Editor’s Note This issue we are helping you to Choose to make a difference! You were born for a purpose and reason! Someone is waiting on you to fulfill your destiny. How long will you make the m wait? Do you know your purpose? Do you know what you were born to do? Have you found your calling? Are you ready to fulfill your destiny?
My wish and goal for you is that you find your purpose . Not just exist but passionately make a difference in this world. To wake up every morning with an excitement for what lays ahead! To choose to embrace your journey and give it your complete all! To make your life everything you ever dreamed of! So make a choice today in your personal and business life to find your purpose and fulfill!!! Teresa Hawley-Howard CEO of WOM Enterprises Publisher, Author and Writing Coach
Teresa Hawley Howard is a best-selling author, blogger, empowerment coach, and radio host. She lives in Murchison Texas with her husband Rickey. She is a mom and a Mimi. www.WOMEnterprises.com
Coming 2018
Work From Anywhere--If not Now, when? Keekee Cornelious If not now, when? How much longer will you wait to live the life of your entrepreneur dreams? Way too often I hear women say they can’t wait to travel more, for the kids graduate, quit their job or you name it. I remember being in that space. The intersection between where you are now and where you want to be. Wishing for a better way to live life your way someday. But there always seems to be sadly something blocking them from getting to that place a bliss. The problem when we get to this point is we don’t realize that all we have to do is decide to take a chance on the road less traveled and go for it. We get stuck holding on to what we feel is comfortable versus stepping out into the unknown. What we will do is continue doing the same things every day and hoping life will be different. Well isn’t that the definition of a insanity - doing the same thing and expecting different results. How can things in our life be different if we haven’t changed the things we consistently do? I know because I’ve been that woman. Sitting - no crying - in my cubicle wishing for a better way to take care of my family. At the time I was a single mom of two working full time to keep a roof over our head and food in the refrigerator. Often times working upwards of 10 hours of mandatory overtime each week. And to make things worse I was missing out on milestones of my babies growing up. The babysitters were having more fun with my kids than me. That’s when I decided things had to change and started on my journey of entrepreneurship. Here are the things that helped me get started on the road towards the life I desired: First, I had to start where I was. Meaning once I decided being an entrepreneur was “the way” - I had to figure out what it was going to take to become my own boss. You know how when you plan a road trip from one city to another. Where you are now is where you mark as the starting point on the map. You have to start where you are. Next, do what you can right now with what you have. Write a list of all the things that need to be done to achieve your goals. Now decide what can you do right now. And then get to work getting those things done. Then, go back to your list once you finish each task to see what you can do now. And get to work on those things. Before you know it the distance between where you are and growing your business is closer than you thought possible. The last thing I want to talk to you about is getting help. There will be times on your journey where you will get stuck and may not know which way to go. Or your simply having issues staying the course. Don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for help. I want you to always remember there are people in this world who are on assignment to help you fulfill your dreams. You don’t have to journey entrepreneurship alone. What you do you have to do, however, is ask. And the help you need will be right there.Being an entrepreneur isn’t always the easy road to travel however it doesn’t have to be a struggle. If you’ve been looking for someone to talk to about your business dreams and goals, look no further. You can connect with me via my website at keekeecornelious.com. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney www.TributeMagazine.net
Barbara Gross Cover Story Barbara Gross is an amazing author, TV host and comedian She is from Massachusetts & after graduating college became a native Californian. But when asked about communication, she says that a lot of misunderstandings have come from her accent! She has been quoted saying "My accent will have to be surgically removed :>)" This is the basis of her best selling book! “Humorous Adventures With Baaaaahabra” is a super funny read! It takes you through various times in Barbara's real life! It is compiled of many stories, on a variety of topics, that people may identify with on dating, 1st jobs, traveling, sports, pets etc… "I believe I have fine-tuned my laughter muscle so that I can embrace the unexpected of every daily living with a smile." says Barbara Gross. When people meet me, they ask, “Why do all of these funny this happen to you? I reply, “If you listen carefully, some things weren’t so funny at the time but in hindsight, they are hysterical!!!" states Barbara. For example, I have been in many situations dealing with miscommunication & have been able to overcome with humor (turning a potential negative situation into a positive one). I give several examples in my book. Barbara's 2018 goals are to be able to do speaking engagements & also promote my book to bring my message forward. Contact Information: https://www.facebook.com/baaaaahbra/ Twitter:
Instagram: baaaaahbra_show https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTe05eh2e8D8-PLCOz-EFyw https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbaralgross Website: www.baaaaahbra.com Email: baaaaahbra@baaaaahbra.com Telephone: (650) 575-4636
As the saying goes, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination.” I believe you have a choice to either laugh or cry and I choose to laugh.
