Trendsetters To Trendsetters Magazine July Aug 2013

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Willie Stewart / Chief Executive Officer Lukeither Willingham / President Derek Payne / Executive Vice President Kenneth Prophet / Vice President Sales & Marketing Our Mission It is our mission to be the premier source for positive news and information among trendsetters around the globe and to build strong relationships among individuals, corporate companies, businesses, and organizations in the communities that we serve.

About Us Trendsetters to Trendsetters Media Group, Inc., (aka T2T Media Group and Trend to Trend Media Group) is a minority-owned, privately-held, national media group headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. T2T Media Group started as a single magazine and through strategic planning has grown into a multifaceted media company which now includes a Publishing Division with three magazines (Trendsetters to Trendsetters Magazine, Trendsetters to Trendsetters Latino Magazine and Young and Trendy Magazine); and a Digital Division which specializes in graphic design, marketing, and social media. Companies in our Digital Division include DPI Graphic Design, Lukeither Multimedia & Design (Internet and Social Network Marketing), and numerous interactive websites and blogs (entertainment, food, and technical). Through our divisions and various companies, it is our goal to provide excellent returns to our shareholders, and provide support to the community and businesses where we live, work and play. Our company motto is “Together Building Strong Relationships.” We pride ourselves in building strong business relationships and offering services that help businesses reach their target audiences. Trendsetters to Trendsetters Media Group, Inc. specializes in business to business relationships and offers strategies and solutions for every budget.











Willie Stewart

Bringing ideas and free services to a networking event will help you build a stronger footprint. You have to spend money to make money. Networking events aren‟t made for selling. These events are for introduction and building strong relationships. People need to know that you‟re there and that you offer a valuable product and service. The best strategy is to start with a strong introduction about who you are and what you offer, exchange information and then move on to the next person. Never take up too much of a person‟s time. Practice a strong model when attending networking events by using the Three A‟s and I model; Appearance, Approach and Attitude equals Image, and image is everything.



Observe the way a person is dressed, watch their approach, and finally watch how they focus on the person they are interacting with. By using the Three A‟s and I model, it can result into a strong and long term business relationship. Listening to the person, not doing all of the talking, will demonstrate respect for the other persons‟ presence. Trendsetters to Trendsetters is a company that shares positive and helpful information at no cost. We supply our audience with free and priceless information. Remember, the most important thing we can do when networking is to keep God involved. ■ God Bless








recently attended a birthday celebration for a new associate. He turned 50 years old and invited everyone in his circle of life which included family, friends, neighbors, former teammates and co-workers. The venue was well decorated and everyone adorned themselves in all white. The event was elegant and very well attended with over 300 people. There was one thing that stood out for me, outside of the attendees, decoration, great food, great music and overall atmosphere. When the honoree spoke to everyone, he took his time to significantly admonish those in attendance by saying repeatedly, “I appreciate you.” To people he has known for decades, all the way up to the people he met a few weeks ago, he expressed his appreciation to make it evident that all in the room knew exactly how he felt. At that moment, I was encouraged to do the same. Being associated with a wonderful publication like Trendsetters to Trendsetters Magazine affords certain privileges, therefore I have chosen to utilize that privilege of mass media, so here goes! To all that have shared a word of encouragement or act of kindness to me and my family in the past, I appreciate you. To those that have helped me in business, I appreciate you. To all that has given spiritual and financial help and advice, I appreciate you. To the people that stepped in to help me when things weren‟t going so well and I needed a hand, I appreciate you. To those who celebrate with me when things are going well, I appreciate you, too. To those that have mistreated me in one way or another in life or business (without going into details) I appreciate you as well. I continue to learn and grow from all of life‟s experiences. Finally, to all that have taken time to read this, I appreciate you and would like to thank you for supporting me and this wonderful publication! We are continuing to strive for perfection. Please keep all of us in your prayers as we continue to present our nation‟s trendsetters and upcoming movers and shakers of our community!




God Bless! DPayne



TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS STAFF PRINT MEDIA PUBLISHER Willie Stewart / Atlanta, GA PRESIDENT **Lukeither Willingham / Atlanta, GA VICE PRESIDENT / CREATIVE ART DIRECTOR Derek Payne / Columbus, OH VICE PRESIDENT SALES / MARKETING Kenneth Prophet / Atlanta, GA FREELANCE WRITER Lisa Earley / Columbus, OH Sylvie Chantal Humphreys / Atlanta, GA Ava Collier / Atlanta, GA Greta Wheeler / Atlanta, GA Jackie Nance / Atlanta, GA COPY EDITOR Greta Wheeler /Atlanta/GA EDITORS Teri Miller Barker / Dayton, OH Cheryl L. Iszard / Woodstock, GA CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Gigi McCrary / Columbus, OH Angela Thomas / Miami, FL Dr. Linda Amerson / Arlington, TX The Weight Loss Angel / Philadelphia, PA Joseph Booker / Baton Rouge, LA Bryson Clark / Dalton, GA TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS MEDIA GROUP RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PUBLISH ANY MATERIALS RECEIVED. WE APPRECIATE ALL MATERIAL, HOWEVER, SUBMISSIONS MUST BE OF A POSITIVE AND INFORMATIVE NATURE. PLEASE MAIL OR EMAIL ARTICLES TO WSTEWART@TRENDTOTRENDMAG.COM | TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS MAGAZINE, 3007 PANOLA ROAD | SUITE 283C | LITHONIA, GA 30038 (404) 437-4311 OR 1-866-958-7363.


what’s inside 05 Publisher’s Notes 26 Young & Trendy 20 Education Trends 28 Up and Coming Trendsetters 27 Fitness Trends 32 Education Trends 35 Commentary 36 Health and Wellness Trends 37 Fitness Trends 52 Lifestyles: Mixing Love and Business 56 Author’s Corner 58 Inspirational 61 Event Trends 66 Beauty Trends 67 Fashion Trends 69 Arts and Entertainment 73 Travel Trends

feautures 10 Cover Story: The White

Linen Affair 18 The Peach Tree International Film Festival 34 Education Spotlight: Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis 42 Trendsetters Spotlight: Michelle Bivins 50 BLegally Speaking

55 Author’s Spotlight: Andrea Yvette ON THE COVER: Hank Stewart


Photo by: Brian L. Christian Photography

Photo by CRE8TIV Images!






DIGITAL MEDIA DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL NETWORK MARKETING & WEB DEVELOPMENT **Lukeither Willingham / Atlanta, GA ONLINE STAFF WRITERS Valante Grant / @ByDesigNetwork / Chicago, IL Kirstin Fuller / @TheTravelinDiva / Washington, DC Donna Payne / @DonnaPayneAtl / Atlanta, GA Rashida Veronique Serrant - Fitzgerald, DWS / @wineLIFECEO / New York, NY Latrice Scott / @TampaBizWomen / Tampa, FL Paolo Morelli / @uncronista / Turin, Italy Denise Renee Phinn / @DeniseReneePhin / Atlanta, GA Paula Whittle / @Paula_Whittle / Atlanta, GA


Angelique Williams / @AngeliqueW / New York, NY Bianca Shane DeLoach / @BiancaShane1 / Columbus, OH Trevor / @1VooDooChild /Southside Atlanta Coline Walther / VirtualVirtuos1 / TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013



A Conversation with Hank Stewart and Gwendolyn Mason By Ava Simone Collier Photo Credits: Cre8tiv Images and Brian Christian Photography


t was very cozy inside of Marlee‟s Coffee House on a Sunday afternoon and, although the rain was coming down in sheets outside, the incandescent warmth on the inside wrapped around us like an overcoat. I listened as Hank Stewart spoke about The Stewart Foundation and what inspired him. During our conversation, I was struck by Hank‟s intensity and passion when he spoke about the youth and the deficits that plaque them. With all that he is involved in and his many successful and much sought-after events, I saw not even a glimmer of arrogance or self-centeredness. Instead, I saw a man who is humble and genuinely concerned about the future of our children and is not only prepared, but equipped to make a positive impact in their lives. “We were losing our young people and our leaders, and more importantly, our leaders were not being replenished by our youth.” Hank says that The Stewart Foundation began with a conversation between himself and his long-time collaborator, partner and friend, Gwendolyn Mason. “Gwen and I sat down and had a conversation about our young people. Gwen is actually the mastermind behind a lot of the programs and she puts a lot of energy into this foundation. She‟s the cornerstone - the first brick that they lay when building a building is called the cornerstone and if you take that brick away from the building, it may not fall down, but it will compromise the structure, that is what Gwen is to us.” Hank Stewart is not only a consummate poet, author and accomplished speaker, he is a humanitarian 10


and his altruism is never more apparent than when he speaks about the goals of his foundation and the people who help to make it all work. “I always say that it started as a little 3bedroom house with one bath and now we‟re in a 5-bedroom house with five baths and getting bigger each year,” he states. “We didn‟t want to just talk about it, we wanted to be about it. We wanted to make sure that we covered all aspects of our youth: their minds, bodies and their souls.” With a concerted focus on preparing young minds for tomorrow‟s leaders, The Stewart Foundation offers a variety of programs that prepare, nourish, educate and fortify children between the ages of 8-18. Workshops and events are available at no charge to these children, which range from CRCT Prep, Etiquette Training, Antibullying workshops, Girls to Women/Boys to Men luncheons and so much more. Joining us at Marlee‟s is Gwendolyn Mason, the other mover and shaker behind The Stewart Foundation. With her ebullient smile and warm tangible spirit, Gwen chimes in on the conversation. “Hank is such a visionary and a driving force,” says Gwen. “He puts it out there and it‟s done.” Gwen is the Executive Director and overseer of all of the activities and visions which embody The Stewart Foundation. “We want to build great leaders, “says Gwen. “Since the organization was formed, there isn‟t a month that passes where we are not in the community working with our youth.” Gwen continues “We recognize the importance of giving back and it takes all of us to do that. Our talents are in different areas, but if we utilize those

COVER STORY: THE WHITE LINEN AFFAIR talents for the good of someone else, then we‟re all the better for it.” When I asked them about the location of The Stewart Foundation, Gwen smiled and said, “Although it‟s not an actual brick and mortar building, the foundation is in our hearts. We utilize various community resources throughout the city to conduct workshops and events.” These resources include such places as the Auburn Resource Library, Briscoe Field, to help children understand about aerospace dynamics and the Apex Museum for their black history program. Gwen continues, “We go where the knowledge is and we take the children with us. Many of the youth who graduate from the program tend to stay around and mentor the younger children. This is because of a deeply instilled belief of the importance of giving back.” Hank now adds that the older children who graduate remain a part of The Stewart Foundation family and get to share what they‟ve learned with the younger kids. “They come back and become youth advisors,” Hank says. “They don‟t totally leave us and they are impacting the younger ones. Everyone should be a mentor. You can be a mentor at 5 because the 2 year old is watching you. At The Stewart Foundation, the 15 or 16 year old is watching the 18 or 19 year old. That‟s what makes it so terrific.” For the past seven years The Stewart Foundation has been producing future community leaders, future presidents, educators and pioneers. “Our goal is to create the LOTS - Leaders of Tomorrow,” says Hank. “We wanted to take advantage of the leaders who are still with us and impart their wisdom among our youth. Our kids ha--ve had dinner with President Obama when he was running for president, Xenona Clayton, Tuskegee Airman Val Archer, Dr. Joseph Lowery and so many others. They‟ve been around some incredible people. Jewish youth know about their history, about the holocaust. One of the things we wanted to do with our kids is take that same philosophy and incorporate it into our foundation,” he continues. “We wanted to take people in our community who have sacrificed so much and put our young people in front of them, at their feet, and give them the opportunities to ask questions and learn from them.” There is no doubt that these two are a team and have a tremendous amount of respect for each other. They both agree that in addition to their collaboration to make The Stewart Foundation a success, it takes a great deal more of team work than just the two of them. Hank admits that Gwen is the “IT” woman. “When I met Gwen, things went to another level. I‟ m a man - I don‟t have that knack for putting finishing touches on things. My gift is words. I can come up with an idea, but she will add all of the things that make it work. We have an incredible team – Mo-Mitsah (Hank‟s personal assistant Maureen “Mo” Stubbs and business manager Mitsah Henry,) our Board of Directors, our Advisory Board, our IT Director, Jerome Potts and our graphic designer Lacie Williams. We have our attorneys and financial team. But I promise you, it‟s that lady right there,” Hanks smiles as he looks at Gwen. I am truly feeling the love, respect and mutual admiration between these two! Hank refers to Gwen as his “It” woman. Now, for those of us who have had the sensual and seductive pleasure of hearing Hank recite one of his most requested pieces simply entitled

“It,” we already know the effect it has on every woman within earshot. Hank makes us all want to be “It.” His fluid and rhythmic delivery of this poetic gem, as well as his many other poetic pieces, stir our souls and lingers there for days! In addition to The Stewart Foundation, there are Hank‟s annual events such as White Linen, a 3-day weekend event which includes everything from a full-blown concert to a riveting, spirit-filled gospel celebration. Gwen, who is also the Executive Producer of these events, talks about this festive weekend, which will be held on August 2-4, 2013 at the Crown Plaza Ravinia Hotel in Atlanta. “White Linen was actually started 12 years ago when Hank was publishing his first book. He wanted to do a very chic book release and what he decided to do was identify a color that everyone would wear for a classier event, and he selected white linen. It was a huge success!” states Gwen. White Linen has evolved into a 3-day, fun-filled weekend of events. Gwen says it‟s about power, purpose and pleasure. “The pleasure includes parties, fashion shows and concerts. Knowledge is power and we have what‟s called Couch Conversation and Cappuccino. On that program we have Congressman John Lewis, Xernona Clayton, Val Archer, Rita Samuels and Dr. C.T. Vivian, all being honored in a legendary civil rights luncheon. The purpose is the Bobby Jean Smith Health and Wellness Fair (named after Hank‟s late sister) with over 30 health vendors, coupled with a mammogram unit to conduct mammograms for women who can‟t otherwise afford it.” The proceeds from this event go towards the support of the Stewart Foundation. It‟s White Linen in the summer, but it‟s sexy chocolate in the fall when Hank Stewart presents his Hot Chocolate Affair. I can tell you first hand that Hot Chocolate is filled with delectable chocolate temptations which stimulates all of your senses. In addition to the feast of chocolate, there are musical guests and poetry for entertainment. You have to be there to see what I‟m talking about! “Hot Chocolate Affair is a one-evening event,” says Gwen. “We‟re into the arts and at Hot Chocolate, we highlight extraordinary culinary artists in our community and give them the opportunity to showcase their work in a chocolate form. There are all types of chocolates, everything from your basic chocolate- covered strawberries to chocolate lobster!” Their latest endeavor is The Mauve Affair – The Walk Against the Call, an event held in March to recognize and celebrate women who have survived breast cancer and/or domestic violence. In its second year, Gwen beams as she explains the Mauve affair. “This has been on our hearts for some time. The Walk Against the Call recognizes women in our community who have fought the good fight of faith and stood against all odds and have come out of horrific situations. We celebrate them in a very formal sit-down dinner.” As I mentioned earlier, we are all seated at a table in Marlee‟s Coffee and Tea House, a family owned business located in downtown Atlanta. Marlee‟s is the host of Hank‟s weekly poetry venue, Love Jones Sunday. Creative talent such as poets, musicians and visual artists are spotlighted and either perform or display their artwork. Regardless of the venue or event, one thing is perfectly clear - Hank Stewart and his team are an integral part of the Atlanta community and we‟re all, especially our children, the better for it. ■

Visit to find out more about Hank the poet and any of the events that are mentioned in this article. Also, please go to to learn more about The Stewart Foundation and how you can help to support our children. TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013



Workin’ It Out Makin’ It Happen


By Ava Simone Collier Photo By: Solo Impressions by Sherryl Lynne


hether it‟s at Hank Stewart‟s White Linen or Hot Chocolate Affair, Career Day or Love Jones Sunday, one thing is for sure: Maureen “Mo” Stubbs and Mitsah Henry are there! These two lovely ladies are a constant presence and seem to work effortlessly in sync with each other. Mo, who grew up in Chicago and Mitsah, who hails from Newark, are collectively known as “Mo-Mitsah,” a combination of both of their names. In addition to working tirelessly in a committed effort to direct and engage our youth in quality projects, they coordinate and plan some of the most popular social events here in Atlanta. I had the opportunity to speak with this dynamic duo and here is some of what they shared.


