September 2011

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september 2011

staying hot when it gets cool It is that time of year where the weather starts changing! So here are a few looks on how to stay HOT when the weather gets cool!

meeting scarletsyn

Meet the illustrious and talented lingerie phenomenon. What makes ScarletSyn tick? That is what we tried to find out! Check out the article to learn more.

something for the ladies TREND Studios hosted their first of many to come fashion shows. The All that Glitters show hosted many of the talented jewelry meshers and developers of imvu. See what they came up with!

don’t call it a comeback A long, long, long, time ago in a galaxy far away we had a men’s fashion section. Well now it is back with Urteil taking the lead.

who wants a badboy?

This month’s question up for debate in the TREND group was “Does every girl really want a bad boy?” It is time to dispell the rumour, see what TREND readers had to say!

lets travel the world

Our room section is back and in full effect. TREND Travel Guide is pulling a double feature! We have two rooms that are definite must haves! So what are you waiting for turn the page already! free issue #34














Trend Studios produces and publishes the bimonthly publication TREND Magazine and Trend After Dark. PR MANAGER



**** Current Job Openings Advertising Director Creative Director Fashion Editor Graphic Artist Managing Editor Stylist Writer For inquiries please send your portfolio/resume to **** Past Issues Can Be Found **** For updates and contest please join our group Trend Studios **** Advertisement Inquiries

Dear Readers September is definitely a month of change. The weather is changing, people are starting school again, are wardrobe begins to reflect the flexing weather, and people enter and exit your life. For many these changes are welcome and for others it is not. However you can only take each change with stride as you attempt to reach your goals, some of these changes are a necessity even if they are unwelcome. So embrace them. This issue highlights TREND Studios first ever fashion show. We had a blast putting it together and we appreciate all of the people who stuck with us through the bumps and bruises. All in all we only hope the future shows get better as we learn. Check out some of the awesome jewelry, (many of which are new meshes) created by the talented developers who participated. Gorgeous and to die for, don’t even come close to how great each piece looks. They are must haves for any girl. On the cover we have ScarletSyn, she was a pleasure to meet and her interview is a definite must read! I hope you enjoy this issue and we’ll see you in October!

Naughty Editor in Chief


table of contents
















Contributing piece WRITTEN BY: POPPS Fear of a Black Planet

First of all, props to Public Enemy as the title of their third album released in 1990. Eleven years later the revelation holds. Today, in what seems like commonplace, the President was publically disrespected…again! This time he is called “Tar Baby” by a U.S. Congressman. The congressman later apologized…really? Afterall, he had to know exactly what he was saying, something he obviously has said in private many times. The latest in a string of racist and disrespectful comments targeted at President Obama. A year ago the drumbeat was “we want our country back”. Back from who…a black man… really? In restrospect, the environment for such disrespect was set by another congressman who openly called the President a liar, and was rewarded for it. Rewarded by Americans. Not the vocal support, but the deafening silence. There is a old saying, “silence is concurrence”; in other words, by not speaking against a thing you support a thing. But what’s the real problem -- fear! The evolution of black culture seem to make some very afraid. Hip hop was fine until white kids started to listen, now it is corrupting our youth (by the way, hip hop is a way of life, not just music). Remember hearing I have “black friends” only to see their reaction when a daughter brings a black man home. Don’t get me wrong, black people are the same way when one of our daughters brings a white man home. The only difference is how accepting black families become, unlike our white male counterparts. Now, I love my black people, even those who forget they are black. Michael Jackson was reminded how black he was when forced to drop his pants. Tiger found out when he was caught cheating. In both cases, their treatment was severe. Nothing like crushing a black man. Don’t agree? Look how white men are treated for the same infractions. Hell, a NY governor got caught and landed a lucrative job on Fox. Think about this, Donald Trump refers to black people as “the blacks”. Think about what he calls other minorities. What’s really going on? Fear of no longer being in the majority. In less than five years whites will not be THE majority. The United States as they once knew it will be no more. This helps to explain the attack on programs that support those who are soon to take power, or are they. Yes for the first time in history a black man is president, but the congress is as white as ever. Certainly not reflective of the country whose future they control. Why? Simple. You!During the years of South African minority rule over a majority black population astonished me. I could not figure out why black people would suppress other black people on behalf of a white minority. minorit I mean 90% of the military was black! Really? Now compare this imbalance to that in the U.S. government. The soon to be minority white party seeks to hold power by redistricting and convincing everyone that all problems are the fault of President Obama and poor people in general. They scare their white constituents to death, so much so that they cannot see the truth, and blame it on someone else. They make their constituents afraid of you…make them afraid because they vote for their savior…certainly not someone that agrees or more importantly looks like you. They get away with it because you will petition, gripe, complain, etc., to make yourself heard. Do everything but vote. How did the T-Party take control of the House of Representatives…you were mad and chose not to vote. When minority groups choose to vote as a block it is a like a typhoon. When silent, the poor suffer as the rich continue to prosper. The next time quarterly profits are reported, see how much money you make.

