1. Taking advantage of men makes you Vulgar and Grotesque I am Medusa I am Madonna I am Marie 1&2 A drink is not a contract And if giving really is better than receiving Then give me everything.
You woke up and you were dead You wake up one afternoon next to a letter that says “Had fun last night, see u around sometime, D” You’re not really sure how, but u know it’s from Death.
You watch a youtube video of a cat being reunited with it’s owner. You cry and feel love, hopefully. You decide to go outside and enjoy death while u still can.
You woke up dead that afternoon. After the initial five secs of shock u feel indignant. Why did none of ur friends bother to txt u >>> “WAKE UP U R DEAD” >>> ? Thats all it would’ve took. You spend the afternoon moping in ur room. You watch youtube videos of dogs reunited with their owners. Your dog would have told u the truth.
15.07.2014 The water bill is due the day after my period comes. I’m sure that’s significant in some way. It is not a full moon tonight. They say it helps if u delete all evidence of a past love from ur phone. I don’t need help but it’s doing something.
Veggan I ate 3 eggs today bcos fck the systm. One was in a cake in a mug. The other 2 wer fried, I had them with brwn bread. I probly don’t even produce as many eggs as I eat in a yr. There are a hell of a lot of chickens out there.
Razor burn She takes the toothbrush to her teeth, half asleep. Steel bristles slice gently thru wet naked gums. She pulls toothbrush and flesh from her mouth. Smiles at the reflection. Flapping from the teeth, lacerations leave bloody toothpaste slipping over her chin red and white and pink.
Shivers That thing u see out the corner of ur eye in the downstairs hallway mirror that reflects to you the top of the first flight of stairs in ur house as u close the bathroom door, has just legs with hands for feet. The back of ur neck feels cold / the same as when u were being chased by slightly less sinister monsters in the playground or up the stairs to go to sleep / and u
turn the key
Rope burn Reaching up around in darkness for the cord. It takes on rope-like qualities. ‘Cept the rope is alive. Her hand tugs / the rope yanks back. Lights pop off behind her eyes. The room stays dark.
Lost At the tender age of twenty five she dug a six foot hole in the sand. They predicted she wouldn’t make it past two feet. What they didn’t predict was the tiny lumps of rock shimmying down on top. Trapped inside the egg timer She at the tender age of twenty five lost her mind and
sense of time.
Hi all the time i don’t trust my body because i don’t think it is very strong i only ever check my bnk balance when i’m high cause it hurts less omg i’m sorry i can’t help it if i’m hi all the time what is it that i am thinking about, ever cause it’s not really a thing.
a horror story where all ur Facebook private messages are displayed very publicly across ur entire timeline, meaning u are forced to delete urself from the internet. ur page, however is still visible to all ur Facebook friends and all their Facebook friends and all their Facebook friends so that it posts on their walls. Constantly. Ur deepest secrets displayed for everyone to see u feel u should kill urself in order to avoid the shame. In the instant
time as a figure of derision.
An online
legend. A cautionary tale.
of ur death u realise it was a glitch in the mainframe, easily avoided with a small preventative bug blocker u can get for free. Consequently, u
rot in html for the rest of
Summer nights Summer nights scroll past‌ it is always feeling later and later, there is an absence of comfort. Probably better to be hungry in the summer than the winter. The sun is a giant SAD lamp. When everything’s murky again she will maybe hold it to her face, for fifteen minutes a day. They are a gif set lying supine, the moon only goes up half way. Her voice comes from Saturn and floats out of the room. When she gets into bed her heart is vibrating
something polyphonic.
Retail therapy “A man walks into a high street store dressed entirely in yellow. He has yellow trousers and a yellow tee shirt and yellow shoes and yellow socks on and he only touches yellow things�
Kissu Last night I plug the ethernet Cable into my temple socket ur face, circular, a *blip-bling* in the corner Of my screen keeps me... I kiss u online I kiss u in the dark with the light in my eyes with the words that won’t stop flashing in my brain when i’m alone and my eyes are closed and i’m plugged out. I kiss u in my dreams I kiss u - in my dreams
An unexpected circumstance She looked up at the sky and it was covered in scars around a waning bellybutton. A mid afternoon sky darkened sorry thoughts. But the coffee burned with a yellow green flame – smashed the plate in two. One half of the plate was bigger than the other. She left them at the meeting of three roads surrounded by living and dead souls. A life in green grown from roots beneath a stone. It seemed more lovely than the life she owned.
Feline familiar demure five year old feline familiar looking for a place of residence. likes to perch on a shoulder or a hip when a witch is lying down.
Lying in ur cat piss bed sheets to urself. You know you never felt so contented with your life than at this moment. The only feelings you have to protect are your own. If ur cat pisses in ur bed is it a “fuck you� or is it a cry for help ?
Something to do with loss Overcome suddenly with an extreme sadness tears and shit and spew theres no way i can concentrate now on what i gotta do.
31/05/2015 The day is starting and I am the ash hanging off the end of ur cigarette. I sit at the bus stop and stare at the bricks. Pictures pick themselves out of textured objects. Predictably a face, usually a bear’s. These are the most beautiful bricks I’ve ever stared at on a regular basis over a period of time. Around four thirty can be the best time to aesthetically appreciate surroundings for some people. U tap the ash away and I am floating around looking for something. More ash. We inhale the sun, at the end of the day.
Lana Lana blared past her window and rain came down. definitely better than a siren. The cat became a bristle shuffled across the floor on her belly. The sky bruises for a second. Whiplash flicking a shutter grabs it with a light searing image onto negative. Scars on those blank holes.
Decisions three missed calls and 2 unread messages 1 from over 2 years ago on Facebook. Push notifications no i never read it. The only phone call picked up today came from the chinese restaurant about that takeaway. There really isn’t enough money but fuck it it’s coming anyway.
Isabel Ayre-Lynch Collected Poems 2014 – 2015