Ava: Mo and Mitsah - I‟d like to know from both of you what your role is at The Stewart Foundation. Mo: I‟m here to show our youth how many choices we have out here. I didn‟t have those choices when I was growing up. My spiritual gift is being a server. I enjoy making other people happy and taking care of them. When it comes to the kids, this is who I am. That‟s how I live my life; to live for everyone and enjoy it. That is my reward. Mitsah: I‟m a connector and a server, but mostly a connector. I like to match people up with others who can assist them. Especially when it comes to our youth – placing them in different programs whether it‟s the Stewart Foundation or other programs that may be helpful. I‟m always a networker. Ever since I was 5 years old and living in NJ, my father had exposed me to the arts and to community service – that‟s where I get my background for service. Ava: How did the two of you meet and start working together? Mitsah: We met through an event. We connected and began to assist and work with other promoters in the city and people referred us to various other organizations. Then we met Hank and Mo started working with him first. I was busy and couldn‟t come on board right away. A couple of years later they started The Stewart Foundation and Mo weaned me in to assist her and then I started working as Hank‟s business manager. Mo: Mitsah actually introduced me to Hank. I used to go to their concerts and send messages through their website saying how much I enjoyed their show. I was done with the club life but still wanted to go out and have fun and listen to music. So I used them as my club and coming to hear 5 Men on a Stool 12


fulfilled everything – it was incredible! I went to all of their shows in Atlanta. They probably thought I was a stalker! I eventually became Hank‟s personal assistant. Ava: Tell me about your name “Mo-Mitsah.” Mo: It‟s so funny! Mitsah and I work so closely together and people always see us together and get us mixed up – even Hank would get us confused! Mitsah: Hank started calling me Mo and calling Mo by my name. So finally, Hank came up with the name so he wouldn‟t get us mixed up. Now anytime anyone says Mo-Mitsah, we both answer! Ava: What is the best part of your job for each of you? Mitsah: The best part for me is watching the level of attention that the kids and youth give. It‟s very hard these days to command and keep their attention for even a half hour. But we make sure that we put people in front of them who can do that. We‟re always thinking about who we can put in front of our kids. When that workshop is finally here and they‟re paying attention, asking questions and are very interactive – that level

COVER STORY: THE WHITE LINEN AFFAIR perience. It was touching and we were all crying. It was Christmastime, but they said they didn‟t even want any gifts for themselves because there are people who didn‟t have anything. Some of the clients (homeless) even tried to tip the kids! I get the opportunity to meet so many people – it‟s incredible! Ava: It‟s obvious to me that you two are more than just coworkers – you‟re friends. How well does it work between you two? Mitsah: Mo and I started as friends so I love her! She‟s always smiling, always the same temperament – I don‟t know how she does it. I wear my emotions on my face – I try not to, especially around the youth, but Mo does a great job at not doing that. She balances me out. She comes around with a chipper attitude and it‟s a great feeling to have someone like that around me because she brings me up when I‟m down. We didn‟t even want to do this interview without each other! Even after an event or workshop, we‟ll go hang out, either just us two or get together with some other girls. We enjoy each other‟s company. There are some areas where she is stronger and she‟ll handle that area and then I‟m stronger in some areas so I‟ll handle those. For me, it‟s mostly communications and social media, where she doesn‟t really like that. We respect one another and have fun together.


Mo: We definitely started as friends, which is so wonderful. When you work together, you get to know each other even more. We each have our own strengths and that really helps to relieve the stress and we don‟t have to worry about things. We have other volunteers who we bring with us to help because the events that we put together are always huge and it takes more than two. We do enjoy each other‟s company – we‟ll go driving around trying to find the right place to hang out. If you go out of your way to hang out with someone after all of the hours you spend together working, then you really have to love them. of attention and respect that they give to the instructor or speaker is amazing to me. I come from a city where the kids in school are bouncing off the walls – they hardly gave respect to the teachers - It was a hard environment to learn in. So for me to have our kids sit still, pay attention, soak it in, learn and, at the end, say thank you or give a hug or want an autograph from the speakers, that‟s great! They even give Mo-Mitsah hugs and say this was awesome or thank you, because they know that we‟ve put so much into it to make the workshops/programs better for them. That‟s what brings me joy and makes me whole. Mo: The best part of my job is a feeling that I get. One of the events that we did was when we went to the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children and cooked breakfast for them. The kids cooked also – they wanted to do something different. They wanted to serve adults and turned it to a restaurant. The kids actually took orders and brought the meals to the tables. These are homeless people and the kids weren‟t afraid to be there with them. Sometimes the homeless may not smell or look the best, but that didn‟t bother the kids. Being there with the youth and seeing them being selfless and giving, that was the greatest feeling. After we finished, we had a debriefing and sat with the kids and the majority started sharing about their exTRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | MAY/JUNE 2013


Ava: Tell me what it‟s like to work with Hank Stewart. Mitsah – He‟s a man of many faces. We use that term a lot because he carries different faces. We ask which man do you know: He‟s a father, a poet, a philanthropist, a political activist – a server and so much more. Mo: One word – Selfless. He‟s such a giver and always thinking about everyone else. He‟s helped so many people start their own non-profits. He‟s not like a crab in the basket. Instead, he‟s extending his hand and pulling everyone up and saying „C‟mon let‟s go!‟ Because of who Hank is and his personality, he makes it so easy to work for him. ■

Special thanks from Mo-Mitsah and the Stewart Foundation to the following: Kre Stirgus-CFO, Debra EllisVolunteer, Stephanie Lee-Volunteer, Suzette MullinsVolunteer, Rafiq Mateen-Volunteer, Sherryl Boyd-Solo Impressions Photography TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013









MEMBER’S TESTIMONIES hen called upon to accept the challenge and responsibility to nurture the dreams and aspirations of the next generations of leaders, I am please to be a part of the Hank Stewart Foundation. Over the past decade this foundation has taken up the causes that most of the more popular nonprofit organizations, in our communities, have simply chosen to overlook. Most impressive is the absence of self promotion and individual glory. The impact made on the lives of students and young people across the State of Georgia can be felt and is reflected throughout the country and to some degree around the world. It has been written “If we have hope in today only, we are amongst all men most miserable”, this foundation has and continue to hope in tomorrow‟s generation and invest in a future for our community that will be better than our today. ■

Eddie Bridgeman Sr. -Treasurer Being allowed to be a part of the Stewart Foundation means so much. This is something you can't do alone but when asked to do what you can and be on the team of such hard working individuals; working to help others become successful in life a such a great feeling. Thank You Hank! ■

- Mike Glover, Owner Nancy's Pizza-Midtown, Advisory Board Member The Stewart Foundation means to me a great opportunity to give back to the Community in various ways ranging from providing knowledge to our youth that otherwise might not have been exposed to certain opportunities; to enriching the lives of adults that need a lending hand and having just wonderful time with a wonderful team of people who in their heart strive for excellence and positive things in life. The TSF is not a Foundation by name only and its leader has not only set that tone amongst the organization but leads by example. It is an honor to be part of this team and work with so many talented and giving individuals that also allows me an opportunity to be a better person tomorrow than I am today.

Yolanda Pinkard, Secretary


When I think about the Stewart Foundation many adjectives come to mind. The foundation provides me the opportunity to share my gifts, talents and abilities in developing youth to their fullest potential. The extensive range of focus within the foundation from education, health and wellness, community service to social development provides the essence of creating a well rounded leader. This is the vision of the Stewart Foundation which are perfectly aligned with who I am.

Donna McBride, Education Director

The Stewart Foundation gives me the opportunity to invest in the most important components of our society "Our Youth". There isn't a day that goes by where I don't dwell and meditate on how much more I can do to strengthen our youth. I believe in the mission of the foundation and I show it by investing my time, talent and money to make a difference in a young person's life . They are 100 percent of our future and it is my responsibility to ensure our future is bright. ■

Jerome Potts, IT Director 16


SIMERY, Inc. is Americas Newest Risk Management Agency created for the people by the people to up hold and enforce the values of Fair Credit Reporting. SIMERY collects, stores, scores and reports bill payment data for “permissible purposes” under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

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What does SIMERY Fresh Start Program really mean? The Fresh Start program enables you to recover from a negative past credit history through a safe and secure environment. You can free yourself from reporting agencies that are biased toward providing negative information, rather than reporting good and bad credit experiences equally. Fresh Start provides an atmosphere of discipline, using basic financial principles, support and a sensible knowledge of credit; while providing a strong foundation in a customer driven environment. To ensure that our credit profile contains the most accurate information possible SIMERY offers consumers a one-time Fresh Start. This program is designed to generate new information about you in order to demonstrate your current credit worthiness. This means; No past negative credit history will be on your SIMERY Credit Profile; as a result, your payment history will begin from the day you enroll with SIMERY! TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013



Founders James "JB" Brown and Len Gibson

Hollywood returns to Atlanta as SIMERY, Inc. Presents the 8th Annual Peachtree Village International Film Festival





housands of film, TV, music and multi-media enthusiasts from around the world will converge in Atlanta for a weekend of fun and inspiration at The Peachtree Village International Film Festival (PVIFF). The PVIFF is one of the country’s leading film festivals serving the international film enthusiast community as well as the African Diaspora. This year will kick off with a weekend packed full of education and entertainment for the burgeoning Georgia film industry. "SIMERY is proud to be the title and presenting sponsor for the Peachtree Village International Film Festival. As a consumer-focused Credit Reporting Agency, we identify with the festivals' mission to create a village atmosphere that provides opportunities not only for filmmakers, but for business owners and film enthusiast. As a company, we too strive, every day to create a platform for consumers and employment opportunities for individuals. We salute the Peachtree Village International Film Festival for continuing to help ignite opportunities and making dreams to come true for decades to

come." This year's festivities will take place at the Sheraton Hotel in Downtown Atlanta, August 23-25. The festival kicks off the weekend on August 23 with a concert and party benefiting Vh1’s Save the Music Foundation. Other highlights of this year's festival include the 20th anniversary celebration of the films “Menace to Society” and “The Inkwell”, as well as a mix of education and entertainment with a film scoring competition, multiple workshops, panel discussions, movie viewings, parties and an awards ceremony. The PVIFF guest list including industry professionals and executives from Bravo, TV One, BET, ABC and more. Some of PVIFF's highlights includes a writing workshop featuring writer/producers, Bentley Kyle Evans and Stacey Morgan Evans ("Martin," "Moesha," "The Jamie Fox Show," "Love That Girl" etc.), a Legendary Award to be presented to acclaimed actor, Ernest Thomas ("What's Happening," "Everybody Hates Chris" etc.) and the presentation of PVIFF's Center Piece Film: "Home" featuring acclaimed actors Joe Morton ("The Inkwell," "The Good Wife" etc.), Gbenga Akinnagbe ("The Wire," "Nurse Jackie" etc.). ■

About Len Gibson: Gibson’s qualifications as a cinema expert also extend to both sides of the camera. In front, he’s guest starred on American Centre Street. Behind the scenes, Gibson optioned the screenplay “A Letter To Miami” to New Line Cinema. Gibson has also done various production and camera work with MTV, VH1, HBO, producers from Spike Lee’s 40 Acres and A Mule and more. Currently Gibson is in pre-production with the highly anticipated feature film “Step Sisters” starring acclaimed actress Keke Palmer and featuring director Bille Woodruff (“Honey,” “Beauty Shop). Gibson is also signed on to produce the film Destined starring Omar Epps, Mekhi Phiffer and Keri Hilson. Gibson continues to advance his career as CEO/Founder of PVIFF as the festival celebrates its' 8th year as one of the premiere events in the South East.

About James "JB" Brown: James "JB" Brown has 20+ years as a veteran and trailblazer in the entertainment industry on a whole. He has worked for major entertainment powerhouses such as BET, Def Jam, 20th Century Fox, and BMG currently serves as President/Founder of PVIFF. In addition to being a producer of film, TV, music, multimedia and an author, James is also an avid supporter of the narts and programs that encourage and uplift children. James devotes much of his time and resources to organizations such as The Silas and Helen T. Brown Children's Foundation, Salvation Army, Boys and Girls Club, NAACP, UNICEF, Men Who Care Global, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Children's Diabetes Foundation, A.F.A.M & many more.

For more information about this year's Peachtree Village International Film Festival, film submissions, workshops, festival events and more it TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013





nthony Anderson is currently a member of NBC‟s Emmy Award-winning drama "Law & Order.” Anderson plays Detective Kevin Bernard opposite Jeremy Sisto as Detective Cyrus Lupo. Anderson has appeared in over 20 films, and his performance on “Law & Order” earned him his second consecutive NAACP Image Award nomination for Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series for the 2008 season. Last year, Anderson starred in the New Orleans-based drama “K-Ville” before joining “Law & Order.” He also displayed his bountiful talent in the DreamWorks‟ blockbuster “Transformers,” directed by Michael Bay; as well as in Martin Scorsese‟s Oscar winning feature, “The Departed,” alongside a stellar cast including Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson. Anderson first gained attention as one of Jim Carrey‟s sons in “Me, Myself, and Irene,” and has subsequently appeared in such films as “Scary Movie 3,” “Barbershop,” “Kangaroo Jack,” “Exit Wounds,” “Cradle 2 the Grave,” “Two Can Play That Game,” and “Malibu‟s Most Wanted.” He also starred opposite Eddie Griffin and Michael Imperioli in “My Baby‟s Daddy,” opposite Frankie Muniz in “Agent Cody Banks 2” and had a cameo in “Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle.” Anderson brought his talent and humor to the small screen in his own WB sitcom “All About the Andersons” which was loosely based on his life. Anderson appeared in the police-drama television series, “The Shield,” opposite Michael Chiklis and Glenn Close. Anderson grew up in Los Angeles. While pursuing his acting career, he continued his education by attending the High School for the Performing Arts, where he earned first place in the NAACP‟s ACTSO Awards with his performance of the classic monologue from “The Great White Hope.” That performance, along with his dedication to his craft, earned him an arts scholarship to Howard University. Anderson currently lives in Los Angeles. He is married to his college sweetheart, and they have two children. ■





What’s Happening Now With Ernest Thomas? By Greta Wheeler



nown for his eccentric laugh as Roger “Raj” Thomas in the 1970s sitcom What‟s Happening!! Ernest Thomas has come a long way and is still going strong. Before emerging on the scene appearing on Broadway and hit television sitcoms such as The Jeffersons and the infamous What’ Happening! The once shy, Gary, Indiana native, was enrolled in college studying to become a social worker . But those plans took a turn thanks to his very good friend, Jake Smith, who saw the gift of acting nestled within him. This revelation came to Jake as the result of being Thomas‟s primary audience member while he was just being silly. “I was just trying to make him laugh and act silly.” Ernest shares. But his friend saw more and so the journey began. Because of his C.O.G.I.C. (Church of God In Christ.) background, which viewed all secular activities as a sin, Ernest initially rejected the idea of acting. But after much consideration and prayer, Ernest enrolled in an acting class earning an A. For his final presentation, he performed monologues from three classical pieces, one being Romeo and Juliet. Wrapped in a white sheet appearing as a robe, Ernest became his characters. He recalled his fellow classmates laughing when he appeared before them. “But they weren‟t laughing when I got done.” Ernest says. Following the completion of the class, the instructor approached him and suggested that he consider acting for a living. Ernest was still set on becoming a social worker and politely dismissed that idea. Shortly afterwards, Ernest found himself auditioning for another production just to see if he could land a role. He secured the role and began touring with the production throughout Indiana and began signing autographs even then. Ultimately, Ernest went on to pursue acting full time, enrolling and graduating from the American Academy for Dramatic Arts. He has been a successful working actor ever since, landing parts in movies alongside other legendary actors such as Bill Cosby and Sydney Portier. Shortly after his success with What’s Happening!!. for a brief moment in his life, he hit the bottom, encircled in a world of drugs and alcohol until God intervened and took him on a virtual Road to Damascus Experience parallel to Paul during the early Bible days. Ernest explained how he was getting off the sub train one night and although he wasn‟t literally blinded, he experienced blindness from the swimming streetlights and the drunkenness along with the added stress from all that was happening in his life at the time. Returning to the apartment where he was staying with friends, he immediately started praying asking God to remove any trace of drugs and ANGELES, CA alcohol from his life. Earnest never looked back. Currently, Ernest is developing two sitcoms and recently, he appeared on Real Husbands of Hollywood and will also appear in the movie, Squatters starring Paul Sorvino. In August 2013, he will be receiving a Legendary Award at the Peachtree Village International Film Festival (PVFF) ■





