Look Local Magazine Mississauga Issue 2.8

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eat shop play local Mississauga

Volume 2 Issue 8









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As we move into spring this year, it really does seem that the restrictions and challenges of the pandemic may be receding, and we can all look forward with relief and excitement to a more normal life again. Over the last two years, despite all the problems, Look Local has been able to count on the goodwill of hundreds of stores, banks, restaurants, coffee shops, and other community locations where our magazines are distributed. This distribution system is at the heart of our business, as we rely on people CHOOSING to pick up the magazine and take it home with them, and we only print sufficient copies to satisfy this demand. So, we owe a huge THANK YOU to our community for continuing to support us in this way. Our local grocery stores are especially good to us, and it is greatly appreciated! Keep on Supporting Local!

Tim Root

president and founder tim@looklocalmagazine.com





Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8



10 HOME & GARDEN How to Purchase Art

18 HEALTH & WELLNESS Community Biking Groups

24 SHOP LOCAL Gifts for Mom

30 ENVIRONMENT Mighty Monarchs

36 COMMUNITY Community Events

40 FOOD & DRINK Celebrate Cinco de Mayo!

46 LOCAL RECIPE El Jefe's Famous Nachos



Kristy Elik


Jonathon Root


Ilana Clamp, Anwar Knight Jane Berry, Annis Karpenko, Rahul Mehta ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE

Tammy Mifsud


Sarah Lush Jennifer Brewster For general inquiries, contact Kristy Elik at kristy@looklocalmagazine.com For advertising information, contact Tammy Mifsud at tammy@looklocalmagazine.com ​Look Local Magazine is published 10 times per year and is distributed for free at over 500 locations in Mississauga. Copies are also distributed to select neighbourhoods using direct mail. Look Local is a registered trademark of Novavita Publishing Limited. Look Local Mississauga is published by Eloquent Editing, Writing & Proof Reading Inc. under the license of Novavita Publishing Limited. Copyright: All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, photograph or artwork without written permission from the Publisher is strictly prohibited.

Mother's Day GIFT GUIDE

• PAG E 2 4 •

Editorial contributions: Look Local encourages contributions of articles, recipes, photographs and other creative materials from the community. Please email kristy@looklocalmagazine.com. We reserve the right to edit materials received and can assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Select photos courtesy of Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation. Disclaimer: Advertisements published in Look Local Magazine are supplied solely by the advertiser and the Publisher accepts no responsibility for opinions expressed in advertisements or for copyright issues with respect to them.




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Custom Closets SPECIAL SPECIAL Walk in Closet Closet FINANCING Custom Closets Closets Custom SPECIAL Walk in FINANCING Custom Custom Closets Closets SPECIAL Garage Cabinets SPECIAL Custom Closets Custom Closets SPECIAL FINANCING Garage Closets Cabinets SPECIAL FINANCING FINANCING Custom Closets Garage Cabinets Custom for 12 Months! FINANCING Custom Closets SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets SPECIAL for 12 Months! Garage Cabinets Home Offices SPECIAL FINANCING Garage Cabinets SPECIAL Cabinets Home Offices FINANCING FINANCING for12 12Months! Months! Custom Closets Garage Cabinets Garage Custom Closets for 12 Months! SPECIAL for Custom Closets Home Offices Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets for 12 Months! Home Offices SPECIAL Home Offices Garage Cabinets Custom Closets With approved credit. Call or FINANCING FINANCING Home Offices Home Offices Pantries, Laundries SPECIAL for 12 Months! Custom Closets With approved credit. Call or Custom Closets Home Offices Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! for 12 Months! Custom Closets Home Offices BedroomCloset Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FINANCING ask your Designer fordetails. details. for 12 Months! Withapproved approvedcredit. credit. CallorClos orGaG Home Offices Bedroom Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets Pantries, Laundries Home Offices With approved credit. Call ask your Designer for Pantries, Laundries With Call Custom Closets Bedroom Pantries, Home Offices With approved Call oror Laundries Custom Close FINANCING Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! Bedroom Closet and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundrie Custom Closet for 12 Months! Not available incredit. allforareas. areas. Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets askyour yourDesigner Designer fordetails. details. H FINANCING ask your Designer details. LaundriesPantries, for 12 Months! and Hobby Rooms Laundrie With approved credit. Call or for 12 Months! Not available in all Garage Cabinets Pantries, Home Offices ask for SPECIAL ask your Designer for details. Home Offices With approved credit. Call or Pantries, Home Offices Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet G for 12 Months! With approved credit. Calloror Laundries Home Offices and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! Not available inall all areas. Not available inall all areas. Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Gar for Months! With approved credit. Call ask your Designer for details. Bedroom Closet Garage Cabi Bedroom Closet Garage Cabin and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! Not available in areas. Not available in areas. Home Offices Custom Closets ask your Designer for details. Bedroom Closet Garage Cabine Bedroom Closet SPECIAL Garage Cabine Home Offices Home Offices andNot Hobby Room Bedroom Closet and GaH Custom Closets askWith your Designer forHobby details. for 12 Months! With approved credit. Callororor Bedroom Home Offices and Hobby Rooms Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries Closet Gara Ho Not availableininallallareas. areas. ask your Designer for details. for 12 Months! approved credit. Call With approved credit. Call Walk in Closet and Rooms Pantries, Laundries Pantries, Laundries Bedroom Closet G available inc Home Offices Walk in Closet Custom Closets With approved credit. Call or FINANCING Pantries, Bedroom Closet Gar Home Offices Custom Closets H and Hobby Rooms SG-P(sp) ask your Designer fordetails. details. Not available in all areas. HomeOffices Offices G Bedroom Closet Hom and Hobby •• Custom Closets With approved credit. Callorororor ask your Designer for details. Not available in all areas. With approved credit. Call Home G Bedroom Closet Pantries, Laundries ask your Designer for Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laundries Custom Closets SPECIAL With approved credit. Call H With approved credit. Call FINANCING Pantries, ask your Designer for details. Garage Pantries, Ho and Hobby Rooms Not available in all areas. and Hobby • Custom Closets With approved credit. Calloror Not available all areas. Pantries, Laundries ask Designer for details. ask your Designer for details. PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms Garage Cabinets • Custom With approved credit. Call Not available inin all areas. Pantries, ask Designer for details. ask your Designer for details. SPECIAL and Hobby Garage SPECIAL Months! Not available in all areas. Pantries, Laun for 12 Months! •• Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laun ask your Designer for details. PLUS TAKEFINANCING! and Hobby Rooms BedroomCloset Closet G Garage Cabinets and Hobby Rooms Not available all areas. Home Offices Not available inNorthwest, all areas. ask your Designer for details. and Hobby Bedroom Gar and Hobby for 12 Months! Not available inin all areas. Home Offices Closet By Design-Kristen-North, Toronto West Not available inNorthwest, all areas. Months! •• Garage Cabinets Closet Design-Kristen-North, Toronto West Garage and Hobby Rooms Home Offices CustomClosets Closets Notavailable available allareas. areas. and Hobby Home Custom Not ininall INTEREST-FREE HoH and Hobby Ro AN EXTRA •• Hobby Rooms and Hobby Ro Hobby Rooms FINANCING! With approved credit. Call or Pantries, Laundries With approved credit. Call oror F AN EXTRA FINANCING! Pantries, •• Hobby Rooms Hobby Rooms With approved credit. Callor GarageCabinets Cabinets Pantries, Laundries credit. Call Garage Pantries, askWith yourapproved Designer forCall details. credit. Call or for With approved credit. oror ask your yourDesigner Designer fordetails. details. approved credit. Call PLUS Designer for details. SPECIA f With approved credit. Call or TAKE SPECIAL and Hobby Rooms Not available in all areas. and Hobby Home Offices inininall areas. PLUS Home Offices TAKE and Hobby Rooms Custom Closets Notavailable available allCall areas. Plus Free and Hobby Closets available all areas. Plus Free With approved credit. or of $700 Custom askask your Designer for details. Designer for details. •• Pantries Pantries 40% off any order of $1000 off any order or more. On any complete FINANCI Custo Designer for details. 40% off any or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete FINANCIN Custom Custom Closets your Designer for details. •• Pantries Closets Pantries40% of $1000 30% off off any orderofof$700 $700ororGarage more. OnCabinets anyCustom complete Pantries, Laundries 40%off off any order or more. 30% order more. On any complete W ask your Designer forany details. AN EXTRA Garage Cabinets SPECIA Pantries, Laundries SPECIAL AN EXTRA Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take ananadditional additional 15% offfor foron onany anycomplete complete system order. Not Closet, Garage 15% off for on any complete system order. Not Custom Closets for 12Gara Monas Custom Closets all areas. Not available all for 12Garag Month Closet, Garage or Home additional 15%off off for on any complete system order. Not •• Laundries SPECIAL Not available ininininall areas. Garage Cabinets Closet, Office. Take additional 15% system order. Not Laundries SPECIAL Garage Cabinets available allareas. areas. •• Laundries Home Offices Not available all areas. Laundries Home Offices and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms FINANCIN SPECIA FINANCIN SPECIAL Custom Closets Custom Closets valid with anyany other offer. installation with any completeunit unit order of $500 or more. With validvalid withwith complete order $500 more. With Hom Garage Cabinets other offer.Free Freeinstallation installationwith withany anycomplete complete unit order $500 more. With Home Garage Cabinets valid with installation with any order ofofof $500 ororor more. With Custom Closets Home Offices With approved crediC Custom Closets Home Offices FINANCIN With approved credit. Pantries, Laundries FINANCING Pantries, Laundries SG-P(sp) SG-P(sp) for 12 Mont for 12 Month Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FINANCIN ask your Designer incoming order, at time oforder Expires 6/30/18 FINANCIN 40% off anyany ororormore. more. 30% offany anyCredit order of $700 or more. On any complete ask your Designer forfor de incoming only. Expires 6/30/18 ofof$1000 or 30% off any order $700 or more. On any complete incoming order, at off time only. Expires 6/30/18 40% $1000 more. 30% any of $700 or more. On any complete incoming ofpurchase purchase only. Pantr Expires 6/30/18 Home Offices order $1000 more. 30% order of $700 or more. On any complete Pantrie Home Offices Garage Cabinets CreditGarage Cards Accepted Licensed andInsured Insured (GCL/WC) Cabinets Cards Accepted Licensed and (GCL/WC) Pantries, Laundries and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries and Hobby Rooms for 12 Month Not available in all for 12 Months Not available in all are SPECIA SPECIAL Home Offices Closet, Office. Take an additional 15%Home offfor for any complete system order. Not Offices Closet, Garage Office.Take TakeNorthwest, anadditional additionalToronto off for any complete system order. Not ororHome an 15% for onon any complete system order. Not HomeOffice. Office. Take additional 15% off onon any complete system order. Not ByGarage Design-Kristen-North, Northwest, Toronto West Closet Design-Kristen-North, West Credit Cards Ac for 12 Mont With approved credit Credit Cards Acce PLUS TAKE for 12 Month PLUS TAKE With approved credit. CaH PLUS TAKE PLUS TAKE Closet and Pantries, Laundries and H Pantries, Laundries Home Offices Home Offices Custom Closets Custom Closets and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms ask your Designer for ask your Designer forCall detC Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Bedroom Garage Cabinets valid with Free installation with complete unit order of $500 more. With otheroffer. offer.Free Free installation with complete unit order of $500 orormore. With with anyanyother Free installation withany any complete unit order of $500 ormore. more. With installation with any complete unit order of $500 orInsured With With approved credit. With approved credit. Pantries, Laundries PLUS Pantries, Laundries PLUS PLUS TAKE PLUS TAKE FINANCI FINANCIN Credit Cards Accepted Licensed andInsured (GCL/WC) Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and (GCL/WC) and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms Not available in all Not available in all area EXTRA AN EXTRA valid • Custom Closets • Custom Closets AN EXTRA ANAN EXTRA With approved credit. Ca With approved credit Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinet Bedroom Closet Garage Cabin Pantries, Laundries ask your Designer for deta Pantries, Laundries ask your Designer for dea Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets SPECIAL SPECIAL Closet incoming order, at time of purchase only. oset Expires 6/30/18 purchase only. Expires 6/30/18

