TNB April 2015

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Volume 35 Issue 4

April 2015


THE APO-GLA 2015 WORKSHOP-SYMPOSIUM Our Association‌ Our Responsibility Close to 35 years ago, in 1980, a group of brothers got together and decided to put up an Alumni Association, the first of its kind outside of the Philippines. Little did they know that what they had initiated would snowball into a movement all across the United States and Canada. Some 10 years later, brethren from the East Coast, Northern and Southern California met and created the Alpha Phi Omega (Philippines) Alumni Council of North America, or simply ACNA. To date, there are twenty six (26) Alumni Associations in US and Canada with 2 new probationary members, the APO-GLAA (Great Lakes Alumni Association) and the APO-FYI (FresnoYosemite International). The reason this is being mentioned is that over the years, the various Associations in North America have grown and prospered through the efforts of their respective leaders. Each

Association has their own unique way of running things. APO-GLA, for its part, continues to find ways and means to expand its reaches within the community and to propagate our mission and vision through our cardinal principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service. To this end, the 2015 Board of Directors, through the leadership of the Chairman of the Board, Bro. Roehl Reyes, voted to hold a Workshop-Symposium as an educational platform for its officers and members on a variety of subject matters considered essential in the growth and maturity of our Association. The Workshop-Symposium will be held on April 25-26, 2015 at the Days Inn in Glendale and hopes to achieve significant results in providing the attendees a good working knowledge into the workings of the Association. This will be a good training ground for both current and future [See Sympsium,on pg 4]





Once again, it was proven that APOGLA is a well-oiled machine. We delegated duties and assigned chairpersons to do the work for APOGLA. Voila! They delivered. A case in point. We assigned Sis Betta David, Sis Daemma Mendoza and Sis Jenne Evangelista with other supporting cast to organize the Easter Egg Hunt. Voila! It was fruitful and well-attended. I can see it from afar thru the internet, facebook and other social media. You had the huge Modjeska Park in Anaheim all to yourselves. From the photos I viewed, the children and adults alike had enjoyed this Spring ritual. —— o —— Another proof. We assigned Bro. COB Roehl Reyes to represent us at the ACNA Spring Meeting in Chicago. Voila! He delivered the goods and brought home the bacon for APOGLA. We should credit Bro. PP Sancho Sy for producing our LFS President’s Alumni Report in a slide presentation. It was impeccable with electrifying musical background. The Powerpoint presentation was a compilation of APOGLA’s activities, projects and accomplishments from September 2014 to March 2015. Kudos to them. Our assignees had stepped up on the plate with much aplomb. ——O —— Our APOGLA Directory will soon be off the press. For strugglers, you have the last chance to e-mail your updated info and business ads for $75 per page to Brods Sancho Sy and Christian David. Hopefully, this will be distributed during our workshop/symposium on April 25 — to those members who had already paid their 2015 membership dues. ——O —— Join us in fellowship with Bro. PH Vice President Jojo Binay and his family on May 3, 5 p.m. at Omni Hotel in downtown Los Angeles to launch the Los Angeles-Makati Sister City Relationship. Please show us your support by purchasing a dinner-dance ticket for only $75. Please call me at 562-9215116 or call Bro. Art Rivera at 661-433-4057. You can turn in your payments during our GMM/Workshop. Tickets are available. ——O——I look forward to our workshop/symposium on April 25-26 at Glendale’s Days Inn. There are lots and myriad subject matters to learn particularly the 501 C-3. This will enlighten us how APOGLA will chart our future path. Shall we remain just a social club or have a separate non-profit, public charity organization so we can make use of our organization’s public benefit status effectively. To this end, we should have a permanent community-wide advocacy or project that will

satisfy the ruling of the Internal Revenue Service. If we elect this path, we can solicit funds to finance our advocacy projects with donors deducting their donations in their income tax returns. — O —— I’m pleased to meet our brethren and sis — 20 of them — from Gamma Kappa (Ateneo de Manila University) where I was affiliated during my college days (1970s) at Dapo Restaurant on Scout Borromeo near the Rembrandt Hotel in Quezon City. Our Alumni President lawyer Fred Nasser coordinated this greet and meet fellowship. He is running for the Board during our General Assembly in Dumaguete City this May. We recalled our good ole’ days. A couple of our Gamma Kappa brods who used to be active members of APOGLA joined us in our fellowship namely: Brothers Peter Cunag and Baby Rivera. From what I gathered from them, they are doing well in our home country in a free-wheeling environment. –