Camille Winbush



amille Winbush, is a multitalented actress and singer, and a three time recipient of the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress, Young Artist Award recipient for Best Performance in a TV series and now she can add the Peachtree Village International Film Festival Rising Star Award to her list of accolades. Camille joins Quentin Aaron from The Blindside and Naturi Naughton from Notorious BIG, Lottery Ticket, and The Client List as only the third recipient of this award that‟s given to young actors/ actresses in television and/or film who are on the brink of worldwide stardom. Camille, best known for her role as “Nessa” the sassy on screen niece of the late comedian Bernie Mac from the Bernie Mac Show, says “this is an honor receiving the PVIFF RISING STAR AWARD”. “I‟m excited, it feels good to be recognized and makes me look for to what‟s next”. Most recently Camille played Lauren, a recurring character on the award winning ABC Family drama The Secret Life of the American Teenager. She has guest starred on many TV shows including Grey‟s Anatomy, Criminal Minds, ER, Any Day Now, The Norm Show, Hanging with Mr. Cooper, Viper, Minor Adjustments, and 7th Heaven. Her film credits include a starring role in

the critically-acclaimed film “Ghost Dog” opposite Oscar -winner Forrest Whitaker, as well as roles in “Eraser” with Arnold Schwarzenegger and “Dangerous Minds” with Michelle Pfeiffer. With over 20 years in the business, a host of accolades, an extensive list of television and film credits this young Rising Star Award recipient pays homage to Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington, and Mark Wahlberg to name a few and of course the late Bernie Mac. Camille shared that she had fun and learned a lot on The Bernie Mac Show and that this is where she grew as an actress. Her co-star the late Bernie Mac left her with advice that sticks with her to date “don‟t be afraid to try something new you never know if it works until you try”. As a singer Camille can be heard on the Disney soundtrack of “Geppetto” and was also featured on Universal Record‟s celebrity holiday CD “Wild Christmas” singing “The Night Before Christmas; millions of fans heard Camille sing on The Secret Life of the American Teenager. In 2003 Camille opened Baked Ice her own ice cream parlor in Southern California. She is currently

working on a genuine leather backpack line for men. She has received numerous business awards and citations for her entrepreneurial endeavors including the TeenPreneur Award from Black Enterprise Magazine for outstanding business leadership and achievement among her peer group. A spokesperson for Love Is Respect, Camille has used her celebrity to help combat teen abuse and prevent teen domestic violence. She also support‟s Read Across America literacy events which encourage young people to read. As an award winning actress Camille encourages up and coming actors to stay positive, be patient, give your all every time, and don‟t expect it to happen overnight. Also that Participating in The Peachtree International Film Festival is a great opportunity to see great films, network, and learn from worthwhile workshops. This young very talented entertainer has aspirations of one day directing and producing her own project. Be on the lookout for Camille Winbush actress, singer, entrepreneur, and humanitarian on television, the big screen, and who knows maybe on the next cd you purchase. ■








Young Voices of America Premier Contest Students in Grades K-12 are invited to participate.

Accepting Submissions June 1, 2013 - August 31, 2013 Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Count Follow ALL the rules for submitting your work. In every contest we have to disqualify a very large number of very good entries because the writer didn't follow the rules for submitting his or her work. Don't let that happen to you. Contest information and details continued on Page 54




DESTINY REEVES: Lights Up The Apollo


estiny Reeves, born on October 9, 1998 in a small town called Newnan, Georgia, was never your average child. She is an outgoing student, now in her 9th grade year that has a passion for singing in her church choir. Destiny is a dynamic vocalist and has the potential and vocal strength to become one of the greatest childhood singers of all times. Destiny has had opportunities many people only dream of, for example being able to perform at numerous events including talent shows, singing the National Anthem for Monica at her middle school where Monica was speaking, and one of her most memorable moments was when she performed at the Apollo. Destiny‟s mom, Donica Heard realized Destiny was passionate about music at 2 years of age. Today, at the age of 14, Destiny spends countless hours recording in the studio. Destiny is a very hard working and determined young lady. That hard work and determination has given her the opportunity to appear on Showtime at the Apollo in New York City a second time. She first appeared at the Apollo at the tender age of 10, when Destiny appeared on Apollo stage for the second time she was nervous and unsure, as any 14 year old should be, being on such a historical stage. She watches Apollo therefore Destiny knew the history of how being on “Apollo” can either make or break a performer; she was so honored to be selected to perform at Showtime at Apollo. On that stage that night as Destiny began to sing all the unpleasant emotions she felt disappeared; she was home. Destiny realized she felt more comfortable on that stage, in front of that huge crowd of people, listening to her sing than she ever had felt. Her performance was amazing and the crowd went wild not expecting to hear such a seasoned voice from such a young lady. At the conclusion of the show, after taking first place she was greeted by audience members offering words of encouragement, wanting to take a picture with her. With pleasure Destiny welcomed all; that evening Destiny was also approached by a rep of a major music label. By the time Destiny was done it was that night, a star was born Destiny will be returning to Showtime at the Apollo for a third time in late August, hoping to continue her winning streak, with hopes of going all the way to the final round. Her dream is to one day become a seasoned voice from this to the final roundace seasoned voice from this young ladyShowtime at Apollo for the 2nd er perf national recording artist and after she shows her talent again August 28th, she‟ll be well on her way. ■





Courtnee Futch, 18 Year Old Founder and CEO

ThunderCakes, LLC Syracuse, NY

“I spent so much time denying my love for baking that I had truly convinced myself I wanted to do something else….”


ometimes the greatest success stories are born out of a moment of desperation. This is all too true for Courtnee Futch, 18-year-old founder and CEO of Thunder Cakes. Courtnee was approaching the conclusion of her freshman year at Syracuse University with $6.14 left in her bank account knowing fairly well that no amount of budgeting was going to make that money last. It was in that exact moment, that ThunderCakes was created. In under an hour, Courtnee had created a Facebook Group named ThunderCakes by Courtnee and added 300 university peers to it, immediately creating confusion. 30 minutes later, she posted photos of her first thunderous creation “Bacon Chocolate and Caramel Rice Krispie Treats”. An hour later, all 40 of the treats she made were sold out, and Courtnee knew she had something special. Now, Thunder Cakes is a remote location bakery that serves custom order cakes, cupcakes, cheesecakes and cookies. If you are looking for standard pre-made chocolate chip cookie dough then go to Tollhouse, because you will not find that at Thunder Cakes. Courtnee‟s menu is mouth watering offering a number of baked goods from Vanilla Chiffon Cake with Salted Caramel Buttercream Frosting to Bacon Cheesecake Brownies to White Chocolate Cheesecake Cake. Everything about Thunder Cakes is a visual experience. She places a lot of importance on the 28


aesthetics of her work. Each product is custom designed to reflect the distinct personality of her customer. Courtnee does not just offer her customers a menu; she offers them an interactive experience. Baking has always been Courtnee‟s passion. In high school, she was the captain of her culinary arts team and started her own business senior year called The Fudgery. In college, Courtnee decided to step away from baking and entered into The College of Arts and Sciences on a pre-med track. It was not until the end of her freshman year that she rediscovered her love of baking again. “I spent so much time denying my love for baking that I had truly convinced myself I wanted to do something else. But in that moment of desperation, my passion for baking resurfaced. Nothing had ever been more clear to me than in that moment.” She is changing her major to Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises with a major in Information Technology, Design, and Startup.

What’s Next?: On March 26, 2013, Thunder Cakes celebrated its one-year anniversary. Courtnee has a lot of plans for the future of her company. First, she wants to take time and give back to her customers who have made her dream a reality. She plans on


executing a number of different campaigns that will immerse the Syracuse University campus into Thunder Cakes. Second, she plans on growing her operation. Currently, Courtnee is a one-woman operation. She is the manager, baker, accountant, carrier, etc. She is establishing an apprenticeship where she can bring in others to teach and assist so that she can grow the business instead of “being the business”. Thirdly, she wants to start outsourcing her products. She is looking to partner with local restaurants, campus, and administration to support and grow Thunder Cakes. And lastly, ThunderCakes will begin it‟s shipping operation in coming months to make her cakes available nationwide. In April of 2013, ThunderCakes won $5,000 in funding. Student startups at Syracuse University won a combined $218,000 in seed funding at the third annual Emerging Talk conference on April 12 and 13 in the Whitman School of Management. More than 300 students, faculty, entrepreneurs, investors and

community members came out to watch students pitch in several competitions, display their businesses and ideas at Demo Alley and win seed funding to take their ventures to the next level. The Raymond von Dran (RvD) IDEA Awards competition is part of the Raymond von Dran Innovation and Disruptive Entrepreneurship Accelerator (IDEA) and has provided seed funding to help student entrepreneurs launch their ventures since 2009. Funding is awarded to student companies to cover start-up expenses, including salaries of company owners and employees, space rental and marketing, legal, website and proof-of-concept development. Winning teams from SU were required to meet with Entrepreneurin-Residence John Liddy to outline the deliverables, company calendar and business plan, after which they received the first half of their funds. They earn the remaining half of the Ray von Dran IDEA Award in six to 12 weeks, based on their work in implementing the plans discussed with Liddy. ■

The ThunderCakes website is still under construction, so please keep an eye out for ThunderCakes’ progress on the following platforms: Instagram ■ Twitter ■ Facebook TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013



Kings Men Films: J. Brown and Jamie Brannon


ings Brannon holds true to the M e n concept that if you limit Films you what you write about i s and film then you will comlimit your chances of sucprised cess. Recently, Kings Men of two Films screened a film at of the hardest working Get Connected headlined men in the independent by the amazing Autumn filming realm on the east Bailey and Brent Brooks coast. Founder/CEO J. called “The Beguiled”. Brown and his second in The Beguiled is a suspense command (VP) Jamie thriller that is set apart Brannon are what they from any film that is being coin themselves as “The filmed today by the indetwo men wrecking crew” pendent film world and it taking on the task of weardid great having amazing ing multiple hats with their reviews afterwards. For filming and projects. two young African AmeriATLANTA From filming to empowercan men that are making ment events Kings Men the moves that they are Films are involved! CEO J. Brown, said in a recent conversamaking in what Jamie calls “the true south” is absolutely phetion with 501 c 3 H2H that “Giving back to our roots, the place nomenal. “The whole merge was ordained” Two men from the that made us who we are today is important to the grind and same city of doubters and quitters are making life happen the motivation that fuels Kings Men Films. Empowering others is way they want it to in different ways. what we do and our art does just that.” One thing that sets J. J. Brown is an actor that has appeared in several indy proBrown and Jamie Brannon apart from others is that they have jects and has been featured in major networks such as BET‟s no education in the film industry. There was no college training “The Game as Sampson. J. Brown says, “Coming from a place for the work that they do which includes being the Camera where dreams don‟t exist isn‟t the easiest thing to shake off. I man, Director of Photography, Director, writers, producers, just take it as a chance to be new and innovated. Just being able editors, and publicists and they don‟t just do mediocre work. to set a trend and be a role model to my hometown is a great There work is one of that who has had prior professional trainstart.” J. Brown started out playing semi-pro basketball for the ing. ABA in 2007. He said that even then the road was hard to get J. Brown and Jamie Brannon made the “ultimate merger” in to that point. He said that being turned down and pushed away the summer of 2011 and have been making a great deal of made is drive to grow even more. Now J.Brown is finishing a change in the standard for the indy film world. Within the first Story book based on one of their prized shorts titled, “From month of coming together the “two man wrecking crew” made Beyond Captivity, To You” an effort in making sure that films that they make will make Jamie Brannon is already an established poet and author sense and they won‟t be limited to the same stereotypical film with books titled “Poetic Prospective” and Full Blooded Pogenres. October 2011 after watching a music video on youtube etry” so working towards success is no new thing for the two the two partners developed a film concept called “The Adminientrepreneurs. They both bring their passions to the table with stration” only to give their small city something to do. They unselfishness. This is a part of the formula to being successful didn‟t know the impact that the project would have on the city in an industry that swallows shallow artist whole. They both and tri-state area. After completing the project they decided to lean on the idea that it can‟t be just the filming that fuels an have a movie premiere so that the city could see themselves in a artist. With Kings Men Films we believe in giving back with different way. It was a hit! The people couldn‟t believe how projects like “The Give Life Project” helping the needy and well these untrained locals did. In a one month span Kings Men cleaning neighborhoods or the “Men Mentoring Men project” Films sold over 500 DVDs of this community project sparking that is set in place for the empowerment of men and knowing the flam that they have today! Jamie Brannon said, “The felling our role in society and in business. of an idea that actually works is indescribable. Years of workFor more info about Kings Men Films please email us at ing hard and failed attempts don‟t seem so bad anymore.” or called 404-576-6396 visit us on Since then the duo has filmed, directed and written a total of 25 the web at also visit youpieces that range from Faith based, gangster, suspense, to films tube: Kingsmentv ■ like Saving Private Ryan and Dear John. J. Brown and Jamie 30





hen asked of Yael, what makes you grab the mic, her response was an emphatic, Kingdom Building . . . being able to help build the Kingdom of God through the ministry of song. Kingdom building is like planting seeds and that is what I hope to do every time I sing. I believe grabbing the mic gives me an opportunity to plant seeds amongst God‟s people; my prayer is that God will provide the increase. As I lift Him up with melodies of praise, God will draw all men unto Himself. God does the watering as the music is playing and the words are ministering to the souls of the people. I‟ve been singing since I was about five, but to hear my mom tell it, I was singing when I came out of the womb . . . according to her, my wail sounded like a siren that caused the nurses to grab their ears. My first solo, that I could remember, was when I was five singing in the junior choir at my church. Initially, when I first grab the mic I‟m nervous, but once I begin to sing and the music begins to flow through my soul I realize the purpose behind the music and the reason why I‟m singing. I recall this is the gift God has given me and that I‟m merely a vessel. It‟s not about me; it‟s about ministry . . . setting captives free, soothing hurt souls, building a reservoir of truths that people can draw from during the hard and trying times in their lives . . . from that well which God has placed in our bellies . . . that river of water that springs up in times of need . . . suddenly, all the nervousness dissipates. Yael, what motivates you to sing and minister; the inspiration continued as Yael answered with this: A question was posed in a Bible Study class long ago that stuck with me; the gist of the discussion was how would everyone get a chance to hear the gospel and get the opportunity to know about God? God would be an unjust God if people in places where the gospel isn‟t preached wouldn‟t be allowed in Heaven. What motivates me to sing and minister is the understanding that I can be used by God. My grandpa, the late Bishop James E. Hilton, introduced me to Christ when I was a small child and he provided me with the first opportunity and platform for God to develop the gift of music in me. I‟m simply trying to return the favor when I sing by helping to introduce someone else to Christ. We at Trendsetters will be keeping a watchful eye on this young inspiring gospel singer and believe she is destine for great things. I used to hear my mom singing around the house, she

would sing “Draw Me Nearer To The Cross,” and I would just cry. I really don‟t know why I cried, something just tugged on me deep down on the inside; I couldn‟t explain the feelings then and I still can‟t. The song didn‟t make me sad, but I cried anyway; my mom‟s voice sounded so pure, almost angelic. My dad also sings. He would sing those “old school” melodies like “Jesus Will Lead Me To That Promised Land” by Sam Cook and “There‟s Not A Friend like the Lowly Jesus.” His singing used to make me jump around and clap my hands. I wanted to sing like both of my parents. I wanted to be soulful and stirring as well as making people want to sing praises to the Lord. I don‟t sing to perform; I really don‟t even know how to perform. I was once told by Donnie McClurkin that I couldn‟t just close my eyes and sing to God but that I needed to work on my stage presence to make people like me. I disagreed with that bit of advice; because I believe my ministry is bigger than stage presence and entertaining people . . . there are enough entertainers out there. I‟m not saying you can‟t sing and have fun while you‟re doing it; but I think ministry is more than just tickling someone‟s ear, I want them to feel encouraged and have confidence to go on in Christ. I want the words and music to stay with them long after we part ways, so that during their trying times, the words and music will come back to their remembrance and enable them to keep on keeping on. The band I sing with is NewGen. The name New Gen (short for New Generation) came about as we were joking around one day. The band is composed of the musicians for the Fayetteville Deliverance Evangelistic Center. We‟ve been together in an official capacity for about four years. We all grew up together, really, and as our individual gifts developed, we grew closer and blended our talents. The Lord placed His seal of approval on us and continues to bless our efforts. ■



