TRIANGLE June 2017

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GOLF Today


Reigning Titles

Beechler Leads Pinecrest to Third Straight 4-A Crown Inside Rex Open Turns 30 • Shooting Your Age • Scotch Hall Preserve

June 2017


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Hardy has cooked up a pretty good golf game over the years Durham golfer in his 90s still going strong By Kurt Dusterberg Ray Hardy is living the good life. He’s retired, in good health and playing a lot of golf. On a good day, he breaks 80 at Umstead Pines Golf Club in Durham. Hardy plays with a group of regulars, so he never has trouble finding a fourth. They’re a good bunch, but he points out that all of them are much younger. When you’re 92, everyone else in the foursome is just a kid. Hardy’s story is a special one. He never had designs on playing professionally or building a career in the golf industry. For most of his life, he was a weekend golfer. But his love for the game has allowed him to play minor roles in the storied history of the game. He grew up in Ligonier, Pa., mowing grass with a push mower at Latrobe Country Club. The head pro was Deacon Palmer, whose son Arnie didn’t quite have Ray’s work ethic. “I was four years older than Arnie,” Hardy recalls. “I remember his dad used to tell him, “Arnie, I want you to do this or do that.’ Ten minutes later, Arnie would be out on the driving range hitting balls. That turned out to be a good thing.” Later, Hardy served in World War II as a quartermaster on a landing craft tank in the battle of Okinawa. Then it was on to college, where he met his future wife and had two boys. Early in his career, he managed a Winn-Dixie supermarket in Florida. Before long, he went into the wholesale produce business. He remarried, doubling the ranks of boys to raise with his second wife, Jill. Those were busy years. Hardy was a bogey golfer, lucky to squeeze in 18 holes once a week. As time passed and his produce business grew, Ray and Jill began spending their Octobers in Durham, where they had family. He retired in 1988 at 62, calling the Bull City home permanently. “When I got here, my game got together,” Hardy says. “I remember when I was a 7 handicap. That was in my late 60s and early 70s. It kept going up and up. Right now I’m a 14.” He built strong ties in the Durham golf community, first with Rod Myers, the longtime men’s golf coach at Duke University. The two became friends and Myers hired him to be a ranger and starter at Duke University Golf Club. That’s where he befriended Dan Brooks, the current Duke women’s golf coach more than 20 years ago. “When you look at Ray, you can’t believe he’s in his 90s,” Brooks says. “He has always had a very young spirit. And he moves like a younger man. Add to that his athleti4


cism and shooting well below his age is a normal thing for Ray.” In the early days of the women’s golf program, Hardy was Brooks’ right-hand man. Among his many unofficial duties was shuttling the team to-and-from the airport for tournaments. His volunteer efforts didn’t stop there. For 18 years, he served as a marshal at the 16th tee at the Masters Tournament. His run ended when his best friend ran over Hardy’s leg. That unfortunate incident was four years ago, in his late 80s. You might think getting run over by a car would slow him down. “No, I’m fine now,” he reports. For most golfers in their 90s, one of the few remaining milestones is to shoot one’s age. The trade off – gaining a stroke while losing a calendar year – is hardly a fair exchange with the passage of time. But Hardy’s game deserves more than a tip of the cap for posterity. He has no explanation for his rare combination of longevity and high-level golf, but he knows better than to sit back on the couch and feel satisfied. “I don’t know what the secret is, but I never sit down,” he says. “I do all the yard work, I do all the grocery shopping, I do all the cooking. Jill is very happy with that.” Many former Duke golfers would agree. “Ray’s a great cook,” Brooks confirms. “He and Jill used to put some wonderful meals together and invite the whole team over. This went on for many years.” So what are chef Ray’s best entrees? “Vodka penne, salmon,” Hardy

says. “I’ve spent a lot of time in kitchens. Jill will eat anything I cook and be very happy. She loves to clean up. When I get up from the table, I’m gone.” And usually that means back to Umstead Pines the next morning. Not much has changed about Hardy’s game during 30 years of retirement. He did make one concession to the game 20 years ago. He moved from the white tees to the senior tees. “When you get to be my age, your third shot on every hole is the important one,” he says, dispensing wisdom the rest of us can only hope to apply one day. “You don’t hit the ball as far off the tee. Half the time you don’t get on the green but you get close. After a couple years, I started to realize that. I couldn’t live without my 7-iron if I get within 10 yards of the green.” Hardy is a self-taught golfer. He took a lesson once when he was concerned that he had developed a fade. The pro told him not to worry about it, so he never went back. And really, why bother? We’re talking about a guy who shot a 70 at Augusta National Golf Club at age 75. The game has been good to Ray Hardy. He enjoys the fellowship of playing with men in their 60s and 70s. Until last year, he played Sunday golf with Jill, herself an 18 handicapper at her best. He has five holesin-one to his credit, the last one at age 87, a pitching wedge from 109 yards. As for shooting his age? Hardy won’t hear of it. There are too many really good rounds to be played, beginning tomorrow morning. “I told my wife, if I ever shoot my age, it will be the last time I ever play golf,” he jokes. “If I ever shoot 92, I’ll never play again. I’d be too embarrassed to come out on the golf course.”

Ray Hardy

JUNE 2017

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Main Office P.O. Box 11784, Winston-Salem, NC 27116 Phone: 336-924-1619

Volume 18 • No. 3

Publisher: Jay W. Allred, E-mail: Editor: David Droschak, E-mail:

Triangle Golf Today, published seven times a year, serves the Triangle region of North Carolina. While our information is gathered from dependable sources, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. We do not accept responsibility for the validity of our advertisers. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without written consent is prohibited. Triangle Golf Today and are trademarks owned by Piedmont Golf Today, Inc. © 2017.

NEXT ISSUE: June 28, 2017 On the Cover: Senior A.J. Beechler carded a pair of 68s on Pinehurst No. 6 to win the 4-A championship.



Scotch Hall Preserve:

Arnold Palmer course offers lasting memories


By DAVID DROSCHAK uch like the late Arnold Palmer did for so many years, Scotch Hall Preserve is extending a handshake to all golfers. Known as much for its bite as its beauty on bluffs overlooking the expansive Albemarle Sound, the management and ownership team at the Palmer signature design have undertaken a soft-



ening of one of North Carolina’s most scenic layouts, giving high handicappers, ladies, seniors and juniors a more playable experience. There are now 15 new tee boxes that offer golfers a choice of avoiding some forced carries. And large sections of tall fescue rough have been trimmed closer to the ground, so errant balls can now be found … and played again. “As developers and operators we have to recognize that golf isn’t a problem because of how much time it takes,”

said Michael Abbott, president of Beacon Land Development, the management group that was hired at Scotch Hall Preserve in 2015. “It’s really a value proposition on how you are enjoying your time. So, if we can solve the problem with how you get off the tee and if I can keep you in play we’re all going to enjoy golf better. “The problem today is that if all four of us go play after we hit our tee Continued on page 7

Scotch Hall from page 6

shots we may not see each other again until getting to the green,” Abbott added. “We try to deal with that in how we’ve reconstructed our tees and the way we’ve changed some of the landing areas. We’ve made golf easier here -- and I think golf is ready for a little bit easier instead of harder.” Scotch Hall Preserve, about a twohour drive from the Triangle, has undergone its fair share of initiatives over the last decade, trying to at first plant the developmental real estate seed for second or vacation homes, to now driving home an offer as North Carolina’s next, great golf destination. The latest management team may finally be on to something. There are now sunset cruises, jet ski and boat rentals, fishing adventures, tennis courts and a pool deck overlooking the Albemarle Sound – the second largest estuary in the United States – as part of the course’s expanding potential. “It used to be that real estate drove everything here. It drove all the decisions because it is a spectacular piece of land,” said Thomas Niederkofler, president of the ownership group Rial Corporation. “Everyone thought that ‘look people are going to want to move here because it is so spectacular and when there are enough people here then we’ll build out the operations.’ With Beacon we’ve taken the opposite approach, which is let’s get the operations dialed in and let’s make this a truly fantastic experience once you get here and then that will drive the real estate sales. We’ve kind of flipped around the approach.” And turning heads for those who have not experienced Scotch Hall Preserve within the last year. There are new accommodations along a fairway of the back nine, which is within walking distance of the restaurant, called The Shed, with its trendy interior armed with darts, drinks and daily specials. There are steak and seafood nights, fire pits and so much more.

