Mid-Columbia High School graduations 2011

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Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald

INSIDE Kamiakin High School ..............2 Columbia High School ..............2 Kingspoint Christian School ....2 Kennewick High School............3 Pasco High School ..................4 Chiawana High School ............4 Othello High School..................5 Tri-Cities Prep ........................5 Richland High School ..............8 Prosser Falls High School ........9 Phoenix High School ................9 Southridge High School ..........9 Rivers Edge High School ..........9 Sunnyside High School ............11 Riverview Baptist Christian School ....................................11 Sunnyside Christian ................11 Prosser High School ................14 Kiona-Bention City High School ....................................14 Sunset View High School ........14 Dayton High School ................14 Hanford High School ................16 Hermiston High School ............16 New Horizons High School ......17 Liberty Christian High School ..17 Walla Walla High School ..........20 Umatilla High School ................20 Grandview High School............21 Waitsburg High School ............21 ALPS High School ....................21 Kahlotus High School ..............21 Connell High School ................22 Riverside High School ..............22 Compass High School..............22 Prescott High School ..............22 Lincoln Alternative High School ....................................23 Palouse Junction High School ..23 DeSales Catholic High School ....................................23 Jubilee Christian Academy ......23 Hermiston Christian School ....23 Touchet High School ................23 tricityherald.com/graduation for these additional schools: ◗ Washington State University TriCities ◗ Columbia Basin College Graduation Schedule ............23

KAMIAKIN HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 1 p.m. June 4 in the Toyota Center, Kennewick. Valedictorian: Kaylee Brooks. Parents Brian and Julene Brooks. Plans to attend Brigham Young University to study communicaBrooks tions. Salutatorian: Carissa Granata. Parents Andrea and David Granata. Plans to attend Washington State University Pullman to study psychology. Granata Se n i o rs: B ro o ke Marie Aichele, Jo n athan D. Allen, Alexis J. Almeida, Joshua G. Alva rez, Brianne R. Anderson, Garrett B. Anderson, Sean G. Anderson, Alisia Anguiano, Cristal Apolinar, Zach S. A r m i t age, Jaqueline S. Astorga , Jo n athan R. Axtell, HyunSo o Bak, David Richard Baker, David Ronald Baker, Collin C. Bampton, Samantha L. Banc roft, Michael J. Banks, Alina Baranovskaya, Abby M. Bare, Justin Oscar Barham, Thomas L. Barnes, Caitlin A. Barney, L a u ra R. Barry, Hannah Fay Barton, Ann Marie Bashore, David Ray Bauer, Krysta M. B e ach, Desiree Beasley, Jared T. B e a u c h e n e,Reyna AM Bell, Justin W. Berneski, Zachary Brian Berry, Patrick Biesecker, Emily Anne Blanchard, Annie M. Bluhm, Ryland John Boehnke, Aaron M. Boone, Payton A. Booth, Garrett L. Bowe, A a ron Wayne Britain, Ashley K.

B ronson, Brandon A. Bro o k s , Kale C. Brooks, Kaylee Bro o k s , K atie J. Bryson, Jennifer K atherine Buechler, Ke at o n Mallory Burl i n ga m e, Dylan J. Campbell, Evan J. Ca r r i c k , Kristopher A. Ca r t e r, Bryce Austin Ca z i e r, Le i ghton T. Chandler, Emmanuela E. Chave z , K at e a ra Chavez, Desare e Michelle Cheatham, Bro o ke C h i l d e rs, Grace S. Choi, Marlee Renae Christianson, Jessica Lee C h u rchill, Amber Rose Clark , M a r randa M. Clay, Thor Bjorn Cleppe, Robert W. Cliff, Jacqueline M. Cole, Alex John Coleman, Gary S. Conachan III, Samuel Ray Connell, Derrick M. C o o l ey, Thane A. Cope, Mars h a l l R. Corey, Andrew Tanner Coxen, Crystal C. Critchfield, Jo rdan S. Cro s k rey, Ke n d ra Rae Crume, Danielle R. Cuevas, C h ad Cuillier, Cody D. Curry, K ayla Curtis, Tanner Gray Curtis, Marianne E. Da r row, S avanna Rose Davies, Au s t i n Davin, Alea J. Davis, Dominique J. Davis, Lucas A. Dawson, Tyler D. Dawson, Kelin Lee Day, Bre ndon Scott Deal, Russell A. Deal, Louie R. Diaz, Brandon Dickey, K h a ra V. Dodder, Brittany A. D o u glas, Tasha Dow, Daw n Marie Doy l e, Reed M. Dra p e r, B r yce C. Drury, Meghan E. Dunn, Alex Earles, Travis B. Ekstrom, Tyler B. Ekstro m , Natalie E. Elliott, Lucianne Ello, Brandon James Elvik, Taylor N. E s velt, Ra Vonne V. Evans, Cody W. Fasching, Trenda L. Faw ve r, Brandon J. Fisk, Meghan Sue Fletcher, Shadlee Dav i d Fletcher, Bryce D. Flodin, Joseph David Flores, Oscar Uvaldo Flores, Scott A. Forman,

Amber Lynn Foster, Krystal F rederick, Kyle Fuller, Kourtney A. Fullmer, Amanda Jayne Garner, Clara Marie Gay, Sadie J. G e a rheart, Kelli Marie Gilbert, Kristopher J. Giroux, Chelsey M. Glines, Brittney Goemmel, Carissa R. Gra n ata, Da n ny Ray G rayson, Andrew M. Gre go r y, Alec J. Griffiths, Selina Rachelle H ac k n ey, Jesse R. Hall, Joshua C raig Hall, Theresa C. Halve rson, Garrett N. Hamby, Rebecc a Hamson, Sarah Hamson, Quentin D. Hanley, Shad E. H a r p, Brianna Ni cole Harrod, S t even Cole Have n o r, Zachary J. Hawks, Larisa Lynn Hayd e n , R i l ey Holt Hayfield, Tayler Rhea Herman, Devon Hobbs, Tyler J. Ho l l e, Michelle D. Holmbo, M agan Ho u s e, Levi Huebner, Colter C. Hughes, Nicholas Taylor Huppe, Garrett T. Jaco b s o n , Joseph J. Jansen, Cassie Renee Johnson, Jerrod Je rome Johnston, Jessica L. Jones, Kristyn L. Jones, Pierce J. Jones, Elainna K. Jo rdan, Benjamin Lee Ju dkins, Mo rgan M. Kalmbac h , Jo n athan Kane, Jennifer L. Ke e n e, Catherine M. Kelly, Paige King, Tate B. Kirk, Jo rdan Wo l fgang Knappek, Hailey Knigh t , Jessica Knox, Jade Kostman, Chelsea A. Kupitz, Gabriella A. Kurz, Jacklyn May Lacey, Lucas S. LaFerriere, Amanda M. Lampton, Stephan M. Langs t o n , Kassy Larson, Kaitlyn N. Lee, John F. Le h ew, Heidi L. Le o n a rd , Justin Michael Lindgre n , Marissa Lindholm, Kristina Ann Lizotte, Rebecca Ayn Lloyd , Thomas Raymond Lo c ke, Ashl ey N. Lofton, Gabriel Luedke, James Luey, Cindy G. Maga n a Gonzalez, Joshua R. Mahoney,

COLUMBIA (BURBANK) HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m., June 3, Columbia High School gym, 787 Maple St., Burbank. Valedictorian: Alyssa Hope. Parents Shane and Lara Hope. Plans to attend Brigham Young UniverHope sity-Idaho. Salutatorian: German Martinez. Parents Maria Cisneros and Rafael Lopez. Plans to attend the University of Idaho. Seniors: Dylan Bertsch, Alexis Blount, Isaac Brasher, Kaitlyn Martinez Breazeale, Hailey Butler, Will Campbell, Logan Casey, Kelsey

Cook, Andrea Crow, Marisa Dexter, Ashley Dyer, Kristen French, Kristopher Gall, Angel Garcia III, Stephen Goatcher, Forest Gordon, Aaron Hall, Alyssa Hope, Kevin Ireland, Shawn Jarvis, Adriana Katz, Crystal Kintop, Jackilyn Linja, Kamerin Long, Dalton Lundgren, German Martinez, Kristopher McLendon, Shea Morris, Michael Mosqueda, Travis Murphree, Gene Olson, Brooklyn Peterson, Hannah Pierce, Connor Reed, Conrad Reisenauer, Matthew Rickords, Aleasha Robinson, Bradley Romm, Sarah Rude, Jordan Shuttleworth, Dyllon Smith, Cody Stonestreet, Natasha Striefel, Jessica Stubblefield, Hanna Teddleton, Jasmin White-Bowen, Brooke Wilhelm, Tanner Woody, Ashley Zuhlke.