Menecia Jackson The Author MJ Menecia Jackson - I am a bilingual hardworking multitasker. LOL! Married with 3 children and 2 step. I live in Atlanta but was born in NC. I have been writing poetry for over 15 years, I am also an awesome cook / inspiring chef, master cosmetologist and multi-million-dollar asset manager in pursuit of my realtor’s license. I love traveling, the outdoors, awesome conversations, adventure and a good book. The Speechless Series Speechless: #NostalgicBliss & Speechles: #UneasyThoughts are the first two books in my amazing series! they are raw, real and provaocative. They invite you to think and question and choose to speak out! The Speechless Series is a collection of poetry accumulated over 15 plus years, displaying the trails and tribulations of an average female growing and overcoming every obstacle set before her while maturing from each circumstance. I was able to turn my life around and accomplish many goals, one publishing these 2 books. Menecia goal is to be on the New York Times Best Seller List! Contact her at: Facebook – Instagram – Twitter @theauthormj.com www.speechlesswiththeauthormj.blog www.theauthormj.com theauthormj@gmail.com
Speechless – often misunderstood, yet extremely outspoken
Dr. Ruth Anderson Best Selling Author Dr. Ruth Anderson is a proud mother, lifelong student, teacher, and award-winning author. Retired after a satisfying and worthwhile career in special education and public school administration, Ruth embraced her second calling, that of an intuitive reader and healer. After becoming a Reverend of the Church of Inner Light, she was given a ministry to witness and participate in the healing of souls with and without bodies in the ethereal realm called Open Clinic. Author of One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic, and Walking with Spirit: Divine Illuminations on Life, Death and Beyond, Ruth is passionate about sharing energetic concepts and her experiences with the Spiritual Divinity. She hosts a weekly radio show, "Walking with Spirit" on International Angels Network which is available on BlogTalkRadio. Transformational sessions with private appointments. Walking with Spirit: Divine Illuminations on Life, Death and Beyond. This book, answers the questions that we all have and don't know who to ask: *What happens when we die? • How can I create a loving relationship with the angels and spiritual divinity? • What is it like in the afterlife? • What can the spirit realm teach us about life on earth? • How does energy impact me on a daily basis and what can I do about it? Upon my retirement, I had a complete life change from introvert unwilling to share private thoughts with others than my dearest confidants, to someone who regularly put her truth out into the world to whoever will listen. During that time, my relationship with Divine Mother and the archangels has grown exponentially, which has become the topic of 3 books and a weekly radio podcast. 2018 Goals To catch up on sleep. Launch my third book Listening to Light: Love Letters from Walking with Spirit, continue to put my messages out into the world and grow my reach. Continue to maximize my spiritual growth and loving relationships with my family. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theministryonline1/ www.theministryonline.com openclinic1@gmail.com Love is love in life and death.
