouraged to take advantage of a private business center and concierge services. Valentin Imperial Maya Resort hosts themed meetings and events throughout the year. Planners can choose from a plethora of excursions and options. Riviera Maya’s diverse eco-tourism and golf options are just minutes away from the Valentin Imperial Maya property and cultural attractions such as Tulum and Chichen Itza are located two hours away by car. The Valentin Journal offers an hourby-hour description of activities and events happening daily throughout the property, including kitchen tours, pool games, tennis, live music and nightly entertainment. In 2009, Valentin Imperial Maya became Elite Meetings Certified. For properties to receive this certification, they must be reviewed by the Elite Meetings Advisory Board and meet specific criteria. Only the top luxury properties that cater to high-end group meetings and events can be considered for this certification. Valentin Imperial Maya Resort,

HACIENDA TRES RÍOS STARTS THE YEAR WITH A ROYAL CELEBRATION In January, the Hacienda Tres Ríos family offered an Epiphany Day breakfast to commemorate the traditional “Día de Reyes,” celebrating with friends of the local media Hacienda Tres Ríos’ first year of life. The achievements made at the resort during 2009 and the projects lined up for 2010 were explained. The host of the event, Orlando Arroyo, CEO of Tres Ríos, announced the birth of a new travel agency under the name of Yucatan Holidays, presented by its Director, Erika García, as part of Sunset World group. More than 60 media members from the southeast and the rest of the country honored the group with its presence and cut the traditional “rosca de reyes” or king’s cake which not only contained the typical Baby Jesus figurines but also hid amazing prizes. The hotel’s Executive Chef, Oscar Orbe, presented the breakfast and delighted the attendees with original and energetic juices, a special fresh fruit martini and a spiral of crêpes with goat cheese and smoked salmon covered with caviar cream and rosemary. Nestled in a 326-acre pristine nature park in the Riviera Maya 45 minutes south of Cancun, the luxury resort has 273 environmentally friendly suites with breathtaking views of the sea. Guests enjoy and live the authentic vacation experience where the natural beauty and culture of the Mexican Caribbean are carefully protected. At Hacienda Tres Ríos, they like to say ‘real luxury comes naturally.’ Hacienda Tres Ríos, • Travel World News


spired wisdom and advanced spa practices to nourish the mind, body, and spirit. A holistic treatment menu; several humid areas; a fitness facility; high-platform meditation palapas; six spacious treatment rooms and a couple’s suite with private lounge and Jacuzzi terrace, compose the facility. Ceiba del Mar offers Mexican cuisine with Mediterranean influence at the atmospheric Xtabay Restaurant and Arrecife Grill & Lounge. Guests enjoy complimentary access to and use of land and sea sports equipment, including snorkeling gear and sea kayaks, as well as bikes for leisure cruising. Ceiba Del Mar Beach & Spa Resort, 877-545-6221,

NEW, AFFORDABLE OCEAN BREEZE HOTEL OPENS IN RIVIERA MAYA, MEXICO Spring-breakers are invited to head for the peaceful shores of the Riviera Maya, where Ceiba del Mar Beach & Spa Resort, a luxurious, service-first property in Puerto Morales, offers a calming, soul-nourishing alternative to traditional break travel. Ceiba del Mar’s Internet-only Best Available Room rates offer 20- to 50-percent savings on a limited number of accommodations and include free entrance to Rio Secreto, a popular natural attraction nearby. Each spacious suite offers ocean views and the following: a balcony or terrace and hammock; expansive sitting areas; a full bathroom with a shower and separate bathtub and Organic Bath products; local wood accents and handcrafted furnishings; complimentary wireless Internet; 300 thread-count premium cotton linens; daily morning coffee service; international cable TV and DVD/CD player; and access to 24-hour room service. All-inclusive rates under the optional Luxury Gourmet meal plan include all a-al-carte meals, premium beverages and top-shelf alcoholic drinks. Rates are per room in double occupancy and subject to taxes and a small service charge. A Wellness Spa Getaway special begins at $840 ppdo, plus 14percent taxes and a five-percent service charge. It includes unlimited spa treatments with a four-day, three-night reservation in Ocean-View Luxury accommodations. The Harmony Detox Special includes four premium spa therapies—the Mayan Clay Massage, Reflexology, Energetic Evaluation, and Foot Bath Detox—plus complimentary yoga, Aqua fitness and a diving clinic with a seven-day, six-night reservation in an Ocean-View Deluxe room. The package starts at $477 ppdo, plus 14-percent taxes and a five-percent service charge. A Couples Spa Package consists of two Top’Nikte massages, a private Jacuzzi soak by candlelight, and a Petite Fours and Wine set-up. This is a romantic, adults-only package starting at $600 per couple, plus 14-percent taxes and a five-percent service charge based on double occupancy and requiring a four-day, three-night reservation in an Ocean-View Deluxe room. The wellness aromatherapy Spa at Ceiba del Mar uses Mayan-in30 • MARCH 2010

Ocean Breeze Hotels has announced the opening of its new hotel, Ocean Breeze Riviera Maya, to join the Ocean Breeze properties in Acapulco, Mazatlan and Nuevo Vallarta. The Ocean Breeze Riviera Maya offers vacationers a relaxing stay in a boutique hotel while enjoying the incomparable services of a top-rate luxury beach resort. Located 18 miles south of Cancun International Airport, the newly-built hotel has a more intimate atmosphere than the other Ocean Breeze properties, situated in a quiet and serene area of the resort surrounded by lush gardens, making it ideal for couples and honeymooners. Each of the 96 guest rooms, including three fullyequipped handicapped rooms, are equipped with 27” LCD plasma TV, mini bar, WiFi and modern décor with soothing colors and a tropical motif as well as private balcony. Guests will enjoy the resort’s outstanding amenities and services, such as a Jack Nicklausdesigned 18-hole golf course, world-class Brio Spa, gourmet restaurants and a 24-hour swimming pool. The hotel’s variety of dining options ranges from informal poolside snacks at the Terraza Snack to a range of restaurants specializing in international cuisine. Guests can dine at Tramonto, a casual restaurant with delicious Italian and American dishes, or Gong Restaurant, featuring Asian cuisine. Havana Moon brings a different gourmet experience with a fusion of Asian and Caribbean dishes. “We are excited to open this beautiful new property in Riviera Maya and invite guests into a tranquil and intimate hotel environment,” said Norma Preciado, Director of Sales. “Ocean Breeze Hotels are located in resort settings that are as lively and exciting as they are beautiful and authentically Mexican—at prices that provide more than expected value.” Ocean Breeze Riviera Maya is now offering an introductory rate of $129 per night, which includes breakfast and can be booked before March 30, 2010. Ocean Breeze Riviera Maya, 877-282-2115,, • Travel World News

WHERE YOUR JOURNEY AS SPOUSES BEGINS Now is your chance to enjoy the luxuriously pampered wedding and honeymoon you’ve always dreamed of, in a purely all-inclusive, adults only, intimate resort that answers to no one’s interests but your own. Come and experience award-winning service that puts the best of the Mexican Caribbean in your hands.