Is rael Maldonad o, Michandra D. Malin, David S. Maloy, Ashely Renee Mars ke, Wesley Martin, A r t u ro Martinez, Giova n n a Vaneza Martinez, Samantha K. Mastaler, Victoria B. Maye r, Mallorie T. McDowell, Justin C. M c E l roy, Sean M. McG re go r, Z achary McGuirk, Victoria A. McNutt, Rac h ael Marie McPeak, Brandon J. Mead o rs , Amanda N. Mead ows, Spenser A. Mearns, Tanner F. Meier, K atlyn E. Melde, Ivan Mendoza, Tarik Augustin Merzouk, Stac y Lynn Messinge r, Kristina Jean Michel, Kelsie Dawn Miller, Ryan T. Miller, Jacob Ray Minter, Brianne Mitchell, Emma L. Mitchell, Hannah Mo, C h eyenne M. Mo n t go m e r y, Sara C. Mo o re, Kevin Mo ran, Amanda M. Morrison, Jessica M u r i l l o,Kendra Rene' Murphy, M i rela Mustafic, Cody R. Nelson, Codi Lee Ni c ke rson, Sara h C. Ni co a ra, Macy Lynn No l a n , Shayann Christine Novak, Tanner M. Nugent, Christopher Nyga a rd, Kaileigh M. O'Neill, Jessica M. Openshaw, Connor Otheim, Justin Tate Owe n s , Ni cole L. Pa s co, To ny Pe reyda, Oscar A. Pe rez, Emily Laure n Perry, Evan O. Pe t e rson, Hao A. Pham, Joseph Jacob Alan Phipps, Je n n ae E. Piatt, Trevo r W. Powe rs, Courtney B. Prince, Newton J. Qu ach, Ca m e ron J. Queener, Luis Alfonzo Qu i ro z , Case C. Rada, Blake A. Raekes, Christina Ann Marie Ra m s ey, E van J. Ra m s ey, Taylor K. Ra smussen, Douglas A. Rathbun, David Lat a ra n ce Reeves, Vi c t oria M. Renard, Austin A. Reno, See KAMIAKIN | Page 3

KINGSPOINT CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m. June 3 at Columbia Community Church, 150 Gage Blvd., in Richland. Va l e d i c torian: Katie Bair. Pa re n t s Kirk and Debbie Bair of Pasco. Plans to attend Columbia Basin College and tra n s fer to a unive rs i ty to earn Bair an elementary education degree or a doctorate of nat u ro p at hy. Salutatorian: Garrett Felix. Parents Steve and Kim Felix of Pasco. Plans to attend Columbia Basin College and may pursue an engineering degree. Seniors: Katie Bair, Garrett Felix, Caitlan Fitchett, Jordan Filbrun, Felix Daniel Flatau, Stephen Erlenbush, Zachary Wokojance.


Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011



KC A. Reum, Cliffo rd M. R i gs b e e, Heather Ro s e Ro b a n s ke, Alicia R. Rodriguez, MirandaVi c t o r i aMarie Rojas, Elizabeth Mo rgan Bubel-Ross, Pierce Ru ssell, Kelsea Sainsbury, Ru d o l fo M. Salinas, Sapphire R. Salsbury, Griselda Sanchez, Kayla Tac h e l l e Sanchez, Rayla Dac h e l l e Sanchez, Taylor N. Sanders , M e rcedes Marie Sarb acher, Sarah E. Sav i n o, Shelby J. S aw ye rs, Victor Blake Sc h u l t e, Gerald L. Sc h u t z e nhofer III, Kylee Q. Schwa r t z , S avannah Scrimsher, Pierce J. Sernett, Michael C. Sherman, Fo r rest R. Shord, Breanne E. Short, Jennalyn C. Short, Jason A. Shuck, Tyler Simmons, Emily K. Simonson, Jaimee M. Sisk, Drew D. Smith, Tori L. Softich, Chanthy Sok, Ashton Sollars, Tino Junior So t o, Katherine Spiel, M at t h ew T. Squires, Jacob D. Stapleton, Andrew James S t ewart, Kyle B. Stewart, W h i t n ey Stoker, Kat h r y n Storm, Colten B. Sullivan, Daniel Talley, Emily E. Taylor, Kay l e i gh Tay l o r, Jason Lee Thorne, Christopher T i l l e n b u rg, Celesti Tinsley, David Hoang Ton, Jessica Venessa To r res, Lauren Lee Tow s l ey, Jack R. Tumlinson, C h ad M. Turner, Ni cole R. Turner, May ra Y. Valdovinos, Ca rely A. Ve rd u z co, Mac kenzie L. Waddell, Charles Da kota Wad l ow, Garrett L. Walker, Amber M. Wat e rs , Christopher T. Welch, Dustin L. West, Tyler W. Wharton, Shane Michael A. Wheeler, Amanda M. White, Timothy Isaiah White, Holli Kae Wi b e rg, Megan J. Wi l ey, A l ex a n d ra K. Williams, Brianna M. Williams, Keaton W. Williams, Kyle Dav i d Williams, Brittnee J. Wi l l o u gh by, Arielle V. Wilson, John W. Wilson, Samantha Michelle Wilson, Levi L. Wi n e b a rge r, Megh a n Woffinden, Emily Te re s a Wolf, Ashley Nichole Wood, Kira Kay Woods, Gre gory P. Wr i ght, Benjamin D. Yad e n , A n t h o ny Yonke rs, Steven C. Young, Stephen Youssef, B e n ny Zarat e, Tyler L. Zunker, Polina Askenova , Fat o u m ata Diaite, Pat r i c k Goeldner, Blagoja Srb ov, Lina Sc h roeder, Lok-Bong Wu.

Graduation: 9 a.m. June 4, Toyota Center, Kennewick. Valedictorians: Akshai Baskaran. Parents Chitra Sivaraman and Suresh Baskaran. Plans to attend Stanford University to study chemical engineering. Baskaran Katy Roosendaal. Parents Gene and Theresa Roosendaal. Plans to attend Gonzaga University to study English or Psychology and Roosendaal plans to get a law degree. Salutatorian: Cody Gadeberg. Parents Vicki and Mike Gadeberg. Plans to attend Ohio State University to study aeronautical engineerGadeberg ing. Se n i o rs: Amina Abdullah, Amanda L. Adkins, Yvette Aguilar, Zakery Daniel Albertin, Amanda Leticia Alegria-Carrillo, Christina Pauline Alva rez, Arturo Arzeta, Fernando Ayala, Ashlen Carroll Ayres, Roger Balbuena, Rac h ael Scott Barnwell, Adriana Thalia Barreras, Akshai Baskaran, Annastasia Lyndsay Batsell, Daniel M. Bauer, Cody Beckstrom, Eliezer Belisario, Kristen May Benson, Bethany M. Bjur, Brittany Ann Blac k ketter, Kali May Bleichner, Christopher Izaias Bojorquez-Diaz, Daniel Bolanos, Robert Wayne Bonilla, Eduardo C. Botello, Tabitha Ann Bouchor, Dane Patrick Bradfield, Rebecca Brent, Chandler Marie Brimley, Casey Michael Brush, Kelsie Ann Bryant, Sean Edwa rd Buck, Justin Keanu Duke Burton, Xzavier Jose Campos, Ariel Je ffe rson Ca n ada, Felisha May Cantrell, Romeo Rae Cantrell, Kaitlyn R. Ca rdinal, Caleb Jurado Carias, Eliseo Carra s co, Jo s eManuel Ca r ra s co, Alexander Carter, Payton J. Alexis Caruth, Ryan David Ca r vo, Cesar Arturo Ca s t ro, Alma Cisneros, Danielle Kristine Clark, Richard A. Clark, Ross Mains Clawson, Syd n ey Renae Cobb, Olivia Jordan Coffey, Deedra Ann Coleman, Kayt l y n Gwyn Coleman, Ashli Ariana Contreras, Brian Edwa rd Cook, Richard Auther Cook, Leida