Share your story and change the world! 15
Spotlight Arlene Majors “Weeping may endure for a night but JOY comes in the morning!” Psalm 30: 5 Arlene R Major is originally from Albuquerque, NM the Land of Enchantment. She is the oldest of three children; she has one brother and one sister. Arlene’s Dad passed in 2010 and her mother is living somewhere in the United States; they have not been able to speak in over 5 years. She is a happily married mom with four children and soon to be first time Grand momma. Arlene started writing in high school but always kept it to herself because she never really thought anyone would take it seriously. She dabbled in poetry as well as magazine articles. In 2014 after much encouragement from her aunt and her cousin; she started her first blog site called ‘Joy Does Come in the Morning.’ She has been writing every since. Arlene penned the name ‘Lady Blue’ after her first ‘open mic’ session and a piece she wrote called, ‘Forgiveness.’ Arlene started doing radio in 2015 and she has been with wmskonlineradio.com since 2015. Things seemed to have blossomed since then with events, meeting and speaking with celebrities and artists and mostly inviting the community to see that there is still some good in the world. She also writes for World Prayer, a Christian website and Urban Image. She has penned articles for ‘Compulsive magazine’ and for the upcoming ‘State vs. Us, magazine’ due out in 2018. Writing her personal story has allowed her to not only reflect, but too share what her life was like, in the hopes that it would help someone else. We are Spotlighting Arlene for her, 50 Shades of Blue which came about when she turned 50 and was reflecting on her life and how she could give back at this stage in her life. “Being that I have survived domestic violence, it only seemed fitting to have an event that would give survivors and victims’ alike a place to gather, share and uplift each other.” Domestic Violence, now called Intimate Partner Violence or IPV, is a stigma in our society. It is something that when it happens, the situation is swept under the rug and ignored until someone dies as a result of the violence. It is not an easy subject to talk about or to live through or live with. She wanted to use her voice to let others know that together if we combine our efforts, we can raise enough awareness that we are not ignored. Arlene spoke with us and said, “Our current administration wants to treat this violent act as a pre existing condition or something that we asked for. That is not true and the victim is not the problem. We need to wipe the societal view that it only happens to women. Men and children are also affected. It is not just in heterosexual relationships that it happens. The LGBTQ community deals with high rates of violence and homicide. Children are affected in many ways as well as social, economic and other areas. Pets even suffer the consequences of this act. We have too many lazy laws and too many people that don't see that all suffer when it comes to this type of violence.”
When speaking on the topic of overcoming, Arlene said; “I have won awards over the past few years for my writing and involvement in the community. I would have to say that my biggest success is when I learned to forgive.” “It takes a lot for someone to understand and to do that without looking back. It was not something that I needed validation for. It was something that I needed for me and for those in my life currently. Learning to accept my part in what happens in my life and to look at the entire picture not only allows me to have a view of the world that is no longer tainted but allows me to look at the entire picture and see a situation for what it actually is and not what I wish it to be.” You can contact Arlene R. Majors by visiting her website or email; Ladyblue1.com https://50shadesofbluebalt.wixsite.com/50shadesofblue Arlene’s Lady Blue Book is now available on Amazon.com and you can find Arlene at these Social Media sites. Instgram: @ladybluu1 (radio and blog) @50shadesofbluebmore (domestic violence advocacy) and @lbfabulous (follow my weightloss journey) Twitter: @ladybluu1, @Alwayzmotivate and @50shadesofblue3 Tumblr: @ladybluu1 Facebook: Inspirational group: Joy Does Come in the Morning: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10210816199582033&set=gm.1735932433084269&type=3 CovenantConnection: https://www.facebook.com/wmskcovenantconnection/ Lady Blue: https://www.facebook.com/TheRealLadyBluu1/ LadyBlueTalkRadioGroup: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1345471592136930/? ref=group_header Lady Blue Radio Show: https://www.facebook.com/Ladybluuone/ 50 Shades of Blue Baltimore: https://www.facebook.com/50shadesbmore/
Ready to Become an Author If your answer to this question is YES, this class is for YOU!! This class will help dispel the myths and help you to take steps to make this a reality! There are several ways to go about the process and some questions you need to decide before you begin. So let’s get started right now!! 1.
How will you use your book?
Sell at your events
Give away or sell on your website
Promote yourself or your business
Launch your speaking career
What’s Your budget?
