Issue 12 march

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Featuring Nienke van Bezooijen

Editor’s Note What are you doing to make your dreams come true? Do you have a goal sheet? An action plan? A vision board? Are you working daily toward your goals? Do you break it down into a step by step process? If not it is just a dream, a wish, a some day thing! Make it real! Choose to make plans and actions steps to work on the dream! Here are some tips to get you started! 1. What do you want? 2. What does it look like? 3. What will it feel like? 4. How much money do you need? 5. How much money do you want? 6. Who do you want to help? 7. Why do you want to help? 8. How can you help?

If you start with these questions you will get a good idea of what to do next. It won't be perfect! It will have ups and downs! It will be hard at times. But it will be worth it! You just need to believe in you and your dreams. Teresa Hawley-Howard CEO of WOM Enterprises Publisher, Author and Writing Coach

Teresa Hawley Howard is a best-selling author, blogger, empowerment coach, and radio host. She lives in Murchison Texas with her husband Rickey. She is a mom and a Mimi.




Coming 2018




What Will You Do? Will You Leave a Legacy? WOM Enterprises Will you be brave? Will you share your story? Will speak up? Will you be the change you are praying for? Will inspire another? Will be part of the solution or part of the problem? The choice is totally yours. No one can make it for you. It is all up to you! We all have overcome something. Survived what we were sure would kill or destroy us. Came back from a huge set back. Made it out of what should have destroyed us. It is our duty to inspire, uplift, and educate the next generation. We must set the example of never giving up. The example of always giving it our best, always trying and taking a chance. We must help them strive for their dreams. We must tell them that only limits on them are the ones they set for themselves. No one can stop you but you. You can do anything you put your mind too. You just have to want it and be willing to work for it. If you are determined, you can make it happen. Our future depends on what we show and teach them today. Time to step up and into your calling. Time to face your destiny. Time to be the change. Time to be the reason the next generation never gave up. Someone is waiting for you to inspire, encourage and light the way. So do it now. Stop waiting! Be a trailblazer, a maverick, a pioneer. Lead the way instead of waiting to follow. Make a difference. Take a stand. Leave this world better than you found it. It all starts with you and your choice. So choose wisely!

4 Skin Sins to Avoid the Spring & Summer Karen K. Martin

' “I have really good skin,” women often say thinking it’s all about their genetic DNA. Stanford-degree dermatologists Dr. Kathy Fields and Dr. Katie Rodan, the creators of ProActiv and their eponymous, #1 selling skincare line in N. America, say 80% of skin health is in your control. As the seasons heat up, here are four “Skin Sins” to avoid to prevent damage and produce a healthy, flawless head-to-toe look. Worshipping the sun is bound to cause sun damage and an an over-baked Oompa Loompa look. Stay out of the tanning booths and use a sunless tanning lotion or foam. Wear a hat and sunglasses during sun exposure. Drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily is still the baseline for typical daily consumption. Your skin needs and craves hydration, and will not look its best without a steady supply of H2O. Using cosmetics that are not tested and proven can result in irritation and acne. Makeup past its expiration date sold on online stores is not a wise investment. Research the company to see where its headquarters and factories are located. If not located in the US, they may not hold to our nation’s industry-wide standards. High-quality makeup contains sunscreen—SPFs at 20 or more is optimal. Guaranteed to creep you out is the statistic below showing how full of germs and bacteria a cellphone often placed on kitchen counter, tables, taken into bed or touched before contact with mouth and face actually is. Acne, staph and e coli are some of the potential risks identified when using unsanitary phones. There also may be actual bugs which crawl into the phone’s warm space. Isn’t that pleasant? A case of acne may stem from makeup residue found on an unclean cellphone. Regularly wipe it down with a soft cloth like you use to clean eyeglasses and a 60/40 mixture of alcohol and water or disinfectant wipes. Follow the wet cloth with a dry one. Never use paper towels, Windex and other cleaners or spray anything directly on the device. With these simple reminders, you can effectively take care of the body’s largest organ, the skin! A Rodan + Fields skincare consultant, her passion is Leaving People, Places and Profits Bet-ter than Found by building business teams worldwide. Photographic recall, enthusiasm and organizing are gifts. Colleagues say “You KNOW everybody!” Board/staff development and strategic planning are led in ballrooms and boardrooms. She was Texas PTA’s Chief Architect of the Governance & Leadership Model restructure adopted by 2012 Conven-tion delegates. It became the blueprint for 49 state PTA associations. 9

