Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment – Neck Pain Might Trigger The Pain! When it comes to cervical degeneration, getting it treated timely is crucial. When a cervical disc start stiffening and losing hydration, there are many ways in which neck pain and other associated symptoms can develop. Listed below are some common symptoms. Pain Triggering From a Degenerating Disc It has been found that most people who suffer from a disc tear do not experience any kind of pain consequential to it. The exact reason for it, however, is not known. Most experts and orthopedics suspect that it has something to do with the innervation of the disc and pain sensory can vary from individual to individual. For instance, while some people might experience higher threshold for sensing pain, there are others who have nerves that naturally go deeper into the disc. Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment depends on person to person. When a degenerating disc causes pain in neck, it might trigger from one or both of the following; Discogenic Pain– This kind of pain triggers in the disc and can range from mild to severe. The gel like interior of the disc known as nucleus pulposus comprise of proteins that can trigger painful inflammation in case they get contacted with the nerves which are located in the outer layer of the disc. Micro-Motion Instability– When the tough outer layer of the disc wear down and is not able to provide appropriate shock absorption and stability, the vertebrae below and above the disc might move more than usual and muscles surrounding the area can get painful spasms in an attempt to restrict that abnormal movement. Do not ignore pain triggering from neck pain. Chances are that you are suffering from cervical disc disease. Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Atlanta can be best treated only when you consult the orthopedic surgeon timely.