imvu news Surviving the Help system on IMVU – Part 1 WRITTEN BY: BADBOY Intro and Filing a ticket

The IMVU help system and Customer Service (CS) has never been very user-friendly. From beginning to end, many of us have struggled, complained, and even thrown up our hands in frustration at how difficult it is to get our concerns addressed. I recently waded deep into the help system, to address a grief flagger on my homepage. I met with limited success, and now I'll share my successes with you. In my experience, CS has come a long way over the years. They have been polite, responsive, and sympathetic. There are some problems, however. Keep these in mind when you file your ticket: CS staff may use IMVU, but they use it a lot less than you do. Keep in mind that you have to be clear, detailed, and it's always best to anticipate what they might tell you, do all the tests and examination of your problem as you can. Get the specs on your computer, and include them. If you have an error message, copy it word for word. The more detailed you are, the more information they have, and the quicker responses you will get. When reporting a problem, attaching a screenshot, marked up to point out what you are talking about, always helps. CS staff exist all over the world, and you never know what nationality they may be. This means, leave your “dis” and “dat”, l33t$p3@k, out of your request for help. The clearer you are, the better they understand you. There is a time for frustration, but it's not on initial contact. Imagine someone is coming to you with a problem... If they come to you ranting and cursing, you're a lot less likely to pay attention. That is the same for CS staff. Explain your problem, but leave your comments about how sucky things are, and how you're going to leave IMVU, and take your badjillion dollars of spending money with you. CS folks will ignore all of this anyway. To file a help ticket: Click on Help in the top right of every webpage. Choose Request Support and then click on the Submit a Case tab. Choose the appropriate Case Category (Billing, Safety, Creator Support, VIP, etc) Describe your issue clearly and with as much detail as possible. Include as much supporting data as you can (system specs, credit balance logs, word-for-word error messages, any images of the issue) What are the risks of violating copyright law? They are significant. You could be charged up to $30,000 USD for each separate work infringed upon, and if the true owner can prove that it was willful, the charge could be up to $150,000 USD. You can also be charged all the Attorney's fees for the person that brought the lawsuit against you, if they win. In most cases, if you've been found guilty of violating copyright, proving “willful” is easy. You intended to profit from the item, if you put it out for sale on the IMVU catalog... that's “willful”. All right, now for the answer to the quiz.... all of those items identified above are a violation of copyright... Food for thought!

Since February women have from all over imvu have been competing to bec Month all in the hopes that come December, they, will be the next Miss imvu. Wo and charm demo their personalities for the judges who have a hard decision to ma title and the crown? Only time will tell!

trend | Miss imvu 2011

Meet the Misses

come the next Miss of the Women with grace, poise, ake. Who will take the


rules you should know --------------------------------Applicants Must be 16 year applicants Must b applicants Must be an imvu u or more. applicants Must own applicants must host the MI your homepa - (Banner can be found on Homepage If you are not selected for enter another m


in order to apply you will ne images. one image will be a fac will be an image of you in for of these images may be edited your time when you take thes

1. Go to the trendcontest ho on apply here.

2. submit your name, the two at least 5 of the 10 questions

for the judges, the applicatio anonymous. you will be judge as well as your answers.

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before applying: --------------------rs of Age or older. be female. user of at 4 months . n their name. ISS IMVU BANNER on age. the TRENDContest e) r a month, you may month.


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winners will recieve a one year modeling contract with trend modeling agency 100,000 credits the title of miss imvu 2011



Multi-talented, humble, and spit-fire are a few words that have been used to describe this developer. If you are looking for elegance, sophistication and sexiness in your anything that you wear, well we have found the perfect catalog for you. Meet ScarletSyn, she is widely known for her night wear but you can find everything from hair to poses and furniture. Want to know more? Read on!

