Annual Report: 2007
Walter Timothy Rhodus Horticulture & Crop Science The Ohio State University Columbus, OH
I. Introduction Education Doctoral Degree 1985 Ohio State University Agricultural Economics Master's Degree 1982 Ohio State University Agricultural Economics Bachelor's Degree 1975 Bowling Green State University Business Administration - Beta Gamma Sigma
Professional Experience 2004 – Present: Editor, Digital Information Resources - American Society for Horticultural Science, Alexandria, VA 1999 - Present: Professor, Dept. of Horticulture & Crop Science, The Ohio State University 1991 - 1999: Associate Professor, Dept's. of Horticulture and Agricultural Economics, The Ohio State University 1985 - 1991: Assistant Professor, Dept's. of Horticulture and Agricultural Economics, The Ohio State University
Position Description Primary extension activities involve the development of numerous on-line sources of horticultural information for consumers, producers, retailers, and educators. Developed around the protocols of the World Wide Web, users of the Internet can obtain up-to-date information and utilize problem solving tools for real-time assistance. Educational efforts are also aimed at improving the computer/electronic communication skills of clients in Ohio and thereby increasing their effectiveness in utilizing the Internet as a problem solving resource and educational medium. Teaching responsibilities include the applied management course, "Computers in Horticultural Management." Extension activities are related to developing applied management programs for Ohio's horticultural producers and retailers. Advises undergraduate students majoring Landscape Horticulture. Departmental service activities include Departmental website administrator. University service activities include: member of Web Policy Advisory Committee, Research Technology Advisory Committee, Office of CIO Coordinating Council, PlanIT advisory Committee, OSU Knowledge Bank Advisory Committee, and Wireless Instructional Strategies Committee. Professional Society service activities include: Editor of Digital Information Resources and overall planner and designer for the American Society of Horticulture Science's electronic communication programs. All Web-development projects involve the joint collaboration of Tim Rhodus, Bud Witney (Systems Manager), Elaine Eberlin (Systems Specialist), and Victor Van Buchem (Communications Coordinator).
II. Evaluation
III. Core 1. Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Courses Taught Since Date of Hire or Past Five Years Qtr / Year Wi / 07
Wi / 07
Course Number, Title, and Number of Credit Hrs.
Percent of Enrollment Course Taught
H&CS560 Computers in Horticulture Management 4 Cr. Hrs.
HCS150D Introduction to Horticulture 4 Cr. Hrs.
Explanation (If not 100%)
a. Graduate Student Programs Current
Doctoral Students (dissertation adviser).
Masters Students Plan A (thesis adviser).
Masters Students Plan B (adviser).
Doctoral Students (dissertation committee member). Doctoral Students (general examination committee chair). Doctoral Students (general examination committee member). Masters Students (thesis committee chair). Masters Students (examination committee chair). Doctoral Students (dissertation adviser) Current: None Completed None
2. Involvement in Graduate / Professional Exams, Theses, and Dissertations
Formal Course Evaluations Students Other
Master's Student Plan A (thesis adviser) Current None Completed None Master's Student Plan B (adviser) Current None Completed None Doctoral Students (dissertation committee member) Doctoral Students (general examination committee chair) Doctoral Students (general Exam Committee Member) None Master's Students (Thesis and Examination Committee Member) None b. Noteworthy Accomplishments of Graduate Advisees c. Senior Honors Current None Completed None d. Visiting Scientists Advised None e. Postdoctoral Fellows Advised None
3. Extension and Continuing Education Instruction None
4. Curriculum Development Since Date of Hire or Last Promotion H&CS560 Computers in Horticulture Management For 2007, HCS560 was updated with new Joomla templates. A new class blog and image database was installed. Student assignments were modified to focus on the latest developments in Web2.0 sites. Students evaluated award-winning sites and prepared written and audio reviews. They also delivered presentations to the class that were captured as enhanced podcasts and published to Apple iTunes Music Store. Team projects involved the development of seven different virtual clubs using several server applications including: Joomla, WordPress and Gallery. HCS150D Introduction to Horticulture Development work for this course was done in 2006. Editing of all pages with reference to dates - calendar, quizzes, assignments, indexes. Changed from use of Dropbox for assignments to the Quiz tool. FAQs reviewed and edited. Review of all module links. A new assignment was developed for the Lawns module. Developed 135 new quiz questions for exclusive use on the course final exam.
