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MAY 2009

The Magazine for DestinationTravel Specialists



TANZANIA Celebrates 50th Anniversary

of Leakey’s Discovery of First Humanoid Skull in Olduvai Gorge, ‘The Cradle of Mankind’


.......................... LA MANSION INN Paradise on a Costa Rican Mountaintop



MAY 2009 executive office

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INDUSTRY EVENTS Scuba Diving Travel – Niche Market For a Tough Economy







Charles Gatt, Jr. editor

Jennifer M. Lane design production manager

Linda Rogers



EUROPE NH Hotels Berlin



16 Maria Rebello, Accounting Manager Shawn Hebert, IT Manager Cindy Johnson, Circulation Manager Carol A. Petro, Design Consultant dive editor

Lorry Heverly cruise editor

Michael Iachetta southeast regional correspondent

CARIBBEAN Caribbean Week Comes Back to the Big Apple in June


Bolongo Bay Beach Resort Participates in Sizzlin’ Sampler Promo


The Palmyra, A Solis Resort & Spa, Showcases Fall Opening


Joan Gonzalez western regional correspondent

Connie Skoog south america correspondent

Mark Zussman contributing editors

Jacquie Balaschak • Andrew Bill • Mona Birch Jerry W. Bird • Ann Charles • Gail P. Dubov George Hairston • Al Haut • Marjorie Klein Nancy Marcantonio • Anita Mason D.O. Christian Rieger • Knox Robinson • Mary Ellen Schultz Robin Swados • Helen Kitti Smith • Diane Terry Travel World News (ISSN 1044-4602) is published monthly by Travel Industry Network, Inc., 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. The cost of a subscription in the USA is $25, in Canada $40. For subscribers outside USA or Canada, the rate is $80. Please send check or money order in U.S. dollars payable to Travel World News. For change of address, please enclose your mailing label and send to: Circulation Department, Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Periodicals postage paid at Norwalk, CT, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Address advertising inquiries and/or editorial copy to: Travel World News, 28 Knight Street, Norwalk, CT 06851-4707. Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission. All advertising in Travel World News is based on data submitted to the Publisher by the advertisers. The Publisher shall not be liable for the accuracy or inaccuracy of any information contained in Travel World News and shall not be liable, including but not limited to consequential or special damages, to any party for any products or services advertised or reported upon herein. The Publisher shall not be responsible for typographical errors. All information contained herein is subject to change without notice by the parties providing such products and services. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that has been submitted at his sole discretion. Upon providing a refund of any amount paid to the party whose submittal was rejected, the Publisher shall not have any liability to any party for such rejection.

LATIN AMERICA La Mansion Inn: Paradise on a Mountaintop 23 South America Direct – Brazil


Metropolitan Touring Launches Operations in Latin America


AFRICA South Africa Safaris With Savings!


Namibia’s Respect for Resources Is Its Stable Lure


You Do Timbuktu? Of Course! Selling Africa’s Cultural Adventures with West Africa Tours


Tanzania Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Leakey’s Discovery of First Humanoid Skull in Olduvai Gorge, “The Cradle of Mankind” 40


Scuba Diving Travel – Niche Market For a Tough Economy


ith the economy in turmoil, travel professionals may be searching for the answer to keeping their operations busy and their customers happy. Recreational scuba diving offers many opportunities to satisfy the savvy travel customer and for many travel agents it is a brand new niche that could help their business for years to come. Dive travel is commissionable and often offers incentives much higher than the standard Travel Agent commission.

Who is the potential customer? Diving is truly a niche market – there are about 3 to 4 million certified divers in the US and more internationally. That’s about 1% of the general population. The small numbers of this highly recognizable activity make it interesting to all – its often perceived as exotic. And it can be! Think of diving, and you think of warm, clear water, tropical breezes, healthy people participating in a healthy activity. All of those are correct! But many people think of diving as being dark and mysterious. It can be uplifting, fun and just relaxing. In fact, one of unique things about diving is that, with the right training, equipment and guidance from the travel agent, it can be just about anything the customer wants it to be! Research shows that the most active diving customers are affluent adults. According to the Diving Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA), the most active divers have the money and the time to spend on recreational activities and they like to travel. The most active divers fit the following profile: • Age – Between 38 & 53 years old – Mean: 45 Median: 46 • 76% are male • Household Income – 56% make between $75,000 and $100,000 • Occupation – 80% are White-Collar/ Professional/ Technical/ Management • Home ownership – 93% own their own home • Mortgage amount – Median of $148,000 • Marital Status – 71% married • Presence and age of children – 17% have kids under 18

These customers are mostly “empty nesters” with the time, money and desire to travel, even under the current economic circumstances. There may be fewer of these at this economic juncture, but as a group it makes sense to continue targeting them, especially at the higher end of the income spectrum.

Getting started For the travel professional it is important to be able to explain to a customer how they can experience diving as part of Travel World News •

For your clients with minor children, there are great programs for the entire family.

their vacation, or how diving can become the central theme of their travel experience. There are a few ways for these active adults to participate in diving, and being knowledgeable about those ways will help sell the trip. If a customer is new to the sport, they can “try diving” at a warm water resort that offers “Discovery” experiences or other “resort courses.” These experiences present the traveling customer with the chance to try diving with a certified diving instructor using equipment provided by the resort. The experience is a few hours long, covers the basics, and includes diving with a certified professional. And the traveler gets into the warm shallow water right away. It’s a safe and exhilarating experience and often leads to the customer repeating it on every warm water trip they take! For those customers that want to skip the requirement of going through the introductory stuff on every vacation, there is the alternative of getting “certified” as an “Open Water” Diver. That’s the entry level diver instruction that will get the customer the “ticket” to go diving in most locations to depths of 60 feet (18 meters) or less. Resorts that offer dive trips on their boats or diving from shore will recognize these “certification cards” and allow the certified diver to rent air tanks and other needed equipment. Many divers bring their own diving equipment (like masks, fins, snorkels, wetsuits, etc), but resorts often have rental equipment too. Here’s a hint to pass along to the diving traveler; its actually less expensive overall to buy the gear and bring it – even higher ticket items like the breathing “regulator” – rather than rent it for a week of diving. About 70% of all traveling divers do this. Even with the baggage fees involved on most airlines, the convenience CONTINUED ON PAGE MAY 2009 •

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and security of having one’s own gear is always a plus. Interestingly, studies show that about 78% of divers who become “certified” travel to a warm water destination within the first 12 months after they complete their instruction, and they each spend nearly $1,000 on the trip. Studies also show that most divers book their trip to be 4 to 7 days long. Travel professionals should hook up with a local dive center to help book travel for these newly certified, interested travelers. Working with a local dive center will always be a great source of new customers. You can find a complete listing of dive centers in the US on

What about traveling families? The great thing about the diving niche is that, with very little effort, diving can fit in with just about anyone’s travel circumstances. For families with minor children, there are great programs, including snorkeling for the entire family, scuba diving instruction starting at age 8, and destination-based “camps” that get the little ones excited about marine life and the environment. One organization, Kids Sea Camp, runs such programs on several islands in the Caribbean, including Grand Bahamas, Grand Cayman and Bonaire. For ‘tweens and teens there are Junior Open Water Diver courses offered through the retail dive center and sanctioned by the diver instruction organizations. And there are plenty of other opportunities for divers; photography, wrecks, reefs, environmental involvement, and just looking at the amazing marine life no matter what the diver’s age. Divers can be involved in a variety of activities and they can do as much (or as little) as they want and still have a great vacation that includes diving.

Where can your customers dive? More than 70% of all newly certified divers want to travel to a warm water destination. Depending on the amount of instruction the customer has received, they may want to dive in shallow water sites where there is lots of light and lots of colorful fish, or they may want to go deeper and see some of the terrific wrecks that can found around many coastal and inland lake areas. There are great examples of shallow, exciting dives in places like Stingray City on Grand Cayman Island, and the lava tubes and living reefs off Oahu or Hawaii. However, there are also many divers want a more intense adventure, and are trained and certified to participate in deeper dives – from 60 feet down to 130 feet or even deeper. The artificial reef dive on the aircraft carrier wreck “Oriskany” off the coast of Pensacola, Florida offers experienced and certified deep divers a great adventure on the world’s largest intentional artificial reef. A list of resorts around the world that offer diving as part of their destination portfolio, and are also members of DEMA can be found at

4 • MAY 2009

Divers see their sport as a way to socialize as well as participate in a healthy activity.

What’s different about divers? Divers will continue to travel and dive, even in this tough economy. It’s seen as fun, enjoyable, and exciting by those that are currently certified. Divers see their sport as a way to socialize as well as participate in a healthy activity, and describe their favorite activity using words like, Fun, Enjoyable, Exciting, Exploring, and Adventurous. Part of the reason for the resistance to economic downturn has to do with the relative affluence of the target customer, but customers, once they try diving, consider (and call) themselves “divers” even if they never actually become certified. Divers will come back to dive over and over again, which probably explains why operators that offer or specialize in diving in a given resort area do well.

How can a Travel Agent get involved? Travel professionals can become involved with the diving niche in a number of easy ways. First by networking with local dive retailers that are creating new travel customers. This lucrative niche starts there. But there are different ways to learn more. One is for Travel Agents to attend trade shows that help promote diving and provide education on the destinations that offer it. For the first time, DEMA Show, the largest diving and watersports show in the world, is offering educational opportunities to teach diving specialist programs for travel professionals. Travel Agents will be able to try diving at the show ABSOLUTELY FREE in the warm comfortable Be A Diver Pool, and can register to win a diver free certification course from their local DEMA Member Retail Store. DEMA Show will be held November 4 to Nov 7 in Orlando’s Orange County Convention Center, and will attract Government Ministries of Tourism from all over the Caribbean and the World. One of Trade Show Week’s top 200 trade only shows in the US, there’s no better place to connect with hundreds of exotic diving destinations, diving retailers and professionals in all aspects of diving. Mark your calendars.

DEMA Show, • Travel World News

INDUSTRY EVENTS ITTFA REGARDS EXHIBITIONS KEY IN DOWNTURN FOR MAXIMUM EXPOSURE “Face-to-face communication is the most successful form of selling. In today’s digital world, the exhibition is one of the rare occasions where this is possible,” states Maria Badakh, Event and Sales Director, ITE Exhibitions Travel Division, a comment that sums up the importance of exhibitions in a trying economy. Members of ITTFA, International Tourism Trade Fairs Association, of which ITE is one, are focusing on the positive aspects of the current global crisis and advocate maintaining market visibility. “Exhibitions and events are one of the most effective ways to meet and do business,” adds Johan F Lundberg, Business Manager TUR Gothenburg. “Focusing on and developing personal interaction is the way to secure business in such tough times.” Trade shows prove to be the most efficient way to make face-toface, multiple customer contacts in a short period. Interactive experiences using multi-sensory mechanisms as well as unlimited print material are on offer as well, with plenty of space to work in and often with highly-trained staff on hand to swiftly answer questions. Research by the Centre for Exhibition Research in Dallas,

USA, shows that two thirds (63 percent) of attendees at exhibitions make purchase decisions while 31 percent actually purchased products or engaged in services at a show. Bart Strijker Project Manager of ITTFA Member show Vakantiebeurs, emphasizes, “in times like these, it is important to be a market leader and that personal contact is the key in securing deals. We invest a lot in our databases, aiming to generate leads all year round for our clients.” The CEIR, in its January 2009 report, The Effect of Economic Recessions on Exhibitions, goes on to say that even though attendance and exhibit space may decrease in recessionary periods, key buyers continue to attend each year and the percentage of attendees that actually have plans to purchase remains high. Companies may send only a couple of people but these will be the decision-makers. An even more favorable marketing opportunity is created as show attendees, on both the exhibitor and visitor side, will be more focused, holding key positions within their industry sector. ITTFA’s full calendar of events for 2009–2010 can be found on their website. International Tourism Trade Fairs Association (ITTFA),,

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Travel World News •

MAY 2009 •


2009 • CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE EVENT LOCATION CONTACT JUNE 3-5 Asia Tourism Resort & Attraction 2009 Shanghai, China 4-6 NTA Tour Operator Spring Meeting Monterey, CA 11-14 ITE 2009 Hong Kong, China 15-16 City Break Gothenburg, Sweden 15-18 Asia Luxury Travel Market Shanghai, China JULY 29-31 DMAI Annual Convention Atlanta, GA SEPTEMBER 8-10 CIBTM Beijing, China 9-11 La Cumbre San Juan, Puerto Rico 22-24 Leisure - Otdykh Moscow, Russia 22-25 Top Resa Paris, France 23-25 Travelmart Latin America Pantagonia, Chile 28-29 MITM Euromed Oviedo, Spain 29-Oct 1 The Motivation Show 2009 Chicago, IL OCTOBER 6-8 Intl. Ukraine Travel Market Kiev, Ukraine 8-9 Home Based Travel Agent Show Atlantic City, NJ 10-11 Adventures in Travel Expo New York City, NY 14-16 CIS Travel Market St. Petersburg, Russia 16-18 TTG Incontri Milano, Italy 25-30 ADHT 2009 Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania 20-22 Adventure Travel World Summit Quebec, Canada 21-23 Discover American Pavilion at ABAV 2009 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 21-23 Discover American Pavilion at ITB Asia 2009 Singapore 25-30 ADHT Conference Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 29 - Nov 1 Philoxenia Thessaloniki, Greece NOVEMBER 3-5 BTC 2009 Rome, Italy 7-11 ICCA Exhibition Florence, Italy 9-12 WTM London, England 9-12 Discover American Pavilion at WTM 2009 London, United Kingdom 14-16 WRTA Expo 2009 Reno, NV 14-18 NTA Annual Convention Reno, NV 16-19 IGTM 2009 Malaga, Spain 19-20 MITM Americas Havana, Cuba 19-22 Discover American Pavilion at CITM 2009 KunMing, China 20-24 UFTAA Congress Kathmandou, Nepal 21-24 Travel Counsellors Conference Marbella, Spain DECEMBER 1-3 EIBTM 2009 Barcelona, Spain 1-3 Discover American Pavilion at EIBTM 2009 Barcelona, Spain 5-6 Adventure in Travel Expo Seattle, WA JANUARY 2010 12-17 Vakantiebeurs The Netherlands 20-24 BTL Lisbon, Portugal 21-24 MATKA Helsinki, Finland 21-24 Moroccan Travel Market Marrakech, Morocco 21-24 Slovakiatour Bratislava, Slovak Republic 21-24 Tourism & Leisure Show Ljubljana, Slovenia 27-31 Discover American Pavilion at FITUR 2010 Madrid, Spain FEBRUARY 4-7 Holiday World Czech Republic TO LIST YOUR EVENTS EMAIL : • FOR ADDITIONAL EVENTS VISIT: 6 • MAY 2009 • Travel World News

INDUSTRY NEWS PAUL GAUGUIN CRUISES BECOMES 24TH MEMBER OF CLIA Paul Gauguin Cruises has become the newest member of Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), bringing the total number of cruise line members to 24 and providing the association’s 16,000 travel agents a unique opportunity to sell luxury cruises in Tahiti, French Polynesia and the South Pacific. “We are delighted to welcome Paul Gauguin Cruises to CLIA at a time when the entire world is dealing with serious economic challenges. Their joining us speaks to the inherent strength and resiliency of the cruise industry, and to the value CLIA itself provides to its cruise line members, travel agents and industry partners,” said Terry L. Dale, CLIA’s President and CEO. Paul Gauguin Cruises, headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, operates the luxurious 332-guest, five-star-plus m/s Paul Gauguin, designed specifically to sail the waters of Tahiti, French Polynesia and the South Pacific, and the longest continually operating year-round luxury cruise ship in the region since 1998. The ship offers ocean-view accommodations (70 percent with balconies), a state-of-the-art retractable Watersports Marina, two elegant restaurants and a poolside grill and complimentary beverages including fine wines and premium spirits among its many amenities. “We are pleased to continue the long-established relationship with CLIA that the m/s Paul Gauguin has enjoyed over the years and to demonstrate our strong support for, and confidence in, the professional Travel Agents who are CLIA members,” said David A. Giersdorf, President & CEO of Paul Gauguin Cruises. Currently sailing year-round in Tahiti and the South Pacific with Regent Seven Seas Cruises, the Paul Gauguin, in January 2010, will sail as Paul Gauguin Cruises’ flagship, offering itineraries in Tahiti, the Society Islands, Cook Islands, Fiji, the Marquesas, Tonga, the coral atolls of Tuamotu and New Zealand. Paul Gauguin Cruises,; CLIA,

WORLD RELIGIOUS TRAVEL ASSOCIATION PARTNERS WITH NTA AND IMG ASSOCIATIONS The World Religious Travel Association has signed an agreement to be fully managed by the National Tour Association and IMG Associations. IMG Associations currently provides management services for NTA and will be supporting WRTA in its expansion efforts over the next three years. “As an association that has experienced remarkable growth and visibility in its first two years, we are confident that the travel management expertise along with the knowledgeable staff, proven systems and intimate knowledge of the travel business that NTA and its management partner, IMG Associations, provides will further our development as a world-class organization and leader in the travel industry,” said Kevin J. Wright, WRTA President. “The NTA Board recognizes the value to the NTA membership of working with WTRA and believes in the innovative and forward-thinking management staff that has helped create the success of NTA,” said Lisa Simon, CTP, President of the National Tour Association. In 2008, WRTA and NTA entered a unique agreement, in which the associations began working together to educate their members on the value of the faith tourism industry and bring new business opportunities to the members of both organizations. WRTA’s 2009 World Religious Travel Expo & Educational Conference will be co-located November 14–16 with the NTA Annual Convention in Reno, Nevada, offering members of both associations opportunities for business growth, education and networking. World Religious Travel Association (WRTA),; National Tour Association (NTA),; IMG Associations,

FABUGO NOW AVAILABLE TO TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS Fabugo, the premier source for gay and lesbian vacation travel, has made the full line of worldwide Fabugo products available to travel professionals. Gay and lesbian travelers can now save time by visiting their local travel agent leaving the research and booking of their Fabugo vacation to qualified experts. Travel professionals can now find Fabugo on the VAX VacationAccess website. Fabugo’s full line of hundreds of destinations featuring air, hotel, car, tour, activities and show products is available along with promotions, content and resources to make booking easier. Fabugo features gay-popular destinations around the globe. “We are excited to bring Fabugo to the more than 70,000 travel professionals that use VAX VacationAccess,” said Jason Rhen, Managing Director of Fabugo. “Now gay and lesbian travelers can visit their preferred travel agent, request a Fabugo vacation package, and enjoy the same levels of product quality and customer service we offer online.” Fabugo provides travel professionals a resource to offer their gay and lesbian clients the opportunity to travel with a brand dedicated to their vacation success. With Fabugo on VAX VacationAccess, travel agents can book easy and their clients can travel proud. Fabugo,; VAX VacationAccess, Travel World News •

