Tresco Times Summer 2010 - Volume 5.8

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RICHARD BARBER 1943-2010 It is with great sadness that the Tresco Times reports the death of its editor, Richard Barber. Richard passed away on the morning of 13th April after a typically spirited battle against cancer. Richard and his wife Kathy came to live on Tresco in 1991, when Richard was appointed as the Estate’s Timeshare Manager. For nearly twenty years, Richard wrote and edited the Tresco Times, developing it from a simple typewritten circular to a glossy newsletter. Richard’s natural creativity, enthusiasm and boundless sense of humour were the driving forces behind what has become an island institution. Richard’s funeral took place at St Nicholas’ Church, Tresco, on 23rd April. The packed congregation listened to eulogies from Mike Nelhams, Kathy Barber, and his son, James. The great sadness of the day was leavened by the mourners’ happy and fond memories of Richard’s rich and varied life. He is greatly missed on Tresco and our condolences go out to Kathy, his children Polly, James, Harriet and Rosie and his family. Born in Durban, South Africa in 1943, Richard was educated at Eton College. After enjoying a brief but happy time in the Royal Navy, Richard worked in the film industry and the worlds of finance and property before settling on Tresco.


ISLANDERS RALLY ROUND THE WORLD THREE ISLAND LADS IN A SMALL CITROEN SAXO ARE PLANNING TO GET AWAY FROM IT ALL THIS SUMMER. Will Ash, James Druce and Nick Mackey are setting off for Mongolia to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. As part of the Mongol Rally, they will be driving 10,000 miles, from Goodwood to Ulaan Baatar. Between these two points, this happy band of brothers will have to cross 2 continents, 5 mountain ranges, 2 deserts and a total of 17 countries. There will be no support team or recovery vehicle. Readers may be interested to know that two members of this intrepid team only passed their driving tests in January...MORE INSIDE...

Mongol Rally Team The Islanders Left to right: Nick Mackey, Heliport and Co-responder. James Druce, Estate Office and HM Coastguard. Will Ash, Woodlands and Fire Fighter.

GIG-TASTIC! Tresco and Bryher Rowing Club produced some stunning results in the 2010 Gig World Championships. Rowing the club’s new gig Alfie Jenkins, the Ladies A came 6th and the Men’s A came 13th. Over 125 gigs took part. The B crews also performed extremely well and the Veterans made it to the finish line...MORE INSIDE...


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RICHARD BARBER 1943-2010 Richard Barber first visited Tresco in 1979. Robert Dorrien-Smith explains:“It followed the publication of an article in a national magazine, describing him as the world expert on a new concept of property ownership called Timeshare. It wasn’t until at least ten years later that he owned up to having written the article himself.” Over the next twelve years, Richard applied his hugely inventive mind and vivid imagination to various financial based enterprises from the City of London to Wall Street. He came to live on Tresco with Kathy in 1991, having taken up the post of Timeshare Manager. Mr DorrienSmith recalls: “Richard was a bottomless fount of new ideas and it seldom seemed to concern him that very few of them had the smallest chance of success. The trick, when dealing with Richard, was to stay alert, identify the single practical idea and try to develop it. Meetings with Richard could be described as trying to catch a particular snowflake in a blizzard and then try to prevent it melting in your hand. Over time we perfected this unique skill. Richard’s genius and eccentricity helped create a special legacy in the form of the enduring success of Tresco Timeshare, as well as that great and much-loved institution the Tresco Times.” Richard took over the editing of the Tresco Times in 1991, on its second issue. Over the next nineteen years of his editorship, Richard transformed the Tresco Times from a photocopied, folded sheet of A3 into the glossy 12 page publication of today, which enjoys a readership of 90,000. For Richard, the island’s community was always at the heart of the Tresco Times. The other defining characteristic of the Tresco Times was, of course, Richard Barber, himself. Literary, humourous, creative, controversial, independent, generous, intelligent, mischievous and utterly dedicated to the island of Tresco, Richard and his

beloved Tresco Times were inseparable. Under a different editor, it would have been easy for it to have been an anaemic parish circular but, with Richard at the helm, this was an impossibility. Articles about the cricket club or the summer fete would sit on the same page as a diatribe against Robert Mugabe, George Bush or the government of the day, local and national. Some of Richard’s more political writings, along with those of regular contributor, the Commodore, garnered as many letters of complaint as they did those of support. It was hard to tell which correspondence gave Richard more pleasure. Richard always made sure that the Tresco Times punched above its weight. Its stories were recycled in national newspapers, quoted in Parliament by Government ministers and discussed on Test Match Special. It is hard to imagine another such newsletter, one concerned with a community of around 150 souls, which could make a similar claim.