Cleveland Botanical Garden training program (Year 2) - Converted five modules from HCS 150d into a special course in Carmen for use in joint project with CBG beginning WI07. Module 5 decreased to Herbaceous Ornamentals, Herbs, and Woody Ornamentals. Included development of a question database for quizzing, quizzes, calendar, assignments, resources, discussions, and FAQ. Review all hyperlinks in each module. Developed 78 new quiz questions for exclusive use on the course final exam. Ohio State Golf Course Management Certificate course - Finalized Carmen system and tools, editing, and FAQs. Developed 20 questions for first quiz about using Carmen; those questions were edited and reused for Sports Turf and HCS150. Developed the student contact database and handled secure payment via ASHS shopping cart. As of 12/31/07, a total of 4 students had enrolled in the course. Each student paid $518 for the course. Receipts for 2007 were $2072. Ohio State Sports Turf Management Certificate course - Finalized Carmen course management system and tools for Certificate #1. 14 podcast episodes ranging from 12-18 minutes were produced from video recordings. The video was reviewed and edited, the presentation files were reviewed and seriously edited. Registration, electronic payment, and student management systems were setup like Golf Course Management. Certificate #2 involved all the same activities for 11 podcast lectures, Certificate #3 involves 12 lectures, and Certificate #5 involves 7 podcast lectures. Certificate #4 will be processed in 2008. As of 12/31/07, a total of 11 students had enrolled in the program wishing to complete 19 total modules. Each module costs $125. Receipts for 2007 were $2375. Team Project
5. Approach to and Goals in Teaching, Major Accomplishments and Plans for the Future in Teaching
6. Evaluation of Teaching Since Date of Hire or Last Five Years a. Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) Forms. None Rating scale: 1 (Strongly Disagree) - 5 (Strongly Agree) b. Extension Teaching Evaluations (EEET). c. Teaching Evaluation Committee. d. Student and Grower Comments.
7. Awards and Formal Recognition for Teaching None
8. Academic Advising 9. Adviser to Student Groups and Organizations 10. Student Affairs Committees, Task Forces and Other Student Services
11. Student Services Awards or Formal Recognition
12. Chronological List of Books, Articles, and Other Published Papers. a. Non-Edited Books and Monographs None b. Edited Books None c. Chapters in Edited Books None d. Bulletins and Technical Reports None e. Peer-reviewed Journal Articles None f. Editor-reviewed Journal Articles None g. Reviews and Abstracts None h. Papers in proceedings None i. Unpublished scholarly presentations • • • • •
Rhodus, W. T. 2007. Podcasting Workshop for Faculty & TA Development. Ohio State University. Rhodus, W. T. 2007. Implications of Podcasting for College Teaching. Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. Rhodus, W. T. 2007. Advanced Podcast Training for OhioNet Libraries. Columbus, Ohio. Rhodus, W. T. 2007. Social Networking: Implications for Teaching and Learning. OSU Price Chair Learning Symposium. Columbus, Ohio. Rhodus, W. T. 2007. Systems Thinking Leads to New Possibilities. Dept. of Horticulture, University of Arkansas.
j. Potential publications in review process
13. Chronological List of Creative Works. a. Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Articles None b. Computer Programs None c. Interactive Videos Gardner, D. S., Danneberger, T. K., and Rhodus, W. T. 2007. Foliar Fertilization Concepts. Buckeye Turf Podcasts. Gardner, D. S., Danneberger, T. K., and Rhodus, W. T. 2007. Turfgrass Fertility. Buckeye Turf Podcasts. Gardner, D. S., Danneberger, T. K., and Rhodus, W. T. 2007. Efficiency of Foliar Fertilization. Buckeye Turf Podcasts. d. Juried Shows None e. Patents None f. Variety Releases None g. Videos Rhodus, W. T. 2007.