This is your most important decision! So think about it carefully! This will decide everything else in your project! Once you decide on the subject; Take time to brainstorm on a title! Take out a piece of paper and write down all your ideas. You should just let the creative juices flow! Making a list is the best way to do this. So, you can look at all your options! Ok! Now your content is chosen, your title is chosen and you have decided your budget and publishing package choice. So it’s time to get the project going. You have to do this part with intention. You must decide to make it happen. You cannot treat it like a hobby. You must make a commitment. Let WOM Enterprises help you make your publishing experience beautiful and amazing! Contact us today! www.teresahawleyhoward.com
LeTonya Hall My name is Pastor LeTonya Hall I am the pastor of Tabernacle Faith Kingdom Assembly in Elberton Georgia. I have 3 wonderful sons that is the light of my world and is a tremendous blessing to me and the ministry. I came to Christ at the age of 26 when I had a holy encounter with Jesus Christ after attempting to commit suicide in October 2006. It wasn’t until 6 years later that my life would truly and completely change, and I begin to walk in the mandate that has been placed upon my life. In December 2012 I had my 2nd holy encounter with Jesus around 3am He came to me to tell me it was time to be about His business and to do what He sent me into the earth to do. I knew that night without a doubt that I was destined for something so great because the Savior of the World had come to get me himself and to tell me Himself that it was time no more playing no more running it was time to do just what I was mandating to do and that was to OVERCOME every obstacle every trial every tribulation every attack of the enemy it was my God given destiny to overcome. My book is called Destined to Overcome it talks about how at the age of 4 years old I was molested by a female neighbor and then by two uncles and two cousins. Which in turn opened the door to the demonic forces of hell to be unleash upon me to detour me from my purpose and mandate but God’s plan was so much bigger than the enemy’s plot to destroy me. I have overcome several generational curses that has plaque both sides of my bloodline for generations. I have overcome my fear of rejection and the lies of the enemy that I am nothing and nobody loves me. I come to set the record straight that I am a child of the most high God and in 2018 it is my mission to travel across the country telling my truth and spreading the love of Jesus Christ. I am on a mission to see the daughters of God set free by testimony and the blood of Jesus Christ. My social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, and twitter my website is as follows: Website: www.letonyaroebuck.wordpress.com Email: letonyaroebuck8@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/LeTonyaR/ “I was not created for the world, but the world was created for me.”
Shift to Financial Freedom Having a good financial plan is essential when building generational wealth and generational wealth leaves our kids and their kids in a good financial standing. So let's take a moment to focus on what it takes to get to what so many refer to as financial freedom. First, I think many would agree with me when I say you need to understand your money. Understanding money helps us make better decisions as to what we are going to make it do for us, you see you have to tell your money what it is going to do not it tell you. So let's break it down so that you may have some tangible steps that you can start working on today. #1 Minimize your taxes If you work on a job where you receive a w2 make sure your w4 is filled out correctly. Statistics shows that over 80% of people or having to much taxes withheld from their earnings simply because their w4's are not filled out correctly. The problem is most people simply put the number of dependents they have and do not read the form. When your forms are filled out correctly the average person is able to take home at least $200 more per month, this is $2400 per year that you could use to pay off debt or make investments. #2 Get debt free Do not be afraid to pull your credit report and see what's on it and start repairing it. Tackle that credit card debt and your student loans. Once you have paid these things you can roll that cash over to start paying other things off. Knowing your rights regarding your credit is a major key here so if you have not enrolled in my Debt Buster's Program that is starting in April you better hurry, email me today. #3 Create more income In today's world having one source of income is just not cutting it and having more than one job is absurd. The most assured way to do this is having passive income yes what I like to refer to as sleep money. Create ways to make money when you are not actively working. This can be done in many ways, one of the major ways this is being done today is through network marketing. Most network marketing companies allows you to get residual and this is money that is coming to you from the work of others. Yes, you have to put in work to build a solid team but you can benefit for a lifetime. Most
sources say we need 7 streams of income so take a deep look at what you have and start diversifying today. #4 Invest, invest, invest I can't stress this enough, make your money work for you. There are many ways to invest and you do not need to break the bank to do so, you just need to know what works for you. Real estate is a huge industry turning major profits, retirement accounts is a must, stock is an option and life insurance is definitely a big must have. Let me just elaborate a little further on the importance of life insurance.