800.232.8316 |


Not for the Spa-squeamish, Casa Velas Hotel Boutique unveils a new all-inclusive spa package that includes up to twenty Spa treatments, ranging from classics like the Bamboo Scrub to avant-garde rituals like a Tequila and Limon Facial. The package includes accommodation in a Luxury Master Suite, a la carte gourmet dining, private beach club, premium international liquor brands, 24-hour in-suite service, in-suite minibar, private roundtrip airport transportation, and all taxes and gratuities. Guests may choose to experience a menu of twenty spa services, including but not limited to reflexology, shiatsu therapy, mud massage, honey scrub, strawberry facial, almonds and yogurt body treatment, holistic massage, and orange treatment, among a vast variety of other body treatments, massages and facials. Also included in the package are yoga and aerobic classes. The all-inclusive Spa package is valid through December 23, 2010, and requires a three-night minimum stay. Rates for a Luxury Master Suite start at $330 ppdo per night. Single occupancy rates begin at $425 pp per night, and rates for additional guests begin at $315 pp per night. Casa Velas Hotel Boutique, 866-529-8813,

SOLMAR HOTELS & RESORTS OFFERS COLLECTION OF LOS CABOS PROPERTIES Stretching along Playa Solmar where the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of Cortes is an exclusive collection of five all-suite SolmarHotels & Resorts. Here, guests experience the best of both worlds; the sense of an exclusive hideaway paired with the liveliness of downtown Cabo San Lucas’ shopping, dining and nightlife. Solmar Hotels & Resorts benefits from a deep-rooted rich history in Los Cabos with the collection stemming from the vision of owner, Don Luis Bulnes. The original Solmar Hotel opened with 20 guestrooms and had tripled in size by 1979 to 60 rooms. Don Luis Bulnes worked to continuously upgrade the hotel’s quality of service and accommodations, remodeling the entire hotel in 1995 and renaming it Solmar Suites. Each property in the Solmar Hotels & Resorts collection offers unique experiences while maintaining the quality service and hospitality that were pillars of Don Luis Bulnes’ vision. Suites feature kitchens, spacious living rooms, private balconies and upscale finishing touches. The newest venture within the Solmar Hotels & 32 • MARCH 2010

Resorts collection is Grand Solmar Land’s End Resort & Spa. Phase 1 of the resort is scheduled to open January 2011 with the second and final phase to be completed two years later. The collection additionally features impressive Solmar Resort, an intimate oceanfront property offering privacy in an extraordinary natural setting; Playa Grande Resort & Grand Spa, a charming Mexican hacienda-style resort featuring the rejuvenating Thalassotherapy Spa; The Ridge at Playa Grande, with a collection of elegant one-, two- or three-bedroom villas; and Quinta del Sol, set along Cabo’s main swimming beaches, Medano Beach, an ideal hotel for business travelers with spacious junior suites. Solmar Hotels & Resorts includes eight restaurants, five within the various hotels and three off-site. They offer a variety of culinary options from traditional Mexican cuisine to authentic Italian and Mediterranean fare. The Ridge Bistro, located at the Ridge at Playa Grande, has a menu of traditional International cuisine with Mediterranean touches that can be enjoyed overlooking the ocean. Solmar Hotel’s El Tejaban is open for all meals and features dishes with fresh ingredients prepared in the style of Mexican and American cuisine. For sports fanatics, El Trebol Restaurant and Sport Bar is meant for relaxing with a game. Fresh flavors are features of Playa Grande’s three restaurants—Calima Restaurant’s colorful breakfast and lunch buffet of local market ingredients; Brigantine Restaurant for surf and turf fare; and the Sushi Bar for a taste of Asia. Romantic evenings can be enjoyed at the Italian restaurant El Galeon on a hillside overlooking Cabo San Lucas marina. Known for their pasta and handcrafted pizza, Restaurant Romeo and Julieta serves authentic Italian cuisine in an intimate setting. Across from the marina, it’s a favorite of both locals and frequent visitors. Hacienda El Coyote Restaurant and Tequila Bar creates top-notch true Mexican cuisine meticulously created from fresh ingredients. Playa Grande’s Thalassotherapy Spa is a serene escape for personalized therapy adapted to particular needs, incorporating seawater from the Sea of Cortes into treatments for prevention and curing purposes. For meetings and events, Playa Grande Resort offers three options for groups. Salon Mision De San Ignacio, the property’s largest meeting room, accommodates up to 250 with sound equipment and a wide screen for presentations. Misiones De Baja California Sur holds up to 170 people and is designed with stadium seating, large screen, projector, sound equipment and microphones. More intimate for up to 55 people. With the picturesque backdrop of the Pacific Ocean and El Arco, Solmar Resort creates the ideal destination wedding. The resort provides deluxe packages that can be tailored to meet couples’ needs with the help of the resort’s onsite wedding planner. Located on Baja California’s most exclusive and private beach, Solmar Hotels & Resorts’ collection affords privacy combined with the action of downtown Cabo San Lucas, in an atmosphere of highquality hospitality and service. Solmar Hotels & Resorts, • Travel World News

Only for Top Travel Agents

WIN THE PERFECT VACATION YOU DESERVE AS A TRAVEL PROFESSIONAL Sell at least 5 room nights for stays dated between January 1st and April 30th, 2010 and enter the raffle for a 20,000 USD first-class vacation. Your vacation package to the Riviera Maya includes: r Round flight in private jet (pick up in selected airports) r Seven nights all-inclusive accommodation for four people r Tours to Chichen Itzá, Tulum, Río Secreto and Canché r Massages and spa treatments for four people All sales must be made between November 1 st, 2009 and Januar y 31 st, 2010. The raffle will take place in June 15 th and the results will be published via email and in specialized magazines. Only members of Golden Club can par ticipate.

REAL LUXURY COMES NATURALLY Environmentally responsible all-inclusive luxury resort, nestled in the midst of a nature preserve, affording tranquil beaches, eco-adventures, and experiences unlike any others. MX 01 800 262.9268 ~ USA 1 800 224.4231 / Hacienda Tres Ríos is not reliable for errors or omissions contained in this publicity.


Mexico City’s newest stylish small luxury hotel, Las Alcobas has officially opened its doors in the capital’s posh Polanco district. The intimate 35-room, seven-story property was crafted by acclaimed interior design duo Yabu Pushelberg to reflect the property’s namesake—“the alcoves” in Spanish—and expresses a modern sensibility, infused with warmth and texture. Also included in the hotel are two innovative dining experiences, Barroco and Dulce Patria, headed by Mexico City’s celebrated Chef Martha Ortiz (of Águila y Sol fame), and the Aurora Spa at Las Alcobas, offering unique treatments reflective of Mexico’s ancient healing traditions. A testament to the hotel’s award-winning design, Las Alcobas was recently awarded the highest accolade in the “Best City Hotel” category at the prestigious Interior Design Gold Key Awards. “The Las Alcobas’ concept—intimate spaces that magnify the comforts of home—is new for Mexico City,” says Samuel Leizorek, managing partner of Las Alcobas. “With an opening aptly timed to welcome the return of business and leisure travel to Mexico, Las Alcobas is refining the art of hospitality in Mexico City with a personalized guest experience proving to be well worth the wait.” All 35 fashionable guestrooms, including the two-bedroom suite and three penthouse suites featuring wraparound terraces, have been constructed from the finest materials: white goose-down bedding; hand-knotted rugs that add to the sense of locale, as does original artwork by contemporary Mexican artists; and all-marble, spa bathrooms with soothing rain showers and whirlpool tubs. State-of-the-art technology is available in every room—LCD flatscreen televisions, surround-sound CD and DVD home theatre systems by BOSE, wireless high-speed Internet, and multi-line telephones with voicemail and data line capabilities—as are centralized controls for guests’ interaction with lights, audio systems and hotel services. For its first guests, Las Alcobas is offering special opening rates from $250 for a standard room, valid through March 2010. Regular room rates will begin at $405 plus tax for a standard room and range to $2,500 for the penthouse suites. Las Alcobas, 34 • MARCH 2010

LOS CABOS LUXURY HOTELS & RESORTS GARNER HIGH HONORS FROM CONDE NAST TRAVEL + LEISURE Several Los Cabos hotels and resorts have been named to the Conde Nast Traveler Gold List and Travel + Leisure’s 500 World’s Best Hotels. Three outstanding properties—Esperanza Resort, Las Ventanas al Paraiso and One&Only Palmilla—garnered honors on Conde Nast Traveler’s 2010 Gold List. A celebrated honor, the Gold List considers rooms, service, food, location, design and activities available at the world’s top hotels and resorts. Additionally, Esperanza Resort, One&Only Palmilla, Las Ventanas al Paraiso and Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach were included on Travel + Leisure’s 500 World’s Best Hotels list, under the T+L 500: Mexico and Central South America category. In this issue, the influential travel publication lists the top 500 properties around the globe, as voted by Travel + Leisure readers. Los Cabos, located at the tip of the 1,000-mile long Baja Peninsula, is home to these and many other award-winning, worldrenowned hotels and resorts. With a unique landscape of dramatic desert and white sand beaches, Los Cabos offers a variety of activities for any personality. An informative travel planner is available by calling the hotel’s toll-free number of visiting its website. Los Cabos Hotels & Resorts, 866-LOS-CABOS (567-2226),