Spotlight Nienke van Bezooijen “I’m not my past, I’m not my future; I am who I am today. That’s how I live my life. I’m never a victim of circumstances.” Nienke van Bezooijen is the granddaughter of Emma, a mum, partner, multiple ‘caretaker’ within her family and besides all that she is an entrepreneur, mentor for thought-leaders and change-makers. I am a bridge between the generation of my gran, born 1918, my generation and beyond. In her working life she is an international speakers mentor, author of the Speaker Success Solution and business owner of Presentation-Master. We would like to spotlight Nienke’s book ‘My life with Emma - Moving mountains in silence’ Nienke said, her gran started her personal development at a conscious level, at the age of 90, when she became a widow. They had a soul- connection from the moment she was born. “I was her source of joy in life. Over the years I became her vehicle to give her a voice in my world. Often she became a source of inspiration for my clients if I used her wisdom and encouraging examples to overcome obstacles.” “After her death I decided to share our life’s stories, woven together, to shine a light of hope and encouragement for all women struggling with challenges in life and to show how they can deal with this in another way.” “From the moment I was born I had my grandmother Emma beside me as my guardian angel in real life. When Emma became ill; I had the honor to become her guardian angel. In 2017 we wrapped up Gran’s life on earth and were able to stay connected until today. How? I share all about it in ‘my life with Emma.” When speaking on something you have overcome or success Nienke said, “Life’ has given me many challenges: from being paralyzed at the age of 17, of losing one child and fighting to bring two other children into this world and facing the diagnoses of autism all around me. Getting divorced, being care taker of 6 relatives, my own breakdowns.” “Gran faced a war, famine, humiliation, from no money to buy shoes to reaching a million. Dealing with dementia around her, hope, fear and death.” “I want to be a lighthouse for women. Shine light in seemly dark episodes in their life. I want to give them insights with Emma’s wisdom. Encourage them by how Gran and I overcame our difficulties in life.” “We became stronger, together, no matter our age difference; with this book I share the warmth of my Gran with the world so they can feel enlightened by the words: honest and vulnerable, sometimes raw… but, always with compassion and love.” You can find Nienke van Bezooijen at: https://



I am honored to call you my sister Cheryl Peavy Women need encouragement. We wear so many different hats. We are mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, nieces, aunts, stay at home moms, career women, wives and girlfriends. We all need a place to go to when we are facing trials and tribulations. We need a place that is safe and where we can be who we are. A Sisterhood! A place that is full of love, encouragement, inspiration, motivation, celebration, God, and where we learn valuable things to help us on this journey called life. Most of us have been through experiences with other women who we thought were our friends. But drama was so ever present. I wanted to find a place where women can come together and get along. I wanted to find a family. Well, I searched and searched and couldn’t find any place that I just loved. Several years ago, I had lost my mother and grandmother. I didn’t have the support I needed. Then as I came back to life, God showed me my purpose. He said that all that I have been through women needed to know my testimony. They needed to be a part of a Sisterhood that is real. God told me to form a Sisterhood. So, I founded She Is You I am You. A community that is real and for Women! I have learned that we as women can’t be successful in all areas of our life without encouragement. We need to be around other women who can uplift and take us to another level. See a sisterhood should be a place of respect, value and unconditional love and acceptance of each other. We may not all agree on things but nonetheless it is a place of understanding and that we all have the right to be who God has created us to be! There is strength in numbers. The bible is clear on how a Sisterhood; women should interact with one another. Here are some scriptures. Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interest, but also to the interest of others. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. I Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. I also want to give an example of Sisterhood from the bible. The Book of Ruth. Ruth is about two women who lost loved ones. Ruth lost her husband and decided to stay and be loyal to her mother-inlaw Naomi. She saw that it would be better to stay connected because it was important to be there for Naomi. A sister prays for one another. She feels her sister’s pain and allows her not to fall. Sisters intercede for one another. A Sisterhood stands United! A Sisterhood is closer than your very own family. I am honored to be a part of a family that I can call every woman in She Is You I Am You my sister.