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Tribo ni Bado Newsletter is a monthly publication of the Alpha Phi Omega (Philippines) Greater Los Angeles exclusively for its members, families and friends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers, and are not intended to represent APOPGLA. Publisher/Editor Mike “Boy” Medina Editorial Staff Ferdie Yambot • Fely Montecillo • Eric Serrano Photos/Graphics by Hanigrace Arciga • Melody Ang-Gayon•Ed Romero Sancho Sy • Mylene Zamora• Dan Nino Contributors Fely Montecillo • Roehl Reyes • Mel Gonzales Christian David• Art Rivera • Dan Nino


BOARD OF DIRECTORS MESSAGE Hello Brothers and Sisters! The past few weeks have been quite hectic, especially for me. In spite of all the preparation for our forthcoming symposium, yours truly have been able attend the First Quarter ACNA meeting in Chicago. I left Chicago last Tuesday April 14 and landed at LAX a few minutes before 4 PM. Bro. Eric Serrano was so kind to pick me up and we headed for the Asian Youth Center in San Gabriel for our 6:00 PM meeting where Sis. Melody Ang-Gayon was already waiting for us. We then had a meeting with our 501c3 resource speaker, Atty. Michelle Freridge, a graduate of Loyola Law School. She is the Executive Director of Asian Youth Center, a youth development non-profit organization. Her skills include: Program development, Grant writing, Community outreach, Fundraising, Non-profit activities, Program evaluation, Team building, Strategic planning and budgets. Michelle gave us an overview of AYC (Asian Youth Center). We then introduced GLA and where we are at with our 501 c3 status. She gave different suggestions on how we should go about our status and implementation. All the options will be discussed in our symposium. As we were going through it, we agreed on the following: Atty. Freridge will give us a 30-minute 501c3 overview during the General Assembly Activities. On the 501 c3 work group the following topics will be discussed: Goals and Mission Statements, Requirements, Identifying a Project and activities, Program Development, Implementation Planning. On the second day Atty Freridge will have Fundraising 101 and Grant Writing 101. Having Public Speaking Training, Atty. Freridge already know how to energize the work group and share with them the important information they might be interested in. Equally important is the review and changes of the CBL and Policy and Procedure. This will be headed by Sis. Emma Galang and will be moderated by Bro. Mar Garchitorena. Sis. Emma is on her 5th year as BOD and Past President. Bro. Mar was previous Chairman of the Board. With their experience and your participation this session will review every article of the CBL and every section of the Policy and Procedure. This is the time to get familiar with our By-Laws and Rules. If you are familiar already, this is the time to propose changes. Another vital subject is the Leadership/Project Management Session. Sis. Melody Ang-Gayon, a 3rd year BOD and Past President, will discuss all the duties and responsibilities written and unwritten of officers. Being an APOGLA officer is not an easy job. If you’re planning to run for office, it is a must to participate in the session. The other half of this workgroup is Project Management. Future officers, current and future chairpersons should attend this session. Sis. Betta David, an Industrial Engineer, worked at Boeing for 30 years as IE and a full time Project Manager for the last 8 years. She will discuss, share, and train us on how to handle

