Barrie, Innisfil & Orillia
Volume 5 Issue 3 WHAT'S INSIDE?
eat shop play local
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Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
705 259 5898
SPRING 2022 12 HOME & GARDEN Creating a Backyard Oasis 18
SPECIAL FEATURE Celebrating Mother's Day
24 SHOP LOCAL Gifts for Mom
COMMUNITY Community Events
HEALTH & WELLNESS Making Fitness Fun
JUST FOR FUN Hobby Stores Galore
38 FOOD & DRINK Celebrate Cinco de Mayo!
46 LOCAL RECIPE The Mexican House's Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3 Tortilla Soup
mom PAGE 18
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PUBLISHER Finally, the days are getting longer, brighter, and warmer. Even though we are staring down the sixth wave of the pandemic, we are able to gather again with family and friends. Slowly events are coming back into our lives and oh how we have missed those. Over the past couple of years, many charities have had the challenging task of trying to meet increased demand for their services while facing significant decline in revenue and donations. The pandemic has had a very negative impact on local charities. Without the ability to host events, donations have been affected. If you have an event, please let us know. We are happy to showcase your event on our website and we will do our best to include as many as we can in print. The future looks bright, so we will continue to be optimistic yet cautious in our day-to-day living. Be kind, be safe!
Laura Mayo publisher
Jonathon Root EDITOR
Erin Pepler, Joanne Blouin-Dafoe, Brittney Monteith, Amanda Schmalz, Erin Montgomery ART DIRECTORS
Sarah Lush Jennifer Brewster Ashly Bowers ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY
Laura Mayo For Advertising or General Inquiries 705.796.5343 Look Local Magazine is published 8 times per year and is distributed for free at over 300 locations in Simcoe County and surrounding areas. Copies are also distributed to select neighbourhoods using direct mail. Look Local is a registered trademark of Novavita Publishing Limited. Look Local Barrie, Innisfil, Orillia is published by BRAC Marketing Group Inc., under the license of Novavita Publishing Limited. Copyright: All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, photograph or artwork without written permission from the Publisher is strictly prohibited. Editorial contributions: Look Local encourages contributions of articles, recipes, photographs and other creative materials from the community. Please email or mail to 1464 Cornwall Road # 8, Oakville, Ontario L6J 7W5. We reserve the right to edit materials received and can assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Select photos courtesy of Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation Disclaimer: Advertisements published in Look Local Magazine are supplied solely by the advertiser and the Publisher accepts no responsibility for opinions expressed in advertisements or for copyright issues with respect to them.
Off Plus , Plus ur home, 40% Off Plus e, Imagine Plus ne your home, our home, ,e, F F your home, totally organized! organized! Installation Free Installation ,e, 40% Off Plus ! Plus Installation Free Installation 40% Off Plus ganized! d! Plus e, agine your lly organized! home, organized! ally !d! ,d! Installation Free d! Installation !totally e, Installation Free Installation % 40 % otally organized! 15% Off 15% Off gine yourOff agine home, 40% Plus !magine 40% Off Plus d! Off Plus O 40% Off Plus Off Plus Off Plus O 40% your home, 15% Off magine Off Off 15% Off 40% Off Installation Free Plus Imagine home, 40% Off your home, Installation Free Plus Imagine your home, otally organized! Installation Installation Free 40% Off Plus Installation Installation Free Installation magine your 40% Off magine home, Plus Off Insta Free 40% Plus Insta Free Off Plus 40% magine your magine home, 40% 40% totally organized! Installation Free Installation Free home, your totally organized! organized! Installation Free totally organized! Installation Free totally organized! Installation Free Installation Free Off 15% Off 15% magine home, magine your Ins Free Ins Free Plus 15% 40% Off Plus 40% Off magine magine your home, totally organized! Off Off 15% Off Off totally organized! Plus 40% plus 40% OFF Plus 40%15% 15% 40% Off 40%15% Off Off Imagine Imagine your home,
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2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.
2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. ©Rights All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. Inc. 20182018 © AllClosets 2018 ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. by Design, Closets Inc. by Design, 2018 © All Rights Reserved. by Design, Inc. 2018 © Allby Rights Reserved. Closets 2018 © AllClosets Rights 2018 by ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. Design, Closets Inc. by Design, Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.
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2018 © © All All Rights Rights Reserved. 2018 Reserved. Closets Closets by byDesign, Design,Inc. Inc.
2018 by Design, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 © © All All Rights Rights Reserved. Closets by
Custom SPECIAL F Custom Closets Closets SPECIAL SPECIAL Walk in Closet Closet FINANCING Custom Closets Closets Custom SPECIAL Walk in FINANCING Custom Custom Closets Closets F SPECIAL Garage Cabinets SPECIAL F Custom Closets Custom Closets SPECIAL FINANCING Garage Cabinets SPECIAL FINANCING FINANCING Custom Closets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets for 12 Months! FINANCING Custom Closets SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets SPECIAL for 12 Months! Garage Cabinets Home Offices SPECIAL FINANCING Garage Cabinets SPECIAL P Cabinets Home Offices FINANCING SPECIAL for12 12 Months! F Custom Closets Garage Cabinets Garage Custom Closets FINANCING for 12 Months! for Months! SPECIAL Custom Closets Home Offices Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets for 12 Months! Home Offices SPECIAL Home Offices Garage Cabinets Custom Closets With approved credit. Call or FINANCING FINANCING Home Offices Home Offices Pantries, Laundries for12 12Months! Months! GarA Custom Closets With approved credit. CallOffices or Custom Closets Offices Pantries, Laundries SPECIAL for for 12 Months! Custom Closets Home BedroomCloset ClosetHome Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FINANCING ask your Designer for details. for 12 Months! With approved credit. CallorCloset orGarag Home Offices Bedroom Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets Custom Closets Pantries, LaundriesPantries, Home Offices With approved credit. Calloror Laundries FINANCING ask yourapproved Designer for details. Pantries, Laundries With approved credit. Call Custom Closets Bedroom Pantries, Home Offices With Call Custom Closet Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laundries Ho for 12 Months! Bedroom Closet and Hobby Rooms Laundries Custom Closets for 12 Months! Not available incredit. allforareas. areas. Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets askyour yourDesigner Designer fordetails. details. Hom FINANCING ask your Designer details. LaundriesPantries, for 12 Months! and Hobby Rooms Laundries With approved credit. Call or for 12 Months! Not available in all Garage Cabinets Pantries, Home Offices ask for SPECIAL FINANCING ask your Designer for details. Home Offices With approved credit. Call or Pantries, Home Offices Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Gar for 12 Months! With approved credit. Calloror Laundries Home Offices and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries for Months! Not available inall all areas. Not available inall all areas. Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garag for 12 Months! With approved credit. Call ask your Designer for details. Bedroom Closet Garage Cabine Bedroom Closet Garage Cabine and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! Not available in areas. Not available in areas. Home Offices Custom Closets ask your Designer for details. Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinet Bedroom Closet G SPECIAL Garage Cabinet Home Offices Home Offices andNot Hobby Rooms Bedroom Closet and Gara Custom Closets Ho askWith your Designer forHobby details. for 12 Months! With approved credit. Callororor Bedroom Offices and Hobby Rooms Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries Closet Garage Hom Not availableininallallareas. areas. inc ask your Designer for details. for 12 Months! approved credit. Call With approved credit. Call Walk in Closet and Rooms Pantries, Laundries Pantries, Laundries Bedroom Closet Gar available incom Home Offices Walk inHome Closet Custom Closets With approved credit. Call or Pantries, Bedroom Closet Garag Home Offices Custom Closets Hom and Hobby Rooms FINANCING ask your Designer for details. Not available in all areas. Home Offices G Bedroom Closet and Hobby •• Custom Closets With approved credit. Callorororor ask your Designer details. Not available in allfordetails. areas. With approved credit. Call Home OfficesHome Ga Bedroom Closet Pantries, Laundries ask your Designer for details. Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laundries SG-P(sp) Custom Closets SPECIAL With approved credit. Call Ho With approved credit. Call FINANCING Pantries, ask your Designer for Garage Pantries, Hom and Hobby Rooms Not available in all areas. and Hobby •• Custom Closets With approved credit. Calloror Not available all areas. Pantries, Laundries ask Designer for details. ask your Designer for details. PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms Garage Cabinets Custom With approved credit. Call Not available all areas. Pantries, ask Designer for details. ask your Designer for details. SPECIAL and Hobby Garage SPECIAL for 12 Months! Not available ininin all areas. Pantries, Laund Months! •• Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laund ask your Designer for details. PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms Bedroom Closet Gar Garage Cabinets and Hobby Rooms Not available all areas. Home Offices Not available inNorthwest, all areas. ask your Designer for details. and Hobby Bedroom Closet GaragS and Hobby for 12 Months! Not available inin all areas. Home Offices Closet By Design-Kristen-North, Toronto West Not available inNorthwest, all areas. Months! •• Garage Cabinets Closet Design-Kristen-North, Toronto West Garage FINANCING! and Hobby Rooms Home Offices CustomClosets Closets Notavailable available allareas. areas. Ho and Hobby Home Custom Not ininall INTEREST-FREE Hom andHobby HobbyRoo Ro AN EXTRA •• Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms FINANCING! With approved credit. Call or Pantries, Laundries With approved credit. Call or FIF AN EXTRAWithFINANCING! Pantries, •• Hobby Rooms Hobby Rooms With approved credit. Calloror Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laundries credit. Call Garage Cabinets Pantries, askWith yourapproved Designer for details. approved credit. Call or forforCall details. credit. oror ask your yourDesigner Designer details. approved credit. Call PLUS Designer forareas. details. SPECIAL fof With approved credit. Call or TAKE and Hobby Rooms Not available all and Hobby Home Offices SPECIAL available ininininall areas. PLUS Home Offices TAKE and Hobby Rooms Custom Closets available allCall areas. Plus Free and Hobby Plus Free Custom Closets Not available all areas. With approved credit. or ask Designer for details. your Designer for details. •• Pantries Pantries 40% off order of of $1000 off any order $700oror or more. On any complete FINANCIN Custom Designer for details. 