EDUCATION TRENDS Janice Paschal and Tameko Star



Janice Paschal and Tameko Star are both performing artist in their own right. Paschal who hails from Dayton, Ohio is the published author of “IMAGES, HEART & SOUL” and an award winning poet. She has received The Editors choice, Best New Poets in America and American Anthology awards. Pachal‟s works have been performed everywhere from Como Italy to The Kennedy Center in Washing D.C.. She has been featured in “Who‟s Who in America Poetry” and “American Anthology”. After touring in “For Colored Girls…”, Paschal ultimately produced her own one woman show that featured spoken word, monologues, music and dance. Tameko Star is an award winning, international recording artist, songwriter, actress, dancer and play write who hails from Montichiari, Italy. It was Europe where she wrote a musical entitled, “KIDZ ON A MISSION” that dealt with adolescent issues. The production was performed throughout Italy where it received rave reviews. As a recording artist, Star has toured all over the world performing her Billboard Top 10 Hit dance anthems such as, “Don‟t Stop Movin”, “Follow the Rules”, “Deep In You” and “Where Can I find Love‟ under the stage name Livin‟ Joy. After relocating from Europe to America, Star, 32


launched a talent development/production company called Magz Productions with her late mother and manager, Maggee. Star has since changed the company‟s name to Star House Entertainers. It has since become one Atlanta‟s top talent training companies. STAR HOUSE ENTERTAINERS is in it‟s 13th year as a talent development and production company, offering "ALL-INONE " training classes for kids and teens as well as artist development for aspiring artists of all ages. Services include vocal coaching, dance classes, acting lessons, stage show choreography, songwriting and image development. Star House Entertainers prides itself on helping individuals to become confident performers. It teaches students to be proficient in all areas of the arts. The company‟s mission is to develop, cultivate and prepare students for a successful career in the entertainment industry while providing them with a platform to showcase their talent through the company‟s showcases and productions. In the summer of 2008, Tameko Star met the multi-talented, Janice Paschal who came on board as a production assistant and host of Star‟s annual music showcase. The dynamic duo has been inseparable ever since becoming fast friends while discovering each other‟s gift for writing, creativity and passion for


young people. Star and Paschal often referred to as two female Tyler Perrys‟ began working on several productions together before ultimately writing their hit production, SUPERSTAR DREAMZ: The Musical. Dubbed the urban side of the phenomenal and world renowned “High School Musical,” SUPERSTAR DREAMZ: The Musical explores several topics including bullying, peer pressure, self esteem, single parent homes, many other issues plaguing today‟s youth. This Broadway bound musical production shows young people coming together, growing in understanding and acceptance, and bringing about solutions that, ultimately helps them overcome their obstacles and fulfill their dreams. Audiences have been captivated by its‟ heart-pounding drama, edge-of-your seat suspense, laugh-out-loud comedy, sizzling dance sequences and soul-stirring vocals from the original soundtrack. The talented cast range in ages 10-18 and

stars many of Atlanta‟s hottest young celebrities who have come through the talent training program of STAR HOUSE ENTERTAINERS. At a time when mainstream entertainment is saturated and poisoned with negative messages and images, Star & Paschal, were moved to write, produce & direct material that offered a fresh new look at African American youth. The production is presented in a hip musical format and was designed to speak the hearts and minds of our nation‟s young people, however, it has received rave reviews for it‟s unique ability to touch the souls of the

young and old. So far, SUPERSTAR DREAMZ: The Musical has been creating a huge buzz in the Atlanta area recently selling out 3 shows at the Porter Sanford III Performing Arts Center. Attendees included celebrities such as Kandi Burress of The Real House Wives of Atlanta and formally of the R&B group Xscape, Grammy award-winning artist/ author-- Keith Sweat, former NFL player--Chuck Smith, parents of Disney Channel stars--KeKe Palmer and Kyle Massey, and many more! SUPERSTAR DREAMZ: THE MUSICAL has since caught the attention of Wanda Smith former radio morning show host of V-103 in Atlanta and one of the top 25 influential women in the nation. Wanda Smith has since taken the production under her wing and the women have joined forces to take SUPERSTAR DREAMZ “The Musical” to the next level. Future plans include a national/ international tour/concert, the release of the musical‟s soundtrack, a television sitcom for Disney as well as an inspirational docu-series that will capture the journey of the cast and it‟s directors. The play toured Italy with rave reviews. writing the play that inspired, SUPERSTAR DREAMZ "The Musical" entitled, “Kidz on a Mission” that dealt with adolescent issues. ■






he Board of Trustees of Florida Memorial University announces the appointment of Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis (pictured, right) as Interim President, effective July 15, 2013. An experienced professional, Dr. Artis is a Trustee Scholar graduate in Higher Education Leadership and Policy from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, where she earned her Doctorate in Higher Education Leadership and Policy. She received her Juris Doctorate degree from West Virginia University College of Law in Morgantown, West Virginia, and her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from West Virginia State College Institute in West Virginia. Throughout her career, Dr. Artis‟ academic interests include student retention, particularly as it relates to adult and non-traditional students, academic and co-curricular support structures in alternative learning modalities, strategic planning, institutional effectiveness and student learning outcomes assessment. She has also served as Partner at Assessment by Design, LLC, a consulting firm specializing in the development and implementation of compre-



hensive assessment strategies for academic and cocurricular programs in higher education; Attorney at the Wooton Law Firm, Adjunct Professor at The College of West Virginia, and Associate Attorney at Brown & Levicoff PLLC, among other notable positions. Located in the City of Miami Gardens, Florida Memorial University is a private, historically Black institution offering 41 undergraduate degree programs and four graduate degree programs to a culturally diverse student body. Since its inception in 1879, the University has upheld a commitment to providing a solid foundation for thousands of young people and opening doors to educational opportunities that may have otherwise been closed to MIAMI, FL them. As South Florida‟s only Historically Black College or University (HBCU), it is widely recognized for being the birthplace of the Negro National Anthem, “Lift Ev‟ry Voice and Sing” and the home of Barrington Irving, Jr., the first and youngest pilot of African descent to fly solo around the world. Florida Memorial University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). For more information about FMU, visit ■


World of BC..Vol. 1 The Under Appreciated Everyday Average Hardworking Dude By Bryson Clark



‟d like to take a few brief moments to communicate with the fellas. As you and I both know, there‟s been an unspoken (and unfair) code among young men in our society that our heroes should be the individuals who can sing, act, dance, rap, run, jump, and throw better than over 90% of the general population. Some of the heroes have even been fictional characters who can fly, climb up walls with their hands and feet, and run through brick walls like the walls were made out of tissue paper. However, I‟d like to show my respect to those real life heroes… and to think that this whole time, you thought that your heroes only showed up on screens in big-budget summer movies. Yes, Real life heroes DO exist, and they‟re probably much more real and accessible than you could imagine. Fellas, some of you may have had a father who was no-nonsense, but always loving, and willing to offer you advise at moment‟s notice. You may have had that male coach at your school who would allow you to get in extra practice time and workout before the rest of your team arrived, or you may have had a male pastor who was

always there to listen to your problems, and pray for you when you were in need of prayer. When I mention that our heroes are closer to us than we may know, I mean that in the literal sense, because your heroes are more likely to be everyday men like the ones we take for granted on a daily basis, and tend to overlook because their names aren‟t in lights on a billboard. I would like to express that there is nothing necessarily wrong with having heroes and people you look up to who are celebrities. However, let‟s give respect where it‟s due, towards the men who have played an integral role in the development of you, gentlemen. Chances are that you will be that same man who have an impact on a young man who is trying to find his way in the world. It‟s up to you whether you will be a positive or negative influence on him. Everyone‟s goal should be to make the world a little better place than it was before you got here. Let‟s make it happen, fellas, because there are young men out here who are watching our every move. ■




Hair loss from Hyperthyroidism By Dr. Linda Amerson



o you have a thyroid disease? According to the 2013 statistics, 30 million Americans are currently diagnosed and 200 million are affected worldwide. The signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism vary. It‟s main function is to control the metabolism for how fast the body runs. Therefore, the immune system mistakenly attacks the person‟s own thyroid to release an abundance of hormone. With the excessive production of the thyroid hormone, the body reveals some unwanted and uncontrollable symptoms. An alarming 37,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the USA. Alopecia (hair loss) is a common sign.

LA‟s Hair & Scalp Clinic 2304 W. Pioneer Pkwy, #6 Arlington, TX 76013 817 265-8854 36

This butterfly shaped gland is located in the front of the neck just below the voice box or Adam‟s apple, and runs in families of individuals who have autoimmune disorders. A few examples include: childhood diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Some of the common signs and symptoms for this gland include: a nervous feeling, irritability, difficulty sleeping, bulging eyes, an unblinking stare, goiter (throat swelling/protruding which must be surgically removed), menstrual irregularities, light period, frequent bowel movements, warm-moist hands, excessive vomiting in pregnancy, hoarseness or deepening of the voice, persistent dry or sore throat, difficulty swallowing, rapid heartbeat, infertility, weight loss, heat intolerance, increased sweating, hair loss, 1st trimester miscarriage, and a family history of thyroid disease or diabetes. Many consumers have asked is there any way to avoid Graves‟ Disease? Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid it, but it can be controlled. On June 24, 2011, a statement was released of this disease by Grammy Award Winning Rapper/ Producer Missy Elliot. Elliott had suffered with this diagnosis since 2008 before her announcement. Alopecia, hand and muscle tremors, and mood swings were some of the


many signs and symptoms Elliot experienced. In addition, other famous people with this diagnosis are Former President and 1st Lady George Bush & Barbara Bush, Oprah Winfrey, Toni Childs, Gail Devers, and Bobby Laborte just to name a few. Alopecia: changes with the scalp hair reveals fibers that are fine and soft, with an altered texture. Diffuse alopecia is not uncommon. Fingernails are more clubbed and curve upward. Women are more likely to develop Graves‟ than men and, like Elliott, the diagnosis typically occurs between 30 and 40 years of age. Out of the 100 percentile, 80% of cases are women diagnosed with hypothyroidism and 20% diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Researchers have begun isolating genes for Graves‟ that differ among races, and the results reveal the three races with the higher percentages…Caucasians, Japanese, and Chinese. The overall conclusion is the disease appears to affect all racial groups. The current available treatments include medication, radiation or surgery to calm down the overactive thyroid or remove the goiter. For additional information, contact Dr. Linda Amerson and tune in to her weekly radio show Ask the Hair & Scalp Doctor each Weds @ 11am cst on ■


Diets Don’t Work: People Do By Camela L. Douglass, M.S. ED.



Camela L. Douglass

want to change but change doesn‟t always come quick. I wish I could take my pick at what I can change today and make it stick.”(excerpt from my poem I Want to Change) I have battled with this concept of change throughout my life‟s journey of being healthy and fit. Although I have been a fitness instructor and personal trainer for 15 years, I too have struggled with maintaining weight loss through proper eating and exercise. Weighing over 225 lbs., I finally had to face my reality and make a decision to incorporate the necessary lifestyle changes to become healthy. Between getting married and divorced, having three children, post-graduate studies, and starting a new business, my biggest challenge was choosing the right method to achieve this goal and be consistent. By the grace of God, willpower, great workout programs, and a good support system, I am finally able to maintain my 60lbs. weight loss. The truth is there is no quick fix to losing weight and becoming fit. Fad diets and fitness fads have kept Americans confused and defeated for years. If losing 10lbs. in 3 days was that easy, everybody would be doing it. Not to mention, trying to keep that same 10 lbs. off. Despite the $30 billion spent on weight loss programs and products, a one-size fits all method does not exist. Research has proven and I have personally experienced that in order to achieve the best quality of life, an individual must adopt an effective eating plan and exercise program that works for them. There is no surgery, pill, exercise program, or diet that will work for you unless you work it. Benjamin Franklin said, “Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.” Thus the notion, if you want success, you have to put the work in and shed some blood, sweat, and tears. As an instructor for Jim Brown‟s Amer-ICan Program, we taught people the responsibility of selfdetermination. No individual can experience true change unless they are willing to be responsible for how that change takes place. Talk shows, magazine stands, and gyms all over America are filled with success stories of people who achieved weight loss because they accepted responsibility and worked their individual program. The magic wand of change starts with your own finger. Touch your head and tell yourself, “my change starts here.” Then, decide what change is necessary in order to achieve the best quality of life for you. After that, determine the realistic method that you need to take to make it happen. Lastly, make it happen! ■




Xernona Clayton is the Founder, President and CEO of the Trumpet Awards Foundation, Inc. and Creator and Executive Producer of the Foundation‟s Trumpet Awards. The Trumpet Awards is a prestigious event highlighting African American accomplishments and contributions. Initiated in 1993 by Turner Broadcasting, the Trumpet Awards has been televised annually and distributed internationally to over 185 countries around the world. Ms. Clayton began her television career in 1967 and became the south‟s first Black person to have her own television show. The Xernona Clayton show was a regular feature on WAGA-TV, CBS affiliate in Atlanta. Xernona Clayton was employed at Turner Broadcasting for nearly 30 years where she served as a corporate executive. In 1988, Xernona Clayton was appointed Corporate Vice President for Urban Affairs with Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. In this capacity, she directed internal and external projects for the Corporation, and served as liaison between Turner Broadcasting (TBS SuperStation, CNN, Headline News, TNT, Atlanta Braves and Atlanta Hawks) and civic groups in Atlanta and across the country. As a corporate executive, Ms. Clayton was one of the highest-ranking female employees in Turner Broadcasting System. For more info on Xernona Clayton visit: Often called "one of the most courageous persons the Civil Rights Movement ever produced," John Lewis has dedicated his life to protecting human rights, securing civil liberties, and building what he calls "The Beloved Community” in America. His dedication to the highest ethical standards and moral principles has won him the admiration of many of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the United States Congress. He was born the son of sharecroppers on February 21, 1940, outside of Troy, Alabama. He grew up on his family's farm and attended segregated public schools in Pike County, Alabama. As a young boy, he was inspired by the activism surrounding the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., which he heard on radio broadcasts. In those pivotal moments, he made a decision to become a part of the Civil Rights Movement. Ever since then, he has remained at the vanguard of progressive social movements and the human rights struggle in the United States. For more info on John Lewis visit:

Rita Jackson Samuels has been an advocate for civil rights since her youth when she served as a secretary for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Operation Breadbasket department under the administration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Since that time she has worked with all SCLC presidents: Abernathy, Lowery, King III, Shuttlesworth, and Steele. After dedicating more than three decades to advocacy, Samuels established Women Flying High, LLC a highly successful small business that is instrumental in forming strategic alliances and joint venture opportunities increasing women‟s share of government contracts. Inspired by the Civil Rights Movement, Samuels emerged as one of Georgia‟s most




prolific women‟s rights advocates. She is the Founder and former Executive Director of the Georgia Coalition of Black Women, Inc., a women‟s advocacy training and development organization established in 1980. As Executive Director of the Georgia Coalition of Black Women, Inc. she created numerous innovative programs advancing Georgia women and girls including the “Just for Girls Computer Camp,” computer training for Foster Children, and one of the first government relations and public policy training initiatives specifically for Black women in Georgia. She is credited with helping to launch the careers of several Black women leaders from rural counties and many "firsts" including mayors, commissioners, and judges. In 1999 she founded the Women In Government Internship Program to assist young women interested in careers in government. At age fifteen, Val Archer attempted to enlist in the Marine Corps and the Navy, but was told to come back when he was eighteen.. Finally, he and a friend decided to try the army and on that day, they were processed along with the other men. They passed all the written tests and the physical exam. The next day Val and his friend was “processed” and their birth certificates and returned the next morning. Two hours later, Val and his friend were in line to receive their uniforms at Fort Sheridan, IL. After basic training at Wichita Falls, Texas, Val attended technical training at Geiger Field, Spokane, WA and subsequently at Chanute Field, IL. He was fortunate to be assigned to the 332nd Fighter Group, aka the (Tuskegee Airmen) at Lockbourne Air Base in Columbus, OH. From January 1946 – September 1949, he was assigned as an airplane mechanic and later as an Aircraft Instrument Specialist to try the army and on that day, they were processed along with the other men. They passed all the written tests and the physical exam.