Arizona#ROC312904, #ROC312904,Boston Boston#119162, #119162,Fort Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Coun# Arizona Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeLee County #47713-H,NNJ NNJ13VH00247800, 13VH00247800,Reno Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-949 &&#47713-H, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Arizona #ROC312904, BosW Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #PA002447&&DEDE16166009 6009170, 170,Palm PalmBeach: Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA13VH00 Lic. #7 #PA002447 CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. # 794 & #47713-H, NNJ & #47713-H, NNJCA 13VH00247 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &or BT15-71519, County #0 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &or BT15-71519, Lee Count #PA002447 &Designer DE&Lee 16 6009 #PA002447 DE 16 6009 Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Credit Cardswith Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) installation any complete unit order of more. installation with any complete unit order of$500 $500 more. ask your Designer for det ask your for Not available in all areas Not available in#C-9497 all 170 are Walkin inCloset ClosetBedroom &Credit #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, W Walk & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets available in County all area Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeLee County #05a Not available in# 7946 all Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &Not BT15-71519, Custom Closets Custom Closets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets With incoming order, at time of purchase only. With incoming order, atFort time of purchase only. #PA002447 &&DEDE 16166009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #PA002447 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # #0 79W #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeClose County &&Arizona #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Was Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee Count 40% off any order of $1000 or more. of $700 or more. On any complete #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Custom Closet 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order more. On any complete Custom Bedroom Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets 40%off offany any order orderofof$1000 $1000orormore. more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. 40% more. On Onany anycomplete complete Garage Cabinets With approved credit. Ca Cabinets With approved &&#47713-H, 13VH00247800, #52800, #916672, #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, W #PA002447 &Garage 16 6009 Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CA Lic. #credit 79461 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497 #PA002447 &DENNJ DENNJ 16 6009170, 170, PalmReno Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794 Bedroom Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage Home Office. Take complete system order. Not Closet Garage Cabinets ororHome Office. an additional any complete system order. Not oror 40% off any order ofof$1000 $1000 more. 30% off any order ofBeach: orormore. On complete Garage Cabine Custom Closets 40%off off anyorder order $1000 more. 30% off any order of$700 Onany any complete for 12 Months! Closet,Closet, GarageGarage Home Office. TakeTake anBedroom additional 15%15% offoff forfor ononanyany complete system order. Not Garage Custom Closets ask your Designer for 12 Months! Closet, Garage ororany Home Office. system order. Not ask your Designer for With approved credit. Ca &30% 16 170, Palm CGC1509325 &more. MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CACabin Lic. # 7946 approved credit. #PA002447 &DEDE 166009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA for Lic. #det 79C 40% any of oror#PA002447 more. 30% off any order of$700 ormore. On any complete Home Offices 40% any ofWith $1000 more. off6009 any order of$700 $700 ormore. OnWith any complete Home Offices valid with other offer.Take Freean installation with any complete unitcomplete order ofoff $500 or order more.