Cruz, Yasmin A. Cruz, Kyle D. Culp, Rylan Anthony Darby, Taylor C. Darnell, Marylou Dav i s , Victoria Marlene DeHart, Gabriela Deltoro, Ryley C. Dennis, Jonathon Edward Dinkel, Devon James Doescher, Kurtis Anthony Dolman, Caleb Allen Dunbar, Brittany Lyn Dye r, Tiffani Adrianna Edmondson, Landon Dimitri Edwa rds, Joshua Jon Elliott, Enrique Manuel E l s ey, Krysta Lynn Espada, Benjamin Espindola, Gera rdo Espindola, Jese Samuel Espino, Ariel Kristine Espinoza, Adrian Dav i d Espiritu, Alberto Estrada, Dulce Karina Estrada, Carson Jesse Evans, Brandon Felton, Breanna Leah Fincher, Ruben Flore s Avilez, Jacob E. Foster, Jacob Dillon Fox, Hannah E. Freier, Tay l o r Chase French, Cody Michae l Gad e b e rg, Jazmin Del Rocio Galicia, Juan Felip Gamboa, Anissa Adriana Garcia, Michael Aaro n Garcia, Monica Garcia, Trinidad Garcia, Yajahira Garcia, Fe rnando Garduno, Karalyn Delray Ghramm, Jacob Scott Gilmore, Roberto Giro n -Aguilar, Joseph Glove r, Jesus Le o n a rdo Gomez, Noe Gomez, Vanessa C. Gomez, B r yan Gomez-Villa, Gerardo Gonzalez, Luis Enrique Gonzalez, Aubrey Michelle Goodrich, Robert Allen Go rdon, Jared S. Gower, Heidy Yulianna GranadosLopez, Samantha Lynn Gray, Lillian Greybeck, Ryan Grogan, Kristy Lee Grove r, Yuzeth Guerre ro, Marquez Anthony Guerre ro- H a r vey, Florentino Guizar, Fernando Gutierrez, Brenda Jeannette Guzman, Meagan H ac kett, Ni cole Lyn Hall, Kevin Nat h a nyel Hall-Fisk, Brandon James Ham, Kimberlyn Harris, Sophia Ruth Henager, Angel R. Hernandez, Eduardo Hernandez, Elizabeth Hernandez, Hugo Hernandez, Iris Maleni Hernandez, Julio Hernandez, Ve ronica Lynn Hernandez, Cesar Herre ra, Bethany Herring, Briana Hess, Tori B. Hess, Alexandria Nicole Hibbs, Jason Mat t h ew Hidden, Cristy Star Hinojosa, Jordan E. Ho l e s worth, Uriel Horta, Wi l ey Wade Hoyem, Douglas R. Hoyt, Tyler Mo n t gomery Ines, Mustafa Ali Issa, Olivia Marie Jackson, Asli R. Jimaale, Katia Johnson, Larissa Renee Johnson, Ke l s ey Julian, Christian Nickalaus Kangas, Kyle David Kilgo re, Jordan Andrew Kirkpatrick, Marianna Klochkova, Jayli Lynn Knapstad , Je f f rey Lee Knight, Kyrsten Delana Rae Knight, Destinee

Koehler, Eric T. Kohan, Rashelle Koier, Zac kary Joseph Koons, Colin Robert Kuch, Jesus E. Larios, David D. Larsen, Tamera Anita Laurvick, Kareen Robin Law, Dylan James Lawrence, Aimee Jannielle Le avitt, Jasmine Maelyn Lee, Zachary Michae l Le i n b ach, Syd n ey Dean Lester, Jo rdan David Lewis, Jose Limon, Gilbert Loera, IV, Drew R. Lo ftus, Gregory Long, Joseph T. Lo n i gan, Levi David Loomis, Chadwick Cody Lyons, Alasyn Aletha Mabbitt, Alejandra Briceida Machuca, Siera Elena Madrigal, Jose Jairo Magana, Rudy Magana, Michelle Vasquez Marin, Kasey Ann Markland, Laura Marquina, Christian Alexander Martin, Devin James Martin, Kevin P. Martin, Josue Martinez, Yulenni MartinezPerez, Joanna M. Mason, Brittany Marie Matias, Michae l M cC re a r y, Ashley Q. McCreight, Collin Wayne McG u f fey, Joshua Alan McIntosh, Joel Christopher McKenzie, Michelle Meehan, Je ssica Lea Mejia, Leslie Mendez, Abraham Mendoza, Geyny Mendoza, Se rgio Mendoza, Amaire ny Meraz, Edvan Meraz, Allan Ca rl Miller, Brianna Miller, Craig Mat h ew Miller, David Lee Roy Miller, Jonathan D. Miller, Jessica D. Mitchell, Danny Mo n roy, Ro salio Prado Montano, Hannah Morgan Moon, Monica Patricia Moreno, Rogelio Morfin, Tyler Arvid Morfin, Elisabeth Anna Morris, Heather Marie Mo r t o n , Stephen Eric Moses, Hunter Alixandria Mullaly, Franky Murillo, Alfonso Levi Naj e ra, Anna M. Newcomer, Linda N. Ng u yen, Jose Is rael Ochoa, Clarissa Ochoa-Gomez, Diana Alicia Ochoa-Luna, Alma Odom, K a ren Ola, Carmen Oliva re s , Adriel D. Olive ros, Melquiad e s Roman Olive ros, Michael Leoner Orpilla, Jose Vega Ortiz, Taylor Reed Osborn, David Osorio, Lorinda Mariah Patton, Kamela Breanne Pe l u s o, Jorge PenaGra n ados, Angelica M. Perales, Kyle Dakota Pe t e rson, Kristal Ann Poole, Crystal Marie Po o rman, Francisco Javier Portillo, Sean W. Prue, Shayla Pu c kett, Martha Leticia Puente, Brittnie Irene Qu ay, Luis Enrique Qu i ntana, Tanner James Race, Cody Ra m i rez, Demetrio Ra m i rez, Nancy Melissa Ramirez-Hernandez, Raul Ramirez-Hernandez, Ja i ro Emmanuel Ramirez-Lopez, Angel Ra m i re z -O ro z co, Deborah Ra m i re z -O ro z co, Celene Mariyen


Ramos, Alexandra Grace Rannow, Conor S. Reich, Grac i e Jayne Reil, Martha Renteria, Amanda Kristine Reyes, Franklin Reyes, Edward David Blad e Ricks, Guadalupe Rive ra, Kimberly Sinclair Robertson, Erasmo Rodriguez, Lydia Rodriguez, Sandra B. Rodriguez, Ramon Romero, Angel Ro m e ro-O l i ve ra, Katy Roosendaal, Lynden Taylor Rothfork, Linzee Rayann Rose Rothwell, Scott Riley Rutherfo rd , Karla Salcido, Claudia Melina Sanchez, Jesus M. Sanchez-Zambrano, Kimberlee Sanders, Lizeth Sandoval, Ty Schoenwald, Emily Irene Sc h roeder, Marissa Elizabeth Scott, Cami Jackleen Silva , Alexandra Sue Simons, Judith Slate, Kendra Shea Smith, Leyna Elizabeth Smith, James Mark So rdahl, Haley Elizabeth St. George, Lisa Rene Steinwand, William Jacob Sterrett, Alex a ndra A. Stewart, Steven A. Strait, Christina Stucki, Rebecca Stucki, Joseph David Szendre, Zackary Scott Tamburello, Nathaniel Taylor, Sara Ni cole Taylor, Lauren Andrea Thomas, Havanna R. Thompson, Luke Christian Tinnin, Miguel Tobon, Jocelyn Justine Marie Todd, Antonio Torres, Stephanie Marie To r res, Vi ktoriya Aleksandrovna Tyshchuk, Quinniqua Monae Upton, Elizabeth Kate Urry, Brianda K. Ursua, Alexa Valdivia, Deisy Va ldovinos-Valencia, Jesus Miguel Valencia, Josue Antonio Valencia, Marta Valencia, Nadia Valencia, Perla Dominguez Villa, Kevin Villanueva, Isabella Marie Wagoner, Jessica Rae Walton, Folasade Michelle Ward, Jordan Nichole Watson, Kathleen Kay Lee Weatherbee, Zachary David Weed, Joseph P. Weeden, Krystal Rose Wess, Devin A. Westermeyer, Mark Anthony Whitehead, Ashley Rae Whitlock, Elizabeth Ann Williams, Drew Winks, Nate Ryan G. Woods, Brandon Mathew Workman, Taylor Marie Yahne, Mariah Lavone Zaback, Malin L. Zilar, Victor Zuniga. Exchange students receiving certificates of attendance: Musarraf Ali, Republic of India; Helen Baskaya, Federal Republic of Germany; Giada Brigadoi, Italian Republic; Aliya Kamaletdinova, Republic of Tajikistan; Daniel Radeck, Federal Republic of Germany; Muhammad Rizki, Republic of Indonesia; Yi Kiao, People’s Republic of China.



Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald

PASCO HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 6 p.m. June 4 at Edgar Brown Memorial Stadium, Pasco Valedictorian: Claudia Euridice Gallegos. Parents Bernardo and Claudia Gallegos. Plans to attend Pacific Lutheran University to study Gallegos global studies and international affairs. Salutatorian: Michael Xing Zhang. Parents Limin Zhang and Junqin Xing. Plans to attend University of Washington Zhang to study medicine. Seniors: Cresensio Acevedo, Jose Acevedo, Alan Acosta, Jose Acosta, Alejandro Aguirre, Daniel Aguirre, Gloria Alameda, Esperanza Alcaraz, Rosa Alcaraz, Saul Alejo-Zambrano, Adalberto Alfaro, Juan Alvarez, Julia Alvarez, Vanessa Alvarez, Joshua Ammann, Ezequiel Angeles, Karen Arciga, Marco Arguelles, Erick Arriaga, Francisco Arroyos, Claudia Arteaga, Edwin Arteaga, German Arteaga, Daniel Avelar, Maira Avila, Haydee Bahena, Edwin Balderas, Nancy Barragan, Diego Barrera, Bryan Bastian, Tomas Batalla, Jaron Bedoya, Daniel

Bernal, Nicholas Bintorio, Andrew Biondolillo-Cagle, Kenya Brown, Brennen Brumbaugh, Zachary Burrell, Edgar Cabrera, Selena Calderon, Cynthia Camacho, Victor Campos, Jose Campos Cabrera, Selena Candanoza, Yanet Cano, Isai Cantor, Josue Cantor, Aaron Cantu, Maria Cardenas, Darlene Carrillo, Benny Castaneda, Alejandra Castillo, Jose Castillo, Jose Castro, Beatriz Cazares, Alexander Chavez, Francisco Chavez, Mari Chavez, Mercedes Chavez Morfin, Abner Chicas, Luis Chiprez, Devonte Cleveland, Terrell Coburn, Jacob Coleman, Merissa Cooper, Cesar Corona, Daniel Correa, Isaac Cruz, Yesenia Cruz, James Cuevas, Steven Davis, Hector De La Mora, Yesenia De Leon, Kendra Dever, Cynthia Diaz, Flor Diaz, Juan Diaz, Yessica Diaz, Dariane Diener, Raul Duenas, Justin Dvorak, Brenton Edwards, Jose Escobedo, Jose Espinoza, Mariana Espinoza, Aaron Fast, Hector Faustino, Diane Figueroa, McKenzie Finnicum, Sara Fletes, Alejandro Flores, Janette Flores, Nicco Flores, Patricia Flores, Alicia Fogg, Margaret Francik, Ryan Frase, Diana Fuentes, Claudia Gallegos, Jessica Gallegos, Danira Galvez, Adrianna Garcia, Alejandra Garcia, Anabel Garcia, Argelia Garcia, Cristian Garcia, Elias Garcia, Francis Garcia, Guadalupe Gar-

cia, Jennifer Garcia, Rachel Garcia, Rafael Garcia, Sandra Garcia, Kyle Gargano, Bryanna Garza, Sabrina Garza Guerra, Christopher Gibson, Gabriel Godinez, Andrea Gomez, David Gomez, Jobanna Gomez, Jose Gomez, Andres Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Rubi Gonzalez, Sharon Gonzalez, Gabriella Grover, Edmund Guerrero, Cristian Gutierrez, Noel Gutierrez, Donavin Hawkins, Daria Hernandez, Jhonatan Hernandez, Maribel Hernandez, Pablo Hernandez, Priscilla Hernandez, Rocio Hernandez, Patricia Herrera, Roy Hey, Derricka Hill, Julian Hinojosa, Derek Hockaday, Albert Hong, Tram Hong, Katerina Howard, Karely Hueso, Mathew Huminsky, My Huynh, Jorge Isiordia, Gloria Jimenez, Hector Jimenez, Mercedes Johnson, Michous Johnson, Jonatan Juarez, Naomi Kaopua-Kinzer, Haley Kearney, Davin Kerr, Alexandra Killian, Shawn Killian, Jasmine Kinsey, Kendra Kirk, Viktoriya Kokadeyeva, Yelena Konko, Antonina Kucheryavaya, Demitrius Landry, David Larralde, Mario Lazaro, Randy Le, Sterling Leija, Lidia Leon, Christopher Liudahl, Jasmine Lohuis, Beatriz Lopez, Christopher Lopez, Daniel Lopez, Juan Lopez, Marlene Lopez, Melissa Lopez, Roberto Lopez, Tracy Lopez, Jose Madrigal, Ines Mag-

ana, Zuleyma Magana, Alejandro Martinez, April Martinez, Eduardo Martinez, Francisco Martinez, Francisco Martinez, Isaac Martinez, Jorge Martinez, Juan Martinez, Rodolfo Martinez, Sandra Martinez, Maria Martinez Perez, Anthony Mata, Lillie Mcalister, Joshua McCormick, JC McDonald, Eliberto Medina, Jessica Medina, Isai Mejia, Jose Mejia, Benjamin Melnik, Juan Mendez, Paulo Mendez, Rebecca Mendez, Christian Mendoza, Gerardo Mendoza, Humberto Mendoza, Yvonne Mendoza, Osiel Meraz, Ana Molina, Edwardo Mondragon, Marco Moreno, Wendy Moreno, Marissa Morris, Levi Moxley, Anthony Munoz, Mikayla Munson, Michelle Norr, Chris Norton, Claudia Olguin, Terra Olson, Graelynn Orozco, Jocelyn Ortega, Yasmin Ortega, Jorge Osorio, Kyle Pace, Jacklyn Pacheco, Jorge Padilla, Maria Pantoja, Luis Paredes, Cristina Pascual, Tayaire Penor, Brenda Perez, Jose Perez, Samantha Phares, Katelynn Pierce, Victor Pimienta, Saul Pineda, Andreya Posada, Rebecca Rahn, Iliana Ramirez, Matthias Ramirez, Silvia Ramirez, Francisco Rangel, Irving Rendon, Richard Renteria, Anai Reyes, Eduardo Reyes, Vikiesha Richardson, Kimberli Rieksts, Kristi Rieksts, Israel Rios, Raquel Robles, Jordan

Rodriguez, Joshua Rodriguez, Miguel Rodriguez, Raquel Rodriguez, Seleena Rodriguez, Karina Rojas, Berthany Romero, Estreyita Rosales, Brandon Rowe, Cody Rush, Raul Salas, Adrian Saldana, Sammy Salinas, Vanessa Salinas, Daena Sanchez, Daniel Sanchez, Rubi Sanchez, Zoyla Sanchez, Andres Sandoval, Manuel Sandoval, Ivan Santana, Ramses Santana, Noel Santiago, Raul Santiago, James Sartain, Georgia Schafer, Loren Schellhase, Bryan Scott, Brandon Search, Suleira Serratos, Andres Silva, Cesar Silva, Sandra Soriano, Blanca Soto, Ruby Soto, Stephanie Suarez, Morgan Sutherland, Julissa Sydnor, Claudia Taboada, Oscar Tavares, Nicholas Tidrick, Petr Titechko, Beatriz Tlachi, Alberto Torres, Jonathan Torres, Tanner Torrescano, Shaunice Townsend, Adriana Trevino, Juan Urena, Magali Uriostegui, Adelene Valdez, Steven Valdez, Teresa Valdez, Pablo Valdivia, Rocio Valencia, Yesenia Valencia, Janet Valle, Timothy Van Cleave, Bethany Vasquez, Arlett Vazquez Lua, Noraceli Vega, Juan Vences, Ivan Vera, Samantha Vergara, Brittany Watson, Kenneth Whistocken, Blake Whitby, Jessica Wright, Devaunte Wright Lamb, Kevin Young, Andrew Zacha, Salvador Zavala, Vanessa Zavaleta, Ruben Zecena, Michael Zhang.

