October 11 TREND Magazine Issue #35

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october 2011

who is oraclegoddess? Who is OG behind the Queen of Bling? Many wanted to know, so we made it our mission to find out! Check out our interview with OG, you are definitely in for a surprise.

a spooky top ten!

This is HALLOWEEN! We are doing a special Top Ten just for you guys. All Halloween costumes, all creative, all affordable. Still don’t know what you want to be for Halloween? Here are some ideas!

perfect artist ght tli spo This month Ivy has chosen the perfect person whose style fits this month as our Artist Spotlight. JANETTED. Don’t know her? Turn the page!

virtuo city

VirtuoCity, the city we have all been waiting for. This is your one stop shop for everything that TREND definitely approves. Want to know what styles you can get? Take a look.

stylish: men’s fashion dominion

We have been slacking on the men’s section but Urteil is back with some men’s fashion goodness. He has done a Halloween selection, see what he came up with.

free issue #35



Dear Readers, October is by far my favorite month of the year. Fall is in full effect, the leaves are falling from the trees, and the days are just hot you get a nice breeze coming through the air, it is usually very sunny. All in all it is a good time of year, it is not quite the chaotic year’s end, but it is not the beginning of the year either. I think just as the seasons change around this time of year so do a lot of people’s lives. New memories are being created be them good or bad and we are usually getting comfortable with those we have just met. I am excited to see what happens with year’s end. TREND is slowly evolving into so much. Keep an eye out for great things coming at the end of the year as well as next year. Lots of exciting changes for you guys who continue to stay with us! Lots of new partnerships to explore, and a lot of new events.

This month we’ve taken some time to cool down before the big year end rush and we interviewed the mellow OracleGoddess. You definitely want to check out that interview with her, it is a must read. Urteil is back bringing something for our long neglected men. We promise we are getting better at it! TREND has also been running a month long competition that is coming to its exciting conclusion so keep an eye out for who will be the Next Design Star and who will be the Miss IMVU. See you in December guys. Enjoy!


CEO & Editor-n-Chief












Trend Studios produces and publishes the bimonthly publication TREND Magazine and Trend After Dark. PR MANAGER



**** Current Job Openings Advertising Director Creative Director Fashion Editor Graphic Artist Managing Editor Stylist Writer For inquiries please send your portfolio/resume to naught.trendmag@ymail.com **** Past Issues Can Be Found http://trendstudios.net **** For updates and contest please join our group Trend Studios **** Advertisement Inquiries naught.trendmag@ymail.com

imvu news Surviving the Help system on IMVU Part 2 WRITTEN BY: BADBOY

Initial contact and poor responses. In the first part, we discussed how to file your ticket, in this part, we'll talk about getting things done through the help system. Things take time. Expect a wait. You should receive a response within three working days as a VIP, and within five as a non-VIP user. If things go longer than a week, and you haven't received and response, get a forum moderator, ask them to escalate your incident, and give them your help ticket number. Filing multiple tickets won't help you get any response any faster. You'll get far more done with updating your ticket, or escalating it. CS staff are going to get it wrong. They are going to give you an answer that doesn't even fit your problem. They are going to tell you the wrong thing, and very likely in the wrong way. If something doesn't “fit”, comment on that ticket, and hold them accountable. It's very frustrating to hear “rest assured this won't happen again” and it happens again the next day. Remember, they don't use the client all that often. They don't deal with regular harassment, or griefers. Be persistent. They are here to serve you. The vast majority of help tickets are solved quickly, or people give up. This gives CS no reason to change the way they do things. You can help by keeping at them, not settling for less than the best CS that they can provide. When dealing with issues of harassment and flagging – make sure you demand that the person that flagged you be acted upon. CS will certainly address your flag – but they won't go after the evildoer, unless you demand it. Keep in mind, you'll get a form reply that they've dealt with the matter, and not what was done. Keep an eye out, and if that person goes after you again, or with an alt, reopen that ticket, or if it's closed, create a new one, referencing the old ticket number. When all else fails – request escalation. The front line CS folks have bosses, and they are likely to know more, and be able to deal with things better. Escalation can also be requested through forum moderators, again, provide your ticket number, and a brief description of your problem, and what isn't happening. I'm all for giving the front-line CS folks a chance, but sometimes, they just don't “get it”. Language barriers exist, and sometimes you just need to talk to someone else that can more patiently get to your root problem. My tips: Be persistent – If CS needs clarification, give it to them. If they get it wrong, explain where they have it wrong. Demand satisfaction – if someone is being a bully – demand that they address that issue, as well as the issue that you're writing about. Request escalation if you feel you're getting the run-around, or if CS doesn't understand you. Request escalation through a moderator if your ticket doesn't get responded to.