by Bro. Roehl Reyes

a project. Topics to be discussed are: Project Management, its purpose, and various APOGLA Projects. Participants will be part of the project workgroup using actual APOGLA projects. Another part of this work group is an overview of Robert’s Rule. Our CBL requires to conduct our meeting using Robert’s Rule. It is also used in other APO meeting and convention. If you are representing GLA as a delegate, a future president, COB or a regular member, to participate or conduct a meeting, a knowledge of the Robert’s Rule is a must. Bro. Jun de Castro, immediate past ACNA COB and Past President of APO SFSV and Bro. Henry Astroga, current ACNA PRO, practices and teaches Robert’s rule will handle this session. As you can see, this symposium covers a lot of areas that APOGLA needs to become a bigger and better organization. We will also gain knowledge for personal benefit. A well-informed membership is the key to a bright future. Do not miss out on this important event. Invest in this 2-day event and help build a better APOGLA



Birthday Bash at The Reef in Long Beach March 21, 2015

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[Symposium fr. pg 1]

leaders since the topics will delve on all the activities that are presently being undertaken. The Workshop-Symposium will not only be purely instructional in nature but will proactively involve the participation of all the attendees with specific situational problems and require inputs and possible solutions to the different situations. The 3 main topics include the “Fundamentals of running a non-profit organization”, a basic but thorough “Review of our Constitution and Bylaws as well as our Policies and Procedures Manual and Ways to Update and Amend specific sections” and “Leadership Training and Project Management”, which includes a crash course on parliamentary procedures, the Robert’s Rule and how to conduct and preside over meetings. The BOD has invited resource speakers on each of the above topics and discussions are expected to be lively as well as informational. The Board believes that this will be a milestone in our Association’s history and gain for all of us the invaluable knowledge to take a hold of and chart our Association’s future. On April 25, 2015, all roads for APO-GLA lead to the Days Inn in Glendale, California. To ensure a healthy number of attendees, the Association had previously voted to shoulder the budgeted cost of holding the WorkshopSymposium. The conference hall can hold up to 150 people and members are therefore encouraged to attend and invest in APO-GLA’s future. Because at the end of the day, whatever happens to our Association, ultimately, is all our responsibility. Bro. Eric Serrano


Easter Celebration Pictures

6 My Spiritual Journey to The Holy Land


After a tiresome and grueling day around the Sea of Galilee and Capernaum a day before, we visited Cana, Nazareth and Mount Tabor where our Lord Jesus manifested His divine nature which strengthened the faith of His disciples. Cana, a Galilean town northeast of Nazareth is best known where Jesus performed His first public miracle. It was here while visiting Cana with His first five disciples had transformed six stone water jars into wine during a wedding feast. His mother Mary informed Jesus that the bridegroom had ran out of wine. Jesus replied, “Woman, how does this concern of yours involve me. My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:11) Cana, now a popular pilgrim’s destination has a population of about 8,500 including Muslims and Israeli Arabs. My wife Myrna and several married couples were symbolically married again replete with a marriage certificate. The wedding venue at Cana now converted into a chapel run by nuns was officiated by our pilgrim Chaplain Fr. Joseph Hoang. The marriage certificate declares, “To everyone who sees this, in faith I testify that this couple has renewed their marriage promises in this holy place.” After our wedding reenactment, I bought souvenir items, postcards and two The author Bro. Dan E. Nino with his wife and pilgrimage Chaplain Rev. Fr. bottles of Cana wine. We Joseph Hoang after solemnizing the either paid in U.S. dollars or symbolic wedding at Cana. Israeli shekels. From here, we proceeded to Mary’s Well in Nazareth. It is in this spot where Angel Gabriel appeared before Virgin Mary while drawing water that she will bear a child. At the time of our visit last summer, this sacred watering hole was dry. Nazareth is nestled on a hilly terrain 1,230 above sea level with zigzag roads similar to the topography of San Francisco, California. It is located on the southernmost range of the Galilean Hills overlooking the Jezreel Valley. From recent estimate, Nazareth is now a big city with a population of 70,000 mostly an enclave of upper Jewish residents. It will be noted that Nazareth was not mentioned in the Old Testament. Its name is likely to mean to blossom or to gleam. Behind Mary’s Well is the Church of Annunciation formerly known as St. Gabriel Church. Angel Gabriel said to her: “Rejoice, O highly favored daughter! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. Do not fear. You have found favor with God. You shall conceive and bear a son and give him the name Jesus. Great will be his dignity and he will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of David his father. He will rule over the house of Jacob forever and his reign will be without end.” (Luke1:28-33) This church was completed in 1966 that replaced the Franciscan church built in 1730. It was in Nazareth, then a hamlet or a small village where Jesus spent his boyhood after coming from Egypt where the