First, buy YOUNG, your premiums will be low but the amount of coverage you have will be high. You must rent wealth until you can own it- remember this. Make sure you sit down with someone that can help you figure out exactly what you need and the amount and be diligent to paying it. We don't like to think or talk about death but fact is we all have to face it one day but we shouldn't leave our love ones in a frenzy. Ponder these questions: Will my love ones be able to sustain the lifestyle they have know when I'm gone? Will my kids be able to attend college without a financial struggle? Will my love ones have to sell dinners to bury me? If my spouse passed away would I be able to take care of my kids adequately? If you said no you need to sit with a licensed agent and put a plan into action and also if it has been a while since you reviewed your current policies you need to do so as life changes your finances and security should as well. Now that you have a starting point be adamant about moving to a place of financial freedom. Every step counts start making strides and always remember don't be afraid to seek help. If you need a consultation email today. 21
Jessica Ledet- Bellard, an 6 time International Best Selling Author, Speaker and Wealth and Finance Expert the CEO of Success Bound Enterprises and Financially Savvy Queens and the Founder of Wealth Movement 1000 and Cash Flow Academy. She is also the Co-Founder of Young Entrepreneurs in Position. Jessica helps individuals create money, manage money and live a purposeful and fun life while doing so. She is on assignment to help families build legacies, create generational wealth and tap into their GOD-given purpose. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Business and Finance and she is a Certified Financial Advisor. Jessica is a homeschooling mother of 5- 1 handsome son and 4 beautiful daughters. She is hardworking and loves the Lord with all her heart and soul. Jessica knows what it is like to be homeless, helpless and hopeless and because of that she pours her heart and soul into serving others. She offers key points on how to move from breakdown to breakthrough and how to begin living a fearless, fabulous and fun life. She has been named Philanthropist of the Year, Motivational Entrepreneur of the Year, Female Inspirational Entrepreneur of the Year, and Business Lifetime Achievement Award. Facebook: Jessica Bellard Facebook: Mrs Financially Savvy Linked In: Jessica Bellard Instagram: Financially Savvy Queens Email: iamjessicabellard@gmail.com
Spotlight – Keenya Kelly "You can do the most remarkable things, no matter what happens." ~ Keenya Kelly
I'm Keenya Kelly of www.keenyakelly.com . I’m a Business and Brand Consultant helping entrepreneurs to define their creative gifts and strategically turn the gifts into businesses that are sustainable and profitable online. I am a speaker and entrepreneur Over the years I have gone through the highest highs and then the lowest lows, but I lived to see another day. I truly thrive off of sharing my life experiences with others, helping them to not make some of the same mistakes I’ve made while encouraging them to live their best lives vs the one that is currently being presented before them. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure was going through an unexpected divorce while only have $22,500 as a yearly salary. I thought I had forever, when I married my ex-husband and that we would build powerful businesses together, but I was forced to start over alone. During the process, although I was broken, I was also being remade into something that was brand new and would some day revolutionize the world around me. Within 18 months of leaving my marriage, I was able to get control over my life and earn over $250,000 and relocate to Houston, Texas without publicly shaming my spouse. In 2018, I would like to finish two books that are on my heart, launch my first Marketplace Ministry Conference teaching individuals how to strategically create wealth without compromising your Christian values. www.facebook.com/keenyakelly www.instagram.com/keenya_kelly Www.twitter.com/keenyakelly https://www.linkedin.com/in/keenyakelly/ www.keenyakelly.com www.ifyoubrandit.com
Be Careful How You Speak to yourself! You will speak the most to yourself! I know you are shocked by that statement. You are saying no I don’t! but yes you do! It may not be out loud but in your head you are speaking volumes to yourself! Every thought and word you are speaking life and death to yourself! It sets the tone for your day, your week, your business, your family and your life. So you need to pay more attention to those thoughts and prayers! ! Ask yourself do I build myself up? Am I my own cheerleader? Do I believe in me? In my dreams? In my abilities? Do I say I can do it? Or do I tear myself down? Am I always doubting myself? Am I always reliving my mistakes? Do I continuously tell myself I cannot do it? Take time to think about this. It is really important! If you are not uplifting yourself, it’s time to start! It’s time to stop all of that negative speak! It’s time to start building yourself up! You need to realize your words have power! They can elevate your life or they can take you to the depths of misery.. It’s totally your choice! What you say to yourself is more important than what others say about you! You must learn to love you and your flaws and mistakes. You must learn to speak to yourself with grace and love and not with disdain. The words you speak to yourself today will determine your tomorrow! So start today and change your tomorrow! Lift yourself up, be your own champion, be your own cheerleader and speak love to you! Here are some tips to get you started! 1. Each morning before you do anything! Look in the mirror and say I love you and I’m going to start acting like it! 2. List three things that you do well! Celebrate them! 3. Everyday list one thing you are grateful for! 4. Take time to Celebrate small victories! 5. Begin each day with praise and uplifting! (listen to great music or spend time in the word) 6. Forgive yourself and begin again! Each day is a new chance to make changes and live a happy, positive, and loving life. So take it and make it yours!