“We’ve really made a commitment to have overnight accommodations,” Abbott said. “One of the things before was say you drove an hour-and-a-half to get here, where did you stay? Now we have 28 beds on property. A lot of folks who travel to play golf travel as groups of 8, 12 or 16, and now they have the ability to come here for a couple of days and play the golf course a couple of times and stay here overnight.” The Palmer signature course is one of a handful of courses you do want to sleep on it, and then get up and tackle it again. Very few layouts along the East Coast offer as much scenery and strategy as Scotch Hall Preserve. The 17th hole in particular, a par-3 along the Sound with a carry-over wetlands and a drive to the putting surface on a serpentine bridge, is among North Carolina’s most spectacular golfing scenes – with views from the tee box and green equally stunning. The price is right, too. Golf is $40 on weekdays and $50 weekends, including a cart. “I would agree that this is a $100plus golf course,” Abbott said. “But people want to be around people. So

we’ve priced it a way that encourages more people to come. There is so much competition out there and we’re all competing for almost the same thing. We believe if you come here once you are going to come back again -- not only because of the price but because of the experience. It’s getting you here first that counts.” Back to the golf course and the new tee initiative. Ownership and Beacon hired Beau Welling Design out of Greenville, S.C., to come in and look at every hole and figure out the best place to place the new tee boxes, designing the “forward tees” to measure between 4,300 and 4,500 yards instead of the previous 5,300. “It’s just more variety to pick from and more playability to pick from,” Abbott said. “Again, this is all about playability. We’re trying to make it to where everybody can play golf together. Distance has become a big deal and forced carries have become big deals and we’ve tried to eliminate that. A person who can’t get it out there that far now has a place to play from. For somebody who is a 10-15 handicap they benefit by the fact that we now mow some of the

outer areas down. The beauty is more in the views of the water instead of maybe some of the tall grasses you’ve seen out here. You’ll now be able to play the golf course with one ball instead of three. “Listen, the game has been screaming for it so we decided as a group that it was more important to groom the golf course in a way where it really played in optimal condition rather than have a golf course that played to optimal difficulty,” he added. “We took all the lions, tigers and bears away and said ‘Hey, go play.’ Because of the angles and the way this golf course sets up the lower handicappers will still get a premium challenge out here because it hasn’t affected the way they play the golf course.” Scotch Hall Preserve has also gotten some significant traction offering season passes -- $600 for 55-and-older for the year and $900 for anyone else, with renewals available at the end of your term. Attractively priced overnight packages are also driving Triangle area golf traffic to sleepy Merry Hill. “Coming to Scotch Hall for a weekend is more than just a golf weekend; it’s more like a destination weekend or a resort weekend,” said Laura Dorner, the course’s director of tournament and outside sales. “We give all of our guests who stay on property a pool pass so the family can go to the pool while the guys are out golfing. It’s a different atmosphere here now. Once people are on the property now they don’t want to leave.” “This is a great place to come,” added Abbott. “It’s peaceful, it’s on the water, it has everything you would want to have – and it’s accessible. So, we have kind of changed the entry point to introduce you to Scotch Hall, and in that reset we’ve seen people building houses again, and people are playing here and people are eating here. You see people around here all day and that’s made it more of a community, and it continues to grow. “It’s fun out here. Arnie would approve … and offer a handshake to all who choose to tee it up.



Rex Hospital Open turns 30 in style


By BRAD KING ince 1990, the main highway to the PGA Tour has undergone more name changes than a Hollywood starlet. As tour sponsors for professional golf’s feeding ground have come and gone, what debuted as the Ben Hogan Tour quickly became the Nike Tour, then the Tour, then the Nationwide Tour and for the past five years, the Tour. Through all the transitions, however, one thing has remained constant —Raleigh’s Rex Hospital Open, which in early June celebrates its 30th anniversary. More than 150 professional golfers from around the world will compete for their PGA Tour cards at TPC Wakefield from June 1-4. The top 25 on the final Tour money list earn playing rights on the PGA Tour for following year. “In my 10-plus years in golf I have seen many different events across all the tours and the Rex Hospital Open sits at the top,” said tournament director Brian Krusoe. “This tournament is run like a PGA TOUR event and has unbelievable support from the community.” Three decades ago, then Rex Hospital Trustee Greg Poole Jr. traveled to Kentucky to play in an LPGA ProAm benefit tournament. Poole figured that a similar event could help raise money for Rex and the health care services it offered the community. Poole talked to his sisterin-law Dianne Dailey, who was then on the LPGA circuit. She took her case to the LPGA, Poole talked to his fellow Rex Hospital Trustees — and the Rex Classic was born. From 1988 until 2004, the one-day Rex Classic LPGA Pro-Am was held at North Ridge Country Club. Then, following 17 years with the LPGA, Rex Hospital took the event in a new direction and signed an agreement with the PGA Tour to host a Nationwide Tour event called The Rex Hospital Open at TPC Wakefield Plantation in North Raleigh. Last year, UNC Rex Healthcare announced that TPC Wakefield Plantation would continue to host the Rex Hospital Open for another five years. Poole’s vision of a successful fund-raiser for REX has certainly borne fruit. In its first 29 years the event has raised more than $9 million. The tournament’s charitable efforts, coupled with its family and fan-friendly environment, attract thousands of golf fans each spring.

Funds have been used for hospital projects and programs such as Cancer Awareness Programs, Cancer and Heart Disease Education and Detection Programs, a Cardiac Catheterization unit, the Rex Wellness Center, the Rex Women’s Center, funding of the Rex Mobile Mammography unit, a state of the art ambulance transport unit, Patient Assistance Programs and the brand new Heart & Vascular Hospital on the main UNC Rex Campus. Last year, former University of Alabama golfer Trey Mullinax captured the Rex Hospital Open with a final score of 14-under. Mullinax’s come-from-behind victory represented his first win on the tour and his

third top-10 finish. The tournament purse of $117,000 catapulted Mullinax from 33rd to fourth on the money list, and he eventually finished 18th for the year, earning his PGA Tour card. “Out here (on the Tour) every dollar counts,” Mullinax said. “You don’t know if you’re gonna make your card by a $100 or $5, or $1,000. I just told myself just keep grinding, keep staying in the moment, and stick to everything, and I got hot on the back nine.” This year’s Rex Hospital Open field includes 20 former PGA Tour winners with a combined 30 PGA Tour victories, 21 of the top 25 on the current money list and 17 foreign tour winners. Players with local ties scheduled to play include Raleigh-area natives Bo Andrews, Carter Jenkins and Ben Kohles, along with Albin Choi, an N.C. State alumnus who lives in Raleigh, and former Duke golfers Adam Long and Wes Roach. In addition, three former Rex Hospital Open champions are expected to play, including Chesson Hadley — another Raleigh native and the 2013 tournament winner who was born at UNC Rex Hospital, and his wife had both their kids there — along with 2014 winner Byron Smith and Kyle Thompson, the only three-time Rex Hospital Open champion (2007, 2011 and 2015). From handing out five PGA Tour cards in its inaugural season to 50 in 2013, the Tour — and its previous incarnations — have proven through the years that they are truly the paths to the PGA Tour. Since 1990, 387 players have earned their PGA Tour cards through the Tour. Alumni have claimed more than 425 PGA Tour victories, 20 major championships and five FedEx Cup titles. As the Tour continues to produce the best young talent in professional golf, the future of the Rex Hospital Open looks bright. Local and regional sponsorship support remains strong as companies want to get behind UNC Rex Hospital and the positive impact it has on the community. “The Tour has become one of the strongest professional tours in the world and the level of play is amazing,” Krusoe said. “We continue to improve and create excitement each year and I encourage people to come see us the first weekend in June. They will not be disappointed.”

