TRIBEZA December 2010

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column/kristin armstrong 18 events 20

exposed/drew arnold 32

carla mcdonald/an audience with... 36

arts guide 40

arts calendar 42

event calendar 44

event pick 45

10 to watch 50

the 10 of 2010 56

column/tim mcclure 82

style pick 84

behind the scenes 86

travel/california dreaming 88

dining pick 96

gift guide 106

our little secret 108

Cover | Andy Roddick; Photography by Jeff Wilson. TOC | Julie Thornton; Photography by Jeff Wilson.

Copyright Š 2010 by TRIBEZA. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of the publisher is prohibited. TRIBEZA welcomes editorial content and photography for publication consideration.



1818 W. 35TH ST AUSTIN TX 78703


george t. elliman publisher lauren smith ford editor carolyn harrold editorial assistant/ event coordinator

We look forward to our December People issue all year because, after all, it is the people in this city who make Austin what it is and keep us moving forward. The extraordinary individuals featured in this issue come from different backgrounds, work in an array of fields, and took varying paths to get where they are today. But, they all possess one shared value that they can agree has been key to their success—good old-fashioned hard work. Selecting just 10 people to feature has always been a tough feat, so as of last year, we decided

ashley beall kimberly chassay sr. account executives

are on the cusp of doing big things. In the pages of this issue, meet 10 individuals who have made

erin miles dylan sack account executives

cover star Andy Roddick, a celebrated athlete who focuses on giving back to the community, and

pam caperton designer

each person, as they generously shared their journeys. I am particularly excited to share the

to add in another story that we deemed the “10 To Watch,” focusing on the up and comers who a significant impact on the city (and beyond) this year and will continue to do so—people like our powerhouse film producer, Elizabeth Avellán. We were honored to be able to spend time with

brooke green stephanie kuo kaitlyn moise lisa siva julie rene tran alyssa valls interns

story of my mentor, staff writer/senior editor of Texas Monthly, Pamela Colloff. Her 14,000-word

chuck sack vance sack michael torres principals

and literary director for the Texas Book Festival, Clay Smith, eloquently tells her story, as well

mailing address 706a west 34th street austin, texas 78705 ph (512) 474 4711 fax (512) 474 4715

Founded in March of 2001, TRIBEZA is Austin’s leading locally-owned culture and lifestyle magazine.

article for the October issue of Texas Monthly helped get Anthony Graves, an innocent man who had been on death row, out of jail. If it wasn’t for Pam taking the time to teach and inspire me when I was an intern at Texas Monthly six years ago, who knows where I would be today…She is truly the smartest, most generous, and kind person that I know, and TRIBEZA freelance writer as those of New York Times best selling author S.C. Gwynne and Austin’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Lucia Athens. As the year comes to a close, we all have a tendency to look back. This is especially the case at TRIBEZA, as we reflect on the past 10 years, and look ahead to our 10-year anniversary in March 2011. It’s important for us to remember where the magazine started and what it’s become, but we are most excited about where it’s going. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Lauren Smith Ford, Editor


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for DirectTV’s Season Five of Friday Night

Kimberly Chassay


Lights and recreating 1950s-inspired ads

senior account executive

George, brings over 20 years of global busi-

with photographer Dan Winters for the

Kimberly joined TRIBEZA in the spring of

ness experience to his role as publisher and

January issue of WIRED Italia. She lives in

2010, connecting her passion for all things

one of the owners of TRIBEZA. He has lived

Brykerwoods with her husband and perfect

fashionable, her diverse group of friends,

in Austin since 1999, and his enthusiasm for

opposite, Bennett.

and her love for the Austin community.

the city and where it is heading has never

Kimberly holds a Bachelor of Science in

faltered. Whether you are seeking the most

Carolyn Harrold

Communications from Liberty University

melt-in-your-mouth chocolate mocha cake

editorial assistant / event coordinator

and has been a marketing and sales profes-

(Uppercrust Bakery) or the tastiest ginger

Carolyn was born in Hamburg, Germany

sional for more than 12 years in Washington

snap cookie (Texas French Bread), there

during what she is told was the hottest

D.C., Houston, and Austin. What she values

is no need for Yelp when concierge George

summer in 100 years. Her first word was

most: Relationship-building, connecting oth-

is around. Since his graduation from the

“nine” (“no” in German). To this day, she

ers, long dinners with friends, and spending

writers kristin armstrong anne campbell jessica dupuy rob heidrick amira jensen tim mcclure carla mcdonald kevin osterhaus clay smith karen o. spezia

University of Virginia, he has lived and

loves the sunshine, and always knows

time with her wonderful husband, Mark.

worked in Houston, Jakarta, Charlottes-

exactly what she doesn’t want. A wiry,

ville, San Francisco, and London to name a

energetic child, she spent most of her youth

Erin Miles

few. When not raising the TRIBEZA team’s

on Texas’ Gulf Coast. For university, she

sales associate

spirits, George is working as the Director of

set off for Washington and Lee, major-

Erin is a born and raised Austinite—5th

Business Development for Westend Capital

ing in philosophy, politics, and sociology/

generation to be exact. Following gradu-

Management. He lives in Rosedale with his

anthropology. Post graduation, she did that

ation from Westlake High School, Erin

beloved Golden Retriever, Travis.

whole New York thing, where she worked

secured a volleyball scholarship at South-

for Judith Regan—and survived. Now she

eastern Louisiana University and graduated

Lauren Smith Ford

lives on Austin’s East Side, which she loves

with a degree in Mass Communications and

photographers ryann ford perry hall cody hamilton jeff harris mimi klasson steve moakley chris patunas john pesina annie ray jeff wilson


for the adventures, and works at TRIBEZA.

Journalism. Post college, she moved back

At her small Catholic elementary school

What’s next? Grey Gardens.

to her beloved hometown, interned at ME

illustrator joy gallagher

Television, and spent two years working for

in South Texas, where Lauren was never without an oversized bow in her hair, she

Ashley Beall

Texas Monthly. Now-a-days, you’ll find her

couldn’t understand why they only had altar

senior account executive

working hard at TRIBEZA, enjoying life and,

boys, so she set out to change the school’s

Featured on the cover of the first issue of

of course, keeping it weird.

policy, becoming the first of many altar

Austin Family in 1986 riding her family’s

girls to come (and making the nuns very

train in Zilker Park, it seems that even

Dylan Sack

proud). She’s always loved a challenge,

as an infant, Ashley was meant to be in

sales associate

and her first job in fashion was just that—

magazines. She attended Westlake High,

An Austin native, Dylan grew up enjoying

writing a weekly column for her college

where she was editor of the yearbook,

“small town” Austin and all it had to offer.

newspaper (“Campus Couture”) in the

and then headed to Chapman University.

While attending St. Michael’s Academy,

not-so-fashion capital of the world, College

After graduating, she worked at Saatchi &

Dylan was actively involved in sports. He

Station, Texas. She has written for ELLEgirl,

Saatchi and People Magazine in LA. She re-

attended Texas Christian University in Fort

Glamour, Teen Vogue, and texasmonthly.

turned to Austin in early 2010 to start work

Worth. At TCU, he majored in Communica-

com. Lauren joined TRIBEZA in 2006 and

at TRIBEZA. She serves on the board of the

tions and minored in Business. Dylan came

became the editor this year. She also works

Austin Ad Fed and recently received their

back to Austin to work for CSI printing com-

as a freelance wardrobe stylist; recent

Best Magazine Rep in 2010 award. In July

pany. He joined TRIBEZA in April 2010.

projects include the advertisements

she co-founded AD2ATX, for all of those other young professionals in town with a zest for advertising.







Carolyn Dylan


kristin armstrong

Crossing Over Illustration by Joy Gallagher

I used to be one of those people. Full of youth and audacity I thought I would scale the corporate ladder with monkey bar ease and dance on glass ceilings, making scuff marks with my Jimmy Choo’s. I mean, why not? I was voted “most likely to succeed” and “best hair” in my high school graduating class. With that winning combination, the world had to be my oyster. I bought my first house at age 24. I got into Leadership Austin when many members were twice my age. I made the rounds at all the corporate and community functions, seeing and being seen. I wore Ann Taylor suits in jewel tone colors and did step aerobics after work. I carried a Coach briefcase and a cell phone the size of a brick with a pull-out antennae. I had French tip nails that were coated in gel and cured under a special light. In my twenties, how things appeared was the equivalent of how they were. Look put together on the outside, and your insides must be fine too. Dress the part, and surely you will know your lines. Make your body fit, and your heart and spirit will follow. Confidence beats competence, hands down. Get the job or promotion, and you are well-positioned for what’s next. That word right there is probably the key to how I lived at the time—next. What’s next, who is next, and when will next unfold? I spent all my time striving and no time arriving. I was rarely truly present. I have to laugh when I see photographs of myself from that decade. I look so young and cute and clueless, it would be almost endearing—if the photo were of someone else. But what’s funny is how old and wise I thought I was at the time. I thought I knew how to make relationships work, how to make sure they never failed, how

to make sure I never failed. I thought I could make my life turn out exactly right because I had a plan and a healthy dose of chutzpah. Just as a tree has to be pruned to grow into its proper shape and size, I was trimmed back during several seasons of my life. At the time, I alternated between raging mad and extraordinarily pitiful. How dare this befall me? I had a plan! And this was not part of it! Just like getting a haircut or pedicure, when someone holds a sharp object close to your body—it’s best to hold still. So in those pruning seasons, I practiced stillness. For a long time I was self conscious about my cut back branches, feeling puny and vulnerable, until buds appeared and my life began to fill out once again. And now, as I start to take on the true shape of my design, I am beyond grateful for those seasons. I don’t even wonder any more about the shape my life would have been, because in my contentment I no longer care. Maybe the decade called thirties is something like a bridge, spanning the cavern between “all about me” and “an actualized life.” Some people never cross over from self to substance, choosing to linger long after their looks and legend have expired. Some simply fall into the abyss, the great between, and later wonder why there was never enough sunlight in the shadows to solicit bloom. My younger brother Jon is working his way across the expanse. Leaving behind the definitions and false limitations of his childhood, he is walking into true manhood—following a career of his creation, helping others, and asking his girl to be his wife, and join him, crossing over. The older I get, the more joy I derive from watching other people cross over. I love watching as people let go of who they thought they were and become the person they were meant to be. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 19





After a yearlong hiatus, Arthouse at the Jones Center returned to the Austin art scene, reopening its doors and boasting extensive renovations by Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis Architects. Maintaining many of the original features of the 100-year-old building, LTL expanded the existing contemporary art space from 7,000 to over 20,000 square feet, adding an entry lounge, first floor galleries, a dedicated video/film gallery, a 90-seat screening room, two studios, and a rooftop event space. Arthouse celebrated its reopening with a fundraiser on the new rooftop, which began with an intimate dinner prepared by Quincy Adams Erickson of FĂŞte Accompli. Following the dinner, the rooftop filled up for the after party, which featured a live performance by band and art/performance collective, MEN, who flew in from Brooklyn for the occasion. Grey Goose Vodka provided cocktails, and guests enjoyed an array of exquisite desserts, including French toast bombolinis, fat Elvis whoopee pies, and trashed brownies, as they admired the view of Congress Avenue. Arthouse opened with exhibitions by Tony Feher, Jason Middlebrook, Mequitta Ahuja, Cyprien Gaillard, Ryan Hennessee, and James Sham. The Center, located at 700 Congress Avenue, is now open to the public every Wednesday through Sunday, and admission is free.


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photography by bryan fitzsimmons & john pesina

Arthouse: 1 Julie Thornton & John Spong. 2 Talib Abdullahi & Elsa Gomez. 3 Courtney Spence & Ben Brown. 4 Eddie Safady & David Whiteaker. 5 Anne Elizabeth Wynn & Johnna Jones. 6 Christine & Terrence Moline. 7 Nicole & Tim Delger. 8 Suzanne Deal Booth, Alexis & Chris Gaughan. 9 Scott Jawson. 10 Lora Reynolds, Rebekah Gainsley, & Wendy Wells.





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The Austin Film Festival kicked off its 17th year of entertainment with the annual Film and Food Gala at the Driskill Hotel. Chefs from Austin’s premier eateries took guests on a vibrant journey around the world, with a menu featuring delicacies from over 20 diverse restaurants, including Carmelo’s, Dragon Gate by Phoenix, and Austin Cake Ball. The auction benefited the Austin Film Festival’s Young Filmmakers Program, which provides free arts education to public schools. The Texas Tribune’s First Anniversary fell on Election Day, and the newspaper celebrated with an evening of food, drink, and real-time election results. The newly renovated Arthouse at the Jones Center provided an elegant, modern space, where guests enjoyed catering by Fête Accompli, Moonshine, Ranch 616, and Frank, as well as live music by Jimmie Dale Gilmore. Guests eagerly followed election results on several screens during the celebration, marking a year of thoughtful discourse on public policy and government. The Texas Tribune aims to encourage civic engagement in politics, and its anniversary party did just that. photography by john pesina




Film and Food: 1 Alissa Ziemianski & Edward Burns. 2 Patti Fore & Anna Zuroweste. 3 Brian & Kristen Wimberley. 4 Angela Oguntala & Brandy Joy Smith. Texas Tribune: 5 Jack Speer, John Thornton, & Carol Kallendorf. 6 Dean & Andrea McWilliams. 7 Ben Hasson & Lauren Modrey. 8 Sarah Fox & Erin Driscoll. 9 Rep. Dan Branch, Evan Smith, & Rep. Joe Strauss.







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Austin’s newest contemporary art space, the Visual Arts Center in the UT Department of Art and Art History, opened its doors with a Celebration Dinner. The event hosted more than 300 of the state’s most prominent arts patrons. The dinner marked the start of a weekend filled with art, conversation, and musical performance, kicking off a long and rich set of experiences over the course of a few days that are just the beginning of the many exciting programs planned at the VAC. The Blanton Museum of Art’s Gala Lumière co-chairs Janet Allen, Kelli Blanton, and Jeanne Klein mingled with guests in Jeannie and Mickey Kleins’ art-filled home in Westlake for a pre-gala gathering. The Museum’s director, Ned Rifkin, announced that native Texan, former UT student, and internationally celebrated artist, Robert Wilson, will be honored and his work exhibited at the Gala Lumière on January 29, 2011. Eric Markow and Thom Norris revealed their Woven Glass collection at Haven Gallery, stunning viewers with their revolutionary technique that transforms glass into workable fabric. At the opening reception, the artists debuted their highly anticipated “Autumn Winter Kimono,” the world’s largest woven glass sculpture. photography by sandy carson & jeff harris Visual Arts Center: 1 Deborah Green, Michael Landrum, Pepper Paratore III, Chris Mattsson, & Don Mullins. 2 Beau & Val Armstrong. 3 Frank & Ellen Donnelly, Jade Walker, & Robert Boland. Blanton: 4 Brad Nelsen, Ned Rifkin, & Becky Beaver. 5 Lisa O’Leary & Kelli Blanton. 6 Alexa Wesner & Mickey Klein. 7 Janet Allen, Clayton Maebius, & Sarah Young. Haven Gallery: 8 Thom Norris 9 Tram Tehui, Donald Jansky, & Jennifer Graf. 10 Jim Lindsay, Marc Wigler, Eric Markow, Chris Rudd, & David Kuhns.





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Iconic Austin boutique, By George, hosted a cocktail event and trunk show at their flagship location for designer Steven Alan. In addition to perusing Alan’s men and women’s collections for Fall, Holiday, and Spring, guests of The Whisky and Wine Event, which was sponsored by Maker’s Mark, had the opportunity to meet the renowned New York based designer, known for updating classic looks with modern twists. David Pirrotta, of the highly praised Odin New York, was also in attendance with the newest addition to his sought after fragrance collection. Austin hotelier, Liz Lambert, hosted a reception at the Hotel Saint Cecilia benefitting the Travis County Democratic Party as they geared up for the midterm elections. Lambert says, “I find inspiration in people of vision who redefine the perspective of others, whether through art, music, poetry, or public service.” San Antonio’s mayor, Julian Castro, made the trip to Austin to serve as the evening’s keynote speaker. And the night’s sponsors were invited to an intimate dinner at Lambert’s private residence, with Parker in attendance. photography by perry hall & mimi klasson

Steven Alan: 1 Steven Alan. 2 Jay Campbell, Shannon Willis, & Lizzy Speights. 3 Jonathan Wyrick & James Boone. 4 Currie Person & Matt Culmo. 5 Emily Basenberg, Jenny Lee, & Rene Pettyjohn. Hotel Saint Cecilia: 6 Clayton Aynesworth & Deborah Green. 7 Elizabeth Redwine & Ann Tucker. 8 Andy Brown, Hannah Calvert, & Jed Peters. 9 Mayor Julian Castro. 10 Congressman Lloyd Doggett, Rachel Lomus, & Alyson Fox.









On one of the last warm nights of fall, TRIBEZA hosted an After School Social at East Side design and photography collective, Public School. Dan Parrot of Old School BBQ and Grill drove his school bus-cum-kitchen over from the food trailer park at East Sixth and Waller and impressed the crowd with his delicious barbeque and heavenly potato salad. They even served up some off-the-menu chicken and beef satays for the occasion. For dessert, they passed out delightful chocolate chip cookies by new bakery Layla LaRue’s. Austin’s own Deep Eddy Sweet Tea Vodka provided their signature John Daly cocktails, their rendition of the Arnold Palmer, and super premium, local vodka, Savvy, spiked the punch, while Corona and Pacifico passed out ice cold beer. Downstairs, Public School’s resident photographer, Jay B. Sauceda, captured attendees in a photo booth with an American flag as the backdrop, in honor of Veterans Day. Outside, in the parking lot, Industry Print Shop set up a live screen-printing station, and guests chose from four designs created by Public School for printing on t-shirts and tote bags. For more information on Public School, visit



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7 photography by mimi klasson

After School Social: 1 Jeffrey Lane, Denise Prince, & Miri Wilkins. 2 Thea Keith & Bette O’Callaghan. 3 Matt Lenning & Matt Mennello. 4 Linda Harrold. 5 Stephanie Kuo in the photo booth. 6 Evan Prince & Hannah Bently. 7 Sam Shak & Chad Wadsworth. 8 Matthew Genitempo, Cody Haltom, & Davis Ayer. 9 Jessica Olson & Will Bryant. 10 Ryan Light & Emily Severs.






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A Glimmer of Hope held its annual Let There Be Hope event at the AT&T Conference Center benefitting Ethiopia’s rural population, focusing on helping the villagers of Robit obtain clean water, healthcare, and education. The organization, founded in 2001, has already raised over $35 million, helping over two million people. The Austin Museum of Art Laguna Gloria hosted its 21st annual La Dolce Vita festival to honor the art of fine dining. Featuring plates from over 50 of Austin’s top chefs as well as both local and international wines, the festival celebrated the city’s incredible culinary talent. Laura Bush made an appearance at the 15th annual Texas Book Festival Gala at the AT&T Conference Center, where she discussed her new book, Spoken from the Heart. Among other noteworthy names to join the former First Lady were Michele Norris, author of The Grace of Silence: a Memoir, and P.J. O’Rourke, author of Don’t Vote, It Just Encourages the Bastards. Outside the ballroom, guests participated in a silent auction to benefit the Book Festival.



photography by bob daemmrich photography, robert godwin, jeff harris, & john pesina

6 Glimmer of Hope: 1 Ryan Berber & Donna Berber. 2 Carey & Drew Plotkin. 3 George Gau & MP Mueller. 4 Gelila Bekele & Adam Dell. La Dolce Vita: 5 Weston Lipscomb, Sarah Miglicco, Wendy Sutherland, & Shaddi Oreyzi. 6 A performer from the Uninvited Guests. 7 Christine Sears & Josh Baello. 8 Barrett Donner & Alfie Humphry. Book Festival: 9 Janna Paulson, Heidi Marquez Smith, Laura Bush, & Viki Chupik. 10 Mary LaMotte Silverstein, Marla Akin, James Magnuson, & Jake Silverstein. 11 Elizabeth Avellán, Rosa Rivera, & Mary Yancy.










