Punkcake Alterno Art Zine #1

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Punkcake Zine Vol. 1

April 2017

Put Together by: Jessica Curtin & Travis Duda

Any questions? e-mail ‘em to punkcakealternoart@gmail.com

“Trash” On the backside of the disused downtown factory buildings, it’s a tagger’s paradise. Discarded mattresses slump against brick walls, sagging under their soaking wet weight, stained and crawling with bugs and bad graffiti. Empty Sterno cans, broken glass bottles, and the remnants of tiny fires scar the gravel, as we draw pictures in the sand with long burnt sticks.

This is where the kids come to get down, get messed up and forget that they’re stuck here, probably forever. For most of us, this is it. The river gushes like blood from a stolen razor’s clumsy slash, slow and deep, like we all know this dying town is bleeding out. We get lazy and sad, circling until we lie down in the dirt to welcome sleep, pretending the picture sliding from our sideways point of view is only a sickening dream.

© 2017 Norman Victor Chaplin. All Rights Reserved.

Mark Lind has averaged an album a year for the last 20 years. Between the Ducky Boys, Sinners and Saints, Dirty Water, Ebeneezer Blood, the Unloved, his own solo work, and his latest band the Warning Shots, Lind figures he’s written around 200 songs. How does a guy go from growing up listening to Guns & Roses to being one of the most prolific songwriters in punk? “My brother (Rob, of Blood for Blood, Ramallah, and Sinners and Saints) and his friend Buddah (also of Blood for Blood) gave me a tape of the Bruisers, because they knew I was into the Misfits and he thought they might be something I’d be into, and they were going to see local bands. So I went with them to see the Bruisers at the Middle East, and then he gave be a tape of the Anti-Heroes, and then Rancid came along.” Lind formed the Ducky Boys with friends Jason Messina on drums, Mike Marsden on guitar, and himself on bass and lead vocals, in 1995. “We didn’t know, there was a Boston punk scene.

The Ducky Boys began booking shows at the Rat. “My plan was always to have two out of town bands on shows, that way we could trade.” His honesty and willingness to share all show proceeds with the bands (without taking the typical booking fee for himself) led promoters to offer him bigger and better shows. After their first two albums, 1997’s No Gettin’ Out and 1998’s Dark Days, both to widespread acclaim, the Ducky Boys went on a hiatus around the same time as brother Rob’s band, so they decided to collaborate on Sinner and Saints. They released one album to huge acclaim, however Rob wasn’t able to continue and the band fell apart. Lind’s next band, Dirty Water, was also very popular locally, and also short lived. In subsequent years, Lind would also form the bands Unloved, Ebenezer Blood, and the Warning Shots, along with producing his own solo work and reuniting with the Ducky Boys on several occasions. You might ask yourself why he wouldn’t just stick with one band and keep releasing albums with them? “I like building bands up and seeing what you can do with it… the beginning stages of a band, up to when you establish yourself, is the fund part. I’ll always go back to doing Ducky Boys, but I can never be one of those guys who goes

out there and plays the same songs every night. Starting things over is just what I like to do.” The Warning Shots, Lind’s current band, has built a reputation over the past few years as a high energy act and have released two EPs and a brand new full length, all on his own label, State Line Records. His inspiration for starting as record label was What’s up pretty simple. “We’ve been screwed over by every record label, and it was after getting really screwed by one particular label that I decided to do this to prove a point.” State Line has releases from his own bands Ducky Boys, Warning Shots, and Ebeneezer Blood, as well as Pinkerton Thugs, Ramallah, and Brian McPherson, and has other releases planned from local artists. He’s also branched out into online distribution for many other punk bands and record labels, and runs a mail order business out of his house. You can find it online at www.get-punk.com, www.mark-lind.com, www.duckyboys.com, and www.thewarningshots.com Mark Lind has quietly built one of the most respected and admired careers in the punk scene over the last two decades, and shows no signs of slowing down. Check out the State Line Records website, or find the Warning Shots on Facebook and see them live all over the area.