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only. incoming order, at time of purchase purchase only. Expires Expires6/30/18 6/30/18 PLUS TAKE and Rooms PLUS TAKESPECIAL andHobby Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA ANEXTRA EXTRA Home Home Office for for1212Month Mont AN EXTRA Home PLUS TAKE Home Office •• Garage Cabinets PLUS TAKE Garage Cabinets PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUS TAKE Home Offices and Hobby RoomsSPECIAL Home Offices Garage GarageCabinets Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets FINANCING FINANCIN FINANCING FINANCING AN EXTRA • Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE • Hobby Rooms Closet PLUS TAKE oset AN EXTRA SPECIAL AN EXTRA SPECIAL Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE ANPLUS EXTRA AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE TAKE oset SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Closet set SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Bedroom C PLUS TAKE PLUS Home Office valid withTAKE any other offer. Free installation with complete order $500 more. With PLUS TAKE Plus Credit Cards Accepted and Insured (GCL/WC) AN EXTRA FINANCING PLUS TAKE Plu Credit Cards Accepted and Insured (GCL/WC) SPECIAL AN EXTRA FINANCING and Hobby Not Closet, Garage ororHome Office. anCustom additional 15% offoffforLicensed onRooms complete system order. SPECIAL Closet Not available in all and Hobby Rooms Custom Closets Not Closet, Garage Home Office.Take Take anGarage additional 15% forLicensed onany any complete system order. oset Not available in area all a Closets valid with any other offer. Free installation unitunit order ofofof$500 ororormore. With valid with any other offer. Free installation with anyany complete order $500 more. With Home Home Offices AN EXTRA Garage Cabinets Home Offices AN EXTRA Cabinets Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% offoff for on any complete system order. Not Cod#0cC Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% for onorder any complete system order. Not incoming order, time purchase Custom Closets incoming order, atatofoftime ofof purchase only.Office Expires 6/30/18 Custom Closets FINANCING ask your for det Pantries, Laundries AN EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &more. BT15-71519, Lee County FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 FINANCING ask your Designer for • Pantries valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit of $500 or12 more. With Pantries, Laundries AN EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &Designer BT15-71519, Lee Count FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 • Pantries valid with anyCredit other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 more. With 40%order, offany anyatatorder order $1000 ormore. more. of $700 or more. On any complete 40% off any order of $1000 more. 30% off any Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) 40% off $1000 or 30% off any order more. On any complete 40% off any order of $1000 or 30% off any for 12 Months! incoming order, time of purchase only. Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Garage Cabinets for Months! incoming time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA FINANCING Garage Cabinets valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With AN EXTRA AN FINANCING &&#47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Pantries, Laund Home Offices valid with any other offer. Free installation with anyReno complete unit order of#CC $500 oranmore. With AN EXTRA 40% off anyEXTRA order $1000 or more.Take 30% ofoff $700 On any complete #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497 Pantries, Laun Home Offices Bedroom Garage Cabinets 40% off any order ofoforor $1000 more. 30% any order more. On any complete FRONT incoming order, atattime ofofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FRONT CO Closet, Garage Homeor Office. Take anoff additional 15% for or on more. any complete system order. Not incoming order, time purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 car1W7c Garage Cabinets and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage orCoral: Home Office. Take additional Closet, Garage Home Office. complete system order. Not for 12 Months! and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage orCoral: Home Office. an additional for 12 Months! Plus Not available inCACOV •purchase Laundries Installation &&DE 16Expires 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &#BT15-77812 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. #area 7946 Plus Not available inall all Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape &Take BT15-71519, SPECIAL • #PA002447 Laundries Installation #PA002447 DE 16Expires 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &#BT15-77812 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CALee Lic. 40% offwith any order $1000 orFree more. offor $700 more. On complete Home Offices incoming order, atattime ofofpurchase only. 6/30/18 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape &Hobby BT15-71519, Lee SPECIAL Closet, Garage Home Office. Take an additional offcomplete on or any complete system order. Not 40% off any order ofofOffice. $1000 orFree more. 30% off with any15% order more. Onofofany any complete Home Offices incoming order, time only. 6/30/18 for 12 Months! Closet, Garage ororany Home Take an complete system order. Not and Roo Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! valid any other offer. installation unit order $500 orormore. With and Hobby R#Co Pantries, Laundries valid with other offer. installation any order $500 more. With PLUS TAKE Closet valid with any offer. Free installation with an Home Offices Custom Closets PLUS TAKE oset 40% off any order ofor $1000 or more. 30% off anyofforder of off $700 or more. On any complete valid with anyother other offer. Free installation with Home Offices FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Custom Closets 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% On any complete Plus & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an for on any complete system order. Not FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 40% off any order of $1000 or more. of $700 or more. On any complete Plus Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C1 Closet, Garage Home Office. Take an additional 15% complete system order. Not valid with any other offer. Free installation unit order of $500 or more. With 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% any order more. On any complete Home Office Credit Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Pantries, Laundries valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order of $500 or more. With PLUS TAKE incoming order, timeorof ofmore. purchase Home Office FINANCING Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE incoming order, atatHome time purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 and Hobby Rooms Plus incoming order, time ofFINANCING only. Expires 40% any order ofof$1000 or more. Closet, Garage or Home Take an additional 15% off foroff onfor any complete system order. Not and Hobby Rooms •DE• 16Custom Closets 40% off any order of $1000 30% off any order ofany $700 or On any complete Plus incoming order, atoff time ofpurchase purchase only. Expire 40% off any order $1000 or more. 36C valid with any other offer. Free installation with any15% complete unit order of $500 or more. With Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage Office. Take on any system order. Not Closet, Garage or Home an additional complete system order. Not Custom Closets SPECIAL FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 40% off any order of $1000 orTake more. 30% more. On any complete #PA002447 &&DE 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &at&MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA30% Lic. Home Office valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order ofBoston $500 or#119162, more. With Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage oror Home Office. Take anExpires additional off for onmore. any complete system order. Not Walk in Closet SPECIAL FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 #PA002447 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA L incoming order, time of purchase only. Home Office 40% off any order ofOffice. $1000 or order ofcomplete $700 or more. On Instal AN EXTRA Installation Walk in Closet incoming order, atat time of purchase only. 6/30/18 1 40% off any order ofOffice. $1000 or more. 30% off $700 or more. On Insta Home Office AN EXTRA Installation PLUS #ROC312904, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &&TAKE BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier Cow and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an ad Home Office FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier and Hobby Rooms for 12 Months! valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not PLUS TAKE Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With Walk in Closet FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 • Garage Cabinets for 12 Months! valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not PLUS TAKE incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With Walk in Closet 1 and Hobby Rooms •#916672, Garage Cabinets Home Offices AN EXTRA ON c and Hobby Rooms alk inWalkCloset Closet Home Offices Home Office AN EXTRA Installation ON lk in Home Office valid with any other offer. Free installatio any complete Closet, Garage or Home Office. Not valid with any other offer. & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 27050 Installation FINANCING! PLUS TA incoming order, at time oftime purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with anyother other offer. Free installation with any complete complete unit order ofofany $500 orormore. With valid with #C-9497, any otherWash offer. DC, Free installa incoming order, at time ofpurchase purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 any complete Closet, Garage or other offer. & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #VA 270 FINANCING! PLUS T incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any offer. Free installation with any unit order $500 more. With incoming order, at of only. Expires 6/30/18 w AN EXTRA • Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA in Closet Garage Cabinets Installation AN EXTRA Off • Hobby ANRooms EXTRA Walk in Closet Garage Cabinets Installation Pantries, Laundries HomeOffice Office Off incoming order, at time of Plus purchase only Pantries, Laundries Home 2018 RightsReserved. Reserved.Closets ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 ©© AllAll Rights

2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets 2018 © All Rights Reserved. ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 © All Rights 2018 ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. bybyDesign, Closets Inc. by 2018 © All Rights Reserved. by Design, Inc. 2018 ©Closets All Rights 2018 © Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. Design, Closets Inc. byDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © ©AllAll Rights 2018 RightsReserved. Reserved.Closets Closetsby by Design, Inc.