40%40% off any any orask 30% any order ofofof$700 $700 or more. On any complete FINANCING Custom Custom Closets ask your Designer for details. •• Pantries Custom Closets Pantries off order ormore. more. 30%off off any orderof $700 more. On any complete W Pantries, Laundries 40% off any 30% off any order more. On any complete With your Designer for details. AN EXTRA Garage Cabinets SPECIAL Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets SPECIAL AN$1000 EXTRA Closet, Garage or Home Office. additional 15% offfor foron onany anycomplete complete system order. Not Closet, Garage Take ananadditional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not askask y Garage Custom Closets for 12 Month Garage Custom Closets all areas. Not available all for 12 Months! Closet, Garage or Home additional 15%off off for on any complete system order. Not •• Laundries SPECIAL Not available ininininall areas. Garage Cabinets Closet, Office. Take additional 15% system order. Not Laundries SPECIAL Garage Cabinets available allareas. areas. •• Laundries Home Offices Not available all areas. Laundries Home Offices and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms FINANCIN NotN SPECIAL FINANCING SPECIAL Custom Closets Custom Closets valid with anyany other offer. installation with any completeunit unit order of $500 or more. With validvalid withwith complete order of $500 or more. With Home Garage Cabinets other offer.Free installationwith withany anycomplete complete unit order of $500 or more. With Home O Garage Cabinets valid with Freeinstallation installation with any order of $500 or more. With Custom Closets HomeOffices Offices With approved credit. Custom Closets Home FINANCING With approved credit. CallCao Pantries, Laundries FINANCING Pantries, Laundries SG-P(sp) SG-P(sp) for 12 Month for 12 Months! Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FINANCIN ask your Designer det incoming order, at time oforder Expires 6/30/18 FINANCING 40% off anyany ororormore. more. 30% offany anyCredit order of$700 $700 or more. On any complete ask your Designer forfor detail incoming only. Expires 6/30/18 ofof$1000 or 30% off any order of $700 more. On any complete incoming order, at off time ofpurchase purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 40% $1000 more. 30% any $700 oror more. On any complete incoming only. Pantrie Expires 6/30/18 Home Offices order $1000 more. 30% order or more. On any complete Pantries Home Offices Garage Cabinets Creditof Cards Accepted Licensed andInsured Insured (GCL/WC) Garage Cabinets Cards Accepted Licensed and (GCL/WC) Pantries, Laundries and Hobby Rooms Pantries, Laundries and Hobby Rooms for 12 Months Not available in areas. all area for 12 Months! Not available in all SPECIAL SPECIAL Home Offices Closet, Office. Take an additional 15%Home offfor for any complete system order. Not Offices Closet, Garage Office.Take TakeNorthwest, anadditional additionalToronto off for any complete system order. Not ororHome an 15% for onon any complete system order. Not HomeOffice. Office. Take additional 15% off onon any complete system order. Not ByGarage Design-Kristen-North, Northwest, Toronto West Closet Design-Kristen-North, West Credit Cards Acce for 12 Month With approved credit. Cal Credit Cards Accept PLUS TAKE for 12 Months! PLUS TAKE With approved credit. Call or PLUS TAKE PLUS TAKE Closet and Ho Pantries, Laundries and Hob Pantries, Laundries Home Offices Home Offices Custom Closets Custom Closets and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms ask your Designer for deta ask your Designer forCall details Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Bedroom Garage Cabinets valid with Free installation with complete unit order of $500 more. With otheroffer. offer.Free Free installation with complete unit order of $500 orormore. With valid with anyanyother Free installation withany any complete unit order of $500 ormore. more. With installation with any complete unit order of $500 orInsured With With approved credit. Call With approved credit. or Pantries, Laundries PLUS Pantries, Laundries PLUS PLUS TAKE PLUS TAKE FINANCIN FINANCING Credit Cards Accepted Licensed andInsured (GCL/WC) Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and (GCL/WC) and Hobby Rooms and Hobby Rooms Not available in all area Not available in all areas. AN EXTRA AN EXTRA • Custom Closets • Custom Closets AN EXTRA AN EXTRA With approved credit. Call With approved credit. Cal Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Pantries, Laundries ask your Designer for details. Pantries, Laundries ask your Designer for detai Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets SPECIAL SPECIAL or Closet Closet incoming order, at time of purchase purchaseonly. only. Expires Expires6/30/18 6/30/18
Arizona#ROC312904, #ROC312904,Boston Boston#119162, #119162,Fort Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County Arizona Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeLee County #050# #47713-H,NNJ NNJ13VH00247800, 13VH00247800,Reno Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, W &&#47713-H, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash Arizona #ROC312904, Boston Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #11 #PA002447&&DEDE16166009 6009170, 170,Palm PalmBeach: Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA13VH00247 Lic. # 7946 #PA002447 CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. # 794616 & #47713-H, NNJ & #47713-H, NNJCA 13VH00247800 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0 #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Pa #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170 installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insuredask (GCL/WC) your Designer details ask your Designer for deta Not available in#C-9497, all areas. Not available infor all areas. Walkin inCloset ClosetBedroom &Credit NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash Walk &#47713-H, #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa WaD Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets available in#C-9497, all areas. Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeLee County #050588 Not available in# 794616 all area Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &Not BT15-71519, County #050 Custom Closets Custom Closets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets With incoming order, at time of purchase only. With incoming order, atFort time of purchase only. #PA002447 &&DEDE 16166009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #PA002447 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # #0505 79461 #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, LeeClosets County &&Arizona #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #916672, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0 40% off any of order $1000 more. of $700 more. On any complete #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno#52800, #52800, #916672, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash Custom Closets 40% any order ofof$1000 orormore. 30% offCloset any order more.On Onany anycomplete complete Custom Bedroom Garage Cabinets Bedroom Garage Cabinets 40%off off anyoff order of $1000 more. of $700 orormore. 40% any order $1000 orormore. 30% off any order more. On any complete Garage Cabinets With approved credit. Call Garage Cabinets With approved credit. CaoD &&#47713-H, 13VH00247800, #52800, #916672, #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash #PA002447 &&DENNJ 16 6009 Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wa #PA002447 DENNJ 16 6009170, 170,Palm PalmReno Beach: CGC1509325 &Tacoma MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794616 Bedroom Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take off for on any complete system order. Not Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% any complete system order. Not 40% off any order ofof$1000 $1000 oror more. 30% off any order ofBeach: orormore. On complete Garage Cabinets Custom Closets 40%off off anyorder order $1000 oror#PA002447 more. 30% off any order of$700 $700 more. Onany any complete for 12 Months! Closet,Garage GarageororHome HomeOffice. Office.Take Takean an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not Garage Cabinet Custom Closets ask your Designer for details for 12 Months! Closet, complete system order. Not ask your Designer for deta With approved credit. Call o & DE 16 6009 170, Palm CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 794616 With approved credit. Cal #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 79461 40% any of more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete Home Offices 40% off any order of $1000 more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete Home Offices valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With
Off 15% Installation Free15% your home, Imagine home, Installation Free 40% Off 40% Off40 otally tally organized! 15% Off totally organized! Off Imagine home, Imagine your 40 Off 15% Installation Free Installat Free Installat Free Imagine home, Off Imagine your 15 15% 15 Installation Free 40% Off 40% O1 your totally organized! 40% Off Free home, 40% Off free installation Free organized! totally organized! Free 40% Off Fre 40% Off 1 Off totally organized! Off 84 Imagine home, Free Free Imagine your Free Free Off Imagine 1 8 15% Imagine your home, totally organized! totally organized! 1 Free 15% Off Free 15% O 15% Free 15% O 15% 40% Off 40% Off Plus 40% Off totally COVER 8.25x8.938 40% OffPlus Plus totally organized! Plus totally organized!FRONT 40% FRONT COVER15% 8.25x8.938 11 Plus 40% 40% Off 15% Off 15% Installation Free 15% Installation Free 40% Off Plus Installation Free 40% Off Plus Installation Free 15% Off 15% Off Free 40% Off Ins Free Installation Free 40% Off Plus 15% OffInst Installation Free Plus OffPlus Plus Installation Free FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Installation Free FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Walk in Closet Installation Free Walk in Closet Installation Free Installation 15% Installation Free 40% Off Plus 15% Off 15% Off 40% OffOff Plus 15% Off15 Plus 40% Plus 40% FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 15% Off Free Installation 8.25x8.938 15% Off 15
