BYGL Aug 9, 2007b

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BYGL-August 09, 2007

Pam Bennett, Barb Bloetscher, Joe Boggs, Jim Chatfield, Erik Draper, Dave Dyke, Gary Gao, David Goerig, Tim Malinich, Amy Stone, and Curtis Young. Text Only

August 09, 2007

This is the Nineteenth 2007 edition of the Buckeye Yard and Garden Line (BYGL). BYGL is developed from a Tuesday morning conference call of Extension agents, specialists and other contributors in Ohio. BYGL is also made available on the Internet from the Ohio State University Horticulture and Crop Science (HCS) in Virtual Perspective website ( Additional fact sheet information on any of these articles may be found through the OSU fact sheet database ( BYGL is a service of OSU Extension and is aided by major support from the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA), with additional funding from the Ohio Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) to the OSU Extension Nursery Landscape, and Turf Team (ENLTT). Participants in the August 07, 2007 conference included: Pam Bennett (Clark); Joe Boggs (OSU Extension Center at Piketon/Hamilton-Clermont); Erik Draper (Geauga); Dave Dyke (Hamilton); Gary Gao (Delaware); Dave Goerig (Mahoning); Michael Loos (Cuyahoga); Dave Shetlar (Entomology); Curtis Young (Allen); and Randy Zondag (Lake).. Additional factsheet information on any of these articles may be found through the OSU Factsheet Database (http://

WEATHER WATCH (1 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

BYGL-August 09, 2007

The following weather information has been summarized from data collected from August 1-7, 2007. BYGLers have selected five locations to highlight different regions of the state to be included each week as seen in the table below. Additionally, there are weather station sites in Avon (Lorain County), Madison (Lake County), Perry (Lake County), Jackson (Jackson County), at the Muck Crops Research Station (Huron County), at the North Central Research Station (Sandusky County), and at the Western Research Station (Clark County). The weather data collected from all the sites can be seen at .

Weather Station

Ave. High Region of Ohio Temp F

Ave. Low Temp F

Total Precip "

Normal Precip "































HORT SHORTS PLANTS OF THE WEEK Read all about perennials and landscape trees and shrubs in the ONLA publications "Perennial Plants for Ohio" and "Landscape Plants for Ohio". The descriptions and photographs of plants were provided for these publications by the OSU ENLT Team along with other industry plant lovers. These full-color publications are available at http:// for $5.00. Click on "garden store" and then "ONLA plant guides". ONLA members can purchase these in quantities at a reduced price at . *PERENNIAL OF THE WEEK. HARDY HIBISCUS (Hibiscus moscheutos) - These giants of the perennial garden are in full splendor around Ohio at this time. Plants grow from 3' to 6' tall, depending upon the cultivar. The large, dinner-plate size flowers are absolute showstoppers; colors range in the pinks, whites, and reds. Newer cultivars include: 'Lady Baltimore' (pink flowers); 'Lord Baltimore' (red flowers); 'Luna' (compact plants, 2' tall and pink or white flowers); and 'Kopper King' (whitish pink flowers with bronze foliage). The only drawback to the hardy hibiscus is that Japanese beetles like them. However, it's worth the time and effort to spray them! *WOODY PLANT OF THE WEEK. HARDY RUBBER TREE (Eucommia ulmoides) - An excellent, medium-sized landscape tree, the hardy rubber tree is generally not well known as a landscape plant. The tree is very tolerant of stressful urban conditions as well as a wide range of soil pH. The early pyramidal growth habit becomes rounded as it ages. Very few pest problems along with dark green, somewhat glossy foliage makes this tree an excellent choice for the landscape. It's (2 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

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also quite cool to gently tear the leaf and see the latex strings. These strings eventually harden, holding the leaf together. *ANNUAL OF THE WEEK. AMARANTHUS (Amaranthus spp.) - These plants are fun to have in the garden, especially for kids of all ages. Plants can grow anywhere from 3-8' tall and usually have red tassel-like structures hanging from the plant all season long. Of course, the pigweed species is not the plant to have in the garden. It's the ornamental varieties that add flare and interest, like the commonly used cultivar 'Love-Lies-Bleeding' (A. caudatus). Various other cultivars can also be quite cool including: 'Dreadlocks'; 'Candelabra'; and 'Pony Tails'. Their names depict the blooms!

