Editor’s Note This issue is to help you decide to go for it! To start on your journey to a better you! To discovering your purpose. Discovering your passion! You are meant to do great things! The world is waiting on you! Waiting on your words! Your wisdom and your bravery! Life gets away from all of us. Each of us has a full plate. Husbands, children, jobs and family obligations. So, we have to make time to follow our dreams. Carve out time to design the life we want. Work on our dreams and plans. In order for us to make a difference in this world, we must decide what we want and then take action to make it happen!!
Teresa Hawley-Howard CEO of WOM Enterprises Publisher, Author and Writing Coach
Teresa Hawley Howard is a best-selling author, blogger, empowerment coach, and radio host. She lives in Murchison Texas with her husband Rickey. She is a mom and a Mimi. www.WOMEnterprises.com
I’m super passionate about developing my new brand ARIVER and bringing my online business up to a higher level chockful of amazing programs and products for you. I’m a Wellness Lifestyle Coach and I help women 40+ live wellthy & extraordinary! I’m also a wellness guide for both women and men who would love to start their own online wellness business. What I stand for is to help people create a solid foundation in terms of positive mindset, fitness, nutrition and accountability. I’m so passionate about my own lifestyle which is the Wellthy, Eco, Luxury, Lifestyle and it’s been a life long journey, I started when I was twelve and I’ll be sixty in the Spring. I can’t get away from this healthy, wellthy lifestyle and I want to share more and more in terms of my support and knowledge with the community. Especially online I can reach anybody in the world who’s interested in going on a journey with my support. What I’m really looking to build here is my online worldwide global wellness empire and it includes the 1:1 mentoring, high end wellness coaching program which is a three-month journey where I take you by the hand and we basically address what your needs are in terms of up-leveling your wellness journey. This can include any of the four steps of my program although the focus will probably be on one of them that is most important to you, but we will address a positive mindset, fitness, nutrition and accountability for sure and many more things. Besides that, I offer for all my clients, fantastic, superb, top of the line wellness products for your body, for your family, for your children, for your home, for your pets. They are second to none and they help me stay healthy.
I also have an online wellness business program where I am a guide to help those who want to have a second income, send a child to college, want to have a retirement fund, or want to up-level to this Wellthy, Eco, Luxury, Lifestyle and travel and do it with style and ease with friends and colleagues who are like minded. Those are the main three things that I have in the works and I’m here to support women 40+ who want to look fabulous, feel great and look youthful longer, even when they are sixty, seventy, eighty or older. They want to have vibrant health and great looking skin and be able to have the right weight so that they can stay healthy and happy for the rest of their lives. I’m proud that I have stuck for so long on my own health and wellness journey. It hasn’t been easy personally at times, I’ve had my own health and wellness challenges, but I’ve been able to sail right through them with ease and grace. I’m also very proud that I’ve continued up-leveling myself in terms of education and knowledge in the health-, wellness- and fitness field and that I’ve committed my life to learning from the best in the field to keep my mindset positive by reading really great books, watching videos, doing trainings, keeping my credentials up. Every two years I must study more for another certification, so I can keep all my certifications and diplomas current. I’m here, I’ve never given up bringing myself and my brand to the world, to you so I can help you the best way I can. Nothing has really gotten in my way, well there have been obstacles, but I have never given them the winning power. I just always stuck with it so I’m very, very proud of that and I’m looking to bring my services around the world with my brand. There will be things that I cannot even for see yet, but I have big plans with bringing my brand to the world on an amazing international level and make a real impact and legacy on this planet. I’m super excited to take it up a notch and I invite you to be part of my journey, so I can be part of yours. Especially for this Holiday Season, I’ve created two Holiday Body Makeover Packages that consist of sixty minutes wellness coaching, a nutritional package and a beauty package. Start feeling great and look fabulous for the Holidays! Contact me for more information. Thank you! Blessings, Ariëlle You can reach me at: www.arielleverwey.com and www.ariverwell.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/arielleverweywellnesscoach/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arielleverwey/