MAY 2009 •


INDUSTRY NEWS LEISURELINK ANNOUNCES $6.2-MILLION VENTURE ROUND LeisureLink, Inc, the leading distribution and revenue management platform for specialty lodging suppliers, has closed the first tranche of a $6.2 million equity investment round. The investment was led by Mission Ventures and Clearstone Venture Partners, with additional participation from other insiders. “LeisureLink has dramatically grown revenues in spite of the difficult economic environment, and we believe this is the right time to invest in establishing a dominant position in specialty lodging,” said Ted Alexander, Partner at Mission Ventures. “This new capital gives us the resources to cope with surging demand from both our suppliers and new distribution partners,” said Erik Hovanec, President and CEO of LeisureLink. “Specialty lodging suppliers need new sources of revenue quickly in this difficult economic environment, and it is critical that we maintain our ability to have new properties up and running in time for their peak seasons,” he added. “Vacation rentals and specialty lodging are clearly the hottest part of the travel industry,” said Jim Armstrong, Managing Director of Clearstone Venture Partners, “and we want LeisureLink to become the major player in the electronic distribution for this high-growth sector. We have invested in dozens of content distribution companies, and LeisureLink’s ability to monetize content is very impressive,” said Armstrong. “LeisureLink is creating great value for its distribution partners,” he added, “and that is allowing the company to expand their network rapidly.” “We will use this capital to grow beyond OTA and GDS distribution,” said Hovanec. “We are aggressively investing in new products and channels, some obvious and some not so obvious, in order to fulfill our mission of bringing specialty lodging to the mass market,” he concluded. In addition to distribution services, LeisureLink will continue to invest in its products such as its booking engine and customizable timeshare resort rental program. LeisureLink, www.leisurelink

MEDJETASSIST OFFERS LOWER-PRICED OPTION FOR 48 CONTIGUOUS STATES MedjetAssist, the nation’s leading emergency-medical-evacuation membership program, has created a special membership program dedicated to domestic travel only, with a significantly lower price tag. In the face of a nationwide recession, many American travelers are opting for trips closer to home and family vacations are more treasured than ever. The MedjetAssist Domestic Membership program is tailored to those travelers staying within the continental United States. For the discounted membership rate of $175 for individuals and $305 for families—compared to $250 and $385 for standard individual and family memberships—members under the age of 75 travel with the peace of mind that if they are hospitalized anywhere in the contiguous 48 states more than 150 miles from home, MedjetAssist will provide air-medical transport back to their hospital of choice. In a recent MedjetAssist poll, 77 percent of domestic travelers said it was “very important,” should an injury or illness occur while traveling, that they be transported to the hospital of their choosing. Without the protection of a program like MedjetAssist, arranging a domestic air medical evacuation will cost travelers an average of $18,000. “At MedjetAssist, we are committed not only to the safety of our members, but also to offering them a good value for their hard-earned money,” says MedjetAssist President and CEO Roy Berger. “So, we’re very pleased to be able to offer a lower-cost option for folks who most frequently travel within the U.S., and who want the peace of mind of a Medjet membership.” MedjetAssist,

SUPERNET TOUR AND TRAVEL JOINS USTOA Supernet Tour and Travel, doing business as Signet Tours, has joined USTOA as its newest Active Member, bringing USTOA s current total membership to 48 corporate members and over 150 brands. “We are pleased to welcome Signet Tours as our newest member,” said USTOA President Bob Whitley. “They will expand our reach in the Asian travel market and can now offer travelers the symbol of integrity and stability that comes with USTOA membership.” On their new association with USTOA, Signet Tours Project Director Roy Liao stated, “Signet understands the uncertainty in today’s economic conditions. It is critical to renew our commitments to professionalism and quality to clients and partners, and joining USTOA is one of the ways we can accomplish this goal. We are excited to be a member.” Since its inception in 1999, Signet Tours, under the direction of CEO April Tsao, has sent more than 80,000 travelers to Japan, China, and Thailand. According to Liao, in a highly fragmented industry, Signet prides itself on innovation, quality and value. Established in 1999, Signet Tours specializes in deluxe escorted tours to Japan, China and Thailand. Signet Tours, 877-388-1777,,; USTOA, 800-468-7862,, 8 • MAY 2009 • Travel World News

INDUSTRY NEWS TRIPOLOGY WINS INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD AT TRAVELCOM 2009 Online travel referral service Tripology has been named Innovator of the Year by the U.S. Travel Association at TravelCom 2009 in Atlanta recently. The Awards recognize companies whose innovations in the areas of technology, eCommerce and distribution have transformed their business and have a broad impact across the travel industry. For the first time in the history of the awards, each of the competitors vied for votes with a five-minute video pitch that attracted more than 3,000 online votes from throughout the travel industry. Tripology is an interactive travel referral service that connects travel specialists to consumers seeking their knowledge and travel planning expertise. A cost-effective way to get qualified travel leads, it enables specialists to harness the immense reach of the Web, then work one-on-one offering the personal attention and service. Within the company’s network are 11,500 Tripologists. This vast network ensures Tripology can match virtually any traveler with a qualified travel specialist to help plan and book a desired trip. Tripology,, innovator.html

WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS LAUNCH PRIX D’OR World Travel Awards, the most prestigious, comprehensive and sought after awards program in the global travel and tourism industry, has announced the launch of the World Travel Awards Prix D’Or. The World Travel Awards Prix D’Or will be presented to the tourism brand or product that has contributed most to the development of its respective region’s travel industry over the last 12 months. The inaugural Prix D’Or will be awarded at the World Travel Awards Middle East Ceremony in Dubai May 5. Both the travel trade and consumers in the region are being offered the opportunity to make nominations for the highly prestigious award. The nomination program opened April 5, Travel World News •

with a host of glittering incentive prizes for the trade individuals and consumers submitting the most insightful nominations A shortlist of the six highest-ranking nominees will be showcased in front of 500 attending industry figureheads and government officials on the evening of the Middle East Ceremony—who will be invited to then cast their vote for the overall winner. The presentation of the World Travel Awards Prix D’Or will be the highlight of the World Travel Awards Middle East Ceremony, heralded as the “Oscars of the travel industry.” Awards will go to winner of Middle East’s Leading Hotel, Middle East’s Leading Resort, and Middle East’s Leading Airline, as well as a host of other regional and country-specific awards. The evening’s grand finale will be the unveiling of the Prix D’Or winner in front of the star-studded audience. The inaugural overall winner will demonstrate to the travel and tourism industry and world’s media what it truly takes to make a positive difference and will act as the ultimate benchmark to which all others will aspire. Subsequent Prix D’Or presentations will take place at the World Travel Awards Africa, Americas, Europe, Asia and World Ceremonies respectively. World Travel Awards,

OSSN’S TRUE PROGRAM DEVELOPS NEW AGENCY VALIDATION SITE FOR SUPPLIERS Opportunities for home-based travel agencies to be identified and recognized as professionals by travel industry suppliers have always been a challenge. Now, the Outside Sales Support Network (OSSN) and its Travel Retailers Universal Enumeration (TRUE) program are making it easier to verify an agency’s credentials with a click of a button. On, the section “Supporting Suppliers” lists information to assist in establishing new accounts with travel industry suppliers, to help them smoothly set up new business accounts and build sales relationships faster. OSSN and

TRUE have put out a special offer for any supplier indicating in writing on its website the acceptance of the TRUE code (of which hundreds already have taken the opportunity to do so): OSSN will offer a free HTML broadcast to the entire OSSN membership database. Although the administration of the TRUE program over the last eight years was run jointly by OSSN, TRUE, and IATA and managed out of TRUE headquarters in Bradenton, Fla., it will soon be administered by TRUE and OSSN exclusively. “OSSN expects it to be business as usual at TRUE,” states OSSN President Gary M. Fee. “We have put a lot of time and energy into developing recognition for this coding system for OSSN agency members. This industry is no longer a “one-size-fits-all” marketplace, and the TRUE system reflects these changes.” Outside Sales Support Network (OSSN),; Travel Retailers Universal Enumeration (TRUE), 800-771-7327,,

ARTA 100% Travel Agents. We’re proud to say that ARTA does not accept airlines or other suppliers as members. We work ONLY for agents! Sign up for our

FREE 30-day trial membership: MAY 2009 •


FAM TRIPS ANGUILLA Carimar Beach Club in Meads Bay, Anguilla, invites agents to come and stay at a special rate of $62.50 per person plus taxes for four persons in a two-bedroom beach view unit, and at $75 per person for two in a one-bedroom beach view unit plus taxes, May 1 through November 15, 2009. Agents are additionally favored with an additional 5-percent commission on direct bookings for stays up to December 18. Standard cancellation policy applies. The Carimar Beach Club will be closed for property upgrades from August 16 to October 31, 2009. Carimar Beach Club, 800-235-8667,

clients. A Superior Gardenview (Bucuti Wing) is $167 ppdo, including tax, service and full American breakfast buffet. Oceanview categories quoted on request. A nine-percent tax and AHATA fee is included. AHATA is the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association, which contributes towards island infrastructure including security, social welfare projects, education and island promotion abroad. Dining costs just around $49 per person per day, inclusive of three-percent tax and 15-percent service charge. Rates are subject to change without notice. Bucuti Beach, 888-4-BUCUTI (888-428-2884),,,

ARUBA Bucuti Beach is an oasis of tranquility located on one of the Caribbean’s top ten powder white beaches. Now, effective until December 22, 2009, special rates are offered to full-time travel industry and airline personnel to see all Bucuti has to offer

BELIZE Travel agents may experience a Belize Vacation Getaway now through December 18, 2009 (based on space availability), for 50 percent off published room rates at SunBreeze Hotel and SunBreeze Suites. The two facilities, separated by a 10minute walk, have a combined room capacity of 64 units. SunBreeze Suites is an all ensuite hotel featuring private ocean view balconies and SunBreeze Hotel is a Ushape, first-class hotel offering three different room categories. SunBreeze is a member of Belize Vacation Partners. SunBreeze Suites,,; SunBreeze Hotel,,

ECUADOR/GALAPAGOS Tara Tours Inc. has announced an educational familiarization trip for IATA/CLIA Travel Agents. AEROGAL Airlines, the sponsor airline, will be taking agents from the Gateway City of Miami to discover Ecuador and the incredible Galapagos Islands on November 9, 2009. This eight-day/seven-night program is $1,921 per travel agent based on double occupancy including most meals, tips, international air plus applicable taxes. A spouse or companion is welcome at an ad10 • MAY 2009

ditional cost. The trip includes: a Tara Tours escort; round-trip international air from the gateway city of Miami on AEROGAL Airlines; two nights at the deluxe Colon Hilton in Quito; a city tour of Quito and visit to the “Center of the Earth” monument; three nights aboard the vessel Explora II in the Galapagos Islands; two nights at the Hampton Inn Guayaquil; a city tour of Guayaquil; 17 in-flight meals or snacks; all transfers, entrances and land/sea transportation with English-speaking guides; and all tips to waiters, guides and drivers. Tara Tours,,;

HAWAII Aqua Hotels & Resorts is offering special travel agent familiarization rates starting at $69 per night in Waikiki and $110 per night in Maui throughout 2009. Rates at $69 per night are available at: Aqua Aloha Surf & Spa, The Equus, Aqua Waikiki Tides, Aqua Waikiki Beachside, Park Shore Waikiki, Continental Surf Hotel, Waikiki Marina Hotel, and Island Colony Hotel; $89 at Aqua Bamboo & Spa, Aqua Palms & Spa, and Aqua Waikiki Wave; $99 at Best Western Coconut Waikiki; and $110 at Diamond Wailea Resort & Spa. Agents are invited to stop by for a site tour before the weekly manager’s receptions and a cocktail after the tour. Manager’s receptions take place from 5–6 pm on Tuesday at Aqua Aloha Surf & Spa, The Equus, and Diamond Wailea Resort & Spa; Wednesday at Aqua Palms & Spa, and Thursday at Aqua Bamboo & Spa and Best Western Coconut Waikiki. Aqua’s travel agent familiarization rates are offered on a space available basis to those with IATA designations presenting their card at checkin. There is a three-night maximum stay; agents must occupy the room. Rates quoted are for single or double occupancy, plus taxes. Additional nights are available at 16 percent off BAR. The special cannot be combined with any other offer. Aqua Hotels & Resorts, 866-406-2782, • Travel World News



Trafalgar has just released its Oberammergau 2010 brochure with 14 distinct itineraries and rates beginning $2,675 ppdo. Each of the tours and departures featured in the new Oberammergau 2010 brochure includes pre-reserved tickets to the play. Early reservation is encouraged as itineraries are expected to sell out quickly. All packages in Trafalgar’s new brochure highlight the Oberammergau 2010 experience within a greater tour of Germany and, in several tour itineraries, a visit to Vienna, Paris and other legendary destinations in Europe. The Oberammergau Passion Play happens only once a decade and it has been happening that way since 1634, ever since medieval villagers found their prayers answered and their village spared from the ravages of the great plague. From May through September next year, the mountain hamlet of Oberammergau located some 60 miles southwest of Munich will come alive each afternoon and evening as the town’s people reenact the Passion of the Christ from his arrival in Jerusalem to his resurrection in an eight-hour sensation (including dinner) of drama, tableaux and choruses. Trafalgar Tours, 866-544-4434,

Air India’s nonstop flights from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport to Frankfurt are just the ticket for travelers looking for a low airfare to Germany without the strings attached to special sale fares. The low fares to Frankfurt, the first leg of the carrier’s direct service to India, are available every day of the week, year round. There is no minimum stay and no weekend surcharges, and tickets are valid for up to a year. Advance purchase is not required, and changes of travel dates are permitted for just $75 per change, plus any fare difference if applicable. All of Air India’s Chicago/Frankfurt and Newark/Frankfurt nonstops feature First, Executive, and Economy Class service, a choice of award-winning Continental or Indian cuisine, and complimentary liquor service in all classes. Air India is India’s national carrier. The airline has been in operation since 1932, and currently offers service to India from the New York area (JFK and Newark), Chicago, and Toronto. From JFK, the carrier offers daily non-stop flights to Mumbai and Delhi. Direct service, via Frankfurt, is available from Air India’s other North American gateways. Air India, 800-255-3191,

Destination Germany. Great deals. Easy booking.

Welcome to Germany - where your clients are sure to get the most value for their money. They can explore the beautiful countryside or visit our vibrant cities, rich with culture and a pulsating nightlife – all at exceptional prices! Begin the journey at and find great travel deals to Germany. 5 days / 4 nights packages including accommodation start as low as $557 per person. While you're at our website, sign up for a chance to win a FREE TRIP for two to Germany. Let your clients feel the spirit of a thrilling and active lifestyle in Germany. The travel destination. © Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V. Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages

Travel World News •

MAY 2009 •


EUROPE RAINER PERRY TO REPRESENT DUESSELDORF CITY PLUS AIRPORT FROM NYC Airport Duesseldorf GmbH and Duesseldorf Tourism & Marketing GmbH have appointed Rainer Perry as their new representative in North America, both effective as of March 31. Perry will oversee the airport’s NA consumer marketing and Duesseldorf’s marketing and PR activities for the NA leisure and business travel market from New York City. Perry has extensive experience in repreRAINER PERRY senting Germany as well as German companies and services in the US. He’s worked as US Marketing Manager for German industry trade shows and has brought hundreds of US companies to Germany to exhibit at shows managed by Cologne Trade Fairs and Hannover Fairs USA. Most recently, he was the Director of Sales and Marketing for the US office of Europe-based event company eventive/International Corporate Events, managing incentive programs and other group events and travel in the US. Flughafen Duesseldorf GmbH is the management company of Duesseldorf International Airport and its subsidiaries. Düsseldorf is the third-largest airport in Germany, serving more than 18 million passengers annually with an average of 630 aircraft movements per day. Duesseldorf Marketing & Tourism GmbH is the visitors and convention bureau of the city of Duesseldorf. Its responsibilities include tourism and city marketing, as well as conference and meeting marketing, hotel reservation services, fairs and convention services, city event ticket sales and advance ticket reservations. Duesseldorf International Airport,,; Duesseldorf Tourism & Marketing GmbH,;

MANAGEMENT BUYOUT BY MICHAEL KATER AT GERMANY’S LEADING DMC Compass Tours Incoming & Top Tours Travel, Germany’s only DMC with six offices across the country, has been taken over by Michael Kater, Managing Director of the company since 2005. Effective as of April 6, Mr. Kater has purchased 100 percent of the shares in the company, which will retain all of its offices and staff. “I am delighted to have completed the buyout,” says Mr. Kater. “The company is a thriving business MICHAEL KATER that has experienced some strong growth over recent years, and I am focused and motivated to continue this success.” Compass Tours Incoming & Top Tours Travel looks back on more 12 • MAY 2009

than 30 years of history. Both divisions were founded in 1974, with a single office, and the company grew into a full-service business with six regional offices and more than 3,000 clients worldwide. “I am very thankful to my staff for the great work they have done in the last years with me and the progress we have made together,” Mr. Kater adds, “In these times it is hard to talk about the possibility of growth, but I still see the opportunity for new offices in Germany and new clients both in developed and emerging markets.” Compass Tours Incoming & Top Tours Travel,,

LEAN AND GREEN BY TRAIN TO GERMANY’S MAGIC CITIES Germany’s train system has flair—and it’s environmentally friendly, clean and on time. Ten magic cities of Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Leipzig, Munich and Stuttgart are all connected by high-speed trains that make the trip faster and more convenient than by car. There are special deals offered for weekend travel, early bookers, backpackers, cyclists, groups or families. With the call-a-bike program, travel can even be continued on two wheels. It’s convenient to book online, choosing dates and connections and checking special deals. The early bird special of German Rail, for example, is just $40 from Hamburg in the north to Munich in the south. Another way to plan the trip is with the help of Rail Europe for point-to-point tickets and monthly passes. A ride from Hamburg to Frankfurt takes in ICE in three hours nonstop. The high-speed connection between Hamburg and Berlin, Germany’s two largest cities, takes just two hours. Main stations are right in or walking distance to the city centers. One can take a quick walk to Museum’s Island or the famous Brandenburg Gate from Berlin’s newly constructed main station. In Cologne, it’s just steps to the Cologne Cathedral and the fantastic panorama of the Rhine River. In Dresden, there are the historic palaces and the famous Semper Opera at the beautiful Elbe. Duesseldorf’s Koenigsalle has art galleries and designer stores. A stop in Frankfurt offers a walk past skyscrapers to the famous Roemer square and Opera house. Just out of the train station in Hamburg is the famous art collection of the Kunsthalle and the shopping boulevard Moenckebergstrasse. A short walk from Hannover’s main station is the royal gardens of Herrenhause, and it’s just a stroll from Leipzig main station to historic shopping arcades and Auerbach’s basement for lunch. One can enter Munich’s beautiful old city directly from the train station and have a local beer and meal in the Hofbraeuhaus. Stuttgart’s main station is just steps from the New Palace, a truly royal experience in the city center. A short train ride away, all of it! German National Tourist Office, • Travel World News