only. incoming order, at time of purchase purchase only. Expires Expires6/30/18 6/30/18 PLUS TAKE and Rooms PLUS TAKESPECIAL andHobby Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA ANEXTRA EXTRA Home Home Office for for1212Months! Month AN EXTRA Home Office PLUS TAKE Home Office •• Garage Cabinets PLUS TAKE Garage Cabinets PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUS TAKE Home Offices and Hobby RoomsSPECIAL Home Offices Ca C Garage GarageCabinets Cabinets Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets FINANCING! FINANCING FINANCING FINANCING AN EXTRA • Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE • Hobby Rooms Closet PLUS TAKE loset AN EXTRA SPECIAL AN EXTRA co SPECIAL Pantries, Laundries c PLUS TAKE Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE AN EXTRA AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE PLUS TAKE loset SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Closet oset SPECIAL Garage Cabinets Bedroom Ca C PLUS TAKE PLUS valid withTAKE any other offer. Free installation with complete order $500 more. With PLUS TAKE Plus Credit Cards Accepted and Insured (GCL/WC) Home AN EXTRA FINANCING PLUS TAKE Plus Credit Cards Accepted and Insured (GCL/WC) SPECIAL AN EXTRA FINANCING and Hobby Not Closet, Garage ororHome Office. anCustom additional 15% offoffforLicensed onRooms complete system order. SPECIAL Closet Not available in all and Hobby Rooms Custom Closets Not Closet, Garage Home Office.Take Take anGarage additional 15% forLicensed onany any complete system order. loset Not available in areas. all area Closets valid with any other offer. Free installation withOffice anyany complete unitunit order ofofof$500 ororormore. With valid with any other offer. Free installation order $500 more. With Home Office Home Offices AN EXTRA Garage Cabinets Home Offices AN EXTRA Cabinets Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not Ca Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not incoming order, at time of purchase Custom Closets C incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Custom Closets FINANCING ask your details Pantries, Laundries AN EXTRA #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &more. BT15-71519, Leefor County #0505 FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 FINANCING co ask your Designer for deta •Free Pantries valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 more. With Pantries, Laundries EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &Designer BT15-71519, Lee County #0 FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 cCD • Arizona Pantries valid with anyCredit otheroffer. offer. installation with any complete unit order of $500 more. With 40%AN offany anyat order $1000 more. On any complete 40% offoffany order of $1000 or12 more. 30% off any orde Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured 40% off order ofof orormore. off any6/30/18 order of $700 or more. more. Onwith any complete 40% any order of $1000 orMonths! 30% off any or for incoming order, at time purchase only.30% Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured 1 Garage Cabinets for Months! Ca incoming order, ofof$1000 purchase only. Expires AN EXTRA FINANCING Garage Cabinets valid any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or(GCL/WC) more. With AN EXTRA AN EXTRA FINANCING &&#47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash Pantries, Laundri Home Offices valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of12 $500 or(GCL/WC) more. With AN EXTRA 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% ofoff $700 On any complete #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wa Pantries, Laund Home Offices Bedroom Garage Cabinets 40% off any order ofoftime $1000 more. 30% off any order more. On any complete FRONT incoming order, atattime ofofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Bedroom Closet Garage Cabinets Garage Cabinets FRONT COV Closet, Garage Homeor Office. Take for or on more. any complete system order. Not incoming order, time purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 con Garage Cabinets and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage orCoral: Home Office. Take an additional 15% Closet, Garage oror Home Office. Take an 15% complete system order. Not for 12 Months! co and Hobby Rooms Closet, Garage orCoral: Home Office. an additional 15 for 12 Months! Plus Not available inCACOVE •purchase Laundries Installation &&DE 16Expires 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &#BT15-77812 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. #areas. 794616 Plus Not available inall all area Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape &Take BT15-71519, SPECIAL • #PA002447 Laundries Installation #PA002447 DE 16Expires 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &#BT15-77812 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CALee Lic. #Count 79461 40% offwith any order $1000 orFree more. 30%additional off any15% order offor $700 more. On complete Home Offices incoming order, atattime ofofpurchase only. 6/30/18 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape &Hobby BT15-71519, Lee Cou SPECIAL Closet, Garage orany Home Office. Take an on or any complete system order. Not 40% off any order ofofOffice. $1000 orFree more. more. Onofofany any complete Home Offices incoming order, time only. 6/30/18 for 12 Months! co Closet, Garage or Home Take an additional off complete system order. Not and Room Pantries, Laundries for 12 Months! valid any other offer. installation complete unit order $500 or more. With ccw w and Hobby Roo Pantries, Laundries valid with other offer. installation with any order $500 or more. With PLUS TAKE Closet valid with any other offer. Free installation with any Home Offices Custom Closets PLUS TAKE loset 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% $700 or more. On any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with any Home Offices FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 Custom Closets 40% off any order ofofor $1000 or more. 30% any of off OnofofOn any complete Plus &&#47713-H, NNJ Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC#CCCLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take anoff onunit any complete system order. Not FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 40% off any order of $1000 more. any15% offor$700 ororder more. any complete Plus Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJ13VH00247800, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-94 Closet, Garage Home Office. Take an additional complete system order. Not valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete $500 or more. With 40% off any order $1000 oror more. 30% offorder order more. On any complete Home Office 1 Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Pantries, Laundries valid with any other offer. Free installation order $500 or more. With PLUS TAKE incoming order, atof time ofmore. purchase Home Office FINANCING Pantries, Laundries PLUS TAKE incoming order, atOffice. time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 and Hobby Rooms Plus incoming order, at&MCNS6658, time ofFINANCING only. Expires 6/3 40% any order ofof$1000 or more. 30% Closet, Garage or Home Take an additional 15% off foroff onfor any complete system order. Not and Hobby Rooms •DE• 16Custom Closets 40% off any order of $1000 or 30% off any order ofany $700 or more. On any complete Plus incoming order, atoff time ofpurchase purchase only. Expires 6off Ca 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% valid with any other offer. Free installation unit order of $500 or more. With Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take on any complete system order. Not Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional complete system order. Not Custom Closets SPECIAL FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% more. On any complete #PA002447 & DE 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. # 7 Home Office C valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With Pantries, Laundries Garage Cabinets Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not Walk in Closet SPECIAL FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 #PA002447 & 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. incoming order, at time of purchase only. Home Office 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off order of $700 or more. On Installa AN EXTRA Installation Walk in Closet incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 1 40% off any order oftime $1000 oran $700 or#119162, more. On Install Home Office AN EXTRA Installation PLUS #ROC312904, Boston Fort Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &&TAKE BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier Coun and Hobby Rooms Closet, or Home Office. Take anan addit Home Office FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier Cow and Hobby Rooms for 12 Months! valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order of oror more. With Closet, Garage orany Home Office. Take an additional 15% offcomplete for on complete system order. Not PLUS TAKE Closet,Garage Garage or Home Office. Take ad incoming at purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any offer. Free installation with any unit order of $500 or With Walk in Closet FRONT COVER 8.25x8.938 •• Garage Cabinets ww for 12 Months! valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of$500 $500 more. With Fol Closet, Garage ororder, Home Office. Take additional 15% off for unit on any any complete system order. NotMyers: PLUS TAKE incoming order, atother time ofofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order ofOffice $500 ormore. more. With Walk in Closet 1 and Hobby Rooms Garage Cabinets Home Offices AN EXTRA ON co and Hobby Rooms alk inWalkCloset Closet Home Offices Home AN EXTRA Installation ON cFw lk in Home Office valid with any offer. Free installation any complete Closet, Garage Not valid with other offer. NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash DC, #VA 2705068 Installation FINANCING! PLUS TAK incoming order, at time oftime purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete complete unit order ofofany $500 orormore. With valid with#C-9497, anyother other offer. Free installatio incoming order, at time ofpurchase purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 any complete Closet, Garage or Home Office. any other offer. && #47713-H, #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 27050 FINANCING! PLUS TA incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any unit order $500 more. With incoming order, at of only. Expires 6/30/18 ww AN EXTRA • Hobby Rooms AN EXTRA in Closet Garage Cabinets Installation AN EXTRA Off • Hobby ANRooms EXTRA Walk in Closet Garage Cabinets Installation Pantries, Laundries HomeOffice Office Off incoming order, at time of Plus purchase only.w Ex Pantries, Laundries Home 2018 RightsReserved. Reserved.Closets ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 ©© AllAll Rights
2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets 2018 © All Rights Reserved. ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. 2018 © All Rights 2018 ©Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. bybyDesign, Closets Inc. by 2018 © All Rights Reserved. by Design, Inc. 2018 ©Closets All Rights 2018 © Reserved. All Rights Closets Reserved. Design, Closets Inc. byDesign, Design,Inc. Inc. Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © ©AllAll Rights 2018 RightsReserved. Reserved.Closets Closetsby by Design, Inc.