Rev. C. T. Vivian is a living legend of the Civil Rights Movement and he continues his activism today, tirelessly working for the progress of African Americans and the civil and political rights of all peoples. An uplifting speaker, he has addressed audiences in 42 states, 10 countries, and on countless campuses nationwide on the issues of civil rights, nonviolence, racism and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with whom he worked for many years. A Baptist minister, his first use of non-violent direct action was in 1947, to end Peoria's segregated lunch counters. Later he founded the Nashville Christian Leadership Conference, organizing the first sit-ins there in 1960 and the first civil rights march in 1961. Rev. Vivian was a rider on the first "Freedom Bus" into Jackson, Mississippi, and went on to work along-side Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on his Executive Staff in Birmingham, Selma, Chicago, Nashville. the March on Washington; Danville, Virginia; and St. Augustine, Florida. During the summer following the Selma Movement, Rev. Vivian conceived and directed an educational program, Vision, and put 702 Alabama students in college with scholarships. The program later became Upward Bound. Rev. Vivian has been featured as an activist and an analyst in the civil rights documentary, "Eyes on the Prize," and has been featured in a PBS special, "The Healing Ministry of Dr. C. T. Vivian." He has made numerous appearances on "Oprah" as well as the "Montel Williams Show" and "Donahue." Rev. Vivian is the focus of the biography, Challenge and Change by Lydia Walker and he is author of Black Power and the American Myth, which was an Ebony Book Club Selection. His leadership positions have included: Chairman of the Southern Organizing Committee Education Fund, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) the Black Action Strategies and Information Center (BASIC), and the Center for Democratic Renewal. ■










magine being a young child whose mother or father has just been taken away. Your childhood is turned upside down and your life has been uprooted. Your mother or father or even both, once a constant in your life, is no longer around. You are placed in the homes of family members or even strangers because your family nest no longer exist. School is a challenge because other children find your parentless life amusing or you are feeling excluded during PTA because your parents are not around to attend. As you move towards your teens, you are faced with bitterness and anger because your parents are not around for you to seek advice about growing pains. They can‟t help you study for a test or dote over you as they see you off to the prom. Imagine feeling inadequate because you have a void that only a parent can fill. This is just a glimpse into the lives KENNESAW, of children who have lost a parent. You are probably thinking, “It‟s tough to have a parent pass away during childhood.” And it is, but it is equally detrimental to lose a parent through incarceration. We often think to ourselves when we learn of a criminal being apprehended and brought to justice, “Good, I‟m glad that they caught those criminals.” It is normal to find a sense of relief when this happens. But we do not often wonder about the PERSON and who is left to cope with their transgression, in particular, their innocent children who are left with questions, grief, and array of emotions that can often lead to bullying or being bullied and attitudes that could ultimately lead them to a destination of incarceration as well. This is where the Bridges for Hope come in for its mission is to create a bridge for these children that will guide them into a bright and hopeful future. Located in Kennesaw, Georgia, The Bridges for Hope Foundation opened in 2007 by Michelle Bivins. I asked Michelle what inspired her to start the foundation. I expected her to respond by telling me that she has either been personally affected by these circumstances or knew someone that‟s been through this particular situation. Instead she simply responded by saying, “ I really can‟t even take the credit for it and I typically just don‟t even answer that question, I just scurry around because most people don‟t believe me.” She said. Michelle shared that she has never been in this situation nor did she personally know anyone that‟s ever lived under these conditions. She explained that she was driving home from Ohio by



herself one weekend after taking a short vacation and as she was driving, she began to reflect on how good God has been to her throughout the years, helping her to raise her own two children as a single parent. She also thought about how God had blessed her to succeed in her for-profit organization. “I was just like, God you‟ve been so good to me and it just really hit me. I‟m always just so grateful, but it just really hit me and I said, what can I do for you… He said, Take children to the prison.” Initially, she blew it off thinking; surly that is not what she heard him say. She attempted to drown out what she thought she heard by tuning into the radio and told me that nearly every radio station she turned to, even the AM stations, made some reference to children who are left behind when a parent goes to jail. She knew at that moment that what she heard was from God commissioning her to create a bridge for children and GA their imprisoned parents. As stated on their website, Bridges for Hopes‟ primary focus is on fostering resiliency in children and teens by teaching them coping skills that will help them react positively to the difficulties of their everyday lives. The Director of Bridges for Hope, Carlus Houston, expressed that this program is not set in motion in an effort to make prison life better for the incarcerated, but it is used as a method that allows the children they leave behind to express their feelings instead of storing those emotions inside, waiting for them to erupt when the boiling point is reached, ultimately leading to destructive behavior. Houston also stressed that since Michelle started Bridges for Hope, she has been carrying the bulk of the weight, financially and physically, by herself for six years. Although Bridges of Hope has come a long way, it is continually growing and in need of support from the community in order to continue to create awareness and to continue to provide support for the silent and most often, forgotten victims, the children of imprisoned parents. For those of you who wish to join forces with Michelle Bivins and help a child develop into productive rather than destructive citizens, go to the Bridges for Hope Foundations website at to discover how you can help make a difference. They are in need of volunteers, monetary donations, in-kind services, mentors, and most importantly, prayers. ■

Bridges For Hope provides a wide range of opportunities for people, groups and organizations wanting to make an impact in their communities. Every day our staff and volunteers rise to the occasion to face new challenges and meet as many needs as possible by offering life skills and intervention support to at-risk and high-risk youth. Our hope is to bring awareness to the ever-increasing number of lives affected by the incarceration of a parent. In turn, we believe we will begin to see a decline in intergenerational incarceration and dysfunctional behaviors among today's youth. We invite you to share in our efforts of providing hope to a generation, one family at a time. Please contact us to let us know how you wish to get involved.

Michelle Bivins Phone: 678-755-1829 â– Fax: 888-495-8205 TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013




Tyler Perry may want to add this up and coming writer to his team of protégés for she is hot on the trail and there is no stopping her now. Greta Wheeler was purposed to write and has been doing so since a very young age. But writing was not the ideal career she had in mind for herself. Blessed with many talents, Greta only desired to pursue dancing and acting. “I always saw myself as the next Debbie Allen or Janet Jackson. There was not a choreography that Debbie created on the 1980s television series, Fame, that I couldn‟t learn and master.” She recalls. Greta believed that because dancing came so natural and easy for her, that she was supposed to pursue it professionally. But as passionate as she was and still is about dancing, it was her writing that she turned to for therapy and as a way of escape from trails and life‟s challenges. “I remember as a child how I would always see vivid stories unfold in my mind as if I was watching a movie. I would quickly grab a notebook and a pen and begin to write the stories as I saw them and later shared them with friends and classmates.” She recalls and shared how she never really gave much thought to it until classmates would approach her in amazement as they marveled over her stories. “I just always thought that the ability to write imaginative stories was something that everyone could do. I never really saw it as a gift or a talent.” She remarks. Upon her high school graduation, Greta moved to Newark, New Jersey to live with her grandfather and commute to New York where she could pursue an acting career and receive formal dance training, but life happened and her plans didn‟t unfold as she envisioned them. After a few short months she felt she had no choice but to return home and enroll in college. But her heart wasn‟t in it as she felt that she should be chasing her dreams instead of running from classroom to classroom. “I remember praying and asking God if he called me to be in the entertainment business. I knew that His answer was yes, but I felt him tugging me more so in the direction of writing and behind the scenes. Of course I ignored it ATLANTA and continue to pursue acting.” But after enduring many struggles, setbacks, and disappointments, Greta found herself surrendering to God‟s call to write and has since vowed to only write what he tells her to. Since embracing her gift to write and committing it to God, she has been working non-stop. Currently, she‟s writing a project for a new reality series, Casting Call, with Manuel Beckles of First Man Entertainment, Inc. as well as a stage play and is in the development stage for the production of her own screenplay, Miranda’s Call. She‟s also one of Trendsetters to Trendsetters Magazine own freelance writers. The buzz doesn‟t stop there as whispers have already started floating about her work. As the result, she has been freelancing, taking on clients needing assistance with proofing and editing their written projects and has been approached by several individuals asking her to develop a screenplay for their life stories. She continues to develop her portfolio of storytelling and hope to see her work on the screen very soon. ■




God Can Dream a Bigger Dream for you... far beyond anything You could ever Imagine – Oprah Winfrey


Make-Up Artist- Brittany Allen Hair Stylist- Kimberly Johnson and Zara Green Photographer- Ernest Washington Studios

ilaja F. Wilkerson‟s Life is a beautiful picture of this quote. Nilaja comes from a Huge Loving Family. Born into humble beginnings in Cincinnati, Nilaja is the oldest of 5 siblings. The Family may have been low on resources but demonstrated that with God as the ultimate resource, ANYTHING is possible. “Peaceful is She who walks with dignity”, is the meaning of Nilaja‟s name. She demonstrates this daily in her journey to accomplish what God has laid out before her. Her mother instilled into her at early age the foundation of Kwanzaa‟s core “Nguzo Saba” mindset of “Community first”. She keeps this in the forefront of her mind all year round at she interacts with people “I think it is important to remember that I am not just representing myself when I step out into the world, I am representing THOUSANDS who came before and the MILLIONS who will come after me. It is important that I honor the legacy of my ancestors at the same time set a strong and powerful foundation for those who will come after me”. Nilaja credits her family and her late Grandfather with instilling in her a strong will, work ethic, drive and at the same time remaining humble with a giving heart. “My Grandfather would often say, „Your word is all you have‟.. I try to remember this when working and talking and meeting others. “ After working early on in her career for Major Telecommunications, Financial Organizations, and Software Organizations, Nilaja had the courage to step out as an Entrepreneur. For the last 15 years Nilaja has been a National Independent Software Implementation Project Manager. Working for Billion dollar organizations she has managed several multi- million dollar implementations for Major Corporations such as Johnson & Johnson, Hard Rock Café, CARE International and Several Major Healthcare Organizations. Attending the HBCU, Kentucky State University she received her degree in business. While attending K-State, she was 1st Runner up for Miss. Kentucky State University, a member of the renowned Concert Choir and pledged Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated. She is currently an Active member of the Marietta Roswell Chapter. Nilaja‟s first interest was education. “I could not take in every child who needed a home, so I thought it was best that I change interest”… Since Nilaja has worked in the Computer Technology industry at several major corporations she had noticed there is a significant void of African American men and women in this field. Seeking to bring a solution to this problem, Nilaja has made it her personal mission to enlighten and expose her community to the technology world. Nilaja is developing NiaCode a foundation that will offer sponsorship, and education programs that will impact African American Youth in the Area of Technology. Nilaja has been to over 10 countries and loves to Travel, Snorkel and Discover new places. She is currently single and has no children. She is looking forward to God showing her a Bigger Dream in that area of her life also. Nilaja also enjoys live music, Dancing, and the Performing Arts. ■







"Wireless for Life" Written by Kelli N. Caston Photos by Taylor Marie Caston



For more information on seminars, speaking engagements, or media content purchasing, please call 678-744-3070, email, or visit You can also like us on Facebook at My Wireless Life.

ireless technology has transformed our lives in unimaginable ways and at faster paces than some can even fathom. After using your cell phone for months on end, have you ever discovered a new feature? Have you ever been unsure about which device, plan, or service provider works best for you? When was the last time you downloaded an app without recommendation from a friend or coworker? In this day and age, one may find him or herself needing someone to help make wireless simple. Perhaps you need to consult an expert. Terence “TC” Caston is a wireless lifestyle expert. He has spent 20 years working with the leading handset manufacturers deploying products and services into major companies worldwide. He hosts technology events and product launches for Samsung, HTC, Microsoft, Nokia, LG, and BlackBerry. Additionally, many audiences have experienced TC‟s dynamic seminars via his consulting company, My Wireless Life, LLC. Session topics include Cellular Safety, educating parents and faculty in the public school system; Wireless 101, for the business owner and C-class executive on best practices, products and plans; Wireless Boomer, for users age 55 and up; and Wireless Lifestyle, for the 18-54 year old consumer on getting the most out of a personal device and its applications. “My goal is to empower decision makers and consumers alike so they can make better choices and better utilize what they have purchased. It has been said that we only tap into 10% of our brain power; the same should not apply to the way we use cell phones,” Terence explained. TC‟s passion for wireless communication was fueled during his service in the United States Air Force. A career in wireless technology soon followed, and in the early 90s, he worked with companies such as Cellular One, PAC Bell, Pagenet, and Weblink Wireless. Later, he served as President and CEO of his own wireless solutions company, Cascom Wireless. Over the last decade, he has worked with T-Mobile USA and is Senior Manager of Sales Engineering. As a Dale Carnegie speaker, TC‟s passion for wireless technology can best be seen in his high-energy seminars. He delivers an impactful message that leaves the audience enlightened about their powerful pocket devices. His ability to both develop and present new information in an articulate yet colorful way makes him one of the most influential voices in the wireless industry. TC plans to use his voice to create a series of top app audio and video segments to distribute to radio and TV stations. These segments will spotlight mobile applications for a community of app developers who currently have no marketing vehicles. With over a million mobile apps available today, both over stimulated consumers and under marketed developers will benefit from his vision. "Why the focus on apps?", one might ask. Apps are an integral part of the future of cellular. Consumer demand has driven carriers to increase upload data speeds as the shift has moved away from voice services. “The ergonomic design of cell phones and tablets won‟t change much. We will still continue to see the same sleek design in various sizes with a glass screen. The images will be brighter, however, cameras will be better, and apps will be richer.” Think of those apps as way to customize your device based on your lifestyle. Think of TC when you are ready to explore your wireless options. ■ TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013





umb ass Bit*h. You're replaceable! You have got a lot to learn baby girl. You are not all that! Don't nobody want your dumb clumsy ass.” Her children heard the loud commotions and agonizingly watched their mother in torment. Her family had established a normal routine, a life filled with abuse, despair, and hopelessness. For five years Tamiko Lowry‟s life with her ex-husband resembled the acts within Tyler Perry‟s plays. An attractive couple who pretended to have it all; from corporate jobs to attending church regularly. Lowry placed on a facade as if everything was okay. Although underneath her pretense, she was suffering from low self-esteem, depression, and physical and mental abuse inflicted by her ATLANTA husband; a controlling man, who had her phone calls recorded and physically smacked her. The situation described wasn‟t fiction, rather her reality. After years of hurdling abuse and being broken in spirit, mind, and body; Lowry was able to gather courage to break away from the relationship. She was on a new journey that left her with a strong desire to birth purpose out of her pain! The inception of The Still Standing Foundation in 2009 was her way of declaring the end to domestic violence. Today Lowry is an advocate for the victims of domestic of abuse who are too intimidated to report the violence against their perpetrators. The Still Standing Foundation is an organization where women can find support and solace! They help woean regain their self -confidence and self-respect, by offering positive and life transforming outlets for abused women. Tamiko Lowry is a survivor. She is a compassionate mentor and friend, an enthusiastic leader, and visionary. Lowry‟s own powerful journey makes the perfect backdrop for the foundation‟s platform and her purpose becomes more distinctive as more victims make the transition to survivor. “Everyone has a story to tell but not everyone feels comfortable sharing it,” said Tamiko Lowry, who survived five torturous years of mental and physical abuse. “As a survivor, I‟m aware of the difficulties that accompany learning how to crawl, then walk, and finally stand again after being stripped of your dignity and self worth. By conquering this challenge, it has prepared me to be an example and a motivating enabler for those who share similar stories to my own.” Because of her efforts with the organization, Lowry was awarded the 2012 Rising Star Award, which is given to individuals who have shown considerable strides in community involvement and improvement. With Lowry‟s unbridled creativity and unlimited faith, she hopes to bring a new dimension to philanthropy and given purpose. Lowry is also member of The National Association of Professional Women, Atlanta‟s Urban Professionals, Atlanta Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), and Women In The Spotlight GoinGlobal. In 2011 she was featured in Career Magazine‟s article “40 Movers and Shakers under the age of 40” and just recently received Tamiko currently serves as the Entertainment Reporter for the Chat Kafe radio show. Lowery has dedicated her life to improving wellness and health in every area of the lives of all women and has become a vigorous supporter of charitable orFor more information about The Still ganizations throughout Atlanta whose mission is aligned with her own. As a certified Standing Foundation, its events, and Self Defense instructor and Certified Empowerment Life Coach, Lowry booking Tamiko Lowry as a speaker, “[I] believes that empowerment comes from within and can be achieved by honorplease visit ing yourself, your values, and expressing your talents and gifts.” Tamiko is the proud mother of Destiny and Michael and resides in Atlanta, GA. ■