For 13 years, Austin’s great dame of fashion, Gail Chovan, has graced the city with her dark palette, cutting edge designs, and vigorous attitude, beginning with her all-things-black boutique, Blackmail. Family and friends gathered to celebrate the South Congress shop’s 13th anniversary. The highlight of the night was the sinister yet sultry couture collection Chovan has created. Hair guru Bryan Herbert and make-up artist Shirley Pinkson added glamour to the models’ looks. Though the event spotlighted Chovan’s fashion success, the evening also celebrated her fighting spirit. From breast cancer to the recession’s hit on the boutique, Chovan has proven that nothing can bring her down. Echoing the subtitle of her new, fun and chic guide to entertaining, Food to Flowers: Simple, Stylish Food For Easy Entertaining, Lulu Powers’ book launch party was simple, stylish, and (appeared) effortless. Family and friends of the celebrity caterer gathered in Carla McDonald’s elegant home to celebrate the release of the cookbook-cum-party planning guide. As a high-end caterer, whose clients include Madonna and Bill Clinton, Powers knows how to throw a party. And in her book, she dishes on how throw a glamorous party without the




sweat and tears. photography by mimi klasson & john pesina Blackmail: 1 Gail Chovan & Evan Voyles. 2 Kerri Curtis & Jane McCan. 3 Alton Dulaney & Samera Owhadian. 4 Carrie Hiner-Berry & Shelby Carrothers. 5 Samera Owhadian & Katie Buck. Lulu Powers: 6 Carla & Jack McDonald. 7 Rochelle Rae & Michelle Valles. 8 Lulu Powers & Stephen Danelian. 9 Mary Ann Connelly & Susanna Hamner.












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Over 800 Austinites gathered at the Austin Hilton for the 11th annual Champions for Children Awards Luncheon, which featured Lee Woodruff, co-author of In an Instant and a contributing editor for Good Morning America, as the keynote speaker. The luncheon honored Pam and Neel White and Senior Pastor Mac Richard for their dedication to helping change the lives of children. ESPN sports reporter, Ron Franklin, hosted the event, which raised over $225,000. Austin City Living celebrated its third anniversary with a Halloween Spooktacular Party that benefited the Dell Children’s Hospital. Guests rocked out the night in their Halloween best to music by Zimbabwean-style Marimba group, Rattletree Mambria. Attendants filled both parking lots at ACL, which were packed with booths from some of Austin’s hippest local businesses and restaurants such as Austin Land and Cattle and My Fit Foods. The Piazza Center for Plastic Surgery and Advanced Skin Care celebrated its grand opening with a special evening event catered by Rocco’s Grill. The Piazza Center is Austin’s newest name in plastic surgery and advanced skin care, with a commitment to holistic procedures, ensuring that nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices come first. photography by jeff hodges & steve moakley Champions for Children: 1 Lee Woodruff & Marsha Lockett. 2 Louise Pincoffs, Karen Oswalt, & Katherine Armstrong Love. 3 Reese Ryan, Alison Ryan, Sarah Dressendorfer, & Kirk Dressendorfer. Austin City Living: 4 Nicole Chastain & Jane Anne Thorne. 5 Jenn Garcia, Keri Oldham, & Mindy McArthur. 6 Veronika Glass, Kritka Sharma, & Allison Ramsey. Piazza Center: 7 Patricia DuBois, Daisy Benavidez, & Chelle Warren. 8 Rocco Piazza & Matthew Allen. 9 Russ Troutman, Corey Fournet, & Trey Pike.

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Exposed What are you most proud of? Just growing up and making it through the big life transitions we all have with a smile on my face, and I love being a father and a husband. If you weren’t in your current career, what else would you try? Playing basketball. I still operate under the delusion I was one good coach away from being another Steve Nash. Who/what inspires your style? In one word—simplicity. Solid blues, blacks, browns, and whites. This is much to my wife’s dismay. She is constantly working to add flair to my wardrobe. She has the same daily battle with our seven-year-old boy. What movie or television star was your childhood crush? The movie star I most wanted to be as a kid was Clint Eastwood. I had a blast growing up and watching the Sergio Leone/Eastwood spaghetti westerns with my dad and little brother. When and where are you happiest? I can’t really name one time and place where I was happier than another. I’ve loved everywhere I’ve lived. What is your most treasured possession? I don’t really have one. I wish it was because of a Zen-like centeredness, but it probably has more to do with how easily I’m distracted combined with my bad memory. Who are your fantasy dinner party guests? Why? Bill McKibben (Author of Deep Economy), and Bill McDonough and Michael Braugart (Authors of Cradle to Cradle) would be brilliant. I think the works of these three folks is a blueprint for building the healthy, vibrant and sustainable communities we need today. At age seven, you wanted to be? I was a hyper-active child, so much of my childhood was a blur that pretty much involved playing outside all the time. I was hard to keep in one place. So, I have no idea what I wanted to be at 7. What is your favorite personal accessory? I carry a small note pad and retractable pen. I have a terrible memory, so I’m constantly writing things down. Where would you live if you weren’t in Austin? My wife is from Brazil, and loves the beach. Somewhere along the northern coast of Brazil would be a great place to live someday. 32 TRIBE Z A PEOPLE DECEMBER 2010

photography by cody hamilton

DREW ARNOLD, Co-Founder, kiimby Drew Arnold has called many cities across the United States home, but it is here in Austin that he has put down roots. “In the end,” he says, “community helps us get through life every day. It takes us from our first breath to our last.” His experience of moving from place to place impressed upon Arnold the challenge of engaging in a community, which he sought to overcome with the launch of kiimby—Keep It in My Backyard—last September. The organization provides Austinites with a vehicle for participating in a “virtuous triangle,” supporting the charities they love through the businesses they love. “We’re turning everyday transactions into a thoughtful process,” says Arnold. “It’s the antithesis of a discount.” Rather than devaluing a product, kiimby heightens the value of everyday purchases by including a small gift to charity, transforming commerce into meaningful interaction. “We want people to connect, to become their neighbors’ keeper,” Arnold remarks. To that effect, a prominent feature of the kiimby website is its “Community Heartbeat,” displaying the micro-donations that consumers have generated. The name is fitting, as Arnold offers Austinites a revolutionary way to celebrate the life and heart of the city we love. L. Siva

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unique botanical arrangements

by Lori Humphrey

DEC. 9TH Ornamental Things Jewelry

DEC. 3RD & 4TH Tasty Jewelry

by Natalie Tischler

DEC. 17TH & 18TH Kasandra Cruzcosa Photography

by Diane Petkoff

DEC. 10TH Kendra Scott Designs

DEC. 3RD & 4TH Old Soles Boot Company

DEC. 11TH Urban Posh Jewelry

vintage cowboy boots

by Jeanne Kirkland



photography & pictures of Austin

DEC. 20TH & 21ST Adaptive Reuse recycled tin jewelry by Christine Terrell

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Audrey Douglass One cOld december day in the 1970s, my mother and I took the train into Grand Central Station in New York City to see the Rockettes perform at Radio City Music Hall. I remember feeling very grown up that day in my red coat with fake fur collar and cuffs and matching red boots. As we took our seats in the third mezzanine, the elegance and grandeur of the world’s largest indoor theater took my breath away. And then the magic began. The lights dimmed, symphonic sounds began to fill every inch of the Art Deco Hall, the massive curtain began to rise, and out from the wings of The Great Stage came two seemingly endless lines of the most glamorous women I had ever seen. There they were—the Rockettes—dressed in the most magnificent and glittering costumes I’d ever seen, smiling, stepping, and kicking in perfect unison to enthusiastic applause and squeals of delight. I was enchanted. Fast-forward to a cold December day, this time in 2008, when Jack and I brought our own young daughters to New York City to see The Rockettes perform at Radio City Music Hall. To my surprise, I learned that it’s almost more wonderful to see the

photography by jon bolden

Radio City Christmas Spectacular as a parent. Not only does it give you an unadulterated chance to lose yourself in the pure joy of Christmas, but it allows you to watch your own children delight in the enchantment. If that’s not the spirit of Christmas, I don’t know what is. With the Radio City Christmas Spectacular with the Rockettes coming to Austin this month, I had to ask for an audience with Audrey Douglass, 21, the only Austin native in the legendary dance troupe. Audrey, how does it feel to be part of the world’s most famous precision dance troupe? Becoming a Rockette is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I love looking out into the audience while I’m performing and seeing families enjoying the show together. It’s amazing when kids come up to me after the show and tell me they want to be a Rockette. You realize how much what you’re doing is touching people and that’s a great feeling. Do you have a favorite number in the show? I love the Parade of the Wooden Soldiers because it’s a huge crowd pleaser. Also, the choreography for that number hasn’t

ABOVE: Austin hometown girl and current Radio City Rockette, Audrey Douglass (right) along with fellow Radio City Rockette, Lori Barber (left) in front of the UT Tower 36 TRIBE Z A PEOPLE DECEMBER 2010

changed at all since 1933, so it’s amazing to be performing the same number, in exactly the same way, as so many others have before me. I also love the Christmas in New York number because it’s such a quintessential Rockette number with the red and white outfits and kick line. Speaking of the kick line, what’s the secret to achieving such a high level of precision with the other dancers in the line? To prepare for the show, we practice for six hours a day, six days a week. The camaraderie we have helps too. Once you find your rhythm with the other girls, it’s just magical. I’ve met some of my best friends on the line and that sense of connection really comes through in our performances. How do you develop the stamina to perform four shows a day with 1,200 eye-high kicks per day? We’re athletes so we’re in good shape to start with, but we still have to work up to it and power out those kicks. Adrenaline also helps. No matter how many shows we do, we get a huge rush the minute we step out on to the stage. It’s just so exciting. How do you recuperate after a day of shows? Every night, we take an ice bath for about 10 minutes. It’s ex-

cruciating at first but, once you’re in it for a few minutes, you go numb. And it helps so much the next day. Then I eat a good meal and go to sleep. How do you feel about performing in your home town? I am so excited! I love Austin and most of my family still lives in Austin so this will be the first time they’ve seen me in the show. Dawn Weiss, my teacher at the Dancers Workshop, will be in the audience and so will Stephanie Braden, who was my drill team coach at Austin High. Both helped me so much through the years. Stephanie taught me to work hard, be sharp and work in a line, and Dawn taught me to go for my dreams. I’m really excited to show them how far I’ve come. The 2010 Edition of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular will be performed at Bass Concert Hall, December 17-31. For more information, visit Also, if you’d like to kick up your own heels Rockette-style, visit Dancers Shape www., a new fitness studio on Burnet Road, founded by former Radio City Rockette and UT alum, Jennifer McCamish. Carla McDonald is the host of the Austin Arts Minute on News 8 as well as a wife, mother of two daughters, successful entrepreneur, community advocate, and fundraiser. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 37

The 48th Annual Production of

The Nutcracker

7:30pm | Dec 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 21 2pm | Dec 5, 12, 18, 19, 22, 23

Austin’s holiday tradition

THE LONG CENTER Choreography Stephen Mills | Music Peter Illyitch Tchaikovsky Musical Accompaniment by The Austin Symphony Austin’s holiday tradition returns as Texas’ longest running production of The Nutcracker takes the stage for its 48th year. Follow us into the dream world of Clara, as she visits a magical land of dancing snowflakes, a Sugar Plum fairy and a celebration that takes her around the world in a single night.

Tickets starting at $15!

Discounts available for groups of 10 or more.

Visit or call 512.476.2163

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Every Monday night, enjoy all the Florida Stone Crab you can eat for one low price. Downtown 4th and Colorado 512 482 9000 Arboretum 183 and Great Hills Trail 512 794 8300

Museums & Galleries

Arts Guide museums Arthouse 700 Congress Ave. (512) 453 5312 Hours: Th–F 11–7, Sa 10–5, Su 1–5 Austin Children’s Museum 201 Colorado St. (512) 472 2499 Hours: Tu 10–5, W 10–8, Th–Sa 10–5, Su 12–5 AMOA Downtown 823 Congress Ave. (512) 495 9224 Hours: Tu, W, F 10–5, Th 10–8, Sa 10–6, Su 12–6 AMOA Laguna Gloria 3809 W. 35th St. (512) 458 8191 Driscoll Villa hours: Tu–Sun 10–4 Grounds hours: M–Sa 9–5, Su 10–5

featured gallery D Berman Since D Berman Gallery presented its inaugural exhibition 10 years ago, showcasing pattern painting from four artists, the quaint and intimate gallery on Guadalupe and 17th Street has grown into a prominent holder of contemporary regional painting, sculpture and photography. “I decided to open a contemporary art gallery focusing on Texas artists, with the goal of establishing relationships between local collectors and artists,” gallery owner David Berman says. Over the years, the gallery’s aesthetic has evolved, especially as Berman experimented with new formats, artists, and different group exhibitions. “We are constantly brainstorming, and reviewing portfolios in order to keep our exhibitions fresh and exciting,” he says. “Keeping an art gallery in Austin economically viable is a real challenge.” To commemorate D Berman’s 10th anniversary, from December 2 to January 22 the gallery will host a large group show, presenting over 50 works of art from D Berman Gallery artists. Most of the pieces shown will be priced at $1,000 or less, making it a great opportunity for both new and dedicated art collectors to take home some truly incredible works. “Our artists are excited about making new works for this exhibition and we are looking forward to presenting works by many of them in a single knock-out show,” Berman says. The opening reception will be on Thursday, December 2 from 6–8pm. J. Tran 40 TRIBE Z A PEOPLE DECEMBER 2010

Blanton Museum of Art 200 E. MLK Jr. Blvd. (512) 471 7324 Hours: Tu– F 10–5, Sa 11–5, Su 1–5 The Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum 1800 Congress Ave. (512) 936 8746 Hours: M–Sa 9–6, Su 12–6 Elisabet Ney Museum 304 E. 44th St. (512) 458 2255 Hours: W–Sa 10–5, Su 12–5 French Legation Museum 802 San Marcos St. (512) 472 8180 Hours: Tu–S 1–5

George Washington Carver Museum 1165 Angelina St. (512) 974 4926 Hours: M–Th 10–9, F 10–5:30, Sa 10–4 Harry Ransom Center 300 E. 21st St. (512) 471 8944 Hours: Tu–W 10–5, Th 10–7, F 10–5, Sa–Su 12–5 LBJ Library and Museum 2313 Red River St. (512) 721 0200 Hours: M–Su 9–5 Mexic–Arte Museum 419 Congress Ave. (512) 480 9373 Hours: M–Th 10–6,  F–Sa 10–5, Su 12–5 mexic– O. Henry Museum 409 E. 5th St. (512) 472 1903 Hours: W–Su 12–5 Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum 605 Robert E. Lee Rd. (512) 445 5582 Hours: W–F 10–4:30, Sa–Su 1–4:30

galleries Art on 5th 1501 W. 5th St. (512) 481 1111 Hours: M–Sa 10–6 Artworks Gallery 1214 W. 6th St. (512) 472 1550 Hours: M–Sa 10–5 Austin Art Glass 1608 S. Congress Ave. (512) 916 4527 Hours: Tu–Su 11–6, F–Sa 11–7

Austin Art Garage 2200 S. Lamar Blvd., Ste. J (512) 968 6796 Hours: Tu–Sa 11–6, Su 12–5

d berman gallery 1701 Guadalupe St. (512) 477 8877 Hours: Tu–Sa 11–6

L. Nowlin Gallery 1202 W. 6th St. (512) 626 9301 Hours: Tu–Sa 10–5

Russell Collection Fine Art 1137 W. 6th St. (512) 478 4440 Hours: Tu–Sa 10–6 russell–

Austin Art Space Gallery and Studios 7739 North Cross Dr., Ste. Q (512) 771 2868 Hours: F–Sa 11–6

El Taller Gallery 2438 W. Anderson Ln. (512) 302 0100 Hours: Tu–Sa 10–6

La Peña 227 Congress Ave., #300 (512) 477 6007 Hours: M–F 9–5, Sa–Su 9–3 lapena–

Stephen L. Clark Gallery 1101 W. 6th St. (512) 477 0828 Hours: Tu–Sa 10–4

Flatbed Press 2830 E. MLK Jr. Blvd. (512) 477 9328 Hours: Tu–Sa 10–6

Lora Reynolds Gallery 360 Nueces St., Ste. C (512) 215 4965 Hours: Tu–Sa 11–6

Studio 107 411 Brazos St., #107 (512) 477 9092 Hours: Tu–Sa 1–6

Gallery 5619 5619 Airport Blvd. (512) 751 2360

Lotus Gallery 1211 W. 6th St., Ste. 100 (512) 474 1700 Hours: Tu–Sa 11–5

Testsite 502 W. 33rd St. (512) 453 3199 Hours: Su 2–5

Maranda Pleasant Gallery 2235 E. 6th St. (713) 922 8584 By appointment only

Wally Workman Gallery 1202 W. 6th St. (512) 472 7428 Hours: Tu–Sa 10–5

Mass Gallery 916 Springdale Rd. Hours: W 7–9, Sa 12–5

Women & Their Work 1710 Lavaca St. (512) 477 1064 Hours: M–F 10–6, Sa 12–5

Austin Galleries 1219 W. 6th St. (512) 495 9363 Hours: M 10–3, Tu–Sa 10–5 or by appointment Birdhouse 1304 E. Cesar Chavez St. By appointment only Brocca Gallery 1103 E. 6th St. (512) 628 1306 Hours: Tu–Sa 11–5 Bydee Art Gallery 1050 E. 11th St., Ste. 120 (512) 480 3100 Hours: Tu–Sa 11–7 Champion 800 Brazos St. (512) 354 1035 Hours: Tu–Sa 11–7 Creative Research Laboratory 2832 E. MLK Jr. Blvd. (512) 322 2099 Hours: Tu–Sa 12–5 Davis Gallery 837 W. 12th St. (512) 477 4929 Hours: M–F 10–6, Sa 10–4

Gallery Black Lagoon 4301-A Guadalupe St. (512) 371 8838 Hours: W–F 3–7 Gallery Shoal Creek 2905 San Gabriel St., Ste #101 (512) 454 6671 Hours: Tu–F 11–6, Sa 11–4 grayDUCK gallery 608 W. Monroe Dr. (512) 826 5334 Hours: W–Sa 11–6, Su 12–5 Haven Gallery & Fine Gifts 1122 W. 6th St. (512) 477 2700 Hours: M–Sa 11–6, Su 11–4 Jean–Marc Fray Gallery 1009 W. 6th St. (512) 457 0077 Hours: M–Sa 10–6 Kathy Womack Gallery 411 Brazos St., #100 (512) 288 0238 Hours: Tu–Sa 11–6

The Nancy Wilson Scanlan Gallery 6500 St. Stephen’s Dr. (512) 327 1213 Hours: W–F 9–5 Okay Mountain Gallery 1312 E. Cesar Chavez St. Hours: W 7–9, Sa 12–5 Positive Images Gallery 1118 W. 6th St. Hours: M–Sa 10–5, Su 11–4 (512) 472 1831 Pro–Jex Gallery 1710 S. Lamar Blvd., Ste. C (512) 472 7707 Hours: M–F 10–6, S 12–4

Big Medium 5305 Bolm Rd., #12 (512) 385 1670 Clarksville Pottery & Galleries 4001 N. Lamar Blvd., #200 (512) 454 9079 Hours: M–Sa 10–6:30, Su 12–4 Domy Books 913 E Cesar Chavez St. (512) 476 DOMY Hours: Tue–F 1–9, Sa 12–9, Su 12–7 Julia C. Butridge Gallery 1110 Barton Springs Rd. (512) 974 4025 Hours: M–Th 9–9:30, F 9–5:30, Sa 10–2 dougherty/gallery.htm Pump Project Art Complex 702 Shady Ln. (512) 351 8571 Quattro Gallery 12971 Pond Springs Rd. (512) 219 3150 Hours: M–Tu 10–3, W–Sa 11–4

Yard Dog 1510 S. Congress Ave. (512) 912 1613 Hours: M–F 11–5, Sa 11–6, Su 12–5

alternative spaces

Roi James 3620 Bee Cave Rd., Ste. C (512) 970 3471 Hours: By appointment only

ARTPOST: The Center for Creative Expression 4704 E. Cesar Chavez St.