With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. askask your Designer for for details. your Designer details. NotNot available in all available in areas. all areas. With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. askask your Designer forCall details. your Designer for details. With approved credit. or or With approved credit. Call Not available in areas. approved credit. or or Not available in allCall areas. askWith your Designer forall details. With approved credit. Call ask your Designer for details. ask your Designer details. Notask available in all your Designer details. Not available inforareas. allfor areas. NotNot available in all available in areas. all areas. With approved credit. CallCall or or With approved credit. #PA002447 16 170, Palm CAask Lic. #Designer 794616 incoming order, at794616 time ofdetails. only. incoming order, time ofofpurchase purchase only.30% Expires 6/30/18 40% offany any orderof $1000orormore. more. 30% off any any order of On your for Call details. #PA002447 DEmore. 166009 6009 170,complete PalmBeach: Beach:CGC1509325 CGC1509325&&MCNS6658, MCNS6658,CNJ:13VH08945100, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #Designer incoming order, atattime only. Expires 6/30/18 Walkinin Closet40% With credit. orpurchase off order of $1000 off order of $700 $700&&or orDE more. Onany any complete ask your for Walk Closet Withapproved approved credit. Call or Foll F WalkininCloset ClosetCloset, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not NotNot available in all Walk available in areas. all areas. 40% off any order orderofofor$1000 $1000 or more.Take 30% off any order order of $700 On any complete Closet, Garage Homeor Office. anoff additional 15% off for or onmore. any complete system order. Not 40% order ofofany $1000 orormore. 30% offoff any order of $700 orfor more. OnOn any complete ask your Designer details. 40% off any more. 30% any of $700 or more. On any complete 40%offoffany any order $1000 more. 30% any order of $700 or more. any complete 40% off order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or mor Follo askoryour Designer details. 40% off anyOffice. order ofanadditional $1000 more. 30% offforany order ofsystem $700 valid withorany any other offer.Take Freean installation with anyoffcomplete unit order orormore. With Fo Closet, ororHome Take an 15% off for onon any complete system order. Nom Closet,valid Garage Home Office. additional 15% for system order. Not with other offer. Free installation with any unitcomplete orderofof$500 $500 more. 40% off any order ofor $1 Closet,Garage Garage HomeOffice. Take additional 15% for complete order Foll Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% offcomplete for on on any any complete system order.With Not Closet, or installation Home Office. an off additional 15% offoff for onorder any co 40% NotTake available inunit all any areas. Fof valid with any otherGarage offer. Free with any complete order of $500 orany more. With
ww w AN Home Office PLUS TAKE ANEXTRA EXTR Home Office PLUS PLUS TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUSTAKE TAKE and Hobby Rooms PLUS TAKE •• Pantries AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE Pantries AN EXTRA AN EXTRA PLUS TAKE AN EXTRA HW PLUS TAKE •• Laundries Home Office Closet, Garage orHome Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on anyW AN EXTRA HW Closet, Home Notinstallation available inunit allany areas. Laundries valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order ofGarage $500 ororunit more. Office AN EXTRA Closet, Garage orww Hom w valid any other offer. Free with complete ord incoming order, atwith time ofany only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA valid with other offer. Free installation with any complete unit valid with anyany other offe 40% off order orpurchase 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete incoming order, time ofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA valid with 40% offany anyincoming orderofatof$1000 $1000 ormore. 30% off any order ofor$700 or more. On any complete order, atmore. time oforder purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 incomingorder, order,atattime timeofofpurchase purchaseonly. only. Expires Expires 6/30/18 6/30/18 40% off any of $1000 more. 30% off any order ofother $70 incoming order, at time Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for on any complete system order. Not incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 incoming 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order ofti$ incoming order, at Closet, Garage orofHome Office. Take anoff additional 15% off foror on any complete system order. 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% any order of $700 more. On any complete Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% off for PLUS TAKE any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With valid with 40% offwith any any order of $1000 orFree more. 30% off with any order ofOffice. $700 or more. Onofany complete Credit Cards Cards Accepted Accepted Licensed PLUS TAKE Closet, Garage or15% Home anOn additional offWfo Foll PLUS TAKE other offer. or installation any complete unit order $500 or15% more. valid Closet, Garage ororHome Office. Take an additional offoff onon any complete system order. Not 40% off any order of $1000 more. 30% offoff any order offor $700 orTake more. any complete Credit Licensed and andInsured Insured(GCL/WC) (GCL/WC) Home PLUS TAKE valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete F Office incoming order, atHome time ofand only. Expires 6/30/18 TAKE Closet, Garage Office. Take an additional 15% any complete system order. No HomeOffice Office 40% off any order of $1000 orTake more. 30% any order offorPLUS $700 orcomplete more. On any complete valid any other offer. Free installation with any comp Home Office Cards Accepted Licensed Insured (GCL/WC) AN EXTRA incoming order, atoffer. time ofpurchase purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812Credit & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit order ofTAKE $500 or more. With Home Closet, Garage orCounty Home Office. anwith additional 15% off for onPLUS any system order. Not incoming order, at time ofoff purchase only. Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA AN EXTRA Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812Credit & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. Wit Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an additional 15% for on any complete system order. Home Office incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA AN EXTRA Home Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 420214000077, CALee # 794616, SEof Penn: incoming order, at time of purchase only.#DC Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free131690; installation with any complete unit order $500Office or more. With# Home PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &with BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County AN EXTRA Home Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA # 794616, SE Penn: incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 valid with any other offer. Free installation any complete unit order of $500 or more. W Home Office PLUS TAKE Arizona #ROC312904, #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier Count Credit Accepted Licensed Insured incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires #PA002447Cards & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic. #Boston 794616 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $7006/30/18 or6/30/18 more. On #C-9497, any complete Home Office &(GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJCACA 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Wash DC, #VA 2705068445 PLUS TAKE Credit Accepted Licensed Insured incoming order, at#916672, time ofanTacoma purchase only. Expires #PA002447Cards & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, Lic.Home # 794616 Office AN EXTRA 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 more. Onsystem any complete &(GCL/WC) #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take additional 15% off for on anyorcomplete order.Wash Not DC, #VA 27050684 PLUS TAKE
incoming order, timecomplete of purchase purchase only. Freeincoming installation with any complete unit order of order, atatany time of only. Free installation with unit order of $500 $500 or or more. more. With With Home Office Home Office Home Office incoming order, time ofofofpurchase purchase only. Home Office incoming order, atatatattime incoming order, timeof purchaseonly. only. incoming order, time purchase only. Home Office Home Office Office HomeHome Office incoming order,offer. time purchase only.with Expires 6/30/18 unit order of $500 or more. With with anyother other Free installation any complete complete incoming order, atattime ofofpurchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Home Office Walk invalid Closet with any offer. Free installation with any unit order of $500 or more. With Home Office Walk invalid Closet 2018 ©© AllAll Rights Reserved. 2018 Rights Reserved.Closets ClosetsbybyDesign, Design,Inc. Inc.