Coming 2018
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Spotlight Timothy C. Sansone
“Surface-level thinking leaves little room for the journey of finding oneself—for dreamers who throw themselves onto a canvas and grab hold of the palette.” I’m Timothy C. Sansone, a St. Louis attorney and author of women’s success novels. As an author I tell the stories of successful women who have surmounted challenges of character and grappled with incredible obstacles thrown in their way, all along the path toward greater resilience. As an attorney I seek to earn and keep the trust my clients place in me and my team to take a problem and do our utmost to solve it. I regularly work on cases in which the stakes are high, the facts of the situation are nuanced, and both sides have dug in. In the end, the legal cases I handle for clients—and the characters and their relationships I write about in my novels—are about people’s stories. And I enjoy telling those stories to judges and juries in the “real world” as much as I enjoy creating those stories for my readers in the fiction I write. I would like to spotlight my debut novel, Trusting All I Want, which will launch on Amazon Kindle on January 24, and in hardback, paperback, and Audible (audiobook)
within a week or two afterward. Trusting All I Want is a women’s success novel set in modern Chicago during a whirlwind year for Lana Delacroix, whose story is one of space, boundaries, provocative options, and painful choices. Joining her are Tom Edwards, Jill Nguyen, and Rudy Santana, whose encounters with Lana expose the risks and rewards of trusting fully in one’s desires.
My original plan was a military career. I was fortunate to be admitted to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, which I attended for two and a half years before experiencing an illness that led to a medical discharge. But I met my wife six months after returning to civilian life, and we’ve been married for over 23 years, with two kids now in college. Life has worked out just fine for me, and having to leave the Academy ended up being a blessing in disguise. I’d love to see Trusting All I Want become a bestseller that people not only enjoy reading but also talk about with their family, friends, and romantic partners to better understand the nature of their relationships. Connect with him: www.facebook.com/womens.success.novels timothycsansone.com tim@timothycsansone.com
Spotlight Ada E. Crosby “People were created to be love and things were made to be use and the reason we have such chaos in the world is because we use people and love things.”
Ada E. Crosby. I was born, raised and educated in the state of Mississippi. I grew up with educators, so education was a constant part of my life. In the second grade two of my maternal aunts was my teacher and other was my principal of my school. My oldest sister was also an Elementary school teacher and someone I deeply emulated. My Chapter 2 Lived Experiences from Nine HIV+ African Women That Contributed to Their HIV Seroconversion and Their Insights for HIV Prevention in the Refractive Thinker Healthcare: The Impact on Leadership, Vol 15. I would like to spotlight my book with emphasis that a disease such as HIV is mainly preventable for African American females since mode of transmission is primarily thought heterosexual sex. Tell me something you have overcome or success you have achieved. I have overcome many things, including death itself. First, I’m a survivor of years of spouse abuse, physical, mental and emotional. This is one of the reasons I was able to relate with to my study participants since many of them had suffered from abuse from their partners. From that abuse, I have succeeded in the freedom of forgiving my former spouse. Tell me your website and contact info: adacrosby@gmail.com; ada_crosby@yahoo.com Give me a quote for your spotlight. Something that you say or a quote that means something to you.
Share your story and change the world! www.TributeMagazine.net
4 Ways Your Word of the Year Will Make You A Better Person in 2019 For the past few years I have always had a word of the year that inspired, motivated and set the intention for my life for the upcoming year. A couple of my words in the past has been simply GO and YES. The way I went about getting my personal word varied but I have developed a way that I know will help you obtain yours. I have tried many ways from prayer and meditation, pondering various words and a word from someone else.
First and foremost, it is important to evaluate and review things Step 1. Review and really think about your past year and think of the following things: What did you accomplish? What were the highlights of the year for you? What were the greatest life lessons from the year? Is there anything that the year would like to reveal to me if it had a voice? If you were to sum up the year in one word what would it be?