CELEBRATING WOMEN WHO INSPIRE As we celebrate our history, we definitely must celebrate the beautiful women who inspire and change the world. Those women who leave their mark, make a difference, leave a legacy, write their chapter in the book of life! Those who inspire and encourage us to be more. Those who lead the way to change and are a catalyst for a better way! The women who tells to expect more, want more and to achieve more. Those who show us how to be the change. Those who step out in faith and are on the front lines. Women who sacrifice personally for the greater good. Those amazing examples of a servant’s heart! Those women who show us another level of greatness. Who walk in purpose and passion. The women who extend grace and forgiveness. Those who rise above the chaos and bitterness and anger. Those who love on us unconditionally. Those know their worth and teach us to know our own worth! Those who teach us to change their world with a smile, a kind word, a loving gesture and our actions. And for those who shows sometimes we must stand in our truth no matter the price. No matter the discord, the uneasiness and the resistance. We must be true to ourselves. We must never waive from our truth! We must stand strong. And speak it even if our voice is shaky. Those amazing women who unselfishly blaze a trail, clear the obstacles, lead the way and light the path. They shine brightly in a dark world. They help to ignite the fire in us. They teach us to be a keeper of the flame. To share our fire and enthusiasm with others. To be a candle in the window, a lighter of the flame and a woman who helps others to find their fire. Those who work behind the scenes, who write the policy, make the commitments, and demand us to do better. Those who don’t do it for the money, the awards or the applause. Those who did for us and the next generation. Those who know that they must make a difference. Those who know we must leave a legacy, a trail and a way for our children. Their lives, their words, their actions have changed millions. They have changed the world with one selfless act! They have made the world a better, safer, more loving place. They know they walked in their purpose, in their calling, in their own truth. They are women of valor, women of wisdom, women of purpose, women of faith. They are willing to step out of their comfort zone. They are willing to be a voice for the voiceless. They are willing to show us how to love, how to encourage, how to be the example for us! They are the game changers. The women that will go down in history. The women who will change our world. Do you know a woman like this? Are you a woman like this? Will help raise up women like this? Be the one they talk about. The one they follow. They one who leads the crusade! Be a history maker!



Share your story and change the world! 15

Spotlight Moria Hutchison

“Have you ever noticed that when you focus upon a problem, all that seems to exist for you are all of the ideas, methods and answers that did NOT work? Truth is – In order for a problem to exist… the solution must also exist!!” Moira Hutchison is a Mindfulness Coach, Tarot Card Reader, Spiritual and Metaphysical Healer… She is ‘Dedicated’ to helping people all over the world to break free of the invisible barriers that seem to block their ability to live to their fullest potential. Using her own approach – The Letting Go Process – she helps people shift from feeling stuck, overwhelmed and thinking there must be more to life; to being in alignment with their life purpose, inspired, empowered and actually in control of their life experience. “If you are feeling stuck and challenged by your mindset, emotional and wellness goals or if you are struggling to figure out your life purpose and are ready to find a deep sense of meaning in your life – she helps you recognize what the actual blocks are and then she works with you to create a plan of action to get you from where you are to where you wish to be with grace and ease.” We are spotlighting Moria’s ‘Get Unstuck – Life Coaching Programs.’ Given the opportunity to learn the right skills, techniques and strategies, together with a wee bit of encouragement, most people are capable of truly amazing things. Moria says, “Once you get unstuck and motivated, you can quickly apply these skills to transform just about any aspect of your life. If that’s what you want, and you are ready to make amazing things happen... Moira can help you!!” “The secret to completely reinventing your life successfully is to start with the person you are at your very core and work outwardly from there. Making such a bold move can be scary, but it can also transform a ho-hum existence into an exciting and passionate adventure. One thing is for sure – this kind of transformation deserves some careful, insightful forethought and planning.” “Opportunity is knocking for you! Are you ready for a life and/or business makeover? Would you like to make some big changes and completely reinvent your life? Are you ready for a new you?” When speaking to Moria Hutchison on overcoming and success; Moria said, “I've overcome a number of limitations and set back in life - I have many stories to share about becoming unstuck... something I am very proud of is that I became a best-selling author with my book "Letting Go So You Can Thrive!!" In 2018, Moria, will be stepping more into teaching – “I would like to launch three courses and have them as on-line evergreen products. I also intend to create and launch a system to teach people how to use mindfulness for successful goal setting and achievement.” You can find Moria Hutchison at: 613-432-1239


Spotlight Juanita Foucault

“What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It.” – Goethe Jaunita found Social Media as a way to continue to work when I became mobility challenged. She enjoys making rag dolls and reading in her spare time and of course fine tuning her skills in Social media and Graphic design. We are spotlighting Juanita’s business ‘Northern Lights Maple Social Media & Design.’ It offers affordable social media coupled with social media graphics. They focus on 3 target areas, Face Book, Twitter, and Instagram. Juanita’s most popular package is $150 CAD and covers all three. We work that package on the premise of blanket posting; as well it’s native posting to the platforms which yield a higher reach. When speaking of overcoming & achieving with Juanita, she said, “Upon my mobility issue, I sought out what work I could do and virtual, well, it stuck!” I enrolled in the local online college certificate program and on final course for social media in business, I obtained 100% score. Juanita is currently looking to build my business and add a few long standing clients. You can find Juanita Foucault at; @JuanitaFoucault on Instagram and Twitter Facebook at: Website and contact info: 613-294-9744 .