THE WEEKLY WEED At this time of year, spring applications of preemergence herbicide controls are wearing down. Summer annuals that germinated a few weeks ago are becoming noticeable. In this issue, our weekly weed focuses on the genus Setaria. There are three species of Setaria that are developing seed heads now. Proper identification will be helpful when control strategies are being developed for this last half of the growing season. YELLOW FOXTAIL (S. lutescens), GIANT FOXTAIL (S. faberii), and GREEN FOXTAIL (S. viridis), are all monocot summer annuals. The foxtails are clump-forming, wide bladed, erect grasses that can reach beyond 3' in height. The most recognizable characteristic on these plants are the spike-like panicle seedheads that resemble the tail of a fox. Each foxtail can produce more than 50 seeds per plant. In just one season, a small stand of these plants can deposit thousands of seeds into a planting bed making control the following season difficult. Yellow foxtail is easily identified by its yellowish, bristly, erect, seedhead. The seedheads on green and giant foxtail are larger and come in shades of green and purple. Giant foxtail can be distinguished even further by its nodding character. The foxtails are weeds of cultivated areas including landscapes, and nurseries. They prefer to grow in nutrient-rich soil. Members in the genus Setaria can be found growing around the world. Control of these annual plants at this time of year includes hand cultivation, mechanical seedhead removal, and postemergence herbicides.

BLOSSOM-END ROT OF TOMATO, PEPPER AND EGGPLANT Several BYGLers reported receiving calls about blossom-end rot of tomato and pepper. This is a serious disorder of tomato, pepper, and eggplant. Gardeners are often distressed to notice that a dry, sunken decay has developed on the blossom end (opposite the stem) of the fruit, especially the first fruit of the season. This abiotic disorder can be very damaging, with losses of 50% or more in some years. On tomato and eggplant, blossom end rot usually begins as a small water soaked area at the blossom end of the fruit. This may appear while the fruit is green or during ripening. As the lesion develops, it enlarges, becomes sunken and turns black and leathery. In severe cases, it may completely cover the lower half of the fruit, becoming flat or concave. Secondary pathogens commonly invade the lesion, often resulting in complete destruction of the infected fruit. (3 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

BYGL-August 09, 2007

Blossom-end rot typically occurs on the sides of the pepper fruit near the blossom end. On peppers, the affected area appears tan, and is sometimes mistaken for sunscald, which is white. Secondary molds often colonize the affected area, resulting in a dark brown or black appearance. Blossom-end rot is caused by an insufficient supply of calcium to developing fruits. Diagnosing this problem is relatively easy, but fixing it is quite hard. Calcium moves very slowly in plants. Here are a few tips that will help gardeners avoid the problem: - Soil pH should be determined by a soil test. Soil pH needs to be raised to 6.5 with lime, if it is too low. - Avoid over-fertilization. Rapid plant growth can cause calcium to be shunted to the foliage in support of the growth. - Maintaining a consistent soil moisture level is essential since calcium moves from the soil into plants after being dissolved in water. Water deeply and consistently, such as 2-3 times per week rather than once a week. Consistent soil moisture levels can be maintained between watering by using straw mulch. - Foliar sprays of calcium, beginning prior to the first cluster of fruit appearing, can help. However, results have not been consistent.