Holy Family (Joseph, Mary and Jesus) escaped the wrath of King Herod, king of Judea. As he grew into adulthood, Jesus received hostile reception in His own hometown of Nazareth. Isn’t he the carpenter’s son. Isn’t he the son of Mary?” Jesus said to them, “No prophet is without honor except in his native place, indeed in his own house.” And he did not work many miracles there because of their lack of faith. (Mathew 13:54-58). A Christian church was first established here in the fourth century. This perception of hostility was corroborated by Luke (4:23-27) “I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his own hometown.” Jesus then walked away and preached to Capernaum and around the Sea of Galilee. In the afternoon, our tour group proceeded to Mount Tabor where our Lord Jesus was transfigured or his appearance was changed radiating holiness as a deity. I liken Mount Tabor to Mount Arayat in Pampanga or Mount Mayon in Albay, Philippines where it stands alone with no mountain range adjoining it. It is in Mount Tabor where our Lord Jesus took Peter, James and John for meditation during His third year of ministry. Mount Tabor, 1,886 feet I height is located in Lower Galilee, Israel, at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 11 miles west of the Sea of Galilee. It is in this solitary mountain peak with a separate geological formation believed by many Christians as the site of the Transfiguration of Jesus. It is now called the Mount of Transfiguration. The site is now operated by both the Eastern Orthodox in the northeast and Roman Catholic Church in the southeast summit. We were able to reach the summit through steep passes and ended up in the church and monastery on the same spot where our Lord Jesus was seen by his three disciples conversing with Moses and prophet Elijah. “He was transfigured before their eyes and his clothes became dazzlingly white – whiter than the work of any bleacher could make them. A cloud came overshadowing them, and out of the cloud a voice: This is my son, my beloved. Listen to him. Suddenly looking around they no longer saw anyone with them, only Jesus.” (Mark 9:3-8). I felt the presence of God visiting these biblical places as chronicled in the New Testament. –

The author’s wife Myrna E. Nino at Mary’s Well in Nazareth where angel Gabriel appeared to Mary announcing that she will be a child named Jesus.


3rd GMM PICTURES (Selfie)


GOINGS ON by Sis. Fely Montecillo We truly have a whirlwind of activities this month and that just makes it so exciting! But first things first. Allow me to greet the birthday boys and gals of this month - all ye born under the sign of Aries- may ye all have a wonderful birthday and have a year of good health, joy, love and more blessings from heaven! It is said that people born this month are brave, outgoing and fun. Their activeness induces an aura of freshness wherever they go and they are keen to solve other people’s problems. Friendships mean a lot to them. People born under the sign of Aries are attractive and affectionate people and are very encouraging at the same time. They are also the leaders of the pack, first in line to get going, leading people along with lots of charm and charisma (ahem!). So there, we wish you all a happy birthday, nothing but the best for all of you! # # # Bro. BOD chair Roehl Reyes is having an adrenalin rush nowadays what with just attending the ACNA FIRST Quarter meeting in Chicago, Illinois then continuing on with the final preparation for our forthcoming seminar this April 25 to 26. When I interviewed him about his impressions of the recently-held meeting hosted by Chicago, he expressed admiration for the hospitality extended to them and the other guests by the APO AA there. He was profuse in his praising them for not leaving a stone unturned in pleasing their guests . According to him, food was served in the hospitality suite from breakfast to midnight snack. Another hospitality suite served only APO juice. Per Bro. Roehl, the gala night was well attended by close to 200 guests. Bro. Roehl added that for him, APO Midwest did a good job, actually the best he has seen hosting an ACNA meeting. # # # Another opinion I was interested in was the view of PP Sis. Emma Galang, who, I should say, is a veteran already as far as attending meetings and conventions is concerned. She said that many believe that the first meeting for the year for any group is vital . So they made it a point that there would be many coming from our group to attend the Chicago meeting of ACNA. True indeed, Bro. Lito and Sis. Josie Tarculas, Bro. Geoffrey Arroyo, Bro. Roehl Reyes (our official delegate), and Sis Emma, of course, went. Being very observant however, Sis. Emma took notice of the fact that there were only10 attendees to the first session of the ACNA meeting . She also decried the fact that even here in the US, Filipinos could not break away from the very bad habit of not coming on time! Patience Sis! Patience! # # # Kudos of course, go to our fellow Alphan Sis Irma Almazan ACNA’s VP, for making that recent ACNA meeting a big success. As early as late last year, she was already talking about her plans for the recently-concluded meeting!