Whether you have met her in the forums, seen some of her philanthropy or know her by her products everyone has come into contact at least once with OracleGoddess. She Is widely known for her well crafted work, and she is an angel to boot! We definitely had to take the time to get to know this pillar of the community. Check out our interview and learn more about this Goddess.

“Queen of Bling�

Developing for me is like Christmas morning, every day. I get excited when I find a product in the catalog that makes me want to derive it! I also get excited when I make something of my own, and I'm pleased with it, and can finally share it with the community! Is that weird? However, after getting sick, and bad bouts of Fib Fibromyalgia, it's a bit more difficult, so I am slower now, and it takes me longer to learn, but I'm still pressing on! TREND: How do you decide what to make next? OG: There's a variety of things that help me decide. Mostly other people! I get requests sometimes for specific things, so that helps. Sometimes I'll hear a song and that will make me enthusiastic to make products that are inspired by it, but I rarely ever finish or I'll see something in a real life catalog or in the outside world that I'll say to myself "hey, "he I should try to make that!" If it's challenging, I'll usually try to create it. TREND: How would you define your brand/style? OG: That's the one question I've been asking others to define for me because I have no idea! I don't have a particular niche, or subject. I just make anything and almost everything. there's no one thing that I focus on. Well, except making the product with pride, and hope people enjoy it, whatever it may be! Maybe a contradiction or o an enigma? If anyone has an answer, I'd love to know what it is! :D TREND: How do you decide what to make next? CD: Sometimes it's something I can't wait to get started on, sometimes it's more strategical. If my sales are in a desperate need of a boost I'll make something that is more likely to sell. TREND: What’s the strangest thing in your closet?

OG: Strange to me or strange to others? I'll need clarification on that question before I tell you that secret! hehe I think it's a toss up between the blow up doll and the fruit flies! TREND: If you could meet your ‘noob’ self, what would you say to them? OG: "Them" is right! lol! Hmmm. I would have to tell them not to talk to me when I'm talking to myself. I don't think I would change anything I did as a noob, so I'd just have to encourage them to "press on". TREND: What’s your idea of happiness? OG: Waking up breathing! Then spending time with my grand kids. TREND: Do you have a guilty pleasure song right now? OG: What is a guilty pleasure song? Is that the one where you play it over and over and over (and louder) again until everyone finally leaves the house? If so, it currently is 'The Game Called Life' by the Leftover Cuties. I'm listening to it right now as a matter of fact! I reccommend everyone listen to that song at least once! *laughs* (Sorry, it makes me wiggle and giggle!) TREND: How do you hope to evolve as a designer/developer? OG: I don't really know. I just want to keep enjoying it. I'll just stay focused on continuing to learn, and hopefully I won't get burned out! I'm still waiting to make that masterpiece though. Once I do, then I know I have evolved! If I don't ever get to make it, then it was fun trying, and I did evolve in some way!

On the Cover

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Flowing Pearls By: OracleGoddess


MISS IMVU TREND and partners present, the new and revamped Miss IMVU. Each month from the applicants we will select one girl to reperesent that month. In December, we will host a gala in which the judges and the public will be able to vote for who they think should be Miss IMVU. Monthly Winners will Recieve: 10,000 credits and a spread in TREND Miss IMVU will Recieve: Title, 100,000 credits, One-Year Modeling Contract with TREND Rules and details available at http://trendstudios.net/?page_id=192


rules you should know --------------------------------Applicants Must be 16 year applicants Must b applicants Must be an imvu u or more. applicants Must own applicants must host the MI your homepa - (Banner can be found on Homepage If you are not selected for enter another m


in order to apply you will ne images. one image will be a fac will be an image of you in for of these images may be edited your time when you take thes