With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. askask your Designer for for details. your Designer details. NotNot available in all available in areas. all areas. With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. askask your Designer forCall details. your Designer for details. With approved credit. or or With approved credit. Call Not available in areas. approved credit. or or Not available in allCall areas. askWith your Designer forall details. With approved credit. Call ask your Designer for details. ask your Designer details. Notask available in all your Designer details. Not available inforareas. allfor areas. NotNot available in all available in areas. all areas. With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. #PA002447 16 170, Palm CAask Lic. #Designer 794616 incoming order, at794616 time ofdetails. on incoming order, time ofofpurchase purchase only.30% Expires 6/30/18 40% offany any orderof $1000orormore. more. 30% off any any order of On your for Call details. #PA002447 DEmore. 166009 6009 170,complete PalmBeach: Beach:CGC1509325 CGC1509325&&MCNS6658, MCNS6658,CNJ:13VH08945100, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #Designer incoming order, atattime only. Expires 6/30/18 Walkinin Closet40% With credit. orpurchase off order of $1000 off order of $700 $700&&or orDE more. Onany any complete ask your for Walk Closet Withapproved approved credit. Call or F WalkininCloset ClosetCloset, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not NotNot available in all Walk available in areas. all areas. 40% off any order orderofofor$1000 $1000 or more.Take 30% off any order order of $700 On any complete Closet, Garage Homeor Office. anoff additional 15% off for or onmore. any complete system order. Not 40% order ofofany $1000 orormore. 30% offoff any order of $700 orfor more. OnOn any complete ask your Designer details. 40% off any more. 30% any of $700 or more. On any complete 40%offoffany any order $1000 more. 30% any order of $700 or more. any comple 40% off order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or Fo askoryour Designer details. 40% off anyOffice. order ofanadditional $1000 more. 30% offforany order ofsystem $700 valid withorany any other offer.Take Freean installation with anyoffcomplete unit order orormore. With Closet, ororHome Take an 15% off for onon any complete system orde Closet,valid Garage Home Office. additional 15% for system order. Not with other offer. Free installation with any unitcomplete orderofof$500 $500 more. 40% off any order Closet,Garage Garage HomeOffice. Take additional 15% for complete Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% offcomplete for on on any any complete system order.With Not Closet, or installation Home Office. an off additional 15% offoff for onord anoFo 40% NotTake available inunit all any areas. valid with any otherGarage offer. Free with any complete order of $500 orany more.

AN Home Office PLUS TAKE ANEXT EXw Home Office PLUS PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUSTAKE TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUS TAKE •• Pantries AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE Pantries AN EXTRA AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE AN EXTRA HW PLUS TAKE •• Laundries Home Office Closet, Garage orHome Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on AN EXTRA HW Closet, Ho Notinstallation available inunit allany areas. Laundries valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order ofGarage $500 ororunit mo Office AN EXTRA Closet, Garage orw valid any other offer. Free with complete incoming order, atwith time ofany only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA valid with other offer. Free installation with any complete u valid with anyany other 40% off order orpurchase 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete incoming order, time ofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA valid with 40% offany anyincoming orderofatof$1000 $1000 ormore. more. 30% off any order ofor$700 or more. On any complet order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40% off any order of $1000 more. 30% off any order ofott incoming order, at Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40% offanany order of $1000 oron more. 30% off any order incoming order, Closet, Garage orofHome Office. Take additional 15% off foror any complete system or 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 more. On any complete Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off PLUS TAKE other Free installation with any complete order of or more. W valid with 40% off anyany order ofoffer. $1000 orFree more. 30% off any order ofOffice. $700unit or more. On$500 any complete Credit Cards Cards Accepted Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) PLUS TAKE Closet, Garage or15% Home Take anOn additional 15% PLUS TAKE any other offer. installation with any complete unit order of $500 or mor valid with Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional off for on any complete system order. NF 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. any complete Credit Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) PLUS TAKE valid with any other offer. Free installation with any comp Home Office incoming order, time ofand only. Expires 6/30/18 TAKE Closet, Garage orat Home Office. Take an additional 15% offLong onIsland any complete system orde HomeOffice Office 40% off any order of $1000 orTake more. 30% off any order offorPLUS $700 orcomplete more. On any complet valid any other offer. Free installation with any co Home Office Cards Accepted Licensed Insured (GCL/WC) AN EXTRA incoming order, atoffer. time ofpurchase purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812Credit & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, #1360195 valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit order ofTAKE $500 or more. Wi Home Closet, Garage orCounty Home Office. anwith additional 15% off forLong onPLUS any system order. incoming order, at time ofoff purchase only. Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA AN EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812Credit & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of Office $500 or more. Closet, Garage ortime Home Office. Take additional 15% for onIsland any complete system orW Home incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30 AN EXTRA AN EXTRA Home Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CALee # 794616, SE Penn: incoming order, at of purchase only.an Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free131690; installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. Home Office PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier Coun AN EXTRA Home Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA # 794616, SE Penn: incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or mor HomeOffice Office PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier C Credit Accepted Licensed Insured incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires #PA002447Cards & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. #Boston 794616 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $7006/30/18 or6/30/18 more. On #C-9497, any complete Home &(GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJCACA 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash DC, #VA 2705068 PLUS TAKE Credit Accepted Licensed Insured incoming order, at#916672, time ofanTacoma purchase only. Expires #PA002447Cards & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic.Home # 794616 Office AN EXTRA 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 more. Onsystem any complete &(GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take additional 15% off for on anyorcomplete order.Wash Not DC, #VA 2705 PLUS TAKE

incoming order, timecomplete of purchase purchase only. Freeincoming installation with any complete unit order of order, atatany time of only. Free installation with unit order of $500 $500 or or more. more. With With Home Office Home Office Home Office incoming order, time ofofofpurchase purchase only. Home Office incoming order, atatatattime incoming order, timeof purchaseonly. only. incoming order, time purchase only. Home Office Home Office Office HomeHome Office incoming order,offer. time purchase only.with Expires 6/30/18 unit order of $500 or more. With with anyother other Free installation any complete complete incoming order, atattime ofofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Home Office Walk invalid Closet with any offer. Free installation with any unit order of $500 or more. With Home Office Walk invalid Closet 2018 ©© AllAll Rights Reserved. 2018 Rights Reserved.Closets ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc.

2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.

BedroomCloset Closet Bedroom WalkininCloset Closet Walk

Installation Free15% Off Off 15% Off Installation Free 15% Off Installation Free

incoming order, atofatOffice. time purchase 40% off any $1000 or more. 30% offonly. any of40% $700 orsystem any Home Office AN EXTRA offIsland any order ofOn $1000 orcomplete more. 30% Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162,Licensed Fort Myers: Cape Coral:Insured #BT15-77812(GCL/WC) & BT15-71519, #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 PLUS TAKE #PA002447 & DELee 16County 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &of MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA$700 Lic. #more. Credit Cards Accepted Accepted and Closet, Garage ororder Home Take an additional 15% off fororder onorder any complete order. Notany incoming order, of purchase only. 40% off any order oftime $1000 or more. 30% off any ofof40% or794616 more. valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit order $500 orany more. With off order ofOn $1000 orcomple more. Home Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 PLUS TAKE #PA002447 & DELee 16Home 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &131690; MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #complete 794616 AN EXTRA Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an add3 Credit Cards Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Closet, Garage oroffer. Home Office. Take an additional 15% offorder for on any system order Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CA #for 794616, SE valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit of $500 or more. With Home Office Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) AN EXTRA incoming order, at time ofHome purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Garage orPenn: Home Office. Take or an Closet, Garage oroffer. Office. Take an additional off on any complete system AN EXTRA Home Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: #916672, Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free installatio &Credit #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #unit 794616, SEof Penn: 40% off any order $1000 orpurchase more. 30% off any order ofwith $700 or 15% more. OnCloset, any complete Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) valid with anyof2705068445; other Free installation any complete order $500 or more. W Office incoming order, at time ofoffer. only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA #PA002447 & DE 16 Boston 6009 170, Palm CGC1509325 &Coral: MCNS6658, CA Lic. #Home 794616 Arizona #ROC312904, #119162, Fort Cape #BT15-77812 &&BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% off any order ofwith $700 orcomplete more. OnIsland any complete incoming order, at time purchase only. valid with anyofCounty other offer. Free installation any complete unit order $500 orinstall mor Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an131690; additional 15% off for on any system order. Notof Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston FortMyers: Myers: CapeCoral: #BT15-77812 BT15-71519, Lee #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 &#PA002447 #47713-H, NNJ RenoBeach: #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, TampaLee #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CA #any 794616, SE Penn: & DE13VH00247800, 16 6009 170,#119162, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA County Lic. #Home 794616 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On complete incoming order, at time Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Notof purchase on