Courtesy of Rex Hospital Open



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Pinecrest captures third straight 4-A golf crown Coach’s son wins individual title


Mother’s Day present as the Patriots won their third straight 4-A crown and fifth overall in the last decade. Beechler, who will play college golf at t’s difficult to say which made Pinecrest North Carolina-Greensboro, joins Bae (2015) High School men’s golf coach Lynne Beechler and Jack Fields (2008) as individual champiprouder – winning a third straight 4-A prep ons from Pinecrest. championship or seeing her son mobbed by teamLast year, Pinecrest defeated Charlotte mates on the 18th green following his individual Myers Park by one shot, but there was no such late championship. drama this time around, even though the Patriots “I have been so fortunate to have been able trailed Green Hope by one shot heading into Day to coach him this whole time,” said Beechler, the Two, with Myers Park another shot back. mother and coach of senior A.J. Beechler, who Pinecrest shot 10 strokes better in Round carded a pair of 68s on Pinehurst No. 6 to win Two and won going away, the 4-A championship by one shot over Matt beating Green Hope by 13 Sharpstene of T.C. Roberson. shots on a cool and damp “Players like Eric Bae and Josh Martin day. were really great players for him to “We didn’t give them look up to. He has really been a number to shoot because working on his putwe’ve had confidence in ting. His tempo is their scores all season,” just right there. coach Beechler said. And he has really “They had the lowbeen focused this est average of any year – even though Pinecrest team we’ve he has a girlhad. They were very friend.” relaxed when they came Spoken like out.” a true mother. “You know, repeating The coach is hard to do,” added A.J. received A.J. Beechler hugs coach Rich Wainwright after his final-round Beechler. “All the other quite an early 68 as proud mom Lynne Beechler looks on. Photos by David Droschak.


teams keep getting better every year, too.” Beechler led by one shot going into the final round and in the end needed to get upand-down after hit-

A.J. Beechler ting his approach to No. 18 over the green. He chipped to 5 feet and sank the putt that he needed to avoid a playoff. “I took my time – I wasn’t going to miss that putt,” he said. Beechler also chipped in for a birdie on the 13th hole to help propel him to his 4-under-par round. Continued on page 11

Lee County senior falls two shots shy of 3-A title


By Eddie Southards alton Mauldin came to the last hole of his high school golf career with a chance to win the state high school 3-A individual title. But a wayward approach shot proved costly for the Lee County senior, who finished in a tie for second place. Mauldin shot 73-72 for a 1-over 145 total at Foxfire Golf Club & Resort to finish two shots behind winner Bryson Boyette of Wilson Fike. Boyette tied for the low round of the tournament with a 70 on the second day. He opened with a 73 for an overall 1-under 143. The third member of their group, Parker Chavis of South Rowan, had the first-round lead, but 73 in the second round to tie Mauldin for second place. Mauldin and Boyette came to the par-4 18th hole tied for the lead but Mauldin made his only bogey of the round, while Boyette made his sixth birdie on the day for a two-shot swing. “I knew I was tied for the lead and I had to make something happen,” Mauldin said. “I didn’t put it in the best position in the fairway. I hit it in the left side but I had about 194 yards to the hole so it was a good whack 10 TRIANGLE GOLF TODAY • JUNE 2017

with a 4-iron and I couldn’t get it on the green. I fanned it right in the bunker and I couldn’t get it up-and-down.” He blasted out to 12 feet and missed the par putt. Boyette had hit a tremendous 6-iron to 5 feet and sank the birdie for the win. Chavis parred the last hole but he came to the tee one shot behind his competitors after missing a short putt for par on the 17th hole. It was a tense 5-hour battle among the three players, who believed the championship would be decided in their group based on the first-round scores and what they were hearing about what players were doing behind them. “There were probably three or four lead changes in the last group,” said Fike coach Glenn Jones. “It was so fun and so intense at the same time. It was just a relief when that birdie fell on the last hole. It was an incredible feeling. I’m so happy for Bryson.” Boyette was the first Fike player to win the 3-A individual state title since John Tyler Griffin in 2004. “This is icing on the cake,” Boyette said. “To come out as the champion is hard to describe.” Mauldin played the most consistent among the three players, making 16 pars. His only birdie came on the par-3 12th hole. He remained upbeat despite falling just short of

his goal of winning the state title. “I feel like I had a pretty good high school career,” he said. “I’ve matured as a person and a player during that time. I’m really happy with how it’s made me a better person.” Mauldin had tied for third place in the state his sophomore year. He also was the conference player of the year for two straight seasons. Lee County golf will have an entirely different look next year, losing five seniors and coach Brad Wicker, who is resigning to focus on his other job at the school – coaching the boys’ soccer team. “We had a stacked team for about three years,” Wicker said. “Dalton had to carry most of the load this year. I wanted to be here for Dalton’s senior year. That was my main goal for this season. I’ve known Dalton since he was in middle school. He’s a great kid and a great player.” Mauldin said, “Lee County golf might vanish for a couple of years but I’m sure it will be back. Coach Wicker and I have had some good times together and I have lots of memories with him. I’m going to miss him.” Mauldin will play for NCAA Division III golf power Methodist University in Fayetteville in the fall.

Pinecrest from page 10


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“I was talking to the Myers Park coach and said, ‘You know, A.J. makes a lot of these’ and right then he hits the shot and it goes in,” said cocoach Rich Wainwright. “He got off the ground when that went in.” “That’s one of his favorite shots, to be able to chip it in. Every time he gets over the ball he feels he can chip it in,” added coach Beechler. In the end, it was a total team effort of consistency for Pinecrest, with junior Ben Crow, who has also verbally committed to UNCG, stepping up to card rounds of 72 and 71 to tie for fourth, while Drew Viney (T15th) and Attie Giles (T20th) provided grinding, solid rounds. “The team worked hard with all the drills we do all year,” coach Beechler said. “Our favorite is they all can’t leave until they make a consecutive putt. So they have to make 10 putts in a row or they have to start all over again. That focuses them on the hole.” “We’ve had good teams, and we’ve had good players, but I’ve never seen a team shoot so well as a team,” added Wainwright. “This team just could go low.” Crow made a 25-foot putt on the 16th green, while Viney sank a 12-footer after changing putting grips for eagle on the 15th to help support Beechler’s remarkable play. “Coming down the stretch coach just kept smiling at us and said ‘Just keep doing what you’re doing,’” Crow said. “There was no stress at all. We were really comfortable with what we were doing and we just executed.” As the players hugged each other and offered fist bumps, Wainwright broke out a few sleeves of balls that had a simple word stamped in black -- Threepeat. The players were excited to accept his offering. “We started that last year with repeat,” he said. “What is next, fourpeat? I think I’m just going to put MJ on the balls for Michael Jordan. It gives them something to shoot for.” “Knowing the psychological part plays into it, too,” added coach Beechler. “Just like each student, each athlete is an individual and you have to know what they need at a certain time, when to back away and when to push.” And when to just be a mom. “She’s being modest when she talks about A.J.,” Wainwright said. “He’s a heck of a player.”

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Golf 8 am ’til midnight on the only illuminted course in the Triangle

85 The Crossings 598-8686




Falls Village 596-4653

Hillandale 286-4211 ke University 681-2288



Hasentree 919-554-4887

Lakeshore 596-2401


Olde Liberty 554-4690


Brevofield 562-1900

Triangle Golf Center 848-0231

Brier Creek


(weather permitting)






Golfsmith 787-9940


Paschal 556-5861


TPC at Wakefield Plantation


DRIVING RANGE | GRILL | LESSONS | RENTALS | PRO SHOP 919.303.4653 2512 Ten Ten Rd, Apex




Heritage Club 919-453-2020

Capital Golf Center 570-6500


s Club


Old Chatam 919-361-1400

540 Wildwood Green 18 846-8376


55 18


Prestonwood Golf Etc. 919-535-3581

Ê Cary

Golf Galaxy

e To Green 362-1233

12 Oaks 919-285-3680


derosa -4013

421 36





River Ridge 661-8374

All Area Codes Are 919 Unless Otherwise Noted. 36 36 Holes Private Club (SP) Semi Private 27 27 Holes Driving Range Golf Shop

18 Holes 9 Holes ★ Business 18 9

Highlighted courses & businesses have ads in this issue.


Chicora 910-897-7366 Keith Hills 18 Bogey’s to Birdies 910-893-5051 910-890-6018 18


Sandy Ridge 910-892-6424 18 Baywood 910-483-4330 Carver Falls 910-488-4481

Anderson Creek 18 910-814-2633 Kings Grant 18 910-630-1114



Golf Practice Range 910-864-3663


95 Fayetteville

ort Bragg


Lakewood 910-525-4424

Gates Four 910-425-2176


Bayonet 910-904-1500






Wendell 18 365-7337

Not to scale. This map is intended for general reference only.


Carolina Lakes 910-499-5421


Wil-Mar 266-1800


Raleigh Golf Association 18 772-9987


Ryder 910-436-3390 Stryker 910-396-3980



Golf Academy 661-7100 18 Pine Hollow Par Golf 553-4554 Eagle Ridge 18 772-5261 18 St. Augustine’s 27 Riverwood 661-6300 College GC at 550-1919 Devil’s Ridge Garner Meadowbrook 18 The Neuse 557-6100 516-5010 9 550-0550 Bentwinds 552-5656 18 Reedy Creek Dick’s 934-7502 Precision 401 Golf Center 18 CC of Johnston Co. 934-4544 95

Carolina Trace 499-5611



Zebulon 269-8311

Poole Rd.