BUG BYTES LACE BUG POTPOURRI Several BYGLers reported observing the handiwork of a multitude of lace bugs (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in Ohio landscapes. HAWTHORN LACE BUG (Corythucha cydoniae), with its cosmopolitan palate, seems to be particularly common. The bugs primarily feed on plants in the Rosaceae family, but will also feast on a few plants outside the family. They are commonly observed on Cotoneaster sp. and Amelanchier sp. as well as their namesake host. Other lace bugs that have become evident in Ohio landscapes include: SYCAMORE LACE BUG (C. ciliata); WALNUT LACE BUG (C. juglandis); ALDER LACE BUG (C. pergandei); BIRCH LACE BUG (C. pallipes); BASSWOOD LACE BUG (Gargaphia tiliae); OAK LACE BUG (C. arcuata); and CHRYSANTHEMUM LACE BUG (C. marmorata). The oak and chrysanthemum lace bugs are unusual in that oak lace bugs live on the upper leaf surface, and the chrysanthemum bugs live on both the upper and lower leaf surfaces. Despite its common name, the chrysanthemum bug will feed on several herbaceous perennials, particularly asters, as participants at this week's Perennial Plant Association's Diagnostic Workshop learned. Lace bugs use their piercing/sucking mouth parts to suck juices from their host plants. Their feeding produces tiny yellow or whitish leaf spots (stippling) that may coalesce to produce large, yellow-tocopper colored areas on leaves, and early leaf drop. Lace bugs also deposit unsightly hard, black, varnish-like tar spots of excrement onto the leaf surface as they feed. The bugs have multiple generations per season, and their damage builds with each succeeding crop of bugs. So for this season, it is becoming too late to reverse the damage that has already occurred. Lace bugs should be closely monitored and controlled early in the season before the current collective damage produced by successive generations is allowed to occur. (4 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

BYGL-August 09, 2007

MAGNOLIA SCALE IS OOZING Randy Zondag reported observing heavy infestations of magnolia scale (Neolecanium cornuparvum) in northeast Ohio. This is one of the largest "soft scales" with mature females measuring as much as 1/2" in diameter. The helmetshaped females are brownish-purple and can be found attached to twigs, branches, and the main stems of their host trees which include all magnolias as well as tuliptree. Magnolia scale is notorious for exuding copious quantities of "honeydew." This watery, sugary substance is a by-product of the scale's feeding behavior. The scale uses its sucking mouthparts to tap into phloem vesicles and it extracts amino acids and some carbohydrates from the phloem flow. The additional sugars that aren't used by the scale are dripped-out of scale's posterior end. Honeydew is simply a nice name for ... scale poo. The honeydew may drip onto the leaves and stems of the host as well as plants beneath the infested tree, sidewalks, cars, slow-moving gardeners, etc. Honeydew is often colonized by black sooty molds. While the sooty molds do not harm plants, the sticky honeydew combined with the molds can produce an unsightly mess. Indeed, Randy noted both were in abundance with the populations he observed. Remember that honeydew and sooty molds do not necessarily mean soft scales are afoot. Many other sucking insects (aphids, planthoppers, etc.) also exude honeydew. Soon the brownish-purple females Randy observed will begin giving birth to live young (nymphs = crawlers) that hatch from eggs contained within the female's body. The crawler birthing will continue through September and into early October. Previous management efforts focused on targeting the crawlers with a topical insecticide since the heavy, waxy helmet-like covering over the females protect them from most insecticides. However, the extended crawler hatch means multiple applications need to be made. In recent years, research has shown that a single application of the systemic insecticide imidacloprid (e.g. Merit) made in the spring or fall is effective in reducing or eliminating populations.

WINDSHIELD WIPES BYGLers also ran into a few other insects this week including: * Gary Gao reported receiving a sample of a piece of the main stem of a young Norway spruce tree. The stem had several brown branches attached to it, and there were several holes on the main stem. Gary and John Heinz, a Master Gardener intern, cut it open and found two WHITE PINE WEEVIL (Pissodes strobi) pupae resting in their chip cocoons. Gary's observation indicated that while adults have already started to emerge, as indicated by the holes, the pupae mean that it is still a good idea to remove and destroy the infested stem(s). If the infestation is in the upper portion of the tree, the tree will survive. Another dominant shoot can be trained to take over as the central leader. Despite its common name, Gary's observation also (5 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