Thankfulness Cultivating a spirit of thankfulness honors God and strengthens our faith. It also strengthens our relationships with other people. We can’t be in a right relationship with God or with anyone without a spirit of thankfulness. Cultivating a spirit of thankfulness is more than a good idea; it’s a direct command from God. In the Old Testament, God laid down specific guidelines for the Israelites to bring offerings of thanks. In the New Testament, believers are instructed to be thankful in all circumstances. When we’re struggling with trials and difficulties, this sounds like a strange command, especially since we live in a culture that encourages us to act on the basis of how we feel in the moment; but God knows that when we focus on our blessings instead, it’s easier to keep our problems and concerns in the right perspective. Being thankful also improves our physical and emotional health. Holding on to feelings of thankfulness boosts our immune system and increases blood supply to our heart. Daily guided affirmations or the habit of keeping a weekly gratitude journal can increase our alertness, enthusiasm, and energy, and improve our sleep. People who describe themselves as feeling grateful tend to suffer less stress and depression than the rest of the population. Reminding yourself what you have to be thankful for and recording your thankfulness each day helps to cement how thankful you are. It doesn’t matter how difficult your life is at the moment, there is always something to be thankful for. Finding that will help you deal with the other parts of life. Record 3-5 things you’re thankful for at the end of every day. When you’re having a particularly difficult time, it can be beneficial to go back to what you’ve written previously. Each day as you read the Bible ask yourself, what can I give thanks to God for? There will be many things: for who God is, what he’s life, what he’s done for us in Christ, blessings of friends/family/church. Keep on mulling over/meditating on these things throughout the day, rejoicing and giving thanks to God for them. This attitude of thankfulness will see you through all the trials and tribulations of life. I will give thanks to you with all my heart, O Lord my God. I will honor you forever because your mercy toward me is great. Psalms 86:12-13 Ask yourself today: How often do I express gratitude to God or to other people? Sharon Gulley of Beautiful Expectations of Faith
Sharon Gulley – of Beautiful Expectations of Faith Sharon Gulley is an Author, Co-Author, Editor, and Creative Writer, Article Writer, Spiritual Healer & Coach, Motivational Speaker, Domestic Violence Survivor and Advocate. Sharon Gulley spiritually counsels Women whose lives have been touched by Domestic Violence to help them to move on from the past in a healthy and productive way. She has also had a secret love for the field of Ancient Medicine; so she is studying in the fields of: Medicine vs. Science, Metaphysical Healing, Ancient Medicine and Spiritualism. She wants to bring back to the world, the Traditional but Ancient ways of healing for those who have been told they are terminally ill. Sharon’s Books & Co-Authored Books: From Fear to Freedom, Echo’s in the Darkness, Sisterhood of Stories, The Beauty of Color-Poetry & Prose, I am Beautiful, Resilient, and The Butterfly Flutters By - Poetry. Books can be found on Amazon.com
Connect with Sharon Gulley at: Facebook.com – Sharon Gulley Sharongulley.weebly.com – website Twitter- @greenilygulley Linkendin.com – Sharon Gulley Amazon.com – Sharon Gulley Poetrysoup.com – Sharon Gulley
LaTonya Knox Style Strategist www.latonyaknox.com Follow Me: FB: @imageandstylebylatonya Instagram: @latonya.knox