Enhanced Podcast Production and Delivery • Custom Podcast Delivery System - Designed a comprehensive database and full-screen playback system for delivering 403 podcasts covering a wide range of topics and/or events: ABE Center Podcasts, Apple Roadshows, ASHS 2006 Annual Conference, Buckeye Turf Podcasts, Buckeye Turf Podcasts - Chinese, Buckeye Turf Podcasts - Polish, Buckeye Turf Podcasts - Portuguese, Buckeye Turf Podcasts - Research, Buckeye Turf Podcasts - Spanish, Buckeye Turf Podcasts - Czech, Emerging Technology Forum Renewable Polymers for Innovation, Extension Reloaded, Heritage Garden, North American Strawberry Symposium, Ohio BioProducts Innovation Center, OHIONET, OHIONET Training - Advanced Podcasting, OSU Virtual560 - Final Presentation, OSU Virtual560 - Students on Web 2.0, Symposium on Intellectual Property rights for Clonally Propagated Plants - ASHS Annual Conference 2006 • HortTalks - Expanded the number of horticulture presentations. Produced 98 enhanced podcasts of presentations made at the 2007 American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ. Available on iTunes. • HortEducator Videos - Maintain database of 16 HortEducator interviews for ASHS. All interviews available as audio only, small video or large video format. • North American Strawberry Symposium - Invited to attend the 2007 North America Strawberry Symposium in Ventura, California (February, 2007) to record 37 presentations by speakers from around the world and across the US. Al presentations are available in the HortTalks collections of academic presentations on the website. • Buckeye Turf Podcasts - Manage the collection of 170 podcasts prepared by OSU Turf program. Topics are presented in English, Chinese, Czech, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish on topics related to: abiotic stress, Case Studies, Cultural Practices, Disease, Insect, On The Road, Research Reports, Turfgrasses, and Weeds.
Team project h. Web Pages Rhodus, W. T. 2007.
Academic Program Support HCS Website • • • •
Search Engine HCS - Built custom search engine to replace OSU Search which does not filter our websites correctly. One search can scan all departmental websites regardless of domain name now instead of only one. LogFiles - Processed Server log files for Servers with Analog software. Upgraded and Maintained AWSTATS log analyzer cgi. Maintained online Link Checker - Maintained online link checker to validate links listed on our resources page. Search Optimization - Worked on sitemap to increase search engine ranking and access to website content. Also began working on new standardized sitemap.xml format. Google and Yahoo both use this format in there search engines. Built and monitored signup system for Certificate Courses. Also integrated with mail list serve to send the emails to groups assign to the class being signed up for. Maintain and edit HCS Horticultural Glossary Wiki
PlantFacts • • •
Developed updated list of sites to include in Academic Search Engine config files and Extension Communications Search Engine config files. Reviewed PlantFacts Glossary wiki. Also reviewed Turf and Sportsturf categories for images that were not provided by OSU. This is a resource for Ohio State Golf Course Mgt and Sports Turf Management. Provided turf faculty with a listing of Glossary terms still needing images. Daily Garden Tips - Major edit; finished updates started last year - completed 97 days (March 26 June 30); checked all links; made sure there were at least 2 Additional Websites for each
Virtual560 •
Installed new class blog, image database, and Joomla-managed website for their Virtual Clubs. Team project. Rhodus, W. T. 2007.
ASHS Communications Coordinating Agreement •
• • •
Complete website conversion to Joomla CMS; team effort requiring three months of continuous editing; previous database layouts were revised for new design, new database system was designed for managing the HortOpportunities position announcements and web delivery of RSS Newsfeed for open positions. Communigate maillist server -Updated to latest Version 5.12 Converted Conference ESHOW exports to FileMaker Shopping Cart Upgrades - Upgraded ASHS cart to latest version. And Moved to new server at
• • • • • •
• •
Membership System - Upgraded old member system into new FileMaker Server Application. Works a lot better and faster now. Old system was crashing a lot. Could not handle large web requests Awards Database - Worked on Awards database System that can manage different kinds of award nomination submittals. Members Only - created a custom login function to use current people system as a custom login database. Maintain ASHS voting system - Reset ballets for voting system Used Drupal to Create a bylaws handbook for ASHS - Used Drupal book feature to create an online bylaws website for ASHS. This keeps track of revision history and neatly keeps track of all sections. Security - Installed and monitored Intrusion detection apps like "Tripwire" Used Tripwire to fingerprint server. This security program enables us to find any files that have been tampered with. Security Installed more security tools to deal with constant attacks on server. Added "Swatch" scripts to add violators to a Deny access list in firewall HortTalks recordings at Annual Conference – Attended 80 professional presentations, captured presentation on video, converted each presentation file from PowerPoint to Keynote, edited animations and build sequences, resynched audio and presentation slides resulting in 100 new episodes, fully cataloged each episode in the HortTalks database with speakers’ names, other authors, affiliation, session title, and technical abstract. Worked on this for two months. Designed a podcast management database to handle the entire collection of enhanced podcasts being served. This database and accompanying scripts are used to catalog all podcasts. Developed complete process for publishing press releases from recent journal publications. Process begins with selecting articles, contacting authors with a structured survey, posting original articles abstract and full document, along with the author comments on Google Docs (collaborative writing system) to facilitate press release authoring/editing by a contract writer, ASHS Exec. Editor, and myself; final step is to post the release on and ASHS blog for press releases. Team project. Rhodus, W. T. 2007.