40 440

Pine Burr 910-893-5788



Lonnie Poole Raleigh 833-3338

Golf Galaxy




Hedingham 250-3030 Dick’s


Hit Away Club Guy 424-1235 387-4888 Knight’s Play 27 Lochmere 303-4653 851-0611

anford 5-8320



Carolina C.C. Backyard Bistro★

MacGregor Downs


North Ridge




The Preserve at Jordan Lake 919-542-5501



Ole Bluff 910-425-8615



Cypress Lakes 910-483-0359

Hope Mills 910-425-7171


Timberlake Coharie 910-596-2211 18


River Landing 800-959-3096


Carolina, Duke advance to women’s NCAA finals



By STEVE WILLIAMS final-round rally has North Carolina back in the NCAA Women’s Golf Championships. Playing in the 18-team, 54-hole Athens Regional at the University of Georgia Golf Club where six bids to the nationals were on the line, the Tar Heels sat in 10th place heading into the final 18 holes. After opening with 302-297, North Carolina posted 287 and passed four teams on the leaderboard. Led by 71s by Bryana Nguyen and Lexi Harkins, North Carolina edged out host Georgia for the final spot. Alabama won the team title by 14 shots while Northwestern, Michigan State, Baylor and Clemson placed in the top five. The NCAA Championship is set for May 19-24 at Rich Harvest Farms in Sugar Grove, Ill. Nguyen, Harkins, Kelly Whaley and Leslie Cloots all birdied the par-5 ninth hole (the Tar Heels had started on the back nine) to provide the margin, which turned out to be three over Georgia and four over Tennessee. “When you’re in that top six position on that third day, there’s a lot of pressure on you. We were in 10th,” said UNC coach Jan Mann. “There was the pressure of wanting to go, but there wasn’t the same pressure that five, six, even seven had. “We felt that we could do it. But, everybody needed to play and we got some great performances out of all of them.” Cloots, the only senior in the UNC fivesome, was the Tar Heels’ best individual finisher, claiming a tie for 10th with 71-73-72. Carolina will be hoping to better last year’s 14th place finish in the NCAA finals. The Tar Heels have qualified 15 previous times, including four times under Mann, who took over the program in 2009. Duke, which won the ACC championship in April, also made the NCAAs. The Blue Devils finished second to Stanford in the Albuquerque Regional. Freshman Ana Belac tied for fourth and junior Leona Maguire tied for sixth to lead Duke. ACC runner-up Florida State will also be in the NCAA field after a third-place showing in the Columbus Regional. Wake Forest will be represented by Jennifer Kupcho, who was medalist in the Athens Regional by five shots after posting rounds of 68, 70 and 68. 14 TRIANGLE GOLF TODAY • JUNE 2017

Josh Stockwell UNC Greensboro

Abby Parsons Boston University

Luke Farley Washington & Lee

Samuel Bradley N.C. Central

Meghan Symonds Sewanee

Ben Griffin North Carolina






Tournament (Date)

Ben Griffin, Chapel Hill

North Carolina




ACC Championship (April 21-23)

Luke Farley, Durham

Washington & Lee




ODAC Championship (April 23-25)

Kaleb Lester, Carrboro

Georgetown College




Midway University Spring Invitational (April 10-11)

Kaleb Lester, Carrboro

Georgetown College




NAIA Mid South Conference Championship (April 24-26)

Michael Hocker, Durham

USC Aiken




Peach Belt Conference Championship (April 14-16)

Alex Smalley, Wake Forest





ACC Championship (April 21-23)

Stephen Franken, Raleigh

N.C. State




ACC Championship (April 21-23)

Josh Stockwell, Aberdeen

UNC Greensboro




Southern Conference Championship (April 23-25)

Scott Pechacek, Cary





The Trojan (April 10-11)

Doc Redman, Raleigh





Clemson Invitational (April 7-9)

Ben Griffin, Chapel Hill

North Carolina




Irish Creek Intercollegiate (April 8-9)

Doc Redman, Raleigh





Wolfpack Spring Open (April 14-15)

Stephen Franken, Raleigh

N.C. State




Gary Koch Invitational (April 10-11)

Kendrick Vinar, Chapel Hill





Princeton Invitational (April 8-9)

Thomas Eldridge, Raleigh

UNC Wilmington




Clemson Invitational (April 7-9)

Brett McLamb, Coats





Big South Conference Championship (April 21-23)

Christian Villanueva, Fayetteville

Fayetteville State




CIAA Championship (April 13-14)

Samuel Bradley, Sanford

N.C. Central




MEAC Championship (April 26-28)

Stephen Franken, Raleigh

N.C. State




Wolfpack Spring Open (April 14-15)

Jared Chinn, Fayetteville





USA South Conference Championship (April 13-15)

Eric Bae, Pinehurst

Wake Forest




Irish Creek Intercollegiate (April 8-9)

Harrison Rhoades, Raleigh

N.C. State




Wolfpack Spring Open (April 14-15)

Scott Pechacek, Cary





Conference Carolinas Championship (April 23-24)

Eric Bae, Pinehurst

Wake Forest




ACC Championship (April 21-23)

Doc Redman, Raleigh





ACC Championship (April 21-23)

Harrison Rhoades, Raleigh

N.C. State




ACC Championship (April 21-23)

Thomas Eldridge, Raleigh

UNC Wilmington




CAA Conference Championship (April 21-23)

Walter Brinker, Sanford





Irish Creek Intercollegiate (April 8-9)

John McFadyen, Fayetteville





SAC Championship (April 23-25)

Thomas Eldridge, Raleigh

UNC Wilmington




Wolfpack Spring Open (April 14-15)

Alex Smalley, Wake Forest





Wolfpack Spring Open (April 14-15)

Jared Chinn, Fayetteville





Discover Dekalb Emory Invite (April 8-9)

Josh Stockwell, Aberdeen

UNC Greensboro




Irish Creek Intercollegiate (April 8-9)

Harrison Rhoades, Raleigh

N.C. State




Gary Koch Invitational (April 10-11)

Zach Martin, Pinehurst

North Carolina




Irish Creek Intercollegiate (April 8-9)

Tim Conover, Holly Springs

East Carolina




The Maxwell (April 14-15)

Michael Hocker, Durham

USC Aiken




NCAA D2 Men’s South/SE Region (May 8-10)

WOMEN School Position Field

Scores Tournament (Date)

Meghan Symonds, Cary





SAA Conference Championship (April 21-23)

Kendra Dalton, Wake Forest

Brigham Young




West Coast Conference Championship (April 20-22)

Jessica Kittelberger, Raleigh





Navy Spring Invitational (April 8-9)

Lauren Ceyrolles, Fuquay-Varina





Ithaca College Invitational (April 22-23)

Sarah Bae, Pinehurst

N.C. State




ACC Championship (April 13-15)

Meghan Symonds, Cary





Washington Univ. Spring Invitational (April 8-9)

Megan Munroe, Raeford

UNC Pembroke




Peach Belt Conference Championship (April 14-16)

Savannah Thompson, Seven Lakes UNC Pembroke




Peach Belt Conference Championship (April 14-16)

Sarah Bae, Pinehurst

N.C. State




NCAA Albuquerque Regional (May 8-10)

Kendra Dalton, Wake Forest

Brigham Young




Dale McNamara Invitational (April 10-11)

Meghan Symonds, Cary




76-80-76-82 NCAA Division III Championship (May 9-12)

Abby Parsons, Pinehurst

Boston University




Hoya Womens Invitational (April 10-11)

This chart lists players from the Triangle Golf Today coverage area who finished in the top half of a field in collegiate events of at least two rounds played April 5-May 12



Junior Golf Scoreboard N.C. High School Athletic Assoc.