NH Hotels Berlin Willkommen! A variety of deluxe beauties just a hop away from the hotspots of Germany’s capital city await business and leisure travelers.


aptivating historical attractions combined with the amenities of NH Hotels’ upscale Berlin properties beckons travelers of all types eager to take advantage of Germany’s capital and what it offers. Each of the hotels affords quick access to myriad sights of interest in the magical city. In the lively quarter of Friedrichshain, the four-star NH Berlin Alexanderplatz offers superior comfort in the heart of the capital. Its central location is characterized by a mix of attractions like the Reichstag, The Spreewald forest, palaces, gardens and zoos. Berlin is a city by the waterside and actually has more bridges than Venice; a boat trip provides close looks from the Spree River, the Havel lakes or the canals. Accommodations at NH Berlin Alexanderplatz range from $106 to $279 per day. At the four-star NH Berlin City West, tranquility is emphasized with an atmosphere and good location to address priorities of the visit. Stays here start as low as $96 and range to $331 per day. The NH Berlin Frankfurter Allee, a fourstar hotel, is centrally located in the Lichtenberg district. Ideally connected to all public transport, pulsating BerlinMitte is reachable in less than 10 minutes. The room rate here ranges from $93 to $206 a day. NH Berlin Friedrichstrasse, just steps from the Brandenburg Gate and the Unter den Linden Avenue, is a great starting point for business or pleasure visitors to explore the wonders of the capital. The four-star property’s 262 rooms and 30 suites include amenities like luxurious marble bathrooms. There’s also a fitness center/solarium/ sauna and ten well-outfitted convention rooms. Prices for Friedrichstrasse are from $143 to $340 per day. Travel World News •




The four-star NH Berlin Heinrich Heine is in the area referred to as the “Angel’s Basin”—steps away from Fischerinsel, between Alexanderplatz

and Potsdamer Platz. The underground is only five minutes away for a quick trip to Nicolai quarter, Alexanderplatz, ICC fair grounds, and Tegel Airport. Rooms here are priced from $118 to $331 a day. Right near Germany’s best-known shopping mile, the four-star NH Berlin Kurfuerstendamm has 167 rooms, including eight suites and six Superior rooms. Centrally located near the airport, ICC trade fair, the famous Gedächtnis-Kirche, KADEWE, and the zoo, all business or private excursions are facilitated. Room rates at this hotel are from $130 to $366 a day. Four-star NH Berlin Mitte is right in the center of the city near Brandenburg Gate, Potsdamer Platz and Reichstag, with easy access to ministerial offices, museums, historical sights and the new Friedrichsstrasse shopping area. Accommodations range from $143 to $340 per day. NH Berlin Potsdam is a four-star hotel in the green between Berlin and the royal splendor of Potsdam. Near Teltow Canal in Kleinmachnow with good connections to Berlin’s center, the historic sites of Potsdam and the fairgrounds of ICC Berlin, the hotel has every comfort for the business traveler; prices range from $78 to $198 a day. Just a few steps to River Spree and the city center is four-star NH Berlin Treptow—convenient to the regional express station, Schönefeld Airport and Berlin Zoo station; Tegel Airport’s approximately 15 miles away. Room rates start at around $85 per day. Clients will appreciate the ease of enjoying this great capital city with its many choices when a nearby NH Hotel is a booking priority. And every visitor will find he’s ‘left his troubles outside…’

NH Hoteles, MAY 2009 •


EUROPE THE MALTESE ISLANDS FOR THE SPORTS ENTHUSIASTS Being situated in the centre of the Mediterranean has made Malta the Med’s top scuba diving destination. Maltese waters straddle the four marine eco-regions in the Med, swelling the range of marine species. The limestone geology and proximity of geologic fault-lines has created exciting seascapes—gulleys, chimneys, caverns, and cliffs are aplenty underwater—and various wrecks, including some wrecks of military hardware dating back to World War II, add another dimension to diving sites that enjoy underwater visibility, which extends to about 98 feet. The scuba diving centers have used these strengths to build a professional industry: all major international schools of tuition are represented in all types of diving courses, and the supporting infrastructure is second to none. Aside from standard open water and advanced open-water courses, there are also specialized courses that include night diving and cave diving. Rent a sea-kayak from many of the beach resorts and find yourself exploring the waters beneath the soaring cliffs, hidden coves and sandy or pebbled bays. Small sailing dinghies for all levels of experience are another option, while you may also decide to try your skill by participating in one of the local sailing club events using optimist and lasers. For the adrenalin seekers, nothing beats a great North Westerly wind for windsurfing and kitesurfing from the main hotspots

The jewel of the Maltese islands

Daily flights to Malta available from all major European cities.

The Mediterranean’s best kept secret

around the Islands. Surfing in the West bays is also becoming a popular pastime in Maltese waters. If you are looking to tame the waves in a slightly more relaxing way, you might try out paddle surfing, a new and truly unique adventure sport which combines the techniques of surfing and paddling. The Maltese Islands are becoming an increasingly popular destination for swimmers practicing for swimming contests that take place in northern Europe in the summers – these swimmers visit Malta to practice swimming and acclimatization in winter. Malta’s geographical position, make it a natural setting for various international events. These include the annual Malta Triathlon, the P1 Powerboat Grand Prix and the Rolex Middle Sea Race—a prestigious Yacht race covering a spectacular race course and a top attraction on the International Rolex Calendar, such as the Fastnet and Sidney-Hobart Race. The 607-mile route starts from Malta and circumnavigates the Islands of Sicily, Pantelleria and Lampedusa, anti-clockwise, finishing again in Marsamxett Harbour (Malta). For land-lovers, the rich nature and attractive landscapes of this Mediterranean gem can be explored on foot. Distances are relatively short and you can opt for afternoon rambles through valleys or along the stretches of wild coastal landscapes, where nature is intermingled with charming historical or cultural sights scattered throughout the countryside. More ambitious treks are also possible and perhaps the most rewarding trek is a four-day trek around the coast of Gozo, the smaller of the two largest islands in the Maltese archipelago—this trek weaves among the varied coastal landscape in Gozo, ranging from sheer sea cliffs on the southern coast to a series of bluffs and bays on the north coast. Equally engaging is sport climbing. Cliffs are predominant on the islands, which are an emerging destination for rock climbers. Two guidebooks about rock climbing in Malta detail plenty of climbing routes across all ranges of difficulty; dozens of sports-climbing routes are available, and there are even more traditional climbing routes to choose from. Another allure is deep-water soloing and bouldering; in Gozo alone, where the rural ambience is more complete, more than 200 deep-water soloing routes have been charted. Routes for free-climbing, sport climbing, routed with or without natural protection are charted out for all levels of experience. The local associations welcome visitors and usually invite newcomers along with them on their expeditions, thus ensuring that local knowledge is passed down in a safe and diligent way. Similarly, there are many backcountry roads that offer some excellent opportunities for mountain biking. And although distances are short, the hilly terrain makes any cycling around the Islands challenging. You can lose yourself in the valleys and hills on the outskirts of the Maltese villages of Mgarr, Rabat and Dingli while in Gozo you can explore the dramatic coastal landscapes and rural tapestries of the island’s hinterland with ease while taking in the views of Ghasri Valley, the cliffs of Munxar or a brief stop overlooking Ramla Bay. Malta Tourism Authority,

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In times of a recession-battered economy there are plenty of opportunities to save money when traveling to the Czech Republic, where you can enjoy everything Europe has to offer without the Euro! The Czech Republic uses the local currency—Czech Crown— offering unique experiences for $100 or less a day. Prague and other Czech cities offer discounted cards—the Prague Card, for example—providing public transport and free entry to over 50 of the best tourist attractions in Prague. A free walking tour through magnificent Prague starts in the Old Town Square and Astronomical clock, and follows to the Powder Tower, Wenceslas Square, National Museum, and Jewish Ghetto. There’s free entrance to most historical architecture, churches, art, shopping, markets, gardens and parks. Prague offers accommodations at rates much lower than in other European countries. The centrally located three-star Hotel Cloister Inn has accommodation and free wireless Internet at $75 per night in Prague’s historical Old Town. A part of a monastery complex dating from medieval times, Cloister Inn Hotel’s property was once also used by the secret police. The family restaurant Cerny Kohout Czech-inspired three-course menu showcases truly great cuisine just for $12! Lovers of performing arts can experience the famous musical heritage of the Czech Republic at reasonable prices. Prague boasts a world-class music scene, with concerts, operas, and ballets performed throughout the year in the city’s famous theaters. Cheap tickets are available for afternoon concert performances at the National Theater, the Estates Theater and the Prague State Opera, with balcony seats going for as little as $5. Beginning June 18 Delta Airlines will offer a nonstop flight from JFK to Prague three times weekly. Czech Tourism,,

ENDLESS MOUNTAIN VISTAS FOR A WEDDING WITH A VIEW AT PALAZZO TERRANOVA Some places are made for weddings and honeymoons: romantic, beautiful, exclusive, and removed... with discreet and elegant service, divine food and an altogether rare ambience. This is Palazzo Terranova, an artfully restored 18th-century villa high in the hills of undiscovered Umbria. Views from its hillside perch are of endless mountain ridges interspersed with hidden virgin valleys. Palazzo Terranova is a ten-suite hotel with a staff of 20 for each. Travel World News •

Each of three floors has its own art- and book-filled living room, and the reading selections and art reflect the owner’s highly civilized international tastes. Candlelit dinners, prepared by the chef, may be served here under the stars or by the fireplace at the Palazzina on the hillside next to the main house, a private three-story villa with its own living and dining area and French doors opening onto garden and terrace with sweeping view of the hills. Suites for wedding guests are in the main house; all with high ceilings, doors and exposed beams fashioned out of reclaimed woods. Florentine artists have created masterful faux surfaces, a different color or design in each room, intricate patterns on ceilings. Honeymooners are honored guests at Palazzo Terranova. Breakfast can be served in their room at the Palazzina on the terrace by the pool. Spa treatments are booked whenever they desire. Daily excursions to nearby villages rich in history and art can be arranged. The concierge provides a personal driver. Trips can be made to olive and wine vineyards and even truffle hunts. Palazzo Terranova offers a honeymoon stay that includes accommodations, breakfast each morning, one excursion of choice, private consultation with chef about honeymoon dinner for two wherever the couple desires, a private cooking class with chef, his and her massage (from husband/wife massage team, a bike trip with a special picnic lunch and all tax and services. Prices are from approximately $404 ppdo March, April, October and November to $556 May, June July, August and September. Palazzo Terranova weddings are choreographed with meticulous care and creativity. Parties of up to 100 are served with elegance in stunning natural environments. Palazzo Terranova, 800-225-4255,

DUBROVNIK TRAVEL OBTAINING ISO CERTIFICATE This year, Dubrovnik Travel, leading DMC in Croatia, celebrates its 10th anniversary of successful performance in international meetings, incentives, conventions, events and other exclusive group programs. The owners of the company have been in the luxury travel industry since the 1980s. To enhance and ensure high-level service, Dubrovnik Travel DMC is in the process of obtaining ISO Standards 9001:2000 certificates. ISO standards 9001:2000 ensures that company procedures support International Quality Management Standards that guarantee ultimate customer satisfaction by meeting and exceeding customer expectations. Upon achieving the requested level of service management quality, Dubrovnik Travel Ltd will be the only ISO-certified DMC in Croatia. DT, a member of Euromic and StarCite, boasts local and regional awards for excellence. The leading Croatian travel company will be featured this spring at IMEX Frankfurt (stand F300). Dubrovnik Travel, E., MAY 2009 •



the U.S. and Virgin Islands offer a unique blend of activities and leisure time. Partners Era and Carr handpick all aspects of the trips including safe and enjoyable accommodations, award-winning culinary experiences, knowledgeable tour guides, and reliable travel. In addition to the Tomgirl Savory City Tour–Providence currently scheduled for at least four weekends throughout summer and fall of 2009, the touring company will feature a White Mountains Adventure in New Hampshire, a St. John Sojourn in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and a Sedona Red Rock Rendezvous in Arizona. Tomgirl Tours, 866-992-4990,

DEILMANN OFFERS LUXURY CRUISES FROM BALTIMORE WITH TWO FALL DEPARTURES Amid the vibrant red sandstone cliffs and striking blue sky of the great Southwest, Red Mountain Resort & Spa introduces an aweinspiring location as the perfect setting for a destination wedding. The spot is suitable for wedding parties of 6 to 60, with options of indoor and outdoor venues. Luxury Villa suite; three meals daily; daily guided hikes; unlimited fitness classes including yoga, Pilates, chi ball and drums alive; life classes and events at the Wellness Center; meditation hikes, fire ceremonies, tai chi on the rocks and other personal activities, and ‘eat well, feel well’ cooking demos.Also included are the use of resort facilities including indoor pool and seasonal new exclusive villa outdoor pool, bicycles, walking trails, and strength and cardio studios.Prices begin at $379 ppdo with a minimum three-night stay. Red Mountain Resort & Spa, in the high desert red rock bluffs of Southwestern Utah, is a picturesque two-hour drive from Las Vegas. The resort has been named one of the top spas by Condé Nast Traveler, Fodor’s, Allure Magazine, and; and one of the Top Detox Spas by USA Today. Red Mountain Resort & Spa, 877-246-HIKE (4453),

TOMGIRL TOURS LAUNCHES CULINARY EXPEDITION FOR WOMEN WITH A TASTE FOR ADVENTURE Tomgirl Tours, a women’s touring company for mildly adventurous travelers, has launched an all-inclusive Tomgirl Savory City Tour–Providence, starting the weekend of June 19–21. Women who participate in the Tomgirl Savory City Tour– Providence will revitalize their spirits in a downtown, turn-of-thecentury boutique hotel, prepare luscious, local cuisine in our al fresco-style cooking class, linger along Federal Hill at our progressive dinner party with a guest visit with former Mayor Buddy Cianci, and cruise Newport’s magnificent Ocean Drive and Marble House mansion,” said Lori Carr, Tomgirl’s founder. The term “tomgirl,” as defined by the company, is an energetic, smart, action-oriented woman who is feminine—sometimes girly— but she insists on enjoying adventure, the outdoors, and new and exciting experiences that expand her world with other like-minded women. The all-inclusive tours to a number of notable locations in 16 • MAY 2009

Peter Deilmann Cruises is bringing deluxe cruising to Baltimore with the announcement of two distinct Fall itineraries, aboard its luxury flagship MS Deutschland, and offering special fare savings of up to 32 percent with $99 air and complimentary excursions. The 520-guest floating grand hotel departs November 5 on a 12night exploration of the southeast coast of the U.S and a longer 16night cruise departing on November 17 to the Gulf and Caribbean. A portfolio of savings is offered with these departures: $1,500 per person discounts on all stateroom/suite categories; $99 economy roundtrip air fare from dozens of North American gateways or for those booking their own air, an additional $750 fare reduction; and a complimentary excursions package worth $600. The 12-night roundtrip cruise from Baltimore explores the ‘old South,’ stopping in Norfolk, Savannah, Charleston, Jacksonville, Key West, Miami and Port Canaveral, as well as Freeport in the Grand Bahamas. The 16-night sailing ends in Jamaica’s Montego Bay after calling at Philadelphia, New York, Miami, New Orleans and Mexico’s Progreso and Cozumel. Group bookings enjoy the same savings benefits, as well as one free tour conductor berth for every nine paid guests. The reduced fares are $3,943 to $14,034 ppdo for the 12-night sailing and $4,820 to $17,510 for 16 nights. Original fares ranged from $5,740 to $19,010. The 12-night itinerary will take in the Southern hospitality of three southeast coastal cities: historic Savannah and Charleston and Norfolk. The 16-night sailing showcases some of the very best in cosmopolitan ports of call—New York, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Miami. The remainder of the 2009 voyage roster offers 25 world-class itineraries of seven to 23 nights, taking in destinations ranging from the culturally wealthy cities of Northern Europe along the Baltic, the Mediterranean, and the fjords and rarely visited villages of Greenland and Iceland, to exotic regions in South America and the Amazon. Port charges of $125 (12 nights) and $165 (16 nights) per person are additional; air taxes and air fuel surcharges are included in the $99 air (cruise fuel surcharges are no longer collected). Peter Deilmann Ocean Cruises, 800-348-8287,, • Travel World News


rounds of golf on either Tom Fazio course or two 60-minute Amber Gold spa treatments, or one of each; Camp Pelican children’s program for ages four to 17; complimentary movies and videogames; breakfast for four in the Villa Club or Coliseum Pool & Grill; early check-in and late check-out, and complimentary valet parking. For reservations call 800-820-6800. Blending the principles of Italy’s most renowned Renaissance architect with chic California casual elegance, and boasting the most serene and beautiful coastal setting in Southern California, the resort captures the essence of an Italian seaside village terraced on a verdant hillside in harmony with the natural environment. The Resort at Pelican Hill,; Virtuoso,


The Resort at Pelican Hill has become a member of Virtuoso, the world’s leading travel network, joining an exclusive group of distinctive luxury products affiliated with the prestigious organization. “Membership in this elite network is a win-win relationship for both Virtuoso and The Resort at Pelican Hill,” said Ralph Grippo, President, Irvine Company Resort Properties, the developer and operator of Pelican Hill. “Top travel agents in nearly two dozen countries are learning about our unequaled resort destination product that they can now sell to their discriminating clients.” For Virtuoso members, Pelican Hill is offering several special amenities including a $100 resort credit, complimentary breakfast for two daily and a welcome bottle of Prosecco. Two packages of particular interest are: Resort Golf & Spa Experience—A relaxing getaway from $795 per night. Included are: one night in a spacious bungalow; choice of two rounds of golf on either of Tom Fazio’s courses or two 60minute Amber Gold spa treatments, or one of each; early check-in and late check-out, and complimentary valet parking Family & Friends Togethering Package—Create memories with family and friends, from $1,650 per night. Included are: Upgrade to a three-bedroom private villa for an overnight stay; bottle of Prosecco, chef’s amenity and assorted beverages; choice of two Travel World News •