15% 15%Off

Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Island &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #794616, 794616, SEWith Penn: valid with any other installation with any complete unit orderCA ofLong $500 or more. PLUS TAKE incoming order, atFree time ofadditional purchase only. 6/30/18 40% off any order ofoffer. $1000 or more. 30% off any order ofExpires $700 more. any complete & #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno#52800, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, SE#1360195 Penn: &NNJ DENNJ 16 6009 170, PalmReno Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an 15% off for on any complete system order. Not 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 ororunit more. OnOn#any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order of or more. With Office PLUS TAKE incoming order, time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #$500 794616, SENotNot Penn: #PA002447 & DE 6009 CGC1509325 &&MCNS6658, CA #Home Closet, Garage oratHome Home Office. Take anadditional additional 15% off any complete system order. 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% offany any order offor$700 orcomplete more. Onsystem any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with complete unit order of $500 or more. With Closet, Garage or Office. Take an 15% off for ononany order. Home Office &NNJ DE1616 6009170, 170,Palm PalmBeach: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CALic. Lic. #794616 794616 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA Office valid with any other offer. Freeinstallation installation with6/30/18 any15% complete unit order $500or ormore. more. WithNot Closet, Garage ortime Home Office. Take additional off forunit onHome any complete system order. #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, 794616 Credit Cards Accepted Licensed Insured (GCL/WC)CA Lic. #incoming order, at of purchase only.anExpires valid with any other offer. Free with any complete order ofof$500 With AN EXTRA Home Office Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Home Office incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 Home Office Home Office incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Credit Cards Accepted and Insured incoming order, atoftime ofor more. purchase 40%#0505885, offOffice any order $1000 30% offonly. any order Fresno of $700 or more. OnLong any complete Arizona #ROC312904, BostonLicensed #119162, Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &(GCL/WC) BT15-71519, County Collier County #LCC20140000686, #717350, IslandSE #1360195 Home & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno Fort #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Lee #C-9497, Wash DC,any #VAororder 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #On794616, incoming order, atoftime purchase 40% off $1000 or more. 30% offonly. any order of $700 more. any complete Closet, Garage Home Office.of Take an additional 15% off for on anyorcomplete system order.Penn: Home Office &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, # 794616, SENotPenn: Closet, or 2705068445; Home Take an additional 15% off forunit on any system order. Not Long Is Home valid withGarage any other offer.Office. Free installation with any complete ordercomplete of CA $500 or more.#717350, With &NNJ DE#119162, 16 6009 170, PalmMyers: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston Fort Cape#916672, Coral:&#BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno valid with any other Free installation with6/30/18 any complete unit order of $500 or more.#717350, With #PA002447 & DE#119162, 16 6009 170, PalmMyers: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic.Lee # 794616 Home Office incoming order, at timeoffer. of purchase only.County Expires Arizona #ROC312904, Boston Fort Cape Coral:&#BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno Long

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“ Where flowers bloom, s o d o e s h o p e .” — L ADY BIRD JOHNSON

Spring is precious, isn’t it? Buds burst forth, straining skyward in the pure bright sunshine. Critters emerge from their long winter sleeps, hungry and looking for company. And birds and butterflies flit about playfully, joyfully. Summer can’t be far off. It’s time, too, to transform our homes with lighter, fresher colours and textures—but let’s not forget to add life to our walls with some stunning artwork. If you’re new to purchasing original art for your home, we’ve amassed some expert tips to get you started in our Home & Garden section. We all know cycling v. driving has myriad benefits, and for our Health & Wellness story, we’ve put together a list of some of the amazing cycling groups operating in our city. They’re great resources and make it easy and fun to get you rolling safely. Show your mom how much you appreciate her with one of the gorgeous gift ideas in our Shop Local Mother’s Day Gift Guide. For our Environment story, our friend and fellow environmentalist Anwar Knight is back to tell us all about the amazing monarch butterfly. Learn how you can help these astounding creatures not just survive, but thrive. Just in time for Cinco de Mayo, we’ve got a feature bursting with tips and tricks to create your own fiesta at home! There are three staple ingredients that make traditional Mexican food so delicious, and our food writer Ilana Clamp tells us how to mindfully shop for each one when you’re at the grocery store. Hint: sometimes bigger isn’t better. After two long years in isolation, we’re all emerging from hibernation, too—and Mississauga businesses are open and ready to show us what we’ve been missing. Let’s get out there this spring and support local!


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Home & Garden


A R T 10

Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8




t a certain point in life, something shifts in us. We begin to want to surround ourselves with more precious, curated items that we’ve collected over time—paintings, rugs and sculpture, for example— and less ‘disposable art’ we’ve purchased from stores like HomeSense or IKEA (although they have some fabulous prints to hang in the meantime!) For beginners, the artwork-purchasing process can feel intimidating, whether you’re deciding where to hang a print, debating whether to pull the trigger on a first acquisition, or wondering where the heck to start—but there’s no need to fear. We asked local expert Annis Karpenko, Executive Director of Visual Arts Mississauga at Riverwood, her top tips to consider when investing in a special piece. As it turns out, choosing art for the home is much more intuitive than you might think if you follow a few simple rules.

www.visualartsmississauga.com EDUCATION · EXHIBITIONS · EVENTS · OUTREACH




START LOCAL Spend time visiting exhibitions and opening events in Mississauga and the GTA, go to small galleries and visit art fairs. “Mississauga has a vibrant cultural landscape. Find out what’s happening in the GTHA, and then show up,” Karpenko advises. This is a great way to expose yourself to the artists in our community. Don’t forget that buying from artists who are starting to make a name for themselves is like stumbling upon a great real estate deal. Another tip: Hotels and coffee shops often showcase the works of local artists. Keep your eyes open.


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

CHOOSE ART FROM YOUR HEART Buying art is a very personal process. “Buy with your heart,” recommends Karpenko, “and then you will have no regrets.” Original art is unique and one-of-a-kind. If your heart skips a beat at the sight of a piece, or your soul feels a connection, don’t hesitate too long or you could miss out. Another way to find art that you have a meaningful connection with is to keep your eyes open on your next vacation. This will not only elevate your experience as a tourist, but it allows the memory to become part of your everyday life.

GET TO KNOW THE ARTIST “If the artist is willing, creating a relationship with them encourages them and puts you at the front of their list when they make new work," Karpenko says. AS K A BOU T M Y SP R I N G SP EC I A L !



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•If you don’t get the chance to meet the artist in person, read up. Follow their social media to get a sense of who they are in real life. Did you fall in love with a piece that’s slightly above your budget? “You can always request a payment plan," suggests Karpenko. • If you’re choosing an artist to create a commissioned piece, make sure they have experience in making commissions, or ask the artist for references of clients they have worked with in the past. • Don’t ask the artist to stray too far from their style or try to control them too much. This is a recipe for disaster. • Offer photos of where the piece will be displayed and some of the artwork and objects you like.