4-A State Championship Pinehurst CC (Course #6) May 8-9, 2017 Team Scores 1 Pinecrest 294-284--578 2 Green Hope 293-298--591 3 Myers Park 295-298--593 4 Broughton 313-300--613 5 Hough 312-303--615 6 R.J. Reynolds 311-307--618 7 Panther Creek 315-306--621 8 New Bern 313-310--623 8 Mount Tabor 317-306--623 10 Ardrey Kell 313-316--629 11 J.H. Rose 318-313--631 12 West Forsyth 313-327--640 Individual Top 10 1 A.J. Beechler, Pinecrest 68-68--136 2 Matt Sharpstene, T.C. Roberson 69-68--137 3 Jack Massei, Green Hope 69-73--142 4 Ben Crow, Pinecrest 72-71--143 4 Brandon Einstein, West Forsyth 69-74--143 6 Jake Rutter, Mount Tabor 69-75--144 7 Mike Coe, Green Hope 72-73--145 8 Luke Hackworth, Myers Park 70-76--146 9 Peter Fountain, Broughton 73-75--148 9 Nic Brown, D.H. Conley 76-72--148 9 Spencer Oxendine, Jack Britt 75-73--148 Selected Others 15 Jimbo Stanley, Broughton 76-74--150 15 Viraj Garewal, Panther Creek 75-75--150 15 Drew Viney, Pinecrest 78-72--150 20 Biggs Hawley, Broughton 80-71--151 20 Attie Giles, Pinecrest 78-73--151 28 Austin Bonfiglio, Middle Creek 77-75--152 32 Seve Anfindsen, Green Hope 76-77--153 35 Chris Kim, Green Hope 79-75--154 37 Symon Balbin, Pinecrest 76-79--155

3-A State Championship

Foxfire Resort (Red Fox Course) May 8-9, 2017 Team Scores 1 Marvin Ridge 315-300--615 2 Williams 324-303--627 3 Tuscola 312-318--630 4 East Rowan 317-316--633 5 Asheboro 327-321--648 5 St. Stephens 333-315--648 7 Union Pines 328-324--652 8 West Carteret 337-327--664 9 Eastern Alamance 353-320--673 10 Corinth-Holders 341-334--675 11 West Henderson 343-337--680 12 Topsail 350-338--688 Individual Top 10 1 Bryson Boyette, Fike 73-70--143 2 Dalton Mauldin, Lee County 73-72--145 2 Parker Chavis, South Rowan 72-73--145 4 Zach Pardoll, Marvin Ridge 75-73--148 5 Sam Davidson, Asheboro 74-75--149 5 Garrett Clark, Williams 79-70--149 7 Nick Lyerly, East Rowan 76-74--150 7 Bryce Hull, St. Stephens 78-72--150 7 Eston Lee, South Johnston 76-74--150 10 John Morton, Western Alamance 78-73--151 Selected Others 22 Joseph Pritchard, Union Pines 79-76--155 31 Dalton Wheeless, Union Pines 79-80--159 37 Ben Ramos, Northwood 82-79--161 44 Gordon Brann, Northwood 86-78--164 52 Colten Jensen, Union Pines 85-83--168 52 Tyler Barritt, Corinth-Holders 87-81--168 56 Ian Apsey, Corinth-Holders 82-87--169 58 Nevin Bullough, Union Pines 85-85--170 58 Justin Recser, Corinth-Holders 84-86--170

2-A State Championship Beacon Ridge CC May 8-9, 2017

Team Scores 1 Wilkes Central 311-302--613 2 Lake Norman Charter 326-319--645 3 South Stokes 337-309--646 4 Forbush 333-327--660 5 Midway 334-328--662 6 Draughn 343-320--663 7 Washington 323-341--664 8 Roanoke Rapids 336-351--687 9 Shelby 346-343--689 10 Reidsville 351-341--692 11 Croatan 385-362--747 12 North Johnston 389-385--774 Individual Top 10 1 Logan McNeely, Newton-Conover 75-70--145 2 Justin Emmons, Providence Grove 73-77--150 2 Chandler Metz, Wilkes Central 77-73--150 4 Alex Parker, Draughn 79-74--153 5 Tanner Bibey, South Stokes 78-76--154 5 Logan Patrick, Midway 79-75--154 5 Zach Caudill, Wilkes Central 80-74--154


5 Quinton Metz, Wilkes Central 5 Caleb Moss, Franklin 5 Alex Antosek, Salisbury Selected Others 22 Trey Pope, Midway 43 Jacob Stienert, Carrboro 48 Jordan Sullivan, Midway 55 Chris Poor, Carrboro 62 Andrew Eldridge, Midway 66 Blake Norris, Midway 75 Ryan Kimble, Goldsboro

78-76--154 81-73--154 80-74--154 81-79--160 83-87--170 83-90--173 93-83--176 94-84--178 91-90--181 96-95--191

1-A State Championship

CC of Whispering Pines May 8-9, 2017 Team Scores 1 Lincoln Charter 305-315--620 2 Community School of Davidson 317-316--633 3 Pine Lake Prep 328-326--654 4 Alleghany 336-320--656 5 Mount Airy 336-340--676 6 Franklin Academy 337-343--680 7 East Surry 351-349--700 8 Oxford Prep 377-372--749 9 Riverside (Martin) 380-369--749 10 Wallace-Rose Hill 384-388--772 11 Northside (Pinetown) 415-392--807 12 James Kenan 378-362--740 Individual Top 10 1 Nick Smith, Union Academy 73-72--145 2 Dylon Wooten, Alleghany 75-72--147 3 Justin Morgan, Lincoln Charter 74-75--149 3 Ryan Graybar, Wallace-Rose Hill 76-73--149 5 Chris Fillingame, Starmount 74-77--151 6 Patten Williams, Comm. School of Davidson 76-76--152 6 Carter Cook, Comm. School of Davidson 76-76--152 6 Trevor Beckham, Pine Lake Prep 74-78--152 9 William Crook, Lincoln Charter 74-79--153 10 Pierce Robinson, Thomas Jefferson 77-78--155 10 Reagan Fitzgibbons, Mount Airy 77-78--155 Selected Others 12 Austin Tate, Chatham Charter 78-78--156 16 Cody McDaniel, Franklin Academy 79-81--160 19 Cole Scearce, Voyager Academy 83-79--162 30 Jacob Bliss, Oxford Prep 88-82--170 31 Daniel Nunn, Franklin Academy 85-86--171 31 Jake Girouard, Franklin Academy 82-89--171 31 Reed Wheless, Louisburg 89-82--171 37 Cameron Klages, Rosewood 85-87--172 45 Noah Greenway, Oxford Prep 89-88--177


AJGA Preview Carolina Trace CC - Lake, Sanford, NC Apr 28-30, 2017 Boys Division - 6677 1 Sarut Vongchaisit, St. Simons Island, GA 73-74--147 2 Blake Wheeler, Fort Myers, FL 74-74--148 2 Ross Funderburke, Roanoke, VA 74-74--148 2 Will Stakel, Peachtree Corners, GA 74-74--148 5 Adam Hooker, Lebanon, VA 75-75--150 Selected Others 6 Benjamin Ramos, Chapel Hill 72-79--151 14 James Carlin, Raleigh 77-78--155 28 Brandon Jones, Sanford 82-78--160 28 Peter Jackson, Raleigh 78-82--160 Girls Division - 5605 1 Ryann Sinclair, Mooresville 74-76--150 2 Lexanne Halama, Jonesborough, TN 77-75--152 3 Jessica Rathbone, Montpelier, VA 76-77--153 4 Fiona Wang, Bluffton, SC 74-80--154 5 Ana Tsiros, Asheville 77-79--156 5 Olivia Hensley, Ashland, KY 78-78--156 Selected Others 7 Shirley Ou, Cary 76-81--157 11 Lotte Fox, Raleigh 79-83--162 14 Channing Hensley, Wake Forest 78-88--166

Peggy Kirk Bell Tour

PKBGT Carolina’s Classic, Sanford, NC Carolina Trace Lake Course May 6-7, 2017 Prep North Carolina - 5794 1 Mackenzie Battle, Aberdeen 69-80--149 2 Sasha Hayes, Winston-Salem 78-74--152 3 Hailey Joy, Reidsville 75-79--154 Selected Others 8 Jenna Nagy, Apex 82-82--164 11 Caroline Duggan, Holly Springs 85-81--166 11 Lorin Wagler, Seven Lakes 84-82--166 14 Megan Kanaby, Chapel Hill 85-82--167 16 Mara Hirtle, Pinehurst 91-79--170 Futures National - 5273 1 Halynn Lee, Cary 83-75--158 2 Maria Atwood, Holly Springs 78-81--159 3 Cindy Song, Waxhaw 85-80--165 Selected Others 4 Toni Blackwell, Fayetteville 81-87--168 7 Erin Singleton, Apex 85-92--177 11 Megan Morris, Cary 89- 91--180 13 Heather Appelson, Wake Forest 87-105--192 14 Elizabeth Tart, Holly Springs 97-100--197

Presented by


PKBGT Metrolina Classic @ Winthrop U.