to hear the whole interview, go find our podcast


Heather Rose is a conceptual portrait artist from New England, specializing in dark and surreal figurative work. Her subject matter ranges anywhere from bizarre eroticism to realistic portraiture. When not making art, she can usually be found playing with her rabbits or watching hockey. Check out more of her work at: heatherrosestudios.com

A TOUGH TIME TO BE SENTIENT. Life has a way of reminding us that most of us just weren’t designed to handle the complexities inherent to competent living. Don’t fret though. There’s no shame in submitting to a higher power when it comes time for the tough questions, namely, all of them. That’s where your old avuncular compatriot swoops in for the save. How fondly do we each remember our own Svengali uncles and the worldview imposed on our malleable young selves, the warm embrace of our own feckless nature? How often do we wish, in our later years to possess a similar oracle to which we can submit our resignation to? Fear not; I am here to serve. As always, ask away. Dear Uncle Hank, If I wanted to make art my full time job, how do I do it? Is it possible to make a living? I know that’s two questions, but I really want to know. Yours in conscription, - A high school senior Dear Senior, We all struggle with the question of future employment from time to time. I remember a period of having to contemplate that question myself dozens of times recently after being consecutively fired a record setting number of times from multiple Chikfil-a franchises within an 11 month span for repeatedly “blessing” the mayonnaise. It does wonders for the character. The short answer is that it really depends what your definition of “job” is, or for that matter, what your

definition of “a living” is. If by “job” you mean performing the artistic equivalent of staring up, a doe-eyed page, at your nobleman/woman, and wiping your mouth while feigning an appreciative smile, then yes, you’ll find ample opportunity for work. Provided you have the stomach to keep it down, you may even find yourself on the path to a long career where you’ll be able to “make a living” from the occasional wad of crumpled twenty’s thrown your way. As word of your “professionalism” passes from one conscriptor to the next they will begin to call upon your services, hopefully one after the next, in quick, impersonal, sweaty succession. I’m certain a bright young person like you will excel as a professional artist. Just remember to stay eager and to clean up after yourself. -Uncle Hank

Dear Uncle Hank, What’s the best way to propose marriage to a creative/artsy woman? - Horny in Bronie-ville Dear H.I.B, I’m really excited to have a question like this come across my desk. So often a predicament like this is tackled from the savior 2 perspective. The organization, Hand Angels, immediately comes to mind as a main offender our simmering rivalry is due in no small part to this, but I digress. As a certified Christian when it suits my argument, I can’t stress enough the importance of empowering over enabling; fishing over feeding. What you really want to start with is becoming intimately familiar with the details. Exactly how far away ARE you supposed to remain? Is there specifically a provision that covers electronic communications? What is the exact moment when mandated enforcement is set to expire? Armed with knowledge you can now begin to woo her with your superior

intellect and highly honed skills of perception. It’s well known that the artsy types are drawn, like moths to a flame, to the handcrafted. If it has a personalized touch, then even better. Have you considered mailing self-portraits? Preferably on Polaroid so that she has the sense that you are a classic gentleman; an old soul, one unfazed by any technology that isn’t derived from a smiths forge or use of isn’t covered under the Medieval Knights Code of Conduct and Chivalry handbook. Perhaps a series of Polaroids, say from different regions of the basement bedroom you’ve traveled. Of course, you’ll want to focus emphasis on your impressive collection of fedoras. Possibly a final composition to get a chuckle, say wearing a fedora on top of your homemade Fluttershy costume. Everyone knows that flutter shy doesn’t wear a hat. Your love will be laughing for hours over that one. Just spitballing here H.I.B. Next, after she’s gotten a glimpse into your soul and realized what a kind, caring person you are you’re going to want to hit her with the other side of your personality, your raw animal magnetism and natural ability to defend m’lady against any and all

threats, foreign and domestic. Tagging her in Instagram post documenting your vast collection of ninja weaponry and homemade potato guns is sure to get her attention. Again, just tossing ideas at the wall, you’ll find something that sticks. Finally, after her heart has turned to goo in your capable caring, thumb calloused hands you’re going to want to go in for the kill ( though not literally, that is actually expressly forbidden in the court documents) with a big surprise gesture. Perhaps pay for an 3 hour of programming on your local cable access tv station where you can stare confidently into the camera

as you read every poem you’ve ever written for her before lighting the sparklers you’ve prearranged to read “marry me.” I would suggest leaving a whole cake on her doorstep with instructions to watch the airing to ensure her attention. An artsy woman like that wouldn’t want to miss one second of this creative masterpiece. Here at Bad Advice Club, we always love to hear about people connecting. Warms my heart that I’ve most certainly laid out the blueprint for a lifelong impact. Write back soon and confirm how much I’ve impacted your life H.I.B. - Uncle Hank