United States Art Authority 2906 Fruth St. (512) 476 4455

Austin Presence 2785 Bee Cave Rd., #336 (512) 306 9636 Hours: Tu–F 10–6, Sa 10–4

To have your gallery considered for listing in the Arts Guide, please send a request to



Arts Calendar DECEMBER 1



Harry Ransom Center Poetry on the Plaza: Harmonica Bob: The Poetry of Bob Dylan 12pm

Blanton Museum of Art B scene: Moulin Rouge 6-10:30pm

Harry Ransom Center Curator’s Tour of Discovering the Language of Photography: The Gernsheim Collection 7pm Through Jan 2

Women & Their Work Lupita Murillo Tinnen Panel Talk American DREAM 7pm

DECEMBER 2 Champion Planted Reception: 7-10pm Through Jan 15 d berman gallery 10th Anniversary Group Show Reception: 6-8pm Through Jan 22 Gallery Black Lagoon New Works by David Lujan Reception: 7pm Through Jan 1

Mexic-Arte Museum Mix ‘n’ Mash Exhibit Opening & Art Sale

DECEMBER 4 AMOA Downtown Holiday Stroll 6-9pm Gallery Black Lagoon Jewelry by Artists Exhibition 2-7pm Julia C. Butridge Gallery 2010 Multiple Originals XV Reception: Dec 14, 6-8pm Through Dec 29 Mexic-Arte Museum Downtown Holiday Stroll 6-9pm L. Nowlin Gallery Charlie Ferguson: Wasted Expressions Reception: 6-8pm Through Jan 8 Mexic-Arte Museum Trees of Life,Trees of Eternity, Trees from the Flowery Realm Lecture by Priscilla Murr 2-4pm

grayDUCK gallery Drawn Together Reception: 7-9pm Through Jan 9

West End Galleries First Thursday 6-8pm


Davis Gallery New Work by David Everett, David Hefner & Caprice Pierucci Through Dec 31

AMOA Downtown Family Saturday 12-4pm

Domy Books Monster Show Five Through Dec 2

Gallery Black Lagoon Handmade Holiday Sale 2-9pm

Gallery Black Lagoon New Works by Jamie Spinello & Kristen Van Patten Through Jan 1

Blanton Museum of Art Third Thursday 5-9pm

ONGOING Arthouse Cyprien Gaillard: Cities of Gold and Mirrors Through Dec 5 James Sham: Close Caption Mequitta Ahuja: Automythography II Ryan Hennessee: TheSpecious Present at 700 Congress Through Jan 2 Jason Middlebrook: More Art About Buildings and Food Through Jan 16 Tony Feher Ongoing

Haven Gallery Woven Glass By Markow & Norris Through Dec 11 L. Nowlin Gallery Charlie Ferguson Reception: Dec 4, 6-8pm Through Jan 8 Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Texas Folklife Yard Show Through Dec 5

Will Klemm

Wally Workman Gallery Will Klemm: New Paintings Reception: 6-8pm Through Dec 24


Blanton Museum of Art Turner to Monet: Masterpieces from The Walters Art Museum Through Jan 2 Repartee: 19th Century Print and Drawings from The Blanton Collection Through Jan 16

The Nancy Wilson Scanlan Gallery Flora and Fauna Through Dec 17 Testsite Full Foreground: Rob Verf & Roberto Tejada Through Dec 19

John Kingerlee

Visual Arts Center Anthropogenesis Combined: Department of Art + Art History Faculty Exhibition John Kingerlee: A Painter’s Passage Ry Rocklen: ZZZ’s Through Dec 18 Women & Their Work Lupita Murillo Tinnen: American D.R.E.A.M Through Jan 16 To have an art event considered for listing, please send press release and image to

Austin Art Space 12Buy12 Juried Art Show & Sale Through Dec 18

Pamela Valfer

Harry Ransom Center Lecture: Winston Churchill’s Public Library 7pm

Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum Tango-Alpha-Charlie: Texas Aviation Celebration Through Jan 9

Ewan Gibbs

Lora Reynolds Gallery Ewan Gibbs: Here and There Through Dec 31


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Events Calendar MUSIC Blonde Redhead Dec 1, 7pm La Zona Rosa Los Lobos Dec 3, 7 & 9pm One World Theatre Trans-Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour 2010 Dec 3, 8pm Frank Erwin Center Justin Townes Earle With Caitlin Rose Dec 4, 8pm The Parish LC Rocks Dec 4, 9:30pm Speakeasy Sam Adams With LA Riots Dec 8, 7pm La Zona Rosa Guy Forsyth & Carolyn Wonderland Dec 8, 7 & 9:30pm One World Theatre Kelly Willis & Bruce Robison Holiday Show With Band of Heathens Dec 9, 7pm The Paramount Theatre A Very Merry Neighborly Christmas Featuring Dave Barnes & Drew Holcomb Dec 9, 8pm The Parish Great Organ Series Holiday Organ Concert Featuring Judith & Gerre Hancock Dec 11, 7:30pm The University of Texas Bates Recital Hall Toubab Krewe With Cas Haley Dec 11, 9pm Stubb’s Morgan Page Dec 11, 10pm Light Bar

Kat Edmonson Dec 12, 6 & 8:30pm One World Theatre Shawn Colvin & Patty Griffin Dec 12, 6:30pm The Paramount Theatre Holiday Sing-A-Long Dec 21, 8:30pm Zilker Park Black Joe Lewis & The Honey Bears, Grupo Fantasma Dec 31, 8pm La Zona Rosa Bob Schneider New Year’s Eve 2010 Dec 31, 8pm The Paramount Theatre 100 Monkeys Dec 31, 9pm Emo’s A New Years Eve Spectacular With Cake, White Ghost Shivers, Agent Ribbons, Mariachi Texas Dec 31, 7pm Austin Music Hall New Years Eve With Jimmy LaFave Dec 31, 9pm Threadgill’s Old No. 1 T Bird and the Breaks New Years Eve Show Dec 31, 9pm Stubb’s

COMEDY Paul Osborn’s Morning’s at Seven Through Dec 11 Vortex The Megaphone Show Wednesdays, 9:30pm The New Movement Theater A Kodachrome Christmas Dec 1-19 The Long Center The Fancy-Pants Mashup Dec 3, 8pm The Hideout Theatre


Main Event Championship Weekend Dec 3-5 The New Movement Theater The Hideout Holiday Super Special Dec 4, 11, 18, 8pm The Hideout Theatre “The Chinaman” Mark Britten Dec 8-11 Cap City Comedy Club Sinbad Dec 10, 7 & 9:30pm One World Theatre Gangs of Recess Dec 11, 9:30-10:30pm The New Movement Theater Vic Henley With Trey Galyon Dec 16-18 Cap City Comedy Club Jackie Kashian Dec 29-30 Cap City Comedy Club Maria Bamford With Jackie Kashian Dec 31-Jan 1 Cap City Comedy Club

THEATER Kathy Dunn Hammrick Dance Company Dec 2-11 Salvage Vanguard Theater RAW Theatre: Writer’s Workshop Dec 7, 7pm Vortex Of Mice and Music: A Jazz Nutcracker Presented by Tapestry Dance Company Dec 14-19 The Long Center Steel Magnolias Through Dec 19 The City Theatre Jade Esteban Estrada GAYlicious! Dec 30-Jan 8 Vortex

The Santaland Diaries Through Dec 31 ZACH Theatre

CHILDREN Little Lounge Lizards Dance Club Party for Kids Dec 4, 1-4pm Qua Junie B. Jones in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! Dec 5, 2 & 4:30pm The Paramount Theatre

OTHER Welcome to Java’s Bachelor Pad Dec 2, 9pm ND At 501 Studios 3rd Annual McDonald’s Light of Love 5K Benefitting RMHC Dec 3, 5pm Mueller Browning Hangar Gibson Street Food Court & Artisan Market Dec 4, 11am-6pm Gibson Street Food Court & Artisan Market Holiday Sing-Along & Downtown Stroll Dec 4, 6pm The Capitol 2010 Homestyle Holiday Hoedown with the Biscuit Brothers Dec 4, 6-8pm Pioneer Farms Ira Glass Dec 4, 7pm The Paramount Theatre The 48th Annual Production of The Nutcracker Presented by Ballet Austin Dec 4-23 The Long Center chika-d Sample Sale Dec 5, 12-6pm Third Base 1717 W. 6th St.

Happy Bee Presented by The Literacy Coalition of Central Texas Dec 7, 5:30-7pm The Belmont An Evening with Michael Pollan Dec 10, 8pm Bass Concert Hall Magic in Manhattan Dec 11-13 AustinVentures Studio Teater Golden Dragon Acrobats Dec 11, 4 & 7:30pm The Paramount Theatre Sims Benefit Bash With Kat Edmonson, Ian McLagan & Maestro Peter Bay Dec 11, 7pm Austin Music Hall Armadillo Christmas Bazaar Dec 15-24 Palmer Events Center Radio City Christmas Spectacular Dec 17-31 Bass Concert Hall To have an event considered for listing, please send press release and image to

Event Pick Petite Peche & Co. Salon Series in Collaboration with Church House Studios December 11, 2010 & January 22, 2011 Church House Studios 1161 Nickols Avenue

Petite Peche & Co., the Austin based boutique culinary travel company and cooking studio, is bringing Austinites some French flavor and culture with their “Salon Style” dinner series at Church House Studios. Inspired by 17th and 18th century French salons, the events will feature some of the finest foods, as well as musical entertainment. The masterminds behind this culinary and musical delight are husband and wife team, David and Danika Boyle. “Our inspiration was to connect people to music in a more beautiful and intimate way that allows artists and the audience to collectively enhance the experience,” Danika says. The duo makes a masterly team considering Danika, who owns Petite Peche & Co., has always felt a love for food and its relationship to life and art, while David’s musical passion and talent has led him to produce for and perform with musicians ranging from Justin Timberlake to local favorites Dan Dyer and Amy Cook. The salons will be held at Church House Studios, which is set in a 1930s church that the couple spent almost a year restoring and converting into a recording and cooking studio. David says, “Danika called me in NYC one day and said she had found an old gospel church for sale in East Austin…We weren’t looking to buy at the time, but

it was an intriguing idea. I came here as fast as I could and immediately fell in love with the place. I guess we never really had a plan, we were just following our hearts.” Danika adds, “The church is the creative work studio and home to me, David, and our son Charlie, so it’s a natural extension to combine our work and life passions and share it with others.” The PP&Co. Salon Series dinners will bring 40 guests together at a time for a four-course meal prepared by Danika with music curated by David. Tickets are $70 and attendees are encouraged to bring their own wine. The first dinner, held in late November, featured food from France’s Indochine Period. The menu included a bahn mi salad with pork rillette, cucumbers and carrots, coriander and anise spiced quail in plum sauce, papillon of prawn with a coconut lemongrass glaze, and a sticky cilantro risotto pancake. And for dessert—chocolate pots de creme with a salted peanut crust. Currently, the couple is planning to host one to two dinners each month. The December Salon Series dinner will bring guests together for a Romantic Period inspired meal, evoking the passion and delights of France in food and music. Danika says it best: “There is nothing like food to set and maintain a spirit of togetherness.” K. Moise DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 45

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Austin is evolving so quickly, it can be hard to keep up, but these creative innovators have managed to stay ahead of the curve, testing the boundaries in their respective fields. With many projects in the works and so much yet to come, these 10 Austinites have set the stage to make their mark on the city. By Lauren Smith Ford & Carolyn Harrold Photography by Cody Hamilton Location and chairs courtesy of Threshold

David Modigliani | Creative Director, Flow Nonfiction “I love makIng documentary films because a true story is always changing— and it changes me, too,” says the awardwinning director, David Modigliani. And with his new company, Flow Nonfiction, he is able tell those stories by “creating branded films for nonprofits and socially conscious companies.” After graduating from Harvard, Modigliani moved to Austin to get his MFA at UT’s Michener Center. He fell in love with the city and started focusing on documentary film, making his first feature, Crawford, about the small Texas town where George W. Bush has a ranch. That was 2008, which Modigliani calls “a long time ago,” and in his world two years is a lot of time consid50 TRIBE Z A PEOPLE people DECEMBER 2010

ering how much he has accomplished. Flow Nonfiction which launched in 2009 and already has an impressive client list like the Clinton Global Initiative, Tide’s "Loads of Hope," and Bing, to name a few. Working on the shorter films allows him to work in parallel on longer feature films, like the upcoming documentary about the unsolved assassination of Louisiana Governor Huey Long. Look for it to come out in 2012. In the meantime, he will keep loving his East Side abode, creative collaborators, and his girlfriend, Michelle, playing with the Texas Playboys baseball team, possibly getting more involved with local politics, and making films that make a difference.

Chris Steiner | Senior Associate, Austin Ventures It ’s not all busIness for Chris Steiner, a Senior Associate at Austin Ventures. Even though he clocks a lot of hours, Steiner still finds time to serve on the board of local nonprofit, I Live Here, I Give Here, which helps connect Austinites to nonprofits that match their interests. “In some ways, we act as a marketing arm for every nonprofit in the city by helping potential donors be thoughtful and deliberate about giving,” he says. After Rhodes College, it was off to Harvard Business School, where Steiner

was recruited to Austin Ventures to help make investments in companies like Austin-based MapMyFitness and Vida Capital. He says the “intense, competitive” industry is complemented by the Austin Ventures office that is fun, dynamic, and energetic. “It’s a privilege to live in a place like Austin with a strong creative presence and youthful, progressive population. I went to business school hoping to work in private equity and doing it in Austin, at a place like AV is better than I imagined.”

Paul Qui | Executive Chef, Uchiko WItH tHe openIng of ucHIko tHIs year , Paul Qui has risen from chef de cuisine at Austin’s beloved Uchi, to take center stage as executive chef at Tyson Cole’s newest venture. He has also added a second food trailer to his much-lauded side business, East Side King. This one is behind Bridget’s Dunlap’s newest place, Bar 96. Qui, who only started at Austin’s Texas Culinary Academy in 2003, got his foot in the door at Uchi by offering

to work for free. He continues this practice, staging, in other kitchens around the country, including momofuku in New York, which enables him to pick up new ideas and techniques. Grateful for the opportunities he has had, Qui is eager to extend them to others, so he has already taken on students from the Culinary Academy at Uchiko. What the future will bring for Qui is hard to say, but for now his plate is full.

Elise Hu | Political Reporter, Texas Tribune It ’s been a bIg year for e lIse Hu —she left her gig as KVUE’s state political reporter for a job at the start up nonprofit, nonpartisan political website, the Texas Tribune, she got married (to fellow journalist at the Tribune, Matt Stiles), and picked up a national Edward R. Murrow Award. “In some ways, it’s been the longest year of my life,” the selfproclaimed “political junkie” says. “When we first moved into the office, we didn’t have chairs or trash cans. We were starting from scratch, which was unnerving in some ways, but it has paid off in spades. We are inventing

things as we go along, and I really believe in new media and going to where the audiences are.” The “Trib” recently started a partnership with The New York Times. It’s the drama of politics that attracts the University of Missouri grad to it. “It’s always full of surprises. Politics have a huge impact on our lives—the legislature is making decisions about our roads, our schools…the air we breathe, and people should have a stake in that. As reporters, we have the opportunity to write the first draft of history.” And, Hu is just the person we would want for the job. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 51

Jennifer Wijangco | Director of Development, Arthouse A self-described introvert, Jennifer Wijangco is the director of development at what might be the hottest art space in Austin—Arthouse at the Jones Center. Ready for a change, she left her position as the Deputy Director of the Texas Cultural Trust after four years to take on the new role. She started a year ago, and has seen Arthouse through its recent transformation, orchestrating the grand re-opening events. While at the Trust, Wijangco started

strataTX, a group for young professionals interested in fostering creativity in the arts, culture, and the economy, and she remains on the steering committee. They are working on revamping the group, and she promises new things in the year to come. Now that Wijangco has found her footing at Arthouse, she is eager to find a new way to volunteer her time and get involved in the community—she may even look for something outside of the art sphere.

Heather Courtney | Filmmaker After four long years, award-winning filmmaker Heather Courtney is only months away from completing her highly anticipated documentary, Where Soldiers Come From. For the film, Courtney followed a group of 20-year-olds from her hometown in rural northern Michigan before, during, and after their National Guard service in Afghanistan. Courtney moved to Austin to get her MFA in Film Production from UT, and three months after graduating she won the SXSW Audience Award for her student film, Los

Trabajadores. She has since been granted a Fulbright fellowship as well as a $50,000 artist's fellowship from United States Artists. As a documentarian, she says, “It’s not really about having technical expertise…It’s more about being very open to people and being a good listener.” Where Soldiers Come From is already slated for national broadcast on PBS some time next year, and in addition to showing it at festivals, Courtney hopes to hold community screenings around the country, especially in rural areas.

Lucy Begg | Architect, Thoughtbarn Austin owes a lot to the Rural Studio, Auburn University’s radical educational design/ build program. It served as a place of exploration for some of Austin’s most innovative up and coming architects, like Lucy Begg. After earning her Masters in Architecture at UC Berkeley, where she was awarded the prestigious Branner Fellowship that sent her off on a year working with architects around the globe (Berlin, Buenos Aires, and New Orleans) on public participation methods, Begg came to Austin, where she has found a mid-sized city that really suits her. Growing up in London, she never veered off the path to becoming an 52 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010

architect. “I love the complicated nature of it—working with many people to make something happen,” she says. Begg is particularly interested in the nonprofit side, and is closely involved in Design Build Alliance with, among others, fellow Rural Studio grad Jack Sanders. The Alliance aims to involve students in design and construction of low-income housing. She says: “Architecture connects you to things that are bigger than yourself. It’s about how the city develops as a whole and all its related environmental and social issues.” Begg and her fiancé, Robert Gay, “live, work, and socialize” on the East Side.

Addie Broyles | Food Writer, Austin American-Statesman t here are Over 250 fOOd blOgs in Austin, and Addie Broyles, at just 27, is the leader of the pack. It’s hard to imagine how this University of Missouri grad finds a balance—she writes a weekly column for the paper, maintains both a personal blog, The Feminist Kitchen, and a Statesman blog, Relish Austin, is active on Twitter with over 4,500 followers, and will now host her own TV show, the Austin Supper Club, the first locally produced Austin-centric cooking show that will air on KLRU next year. Did we mention she is a mom to a toddler and

a newborn too? “Some days you feel like being engaged online and sometimes you don’t. You have to recognize what mode you are in, and when I’m in parenting mode, I try to put up those boundaries.” At SXSW, Addie will lead a panel discussion on food blogging. On her show, Broyles will explore everything from high end restaurants to communities that food inspires like groups that meet in state parks for dutch oven cooking. “Food naturally brings out the best in people, and in Austin, people support those who go out on a limb.”

Dave Bryant | Artist K nOwn in austin primarily for his visual art and for founding the no longer extant Fresh Up Club, Dave Bryant, with a grant from Art Matters, is setting out for Nepal, where he has never been, to make a movie, Son of Sid, which he has never done, based on a book, Siddhartha, he has never read. But then again, he has a record of doing things without experience and all of the typical prerequisites, a history of seizing opportunities and making

big impressions. The guy got his high school diploma by managing the vending machines in exchange for required course credits. He got a job working for MTV's Wonder Shozen without ever even wanting a job working for MTV. And now he will make and star in a movie. How is all of this possible? Bryant says, “By me always being open to opportunities.” The only thing not surprising—he says the film will be “about contradictions.”