HOTEL HABITA MONTERREY NAMED BEST NEW HOTEL OF 2010 BY WALLPAPER* MAGAZINE A striking and elegant hotel design in Mexico has won Wallpaper* magazine’s 2010 Best Design Award for Best New Hotel in its important “World’s Top 5 Best New Hotel” category. An international jury of worldwide recognition made the selection. Sparsely decorated with vintage accents, the stark, clean design of this property grants homage to modernism—within and without. Hotel Habita Monterrey, “Habita Mty” as it’s abbreviated on its website, is a study in black-and-white haute-modern design, the interior created by Paris-based Joseph Dirand. The 39-room hotel has accommodations consisting of a penthouse suite with living room, bathtub, gym and private terrace; two loft suites with living room and bathtub; eight junior suites with bathtub; four double rooms with two full-size beds and bathtub; 12 corner rooms with bathtub; and 12 standard rooms with bathtub. All feature flat-screen TV, minibar, safe and iPod docking station. Exterior architecture is massive curved concrete: a tower overlooking the dramatic vista of the Monterrey skyline. Monterrey lies at the foothills of Mexico’s storied Sierra Madre, surrounded on all sides by landscape of mountains, deserts, canyons and forests. Habita Monterrey is in the desirable neighborhood of San Pedro, conveniently located just 13 miles from the airport. The hotel is the latest from Mexico’s award-winning Grupo Habita. Hotel Habita Monterrey, • Travel World News

LATIN AMERICA LA MANSION INN LAUNCHES TRAVELERS AID PROGRAM IN MANUEL ANTONIO/QUEPOS Five-star boutique hotel La Mansion Inn in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, has launched a Travelers Aid program with the cooperation of the local Chamber of Commerce and the municipality of the Canton de Aguirre. The program will assist stranded travelers in need of emergency shelter, food and communication with their respective embassies and family in their home country. In the rare instance of an attack, robbery or other desperate situation, the Travelers Aid program will function as a support system after police reports are made. Tourists may be traumatized because they have no place to go, no money, no passports and no luggage. The program will handle the incidents in the most efficient and professional manner possible. If a traveler has no funds, bus tickets will be provided and they will be asked for a voluntary donation once they return to their home country. To qualify, travelers will need to simply present a referral from the O.I.J., Fuerza Publica, Policia Turistica or Policia Municipal and a copy of the Police (OIJ) Report to the La Mansion Inn and other participating businesses. “This is not a new idea but rather an adoption of a program that exists in many developed countries around the world,” said Harry Bodaan, owner of the La Mansion Inn and Vice President of the local Chamber of Commerce. “The program is by no means exclusive and we are looking for other volunteer hotels and restaurants to participate in this project,” said Bodaan. “Our only requirement is that the business be respectable and a member of our local Chamber of Commerce.” Increased business could result from tour operators knowing this network exists to take care of customers in an emergency. La Mansion Inn,,

The popular Central American resort is a member of the Harper Collection, Kiwi Collection and Signature Travel Network Consortium and has been recognized by the Hideaway Report. Victoria House,

TARA TOURS INTRODUCES 2010 GUATEMALA BROCHURE Tara Tours in conjunction with INGUAT has introduced its 2010 full-color brochure called “Guatemala.” Prices given are from Miami with add-ons available from other gateways. Itineraries include the following exciting trips: “On The Mayan Path” visits Guatemala City, Lake Atitlan, Antigua, the Native Market of Chichicastenngo, Solola and the capital of the Mayan Empire “Tikal.” The eight-day/seven-night program starts at $1,640. Optional tours are available to Copan and the Quirigua Mayan site. “Absolutely Guatemala” is a 15-day/14-night tour priced from $3,130 featuring the best of Guatemala, Antigua, Atitlan, Quetzaltenango, Huehuetenango, Chichicastenango, Copan, Puerto Barrios, Rio Dulce, Ceibal, Yaxha and Tikal. “The New Mayan Express” visits Guatemala City, Antigua, the indigenous market of Chichicastenango and Lake Atitlan. This seven-day/six-night program starts at $1,060. Detailed information is available on Tara Tours’ website, and the brochure can be ordered by calling their toll-free number. Tara Tours, 800-327-0080,

VICTORIA HOUSE ENDORSED AS A TOP RESORT BY TRAVEL MEDIA As 2010 dawned, Victoria House in Ambergris Caye, Belize, saw recognition by Condé Nast Johansens as the Most Excellent Beach Hotel in the Americas, Travel and Leisure Magazine’s Top 500 of the World’s Best Hotels List for the third year in a row, and United Kingdom’s The Independent in a glowing article entitled “The Big Six: Central American boutique hotels.” Victoria House offers a variety of accommodations including thatch-roofed casitas, beachfront and poolside villas, and spacious suites in a tranquil colonial setting. Swaying coconut palms and verdant lawns overlook the white sand beach, the Caribbean Sea and nearby Great Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. Four swimming pools, including two infinity pools, are available for the enjoyment of hotel guests. The award-winning Palmilla Restaurant and Admiral Nelson’s Beach Bar provide world-class food and beverage service daily. Activities are coordinated from the Fantasea dive shop, located on the 300-foot hotel pier. Victoria House is offering a Spring Special with a complimentary night for guests staying six or more nights. Travel World News •

MARCH 2010 •


LATIN AMERICA EXCITING NEW PROGRAMS AT DUPLOOY’S JUNGLE LODGE In conjunction with Belize Botanic Gardens, duPlooy’s Jungle Lodge is offering a Tropical Classroom Itinerary at a net price of just $119 per day for any group of 10 or more staying a minimum of five days. The price includes transfers to and from Belize City, rooms in the Belize River House (seven bedrooms, each with two double beds, four baths, two living rooms and deck), canoeing, riding, Xunantunich, Barton Creek, Belize Botanic Gardens Traditional Healers’ Workshop, meals and taxes. With so much interest in travel learning programs, this is an ideal way to visit inland Belize and learn at the same time. The Belize River House is also perfect for multi-generational families planning a vacation together. duPlooy’s popular “Create Your Own Vacation” package has added a couple of new items to its extensive list of tours and activities. Guests can now have a rental car for a day as one of their choices and a full-body massage can be substituted for a full day’s tour. A nice way to spend a day is to wander through the gardens in the morning, go to the beach and swim, canoe or tube and after lunch on the deck, and have a massage. Added to the choice of Maya sites, Yaxcha—about an hour’s

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drive from the Guatemala border, can be done along with Tikal on an overnight or as a separate day trip. For an extra $225 per person, the two sites with the overnight can be added to any duPlooy package. Thinking ahead to 2012, duPlooy’s is planning an ‘Apocalypto Package.’ To research and book this for clients, agents can find details on the website. Many guests make return visits to duPlooy’s: Peter and Ruth Race and Lucy Gatchell from New England have visited 12 times; it’s 13 for Chatham College, and many others frequent the popular hotel. duPlooy’s,,,; Belize Botanic Gardens,