Richard Barber - keeper of the OIKs

Richard’s writing was by no means confined to the pages of the Tresco Times. One of the artful and witty straplines that he wrote for the newsletter, also provided him with the title of his book about Tresco, The Last Piece of England.

The bibliography of Scilly is long and illustrious and it is a brave author who looks to add to it. Richard was more than equal to the task. The Last Piece of England is a tremendous book, both fascinating and entertaining. First published in 2002, Richard advertised his book at Penzance heliport on a large poster, which bore upon it a single recommendation: “The best book that I have ever read Richard’s mother.” Away from the office, Richard brought his infectious gusto to all elements of island life. He was an enthusiastic and talented sportsman. A fine goalkeeper, Richard loved football and was a devotee of Portsmouth Football Club. Another team dear to him was the OIKs (Off-island Kickers), which he founded and christened. For many years, Richard was a key member of the cricket team. As one would expect with Richard, as a batsman, he favoured the big hit rather than the stolen single. As a bowler, he took many wickets, while displaying a characteristic extravagance. Richard was the first to acknowledge this in the pages of the Tresco Times: The Timeshare Manager was nominated for one of the highlights of the season - 28 runs in one over off his bowling. (He sportingly and consistently bowled the same inviting ball every time against the Truro Doctors, who knew a good thing when they saw it.) Another favoured outdoor pursuit of Richard’s was sailing in his Cornish coble, Celtic Waffler. His boat was moored at Old Grimsby, close to his and Kathy’s cottage, Greenside.Their home was known for its style and hospitality. An evening spent with Kathy and Richard was always one full of laughter, good conversation and good food. He is buried in the churchyard, close to Greenside, the cricket pitch and his boat’s mooring, ensuring that there is now a last piece of England that will be forever Richard.

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Last year he would have been familiar to many as the assistant at Gallery Tresco but this year Ben Robbins has moved to the Flying Boat Club, where he is front of house. The eminently hospitable Ben will be bringing occasional live music to the FBC and, with Chef Rob Prosser, evenings of speciality cuisine.


attended by a congregation of 160. All went well until our hifi system in the church broke down, leaving soloist Hannah Pearce of St Mary’s to sing unaccompanied, which actually sounded amazing! On Christmas Day a small group of New Inn guests decided to raise funds for a new church hifi. Fellow guest, Sandy Stewart (professional actress), was persuaded to perform a couple of show songs to the other residents in the New Inn restaurant. The hat was passed round and £350 was a big thank you to Sandy and the generous New Inn guests.”

Another of Tresco’s natural hosts, Robin Lawson, and his brother Andrew have been getting out and about for charity. On Saturday 12th June, they will be attempting to scale

Charitable chanteuse Sandy Stewart with Rachel Young, outside the New Inn.

SO FAREWELL THEN... the Three Peaks: Ben Nevis, Snowdonia and Scafell Pike. A daunting enough prospect but the Lawson brothers aim to complete this yomp in 24 hours, with the help of a minibus to get them from mountain to mountain. This punishing schedule is all in aid of The Prostate Cancer Trust - any donations will be gratefully received and would-be sponsors should make their way to the New Inn bar. (Shame - Ed). The brothers have already raised over £2350 in sponsorship. Andy and Robin are currently training hard and are enjoying the challenge of finding mountainous slopes on Tresco. The Tresco Times wishes them the very best of luck and prays they don’t peak too early.

PARISH NEWS Our Church correspondent Rachel Young wishes to send a belated thanks to some of the New Inn’s Christmas guests. “On 23rd December, we had our carol service,

Tresco bids “Cheerio and good luck!” to Adam Roberts who has left Tresco after 5

years. With his distinctive coiffeur, Adam was a well-known island character, working in the Cottage Dept as Richard Hobb’s right and left-hand man. He has moved to the municipal delights of Birmingham to pursue a career as a paramedic. We also say goodbye to Keith and Fran, Tom, Jenny and Mathew Marshall. The Marshall family arrived on Tresco in 2006, as Keith took up the position of Finance Manager. They are moving to Cornwall, where Keith will be working for Cornwall Airport Ltd. as their Finance Director. We wish them all the very best...while saying a big HELLO! to Keith’s successor who is none other than our very own Gill Reading. Gill came to Tresco in 1997 as Accounts Manager and we wish her great success as Finance Manager!