Robert Gay | Architect, Thoughtbarn Originally frOm small tOwn a labama, Robert Gay, with his award-winning architecture firm Thoughtbarn and the unique digital fabrication studio he co-founded, BBIITT, is straddling the line between art and design, and making an impact in Austin and beyond. Gay, who received his Masters in Architecture from UT in ’05, has since worked on innovative projects ranging from creating a fully recyclable house and revamping The Mohawk to art installations and furniture design, and most recently a

solar-powered way-finding system for the Lance Armstrong Bikeway. He explains, “We like to do interesting work, so we look all over the place for those opportunities…we try to add a little wit to standard run of the mill things to make them extraordinary.” In the coming year he hopes that he and his business partner at Thoughtbarn and wife-to-be, Lucy Begg, will work on more research-based projects, looking into digitally fabricated building components and new housing types. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 53

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56 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010





Photography by Jeff Wilson

Pamela Colloff's story for Texas Monthly helped get an innocent man out of prison. Julie Thornton spearheaded an effort to give life to Arthouse, a world-class space for contemporary art in Austin, raising the bar for artists and patrons alike. S.C. Gwynne wrote a New York Times best seller about Texas. Each of “The 10 of 2010” shares their unique journey to get where they are now, the challenges they have overcome along the way, their passion for the city, and what's in store for the future. They say it's the music, the lake, or the weather that makes Austin so great. But, judging by these 10 extraordinary individuals—it's the people. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 57

58 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010


Andy Roddick

Life on the lake is good for this tennis star and his model/actress wife who are all about giving back.

By Lauren Smith Ford

“i am taKing credit fOr the saints’ super b Owl win,” Andy Roddick jokes from the kitchen counter of his Lake Austin home over a yogurt parfait from the Coffee Bean. “Drew Brees (the New Orleans Saints quarterback) and I grew up playing tennis against each other in Austin. He was 12, and I was 9. He beat me a couple of times. When I finally beat him, he quit tennis. I can’t watch a Saints telecast without them mentioning it.” On this chilly Saturday morning, Roddick is going to squeeze in a work out before boarding a plane headed for Basel, Switzerland, where he will play in the Davidoff Swiss Indoors Open (he lost in the semifinals to Roger Federer), but no matter where his travels take him, which is usually 30 plus weeks out of the year, Austin will always be home. Roddick was born in Nebraska (he is still a Corn Huskers fan), but moved to Austin when he was four. He lived here with his parents and two brothers before moving to Boca Raton, Florida at 10, for his older brother to attend a tennis academy. It was supposed to be just for a year, but that turned into 10 years when tennis really clicked for Roddick. Up until then, he had played just about every sport—soccer, baseball, basketball, and continued that until age 12 when he started playing on the state and national youth tennis circuit and did not lose a match for an entire year. In Florida, he trained for three years on side-by-side courts with Venus and Serena Williams, who are still close friends of his today. Today at age 28, Roddick still loves the game and says that he enjoys practicing more now than when he was younger. “My game is a constant adjustment…it changes from year to year, not just from 10 years ago. It’s more complete now. I am more fit,” he says. “But sometimes ignorance is bliss, like when I was 18, I didn’t know what was going on. You always have to try and reinvent yourself and stay relevant in the game.” Off the court, Roddick took the advice of Andre Agassi who once told him that his biggest regret was not starting a foundation earlier. He says: “That hit home for me because Andre has accomplished so much with his foundation and he still felt like he

could have done more.” Roddick held his first philanthropic event when he was 18 in the parking lot of a tennis center in Florida. “We might have raised something like $30,000 which I thought was the greatest thing ever at the time. Little did I know that years later, we would be raising close to $1.7 million, which we did at a gala a few years ago.” Roddick started the foundation in 2001 and dedicates the mission to “serving children today for tomorrow.” Since its inception, the Foundation has raised over $10 million He continues to put on charity tennis events around the country, but hosts his gala in Austin around a musical act. Past years have featured Elton John and Lionel Richie, and this year’s gala on Saturday, December 4, brings Jimmy Buffett. The beneficiaries of this year’s event include the KIPP School, The Settlement Home for Children, Austin Partners in Education, A Glimmer of Hope, and the Andy Roddick Youth Tennis Program. “When I am done with tennis, the Foundation will be my primary focus,” he says. “Austin is such a good town when it comes to giving back and wanting to help locally, so it makes it easier on us.” With his wife, Sports Illustrated supermodel turned actress, Brooklyn Decker, in Hawaii filming the upcoming Peter Berg movie, Battleship, Roddick is having breakfast with his friend, Dillon, and coach, Larry Stefanki, as his beloved bulldog, Billie Jean, roams close by, making the modern style house feel a bit more bachelor pad than newlywed love nest. Roddick is laid back and affable, as he chats about his favorite Austin restaurants (Moonshine and North), his recent passion for golf, and his April 2009 wedding to “Brook” (as he affectionately calls her) in the backyard of his house with a reception at Westwood Country Club. He is a much less intimidating figure than the face behind his record-breaking 155 mph serve. “Brook and I always say that we are the most boring young couple of all time. We are always running on the trail and are into eating healthy,” he says. “That’s just the kind of lifestyle Austin veers you towards. She loves it here, and I have always been in love with this city. That won’t ever change. We are here for good.” DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 59

60 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010


Julie Thornton

This former ballerina and arts advocate has all the right moves for taking Austin to the next level. By Lauren Smith Ford

mOnday afternOOn in an e ast austin phOtO studiO: If Julie Thornton is tired from her weekend in New York (for the epic Performa’s Red Party); running her landscape-design business, Big Red Sun; or all the recent festivities around the grand reopening of Arthouse at the Jones Center, for which she has been the board president for the past five years, it doesn’t show. At 41, Julie is a petite and effervescent bundle of energy, posing for the camera in a chic Alexander McQueen jacket that only she could pull off. Her years as a professional ballet dancer show in the graceful ease of her movements. And almost instantly, the photographer and his assistant are charmed, as seems to be the case with everyone who crosses her path. Julie grew up in Arlington, where she drove to Fort Worth six days a week for ballet lessons. She calls her parents “open-minded hippies,” who helped nurture her early interest in the arts, enrolling their “hyper” daughter in dance and gymnastics classes. “My mom thought it was too sexist to be a cheerleader,” she says, her infectious laugh permeating the room, “so I focused on ballet. I just loved it immediately—I really took to the discipline of it.” After earning her degree in dance at the University of Akron in Ohio, Julie moved to Austin in 1992 with the idea that if dancing with Ballet Austin (which she did) didn’t work out, she would go back to UT to get her degree in art history. Julie stopped teaching dance 10 years ago and focuses now on “trying to get a conversation started about dance. “Even in New York, there is a small amount of people who want to talk and know about dance. It’s an expensive art form historically and intellectually, so it’s stalled a bit while other art forms have gone forward. Because it’s so expensive, it’s hard to push the medium.” Her efforts with test performance test, which begins its third season in April, are doing just that, bringing a curated mix of national and international performance work to Austin, like the recent performance “Prima” by LeeSaar, the company created by Israeli duo Lee Sher and Saar Harari. Julie is extremely well traveled and may have one of the most awe inspiring art collections in the state (think Kehinde Wiley, a Jeff Koons Bunny, a Gajin Fujita that was recently on display at

the Blanton, and a Maarten Baas-designed dining room that you may have seen in the New York Times’ T magazine), but she makes talking about the arts feel approachable and just plain fun. Arthouse has been a big focus for Julie since she first became involved 10 years ago. “I thought it was really relevant and liked that they were taking risks in their programming because it was free…being at the reopening felt so grown-up,” she says. “We opened the first night with a party just for the artists, and one of them came to me the next day and said, ‘Julie, this just changes the game. We are always going to expect this level now—there’s no in between,’ and I’m proud of that.” Julie will step down as board president of Arthouse this month, but will continue to be involved. “A city of this size should not be able to sustain this many major theaters and visual and performing arts organizations, but we do, so there is an audience for them,” she says. “A little bit of survival of the fittest needs to go on to concentrate and make the quality of the viewer’s experience better.” Julie partnered with Selena Souders in the landscape-design business Big Red Sun and has already scored big clients, like the W Austin Hotel & Residences. “One of the reasons I was drawn to outside rather than designing for the inside is that everyone has pretty intimate, aggressive ideas about how they want it to look. With the outdoors, there is a little more free reign…you can surprise them.” A third-generation gardener, Julie was having the garden from her former home replanted in her new yard on the day of our interview, a perfect symbol of the new beginning this vivacious visionary has experienced in the past year. “I went from 40 to 41 and was, like, ‘Wow!’ My ex-husband [John] and I got through the divorce very civilly and both are completely gracious about it. We lived together for 15 years, so clearly we still like each other…It was just time to move on. It’s interesting, because I met him when I stopped dancing, and I really didn’t know what to do at that point. I learned so much when I was with him—traveling and learning about art, and now I feel like I am able to use all that information in the next phase in my life. It actually has been an okay transition.” she says. “It’s just living right…it’s lovely to have the opportunity.” DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 61

62 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010


S.C. Gwynne

How a former banker became the author of this year’s hottest book about Texas By Clay Smith

in the early eighties, while he was working for a large multinational bank, S.C. “Sam” Gwynne commuted to downtown Los Angeles every day wishing he were Hunter S. Thompson, George Orwell, Wallace Stegner, Ernest Hemingway, Edward Abbey, Ken Kesey, or Tom Wolfe. That’s a heady list of idols for a man who was already 29 and syndicating multimillion dollar, international loans rather than being paid to write. Donning his “pinstriped suit, Brooks Brothers shirt, and wing-tip brogans,” Gwynne reminded himself as he was setting up those loans that, as he’s since written, “Stegner and Orwell were not out hawking loans in their late 20s; not commuting to the financial district carrying a briefcase full of credit reports; not reading The Wall Street Journal at a large oak desk on the 38th floor of the First Interstate Tower.” Gwynne is now the successful author of Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History, which has sold more than 150,000 copies (not including e-book sales) since it was released in June and landed the writer on the New York Times bestseller list for five months and garnered a raft of glowing praise. Gwynne, who once had trouble figuring out how to move from international banking to writing, now has speaking engagements booked through next June and, it’s safe to say, an easy path to securing his next book deal. For at least the last two years, there has been one book about Texas that has captured the imagination of Texas (and national) readers more than any other book about Texas—in 2009, it was Vanity Fair writer Bryan Burrough’s The Big Rich: The Rise and Fall of the Greatest Texas Oil Fortunes; this year, it’s Empire of the Summer Moon. For far too long, the history of the Comanches taught to Texas children in the obligatory seventh grade Texas history course has felt entirely obligatory: starched of its life and blood, Texas’ tumultuous past as told through textbooks managed to seem ho-hum. Gwynne has revived those former seventh graders’

interest in the epic, vicious history of the state by telling a dual narrative: the intimate story of the Parker family, first attacked by the Comanches and then made part of their tribe, which anchors his telling of the larger history of the Comanches. “It was a book that I never would have written in a million years if I hadn’t moved to Texas and fell in love with Texas,” Gwynne says now. But something funny happened on Gwynne’s way to Texas: the gift that allowed him to leave banking was his wife Katie, who won $60,000 on the old game show Tic Tac Dough. After he quit his job, Gwynne wrote screenplays and eventually landed a job as the correspondent for Time magazine in 1988 and later as Time’s business editor in New York. As Gwynne moved into his office in New York, however, he felt caged. “I wanted big, endless blue skies and big myths and a sense of the enormous and raw power and potential of the lands west of the 98th meridian,” Gwynne has written. So he got Time to set him up as the magazine’s bureau chief in Austin and later ended up at Texas Monthly, where he spent a decade writing about everything from Karl Rove to what it was like to spend a week alone in the most sparsely populated part of the Southwest. He’s now a features writer for the Dallas Morning News, spending his weeks in Dallas and his weekends with his wife and daughter in Austin. The book that’s put him on the map grew out of the various stories he wrote for Texas Monthly, however. “I was spending time out in the Great Plains,” he recalls, “places I came to love, and this is Comanche territory and it was the fact that I lived here and I kept hearing stories.” His life “has been turned upside down” by the book’s success, he says. “I’m not really sure what it means for my larger life. I’m 57 years old. If this had happened when I was 29, it would be a different situation. I’m trying to sort it out.” Don’t plan on him leaving Texas, though: “I have no plans to retire to Northern California and write leisurely histories,” he says. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 63

64 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010

Producer & Entrepreneur

Elizabeth Avellán At age 50, Elizabeth Avellán is branching out, bringing ideas to life on the big screen and beyond. By Carolyn Harrold

Just one day after her fiftieth birthday, Elizabeth Avellán is full of youthful exuberance, brimming with ideas and excited about all of the balls she has in the air. From her new company, EYA Productions, to the iPad apps she is developing, to her philanthropic work in Afghanistan and Morocco, to her six children, Avellán is busy, and thrilled to be working on her own projects. Avellán is best known as the cofounder of Troublemaker Studios and for producing films directed by Robert Rodriguez, including From Dusk Till Dawn, Sin City, Machete, and the Spy Kids series, to name a few, but it has been four years since her divorce from Rodriguez, and her projects are beginning to come to fruition. “Every day when you’re married, you spend a lot of time working on the relationship. When the divorce happened, I gained the freedom and free time to pursue new projects and interests of my own,” she says. While Avellán still co-owns Troublemaker, and produces the movies made there—she is currently working on Spy Kids 4—she has started her own production company, EYA (a play on the Spanish word “ella,” or “she” in English), and has three movies of her own in the works—two thrillers and a Christmas movie. In the fall she purchased the My Generation sets from ABC, which were slated to be torn down when the show was cancelled, and she plans to start shooting there in January. She explains, “Troublemaker’s too busy, there’s too much going on, and I have the opportunity to use these sets that are already built.” She is also working with her eldest son, Aaron Burns (25), from her marriage before Rodriguez, on his first feature length film, blacktino, and she says, overflowing with pride, “It’s one of the most fun projects I’ve worked on.” Avellán who has been working as a film producer for nearly 20 years, is now finding that her ability to produce extends beyond the big screen. “I’m branching out, away from the film business too, because I love entrepreneurship. I love to come up with ideas,” she explains. In 2006, she invested in a sewing factory for widows in Afghanistan with her longtime friend and colleague, actor Jeff Fahey. Now, four years later, the factory employs around 250 women. She explains that custom in Afghanistan dictates that a widow move in with her husband’s family, earning money only

through childcare, sewing, and cooking. “So we have found a way to create jobs for them, so that they are able to help support their own family as well as the family that they have to live with.” And, the factory already has big contracts, so it’s profitable. According to Avellán, “The widows that are sewing, that’s important to me, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t make a business out of it somehow, so that you can then create more things like that.” Through her work in Afghanistan, Avellán has become increasingly involved in human rights issues. An immigrant from Venezuela herself, she is currently volunteering for the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants with Fahey, who serves as the USCRI’s Global Ambassador. They are helping to facilitate the return of refugees from the Tindouf camps in Algeria to the Western Sahara. She has also just collaborated with her partners at LifeForms Creative LLC to develop an iPad app, with another soon to be released. The first, which is called LifeForms, enables iPad users to easily fill out and share PDFs. It has already been featured as a New and Noteworthy App and climbed to the top five free productivity apps. Next in line, is an app that will serve as a breastfeeding guide, to be used by new mothers and doctors alike. Avellán’s secret to success? Hard work. “To be an immigrant... and to be able to end up through hard work, getting what we’ve gotten...has taught me, that you don’t have to be brilliant [although she is], you have to be a hard worker,” she says. And that is one of the many things that keeps her in Austin. “The work ethic. I think that’s what Austin crews have that surprises everyone. That’s why people still come here to bring films. Even though Louisiana has a much better tax credit than the rebate that we have...That’s why I think we love working here, and living here. Everybody likes to work hard and play hard, and be familial,” she says. In addition to keeping members of the Austin film community employed—she hires almost all local—Avellán serves on the Advisory Council of the Texas Book Festival and on the Board of Capital Area Statues. She works with Rainforest Partnership, and every year she contributes her time to the Austin Film Festival, SXSW, and Fantastic Fest. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 65

66 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010


Pamela Colloff

How the Texas Monthly writer freed an innocent man from prison By Clay Smith

a lthOugh she wOn’t admit it, Pamela Colloff is responsible for getting an innocent man who had been on death row out of jail. One month after Colloff published an article in the October issue of Texas Monthly about Anthony Graves, who spent 18 years in prison for supposedly murdering six people, Burleson County district attorney Bill Parham stated that “There’s not a single thing that says Anthony Graves was involved in this case. There is nothing.” Colloff says the article merely “helped focus public attention on his case.” After the story was published, the prosecutors “needed to respond to the questions raised in the story, and I think that’s the most anybody can say,” she insists. But if Colloff and Texas Monthly hadn’t forced prosecutors to publicly respond to the gaping holes in their evidence, who else would have? Other media outlets have covered the Graves case, but none of them devoted an astounding 14,000 words to the issue. Colloff spent months working on the story. She was allowed just one short interview with Graves, so she then mailed him her questions and he responded over a four-month period, Colloff says, sometimes with 15-page responses. She then annotated every single sentence she turned in to her editor with a footnote stating the sources of the facts she reported. The magazine’s fact checker then did his own annotations on each sentence of the article. At a time when journalists are expected to blog, tweet, and Facebook, in addition to writing articles—in short, when journalists are asked to constantly be in our faces, despite the dubious value of that trend—it is reassuring to know that lengthy, costly, investigative, gumshoe reporting can still enthrall readers and force a powerful institution to correct the injustice it inflicted. After Graves was freed, Colloff was interviewed by NPR’s All Things Considered and 48 Hours (which will air next February), and the columnist Leonard Pitts has devoted two columns to her article. In mid-November, she received the prestigious Sidney Award because of her work on the article.

But on the day Graves was released, Colloff realized she had a flat tire. She wanted to race to Brenham to be there so she could report on Graves’ reentry into the world (his lawyer had to teach him how to use a cell phone to call his mother so he could tell her he was free and coming over for dinner). She got the tire fixed and went home to pack her suitcase before hitting the road, but her three-year-old son Jake leaped into her suitcase, begging her not to leave. “He gave me this heart wrenching speech about the fact that he loved me and didn’t I love him?” Colloff recalls. She eventually made it to Brenham, but the life of a crusading reporter isn’t as sexy as we think it might be. With a young son, a husband in grad school, and a job that has her traveling throughout the state, Colloff says her life is “not very balanced.” It’s difficult to imagine she would be happy not being a journalist, however. During her senior year in high school in New York City, Colloff nabbed an interview with Allen Ginsberg, the Beat poet, by walking up to him after he’d given his talk at the school and asking for an interview, but she wasn’t alone when she approached him. Her ace in the hole was the good looking male friend she asked to do the interview with her (Ginsberg was gay). Ginsberg talked to Colloff and her friend for three hours. During her sophomore year at Brown University, despite the fact that the only journalism professor there died of a heart attack the day she declared her major, Colloff found two former fraternity members who had left a particular fraternity and revealed that some of the fraternity’s members had been getting female students drunk, “videotaping them doing various sexual things and then distributing the videotapes,” Colloff says. The article created a scandal on campus and led to policies intended to prevent similar actions by fraternity members in the future. That was Colloff’s first article for the Brown University alternative student newspaper, and it got picked up by the AP. The lesson it taught her has stuck with her. She recalls: “I learned that you could write something, and if you’re lucky, make something happen.” DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 67

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Daniel Northcutt There is always something cooking in (and out of) the kitchen for this innovative entrepreneur.