“A Vintage kind of Sexy�

TREND: Where does the name ScarletSyn come from? SS: Well, I originally picked the name because Scarlet had been nickname due to the color of red hair I actually have. Syn just seemed like an appropriate surname since I wanted to really gear my products in the direction of lingerie. TREND: Was there any particular reason that you wanted from the start to go in the direction of lingere? SS: I like it and I think it's a good representation of who I am as a person. I'm naturally the flirty type. My mama said I was born that way. :) TREND: What is it that led you into designing and developing? SS SS: My mother is actually a seamstress, so I've been making and designing clothing since I was a child. I started in publications when I got to high school and actually picked up learning Photoshop back in 1998. While I hadn't really done much with design other than desktop publishing, when I first started on imvu, I recognized that this was very possibly something I could not only do well, but enjoy doing. It allows for creativity on a small budget. TREND: So because you'd already had knowledge of Photoshop and knowledge of fashion is developing a process for you? SS: Well, I always start with inspiration or an idea, then a hunt for the right mesh, and then just dig in.

“...I think success comes when you really enjoy what you're doing...�

TREND: How would you define your brand? What would you say your style is? SS: Modern Goth with a touch of class. I'm not into the heavy pvc or chains and buckles or whips, I prefer clean designs. Some are very vintage inspired in happier colors but always elegant. Well... maybe not always. Girl's gotta have her dirty side, too. TREND: How do you decide what to make next? SS: No real process. I make whatever hits my inspiration button for the moment. I have pieces that I started and never finished that I might come back to someday.

TREND: Can you describe how your designs have evolved as you have progressed. SS: Practice, mostly. The entire process of art is SS learning how to draw what you see. At first, it was harder to look at something and take apart how it was created or how it could be put together on layers. After 4 years of practice, it's like learning how to see the world differently... learning to see the world in layers. Also, after starting on IMVU, I really decided that I wanted to go to art school, which was always a dream of mine. So I did it. I just graduated with my second Bachelors in graphic design 2 months ago. Going to school and learning how to create art was such a huge step, not in the process of learning new techniques, but simply practicing. TREND: Congrats on the degree! SS: Yeah, now I got to pay for it! TREND: What do you think sets you apart from other developers and where do you feel you fit in the imvu fashion world? SS SS: I try to make sure I make quality products. When it comes to fashion, I make what I like and what I want, whether or not its what the masses may want. But I always dedicate myself to quality products. I work with meshers to make sure I'm getting the best canvas I can find and I do the research on how to make things the best I can.

people with the same respect, no matter where I go. TREND: What type of items do you enjoy creating most? What is your favorite item that you have created? SS SS: I always had the intention of wanting to create clothing on IMVU. I've always been a clothes-hog and can never get enough. What I really enjoy, though, is creating cohesive looks. I like doing everything from the skin, hair, and eyes to the actual outfit in order to create what can really be expressed as my alter ego. TREND: What would you say is your favorite and most challenging part of creating? SS: My favorite part is finishing a project and being proud of a new creation. The most challenging is actually getting started on something new. Sometimes I feel it, other times, I don't. TREND: Do you have a goal of releasing a certain amount of products each week/month? SS: I tried that, but it just created unnecessary stress. I find that I'm the most productive when I'm using developing as a way to procrastinate from something else which is probably more important.

TREND: Are there any special projects you’re currently working on? TREND: What does fashion mean to you? SS SS: When it comes to real life, I have a very con- SS: There is, yes. I have a promo bundle in the works that I'm hoping to get released some servative style that is indicative of how I was time next year. Now that I stated that, commitraised. IMVU is a chance for me to explore fashion that plays with my fantasies. It's a chance to be ting myself to finishing it. someone who we might be afraid to be in everyday life or a chance to wear something that would TREND: How do you define success? look terrible on my actual body. It's an expression SS: I think success comes when you really enjoy what you're doing. People do it for of the inner, sometimes restrained personality. different reasons. But I think you can see the TREND: So would you say imvu is a bit of your success in products when people are happy. alter ego? On the Cover SS: Fashion-wise, yes. I would hope that I treat