CONGRATULATIONS! The Tresco Times would like to congratulate Mr Adam Dorrien-Smith and Miss Tania Lawson on the announcement of their engagement.We wish them much happiness together.

BACK TO SCHOOL VICTORIAN STYLE Susanna Gates informs us of a school trip back to the 19th century: “As part of our studies about the Victorian era, pupils and staff at Tresco & Bryher Base spent a day experiencing a Victorian school day. The children researched and planned what a school day would be like, from playground games to school dinner, clothing, rules and subjects taught. Our Victorian clothes were made by Caroline Pearce and Rosalie Tildesley of Bryher, a very big thank you to them. The girls learnt needlework and the boys technical drawing in the afternoon. Then we went around the island selling our marzipan fruits, which Joey from the New Inn taught us how to make. A fabulous day, with much learning!”

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AS TRESCO’S FLAGSHIP PREPARES FOR AN EXCITING REFIT, WE TAKE A LOOK BACK AT HALF A CENTURY OF THE ISLAND HOTEL. The above photograph was taken as dawn broke on 30th April 2010. It was on this day, fifty years ago, that the Island Hotel first opened its doors to guests and began its reign as the premier hotel on the Isles of Scilly and one of the leading hotels in the South West. The Island Hotel was the brainchild of Commander Tom Dorrien-Smith. It was conceived as a response to the declining flower industry, which threatened the economic future of Tresco.Tourism was the way forward.

had to be brought in from the mainland but Tresco provided more than half the workforce. One member of this team was Peter Locke, born and bred on Tresco, and an Estate carpenter until his retirement. Peter spoke to the Tresco Times: “One of the first jobs was repairing the roof of the cottages. We made our own scaffolding out of lengths of 4 by 2! Building materials were brought over on a converted sailing vessel, the Result. We started at 7am and would work through until 8 or 9pm. In those days, Mrs Birch lived at Raven Cottage and she would bring us tea every day in great big jugs. There’d be a shout of “Tea’s up!” and we’d rush over from all directions. The night before the hotel opened, we worked through the night, supplied with food and drink from the kitchens.”

Commander Tom Dorrien-Smith The intention was to enrich the simple pleasures afforded to visitors on Scilly with a level of luxury and indulgence hitherto absent from the islands. The design of the hotel centred upon an original block of three cottages from which the restaurant and guest rooms radiated. The architect was John Strubbe of Richmond, Surrey. Work began on the site in May 1959. Specialist plumbers and electricians

Retired carpenter Peter Locke with his gold watch. “It still keeps time!” became the first bride to enjoy her wedding reception in the hotel, following her marriage to Mr Roger Oyler.

The Commander laid on a special dinner at the hotel for his workforce. After a congratulatory speech, the Commander presented each member of the building team an engraved gold watch, while remarking that there was now no excuse for being late for work! The Scillonian Magazine’s Tresco Correspondent, Miss Cheesman, noted that the first guests arrived on 30th April, the day after the Black Swan, the hotel’s launch, came under the care of island boatmen Mr Eveleigh and Stanley Carr. Miss Cheesman, as Mrs Ann Oyler,

The Tresco Times’ Heritage and Transport Correspondent, Eddie Birch, meets with John Strubbe, the original architect of the Island Hotel. During the construction of the hotel, Eddie transported building materials from the quay and dragged gravel for concrete at the weekends.

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From the outset, the Island Hotel received plaudits. Both the Sunday and Financial Times recommended it to their readers, while Edward Hyams of the Illustrated London News thought it superb, commenting “This is not a travel article but when you find Eden it is hardly fair to keep it to yourself.” One of the staff members that first season was Mrs Jackie Taylor, who wrote to the Tresco Times earlier this year: “This year I realised an ambition I’d held for fifty years. I stayed on

A well-appointed Island Hotel boudoir of yesteryear glorious; the sea was crystal clear and in multiple shades of blue, from turquoise to azure. As we came round the south of the island, I could see some of the lush vegetation of the Abbey Gardens, abutting on to an idyllic and deserted white sand beach. The hotel lacked some of the buildings that surround it now but it was a delightful place to stay. The hotel was undeniably luxurious and was run by a very pleasant man, Commander Hastings. I looked after the rooms of such notables as Peter Cadbury and Leo McKern. The island seemed very different from the one we saw in March 2010. All the building of the hotel had ceased and the

THE ISLAND HOTEL This composite picture was taken from the carn, one summer in the 1970s The Flower, Rocks and Castles Wings were built over the next twenty years, as the hotel expanded..