By Jessica Dupuy

mOst Of us have heard the Old figure Of speech, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” In the case of Daniel Northcutt, he may be one of the few to have turned this common phrase on its head. From running his own restaurant (which is open from 7am to 2am on some days) to co-owning a film company (with writing and production partner, Will Gordon) and putting on live events across town, ‘Northcutt,’ as he prefers to be called, is both Jack and master of entertainment in Austin. From running the music bar and vendor registration for the increasingly popular Fun Fun Fun Fest for the past few years and serving the best hot dogs in the city at his restaurant, Frank, with everything from wild game sausages and veggie dogs, to brewing up some of the best coffee in the downtown area, Northcutt’s modus operandi seems to be: If you can’t pursue what interests you most in life, why bother? Having worked in the food and beverage business on projects such as Starlite and The Woodland, it was only natural for this energetic entrepreneur to create his own restaurant concept, which he did in 2009 with the Warehouse District’s veritable neighborhood joint, Frank. At the onset, Frank appears to be a jazzed up version of what a hot dog stand would look like if you spruced it up in a fancy old building and added a little polish. Frank has a swank appeal that extends beyond your typical hot dog dining hours at lunch and dinner. In fact, there’s a lot more to this historic brick restaurant than meets the eye. The lunch and dinner hours stay busy with business diners from construction workers to bankers in suits chowing down on great southern comfort fare and a vibrant happy hour crowd seeking handmade cocktails and microbrew beer. “First and foremost, we wanted to serve quality food and beverages,” says Northcutt. “We get the best all beef Vienna hot dogs from Chicago, handmade sausages from Hudson’s Sausage Company, and all of our ingredients are fresh. We wanted this place to be upscale, but low brow. In other words, you’re going to get good food but you’ll be in a laidback atmosphere.” But Frank also transitions into a hip late night locale, especially on the weekends when hours extend to 2am. Northcutt has taken advantage of this late night vibe to begin featuring live music and

DJs. On Wednesday evenings, the restaurant hosts a weekly “Rec Room” in which the entire dining room is cleared to make way for ping pong tables, bean bag tosses, game board stations, and arcade games. The idea came to Northcutt and his friend, Adi Anand of the production company, From the Mind of Adi, as a way to add a playful feel to the place. On the weekends, downtown dwellers wander in with big appetites for the restaurant’s famed Sunday Brunch complete with chicken and waffles and shrimp and grits, a tribute to true southern-style breakfast. You can get a truncated version of the brunch menu throughout the week with daily breakfast bread options such as cheddar sausage biscuits. And the best part of Frank’s morning service is the coffee. As an extension of Northcutt’s commitment to quality food, he was intent on serving the best coffee he could find, which happened to be Chicago-based Intelligentsia, an artisan-style dark roast coffee that tastes a little like caffeinated heaven in a cup. For Northcutt, the vision for Frank has always been the same: to service the downtown area as it continues to evolve into a neighborhood community and a thriving hot spot for culinary tourism. “If it’s seven o’clock in the morning and you want a great cup of coffee, we’ve got you covered,” says Northcutt. “If you want to bring the kids down for a hot dog for lunch, we’ve got you covered. If you want to try some exotic game sausage at night with a great glass of wine, we’ve got you covered. If you want late night entertainment with a cocktail, we’ve got you covered.” And soon, not only will Northcutt have you covered at Frank, but he’s also working on expanding the Frank brand to include events and catering. With everything this industrious 30-something has going on, you’d think he had little time to take a breath. But Northcutt simply grins when asked when he finds time to sleep. “I sleep probably more than I should. None of this would be possible without my team of business partners.” Surrounded by the support of his wife Jenn, and fellow business partners Christian Helms and Geoff and Yancy Peveto, who do everything from marketing and design, event production, and managing the restaurant, Northcutt’s team is proof that you can do all things with a little help from your friends. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 69

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Lucia Athens

One of the world’s leaders in sustainable building is out to ensure Austin’s leading eco status.

By Clay Smith

lucia athens is the first “chief sustainability Officer” for the city of Austin, a somewhat forbidding job title that evokes images of a stern cop who slinks down our alleys, peeking into our blue recycling bins and issuing tickets for the various eco-infractions we’re guilty of making from time to time. Lucia Athens doesn’t hand out tickets for putting greasy pizza boxes in the recycling bin, but the modern environmental movement has succeeded so well at making all of us feel responsible for saving the earth—and guilty if we don’t—that to hear Austin now has a chief sustainability officer conjures notions of lock-step compliance. You can stop worrying. Athens has a simple explanation of what she does: “I want to make it easier for people to do the right thing,” she says. She thinks of her vocation as the “sustainability concierge” for Austin—someone who’s a trusted resource for citizens who are curious about how to live sustainably, whether those citizens are corporate or individual Austinites. Athens doesn’t directly manage each of Austin’s many environmental initiatives, but she is in charge of making the crucial links among those various programs so that the city’s sustainability efforts are clear to the public and present a unified, thoughtful policy intended to make Austin a beautiful, eco-friendly place to be. A licensed landscape architect and San Antonio native, she began her career in public service in Austin, working for the city’s Water Efficiency Program in 1987, later working on the team that developed the city’s standards for its Green Builder Program, the first of its kind in the nation. She left Austin in 1994 and eventually settled in Seattle, where she led that city’s multi-million dollar green building program, instituting the world’s first LEED-based green building policy. The author of Building an Emerald City: A Guide to Green Building Programs and Policies, Athens has been part of an international community of leaders in the green building movement. And despite the wide awareness of the environmental movement, Athens is out to change people’s minds. “I think some people feel

like they have to give up something” to be eco-friendly, she says. “It’s a mind shift to realize, ‘I can have more’” by acting sustainably. By riding a bike to work, for example, you’re also getting in shape and connecting with your city and the outdoors. If you’re able to share tools with your neighbor, you don’t have to own and maintain as much stuff. “I think many of us still have this oldfashioned idea back to the Jimmy Carter era where the (energy efficiency) message was that we’re going to be wearing sweaters, shivering in the dark,” Athens says. “To me, sustainability means you can have more quality of life and more connections to your community.” Growing up, Athens got a rare, up-close education in what it can be like to try to convince people of something they may not want to hear. Athens’ father was the head of the Sierra Club in San Antonio when the construction of the 281 freeway was a controversial issue there. “A columnist referred to my father as ‘the man with the Joe Stalin mustache and World War I aviator glasses,’” Athens recalls, laughing a bit at the memory. Environmentalists aren’t lampooned like that anymore just because they’re environmentalists, but “I’m very grateful to people like my father who were willing to be on that front line when it was not even close to mainstream,” she says. Her parents, frustrated that foreign films weren’t played locally, did something about it by forming the Cinema Society of San Antonio, raising enough money among their friends and other interested moviegoers to bring arthouse fare to San Antonio during the 1960s. The tendency to create a solution to a problem rather than pout about it seems ingrained in Athens. She says Austin is in an enviable spot, poised to continue and advance its leadership role as one of the nation’s most sustainable cities. “There’s a great legacy to build on of things we’ve already done and innovations we’re currently advancing with the Pecan Street Project, the Mueller neighborhood, and our solar program,” she says. “And then there’s so many new challenges we need to address—and it’s an exciting time to be involved in this.” DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 71

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Mark Updegrove

In the job he was destined for, a presidential historian helps the public re-imagine a misunderstood President.

By Lauren Smith Ford

when m arK updegrOve was 12, his parents took him to the Bicentennial Celebration in Philadelphia where he grew up. It was 1976, and President Gerald Ford drove by in a Lincoln. “There was the President of the United States…It really struck me,” he says, from President Lyndon B. Johnson’s private quarters on the 10th floor of the Presidential Library, where he now holds the job of Library Director. A young Updegrove was hooked and started collecting Presidents’ autographs and drawing caricatures of them. He has met six Presidents and interviewed four, including Gerald Ford and his recent interview with George W. Bush for December’s Texas Monthly. “There is no institution in this country who has more of an effect on who we are and how we evolve than the Presidency of the United States,” he says. “I just find the subject infinitely interesting and LBJ in particular is just a fascinating and largely misunderstood historical figure.” “A lot of people just associate President Johnson with the Vietnam War and neglect to recognize his accomplishments in civil rights, education, environmental reform and protection, and immigration,” he says. One way that Updegrove will give more insights on LBJ is with the book he is currently working on In Search of LBJ: A Presidential Oral History (to be published in 2012), his third book on presidential history. "You can’t know LBJ unless you see him through the eyes of those who knew him. That's why I wanted to do an oral history—you get an indication of his power, his passion, and his fierce desire to effect change in this country,” he says. “You can't get a clear sense of him in photographs or in film. If you hear from people who experienced him, then you get a better feeling for how important he was and how he was truly bigger than life." Updegrove’s excitement for LBJ’s world is infectious as we tour the Johnson quarters (whose décor has not changed since his presidency), and he points out Johnson’s desk that was in his private office off the Oval Office, the extra long sofa that suited his 6’3” frame for naps, the bright green shag carpet circa 1973 in the restroom, and the dining room table, where Updegrove still hosts dinners today. At the dinner table, Mrs. Johnson and Updegrove’s predecessor Harry Middleton’s (who held the post for 30 years) rule still stands—one conversation at the table only. “Nobody misses out on what’s being

said, and everyone contributes. It makes for a warm and intimate evening,” he says. Because it’s a closed to the public space, only a few people have visited the hallow nest with grand views of the stadium and UT Tower—including notables like Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Queen Elizabeth, and Prince Charles. The Library is the repository of all the documents, photographs, and anything related to the Johnson administration, from a letter from a citizen to a gift from heads of state. It is also an archive and a museum devoted to the 36th President and his life, along with changing exhibits like the recent one on Walter Cronkite. “With our programs, we not only want to look back at the past, which is at the core of who we are, but it was also Johnson’s wish and mine too, to look at the future where we address issues that are important to the country now and will be in the future.” Just in the last year, program guests included Bob Schieffer, Lesley Stahl, Rory Kennedy, and in the next year, look for Sandra Day O’Connor, Julian Bond, Jimmy Carter, and Woodward and Bernstein. Up until October 2009 when Updegrove took this job, he spent his career in magazines—president of TIME Canada, publisher of Newsweek, publisher of Nickelodeon and MTV magazines, and an executive at Yahoo. But, he doesn’t miss the pace of life in the big city. “New York is an incomparable city. There is a vitality and excitement about it that no other city matches, but it’s also exhausting. I appreciate the grace and hospitality of Texans and the balanced lives they have. Austin is the best of all worlds.” Updegrove lives with his wife and two children (Charlie, 10, and Tallie, 4) in West Austin. “We used to joke that the only thing Austinites do is sit around and talk about how great Austin is and now I am one of them!” Even though Updegrove already boasts impressive credentials as an author and businessman, he says the best career moments are yet to come. “They will be through this institution…I really love what I am doing now. I have found no greater fulfillment than being the Director of this Library because it marries many of my interests,” he says. “I get to meet the biggest names and best minds of our time while continuing to write and put together a better, clearer view of the Johnson administration. Plus, I am living in a place that I love, where I can be outside all year…what’s better than that?” DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 73

74 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010


Carolyn Schwarz

Through HA AM, this “Jane of all Trades” is making sure the people that make this the Live Music Capital can keep on keepin’ on. By Amira Jenson

when carOlyn schwarz was a yOung girl , her mother and father would play the radio to help her fall asleep. Now, Schwarz is executive director of the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM), a program that connects local musicians to discount healthcare services. And because of her work, thousands of musicians can sleep better knowing they have access to healthcare. “It’s rewarding, knowing that I’m truly making a difference in the lives of our musicians. They tell me HAAM is saving their careers and changing their lives,” Schwarz says. She became executive director when HAAM was first created five and a half years ago. Before then, Schwarz earned a master’s degree in social work and worked at insure.a.kid, a non-profit organization that aids lowincome families in obtaining insurance for their children. As executive director and one of only two employees at HAAM, Schwarz is a self-proclaimed “Jane of all Trades.” For Schwarz, there’s no such thing as a typical day. The one running theme in her week is constant busyness. She oversees all aspects of the program, from enrollment of clients to staffing board meetings and planning fundraising events. Over the years, HAAM has helped 2,200 musicians obtain access to health care and currently has 1,500 enrolled. In order to be eligible for HAAM’s services, a person must be a working musician, living at or below 250 percent of the Federal Poverty level, and currently be uninsured. “I’ve always been interested in healthcare,” Schwarz says. “It’s a complicated system and I enjoy helping people navigate it. Many people feel overwhelmed and don’t know there are affordable programs out there for them.” HAAM began with three affiliate service providers. Seton Family of Hospitals provides primary medical care, St. David’s Foundation offers dental care and the SIMS Foundation provides mental health and addiction recovery. In 2009, HAAM added Estes Audiology to its service providers for hearing exams and custom fit earplugs, and this year it added vision health through Prevent Blindness Texas. “In 2011, we’re going to focus on wellness and prevention programs,” Schwarz says. “We are exploring offerings in nutrition, smoking cessation and want to start classes that help musicians learn how to carry their gear correctly and how to avoid repetitive motion injuries.”

To maintain and expand HAAM’s services, Schwarz organizes two major fundraising events a year. Corporate Battle of the Bands invites business people with music as a hobby to play in front of celebrity judges at Antone’s. On HAAM Benefit Day, businesses can donate five percent of their day’s sales or give a flat cash donation. This year, 200 businesses participated and HAAM fundraised a record-breaking $195,000. Though Schwarz and HAAM have already touched the lives of over 2,000 musicians in Austin, she is committed to keep expanding its outreach and programs. There are roughly 8,000 musicians in Austin. As the Live Music Capital, Austin’s musicians produce nearly $1 billion in local economic activity. Being self-employed, however, leaves many musicians without access to affordable insurance. Schwarz is proud to be helping them get into primary care and out of emergency rooms. “I have a call to service that’s programmed in me,” Schwarz says. I couldn’t imagine doing anything besides helping my community in any shape or form. It’s really fulfilling to me.” In 2008, a drummer in a local band was suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. Without insurance, he’d often have to go to the emergency room when he felt he couldn’t breathe. He was about to quit his job when a friend told him about HAAM. Schwarz set him up with a provider and scheduled his first appointment with his doctor. The doctor prescribed him with the proper medication and he hasn’t visited an emergency room since. He is currently recording a new album with his band. Clients often thank Schwarz with letters and postcards. Her efforts have also been recognized by the Austin Business Journal, which presented her with the Woman of Distinction award this year. In 2009, Schwarz won Austinite of the Year at the Austin Under 40 awards. Schwarz and her husband moved to Austin over eight years ago. It was music that had brought them together, meeting at a mutual friend’s concert when they both lived in San Francisco. The city’s culture satiates Schwarz’s love for music, and she says she rarely steps past the local section at Waterloo Records. When she buys an album, she often buys two copies to send one to a friend. “I really believe in all our lives, whether it’s classical, rock or jazz, music has touched us all,” Schwarz says. “It’s something that touches our souls in so many different ways.” DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 75

76 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010


representative Mark Strama This Democratic Representative may be facing an uphill battle, but that won’t stop the dynamic politico from reaching his goals for the state.

By Carolyn Harrold

less than a weeK after his re-electiOn to the Texas House of Representatives, Democrat Mark Strama is grateful, but not elated. This victory, his fourth, is bittersweet. While he will return to serve in January, over 20 of his fellow Dems will not. So when congratulated, which he is many times during our meeting, he smiles and shrugs his shoulders at the same time, and his thank yous turn into explanations in which he paints a picture of himself as one of the last men standing, with an uncertain future. “Given what a tough year it was for Democrats, I feel relieved,” he says. “And grateful to the voters.” His victory likely has to do with the relationship he has formed with his constituents. After six years as District 50’s representative, the people of North Austin and Pflugerville know Strama, and his wife, Crysal Cotti, a former Fox 7 reporter. They have seen him at sporting events, school activities, and community gatherings. And he has earned renown for his Campaign Academy—an idea that initially developed as a solution to the minimal budget he was running with in 2004 and has become a way for high school and college students to participate in his election campaigns and learn about the political process first hand. Speakers Strama has brought in to address the Academy range from Howard Dean, Lee Leffingwell, and Kirk Watson to an array of journalists and bloggers. He is also one of the founding members of the Pflugerville ISD MEN in Education Program, which has increased the number of male role models in Pflugerville’s schools. In the House of Representatives, Strama is currently the chair of the Technology, Economic Development, and Workforce Committee, a position that could hardly be more aptly suited to his interests. He was appointed to the post in 2009 by Speaker Joe Straus. However, considering the current political climate and the new landscape of the House—last term the Democrats, with 73 seats, and Republicans, with 76, were nearly at par—both of the Representatives’ positions this term are tentative. So it is difficult for Strama to speculate about the upcoming year. Regardless of where he ends up, he says will continue to work on the issues that he ran on and has been dedicated to since the beginning:

education, renewable energy, and political reform. “These are issues that ought to transcend partisanship, so it’s my hope that the new Republican supermajority in the House will still welcome my input,” he says. Thus far, he has had success in championing these issues. Of the bills he is proudest, he mentions legislation he authored that requires the comptroller to post all of the details for the state budget online, (now available at texastransparency. org), as well as a bill he coauthored that allows school districts to spend text book money on technology. As the owner of a Sylvan Learning Center franchise—his day job, since Texas State Representative is an unpaid position—he is kept up to date on advances in education. Before running for office, Strama worked in a string of technology related jobs, although all of them connected him to the political sphere. They ranged from program director of Rock the Vote to the founder of (Before this, directly after graduating from Brown University, he worked on Ann Richard’s campaign for governor, which is what brought him to Austin, and then as chief of staff for State Senator Rodney Ellis.) However, when he ran for office, he says, “We [he and his wife] looked to invest in a business that we would feel good about, that had the potential to teach me things that would make me more effective in the Legislature,” and that wouldn’t be too time consuming. The couple has two daughters, Victoria, who is three and a half, and Caroline, who is just over a year. “Right now my hobby is my two girls,” he says. “That’s all I have time for outside of work.” He takes them to anything he thinks they might enjoy, which apparently isn’t too difficult. “They love anything with a crowd. They’re both very extroverted—I wonder where they get that,” he says, laughing. “My three and a half year old [Victoria] will give mock speeches. She already knows all of the platitudes. She’ll get up there and start, ‘Hello, how is everyone doing? Thank you so much for coming out today. Lovely weather we are having.’” While Strama may not have gotten started quite so early, he was on the debate team in high school. His plans for the future? He’s too good a politician to say. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 77

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Tim McClure, Cofounder, GSD&M

Creatively Speaking Illustration by Joy Gallagher

EVER SEEN A ZEDONK? I’m not surprised if you haven’t even heard of a zedonk, because it’s definitely a horse of a different color. A different stripe, for that matter. A zedonk—also called a zonkey, zebonky, zebrinny, zebrula, or zebrass—is the offspring of any cross between a zebra and a donkey. In most cases, the sire is the zebra stallion. Offspring of a donkey sire and a zebra mare, called a zebra hinny or donkra, do exist but are rare. The extinct quagga was also a crossbreed of horses and donkeys. Distinguished English naturalist Charles Darwin noted several zebra hybrids in his works. Where am I going with this? Excellent question. Recently I read an article by Sean B. Carroll, a molecular biologist and geneticist at the University of Wisconsin. According to Carroll, “On May 15, 1985, trainers at Hawaii Sea Life Park were stunned when a 400-pound gray bottlenose dolphin named Punahele gave birth to a dark-skinned calf that partly resembled the 2,000-pound male false killer whale with whom she shared a pool. The calf was a wholphin, a hybrid that was intermediate to its parents in some characteristics, like having 66 teeth compared with the bottlenose’s 44 and the 88 of the false killer whale, a much larger member of the dolphin family.” Before you start thinking that these oddities of nature are some kind of moral breakdown in the Animal Kingdom, it turns out that “hybridization” among distinct species is not so rare. Witness the beefalo, a cross between bison and beef cattle; zorses (zebra-horse); and of course, mules (donkey-horse). Scientists have also discovered the liger, a cross between (you guessed it) a lion and a tiger. I took it upon myself to do a little local research. Jim Wimberly is the President of Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) just south of Austin. (Besides being one of America’s most eco-friendly landfills and Austin’s newest recycling partner, TDS is home to some 77 species of rare and exotic animals.) I asked Jim if he or any of the founding Gregory family had witnessed any “odd-coupling” on their sprawling 1,750-acre savanna. Jim hesitated for only the briefest moment, then asked me how closely I had studied the corporate video I was producing for his company.