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illustrates the need to target Norway spruce for early spring white pine weevil applications. * Dave Shetlar and Curtis Young reported observing half-grown bagworms (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis) dropping from trees on silk threads. If bagworms run out of food, they simply crawl to another host rather than glide down on silk. Dave noted that the odd silk-dangling behavior is an escape strategy used by caterpillars that are attempting to flee a wasp or fly parasitoid. If a bagworm caterpillar senses they are being "probed" by a parasitoid, the bagworm will quickly rope themselves to the branch with a silk thread, then rappel down the thread to flee a frightful fate. Of course, dangling bagworms can be a frightful sight to a homeowner!

DISEASE DIGEST ROTTING CELOSIA Dave Dyke reported that while touring a public garden a while back, the host brought a major emerging problem to his attention. About 50% of the plants in a large planting of Celosia (Celosia spp.) were either dead or dying. The roots of these plants were brown and rotten and their stems and foliage were in varying stages of wilting and/or turning brown. A subsequent diagnosis of PHYTOPHTHORA STEM AND ROOT ROT was made by the OSU C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic following the submission of samples. Unfortunately, this fungal (actually a pseudo-fungus) disease is a very common problem, especially on petunias, in the high pH soils of the Cincinnati area. Phytophthora is sometimes referred to as a water-mold because it produces motile spores that disperse or "swim" in water. Thus, avoid using water from holding ponds for irrigation. These ponds may contain the pathogen. The pathogen can survive for many years in soil by forming spherical, thick-walled resting spores (oospores). It is endemic in our soils and is most commonly a problem in soils that remain wet, either due to poor drainage or improper watering. It is best prevented by not planting very susceptible crops in the same area year after year, providing good soil drainage, maintaining the proper soil pH, and proper watering.

TURF TIPS SEED SELECTION PART I: MIXES VERSUS BLENDS Despite the recent rainfall enjoyed in many areas of Ohio, BYGLers reported that turfgrass in some parts of the state has already suffered irreversible damage from drought and high temperatures. The need to re-seed sparked a discussion as to whether or not it is better to use seed "mixes" or seed "blends." While the terms are often used interchangeably, turfgrass agronomists define a seed mix as including two or more turfgrass species, and a blend as containing two or more cultivars of a single turfgrass species. For example, a bag containing the seed of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) would be a mix. A (6 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

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bag containing the seed of the turf-type tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) cultivars 'Justice' and 'Avenger' would be a blend. The debate regarding mixes versus blends continues in turf circles; however, the opinions of university turfgrass agronomists are generally swinging in the direction of blends over mixes. This is based on a very real dilemma in that cool-season turfgrass species tend to not get along over time. In other words, because the three dominant cool-season turf species each have different characteristics, they tend to separate over time within the turfgrass stand. This is called turfgrass segregation, and it can result from inherent differences in germination times and growth characteristics, or from differences in response to pest, disease, and environmental conditions. Kentucky bluegrass and turf-type tall fescue provide a good example. Kentucky bluegrass seed takes longer to germinate (21-27 days) than tall fescue seed (7-14 days). In a mix, tall fescue germinates first, and while the plants can be a bit wimpy the first year, once established, the tall fescue plants become very competitive. Since tall fescue is a bunch grass with the plants becoming larger through the production of lateral stems (tillers), the individual plants keep getting bigger. As a result, the lighter green tall fescue plants appear like "bomb blasts" erupting from the finer-leaved, blue-green bluegrass. Adding insult to injury, turf-type tall fescue tends to green-up in the spring faster than improved K-bluegrass, and the bluegrass tends to produce very evident seed-heads. Natural turfgrass species segregation is another reason turf managers should use the same species when over-seeding an existing lawn. Otherwise, the same problem with the species not getting along will eventually arise to produce a patch-work lawn. Bottom-line: to produce lawns that will have a consistent uniform look over the long-haul, use a blend of two or more cultivars of one species. Regarding considerations in selecting species and cultivars, that's for next week's "SEED SELECTION PART II."