For the fifty years that the Island Hotel has flourished, names of managers such as George Leatherbarrow, John Hamilton and Ivan Curtis will be wellknown to many islanders and visitors. Perhaps the longest serving member of staff was Head Housekeeper Kate Parkes. Kate came to work at the hotel in 1969 and continued to uphold the same high standards of efficiency and knidness for which she became depended upon by guests and colleagues alike. She continued to work at the hotel after retirement, right up until her death in 2002. Kate also established something of a Tresco dynasty. Her son, Steve, runs the Woodlands and Gamekeeping Dept., her daughter-in-law, Anna, manages Tresco Gallery, while her grandaughter Kate Moore manages Tresco Stores.

70s style Island chic - the place to be...

Tresco again. Fifty years ago, I was in the 6th form of Penzance Girls’ Grammar School. I needed to earn some money in the summer holidays before entering the second year sixth. I heard that the newly built Island Hotel was needing holiday staff. The job offered was that of a chambermaid, together with washing up the breakfast and lunch dishes. Marvellous, I thought. I booked my passage on the Scillonian and came over. At St Mary’s harbour I was transferred to the hotel launch. We then set out for Tresco and I will remember that journey for the rest of my life. The weather was

turning down the beds while the guests were at dinner but, on our evenings off, we took the launch to St Mary’s, visiting the cinema, having fish and chips and returning to Tresco, singing under the stars. What more could a youngster want?” Jackie returned once more to Tresco that year, working the Christmas season. Despite enduring an awful winter crossing on the Scillonian and an inebriated chef, who inserted an apple into the wrong end of the suckling pig, her memories of the hotel are of a very peaceful and happy place.

One of the majestic sea views that guests have enjoyed over the years. roads were very quiet - no golf buggies then. The only car was owned by Commander Dorrien-Smith and the only dog too. I have forgotten much of the work but I remember afternoons spent rowing to fish for mackerel or to explore unoccupied islands.My job involved

Kate Parkes - Housekeeper at the Island Hotel from 1966-2002

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After Kate Parkes, Head Chef Peter Hingston is, perhaps, the longest serving member of staff. Peter is currently in his 17th year at the Island Hotel and has been responsible for the consistent excellence of the restaurant’s cuisine. Peter arrived with his wife Fiona in 1994 as a Sous-chef. They had thought to stay for a couple of seasons... “The Island Hotel has very much become part of my life. I am very proud of the quality food that we produce for our guests.Everyone in the kitchen works hard to maintain the 50 year old tradition of fine dining which has been the bedrock of the Island Hotel.” At the end of 2010, the Island Hotel, as we know it, will close. It will open again, re-incarnated as an Apart-hotel. The New Island Hotel will incorporate elements of rental and timeshare in cottage units. There will still be the

Tourism remains a vital part of Tresco but to keep pace with the present trends within that industry, the Island Hotel must adapt. Since its first guests arrived in April 1960, the hotel has been evolving and growing. The next few years will prove to be an important preface to an exciting new chapter in the story of the Island Hotel.

opportunity to book in for just one night or ten. The restaurant will be situated right on the beach at the Ru-inn, where guests can enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner if they choose...or they can eat out or cook for themselves in their own kitchens. The Island Hotel will certainly have changed but the quality of accomodation, food and service will remain as excellent as it has always been. At the Commander’s dinner for the hotel’s builders, he gave a speech in which he declared: “In these islands we have been depending for nearly three generations on the flower industry almost exclusively, just as for almost the same period before that we were dependent on shipbuilding. But the pattern of life is changing again, and it is to keep pace with the present trend that the hotel has been built.”

Head Chef Peter Hingston 17 years of excellence.