I know Bro Alex Almazan was always around to assist her. ACNA surely is lucky to have them! # # # My best wishes to Sis. Dit Dit Hocson Lago (Sigma Chapter ’73) and her brand new husband Ernest Joseph Maynard who said their I dos last April 17 before the Justice Court in Phoenix, Arizona. The rites were attended by son Brod Edward Henry Lago ( Alpha Mu ’03), Bro. Nan Clavecilla (the bride’s batchmate in Sigma), the bride’s beloved Sis. Emilie Korionoff (Alpha ’58), friends AJ and Katsy Chiongbian, and Remy and Rey Formoso. Have a happy married life Sis. Dit Dit and Ernest! # # # We should remember that the learning process never stops. The seminar this coming Saturday and Sunday is a good opportunity to add more to our information data. At the same time, we shall be with our Brothers and Sisters in a classroom environment. Won’t that be cool? ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 25, All-day = GMM & Symposium, Glendale Days Inn, 250 W. Pioneer Dr., Glendale, CA 91203 April 25, All-day =Continuation of Symposium May 3, 5 p.m.-12 p.m. = Bro. VP Jojo Binay Gala Night, Omni Hotel, 251 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, CA June 27, All day = Buscapade to Pechanga July 4, Afternoon-Mid Night = Independence Day, Bro. Lito & Sis Josie Tarculas home, Moreno Valley, CA Announcement: Our camping will be held on Labor Day weekend from Sept. 5, 6 & 7 at Lake Cachuma, Santa Barbara instead of Lake Isabella on Memorial Day weekend due to unavoidable circumstances beyond our control. Note: We will update this calendar of events periodically. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


On behalf of APOGLA family, our heartfelt condolences to the family of Racquel Ayo and Winnie Calvario for the passing of Mommy, Renita Dollete Subida “Our prayers for the repose of her soul”


TREASURER’S REPOR T REPORT Paid members as of April 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Almazan, Alex Almazan, Irma Amon, Ophel Amon, Tony Ang-Gayon, Melody Ansula, Bong Aquino, Fidel Arciga, Hanigrace Arnaldo, Manolo Arroyo, Geofrey Asuncion, Ann Atienza, Oscar Ayo, Toti Banayos, Philip Bayani, JR Bautista, Jimmy Cabacungan, McGuill Carrasco, Danny Clarete, Sam David, Betta David, Christian David, Raul del Casal, Rafael (NEW) Fajota, Honeyboy Fisico, Teddy Flores, Rudy Franco, Rolly Galang, Emma Garchitorenas, Mar Gomez, Tony Grey, Andrew (NEW) Hernandez, Bong Jovellanos, Hazel Jovellanos, Jobee Jamero, Jham Jamero, Lenet

