Punkcake Zine Vol. 3 August 2017
Put Together by: Jessica Curtin & Travis Duda
Any questions? e-mail ‘ em to punkcakealternoart@gmail.com
“Lumberjack Cat” by Sarah Duda
instagram - @sgarland2485
Evil Felipe (that’s “feh-l -pay”) doesn’t actua y s m a that vi ainous or dastardly. The four young ladies who make up the band (dru er Mia, 10; ba player Felicity, 13; guitarist E a, 14; and guitarist/lead singer E a, 15) hail from the Worcester area and, influenced by members of The Pathetics (who are also their dads), came together about a year ago. They have b n playing parties and live shows at clubs like Ralph’s, Da y Su ivan’s, and the Raven ever since. Sets include a mix of covers and originals, and the girls cite pop punk stalwarts like Gr n Day, Blink 182 and Ji y Eat World, as we as Red Hot Chili Pe ers and W zer as influences.
Although their rehearsal space doubles as a recording studio, they don’t as yet have any releases. They do, however, have plenty of video clips available on their YouTube page, including one from their a earance at June’s Punkcake season opener at Ralph’s Diner. When they t k the stage to kick o the show that day, there were several “A …”s and lots of indulgent smiles as the crowd waited for these young musicians to begin. Five bars in, mouths dro ed oven and more than one “holy shit, they’re rea y g d!” was to ed about the crowd.
So, how can you find these rocking young ladies? Evil Felipe can be s n on October 20th at The Center for Arts in Natick, and on October 28th at Da y Su ivan’s in Framingham.
To find out more, check their Faceb k: faceb k.com/evilfelipe
or their Instagram: @evilfelipe
by Kristen Peters instagram - @house.13.designs
1. Who are you and what do you do?
Hi! I am Victoria Duffy, and I am an artist, through and through! I'm a professional photographer, and I create paintings, etchings, and drawings inspired by nature. Right now I am working on a watercolor series called "Curse Like a Sailor". They are watercolor paintings featuring imagined flora and fauna in vibrant colors and occasional metallic detailing, with a good cheeky curse in the middle.
2. Why do you do this?
I'm one of those artists who likes to work on a number of bodies of work at one time. This method allows me to give one piece a break, while getting to work on another and clearing my head. One night in the studio I was making myself crazy with getting quick landscapes out that wouldn't stop manifesting themselves in my mind's eye. With a blank sheet of paper in front of me I scribbled the curse I was mumbling to myself, and decided it would be hilarious to add pretty watercolor flowers to it. The result even had my husband giggling, and a monster was born! Sometimes you just need to vent from whatever your current frustration is, and cursing is that for a lot of people. At first glance these pieces are bright and happy, and then you see your curse in the middle, and it makes you laugh. I want these pieces to serve as a reminder that even when you're pissed off, or sad, or annoyed, it's okay to feel that way and still be a happy person. A "Curse Like a Sailor" piece is a reminder that we are human, and we are complex with big personalities, and to own it.
3. What does your creative workspace look like, and what would it take to make it your dream space?
My "Art Dungeon" is the name of my current studio in a finished portion of my basement. Despite the name, it's actually a pretty bright room with a good deal of ambient light. I have sketches and pieces I'm still pondering on the walls above my work table, and floor to ceiling book cases where I keep my materials. I really like to keep special objects near me while I'm working, so I also have a bookcase my grandfather built for my father's childhood playroom with his original whimsical painted designs still intact. I have animal bones and skulls I've collected, sage, my wisdom teeth in a jar, and a few other objects displayed there. My work is focused on my "Curse Like a Sailor" series and landscapes right now, but I still refer to these objects often for studies. My dungeon allows me to spread out while I work in different media; so I have my printing presses, easels, and work table easily accessible. I really love my dungeon, but ideally I would have a studio with great bay windows on all sides overlooking the forest at one end, and some large body of water at the other. As long as I am exposed to nature in some way, I'm happy!
4. What three art supplies can you not live without?
Oh man! As much as I love to sketch with a pencil... I absolutely could not live without a good watercolor sketchbook, my watercolor palette, and a decent brush. Watercolor and ink have just stolen my heart over the last 6 years. Even if I am just sketching, it is usually with these materials. Being able to do a study of an object or landscape while recording the color is really exciting for me; and watercolor allows me to do that quickly. I have so many watercolor paper sketchbooks from travels because I can't just take a photo, I HAVE to work through what I'm seeing in the moment. I'll always take ideas back to the studio with me, but my most precious works were done on location.
5. How did you come to be a part of Punkcake?
I was lucky enough to meet Jess and John of Punkcake through my husband's own creativity! He plays bagpipes (kilt and all!) with John's band, The Pourmen. Jess and I got to chatting at a show, and she invited me to be part of their Punkcake Parking Lot Halloween at Ralph's. It was so wonderful to meet everyone walking through and chat about art, and to see their laughter and reactions to the "Curse Like a Sailor" series. I am so grateful and excited to be part of the Punkcake family!
6. How can people find you/get their hands on your work?
People can visit my Etsy store, Frost on the Meadow, for original works and custom pieces. I can also be contacted via email at: victoriaduffyphoto@gmail.com if Etsy isn't your cup of tea. I have had a number of clients request C.L.A.S. pieces with curses or phrases they say all the time, and it's exciting to make these very personal, but lighthearted, works of art for people to enjoy.