BROWN PATCH IS CIRCLING Pam Bennett reported that brown patch is beginning to appear on turfgrass in southwest Ohio. The disease is caused by the fungus, Rhizoctonia solani, and symptoms can develop rapidly during long periods of hot, wet, and humid conditions. Indeed, under "ideal" conditions for disease development, large blighted areas can occur within 24-48 hrs. Turfgrass usually recovers from light attacks in 2-3 weeks with cooler temperatures and/or dry conditions. However, if environmental conditions continue to favor disease development, brown patch can kill turfgrass plants. Symptoms of brown patch vary greatly depending upon turf species, mowing height, soil type, and environmental conditions. In high-cut turfgrass, affected areas may appear as irregular areas of generally thinning turfgrass, or as distinct large 2-3' diameter circles of off-colored to yellowing turf. In low-cut turfgrass, the circles of off-colored grass are usually more distinctive. Also, the circles may be bounded by a thin ring dark gray to purplish grass in the earlymorning hours. However, this so-called "smoke ring" quickly disappears with daytime heating. Leaf lesions are irregularly-shaped and not distinctive, as opposed to dollar spot lesions that generally have a lighter tan color and expand across the width of the leaf blade in an hourglass shape. White mycelium growth in the turfgrass canopy may be encountered during periods of high relative humidity and may be confused with mycelium of dollar spot or pythium. (7 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

BYGL-August 09, 2007

As with all fungal plant diseases, the best way to manage brown patch is to avoid the problem altogether through plant selection (genetics) and the adoption of cultural practices that are less favorable to disease development. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer applications should be avoided, especially in warm and wet weather. Foliage should be kept dry and excessively wet soil avoided to reduce disease pressure. If possible, turfgrass should be watered in the morning rather than late in the day. Light penetration and air circulation should be increased by maintaining a consistent mowing schedule. All cool season turfgrass species are susceptible to brown patch; however, Kentucky bluegrass is generally less susceptible than ryegrasses or tall fescues. Moderately resistant cultivars of perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and tall fescue are available. Most creeping bentgrass cultivars are susceptible to brown patch, and velvet bentgrass is very susceptible to the disease. Check the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program for more information on cultivar tolerance to brown patch at the following web address: . Preventive fungicides are commonly applied to bentgrass fairways, greens, and tees when environmental conditions favor brown patch development. The first application should be made when the night air temperatures do not fall below 67F, and when wet conditions prevail. There are many effective fungicides labeled for managing brown patch including: chlorothalonil (e.g. Daconil Ultrex); iprodione (e.g. Chipco 26019 or 26GT); vinclozolin (e.g. Touche, Curalan, Vorlan, etc.); azoxystrobin (e.g. Heritage); flutolanil (e.g. ProStar); mancozeb (e.g. Fore); trifloxystrobin (e.g. Compass); pyraclostrobin (e.g. Insignia); and polyoxin D zinc salt (e.g. Endorse). Read the label for additional information for proper use of the product. Fungicides integrated with other management practices will maximize their effectiveness.

INDUSTRY INSIGHT A PERFECT MITE-STORM BYGLers reported that localized TWO-SPOTTED SPIDER MITE (TSSM) (Tetranychus urticae) populations have exploded in many areas of Ohio. As with all warm-season mites, TSSM flourishes during the warm summer months, and their populations can erupt into outbreaks during droughts. Recent high heat coupled with droughty conditions has combined to produce the perfect mite storm in many areas of the state. Landscape and nursery managers in some areas of the state are reporting damage to a degree they have not seen for years. Mites that feed on plants use their fang-like mouthparts (chelicerae) to stab plant cells. The mites then feed on the cell contents that spew forth. Their feeding activity at first produces small, distinct, yellowish spots (stippling). Numerous spots often coalesce causing leaves to turn yellow, then brown, mimicking symptoms caused by moisture stress. However, the stippling may not be evident on some host plants. Joe Boggs reported that damage on Knock-Out roses actually mimics a nutrient deficiency. As their name implies, TSSM is also capable of producing silk, and the leaves of heavily infested plants often become encased in heavy, unsightly webbing. (8 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