Travel agents can now earn 15-percent commission booking clients on a Granite State Vacation Inn-to-Inn Bike Tour. The tours are one of the most popular ways to experience the beauty of New Hampshire—cycling along roads that National Geographic Adventure called “some of the prettiest in the U.S., or any other country for that matter,” when the magazine featured the bike tours as a great weekend getaway. The bike tour includes stays at a choice of four country inns in the Lake Sunapee region, including: Blue Acorn Inn, an inviting sixroom farmhouse in a peaceful rural setting with sweeping views of Mt. Sunapee; Henniker House Bed & Breakfast, a quintessential Victorian guest house overlooking the Contoocook River; Highland Lake Inn, a former gentleman’s farmhouse originally built in 1767, with gracious hospitality and 10 luxuriously appointed guest rooms; and Rosewood Country Inn, a Victorian style inn set on 12 hilltop acres whose cozy fireplaces, Jacuzzi tubs and showers for two offer the perfect romantic getaway. The tour, available May to October, offers great flexibility as guests can go on their own or have the services of a professional guide, basing routes on abilities and interests. Prices for the bike tours include four nights in Sunapee area historic inns, four breakfasts, lunches and dinners, the service of a trained guide if package is chosen, daily route directions and maps, and inn-to-inn gear shuttle service. Bicycle rentals are additional. For 2009, self-guided tour prices are $700 ppdo; $560 per person is added if a third or fourth person occupies the same room (based on room size availability); and $900 for single occupancy (one person with private room). Guided tour prices (groups of six to 10) are $850 ppdo with $710 per person added for an additional third or fourth in the same room (based on room size availability); and $1,050 for single occupancy, one person with a private room. There is a $100 premium for foliage season September 21–October 31. All prices are subject to the New Hampshire eightpercent rooms and meals tax. Agents should mention code TA0409 when making a reservation. Granite State Vacations, MAY 2009 •



The launch of Privilege Aluxes Resort, Isla Mujeres, owned by Caribbean Privilege Hotels & Resorts, brings a new standard of luxury resort experience to Isla Mujeres. Offering 124 spacious guest rooms and suites, the new boutique hotel provides a tranquil and upscale romantic island experience with its premium accommodations, chic and airy public spaces, elegant onsite spa, and array of upscale gourmet culinary offerings. “Our goal in developing the new Privilege Aluxes Resort was to create an ultra-luxe romantic getaway complimented by worldclass service and sophisticated dining options,” said Osmany Garcia, Director of Sales & Marketing, Caribbean Privilege Hotels & Resorts. “The resort’s tranquil ambiance and breathtaking views provides an alluring destination for leisure travelers to relax and rejuvenate in a private, pristine setting surrounded by the beauty and charm of the Mexican Caribbean.” A distinguishing element of the Privilege Aluxes Resort is its three onsite “haute cuisine” restaurants; Café del Mar, Sabor and Satay. Executive Chef Luis Gabriel Gonzáles Valderrama has created culinary selections that blend European, Asian and Mayan influences, resulting in an innovative fusion of flavors enhanced by artfully designed presentations. Savvy travelers will appreciate the resort’s unprecedented “24hour-notice program,” designed to learn about guests’ particular vacation goals and personal preferences in advance, so upon arrival, their individual needs and expectations are anticipated. A note: The word “Aluxes” is of Mayan descent and refers to ancient mythological spirits. The correct pronunciation is-“a-loosh.” Privilege Aluxes Resort, Isla Mujeres, 866-947-6002,,

AVANTAIR ADDS GREAT EXUMA, BAHAMAS, TO ITS PRIMARY SERVICE AREA Avantair Inc. (OTCBB:AAIR), the only publicly traded standalone fractional operator and the sole North American provider of fractional shares in the Piaggio Avanti aircraft, announced today that it has added Great Exuma, Bahamas to its Primary Service Area. Through its partnership with Grand Isle Resort and Spa, a 18 • MAY 2009

golf and oceanfront beach resort located in Great Exuma, Avantair will offer its existing owners an exclusive discounted rate on accommodations at the Grand Isle Resort and Spa. In addition, for a limited time, Avantair is offering an “Island Getaway” package including accommodations at Grand Isle Resort and Spa for any person who purchases an Avantair Edge time card or Axis Club Membership. Avantair Senior Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing Matthew Doyle said, “The Bahamian nation is a popular destination for our owners, and the addition of Great Exuma to our Primary Service Area along with our partnership with Grand Isle will make the Great Exuma Island a more accessible destination for our owners.” Steven Santo, Chief Executive Officer, continued, “Grand Isle is a perfect complement for our Axis Club Membership and Edge card. We look forward to working with the people at Grand Isle in developing additional value-added packages for Avantair owners.” Avantair,,

CARIBBEAN WEEK COMES BACK TO THE BIG APPLE IN JUNE Following a one-year hiatus, Caribbean Week in New York 2009 will return to the Big Apple, June 8–12, 2009. Organized by the Caribbean Tourism Development Company (CTDC), the event brings together influential policy makers, marketing professionals and tourism industry officials to interact and discuss both tourism and investment opportunities in the region. It also serves to provide a taste of the Caribbean to inspire travel and showcase the Region’s diversity to more than 10,000 attendees who participate in a number of targeted events hosted throughout the week. Caribbean Week in New York will follow the Second Annual Caribbean Tourism Summit (ACTS) in Washington, D.C. on June 9-10, 2009. Taking the lead from last year’s successful inaugural event, this year’s business-focused summit will include meetings on Capitol Hill as well as internal meetings between CTO and CHTA officials attended by delegates from the Caribbean. Following ACTS, the Caribbean will descend upon New York City with a celebration of sights, sounds, colors, culture and unique Caribbean vacation attributes. There will be destination exhibits, performers, artisans and celebrity chef demonstrations, fairs and media events with tourism officials, hotels, tour operators and airline representatives to gain valuable product information about the Caribbean. Caribbean Meeting and Incentive Travel Showcase, Friday, June 12, will be hosted in association with Black Meetings and Tourism to target the meeting, incentive, conference and exposition marketers by sharing experiences available for them in the Caribbean. An elegant black-tie affair, the Caribbean State Ball and Awards Presentation, will wind up the week at The Plaza Hotel on Friday, June 12. Caribbean Tourism Development Company, • Travel World News

CARIBBEAN SEVENTH NIGHT FREE AT ST. LUCIA’S CLASSIC CARIBBEAN EAST WINDS INN East Winds Inn is now offering a “Seven for Six” summer deal now through October 30, 2009. This means, guests can save as much as $670 depending on their room category and the time of the booking. Set along La Brelotte Bay, one of St. Lucia’s most pristine golden sand beaches, East Winds is surrounded by 12 acres of lush tropical gardens and harkens back to the classic European resort model of the all-inclusive, where a single price takes care of both room and board. In addition to the “Seven for Six” offer, summer rates start at $470 per room per night between June 1 and through the fall until December 20, 2009. That’s nearly a 50-percent savings over the starting winter rates of $850 for the same room category. All meals, beverages including fine wines and champagne, sailings on four-person catamarans, and water sports are included. From May 1 to October 31, 2009, East Winds is offering guests who stay five nights or more a complimentary sunset cruise onboard. East Winds Inn,

GUESTS EXPERIENCE BARBADOS’ CULTURE AND HISTORY WITH MANGO BAY TOURS The 76-room boutique-style, all-inclusive Mango Bay Barbados has partnered with A+ Tours & Events to provide unique tour options highlighting the rich history of Barbados. Guests of Mango Bay can choose from the following excursions (added to the cost of an all-inclusive stay): North East Experience Day Tour (Sundays)—Full-day tour starting at St. James Parish Church, the oldest Anglican Church in Barbados, Speightstown in St. Peter. Next, cliffs of the North Point of Barbados, Harrison’s Cave, then Cherry Tree Hill and sites of Barbados from 850 feet above sea level. Visits to Morgan Lewis Windmill, followed by the 50-acre Barclays Park opened in 1866. Afternoon, beaches and breathtaking views of St. Joseph in the village of Bathsheba. Ends at St. James. Harrison’s Cave (Fridays)—Features limestone walls and underground rivers in 2,000-year old formation of Harrison’s Cave. The underground excursion includes admission to the cave, a guided tour on an electric tram, a visit to Highland Adventure Center, and a look at the C.O. Williams flower garden. St. Nicholas Abbey (Wednesdays)—17th-century site dubbed one of the ‘Seven Wonders of Barbados.’ Guided tour, museum admission, picture stops, complimentary rum punch, aged rum sample straight from the barrel, and a plantation documentary. 100-percent Bajan Tour (Tuesdays)—Visit to Earthworks Pottery for a look at how the colorful pieces are created, then to Medford Mahogany for a demo of mahogany carving, and ending tour with a shopping trip at Pelican Village. A Journey Through Time (Mondays)—Visit to one of the major sporting facilities in Barbados, Kensington Oval; guests may take photos with two cricket legends, walk around grounds, see presidential box. Tour concludes at the Legends of Barbados Museum, Travel World News •

with finger food/tea. Excursion rates vary by starting $45 per person. Rates start at $510 ppdo in standard accommodations now through April 30 and $385 May 1 through December 14, 2009. Mango Bay,,

REGENT GRAND AND VILLA RENAISSANCE PARTNERS WITH GRACE DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES HAB Group has announced that they have partnered with the well-established and admired Grace Distinctive Properties from New York, as travel trade-sales and marketing representative for the United States and Canada. Grace’s Distinctive Properties will promote and raise the profile of HAB’s two luxury resorts, the Regent Grand Resort and Spa and The Villa Renaissance along with Provo Golf and Country Club in the very competitive luxury travel market of the Turks and Caicos Islands. The appointment of Grace’s Distinctive Properties has come after a very successful first year of operation for the Regent Grand Resort, and following the presentation for the second year in succession of the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award for the Villa Renaissance. The Regent Grand,; Villa Renaissance,; Grace’s Distinctive Properties, 866-655-8800,

MAY 2009•



Bolongo Bay Beach Resort in St. Thomas is participating in the USVI Department of Tourism’s “Sizzlin’ Sampler” promotion providing a $300 air credit per room, a fourth night free on the resort’s European Plan or All-Inclusive Plan, $50 dining voucher for use at either of the resort’s two restaurants, $50 activities coupon and a booklet with $500 in savings for participating destination businesses. The promotion is valid on all reservations (minimum of four nights) made by October 15 for travel April 15 through October 31, 2009, and must be booked through one of the following participating tour operators: Apple Vacations,, Certified Vacations Group, Costco Travel, Enjoy Vacations, Expedia Inc., Island Resort Tours, Libgo Travel, The Mark Travel Corporation, MLT Vacations, Orbitz Worldwide, Pleasant Holidays, Total Vacations, Travel Impressions, Travelocity, US Airways Vacations and Vacation Express. Bolongo’s European plan includes accommodations in an ocean view or beach front room, a “discover scuba diving” in-pool lesson, complimentary use of non-motorized water sports (snorkel gear, paddle boats, sunfish sailboats, windsurfing equipment, and kayaks), and all resort taxes, fees and energy surcharges. Their comprehensive all-inclusive plan features all of the amenities of the European plan plus all meals (seven days a week of a la carte dining for breakfast, lunch and dinner at two of the most popular restaurants on St. Thomas); a wide array of beverages including premium liquors; and hotel taxes and gratuities. Package rates vary according to travel dates and tour operator selected. No passport is required. Bolongo Bay Beach Resort, 800-524-4746,, 20 • MAY 2009

THE SOMERSET, DEVELOPED BY A MOTHER, OFFERS FAMILIES TIME TOGETHER Developed specifically for families by one who knows, The Somerset on Grace Bay gives moms and their families what they seek most on a Caribbean vacation—time together and a relax and unwind without schedules. The concept was created by Allyson Nick, a New York real estate developer who also happens to be the mother of five. In addition to unscheduled time to build sandcastles, the large suites, ranging from 1,353 to 5,327 sq. ft. with one to five bedrooms, specifically designed for large families, as well as multi-generational gatherings. Two swimming pools, one with a zero-entry shallow end for toddlers and another with an underwater music piped in for teens keeps kids safe and engaged. To cater to families further, The Somerset has introduced a new four-night “Family Package,” available now through December 18, 2009 (no blackout periods, valid on all suite categories except standard rooms). The package is combinable with The Somerset’s ‘Fourth Night Free’ special, offering four consecutive nights for the cost of three, savings of $500 to $4,000! Rates start at $500 in a one-bedroom suite from May 30 to October 30, 2009. The Family Package includes: an “Alice in Wonderland Tea Party” (Monday) featuring treats like fresh-squeezed lemonade, juices, homemade cookies and brownies; Tuesday it’s Clambakes barefoot on Grace Bay Beach with live music; and Dive-In Movie Nights for Wednesday by the infinity pool with popcorn, nachos and nostalgic candy creations. Kids 12 and under eat free from selections on a new children’s menu with each adult entrée ordered. The Somerset, 877-887-5722,

HOLIDAY INN SAN JUAN’S 2009 FAMILY PACKAGE DOUBLY AFFORDABLE ‘Go Caribbean, Go Universal’ offers two vacations in one—for only $899, including taxes (and additional nights may be purchased). First, families fly to Puerto Rico to spend four nights/five days at the Holiday Inn San Juan, a stylish hotel in the heart of Isla Verde, Puerto Rico, with the amenities of a four-star property. Two adults and two children under 17 can stay in the double room. The adults receive a full American breakfast daily at Eighty20 Bistro, a hip South Beach-style café, where kids five and under always eat free. Added are two adult day-passes to Adventureland, a nearby attraction with an aquarium, a reptile exhibit, a miniature golf course and indoor amusement rides.Then, it’s on to Universal with a free second getaway at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Universal Studios Orlando, located near Orlando’s theme parks. Guests have the option of booking both vacations back-to-back, or separately to enjoy two Holidays this year. As an added bonus, guests receive a coupon book for savings at famous brand-name outlets in Prime Outlets locations in Puerto Rico and Orlando.The package is commissionable for travel agents. Holiday Inn San Juan, 800-625-0312,, • Travel World News


Sandos Hotels & Resorts, with four all-inclusive products housed in two resort complexes on the Riviera Maya, Mexico, has debuted a Honeymoon spa package designed to pamper couples in a perfect romantic setting. The package is $430 per couple, which is added on to the cost of an all-inclusive hotel stay, and includes: Moonlight massage (50 minutes)— Couples will enjoy the soothing sound of the Caribbean Sea in a relaxing atmosphere under the sunset. An exclusive setup over the powder beaches is complimented by a 50-minute massage and champagne toast. Hot Stone Massage (80 minutes)— This ancient technique is based on the application of oils and heated semi-precious stones that will promote a balance between the different energy points of the body thus obtaining complete relaxation and well-being. Romantic Champagne Bath (50 minutes)—Couples submerge themselves in a romantic bubble bath with champagne crystals, marine salts and soft aromatic essences. Aphrodisiacal properties relaxes, harmonizes and balances body, soul, and spirit in addition to leaving skin sensually renovated and luminous. Spa treatments are scheduled with the spa Travel World News •

coordinator upon arrival at the hotel. Further spa services and treatments are available at an additional cost. To book online, include the package at the time of booking. Sandos has recently updated its booking system to allow clients to add airfare to their vacation package. The Playacar Complex, which features Sandos Playacar Beach Resort & Spa and Sandos Playacar Riviera Hotel, contains a new, full-service, over 23,000 square foot Spa Sandos facility. The new spa encompasses 22 indoor treatment rooms, each with its own shower; hydrotherapy baths and shower; open-area hydro massage swimming pool; steam baths; solarium; separate men’s and women’s lockers and a sauna; a fully-equipped LifeFitness gymnasium; and beauty salon. The Caracol Complex, which features Sandos Caracol Eco Resort & Spa and Sandos Select Club Beach Resort & Spa, also features a Spa Sandos facility complete with 18 treatment rooms; wellness program and thermal circuit; hydrotherapy zone; beauty salon on three levels; and ecomassage area in an outdoor palm shelter. Sandos Hotels & Resorts, 866-887-5601,

Internet; daily in-room “Eye Opener;” insuite organic bath amenities; afternoon tea time; complementary use of the spa humid areas; sauna, indoor heated Jacuzzi, steam room and gym; yoga, pilates and aquafit classes; and complimentary use of water and land toys, such as bicycles, kayaks and snorkel equipment. The package starts at $3,651 ppdo ($1,825.50 per person), plus taxes (12 percent) and a service charge (5 percent). This package incorporates the luxury gourmet meal plan, snacks and top-brand beverages. Packages and specials are not available for group reservations. Perfect scores for the resort’s rooms and service on Conde Nast Traveler’s Reader’s Choice Survey earned Ceiba del Mar a spot on the 2009 Gold List for the “Best by Rooms” and “Best by Service’ categories. The luxury resort is just 20 minutes from Cancun airport. Ceiba Del Mar Beach & Spa Resort,

GET PAID TO PLAY: FLY OFF TO CEIBA DEL MAR Ceiba del Mar Beach & Spa Resort is giving a generous $500 credit towards airfare with its Air Ticket Bonus Special, making it irresistible to steal a relaxing and refreshing getaway at the award-winning Caribbean resort with its powder-sand beaches, tropical weather, gourmet food and ocean-view accommodations. The Air Ticket Bonus Special features: a 6-day/5-night stay in the luxurious Ocean View Master Suite, where two children (under 12) may stay and eat free, sharing the room with their parents; welcome champagne cocktail; two 50-minute massages per suite per stay (gratuities not included); $500 air ticket bonus (maximum) deducted from your final bill at check-out; daily breakfast a la carte for two; 10 percent off additional treatments in the Wellness Aromatherapy Spa; free wireless MAY 2009•



From left to right: Amy Gray, Business Development Manager, Iberostar Hotels & Resorts; Marcia Bullock, Regional Director Groups & Conventions Jamaica Tourist Board; Lisa Jones-Smith, Executive Director, Worldwide Group Travel; Chris Dobson, Marketing Representative Northeast USA, Jamaica Tourist Board; Chris Alexander and Latoya Roberts, lucky winners of the Jamaica destination wedding giveaway to Iberostar; and Andrew Rowe, Account Sales Manager, American Airlines.

Jamaica’s Destination Wedding & Honeymoon Expo, produced by Worldwide Group Travel, at the Holiday Inn Westbury, Long Island, was a dream come true for engaged couple Latoya Roberts and Chris Alexander from Hempstead, NY. The couple attended the Jamaica Destination Weddings & Honeymoon Expo, with hundreds of other couples, and sampled Jamaican cuisine, reggae music and a live fashion show, with hoteliers and vendors from Jamaica on site. Latoya and Chris were winners of a romantic seven-night destination wedding trip for two to Iberostar in Rose Hall, Jamaica, and roundtrip coach airfare from New York City, courtesy of American Airlines. Jamaica Tourist Board,

AIR JAMAICA INCREASES NY AND FLORIDA SUMMER SERVICES On June 25, Air Jamaica will add a “Nitebird” flight to its New York route between John F. Kennedy airport and Kingston, departing New York at 2:15 a.m. and arriving in Kingston at 5 a.m. A new return flight will depart Kingston at 12:15 a.m. and arrive in New York at 5 a.m. Also, the new summer schedule adds a flight leaving Ft. Lauderdale for Kingston at 2:25 p.m., and a new daily flight departing Kingston for Ft. Lauderdale at 4:10 p.m. For a limited period until May 31, passengers traveling between Fort Lauderdale and Jamaica, may check one additional bag free. Passengers in Economy class may check up to three pieces of baggage, Lovebird Executive class maximum four. The new flights for both New York and Fort Lauderdale will be added to the existing schedules in operation for those two cities, as logged on the website. Starting June 29, Air Jamaica will offer seven weekly flights between Orlando and Jamaica. Two new flights will provide direct service to Kingston after a stop in Montego Bay. 22 • MAY 2009

The summer schedule is as follows: Orlando to Montego Bay departs at 2:40 p.m. on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Tuesday and Wednesday, there is a 9:35 a.m. flight to Montego Bay that continues to Kingston. From Jamaica to Orlando on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, departure from Montego Bay is at 10:45 a.m.; on Monday there’s an additional departure from Kingston at 3:20 p.m. with a stop in Montego Bay, with the same afternoon flight offered Tuesday as well. Air Jamaica’s policy is maximum two pieces of checked luggage per passenger in Economy Class; free in-flight entertainment is offered. Air Jamaica, 800-523-5585,


From left to right: Lester Scott, General Manager, The Palmyra, A Solís Resort & Spa; Ksenia Sukhinova, Miss World 2008; and Honorable Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism, Jamaica.