Extension Support BYGL
BYLG Maintenance, Custom image uploading, editing, captioning, and publishing functions. Setup BYGL for 2007 year. Archived previous years newsletters to html format. Also updated search engine to index. Created a sitemap to allow better search engine access.
Ohio Master Gardener Volunteers Program
Converted Maser Gardener Volunteers website to Joomla CMS. Updated the Volunteers system layouts to match rest of new website. Update project Information for a few of the counties still using MG System projects tracker. Updated Code that supports MG hours recording system - With the upgrade to new Web Server had to upgrade some of the lasso code for the Hours tracking. Upgraded WebCalendar server application used by MGV program. Team was contacted again to offer calendaring function. Had to upgrade version to latest release when we turned it back on.
Team project.
Security Upgrades
Installed and monitored Intrusion detection apps like "Tripwire." This is used to fingerprint the server and enable us to find any files that have been tampered with. Installed more security tools to deal with constant attacks on server. Installed and maintained "Swatch" scripts to add violators to a Deny access list in firewall Repair web server HCS raid failure Oct - Had to completely rebuild server after RAID Disk failure on XSERVE Late December Web server fix and upgrade - Updated Xserve to Leopard after botnet attack completely rebuilt server and debugged latest OS problems
Team project.
Maintain, Evaluate, Upgrade Communications Technologies
CMS - Evaluated different Content Management Systems. Installed and tested systems like Plone, Mambo, Drupal, Joomla. FileMaker Server 9 Upgrade -Moved many Databases to new FileMaker 9 Server. Required so redesigning of databases. Databases that required many files to function are now saved in one file. Reformatted and installed Fedora Linux, then installed Nutch 8 for PlantsFacts web searching. Also update to latest 9 version and had to rebuild tomcat after OS install. Student Portfolios - Setup G5 for evaluation of Open Source Student Portfolio System. Installed Tomcat Application Server and Mysql Database Server, and Development version of Lasso. Designed a podcast management database to handle the entire collection of enhanced podcasts being served for all programs. This database and accompanying scripts are used to catalog all podcasts and automatically present each podcast as a full-screen presentation. Gallery - Upgraded Gallery software program on server. Continued evaluating Version 2.0 MediaWiki - Upgraded MediaWiki software program on server WordPress - Upgraded WordPress software program on server. WebCalendar - Upgraded WebCalendar software multiple times for improvements and security issues.
.Team Project. i. Curriculum Development Rhodus, W. T. 2007. Cleveland Botanical Garden training program (Year 2) - Converted five modules from HCS 150d into a special course in Carmen for use in joint project with CBG beginning WI07. Module 5 decreased to Herbaceous Ornamentals, Herbs, and Woody Ornamentals. Included development of a question database for quizzing, quizzes, calendar, assignments, resources, discussions, and FAQ. Review all hyperlinks in each module. Developed 78 new quiz questions for exclusive use on the course final exam. Ohio State Golf Course Management Certificate course - Finalized Carmen system and tools, editing, and FAQs. Developed 20 questions for first quiz about using Carmen; those questions were edited and reused for Sports Turf and HCS150. Developed the student contact database and handled secure payment via
ASHS shopping cart. As of 12/31/07, a total of 4 students had enrolled in the course. Each student paid $518 for the course. Receipts for 2007 were $2072. Ohio State Sports Turf Management Certificate course - Finalized Carmen course management system and tools for Certificate #1. 14 podcast episodes ranging from 12-18 minutes were produced from video recordings. The video was reviewed and edited, the presentation files were reviewed and seriously edited. Registration, electronic payment, and student management systems were setup like Golf Course Management. Certificate #2 involved all the same activities for 11 podcast lectures, Certificate #3 involves 12 lectures, and Certificate #5 involves 7 podcast lectures. Certificate #4 will be processed in 2008. As of 12/31/07, a total of 11 students had enrolled in the program wishing to complete 19 total modules. Each module costs $125. Receipts for 2007 were $2375. Team Project j. Lay or Popular Publications Rhodus, W. T., Van Buchem, V. P., and Witney IV, E. G. 2007. Web 2.0: Building Online Communities Using Social Networking Technologies. The Buckeye. Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association. k. Mass Media Rhodus, W. T., and Van Buchem, V. P. 2007. HCS News stories •
36 for 2007. 454 stories between March 1, 2002 and Sept. 27, 2007.