pos, Kylah Cardoza, Andres Carrasco, Brittney Case, Lilyanna Castaneda Prieto, Julio Castaneda, Adela Castellanos, Christian Castillo, Shawnee Castorena, Martha Castrejon, Diana Castro, Oscar Castro, Jasmin Ceballos, Kevin Cervantes, Vanessa Cervantes, Audel Chavez, Mariana Chavez, Nicolas Chavez, Bonnie Chidester, Alexandra Clifton, Julio Conde, Jacy-Leigh Conklin, Diana Contreras, Jonathan C Contreras, Patricia Contreras, Paige Cottrell, Mercedes Cowser, Alan Cruz, Beatriz Cruz, Cristal Cruz, Elizabeth Cruz, Cameron Dahl, Logan Daniel, Liliya Danilyuk, Joseph Davidson, Brooklynn Davies, Ashley Davis, Isaura De La Mora, Pablo De La Rosa, Melissa Debevec, Jessica Descoteaux, Kyler DeWitt, Aissata Diallo, Amairani Diaz, Rogelio Diaz, Liliya Dik, Peter Drag-

onchuk, Jacqueline Duarte, Geramey Duckworth, Howard Durrant, Alexandra Elias, Shelby Ellsworth, Socrates Escalera, Conrado Escobedo Piedra, Branden Espinosa, Iris Espinoza, Jaden Espinoza, Joanna Espinoza, Jonathan Espinoza, Marisol Farias, Megan Fast, Ashlee Favor, Alvaro Figueroa, Marco Figueroa, Heather Flanary, Irene Fleming, Michelle Flores, Rosa Florian, Austin Ford, Jose Franco, Chelsea Frase, Anthony Garcia, Conny Garcia, Eric Garcia, Hugo Garcia, Jessica Garcia, Karen Garcia, Karina Garcia, Maria Garcia, Nery Garcia, Nicholas Garcia, Rene Garcia, Susana Garcia, Sylvia Garcia, Vanesa Garcia, Veronica Garcia, Chase Garretson, Alyssa Garza, James Garza, Luis Gasca, Ryan Gibbons, Jose Godinez, Destiny Goetz, Cristina Gomez, Rosa Gomez, Jairo Gon-

zalez, Melissa Gonzalez, Miguel Gonzalez, Nathan Gonzalez, Selene Gonzalez, Kayla Goodell, Lucas Graff, Shylo Gray, Michael Grimsley, Elise Gudbrandsen, Neil Gurule, Fidel Gutierrez, Noe Gutierrez, Adriana Guzman, Manuel Guzman, Brittany Hall, Eric Harter, Jennifer Heaton, Diana Hernandez, Edwin Hernandez, Leonardo Hernandez, Veronica Hernandez, Yesenia Hernandez, Andres Herrera, Felipe Herrera, Ulises Herrera, Ashley Herrin, Andrew Higgins, Hayley Hodgins, Victoria Hoffman, Jacob Howland, Andrea Huezo Rubio, Daniel Hughes, Erin Huisingh, Victor Hurtado Brito, Jessica Ibarra, Veronica Ibarra, Jene Iceberg, Sandra Jacinto, Esfeidy Jimenez, Joel Jimenez, Devyn Johnsen, Nathaniel Johnson, Rachelle Johnson, Ryan Johnson, Kristina

CHIAWANA HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 10 a.m. June 4 at Edgar Brown Memorial Stadium, Pasco. Valedictorians: Hunter Davidson. Parents Joe and Jean Davidson. Plans to attend Brigham Young University to study exercise sciDavidson ence and physiology. Janyn Mercado. Parent Jasmin Mercado. Plans to attend the University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia, Mercado Canada, to study biology and possibly theatre. Seniors: Cynthea Abarca, Jordan Abernathy, Alex Acevedo, Alejandra Acosta, Brett Adamson, Jennifer Aguayo, Veronica

Aguirre, Ahmad Al-Shakarji, Frida Alfthan, Maximiliano Amezcua, Patricia Ammons, Saul Andrade, Darian Andrew, Eliel Arcos, David Arellano, Katie Arendt, Jose Arroyo, Fabiola Arzate, Edgar Avalos, Scott Avalos, Valissandra Avalos, Carmen Avila, Isela Avila, Alvaro Ayala, Gerardo Ayon, Sandee Bahena, Ariana Balderas, Jovani Barajas, Kevin Barajas, Dina Barbarosh, Brad Barber, Ana Batalla, Sadie Bender, Jordan Beus, Brant Black, Aaron Bleazard, Ivan Borshch, Billye Braswell, Rachel Brayton, Evan Brinkley, Benjamin Brinson, Jasmine Brown, Yesenia Bueno Hernandez, Yuriva Bueno, Maria Buhler, Thomas Burton, Shanice Butts, Albert Cabrera, Chelsea Cadman, Samantha Cafferty, Clayton Calaway, Eduardo Camacho, Osbaldo Camacho, Courtney Campbell, Adriel Cam-

See CHIAWANA | Page 5


Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011

OTHELLO HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m. June 3, Huskie Stadium, 340 S. Seventh Ave. Valedictorians: Ashley Almaguer. Parents David and Irene Almaguer. Almaguer Plans to attend the University of Washington and study mechanical engineering. Ryan Garza. Parents Raynaldo and Amanda Garza. Plans to attend the Garza University of Washington and study engineering. Christine Kirkwood. Parents Donald and Angela Kirkwood. Plans to attend the Air Force Kirkwood Academy in Colorado Springs and is undecided about a major. Se n i o rs: Francisca Abarca, Jo n athan Jesus Aguilar, Edgar Jesus Alfaro, Yvette Alfaro, Ashley Christine Almag u e r, Adriana Alvarad o, Sheila Ruby Alva rez, Luis Felipe Anguiano, Raúl Noel Aranzazú, Ricardo Arce, Miguel Angel Arellano, Anjelica D Arguello, Taryn Robert Ashton, Chrisha Rae Bacca, Angel Fuentes Baltazar, Jr., Abel Banuelos, Turk McKenna Bates, Arely Betancourt, Vanessa Erica Blaak, Miguel Gonzalez Borquez, Ca rli Lapre a l Byington, Kyle L. Campbell, Kristin Jean Cannon, Donald


TRI-CITIES PREP Cantu Jr., Alexis Yvonne Carlson, S a ra Grace Carmona, Francisco Tony Carrillo, Gabriel Cesar, Baltazar Jesus Chavez, We s l eyR. Cogswell, Jessica Contreras, Sheila Cuellar Zuniga, Ariel DeLeon, Tania DeLeon, Amando DeLeon Jr., Rey Delgado Jr., Linh Do, Stuart Arnold Eliot, Ariel Anne Ely, Antonio Estrada, Ad r iana Flores, Jennifer Flores, Brittni Marie Gaddis, Crystal Gallard o, Jasmine Gallardo, Kimberly Anai Gallardo, Adrian R. Garcia, Johnny Garcia, Marissa Garcia, Richard Garcia, Susana Osorio Garcia, Adrian Garza, Alan Mateo Garza, Angie Raquel Garza, Dylan Ariel Garza, Eddie Garza, Lindsay Janette Garza, Marcus Alexander Garza, Miranda Michelle Garza, Pauline Q. Garza, Ryan Alexander Garza, Victor Steven Garza Jr., Samuel Cody Gearheart, Jessica Gilbert, Andrew Alex Go m e z , A l f redo Gomez Jr., Is a ac Vasquez Gonzalez, Javier Gonzalez, Jesse Lee Gonzalez, Octavio Enrique Gonzalez, Christian Gonzalez, Jacob Yuuta Gratton, Alfonso A a ron Guerra, Jesus Z. Gutierrez, K a ren Guzman, Norma N. Haro, Max Moses Harris, Hesston Jac k H ayduk, Hushton James Hayd u k , Anna Michelle Helman, Esau Hermosillo Ru valcaba, Korina Herm o s i l l o,Is rael Hernandez, Bere n i ce Hernandez Mendez, Maria Elena Hernandez, Melinda Lou Hoksbergen, Samantha M. Howes, Ignacio Huerta, Emma Lee Hymas, Africa Gardenia Ibarra, Chelsea Lynn Jahns, Osmark Salvador Jauregui, Bobbey James