Ready to Become an Author If your answer to this question is YES, this class is for YOU!! This class will help dispel the myths and help you to take steps to make this a reality! There are several ways to go about the process and some questions you need to decide before you begin. So let’s get started right now!! 1.

How will you use your book?


Sell at your events


Give away or sell on your website


Promote yourself or your business


Launch your speaking career


What’s Your budget?

This is your most important decision! So think about it carefully! This will decide everything else in your project! Once you decide on the subject; Take time to brainstorm on a title! Take out a piece of paper and write down all your ideas. You should just let the creative juices flow! Making a list is the best way to do this. So, you can look at all your options! Ok! Now your content is chosen, your title is chosen and you have decided your budget and publishing package choice. So it’s time to get the project going. You have to do this part with intention. You must decide to make it happen. You cannot treat it like a hobby. You must make a commitment. Let WOM Enterprises help you make your publishing experience beautiful and amazing! Contact us today!


Hello, my name is Julia Lee and I am happy to be the new fashion columnist for Tribute Magazine. The new season has finally arrived and as I'm writing this I'm sipping on my favorite Rose Tea anticipating this Spring, a time of rebirth for all living things. Where things were dormant with drab grey sky' life is emerging all around us and everything is beginning to blossom and flourish once again. I have these thoughts about renewal every spring, but it's particularly meaningful this year. With a divorce behind me at the end of 2017, I am ready for this new season.Whatever hurdles or heartaches you are facing, whatever new challenges or new beginnings....use this season to ignite something new within yourself. Decide and define who you want to be. Sculpt yourself this season and reinvent you. Stop dreaming about all of the things you have dreamt of for years and start doing! Your future self will thank you. The best way to reinvent yourself in a new season is to start with an inward focus. Meditate and reflect on your past season. What do you want to change? Decide what is within your power to change and what must you accept as out of your hands. Combine that with healthy eating to create a beautiful glow from within. Now….let’s move into your closet, a fabulous wardrobe will also help you shine. This spring has many fun options in store for everyone. The Spring runway in New York showed us Stars and Stripes and red white and blue this season. Have fun and play with these looks, paring them with your new favorite denim piece. As haute denim is in this season. I'm also thrilled that ruffles continue to be in this season. One of my favorite fun and flirty looks. London showed us soft romantic hues of baby blue, custard yellow, creamy mint, peach and my very favorite….blush! Another fun trend is the windbreaker! I remember my favorite blue windbreaker with the weathervane zipper pull from my preteen era. My go to piece! It was always the perfect warmth without being too heavy and I could easily roll it up in my go bag when it wasn't needed. Wind breakers are making a huge comeback for spring this year from inexpensive brands to high end designer labels.


Tulle was the "it fabric" in Milan; bringing out the inner ballerina in all of us. Couple this with casual every day wear or utilitarian basics for a playful look, this style makes a fun statement this season. Also‌. great news! The fanny pack is back... In my opinion it never really left, convenient and functional. The runway had some great looking packs! Long sleeved t-shirts with dresses over the top are common place this season. I've been doing this for years and love the look. Virtually anything goes with trend Jumpsuits are back and what a variety of colors and styles to choose from. New York showed us that color block fashion is back once again, if you like bright colors you will love this season. Hot pink, bright oranges and greens are just a few of the plentiful choices your offered this season. Lastly, don't forget to pick up a new spring fragrance. Florals and citrus scents abound. I like so many it's hard to choose just one. I did pick up Gucci Bloom, which is exactly what I intend to do this season. I expect the same for you. Bloom into an even better version of yourselves and have fun with it! Julia Lee is an image consultant, personal shopper and freelance writer living in the East Texas area. She has always been fascinated with old Hollywood Glamour and was born with a love for fashion. She spent most of her life in Orange County California and drew a lot of inspiration for her unique sense of style from the beach cities she immersed herself in along with her study of New York and European Fashion. She loves to bring her personal take on fashion to people and define their own sense of individual style. She believes many people miss out on opportunities in their lives because they underestimate the value of dressing well.


The Power of You - Tele-Summit Janis Melillo The Power of You – Inspiration “In a world where you can be anything, be kind, giving and know that your actions will contribute to the welfare of those who need your support and guidance.” I can look back at my life on all of the things that have gone wrong or I can pause for reflection and gratitude for those situations that have challenged me to the core. This is where I am today. Each day brings about hope, endless possibilities and more challenges then I can sometimes handle; however, they do say that God doesn't give us anything we can't handle. That statement is certainly true, for many of us in today’s world. My frame of mind for each day begins with a blessing, a filled day with love, hope, honor, and respect for myself, and for those I encounter on a daily basis. This is how I choose to focus. No one can tell you what to do or how to react in certain situations - that’s a given and perhaps more easily stated than actually accomplished. We can ultimately choose and endeavor to resolve conflicts or even happy moments all in how our actions affect others we have the power within ourselves. That is the beauty of ‘The Power of You’ Tele-summit!

