Cervical Herniated Disc – Are You Suffering from it? A Cervical Herniated Disc Atlanta is diagnosed when the inner core of a disc in the neck start herniating or herniates or leaks out and presses on an adjacent nerve root. According to studies conducted, it has been found that the conditions affect the people aged between thirty and fifty years of age. While the cervical herniated disc might trigger from some kind of trauma or injury to neck, the symptoms usually start spontaneously. The fact that an increasing number of people are suffering from this conditions indicate the pace at which the problem is spreading. The arm pain consequential to cervical herniated disc occurs because the herniated disc presses or pinches on a cervical nerve causing pain and discomfort to radiate along the nerve pathway right down the arm. Along with the pain in arm, tingling as well as numbness is also present down the arm and into the fingertips. In addition, patients might experience weakness in muscle as well. The discs located in the cervical spine are not large; however there is not much space available for other nerves as well. This, in other words, mean that even a small cervical disc herniation might impinge on the nerve triggering significant pain. It is the arm pain which is most severe as the nerve becomes pinched. As far as symptoms of cervical herniated disc are considered, they vary from patient to patient. It can cause symptoms in the fingers, hand, arm and neck. The neurological deficits and pain pattern depend on the location of the herniated disc. Cervical Herniated Disc Treatment depends on several factors. Spine Surgeon in Atlanta would examine a patient and would start the treatment on the basis of the present condition. Usually, treatment comprise of combination of medicine, therapies and exercises. Surgery is the last option when no other treatment works.