The Manager of the Island Hotel, Wayne Shaw, says “The Island Hotel has been an iconic and much-loved destination for 50 years. The redevelopment of the Island Hotel will create a mix of cottages and apartments, accompanied by the same wonderful surroundings, friendly service and exquisite cuisine. I am very much looking forward to welcoming you back to the new Island Hotel in the not too distant future.”

For those who would like the opportunity to embark upon our flagship’s final voyage before her refit... call the Island Hotel (01720) 422883

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Tresco’s retired crane and tractor driver writes about WHY THE NEW INN PAVILION WAS BUILT.

In the 1930s and 1940s, there were a lot of small French fishing boats that came to the islands to fish. They had no engines only sail. They would come from Camaret in France. The fishing limit was only 3 miles in those days. If

the weather was bad they would come in-between Bryher and Tresco for shelter. If they were running short of food, they would come ashore in a punt with one oar over the back. They would then go around the island asking the women of Tresco to bake some bread for them.The bread had to have a lot of salt and be burnt on top. If the fishermen had no money, they would barter for bread and vegetables with crabs and prawns. We got to know a lot of fishermen in those days. When the French fishermen would go to the New Inn, they would talk so loud that Tom Williams, the landlord, had a big shed built. He put a bar and a barman in the shed so that the fishermen could go in there. This left the main bar for the islanders as in those days there were about 300 people living on Tresco.


DINE OUT IN YOUR OWN HOME A brand new dining experience is now available on Tresco. A selection of delicious dishes, prepared by The Flying Boat Club chefs, can be delivered to your door. From Salmon en Croute to Chicken and Leek Pie, from Apple Crumble to Bread and Butter Pudding, each dish has been devised by Head Chef

Every cottage is provided with a menu and the availability of dishes can be confirmed at Tresco Stores (422806). Order your Dine At Home meal from the shop and it will be delivered to your cottage in time for supper. “The Dine at Home menu has proved very popular. We have had nothing but compliments about every dish. The Tresco beef dishes are very much in demand!” said Tresco Stores’ Manager Kate Moore.



DELICIOUS SALMON EN CROUTE Peter Hingston of the Island Hotel and is freshly cooked by Chef Rob Prosser of the FBC. Tresco’s chefs have done all the hard work: the only cooking that you have to do is to turn the oven on and wait until it’s done. The result is restaurant quality food at your own dining table.


In the winter, when all the fishing boats had gone home, the Pavilion was used for parties, dances, weddings and as a cinema. Every Boxing Day, Mr Williams would give the children of Tresco a big party and a film show. After Mr Williams died, Tresco Estate took the pub over and made the Pavilion into bedrooms for staff, as they extended the New Inn. In 2000, the old Pavilion was pulled down and the new one built in its place. Below left and right The Pavilions, Old and New.


A Tresco visitor had a surprising end to her holiday in March. Mrs Kay Ireland first fell in love with the islands in the late 1950s and has been a regular guest at the Island Hotel for some years. Having left Tresco at the end of her holiday, she arrived in Penzance to be greeted with a large bouquet of flowers and a champagne reception. A bemused Mrs Ireland discovered that she was the 4 millionth passenger to fly to Scilly on the helicopter, since the service began in 1964. “It was all rather wonderful!” said Mrs Ireland “ Not only was there a party waiting for me but I have been given a free day trip for 12 friends and family on the helicopter I am already planning lunch at the Island Hotel!” Pictured from left to right are: CEO of BIH, Tony Jones, Deborah Stephens, Mrs Kay Ireland, her daughter Claire and, of course, Mike Nelhams, the Abbey Gardens’ Curator.

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James, Will and Nick explained to the Tresco Times just why they are driving 10,000 miles in 28 days: “The Mongol Rally is arguably the last and greatest misadventure on the face of the earth and a great charity event to top it off. We have all been involved in the running of the Tresco Marathon over the years and we really wanted to continue fund raising for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust. This seemed like a great way to do it!” “Travelling from the UK to Mongolia in a 1.1 litre Citroen Saxo, the three of us will be motoring through heaps of countries you’ve hardly heard of. James and Will only passed their driving tests in January and the team’s engineering skills are minimal. This is a trial in which the use of GPS is frowned upon and we will have to rely on a map and compass instead.”

With no disrespect to Citroen, a Saxo would not be most people’s choice of vehicle for such a trek. However, one of the most important rules in taking part is that the car used must have less than a 1.2 litre engine.