LeaAnn Fuller The Power of You – What Inspires Me Did you know that rock bottom is actually a launch pad and fertile ground from which to grow your very own movement? In the journey to finding me, I realized that I hit rock bottom for a reason and that reason would reveal itself to me at the right time. I had survived the heartbreak of great loss and homelessness. I endured the pain of physical, mental and sexual abuse. In these moments of darkness, I found my greatest strength. I decided that there had to be more in life for me and my girls in life. This is where I learned to not only survive but to thrive. I now spend my life empowering women to get out of their own way and find their own greatness. I teach women that we were not placed in this world to suffer. We are given our struggles and our challenges to learn and grow. It is our choice whether we learn from them or get stuck in suffering. We are all destined for greatness and we just need to get out of our own way to get it. Are you ready to get out of your own way to find your greatness in life, love, and business? Let's get started? LeaAnn Fuller Life Coach Fuller Life, LLC (315) 825-5859 http://, Welcome to Your Fuller Life Radio Show Tune in Wednesday 7pm EST 4pm PST @

Miste Kehaunihiikapi The Power of You – Inspiration My name is Miste ‘Kehaunihiikapli’ Anders-Clemons is a Master Certified Life Coach and known as ‘The Peace, Calm and Tranquility Coach. I assist people, families and companies by providing tips, tools and techniques that assist in the development of a stress less life. The only ‘Interactive Inspirational Speaker’ in the world that integrates ‘Hula’ and ‘Tahitian dance,’ ‘Tai-Chi Chuan,’ and ‘Karate’ into her speaking. I am an International Bestselling Author and contributor to; Cultivating Your It Factor, 14 Must Haves to Discover, Define and Refine Your Signature Brand, 3 P’s to Success: Purpose, Passion, Profit, Women on a Mission’s ‘Sisterhood of Stories’ and more. Miste’s areas of specialties are: Stress Reduction, Goal Setting, Life Transitions, Cultural Diversity and Awareness, Movement and Empowerment. A signature program of it’s a Misteism by ‘Master Certified Life Coach’ Miste is a program called ‘Embrace Tranquility.’ ‘EMBRACING TRANQUILITY’ helps proactive people who are game changers in their lives and have too much to do and offer in life to be side-lined by stress. She is the creator of Stress Check Wednesday, Stress Less Saturday and Stress Less Sunday; that are efforts for people to do something stress reducing or to check their stress levels.


Paulette Harper The Power of You - Why I Write

Ministry Focus: Writing. As an inspirational and fiction writer, I write to inspire and empower readers. I write because I feel I have message to share with readers not only to entertain readers but to help them grow spiritually. I love to mix real life stories into my fiction. Although each story is unique, we experience some of the same feelings, situations and challenges in life in which the reader can identify. When I pen a non-fiction book, I can go deep into my soul and the soul of the reader. My non-fiction books come from my own personal life experiences, research and biblical studies. I try to connect with readers in a place where the words in the book can leap off the pages and bring about a spiritual change as well as spiritual growth. Ministry Focus: My Sister’s Keeper: “Women Loving Women” Our purpose is to support women in their relationship with God so that through friendships, mentoring, modeling, and teaching one another, we might experience the freedom to become all that God intends us to be. Our Mission - We are motivated by a passion to touch the lives of women, spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially. Our focus is to uplift, nurture, and spiritually fortify women to fulfill their Divine purpose. Rachel Lee White The Power of You – What Inspires Me "Know this: though not everything that we face can be changed, nothing can be changed until we face it." I congratulate myself upon becoming a ‘John Maxwell Team Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker, enrolled in the mentorship program.” Congratulations! DBL, Inc. (Disciples of the Blood of the Lamb Outreach Ministries INC), the founder Rachel Lee White is now a John Maxwell Team Independent Certified Coach, Teacher, Trainer and Speaker, We can offer you workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching, aiding your personal and professional growth through study and practical application of John’s proven leadership methods of working together. We will move you and/or your team or organization in the desired direction. Leadership Assessment, Masterminding and Lunch n Learns. There is synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that participants bring to a mastermind group. Our facilitated groups offer a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, education, accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your business and personal skills. By bringing fresh ideas and a different perspective, my masterminds can help you achieve success. Key Benefits of a Mastermind Group: Increase your own experience and confidence, Sharpen your business and personal skills, Add an instant and valuable support network, Get honest feedback, advice and brainstorming, Borrow on the experience and skills of the other members, Study Leadership, Communications and Growth principles/practices in a group setting, create an action plan and have the group hold you accountable for fulfilling your plan and goals. Receive critical insights into yourself; ‘Optimistic peer support’ in maintaining a positive mental attitude, a sense of shared endeavor – there are others out there! Adding value to others; as well as our-selves. Contact us, we are looking forward to assisting you on your journey to becoming successful leaders and, yes we are still reaching out to the community offering Christian support groups, book clubs, webinars, motivational speaking and radio programs. Author Rachel Lee White is still promoting her book ‘IT WAS NOT MY FAULT’ with, and Barnes and Teresa McBeth-Gwartney The Power of You - Inspiration