HCS Podcasts •
5 for 2007. 72 podcasts between Nov. 2, 2005 and March 19, 2007.
. Project leader - 10% l. On Farm Testing None m. Other None n. Project Reports None o. Satellite Programs Developed None
14. Focus of Research, Major Accomplishments, and Plans for the Future 15. Quality Indicators of Research
16. Research Funding Total Grant and Gift Support Total Received
Total Available
As Principal Investigator As Co-Investigator Gift Support Total
$115,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $121,000.00
$96,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97,250.00
a. Principal Investigator Rhodus, W. T., Eberlin, E. M. "Developing Applied Applications in Image Processing" OSU Office of Academic Affairs $16,500 1999-2008 (Grant) Rhodus, W. T., Chatfield, J. A., Pope, J. A., Malinich, T. J. "Increasing Public Horticulture Volunteerism and Horticulture Education Through Technology-Enhanced Learning" OSU Office of Continuing Education $28,000 2006-2007 (Grant) Rhodus, W. T., Witney IV, E. G. "Design and Host OSUE Master Gardener Volunteer website" OSUE Master Gardener Program $5,000 2007-2007 (Grant) Rhodus, W. T., Witney IV, E. G. "Design and Host Ohio BioProducts Innovation Center website - Phase 2" Ohio BioProducts Innovation Center $16,000 2006-2008 (Grant) Rhodus, W. T., Witney IV, E. G. "ASHS Online Communication Strategies: Design and Delivery" American Society for Horticultural Science $50,000 2007-2007 (Grant) b. Co-Investigator None c. Research proposals submitted but not funded Rhodus, W. T., Van Buchem, V. P., Witney IV, E. G. "The OSU/OHIONET Symposium: Fostering Online Library Communities Through "Social Software" Technolgy" Battelle Endowment for Technology & Human Affairs $0 2007-2008 (Grant) d. Funded Training Grants - Principal Investigator None e. Training Grant Proposals submitted but not funded None f. Other funding None
17. Prizes and Awards for Research, Scholarly or Creative Work None
18. Editorships or Service as a Reviewer for Journals and Other Learned Publications None
19. Offices Held and Other Services to Professional Societies Service to Professional Societies Chair of ASHS Computer Applications in Horticulture Working Group, 2001 - 2003 2007 ASHS Editor of Digital Information Resources - responsible for planning, organizing and implementing all information management systems of the American Society for Horticultural Science, including all electronic communication activities. 2004 - present 2007
Professional Society Memberships The American Society for Horticultural Science 1985 - present 2007 National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture 1987 - 2005 2007
20. Consultation Activity (Industry, Education, and Government)
21. Clinical Services
22. Other Professional / Public Services Service to Department/Unit member of Dept. Academic Affairs Committee, 2003 - 2006 2007 member of Dept. Space Committee, 2004 - 2007 2007 Chair of Recruitment Committee 9/2000 – 6/2001 2007 Service to College member of College Library Committee, 2001 - 2004. 2007 Service to University member of OIT Web Policy Advisory Committee, 1996 - present. 2007 member of OIT Research Technology Advisory Committee, 2001 - present. 2007 member of Technology Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR) Coordinating Council, 1997 present. 2007 member of Digital Union Steering Committee, Office of the Chief Information Officer, 2002 - 2007. 2007 member of OSU Knowledge Bank Planning Committe, 2002 - 2007. 2007 member of OIT Wireless Instructional Strategies Advisory Committee, 2003 - 2007. 2007 Graduate School Representative for Ph.D. Final Defense. Sept. 7, 2007 2007 None
23. Administrative Service None
24. Major Academic / Professional Awards and Commendations Appendix
Honors and Awards None Goals for Next Year Finish development of Sports Turf Certificate #4., 2008. Successfully complete ASHS Project Goals for 2008., 2008.
Accomplishments Successfully implement ASHS project priorities related to website design and maintenance, annual conference session recordings, online member services, office management strategies and Communications Coordinator activities. , 2007. Successfully implement stated objectives for CMPND website development Phase 2. , 2007. Successfully implement stated objectives for BioProducts website development Phase 2. , 2007. Successfully implement distance education course, "Sports Turf Management - Certificates 1,2,3,5" Generated funding for Certificates 2-4. , 2007.
Professional Development None International Activities None Partnerships None Stakeholder Input None
Workplace None