Rock Hill, SC, Rock Hill CC April 29-30, 2017 Prep Series - 5833 1 Taylor Hinson, Belmont 75-74--149 2 Jodee Tindal, Rock Hill, SC 78-74--152 3 Isabella Rawl, Lexington, SC 77-76--153 Selected Others 8 Nicole Adam, Pinehurst 82-75--157 Futures Series - 5230 1 Morgan Ellison, Peachtree City, GA 79-77--156 2 Angelique Seymour, Fayetteville 80-82--162 3 Catherine Stoerker, Cumming, GA 81-85--166

PKBGT Masters

Greenville, NC, Greenville Country Club April 22-23, 2017 Bell/Prep Series - 6020 1 Amanda Sambach, Davidson 71-77--148 2 Kathryn Carson, Mooresville 75-75--150 3 Michelle Harn, Charlotte 73-79--152 Selected Others 5 Riley Smyth, Cary 77-79--156 15 Mackenzie Battle, Aberdeen 75-86--161 17 Mogie Adamchik, Raleigh 81-81--162 20 Caroline Duggan, Holly Springs 80-83--163 27 Lotte Fox, Raleigh 83-82--165 27 Hannah Rose Bruxvoort, Chapel Hill 82-83--165 Futures Series - 5218 1 Hannah Nall, Cleveland TN 74-77--151 79-75--154 2 Erin Singleton, Apex 3 Katie Park, Fairfax VA 81-76--157 Selected Others 7 Maria Atwood, Holly Springs 80-83--163 7 Megan Morris, Cary 80-83--163 9 Katelyn Kenthack, Pinehurst 85-82--167 20 Elizabeth Tart, Holly Springs 94-96--190 21 Natalie Martinho-Stansbury, Raleigh 97-98--195 23 Jessica Martinho-Stansbury, Raleigh 119-100--219

Tarheel Junior Golf Foundation 7th Annual ACC Junior Amateur The UNC Finley GC, Chapel Hill, NC April 14-15, 2017 High School Boys- 6732 1 Trey Capps, Garner 71-72--143 2 Narayan Mohan, Charlotte 75-71--146 3 Everett Whiten, Chesapeake, VA 77-71--148 Selected Others 4 Kenan Poole, Raleigh 76-73--149 5 Nathan Norfleet, Chapel Hill 74-76--150 7 Joey Pritchard, Southern Pines 77-73--150 7 Garrett Risner, Holly Springs 76-75--151 13 Luke Edwards, Chapel Hill 79-74--153 Middle School Boys- 5648 1 Abhay Gupta, Concord 69-65--134 2 Kyle Kushnir, Raleigh 73-71--144 3 Davis Adams, Raleigh 72-76--148 Selected Others 8 Owen Kose, Holly Springs 78-75--153 9 Nick Kleu, Cary 76-78--154 9 Chris Ha, Fayetteville 75-79--154 17 Jack Steffens, Raleigh 85-79--164 22 Glenn Smeal III, Raleigh 86-87--173 Boys 11 and Under - 4980 1 Tyler Jones, Jacksonville 72-71--143 2 Quinlan Polin, Cary 73-74--147 3 Daniel Boone, Fuquay Varina 71-78--149 Selected Others 5 Daniel McBrien, Holly Springs 78-78--156 8 William Pohlman, Chapel Hill 85-82--167 9 Luciano Follmer, Durham 82-88--170 11 Andre Follmer, Durham 86-92--178

NC One-Day Series

Greensboro, NC, Forest Oaks CC April 15, 2017 Prep-5727 1 Kayla Smith, Burlington 2 Taylor Hinson, Belmont 3 Samantha DeBusk, Lexington Selected Others 12 Caroline Duggan, Holly Springs 16 Mogie Adamchik, Raleigh 24 Carly Romano, Wake Forest 26 Cassidy Vaughn, Holly Springs 26 Claire Patrick, Creedmoor

75 75 79 84 86 92 94 94

PKBGT Greater Richmond Classic

Moseley, VA, Magnolia Green GC April 8-9, 2017 Prep Series-5800 1 Diana Cristina Domenech, Richmond, VA 76-84--160 2 Madison Isaacson, Greensboro 81-80--161 3 Paris Fieldings, Suffolk, VA 82-80--162 Selected Others 4 Caroline Duggan, Holly Springs 84-82--166


Pinecrest HS Invitational Pinehurst No. 8, Pinehurst, NC April 19, 2017 HS Division - 6704 1 Aj Beechler, Pinehurst 2 Lansdon Robbins, Davidson 3 Fulton Smith, Pinehurst Selected Others 4 Peter Fountain, Raleigh 4 Drew Viney, Pinehurst 9 Jack Massei, Cary 13 Attie Giles, Pinehurst 15 Jackson Van Paris, Pinehurst 18 Benjamin Crow, Pinehurst 18 Drew Martin, Pinehurst 18 Jimbo Stanley, Raleigh 18 Brian Chen, Cary

65 67 69 70 70 72 73 74 75 75 75 75

2017 North Carolina HS Invitational

Treyburn CC Durham, NC April 17, 2017 Boys Division - 6900 1 Michael Childress, Salisbury 1 Michael Sanders, Davidson 1 Quinn Riley, Raleigh Selected Others 5 Jackson Van Paris, Pinehurst 5 Parker Gillam, Cary 10 Ryan Gerard, Raleigh 10 Will Lewis, Raleigh 12 Jack Massei, Cary 12 Colby Mitchell, Raleigh 14 Garrett Massengill, Cary 14 Viraj Garewal, Raleigh

70 70 70 72 72 74 74 75 75 76 76

Boys (High School, graduation year) 1 A.J. Beechler, Pinehurst (Pinecrest, 2018) 2 Chris Kim, Cary (Green Hope, 2019) 3 Jack Massei, Cary (Green Hope, 2018) 4 Fulton Smith, Pinehurst (O’Neal School, 2019) 5 Viraj Garewal, Raleigh (Panther Creek, 2017) 6 Akshay Bhatia, Wake Forest (Home School, 2020) 7 Austin Bonfiglio, Holly Springs (Middle Creek, 2017) 8 Spencer Oxendine, Fayetteville (Jack Britt HS, 2019) 9 Alex Scott, Raleigh (Panther Creek HS, 2017) 10 Grayson Wotnosky, Wake Forest (S. Wake Academy, 2020) Girls (High School, graduation year) 1 Gina Kim, Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill HS, 2018) 2 Jennifer Chang, Cary (Athens Drive, 2018) 3 Emilia Migliaccio, Cary (Athens Drive, 2017) 4 Haeley Wotnosky, Wake Forest (S. Wake Academy, 2018) 5 Riley Smyth, Cary (Cardinal Gibbons, 2018) 6 Natalie Petersen, Holly Springs (Holly Springs HS, 2017) 7 Nicole Adam, Pinehurst (O’Neal School, 2020) 8 Holly McCann, Raleigh (Ravenscroft, 2019) 9 Mackenzie Battle, Aberdeen (Pinecrest, 2018) 10 Elizabeth Nguyen, Pinehurst (Pinecrest, 2017) Source: Tarheel Youth Golf Association as of 5/2/17

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CALENDAR All listings are based on submissions by clubs and correspondence. To list your tournament free email your information to or call 336-924-1619.

CGA Men Majors/Qualifiers Four-Ball Championships Oct. 13-15 – 22nd N.C. Four-Ball Championship, Wakefield Plantation, Raleigh N.C. Amateur May 20 - Qualifier, Timberlake GC, Clinton May 22 - Qualifier, North Shore, Sneads Ferry May 24 - Qualifier, Oak Hollow, High Point May 25 - Qualifier, The Club at Irish Creek, Kannapolis June 5 - Qualifier, Brier Creek CC, Raleigh June 7 - Qualifier, Mimosa Hills, Morganton June 15-18 – 57th N.C. Amateur Championship, River Run CC, Davidson Carolinas Amateur June 7 - Qualifier, Mimosa Hills CC, Morganton June 21 - Qualifier, Mill Creek, Mebane June 26 - Qualifier, Cabarrus CC, Concord June 2 - Qualifier, Wilmington Muni, Wilmington July 6 - Qualifier, 12 Oaks, Holly Springs July 14-17 – 103rd Carolinas Amateur Championship, Golf Club at Briar’s Creek, Johns Island, S.C. N.C. Amateur Match Play Championship June 26 – Qualifier, Cabarrus CC, Concord July 6 – Qualifier, 12 Oaks, Holly Springs July 18 – Qualifier, Pinewood, Asheboro July 25 – Qualifier, Compass Pointe, Leland

CGA Senior Men Majors/Qualifiers June 7-9 – 49th Carolinas Senior Four-Ball Championship, Seabrook Island (Ocean Winds), Johns Island, SC

CGA Women Majors May 23-24 – 40th Carolinas Women’s Four-Ball, Pine Needles GC, Southern Pines June 2-4 – 91st Carolinas Women’s Amateur Championship, Porter’s Neck, Wilmington. June 20-22 – NCWGA Amateur Championship, Pine Island CC, Charlotte. July 25-27 – 20th Carolinas Women’s Match Play, Rock Hill CC, Rock Hill, SC. July 17-19 – 61st Carolinas-Virginia Women’s Team Matches, Spring Creek GC, Gordonsville, VA.

