McCain Student Ambassadors 2010-2011 Committees
1. Mission and Governance (Vickie Brown – Chair) a. Gather information from other ambassador groups campus wide i. Mission statements ii. Bylaws or other governance statements iii. Flyers and other ambassador promotional pieces b. Begin drafting language and documents i. Goals ii. Mission Statement iii. Governance document 2. Engagement/Promotion (Samuel Brinton – Chair) a. Promote McCain Performance Series events i. Chalking ii. Speakers Bureau iii. Organize student representatives for booths at campus/community -wide events. Examples: 1. New Student Orientation 2. Purple Power Play on Poyntz 3. Family Day 4. Other b. Organize one activity or event that engages segment of K-State student population i. Example: Work with a “green” student group to organize an awareness project that culminates before The Aluminum Show (sculpture or costume contest with found metal objects, etc.) c. Organize Student Ambassadors to help with Friends of McCain functions (greeting guests, assisting Friends of McCain board members in setting up, tearing down, etc.) 3. Recruitment (Lindsay Bennett – Chair) a. Plan a recruiting party b. Plan and distribute a recruiting flyer c. Work with Speakers Bureau on a recruiting message d. Develop other strategies to recruit K-State and MHS students