TREND: What things do you like to do on imvu? SS: Bug the crap out of staff with asinine questions and suggestions? TREND: LOL, that’s a common past time! SS SS: OK, seriously‌I like to teach others how to create whether it's through forums, giving tips, or my friends, teaching them Photoshop. I like to share what I have learned. TREND: If one day you decide to hang up your developing tools and retire. How would you like people to remember you? SS SS: I would hope that people would remember me as someone respectable, ethical, knowledgeable, and kind. I may not be the best artist around, but I can certainly spread good will and encourage others where I may fall short. TREND: If you had to name your biggest imvu rival who would it be? Who gives you that extra push? SS SS: Rival... I don't really try to compete with other people. If I had to name someone, I would name CorpseDolly, not because I'm fighting her for sales, but because we've been good friends for so long and I feel that we push each other to work harder and to be better. TREND: Since you have a new degree, is their anything you plan on doing with it in particular? SS SS: I'm studying for my GRE so I can start grad school and get a Masters in Digital Marketing. While I love art, I also love the actual business side of things. An advanced degree will give me the credentials I need to both become a professor of design and possibly to make a larger contribution to companies like IMVU in the future. TREND: Do you have a message for your fans? SS: I have fans? Lol TREND: Of course you do! SS: lol I think I end up turning my fans into my students.

On the cover

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s t u d i o s


t r e n d

l e g a c y


end d i o s

t r e n d

a f t e r

d a r k |

t r e n d

c o n t e s t

TREND | Group discussion

written by: naughty modeled by: raphaeldesti21 & Urteil

Taya thought her knew beau Marcus was

great. She met him at a fashion show a couple of weeks ago on the client, and he was all that she had ever wanted. He was thoughtful, sweet, and best of all, considerate. The only flaw she had an issue with was that, around the site he was known as a flirt. Marcus liked to go to parties and events which was fine with Taya, however he really did always go overboard. When Taya brought this up to Marcus, he agreed with her and committed to lighten up on the flirting.

confident. Most of the traits listed are negative. women tend to run to these men with open arms we know no woman would purposely put thems in harm’s way! So what makes the bad boy so appealing?

Taya thought this was sweet and fell even more in love with him. Marcus continued to go out and flirt but Taya insisted with more time she could change him. He appreciated Taya’s patience and asked her to be with him. He knew from time to time he had set backs yet casted those aside because she stayed with him through everything. Taya thought she was finally making some headway and that he must be changing. Later in the year Marcus’s friends invited him to the biggest event yet. His job was stressful so he agreed to go to release some stress. Marcus promised Taya it was just a small get together, but next morning on her favorite blog she saw pictures of him with girls hanging all over him. She was upset because she thought he had changed.

Typically, a bad boy reeks of confidence the ability to exist on their own, they maintain a certain independence. To women these two part traits are like candy. The bad boy tends to morp these characteristics into negative traits, but wo are naturally drawn to confidence in its primal f Women have natural reactions to the alpha male masculinity because that is who provides the se ity. “I like men who if you're lying in bed and so one breaks into your house, you know that you have to get up because he's the time of man who take care of it, BUT I also like a man who is kin sensitive. So lol I don't know where that falls, k rough but smooth.” Females also find bad boys more exciting and spontaneous, when asked to l descriptor words; dull is never one of them. Ano argument made was there is not a large number ‘good guys’ out there or that they are just too ha find. Though this comment is heavily denied by male population, it is a point to consider. Yet wh boils down to it, what does research say?

The bad boy, girls flock to them and men disdain them. What is it about this type of guy that draws women in like flies or is it all really just a myth? You know the type, cocky with a lot of swag. Women say they want a guy who will treat her well, yet it seems they line up to get in bed with the guy that won’t! Members of the TREND Studios group discussed this age old question in hopes to figure out if nice guys really do finish last and there were mixed opinions. So what exactly makes a bad boy? He’s usually cocky, and puts himself first. He doesn’t really care what people think, and he’s

New research suggests bad boys might ac ally be attracting more women than their "nicer counterparts. Researchers at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces gave 200 college stude personality tests to see how many of what psych gists call "dark triad traits" they possessed. Thes traits include callousness, impulsive behavior, e version, narcissism and various other anti-socia traits for which "bad boys" are known. Accordin Peter Jonason, lead study investigator, although society tends to look down upon these "negative dark triad personality traits, there seems to be q

Yet s, and selves

quite an upside to being a bad boy. Surprisingly enough women are more inclined to be with a bad boy because they are more physically attracted to them. In the group discussion, the bad boys were often referred to as ‘cuties’.