Amateur Individual May 27-28 – High Point Memorial, Blair Park GC, High Point. Medal play in flights. 336-8833497. May 27-28 – Durham Amateur, Hillandale GC, Durham. Medal play in flights. 919-286-4211. June 2-4 – Asheboro City Amateur, Asheboro Municipal, Holly Ridge GL, Pinewood CC. (Randolph County residents only). 336-6254158. June 2-4 – Alamance County Open Amateur, Indian Valley GC. Medal play in flights. Not restricted to Alamance residents. 336-5847871. June 10-11 – Brookwood Amateur, Brookwood GC, Whitsett. Medal play in flights. Also senior division. 336-449-5544. June 10-11 – Bob Howerton Invitational, Kinderton CC, Clarksville, Va. 434-374-8822. June 19-25 – Herald-Sun Classic, Hillandale GC, Durham. Medal play qualifier, then match play in flights. 919-286-4211. June 24-25 – Chair City Open, Winding Creek GC, Thomasville. Medal play in flights. 336-475-5580.


June 24-25 – Wake County Amateur, Pine Hollow GC, Clayton. Medal play in flights. Not restricted to Wake County residents. 919-553-4554. July 8-9 – Joe Wood Memorial, Cedarbrook CC, Elkin. Medal play in flights. 336-835-2320. July 14-16 – N.C. Players Championship, Oak Valley first round, Tanglewood Championship second and third rounds, Clemmons. Kitty Visintine 336-703-6420. July 15-16 – Max Thore Memorial, Wolf Creek GC, Reidsville. Individual tournament (championship flight only) combined with two-man flighted bestball. 336-349-7660. July 21-23 – Cardinal Amateur, Sedgefield CC (Pete Dye Course), Greensboro. July 29-30 – Dugan Aycock Davidson County Amateur, Lexington GC. Medal play in flights. Also senior division. 336-248-3950. July 29-30 – The Triad Amateur Golf Classic, 36 holes stroke play. Ages 16-over. High Point CC Willow Creek course. 336-869-2416.

Senior Individual May 22-23 – 8th annual Sport Durst Durham Senior Amateur Championship (Seniors 55-over, Super Seniors 65-over and Legends 70-over), Croasdaile CC, Durham. 919-3832517 or 919-699-9681. July 29-30 – The Triad Amateur Golf Classic, 36 holes stroke play. Ages 55-over, also super senior division for ages 65-over. High Point CC Willow Creek course. 336-869-2416. Senior Amateur Tour (ages 50-over) 336-329-3453 May 25 – Chapel Ridge, Pittsboro July 21 – Forest Oaks, Greensboro

Senior Amateur Tour (ages 50-over) 910-964-1547 May 18 -- Mill Creek, Mebane June 8 -- Little River, Carthage June 15 -- Carolina Trace (Lake), Sanford June 22 -- Tot Hill Farm, Asheboro June 29 -- Preserve at Jordan Lake, Chapel Hill July 13 -- Southern Pines GC July 20 -- CC of Whispering Pines (Pines) July 27 -- Forest Oaks CC, Greensboro

Ladies Individual/Team May 28-29 – Bargray Apparel Four-Ball, PKBGT Collegiate, Salisbury CC, Salisbury. Open to all current collegiate players in addition to PKBGT Alumni 25 years of age or younger. Current junior golfers are not eligible. 336-347-8537. June 15 – Crooked Tree Ladies Invitational, Crooked Tree GC, Brown Summit. 336-656-3211. June 17 – Kinderton Ladies Invitational, Kinderton CC, Clarksville, Va. 434-374-8822. July 15-16 – 2GG Apparel Four-Ball, PKBGT Collegiate, Coastal Carolina U., Myrtle Beach, SC. Open to all current collegiate players in addition to PKBGT Alumni 25 years of age or younger. Current junior golfers are not eligible. 336-347-8537. July 24-25 – Moore County Women's Amateur, Pinehurst No. 9. Not restricted to Moore County residents.

Amateur Team June 3-4 – Oak Hollow 2-Man Open, Oak Hollow GC, High Point. 336-883-3260. June 10-11 – Goodyear Invitational Two-Man Bestball, Goodyear GC, Danville. 434-797-1909. July 8-9 – Tuscarora Two-Man Invitational, Tuscarora CC, Danville. Medal play in flights. 434-724-4191.

July 15-16 – Indian Valley Classic 2-man bestball. Indian Valley GC, Burlington. Flighted medal play. 336-584-7871. July 15-16 – Max Thore Memorial, Wolf Creek GC, Reidsville. Two-man flighted bestball combined with optional individual championship flight. 336-349-7660.

Captain’s Choice June 12 – American Lung Association Golf Outing, MacGregor Downs, Cary. $125 person. Melissa Forde 919-792-1641

Junior Golf Schedule CGA 910-673-1000 * TYGA 910-673-1000 * PKBGT 336-347-8537 * NCJGF 919-858-6400 * TGF 919-291-5813 * NJGT 704-824-6548 * AJGA 770-868-4200 * USGA 908-234-2300 * USKIDS Raleigh Tour 919-206-4666 * Winternational 847-204-9888 * HJGT 904-379-2697 May 20-21 - NJGT-IMG Academy World Championship Qualifier, Rumbling Bald Resort, Lake Lure, Boys/Girls, Ages 4-17. May 20-21 - TGF "3rd Annual Players Championship At Bryan Park," Bryan Park GC, Greensboro,  Boys 9-18 Only . May-17 - CGA Creed Boys' qualifying, TBD, boys only, ages 18 & under. May-17 - PKBGT North Carolina One-Day @ Monroe CC, Monroe, Girls, Ages 9-18, 336-347-8537 May 27-28 - CGA Creed Boys' Invitational, Camden CC, Camden, SC, Boys only, ages 12-18. May 27-29 - PKBGT OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP(*) @ CC of Salisbury, Salisbury, Girls, Ages 11-18. May 28-29 - TGF " 7th. Annual "Golf Pride' Tour Championship, Pine Needles and Mid Pines Resort, Southern Pines, NC Boys 9-18 .

For the latest tournament schedule, now updated daily, go to then click on Tournaments June 3-4 - TYGA Bojangles Junior Open, Cutter Creek GC, Snow Hill, Boys only, ages 12-18. June 3-4 - PKBGT Hampton Roads Classic @ Cahoon Plantation, Chesapeake, VA, Girls, Ages 11-18. June 9 - PKBGT North Carolina One-Day Series @ Pinewood Country Club, Asheboro, Girls, Ages 9-18. June 10 - CGA NC Junior Boys qualifying, Wedgewood CC, Wilson, Boys only, ages 18 and under. June 10 - PKBGT South Carolina One-Day Series @ Mid Carolina Club, Prosperity, SC, Girls, Ages 9-18. June 11-14 - CGA NC Junior Girls' Championship, Bermuda Run, Girls only, Ages 18 & under. June 12-13 - Upstate Junior Classic, Smithfields CC, Easley, SC, Boys/Girls, Ages 10-18, 864-859-9545 June 12-15 - Judie Oppenheimer Memorial Junior, Chechessee Creek Club, Okatie, Boys/Girls, Ages 12-19. June 12-16 - AJGA Haas Family Invitational, Sedgefield CC Ross Course, Greensboro, Invitational. June 12 - TYGA One Day Series, Pine Valley CC, Wilimington, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 12 - USGA Junior Am qualifying, CC of Salisbury, Salisbury, boys only, ages 18 & under, 908-234-2300

Continued on page 22

#&"5 UIF )&"5 Golf Package






Let’s hear it for Ser-gee-ohh



ell, Bets, they held another Masters and as usual it was one for the ages. It was gratifying to see Sergio Garcia finally break through the glass ceiling and win a major championship. It was only fitting that the long-awaited breakthrough would come at Augusta. After all, that’s the place where miracles happen. It had been far too long for Garcia. We’ve watched him mature from a wideeyed supposed-to-be phenom to a grizzled veteran who had almost accepted he would never win on the biggest stage. Well, no more. The monkey is off his back and it’s going to be interesting to see what happens now. Is it a breakthrough or just a phenomenon? Of course, everything on the PGA Tour seems to be larger than life these days. Every time you tune into a tournament there is some new guy who looks as if he is going to be the greatest thing since Ben Hogan. I don’t know where these guys keep coming from but players such as Justin Thomas and Jon Rahm seem destined for greatness. Hey, I’m still trying to figure out

CALENDAR June 13 - TYGA One Day Series, Echo Farms, Wilmington, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 13 - TYGA One Day Series, Siler City CC, Siler City, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 14 - CGA NC Junior Boys qualifying, Statesville CC, Statesville, NC boys only, ages 18 and under. June 15 - TYGA One Day Series, CC of Whispering Pines (Pines), Whispering Pines, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 16 - TYGA Triad One Day Event, Pinewood CC, Asheboro, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 17 - PKBGT South Carolina One-Day Series @ Woodside Plantation Country Club, Aiken, SC, Girls, Ages 9-18. June 19 - TYGA One Day Series, Monore CC, Monroe, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 19 - USGA Junior Am qualifying, Prestonwood CC (Highlands), Cary, Boys only, Ages 18 & under, 908-234-2300 June 19 - TYGA Triad One Day Event, Alamance CC, Burlington, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 19 - NJGT, NC West District Optimist Qualifier, Catawba CC, Newton, Boys/Girls, Ages 10-19. June 19 - USGA Junior Girls' Qualifying, Raintree CC, Charlotte, Girls, Ages 18 & below June 20 - TYGA One Day Series, Lincoln CC, Lincolnton, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 20 - TYGA One Day Series, Reedy Creek GC, Four Oaks, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 21-22 - PKBGT PRECISION JR GIRLS (*) @ Bryan Park GC (Champions), Greensboro, Girls, Ages 11-18. June 21- TYGA Jack Ratz Jr. Memorial, Wildwood Green GC, Raleigh, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18.