2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 2018 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc.
BedroomCloset Closet Bedroom WalkininCloset Closet Walk
Installation Free15% Off 15% Off Off Installation Free 15% Off Installation Free
incoming order, atofatOffice. time purchase 40% off any $1000 or more. 30% offonly. any of40% $700 orsystem any Home Office AN EXTRA offIsland any order ofOn $1000 orcomplete more. 30% off an Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162,Licensed Fort Myers: Cape Coral:Insured #BT15-77812(GCL/WC) & BT15-71519, #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long #1360195 PLUS TAKE #PA002447 & DELee 16County 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &of MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA$700 Lic. #more. Credit Cards Accepted Accepted and Closet, Garage ororder Home Take an additional 15% off fororder onorder any complete order. Notany incoming order, of purchase only. 40% off any order oftime $1000 or more. 30% off any ofof40% or794616 more. valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit order $500 orany more. With off order ofOn $1000 orcomplete more. 30% Home Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 PLUS TAKE #PA002447 & DELee 16Home 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 &131690; MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic. #complete 794616 AN EXTRA Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an addition Credit Cards Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Closet, Garage oroffer. Home Office. Take an additional 15% offorder for on any system order. Noto Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD #DC 420214000077, CA #for 794616, SE valid with any other Free installation with any complete unit of $500 or more. With Home Office Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) AN EXTRA incoming order, at time ofHome purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 Garage orPenn: Home Office. Take order. an addi Closet, Garage oroffer. Office. Take an additional off on any complete system AN EXTRA Home Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: #916672, Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free installation wit &Credit #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #unit 794616, SEof Penn: 40% off any order $1000 orpurchase more. 30% off any order ofwith $700 or 15% more. OnCloset, any complete Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) valid with anyof2705068445; other Free installation any complete order $500 or more. With Home Office incoming order, at time ofoffer. only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island #1360195 valid with any other offer. Free 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. On any complete incoming order, at time purchase only. Expir valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 orinstallation more. W Closet, Garage or HomeCounty Take an131690; additional 15%Fresno off for#717350, on6/30/18 any complete system#1360195 order. Not Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston FortCGC1509325 Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Island &#PA002447 #47713-H, NNJ RenoBeach: #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash #VA 2705068445; #MD CALong #any 794616, SE Penn: & DE13VH00247800, 16 6009 170,#119162, Palm & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA County Lic. #Home 794616 incoming order, atOffice. time ofTake purchase only. 40% offDC, anyGarage order of Home $1000 or more. 30% any#DC order420214000077, ofExpires $700 or on more. complete incoming order, at time Closet, or Office. anoff additional 15% off for any On complete system order. Notof purchase only. E
15% 15%Off
Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Fort Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Island &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #794616, 794616, SEWith Penn: valid with any other installation with any complete unit orderCA ofLong $500 or more. PLUS TAKE incoming order, atFree time ofadditional purchase only. 6/30/18 40% off any order ofoffer. $1000 or more. 30% off any order ofExpires $700 more. any complete & #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno#52800, #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, SE#1360195 Penn: &NNJ DENNJ 16 6009 170, PalmReno Beach: CGC1509325 & MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 Closet, Garage or Home Office. Take an 15% off for on any complete system order. Not 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 ororunit more. OnOn#any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete order of or more. With Office PLUS TAKE incoming order, time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CA #$500 794616, SENotNot Penn: #PA002447 & DE 6009 CGC1509325 &&MCNS6658, CA #Home Closet, Garage oratHome Home Office. Take anadditional additional 15% off any complete system order. 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% offany any order offor$700 orcomplete more. Onsystem any complete valid with any other offer. Free installation with complete unit order of $500 or more. With Closet, Garage or Office. Take an 15% off for ononany order. Home Office &NNJ DE1616 6009170, 170,Palm PalmBeach: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CALic. Lic. #794616 794616 incoming order, at time of purchase only. Expires 6/30/18 AN EXTRA Office valid with any other offer. Freeinstallation installation with6/30/18 any15% complete unit order of$500 $500or ormore. more. WithNot Closet, Garage ortime Home Office. Take additional off forunit onHome any complete system order. #PA002447 & DE 16 6009 170, Palm Beach: CGC1509325and & MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, 794616 Credit Cards Accepted Licensed Insured (GCL/WC)CA Lic. #incoming order, at of purchase only.anExpires valid with any other offer. Free with any complete order of With AN EXTRA Office Credit Cards Accepted Licensed and Insured (GCL/WC) Home Office incoming order, at time timeoffer. purchase only.Expires Expires 6/30/18 valid with any at other Free installation with6/30/18 any complete unitHome order of $500 or more. With incoming order, ofofpurchase only. Arizona #ROC312904, BostonLicensed #119162, Fort Myers:and Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 &(GCL/WC) BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, Long Island#1360195 Home Office Home Office incoming order, atoftime time ofof purchase only.offonly. Expires 6/30/18 Credit Cards Accepted Insured incoming order, at purchase 40% off any order $1000 or more. 30% any order of $700 or more. On any complete Arizona #ROC312904, Boston #119162, Myers: Cape Coral: #BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno #717350, IslandSE #1360195 Home Office & #47713-H, NNJ 13VH00247800, Reno Fort #52800, #916672, Tacoma #CC CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa Lee #C-9497, Wash DC,any #VAororder 2705068445; #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, CALong #On794616, incoming order, atoftime purchase 40% off $1000 or more. 30% offonly. any order of $700 more. any complete Closet, Garage Home Office.of Take an additional 15% off for on anyorcomplete system order.Penn: Home Office &#PA002447 #47713-H, 13VH00247800, Reno #52800, Tacoma #CCCNJ:13VH08945100, CLOSEDS877JS, Tampa #C-9497, Wash DC, #VA #MD 131690; #DC 420214000077, # 794616, SENotPenn: Closet, or 2705068445; Home Take an additional 15% off forunit on any system order. Not Long Islan Home valid withGarage any other offer.Office. Free installation with any complete ordercomplete of CA $500 or more.#717350, With &NNJ DE#119162, 16 6009 170, PalmMyers: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CA Lic. # 794616 Office Arizona #ROC312904, Boston Fort Cape#916672, Coral:&#BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, Lee County #0505885, Collier County #LCC20140000686, Fresno valid with any other Free installation with6/30/18 any complete unit order of $500 or more.#717350, With #PA002447 & DE#119162, 16 6009 170, PalmMyers: Beach: CGC1509325 MCNS6658, CNJ:13VH08945100, CA Lic.Lee # 794616 Home Office incoming order, at timeoffer. of purchase only.County Expires Arizona #ROC312904, Boston Fort Cape Coral:&#BT15-77812 & BT15-71519, County #0505885, Collier #LCC20140000686, Fresno Long Isl
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It’s not often I end up with an afternoon just to myself. With three busy kids ages five and under, I’m surrounded by little hands constantly clawing for my attention. But today, just as the spring sun beamed on my desk, my husband swept the kids away for a playful afternoon at the park. Soaking in the sun and the content of this issue, I discovered both are just beaming with the freshness of Spring. Speaking of Spring, it looks like it’s here to stay – and that means it’s time to start thinking about your garden. Our Home and Garden feature is blooming with florals. Should you plant annuals, perennials, or both? Our experts have all the dirt! Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and we want to help you celebrate your sweet mama with a special gift just for her! Shop our Mother’s Day gift guide for truly one-of-a-kind gifts. Whether it’s collecting model cars or comic books, hobbyists have an eye for unique and fun paraphernalia – lucky for locals, our area is home to a number of oneof-a-kind hobby shops. See what they’re all about in our Community feature. Dance, kick, and fly your way towards spring! We have out-of-the-box fitness programs for every skill level in our Health and Wellness feature. Did somebody say tacos? Cinco de Mayo is here! Learn all about the history of this Mexican celebration in our Food feature – plus, check out a full list of local authentic hot spots to find the best Mexican grub. April showers bring May flowers,
Anneliese Lawton
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Home & Garden
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
pringtime is finally here, and summer is so close we can taste it. If you’re dreaming of backyard dinners, walking barefoot through the grass, or lounging in a hammock beside a gorgeous garden, now is the time to plan your outdoor space—and we’ve got expert tips to help you bring your dream to life. BEAUTIFY YOUR GARDEN BEDS
It doesn’t matter if you like a neatly mulched garden with rows of flowers or something lush and a little wild—do whatever makes you happy. Perennials are ideal for garden beds as they come back year after year, offering great value and less prep. Gabrielle Polman of Bradford Greenhouses Garden Gallery in Springwater notes that there are plenty of perennial options that grow well in the region including hostas for shady areas and black-eyed Susans for sunnier areas. “Black-eyed Susans are great for attracting butterflies to a garden,” she adds. “This year, people are looking for bright, happy colours.” Kristopher Orchard of OC Emporium in Orillia says hydrangeas remain popular because they’re large, sophisticated, and stately, but irises are definitely having a moment. “The bearded iris is very popular, and they come in a range of over 90 colours and shades.” Orchard anticipates continued demand for shades of white, blue, apple green, and mauve—monochromatic palettes with pops of colour. Ornamental grasses and topiaries are less popular these days, but Orchard sees consistent demand for shrubs like boxwood and silver mound. These are great on the edge of a garden where you need a visual perimeter, he says (but forget planters on either side of the driveway—there are better places to create a focal point). “People love texture, and they’re very adamant that they want both spring bloomers and summer bloomers. They want to really enjoy their properties [all year long].” Orchard shares that foxgloves and delphiniums are popular because they can thrive in windy areas and draw in beautiful songbirds.