TARA TOURS OFFICIAL TOUR OPERATOR FOR COPA VACATIONS Tara Tours Inc., now the tour operator for all COPA Vacation programs, is featuring several exciting programs to Central and South America at affordable prices. All programs include roundtrip airfare from Miami with add-ons available from New York, Los Angeles, Orlando and Washington DC. Prices do not include U.S.A. departure taxes and are ppdo. All tours use English-speaking guides and include tips to airport porters. Panama at $1,096 is seven days/six nights at the all-inclusive Royal Decameron Resort. Included are airfare, daily breakfast, lunch buffets and a la carte dinners, unlimited domestic and international alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, daily activities and nightly entertainment. Peru at $1,780 for seven days/six nights visits Lima, Cuzco and Machu Picchu. The price includes airfare Lima and Cuzco, transfers, tours, train tickets for full day to Machu Picchu and more. Brazil at $1,299 for seven days/five nights visits Rio “the Carnival city” of the world. Included are airfare, daily buffet breakfast, tour to Corcovado and the beaches and transfers. Argentina is $1,096 for seven days/five nights and visits Buenos Aires the “Paris of South America.” Cost includes airfare, buffet breakfast daily, tour of the city and transfers. Ecuador for $997 runs six days/five nights and visits Quito the “Queen City of the Andes.” Included are airfare, breakfast daily, city tour and full-day tour to Otavalo Market. Colombia at $1,096 for seven days/six nights visits all-inclusive Decameron Resort, San Andres Island. Included are airfare, daily breakfast, lunch buffets and a la carte dinners, unlimited domestic and international alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, daily activities and nightly entertainment. Tara Tours, 800-327-0080,, • Travel World News


Mantaraya Lodge, located in the Machalilla National Park in the province of Manabi, Ecuador, is among five top hotels of a unique kind around the world, according to Gustavo Bassotti, a recognized international expert in tourism. Bassotti has visited many countries and conducted studies and consultancies for several governments and organizations related to travel. He’s made assessments in over 25 countries, and directed the update of Ecuador’s 2010–2014 Tourism Marketing Integral Plan. He has developed projects worldwide with a sustainable tourism seal. Bassotti stresses that all the possibilities for tourism in Ecuador must be taken advantage of—by selling products in an integrated manner, through circuits, and citing the cataloguing of these destinations as some of the best in the world. Mantaraya Lodge is located on the highest point of a coastal hill, next to the Ruta del Sol highway that runs from Salinas through Puerto Lopez. It’s known for beautiful Pacific Ocean views all along the road, as well as the gorgeous sites of Machalilla National Park. The Lodge offers excursions to Los Frailes beach—a place with no urban trait in sight, as well as De la Plata Island, also known as the “Small Galapagos,” featuring activities like whale watching. The Lodge’s infrastructure imparts a feeling of personalized attention in a tasteful, well-designed place, well integrated and privileged by its surroundings. Mantaraya Lodge,

the Western part of the United States. This way, and with an itinerary that covers business and tourism travelers’ needs, Avianca allows national and foreign persons who live in this area of the United States to have a nonstop connection to Bogota and, from that point, with other cities in Colombia and South America, as well as in Australia and Asia, which can be visited through flights operated with shared and inter-line codes in force between Avianca and internationally renowned airlines. By adding this new flight frequency, Avianca offers increased options for corporate travelers, with access to five non-stop flights between this North American city and the Colombian capital city. Avianca’s services in the Bogotá–Los Angeles–Bogotá route are in addition to the flights currently flown by the Colombian airline from and to Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Washington and New York, with multiple connection possibilities inside the United States and abroad. Avianca’s Bogotá–Los Angeles–Bogotá flights use Boeing B-767 aircraft, and operate each week on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday as follows: the Los Angeles-to-Bogotá flight departs LAX at 10:30 a.m. arriving BOG at 8:45 p.m.; the flight from Bogotá to Los Angeles leaves Bogotá at 1:35 a.m. and arrives LAX at 6:16 a.m. Avianca,

AVIANCA INCREASES ITS BOGOTÁ–LOS ANGELES FLIGHT FREQUENCY Consistent with its expansion plan, Avianca has launched a new frequency in the Bogotá–Los Angeles–Bogotá route, consolidating its lead as the only airline flying direct, nonstop, from Colombia to Travel World News •

MARCH 2010 •


LATIN AMERICA TIERRA ATACAMA EXTENDS ‘LUXURIOUS NIGHT AT RITZ-CARLTON, SANTIAGO’ PROMOTION Tierra Atacama Hotel and Spa is situated in one of the earth’s most beautiful locations—the Altiplano of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Visitors from around the world come to experience the awe of this natural paradise. Guests who book a three-night all-inclusive stay at lovely, ecofriendly Tierra Atacama for travel in April, May and June 2010, will be awarded a free night’s stay at Santiago’s premier hotel, The Ritz-Carlton Santiago. And for May, from the 16th through the 20th, Tierra Atacama plans a four-night/five-day Gastronomic Adventure with Ruth Van Waerebeeck, executive chef and culinary consultant for Concha y Toro wines. The program includes talks on the culture and history of the Atacama, practical cooking classes, visits to smallholders in the area and country-style lunches. Every day, participants can enjoy a wine- and food-pairing meal with a different theme, learning not only about the Atacama, but the gastronomic traditions of the whole of Chile. Guided tours and excursions are designed for minimum impact on the land, plants, animals, and birds of this pure habitat. Flamingo varieties—some with populations in the thousands, and many unusual birds are common, as well as llamas, vicuñas and vizcacha. Tierra Atacama is built on a site where early herders stopped for

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water and alfalfa. Adobe walls surrounding the property, part of the original corral, are today preserved as a monument to its history. The dig site is an exclusive feature of the Tierra Atacama Hotel and Spa. The hotel is just a 20-minute walk from the village center of San Pedro de Atacama. The cultures of Aymara, Atacameña, and Inca have all left their mark on this region, so the area affords lots of interesting exploration. Tierra Atacama,

CRILLON TOURS PACKAGES THE BOLD BEAUTY OF BOLIVIA From the everlasting snowed peaks of the Andes surrounding Lake Titicaca to the magic of the High Lands, the grand Amazons and out-of-this-world Uyuni Salt Flats, the rainbow of colors, landscapes and cultures of Bolivia is amazing. Crillon Tours has been a tourism pioneer in the fascinating country for two generations, forging achievements where tourism was virgin 50 years ago. A first accomplishment was starting the Hydrofoils service on Lake Titicaca, joining Peru and Bolivia with fabulous cruises to the mythical Islands of the Sacred Lake. Bold programs have met success and encouraged a new conquest—the Uyuni Salt Flats, to meet market demand. In an inspired five-day/four-night program, three of the most important highlights of the Andes are matched: Lake Titicaca, Uyuni Salt Flats and the city of La Paz. At the largest Salt Flats on earth, silence and surreal pentagons of crystalline salt are awe-inspiring, with active volcanoes, hot springs and a palette of lakes populated by hardy flamingos punctuating these landscapes of blindingly bright salt plains and stunning deserts. Crillon’s operation includes the overland journey by 4x4 jeeps, an ultimate outdoor experience providing deluxe tents handled by a camp assistant in the middle of the Salt Flats. A gourmet culinary chef creates exquisite lunch. Lake Titicaca’s sapphire waters are overlooked by the Royal Range of the Andes. Here, visitors are able to meet authentic cultures living as they did thousand of years ago—close to Mother Nature without challenge or harm. Indigenous communities are hospitable and share the experiences of their traditional lifestyles. Overnight at the Lake is at the Posada del Inca Eco-Lodge atop Sun Island. A visit to Moon Island, Copacabana and the Andean Roots Eco-Village in Huatajata are included. The golden clasp is the visit to the unique city of La Paz and its surroundings—living history that transports travelers to the mysterious past and treasures of pre-Hispanic times with all their traditions and magic rites. Indigenous, colonial and modern areas framed by the majestic “Illimani” mountain contrast the fun of the Indian Market and Witch Doctor’s Market with the enchantment of Moon Valley, a clay formation resembling the face of the Moon. Dreams converted to reality, all offered to FITs, groups, solo travelers and the eternally “young at heart” from Crillon Tours. Crillon Tours S.A., • Travel World News

e z i Bel Open Invitation to World-Class Diving SUNBREEZE HOTEL email: website: toll free: 1-800-688-0191 Prime location in the town of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye with easy access to the town’s activities yet out of the hustle and bustle of town. Ideal for singles, couples and families.