“I would tell you, one breath, one step, and one day, at a time.” ~ Teresa McBeth-Gwartney. Teresa McBeth-Gwartney, is a 56 year old Cowgirl from Oklahoma, a granddaughter, a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother and friend; an artist, Inspirational Speaker and an Author as well as a co-author with a story to tell. Teresa has written in 3 anthologies sharing her stories of tragedy and her journey through life. We are proud to spotlight Teresa McBeth-Gwartney for overcoming and sharing her amazing talents as an author and a co-author within the pages of ‘His Grace is Sufficient’ with WOM. Teresa McBeth-Gwartney also Co-Authored in Women on a Mission’s ‘Sisterhood of Stories and the amazing Warrior Women with Angel Wings, with Sundi Sturgeon as Compiler and WOM as publisher. When asked her about overcoming, Teresa replied, “I have lived through many life tragedies and have written about them. “In 1996 my life was turned upside down, shattered into pieces, and forever changed when I lost my husband and was widowed at the young age of 35. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy but I survived it by the grace of God and with his help I did survive and along this journey I became strong and independent woman. When this all happened I had no idea who Teresa was, without my husband; but if you were to ask me today who I am, I would tell you that I am all that and way more.” That one day is forever etched in my memory, never to be forgotten! Who am I? How do you start putting the pieces of a shattered life back together again! I would tell you one breathe, one step, and one day at a time! I AM A SURVIVOR! If you would like to know more about Teresa McBeth-Gwartney & her life’s journey, you can find her on facebook under ‘Cowgirl T’s Inspiration’ or by email


Dianne Morgan The Power of You – What Inspires Me “I am fire that ignites a spark within others, which creates a flame; so that they may shine and pass the torch. I Am a Light-worker.” Dianne Morgan is a published Author, Teacher, Angel Intuitive, and Mystic Intuitive Healer. Dianne is a member of International Association of Angel Practitioners studying under various heart lead teachers. She holds certifications as an Angel Intuitive, Angel Therapy Practitioner and Reiki Practitioner; she is also a Spiritual Minister through Universal Life Ministries. Dianne is a Co- Creator and with Spiritual guidance, Angel Navigation LLC, was born; along with her healing practice, what she calls ‘Crystal Angelic Intuitive Healing.’ and along with ‘Energy Healing,’ she is a ‘Spiritual Teacher of Angel Navigation Interactive Workshops,’ where she helps others to discover, explore and strengthen their own unique connection to the spiritual realm, using their God given gifts. Dianne is also the author of ‘Go Where They Are’ where she shares her story of Awakening to the awareness of the Spiritual Realm as she began exploring and developing her connection through the writings of the book. Spirit took me back in time to show me examples through-out my life of that connection and she hopes others will reflect back in their lives and recognize their connections and grow spiritually. “Love inspires me to help others heal mind, body, and spirit. Creator, God, Great Spirit, Source of All, wants us to be happy and live the life we desire and deserve. It is our Divine birthright to receive heavenly guidance for our life.” Through my writings of “Go Where They Are” I take you on my spiritual journey, to help you better understand yours. I have often said the journey is like a scavenger hunt. My journey led me in many directions, then ultimately to my relationship with the Archangels, my Guardian Angel, and Lord Jesus. It is a teaching book for others to understand, explore and discover their unique connection with Spirit.” Face book: Website:, Twitter: @AngelNavigation