Annuals are flowers that only bloom for one season—think geraniums, petunias, marigolds, and zinnias. “Most annuals are not cold tolerant, so you can’t plant them until after the last frost,” Polman cautions, noting that the Victoria Day long weekend is a good time to get started. “A lot of people put annuals in pots because they’re great in limited space. In the garden, put them anywhere you need a focal spot or some curb appeal.” Annuals tend to be colourful and bloom longer than perennials.
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
“People also want edible plants, herbs and sprouts, and are planting combinations of vegetables with flowers,” Orchard says. Polman agrees, suggesting that homeowners plant vegetables and annuals together for a space that produces food but still displays as a beautiful floral garden. Valerie Kristjanson of Connon Nurseries suggests “annuals and perennials both play important roles in garden design. Perennials provide a succession of bloom throughout the season and add structure to the planting, returning season after season. Many perennials can be divided over time, producing more plants, and providing a great way to share a love of plants with others! Popular choices include many of the varieties that attract pollinators to the garden; coneflowers, bee balm, perennial salvia, lavender, yarrow and penstemon. Low maintenance perennials such as ornamental grasses, daylilies, hostas, and sedum round out the favourites.”
Bliss HP
Local Links 1
Bradford Greenhouses Garden Gallery, Springwater
2 OC Emporium, Orillia
3 Connon Nurseries, Newmarket
Walking through a garden centre, it’s easy to be drawn to what’s aesthetically pleasing—but don’t forget to look into how much care each plant needs. Weeding, watering, and otherwise tending to plants can be incredibly time-consuming, especially in a larger garden. In addition to flowers, consider adding trees or shrubs to your outdoor space. It may take some time for them to reach full-size, but it’s often worth the wait. Not only do trees and shrubs provide great visual interest with hardly any upkeep, but they may also offer shade and privacy. And if you add a gorgeous flowering tree like an eastern redbud, cherry blossoms, magnolia, or lilac? The results are stunning.
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
An outdoor space should be your haven, whether it’s a small patio, a spacious backyard or a few acres surrounding your cottage. Think about how you want to use the space, how much time (and energy!) you have for maintenance, and what you want the aesthetic to be. Then, make a list of extras and determine what fits into your budget. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to create outdoor living spaces with stylish patio furniture, food preparation areas, or fire pits, but you don’t have to stop there. Consider a relaxing water element, a gazebo or some hardscaping, shade and lighting elements, or even a pizza oven. “More and more, we’re seeing people bring the indoors outdoors,” Polman explains, noting that a wide range of outdoor seating, cooking and decor products are available. And at the end of the day? Homeowners want an outdoor area that does it all. “People want a low maintenance space they can get a lot out of,” Polman says. “They don’t just want beauty—they want practicality, cost-efficiency, and enjoyment.” LL
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Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 2 3
others- the women in our lives who love unconditionally and want nothing but the best for their family. The women we turn to for love, advice, and friendship. The women who lift us up and support us. This Mother's Day we want to help you give some of that love back and allow mom a day to feel as special as she truly is. Mother's Day is fast approaching, and we’ve come up with a list of some awesome local businesses who can help mom feel like the queen she is.
Hand made natural items for your home and body made by two actual sisters in Midhurst. Some of their best-selling products include body butter, bath bombs, body scrub and they offer so much more. You can find these lovely products in local stores in Barrie (Barrie Olive Oil, Our House) and Orillia (Refillery District, Gauder Natural Foods) or find them online and contact them for free local pick up. S K I N S AT I O N A L D AY S PA 65 CEDAR POINT DRIVE, BARRIE
Proud to be voted “Barrie's Best Day Spa,” you know this place will treat your mom like royalty. Her royal highness will be spoiled with the finest in traditional and contemporary spa treatments and products. We guarantee mom will come home feeling totally refreshed! R I N A L D I S A L O N & S PA | 5 8 C O L L I E R S T R E E T, B A R R I E
This quaint downtown spa has the most relaxing feel. Their goal is to make their guests feel and look beautiful. Equipped with the finest products, this place won’t disappoint. They are a full salon and spa. Offering haircut, colours, perms, and extensions. As well as manicures, pedicures, waxing, massages, and makeup.
V E T TÄ N O R D I C S PA | 3 2 1 0 L I N E 3 N , O R O M E D O N T E
This spa has been highly anticipated since their announcement of their grand opening. Finally, they have opened! Vettä is a Finnishinspired Nordic day spa that celebrates Finnish lifestyle and culture. Here, mom will truly feel pampered and at ease. Core values here include reconnecting, relaxation, nature, and health and wellness. They specialize in massage and hydrotherapy. AVA I A S PA , S A L O N & TA N N I N G | 9 F R O N T S T S O U T H # 2 , O R I L L I A
This delightful spa offers so many different fabulous services and has a very warm and inviting feel. They will greet your mother from the moment she walks in and have her smiling until the moment she leaves. From facials to makeup, manicures to massages, there will be at least one service your mom will love.
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
705.721.5800 • 21 65 Cedar Point Drive, Unit 801, Barrie, ON
This beautifully trendy store is such a sweet charm in its little town. Filled with gifts, clothing, and jewellery you’ll find one-of-a-kind treasures here for sure. Best part? They buy in small batches and refresh their inventory weekly- so mom (and you) doesn’t have to worry about accidentally matching people out in public! T H E R E D T U L I P | 1 2 C O M M E R C E PA R K D R , B A R R I E
This cute little local store will have your mom looking stylish from everything from comfy casual all the way to evening wear. They’ve been in business since 2000, so they have lots of experience with fashion and helping to pick out the perfect piece. They offer many different brands so there truly is something for everyone.
K E L LY S K L O T H I N G | 7 5 M I S S I S S A G A S T. E A S T, O R I L L I A
This stylish shop downtown Orillia features designer fashions for all occasions and tons of variety to choose from for mom. In business since 1995, Kelly takes pride in her shop and her clothing!
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
F LO R AL Flowers are a crowd pleaser for a reason. They are tried and true! Who doesn’t love getting flowers? The refreshing smell they give off. The beautiful arrangement that fills your house. And Spring is the perfect time for them! If flowers aren’t your mother’s thing, house plants may just be the winning ticket! Below are some lovely local shops who will take care and pride in each and every order they receive! O C E M P O R I U M – 9 6 M I S S I S S A G A S T. , E A S T, O R I L L I A J O S H U A S G R E E N E R Y – 3 5 D U N L O P S T. , E A S T, B A R R I E L AV E N D E R F L O R A L – 7 9 0 5 YO N G E S T. , I N N I S F I L E VA N S F L OW E R S - 47 W E S T S T. , N O R T H , O R I L L I A
Look Local would like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Thank you for all your love and sacrifice! LL
Shop Local
MOM Bliss Jewellery’s best selling, modernday family ring – fully customizable with family birthstones. Beautiful!