The Palmyra, A Solís Resort & Spa, scheduled to open in fall this year in the exclusive enclave of Rose Hall in Montego Bay, Jamaica, exhibited alongside the Jamaica Tourist Board at this year’s ITB Berlin held in March. Executives from the resort mingled with travel industry professionals and consumers attending one of the world’s largest travel trade shows in the world, attracting more than 180,000 people. The Palmyra will be the brand’s premier Caribbean resort property. Set on 16 oceanfront acres on the grounds of a former Jamaican plantation within the elite enclave of historic Rose Hall, the resort offers 299 beautifully appointed guestrooms plus one-, two- three- and four-bedroom suites, penthouses and private villas that feature between 645 to 2,600 square feet of living space with large private terraces. The casually elegant resort boasts Jamaica’s first branded, 30,000 square-foot ESPA spa, an ocean-view fitness center, nearby championship golf at three of the Caribbean’s most prestigious courses including White Witch, Cinnamon Hill and Half Moon, as well as four dining venues offering authentic, internationally inspired dishes with organic options, a gourmet shop and wine cellar featuring fine wines from around the world. The Palmyra, A Solís Resort & Spa, 800-591-0473, • Travel World News


La Mansion Inn: Paradise on a Mountaintop The 25-guest room boutique hotel in Manuel Antonio awarded its fifth star by the ICT, Costa Rica Tourist Board and honored with Trip Advisor’s 2009 Travelers choice Awards – Best for Romance and Best Luxury Hotel plus an award for, “Pure Decadence.” JOAN GONZALEZ


ow long has it been since you planned a vacation for clients and they came back ecstatic about the personal attention, friendliness of staff and perfect accommodations? If you can’t remember that happening recently, for their next trip suggest they stay at, “La Mansion Inn” near Quepos on the central Pacific coast of Costa Rica, with an incredible view of the ocean. Every aspect of this resort is unique with a new wing on the way and as Mr. Harry Bodaan, owner and developer of this beautiful, boutique Inn says, “Come as a guest and leave as a Guests can look out over a thick forest and cove from the top of La Mansion Inn. friend.” He also admitted that it has been a, “long and hard road.” Coming very soon is a new case. There are no elevators and for safety reasons, children East Wing, adding four more deluxe rooms, two honeymoon must be 12 or older to stay there. A complimentary shuttle bus suites and an open air Sky Lounge with a 360-degree view. runs regularly to the beach and downtown, although many This friendly and luxurious resort is around a 4-hour drive guests enjoy walking down the winding, scenic road then (108 miles) from San Jose, Costa Rica’s capital but only 35 catching the shuttle back up. minutes by air on SANSA, a 12 passenger regional carrier whose pilots must qualify two times a year in simulators in the The Bat Cave US It is an affiliate of TACA with DISTANCIA frequent flyer An unusual, one of a kind feature of the Inn is the “bat miles included. Flights are usually on a comfortable 12-pas- cave.” It is an actual cave inside the hotel that is home, of senger CESSNA Grand Caravan 208-B aircraft. The airline’s course, to bats! The tiny entrance to the cave is off the Inn’s office and departure gate is near the main entrance/exit at winding stairway and even if you’re very, very short, you’ll San Jose’s International airport, no more than a 10 or 15- still have to duck to enter. Bats were first to claim the cave as minute walk. Tell your clients to turn left when they exit the their home and were never asked to leave, so the “bat cave” terminal and follow the signs. It’s next to the fire department. is now La Mansion’s dimly lit bar. Not to worry, bats are shy Whether they can get by with using the international airport’s creatures that nap during the day and fly out to search for cart for their luggage is unknown but probably not untried; food as night descends. They are also small creatures and not however, it’s a good idea to recommend traveling light with a known to be man-eaters. However, it was a little scary when roll-on bag or two. For larger groups a 45-passenger ATR the lights went out for a few minutes. is available. And, as if the cave isn’t eerie enough, a “fog machine” creates a little more atmospheric fog. Most of these quite out-ofA Unique Inn the-ordinary touches were dreamed up by owner and manLa Mansion Inn is truly a unique, luxurious place to stay in ager, Harry Bodaan, originally from Holland and formerly Manuel Antonio with incredible views, looking out over with the Press Club in Washington, D.C. Pacific Ocean coves and forest greenery. It sits majestically An extremely active man, he is also very involved with the on a mountain top and access to rooms is via a curving stairCONTINUED ON PAGE 24 Travel World News •

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Ft. Lauderdale “Sister Cities” program and various charitable organizations in Costa Rica. Hotel employees are also encouraged to be involved in various organizations and are an enthusiastic, pleasant and friendly group.

Good Eating Meals at La Mansion are excellent, creative and bountiful. One tasty breakfast dish is a tortilla stuffed with eggs, sweet peppers and onions, topped with refried beans and cheese sauce with toast points and home-fried potatoes. The hearty breakfast is complimentary, cooked to order and served either inside the small dining room where even tables and chairs are hand carved or outside on the terrace where large sun umbrellas provide shade. Diners never need never worry about eating alone because there’s always a curious iguana around, chirping birds hoping someone will accidentally drop a few crumbs and of course, someone always does. And there are a few frogs around. Lunch can either be inside on the terrace or around the pool that has its own little covered kitchen. The “Jacques Cousteau” restaurant is an interesting and charming place for dinner, featuring steaks, lobster, tuna, mahi mahi and other seafood cooked right in the dining room. The room has a large aquarium where tiny fish entertain guests. There’s also a great sun deck, a Spa and facilities outside if


Prime location in the town of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye with easy access to the town’s activities yet out of the hustle and bustle of town. Ideal for singles, couples and families.

TWO GREAT VACATION GETAWAYS: Summer Buster Offer - US$100.00 off Per Person (dbl occ) Visiting Travel Agent Special Exclusive - 50% off Published Rates Dive, Adventure and Honeymoon Packages available now thru December 18, 2009



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24 • MAY 2009

At La Mansion Inn, all rooms are “rooms with a view.”

you would like a free 20-minute massage in the sunshine. (There’s a small cost for longer massages). And, there’s a great work-out room, pool table and free wireless internet access. Most rooms have balconies and views are truly awesome. It’s a real temptation to just sit on your balcony and observe nature, but then you would miss the beautiful, wide and seemingly endless beach and the temperature perfect Pacific Ocean cove all in or near the national park, rightly called, “The Jewel of the South Pacific.” And, after checking in at the Inn it’s a good idea to ask for an hour and a half bus orientation tour of the whole area.

Other Activities Just down the mountain other great activities and experiences await, including sunset sails, rafting, diving, sports fishing, kayaking, scuba diving, horseback riding, ATV Tours, jungle tours and a truly enjoyable catamaran trip on board the Planet Dolphin. There’s also time for swimming (life jackets provided) and a delicious lunch on board. At present there are no golf courses nearby, but it’s on the horizon. The nearest is an hour away. This area of Costa Rica is also proving inviting for people from other countries, especially the United States and Europe for retirement or to start a business, like a friend of Mr. Bodaan, Mr. Gary L. Haynes of R.E.A.D. (Real Estate Acquisition & Development) who is now living and working totally in the area handling fully deeded residences and rental units. Add to all of the above a pleasant, efficient and genuinely friendly hotel staff, rains usually come during the night and the ingredients are all there for a perfect vacation. And, a new east wing will soon be finished. Costa Rica and especially Quepos and the Manuel Antonio area, really is a Very Special Place.

La Mansion Inn Boutique Hotel, 800-360-2071, • Travel World News


Horseback riding alongside a herd of zebras; learning about crocodiles as they gently glide alongside you; channeling your inner vaquero (aka cowboy) for the day at an organic ranch… travelers enjoy it all while discovering authentic Mexico at Cuixmala and Hacienda de San Antonio. Each property has packages designed for the active family: Up Close with the Coast – the Family Package at Cuixmala includes: five nights in a two-bedroom casita or a private villa, roundtrip ground transportation from Manzanillo airport, complimentary meal plan for two adults for two days, family lagoon tour to view native birds and spot sunning crocodiles, 30-minute horseback riding lesson per child, an evening beach picnic complete with bonfire and marshmallows, and a free babysitter for a day to allow parents a bit of time alone. Rates start at $4,500 for a two-bedroom based on a family of four with two adults, valid May 1 through October 15, 2009 (subject to availability). The meal plan for additional adult guests is $95 per person in casitas and $140 per person in villas. Meals are complimentary for kids under 11. Outdoor Adventure—The package includes: fifth night complimentary with every four booked in a 600-square-foot suite with fireplaces and either volcano or garden views; daily organic breakfast for two; one Mirador Hike, Volcano Hike, Bird Watching Tour and Horseback Riding Excursion per person; guided tour of vibrant, nearby town of Comala, and one massage per person, per stay. Rates start at $2,850, valid May 1 to October 14, subject to availability. Lunch and dinner are not included and are charged at $110 per person per day. All prices include tax and service. Restrictions may apply and the offers are not valid for buyouts. Hacienda de San Antonio,; Cuixmala,;

Wildland Adventures offers eight itineraries in Costa Rica, seven in Belize, and four to Panama that range in price from $1,638 to $3,100, but when time and money are short, a custom itinerary can be the best way to grab those lasting vacation memories. Guests who call to plan a trip to the region are put in touch with Central America Program Director Grettel Calderon, a native “Tica” who has over 12 years’ experience organizing adventures among the rainforests, volcanoes, Mayan ruins, beaches and native communities there. The off-peak “green season” in Costa Rica, Belize and Panama is from May through November—when orchids thrive, butterflies abound, prices are low and tourists are few — making a late spring trip or summer vacation a perfect time to visit the nature destination. In July, it’s “little summer”, or veranito, as the locals call it—a short dry spell in the middle of summer. Hikes through cloud forests, views of thundering volcanoes, mountain bike rides on country roads, indigenous culture teachings, walks among ancient Maya ruins. Wildland Adventures arranges lodging in the style and budget that meets client needs. Travelers are connected by Grettel with indigenous guides and local communities, keeping the guest’s special interests in mind. These custom trip arrangements are often less expensive than some pre-determined group itineraries. Wildland Adventures, 800-345-4453,

WILDLAND ADVENTURES HELPS TRAVELERS GET MONEY’S WORTH Wildland Adventures is assisting families, couples or friends planning a custom trip to Costa Rica, Belize or Panama to make their vacation experience a real dream come true. For those departing from April through November, they are waiving the $100 custom trip-planning fee for trips to Central America. Travel World News •

MAY 2009 •



South America Direct – Brazil A luxurious new rail experience in the Pantanal, new airports in Campo Grande and Bonito, chic new hotels on a Rio hillside, and David Neelman's latest (ad)venture. MARK ZUSSMAN


eady to start planning for June 2014? That will be the first time South America hosts World Cup football competition since Argentina had it in 1978 and the first time the world’s only five-time winner, Brazil, will be so honored since 1950. Announcement of the specific Brazilian host cities will be made in May this year. Rio, São Paulo, and Belo Horizonte are shoo-ins. But, in jockeying for the remainder of the dozen slots, some of the second-string candidates are performing facelifts that already make them appealing new travel destinations, whether they wind up hosting World Cup play or not. Case in point: the city of Campo Grande, capital of the Brazilian Mid-Western State of Mato Grosso do Sul, currently touting its candidacy in full-page ads in major São Paulo, Rio and Brasília newspapers and in a glitzy two-page ad spread in the leading Brazilian newsweekly. What’s the lure in this corner of Brazil that few North Americans have yet found their way to? First part of the answer is nature. Much of the Southern Mato Grosso is taken up by the fabled Pantanal wetlands, a paradise for fishermen, boating enthusiasts, hikers, and other outdoors types, with its fish species numbering 263, its butterfly species numbering 1,132, alligators and other reptiles you’ll all but trip over and plenty more. Come 2012, two years before the World Cup, there will also be an important new Observatory and Interactive Pantanal Museum with architectural design by Brazil’s internationally celebrated and now 100-year-old Oscar Niemeyer. Campo Grande is currently completing a new airport with capacity for 2 million passengers/year, and a new airport has already begun to function in the Southern Mato Grosso interior city of Bonito, with its grottoes and waterfalls and its transparent rivers and streams. For six consecutive years, Bonito has been voted the country’s top ecotourism destination by the readers of Brazil’s popular consumer travel magazine, Viagem e Turismo. For decades, intrepid adventurer types have been drawn to a rail experience known as the Trem da Morte, or the Train of Death, from Corumbá on the Southern Mato Grosso’s border with Bolivia to the Bolivian boom town of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. In 8 May of this year, a much tamer version of more or less the same kind of experience will open to the public on 135 miles of track westbound from Campo Grande in the direction of where you transfer to the Train of Death. In the rail line’s new incarnation, count on Executive Class service with panoramic windows to observe the flora and fauna, air condi-

26 • MAY 2009

The new Pantanal excursion train.

tioning of course, and a very civilized dining car. Given the new train’s leisurely pace, the ride will take seven hours. Passengers will overnight in small hotels in the town of Miranda. They’ll return the next day. Unsure how to book Brazil? Unsure what tour operator to use? There’s a good place to start, and that’s the Web site of the Brazil Tour Operators Association. A majority of North American visitors to Rio de Janeiro stay in hotels in Copacabana, same as a majority of foreign visitors to New York lodge in hotels in Midtown. Nothing wrong with Copacabana but, if you want to put your own travelers up in the Rio equivalent of New York’s Greenwich Village or Gramercy Park, then familiarize yourself with some of the new boutique hotels and guesthouses and B&B options in the relaxed residential hillside neighborhood of Santa Teresa on the edge of Rio’s downtown. There’s no beach up this way, but the views range from spectacular to breathtaking, the dining is urbane, the familiar tourist attractions are all just a short cab ride away. At the newly inaugurated Hotel Santa Teresa, the 44 rooms and suites were decorated in tropical hip styles by the hottest • Travel World News

LATIN AMERICA Brazil 2014 World Cup News The Tourism Foundation of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul The Brazil Tour Operators Association Hotel Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro Mama Ruisa, Rio de Janeiro, Cama & Café, ToursBrasil, Azul Brazilian Airlines, Brazilian designers, the restaurant features “cuisine du monde,” the spa is operated in partnership with the Amazon eco-brand Natura. The hotel is French-owned, by the way. The building is landmarked. Another newish and supercool Santa Teresa option, also Franco-Brazilian in inspiration and ownership, though this time with a retro feel meant to echo the 1920s and 30s, is the seven-room Mama Ruisa. The mansion that houses this one is stately. It was once the home of Rio’s mayor. A further 25 or so Santa Teresa small hotels, guest houses and B&Bs can be found on the Web site for Cama & Café (that’s Bed and Breakfast obviously). But, since some accommodations are quite luxurious and others considerably less so, you have to be careful. If in doubt, the Rio tour operator ToursBrasil is a good place to turn for additional orientation. Are you a fan of JetBlue’s ousted founder David Neeleman? And, if so, are you aware that Neeleman was born in São Paulo, Brazil, that he enjoys Brazilian as well as U.S. citizenship, and that he is now busy most of the time with the launch of a Brazilian carrier, Azul (that’s the Portuguese word for “blue”), on the same low-cost model that made JetBlue a success in the U.S.? Azul is operating 10 Brazilian-built Embraer aircraft. Plans are for a fleet of 78 by 2013 and to make air travel in Brazil competitive price-wise with the intercity bus. But there’s a problem, and that’s that Azul is up against some pretty large forces. Azul already operates into such important Brazilian business and tourism destinations as Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Curitiba, and Porto Alegre from its hub airport in the São Paulo State provincial metropolis of Campinas. (Why Campinas, a business destination, not a touristic one, at a good 65 miles from the São Travel World News •

Paulo City hotel districts? Campinas is the airport that FedEx and other freight carriers use; it offers the efficiencies that budget carriers like.) In late March, Azul finally secured an injunction for use of the currently underutilized Santos Dumont Airport at the edge of Rio de Janeiro’s downtown business district, and this may turn into a nice option for U.S. tourists as well as for cost-conscious Brazilians, if (1) the injunction holds and if (2) Rio State government, ostensibly in an effort to strengthen the position of the city’s more distant international airport, doesn’t impose bonecrushing taxes and other disincentives. Stay tuned. Introductory fares between RJ and Campinas were around $17 per leg and were due to hold at $35/leg through April.

URUGUAY’S VIAJES BUEME’S HELPS INTRODUCE TWO NEW RESORT HOTELS Uruguay’s Viajes Bueme’s, or Bueme’s Tours, wants North Americans travelers to know about two exciting new resort hotel properties. One is the 92-guest room and suite Sheraton Colonia Golf & Spa Resort in the minuscule UNESCO World Heritage town, Colonia del Sacramento, that the Portuguese and Spanish colonial powers fought and quarreled over for more than 100 years. The hotel is located in Colonia’s historic center close by the city gate, the drawbridge, the basilica, the viceroy’s house, the museum. All guestrooms look out either over the broad Plate River or over the gold course. Driving time is two hours from Montevideo; the ferry from Buenos Aires reaches Colonia in 45 minutes. The AWA Boutique + Design Hotel offers 48 suites in a style that might be described as extravagant minimalism at a point just behind the wasp waist of the Punta del Este peninsula equidistant from the more turbulent open-ocean beaches and the more sheltered, tamer water Plate Estuary beaches. The Wave Spa is one feature of this restrainedly over-the-top establishment. Another is a fairly extensive catalogued library with excellent design, fashion and art books and magazines. Bueme’s is a 53-year-old family-owned company with headquarters in Montevideo, and it is the official representative in Uruguay of Carlson Wagonlit Travel. Its incoming department knows Uruguay’s highlight destinations of Montevideo itself, Colonia, and Punta del Este intimately of course, and the company is also strong on ranch vacations, golf programs, and equestrian packages. Uruguay is often described as “a big ranch surrounded by the sea,” so vacationers with a taste for horseback riding will typically find themselves galloping both across grasslands and along firm sandy beaches and sand dunes—and with a traditional outdoor Uruguayan barbecue waiting for them at the end of the trail. For the past 15 months or so, American Airlines has been operating five weekly frequencies into Montevideo’s Carrasco Airport non-stop out of Miami. A good number of other airlines provide service either via Argentina or Brazil. Viajes Bueme’s Carlson Wagonlit Travel,, MAY 2009 •



Participants are shown at a recent LAN Airlines event in Argentina to recognize top accounts in the US and Canada. Thirteen companies participated in a four-day trip that included an entertaining itinerary at the top hotels in both Buenos Aires and Villa La Angostura (Patagonia). The trip was done in conjunction with top partners in Argentina including the Park Hyatt Duhau, Correntoso Hotel, and Cynsa tour operator.