Kim Hutt The Power of You - What Inspires Me to Do what I Do? Originally my reasoning for practicing Relaxation Therapies and Natural Health Care was for my own benefit. I was working as an Interior Designer and had a successful practice along -side my husband’s construction company. Some stressful projects resulted in some health issues and burnout and I had to take better care of myself and my blood pressure. I was told to stay away from the gym, which was my go to spot for working out stress, until I had a Doctor’s note. So the universe slowed me down long enough to show me I was ready for change. I went back to the things I ~knew but didn’t make time for, such as Meditation, Qi Gong and energy therapies. Several people began asking what I was doing differently and so began my business. The reasons that inspire me now would be the amazing people transitioning through some of the most difficult experiences they could face. The courage and strength they show, inspires me to hold that sacred space of light and love so they can move through the moment and inspire others to keep moving as well. We are all one, Souly Reconnected. Miasha Gilliam-El The Power of You - Inspiration Inspiration is everywhere. You just need to open your eyes and allow yourself to see it all around you. I really enjoy being able to communicate what each of us experiences in our everyday lives. I am able to take unique moments and bring them to life through the words and sentences that I have the privilege of writing. It brings me joy to know that I have the ability to inspire others and spark change in their life through my words. There is nothing better than hearing how your words have helped individuals to transition in a direction of positivity. I get a lot of inspiration from my family. They are the driving force in my life that keeps me motivated and inspired to be the best I can be. Taking long walks through my neighborhood is another avenue that I use to inspire myself. I love nature. Listening to the birds, watching the butterflies, and breathing the fresh air reminds me of how blessed we are to be able to share our gifts with the world. Being outside and moving brings me peace of mind, breaks the daily monotony and gets my creative juices flowing! ~ Miasha Gilliam-El, Rn.


Dr. Sue Denk The Power of You - What Inspires Me and My Why I AM a Master of Reinvention, having been through many major transformational events throughout my lifetime. I know the Joy of BEING, the Joy of helping another, the Joy of empowering another to BE more than they ever thought they could BE. When I found myself in the middle of yet another major life and lifestyle change at the age of 60, I once again took charge of where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do. I have been a Master of Transformation all my life, and yet, this time of my life is different from any other, as I am reaching out to all the women I can to share with them ways to empower themselves, to grow by leaps and bounds, locking arms to help them identify and achieve goals they never knew they had, and to live a more fulfilled, infinitely beautiful life. The more we reach out toward another, locking arms with them and journeying through this lifetime together, the more we ourselves grow. The more we give, the more we get. The more Love we give, the more Love we get. It’s really very simple, if you only open your Heart and Arms. Lady Bluu The Power of You - What Inspires Me and My Why When you look at the definition of inspire you begin to see an individual’s passion and drive and belief in what they do. But the thing about being inspired is that you take one breath at a time and fuel your passion with love, understanding, tears and joy. It makes what you do so much more enjoyable and when that joy spreads to other people it drives you to be more creative, more passionate, more excited, more centered and giving. I can’ be inspired if others are not benefiting from what it is I do. I want to use what God has given me to lift others up and share in their strengths and victories along the way. My story is not a sad one, just one of perseverance and faith and most of all forgiveness. We all overcome in different ways but uniquely we all share the same thing and that is love. Without that what we do would be for nothing. To survive is to overcome and to overcome is to truly live your life. That is my why. Lady Bluu Catch me LIVE Thursdays from 9-11on @Ladybluu1 on: Twitter, IG, Tumblr, CoPromote, Linkedin, YouTube and Facebook Joy Does Come in the Morning on FB Therealladybluu1 on FB @Alwayzmotivate on Twitter @lbfabulous on IG La Shonda Herring The Power of You - What Inspires Me My inspiration in my life is my Mother. She left me a roadmap to my happiness. Like most children, I never asked or knew her dreams. My mother died when I was 33. I remember going through her stuff and finding a green 2-pocket folder. When I opened this folder, it changed my life forever; that was February 20, 2004. My mother had different business ideas in this folder with notes. She wanted her own business. I never knew! When I started to examine my life I realized that I did not want to die with a folder of dreams. I started on my way to find the perfect business for me. I tried most of the traditional things like MLM, franchises, etc. Then one day I listened to my heart and I knew what I wanted to do. Help women just like me have a business and a life they love and NOT die with a folder of dreams. I get to work with and watch amazing women find the thing that lights them up. I get to be part of their journey. I feel honored to get a small peek inside their beautiful life.


Teresa Hawley Howard - WOM Enterprises LLC The Power of You - Living an Inspirational Life

Inspiration comes in many forms and at random times as we create and manifest our dreams and goals.