Bliss Jewellery, Barrie This effortless shoulder bag is made from waterproof, vegan canvas and offers stylish yet functional features such as adjustable crossbody straps and a recycled water bottle lining.
Northern Birch Boutique, Severn
New in for Spring are the beautiful earthly greens, sage & aloe are present in solids & prints like this dress by Pink Martini. You will see these beautiful earth tones through accessories as well.
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
Studio Eleven, Orillia
Kindred Chocolates offering colourful chocolate bonbons! Each bonbon is filled with a flavour explosion and contained in a crisp dark chocolate shell. For Mother’s Day you’ll find lemon poppyseed, earl grey, chocolate chip cookie and 3 more surprises!
Kindred Chocolates, Washago Who wouldn’t like a tasty bouquet of Cookies? Customize Mom’s favourites in a delightful bouquet.
Cookies by Design, Barrie
Gorgeous flowers! You simply can’t go wrong. A beautiful bouquet will brighten any Mother’s Day!
OC Emporium, Orillia The Face Love Bundle brings together all of the products that you need for a complete skincare routine. For the individual with mature, dry, or sensitive skin, bringing together some of their most moisturizing and soothing ingredients. Clay Mask, Facial Cleanser, Facial Mist and a Hydrating Serum.
Two Sisters Naturals, Barrie
Community Events
Steel Magnolias
Mariposa Arts Theatre is pleased to present this play by American author Robert Harling. Originally written as a short story, it became a play first performed Off-Broadway and then adapted for the movie Steel Magnolias in 1989. Through the years, this comedy-drama has become a favourite with community theatres everywhere. Apr 21-24 & 2830 . Tickets are $30. Thurs-Sat 7:30pm |Sat&Sun mats 2pm | Sat 30th mat ONLY Orillia Opera House, 1 West Street North, Orillia
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
Laughing for Lake Simcoe
The Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition is hosting a night of laughter, fun and entertainment as World Renowned Comedian and Star of the hit show Corner Gas – Brent Butt will be performing live. This event is in support of the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition and its efforts to keep Lake Simcoe a habitable ecosystem for generations to come. Tickets are $65. Silent auction will be available. Orillia Opera House, 1 West Street North, Orillia
Disaster! Book Music by Seth 5-22 & Rudetsky & Jack Plotnick MAY
It’s 1979 and New York’s hottest celebrities are gathering for the grand opening of a new floating casino and discotheque. The night starts out well but disaster strikes the casino. Set to all the best megahit songs of the 70’s like “Hooked on a Feeling”, “Hot Stuff”, “I Will Survive” and “Saturday Night”, this loving homage to 70’s disaster films will surely have you singing along through your laughter. Tickets are $26 at the Box Office 705-458-4432 Thurs-Sat: 8pm, Sun: 2pm. 1 Hamilton Street, Cookstown
COPE Service Dogs’ Mother’s Day High Tea
Grab your fascinator hats, your mom, friends and family for a delicious virtual high tea! A beautiful boxed High Tea from Liberty North will be delivered to you and your guests to your home. (Please note: the delivery area is Barrie and close surrounding areas). Pick-up can also be arranged. Deliveries will be made on Saturday, May 7, 2022 complete with food and tea and serving and heating instructions. Each High Tea in a Box will include placemats, napkins, candles and table decor. Spend time with Mom and create something special this
By appt only. 705-792-0518 27 I /bliss_by_jennifer_wolfe/ F /blissjewellery2013/
Health & Wellness
Dance, Kick and Fly into Shape! by AMANDA SCHMALZ
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
here is never a time quite like the present to try something new, especially coming into spring, where collectively, we are more than ready for change! If the world isn’t quite ready to give us that change, maybe it’s time to shake things up in our own lives.
Thinking about starting a new season with a new commitment to health is nothing new. But what if our workouts could look different? Working out doesn’t have to be monotonous or routine, and it doesn’t even have to feel like working out. It can be new, vibrant, exciting, and fun, all while transforming your health and confidence. These local studios offer a variety of unique exercise classes for all ages, abilities, and interests. The only thing you need is a willingness to try something new and make a change.
AERIAL HOOP YOGA You may be familiar with yoga, but this takes traditional yoga to new heights, literally! Body Language Studio in Barrie offers a zero-gravity yoga experience with the help of a hoop attached to the ceiling. You don’t need to be experienced in yoga or Cirque du Soleil to attend these classes where you will learn, improve, have fun, and develop incredible strength. Are you ready to fly?
POLE CLASSES There are many stereotypes associated with pole “dancing”, but have you ever considered that it could actually be a fullbody workout that combines resistance training, cardio, strength, and flexibility? This is an incredibly fun and active way to build your confidence in a way that doesn’t feel like you are working. Check out Rock N’ Pole in Barrie for a complete schedule of all level classes.
BELLY DANCING Dance can be a great way to work out, and Belly Dance is no exception. Located in beautiful Innisfill, Cairo’s Jewels BellyDance offers classes (both virtual and inperson) for curious beginners to those with higher levels of experience. Belly dancing is perfect for recreation, fitness, self-transformation, and artistry, and Cairo’s Jewels is a non-judgmental and safe space to explore and try new things.
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
Foot Care & Wellness Clinic I
üChiropodist üFoot Care Specialist
üM E D I C A L / H E A LT H S E R V I C E S
BOOK ONLINE 31 TODAY 705-733-9990 •
AQUAFIT Fun fitness that’s easy on the joints! AquaFit is a terrific inwater workout led by cheerful, energetic instructors to upbeat music. These classes are a great way to get in shape, tone up, and enjoy yourself in a social setting! Water-based fitness is especially great for those who have arthritis, joint replacements, recent muscle injuries, etc., to remain active and rebuild strength and flexibility without causing further injury to themselves. Check out your local city-run aquatics programs for classes.
JIU-JITSU If dancing and yoga aren’t your thing, Stasis Jiu-Jitsu and Yoga in Barrie offers other forms of modern workouts for you to try. Their large variety of classes including Jiu-Jitsu for kids to adults is available to all experience levels. They even offer a law enforcement program. Stasis believes Jiu Jitsu and yoga go hand-inhand so they also offer yoga for mental and emotional recovery. You will sweat, learn, improve, and have fun in a way that is sure to bring out the warrior inside!
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
Local Links 1
Body Language Studio, Barrie
Rock N' Pole, Barrie
Cairo's Jewels Belly Dance, Innisfil @CairosJewelsBellyDance
Stasis Jiu Jitsu & Yoga, Barrie
YJ Station, Orillia
BARRE There is a new dance workout raising the “barre” and it brings new life and energy to traditional ballet. YJ Fitness in Orillia combines dance, pilates, and yoga in a unique class that will tone your whole body. Several varieties of classes exist, each targeting slightly different things, available for all levels of experience. Embracing the unknown with newfound confidence is empowering. These studios are unique, but they share a few things in common; they are locally owned, inspiring places ready to welcome you as you try something new, focus on your health, have fun and make a change! LL
Just for Fun
tep into a hobby shop and you’re stepping into a collector’s dream world. Model cars, miniatures, comic books, games, toys – you collect it, and it’s there. Barrie, Orillia, and Innisfil have many specialty hobby shops carrying everything from comic books and gaming needs to military miniatures. With their wide range of products and specialties, you’ll want to visit them all!
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
If you want to add to your comic collection or part with your treasured collectibles (think comics, vintage toys, video games and systems), then this is the store for you. Every Wednesday, new items and books hit the floor (for avid collectors, this is the perfect day to pop in). And what makes this store even more lovable? They have loads of promotional events, including their free comic book day.
Established in 1987, Ideal Hobbies located at 12 Commerce Park Drive stocks over 10,000 different radio control and general hobby items. Peek in their 2,200 square feet showroom and you’ll find a large selection of popular items for radio control enthusiasts – kits for aircrafts, powerboats, cars, trucks, crawlers, model railroads, rockets, plastic models…the list goes on.