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SUNBREEZE SUITES email: website: toll free: 1-800-820-1631 Located on the beach in the heart of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye. With 20 Ocean View Suites, we offer stunning views of the Caribbean. Ideal for couples, singles and groups.


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Stylish and independently run, the 22-room boutique Hotel Flamingo works closely with Aquatic Sports Dive Center to provide a full range of diving services to its guests. Mexico’s Cozumel is famed for world-class diving with warm, clear waters year-round. Convenient and close by, it makes the perfect diving destination for all levels of divers. The Flamingo and Aquatic Sports are offering a special promotion this spring for new and experienced divers alike. All clients that book either a PADI Open water certification course or at least four days of diving, will receive 30 percent off the hotel portion of the Hotel/Dive package. Six-night/four-day dive packages start at just $529 ppdo and include accommodations in courtyard room, full breakfast, daily twotank diving with Aquatic Sports, tanks-weights-weight belt, transfers to pier, and all taxes. Bookings must be made by April 30 and travel completed by July 30, 2010. Hotel Flamingo, 800-806-1601,,

WHALE WATCHING SPECIAL THIS SEASON AT BOHIO DIVE RESORT Bohio Dive Resort is inviting visitors to cruise or swim with majestic whales as they end their annual migration to breed in the tropical waters of Grand Turk this whale-watching season. For bookings made by the end of March, travelers who mention this article in Travel World News will receive a whale-watching excursion completely free as part of any four-night stay at Bohio. Atlantic humpbacks migrate over 15,000 miles yearly from their summer feeding grounds in northern polar waters to the tropics to court, mate and calf. They remain here from January through April, until offspring are strong enough to return north. Whale watching presents an opportunity to catch the rare, awe-inspiring sight of a 40-foot, 38-ton male breaching, singing and courting his mate, or a mother with her calf. Unlike many whale-watching destinations worldwide, Grand Turk has no crowds. The excursions are offered on one specialized whaleboat, with its highly experienced local boat captain. His extensive knowledge of the whale territories and habits through years of ob40 • MARCH 2010

servation guarantees the best chance of sightings, without fear of disturbing or harming the mighty creatures. When conditions are right and the whales are fully at ease, there are even chances to enter the water around them. Bohio resort on its award-winning beach is the ideal spot for whale watching. Just 400 feet offshore beyond a dramatic coral wall is the Columbus passage, a deep-water trench that attracts the migrants; there’s even a chance they’ll be spotted from this beach. Diving at this time of year is ideal. One can dive right off the beach or minutes away by boat on the coral wall, one of the top wall diving sites in the world. The water is a delightful 75 degrees, visibility’s excellent, and this season there have been regular sightings of eagle rays and turtles in abundance in the protected marine park. Divers might even hear the whale song while diving. Intervals can be enjoyed on the idyllic beach or at the beach bar. Other attractions are record numbers of flamingos at the historic salt ponds, historic colonial architecture, horse riding, watersports and a vibrant local nightlife. This offer is not valid combined with any other special offer. If a whale-watching trip can’t be run for any reason (weather, for example) a substitute excursion may be offered. Bohio Dive Resort,,

DELTA AIRLINES INITIATING NONSTOP SERVICE TO GRENADA FROM NY THIS SUMMER Now it gets easier to take a great vacation to Grenada, one of the most picturesque of the Windward Islands and Wreck Dive Capital of the Caribbean. From July 3, Delta Airlines will provide nonstop service every Saturday, reaching the Isle of Spice in just five hours’ nonstop service. True Blue Bay resort and Aquanauts are offering a Delta Special seven-night stay including continental breakfast buffet, airport round-trip transfer, five days of two tank morning dives and all taxes. The resort offers two pools, boutique, restaurant and bar, and all rooms command a view of the south coast. The Aquanauts dive center is just steps from the rooms and provides daily dive trips and courses. Grenada’s diving is famous for its portfolio of great wrecks. Best known is the “Bianca C,” a cruise liner that sank in 1961. But Grenada is not only heaven for wreck and technical divers, but also for the recreational diver seeking the abundance of marine life housed by Grenada’s reefs. The island offers many activities for non-diving spouses, with its natural lush green beauty, waterfalls, rainforest and historic sites. Grenada with its friendly people is the ideal place for a relaxed and safe vacation. Aquanauts Grenada, 800-513-5257,,;; • Travel World News


SunBreeze Hotel has announced that it has acquired the services of Hugh Parkey’s Belize Dive Connection, establishing the company as its onsite dive operator effective May 1, 2010. Belize Dive Connection, or BDC as it’s commonly known, brings a well-equipped and complete operation that includes custom-made 46-foot Newton dive boats, up-to-date and well-maintained Scubapro equipment, professional and knowledgeable staff and over 15 years of experience as a dive and watersports operator. The hotel and its sister property, SunBreeze Suites, can look forward to Belize Dive Connection complimenting the high-quality services and customer satisfaction the two properties have provided to divers and snorkels over the years. The union will provide memorable stays and a one-of-a-kind dive, snorkel and watersports experiences. Packages remain the same, but in addition excellent specials will be available starting with show attendance by Hugh Parkey’s Belize Dive Connection at the upcoming Our World Underwater and Beneath the Sea shows. Sunbreeze Hotel,,,

tions. The British Virgin Islands were named the First Place winner for Top Beginner Diving, Second Place for Top Underwater Photography, and Third Place for Top Wreck Diving. “On behalf of the many seasoned dive professionals throughout the British Virgin Islands who strive to provide our visitors with rewarding, unique and safe dive vacations experiences, we are privileged to again be named among the very best dive destinations by SCUBA Diving’s readers,” said Ms. Hadassah Ward, Acting Director, British Virgin Islands Tourist Board. “These awards are especially gratifying because they come directly from the readers of an authoritative diving publication, and they recognize both the natural beauty of our underwater resources and the very high quality of the professional guides and operators who carefully share these treasures with our visitors.” Set against a backdrop of unspoiled natural beauty, the British Virgin Islands allow visitors to explore and discover world-class diving, sailing, shopping, dining, and hospitality. After descending the depths to explore a century-old shipwreck, dive enthusiasts can enjoy peaceful, relaxed, luxurious style unique to the BVI. BVI Wreck Week 2010 tops the list of several exciting and high-quality dive offerings for the coming season. This will be the first year that the Dive Operators and the Tourist Board have partnered to host divers at various functions from June 12 through 18, 2010. British Virgin Islands Tourist Board,

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS VOTED AMONG TOP 3 DIVING DESTINATIONS IN SCUBA DIVING 2010 READER’S CHOICE AWARDS The British Virgin Islands have once again been recognized in several categories among the “Top 100 Caribbean/Atlantic” diving destinations in the SCUBA Diving magazine 2010 Reader’s Choice Awards. SCUBA Diving magazine’s Reader’s Choice Awards highlight the results of an annual, impartial survey that allows SCUBA Diving readers to rate their favorite diving destinaTravel World News •

MARCH 2010 •



AMAWATERWAYS has announced the construction of a second ship on the Mekong river as part of the cruise line’s “Vietnam, Cambodia & the Riches of the Mekong” program. The as-yet-unnamed new-build is expected to debut in late spring 2011. The ship will join the luxurious ms La Marguerite in offering seven-day Mekong river cruises from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to Siem Reap, Cambodia and the reverse. The two vessels will depart the same day of the week, one sailing downstream from Siem Reap, the other upstream from Ho Chi Minh City. The 15-day “Vietnam, Cambodia & the Riches of the Mekong” itinerary highlights the most renowned historical and cultural treasures of Southeast Asia. Features include: Two nights in Hanoi, with its graceful colonial architecture, verdant parks, tranquil lakes and ancient temples; An overnight cruise onboard a luxurious traditional Junk in Vietnam’s Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for limestone cliffs; Three nights in Siem Reap,Cambodia, gateway to the Angkor Archeological Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site; An overnight in historic Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). The new vessel will be larger than ms La Marguerite—295 feet long, as opposed to 246, and will accommodate 124 passengers in 62 balcony cabins. It will have 10 spacious junior suites and two suites. Layout and décor will be similar to that of La Marguerite, using beautiful tropical woods, elegant textiles, and regional Khmer artifacts. AMAWATERWAYS, 800-626-0126,