Jensen, Breana Maridon Patricia Johnson, Angelica Renae Jones, Matthew Michael Jordan, Cameron James Junge rs, Samantha Marie Kerr, Ian Lyle Kimmey II, Christine Alyssa Kirkwood, Ja red Thomas Kummer, Darren Lee Laughlin, Jose Luis Lemus, Paloma Llamas, Alexander James Lo gan, Ivan Lopez, Ivan Mondragon Lopez, Lorenzo Lopez, Miguel A. Lopez, Erik Lo p e z Zuniga, Samuel Lopez-Flores, Jose Luis Lozano, Lina Amay rani Luna Alvara, Cassandra Anastasia Macugay, Narcisco Cruz Mac u gay, Francisco Maldonado Dominguez, Jason Ian Maples-Rasmussen, Vanessa Mar, Jose Marquina, E s t rella Denice Marroquin, Aldo Yesiel G. Martinez, Anthony Jose Martinez, Brenda Bonilla Martinez, Brianna Martinez, Catherine Ni cole Martinez, Cruz Martinez Jr., Edid Yoana Martinez, Eric Joseph Martinez, Graciela Pruneda Martinez, Julian Martinez, Leonela Martinez, Marissa Yvette Martinez, Miranda Danielle Martinez, Ni reyda Martinez, Oscar Martinez, Jose Jaime Martinez Aguilar, Ni va rdo Martinez Aguilar, Karley Mills-McKernan, Carla Medina, Marco Antonio Melendez, Kendrick Monroe Mellinger, Anthony Ismael Melo, Biance M. Mendoza, Urania Mendoza, Carlos Millan, Abril Mondragon Chavez, Vicente Montano Jr., Eduardo A. Montes, Christian Hernan Montoya, Jasmin Montoya, Rachel Morales, Jennifer Murillo, Jessica Alejandra Murillo, Angelica Marlen Nava, Alma

Rubinder Navarrete, Connor Michael Olsen, Adan Orozco, Octavio Oseguera Mendez, Selene Pahua, Samuel Austin Para, Abby Lyn Pass, Dara Natziely Peña, Jesus Peñaloza, Adam Perez, Taylor Dalton Peterson, Jose M. Porfirio, Gregory James Porter, Amanda Ayala Preciado, Jessica Ayala Preciado, JoAnna Marie Quezada, Jose De Jesus Ramirez L., Carlos A. Ramos Abundiz, Michael William Rattray, Ian James Rehaume, Jacob Alan Reichert, Aubrey Danielle Riojas, Sarai Coral Rios, Matthew Jaime Rocha, Ana Melina Rodriguez, Brenda Lee Rodriguez, Colton Rodriguez, Jasmine Rodriguez, Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez, Owen Rodriguez, Valeria Yesenia Rodriguez Yesenia Roman, Cindy Romero, Porter V. Roylance, Chelsey Natasha Rubalcaba, Noah Antonio Rubio, Erika Salmeron, Jesus Salmeron, Oscar Ivan Sandoval, Curtis Craig Serna, Abigail Faith Shelby, Ramiro Silva Ambrocio, Paula A. Smith, Kayla Rachelle Smoot, Marybella Michelle Soledad, Austin B. Taylor, Juan Francisco Torres, Maria Alejandra Torres, Olga Torres, Bernardina Valdez, Deyanira Valdez, Elma Nicole Valdez, Jesus Alberto Valencia, Francisco Valenzuela, Cindy Jovanni Varela, Alberto Jr. Vargas, Alejandro Vargas, Ryan Anthony Vasquez, Maria Josefina Vega, Gilberto Villa, Hector Javier Villa, Kenzie Dawn Villarreal, Nayelli Zepeda, Freddie Zuniga, Vivian Zuniga, Yeiry Zuniga.

Graduation: 2 p.m., June 4 at Tri-Cities Prep., 9612 St. Thomas Drive, Pasco. Valedictorian: Dominick Ghirardo. Parents Kevin and Helen GhiGhirardo rardo. Plans to attend Notre Dame. Salutatorian: Clara Arcia. ParArcia ents Edgar and Cecy Arcia. Plans to attend Gonzaga and study Spanish. Seniors: Clara Arcia, Luke Barnett, Brianne Brown, Chase Castona, Jose Chapa, Andrea Connor, Juan Espinoza, Matthew Faucher, Dominick Ghirardo, Daniel Holzmeier, Veronica Jones, Brendan Lee, Karina Martinez, Austin Mata Robby Narquis, Michael Nguyen, Thao Nguyen, Collin Price, Troy Redmann, Cory Rodriguez, Sarah Saenz, Skyler Saenz, Tevin Stutzman, Leilani Vallejo, Kristine Vaz, Jarrod verSteeg, Joe Virden.

CHIAWANA CONTINUED Jones, Lance Jones, Christian Jones-Mirisciotta, Krista Kadinger, Sarah Kadinger, Killian Kammler, Ashlee Kanahele, Casey Kasselder, Jacob Kasselder, Denise Keil, Ashley Kelly, Tieler Kendrick, Al Khanthaphone, Melissa Klug, Coleman Knight, Robin Kovis, Edgar Lechuga, Erik Legard, Jordan Lesher, Alex Licon, Alejandro Limon, Kenneth Lippold, Nicholas Longoria, Pilot Lopaya, Gregorio Lopez, Jorge Lopez, Maria Lopez, Sandra Lopez, Nick Mackay, Jessica Madrigal, Alejandra Magana, Denisse Magana, Nichole Martin, Edward Martinez, Jasmine Martinez, Samantha Martinez, Oksana Martynyuk, Shawn Masenten, Alejandra Mayorquin, David Mazza, Carra McMana-

mon, Andrey Melnik, Jose Mendez, Mireya Mendez, Ivonne Mendoza, Jose Mendoza, Laura Mendoza, Ubaldo Mendoza, Janyn Mercado, Kelsey Merrill, Matthew Middleton, Scott Middleton, Saul Mixquitl, Mitzi Moctezuma, Marina Mondragon, Jaqueline Montoya, Courtney Moon, Patrick Morales, Bryce Moreno, Rosa Morfin, Francisco Mosqueda, Sandra Murillo, Jorge Negrete, Nayra Negrete, Bailey Nelson, Emily Nelson, Shelby Nokes, Arturo Nunez, Ivan Nunez, Jocelyn Nunez, Agustin Ocampo, Karen Ochoa, Amy Olson, Henri Orosco, Mailen Orozco, Hayes Osborn, Gildardo Osorio, Angel Ozuna, David Pantoja, Joel Pantoja, Alexis Parra, Martin Patino, Raquel Patino, Ernesto Patricio, Oscar Paulin,

Olivia Paz, Belinda Perez, Bihaney Pineda, Chey-anne Plocher, Jyssica Pounds, Nicholas Prasch, Daniel Preciado, Jessica Prieto, Svetlana Prishko, Darylin Questad, Luz Quintero, Samuel Ramirez Mendoza, Claudia Ramirez, Daniel Ramirez, Erick Ramirez, Manuel Ramirez, Karla Ramiro, Julian Ramos, Manuel Rendon, Jennifer Renteria, Karina Reynaga, Kendyl Reynolds, Jacob Rice, Blake Richardson, Dillon Richardson, Lukas Rieke, Mikaela Rivard, Mayra Rivera, Jose Robles, Brenda Rodriguez Vazquez, Ana Rodriguez, Daisy Rodriguez, Fransisco Rodriguez, Grecia Rodriguez, Jesus Rodriguez, Natalie Rodriguez, Jesus Rojas, Gerardo Rolon, Rocio Ruiz, Santos Ruiz, Enrique