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TSSM presents several management challenges. First, they have a broad host range which includes annuals, herbaceous perennials, woody ornamentals, and even field crops such as soybeans. One of the most notorious woody hosts is winged euonymus the mites can put the "burn" in burning bush! TSSM landscape and nursery management programs need to be broad-based to prevent damage to multiple hosts, and to prevent the multiple hosts from serving as mite reservoirs for one another. The second challenge with managing TSSM focuses on pesticides. While a number of pyrethroid insecticides are labeled for mite control, they are great insecticides, but very poor miticides. Dave Shetlar noted that pyrethroids are capable of killing mites; however, they also kill predators that help keep TSSM in check. Consequently, shortly after a pyrethroid application, TSSM populations tend to flare into outbreak numbers. Some entomologists even refer to this phenomenon as "pyrethroid flare," and it has been used to induce large TSSM populations for research purposes. The collateral effects of other pesticides can also induce high TSSM populations. Carbaryl (e.g. Sevin) does not kill TSSM; however, it does kill mite predators and it induces elevated egg laying in TSSM! Finally, timing is everything. It is too late to reverse the TSSM damage that has already been done. Effective applications should have been made about a month ago. However, it is not too late to reduce populations for next season. The cooler nighttime temperatures that typically occur around late August to early September in much of Ohio will cause TSSM females to crawl into the duff beneath infested plants to spend the winter. Miticide applications made now will reduce the number of females that will arise next season. Dave recommended that professionals use a true miticide such as spiromesifen (e.g. Judo), or abamectin (e.g. Avid). Abamection is even more effective if mixed with a 2% solution of horticultural oil. Horticultural oil alone or insecticidal soaps are also effective. However, since oils and soaps lack any residual activity, applications must be thorough and frequent.

FLEA BEETLES HOPPENING IN NURSERIES Erik Draper reported receiving a call from a nursery grower wondering what to do about little black beetles hopping all over the place. The aptly named hopping beetles were FLEA BEETLES (Phyllotreta spp.), and it appears they relish the foliage of weigela, itea, shrub dogwoods, and spirea. Flea beetles are small leaf beetles and are appropriately named for their habit of jumping like fleas when they are disturbed. There are about 4000 species of the flea beetles worldwide and although numerous, flea beetle species are fairly host specific in their feeding habits. The major damage is caused by the adult flea beetles feeding on the foliage of plants. This feeding damage appears as tiny round, shot-holes in the foliage. While flea beetle biology is not completely understood, we do know that they overwinter as adults in the soil in protected areas. The beetles begin to emerge in the spring to feed on plants and weeds as soon as daytime temperatures consistently reach 40F. Depending on weather conditions, there are 1-4 generations per year, with adult beetles being able to feed for periods of up to 2 months. The eggs for the next generation are laid by the adults on the soil around plants and the larvae feed on host plant roots. With an exception for flea beetles which feed on potatoes, typically this root feeding causes little injury to the plant. (9 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

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Controls include carbaryl, spinosad, bifenthrin and permethrin, all which can provide fairly good control for about a week. Horticultural oils and some neem insecticides also may have some repellent effect on this insect.