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

Javierto, Mandy Lautchang, Wilson Madela, Rene Manalastas, Ruth Mansilla, Casey Martinez, Romulo Maruquin, Ruben Mendoza, Armand Miranda, Shane Montecillo, Fely Monasterio, Mitz Nino, Dan Ninofranco, Egay Noche, Cesar Nonato, Alvin Paggao, Jerome Pangilinan, Angel Paras, Roland Paredes, Vic Pascua, Dom Pascual, Winston Pastores, Alex Patelo, Angelo Posadas, Rey Reyes, Roehl Romero, Ed Rondilla, Dony Serrano, Eric Sy, Sancho Tarculas, Josie Tarculas, Lito Tecson, Ed (NEW) Uy, Celso Ventura, Beth Vinluan, Jehiel Yambot, Ferdy Yazon, Daemma Mendez

Please send your $50.00 Membership Dues to: OPHEL VITA AMON 22761 Eccles St., West Hills, CA 91304 All checks must be made payable to:


April MEMBERS: 01- Chito Atangan 04- Dimples Vallesteros 06- Julius Parayno - Mark Sabalburo 09- Melody Ang-Gayon 12- Vic Fisico - Jet Rosal 13- Art Parducho - Herman Somera 15- Troy Agagon 16- Butch Alo - Raul Tecson 17- Alan Orbe 19- Willy Alejandria - Danny Carrasco - Mac Lichauco 20- Paul Languisan 22- Ryan Abaigar 24- Christian David - Lester Arevalo 25- Oca Brillo - Karim Azar Grajo 27- Mike Cardenas - Egay Ninofranco 28- Ellery Atienza 30- Pete Villaver SPOUSE: 05- Luzviminda Vinluan 06- Christa Paredes 07- Veronica Medina 08- Fatima Medina - Teresa Paras 11- Rose Lichauco 15- Nellie Parayno 22- Jennifer Valdecantos 25- Lulu Somera 27- Babeth Jayoma 28- Josie Likwong 30- Beth Capulong APO KIDS: 01- Jaybe David - Dimples Serrano 02- Jon Andrei Arciga 06- Christopher Ayo - Zanie Michelle Zamora 09- Chowee Sy - Rizza Aurica Bejaa - Virgil Junio - April Rivera 10- Samantha Cajucom 13- Maurice Chua 16- Paco Franco 17- Nelia Barcelona - Laura Bautista 18- Erica Galang - Helena Marte 20- John Paul Languisan - Jean Valdecantos - Jestie Villanueva 22- Dashiell Sari Samoy - Maryann Nonato 24- Joenille Baxal - Christibel David - Carmina Lichauco 25- Marialita Estrada 26- Arianne Posadas - Jenevie Amon 27- Cynthia Bautista 29- Melvin Villaver Jr. 30- April Johanne Ang Gayon - Maegan Marie Serrano

4TH GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING WHEN: Saturday, April 25, 2015 WHERE: Glendale Days Inn WHAT: General

450 West Pioneer Drive Glendale, CA 91203

Membership Meeting


(7:00 PM to 8:00 PM)

- Meeting will start promptly at 7pm - Fellowship Afterwards Note: Symposium Date: April 25-26 2015 Time : 8:00 am - 5pm Topics to be discussed: - 501C3 (Invited speaker is an expert in this field) - Learn Robert’s Rule - APOGLA Constitution & By Law; Policy & Procedure Proposal & Changes - Leadership Expectations - Workshop on Managing Projects and a a glimpse of Project Management

From East: Fwy 210 West onto Fwy 134 West, Exit Pacific Ave., turn left on Pacific Ave., turn left on the 2nd cross street onto Pioneer Drive. From North/West: Fwy 5 South, onto Fwy 134 East, Exit Pacific Ave., turn right on Pacific Ave., on first cross street turn left onto Pioneer Drive. From South: Fwy 110 North onto Fwy 5 North onto Fwy 134 East, Exit Pacific Ave., turn right on Pacific Ave., on first cross street turn left onto Pioneer Drive.

CONTACT PERSONS: Bro. Dan Nino - (562) 921-5116 Dan Nino 12450 East Oakcreek St., Cerritos, CA 90703

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