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Make sure you clearly state your expectations before the work begins so that you are not disappointed. • Invest in not only paintings, but crafts and sculpture, too… and don’t worry about everything matching! An eclectic mélange of art and furniture can be just as beautiful as a very concise edit of pieces that match your décor. • Don’t forget to hang art in the smaller areas, such as bathrooms and entryways. An interesting piece of art can really elevate those spaces and make them memorable for your visitors. • Once you have purchased a piece you love, choose the right frame. If you want to keep things simple, Karpenko says, “There are excellent framers in the area who can guide you to make sure your work will look great in your home.” Happy shopping!



Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8


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Health & Wellness



Local biking groups offer support, community events and advocacy by JANE BERRY &



Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

“ W hen the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.” ~ ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE

With so many well-documented health benefits to bicycling— including mental health—it’s a wonder why we’re not all out there right now pedaling like crazy. Aside from increased cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and flexibility, cycling also leads to improved joint mobility and decreased stress levels. It’s affordable, easy and most of all, fun. Mississauga boasts many different clubs and organizations that offer different events, including casual weekly rides, competitions and even incredible charity events that give back to the community and those in need. We’ve compiled an overview of some of the resources you can contact when you want to get rolling!






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Walk and Roll Peel

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A program by the Region of Peel government, Walk + Roll Peel promotes Peel's bicycle and pedestrian initiatives and infrastructure as well as the benefits of active transportation. Committed to getting more people walking and cycling—instead of driving—for everyday trips.

Mississauga Bikes


This is your one-stop shop for programming and resources related to cycling by your local City of Mississauga government. The website provides resources for parents, kids, new riders and schools, the (new) City cycling map, online engagement opportunities via consultations and surveys as well as public events! The most popular events are the Community Rides which are City-led group rides (held virtually during COVID). These rides are the perfect way to explore different parts of your city and meet new people, by bike! Check their website regularly for new resources, consultation and volunteer opportunities and the latest Community Rides!


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

Mississauga Cycling Advisory Commit tee W W W. M I S S I S S AU G A .C A /CO U N CI L /COM M IT TE E S/

Learn about the state of cycling in Mississauga by tuning in to meetings of the Cycling Advisory Committee, held monthly. General members of the public can join the meeting live by request as well as submit questions in advance by visiting their webpage. This is also where you can view past agendas, minutes and videos as well as the Cycling Master Plan.

Mississauga Cycles


The Mississauga Cycles project, started in 2019, is a joint collaboration between Peel Multicultural Council and CultureLink, funded by the Region of Peel. Mississauga Cycles builds on the success of other Bike Hubs established by CultureLink in the GTA to connectewcomers with their new community, by bike. Programs include bike mentorship, bike repair clinics, online workshops, public outreach events and civic engagement resources.

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Sheridan Bike Hub W W W. M I S S I O N Z E RO. S H E R I DA N CO LLE G E .C A

The Sheridan Bike Hub is a go-to spot to support all cycling enthusiasts in the Sheridan community! The program builds on successful cycling initiatives already in place at the college and it aims to increase cycling for transportation among our students, faculty, and staff on both campuses. The Office for Sustainability (OfS) has been in collaboration with The Region of Peel to develop the Sheridan Bike Hub for the Hazel McCallion and Davis campuses since 2018.

Slow Roll groups There are currently four such groups In Mississauga: the Port Credit Slow Rollers, Streetsville Slow Roll, Cooksville Slow Roll and FrostBike Mississauga. The first three hold rides generally from May-October, biweekly, in the neighbourhoods of their namesake, while FrostBike takes place specifically in the colder months, more sporadically, across the city. Find these Slow Roll groups on Facebook, as well as the Streetsville and Frostbike groups on Twitter and Instagram.

Ontario Cycling Association


The OCA offers various levels of involvement. As a rider, you can stay independent and/or participate in the many regional and weekly events that are hosted throughout the year.


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

Share the Road Cycling Coalition W W W. S H A R E TH E ROA D.C A

A provincial cycling advocacy organization dedicated to building a bicycle-friendly Ontario, Share the Road works in partnership with municipal, provincial and federal governments, the business community, road safety organizations and other non-profits to enhance access for bicyclists on roads and trails, improve safety for all bicyclists, and educate citizens on the value and importance of safe bicycling for healthy lifestyles and healthy communities. Share the Road began in memory of OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart, the husband of founder Eleanor McMahon, who was killed in a cycling tragedy in June 2006.

Velo Canada Bikes


Canada Bikes is a national cycling advocacy organization working to build a bicycle friendly Canada. They are the national voice and organizing body for promoting cycling as a means of everyday transportation and recreation. They have a sizable membership and conduct advocacy with all levels of government as well as hosting annual conferences, policy statements, research publications as well as a number of events. Their newest such event is the Pedal Poll, started in 2021, which collects real-time cycling data across Canada via hundreds of volunteers — the 2022 program is looking for volunteers now! So, whether you’re looking for life-affirming exercise, joyful recreation or a tool for fast and affordable commuting that provides more health benefits than you imagine, check out these cycling groups and resources! Cycling opens a world of greater social interaction, environmental sustainability and accessibility — it is a wonderful way to connect with your community! LL looklocalmagazine.com


Shop Local


MOM She’s the most important person in your universe. This Mother ’s Day, show your mom how much she means to you with a thoughtful purchase from a local shop with our curated selection of beautiful gift ideas she’s sure to treasure. Don’t forget your grandmothers, too—or anyone who’s been like a mom to you.

LITTLE ROSE COOKIE CO. As delicious as they are beautiful, cookies from Little Rose are always a special treat. Give your mom a gift as sweet as she is! Simply decadent.

13 Main Street littlerosecookieco.com

Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

IMPRESSIONABLE GIFTS & DÉCOR For the mom-to-be! A thoughtful gift for expecting moms to trace their journey of baby's pending arrival. The journal provides a variety of pregnancy milestones to document and showcases beautiful illustrations. Spiral bound hardcover with gift box sleeve for easy gift-giving and safekeeping for years to come.

74 Lakeshore Road East impressionablegifts.ca IMPRESSIONABLE GIFTS & DÉCOR Make your mother’s heart smile with this touching necklace that she will treasure. Lead and nickel safe with a 20” chain. Exclusive at Impressionable Gifts & Décor.

74 Lakeshore Road East impressionablegifts.ca

INNER BEACH CO. Oversized to hold everything Mom needs, pick up one of Inner Beach's cotton totes featuring a cheeky colourful print. Perfect for shopping or long days at the beach.

6 Elizabeth Street South innerbeach.com



Shop Local

HEATHER CASTLES ILLUSTRATION Show your mom how she makes you feel with a stunning piece of original artwork from a local artist. Heather Castles tells stories visually and whimsically in paint or pencil as well as traditional mediums like oils, acrylic or watercolours. Inspired by the lush fields of dahlias at Andrews Scenic Acres in Milton, where “the clouds are always on the move, the trees are gorgeous, and the dahlias just give their all the whole season,” this piece, entitled “The Dahlias At Andrews” is just as lovely as motherhood. Acrylic on canvas, 4 x 5 feet.

illustrationcastle.com @heather_castles_illustration


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

CRAFTED DÉCOR The perfect gift for Mother’s Day, the Lampe Berger has a unique and patented diffusion system that helps eradicate undesirable odors and bacteria while also diffusing luxurious fragrance. Purify your air the French way. Made in France.

232 Queen Street South crafteddecor.ca

CONNON NURSERIES Give your mom the gift that continues to grow for years to come (just like you!) Perennials make the prettiest (and most practical) present of all. HINT: Why not prep the bed and plant these beauties for her, too? Anything to make her life easier…

656 Robson Road, Waterdown connon.ca



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o you remember learning the life cycle of the butterfly when you were in grade school science? Metamorphosis takes place when an egg changes into larvae (a caterpillar), and then a pupa, or chrysalis, forms. Finally, out from the chrysalis into the world—where it will only live a few weeks—at last emerges a beautiful butterfly.