“Bloom Where You Are Planted and SHINE!” Rebecca Hall Gruyter, Book Compiler Thank you for leaning into Bloom Where You Are Planted and SHINE! I’m honored and excited to bring this powerful book to you, featuring over 25 experts that are committed to helping you SHINE powerfully in your life! As a women’s empowerment leader, I know a lot about being disempowered and how to overcome that in order to step into your passion, power, and gifts so that you SHINE! I celebrate you saying ‘yes’ to this book and to yourself! It is a courageous act to say ‘yes’ to you and to be willing to let others walk beside you to support and cheer you on in life. I was honored when Teresa Hawley-Howard from Woman on a Mission (WOM) Publishing wanted to publish a book for us. WOM leaned in to the heart and vision of bringing multiple heart-centered authors and experts together to share their respective journeys and wisdom, as well as profound and practical tips to empower our readers to Bloom Where You Are Planted and SHINE. In sharing their stories, they will equip and empower you overcome challenges, stand in your truth, grow your roots deeply, and SHINE! I believe this book is a living and interactive book that will speak wisdom, encouragement, and power into your life. Your heart will be touched and you will be motivated and to take action to step forward powerfully in your life. I want to invite you to pause, take a deep breath, and be ready to receive these powerful stories and messages so they can ignite a fire in you, inspire courage in you, and focus your purpose in your life to encourage you to take action now and SHINE! I’m passionate about women stepping forward and sharing their wisdom, heart, lives, and stories because I know firsthand what it like to come from a much disempowered place. I experienced all types of abuse during my most formative years – the tender ages of 5 to 13. I actually continued to visit that abusive environment until the age of eighteen. This environment of abuse made me believe false messages like: “I am not okay,” “there is something wrong with me,” that it must be “my fault,” and that it is “NOT safe to be seen or heard.” As a result, I became an expert in hiding. When I was finally rescued by my birth father and placed in his home with my stepmother, who became the mother of my heart, I was able start my healing journey. On this journey, I discovered that these beliefs I had embraced were actually lies. I discovered that I am beautifully and wonderfully made (just like you), on purpose and for a purpose; that I matter and am needed just as I am; that it wasn’t my fault; and ultimately that it is safe to be seen, heard, and SHINE! So my mission - the calling of my heart - is to help others understand same truths: We are all beautifully and wonderfully made and needed just as we are. When we step forward and share the gift of us, it makes a difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us. This means we have to be willing to be seen on the same level that we are wanting to serve and make a difference in the world. The more you SHINE, the more you are paving the way for others while sharing the amazing gift of you with the world. My heart’s desire and calling is to equip and empower women to step into the center of their lives not just living life as a supporting character or a role we can hold in life. rather, I want you to really step forward fully in your life. Bring it all; authentically and powerfully share your story, life, and heart with others. Some of the greatest gifts I have been given are by women and men who invested their life and heart in me. This book is allowing us the opportunity to pour into you. To support, celebrate, and to encourage you to Bloom Where You Are Planted and SHINE! We each need others to encourage us, to speak wisdom and truth into us, to love us and cheer us on, and to help us stand up again when we fall. This book will walk beside you to help you run and not grow weary, to complete all that you are called to complete, and to SHINE in your life and business! Now it’s your turn. Are you going to lean in and learn from the wisdom within this book? Will you let us walk beside you on your journey of life? We want to lift you up, support you, encourage, and empower you. It is your choice. We want to help you grow deep roots that can weather the storms in life. You can choose to open the pages and let them pour into you, or you can put this book on a shelf. My heart and prayer is that you will say “yes” to you and lean into the powerful messages of hope that are waiting to pour into you, your heart, and your life.