Kudos to Garcia; where’s Christie?


where Jordan Spieth and Rory McElroy are By BETSEY MITCHELL in the big picture. It’s a never-ending parade of new ell, Howard, they’ve held faces, new names and new expectations. It another Masters and they still seems as if someone new is destined to be aren’t hosting a championship the next big star almost every week. for women. But that’s OK. New names and new Don’t get me wrong. I thoroughly stars keep our old blood pumping. I can’t enjoyed Sergio getting to the finish line wait until next week to see who our new with the trophy. break-through player is going to be. The spirit of Seve Ballesteros had to But, back to Ser-Geeslap him upside the head Ohh! It’s almost fitting that a few times to keep that one of the worst drives round going. that Garcia hit turned out The save from the tree to be the deciding factor was a total Seve moment. in his win at Augusta. Garcia must have had his Making par after having tinfoil hat on when he taken an unplayable lie missed the final putt in was the thing that champi- DUELING DIVOTS regulation. ons are made of. That par The ghost of Seve took on 13 will go down as one of the legendary a different approach for the playoff. All he feats in Masters lore. had to do was shout in Justin’s backswing There have been a lot of heartbreaks and Sergio had clear sailing from then on. at Augusta: the Larry Mize chip-in in the No pressure for the winning putt made playoff against Greg Norman, Norman’s for an easy make. We all know that. collapse against Nick Faldo, and Scott All of it gave us a great final round and Hoch’s missed putt on the 18th hole come I’m glad Sergio came out on top. Now the to mind. media can describe somebody else as the This Masters is history, but expect player who has never won a major. another chapter in 2018.

Why don’t they ever describe themselves as the talking head who has never won an Emmy or a Pulitzer? Don’t feel too badly for the ladies. Since they weren’t invited to Augusta, they had to go slumming in Oahu, Hawaii. There was excitement there, too, but as usual, it was pushed to the back pages of my favorite golf news sources. You would think that 20-year veteran Christie Kerr might make the cover over first-timer Wesley Bryan at the RBC Heritage. Especially since she shot 62-66 in the final two rounds to set a course record and beat today’s LPGA phenom -- Lydia Ko -by three strokes. Nope, four columns about the Heritage and one-half page based mostly on wire reports and a less than flattering picture of the Lotte Championship winner in Kerr. I seem to recall having a conversation with an old golf writer wearing a bad hat about why there is so little coverage of women’s golf. “Yeah, we need to do something about that”, said the guy wearing the new hat I bought him because that other hat just had to go. Sound familiar, Aitch?

July 6-8 - LPGA-USGA GIRLS TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP presented by PKBGT, Braselton, GA, Girls, Ages 11-18. July 6 - TYGA One Day Series, Whispering Wood GC, Whispering Pines, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. July 6 - USGA Junior Girls' Qualifying, MidCarolina CC, Prosperity, SC, Girls, Ages 18 & below July 7 - TYGA One DaySeries, Goldsboro GC, Goldsboro, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. July 10-11 - CGA Carolinas Girls' 15 and Under Championship, CC of Whispering Pines, Whispering Pines, NC, Girls only, Ages 8-15. July 10-11 - CGA NC Boys 13 and Under Championship, Asheboro GC, Asheboro, NC, boys only, ages 13 and under. July 10 - TYGA One Day Series, Chapel Hill CC, Chapel Hill, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. July 10 - TYGA Triad One Day Event, Salem Glen Golf & CC, Clemmons, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. July 11-13 – Forsyth County Junior, Maple Chase G&CC, Olde Homeplace GC, Reynolds Park GC. Forsyth County Residents. Todd Barr 336-734-1212. July 12-13 - TYGA High Point Junior, Blair Park & Oak Hollow GC, High Point, NC, Ages 8-18. July 15-16 - PKBGT 2GG APPAREL CHAMPIONSHIP (*) @ Coastal Carolina University, Myrtle Beach, SC, Girls, Ages 11-18. July 15-16 - NC Big I Girls State Tournament, Pine Needles, Southern Pines, NC, Girls, Ages 10-18. July 15-16 - NC Big I Boys State Tournament, Mid Pines Inn, Southern Pines, NC, Boys, Ages 10-18.

July 17-20 - AJGA Amino VITAL Junior Championship, Treyburn CC, Durham, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 12-19. July 18-19 - TYGA Roy Jones Junior, Kinston CC, Kinston, NC, Boys/GirlsAges 8-18. July 18 - TYGA One Day Series, Lake Hickory CC (Catawba Springs), Hickory, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. July 18 - PKBGT North Carolina One-Day Series @ Pine Island Country Club, Charlotte, NC, Girls, Ages 9-18. July 21 - CGA Father-Son Championship, Pinehurst area courses. July 21 - CGA Parent-Child, Pinehurst area courses. July 24 - TYGA One Day Series, Prestonwood CC (Highlands), Cary, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. July 24 - TYGA Triad One Day Event, Deep Springs CC, Stoneville, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. July 24 - PKBGT North Carolina One-Day Series @ Bryan Park Golf Club (Players), Greensboro, NC, Girls Ages 9-18. July 25-27 - CGA Carolinas Boys' Championship, Cabarrus CC, Concord, NC, Boys only, Ages 18 & under. July 29 - PKBGT North Carolina One-Day Series @ Bermuda Run Country Club (West), Bermuda Run, NC, Girls, Ages 9-18. Aug. 1-3 - CGA Carolinas Girls' Championship, CC of South Carolina, Florence, girls only, ages 18 and under. Aug. 1-3 - CGA Dogwood State Boys' Junior, Bermuda Run CC, Bermuda Run, NC, NC boys only, Ages 8-18. Aug. 1 - TYGA One Day Series, Wilmington Muni GC, Wilmington, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18.

June 22-23 - TYGA Coastal Plains Junior, Bradford Creek GC, Greenville, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 24-25 - Carolinas Junior PGA Championship, Hackler Course, Myrtle Beach, SC, Boys/Girls, Ages 13-18, 336-398-2742 June 24 - NJGT Adult/Junior, Monroe CC, Monroe, Boys/Girls, Ages 6-19. June 26 - TYGA One Day Series, Club at Irish Creek, Kannapolis, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 26 - TYGA Triad One Day Event, Gillespie Park, Greensboro, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 26 - PKBGT North Carolina One-Day Series @ Chapel Hill Country Club, Chapel Hill, Girls, Ages 9-18. June 26-27 – Andrew Haley Memorial Junior hosted by the Smith Mountain Lake Lions Club. Waterfront CC and Mariners Landing CC, Smith Mountain Lake, VA. Boys/Girls 10-18. http:// . June 27-28 - CGA Twin States Girls' Championship, Starmount Forest CC, Greeensboro, Girls only, Ages 8-18. June 27-30 - CGA NC Junior Boys Championship, Colonial CC, Thomasville, Boys only, ages 18 and under. June 27 - TYGA Triad One Day Event, Asheboro Municipal, Asheboro, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. June 27-28 — T-Ville Junior, Winding Creek GC, Thomasville. 336-475-5580. June 29 - TYGA One Day Series, Sanford GC, Sanford, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. July 1-2 - PKBGT Wolfpack Classic @ NC State University, Raleigh, NC, Girls, Ages 11-18. July 3 - TYGA Triad One Day Event, Lexington GC, Lexington, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18. July 5 - TYGA One Day Series, Cabarrus CC, Concord, NC, Boys/Girls, Ages 8-18.

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