Luckily, the 2001 Saxo has had a 57,000 mile warm up for the Rally. Fortunately for The Islanders, their main sponsor is Tresco Estate and with that comes the very willing assistance of wonder-mechanic Nick Shiles. “Nick has been absolutely brilliant. We now have a protective steel plate underneath the car and he is giving us basic lessons in car mechanics. The Estate have been incredible - not least

Dean Whillis in helping to secure sponsors.” Jo Ash has also been instrumental in the organisation of The Islanders earning her the title “Mother of the Rally”. (Jo is Will’s mother too.) It all sounds rather jolly - until you realise that they will be driving 12-14 hours a day, for four weeks, in a tiny car, across deserts, treacherous mountains and some of the most dangerous roads in the world. Washing facilities will be wet wipes and rivers. Their aim is to raise £20,000 for Cystic Fibrosis. All sponsorship, personal or commercial is extremely welcome.

Visit The Islanders website: Follow their Blog and Video Diary of the Rally, day by day. The Mongol Rally begins 24th July 2010.

PUFFINS, SEALS AND THE BAR-TAILED GODWIT WITH BIRDMAN DAVID ROSAIR After the long, cold Winter, how wonderfully refreshing to arrive back on Tresco in late April! I was immediately struck by the obvious late display of the flowering daffodils – usually well past their sell-by date and also the vivid yellow colour of the Gorse with its distinctive almond scent. With a smooth, quick transfer over to Bryher and to the lovely Hell Bay Hotel, I wondered what ornithological delights lay ahead before “migrating” back to the New Inn , Tresco for the second of the Spring Tours. One of the highlights for me were the flocks of migrating Whimbrel, arriving high up over Heathy Hill, their languid flight and calling so distinctly with their “seven-note” whistle are the Spring sight on Scilly. Where will they end up? The full summer plumaged Eurasian Golden Plover that “dropped in” early one morning before breakfast above St Nicholas Church gave us a thrill, as did the partial summer plumaged Bar-tailed Godwit feeding on the tideline below Hell Bay Hotel. Don’t forget the superb “tortoiseshell-coloured Turnstones, the black-bellied Dunlin and the flock of four displaying Oystercatchers on the beach at Pentle Bay, “kleeping” away with bills pointed downwards as they paraded around in circles in perfect unison! Seabirds are always fun to observe, none more so that the beloved Puffins, with around a dozen bobbing in the water adjacent Mincarlo, along with Razorbills & Guillemots, whilst Shags, Cormorants & Fulmars were busy nesting on the precarious rocky ledges. But for many the pair of full summer-plumaged Great Northern Divers off Tobaccoman’s Point really did steal the show! The diminutive and rare Orange Birdsfoot, Ixia, Rosy Garlic, English Catchfly and Corn Salad plus carpets of Red Campion, Bluebell and Three-cornered Leek topped the botanical sightings, with herds of Atlantic [Grey] Seals on the Eastern Isles, Oil Beetle and single Painted Lady butterfly adding to the non-avian list. All in all, another wonderful Spring on Tresco and Bryher! But what will the Autumn hold? Why not join David in September/October for a Birdwatching Holiday with venues as follows: New Inn, Tresco: Hell Bay, Bryher

5 nights 5 nights

September 25-30 September 30-October 5

For full details of prices and bookings please contact: David Rosair, Island Ventures Tel: 01227 793501


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EDITORIAL FOG IN THE CHANNEL: MAINLAND ISOLATED... was one of Richard Barber’s classic Tresco Times headlines. In four words, he captured the essence of the Tresco Times: defiantly insular in perspective, independent, witty and ever so slightly subversive. Richard’s editorials were often trenchant in tone but they were always undercut with an arch sense of humour that was never too far from the surface. The last 10 years of Richard’s editorship saw him ably assisted by his old friend, the Commodore. Since Richard’s death, the Commodore has withdrawn from literary pursuits, spending almost all his time aboard his pilot cutter, Boudicca. The Commodore is rarely seen now in the offices of the Tresco Times but the whiff of his pipe smoke lingers on.