SEA CLOUD CRUISES’ YACHTS RANKED HIGHEST IN SMALL-SHIP CATEGORY Condé Nast Traveler, in its February issue, ranked Sea Cloud Cruises’ sailing yachts, the Sea Cloud II and Sea Cloud the #1 and #2 “Small Ships.” The list of top 90 cruise ships was based on reader’s feedback. One of the industry’s most respected publications, Condé Nast Traveler has been surveying the cruise industry for 10 years and found that despite the economy, more than 15 million passengers took a cruise over the past year. Condé Nast readers rated 471 ships on a 100-point scale. Only 42 • MARCH 2010

ships that received a required minimum number of responses were included in these rankings. Each ship was judged on seven criteria: Activities / Facilities; Cabins; Crew / Service; Design / Layout; Food / Dining; Itineraries / Schedule; Shore Excursions.” The poll separated the ships into three categories—small, large and mega. Scores overall for Sea Cloud II and Sea Cloud were 98 and 93.6 respectively. In addition to securing the top two spots in the Small Ships category, over the past five months, Sea Cloud Cruises has received the “Best Small Cruise Line” award in the 2009 Condé Nast Traveler Reader’s Choice Awards, and the magazine’s 2010 Gold List. This fleet of luxury yachts was inspired by the elegance of the company’s flagship, the Sea Cloud, built in 1931 by Wall Street tycoon EF Hutton and cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post. The line will welcome a third windjammer to its family of yachts in the fall of 2010. The 136-passenger Sea Cloud Hussar will continue the tradition of intimate five-star service, gourmet cuisine and sophisticated accommodations aboard unique yachts. In addition to the tall ships, Sea Cloud Cruises also provides river cruises aboard the River Cloud II. The 88-passenger vessel travels the rivers of Europe along the Dutch Waterways, the Rhine, the Danube and the Danube Delta to the Black Sea. Sea Cloud Cruises,

CRUISE WEST INTRODUCES FRAMEBREAKING MAGALOG CONCEPT Cruise West, a global leader in small-ship cruising, has unveiled its first issue of Explorer—a large format “magalog” that breaks away from the glossy, cookie-cutter brochures that have traditionally dominated the cruise industry. In January, copies of Explorer were shipped to customers, prospective cruisers, and travel agents across the United States. The outside panel of this “magalog” is a teaser visual that provides no hint as to what the reader will discover inside. As the reader unfolds it not once, but twice—a nearly newspaper-sized page is revealed, measuring roughly 21-1/2”x 21-1/2.” Dietmar Wertanzl, Cruise West President and CEO, stated, “Our company delivers a clear alternative to mega-ship cruising… a more personal, informative, and interactive experience. This magalog reflects those same virtues. It’s bold, tactile and fun—yet it also works extremely hard in terms of describing our itineraries and giving the reader a sense of the adventure that awaits. I’m confident that our customers and travel agent partners will be captivated by it… as well as find it useful in planning their next adventures with Cruise West.” Cruise West takes great pride in the fact that their small ships tread lightly on the environment. In keeping with that commitment, Explorer has been designed to print on recyclable paper using soybased ink. Explorer will be made available online also. Cruise West, • Travel World News

PROFITABLE WORLD OF NICHE MARKETS GOWAY ASIA CRUISES INTO 2010 WITH PANDAW RIVER CRUISES With river cruising continuing to rise in popularity, Goway is meeting the demand by offering luxury Pandaw River Cruises to four great rivers in Asia: the Mekong through Vietnam and Cambodia, the Irrawaddy in Burma, the Rajang in Borneo and the Ganges in India. “As more and more travelers are discovering the art of river cruising, we provide a unique product at excellent prices giving passengers the very best value on four awesome rivers in Asia.” says Doug Vogl, Product and Marketing Manager, Asia. “The itineraries are affordable and start at just $2,009 with confirmed sailings through to 2011.” Pandaw’s small ships carry only 60 passengers and can penetrate remote and otherwise inaccessible areas. While offering a real adventure experience, travelers are cushioned with comfort, fine dining, great cocktails and choice wines, and extraordinary levels of service. All cruises include locally made alcoholic beverages as well. The four boutique ships were built new and designed and finished as replicas of colonial river steamers. These small ships have the highest passenger-to-space ratio of any ships afloat. Those agents booking clients now on the ‘Into The Heart of Borneo’ river cruises in May and June will receive an additional 10–20-percent commission above regular levels from Goway Travel. Goway Travel, 888-469-2988,,,

NEW CANADA/NEW ENGLAND FALL FOLIAGE CRUISES ON MSC CRUISES’ POESIA MSC Poesia sails her inaugural fall foliage Canada/New England cruises September 22 from New York City with 14 itineraries and nearly 25 ports of call for guests departing New York and Quebec. Rates begin at $599, and Kids Cruise Free. Travelers discover colonial history, exquisite mansions and lighthouses of the New England coast, the St. Lawrence River with the French charm of Quebec, and quaint shops in Prince Edward

Island, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Cruises vary from six to 19 nights, and can be combined for an extended experience such as the repositioning cruise on October 23 with the Les Merle Big Band. Six-night “Maple Leaves & Mansions” cruise departs Quebec City and calls in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada; Boston, Massachusetts; Newport, Rhode Island; and New York. October 23. Rates begin at $599 [plus $81.40 pp. government fees and taxes (GFT’s)]. Seven-night “Scenic Splendors of Fall” cruise departs New York City, with calls in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada; Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada, and Quebec City, Quebec; Canada, October 2. Rates begin at $699 (plus $78.50 pp. GFT’s). Seven-night “Brilliant Colors of Fall” cruise departs Quebec City and calls in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada; Bar Harbor, Maine; Boston, Massachusetts; Newport, Rhode Island; and New York. October 9. Rates begin at $739 (plus $67.80 pp. GFT’s). Nine-night “Autumn Leaves to Palm Trees” cruise departs Quebec City and calls in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada; Boston, Massachusetts; Newport, Rhode Island; New York, and Fort Lauderdale. October 23. Rates begin at $849 (plus $102.40 pp. GFT’s). Ten-night “Dazzling Fall Foliage” cruise departs New York City and calls in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada; Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada; Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Newport, Rhode Island; and New York. September 22. Rates begin at $999 (plus $72.90 pp. GFT’s). Kids Cruise Free (17 and younger) when sharing a stateroom with two full-fare-paying adults. Government fees and taxes are applicable. Aeroplan Members earn Aeroplan Miles on select MSC cruises offered throughout the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, Caribbean, Canada/New England, Transatlantic and positioning cruises. MSC Cruises, 877-665-4655,,

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MARCH 2010 •





Adventures, “Our national park programs have been our most popular, and they also represent opportunities to express our support for safeguarding our great parks. We chose Glacier National Park to acknowledge its Centennial and we are delighted to name the Glacier National Park Fund as the recipient of our donation.” Austin-Lehman Adventures, 800-575-1540,; Glacier National Park Fund,