After you have answered these questions create a space in which to do the next step. Step 2. Contemplation and Meditation Set aside about 5-10 minutes in a space that is has positive energy to you. It could be in your backyard, on your patio, your office, your favorite comfy chair, your desk. Take one thing into that area that is important to you that has meaning. It could be a special book you read, your Bible, your planner, a picture of your family, etc. You may decide to go dd additional things like essential oils or your favorite smelling candle. No music, no special position or way of sitting, no music or cell phone. In the silence, place your hand over your and say “My and heart tells me……” just breathe, inhaling and exhaling. Listen with intent.
Don’t force it or will it and don’t stress it and just allow the word to just flow from your heart. One way you will know your word is that you will create a sense of calm, excitement, encouragement, motivation and inspiration just at the sound of the word just jilts you into a positive action. Yes, a so-called simple word can do this.
Please realize that sometimes one may have to repeat Step 2 multiple times and there is nothing wrong with it. This is a new process to some as well. Also realize that you could be doing anything and the word may come to you as well.
A few days ago, someone was asking me on Facebook what my word was for the year. As I was answering the question, I was saying the following, “I am in the process of developing my word of the year and that I was making PROGRESS.” As I was typing this and thinking about what I was saying the word Progress just stood out and spoke so clearly to my heart. It was like “Yes, Miste you are making PROGRESS” and therein this is my word for 2019 PROGRESS. It was like my heart was saying to me in the next year whenever you are doing something, we want you to note is your progress, when you aren't doing something think of the progress, when you’re getting down on yourself, think progress. So, PROGRESS it is.
So, you could be doing anything, you could be driving down the highway, your child could say a certain word to you, you could be reading something and YOUR WORD WILL COME TO YOU.
Step 3. It is also important to celebrate your word in as many ways as possible that suits you. Put it in your vision board, write it on index cards and put it in your purse, wallet, on your refrigerator, mirrors, etc.
The following are four ways that your word is going to help you: Assist you in having clarity for the year When you need to center yourself or be grounded you can think on your word You have a built in Mantra in your word A source for your prayer and meditation
May you find your word and may your word find you in your journey to your individual greatness.
Share with us any part of this process you did and how it went and most of all we would love to know your word of the year.
Ready to Become an Author If your answer to this question is YES, this class is for YOU!! This class will help dispel the myths and help you to take steps to make this a reality! There are several ways to go about the process and some questions you need to decide before you begin. So let’s get started right now!! 1.
How will you use your book?
Sell at your events
Give away or sell on your website
Promote yourself or your business
Launch your speaking career
What’s Your budget?
This is your most important decision! So think about it carefully! This will decide everything else in your project! Once you decide on the subject; Take time to brainstorm on a title! Take out a piece of paper and write down all your ideas. You should just let the creative juices flow! Making a list is the best way to do this. So, you can look at all your options! Ok! Now your content is chosen, your title is chosen and you have decided your budget and publishing package choice. So, it’s time to get the project going. You have to do this part with intention. You must decide to make it happen. You cannot treat it like a hobby. You must make a commitment. Let WOM Enterprises help you make your publishing experience beautiful and amazing! Contact us today! www.teresahawleyhoward.com
Spotlight Cheryl Peavy
I am Cheryl Peavy CEO and Founder of She Is You I Am You, He Is For You and Powerful Perseverance Peavy. I am a best-selling author, speaker and inner life coach. I help women who are faced with life traumatic situations. They are nurtured and supported resulting in personal abundance growth and transformation. I am a contributing writer for Thrive Global and Miz CEO Entrepreneurial Magazine. Diary Of A People Pleaser is about 15 resilient women sharing their personal of stories of what it was like living their life to please others. Looking for acceptance and love from others. People pleasing is an addiction and you lose your own identity. They also share how they overcame the need to please others. Now it’s My Turn! My Terms! #zeropeoplepleasing The biggest success that I have achieved is loving who I am. I am a former people pleaser. I wore a masked and became what everyone wanted me to be. The loss of my mother was my wake-up call. It was the hardest experience in my life. Yet it was the door that opened for me to really learn, like and love myself. I discovered my purpose and have been on one amazing ride of my life. I was able to achieve my very own book anthology project and book launch. Diary Of A People Pleaser is an Amazon Best Seller and International Best Seller. Connect with Cheryl: www.cherylpeavy.com Cheryl Peavy (@cherylpeavy) https://www.instagram.com/cherylpeavy/ and then Cheryl A Peavy (@Cheryl_Peavy) Twitter https://twitter.com/cheryl_peavy and Cheryl Peavy Facebook https://www.facebook.com/cheryl.peavy3 and then a public profile https://m.facebook.com/CherylPeavyInnerLifeCoach/
Spotlight Jon Kaufman “Some of the world’s biggest challenges can be solved…with a little technology and a whole lot of soul.”