LETTERS Dear Editor Many of your readers will know that a Tresco reunion has taken place in Exmouth, Devon, for the past thirty years. Sadly the Great Reaper has reduced the original total from 100 to 30. Each year photographs of happy times spent on Tresco are shown and talked about and memories awakened. Sadly, the following day those precious photos are returned to their owner’s sitting-room sofas and forgotten It was with this in mind, that a plan was born. Why not produce the largest family photo album ever...why not print as many as possible in one large book? So that was decided upon. To carry out such a task we will need to borrow as many photographs as possible. We would also welcome items such as programs of Tresco amateur dramatics, stories of interest and humour and such like. The proposed book would cover the 1940s and 1950s. So there it is - photographs and stories please. With your help, the book (a non-profit publication) will be available in October 2010, to coincide with this year’s reunion. Please contact Pat or June Richards (maiden names), Bill Broadly or, yours truly, John Harding. Bill and June - 01404 812108 Pat and John - 01395 266077 All photographs will be returned within 3 weeks. Best wishes to all John C. Harding Exmouth, Devon. Dear Editor Thank you very much for sending me the Tresco Times, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I paid my first visit last June with a friend of many years...We stayed at the New Inn and Robin is right about the comfortable rooms and I would say excellent food. The staff were so friendly and helpful,as were the locals.

Editor: Alasdair Moore Tresco Times, Tresco, Isles of Scilly TR24 0QQ t: 01720 422849 f: 01720 422807

I was taken with the peacefulness, fresh air and beauty of the island. I have severe osteoarthritis but we managed to walk a fair bit, going from seat to seat, enjoying the birds and views. A day at the Abbey Gardens was delightful...The Shell House is beautiful; the article on the building of it is fascinating. I hope to return in the near future health permitting! yours sincerely Mrs Aileen Stephens Solihull, West Midlands. Dear Editor Would you please include this obituary of Robert Bond, who died aged 73 on 3rd March 2010? Robert ‘Bob’ Bond was born and educated on Tresco - the eldest son of Steve and Edith Bond of Dial Rocks. He was the first pupil from Tresco School to pass the 11 plus exam in 1948 - gaining him a scholarship to Truro School. Following National Service in the RAF, he trained as a teacher. His love was sailing and he was appointed the first National Sailing Coach by the RYA, where he worked for 13 years. After this he became Director of Coaching with the US Yacht Racing Union, based in Rhode Island. On returning to the UK, he was appointed Director of Plas Menai National Watersports Centre in N. Wales for 10 years.This was followed by a move to the North-East as Manager of Castlegate Quay Watersports Centre. He continued his work with sailing after retirement, going to France each spring, coaching and assessing future instructors. He was an author of sailing books and presented the Boat Shows on TV. He will be sadly missed by family, friends and colleagues in the sailing community. yours faithfully Grace Walton (sister) The late Bob Bond

Here’s how to contact Tresco Estate’s hotels and holiday cottage department: Island Hotel tel: 01720 422883 New Inn tel: 01720 422844 Hell Bay, Bryher tel: 01720 422947 Cottages tel: 01720 422849 Tresco, Isles of Scilly, Cornwall TR24 0QQ Book online at

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ISLAND SPORT Ladies A crew: Coxswain Colin Jenkins. Kim Hopkins, Alison Douglas, Fiona Hingston, Helen Pearce, Amy Langdon, Michelle Oyler. The Ladies finished a magnificent 6th out of 113 gigs.

TRESCO AND BRYHER’S NEW GIG ALFIE JENKINS MAKES GRAND ENTRANCE AT CHAMPS! 127 GIGS COMPETE - T&B LADIES A CREW ARE 6TH AND MENS A CREW ARE 13TH. Tresco and Bryher Gig Club have had much to celebrate in April and May. On Sunday 25th April a large crowd of supporters and gig rowers, ancient and modern, gathered to watch the launch of the club’s new gig, Alfie Jenkins. Built by Peter Martin on St Mary’s, she is a beautiful boat, painted in the colours of the iconic Czar. At the launch Alison Douglas, Club Chair, thanked all those who had raised and given money to help build the Alfie Jenkins, while John Nicholls spoke about Alfie Jenkins, the Scillonian mariner and author, after whom the gig is named. Blessed by Father Guy Scott, the new racing gig was rowed out of New Grimsby harbour by club members.