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

With the exception perhaps of the honeybee, there may be no other insect as iconic as the butterfly. They have evolved to represent emblems of positivity, rejuvenation and, particularly at this time of year, a reassuring sign that a warmer season is underway. It must be spring, after all, if we glimpse the chaotic flutter of a brightly-coloured monarch butterfly. Whether you are 7 or 77, the transformation that these graceful creatures undergo is both fascinating and mysterious. There are so many things that even researchers have yet to discover about these flying insects, including those living among us in Southern Ontario. Scientists do know that the migration of the orange and black monarch butterfly is unlike any other. Called by the leading edge of colder air in November, monarchs set out on a journey spanning over 3000 km south to Mexico for the winter. The trip takes an average of 45 days, with some of the winged wonders travelling more than 80 km each day. The great mystery here is that no monarch making the trip has ever traveled the route before, yet they instinctively know where to go. The monarchs returning to Canada each spring are not the same as those that began the migration in the autumn. After basking in the tropical Mexican sun, monarchs begin a generational process that ensures the species return to their Canadian summer home. As they leave the winter sites in early April, these older butterflies lay eggs in parts of the southern United States and their descendants are the ones that fly north, crossing international borders to be discovered and admired by Canadians in early June. Scientists believe the secret of their navigational prowess may lie in an internal compass calibrated to the position of the sun at different times of year. In the summer and early fall, monarchs move from flower to flower, feasting on nectar. In mid-fall, they travel in large numbers near the shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, where they cluster together on trees to form roosts (overnight resting areas) before crossing the lakes. These areas may contain a few hundred to several thousand monarchs. They typically form clusters in the same areas year after year.



WANT TO HELP? Visit littlewings.ca - a local company dedicated to the conservation of monarch butterflies.

Naturally, monarch populations will vary from winter storm deaths, poor breeding conditions, predators and other pressures. But now, despite their innate inter-generational survival techniques, researchers have noted alarming changes in both the Eastern and Western populations of monarch butterflies, with an 80 percent decline in just 20 years, largely due to habitat loss. Conservationists are concerned that the monarch population could become too low to sustain itself. As a result, the monarch butterfly is identified as a species of Special Concern by both the provincial and federal governments. This means the species could be at risk of becoming threatened or endangered if we don’t take steps to protect it.


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8


POLLINATOR PARADISE Last fall, The Riverwood Conservancy unveiled its new, 120-square metre Pollinator Paradise, designed to provide habitat and food for a variety of pollinators. From bees, to butterflies, to hummingbirds, each plant in the garden was chosen to provide support to our native pollinators during a time when many species find themselves in decline, particularly in urban areas. The project, which is located on the west side of the lawn in front of Chappell House, also creates a tranquil place to sit and contemplate nature and serves as an educational resource for visiting school classes, special needs programs, and community events. A whopping 40 species of native plants were planted in the garden, which combine to create a diverse ecosystem for the many

species of pollinators that call Riverwood and Mississauga home. Some of the native plants include: giant hyssop, native bee balm, great blue lobelia, big bluestem grass, mountain mint, Canada columbine, wild lupine, coneflower, and cardinal flower. Depending on the season, visitors may also see dozens of species of bees and butterflies, and since Riverwood has implemented host plants for butterflies in the garden, they may see some beautiful caterpillars and cocoons too. The native plants in the garden provide habitat for other species as well, including toads, snakes, rabbits, and an array of birds, including hummingbirds. Native plant gardens can often be low maintenance. Native plants have adapted to the conditions in this area, and so aren't as picky with watering. As a result, native pollinator gardens can be an easier option for people considering gardens in their own yard or balcony.

• theriverwoodconservancy.org •



In Ontario, there are more than 100 different species of butterflies, just a small portion of the nearly 20,000 different types worldwide. To help support their survival, conservation experts are building more butterfly and pollinator gardens, which offer crucial feeding habitats for butterflies, and encouraging gardeners to include more butterflyfriendly flowers and plants in their home gardens (see our sidebar, Pollinator Paradise at Riverwood Conservancy!) Some of these efforts may be paying off—more monarchs were counted making the annual pilgrimage last year. To learn more about these amazing creatures and their efforts to survive, join me for a new episode of my Big Blue Marble Podcast: The BounceBack Of The Butterfly. https://bigbluemarble.earth/podcast/the-bounceback-of-the-butterfly/

ANWAR KNIGHT is an award-winning broadcaster, whose genuine and warm engaging personality has made him a favourite with audiences nationwide. With an insatiable curiosity, Anwar connects and inspires real-world action through storytelling. He is a passionate steward of nature and is working to propel efforts to preserve our earth. Join Anwar on his podcast BigBlueMarble.earth and his recently launched FBLive show “Here n’ There” every Friday at 1pm facebook.com/AnwarKnightTV LL


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8





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Community Events



Spring Cottage Life Show

Get ready for cottage season with Cottage Life's annual 35th Spring Cottage Life Show! From cottagers planning a rebuild, a renovation or to make their retreat a year-round destination, the Spring Cottage Life Show has everything. Meet exhibitors showing docks, builders, contractors, innovative building products, green solutions, decor and style, arts and crafts, food and entertaining, water toys and more. The International Centre 6900 Airport Road shows.cottagelife.com/spring-cottage-life-show


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

now until



Hazel: 100 Years of Memories

Mississauga’s legend and centurion, Hazel McCallion, is showcased in an historical exhibit through art and displays. Visitors will be surrounded by a plethora of everything Hazel, celebrating 100 years of memories and her life’s journey in colourful art, video and displays. Erin Mills Town Centre Lower level near Hudson’s Bay 5100 Erin Mills Parkway erinmills.ca/events/erinmills-hazel100-years-of-memories



Rattray Marsh Spring Clean Up

Spring into Nature! Help collect litter along the Waterfront Trail, throughout Rattray Marsh and along the Lake Ontario shoreline. 9:30 am to noon. Rattray Marsh Conservation Area 1180 Lakeshore Road West cvc.ca



Spring Canadian Pet Expo

Canada’s largest family pet event offers pet families and fanatics safe, interactive fun, pet-focused shopping and all sorts of entertainment—all while promoting responsible pet ownership. Bring your pet! International Centre 6900 Airport Road canadianpetexpo.ca



Forest Bathing at Riverwood

Rest and rejuvenate through mindful and sensory awareness at Riverwood and deepen your relationship with nature. Experience the benefits of slow-paced wandering in nature with a trained forest therapy guide. $10 to $15. 9 to 10:30 am. Riverwood Conservancy Main Parking Lot, 4150 Riverwood Park Lane theriverwoodconservancy.org



Annual Spring Craft Market Irish Club of Mississauga

Visit the market to find unique gifts and treats just in time for Easter! This fundraiser offers baked goods, plenty of parking, handicapped accessible, and a raffle and door prize! 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. 4120 Ridgeway Drive #39 Contact kellyirishclub@yahoo.ca irishclubmississauga.ca/spring-market



10th Annual April Fine Art Show

Arts on the Credit’s 10th Annual Fine Art Show will return to the Waterside Inn to showcase fabulous art from local artists throughout the GTA. Art lovers will discover displays of Southern Ontario’s finest art works, including: ceramics, glass, wood, jewellery, textiles, photography and paintings in oils, acrylics and mixed media. Waterside Inn 15 Stavebank Road South See website for protocol information. artsonthecredit.ca looklocalmagazine.com



Beginner Birding

Come to Riverwood Conservancy and learn the basics of birdwatching and how to begin identifying them by sound, colour, shape, and size. Please bring binoculars if you have them (if not, you’ll be able to borrow some). No dogs permitted. Please dress for the weather. $5. 9 to 10:30 am. Riverwood Conservancy Main Parking Lot, 4150 Riverwood Park Lane theriverwoodconservancy.org




