Spinal Osteoarthritis Treatment Atlanta - Right Treatment To Make A Difference To Your Condition While there is no proven treatment, currently, for either slowing or stopping the progression of spinal osteoarthritis, there are several Spinal Osteoarthritis Treatment Atlanta options available for reducing the pain as well as other symptoms. The good news is that for most patients the condition will not become debilitating. As a matter of fact, some people do not even experience any pain and discomfort, and thus might not even need treatment. And, who need treatment often benefit from a combination of lifestyle changes like smoking cessation, weight reduction and exercise. Spine or orthopedic surgeons work out treatment plan which largely focuses on improving patient’s ability to function and controlling the pain. Medication is prescribed for reducing inflammation, which helps in alleviating the stiffness and pain. It is only is severe cases that the surgery is recommended for treating disability and pain consequential to osteoarthritis in the spine. Doctors and medical practitioners often refer to spinal osteoarthritis as arthritis of the facet joints, spinal arthritis and degenerative joint disease. Spinal arthritis is common a condition and occurs to those who are more than fifty years of age. It is an ongoing degenerative process in the spine, and might be related to several degenerative spinal conditions. Particularly, osteoarthritis is related with the degenerative discs in the human spine. Osteoarthritis in the spine and degenerative disc occurs hand in hand because the facet joints and disc in the back are the part of the similar three-joint complex. Degenerative disc can put unnecessary stress on the facet joints, hence over the period of time leading to formation of osteoarthritis and degeneration of the facet joints. As observed in most cases, spine surgeons recommend the treatment plan after carefully examining a patient. Spinal Osteoarthritis Treatment varies from patient to patient. In some cases, it is only after trying several treatment or combination of treatments that a patient experiences relief.