The Alfie Jenkins was built in order that the club’s A crews could compete with the very best gig crews in championship races. Within a week of the launch, the AJ was racing in the World Championships 2010. Both the Men’s and Ladies’ championships follow the same course. All competing gigs race from St Agnes to St Mary’s in order to divide up the gigs into groups of 12. These groups, A to J, form up for a series of three heats. The first and last two gigs in each heat move up or down respectively. The third heat is the Men’s A Crew - Winners Group B. Will Ash, James Stedeford, David Hamilton, Ross Christopher, Joe Aram, Alex Christopher, cox Richard Chuter

Congratulations to everyone involved Tresco and Bryher (and, no doubt, the late Alfie Jenkins) are very proud of you.

TRESCO MARATHON RETURNS ... smaller but still perfectly formed. On Sunday morning 25th April, a small band of runners set off to run 26 miles and 385 yards to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Tresco Times readers will be familiar with this annual event. This year, however, the current economic climate has meant that the required corporate sponsorship was not forthcoming. Not to be daunted, Head Chef Peter Hingston, decided that he would run it anyway. Peter was behind the very first Tresco Marathon in 2000 and has run it every year since. “My daughter Jade suffers from Cystic Fibrosis and I was determined to keep the flag flying for her.” said Peter. Support came from three other Tresco residents: Jan Kovac of the Island Hotel; Will Ash from the Woodlands Dept and Cottage Gardener Kate Clement. Matthew Stevens of Matthew Stevens & Son, St Ives fish merchants,

decider, giving each group its own final. Tresco and Bryher’s A Crews were the highest placed Scillonian crews and both performed incredibly well. The Ladies were 6th in the St Agnes race, which was a considerable achievement in itself. They never left Group A, finishing in a magnificent 6th place. The Men battled their way in to Group B, where,they powered into first in the Final, with a convincing victory. If this was not enough for the club to be proud of, the two B crews did exceptionally well also, rowing the Emperor. The Ladies won two heats on the trot, finishing in Group D, while the Men finished in Group C. But, as each crew was relatively new and included novices, their placing reflects incredibly well on them. The Veterans, who competed in a St Agnes race on the Friday night, achieved a creditable 21st out of 62 gigs.

completed several laps in support. Jan came home first, followed by Kate, with Peter and Will sharing 3rd place. Will had done no training at all and had only intended to run 2 laps! Congratulations to all who took part and helped organise the event which raised over £2000 for the CF Trust.

Tresco and Bryher Cricket Club have bid farewell to Aussie cricket star, Dave Maskell. Dave’s considerable talents have helped the club to dominate off-island cricket and offer a serious challenge to St Mary’s. For theTBCC,

From left: Fraser, Jade, Pete and Fiona Hingston, Jan Kovac, Will Ash, Kate Clement and Matthew Stevens. Dave proved a brilliant wicketkeeper, fielder and bowler but it is for his skill and aggression with the bat that he will be remembered. His average speaks for itself and is unlikely to be equalled. In 2009, he scored 1134 runs (highest score 150 not out), with an average of 115. We wish him, Yolande and Imogen all the best back in Oz.

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THE LAW OF THE ISLAND Obey the Law of the Island, it’s as old and as clear as the sea Left here by those before us - a message for you and for me. Two thirds of the world is water, two thirds of Scilly the same One third we tend and look after, the rest will never be tame. So the very First Law of the Island is ‘Honour thy Mother the Sea’ For Life came first from the ocean - bloodline to you and to me. Look up at the Moon and thank her, as through the clouds she rides Hers are the rhythms we follow - in step with the sea and the tides. Make peace with the Lord of the Ocean, for Neptune rules our domain And when he meets the Sou’Wester we bend to the storm and the rain. We live by the sea, and on the sea, and some of us fish the Deep It’s a happy life and a healthy life and one that we wish to keep. But forget not that Man’s a spoiler, it’s ever been thus since Cain, So don’t fish all of the shoal boys, leave some to come back again. Our islands share no borders, save with the sea and the skies, And when the sea invades us it’s always the land that dies. So remember when you fill up with petrol, or the fire roars up the flue: That nature demands repayment and sometimes from other than you. The fuel that you burn on the mainland heats up our climate as well Then there’s more of the sea and less of the land - and Paradise turns to hell. This is the beginning-and-end of the Law, the warp and the weft of the weave: Think what you do, how it is done, and what sort of mess you may leave. Of an Island Race is each Briton and we used to heed these things Before motorways and surburbia and all that Modern Life brings... Obey the Law of the Island, my Child, it’s as old and as clear as the sea, And leave it for those that come after - a message from you and from me.


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