Thru the Fire: A Woman on Purpose by Tiffany „Syreniti‟ McDonald


here she stands, by the waters of Lake Erie, with a royal purple microphone in hand, a woman, 5‟9‟‟, adorned in white with a touch of purple. She is a woman of purpose who has been through the storm, gone through the fire, and still standing. Born June 9th in Cleveland, Ohio; Ms. Staci Yarbrough, known to many as “PurPose”, had a pre-written gift. God placed her on this Earth to provide purpose, inspiration, and motivation to anyone that crosses her life‟s path. She is a woman who is always full of life, wisdom, and experiences with her multiple talents, all while staying true to her 216 upbringing. PurPose realized and accepted that the gift that God had given her was to be the voice of inspiration and purpose to all women. PurPose-The CEO In 2005, PurPose had a vision to “Empower, Enlighten, and Educate” women across the nation. With the help of her mom and best friend, she founded, Queen Essence. Queen Essence is a sisterhood that focuses on building, establishing, and maintaining relationships among women, helping women determine an define their purpose in life, and cultivate their own individual talent; all while never losing sight of their own identity. Eight years later, Queen Essence is standing strong with 23 beautiful women that actively support and maintain the vision set forth. PurPose-The Motivational Speaker, the Inspirational Leader In 2013, PurPose created, EmpowerYaSelf, an organization that assists and supports women in business and personal development. Through EYS, the Empowerment Movement was formed to provide daily and weekly Empowerment Sessions that would encourage women to reach towards their future „pre-written‟ selves. PurPose has a uniqueness that captivates and connects the audience with her words, leaving you anxiously waiting for more. She is “On Fire” and always ready to sprinkle a little purpose in your life. In May 2013, PurPose was awarded the Inspirational Leadership of the Year Award by WEA. PurPose-The Poet/The Author/The Artist Purpose continues to inspire and encourage others through her poetry. She is a Spoken

Word Performance Poet that captivates her audience with her unique style of stage presence and her words. It is through her words, metaphors, and similes that reveal a message that is hidden inside of human nature. Through her writing, she speaks to your soul and into your life. She has written and published two self help books, her first collection of poetry entitled, Soul of PurPose, and her first novel, Sam‟s Jazz. She has also recorded and released Spoken Word CD entitled, ChocoLatE. PurPose is a nominee for the Best Female Artist for the 2013 Girl on Fire Awards.


As a Talent and Artist Development Manager, PurPose wanted to create an opportunity for local artists to “Be Heard” in Cleveland to showcase their talent and take their career to the next level. In 2012, she fo u nd ed “ Be H ea rd O p en Mic”. Be Heard Open Mic is a weekly event that provides a platform and an opportunity for Spoken Word Poets, Singers, Painters, MC‟s, and Comedians to showcase their talent with a live band, FireHouse. She speaks life, love and purpose to many with the prayer that if she is not able to change your life; at least she can change your mind. ■ TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013



Pitfalls of the HAMP Loan Modification Application


By Christopher E. Brown, Esq.


he American Dream” - Homeownership. Yet, that dream has been threatened by the mortgage foreclosure crisis. In response, in an attempt to rebuild that dream, the Home Affordable Mortgage Program (“HAMP”) was announced in March 2009. HAMP was to preserve homeownership by curtailing mortgage defaults and foreclosures. It was intended to modify three to four million mortgages by the end of 2012. Unfortunately, results have failed to reach expectations or reestablish hope. As of 2010, less than 230,000 final HAMP loan modifications were in ef-

fect. A typical homeowner‟s story usually entails endless submissions of requested documents, followed by denial for permanent modification, and a demanded lump sum that exceeds any amount a distressed borrower could be reasonably expected to pay. Even worse, the servicer may be blatantly lying to the homeowner, as was recently alleged in a whistleblower suit brought by six Bank of America employees. Enforceability of HAMP Under HAMP mortgage servicers have an opportunity to enter into a contract with Treasury to modify homeowners‟ mortgages, making them more affordable and sustainable. In return, mortgage servicers receive incentive pay (See footnote 2, above – the former employees filed a whistleblower suit to assist the government in recovering these “incentive payments”). If a servicer fails to follow the HAMP Guidelines, a homeowner has no legal right to enforce that contract, as it is between the servicer and Treasury.

Effect of Permanent Modification Denial Trial payments allow the opportunity to get financial affairs in order. Often, if a homeowner is not approved for permanent modification, the servicer will demand a lump sum payment (the difference between the trial payment and normal payment). This is devastating for homeowners who were not in default prior to beginning the trial period. Essentially, the trial period forces the homeowner into default in those instances, regardless of the homeowners‟ compliance with the terms of the trial period agreement.

Foreclosure Process Not Stopped by HAMP As part of the HAMP Program and as a requirement of the National Foreclosure Consent Agreement, mortgage servicers are prohibited from "dual tracking;" the practice of processing a loan modification while at the same time processing a foreclosure. Yet, this practice persists, resulting in foreclosure of homes while review for a loan mod is ongoing. Conclusion The best way to avoid the many pitfalls of the loan modification process is to engage in excellent record keeping: maintain records of 1) the persons with whom you speak, 2) all representations made to you about the program, and 3) all documents sent (that it was sent, and what was sent). Further, try to email with the servicer. While they generally loathe to engage in email, some homeowners have come to us with significant written evidence of their plight. There is no meaningful mechanism for homeowners to enforce HAMP guidelines. Common law claims have seen some success in addressing the servicers‟ bad behavior (eg. misrepresentation, tortious interference with contract). Please consult with an experienced attorney if you feel you may have a claim. We hope this brief article helps you and your family‟s efforts to save your home from the Pitfalls of HAMP. ■

Christopher E. Brown, Esq. Brown, Brownn & Brown, P.C. 6269 Franconia Road ■ Alexandria, Virginia 22310 703.924.0223 ■ ■ 50





Garrick and Joycelyn Ginyard POWER COUPLE WORKING TOGETHER 24/7 Having recently celeb r ated 21 years of marriage, Garrick and Joycelyn Ginyard work together dealing with and handling the careers of those in the Music Industry. From top celebrities to local accomplished artists, this dynamic duo have become Atlanta's classiest, constant-grinding and straight to the top power couple. Working with the hottest venues in Atlanta, Florida, Texas and California they work to provide the best in live music entertainment. Their team takeover doesn't stop there- they work together in the local church as Minister of Music and anointed worship leader. They are making a name for themselves in Atlanta, the local areas and of course the music industry. They are THE Power Couple. KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY Every aspect of the Ginyard brand is family operated. Daughters , Bryana and Brittany handle day to day operations while Garrick, Joycleyn and brother, Roderick Williams tackle the matters that concern booking live bands, studio engineering/production, representing professional athletes, artist Management and more. When asked how working so close with family everyday all day takes a toll on their individual personalities, Joycelyn says, "Our key to success is that we do it TOGETHER! Everything we build is always better together..our faith...our lives, our family, our businesses. Staying true to our beliefs and maintaining a tight hold of our faith in God has kept us excelling, prevailing, and standing!" ALL THINGS MUSIC: G MINOR The Ginyard brand is built up of and based off of their two main companies, G Minor Studios and JRoberts Management. G Minor Studios, the parent company is a full service music school located in Buford, Georgia. Offering music lessons in piano, vocal, drums, guitar, violin, 52


and more, it is definitely your "One stop music shop." They host two music camps per year, a total of three weeks, and were voted last year, by Living Social, "the best music camp in NE Georgia." Although starting lessons at age 4 with any level beginner, G Minor also has a special Teen Artist Development Program. This program is for teens with outstanding musical/vocal gifts, seeking a future in the music industry as a performer. If you aren't in need of musical education don't let that keep you from paying a visit to G Minor, they also rent/ lease instruments, sound equipment, and book live bands a for weddings and corporate events. JROBERTS // Management - Friday Night Live JRoberts Management is the company whose fight deserves all glory when it comes to praising the Ginyard brand. It is an active branch of the Ginyard endeavors. JRoberts is the business baby of Joycelyn representing local musicans, her husband, Garrick, an accomplished highly sought after musician who studied Piano Performance from Morehouse College, local and international artists, pro athletes and models. JRoberts manages careers and works as talent agent. Providing Atlanta and the surrounding cities with only exquisite live entertainment experiences, JRoberts books the hottest talent at the classiest of venues to offer a dining experience that is sure to make you feel like VIP. Offering free birthday packages, corporate/business nights, and affordable VIP packages, JRoberts strive to provide the best quality of service when it comes to making your night the best. Joycelyn says to those wanting a unique and fabulous experience, whether for a special occasion or just a weekend in town, "We are your best choice when it comes to entertainment in Atlanta. We provide an electric atmosphere, served on a bed of class for the professional upscale dinner guests who enjoy great food and fun served sunny side up. Don't just celebrate Friday, join us and celebrate Friday Night LIVE!" at the fabulous Museum Bar with 4 bars and 3 levels of unique ambiance. JRoberts Management 1325 Buford Highway â– Buford, GA 30518 â– 678.793.9030


Marrell & Kamora Staten “MK” THE POWER COUPLE Marrell & Kamora Staten are a God Fearing Couple on the move with a Vision and Mission in mind. Marrell is a native of Cleveland, OH. He has accolades from Youngstown State University and is a proud member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. Kamora is a native of Canton, OH. They met and bonded on a business trip in Napa Valley, California in 2006 and have never separated since. They now reside in Columbus, OH. Marrell & Kamora are known as “MK” The Power Couple. Marrell has a 27+ year Career in the Food & Hospitality Industry. Kamora has a 29+ year Career in the Salon Industry. The MK Brand has been associated with: Charitable Organizations, Social Settings, Network Marketing Companies, Motivational Speaking Events & Featured on cooking segments with FOX Morning Shows.


Photo by J Adams

MK will be launching: KEEPING THE FIRE BURNING TOO CUTE TO COOK (Passion Meals In High Heels) Keeping the fire burning…..We make MK LOVE & WAR (Book on Marriage) sure we pray together every morning MK IMAGE CONSULTING (out loud). Praying together initiates MK MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKING EVENTS staying together. Kamora says, AND MUCH, MUCH MORE “Wives lay hands on your husband. There is a Power Transfer that takes place while praying for each other.” The stress of life‟s challenges, home, work, family, love, trust, honesty, loyalty, laughter, sorrow, joy, pain, financial gain, financial loss, make ups, break ups, the roller coaster of marriage & negative stereotypes of marriage can be very daunting as we keep the Covenant between us & God. Communication is Big & Powerful! We have learned to trust God concerning the covenant of marriage. Keeping him 1st, forsaking all others and making time for us. We don‟t forget the simple things like: holding hands, soft kisses, goal setting, giving each other massages, supporting each other, and keeping in Hot in the bedroom. Marrell states, “Brothers protect your wives and keep a Positive Mind Set….If you can get your mind right, you can and will become Victorious over any situations.” Mixing Marriage & Business can be challenging. Continue to keep God 1 st, have a Vision & Plan, stay positive and be discipline. Be conscious of your decisions & surroundings. Finally, have great Passion, Belief and a lot of Fun on the ride as you TAKE ACTION! We wish you much Success! God Bless, “MK” The Power Couple ■



Continued from Page 26

Young Voices of America Premier Contest Rules Theme:

Family Helping Family Remember this is a short story contest. We are looking fiction. Yes, you can base it on a true story. No you cannot just tell us what happened. Make the story come to life on the page. It can be Mystery, Sci/Fi, Comedy, Romance, Young Adult, etc. write it in any genre' you choose as long as you comply with the rules. Remember to send your very best work. Have it proofread by someone skilled at writing. Errors can cost you a win. Failure to follow ALL Contest Rules will result in disqualification. Entries must be original and previously unpublished. You pick the subject and genre. MAXIMUM WORD LIMIT - 20,000 words. NO MINIMUM WORD COUNT REQUIRED We are seeking fiction, NOT essays. Short stories have a plot, characters, and dialogue as well as a sense of time and place. Give your story a title. We receive hundreds of entries and having a title on your entry helps us identify it. Proofread your work. Proofread it again. Have a teacher or parent proofread it one more time. Send only your best work. Parents of very young writers may transcribe (type) the story for their child. Technical ability must be consistent with grade level. Obvious re-writing by an adult will result in disqualification. Proof reading is not only OK, it's encouraged. See above. In the upper LEFT corner of PAGE 1 you must include name of author, age and grade level and category (Category 1 = Grades 712, Category 2 = Grades 3-6, Category 3 = PreK-2), name of parent or guardian, complete address including street number and name, city, state and zip code, telephone number, and email. We have to be able to contact winners. No Fancy Fonts - No Fancy Formatting - No Colored Text - No Pictures - No Text Boxes. This is a writing contest. We want to see your story written in a normal readable font. Times New Roman 12 is a good choice. Microsoft word documents only. NO PDF files. Entries containing profanity, violent and/or sexually explicit material are not considered appropriate for this contest and will not be considered. Entries MUST be written in English. Multiple Submissions are NOT allowed. One story per person. Please: Send your entry via email to Entries MUST be received by midnight, August 31, 2013 Entries WILL NOT be returned. It is important that you maintain a copy for your files. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded 30 - 45 days of close of the contest. Information about the awards will be made public on the Young Voices Foundation Website. Decision of the judges is final.



AUTHOR’S SPOTLIGHT Whaii Publications and Author Andrea Yvette’s

Lounge Time Stories

Andrea Yvette is a self published Author who decided to make good use of a talent she has allowed to lay dormant for years. After being forced to quit her job due to her 10 year old son‟s Chronic Asthma, Andrea was determined to find a way to make a living and be there for her son without the fear of losing her job hanging over her. “At times, Employers expect you to choose between your job and your family. That is simply not an option for me!” says the Author, Wife, Mother of five and grandmother. ■


“It Wasn‟t Me!” is a suspense filled drama about a small town murder that will keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you breathless by the end. “How A Man Loves His Woman” is a poetic mixture of romantic tragedy and comedy that will challenge everything you thought you knew about love, while teaching you some valuable lessons. “They‟re Not Your Friends” is an eye opening drama that sheds illuminating light on stereotypical dating as prejudice against one‟s own race, leads to disaster.

Orders for Lounge Time Stories can be made online. Learn more about Whaii Publications and Andrea Yvette by visiting Andrea Yvette accepts book signings and event appearances. Purchase your copy of Lounge Time Stories today.




