Thanos Nikopoulos - Triathlon marine plan in the oi and itu

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Triathlon marine plan in the Olympic Games and Olympic Games and the ITU World Triathlon Series

Thanos Nikopoulos ITU Senior Manager ITU Senior Manager ‐‐ Technical Operations

CN.5 CN.3 CN.2 2

The Marine Plan outlines:  the normal operations of the water safety team  the emergency action plan The Marine Plan has to be prepared by the local organizing d b th l l ii committee and approved by the assigned ITU Technical Delegate assigned ITU Technical Delegate and ITU Medical Delegate. A full dress rehearsal should be conducted with the presence of the ITU Technical Delegate and ITU Medical Delegate ITU Medical Delegate.



Marine Plan

Things to consider g • • • • • •

Safe & fair Elite vs. Mass participation vs. paratriathlon Front of house activity TV/press presence Advanced engineering Exposed to weather conditions diti

Content •

The Marine Plan contains:  Site plan and swim course layout  Environmental data (e.x. tide tables)  Water quality data W t lit d t  Water safety key principles  Team structure  Swimmer tracking Swimmer tracking procedures  Communication  Normal operation procedures

Content •

The Marine Plan contains:  Emergency plan (mass evacuation, major incident, minor incident, unaccounted for swimmer, unauthorized access to the course) th i d t th )

ITU Swim Course Technical Official

Start/Finish G Group Leader L d

FOP Safety Team (14)

Lifeguard P ddl b Paddleboarders d (10)

Rescue Craft Lifeguards (4) ‐ Rescue Boat (1) ‐ Medical Boat (1) M di l B t (1) ‐ Jet Ski Crew (2)

Swim Group Leader

Agenda g Swim Team Leader

FOP Boat Drivers (8)

FOP Course Setup FOP Course Setup Team*

Dive Team (3)

Pontoon Lifeguards (4)

Rescue Craft (4) ‐ Rescue Boat Driver (1) R B tD i (1) ‐ Medical Boat Driver (1) ‐ Jet Ski Drivers (2) Medical Pontoon (2) di l (2)

Press/Official Boats (5) Press/Official Boats (5) ‐ ITU 1 ‐ ITU 2 ‐ ITU 3 ‐ TV ‐ Photo

Communication M di l Medical

Venue Control Centre

Race Director/ Race Director/ Technical Delegate

Swim Group Leader

Course Setup Team

ITU Swim Technical Official


Rescue Boats/Jet R B t /J t Skis

P t Pontoon Lifeguards

Media / Official Boats

Dive Team

LOCOG Radio VHF/UHF Radio Voice/Hand Signals

Normal operating p g procedures p

Emergency g y plan p • Mass evacuation incidents shall include:  An incident which required that all competitors are removed from the water.

Emergency g y plan p • Major incidents shall include:  Casualties that are not fully conscious or are so exhausted that they are unable to keep their head above water or support b themselves onto a kayak.  Casualties that have any l h h form of respiratory/cardiac diffi l difficulty  Casualties that are seen to di disappear/sink below the / i kb l h water’s surface.

Emergency g y plan p • Minor incident shall include:  All incidents or casualties that are not categorised as major incidents or casualties.

Unaccounted for swimmer • Hasty Hasty search search  Conducted by the marine team starting at the team starting at the swim exit.  The hasty search is The hasty search is designed to provide a scanning surface search scanning, surface search of the swim course to try and locate the casualty and locate the casualty. • Underwater Underwater search search  It will be commence if a hasty, surface search does not locate the casualty. not locate the casualty.

Unauthorised access to the course

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