Sure enough, in a bucolic scene of various species, you can clearly see a scruffy buffalo (bison) stalking a wide-eyed longhorn. Was this a longalo-in-the-making? I poured over the remaining footage of giraffes, zebras, ostriches, kangaroos, wildebeests, camels, monkeys, tigers, even Rowdy, their lone (and very, um, horny) rhinoceros. After careful scrutiny, I was unable to discern any obvious hybridization. “Our exotics are pure bred,” founder Bobby Gregory assures me. Well, for now, at least. Lest you think hybridization only occurs in the Animal Kingdom, here’s some more startling news. Loren H. Rieseberg of the University of British Columbia and her colleagues have recently discovered that two widespread species, the common sunflower and prairie sunflower, have combined at least three times to give rise to three hybrid species: the sand sunflower, the desert sunflower, and the puzzle sunflower. Very puzzling, indeed! All of this set me to thinking: If different animal species are hooking-up out there in the Wild, and different flower species are following their lead, who’s to say that the human species hasn’t tested the waters as well? Analyses of the genetic distance between Neanderthals and modern humans reveal that our DNA is 99.84 percent identical to that of Neanderthals. Apparently the two lines split off from each other about 270,000 to 440,000 years ago. The fossil evidence indicates that Neanderthals were restricted to Europe and Asia, whereas Homo sapiens originated in Africa, land of those enigmatic pyramids. The crucial question for paleontology, archaeology, and paleogenetics centers around what transpired between the two species. Did we date them, or kill them, or both? Imagine if two species, say early man and an as-yet unnamed alien species, were to mate. Could the offspring of homo erectus and some extraterrestrial sapient species produce (dare I say it?), homo sapiens? A colleague of mine recently commented that while I have spent the past 39 years of my advertising career as a “Mad Man,” my true calling may actually have been science. Or perhaps I should simply invent a new career—something called Ad Science. Better yet, Mad Science! DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 83

Style Pick Kendra Scott 1400 South Congress Avenue, Suite A-170 (512) 499 8400

Photogr aphy by R yann Ford

South Congress is Austin’s treasure box of style, and last month, it debuted a new gem—the Kendra Scott flagship store. The inventive atmosphere of South Congress complements the vibrant aesthetic of the Austin-based jewelry designer. “We design for women at every age,” Kendra Scott says. “South Congress welcomes everyone, and that’s what our brand is.” At the heart of one of the city’s creative districts, Kendra Scott evokes the fearlessness and artistry that is the essence of timeless style. From the beginning, she experimented with bold statement jewelry, and Scott continues to create playful pieces for the lively, modern woman. “Our oldest customers,” she reveals, “are just as passionate and vivacious as our youngest,” a philosophy reflected in the joie de vivre that pervades her work. Many of her vibrant and unique stones can’t be found anywhere else, because the designer often creates her own colors and silhouettes for a distinctive and unmistakable aesthetic. It is thus not surprising that her work is carried by top retailers, such as Henri Bendel, and regularly graces the pages of magazines, including InStyle and Glamour. On the other hand, the story behind Scott’s enterprise is as incredible as its success— started almost nine years ago with only 500 dollars in a spare bedroom, Kendra Scott Jewelry is now sold in over 800 stores and has grown into a celebrated brand with an innovative philosophy. Scott counts philanthropy among her core values, and her team works closely with Dress for Success 84 TRIBE Z A PEOPLE people DECEMBER 2010

and volunteers weekly with Meals on Wheels. “We always have something to give,” Scott insists. “This community has given me so much—I don’t see how I could do it any other way.” Scott’s refreshing, community-centered philosophy translates directly into her flagship store, which offers clients an interactive and personal experience. A boutique unlike any other, Kendra Scott Jewelry houses its design studio above the retail store, affording the designer a more intimate relationship with her customers and brand. “It’s important to me to physically be there,” says Scott. “I can make the brand better every day.” The flagship store offers shoppers not only a glimpse of the work behind the collection but also an incredible chance to help create the pieces themselves. Scott hopes to give her clients the same access to the selection of stones and silhouettes that her design team has. “We want [our customers] to experience what we do,” she explains. With her flagship store, shoppers can do just that. The revolutionary in-store Color Bar includes thirty unique stone colors and over forty silhouettes, allowing shoppers to create their own vision, which the design team upstairs transforms into reality. The Color Bar is but one way in which Scott’s flagship store promises to reinvent the way we think about jewelry. Ultimately, the relationship between designer and client at Kendra Scott Jewelry is personal and collaborative, ensuring that every piece is a perfect fit. L. Siva



Lawrence Wright

Behind the Scenes In writing his book The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 and adapting it into a one-man show, “My Trip to Al-Qaeda,” Lawrence Wright undertook a project that he never expected to be easy. Drawing from his experiences living in the Middle East and researching its culture and history, he set out to help Americans understand the human dimensions of terrorism in the post-9/11 world. Wright’s interest in the region began in 1969, when he began teaching English at American University in Cairo. As a young man, he developed an affinity for the people in one of the most complex, conflicted parts of the world. “When 9/11 came along, I felt like every American: I was angry and upset. But also, I felt betrayed,” because of his experience of living in the Arab world, Wright says. “To have that culture that I was so fond of attack the society I lived in was very upsetting.” Wright’s frustration motivated him to dive deeper into his research and to immerse himself in as many perspectives as possible, and he conducted interviews with dozens of former terrorists, FBI agents and even Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law. “When I finished the book, people were asking, ‘What was it like? How did you feel when you were talking to these people?’ I wanted to sort those thoughts out for myself. In some respects, writing the play was a way of dealing with those kinds of personal experiences,” Wright says. “My Trip to Al-Qaeda,” which was made into a documentary film that aired on HBO in September, is Wright’s vividly personal story about his relationship with the region and the people he met there over the years. He relates his narrative on a virtually bare stage, illustrating the tale in chapters with the aid of a slideshow backdrop—part history lesson, part

86 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010

autobiography. As such, the play is not just an examination of the factors that lead terrorists to carry out violent attacks. It is also a glimpse into Wright’s own quest to make sense of the blind hatred exhibited by some of his subjects while also recognizing the complexities of the society in which they live. Wright presents the show’s underlying question midway through the performance, asking the audience (and himself), “Who am I when I’m talking to al-Qaeda?” The answer is complicated, as the writer admits that he often struggled to maintain his objectivity in the presence of people who condone kidnappings, beheadings, and suicide bombings. “That part of the film really touches a nerve with a lot of reporters,” Wright says. “It’s something we don’t talk about very much. I felt that I should acknowledge it, because I’m pretty good at maintaining a neutral stance as a receptacle for people’s stories, but it was unnerving to me to lose it the way that I sometimes did. Emotions were very fragile, especially at the first part of my research and shortly after 9/11, and I couldn’t always hold on to that reportorial distance.” He says audiences have risen to the challenge of listening to other points of view, even those with which they fundamentally disagree. “It’s very controversial, and it’s upsetting, dark material, but I think that people need to be exposed to why the ‘protagonists’ on each side act and feel as they do,” Wright says. “There are historical, religious, political, psychological, and cultural reasons for the rise of terrorism and anti-Americanism. My approach is to look at the things that I think are most important in driving these men to do what they do. Other people may have a different set of priorities, but I think that all those factors are critical in understanding it.” R. Heidrick


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California Dreaming From Big Sur to the Bay Area, the Golden State has much to offer for every kind of vacation. By Lauren Smith Ford

cruIsIng doWn HIgHWay 1 on the 150-mile drive from San Francisco to Big Sur, I wondered if Big Sur and its preeminent accommodations, the Post Ranch Inn (Highway 1; 888-524-4787; were going to live up to the hype. As author Henry Miller put it: Big Sur is the California that men dreamed of years ago, this is the Pacific that Balboa looked at from the Peak of Darien, this is the face of the earth as the Creator intended it to look. And, the Post Ranch comfortably sits at the top of every best of list around—from Condé Nast Traveler’s 2010 Most Romantic Hideaway to Andrew Harper’s Number One U.S. Hideaway. As we drove up the steep road that leads to the Inn, passing a parked fleet of matching black Lexus SUVs, we began feeling inklings of the privacy and level of service to come. We were greeted by the warm staff, who seemed to appear out of thin air with the offer of a welcome glass of champagne. Since we arrived early, we trekked up a set of outdoor steps that lead to the guest rooms and


restaurants…we had arrived, literally—looking out over the cliffs to the Pacific Ocean, the fog-like clouds had rolled in. We were on top of the world. I wanted to pinch myself and couldn’t remember why I honeymooned in Italy? At check in time, one of the Lexus SUVs arrived to escort us to our room, a Peak House ($1,485 per night), which overlooks the Ventana Mountains (the mirroring Cliff House that overlooks the Pacific goes for $2,185 per night with the Butterfly Room at the low end for $550-725 per night). With an outdoor spa tub, a wood burning fireplace, a private deck, a stocked complimentary mini bar and no alarm clocks or televisions in the rooms, we quickly fell more deeply into the Post Ranch trance. Time seems to slow down in Big Sur. Start with morning yoga in the yurt on the property, then it’s the ultimate breakfast spread, which comes complimentary with your room, at the award-winning Sierra Mar Restaurant. Light walks can be taken all through the private trails on property that are surrounded by towering Redwoods.

The Post Ranch Inn's Sierra Mar Restaurant as the sun sets over the Pacific Ocean. Recent guests seen at the Post Ranch include Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift on a romantic getaway. Ellen Degeneres and Leonardo Dicaprio are also big fans of the property. Photography by Kodiak Greenwood.


One of the Post Ranch Inn's jade infinity pools that looks out onto the water; Below: A peek inside one of the Inn's spacious Cliff Houses.

We never crossed paths with any of the other hotel guests, so it felt like our own playground. It’s tempting to never leave the Post Ranch, but we had to venture out for one of their recommended hikes—the Tanbark Trail and Tin House. The 5.6-mile loop gained 1,600 feet and offered sweeping views at every turn. Then, it was off to Pfeiffer Beach, one of the few places to get up close and personal with the water—a group of 10-year-old girls had a race going up and down the sand dunes, a young couple tossed a Frisbee, while many just sat and watched the ocean wildly crash into the rocks. Back at the Post Ranch and ending our day of activities as the sun set over the infinity edge hot tub overlooking the Pacific was simply cinematic and the highlight of our trip. A month after leaving Big Sur, I can still wake up, yearning for this place Miller called the “face of the earth.” Even if I never return, I will always carry visions of this magical place. 90 TRIBE Z A PEOPLE people DECEMBER 2010

Slow It Down in Sausalito

The coastal Miwok tribe originally inhabited this majestic property at the base of the Golden Gate. It became a military base, Fort Baker, in 1866 and the 24 buildings around the 10-acre parade ground took shape between 1901 and 1915. Fort Baker went from post to park in 2002, and sweeping views are offered in each corner of the property.

We Were not quite in fast-paced big city mode, but still wanted to experience our favorite parts of San Francisco, so the Cavallo Point Lodge (601 Murray Circle, Sausalito; 415-339-4700; cavallopoint. com) just across the bay provided the perfect base for hiking into Sausalito’s quaint downtown (which boasts one of the largest house boat communities in the world) or hopping on a 30-minute ferry ride that takes you right to the Ferry Building for a lunch at the Slanted Door (1 Ferry Building #3, San Francisco; 415-321-3733), which serves up delicious, modern Vietnamese with a view. Don’t forget to make your reservations though—this spot is hopping no matter the time of day. The Cavallo Point Lodge is a truly unique property—it’s at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, located in a national park, and served as an Army post (Fort Baker) through World War II. The history is there, but everything about the 10-acre property feels fresh and luxurious. There’s a lot of room to explore or just take in the views of the Golden Gate. Choose from historic lodging (formerly officers’ residences) or the contemporary lodging that was built just a few years ago. Both have their charms—historic rooms (start at $265) open right up onto the sprawling green lawn, and the modern accommodations (start at $310) have amazing views of the bridge. There is a surprising calming laid back feel to the property considering that it is just a stone’s throw from the bustling big city. Guests can enjoy breakfast, lunch, or dinner in the Murray Circle Restaurant that serves up fresh, seasonal fare. The porch or near the toasty fireplace are the best seats in the house. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 91

The serene adult pool looks out onto the endless rows of grape vines and apple orchards at The Carneros. Photography by Kodiak Greenwood.

Vino, Vino in Napa Modern Meets cozy at the Carneros Inn (4048 Sonoma Highway; Napa; 707-299-4900; in Napa. The Inn is a part of the PlumpJack group of restaurants, wineries, hotels, spas, and shops across Northern California and plays house to many of the younger set of travelers who venture to the wine country. Spanning over 27 acres of well-groomed rows of grape vines, farmland, and apple orchards, the Inn feels spacious and inviting. The aqua colored Bianchi bicycles invite exploration of the property. Each of the 86 individual cottages offer 450 square feet of living space as well as private patios and courtyards. The suites have over 1800 square feet of indoor and outdoor space, and we immediately felt right at home in our bungalow with vineyard views. We dined at the Inn’s fine dining option, FARM, where we chose from a well-edited menu. The 92 TRIBE Z A PEOPLE people DECEMBER 2010

dining room’s cathedral style ceilings and fireplaces are elegant, but it’s the outdoor dining/bar space that really shines. One highlight of the property was the spa and the California Thai Herbal Compress massage, a deep muscle treatment that combines a steamed herbal compress, targeted pressure points, and stretching. All the wineries are easy to reach from the Inn, and our favorite lunch spot had to be sitting outside at The Girl & The Fig (110 West Spain Street; Sonoma; 707-938-3634). Their take on the French country nails it on every note, especially the roast pork loin tartine and croques monsieur. The best thing about this trip was that with driving just a few hours, we were able to have three completely different experiences with the majestic mountains and ocean, the lively big city, and the sprawling countryside.

An Austin Transplant's Take on San Fran Anne Campbell has spent years uncovering the city’s gems for, the chic, gal-friendly e-zine she helps run. Now, splitting her time between Texas and the West Coast, she’s using her skills to scour the Fog City. She shares an anything-but-touristy guide to what’s hip in San Francisco. EAT / SIP | Kokkari Estiatorio is hands-down the best Greek in the city. I always ask for a table near the fireplace and order a Greek coffee with my dessert, which they heat over hot sand. Sophisticated Zuni Café is one of Gwyneth Paltrow’s faves. Be sure to try their famous bread salad, which comes with their roast chicken for two. Be sure to order when you sit down—it takes an hour to prepare. Stroll off the beaten path and head to The Mission, a colorful neighborhood just outside downtown. Hundreds of beer options, and great pub food, await at The Monk’s Kettle. Amidst a sea of knockoff sunglass shops and cheap food stands, the tiny Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory in Chinatown is a sweet find. Opt into a free tasting but don’t snap any iPhone pics for your Facebook page—they’ll charge you for the photo op. Liguria Bakery in North Beach boasts the best foccacia this side of The Atlantic. Arrive early. When they run out of bread—and they always do—they shut down for the day. You might spot a tourist wearing a not-so-fabulous fanny pack at The Cliff House, but the view is spectacular. Plan cocktails at sundown. DO | After making a stop at the California Academy of Sciences and the De Young Museum, take a brief respite at the gorgeous Japanese Tea Gardens. Bring cash for the entrance fee, and stay to sip in the tranquil setting. Make your way along Clement Street to Green Apple Books and Period George Antiques, then duck in for lunch at delicious Burma Superstar, where locals know the Tea Leaf Salad is worth the wait. From the Ferry Building (known for its gourmet food vendors and restaurants) or Fisherman’s Wharf, catch a ferry to one of my favorite places, Sam’s Anchor Cafe in Tiburon. Regardless of the weather in the city, it’s always warm and sunny at Sam’s! SHOP | It was my landscape architect husband Cameron who first dragged me to Flora Grubb Gardens. The green thumb mecca is great for unusual gifts. For a pick-me-up, there’s famed local Ritual Coffee Roasters on-site. Get ready to break the travel budget at Monument in The Mission, the best vintage and mid-century modern decor pieces I’ve ever seen. Imbibe on the signature orange beer at Carrots, owned by two sisters (one of whom graduated from SMU), while browsing the impeccably-styled salon de home goods, jewelry, and fashions.

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Dining Pick

Hopdoddy Burger Bar 1400 S. Congress Ave., Ste. A190 (512) 243 7505

Photogr aphy by Chris Patunas

Hallelujah! South Congress finally has a new restaurant that’s not a kitschy trailer or an upscale wallet-buster. Enter Hopdoddy, a delightful burger bar that hits that in-between sweet spot. Casual, inexpensive, and delicious, Hopdoddy will appeal to almost everyone. Obviously, it’s filling a void in the hood: by 5:30 on a recent weeknight, it was already half-full, and by 7:00 it was standing room only. Couples on dates, clusters of friends, single diners at the bar, and families with kids all happily co-mingled and munched. Hopdoddy focuses on two things: burgers and beer. Thus, the name: ‘hop’ as in the beer ingredient and ‘doddy’ as in the nick-name given to the original Aberdeen Black Angus of Scotland in the early 1800s. The burgers are terrific. Made with fresh-ground All-Natural Black Angus beef, patties are thick, juicy and flavorful. There’s a classic hamburger, plus creative variations topped with mushrooms, poblanos, barbecue sauce, goat cheese, chili, and even Fritos. Non-beef burger options include bison, turkey, tuna, veggie, plus a daily special like the Greek-inspired lamb burger topped with feta cheese. Garnishes are fresh and buns are house made daily, baked and toasted to perfection. The beers are just as stellar. The rotating selection of a dozen draft beers are served in frosty schooners and include tasty local brews from Thirsty Planet, Real Ale, 512, Live Oak, and Independence Brewing. Guinness is the only true import to make the cut. 96 TRIBE Z A PEOPLE people DECEMBER 2010

Although burgers and beer are its namesake, Hopdoddy does other things well. The fries are fantastic. Made from Idaho Kennebec potatoes, they’re McDonald’s-thin but upgraded with a dusting of fresh herb seasoning. Salads are chockfull of organic greens and generously topped with garden-fresh goodies. Cocktails feature homemade syrups, freshsqueezed juices and a wide selection of local and organic spirits. And house-churned ice cream is used in milkshakes that come ‘regular’ or ‘grown-up’, spiked with booze. Located on a lively stretch of South Congress formerly occupied by Cissi’s Market, Hopdoddy is airy and urban. A large bar anchors one side and booths and bistro tables fill the other. Orders are placed in the kitchen, just beyond the condiment bar, and food arrives on small baking trays and most disposable serving vessels used are compostable. The team behind Hopdoddy consists of Larry Foles and Guy Villacaso of Z’Tejas Grill and Chuck Smith and Larry Perdido, the creators/owners of Moonshine, so they know what they’re doing. Their latest creation offers not just great food and atmosphere, but great value, too. Hefty high-quality burgers average just $7. A ‘regular’ $2 order of fries is big enough to share. The $4 side salad overflows from its bowl. And oversized goblets of beer start at just $3. It’s the kind of place where you walk away happy, satisfied, and with some change in your pocket—perhaps enough to buy dessert at one of those nearby kitschy trailers or upscale wallet-busters? K. Spezia


Dining AMERICAN 1886 Café and Bakery 604 Brazos St. (512) 391 7066 Everything about this place exudes classic Texas elegance—especially the decor and the extensive menu that touts breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late-night dining. 24 Diner 600 N. Lamar Blvd. (512) 472 5400 Get chef-inspired comfort food all day and all night at this welcome addition to North Lamar. 219 West 219 W. 4th St. (512) 474 2194

As a multi venue bar and restaurant that’s perfect for any occasion, 219 West’s cleverly designed menu pairs American tapas with cocktails.

serves mainly local and organic fare in its airy dining room. Don’t miss the free tango lessons every Wednesday night!