LAN Airlines,,

METROPOLITAN TOURING LAUNCHES OPERATIONS IN LATIN AMERICA Established in Ecuador in 1953, Metropolitan Touring is South America’s leading tour operator, with regional offices and topnotch ground operations in the main cities and attractions of

Ecuador and Peru, and now Argentina and Chile. Metropolitan Touring was a pioneer in Galapagos Islands expeditions, where it operates its own fleet of vessels: first-class yachts La Pinta and Isabela and the Mv Santa Cruz, as well as the elegant Finch Bay Hotel on Santa Cruz Island. Expanding over half a century, the history of Metropolitan Touring is full of inspiration and success, with its team of highly professional staff eager to boost tourism to Latin America, considered one of the largest and fastest growing markets for world tourism. Metropolitan Touring caters to upscale world explorers, offering an in-depth knowledge of the destination and its background. Latin America has much to offer: a rich ancestral cultural heritage, millenary traditions, arts, handcrafts, music and landscapes of outstanding beauty. Specially designed excursions take guests from the End of the World at Argentina’s Patagonia, to dazzling cities with world-class hotels like Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima and Quito, travel by train along the amazing Andes Mountains to Machu Picchu and on to the Middle of the World at the Galapagos Islands, for close encounters with unique giant Galapagos tortoises. Vacationers may enjoy a new style of traveling, exploring South America and the magic of its natural beauty, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and superb dining. Metropolitan Touring,

CHAA CREEK MAKES IT AFFORDABLE TO BRING ENTIRE FAMILY TO BELIZE The Lodge at Chaa Creek, together with its Island partners, has exciting Family Adventures & Reef and Rainforest Reunion Packages for families so they may together enjoy the beautiful Belizean rainforest area. The Lodge has welcomed families since its inception in 1981 when Mick and Lucy Fleming built two small guest cottages while raising their young family along the banks of the Macal River. Since then, Chaa Creek has remained committed to providing an ecological, educational, and recreational experience. The Natural History Museum, Butterfly Farm, and Rainforest Medicine Trail, all within easy walking distance from the cottages, have made learning about the natural and cultural wonders of Belize more enjoyable for kids, parents and grandparents alike. Considering that kids up to 18 stay for free and also enjoy a number of complimentary activities, the Chaa Creek experience is an affordable holiday option for creating a memorable and priceless experience. Here’s what the Carlson/Knightes family said after they returned home: “We’ll never be the same. We’ve been back home about 10 days now, and I still long for, constantly dream about, Belize. Our time at Chaa Creek was just heaven. Our teenagers had the time of their lives, and so did we. Thanks so much… See you all again as soon as possible…” Chaa Creek, 877-709-8708,, 28 • MAY 2009 • Travel World News


South Africa Safaris With Savings! Vacationers presented with trio of options for the magnificent continent sure to thrill.


outh African Airways ® Vacations new “Southern Africa Tapestry” safari package enables travelers to experience four destinations in one vacation. The hottest luxury spots in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Zambia are offered at a price of just $5,990 for travel in May, as well as from September 15 through November 30, 2009. “The recurring themes that travelers have consistently advised us about is getting affordable luxury and having a unique cultural experience when they travel. That’s why this special package is such a great opportunity to experience the rich tapestry that is Southern Africa, all within one trip,” said Lucille Sive, President of South African Airways Vacations. “‘Southern Africa Tapestry’ combines the advantages of an exclusive luxury tour with the most competitive pricing, something that we understand is vital to today’s consumer, and allows them to get everything they are looking for in one package and in only 12 days.” The package includes: round trip international economy-class airfare from New York Kennedy or Washington, D.C., (Dulles) to Johannesburg, South Africa, on South African Airways; domestic flights; game drives and activities; a night at the Michelangelo Hotel, member of “The Leading Hotels of the World;” two nights at the Kalahari Plains Tented Camp in Botswana in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve; three nights at either the Jacana or Xigera Camp in Botswana, both situated in the heart of the Okavango Delta’s myriad waterways; two nights at Lianshulu Lodge in Namibia’s Mudumu National Park; one night at the new Toka Leya Camp, on the banks of the Zambezi River in Zambia; a guided tour of the majestic Victoria Falls, a UNESCO CONTINUED ON PAGE

Luxurious Bakubung Bush Lodge in Pilanesberg National Park near Sun City.


Travel World News •

MAY 2009 •





World Heritage Site; transportation in luxury air-conditioned vehicles including qualified drivers; and eight breakfasts/eight lunches/eight dinners. Also included are: sightseeing as per itinerary led by a qualified Englishspeaking guide; entrance fees for sightseeing; meeting/greeting by South African Airways Vacations representatives upon arrival in South Africa; and transfers.

‘Planes, Trains and Safarimobiles’ South African Airways Vacations’ popular, 11-day “Planes, Trains and Safarimobiles” luxury package has returned with an added bonus, but no addition to the price. This year the journey by air, rail and safari vehicle features an extra night in Cape Town starting at just $2,999 for travel September 15–25, 2009. “We’re pleased to have brought ‘Planes, Trains & Safarimobiles’ back for one time only at the same price as last year, but with an added night in Cape Town. That’s what we call giving travelers ‘the best bang for their buck’,” said Lucille Sive, president of South African Airways Vacations. “Traveling to experience a safari in the comfort and majesty of the Blue Train will evoke feelings of having been immersed in the luxury of the past, but with all of today’s modern amenities. Add to that stays at luxurious hotels and lodges in Johannesburg, Sun City and Cape Town, and you have the makings of a vacation that covers each of the ‘mustsee’ spots in South Africa.” The highlights of this package include: economy-class airfare on South African Airways from either New York Kennedy or Washington, D.C., (Dulles) to Johannesburg, and Cape Town, South Africa; domestic flights within South Africa; a night at Renaissance-styled Michelangelo Hotel in trendy Nelson Mandela square in Johannesburg one-way journey on the world-famous Blue Train in a deluxe 30 • MAY 2009

The lounge exhibits the comfort and majesty of the Blue Train and evokes the feeling of the luxury of the past with all of today’s modern amenities.

suite. Experienced by royalty, the Blue Train is one of the most luxurious rail experiences in the world, featuring butler service, sumptuous meals and unforgettable views of the African landscape. The journey takes travelers from Pretoria to Sun City. Additional features included are: two nights at luxurious Bakubung Bush Lodge in Pilanesberg National Park near Sun City—offering amenities and appointments of a resort in the city, all in the peaceful tranquility of the African bush; two game drives at Bakubung Bush Lodge to view Africa’s Big Five; four nights at the charming Commodore Hotel in the heart of the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront in Cape Town, with gorgeous views of Table Mountain and its surround; a visit to Table Mountain, Cape Town’s world-famous landmark; and a full-day Cape Peninsula Tour designed to give you an in-depth knowledge of Cape Town’s history and the role geography plays in making this one of the most wondrous

places on earth. Provided are dinner and breakfast while on the Blue Train, breakfasts and dinners while at the Bakubung Bush Lodge, and breakfasts while at the Commodore in Cape Town; in addition to meeting/greeting by South African Airways Vacations representatives upon arrival in South Africa, as well as transfers.

‘South Africa On Sale’ South African Airways Vacations has announced that it’s extended the travel period throughout the fall for their amazing “South Africa On Sale” luxury package. Previously available for travel only through May, the nine-day excursion is now available for travel from September 15 through December 15, 2009 for just $1,799. “Thanks to the incredible response that we generated to this offer for early spring travel, we are thrilled to be able to offer the same low rates for travel in the fall,” said Lucille Sive, president of • Travel World News

AFRICA South African Airways Vacations. “We understand how important it is at this time for travelers to get the best bang for their buck, which is why we’re thrilled to offer the nine day luxury ‘South Africa on Sale’ package for a much longer period of travel and give more people the chance to have their own vacation of a lifetime experience in South Africa.” The package includes: economyclass airfare from either New York Kennedy or Washington, D.C., (Dulles) to Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa; four nights at the charming four-star Commodore Hotel located in the heart of the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront in Cape Town, featuring beautiful views of Table Mountain and its environs; breakfasts while at the Commodore; a fullday Cape Peninsula and Table Mountain tour; half-day tour of Cape Town’s magnificent Wineland Region, including a wine tasting; dinner at Gold Restaurant at the Gold of Africa Museum, including classic, traditional African entertainment; two nights at the luxurious four-star Bakubung Bush Lodge in Pilanesberg National Park near Sun City; two game drives to view Africa’s “Big Five;” breakfasts and dinners while at Bakubung; and meeting/greeting by South African Airways Vacations representatives upon arrival in South Africa, as well as transfers. All prices quoted are based on double occupancy and exclude taxes and fuel surcharges. Low add-on rates are available from 26 other cities in the U.S. SAA Vacations®, highly regarded for its wide array of affordable luxury packages to Africa, is a division of South African Airways—the most awarded airline to Africa.


Virginia Dionisio, Trade Relations Manager, South African Tourism, surrounded by some of the newly-qualified FUNDI specialists.

The 2009 ASTA International Destination Expo held recently in South Africa was dedicated to destination training, and afforded agents a unique opportunity to become qualified South African specialists. Many agents took advantage of the opportunity to complete the South African Tourism destination specialist program, led by SAT Trade Relations Manager Virginia Dionisio, becoming certified FUNDI agents onsite at the

conference. South African Tourism’s 2010 FUNDI Club has the aim of enrolling and qualifying 2,010 FUNDI agents by 2010. This comprehensive program offers in-depth information about South Africa and provides all the tools agents need to successfully sell the destination. South African Tourism, southafrica,

South African Airways Vacations, 888-722-4872,; South African Airways, 800-722-9675; Travel World News •

MAY 2009 •



Namibia’s Respect For Resources Is Its Stable Lure Visitors anticipate exciting 2009 events in this land of carefully preserved natural beauty.



amibia, first to inscribe the conservation of its nature in its constitution, is projecting an exciting 2009 with the opening of some newly proclaimed National Parks. And with staterun reserves and game parks covering a staggering 18 percent of its area—added to 52 registered communal conservancies—the refreshing beauty of the country is sure to beckon those appreciating such devotion to natural resources and wildlife.

Conservation in 2009 Mangetti National Park (previously known as Mangetti Game Camp) was officially launched last December. A memorandum of Agreement creating opportunities for generating tangible socio-economic benefits to local communities through tourism was signed between the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Kavango Regional Council and the Ukwangali Traditional Authority. Efforts are underway for developing a tourism concession to boost local employment opportunities in park management and the tourism sector. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism, through its EWERAP project, targets the Uukwangali Community of the Kavango Region in Namibia, i.e. local communities, the Uukwangali Traditional Authority and the Kavango Regional Council. These bodies together with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism will form a Joint Management Committee to manage Mangetti’s resources sustainably. Other aims are infrastructure development—tourist roads and facilities, as well as introducing a further 448 game animals by trans-locating them from Etosha National Park and private game reserves. Local training workshops will be offered, and the business plan will include placing tourism concessions for the benefit of local communities adjacent to Mangetti National Park. Visitors are expected to be able to enjoy the park toward the end of the year. Mangetti National Park is situated in the Eastern Kalahari Woodlands about 62 miles southwest of Rundu in the Kavango Region. The area is known for its typical savannah landscape with large mammals such as elephant, eland, kudu, giraffe and the rare sable antelope. Leopard and hyena are common and the extremely rare and endangered wild dog can be seen in packs of up to 20. Previously the park was a game camp for breeding rare and endangered species like black and white rhino. 32 • MAY 2009

Namibia is a country that charms visitors with its peacefulness and unspoiled nature.

Sperrgebiet National Park A vast region of land in Southern Africa once the domain of diamond mining has now become a protected national park: Sperrgebiet is destined to become a magnificent attraction. In the far southeastern corner it will border onto the !Ai!Ais–Richtersveld Transfrontier Park, adding further to the region’s rugged charm. The park, launched in February, has been unavailable to the public for over 100 years due to diamond mining. It includes large tracts of unspoiled dune, plains and mountainous areas and shelters numerous biodiversity gems. The few scientific assessments carried out to date uncovered 776 plant species, including 234 unique to the area. It claims the highest levels of biodiversity in Namibia—unique plants, amphibians and reptiles as well as wild populations of gemsbok, springbok and carnivores such as brown and spotted hyenas, Cape fur seals, and species listed as threatened or endangered. As such, the area is prioritized for conservation in the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Plan (SKEP), a 20-year strategy guiding such activity. Currently visitor infrastructure in the Sperrgebiet is limited and 4x4 vehicles are essential. For some years concessionaires have been taking tourists into the northern area to see shipwrecks and the spectacular Bogenfels rock arch. A plan is in progress to develop eco-friendly areas within the park. • Travel World News

AFRICA Some spots where diamond mining still takes place will remain off limits, while others scarred by mining are undergoing multi-million dollar rehabilitation. The picturesque ghost towns such as Pomona and Elizabeth Bay will however remain untouched and become attractions on their own. The Orange River mouth near the mining town of Oranjemund is a Ramsar wetland sustaining a large population of resident and migratory birds. Here, plans are underway to develop diamond tourism and a mining museum.

Bwabwata National Park In November 2007 the Babwata National Park in Caprivi was declared; its official launch is slated this year. Stretching along the Caprivi Strip, incorporating the Mahango and Caprivi game parks, it’s the first park in Namibia allowing people to maintain their daily lives while living inside a national park.

Walvis Bay Area & West Coast Recreational Area This popular area, covering a stretch of almost 125 miles along the central coast of Namibia, will be proclaimed a national park toward the end of 2009. It’s popular with visitors, especially over the festive season in December and January, and offers a host of activities to the adventure-seeker.

Conservancies and reserves Conservation in these areas includes the protection, maintenance, rehabilitation, restoration and enhancement of the populations of ecosystems. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism has embarked on a program of reintroducing various species with the ultimate goal of reinstating original biodiversity. Namibia also boasts almost 200 private game reserves, whose landholders play a significant role in the conservation of wildlife. Endangered species are given the chance to grow in numbers in Travel World News •

these areas. Travelers deciding to visit one of the many national parks, conservancies or private game reserves in Namibia will be astounded by the diversity offered and the thrills and soulfulness one can experience in this vast country of endless vistas.

Stargazing in Namibia During 2009, the sky will provide some exciting events including a strong shower of Leonid meteors expected in mid-November—forecasters predict over 500 shooting stars hourly. In midOctober in the northern hemisphere, Jupiter will be placed at dusk, a perfect time to view the giant planet and its moons. These will be impressive even through amateur telescopes. With its generally cloudless night sky, minimal contamination by artificial light and air pollution, and excellent views of the central sections of the Milky Way, Namibia offers superb stargazing. It was picked as the site for the multinational High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS), now fully operational at the foot of the Gamsberg. Namibia offers views of both hemispheres, missing only a few degrees around the celestial North Pole. Many lodges have medium-sized telescopes guests may use. The International Year of Astronomy 2009 marks the 400th anniversary of Galileo Galilei’s first astronomical observation through a telescope, and the worldwide celebration will naturally include events in Namibia.

countries through their passion for nature, culture and community. The parks will be under the Boundless Southern Africa Brand creating some of the largest conservation areas in the world. A Transfrontier Conservation Area is defined as “an area straddling across two or more international borders where the natural and cultural resources are collaboratively managed by the governments/authorities involved.” A Transfrontier Park is “an area where two or more protected areas are collaboratively managed across international borders.” These areas are destined to become the draw for Southern Africa beyond 2010, with Namibia joining the endeavor eagerly and with pride. It’s a country that charms visitors with its peacefulness, unspoiled nature, and ample flora, fauna and friendly people.