I’m Jon Kaufman. I own a Silicon Valley marketing company. But my real passion is guiding villages and schools in the developing world towards self-reliance and dignity. What would you like to spotlight? Your business? Your book? Your Event? I would like to spotlight my book, Along Walk on a Dry Road. It is my 6-year journey and education as a water warrior. For over 6 years, I’ve gathered dozens of like-minded friends from around the world to bring technology for safe drinking water to the poorest of the poor. In the process, our project, H2OpenDoors, works towards helping villages and schools to establish small water economies that are self-sustainable. Each installation of a water purification plant provides 10,000 people with 2 liters of safe water every single day for over ten years. So, far, we’ve installed 27 of these facilities in ten countries. The plants are contributed from participation by Rotary and donors. Every installation has to overcome challenges…from raw water issues, political infighting in the regions, bribery attempts at Customs offices and moving a 1000-pound crate around the world. In 2019, we want to install 50 plants. We also want to launch our IoT concept, making our technology communicate and work with mobile pay platforms in the Cloud. Connect with Jon: www.Facebook.com/H2OpenDoors www.H2OpenDoors.org jon@H2OpenDoors.org
The Winter Blues During the Winter we must keep our minds occupied. The bad weather such as snow and icy rain can sometimes give us a low mood or the blues. We do not get as much Sunshine in the Winter and this can also cause us to become less active. So, we must make an effort to get out and get some exercise! Some tips to get you over those Winter Blues •
Take a walk outside. • Read each day • Drink plenty of Water • Get out of your comfort zone Do something every day to work on your dream • Speak kindly to yourself • Choose some fun activities to try
If we take time daily to work on it daily, we can make each day a little better. We must choose to do better and be better! Life will give us turns and twists but we can learn to navigate them. So, take today and make it happen!
Be Careful How You Speak to yourself! You will speak the most to yourself! I know you are shocked by that statement. You are saying no I don’t! but yes you do! It may not be out loud but in your head, you are speaking volumes to yourself! Every thought and word you are speaking life and death to yourself! It sets the tone for your day, your week, your business, your family and your life. So you need to pay more attention to those thoughts and prayers! Ask yourself do I build myself up? Am I my own cheerleader? Do I believe in me? In my dreams? In my abilities? Do I say I can do it? Or do I tear myself down? Am I always doubting myself? Am I always reliving my mistakes? Do I continuously tell myself I cannot do it? Take time to think about this. It is really important! If you are not uplifting yourself, it’s time to start! It’s time to stop all of that negative speak! It’s time to start building yourself up! You need to realize your words have power! They can elevate your life or they can take you to the depths of misery. It’s totally your choice! What you say to yourself is more important than what others say about you! You must learn to love you and your flaws and mistakes. You must learn to speak to yourself with grace and love and not with disdain. The words you speak to yourself today will determine your tomorrow! So, start today and change your tomorrow! Lift yourself up, be your own champion, be your own cheerleader and speak love to you! Here are some tips to get you started! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Each morning before you do anything! Look in the mirror and say I love you and I’m going to start acting like it! List three things that you do well! Celebrate them! Everyday list one thing you are grateful for! Take time to Celebrate small victories! Begin each day with praise and uplifting! (listen to great music or spend time in the word) Forgive yourself and begin again!