Austin-Lehman Adventures (ALA) has selected Glacier National Park and the Glacier National Park Fund, as the beneficiary of its first annual “Preserve a Park” program for 2010, the year of the Park’s celebrated 100th anniversary. “Preserve a Park” is the platform for ALA’s newly established conservation and educational initiative, an ongoing program that will be aligned with a different national park each year. The company will provide financial contributions to an organization that best supports that designated park, while featuring an educational experience for guests who book one of the tour company’s “Preserve a Park” trips. This year, ALA will donate $100 per guest from each Glacier trip to the Glacier National Park Fund, a 501©(3) organization that supports the ongoing and future preservation of Glacier National Park’s natural beauty and cultural heritage by fostering public awareness and encouraging private philanthropy. For 2010, ALA offers three, six-day/five-night trips to Glacier during its Centennial year as a national park: August 1–6, 8–13 and 15–20; per-person price is $2,498. A UNESCO World Heritage site and, coupled with Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada, the world’s first Peace Park, Glacier National Park is an adventurer’s paradise known to Native Americans as the “Backbone of the World.” It preserves over one million acres of glacier-carved terrain that encompasses old growth forest, alpine lakes, rugged mountains and sweeping meadows of wildflowers. Among its famous routes, the celebrated 11-year building feat Going-to-the-Sun Road is one of North America’s most scenic roads. According to Dan Austin, co-founder of Austin-Lehman 44 • MARCH 2010

Despite an extremely challenging environment for new travel brands in 2009, Tauck’s successful launch of its immersive Culturious trips last year has prompted the company to boost departures and add itineraries for 2010. “The fact that Culturious was successful in such a tough economy is a credit to the quality of the trips and the validity of the Culturious concept,” said Tauck CEO Dan Mahar. “We’ve crafted a new way to travel that truly resonates with the boomer segment of the market.” For the coming year, Tauck is more than tripling its Culturious departures and expanding its operating season, from primarily the fall months last year, to every month in 2010 except January and July. Nearly 40 percent of all 2010 Culturious departures are already sold-out, said Mahar. Three of Tauck’s four 2010 Culturious itineraries will operate for the first time this year; an all-new “Namibia & South Africa” program (12 days, from $5,690 pp plus air), as well as eight-day explorations of Costa Rica (from $2,490 pp, plus air) and Provence (from $3,490 pp plus air). Tauck will also offer its “Tuscany & Cinque Terre” itinerary (eight days, from $3,490 pp, plus air) again in 2010. While the numbers provide quantitative evidence of Culturious’ success, Mahar explained that he is most pleased by the qualitative responses to the new brand. “We survey every guest who travels with Tauck, and our cumulative ‘Overall Experience’ rating for the Culturious trips was ‘Exceptional,’” said Mahar. “One guest wrote that ‘the tour exceeded our expectations on every level’ and ‘we couldn’t be more delighted,’ and that was typical of the feedback we received. To achieve that kind of response in our first year is a fantastic accomplishment.” Launched after extensive research into the preferences of boomer-aged travelers, the Culturious trips provide a more active, immersive and interactive experience within more focused geographic regions. The trips feature smaller groups of just 16 and average eight days in duration. Tauck has just printed a new 24-page brochure highlighting its 2010 Culturious programs, which is currently mailing to travel agents and guests. Tauck Culturious, 888-840-1853, • Travel World News


Exotic Journeys, the Chicago-based tour operator, is offering a new luxury wildlife safari to the finest Tiger Reserves & National Parks in India with upscale luxury hotels and jungle lodges in 2010. The “Luxury Wildlife Safari with Taj” is a 14-day tour that will specially appeal to wildlife enthusiasts. The luxury hotel chain, Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces, has launched all-inclusive luxurious lodges in tiger preserves in India. Traveling on this tour makes tiger sighting, among other animals, highly possible. Visitors stay two nights each at Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai, Taj Pashan Garh in Panna, Taj Mahua Kothi in Bandhavgarh, Taj Banjaar Tola in Kanha, Taj Baghvan Jungle Lodge in Pench and Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai. This all-inclusive tour includes private and personalized escorted airport transfers, luxury hotels and jungle lodges, all meals, city tours in Mumbai, Khajuraho and Delhi, private and personal English-speaking tour guides, multiple jungle safaris, bird watching and nature walk with expert resident naturalists, all taxes and entrance fees. The tour is priced at $6,750 ppdo. Estimated domestic airfare is extra $650 in economy class. The current airfare from New York, Newark, Washington, DC and Chicago is estimated to be $900 in economy, $3,200 in business and $5,600 in first class. Taxes are extra. Exotic Journeys is offering 13-percent commission to registered preferred agents. Travel agents specializing in leisure market are invited to register online at Travel Agents Page on its website and earn 13-percent commission or call the agency desk for details. Normal commission is 10 percent for agents/agencies. Exotic Journeys, 800-556-6342, 800-554-6342,,

TV STAR ‘ROSA’ REJOINS THE EUROPEAN WATERWAYS HOTEL BARGE FLEET European Waterways has announced the re-launch of the hotel barge Rosa in South West France. Rosa was part of the European Waterways fleet for a number of years, including Travel World News •

when she was enjoyed by Celebrity Chef Rick Stein during the filming of the BBC TV series ‘French Odyssey.’ Rick’s televised journey between Agen and Toulouse will form part of Rosa’s new cruise route. The new route from Agen to Montauban on the Canal des Deux Mers in Gascony features the best that Gascony has to offer, including private wine, Armagnac and foie gras tastings, delightful French countryside and fascinating excursions. The Canal des Deux Mers links the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, passing through the region of l’Occitanie—a palette of colors and scents created by orchards and vineyards. After undergoing a complete refit to a high standard, Rosa will start cruising again in August, an excellent time to enjoy the picturesque region in France. Rates for a cruise aboard Rosa are from $3,850 per person sharing a double cabin and $26,800 for an exclusive charter of the entire vessel for eight passengers. The price is all-inclusive (excluding travel). European Waterways, 800-394-8630,,

HIGH ADVENTURE ABROAD FOR 2010 WITH TOURCAN VACATIONS Tourcan Vacations provides privately escorted small-group journeys—treks, climbs, walks, voluntours, and epic journeys. The following bespoke tours, organized by Priyantha Amarasinghe, adventure travel specialist since 1985, are his best picks for 2010 high adventure: “Sri Lanka: The Small Miracle” (multi-activity adventure) is $2,620 and runs from March 27 to April 13. “Nepal: Ultimate Everest Trek” is priced at $3,063 and runs from May 3–26. “Peru: Go Live the Legend” takes place June 5–20 and it’s priced at $3,796. “France: Classic Mont Blanc Ascent” is $3,610 and is scheduled for June 26 through July 4. “Hidden Treasures of Japan” is set for July 15–31, and its cost is $5,453. “Russia: Mt. Elbrus Climb – Europe’s Highest Peak” is August 6–16 at $2,525. “Tanzania: Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb & Bush Camp Safari” will take place August 16–30 at a price of $2,658. “The Epic Trans Mongolian Rail Adventure” runs $9,235 and will transpire September 17 through October 15. Early bird and frequent traveler discounts are offered on all tours, and must be mentioned at signup. The prices stated are per person and are approximate (based on dollar values at February 13 Canadian dollar rate), and are for land only. Special airfares are available. Individual trip dossiers may be requested by phone or email. Tourcan Vacations, 800-263-2995,, MARCH 2010 •



Malliouhana Hotel & Spa has introduced the Malliouhana Golf Package for golfers visiting Anguilla now through April 30, 2010. Guests who book four nights in any of the deluxe accommodations get two rounds of golf free (representing savings of $450) at Temenos Golf Course, Anguilla’s Greg Norman championship 18hole golf course. Bookings need to be made at least 14 days in advance of arrival to ensure premium tee times (between 7 am and 2 pm). Guests may select their preferred times and days at the time of booking and these will be reserved as close as possible to their preferences. Golf clubs and golf shoes can also be reserved in advance. Perched on a bluff overlooking the ocean, the picturesque 55room Malliouhana Hotel & Spa is owner-managed by Leon and Nigel Roydon. The Malliouhana Hotel & Spa is a member of Small Leading Hotels of the World, one of the prestigious hotels listed in the Condé Nast Traveler 2009 Gold List, and the only hotel in the Caribbean to be named Best Hotel for Food in the 2010 Gold List by Condé Nast Traveller UK. Malliouhana Hotel and Spa, 800-835-0796,,