Namibia Tourism Board,

Specialists in tours of


Looking forward South Africa will be welcoming thousands when it hosts the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. Namibia is the ideal add-on destination, perfect for those wishing to travel to southern Africa and also to be able to escape the crowds guaranteed at this time. Southern Africa use its spotlight to launch seven Transfrontier Conservation Areas and Parks, shared by nine

The coolest experience in the hottest destination ~~~~~~~ MAY 2009 •


AFRICA CLASSIC SAFARI CAMPS OF AFRICA WELCOMES OKAHIRONGO ELEPHANT LODGE IN NAMIBIA Okahirongo Elephant Lodge is situated in the Kaokoland, often described as one of the last truly wild areas in the North West of Namibia. The lodge, in Purros Conservancy, is a no-risk malaria destination reachable by 4x4 vehicles or a flight of a couple of hours (from Windhoek). Okahirongo offers a highly sophisticated desert experience for a maximum of 18 guests. Accommodations consist of seven luxury double-cottages (around 538 square feet each), with en-suite large bathrooms and bathtub looking out onto magnificent surroundings, two decorated basins, choice of indoor or open-air shower, and a spacious private gazebo with a queen-size sun bed for relaxing after an intense desert safari day. There’s one Presidential suite over 1,722 square feet in size with two double bedrooms, external verandas, gazebos and a private lounge. The cottages each have a unique style decorated in a rich fusion of ochre, honey and sand. A spectacular wrap-around view is afforded for lazing around the swimming pool, reading a book in the cool comfort of the library, or relaxing in one of the two open-air lounges or having a body massage. Menus change daily, a fusion of Italian and African cuisine. Dinner is served by candlelight in one of the two dining rooms or in the fire-lit traditional Namibian “boma” under the stars; most of the fresh produce is from the lodge’s organic garden. There are also sundowner cocktails and special breakfasts organized in spectacular settings. Rates start at approximately $442 per person per night for the high season and low season from around $407, with a required minimum stay of two nights. Prices include: Vat, Namibian Tourism Levy, Community Development Levy, all meals, soft drinks, local beers and house wines during meals and game drives, scheduled guided activities, and laundry. Excluded are premium-brand drinks, cocktails and cellar wines. Okahirongo Elephant Lodge,,

34 • MAY 2009

ABENTEUER AFRIKA SAFARIS PLANS A ROLLING ADVENTURE IN NAMIBIA Abenteuer Afrika Safaris, Namibia’s popular tour operator, offers a five-day biking tour of Damaraland, a spectacular area of exotic desert and granite mountains, black rhino and desert-adapted elephants, ancient plants and rock engravings. As the sun rises, guests transfer by vehicle to the Swakop River and the Moon Landscape for a two- to three-hour cycle followed by picnic lunch at Goanikontes, then transported to Spitzkoppe, Namibia’s “Matterhorn” with its sudden rise out of the plateau. Cycling to the campsite takes about two hours, followed by exploration on foot to the stunning surroundings of Spitzkoppe. The next day after breakfast is an early morning one- to two-hour cycle to Uis, and lunch, then transfer by vehicle to the granite massif of Brandberg West, Namibia’s highest mountain, and the start of the Welwitschia Highway, named for living miniaturized fossil plants peculiar to the Namib. Then it’s two to four hours cycling to the Ugab River and the Save the Rhino campsite to overnight. Next day after breakfast cycling up the Ugab River gorge into Damaraland, a most beautiful area of Namibia with the mountain feldspar creating pink and red landscapes from the setting sun. After lunch, more cycling over Damara steppes to Gai-ais, a prehistoric settlement where game are often seen. Overnight stay’s at the Petrified Dunes Campsite. Following breakfast next day is fourto five-hour biking via Doros Crater to Twyfelfontein Lodge, a World Heritage Site. Picnic lunch is at Doros Crater, then on to see the rock art of the San people and geological sites Burnt Mountain and The Organ Pipes. The price of $1,552.75 ppdo or $1,057.75 per person for four includes: a professional tour guide (cycle guide); driver/assistant and vehicle; fuel; all accommodations and meals as indicated; all drinks including water, beer and wine; all camping materials including sleeping bags and pillows; good-quality mountain bike; activities as described; and all entrance fees to parks. Excluded are souvenirs, tips and any flights. Prices calculated on exchange rates of February 10, subject to change. Abenteuer Afrika Safaris,, • Travel World News


You Do Timbuktu? Of Course! Selling Africa’s Cultural Adventures with West Africa Tours Discover the history and mystery of West Africa with this Mali-based specialist. M A R Y E L L E N S C H U LT Z


our clients have been to Africa, say, Southern or East Africa and were wowed on safari. Or, they’ve seen the pyramids along the Nile and fallen in love with Egypt. They want to return, but where? Suggest W e s t Africa — Mali, for MARIAMA LUDOVIC DE LYS s t a r t e r s . FOUNDER, WAT Bordered by Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Niger and Algeria, Mali is West Africa’s largest country, measuring more than 807,000 sq.mi (over twice the size of France). Certain places have conjurer’s names, just beyond imagination, and Mali is home to one of the most famous. Say “Timbuktu,” and chances are many people won’t know where it is. Strategically located on the southern end of the Sahara desert, near the banks of the mighty Niger River, Timbuktu— founded by Tuaraeg nomads in the 11th century—was, and still is the meeting point for all camel caravans, traders and travelers to and from Sub-Saharan Africa. This fabled city of fabulous palaces, where salt and gold were exchanged ounce-for-ounce, still captivates visitors today. And it’s but one of Mali’s now-to-be-discovered travel treasures.

Mali, and More Mali-based West Africa Tours (WAT) Travel World News •

specializes in cultural and adventure journeys throughout West Africa, with most tours starting in Mali’s capital (and company headquarters), Bamako. WAT offers customized itineraries to its homeland, plus its neighboring countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo. Timbuktu-born owner, Mariama Ludovic de Lys, founded the company in 1995. The former English teacher switched to tourism in homage to her native nomadic culture. “I began my career in education,” she explains, “but then looked around and realized that if I couldn’t afford to travel as my tribal ancestors did, that I could organize trips and share with people around the world my passion for exploring different cultures.” Mariama personally reviews each client-designed itinerary and unique to WAT is her participation as guide for many of the tours! While she’s worked with U.S. clients, until now the bulk of WAT’s business has been with Europe, due mainly to its former connection to France. That’s about to change, because, as Ludovic de Lys notes, “We want more Americans to know this part of Africa…we’ve such a rich history, stunning landscapes and hospitable people with a long tradition of welcoming visitors…our guides are fluent in English and we provide the best transportation and accommodations available at each stop. But more than that, we live here and are so proud to introduce you to our treasures — the villages and markets along the spectacular Niger River, mythical Timbuktu (home of the first Islamic university), our desert “royalty” — the Tuareg “Blue Men,” the Dogon region’s cliffdwellers, the world’s largest mud-brick

mosque at Djenne, our desert elephants, bird and chimpanzee sanctuaries (yes, we even offer ecotourism!)… and our rich cultural heritage — for example, there’s nothing like our annual Festival in the Desert…our “Woodstock in the Sahara!” Acknowledging the challenge of reaching a wider market, Ludovic’s hope is that more aggressive advertising and increased word of mouth will put her on the radar. “Prompt and constant communication are essentials of good service, and that is what we promise,” she empahsizes. “We answer all queries within 24 hours.” In addition to FIT/group programs, West Africa Air offers corporate, private CONTINUED ON PAGE


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Blue man at Timbuktu’s mudbrick mosque.

and charter aircraft services, providing ramp, welcoming and baggage services at Mali’s major airports (Bamako, Gao, Mopti and Timbuktu); perfect for your VIP clients. Some WAT client namedropping: former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, South African president Thabo Mbeki, AOL founder James Kinsey and His Highness the Agha Khan.

Mali, Mariama’s Way Sample programs (all land-only and agent-commissionable) include: the introductory Mali in 7 Days/6 Nights tour takes in Mali’s former colonial capital Segou, still-medieval-flavored Djenne (of the awesome mud-brick mosque and shop-til-you-drop market); the Bandiagara cliff region — home to the mask-making, stilt-dancing Dogon people; Mopti, Mali’s canal-filled “Venice” at the confluence of the Bani and Niger Rivers; and on to the fabled caravan stop of Timbuktu, eternal sybmbol of the Sahara’s mystique. Cost ppdo approx $1,550; single supp. $250. WAT’s 10-day/9-night Heart of the Dogon Legend adventure departs 36 • MAY 2009


Bamako, traverses the serenely arid Sahel with stops at the lively Bobo and Bambara villages, to Djenne and on to the World Heritage-listed Bandiagara Cliffs for visits with traditional thatched hut-living Dogon tribes. Cost approx. $1,700 ppd; single supplement $335. The 11-day/12-night Niger River Cruise combines a land tour from Bamako, with highlights including 4thcentury Djenne’s mosque, local markets and Dogon country before boarding ship at Mopti, stopping at Bozo villages and Fulani camps enroute to legendary Timbuktu to soak up the history and mystery (think, a night in desert under the stars!) before heading home. Price approx $3,488 ppdo; single supplement $284. WAT’s 12 day/ 11-night Desert Festival program combines a country intro with the annual January desert music marathon’s magic. Cost approx. $3,500 ppdo, single supp $300. As noted above, programs throughout West Africa also available. Major air carriers offer connections to West Africa via London, Paris and Frankfurt; South African Airways and Delta offer direct service to Dakar from New York and Washington DC.

West Africa Tours;;,

WORLD CUP FOOTBALL WILL EXPAND AFRICA’S TOURISM African nations would benefit from focusing their efforts on attracting visitors headed to South Africa for the FIFA World Cup in 2010, asserted a development expert who addressed the Africa Travel Association’s (ATA) symposium examining Sports Tourism in Washington, D.C., last weekend. “The South Africans see the value of spreading the World Cup benefits to other African nations,” asserted development expert Lelei LeLaulu who addressed participants from North America, Africa and Europe. “So, sister African nations should

take advantage and use this once-in-a lifetime chance to attract visitors to see other parts of Africa and observe other types of football styles.” Edward Bergman, executive director of the ATA, said the weekend workshops looked at the “challenging but exciting times” and how African nations could benefit by using their Diaspora communities. Africa Travel Association (ATA),

NIGHT IN A TREEHOUSE ADDS EXCITEMENT TO A GOWAY SAFARI You don’t get much closer to nature than spending a night up a tree in the African bush, in the open with only a mosquito net between you and the stars above. Discerning guests at Lions Sands Private Game Reserve in South Africa can do just that. Guy Aubrey Chalkley, an Irish-American immigrant, first founded a modest camp there on the banks of the Sabie River, which flows through Kruger National Park, in the early 1930s. Now his grandsons Nicholas and Robert More operate a five-star luxury safari lodge in the same area and they have created Chalkley Treehouse and Jackalberry Treehouse to add a touch of excitement to their guests’ stay. The treehouses consist of a wooden platform outfitted with the what one can expect at a luxurious lodge—a comfortable double bed, crisp linens, mosquito net, comfortable armchairs for game viewing, toilet, vanity table, gowns and slippers. Chalkley Treehouse is built around a majestic, 500-year-old Leadwood Tree with views across the game-filled plains; Jackalberry is constructed high in a 100year-old jackalberry tree and overlooks the Msutu dry river bed. They are 20 minutes’ drive from Lion Sands Lodge. Guests are driven to the treehouses at dusk and served a champagne picnic dinner. They have lamps and a spotlight for picking out game in the bush below before turning in to sleep under the stars, safe and sound. Goway Africa Experts, 800-245-0920, • Travel World News

AFRICA APTA—ON THE MOVE! APTA’s first quarter began with the board meeting in New York, coinciding with the North East Chapter’s Discover Africa evening February 5. APTA put together their first-ever “Focus on Africa” program February 6 at the New York Times Travel Show, and many corporate members exhibited at the APTA pavilion. Well-attended, successful panel discussions were held theatre-style featuring the topics: “Selling Africa—Overall Market Update and Forecast,” “Getting There—Airline Panel” and “Africa—The Complete Package.” Orange County, California, was the site of the next Discover Africa show February 12, followed by Sacramento on February 17, and ending with the Atlanta event February 19. Keynote speakers for Discover Africa were Craig Sholley, Senior Director of Development for the African Wildlife Foundation in New York; Chris Doyle, Vice President of Adventure Travel Trade Association in Orange County and Sacramento; and Clare Fitzgerald of Emory University in the Atlanta concluding show. The events were timed to enable participation in the Los Angeles Times Travel and Adventure Show February 14–15, as well as Adventure Travel Expo in Washington, DC, February 21–22. ASTA and IDE Cheryle Schumacher Velsor, Individual Membership Director for the Association for the Promotion of Tourism to Africa (APTA), represented APTA at ASTA’s International Destination Expo in Sun City, South Africa, March 8–12. APTA members were encouraged to attend, where questions were answered along with the promotion of both individual and corporate membership opportunities to travel agents and suppliers. INDABA The Third Annual APTA Indaba Educational departs May 3 for South Africa. This is a pre-and post Indaba program for APTA agent members. First priority for participation goes to members who have not been to Indaba, and some not to Africa. This is a focused effort to educate membership through firsthand experience. The executive board works with corporate partners in South Africa and with South African Airways to provide the program. The annual APTA National Forum general meeting will be held in Phoenix this year, June 5–7. APTA,

KENYA SAFARI TO FAMOUS VILLAGE OFFERED BY HOTEL & ADVENTURE TRAVEL A seven-day Kenya safari with an extension to Mombasa city on the Indian Ocean has been organized by Hotel & Adventure Travel. This is an opportunity to visit the most famous tribal village in Kenya, President Obama’s ancestral home, at very affordable prices. The itinerary follows: Day one is for arrival and transfer to the hotel. Days two and three are spent viewing wildlife in the Masai Mara, northern Serengeti plains where over a million migrate annually between Kenya and Tanzania! Overnights are under canvas Travel World News •

in a tent in the African bush. On the fourth day, travelers drive to the Great Rift Valley and to Kogelo village, President Obama’s ancestral home, with a chance to view traditional dances and African cultural displays. Overnight is in Kisumu city on the shores of Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater lake in the world. Day five is a drive to Nakuru to view the world-famous million flamingoes of Lake Nakuru National Park. On day six, it’s back to Nairobi and a visit to an African home to interact with Kenyans of different occupations; and the last day (seven) is for departure. Included in the tour fee is: transport in a private safari bus with a professional driver/guide; accommodation in four- and five-star hotels and game lodges; meals (full board on safari and bed-andbreakfast in Nairobi, half board in Mombasa); park entrance fees for guest, driver and vehicle; The price during the low season, through June 2009, is $1,380 per person, and $280 for a single room supplement. July through March is $1,540 per person and $420 for a single room supplement. Those taking the Mombasa extension will fly to Mombasa on the sixth day for overnight; day seven is a day of city excursions, a visit to a local African village, and a swim in the warm Indian Ocean or relaxation on the sandy beaches; and day eight is reserved for departure. The extension cost is $530 per person and $150 for a single room supplement (year round). Hotel & Adventure Travel,,

Your one-stop shop for customized tours to

WEST AFRICA Come fly to Timbuktu and back again! Our Mali-based company specalizes in cultural and adventure programs throughout our country, plus Benin, Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania, Senegal and Togo. Owner-guided tours trace the history and mystery of West Africa, offering experiences of a lifetime! Contact us now —we promise 24-hour or sooner response to inquiries: Tel: (221) 77 510 15 18 & (223) 7646 6124 Fax: (223) 20 28 52 32 Email: & MAY 2009 •



for the owner’s personal staff. Expansive wooden decks and a large infinity pool overlook the untamed wilderness and the wildlife that passes through it. The design team works with owners or their personal architects and interior designers to create their personal African homestead. The concept involves selling 15 private and exclusive luxury homesteads fully managed and maintained by AndBeyond within its pristine 56,800-acre Phinda Private Game Reserve. When the owners are in residence, a ranger/tracker team, homestead host, chef and homestead team are on hand to cater to owners’ every need. Each African Homestead is also equipped with its own open 4x4 safari vehicle for unrestricted game drives throughout the reserve. African Homesteads are priced from $6 million each and are offered on a 72-year leasehold. The purchase price includes traversing rights over the full extent of AndBeyond Phinda Private Game Reserve—known for its great viewing of the Big Five (lions, leopards, rhinos, buffalos and elephants). Ecological considerations have been factored into every phase of the venture, with utmost care taken to ensure minimal impact outside the confines of the building footprint. No established trees or animals have or will be uprooted or displaced during the construction of any of the African Homesteads. AndBeyond, African Homesteads,


For decades, wildlife lovers have dreamt of owning a private home in the African bush. Now, with the launch of African Homesteads by AndBeyond (formerly CC Africa) and Tara Getty, fifteen exclusive homeowners can be a part of South Africa’s exceptional Phinda Private Game Reserve, complete with all the luxuries and amenities of an AndBeyond Big Five safari lodge. With the recent completion of the first African Homesteads show house, potential buyers can glimpse this unique concept. Designed by renowned safari lodge architect, Nick Plewman, with AndBeyond’s internationally recognized interior designer, Chris Browne, the show homestead features a variety of stylish, safariinspired interiors and exteriors. Plewman’s architectural design embraces and encompasses the surrounding bush, while Chris Browne has successfully combined local Zulu craft with an abundance of texture and quality contemporary, quirky and classic elements. Each homestead extends over 8,600 square feet and comprises four large bedroom suites with beautiful bathrooms built around spacious indoor and outdoor areas. There is a fifth ensuite bedroom 38 • MAY 2009

Goway’s AFRICAExperts has advised that Kenya has reduced the cost of tourist visas by 50 percent as of April 1. Also, in recognition of growth in family travel, visa fees are waived for children under 16 years of age. “This announcement eases costs for travelers” said Moira Smith, General Manager Goway’s AFRICAExperts. “A family of four would currently pay $200 in visa costs. With the revised pricing structure from April 1, this is reduced to $50.” AFRICAExperts offers several tempting vacation specials including their popular eight-day Classic Kenya Safari starting at $1,999 per person on select departures, a savings of $630. Also on offer is the 14-day Classic East Africa safari with special pricing starting from $4,099, reflecting savings of up to $1,078 per person. Due to an increase in demand for safaris in Kenya, AFRICAExperts have introduced some additional exciting itineraries: the 6-day Karibu Kenya Safari visiting Mount Kenya National Park, Kigio Wildlife Conservancy and the famous Masai Mara starting at $1,295; the seven-day Masai Footsteps Safari exploring the Masai Mara, Kigio Wildlife Conservancy and Amboseli starting at $1,577 and the 12-day Grand Kenya Safari that covers all the major parks in Kenya such as Sweetwaters Wildlife Sanctuary, Samburu National Park, Mount Kenya National Park, Kigio Wildlife Conservancy, the Masai Mara and Amboseli, all from $3,109. Goway Travel AFRICAExperts, 800-245-0920,,; • Travel World News

AFRICA TRAVEL EGYPTS TOURS VISIT PREMIER SITES OF EGYPT Travel Egypt’s Fantastic Egypt is an 11day, 10-night, fully-escorted tour featuring the “A” list of sites along the Nile valley from Abu Simbel to Alexandria including Cairo, Luxor and Aswan. Beginning at $2,095 (from Cairo), the tour has guaranteed weekly departures, with a format that assures travelers close personal attention, as it’s fully escorted from arrival to Cairo with groups of no more than 16 guests. Top boats at discount prices are a feature of the Nile Cruise department at Travel Egypt. Featuring five-star boats in standard, deluxe and premier levels, there are casual to formal cruises available. No matter which level or style of the cruise is chosen, clients enjoy being guided through the Nile’s famous historic sites from Luxor to Aswan (or on Lake Nasser) by top guides in Egypt. Travel Egypt guests enjoy upper decks, outside Nile view cabins with private baths and individually-controlled climate. Most boats feature opening panoramic windows, some with terraces or balconies. Cruises start at either Luxor or Aswan and can be as short as four days or extended to a full week. Combination cruises of Lake Nasser and the Nile River are available. Recognized agents receive a 15-percent commission on bookings. Programs and rates listed on the website are valid through the end of 2010. Travel Egypt,,

Travel World News •

MAY 2009 •



Tanzania Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Leakey’s Discovery of First Humanoid Skull in Olduvai Gorge, “The Cradle of Mankind”

The Olduvai Gorge, “The Cradle of Manking,” part of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania.


ifty years ago this July 17, evolutionary history was rewritten in Tanzania, the largest country in East Africa. British archeologists Drs. Louis and Mary Leakey, working on bone and fossil analysis in Olduvai Gorge in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (now a UNESCO Heritage Site) discovered a skull that would change all prior scientific hypothesis. Their exciting discovery was a humanoid skull with huge teeth that they named Zinjanthropus or “Zinj.” The excellent condition of the skull allowed scientists to date the beginnings of mankind to about two million years ago, and to verify that human evolution began not in Asia, as previously thought, but in Africa. In keeping with the significance of this information, Olduvai Gorge is now known as “The Cradle of Mankind.” “Zinj", whose name was later changed to Australopithecus Boise, after Charles Boise who funded the Leakeys’ research, is not a direct human ancestor, but is the first specimen of this species ever found, and at the time of his discovery, the oldest hominid. Two decades later, footprints found at Laetoli, south of Olduvai, were interpreted as those of hominids even older: 3.5 to 4 million years old. This year, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism through the Department of Antiquities and the National

40 • MAY 2009

Museum of Tanzania will mark this historic find with the International Conference on Zinjanthropus in Arusha, Tanzania from August 16-22, 2009. The conference will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the discovery as well as explore new information on human origins, conservation and other allied studies. A special workshop on Louis and Mary Leakey has been organized by the East African Association for Paleoanthropology and Paleontology. “The Leakeys’ work in Tanzania changed our knowledge of the evolution of mankind and of history,” said Dr. N. A. Kayombo, Director General of the National Museums of Tanzania. “We are naturally proud that Tanzania was the site of this significant discovery. We hope that conference delegates will join tourists from around the world and visit Olduvai Gorge, the actual site of the discovery, as well as enjoy the natural wonders of the entire Ngorongoro Conservation Area including the large numbers of wildlife in the Ngorongoro Crater, often referred to as the ‘Eighth Wonder of the World.’” In the same area, are the Empakaai Crater and the active volcano of Oldonyo Lengai mountain – all part of the Serengeti Eco- System. “It is most inspiring to see the entire area as Louis and Mary Leakey saw it,” conCONTINUED ON PAGE

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cluded Dr Kayombo. Bernard Murunya, Acting Chief Conservator, Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, further noted “visitors to Olduvai should not miss the fascinating exhibits and lectures at our Olduvai Gorge Museum. Among these exhibits are hominid footprints preserved in volcanic rock some 3.6 million years old, representing some of the earliest signs of the smallbrained, upright-walking Australopithecus afarensis, ever to be found.” The location of the Museum itself offers wonderful views over the Gorge. Walking tours of the area, which is also a birders' paradise, can be arranged upon request. Excavations at Olduvai Gorge are on-going and continue to produce splendid specimens of extinct hominids, animals and plants. Since the Leakey discovery, examples of at least three species of hominids have been found at Olduvai, including Australopithecus Boise, Homo habilis, and Homo erectus. In addition, the two earliest stone tool traditions, Oldowan and Acheulian have been found along with fossil remains. Both the fossils and the tools have been crucial to understanding human evolution. Much is now known about the Australopithecines, members of the Paranthropus genus. All species of Paranthropus were bipedal. They had a brain about 40 per cent the size of mod-

Dr. Louis Leakey, working on bone and fossil analysis in Olduvai Gorge in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (now a UNESCO Heritage Site) discovered a skull that would change all prior scientific hypothesis.

ern man, were muscular, and stood about four feet to four and a half feet tall. They may have primarily lived in wooded areas, eating grubs and plants.