Inspiration can come from prayer or a simple post or word said from someone and even viewing a random act of kindness towards another that has no hidden intentions of receiving in return. Inspiration is a beautiful gift to the soul and can motivate a person to great heights in life and is a necessary tool for achievement. Inspirational time is so important because we only have so much time in our existence and we stretch ourselves further than what our physical bodies were designed to handle. It is how we spend our moments that really count. You are never wasting time if you are learning and growing from experiences and broadening your understanding of yourself, your interest and humanity itself. Co-Founder/Owner at: Tribute Magazine. teresahawleyhoward, Dorci Hill What inspires me / What is my why??? I am happiest when I am in a place of love, play, and dance! Movement for me is life and I have always been on the move! A dancer from the age of 4 through college and I’m still finding ways to add dance in today! I find myself too much in my head with fears, doubts, worries, comparison, etc., when I do not move. My desire is to work together, with women specifically, to create the life of their dreams that they navigate with ease. A lifestyle we craft together with simple steps (like a dance routine!), building upon each other, that fill you with joy, pleasure, and in control of the outcome. Too often I hear from women, that they cannot recall the last time they played or had fun, much less moved or danced. It is a disservice to ourselves not to find our own movement and enjoy this life to the fullest. We have one life, one dance, one chance to be who we are meant to be, and my intention is to invite every woman to find her sacred movement and dance like no one is watching! Lifestyle Architect & Sacred Movement Mentor (832) 425-9090 Words of Inspiration Maria Marinakis We must celebrate the realization that we are all phenomenal women. We are brave when we get up each day and thrive, better ourselves, and care for others in the face of every day roadblocks. We do not allow life’s daily challenges to derail our efforts. Each woman’s story of bravery bonds us through experience, regardless of race, culture, age, or socio-economic status. Boldness is the fearless face we put on as we take purpose powered massive action toward our goals. Our yearning to taste life on our own terms – to live in our authentic skin, to fully align with our true purpose, and to leave a positive mark on this world – allows any fears and doubts to subside and fuels the passion in our hearts to step forward boldly in faith. We are brazen when we practice Purpose Powered Living. We no longer ask permission to shine or show our greatness, nor do we feel the need to apologize for anything. We make our own rules and play our own game. There is no reason to feel shame or doubt when we consistently do what’s right and good, and when we take purpose powered action and live authentically.


Trish Springsteen Learning How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking For many people the prospect of getting up and presenting a speech, or an introduction or just saying a few words can be completely overwhelming if not frightening. In fact fear of public speaking is in the Top Ten List of Fears and in some lists it ranks at number 2, with people often saying that they fear speaking more than death! Now this can be a big problem, especially if you have a business, a message you want to share, a book you have just written, been asked to present at a work meeting or even just to say some words at a wedding or family event. The undeniable fact is that speaking and communication underpins everything you do in life – business or personal. So how do you overcome this challenge? Firstly understanding that is okay to feel this fear. Think about what is causing it – is a fear of the unknown, a fear of making a fool of yourself, a fear people will find out you don’t know everything or a lack of confidence. Perhaps you have tried before and didn’t succeed or you have seen others have issue. A bit of nervous tension is okay – it gives that extra charisma, that spark to make that connection with the audience. Good speakers have learned how to turn that nervous energy into adrenalin to shine. Let’s look at how you overcome this fear and make it work for you. Your Mindset and Attitude Stop the negative self-talk. When you start to think I can’t do that, no one wants to hear me, I’m going to forget my words; visualise a big red stop sign. Throw away the negativity and bring in the positive thought I am good, I know my subject; I have a message to share. Believe in yourself and your message. Change your attitude. Step Up and Speak Overcome that fear of the unknown by getting up and speaking. Every opportunity that comes along to speak say yes. The more you speak the more familiar you are becoming with speaking. It is no longer an unknown. You realise that people do want to listen to you and that you are making a difference. Ask questions about where you are going to speak, who you are speaking to - be ready to Act and shine. Prepare and Practise Give yourself every opportunity to be ready to speak. The more you prepare and practise the more comfortable you will be with your content, the timing and the outcome. You don’t want to learn your presentation word of word because if those nerves start to overwhelm and you forget the next word you will forget everything else after that word. Practise your presentation and then when you are familiar and comfortable with the content reduce the presentation to dot points or concepts. You know your subject – speak to the concepts. Find a Mentor and Coach Public Speaking can be learned. People are not born great speakers. They put time and effort into learning strategies, techniques and speaking. There are many ways to start your public speaking journey and to enhance your speaking skills. Look for a mentor and coach to guide you and give your feedback. Different mentors and coaches will assist at different parts of your journey. Some will start you, others will take you on the paid speaking circuit, and others will help you leverage your business with speaking and communication. Choose who resonates with you. Remember it is not about you – it is about those who need to hear your message. Take 60 seconds of insane courage Believe Act and Share your message. Most of all be you and have fun with your speaking and sharing your message. Trish Springsteen Multi International Award-Winning Speaker Mentor, International Best-Selling Author, Radio Host Owner and Director Trischel – Innovative Communication Training For further information on working with Trish or to arrange an interview with Trish Springsteen please contact her – email: For a copy of 10 Free tips to improve presentations go to 27 Youtube TrischelBrisbane


















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