34th Street Café 1005 W. 34th St. (512) 371 3400 This unpretentious spot has earned a reputation for moderately-priced food that’s carefully prepared with fresh ingredients, and a warm, homegrown Austin feel.

The Belmont 305 W. 6th St. (512) 457 0300 A modern Ocean’s 11 crowd imbibes in stylish cocktails and eats at this buzzing, retro-Vegas supper club.

Annies Café & Bar 319 Congress Ave. (512) 472 1884 A welcome addition to Congress Avenue, Annies

Blue Star Cafeteria 4800 Burnet Rd. (512) 454 7827 This sleek space offers a local and season-driven menu with entrée options like maple chicken-fried quail with cheese grits. The

old-fashioned dessert case tempts with homemade favorites. Chez Zee Café and Bakery 5406 Balcones Dr. (512) 454 2666 Colorful decor and a huge menu with nice salads and lunchtime pizzas. Check out the dessert case near the bar. Cover 3 2700 W. Anderson Ln., Ste. 202 (512) 374 1121 Dining. Spirits. Sports. An Austin original, Cover 3 combines an exceptional upscale dining experience for lunch or dinner, full bar with outstand-

ing Happy Hour specials, great service and a pure love of sports into an amazing restaurant and lounge. Cover 3 captures the excitement and entertainment of having a private box at your favorite sporting event. Eastside Café 2113 Manor Rd. (512) 476 5858 Serving delicious and healthy fare from the organic garden out back since 1988, this quaint spot is a local favorite. Finn & Porter 500 E. 4th St. (512) 493 4900 Dazzles with steaks, chops,


Dining seafood, and sushi. For an intimate gathering, reserve the oversized white leather banquette tucked in the corner. Foreign & Domestic 306 E. 53rd St. (512) 459 1010 With a menu that changes regularly to accommodate fresh local and seasonal ingredients, Foreign & Domestic is the delicious and creative collaboration between husband and wife duo, Ned and Jodi Elliot. Frank 407 Colorado St. (512) 494 6916 Now, this is our kind of hot dog. It’s well, porktastic! Choose from an assortment of artisan sausages like the Jackalope with local antelope, rabbit, and pork sausage, or the simple and delicious Chicago Dog. Galaxy Café 9911 Brodie Ln., Ste. 750 (512) 233 6000 1000 West Lynn St. (512) 478 3434 4616 Triangle Ave. (512) 323 9494 These quaint, contemporary cafés offer delicious all-day lunch, an exquisite selection for dinner, and even a glutenfree menu! Try the seared yellow fin tuna steak or the Zocala burger! Their sweet potato fries are also divine! The Good Knight 1300 E. 6th St. (512) 628 1250 Dark, cozy setting with clever cocktails and hearty comfort foods like chicken pot pie, shepherd’s pie, and meatloaf.

The Grove Wine Bar 6317 Bee Cave Rd. (512) 327 8822 Lively Westlake wine bar, retailer and restaurant. Wine list boasts more than 250 by the bottle.

Leaf 419 W. 2nd St. (512) 474 LEAF Countless variations on wonderfully fresh made-toorder salads with homemade dressings.

Hopdoddy Burger Bar 1400 S. Congress Ave. (512) 243 7505 At Hopdoddy, the perfect union of burgers and beer is prime. With fresh ingredients, from Black Angus beef to the baked buns and hand cut Kennebec fries, Hopdoddy means serious business when cooking up burgers.

M Two 208 W. 4th Street (512) 478 7222 Replacing Saba Blue Water Café, M Two’s laid back, yet sophisticated, modern twist on American cuisine proves every day food such as mac and cheese and steak churrasco can be divine.

Hudson’s on the Bend 3509 RR 620 N. (512) 266 1369 Best handling of wild game in town—á la delicious quail salad, rattlesnake cakes, and grilled venison chops with lobster tail. Hyde Park Bar and Grill 4206 Duval St. (512) 458 3168 4521 West Gate Blvd. (512) 899 2700 A neighborhood scene with fine food and a cool, central bar. J. Black’s Feel Good Lounge 710-B W. 6th St. (512) 433 6954 Pub fare at its best. Try the Texas Kobe beef sliders and signature thin-crust pizzas. Jack Allen’s Kitchen 7720 Hwy. 71 W. (512) 852 8558 Made with the freshest local ingredients and bold kicks of flavor, Chef Jack Gilmore cooks country favorites with Texas spirit, but with a twist. Try Gilmore’s pumpkin seed pesto marinated chicken breast or chorizo stuffed pork tenderloin medallions!


Max’s Wine Dive 207 San Jacinto Blvd. (512) 904 0105 This Houston transplant goes by the motto of Champagne and Fried Chicken. Why the Hell Not? Their upscale comfort food combos work. A favorite late night dining spot too. Moonshine 303 Red River St. (512) 236 9599 Happy hour specials and fun appetizers, like corn dog shrimp, served on a stick with blueberry honey mustard for dipping. Paggi House 200 Lee Barton Dr. (512) 473 3700 Eclectic fine-dining in an inviting setting. Potatoencrusted wild salmon with spinach and oyster mushrooms was a highlight. Parkside 301 E. 6th St. (512) 474 9898 Fine dining highlight on Sixth Street. Impressive raw bar. Restaurant Jezebel 914 Congress Ave. (512) 499 3999 This one-man run kitchen

offers a menu of many great options. Intimate dining experience. Roaring Fork 701 Congress Ave. (512) 583 0000 10850 Stonelake Blvd. (512) 342 2700 The western bistro and “saloon” brings in the crowds for one of the best happy hour deals in town. The new Stonelake location up north is stellar all around. Shoreline Grill 98 San Jacinto Blvd. (512) 477 3300 Well-executed dishes exemplify comfort food taken to a whole new level—chickenfried steak and fish tacos are standouts. Snack Bar 1224 S. Congress Ave. (512) 445 2626 All-day brunch, cheap tasty eats, and a global menu, Snack Bar offers the best of all worlds. Star Seeds Café 3101 N. I-35 (512) 478 7107 This cosmic favorite serves tasty breakfast items to Austin’s night owls.

half price on Sunday and Monday nights. Zoot Restaurant 11715 Bee Cave Rd. (512) 477 6535 Eclectic American dishes with an infusion of different styles, thoughtfully pairing each flavor to complement its plate mate.

BARBECUE Blue Ribbon Barbecue 120 E. 4th St. (512) 369 3119 Following three generations of Texas BBQ, Blue Ribbon Barbecue is a blend of downtown chic and comforting country eats. Don’t leave without trying the banana pudding! County Line 5204 FM 2222 (512) 346 3664 6500 W. Bee Cave Rd. (512) 327 1742 A busy, casual spot on the way to the lake. The barbecue turkey is tender, and the beans are out of this world.

Urban An American Grill 11301 Domain Dr. (512) 490 1511 Urban offers classic comfort food in a modern, sophisticated atmosphere.

Franklin Barbecue 3412 N. I-35 (512) 653 1187 Yeah, the barbecue is served from a trailer, but don’t underestimate Franklin’s quality. It’s Meyer’s all natural angus brisket is smoky and moist and served in large slices. It’s no wonder there’s always a long line in front of the truck!

The Woodland 1716 S. Congress Ave. (512) 441 6800 Sip original handmade cocktails at this SoCo hipster haven, serving up modern comfort food, made fresh daily, in a cozy arboreal space. Bottles of wine are

Iron Works BBQ 100 Red River St. (512) 478 4855 No frills: grab your beer from the ice bucket, rip off your own paper towel, and get ready for some traditional dripping ribs. Succulent and sensible. Yum.

Lamberts 401 W. 2nd St. (512) 494 1500 Not your standard BBQ fare, meats are given an Austin twist, like the rib-eye glazed with brown sugar and mustard. The upstairs lounge swings with live music Tuesday through Sunday.

Suzi’s China Grill & Sushi Bar 7858 Shoal Creek Blvd. (512) 302 4600 Packed at lunchtime, Suzi sends ’em back to work high on eggplant with garlic sauce or shrimp with lemongrass.

Ruby’s BBQ 512 W. 29th St. (512) 477 2529 Campus-area, long-time joint where the greens are collard, the chili ain’t fake, the beef is hormone free.

Suzi’s China Kitchen 1152 S. Lamar Blvd. (512) 441 8400 Suzi’s Chinese Kitchen serves up a wide selection of traditional and modern dishes, from a classic Sesame Chicken to an unusual Beef Mimosa, which pairs beef, sun-dried tangerine, and red chili. With an extensive menu, complete with seafood and vegetarian dishes, Suzi’s Chinese Kitchen offers something for every diner.

Salt Lick 18001 FM 1826 (512) 858 4959 Serves up some of the best ribs, brisket, and sausage in the state. Bring a cooler and wait your turn for a spot at the picnic tables. Stubb’s BBQ 801 Red River St. (512) 480 8341 Known for its music scene as much as its barbecue, which is traditional and satisfying.

CHINESE Chinatown 3407 Greystone Dr. (512) 343 9307 107 W. 5th St. (512) 637 8888 Some of the best traditional Chinese in town. Fast service in the dining room. Sensational crab puffs. Fortune 10901 N. Lamar Blvd., Ste. A-1-501 (512) 490 1426 Fortune serves dim sum every day of the week and an extensive menu of authentic Chinese cuisine in its 9,000-square-foot banquet hall.

A zul TequilA is a Mexican nest right in the heart of Texas. This is the home of the Blue Margarita and the famous Blue Mexican Martini.

Azul Tequila 4211 s. lamar blvd. (512) 416-9667

T & S Seafood 10014 N. Lamar Blvd. (512) 339 8434 From the Dim Sum menu: delicate steamed shrimp dumplings, deep-fried egg rolls, crab claws generously stuffed with shrimp and deep fried, and the best: the Cantonese pan-fried dumplings.

CONTINENTAL Apothecary Café & Wine Bar 4800 Burnet Rd. (512) 371 1600 This charming new café and wine bar has quickly become a multi-purpose destination for lucky Rosedale residents. Bess Bistro on Pecan 500 W. 6th St. (512) 477 2377 A French bistro with a southern Cajun flair. The menu offers an eclectic choice of well-prepared European and American favorites like Creole Shrimp Bess, Steak Frites, and the wildly popular Tuesday-only special, Chicken Pot Pie.

De lic iou s Ch ine se fo od wi th go od fo rtu ne s fo r ever yo ne

Traditional Menu, Beer, Wine & Take-out (no sushi) 1152 S. Lamar Blvd. • (512) 441-8400 M-Th 11-9:30, F 11-10:30, Sa 5-10, Sunday Closed Visit Suzi’s China Grill & Sushi Bar North: Full Bar & Take-out 7858 Shoal Creek Blvd. • (512) 302-4600 M-Th 11-9:30, F 11-10:30, Sa 5-10:30, Su 11:30-9:30


Dining Bistro 88 2712 Bee Cave Rd. (512) 328 8888 4404 W. William Cannon Dr. (512) 899 0488 Owner/chef Jeff Liu presents an inventive, playful menu. Try the steamed Canadian blue mussels in a light tomato sauce. Gorgeous sashimi plates. Blue Dahlia Bistro 1115 E. 11th St. (512) 542 9542 A European-style bistro on Austin’s eastside, the Blue Dahlia serves cheese plates paired with wines, openfaced tartines, as well as salads and soups at large family-style tables inside and smaller café tables on the front and back patios. Crú Wine Bar 11410 Century Oaks Ter., Ste. 104 (512) 339 9463 238 W. 2nd St. (512) 472 9463 A sophisticated crowd gathers over elegant small plates at this charming Domain stand out, boasting over 300 wine selections perfect for pairing. Daily Grill 11506 Century Oaks Ter. Ste. 100 (512) 836 4200 With the varied menu and the multiple television screens, the Daily Grill is sure to please all sports fans. Driskill Grill 604 Brazos St. (512) 391 7162 Retaining its dark, intimate feel. Inventive, rich American fare. A five star experience.

East Side Show Room 1100 E. 6th St. (512) 467 4280 Delicious vintage cocktails served up with loads of local options. Warm, eccentric space with unique design and people watching opportunities. Fabi and Rosi 509 Hearn St. (512) 236 0642 A charming eatery in the ‘so Austin’ Deep Eddy ‘hood. A husband and wife team cook up European style dishes like pork schnitzel and paella. FINO Restaurant Patio & Bar 2905 San Gabriel St. (512) 474 2905 Emmett and Lisa Fox’s baby. Mediterranean bites and plates for sharing. Lovely patio and fun all day menu. Olive and cheese plates. Great wine list. Flip Happy Crepes 401 Jessie St. (512) 552 9034 Housed in a charming vintage trailer, this spot off Barton Springs Road delivers warm crepes to a hungry crowd. Green Pastures Restaurant 811 W. Live Oak St. (512) 444 4747 An event center as much as a restaurant, Green Pastures is an Austin ancestral estate open for lunch, dinner, and serving a Sunday brunch buffet. Jaspers 11506 Century Oaks Ter., Ste. 128 (512) 834 4111 Beat the heat in Jasper’s modern Zen-like interior or


grab a seat on the patio and sample selections from the multi-ethnic menu. Jeffrey’s 1204 W. Lynn St. (512) 477 5584 A New American cuisine pioneer, this neighborhood bistro tucked away in Clarksville opened its doors in 1975 and has established itself as an Austin staple. Now, with Chef Deegan McClung at the helm, the recently revamped menu incorporates a bounty of local and seasonal ingredients. Allow the friendly and knowledgeable staff to help navigate the extensive wine list, designed for pairing. Mulberry 360 Nueces St. (512) 320 0297 The coziest of wine bars at the base of the 360 Condominiums. Gourmet burger with Gruyere and pancetta topped with a fried egg is a winner. Olivia 2043 S. Lamar Blvd. (512) 804 2700 Menu changes nightly. Magnificent, modern interior by Michael Hsu. Committed to featuring all locally produced foods. Steeping Room 11410 Century Oaks Ter., Ste. 112 (512) 977 8337 Whether you’re looking for a spot of tea and a sweet treat or a fresh healthy lunch, the Steeping Room is the perfect place to unwind after a day of shopping at the Domain. Uncorked Tasting Room and Wine Bar 900 E. 7th St. (512) 524 2809 Build your own wine flights

or choose from the carefully edited list from around the world. Cheese plates or “earthly, oceanic, and vegetarian fare.” Wink 1014 N. Lamar Bvd., #E (512) 482 8868 The food is fantastic, and portions are meant for tasting, not gobbling. Fresh, local ingredients abound.

FRENCH Aquarelle 606 Rio Grande St. (512) 479 8117 Unfussy and fresh, dishes shine with pure, clean flavors rather than heavy-handed sauces or garnishes. Chez Nous 510 Neches St. (512) 473 2413 Favorites include veal sweetbreads and salad Lyonnaise. Start with assiette de charcuterie. Justine’s Brasserie 4710 E. 5th St. (512) 385 2900 With its French bistro fare, impressive cocktails, and darling décor, Justine’s Brasserie has all of Austin looking east. PÉCHÉ 208 W. 4th St. (512) 495 9669 Darling menu of simple French dishes. Duck salad is a standout. Absinthe bar.

INDIAN Clay Pit 1601 Guadalupe St. (512) 322 5131 Zip in for a buffet-style lunch or settle in for a long dinner at this nationally recognized restaurant serving Contemporary Indian cuisine.

G’Raj Mahal 91 Red River St. (512) 480 2255 With a cozy covered patio, G’Raj Mahal offers a surprising amount of ambiance for a food trailer. Whip In Market & Parlour Cafe 1950 S. IH-35 (512) 442 5337 This funky minimart-cumcafé satisfies Austin’s most stringent weirdness criteria: quirky location, offbeat décor, eclectic clientele, copious beer and cheap, tasty food.

ITALIAN 360 Uno Trattoria & Wine Bar 3801 N. Capital of Tx. Hwy. (512) 327 4448 This local European café in Davenport Village serves up creative caffeinated concoctions and a mostly Italian wine list complete with an outdoor patio for sipping. Asti Trattoria 408-C E. 43rd St. (512) 451 1218 The chic, little Hyde Park trattoria offers delicious Italian cuisine, like saffron risotto with seafood in spicy tomato sauce and classic noodle dishes like linguine with little neck clams. Botticelli’s 1321 S. Congress Ave. (512) 916 1315 An inviting trattoria with warm Tuscan colors. Small bar up front and cozy booths in back. Entreés showcase pastas and meats. Canoli Joe’s 4715 HWY 290 W. (512) 892 4444 Take a stroll through the winding villagio and sample

a variety of Italian favorites —a gourmet feast! Carmelo’s Restaurant 504 E. 5th St. (512) 477 7497 This romantic 19th-century “railroad house” is perfect for canoodling over cannoli. Don’t miss the old-school pastry cart. Cipollina 1213 W. Lynn St. (512) 477 5211 Mediterranean fare with an Italian accent. Crispy woodfired pizzas remain the headliner, along with signature items like stracciatella soup and lamb-braised-onion sandwiches.

within a well-stocked gourmet grocery. There’s a deli, bakery, espresso and gelato bar, too. NoRTH 11506 Century Oaks Ter. Ste. 124 (512) 339 4440 Guests enjoy modern Italian cuisine in a sleek interior at this Domain standout. Quatto Gatti Ristorante 908 Congress Ave. (512) 476 3131 This Congress Avenue newbie is dishing up an array of mouthwatering Italian dishes, from 4 Formaggi Pizza to Agnello Al Forno, oven roasted rack of lamb.

the bustling Second Street District. Taverna’s menu boasts sophisticated salads, pastas, pizzas, grilled meats, and trademark risottos in a variety of flavors. Trattoria Lisina 13308 FM 150 W. Driftwood, Tx. (512) 858 1470 Located at the gorgeous new Mandola Estate Winery in Driftwood, this inspired restaurant is the newest addition to celebrity chef Damian Mandola’s sprawling estate. Expect hearty portions of rustic Italian food. Vespaio 1610 S. Congress Ave. (512) 441 6100 Remains at the top of many critics “Best of” lists for divine Italian fare after 10 years. Daily rotating menus offer the best of the season and freshest from Vespaio’s bountiful garden.

Enoteca 1610 S. Congress Ave. (512) 441 7672 A venture from owners of Vespaio—Enoteca, right next door, offers a superb bistro menu with panini, salad, pasta and pizza, handmade pastries, fabulous deli counter and grocery selling imported Italian meats, cheeses, olives.

Red House Pizzeria 1917 Manor Rd. (512) 391 9500 With an interior designed by Joel Mozersky, The Red House is hardly your average pizzeria. Sit inside and admire the ranch-styled decor or enjoy your pizza al fresco at one of the many picnic tables. Happy hour specials include half-priced pizza.

La Traviata 314 Congress Ave. (512) 479 8131 A long-loved Austin spot for its fine Italian fare. Perfect spaghetti carbonara. Always consistent and fresh.

Sagra 1610 San Antonio St. (512) 535 5988 Wood-fired Neapolitan pizzas are a standout. Cozy atmosphere. Tuesdays are all-youcan-eat mussels for $12.

Bar Chi Sushi 206 Colorado St. (512) 382 5557 While this upscale, fanciful sushi bar offers mind-blowing sushi rolls and innovative, flavorful entrees, what makes it a standout is its killer seven-day happy hour menu.

Maggiano’s Little Italy 10910 Domain Dr., Ste. 100 (512) 501 7871 The family-style dining and the classic Italian cuisine make this the perfect location for large groups.