Erica Lola King: Love Without A Limit


Erica Lola King is a native of Houston, Texas. She has always enjoyed writing. However, it wasn‟t until Erica attended college, she realized her true potential to become a writer and author of fiction books. She began to immerse herself into the works by authors of the Harlem Renaissance such as, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, and Wallace Thurman. Erica was inspired by the early 1920‟s to write Enduring Cries, which is a historical fiction novel with its setting in the South of Gainesville, Alabama during the 1920‟s. “My fascination with the 1920‟s came about because my late grandmother grew up during that era, and I admired her style.” Enduring Cries was Erica‟s first published novel. Nonetheless, Erica decided to step out of the box, and into the realm of Urban Fiction. In Love Without A Limit, Pastor Floyd Dominique is caught in a love triangle between his dedicated wife-Celeste, Lady Heroine; and including the congregation he has inherited. Pastor has to decide if his love is without a limit for his wife-Celeste and his congregation worth the affair he‟s entangled in. Meanwhile, Celeste best friend Sherice disapproves of Celeste‟s decision to make her marriage work, so does Celeste mother- Mama J. While Celeste supports her husbandPastor Floyd Dominique, she‟s faced with a devastating, unexpected, and unimaginable double tragedy. During the tragedies, can Pastor resist the temptation of Lady Heroine, or will Celeste‟s double tragedy give Lady Heroine the opportunity to sabotage his marriage and congregation? For more information about Erica Lola King and to purchase books, log onto ■


For more Info: 404-729-2728


Akema Day is an Author, Motivational Speaker, and a certified Life Coach who specializes in personal, career, and relationship counseling. Coining the term "Passionologist", she has uncovered the secrets to finding passion, purpose and success. Akema advises people of all lifestyles and backgrounds. She has been seen on some highly rated television series such as VH1‟s “Basketball Wives LA” and “Mob Wives” and currently represents high profile celebrities who appreciate her direct but non- judgmental approach. As a former recording artist she is no stranger to the pressures of the entertainment business and openly shares her experiences, which include background singing for platinum award winning artists. Her talents also include writing and producing for television. Since 2009, Akema has provided clients with therapeutic strategies including self exploration, life preservation and the tools to achieve success while overcoming adversity. She states, "My goal is to help you uncover the greatness that is within you.” Coach Day develops an action plan tailored to each person‟s specific lifestyle and needs. As a philanthropist, Akema Day is dedicated to public service through her sorority and non-profit organization called, The Seventh Seal Ent. Group. A loving daughter, mother and friend, this entrepreneur continues to empower others through educating, coaching, and providing the necessary elements to obtain success! Akema's greatest passion is helping others “Operate in their Passion.” ■



Lynn Bruce: Rock to a Diamond My book, Rock to a Diamond introduces you to a woman who finds herself on a road of self-destructive behavior, always accepting the worse, when she knows she deserves the best. She's so hungry for love, largely due to the love she lost from a daddy who wasn't there, that many times she finds herself with someone else's man. In this work, I tried to provide understanding for the "other woman," the woman who too often gets the bad rap, labeled a home wrecker, jezebel and other choice words I won't mention. No one ever cares to hear her story or try to understand how insecurity, low self-esteem and the feeling of unworthiness can lead you on a path of destruction, but I had to tell her story. I explore the struggles, heartbreaks, heartaches and lies. The abuse and torment she endures in breaking a rock to expose the diamond that she truly is. I've always had a passion for writing but never really had NEW JERSEY confidence that anything could ever become of it. But in 2006, what started off as a diary soon became a story. I had gone thru several relationships and could not for the life of me understand why I found myself drawn to the mess I was in. Writing was my therapy. The more I wrote, I made a discovery that the root of my issues stemmed from the absence of my own daddy. I don‟t know what kind of impact this will have on others, but if my story illuminated the dark places in my life then it could possibly do the same for others. I couldn't finish this book until I saw the value in my own self. When I was able to do that, I began to find myself, realize my dreams and start fervently pursuing my goals. In the midst of all that I was going through, I lost sight of me and who I truly was. It was as if a veil was over me and I couldn't see clear. Reaching the finished line of „Rock to a diamond,‟ boosted my self-esteem and gave me the confidence to do more, to reach higher to dream bigger. My only desire in writing this is to be the tool that God uses to break through the rocks, that everyone that reads it will be able to take something from it. Even if it's one person, then everything I've gone thru, would not have been in vain. ■ TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013



Be A Self-Motivator "When a man's willing and eager, God joins in"


ocus and commitment is the key to succeeding, regardless of what choices you make in life. Also, it's important that you "believe in yourself". Have a plan in life and don't neglect to pray to seek God's will before making a decision. I‟m not implying that we need a word from God every time we make a decision about something, but seek Him to make clear the way you should go. I believe God‟s desire is for us to be successful in life and He's on our side. It's true that sometimes our faith is tested. Sometimes God has a better plan for us than what we have for ourselves. It's possible we aim too low at times, and there are times we aim too high. I believe challenges are placed before us to help us overcome those obstacles along the way in order for us to grow. Keep your faith in yourself and in the Lord. God has given all of us a unique gift to positively impact the world. The thing you worry and fear is the very thing that can destroy or ruin you as well. "Having strong religious faith" is the key to reducing fears and worries. Faith builds you up and gives you strength and confidence during those times of making tough decisions. We overcome, we breakthrough, we experience, we grow and we walk in victory. Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9 You have to love what you are doing. If you love, absolutely love what you are doing in life, chances are excellent that you will succeed. The things that we enjoy most in life are the things that we feel we deserve. You have got to go into action and give it everything you've got, don't hold back on yourself if you want to succeed in life. Look beyond the walls of possibilities that await you. What you get in life is a direct result of what you subconsciously believe that you deserve. There may come a time, where you have to fight for what you want and don't allow anyone- no person, place, or thing get in the way of you achieving your goals and living your dream. Make a commitment to go after your dream relentlessly. The people who make it in life are the person who‟s made up in their minds; nothing is going to stop them from arriving at that finish line to claim their prize. ■ Angela M. Thomas is a Certified Speaker and has written and published nine inspirational books. She is the CEO/ Founder of SheerPurrfection Publishing and Rise Up 4 Change Youth Program. To book Angela, please call (305) 934-0471 or Visit:





ecember of 2009 marked the launch of the artistic expression of Trish Standley when she showcased her debut project titled, “Introducing…Trish.” Although Trish has sung and written most of her life, the thrust into sharing the most intimate things in her heart with the world seemed frightening. In spite of that fear and anxiety, Trish consulted God profusely about this purpose and journey to travel. The confirmation came by way of a testimony that she received from a homeless “angel” after a ministering opportunity. He shared the words to the song titled, “Remember me” took him back to his days when his mother would take him to church as a child. Trish knows that her charge is to speak to and for those who have lost their way and in need of compassion, understanding and patience reminding them of Christ. Her prayer has always been, “Lord, help me to see your people through your eyes and not my own so that I can properly minister to their hearts.” This ignited the necessary charge Trish needed to do the work of the Lord. “Not my will Lord, but Thine will be done.” In 2011, Trish returned to the studio and released her sophomore project titled, “Redemption”, which continues in the message that speaks to the hearts of those in need of true “LOVE.” Each track is instrumental in the message of God‟s acceptance and desire that “ALL” men come to know of His saving grace. Trish believes, “The Pharisee-type Church has been responsible for turning many away from the Body of Christ; however, Christ is about judging the sin and not the person. It is ONLY by God‟s grace that we are not in the same condition of those we tend to judge.” “Jesus Praise”, one of the tracks from “Redemption”, provides her fans with a high praise of worship that they‟ve come to associate with her unique style. Trish has managed to merge the “church” sound with an urban feel that dissolves that demarcation which separates the church from everyone else.

“Jesus Praise” is a HOT pop sound that does not confuse its message of “praising Jesus.” As Mr. Bob Marovich from The Black Gospel Blog states, ” Standley‟s new single, “Jesus Praise Break,” oozes urban. It opens with an eerie sci-fi marching beat and transitions to an infectious melodic chorus, which supports the lyric rave-up about God‟s greatness. Standley‟s singing alternates between no-nonsense and sweet.” “Redemption” promises to encourage the broken-hearted and ignite the passion of the spiritually starved at the same time causing one to take a melodic ride on the brilliance of the musical structure of the tracks titled, “Love” produced by Claudius Craig of 1 Man Band Studios which ranked as high at #5 on the UK Soul Charts for approximately 5 months. Trish has managed to show an intimacy with the tracks titled, “I don’t know” written by Ms. Yvonne Perkins and “Here I am” written by Greg and Linda Smith of Full Circle Music. Trish‟s motto “We ALL fall short of His ways; therefore we are ALL in need of His Redeeming mercy.” In April of 2012, Trish‟s debut single “Cheer Up” written and produced by Carlton and Chad Whitfield of Scribe Music began to climb the Neilson BDS charts souring to its highest of #44. With the guidance of her manager, Wanda Adams of Marketing Ministry, Trish began to travel the country to share her message. Currently the single “Where You Are” is climbing the charts. Trish has made appearances on Atlanta Live, Babbie’s House hosted by Legendary Gospel Great Babbie Mason, and The Bobby Jones Present, which is aired on The Word Network. She enjoys sharing her gift for causes that are near and dear to her heart such as: Hosea Feed the Hungry & Homeless, Helping Hands Holiday Dinner, and Day of Victory Charity Concert where bibles are collected for Voice of Hope Central Eastern Africans. It is Trish‟s desire to NOT be another singer but to have an impact with the same WORD that she represents. She often states, “As much as I love music, it isn‟t just about that. It is combining the musical gifting God has given me with the spiritual gifting of encouragement to point back to Christ.” ■

For Additional Information for Trish Standley: Visit Contact Wanda Adams, Manager @ 404 474 3403 or TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013





GLENDA SCOTT: Premier Event Solutions, Inc. “Innovative Planning For Lucrative Results”


rom working with the Atlanta Falcons to directing a 30,000 person outdoor festival, Premier Event Solutions has a volume of special events under its belt. The Atlanta based event planning and music management company, which originated in North Carolina more than 20 years ago, has developed markets along the eastern seaboard including Georgia, North Carolina, Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia. An independent contractor for hire, Premier Event Solutions has a proven track record of creating successful events, building strong relationships, and generating profitable results. Owner and Chief Executive Officer Glenda Scott brings over twenty years of experience in event planning, entertainment management, hospitality sales, human resources, and group travel. Under her leadership, the company received the 2000 “Promoter of The Year” Award from the Blues Foundation for

advancing the North Carolina based “Bull Durham Blues Festival” to record numbers. Ms. Scott began event planning while working as a human resources manager at a pharmaceutical company in 1985. The company asked her to sit on a planning committee to coordinate a family day event for 2,500 employees and their families. After working with the amusement companies to bring in games and rides, caterers to feed more than 5,000 people, a booking agent to secure entertainment, planning logistics and ordering merchandise, Ms. Scott found event planning to be one of her passions. “Every time I manage a large event, I say it‟s my last one…but then I jump back into the saddle again…it‟s in me, it‟s what I love to do.” It‟s amazing how one passion can feed another. And after a few years of planning special events, Premier Event Solutions formed its entertainment entity in 1990. Music and singing has always

ATLANTA been Ms. Scott‟s number one passion. Therefore, compelling others to reach their dreams through artist management was right down her alley. Fittingly, the newly formed entertainment entity of the company began to provide artist management, performance bookings, concert tour support, and celebrity personal assistance.

Now, after more than 20 years in the business, Premier Event Solutions has the following services under its umbrella:

Event Planning & Management Entertainment Services / Artist Management / Concert Tour Support Hospitality / Catering Sales Consultants Group Tours & Travel “We are proactive and professional consultants specializing in corporate, social, non-profit and entertainment events of all size” says Ms. Scott. “Our commitment to excellence keeps our clients coming back. We‟ve earned our reputation for responsiveness, creativity and quality of service because we listen, we collaborate, and we deliver.” Premier Event Solutions provides exceptional guest satisfaction through solid project management, marketing, and communication. The company‟s mission is to provide a rewarding experience to its clients, customers, and guests. Whether your event is for 20 people or 100,000, Premier Event Solutions has the knowledge, experience and expertise to promote your brand and create a winning outcome for you and your customers. We are Premier Event Solutions. For accolades and a list of our past and present clients, log onto our website. Contact us for your next event or entertainment experience!!! Premier Event Solutions, Inc. P. O. Box 80414 • Conyers, Georgia 30013 • (678) 478-1490 www.PremierEventSolutions.Net TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013


EVENT TRENDS “Life is not a dress rehearsal we must live each day to the fullest.”


Carlos M. Coleman



Photos by David Slocumb, CEO / DLS Photography Styling by PJLewis

“When I was 4 years old, my favorite uncle, Kevin Francis, or KFOX as he was called, began to mold me into a mini image of him and family started calling me, CFOX. He was well dressed, a great speaker and a people‟s person. We moved from Erie, Pennsylvania in 1984 to Atlanta and my uncle soon followed in 1986. Tragically in 1987, he was murdered. Devastated, I knew that I would use the name CFOX in a positive way. My upbringing was comprised of Christian values and a life of social functions that brought people together. It was preparation for a greater calling.” This was the recollection from one of Atlanta‟s events and entertainment moguls, Carlos M. Coleman, when explaining the driving force behind CFOX Productions. 62


Coleman has led a notable career using his extraordinary entrepreneur skills. His inspiration behind getting into the business was nurtured by Afeni Shakur, mother of Tupac Shakur, when he worked as her Community Outreach Director. When asked, “What do you love to do best?” He replied, “I love planning and orchestrating events.” Ms. Shakur‟s admirable reaction was to pay for Carlos‟s education making this materialize for him. He enrolled into Clayton State University in the event planning program and according to Coleman, “This was the fuel to the fire that compelled me to take event planning to a professional level.” The original vision for “CFOX Productions” was to create a “one-stop shop” of services that included: entertainment, lighting, photography, videography, website design and much more, for client‟s social events. When business offers trickled in slow,

EVENT TRENDS reconstruction had to take place for the turn-around time between events. CFOX implemented “in-house” promotions that demonstrated what they were capable of doing and from that moment on, they had a steady stream of clients. This prestigious company does Grand Openings, Product Launches, Business Mixers, Book Signings and beyond. Carlos accredits his accomplishments to his Uncle Kevin, family, employees, friends, Ms. Shakur and supporters. His next ventures consist of the Power One Concert at Six Flags, Georgia and the 3rd Annual Black History Brunch. Coleman said that we can expect him to forge ahead, working extremely hard and amplifying his creative spirit because this is his [passion] and helping others, while affording them a gratifying time… is [motivation]. “I am different because I refrain from sharing my ideas to get confirmation of its success, when I have the know-how to sit down, strategize, organize and just DO IT!” The creative geniuses of the “dynamic-duo” of Carlos and his Chief Visionary Officer, Patrick Lewis, who adds the visual side of décor, imagery and a unique eye for flare to his entre-

preneur and “go-getter” skills, creating business opportunities that sets them apart from other event planners. Coleman discerns that providing a platform to showcase an artist or generate brand connections for men and women businesses, opens the door to CFOX‟s ability to capitalize on its market and gain intrinsic rewards. This was demonstrated at a Men in Black cocktail mixer to promote the Men in Black 3 movie, when the event turned from promotional, into emotional when many of the 100 people testified what CFOX Productions, meant to them. A friend and florist shared testimony of her struggle with Cancer and the demands of her business after a double-mastectomy and tearfully told the crowd that Carlos volunteered to drive each day to help during a week she had about 500 to distribute, which saved her from a setback financially. “That night was a roller-coaster ride of emotion and I realized that CFOX was more than an event planning business…it was a ministry.” He concluded. For More information about CFOX Productions, Please call 866-919-6291 (Extension 0) ■

GET CONNECTED Film and Entertainment Industry Mixer..."for the people... by the people" Photos by Karyn Brown Photography and Aric of Dream Photography


et Connected is a monthly film and entertainment industry mixer... "for the people... by the people". The event includes powerful networking opportunities with industry professionals, screenings, industry related seminars, & lots of fun! Our mission is to connect filmmakers and entertainers outside of their ordinary networks, and to provide a relaxing and fun environment to establish valuable connections. Proceeds from the $10 admission fee will be used for up and coming filmmakers to produce short films and we shall also give to local charities and for operation cost for the founders to keep Get Connected moving. Get Connected is also 501 c 3 under gipp museum umbrella. Get Connected is a monthly film and entertainment industry networking mixer. Our mission is to connect filmmakers and entertainers outside of their ordinary networks, and to provide a relaxing and fun environment that helps to establish valuable connections. Anyone interested in pursuing a career in the entertainment industry or who are established in their careers are invited to share their knowledge, experiences and contacts, and to just have a great time. We also give money to students charities support local film festivals and events. We have workshops and educational events on a monthly We are always the last Thursday of each month. Join our Facebook fan page pages/Get-Connected/150061968382511 ■ TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013




ntroducing Mrs. Sharita M Tucker, one of the newest and freshest faces to the full figured industry. This curvy breathtaking beauty has captured the attention of the fashion world. She is definitely making people take notice. Mrs. Tucker is 33 and is a wife and a mother of one. Sharita has a true entrepreneurial spirit. She has been successfully self employed for the past 11 years and recently along with pursuing her modeling career has opened an online boutique catering to the curvy. Mrs.