Salas, Roxana Salas, Brenda Salceda, Dulce Saldana, Lupe Salgado, Ana Sanchez, Jorge Sanchez, Krystalina Sanchez, Salvador Sanchez, America Sandoval, Carlos Sandoval, Estevan Santillan, Kelsey Sapp, Adam Sauceda, Sulamita Savchuk, Breyane Scales, Erin Schultz, Alma Segura, Olga Sholotyuk, Christian Shoman, Justin Shuck Gibson, Jesus Silva, Jasmine Simms-Hicks, Mandy Slaugh, Gage Smith, Joshua Smith, Justin Smith, Cintia Soto Camorlinga, Colton Stafford, Nicholas Stallbaum, Toria Staudinger, Austin Steele, Spencer Steele, Timothy Steele, Tate Stock, Matthew Sturtevant, Patrick Sullivan, Amalia Talavera, Evan Taylor, Karson Taylor, Daniel Tello, Tina Thompson, Austin

Thornhill, Roxana Tobon, Paola Toledo, Cristian Torres, Delcy Torres, Hector Torres, Jason Toyoda, Victoria Urbina, Blake Uribe, Melanie Valdez, Thanya Valdovinos, Estefania Valencia, Daniel Valle, Maria Vargas, Javier Velasquez, Josefina Velasquez, Karina VelazquezSanchez, Ashley Veliz, Mayvelin Verduzco, Courtney Verret, Maria Vicente, Lourdes Vidal, Olivia Villarreal, Nicholas Vincent, Irina Voloshina, Joseph Walker, Stephen Walter, Tyler Waters, Tyler Wegner, Betty Wharton, Taylor White, Miranda Wilcox, Marissa Williams, Christopher Wray, Isela Yepez, Samuel Yniguez, Atara Young, Raquel Zamora, Octavio Zamudio, Jessica Zuniga, Zachary Zwiener.


Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald



Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011




Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald

RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 4:30 p.m. June 3, Toyota Center, Kennewick. Valedictorians: Hannah Lake. Parents David and Nancy Lake. Plans Lake to attend WSU Tri-Cities to study astrophysics. Samantha Lee. Parents Jeffrey and Mary Lee. Plans to attend the U.S. Naval Academy to study math McGuckin and quantitative economics. Peter McG u c k i n . Pa rents Peter and Alice McGuckin. Plans to attend the Univers i tyof Pe n nsylvania to study Vukelich bio-engineering. Lucas Oxenford. Parents Scott and Jody Oxenford. Plans to attend University of Washington to study bio-engiYang neering. Philip Vukelich. Parents Steven and Deborah Vukelich. Plans to attend University of Idaho to study chemistry. Austin Winkelman. Parents Wayne and Ann Winkelman. Plans to attend Whitworth College to study chemical engineering and physics. Simean Yang. Parents Hoyeol and Susan Yang. Plans to attend the University of Washington to study science. Salutatorian: Michelle Hulke. Parents Mark and Judy Hulke. Plans to attend Gustavus Adolphus College to study biology. Se n i o rs: Bridgid Ruth Abrams, Scott Robert Ace, Daniel Ray n e Acree, Kaitlyn E. Alderson, Olivia Ruth Alley, Gabriel David Amescua, Jessica Kristine Amidan, Diana Catalina Amortegui, Joseph C. Andrews, Austin Christopher Armstrong, Amber Marie Arnold, Shanelle Casiopia Arthur, Mitchell Ray Atwell, Ashl ey Aurand, Ni cole J. Ausere, Taylor Marie Austin, Karissa Brooke Ave r y, Michael Joseph Bac hmann, Katherine Anne Banks, Connor A. Bardelang, Ja re d Brian Barichello, Angela Kay Bark l ey, Ni cole Faith Barwick, Miriam Elaine Baumann, Nicholas Bell, Quinn James Bell,

Cassandra Nicole Bender, Tia Jazmine Bennett, Indigo Shaiye n n e Bethley, Chelsey Lynn Bettinson, Jeffrey Alan Bewlay, Danielle Lee Irene Bieber, Cylee Rose Bigelow, Corrin Marie Boge nreif, Briana Michelle Booth, Vladyslav Y. Borovets, Briana Marie Bouche, Jo rOxenford don E. Brierl ey, Jared Allen Broeske, Michae l L. Brown, Kenton Dennis Brunson, Corwin Stephen B r yan, Amber Marie Buchanan, Winkelman Ke l s eyDana Buckles, Bethany Rae B u rch, Ashton Ty rell Burchard, M i c h ael Wi n s t o n Burke, Erin Rebecca Burt, Dillon James Bushey, Brittany Melia Hulke Byrne, Parker Allan Caine, Nicole Lyn Ca l away, Bria Kelly Ca l d well, Tristan Heath Call, Katrina Lynn Ca l vert, Francisco Xavier Card enas, Kylynn Rose Carson, Keefe Patrick Carney, Jeffrey Dat Ca rpentieri, Keenan K. Carrat o, Sara Jessica Ca rs well, Kyson Robert Cartwright, Syd n ey Taylor Cejka, Madison Ni cole Chambers, Shareese F. Chan, Blake Andrew Chapman, Emily Rhea Chen, Joanna Kathleen Chen, Ke l s ey Quinn Christensen, Jim-Is a ac Chan Chua, Abigail Rose Cohen, Nicholas Charles Colby, Ja re d Lee Roy Mat h ew Collins, Nicholas A. Collins, Kendall Ni cole Conrad, Charles Mark Conselman, Tyler Vi n cent Cooper, Raphael CoutureGrondin, Chase Douglas Cowley, Kyleigh Kristina Cox, Jamie Francis Craw fo rd, Joel Douglas Crawfo rd, Joshua Alan Croshaw, Derek Steven Culve rh o u s e, Yareli Curiel, Brooke Lynn Dahlke, Da u n t ae Eric Davis, Savannah Beth Deckert, Daniel Anthony deLamare, Chad G. De Leon, Taryn Ni cole Denning, Allison Tiffany DeWald, Chynna Rya n n e Dickey, Andrew James Dickinson, Calvin Douglas, Luke Allen Ekstrom, Arianne Renai Ellingsworth, Dylan Steven Ellis,

Micah John Ellis, Rachel Erin Erickson, Erica Jo Erwin, Miguel Angel Escamilla, Sarah Elizabeth Etherington, Brooke Ewing, Trever Fuentes Eynon, Marisa K. Fazzari, Brittney Michelle Fi l e r, Kayla Ann Fillion, Heather Nicole Findlay, Da r ya V. Fi s e n ko, Mackenzie Rae Fi s h e r, Natalie Doris Foreman, Breanna Reene Frazier , Justin Garrison Frick, Ashley Rae Frimodt-Lindgre n , Hailey Breanne Gagldari, Grant Cameron Gallinger, Blake Andrew Galloway, Dwight Levi Garrison, Bianca Mag ret Gastelum, Lisa Peggy Gates, Alexander Tyr Giese, Jacob Allen Go d f rey, Abraham Gomez, Ja smine Desiree Gonzales, Michaela Ni cole Ward Gonzales-Steve nson, De'Vauna Joi Green, M a kayla Catherine Gress, Oleg Grinchuk, Chas Riley Guel, Taylor S. Guthrie, Omar Enrique Guzman, Christian Anthony Hall, Syd n ey Victor Hall III, Amy Alison Hammers t rom, Megan Marie Haney, Lindsey Marie Hansen, Lily Dee Harris, Bryan Kelly Hassell, Brendan David Hay, Christopher Michael Hayes, Crystal Jean Hayes, Emily Hope Hazen, Michael Perry Heaton, Sarah Ni cole Heilman, Hayden Florien Hengst, Brooklyn Conny Henjum, Ammon S. Herrera, Derek Albert Hettinger, Tyler Ryan Hibdon, Rebecca Lyn Ho e r n e r, Eric Mason Ho f ferber, Ashley Renee Holm, Caitlin Grace Houck, Jo rdan Shaughnessy Ho u t rouw, Michelle Lauren Hulke, Andrew James Hunt, Hyun Chong Hutchinson, Devan Chandler Hyrkas, Austin Michael Icaya n , Robert Ca rl Imhoff, Carolyn Lydia In g ram, Madeline Rose Jacobs, Michael Wayne Jacobs Jr., Kyle James Jagelski, John Russell Jardine, Jenessa McKelle Jensen, Malcolm Shaquille Ji m e rson, Zachary Wilson Jio, Alex a ndar William Johnson, Kyler Andrew Jones, Marga ret Cat h e rine Jones, Ni cole Lynae Jordan, Travis Austin Kafentzis, Jac k Douglas Kaiser, Philip James Kaiser, Mark Edward Kehret, James Da l gleish Kernan, Gabrielle Elizabeth Kesseler, Hannah Dawn Kimball, Michael Cote Klein, Christopher Lloyd Koch, Angela Yakovna Ko ndratyuk, Jo rdan Tyler Korenkiewicz, Taylor Eileen Korenkiewicz, Tayte Janette Koussa, Yuriy A. Koval, Ky ra Therese Kro u s e, Kadi BreAnn Kulmus, Ni c kolas James Kuntz,