With over 40 years of experience, Northern Stamp and Coin Co. has been buying and selling stamps, coins, banknotes, and related supplies since 1973. The collection of coins runs the gambit from early Greek and Roman times through the Middle Ages, and right up until recent issues. With a full selection of albums, catalogues, and other collectibles, Northern Stamp is perfect for both beginner collectors as well as seasoned specialists.
In the heart of Downtown Orillia at 21 Mississaga Street East, you’ll find Lahay’s Hobby & Craft. With over 30-years in business, Lahay's have established an impressive collection of arts, crafts, toys and collectibles (along with the expertise to guide you through your visit). While they cater to collectors of model cars, trains, and trucks, they also have a large section of puzzles, games, and arts and crafts supplies. Drop-in and discover fun for the entire family.
Established in 2019, Orillia Diecast is a miniature car collector's dream. With a mix of new, old, and hard-to-find pieces, more than one million diecast cars can be found behind the doors of the 438 West Street North location. Discover sought-after Hot Wheels products such as the Redline and Black Walls, as well as M2 Machines, Johnny Lightning, GreenLight Collectibles, Matchbox, and Jada products. The friendly, knowledgeable staff are more than happy to order specific pieces for their customers. They also often run silent auctions via their Facebook page.
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
If you’re craving pop-culture, you’ll find it at Dr. Comics in Orillia. Established in 1993, this comic and pop-culture specialty shop specializes in comic books, vintage toys, cards, and pop-culture items including action figures and even vintage gaming systems. Boasting the largest display of pop culture items in the province, you can easily find over 1,000 comic books on their walls and well over 10,000 vintage toys in their displays. They also purchase comic books, toys, and video games. A hobby can add a sense of fulfillment and joy to your life, bring people together, or even help you discover new things about yourself. Grow your current collection or start something new at one of these unique local shops. (And as the saying goes, if you can’t find it at a hobby store, you can’t find it anywhere). LL
Here to help with federal programs Doug Shipley, MP
Orillia Diecast GOOGLE: ORILLIA DIECAST 438 West St N, Unit #1, Orillia
• Greenlight • M2 • Johnny Lightning 37 • Jada • Auto World and more
Food & Drink
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
inco de Mayo is just around the corner, and it's time to start planning your party! But for those wondering what Cinco de Mayo means and why we celebrate it – there's more than scratches the surface.
Contrary to popular belief Cinco de Mayo, the fifth of May is not Mexican Independence Day. Instead, it is the celebration of a single battle, namely the Battle of Puebla which occurred for a single day on May 5th, 1862. The battle against the French did not win the Franco-Mexican War led by Napoleon III, but was a symbolic victory for the Mexicans and emboldened the resistance movement against the French. Cinco de Mayo is sometimes still known as Battle of Puebla Day and is actually a fairly minor holiday in Mexico. But in the rest of North America, it has grown into a celebration of Mexican cultural heritage, especially with the Mexican ex-pat populations.
Our little shop is dedicated to artisanal cheeses and handcrafted goods. Come on in and discover the amazing cheeses that Ontario and Quebec have to offer plus handcrafted works from local vendors and small batch producers.
Please contact us about our CUSTOM
Charcuterie Boards & MORE
Local Links 1
Paco's Tacos, Orillia @pacostacoscanada
2 The Mexican House, Barrie 3 Cocina Mexicana, Barrie 4 Mexhico, Barrie
What is often missed in North America are the more traditional foods of Mexico. In fact, Mexican cuisine (along with French) has made the UNESCO representative list for the Intangible Cultural Heritage, a fact that many countries are challenging based on their own national pride of their dishes. It remains that Mexican food is the first ethnic cuisine to be recognized on this list.
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
The birds are chirping, the sun is getting warmer and we have some lovely treats to top it all off!
Did you know? J'adore now carries an exclusive collection of wines, supporting small batch, family owned wineries with generations of experience.
J’adore has over 200 varieties of cheese sourced from around the world. Here, flavours that are wonderful alone reach elevated heights when presented in the right pairing.
Ask our knowledgeable staff for help with your next pairing or for that one of a kind Mother's Day gift!
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
Mexican food is not all about margaritas, or refried beans with Cheez Whiz, or jalapenos. Hard-shell tacos with lettuce and cheddar, although delicious, are not traditional either. With restrictions lifting and travel opening up, you could hop on a plane and head south to explore the flavours of Mexico. But if you're not quite there yet there are several authentic Mexican restaurants right here in our Region! Located on the port at 50 Centennial Drive in Orillia, you'll find local favourite Paco's Tacos. Renowned for its authentic Mexican food and its location (in the refurbished Island Princess boat), this spot is one-of-akind in the Region. Docked at the port year-round, Paco's Tacos is the place to go for...well, tacos! Their vibe is food truck food meets roof-top waterfront restaurant. If tacos make you weak in the knees, you'll want to eat your way through their menu.
Give Mom what she really wants WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED
535 BRYNE DR, BARRIE | 705-733-0232
B BU RNETTSB U TCHER SHOP 5.3_Burnetts_QP_V1.indd 1
2022-04-01 12:12 PM
| 10AM TO 4PM
APPLY HERE at Oro-World's Fairgrounds Line 7
Bringing Mexico to the city of Barrie, The Mexican House has nearly a thousand reviews on Google and there's a good reason why. Located at 12 Commerce Park Drive, The Mexican House offers a complete experience. From their colourful and lively decor reminiscent of Mexican culture to their authentic Mexican dishes, first-timers almost always become regulars. The Mexican House offers sought-after dishes such as tamales, build your own tacos, enchiladas, and chimichangas. They also have an on-site Latin Market where you can shop some of your favourite Mexican spices and foods.
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
At Cocina Mexican, located at 144 Burton Ave. in Barrie, you won't just find your favourite Mexican dishes, but you'll also experience music and culture. You'll immediately be transported to Mexico City by the smells and décor around you. This allyou-can-eat restaurant gives you plenty of opportunities to eat your way through Mexico. From quesadillas to sopes (cornbread topped with sour cream, lettuce, tomato, and cheese) to tacos, soups, and salads - there is something for everyone, and you won't leave hungry! For our vegan friends, there are options for you, too! Visit Mexhico in Downtown Barrie at 37 Dunlop Street West. This plant-based Mexican restaurant offers gluten-free and vegan food, along with vegan spirits and beer. They also have the perfect dish for kids, called the Tacosaurus. With live-music, mouth-watering authentic Mexican flavours, and the best margaritas in Barrie, you'll find lots to celebrate. LL
Local Recipe
Sopa Azteca • TORTILLA SOUP •
A very traditional dish, simple to prepare and an excellent appetizer for a Cinco de Mayo Fiesta!
Look Local Volume 5 | Issue 3
INGREDIENTS ü vegetable oil for deep frying ü 12 (6 inch) corn tortillas, cut into strips* ü 2 dried pasilla and 3 guajillo chile peppers, seeded* ü 2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped ü ½ large onion, chopped ü 1 clove garlic ü ¼ teaspoon dried oregano ü 4 cups water ü 4 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules ü 1 sprig fresh cilantro ü 1 avocado - peeled, pitted, and diced ü ¾ cup diced cotija cheese topping * ü 2 tablespoons of Crema fresca (Mexican Sour Cream) to top at the end *Optional*
METHOD 1 Heat oil in a large pan or wok over mediumhigh heat. Add tortilla strips in batches and fry until brown and crispy, 2 to 3 minutes per batch. Remove from heat and drain on paper towels. 2 Fry dry chiles in the same pan, being careful not to burn them, until browned, about 2 minutes. Remove from oil and drain on paper towels. 3 Combine 1 fried pasilla pepper and 2-3 guajillo peppers (to taste), tomatoes, onion, garlic, and oregano in a blender; blend until smooth. Strain through a sieve into a bowl. 4 Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add tomato mixture and cook for 2 minutes. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Stir in chicken granules and cilantro. Cover and simmer over low heat until flavors are well combined, about 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and discard cilantro. 5 Divide fried tortilla strips among 4 bowls. Pour soup on top of tortilla strips and garnish with diced avocado, bits of cilantro and cotija cheese. Cut remaining fried pasilla peppers into thin strips and sprinkle over soup. Add Mexican crema to each bowl.
12 Commerce Park Dr, Barrie
Kitchens | Bathrooms | Closets | Family Rooms | Additions | Renovations 705.721.9148 Visit At Look Local Volume 5 | Our IssueShowroom 3
464 Penetanguishene Rd., Springwater