FREE GOLF AND FIVE-DIAMOND LUXURY IN MEXICO THROUGH APRIL AT ROYAL HIDEAWAY PLAYACAR Royal Hideaway Playacar, an adults-only, all-inclusive resort located in Mexico’s Riviera Maya region, is offering free rounds of golf and up to 30 percent off rates with minimum stays until April 30, 2010. Round-trip transportation to the golf course is also included, as well as snacks and beverage consumed at the course plus a shared golf cart. Four-night minimum stays earn one round of golf per person (a savings of $380-plus per couple), and seven-night minimum stays get two rounds of golf per person (a savings of $760-plus per couple). If golf isn’t on your vacation agenda, a 45-minute massage may be substituted (limit one for four-night stays and two for sevennight stays). The Playacar Spa and Golf Club, located just a few hundred yards 46 • MARCH 2010

from the resort, is a par-72 championship golf course designed by famed architect Robert Von Hagge. The slope is 136 from the white tees and 134 from the red tees, as remarkable to play as it is unforgettable to the eye. Royal Hideaway Playacar vacations start from $300 ppdo per night and include unlimited meals and snacks, with six á la carte specialty restaurants and 24-hour room service, a new interactive Chef’s Table, unlimited drinks featuring premium alcoholic beverages, a selection of house wines, juices and soft drinks, daily resort activities, evening entertainment, DVD library, non-motorized water sports, and all taxes and gratuities. Royal Hideaway Playacar, 800-999-9182,

CARR GOLF TRAVEL PREDICTS FAMILY GOLF EVENTS WILL ATTRACT 400 TO IRELAND IN 2010 Details of three upcoming family golf tournaments being hosted in Ireland were announced at the recent PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Florida. The Inaugural Celtic Couples Challenge is the newest event to join Carr Golf Travel’s 21st World Invitational Father & Son Golf Tournament and 3rd World Invitational Father & Daughter Golf Tournament. Twenty qualifying events for the Celtic Couples Challenge take place in Florida and two further qualifiers in India with the winners playing for a place in the Irish Final. The Carr family, synonymous with golf in Ireland, aims to boost family tournament golf for international visitors and the domestic market alike. The Inaugural Celtic Couples Challenge will be played at two of the finest golf resorts from September 27 to October 1. Participants will stay at Doonbeg Golf Resort, voted the European Golf Resort of the Year in 2010, and also at the five-star K Club that hosted the 2006 Ryder Cup. The 3rd World Invitational Father & Daughter Golf Tournament, which is also held at Doonbeg Golf Resort, will take place July 25–28, 2010, and is played over 36 tournament holes. Meanwhile celebrating 21 years, The World Invitational Father & Son Golf Tournament is being staged at Waterville Golf Links August 11–15, 2010. This event is one of the most established of its kind and attracts well-known golfing families such as Dan Marino, Dan Quayle, Sir Ian Botham, Bobby Orr, Denis Taylor, JP McManus and Tom Fazio. New applications are accepted but there is a wait list. Tournament prices start at approximately $1,356 per person and include luxury accommodation, championship golf, dinners, entertainment, transfers, gifts and prizes. Carr Golf Travel’s preferred airline Aer Lingus is marking the launch of the events calendar with a special offer for people who enter one of these events before April 1. Fares are as low as $209 each way and upgrades to business class from as little as $450 each way. Further information is on the Carr Golf website. Carr Golf Travel, 800-882-2656,,, • Travel World News


South African Airways Vacations® has kicked off 2010 by offering a Cape Town deal that will be difficult for any avid traveler to resist. And at a sweetheart price just in time for Valentine’s Day, the new “Luxury Cape Town” package starts at just $2,299 and includes fuel surcharges plus international and South African domestic flights on South African Airways. The package is available now through May 31 and August 15 through October 31. Price is ppdo; taxes are additional. Low addon fares are available from 26 cities in the U.S. This tour of Cape Town’s beauty allows travelers to explore the Mother City and all of her wonders in depth. The package features four nights at the luxury boutique 15 on Orange Hotel in Cape Town, two nights at the quaint Rijk’s Country House in charming Tulbagh, a complimentary wine estate tour, six breakfasts and two dinners, as well as a meet and greet by South African Airways Vacations® representatives upon arrival in South Africa, along with transfers. South African Airways Vacations®, 888-722-4872,; South African Airways, 800-722-9675,

KUMUKA WORLDWIDE LAUNCHES NEW AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST BROCHURE In its Africa & The Middle East 2010-11 brochure, Kumuka Worldwide has new tours to Uganda, as well as its popular Madagascar, South Africa, Egypt and the Middle East tours. The Gorilla Safari tour, priced at $2,140 per adult, treks with a mountain gorilla in scenic Uganda highlands. Madagascar Explored, at $3,510/adult, was recently featured in National Geographic’s top 25 tours. Travelers sail in a traditional dhow boat where they can enjoy kayaking, fishing, snorkeling, relaxing on the beaches and even swimming with whale sharks. In West Africa, Kumuka’s Markets, Coasts and Voodoo tour, $2,715/adult, covers Ghana, Togo and Benin. Highlights are the rainforests of Kakum National Park and drum masters in Ghana. Soccer fans already considering South Africa for the World Cup Travel World News •

in 2010 should look into a Kumuka tour like the Southern Highlights tour, $2,000/adult. Adrenaline junkies will love the 21-day Victoria Falls to the Cape Overland tour at $1,810/adult. It features the Zambesi, Botswana game viewing at Chobe National Park and the Okavango Delta, Namibia game drives, sand boarding and quad biking. For those intrigued by the Middle East, the Highlights of Egypt tour at $1,265/adult includes Cairo, the Nile, temples and tombs of the mighty Pharaohs. Middle East Empires combines Egypt, Jordan and Syria—Cairo, the Nile, Pharaoh tombs, the Red Sea in Egypt, a jeep safari in Jordan across Wadi Rum desert to the World Heritage Site of Petra. Other highlights are the Dead Sea, the mosaic city of Madaba and Syria’s capital Damascus, the world’s oldest living city. This tour is $3,565/adult. Kumuka’s Middle East & Turkey Overland tour, $3,595/adult, is now six weeks instead of five, providing an extra week in Turkey. Kumuka Worldwide caters to all travel experiences, including Small Group Tours and Overland Tours. They also offer Family Adventures and Lodge-Based Safaris in Africa and the Middle East. Kumuka Worldwide, 800 517-0867,,

CAMP JABULANI NAMES PHILIPPA KORT U.S. MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE Camp Jabulani, the first luxury camp to offer elephant-back safaris in South Africa, has named Philippa Kort its U.S. sales and marketing representative. Originally from South Africa and now residing in Atlanta, Georgia, Philippa came to the United States from South Africa 32 years ago with her family. They lived in New Haven, Connecticut, before moving to Atlanta where she became station master for South African Airways in Atlanta and continued in this position until SAA discontinued the Atlanta operation. In addition to Camp Jabulani, Philippa represents Wilderness Safaris, The 12 Apostles Hotel and Spa, Bushmans Kloof Wilderness Reserve and Retreat, and Pezula Resort Hotel and Spa. Camp Jabulani is the epitome of style, luxury, excellent cuisine, and warm hospitality. The intimate environment of the lodge is designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding bush. Within the camp are an open-air spa, lounge, dining area, and six exclusive suites. The Zindoga Villa opened in November 2009, and ideally suits the family traveler, smaller groups, or those who seek complete privacy and exclusivity. In addition to the 12 specially trained elephants, guests also enjoy vehicle game drives, bush walks, bird watching, and more. Camp Jabulani,, CORRECTION: In the February print edition of Travel World News, Africa Section page 38, the headline for Virgin Atlantic’s announcement of Simon-Newton Smith’s appointment contains an error. Mr. Smith has obtained the position of Country Manager for South Africa, as it reads in the article—not South America. MARCH 2010 •


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