Each day is a new chance to make changes and live a happy, positive, and loving life. So, take it and make it yours!
What would you change about your hair? Aurbrey Allie If there was ONE thing you could change about your hair, what would it be? I got you covered. Monat, the NUMBER 1 premium hair-care line worldwide, is transforming the hair of hundreds of thousands of customers. Can’t drop names but I have seen our products in the hands of countless celebrities through Twitter and Instagram pics, spotted as current celeb’s favorites in national magazines, as well as on TV, appearing in The Real Housewives of Orange County just last month. We are the first luxury anti-aging hair-care line, with clinical backing data. State of the art ingredients make us different from anyone else in market. We take modern technology and meet it with nature. We pride ourselves on botanically based products, as close to the natural source as possible. We have an entire hair-care line from shampoo and conditioners to styling aids. All ingredients are safe, clinically tested, and there are absolutely no toxic or harsh ingredients. To give you an idea, here are four of our key active ingredients: 1. Rejuvenique Oil Intensive is a patent-pending formula, infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, and in majority our products. 2. Capixyl drives our products, helps reduce inflammation and promotes healthy environment for hair growth. 3. Procataline helps hair protect itself from free radicals which cause oxidative stress in hair, that which causes premature aging 4. Crodosorb is like sunscreen for hair, protects hair from damaging UV/UVB rays. Monat offers complete hair care lines for all hair types and issues: hydration, growth, junior and babies, restorative, volume, super hydration, frizz, over-processed, brassiness, and lifeless hair. I give free consultations for your specific hair concerns, so if in question, feel free to reach out to me. Text 903 603 0812. Further, the products are consumable, include a 30-day money back guarantee with less than 1% return rate, direct shipping, and the company provides an incredible comp plan with 3 tier car program. I have been a lucky recipient of the bonuses and residual income Monat offers in a time when I had no other source of income or ability to work due to pregnancy issues. I am forever grateful for this six-month grace period of passive earnings coming in. BTW, baby due in December! We only use Monat Junior line for our babies. Research your common baby brands! I did and couldn’t believe what I found. Another great aspect of a hair-based company is there is no convincing necessary, only sharing. We are not changing anyone’s buying habits; everyone already buys shampoo so we are simply redirecting them to products that work better and are safer in many instances. We are in a new age of social marketing where you are simply sharing products you love. How fabulous is that?! www.TributeMagazine.net
OUR PHILOSOPHY “It is our mission to help people everywhere enjoy beautiful, healthy, fulfilling lives through our exceptional, natural based products. A fun rewarding business opportunity, and a culture of family, service, and gratitude.” We are successful when we help others be successful. Do you realize the hair care industry is an $81 billion marketplace projected to be $105 billion by 2024? Monat has been around 3.5 years and already close to that billion-dollar mark with a 700% growth between 2016-17, only one year’s time. Monat is the first in offering anti-aging, naturally based hair-care products, and we are now in global expansion, having started in the US, then in Canada, and we just launched UK this year. We will be completely global in the next 5 years. If you have an ear for business like I do, let me ask, did someone say founder market shares?? Yes, yes, I did. So, if you are open to finding out more about how to start creating residual and passive income becoming a Monat Market Partner, I am an e-mail away and happy to share! There are multiple ways to get plugged into the MONAT Movement. For info on how to join our healthy hair revolution, like others including US’s Miss Kentucky, reach out to me personally at BelleCheveux.monat@gmail.com or check out the website at BelleCheveux.mymonat.com. * Go to website and check out products at your leisure. If you aren’t looking for business opportunities, these products are absolutely worth a try! * Enroll as a VIP member with 15% off, free shipping, free items with flex orders, access to flash sales, etc. Best deal for customers! * And/or look further into the Market Partner opportunity to make money, 30% off products, free shipping, product pack choices at about half off. Create a lifestyle change!!!