1. Go to the trendcontest ho on apply here.

2. submit your name, the two at least 5 of the 10 questions

for the judges, the applicatio anonymous. you will be judge as well as your answers.

w to enter

before applying: --------------------rs of Age or older. be female. user of at 4 months . n their name. ISS IMVU BANNER on age. the TRENDContest e) r a month, you may month.


eed two seperate ce shot the other rmal wear. neither so be sure to take se pictures.

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winners will recieve a one year modeling contract with trend modeling agency 100,000 credits the title of miss imvu 2011

The Gravey

in the dark, cold graveyard, she drops to her knees, looks up with tears streaming from her swollen eyes, bringing her mascara with them, she notices the black branches of the trees, leaves dotted few and far between. some of them letting go, and blowing with the breeze. beyond the swaying branches, a storm is moving in. the blackened clouds too low in the atmosphere, swirling about, brewing up trouble.

she lets her head fall gently into her cold hands, then brings them down into strong balls of fury, banging onto her thighs. "WHY?" she yelps. "WHYYYYY?" she screams. "Just.. take... me,... PLEASE!" she begs, with her tortured soul exclaimed in each word, each breath. "I don't want to be here." she whispers, ever so softly between tears. she reaches her trembling hand out to the stone and wipes across the name carved into it, as if she was caressing her beloved's face, dropping her head once more into her other hand, shoulders shuttering with each sob.

yard Shift it begins to rain, her breath still visible in the night air, she lays a single black rose upon the grave stone. it's tattered, petals wilted, torn. in the distance she hears the low rumble of thunder and shortly there after sees the sky light up in that brief flash of light she sees a shadowy silhouette as if to be hiding between the trees. more thunder, closer she sees a lightning bolt strike one of the branches sending sparks into the air, light as day and yet another shadow. she is fearful of what is to come yet knows, this is the time. there is no use running, nowhere to hide. they will find her. as she touches her name on the stone once more and finally lets the shadows consume her.



hhh...It’s Story Time We are tired of all the holly and jolly, we want to know how many kids can be naughty so we’re hosting a contest just to see who can do the best Christmas parody Let’s see Frosty be bad, and hear Tiny Tim give a sneer, and laugh as we watch Rudolph Beat up the other reindeer So do your worst and give it a go while we see what you got as you put on a show Create an image 600 x 720 of a parody of a Christmas Story and submit it to the contest thread in Trend Studios. Be creative, and original. But most importantly have fun! Contest Begins: November 1 12:00am U.S. Central Time Contest Ends: November 20 12:00am U.S. Central Time

by EsRevern

I heard a crowd ch No remorse, no sad My family in hiding, o For the evil deeds upon

My hunger to kill, my thir Heinous were the recipes f Oh what stimulation to hear As I so meticulously brewe

My revelry destroyed by a sli My circumstance, my providenc My execution a deemed celebrati Ha! I'll be the one whose last laugh


heer when I died d tears to be cried ostracized, shunned this earth I had done

rst for blood never sated for murder that I created r my victims feeble cries ed their ritualistic demise

ight consequential capture ce: a damned soul forever after ion, the public cheers and roars hing as I return to settle the score

trend group debate presents

should exes re

emain friends?