Now it’s your turn. Are you going to lean in and learn from the wisdom within this book? Will you let us walk beside you on your journey of life? We want to lift you up, support you, encourage, and empower you. It is your choice. We want to help you grow deep roots that can weather the storms in life. You can choose to open the pages and let them pour into you, or you can put this book on a shelf. My heart and prayer is that you will say “yes” to you and lean into the powerful messages of hope that are waiting to pour into you, your heart, and your life. You have unique gifts, talents, abilities, stories, journeys, and perspectives that you alone can bring forward. Those in your life need you, your message, your wisdom, your perspective, gifts, talents, and heart. You are a beautiful flower in the garden of life with your own fragrance, color, style, season, texture, and beauty that only you can bring forward. When we shrink back or hide, the garden becomes less vibrant and we all miss out. Be willing to share the gift of you with those around you and with the world! Be willing to be seen on the same level you are willing/wanting to serve.
Here is how to get the most out of this powerful book. It is divided it into five sections, each one designed to meet you exactly where you are at and to support you in your journey of Blooming Where You are Planted and SHINE: “Overcoming Challenges”; “Stand In Your Truth”; “Discover Your Beauty, Gifts, and Talents!”; “Bloom Where You Are Planted”; and “SHINE!” I encourage you to pick the section that pulls at your heart the most each time you pick up the book and then select one or two chapters in that section to support you with the focus that will be of the greatest support you to each time you open this dynamic book. You will find, at the end of each chapter, the contact information and a little bit about each author. I know that they would love to hear from you, to know how their chapter supported you, and to build a connection with you through social media, etc. I encourage you to ‘friend’ and follow those authors with whom you feel a powerful resonance and connection so that they can continue to pour into and support you on your journey in life.
Spotlight - The Grandmother Legacies Compiler – Rebecca Hall Gruyter Rebecca Hall Gruyter is an influencer and empowerment leader that helps you to reach more people. She has built multiple businesses and platforms to help influencers and experts reach more people. Through her conferences, workshops, and live events are designed to quip and empower you to step forward and SHINE. Through her collaborative books (over 15 of them ….most of them best sellers) she seeks to support readers while lifting up her co-authors, experts, and Influencers….to help them reach even more people around the world. Rebecca’s International radio show (Empowering Women, Transforming Lives) is currently played though 10 different networks and 12 different channels. Her international TV Show currently released through 4 different TV Networks features experts and influencers bringing them to a global market place. Her RHG Magazine and TV Guide is shared in over 50 countries. Her TV Network called the RHG TV Network that features over 7 TV Channels each producing and sharing multiple programs and TV Show’s around the world! Recently, she received the honor of one of the top 10 working women of America for her empowerment work in the area of entrepreneurship. Rebecca is the CEO of RHG Media Productions, Founder/Owner of the RHG TV Network, Network Director of the Women’s Channel of ‘VoiceAmerica’ in both TV and radio, and the Founder/Owner of Your Purpose Driven Practice and the Creator of the Speaker Talent Search. Rebecca has created a promotional reach of over 7 million and today…..she want to share with you….How you too, can be seen and heard on multiple platforms and SHINE! We are honored and excited to bring this powerful spotlight on this amazing book, to you, featuring over 15 legacy stories that will touch your heart, lift your spirits, and we hope inspire you to create and share your legacy stories and perhaps even start a legacy of your own. “Celebrating and sharing our Grandmother Legacies is close to my heart my Grandmothers (all four of them) richly blessed and impacted me. They had such a great impact on my life that it inspired the desire to create this book.” “I was blessed to have four Grandmothers in my life…all unique, powerful and wonderfully made women who greatly impacted my life and have inspired the shape and form of the empowerment work that I now get to do in the world. I now get to lift others up, giving them platforms to reach more people sharing the gifts, talents, and messages they are called to bring forth and share with the world.” The Grandmother Legacies Anthology features over 15 powerful, deeply inspiring, and heartcentered legacy stories that will touch your heart and spirit. I believe the legacies messages will create a rich, lasting and beautiful imprint on your heart and life. Enjoy this uplifting and powerful book full of inspiration, love and courage.