Siena Ristorante Toscana 6203 Capital of Tx. Hwy. (512) 349 7667 Set in a Tuscan-style villa, Siena’s dishes, which emphasize grilled seafood, wild game, and roasted potatoes, capture the essence of the region.

Dragon Gate by Phoenix 3801 N. Capital of Tx Hwy., (512) 732 7278 Don’t miss the savory, homemade pot stickers. Extensive menu filled with both Japanese offerings, like sushi and a nice Bento Box, as well as Chinese favorites.

Taverna 258 W. 2nd St. (512) 477 1001 In the middle of the action in

Enzo Austin 801 W. 5th St. (512) 250 3696 Embracing the upbeat

Mandola’s Italian Market 4700 W. Guadalupe St. (512) 419 9700 Celebrity chef Damian Mandola (of Carrabba’s fame) serves up casual Italian fare


ambiance of downtown, Enzo Austin is the all in one place to dine, lounge, and party.

ed black cod and Kobe beef that you cook yourself on searing hot rocks.

Imperia 310 Colorado St. (512) 472 6770 One of the culinary highlights of the Warehouse District. Delectable Peking Duck and memorable specialty cocktails all in a sleek, modern setting.

Mikado 9033 Research Blvd. (512) 833 8188 Recent raves about this Japanese eatery, where robata (Japanese tapas) are grilled before the guest, and lovely entrees of sea bass and duckling are available all day long.

Kenichi 419 Colorado St. (512) 320 8883 Popular downtown spot for some of the best sushi in town. Give the menu a look too; don’t miss the Ishiyaki hot rocks or teriyaki specials. Kenobi Restaurant and Sushi Bar 10000 Research Blvd., Bldg. A (512) 241 0119 Innovative sushi in a beautiful setting. Try the lobster, shrimp, and creamy goat cheese dumplings. Kona Grill 11410 Century Oaks Ter. Ste. 144 (512) 835 5900 The Asian-inspired cuisine, ranging from sushi to steak, draws a swinging singles scene at this IBM and Dell after work favorite. Kyoto Japanese Restaurant 315 Congress Ave., #200 (512) 482 8108 Nothing fancy here: solid sushi masters, little closedoff rooms for sit-on-the-floor dining. Maiko 311 W. 6th St. (512) 236 9888 Maiko offers both classic sushi choices and original creations like miso-marinat-

Mizu Prime Steak & Sushi 3001 Ranch Rd. 620 S. (512) 263 2801 A blend of both traditional and contemporary takes on Japanese cuisine, Mizu serves the freshest fish from all around the world. Musashino 3407 Greystone Dr. (512) 795 8593 The locally famed Musashino is where die-hard sushi lovers flock when they crave near perfection. Piranha Killer Sushi 207 San Jacinto Blvd. (512) 473 8775 An oasis of calm and cool in the Warehouse District. Modern sushi with fresh dishes and fun drinks. Uchi 801 S. Lamar Blvd. (512) 916 4808 Garnering national attention (and awards) chef Tyson Cole has created and maintained a highly inventive menu in the little house that could: Uchi. Uchiko 4200 N. Lamar Blvd., #140 (512) 916 4808 Under the reign of Chef Paul Qui, Uchiko is the sensational sister creation of Chef Tyson Cole’s Uchi. From hot and cold appetizers to sinfully delicious entrees like rabbit



Dining terrine to the bacon sen to mastermind desserts crafted by Chef Phillip Speer, dining at Uchiko is an out of this world food experience.

KOREAN Korea House Restaurant & Sushi Bar 2700 W. Anderson Ln., Ste. 501 (512) 458 2477 Bul Go Gi here. Grab a fourtop and cook it yourself in the middle of the table. Fun! Koreana Grill and Sushi Bar 12196 N. Mo-Pac Expy. (512) 835 8888 High-end, elegant Korean food. Koriente 621 E. 7th St. (512) 275 0852 Healthy, tasty Korean options like bulgogi and curry dishes all served up by the friendly staff.

LATIN AMERICAN Buenos Aires Café 1201 E. 6th St. (512) 382 1189 2414 S. 1st St. (512) 441 9000 Whether it’s a quick lunch or a lingering dinner, these inviting spots offer the best Argentinean specialties like meat sandwiches on baguettes, empanadas, and tasty pastries. El Arbol 3411 Glenview Ave. (512) 323 5177 Traditional stylings and creative twists on South American cuisine. One of the best places for outdoor dining in the city. Sleek mid-century design by Joel Mozersky.

La Sombra Bar and Grill 4800 Burnet Rd. (512) 458 1100 This Central Austin newcomer offers a unique menu of Latin American delicacies from land and sea, wonderful wines, and specialized cocktails. Enjoy dinner, weekday lunch, or weekend brunch.

LUNCH SPOTS Baguette et Chocolat 12101 Bee Cave Rd. (512) 263 8388 Authentic French bakery and fine pastry in Austin! Delicious Nutella Crepes and Croissants. Counter Café 626 N. Lamar Blvd. (512) 708 8800 This breakfast and lunchtime favorite serves up organic and local fare. Food Heads 616 W. 34th St. (512) 420 8400 This Austin treasure tucked away in a refashioned cottage on 34th Street serves inspired sandwiches, soups and salads made from fresh ingredients to a loyal lunchtime crowd. La Boite Café 1700 S. Lamar Blvd. (512) 377 6198 From brioche and croissants to pain au lait, the best of France is served on the quick in this cute, little café. The biggest standout of the café is by far the daily selection of traditional French macarons it carries, which are little pillows of heaven! Portabla 1200 W. 6th St. (512) 481 8646 Fresh sandwiches (love the roast beef), great salads, and


seasonal fruit. Daily take-out specials like bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin and King Ranch casserole. Walton’s Fancy and Staple 609 W. 6th St. (512) 542 3380 A Gourmet Delicatessen/ Bakery and Café offering delicious Cuisine2Go, onestop floral services, catering and delivery. They also offer a variety of specialty cakes for all occasions, including the always popular HoneyAlmond Bee Cake.

MEXICAN Azul Tequila 4211 S. Lamar Blvd. (512) 416 9667 Home of the Blue Margarita and the acclaimed Blue Martini, Azul Tequila brings to Austin a menu that boasts a bevy of flavors virtually untouched by the Tex-Mex influence. The restaurant serves up an exquisite variety of South Central Mexican fare, including their famous Cochinita Pibil, Chile Rellano en Crema, and Albondigas en Chipotle. Cantina Laredo 201 W. 3rd St. (512) 542 9670 Don’t try to pigeonhole this cuisine; just enjoy it. For the guacamole starter, we licked the bowl clean. Chuy’s 1728 Barton Springs Rd. (512) 474 4452 Often a long wait for this beloved, packed cantina. Pillowy, fried flautas are the best in town. Serve yourself chips and hot sauce. Happy hour.

Corazon at Castle Hill 1101 W. 5th St. (512) 476 0728 Austin staple, Castle Hill, is reborn with an interior makeover and new menu that is “inspired by the treasured recipes of famous kitchens throughout Central Mexico.” Curra’s Grill 614 E. Oltorf St. (512) 444 0012 Delicious interior Mexican food in a casual environment. Campechana, enchiladas, fabulous fish, cabrito. Elsi’s 6601 Burnet Rd. (512) 454 0747 Fresh and tasty El Salvadoran and Mexican food served in a colorful, laid-back atmosphere. A large selection of flavored margaritas—try the watermelon. El Sol y La Luna 600 E. 6th St. (512) 444 7770 As quintessentially Austin as it gets. Great migas and fresh juices. El Chile Café y Cantina 1809 Manor Rd. (512) 457 9900 3435 Greystone Dr. (512) 328 3935 Start with the gooey queso flameado. The carne asada à la Tampiqueña—seared steak topped with grilled peppers and onions and paired with a cheese enchilada is a winner. El Chilito 2219 Manor Rd. (512) 382 3797 918 Congress Ave. (512) 291 3120 Little brother to El Chile, El Chilito offers a pared down menu of made-to-order items served quickly to Austinites on the go.

Fonda San Miguel 2330 W. N. Loop Blvd. (512) 459 4121 For more than 30 years we have flocked to Fonda’s traditional, interior Mexican menu. The house chile con queso made with queso Chihuahua is delicious, as are the entrees like the pollo en mole poblano. The Sunday brunch is not to be missed. Garrido’s 360 Nueces St. (512) 320 8226 Modern Mexican cuisine overlooking Shoal Creek. The flavorful menu is inspired by the kitchen of Chef Garrido’s grandmother. Gloria’s 3309 Esperanza Crossing, Ste. 100 (512) 833 6400 Perfect for date night, Gloria’s serves upscale Mexican cuisine in a dimly lit dining room and on the spacious patio. Güero’s Taco Bar 1412 S. Congress Ave. (512) 707 8232 No frills, very popular. Queso flameado with chorizo and jalapeños. Tortilla soup, fish tacos. Open kitchen. Large bar. La Condesa 400-A W. 2nd St. (512) 499 0300 Delectable cocktails, tasty tacos and appetizers, all inspired by the hip and bohemian Condesa ‘hood in Mexico City. Dishes range from street food faves to sophisticated specialites.

Maudie’s Cafe With five locations around town, Maudie’s delivers solid tex-mex in a fun, laid-back atmosphere. Enchiladas are tops. Order the ‘Skinny Sheryl’s’ if you’re feeling healthy and the ‘Hernandez’ if you’re feeling naughty. Manuel’s 310 Congress Ave. (512) 472 7555 10201 Jollyville Rd. (512) 345 1042 Described as “regional” Mexican food, Manuel’s offerings aren’t your usual Tex-Mex. The traditional chile relleno en nogada bursts with shredded pork and is topped with a walnut cream brandy sauce. Maria Maria’s 415 Colorado St. (512) 687 6800 Carlos Santana-owned, where music reigns. Mexican dishes with a modern twist. Matt’s El Rancho 2613 S. Lamar Blvd. (512) 462 9333 Start with the Bob Armstrong Dip, a bowl of velvety melted cheese topped with guacamole and taco meat. After 55 years, this Austin classic is still going strong. Nuevo León 1501 E. 6th St. (512) 479 0097 Family-run institution on the East Side with a loyal following. Try the Shrimp Saltillo, the enormous tortilla soup, or the Old-Fashioned Tacos. Polvo’s 2004 S. 1st St. (512) 441 5446 Between the salsa bar, patio seating, and delicious margaritas, this is one of Austin’s beloved Tex-Mex icons.

Sago Modern Mexican 4600 W. Guadalupe St. (512) 452 0300 Sago’s interiors are sleek and modern but also warm and inviting. The salsas, made each morning with fresh produce, are some of the best in town. Santa Rita Tex-Mex Cantina 1206 W. 38th St. (512) 419 7482 5900 W. Slaughter Ln., Ste. 550 (512) 288 5100 Not the typical Tex-Mex. Bright interiors, attentive service, and solid menu offerings. Crispy flautas to start, tender pork loin in the middle and tasty margaritas to begin (and end). Takoba 1411 E. 7th St. (512) 628 4466 This East Side newbie goes above and beyond in delivering bold, authentic flavors in its Mexican cuisine—the chiles, beans, and herbs are imported from Mexico! Enjoy handmade cocktails al fresco in the spacious backyard, which includes a giant sandbox, before heading into the modern interior for an incredible (and affordable) meal. With an abundance of TVs, Takoba is the ideal spot to catch the game. Vivo 2015 Manor Rd. (512) 482 0300 The fresh plates served up here would send a greasy plate of chile con carne enchiladas running to hide with shame. This may be the new wave of Mexican: Algo Lijero (on the lighter side) and lots of greens, like the Fiesta Salad and the Chalupa. DECEMBER 2010 PEOPLE TRIBE Z A 103


Dining SEAFOOD Café Josie 1200-B W. 6th St. (513) 322 9226 Tucked away behind the Wally Workman Gallery, Café Josie serves tropicinspired seafood dishes in a vibrant, colorful interior. Eddie V’s 9400 Arboretum Blvd. (512) 342 2642 301 E. 5th St. (512) 472 1860 Although Eddie V’s may be best known for its fresh seafood, the prime steaks are some of the best in town. When it comes to selecting sides, be prepared to share. Perla’s 1400 S. Congress Ave. (512) 291 7300 The latest venture from star chef Larry McGuire. Great selection of oysters, clever cocktails, and one of the freshest options for seafood in town. Shoreline Grill 98 San Jacinto Blvd. (512) 477 3300 The Shoreline Grill is an Austin original, serving up only the best in sustainable seafood, locally sourced produce, and a fresh new approach to American cuisine with a coveted view of Lady Bird Lake. Enjoy a variety of well-executed dishes that elevate classic comfort food to a new culinary level. The Shuck Shack 1808 E. Cesar Chavez St. (512) 472 4243 It’s all fun and games at this Eastside newbie. Sample offerings from the gulf in between rounds of bocce and washers.

Truluck’s 400 Colorado St. (512) 482 9000 10225 Research Blvd. (512) 794 8300 Both seafood and steak lovers will unite in admiration over every dish from this chef-inspired menu that is updated weekly with the freshest options available. Wine aficionados and novices can choose from over 100 selections by the glass or bottle. Nightly live music in the piano bar lounge sets the mood.

SOUTHWESTERN Ranch 616 616 Nueces St. (512) 479 7616 Chef Kevin Williamson delivers on fresh and flavorful seafood options like jalapeño maiz trout and gulf fish tacos. Lively atmosphere. Classic Austin cool. South Congress Cafe 1600 S. Congress Ave. (512) 447 3905 This SoCo staple draws quite a weekend crowd with its classic brunch fare. Taco and Tequila 507 Pressler St. (512) 436 8226 Chef Alma Alcocer is serving up a taste of the Southwest in this modern, industrial style space designed by Michael Hsu. With a bar stocked with over 100 tequilas, don’t miss 2nd Tuesday Tequila Tasting Happy Hours! Z Tejas Grill 1110 W. 6th St. (512) 478 5355 9400-A Arboretum Blvd. (512) 346 3506 Austinites wait hours to get into either the funkier


downtown locale or the northern spot.

STEAK III Forks 111 Lavaca St. (512) 474 1776 Traditional steakhouse menu with seafood choices and lobster tails, traditional sides of mashed potatoes and onion rings. Delicious bread pudding with cinnamon ice cream. Dinner only. Austin Land & Cattle Co. 1205 N. Lamar Blvd. (512) 472 1813 This Austin favorite boasts an impressive wine list for pair with their sophisticated steaks, poultry and seafood. Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 320 E. 2nd St. (512) 457 1500 11600 Century Oaks Ter. Ste. 140 (512) 835 9463 Excellent food, stellar wines, pleasant atmosphere, and polished staff. Steaks are all USDA prime and each cut is as delicious as the next. Astonishing wine program. Perry’s Steakhouse & Grille 114 W. 7th St., Ste. 110 (512) 474 6300 Start with the escargot or a lump crab cake. The main event, the steaks, could not be better. Close a perfect meal with bananas foster. Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse 107 W. 6th St. (512) 477 7884 The USDA Prime Steaks seared to perfection and topped with fresh butter are the ultimate. For the more classic steak-and-potato combo, diners can choose

from mashed, baked, au gratin, fries of many cuts, and sweet potato casserole. Sullivan’s Steakhouse 300 Colorado St. (512) 495 6504 Steak and potatoes. Music at the Ringside. Familiar wine list. Enjoyed the crab cakes. TRIO 98 San Jacinto Blvd. (512) 685 8300 This sleek space with a lovely trellised patio overlooking Lady Bird Lake in the Four Seasons Hotel serves up clever dishes, with several prime steak and seafood offerings.

THAI Satay 3202 W. Anderson Ln. (512) 467 6731 Noodles, curry, stir fry, dumplings. Try the Miang Khum. Thai Passion 620 Congress Ave. (512) 472 1244 Menu speaks mostly of Northeastern Thailand, moderately priced. Downtown locale draws lunch bunch.

VEGETARIAN Casa de Luz 1701 Toomey Rd. (512) 476 5446 Take yoga or tai chi classes before or after dining at this macrobiotic joint. Short hours for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Daily Juice 1625 Barton Springs Rd. (512) 480 9501 2307 Lake Austin Blvd. (512) 628 0782 4500 Duval St. (512) 380 9046

Pop by this fresh juice and smoothie stand after a run or before a swim and get your fruit and veggie fix through a straw. For something different, try the Thai Curious juice, a blend of carrot, coconut, beet, ginger and cilantro. Mother’s Cafe & Garden 4215 Duval St. (512) 451 3994 From the veggie burger to the lasagna, this beloved Hyde Park spot offers everything beyond the garden variety. To submit a restaurant for inclusion in the TRIBEZA dining guide, or to submit corrections, please contact us by email at calendar@









Come to our house & enjoy old CoCktails and new infusions. Open Tuesday–Friday 5p–2a. Saturday 8p–2a. Happy Hour everyday: Tuesday–Thursday 5p–8p. Friday 5p–10p. Saturday 8p–10p.

Extensive Menu, Full Bar & Take-out 7858 Shoal Creek Blvd. • (512) 302-4600 M-Th 11-9:30, F 11-10:30, Sa 5-10:30, Su 11:30-9:30

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Dahlia pressed vinyl placemats by Chilewich. Available in gold, silver, gunmetal.

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MLK/Congress (512) 475 6406 MEXIC-ARTE MUSEUM STORE The Store supports the mission of the Museum—to enrich and educate the community through the presentation and promotion of traditional and contemporary Mexican, Latino, and Latin American art and culture. This holiday season, shop for unique gifts while making a positive difference. Mexic-Arte Museum 419 Congress Avenue (512) 480 9373

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2346 Guadalupe (512) 236 1435 Open 7 days a week for all of your holiday shopping

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Kevin Osterhaus’ Ego’s

Our Little Secret

Ego's 510 South Congress Avenue (512) 474 7091

Photogr aphy by Annie Ray

Discovering Ego’s is an Austin rite of passage. It is the first bar I was taken to when I moved here over a decade ago. I felt like I had been let in on a secret. The nondescript entrance is located just off of South Congress in the bottom of a parking garage. It is adorned only with the signage prerequisite for any great dive bar, “Restrooms are for Paying Customers Only!” Entering is like being transported to a friend’s basement circa 1977 and it doesn’t take long to see why so many people love it here. The low ceilings, candlelight, strong drinks, and pool tables are straight off of the dive bar checklist. But Ego’s has a few extras. It’s the vinyl roller chairs, cheese puffs, pinball, and infectious karaoke that push it to the top of my list. The beer is cold and the bar is well stocked. The friendly and unobtrusive staff round out the experience, ensuring that all are exposed to the perfect mix of anonymity and inclusion. I ended up at Ego’s with a group of friends the night I met my wife. It was here that she refused my request for a first date. It‘s also where I had the opportunity to win her over by demonstrating my expertise on all things Air Supply. I can’t imagine another bar playing backdrop to a night forever commemorated by my stirring rendition of “Lost in Love.” I 108 TRIBE Z A people DECEMBER 2010

stopped by on election night two years ago with a friend of mine. The world was reacting to the historic events taking place and much of Austin was celebrating. Ego’s may as well have been on a different planet. A slower than usual Tuesday left a handful of die hard karaoke zealots passing the mic back and forth, completely oblivious to what was happening in the outside world. It was refreshing—I’m not sure why, but it was—it’s why I go back to Ego’s. Because I know that for an over-poured cocktail or two I can lose myself in a world framed by cheese puffs, pinball, and a passion for karaoke. There is comfort in knowing that Ego’s will remain the same for years to come. It’s the consistency that counterbalances a changing world. No matter how long it is between visits, I know that I will always have the option of quietly sinking into a glass of scotch or unabashedly shouting the lyrics to karaoke classics. Kevin Osterhaus is the VP of Operations for the Bunkhouse Group which owns and operates and the Hotel San Jose, the Hotel Saint Cecilia, and Jo's Coffee in Austin as well as the Hotel Havana in San Antonio and El Cosmico in Marfa.







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