PHOTOS BY Darren Tucker, GM Photography and Leia Smethurst



Tucker is working hard to represent plus sized women in a sexy yet tasteful, dignified, and elegant way. She is an inspiration to plus sized women all over the globe. She wants to inspire other women with developing confidence within themselves and with learning to love and embrace their bodies. Her decision to pursue modeling professionally came from her love of fashion and the art of photography. Her smile is killer. Her heart is tremendous and her curves are amazing. She has set out to make a name for herself and she has done just that. Anything this beauty is determined enough to do, she does it. Sharita's greatest accomplishment on this journey so far is the positive self image that she has developed and the new love she's formed with her body. As she continues this journey she wants to become a recognizable name in the plus-model industry by uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring others. â–




Knowledge of an Empress of Hair *** How to give a good hair analysis *** By Empress C. Berry

Properties of the hair consists of giving clients a good hair analysis. This is your “Quid Pro Quo” meaning something for something. You will get not only get a satisfied customer but a loyal customer that will help in retaining many other customers! Once you have established contact with a potential customer (whether it be via phone/walk in/general run in)… It is important to know what type of hair this person has and wants to achieve? Your first question as a knowledgeable cosmetologist would be: What is Texture of the person‟s hair-Helps to determine the thickness, diameter and whether or not the style can b e achieved (ex. if the hairstyle requires straight look but this person has curly)? The density of client‟s hair-can coverage be attained if the style requires mass amount of hair (ex. partial sew-in but hair is too thin for a part)? What Porosity does this person‟s hair has-can it absorb moisture (ex. will the hair sustain chemical service w/o breakage, damage, and in the time allotted)? The Hair Elasticity-how hair stretch and can return to it‟s original form w/o breaking (ex. if thermal styling is considered, will it hold a curl)? Can You identify the growth Pattern of the hair- hair stream, cowlicks, or whorl (ex. Can you achieve a faded hair cut on a person if his cowlick is in the nape of head)? Does your client have Dry/Oily scalp-what type of products to use on them (if the client has oily you wouldn‟t use too heavy conditioner on hair)? These are questions you want to know about the person you may be servicing. ***FYI-A GOOD STYLIST QUOTE NOTHING OVER PHONE*** you never want to undercut you or your client!!! ***A HAPPY CLIENT IS A WALKING BILLBOARD***

I am Empress Berry (ATL. (Master Licensed Cosmetologist who has worked for celebrities)whom specializes in nail services. I can help you become an efficient, hot, and talented, stylist in this Hair and Nail industry. Im giving you these free tips, ideas and education to be one of of the best in this AWESOME field?!!! If you have questions please feel free to contact me via or I will be happy to respond!!! 66



Legair Brand Designs Fashion: From the Eyes of Caribbean/American Fashion Designer

Legair brand designs is a high fashion woman‟s clothing company, we recently relocated to the Atlanta area, we cater to women in their 20's to 60's. As a “women wear” company our goal is to design and create garments that can meet a variety of needs in the fashion industry. We design & create custom made fashion jewelry, formal, ready to wear business and trendy semi casual pieces. Our garments are constructed for today‟s women, knowing that not every woman is created the same, We take into consideration, difference in height, figure, body types, waist, bust; hips and we design and create to fit everyone in our target group. Legair brand designers, (Mother & daughter team) Arthlene & Alesha Legair are very divers in their design tactics and are very knowledgeable about trends, culture, fabrics and so on and its with that knowledge, their Caribbean background with American up-bringing they are able to mesh the two cultures together and create fabulous, chic and exquisite designer collection to include a wide range of women. My purpose for writing fashion article is to encourage every women to embrace who they are and be contented with they way they look, you can focus

on being healthy and not having to sacrifice yourself in the process, don‟t try to fit in anyone mold, through the years, people have try to define style, appearance, fashion according to their own beliefs and desires and tries to have other women accept it as the norm. So many time I‟ve seen women trying to fit into a certain style that really doesn‟t flatter them, they do it because its the trend or that‟s whats in style, my motor is find what works for you and try to perfect it, don't try to adopt someones else style. Remember, fashion and trends come and go and is recycled through the years, but style, remains. Our pieces are versatile and you don‟t have to change who you are or try to wear piece that does not flatter you beautiful figure So! we believe in freedom of speech, why not freedom of style? I am a firm believer that each person should have the right to create their own style, do what is comfortable for you, if you shop at the right places, you will be OK, if you are insecure in an area and are unsure what styles is best for you, then by all means ask a stylist ,but don't ever allow others to define you or your style preference be true to your self, free to create and embrace your own personal

expression and tailor your style around it with the current fashion trends. Feature pieces on our site from the Black & white collection. Lace one shoulder dresses, two piece short set with back industrial zipper, long island breeze silk dress, every eyes will be on you, or if you prefer strapless lace fitted dress, and don‟t forget the must have drop neck knit/ jersey dress, halter dress that can be wrapped in four top styles, or the layered shirt that can be worn as a dress and wear in many different styles, your choices are endless. Basic looks everyone woman should have in her closet. a white button-up cotton shirt, a great pair of well fitted jeans, simple pumps or flats if you do not like heels, a little black dress (for a little black it should be tailored to fit your body, either fitted, aline, gathered waist etc.) make sure its tailored to fit your body type with special attention to the length, a black jacket and so on. ■ For more style ideas go to Stay tuned for our up-coming trunk show and fashion event.

Designs by Arthlene Laudat Legair Photograph by Stephanie Matthews Stylist: Alesha Legair Models: Delana Marie, Priscilla Dwonoh, Alexie TRENDSETTERS TO TRENDSETTERS | JULY/AUGUST 2013





Ace Entertainment Management Launches Hot New Pop Artist




ore than just a pretty face and entertainer, Kelani has a huge heart for the youth. She teaches young girls the importance of confidence, communication, healthy living, and to embrace the lost trade of etiquette that will help them in their everyday lives. Coined as the Face of Ace, Kelani is an actress, model, singer, songwriter, and dancer. She has held multiple titles in modeling and pageantry such as: Miss Teen Spring Valley, Miss Teen San Diego All American, Miss American Starlet Regional Queen, Miss California International Supermodel, as well as Ambassador for Queens of East (L to R) Jackie Nance, County. You can also find this queen featured in Super Model Unlimited CEO of ACE and Kelani LAS VEGAS, NV Magazine April 2009 Edition. More than just a beautiful face Kelani is a humanitarian and is a two time recipient of the President‟s Volunteer Service Award one issued by President Barack Obama and forEpisode 3. mer President George W. Bush, Jr. Kelani was a featured model As a Pop artist, she has composed her own lyrics to the popular on Comedian Kevin Hart Laugh at my Pain Tour. single, “SO GOOD”. Kelani has shared the stage with artist Kelani has earned the lead female role in the film “The such as: Miguel, Mario, Teairra Marie, Jermaine Dupri, Avant, Rapper” as well as a supporting role in the film “Step Sisters” Michel‟le, The Rude Boys, Judi Jai from the Bad Girls Club, starring KeKe Palmer. Jay Rush Jennings (Lyfe Jennings brother), Mc Brains, and the This Samoan beauty has always found comfort in the spotLegendary Kurtis Blow. light. Her powerful stage presence has made her transition from Kelani recently completed her first studio EP “HAPPY Model/Host to Artist very natural. She was a featured artist for HOUR” and is scheduled to go on tour in China. David Ivory (former Philadelphia Grammy President) Presents Jacqueline J. Nance is the founder & CEO of Ace Entertainment Management, LLC a talent management company. Ace Entertainment provides a variety of professional services focusing on artist management, artist development, branding, marketing & promotions as well as talent booking. Affectionately known as J. Nance by industry friends and clients she is passionate about preparing her clients for the challenges they may face in entertainment. She is committed to enriching and enhancing the lives of her clients. J. Nance is currently working with Reggie James Pace on their first Children‟s Book Project titled „Ooops… I Danced My Diaper Off‟ slated to be released winter of 2013. ■




FALLAWN STROLGER: Her Musical Taste is Eclectic Photo By Papi Ratzi


er voice can be described as angelic, yet very soulful in its purist form. Her musical taste is eclectic, and she delivers melodic synergies from the depths of her soul. Music to her is the expression of love, life and liberty. Melodies exude life in her eyes. When she‟s on stage she commands your attention just by her presence. So here we have it, the artist known as Fallawn. Hailing from Houston, TX this young lady has been sharing her gift with the world since the age of 4. Fallawn has been featured in musicals as a youth, and sang in numerous choirs. Fallawn also started playing musical instruments at the age of 6 at her elementary school Will Rogers in Houston, TX. She played the guitar as well as the violin. While transitioning to middle school she also played the flute. Fallawn said, “That her favorite instrument is the guitar so she is looking to pick that craft back up again.” Fallawn moved to Chicago, IL in 2004 to pursue music by attending Columbia College Chicago, but due to formidable circumstances she was not able to complete her education there. She lived in Chicago for 3 years, and while there had opportunity to intern with an independent record label by the name of ICEE Records. She was the VP Executive Assistant for one year. She feels that she got an opportunity to learn some aspects of the music business, and it made her a little more knowledgeable in the direction she is looking to go. She is a college graduate with a BS in Business Management, and is currently obtaining her MBA with a concentration in Project Management in which she feels in some form or another it can still be beneficial to her music career. She also has sung at many musical venues around the city of Houston‟s nightlife. Fallawn has been featured in many weddings, and has also been featured on local artist tracks delivering background vocals. She has also done a few projects with the ever talented songwriter Tami LaTrell in public venues. Fallawn attributes her musical influences to Jill Scott, Billie Holiday amongst many more, but says that those two are her favorite. Fallawn says “It has been difficult to break into the music industry for several reasons, but I haven‟t given up hope I just need a little direction, and the right opportunity to meet the right connection.” Fallawn is looking to further her business and music career in the Houston area as well as nationwide in regards to recording and performing more. She just wants to share her gift with the world. Fallawn currently sings at wedding venues, and this brings joy to her soul and of course excitement. Fallawn is also an aspiring print model. Her unique facial features captures the eye at first glance. With music and modeling being concurrent Fallawn feels that she will be able to do what she loves most, and that is making people smile with her gift of music and beauty. ■






Forms His Own Unique Style By Neko Taylor


ov. Entertainment in conjunction with Diamonds n the Ruff Artist Management & Entertainment, announces the launch of their new first multi-brand artist, Kaye Jeye. New multi-brand artist, Kaye Jeye is a singer, songwriter, artist and producer of many styles of music with a voice and sound that brings together a plethora of old and new school artists. Reminiscent of greats like Marvin Gaye, Curtis Mayfield, Michael Jackson or Prince to today‟s Maxwell, D‟Angelo, Thicke, Miguel or Frank Ocean Kaye Jeye has come on the scene with his version of Soul, R&B, Hip-Hop, and Neo Soul that crosses all genres of music to create his own multibrand. “This is something not normally done from a new artist out the gate, all at the same time,” proclaims Neko Taylor, CEO of Diamonds n the Ruff. “Kaye Jeye‟s ability to explore all facets of musical “People either want to production as both artist and producer dance, party, make love or forms his own unique style.” simply inspire ones intelOriginally from Canton, Ohio, where lect...Beautiful, Hot & Sexy he started his career, Kaye Jeye always knew he would be in the music industry Feel-Good Music... and began the process of honing his talthe Real R&B way.” ents. Along with his family group, Kaye Jeye. Kango, Kaye Jeye started performing and entering into talent shows, winning many along the way. Their first big brake came when they were booked to perform in Japan; the rest of Asia followed including China, Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan. After a time and a few tours, differences grew amongst the group. During this time Kaye Jeye decided to go on his own and found himself deciding his own future. After a quick appearance on “The Apollo” Kaye Jeye decided that New York City wasn‟t the place for him, at least not yet. Eventually he would settle in Atlanta, where he hit the ground running. Studio to studio, day in and out, Kaye Jeye started writing and producing for local acts, putting his brand out there, gaining respect amongst his peers in the industry and underground scenes. After deep soul searching, Kaye Jeye decided now is the time, it‟s his turn. Gathering the services of legendary producer E-Z Errol Taylor (R. Kelly, Keith Sweat, Silk) Kaye Jeye began the process of putting an album together for the times. “All women and men of different backgrounds and ages will like this…a definite pleasure for the ear,” exclaims Neko Taylor. “People either want to dance, party, make love or simply inspire ones intellect . . . Beautiful, Hot & Sexy Feel-Good Music . . . the Real R&B way.” - Kaye Jeye. The rest they say “is history in the making . . .” Projects include: Melissa Morales (Happy Ending), KD (Magnificent) and UKA-United Kolours of America (Hero). Kaye Jeye‟s album will be available on iTunes 8/15/13 and will be announcing a local, national and international tour soon. Call and request Kaye Jeye at your local radio station. ■, kayejeye,, Websites: Booking/Contact: Neko Taylor




BIG MERCURY Dedicated Artist On A Mission


Raymond Cyrus, a.k.a Big Merc, is a hard working dedicated artist on a mission to revitalize true Hip-Hop. He brings a crisp, raspy delivery with catchy hooks and strong melodies to his universal sound. Big Merc has been rapping seriously for about five years. He is current and, in a lot of ways, ahead of his time. Because of his strong work ethic and intense energetic performances, Big Merc is sure to set himself apart from the typical rap artist. In the last five years Big Merc has released several independent projects, as he gauged the consumers‟ interest and honed his craft and skill. The first was “Mind On My Money" under FreshProduceProductions, which moved roughly 5,000 units. The second was "Scrilla Hunt" under Big Merc's own label, DigitalCrack (Dope Music in a Digital Format), which moved roughly 3,500 copies. He's also released approximately seven Mixtapes during that span as well. Big Merc has an established catalog of over 300 unreleased songs. Currently, he is doing shows, performances and making personal guest appearances in the Atlanta area every two weeks while continuously building a strong fan base in the Midwest Region. Big Merc is set to release his new hit single "We Blow Gas" within the next three months. His new Mixtape "BOLO" (Be On The Look Out) is being released and dropped in the Metro Atlanta market in July 2013. Big Merc has surrounded himself with a team of industry professionals who are confident that he has what it takes to rise to the top of the charts. What you see and hear is what you get with Big Merc. He's a straight forward, diligent and compassionate artist with a strong desire to help others. ■ Check out Big Merc at the following links: @ograyteamkmf BIG MECURY BOLO (Be On The Look OUT)


Go Green…Chic Eco-Friendly Hotel Luxury!


an eco-friendly and luxury hotel accommodations co-exist? Yes they can and they do in a fabulous hotel in Greensboro, NC called the „P ro xi mi t y! ‟ T he „Proximity Hotel‟ is the country‟s first LEED Platinum certified hotel and is often recognized as the „greenest‟ hotel in America. The Proximity Hotel features 70 plus sustainable practices and was built to use 40% less energy and 30% less water than a comparable/traditional hotel. From the beginning, even in the construction phase, the hotel featured the latest in ultra efficient materials and technology. The hotel is first to install the regenerative drive for Otis‟ Gen2 elevator. Recycling at its best, this eco-friendly elevator is designed to reduce net energy usage by capturing the system‟s energy and feeding it back into the building‟s internal electrical grid. Low emitting volatile organic compound (VOC) paints, adhesives and carpets were all used to reduce indoor air contamination. The Proximity uses the suns‟ energy via 100 solar panels on the roof to generate energy and heat 60% of the hotel and restaurant‟s water supply. You‟re probably thinking that with all these energy enhancements and ecofriendly features, the hotel can‟t be luxurious, can‟t be comfortable, and can‟t be beautiful. In fact, it is one of the most luxurious, most comfortable hotel‟s I have ever experienced. The bed and

By Kirstin Fuller “Travel Diva” pillows feel like you are sleeping on a cloud. Comfort, luxury and quality were not sacrificed at all to achieve the hotels „green‟ rating. The Proximity is a AAA Four Diamond property. The hotel has an exclusive feature called the „social lobby‟ which you look down into from the main entry level. The „social lobby‟ is a perfect place to meet up with friends, enjoy a glass of wine or catch up on some reading. It is filled with contemporary, beautifully paired leather couches, beautiful columns all set in a soft candle light setting. The front desk features another unique feature and is designed to appear as if it is „floating‟ out of the wall. Simply amazing! The hotel also has other fabulous amenities that make guest stays even more comfortable. For your convenience complimentary Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel with computers and printers on the 3rd-8th floors, in room spa services are also available until 11pm. There is also a state of the art fitness studio on site with 24/7 access. Whatever you need to make your stay more comfortable, the fabulous staff will provide. If you are going to be in the Greensboro, NC area anytime soon, treat yourself to a little ecofriendly luxury at the „Proximity Hotel.‟ Have a little fun and check out


the fully restored 1975 checkered cab that‟s parked out front. For more information or to reserve a suite, please visit ■ By The Travelin Diva – Kirstin N. Fuller Follow me on twitter @thetravelindiva and @Passenger156 and visit for all things travel!










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