Relationships are multi facetted and generally will always end unless you intend to walk down the aisle with that person. With your ex you have gained memories, some that will make you smile, others that will make you cry but ultimately regardless of the times you have had, when it is time to call it quits you cut all ties, right? Again the TREND Studios group tackles an age old question, should exes really remain friends? Does it really have to be all or nothing? Typically when you call it quits, there is usually the dumper, and the dump-ee. Things are rarely ever mutual. While the break-up may be hard it is usually the dump-ee that mulls over the break-up for weeks. But the person who does the breaking up feels like less of a bad guy by offering that dreaded truce; you know the one we have all heard: "Babe, It's not you, it's me. We can still be friends." This gives the dumper comfort and a sense of control because it allows the dumper to feel that their lover and friend will still be in their life, and they will not have to miss having them around. This allows the dumper to move on with their life with ease. This is all well and good for the dumper, but what about the dump-ee? You have to be constantly reminded of this person who was supposed to be your forever, the person who ripped out their heart with a dull spoon, and ate it for breakfast every time they send a “friendly” message. There are many reasons that research and the TREND Group came up with about why you should not stay friends with an ex. One, you have seen each other naked, it is hard to bring a relationship back to its normal state after having been intimate with someone. Memories of the trysts will always be triggered by the smell of her skin or perfume, or hearing a certain song or word. Two, you lose the ability to confide in one another. Do you really want to tell your ex how great last night was with your new beau/girl? We can see that going over as an awesome conversation. Three, one side will always be bitter and with bitterness comes jealousy. It may not necessarily be jealousy of the one who dumper. was dumped, but it could possibly come from the dumpe It is natural to be jealous when the person you care about finds someone new to do the things they used to do with you with. Even if your feelings have gone, you still have those memories, and the thought of someone filling your role in those memories can sometimes cause a little anger or jealousy. Four, the passion and chemistry will more than likely still exist. Does this really need an explanation? A lot of the TREND group readers however say that it depends on the status of how the relationship ended as well as if there were kids involved. “If you have kids with the ex, then unquestionably yes. Even if you fantasize their demise on a daily basis, do what you can to learn tolerance if your ex is the other parent” says EsReverniDrawof. Some other members thing that it is ok to stay friends even if there are no kids involved but at a distance as RaphaelDesti says “should not be allowed to remain friends, but just acquaintances if that?” We were surprised to find that many were in favor of staying friends with their exes as long as they ended on “good terms”. So I guess the jury is still out on this question. Should exes really remain friends? Who knows! It definitely seems like a personal choice.



trend | fashion




The TREND Top Ten consist of a variety of products we’ve either ha catalog and couldn’t live without. Five for the men and five for the w





ad gifted to us and fell in love with, or is something we came across in the women. Check out this month’s to die for products!











Greetings ghost

Whatever form you may take this year for Halloween, thing else you can come up with - I hope these few c concoct something of your own to parade around t friends. These are some of my d

I hope you enjoy the little menagerie of morbid attire I you think of something be it last minute or in advance in the IM



ts, goblins, and ghouls!

, be it a vampire, werewolf, mummy, zombie, ghost, or somecostumes will give you a few ideas or perhaps inspire you to the pumpkin patch in.. when you cause mischief with your dark costume picks for Halloween 2011!

I've put together for you folks, I hope it's inspires you or helps e to attend any Halloween festivities you may be partaking in, MVU community!

y Halloween!

Whether a mi thing much da of the most m attend a party about it fascin cleaver or oth good to go.

the butcher

isunderstood "artist", or somearker, the butcher is by far one morbid of costumes you can y wearing. Perhaps something nates you? Top it off with a her chef's tools, and you're

the dead marion

A shell with a sou perfect little pupp nimblest. The ma cost


ul, this wear puts all the pieces of a pet together, though not always the arionette is both a delicate and dark tume for any ghoulish get together.

Nothing b dead deb bittersweet en charm. Dra brides, sim you're going ing bit of d revamped (

the classic vampire

beats the original. This regal, bonair has lured many to the nd with his eyes and undead acula could easily take many mply because he wished it. If g for a mysterious and allurdeadly air, then find yourself wea ( pun intended ) in this wear.

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s t u d i o s


t r e n d

l e g a c y


end d i o s

t r e n d

a f t e r

d a r k |

t r e n d

c o n t e s t

TREND Travel Guide Presents


trend | architecture

This room was created by J4SM1N3 during the TREND’s Next Design Star Contest during the cre judge round. The warm rich colors are spread evenly throughout the furniture and room creating a serene setting. While created for Leonessa this room is tailored to fit the personality of many and is a definite mu Upon entering the room you will find the nice little touches for hosting or just hanging out by yourself. Ch Fienzza public room in person then add it to your inventory!

eate for a and ambient ust have. heck out the

trend | architecture

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