PERENNIAL PLANT DIAGNOSTIC WORKSHOP The Perennial Plant Association for their 25th anniversary sponsored a plant diagnostic workshop taught by Ohio State University instructors Dennis Lewandowski, Joe Boggs, Jim Chatfield and Erik Draper. WOW, with a lineup like that it just wasn't the plants with problems! There were over 60 perennial plants with various plant maladies for participants to see, experience, study out and try to identify. With Dennis' expertise being plant viruses, participants had the opportunity to see the expression of symptoms of various viruses on hostas and other plants. From necrotic ringspots to hosta virus X to mosaic's, and then throw in the leaves of a Japanese anemone showing angular necrotic lesions due to foliar nematodes and it was a fabulous day of diagnostics. There was powdery mildew creating all of its glorious lesions, colors and forms on various plants. Throw in coneflower eriophyid mites, Japanese beetle damage to perennial hibiscus buds, hollyhock sawfly damage, columbine leafminer mines, two-spotted spider mites and overwatering causing crown rot on ornamental sedge. A walk provided opportunities to participants to apply the 20 questions of plant diagnostics that they learned in the morning's presentation. For plant diagnostiods, it was the only way to spend a hot, humid day, checking out plant pestilences and debating the best way to correct the problems!

HELP FIGHT EAB! The need continues for dollars to support EAB research. Make a contribution to the American Nursery and Landscape Association, Horticultural Research Institute's special EAB Project fund. Contributions are tax deductible. Send your contribution to: The EAB Project c/o Horticultural Research Institute 1000 Vermont Ave, NW, Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20005

COMING ATTRACTIONS (10 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

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BYGLIVE! IN CINCINNATI The 5th 2006 BYGLive! Diagnostic Walk-About in Cincinnati will be held on Monday, August 13, at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, 3400 Vine St., Cincinnati, 45220 [entrance off Dury Ave] Participants will walk-about from 12:00 - 3:00 pm. with our hosts Steve Foltz (Director of Horticulture), Brian Jorg (Horticulture Manager), and others looking at plants, plant pests and diseases, animals (e.g. Joe Boggs), and other points of considerable interest. Don't miss this hands-on training for Green Industry professionals. Two points of particular interest will be a discussion on detecting Emerald Ash Borer, and viewing the annual plants trial and demonstration gardens jointly sponsored by OSU Extension, Hamilton County, the Cincinnati Flower Growers Association, and the Zoo. For more information on the Walk-About, contact Joe Boggs at: 513-946-8993.

40th ANNUAL NURSERY GROWERS OF LAKE COUNTY OHIO (NGLCO) FIELD DAY 40th ANNUAL NURSERY GROWERS OF LAKE COUNTY OHIO (NGLCO) FIELD DAY is August 14, 2007. The NGLCO Field Day will be held at Holden Arboretum in Kirtland Ohio. The program this year will feature garden tours of the 3,500 acre Holden Arboretum, including a garden railroad which is a new feature for at the Arboretum. Information on the time and location for the Field Day are posted on the following website http:// . Master Gardeners and students will receive a special price. For further information call 440-241-7969.

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY (MSU) EXTENSION TO HOST EAB FIELD DAY, AUGUST 16TH Consider heading north for a hands-on seminar illustrating ways insecticides are being used in the battle of the emerald ash borer (EAB). Participants will walk the BayPointe Golf Club, a MSU field research site in West Bloomfield, Michigan, to see test results of soil drench treatments after 4 years. The group will be able to compare treated trees of all sizes with untreated control trees. Other insecticide treatments will also be demonstrated. University specialists and tree care professionals will discuss what treatments and application methods are being used in SE Michigan and ways that these practices can be applied in other areas. The registration fee is $30.00 and is limited to 200 hundred people. Additional program information and registration materials are available online at (11 of 12)2/28/2008 7:07:57 AM

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GREEN INDUSTRY FALL GET TOGETHER The Associated Green Industries Fall Get Together will be a perennial affair this year. On August 30, 2007 the dinner, tours and presentations will be held at Art Form Nurseries, 16656 Chillicothe Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH. Tours begin at 4:00, with dinner and speakers at 6:00. Topics for the evening include "Identification of Tree Issues" and "New and Valuable Perennials in the Landscape." Registration required by August 17. Go to for registration flyer or call 440-350-2582.

BYGLOSOPHY "Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Where trade names are used, no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Ohio State University Extension is implied.  Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions. Ohio State University Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or veteran status.  This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA. Keith L. Smith, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Director, Ohio State University Extension, TDD No. 800-589-8292 (Ohio only) or 614-292-1868

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