Aubrey is a wife and mother and entrepreneur! She is also an author! Her book will be out later this year! Connect with her to get beautiful hair or to start your own business!
Hey DivaNistas!! It’s LaTonya Charise here, your Style Strategist…And I want to talk about shopping. Shopping is a universal activity that we all engage in day to day. Answer this simple question…WHY did I purchase this ____? (Fill in the blank.) Shopping can be (it’s supposed to be) an exhilarating, enjoyable experience if done properly…but let’s be honest most of us do not shop properly. And this problem is what causes our closets to be dysfunctional.
The Spontaneous Shopper – Do you just see an item and quickly purchase it, without considering if it will benefit your lifestyle of dressing? A spontaneous shopper buys on the spot, in an impulse, usually based on feelings associated with that item or within oneself. The Imitation Shopper – Do you purchase items based on celebrities, magazines, runway, etc.? The imitation shopper does not have their own style personality but tend to follow the trends and styles of others. They don’t have their own identity; they want to feel included with the ‘in crowd’.
The Hide my Feelings Shopper – Do you shop when you are feeling depressed, sad, and lonely or any type of negative emotion? Are you trying to hide those feelings by shopping? The hide my feelings shopper is someone who shops in her feelings…she shops because she wants to hide from her feelings and not deal with what truly is going on in her life. The Label Shopper – Do you shop only for name brand items and would not be seen with off-brand? Do you constantly look at labels? Do you purchase items because of their name and not because it functions with your lifestyle? The label shopper is the name brand purchaser; she will only spend her money on labels even if it’s something she doesn’t like or need. She believes that this displays to others that she is successful and wealthy. The Putting It off Shopper – Do you avoid taking care of important tasks by shopping? The putting it off shopper tends to run away from their problems and replace it with shopping. The problem or task at hand is considered to be unexciting so she turns to what makes her happy and that is shopping. The Uncontrollable Shopaholic – Are you obsessed with shopping? Do you get a ‘high’ from shopping and once you stop you hit a ‘low’ and therefore you have to shop again? The uncontrollable shopaholic is addicted to shopping similar to an alcoholic or drug addict. They have no control and seem to find it hard, if at all possible, to stop shopping. This is the worse type of shopper.
If any of these types of shoppers describe you, then it’s time to deal with what’s truly going on. When you are more aware and conscious of your shopping habits you will have a better hold on your finances; as a result, avoid the guilt of spending over your budget. So, let’s talk about the solution. Here are a few tips to help you the next time you go shopping: •
If you feel the impulse to purchase an item, leave the store and give yourself a 24-hour period. Most of the time, if you do this, your urge to instantly purchase that item will go away. Make a list of items that you need in your wardrobe and carry it with you, if the item is not on the list…then you know that you shouldn’t purchase it. If you are shopping to hide your feelings or to run away from a problem…stop, and process what is really going on and find a more constructive way to deal with those emotions and/or problems. Read a book, call a friend to vent, or exercise to help direct your emotions to a place that is more beneficial to you. www.TributeMagazine.net
Try to avoid the temptations of shopping. For instance, if you are a subscriber to over 5 clothing sites, you need to unsubscribe ASAP. Getting those promotional emails maybe the reason why you are shopping so much, you see a sale and feel that you should purchase. Don’t fall for the trap! Be mindful of your shopping habits and know the WHY’S of your shopping. Understanding your shopping behavior is the beginning of a guilt-free shopping life.
LaTonya Knox Style Strategist www.latonyaknox.com Follow Me: FB: @imageandstylebylatonya Instagram: @latonya.knox