That’s it for now folks. Hope we’ve had a beneficial little chat. As always, wishing you all a worry, stress, and decision free existence. Uncle Hank Bad Advice Club 2017

by Sarah K Duda

instagram: @sgarland2485

Going back a while there was a band, a group of artists looking to make some moolah, an old friend with a bar, a wee painting of a cupcake (lime green frosting with a skull on top), and a Whisky Witch and her husband who decided to smoosh them all together to create an opportunity for a damn cool night out. The Gobshites, a naughty Irish punk band from out Foxboro way, Spitshiner, Americana punk out of Boston and Worcester, and singer-songwriter-heartbreaker Matt Charette shared the stage at Beatnik’s that night and wooed and wowed the decent sized crowd. Local Worcester artists, Derek Ring, Aaron White, and Crystal Blanchflower each set up shop around the bar to sell their goods, and pinup girl/very good sport Angi Tamborella helped sling cupcakes around the crowd. Lots of cupcakes. Damn fine cupcakes, as a matter of factdecorated with the logos of bands whose logos were easy enough to scribble out in frosting, and little paper cutouts of Joey Ramone’s legs... but I digress. Everyone had a good time, everyone made a little cash, everyone got to hang out with a bit of art and acoustic punk rock, and everyone decided it was good. Then we got the call to do it again...

Watercolor inspiration by Worcester Artist Crystal Blanchflower

Sarah Margaret Frye is an artist, illustrator, & creator of bits and bobs. A lady warrior at her core & she constantly dives into different perspectives to look at the world. Her main artistic passion is creating creatures & unmasking the fear of the things you can’t see. Sarah is a sucker for a good inspirational quote as for a dark bit of humor. Oh and she loves chai tea & early mornings.


Instagram sarah_margaret_frye | sarahmargaretfrye@gmail.com


(55) Listen here, Time fell out of a fairy tale, As destiny gazed upon the pages, Falling words drifted into the seas, And Spread across the deserts. Far off lands those words traveled to, Escaping a sentence of a thousand years, Bound to their book no more. Seizing opportunities to make new stories, Weaving tales of other possibilities. No more tales of Dragons, Magic, Damsels in distress, White Knights on horses, Or of Evil Queens. The words had endless potential To start new adventures. Wandering the lands like a swarm of bees, Exciting people to encounter. Time stood still as the words Floated from land to land, Ancient civilizations And the modern world Collided These fairy tale words Formed a new story Based on their journeys Across the lands of time. Beasts were heard, Soldiers were wept after, Kings were either silenced or revered, Women were celebrated, And the words knew exactly how to Start an original fairy tale.

By listening to the hearts Of all those they had encountered. Piecing together a lavish treat. Once the words all came together, Time started back up again. All went back to normal. And the story of words Became a fairy tale Once more. -Julia Randall beestillmyheart.wordpress.com “I’ve been writing poetry and short stories since the first grade. Fantastical tales of Great beasts, far off lands, and anything in between. Writing is a passion and I could not live without it. I hope to publish a book of poetry all about the heart in the near future.”


Instagram sarah_margaret_frye | sarahmargaretfrye@gmail.com

Every time Punkcake folks get together, the creative ideas fly about and before you know it, we’ve got a new activity or event going on. Here are some ideas that we’re going to try to squeeze into 2017:

Do any of these look interesting to you? Yeah? email punkcakealternoart@gmail.com or follow Punkcake Alterno Art facebook.com/punkcakealternoart and on Instagram @punkcakealternoart

Heather Polese IG: @inkymcboobs

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