7. Finish this sentence: “If I were a cupcake, I’d be…” A lavender cupcake with lemon icing!
by Courtney Morse
instagram - @numberthirt n
Life has a way of reminding us that most of us just weren't designed to handle the complexities inherent to competent living. Don't fret though. There's no shame in submitting to a higher power when it comes time for the tough questions, namely, all of them. Thats where your old avuncular compatriot, swoops in for the save. How fondly do we each remember our own Svengali uncles and the worldview imposed on our malleable young selves; the warm embrace of our own feckless nature. How often do we wish, in our later years to posses a similar oracle to which we can submit our resignation to? Fear not, I am here to serve. As always, ask away.
Dear Uncle Hank, I have an interview for a job coming up. It's a position in an office, which I'm not thrilled about, but I need the job (gotta pay rent somehow, right?). Got any tips for a nontraditional looking dude trying to land a job in a pretty traditional company?
Dear Candy Goth in Khaki-Land, First off, congratulations on finally realizing that your potential can no longer be contained in the fast paced but low ceilinged world of mall retail. I’m sure your 16 year old (15 with work permit) coworkers will undoubtedly feel the void that you leave behind. Only a very select few can lay claim to having memorized every shade and limited edition celebrity variant name of manic panic (I am legally obligated to disclose that this is a shameless product plug as Manic Panic is the exclusive sponsor of Uncle Hanks Bad Advice Column)
ever produced, although many have tried to mentally catalogue the entirety of the worlds best and punkest celebrity hair die (cha-ching!) Things for you are looking up, up, up though. A few things you really must keep in mind when entering the upper entry level world of data entry. First, No one will remember your name, even the barely contained simmering kettle of self loathing and discontent that will be interviewing you is going to forget what your name is mid interview. Might as well be prepared to turn an omen into a positive and role with it. You'll be that much harder to fire if management doesn't actually know your name. Second, attire for your new job will certainly consist entirely of the colors khaki and lighter khaki. I suggest dying your fishnet arm sleeves the same to blend in. Nobody wants to be the weird one at work. Lastly, remember that an industrious worker is a valuable worker. So be
sure that within your first week you've taken careful mental note of every possible way to skim money from the top. Really show management how fiscally creative you can be when properly motivated by independently implementing those plans during your tenure. Candy, I’m certain that if you follow my advice, the short road ahead of you will be briefly paved with wealth and happiness. Good luck and keep in touch. (Note: I will not accept collect calls or mail originating from any state or federal facility.)
-Yours truly, Uncle Hank
Dear Uncle hank, I’m looking to get a new pet. I don’t think I’m a dog or a cat person but I’ve had good experiences with both. What should I do?
Dear Beastie In Boston, I want to thank you for writing and allowing me the opportunity to discuss a topic of great personal interest to me. As all that have paid attention to this column over the years will attest to, I have quite the affinity for our four legged friends in sexy land. So often I've seen the inhumane agony a single pet household can cause. When there is so much love to give, why be limited to just one unnatural love per household? My suggestion? Get yourself a harem of pets, one of every breed. Fill every nook, cranny, and orifice of your home with love. You'll be sure to have a great time before animal control swoops in. Best of luck. Sincerely, Uncle Hank
Dear Uncle Hank, Should I have saved myself for marriage? I’ve dated some real turds and I wonder if I shortchanged myself by not holding out for a good one.
Dear Drippy,
Marriage is an antiquated notion, the mechanism of a bygone era used to facilitate the human trafficking of an individual from one overbearing, self serving authority to another. The end result being that it reinforces the power of the state by giving it legal or cultural authority over your relationship. Waiting for marriage is about as helpful as stiffing the mob on a bet. Sure, you might have dreams of beach breezes and sand between your toes while a semblance of your fantasy plays out, but in the end you get fucked face down and buried alive. Don’t save yourself for marriage, save yourself for someone that isn't a walking pile of hot garbage with testicles. Or better yet, invest in a vibrator and a pair of binoculars. Just because you're in a relationship with the cute neighbor doesn't mean he has to be aware or involved.
Sincerely, Uncle Hank
If you have any personal issues you’d like advice on please send inquiries to askunclehank@gmail.com and we may include your problem in the next edition.
(Dedicated to Robert John Forand Sr.)
A family of five sit
One seat empty
Washington D. C.
A wall of memories
So full of names
32 hold the most meaning
Faces never fade
A risk with little regret
The unborn family must be protected
This is a hero.
A step away
Disobeyed orders
Carry on another day
Digging out bodies
Such bittersweet moments
A stroy not quite surreal
The newborn family can’t quite understand
This is a hero.
100 hour weeks
Battles with the past spin on repeat
But life must continue
Other mouths to feed
Selfless acts the most common
Everything for them
Comfortable and happy at deep expense
The full grown family is protected
This is a true hero.
*from Blame the Kennedys and Other Gifts by R. Forand
by Ana Sol
instagram - @mi anasol
Interested in vending? Then Email Jess Punkcakealternoart@gmail.com for info FEATURING LIVE PUNK ROCK FROM: Plus lots of artists, crafters, makers, bakers, and vendors slinging all sorts of cool shite. All ages and FREE to attend!