and a ticular ph omen form. e ecruecru omedon't o will nd of kind of s to be list other of ard to y the hen it

Bad boys are also very sexually appealing to the women who pursue them. Some research suggests their look and confidence triggers the primal sexual instinct in a woman. One TREND group member says, “I personally think the whole "Bad Boy" image is very sexually appealing...the whole rebellious James Dean attitude...drives me nuts! LOL. But, I would much rather settle for the Nerd...the guy who eventually will treat me like a princess.” The attitude derives from the confidence which helps the men out in the sexual arousal area. What good girl could really stand a chance against that deadly equation?

ctur" e ents holose extro al ng to h e" quite

However there is a lucky break for the nice guys out there, some researchers say it is not that simple. A research at the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction, believes that the reason women may be drawn toward the "bad boys" is more because of physiology more than the physical aspects. While bad boys attract women in the short term, the mystery and thrill tends to run out just as quickly as it came and women move onto someone that they believe will treat them better. So what’s the answer, why do girls like bad boys?! The world may never know, but that doesn’t mean guys can adopt the positive traits of the bad boy and use them to even out the odds and give those bad boys a run for their money!

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That Glitters elry Show

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modeled by MiaaMorte


c r e at e d by s i n d e r e l l a


modeled by trend modelBellsGenovese

f e m m e c r e at e d by e v



modeled by kyanal37

at e d by b u n n e h d ol l




c r e at e d by

modeled by a mbieboo69


y minou


dia modeled by trend model scarlett83

c r e at e d by or a c l e g od d e s s

amond s a r e collection

modeled by coolcarolyn

c r e at e d by s i k k



modeled by trendmodel esre vernidrawof

c r e at e d by t i a r a s t on e

city life




The TREND Top Ten consist of a variety of products we’ve either ha catalog and couldn’t live without. Five for the men and five for the w



ad gifted to us and fell in love with, or is something we came across in the women. Check out this month’s to die for products!

[DM] PVC Striders Boots2 By DarkMald

[bq]Silent Dr By baraq

Black Asian PigTails By lilcatling


m// Winner's wreath By Minou

[ID] Vampiric Tears Brcl By Eliastea


Did you catch it before it’s go

Yes guys, I’m talking about our summer! While it ma did the fashion trends. So! Now’s the time to either di fall, or perhaps take some time out to satiate that add like to admit you enjoy it, you have to admit the eff

I’ve scoured a good chunk of the IMVU catalog for y out further ado, let’s get started and get


one? Did you enjoy it while it lasted?

ay have been sporadic, it certainly did fly right by; and with it, ig through your virtual inventory and find the perfect gear for dictive little exercise we call SHOPPING. ( Even if you don’t fort pays off. Who wants to look like a default deadhead? )

eas So, withyou, so, I’m essentially making your job a bit easier. settled in to something cozy for the fall season!


[[top]] Fall Leather Jacket by NIKOSUAVE [[bottom]] [PL] JeanS AfterMatH BLK by PLEDGEDLIFE [[shoes]] [+]Hipster Brown Boots|M by SEPH [[necklace]] 1P | PlatinuM NeckChains by ONEPIXEL [[skin]] Z7 Adonis Pale by LUCKZOMBI

Whether you’re one for the season, or comfort, this is a great set for both. Rich brown is the way to go when you think of crisp air and crunching leaves under your feet. It’s warm enough to keep you content, without being over the top. Top it off with a few accessories and a clean skin, it makes you feel right at home.

brown casual outfit

[[top]] ::PUMA:: Off Shoulder by PUMA [[bottom]] SAL | JEANS Straght by SAL [[shoes]] -R- Lurid V3 by REAL [[sunglasses]] 'K' Bright Sunglasses M by IKAPTANEL [[skin]] -R- Lurid V3 by RUTHEL

Every guy can relate to this one, keeping it simple and efficient at the same time. You’re the kind of guy that, within a moments notice, can rush out the door and throw on whatever’s lying around. You might also forget to shave that morning. A good pair of jeans will last you.. a while, right? Sometimes you bring a jacket along, and the unpredictable weather gets a little warm, so you make sure you’ve layered it up with a t-shirt underneath. Yeah.. I know what you mean, and I understand. You just couldn’t decide if you wanted it on or off.