SpringIN The Port Block Party

Come on out for dancing, live entertainment, games and great company! 2 to 7 pm. Elizabeth Street South between Lakeshore Road and Port Street




MSO Annual Spring Used Book Sale

All proceeds raised in this sale go to the Mississauga Symphony Orchestra and the M.S.O. Youth Orchestra to assist with production expenses. Sheridan Village Mall 2225 Erin Mills Pkwy. Lower level at the bottom of the escalator usedbooksale@mississaugasymphony.ca

Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8



19th Annual Mississauga Marathon

One of the most popular multi-day running events in the GTA, the Mississauga Marathon is a Boston Marathon qualifier and the fastest marathon in Canada. Don’t miss a picturesque run, mainly along the Lake Ontario Waterfront. Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, 5K, and 2K. Port Credit Memorial Arena, 40 Stavebank Road North mississaugamarathon.com



Mississauga Marathon Health & Wellness Expo

Packed with great exhibitors. Local residents are welcome and admission is free. Free onsite parking is available. 11 am to 7 pm. Port Credit Memorial Arena 40 Stavebank Road North mississaugamarathon.com Starting



Re/Max Spring Cleaning Annual Clothing Drive

In support of Habitat for Humanity, drop off your gently used clothing and accessories at one of three locations during the following times and volunteers will be there to accept the donations! Drop off times: Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 2 pm and Monday to Friday 3 to 7pm. April 29 to May 8. Drop off locations: Clarkson Village 1697 Lakeshore Road West Meadowvale 6850 Millcreek Drive Erin Mills 2691 Credit Valley Road, Suite 101



Landscaping for Birds: Birds in Your Yard

Discover the different birds in your neighbourhood and how to keep them safe. Join CVC’s Melissa Creasey for part one of a free two-part webinar series on creating safe and vibrant yards for local and migratory birds .Learn about the birds that bring colour and birdsong to your yard and community and what you can do to keep them safe and healthy. Online cvc.ca



Discover Native Plants

Discover top native plants for creating beautiful birdfriendly yards. Join CVC’s Melissa Creasey for part two of a two-part webinar series on creating birdfriendly yards. Learn how to use native plants to create yards and gardens that support local and migratory birds. Discover how native trees and shrubs can attract birds while adding colour to your yard and neighbourhood. Online cvc.ca looklocalmagazine.com


Food & Drink



AT - H O M




Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

ot quite ready to venture out for Cinco de Mayo this spring? You can easily duplicate the delicious Mexican cuisine that marks this festive occasion from the comfort of your own kitchen. By selecting just a few key ingredients from your local market, you can create authentictasting Mexican dishes this May 5—and anytime!


The hallmarks of Mexican cuisine are fresh, flavourful produce combined with bold, vibrant herbs and spices—but Mexican dishes really come alive when you focus on four simple but essential ingredients: tomatoes, herbs and spices, cheese, and tortillas.

Killer tomatoes It goes without saying that the fresher the tomato, the tastier the dish, particularly when it comes to Mexican cuisine. Things to remember: •

High-quality, fresh tomatoes are key. Look for firm, rosy-red fruits with no soft spots or discolouration.

• Bigger is not always better! Sometimes smaller tomatoes have a more intense, “tomato-y” flavour. • Roma tomatoes are an excellent choice when selecting tomatoes for Mexican dishes, due to their thinner skin and low water content—perfect to simmer in sauces or used raw in a salsa. •

Try a tomatillo! These small- to medium-sized green tomatoes come wrapped in a paper-thin green husk. With their tart flavour, they work well in sauces, salsas or even in a soup. Try using tomatillos in a salsa verde—just make sure you remove the husk.


41 41

Spice it up In Mexican cuisine, herbs and spices are layered into the main ingredients of a recipe, as well as used as a final touch to garnish and give a dish an extra “kick”. You can find high-quality—often authentically Mexican—herbs and spices online, in Mexican grocery stores and in organic or specialty markets. The most important are:


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

• Cilantro: Cilantro can be found in almost any grocery store. Use organic when available and make sure it’s super fresh—no wilted stems or yellowing stalks. • Oregano: One of the main herbs used to flavour the liquid stirred into mole and rice dishes, oregano is often combined with thyme and marjoram for a fresh burst of flavour. Try to find Mexican oregano, which is more aromatic, slightly stronger, and contains more essential oil than the oregano we might find in our Canadian kitchens. • Cinnamon: We often think of cinnamon as a “dessert” spice but in Mexican cuisine, you’ll find this complex ingredient ground into moles, added to beverages such as horchata, and as one of three ingredients in traditional recado blanco (along with allspice and oregano). Mexican cinnamon is also known as Ceylon cinnamon, and is different from the typical cinnamon we might use in baking recipes. The Mexican variety has thinner bark, with a crumbly texture, but more importantly has a flavour that is less sharp and “warmer” than its more common counterpart.



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So cheesy For a more authentic Mexican cuisine experience, try moving beyond the “Fiesta Blend” pre-shredded, bagged cheese from your grocery store. Mexican cheese, or “queso”, comes in many varieties, from softer and more fresh-tasting to very firm with a more “aged” taste. Try to find the freshest product you can get, either from a specialty cheese shop or an organic market. Varieties of queso include: Queso Fresco, Queso Fanchego, Requesón and Queso Fotija. Each has its own delicious, unique characteristic. Try them all!

The vessel One of the mainstays of Mexican cuisine, tortillas are used as the base of a dish, as a utensil to scoop up savoury or sweet dishes, or as a wrapper hiding a delicious filling. Unfortunately, the tortillas we tend to see wrapped in plastic at our local grocery store—often doughy, flavourless and limp—are not the ideal ingredient to elevate your home-cooked Mexican dishes. You have a few options in this department. You can find online retailers that sell freshly-made tortillas or reach out to your local Mexican restaurant to see if they can help. (See our helpful Local Links!) You can also try making your own, which does involve a learning curve but can produce amazing results. This is an ideal gluten-free option because you’ll have more control over the ingredients and the cooking process. LL


Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8













The annual celebration of Cinco de Mayo, held on May 5th each year, commemorates the date of Mexico’s victor y over the French army in 1862. The small, poorly equipped Mexican army contingent was victorious over the larger, better armed French forces at the Battle of Puebla. Though it is generally not celebrated outside of Puebla, Cinco de Mayo gained popularity in the United States during the 1940’s and 1950’s as a way of celebrating Mexican-American culture. This celebration is often mistaken for Mexico’s Independence Day, which is the most important national holiday in Mexico, celebrated annually on September 16th. looklocalmagazine.com


Local Recipe



Look Local Volume 2 | Issue 8

INGREDIENTS • Freshly baked and seasoned tortilla chips • 2oz cheese sauce • 3oz shredded cheddar cheese • 3 oz shredded mozzarella cheese • 2 oz tomatoes • 1 oz onions • 1 oz cilantro • 2 oz pickled jalapeno • 3 oz each sour cream, salsa • 1 tbs El Jefe Special House seasoning

METHOD 1 On a 6x9 baking tray, place a layer of freshly cooked and seasoned tortilla chips.

2 Spread 2oz of cheese sauce evenly over chips, and top with 3oz of shredded cheddar and mozzarella cheese blend.

3 Place the second layer of chips on top of the first layer. Add another 2oz of cheese sauce, followed by 2oz of pickled jalapeno slices.

4 Add the protein of your choice (if any), and

another 3oz of shredded cheese blend. Make sure the cheese is the top ingredient to protect everything else from drying out and burning!

5 Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 5 minutes, or until cheese is thoroughly melted.

6 Remove from oven, and top with 3oz of sour cream and 4oz of El Jefe pico de gallo.

7 Finish with a generous sprinkle of El Jefe

House Seasoning (Tajin works great as a substitute!) and a healthy dose of fresh cilantro—and guac if you are feeling frisky. Devour. PREPARED BY

EL JEFE eljefepc.com

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