Roberto Cejuela - Relationship between subjective load and creatine kinaze

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Relationship between subjective load equivalents and the levels of creatine equivalents and the levels of creatine kinase blood in Elite triathletes Roberto Cejuela2; Josep Capsi¹; Héctor Esteve¹, Débora Villaño3; Sonia Medina3; Federico Ferreres3; Angel Gil Izquierdo3, Jonathan Esteve4 ¹Department of Physical Education and Sports, University Catolica of Valencia (Spain) 2Departmental Section of Physical Education and Sports, University of Alicante, (Spain) 3Department of Food Science and Technology, CEBAS‐CSIC; Murcia, (Spain) 4Training Lab, European University, Madrid (Spain)

Introduction • Training adaptation condition levels of plasmatic CK as a result subjects trained usually have higher levels and as well as maintain higher levels at rest with respect to the untrained. We know that CK major increases occur after exercise, these responses are lower in subjects trained than in untrained. untrained •

Kratz et al. (2002) Gomez‐Cabrera et al. 2003; Peake et al., 2004; Clarkson et al. 2006; Brancaccio et al. 2007; Lippi et al. 2008; Machado et al. 2012 Roberto Cejuela et al.



Index of Training Stress Quantification by perceived exertion (RPE) The use of perceived exertion scales (in 6 The use of perceived exertion scales (in 6‐to‐20 to 20 or 0 or 0‐to‐10 to 10 versions) to indicate exertion intensity in endurance or strength is widely acknowledged Likewise, the 0‐to‐10 scales to; quantify both types of effort have been validated in studies about training quantification where their usefulness was checked in relation to objective physiological variables (Sweet et al., 2004; Seiler & Kjerland, 2006; Foster et al., 2001). Roberto Cejuela et al.

Quantification by perceived exertion (RPE) Scale [Rate] of Perceived Exertion (RPE) used by Exertion (RPE) used by Foster et al. (2001), which is passed about 30 minutes after the end of the session with this question: “How was your workout?”).


Descriptor 0



Very, Very Easy






Somewhat Hard






Very Hard







Roberto Cejuela et al.



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Subjective Load Equivalents (SLEs) Value 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Daily load type Rest Light total load Medium total load High total load Very High total load Competition. Also Exhaustive training or Test as hard as a competition Roberto Cejuela & Jonathan Esteve ; JHSE; 2011




The objective of this work is to determine the relationship p between the subjective load equivalents (ECSs) and the levels of CK in elite triathletes.

Roberto Cejuela et al.

Methods ‐ 10 male elite triathletes assessed using the ECSs scale the training conducted at two different times: 1. Within 20 minutes of completion of the training 2. Up on awakening the next day • That assessment, multiplied by the volume of training in minutes resulted in a load value. Roberto Cejuela et al.



Characteristics of Triathletes. n=10

Roberto Cejuela et al.

Methods • During that time they took blood samples in five different weeks and non‐consecutive, provided the fifth day of the training week, same time, which CK levels were obtained. Friday: 8 a.m • 12 nov. 2010 • 26 nov. 2010 • 17 dec. 2010 • 28 jan.2011 • 18 feb.2011

Coutts et al. 2007; Wallace et al. 2009; Diaz et al. 2010

Roberto Cejuela et al.



Results • The subsequent statistical analysis revealed that levels of load and CK for this group in their usual training were within the reference levels of the scientific literature for athletes. Coutts et al. 2007; Wallace et al. 2008; Milanez et al. 2011

Results • There were no significant differences (p <.05) between the different weeks in terms of load and CK levels



Results • No significant relationship was found (p <.05) between subjective load and CK levels. • Only in the 1º and 2º week between CK and load SLE4M

Results • The perception of load made at the moment of waking up were perceived significantly milder than those carried out within 20 minutes of completion of the training (p <.05). < 05)



Results The load experienced in the previous days is wide and significantly correlated with the assessment of the load of that momentt (r ( =. 743; 743 p =. 000) regarding di to t the th load l d assessed d att the th moment of waking up.

Conclusions • For reliable use of the SLEs, it is necessary that athletes with experience in the use of the scale of perception of the effort, and will follow an assessment standardized in terms of the time which elapses between finalized in training and assessment. • There were no significant correlations between charges quantified SLEs and the levels of CK. • Load the previous days experienced is another factor influencing mechanism of perception, being the highest rating when higher load the previous day and on the contrary perceived. • The use of CK in triathlon training would be primarily aimed at the assessment of muscle damage but not to detect situations of overtraining or as an indicator of recovery. Roberto Cejuela et al.



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