the sweater and jean


[[jacket]] add-on hoodie - black by cecilieh [[top]] *DD* Simple Tank Green by DoubleDee81 [[bottom]] !Sexay Gym Pants :Gray by stella [[shoes]] [SIN] Negative HiTops by Sinderella

[[top]] Lace Puff Dress [black] by Polystyrene [[shoes]] -v- Addictive Red by Vanilliz [[jewelry]] 602 Black Diamond Watch by Sikk

[[top]] Leather Jacket bR by Jullips [[bottoms]] [AE] Autumn Casual by ArianeEmory [[shoes]] $ Unexpected success by MissC

[[top]] Vintage Cardigan by Kae [[bottoms]] *767JeansV3|Dark|Muse by Jesika767 [[shoess]] $ Lady Daf Louboutins Nu by MissC [[bag]] {F} Haversack Burlap F by Finue

[[top]] [KISA]NaturallyTop by KisatheCutie [[bottoms]] [KISA]BlackTornShortBlue by KisatheCutie [[shoes]] [KISA]NaturallySandals by KisatheCutie

[[tops]] Sunlin MiniDress R by XSinfullXAngelX [[shoes]] LB-Rush bow black heel by LaBoutique

[[top]] {P} Red Coat by Privacy [[bottoms]] [JZ] Brown Cuffed Pants by Jazzabella [[shoes]] STG: LEOPARD FEVER by starglous [[gloves]] *[GJ]PunketteGloveBlack2 by GuessJess

[[top]] }U{ Encee -Muse by Uppish [[shoes]] [KE] SnakeSkinPeeptoe by Kels [[jewelry]] EB*GORGEOUS TEAL BRACELE by Eternitybelle

who will be design ne xt desig n star

sponsored in part by

TREND an test the s over 200k the foru

be the next n star?

nd partners present, IMVUs Next Design Star. A contest to skills of the talented furniture and room developers. with k in prizes plus bragging rights! Want in? keep an eye out in ums for auditions!

goi pub

TREND Studios presents a glimpse into the world of public rooms! There are th for your own public room design? Well we are here to answ

ing blic

housands of them, but how do you know which ones to go into, or even which ones to use wer that question with GOING PUBLIC: An expose on public rooms.


When I walked in and saw this showcase room and everything that it was, I was completely blown away. Other than the words, I want this and that, I was completely speechless. You see Naughty has this thing where she teases me because I happen to like the color of pink and she doesn’t! So she invited me to see a room that was submitted to her. When I showed up and saw the room for the first time my jaw dropped. Once I picked my jaw up off the floor, floo a smile took over my facial muscles and the room made me want to open up my wallet! Shylynn's Wild Collection Showroom is every girls dream, or at least it should be! When you walk into the room, the first thing that grabs your eye is the black leopard print on the wall. The next wow factor that pleasantly invades your line of sight, is the brightest but most tasteful pink that you could ever imagine. Although the room has every element of pinkness possible, there is a hint of darkness that is added along with it through a variety of available furniture pieces, right down to the exotic candelabras that appear all over the room. It is a testament to the saying every good girl can be bad too! Yet my favorite part of the whole room has to be the windows. It makes you feel like you are towering over the city of New York and where the world is your kingdom or anything is possible. Thankfully there are many seating arrangements to bring in your friends or loved ones. Shylynn has also added a great arrangement of furniture right down to the bathtub that is in the loft part of the room. Shylynn really knocked it out of the park with this room. All together, the room gives off an air mystery. Its sexy, mysterious, dark and every girls cup of tea.

C Wild lounge room written by: doubledee81

TREND Travel Guide Presents

School of Ench


trend | architecture

Alright Harry Potter fans, the School of Enchantment is open for the semester. This creative piece was created by NEO1471 and our editor and staff were thrilled to say the least. A detailed and unique rep great way to celebrate the movie with friends. I had so much fun exploring the ins and outs of the castle a hunting for the secret room to find out if it is mystery or truth. There are a nodes all over the place to help

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trend | architecture

explore the grounds. This room is a must have for ALL Harry Potter fans as well as anyone who loves a beautifully textured room. Everything is so realistic and the highest quality. I’m pleased to include this in TREND’s Travel guide as this room is a definate must have!


trend | architecture

Join Neo1471 on this magical journey in style with the School of Enchanment Room!

trend | architecture

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