About Tanzania Tanzania, the largest country in East Africa, is focused on wildlife conservation and sustainable tourism, with approximately 28 percent of the land protected by the Government. It boasts 15 National Parks and 32 game reserves. It is the home of the tallest mountain in Africa, the legendary Mt. Kilimanjaro; The Serengeti, named in October, 2006, the New 7th Wonder of the World by USA Today and Good Morning America; the world acclaimed Ngorongoro Crater, often called the 8th Wonder of the World; Olduvai Gorge, the “Cradle of Mankind”; the Selous, the world’s largest game reserve; Ruaha, now the second largest National Park in Africa; the spice islands of Zanzibar; and seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Most important for visitors, the Tanzanian people are warm and friendly, speak English, which together with Kiswahili, are the two official languages; and the country is an oasis of peace and stability with a democratically elected and stable government.

Tanzania Tourist Board,; Ngorongoro Crater,; Tanzania National Parks,; Visa information. 42 • MAY 2009 • Travel World News


The year 2009 is ushering in brisk business for tour operators booking safaris to Tanzania, the largest country in East Africa. Peter Mwenguo, Managing Director, Tanzania Tourist Board, concludes “In a year when people are conscious about cost/value, Tanzania offers an excellent travel experience where the dollar buys much more than is available in other countries. America is Tanzania’s number one source for tourism and we are encouraged by the positive feedback we have received that this growth will continue even during a challenging economic climate.” Jo Bertone, USA Director of Naipenda Safaris, has seen no evidence of a travel slowdown when it comes to Tanzania. “While the media was filled with doom and gloom for the past few months about the U.S. economy in general,” she says, “right after the elections and the holidays we resumed normal—if not higher—quote requests on bookings to Tanzania. People see that the sky isn’t falling, they know that Tanzania is a beautiful and peaceful country (we have never had a problem in any part of Tanzania), and they’re ready again for a good travel experience. “ In fact, in an article written for USA Today (U.S.’s highest circulation national daily newspapers) in December, 2008, Mark Nolting, Africa Adventure Company, cites Tanzania as “One of the Top Two Safari Destinations in the World.” He added, “Business the first two weeks of the New Year has been GREAT!” Kenneth Hieber, founder and President of New York based 2Afrika, as a guest on Voice of America in January told listeners “the price structure in Tanzania now, combined with its beauty, makes it the must-go-to destination this year. Take advantage of its good deals while you can!” At his company, ”Tanzania is without question my best seller at the moment. I am turning them out a dime a dozen.” He adds “Tanzania still remains so popular that Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel Magazine is running it AGAIN in the March issue under the 40 BEST DEALS.” Ina Steinhiler, Manager of Sales and Marketing, at the Boston44 • MAY 2009

based Thomson Safaris, notes that their sales of safari packages to Tanzania are also brisk. “Few people are canceling or postponing for economic reasons. We are more than pleased,” she comments. “People aren’t putting their lives on hold.” “Despite a challenging environment in 2008,” said Tom Armstrong, Corporate Communications Manager, Tauck World Discovery, “Tauck was nonetheless very pleased to see strong growth in our Tanzania itineraries. The economic environment has only become more challenging in recent months, yet Tanzania continues to be a popular destination for Tauck and we continue to take bookings on our safari itineraries there.” At Safari Ventures based in Florida, Rumit Mehta, Director of Business Development in New York City, feels that many Americans are fulfilling a dream in keeping and/or creating travel plans to Tanzania. “In the last five or so years, Safari Ventures has seen a steady growth of clients from business schools and universities who are interested in the intellectual and cultural heritage of Tanzania. There are more than enough value-added hotels, safaris and other attractions to keep them booking this year.” Lynn Newby-Fraser of Africa Dream Safaris says “Despite the economic gloom there still seem to be people who are looking for a trip-of-a-lifetime and interestingly they’re looking to Tanzania for the experience. Our bookings for the 1st week of January 2009 are double what they were in 2008 and our website traffic is also up substantially. I think that people are beginning to recognize that the Serengeti is not only the undisputed champion for wildlife viewing and that the overall quality of safari available to them in Tanzania is nothing short of superb. I think that people just need to look at the 2009 Worlds’ Best Safari Outfitters as voted by National Geographic Adventure, and see that three of the Top Ten Outfitters-Africa Dream Safaris being one -focus specifically on Tanzania. That’s a high percentage and says a lot about what the country and its operators have to offer tourists!” Kent Redding of Adventures in Africa states, “…I think bookings are starting to pick up in 2009. From our standpoint, we are cautiously optimistic for 2009—so optimistic that I’ve hired a Director of Sales and Marketing, and am increasing marketing activities such as the New York Times Travel Show, and more.” “Business was good to Tanzania in 2008,” reported Brad Ford, Director of Business Development, G.A.P. Adventures in Canada, “and early indicators tell us we will be up 25-30 percent across the board there in 2009. Our Tanzania safari trips (trips that spend most if not all of the time in Tanzania) were up 20 percent this past year, compared to the previous year and Kilimanjaro trekking trips were up about 43 percent compared to the previous year.” Amant Macha, Director of Marketing, Tanzania Tourist Board, confirms that they expect to hold and/or increase market share in 2009 as a result of “the increase in high-end accommodations to meet the demand of the luxury travel segment and improved air access combined with ongoing advertising on CNN and other U.S. media.” Tanzania Tourist Board, • Travel World News


Travel agents participating in the 10th Annual Karibu Travel & Tourism Fair in Tanzania are invited to take advantage of a special educational safari to visit the new Authenic Tanzania wilderness camps in Mikumi and Ruaha National Parks in Southern Tanzania. Ruaha, Tanzania’s largest National Park, a spectacular, undisturbed wilderness of more than 10,000 elephants as well as hippos, buffalo, gazelle and over 400 bird species. Mikumi, only a few hours from Dar es Salaam, is famed for its abundant and easily viewed “Big Five’—leopard, lions, elephants, buffalo, and rhino. “We are pleased that Authentic Tanzania has agreed to offer travel agents coming to the Karibu Fair, a special opportunity to visit the less known Southern Circuit,” said Grace Kimburu, Marketing Officer, Karibu Travel & Tourism Fair. The travel agent safari, limited to 12 on a first-come basis, is scheduled for June 1–4, 2009, departing from Dar es Salaam and returning to Arusha, in time to attend the Karibu Travel & Tourism Fair, June 5–7. The trip includes transport from Dar es Salaam to Ruaha, fullboard accommodation at both camps, drinks (excluding alcoholic beverages), games drives, and park fees, all complimentary for one company delegate registered for Karibu Fair. Not included are accommodations in Dar es Salaam, lunch in Iringa, walking safari in Ruaha, tips and flight from Ruaha to Arusha. Hotel in Dar es Salaam and flight to Arusha can be booked through the sponsor company, Authentic Tanzania. Authentic Tanzania,,; Tanzania Tourist Board,

erates properties throughout Tanzania with top English-speaking guides, along with Land Rovers for your safety and comfort. Today, in terms of guest numbers, Zara is Tanzania’s number-one Kilimanjaro outfitter and one of Tanzania’s biggest safari operators. Zara knows hospitality, operating two hotels and three tented camps. Guests enjoy dining, drinks, pool, Internet and massage amenities during their stay. Value packages include the following: Package 1 is Trek Machame/Safari Serengeti (13 days), Package 2 the Trek Machame/Safari Tarangire (11 days), Package 3 Trek Marangu/ Safari Serengeti (11 days), and Package 4 Safari/Cultural Tour Zanzibar (18 days). Years of experience and knowledge as qualified climbing guides and safari tours operation in Tanzania assures you the experience of a lifetime. Safety, efficiency and reliability have earned Zara the reputation for being one of the best-valued and most reliable operators in the region. With 88 registered Kilimanjaro guides and a fleet of 4x4 Land Rovers, 4x4 mini-buses, and 4x4 Land Cruisers (all equipped with viewing roofs), Zara is prepared to take adventurers on safari and to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. English, German and Spanish-speaking guides share the knowledge and stories of the incredible Tanzania game reserves and guides the climb on the many routes up magnificent Mt. Kilimanjaro. Zara Tanzania Adventures,

ZARA TANZANIA ADVENTURES OFFERS HIGHVALUE KILIMANJARO AND SAFARI PACKAGES During this world economic downturn, Zara Tanzania Adventures has packages with tremendous value for travelers. Hikers and animal enthusiasts continue to recognize this as treks and safaris are packed with people from all around the world! Zara owns and opTravel World News •

MAY 2009 •



The 2009 Kilimanjaro Marathon in Moshi, Tanzania on Sunday, March 1, was a dramatic and challenging race unlike any other in the world. Now in its seventh year, the Marathon is sponsored by the Tanzania Tourist Board, Standard Chartered Bank, Kilimanjaro Premium Lager and for the Fun Run, Vodacom. Other sponsors included Kilimanjaro Water, DT Dobie, Good Year, Tanga Cement, Keys Hotels, Wild Frontiers, New Africa Hotel, KK Security and Tanzanite One. The Marathon is the only IAAF and AIMS approved race in Tanzania. Runners, including 64 from the U.S., ranged from serious contenders who train and compete year round to more casual athletes participating for the total uniqueness of the Marathon route and cheering crowds. Also included was a special course for physically challenged participants that produced some of the most dramatic and heartfelt moments in the race. Under the backdrop of the fabled Kilimanjaro, Africa’s largest mountain and the world’s highest freestanding mountain, the Marathon is divided into a full race (42.2 km), a half race (21.1 km) and a fun run. In each category, the Marathon course begins at the sports stadium in the town of Moshi, winds into rural villages and farms, veers through uphill paths, plunges into a swatch of forest, and whirls through coffee and banana plantations. At every juncture, African music, meals and entertainment, (including tribal dancers), make the event a wholly unique experience. Kilimanjaro Marathon,; Tanzania Tourist Board,

ANTELOPE SAFARIS IN TANZANIA INCREASES INVOLVEMENT IN RESPONSIBLE TOURISM Developing equitable and responsible tourism that directly profits local populations while respecting traditions is a major issue concerning tourism professionals. Antelope Safaris in Tanzania is focusing on this, supported by village councils as well as the 46 • MAY 2009

Ministry of Tourism, to help bring awareness to visitors. Tourism is the fastest growing industry in Tanzania, and the income it generates helps fund essential improvements in infrastructure and vital community projects. Tanzania has outstanding natural and cultural assets, all existing in a mutually dependent balance. The new trend on the global stage is involving tourists directly so they contribute to community projects, education, water utility, farming, and road infrastructures. And if a percentage of tourism revenues is directed to those sectors as well, dependence on government to service them is further reduced. These tours improve the livelihoods of local communities, especially those bordering major towns: Dar es Salaam, Kilwa, Moshi, Mwanza and Zanzibar. Those benefiting the most are the frequently visited sub-destinations like Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and Mount Kilimanjaro. A huge presence of visitors, however, can cause an environmental impact that contrasts with improvements in the lives of inhabitants. For the past eight months, Antelope Safaris has been researching and developing supporting itineraries for places like Machame in Moshi, Kilwa Masoko in Kilwa, Uyole in Mbeya, and Geza Ulole in Dar es Salaam. Responsible tourism has pursued two aims: getting the industry to recognize it’s creating serious problems it has to accept responsibility for, and second, finding a way of tapping into tourism’s potential to spread benefits evenhandedly. Located in the hub city of Dar es Salaam, Antelope Safaris has arranged tours to villages and unknown surroundings like Geza Ulole village, chosen as a pilot project. The government has taken steps to provide architectural planning and project management services gratis for constructing a good-quality primary school to be communally owned and managed at Gezaulole. As part of the deal, the village council has constructed classrooms and a dispensary, with the remainder constructed from funds raised by residents and donations. Geza Ulole’s 5,000 inhabitants survive mainly through fishing and the cultivation of rice, coconut, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, maize and cassava. The whole place would be unremarkable were it not for its community-based cultural tourism program—one of over twenty in Tanzania, allowing visitors to combine hedonistic pleasures like beach and snorkeling trips with local history, culture and village life. Humble, welcoming residents observe tourist vehicles on the way to the distant beach resort, some using Geza Ulole as a stopover to observe the panorama of an African village. With lush tropical vegetation along the substandard bush road on one side and palm trees on the other side, the village is characterized by contrast. Recently, Volunteer Service of America (VSO) and Action for Southern Africa have both run campaigns highlighting how little of what we spend on vacations benefits the local people whose areas are frequently visited. Antelope Safaris, • Travel World News


Tanzania, the largest country in East Africa and one of the most conducive to international business investment because of its stability, has been attracting increasing numbers of Academic Travel Programs, including a January trip undertaken by Babson College in Boston, Massachusetts. “Tanzania is an ideal subject country to study from different cultural, ecological, natural and economic points of view,” said Peter Mwenguo, Managing Director, Tanzania Tourist Board. The Babson College Offshore Elective on “Tanzania: Business and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa” selected Tanzania because it has one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa and its private sector has great potential to play a pivotal role in eliminating still existing poverty. Tanzania’s stable government, free capital markets, and successful reputation at the World Bank offer unique opportunities for economic growth. Safari Ventures assisted in arrangements. Visits included microfinance institutions, government agencies, NGO-led initiatives; social entrepreneurial ventures; and established firms. Students were also given the unique opportunity to meet with Ambassador Daudi Mwakawago, the former ambassador of Tanzania to the United Nations, and with Ambassador Mark Green, the current ambassador of the United States to Tanzania. They also went on a safari to Tarangire—one of Tanzania’s National parks in the North. Tanzania Tourist Board,; Safari Ventures,

TANZANIA WILL HOST AFRICAN DIASPORA HERITAGE TRAIL CONFERENCE The United Republic of Tanzania will host the Fifth International African Diaspora Heritage Trail (ADHT) Conference, October 2530, in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar, marking the first time it has convened on the continent of Africa. The conference title, “An African Homecoming: Exploring the Origins of the African Diaspora and Transforming Cultural Heritage Assets into Tourism Destinations,” celebrates the linkages of people of African descent from throughout the world. The Tanzanian government is planning a series of programs, events and Travel World News •

tours showcasing the vast heritage tourism products and potential of their historic nation. A highlight of the fall conference will be the launch of Tanzania’s new heritage trail, “The Ivory and Slave Route.” This route provides a first-ever journey to sites, towns and terrain retracing the Arab Slave Trade in Tanzania and East Africa where more than five million Africans were captured, enslaved and shipped to the Middle East, India, Asia and the West, many perishing before reaching their final destination. Danny Glover, actor, producer and Honorary Chair of the ADHT Conference observes: “By convening the ADHT Conference in Tanzania, we will offer a rare glimpse into the Arab Slave Trade of Eastern Africa, a major part of the worldwide enslavement of Africans that many of us in the West are not familiar with. From the slave markets of Bagamoyo (translated: Point of Despair) to the slave chambers of Mangapwane Beach, our delegates will be able to witness the barbarity of slavery and celebrate the struggle for liberation that is also a part of Tanzania’s rich tradition.” The African Diaspora Heritage Trail Conference is open to the public and especially designed for educational, governmental and tourism professionals. ADHT,,; Tanzania Tourist Board,

EGYPTAIR RELAUNCHES SERVICE FROM CAIRO TO DAR ES SALAAM On June 2, 2009, EgyptAir will re-launch its service from Cairo to Dar es Salaam, making it easier for visitors to combine two world-class destinations popular with American travelers, Tanzania and Egypt. Flights will now depart four times a week from New York City to Dar es Salaam, with a stopover in Cairo on the return from Tanzania. Peter Mwenguo, Managing Director of the Tanzania Tourist Board said “the increasing popularity of Destination Tanzania in the US has created an urgent demand to increase the seat capacity and number of transatlantic carriers serving Tanzania. EgyptAir’s new service to Dar es Salaam will offer Americans new air access. “Tanzania, with seven world heritage sites, rich in natural beauty, culture and history, is a perfect complement to a Classic Egypt tour,” added Amant Macha, Director of Marketing,Tanzania Tourist Board. “We encourage tour operators to take advantage of this and create a combination itinerary for travelers.” Comments Jessica O’Keefe, CTC, Eastern/Midwest Regional Sales Manager, EgyptAir: “EgyptAir has helped position the member carriers of the Star Alliance as the major alliance serving Africa, with half of our members flying to the African continent. This new service to Dar es Salaam is just one example of our efforts to provide service to some of Africa’s great destinations. We are confident that these new routes will expand U.S. travel for both Tanzania and Egypt with the ease of booking one overseas flight.” EgyptAir,; Tanzania Tourist Board, www.tanzaniatouristboard MAY 2009 •


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