Jenna Ni cole Kurtz, Andrew Minoru Kusuda, Hannah Ruth Rachel Lake, Shakeem Eugene Lakes, Sean Michael Lakey, Alexa Lee Landon, Miles David Lane, Connor Andrew Langlois, David Scott Law, Anthony Alan Le e, Justin Le e, Samantha Frances Le e, Samantha Jo Lehmann, Keith Francis Leitner, Kristen Marie Lenseigne, Michael J. Li, Sarah Jean Lindenmeier, Derek Scott Lo m b a rd o, Connie Suzanne Love l ace, McKenzie Chandler Lubeck, Jennifer Lynn Luce ro, Alexus B. Luchi, Joshua Shaw n Luo, Dan Q. Ly, Mandy Lynn Machinal, Beth Lynn Ann Maddocks, Freddy Madrid, Katie Erin Mahoney, Katie Lynn Maier, Chaz Ryan Main, Nikhil Malhan, Benjamin Andrew Marce a r, Se a n Michael Marchese, Kyler Reed Mars, Austin James Marve l , Nathan Christopher Mat h e r, Keith James McC racken, Paige Korynn McC u l l ey, Alyssa Marie McDonald, Mary Jeannine McDonald, Sarah Anne McDonald, Peter Jan McGuckin, Jaco b W. McKinney, Cori Amanda McMurray, Perry Allan McNamar, Sherry Xiangtong Meng, Tait James Meye r, Marquea Rhae Michaud, Tiffany Megan Mickalson, Chantel Lanae Miller, Karissa Ann Miller, Chloe Ann Renee Milliken, Mitchell Mat h ew Millikin, Kayla Jo Miner, Jonathon Patrick Mitchell, Jaco b Robert Mo o re, Blake T. Mo rgan, Cierra Stephanie Morin, Jeffrey Todd Mo r row, Zachary Salim Moujaes, Elizabeth Gabrielle Muntean, Shane Ca s eyMurphy, Boone Babcock Mye rs, Brittany Diane Nall, Erik Edward Uz i e mblo Nelson, Taylor Nicole Neubauer, Brendan Qu o c -A n h Ng u yen, Larissa Ann Noel, Hannah Susan Norris, Jaime Lynn Novack, Cody Ray Olsen, Justine Amanda Olsen, Prestun Drew Omta, Race Patrick Micheal Ostman, Tanner Edward Oswald, John Michael Ove r mye r, Qu i n n Marlyn Owens, Lucas Sco t t Oxe n fo rd, Kurt Austen Ozka rdesh, Daniel Jiyun Pak, Brayton Pa s s ey, Josef James Patterson, Christopher Alan Peel, Heather Ann Pe t e rson, John Thai Pham, Mariah Lynn Pickett, Brittany Adele Pielli, Michael Devo n Pierce, Jenna Lauren Plaisted, Alexandra Jean Porter, Tyler S. Powell, Cody R. Poznanski, Nicholas Frank Prior, Heat h e r Lynn Purinton, BrieAnna Marie Puryear, Ashley Ann Puz, Han-

nah Lea Amber Pylate, Annie Qiu, Cordarrius Lewis Ramsey, Katelyn Elizabeth Rapacz, Z achary Thorne Ra p acz, Tess Eilish Redinger, Zachary Mad ison Reed, Shawnie Renee Reeder, Bryce Daniel Reichert, Monica Diane Reisenauer, Ajlina Reka, Kenzy Ra n ae Rex, Gage Mikal Reynolds, Mat h ew Paul Rezendes, Chelsea Renee Rhoad s , Steven Lee Rhode, Ryder James Richardson, Shelby Alexis Richardson, Conner Dav i d Robertson, Andrew Martin Robinson, Ro d n eyChristian Robinson, Toni Anne Rodriquez, Maria Camila Rojas Posso, Annette Ni cole Ruane, Thomas Jay Ruane, Heather Rae Ru ggeberg, Akina Celeste Ryd e r, Marsobyn Lozano Salalila, Jonathan Enrique Salazar, Grace Alex a ndra Saldana , Cheryl Amber Sanker, Patricia Joy Sanvictores, Taylor Raye Saueressig, Cara Lynn Scova z z o, Lindsey Ann Sebastian, Sky Suly Se n gnaryvong, Eric Paul Senner, Marissa Nichelle Sexton, Edward Thomas Shepherd, Ashley Nicole Shepperd, Tyler Austin Shockley, Nathaniel Curtis Shoemaker, Sierra Tyla Marie Siller, Jessica Erin Simmers, Brady Kimball Simpson, Joshua Stanley Smedl ey, Brad l ey Austin Smith, Matthew R. Smith, Rebeka Ni cole Smithson, Kiley Marie Snell, Justin Michael Sondall, Micah Bruce Spanner, Meghan Elizabeth Sparks, Melissa Le a n n Stalcup, Chelsie Breann Stancil, Isaiah McEachern Stanfield, Conor Jacob Stevens, Nicholas Robert Stevens, Joseph Walter Stevenson, Zachary Weston Stott, Jacob M. Stout, Jean Evelyn Swailes, Skyler Robert Switzer, Kevin Richard Tay l o r, Trace Allen Tay l o r, Joel C. J. Te ats, Eric Dean Thomas, Jordan Riley Thompson, LeAnna Jean Thompson, Dung My Tran, Qu yen Vu Tran, Trenton James Troye r, Kolby Scott Tucker, Ja rrod Eugene Turner, Cay l e Andrew Turpen, Vaughn Wo l fgang Ungard, Dustin Wayne Utecht, Alexzander Robert Va nderLinden, Stephen Darian VanGo rkum, Aunna Via Adelana Voorhies , Philip Edward Vukelich, Dustin Henry Waite, Lindsey Raye Walchli, Alana Jourdan Watkins, Shelby Lynn Weatherman, Miriah Kendall Webb, Joseph Webster, Nathaniel See RICHLAND | Page 9


PROSSER FALLS HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m. June 3 at Princess Theater, 1226 Mead Ave., Prosser. Seniors: Keegan Wilcox, Jaelynn Morris, Kyle Olney, Jessica Robledo, Brendon Salmon, Jennifer Fajardo, Samantha Bender and Nolan Gudde, who will lead the flag salute as the Prosser Falls representative to the school board.

PHOENIX HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 6:30 p.m. June 3, at the Kennewick School District office at 1000 W. Fourth Ave., Kennewick. Seniors: Hannah Frederick, Jose Galvan, Tate Golladay, Ben Gross, Josh Hawkes, Jaime Hildman, Jerret Hyndshaw, Desiree Lane, Richard Lathrop, Suzy Merkulov, Natasha Miller, Arianna Miner, Kayla Moon, Chelsea Norris, Nicole Ornduff, Darrick Parker, Shannon Quijada, Delane Selby, Dylan Trapp, Dee Wissinger.

RICHLAND CONT. Robert Weinman, Michael A a ron Weir, Michelle Ashlee Weir, Kaci Rachelle Welsch, Amber Genette Welshons, Jace Ryan We s t cott, Joseph Charles White, Adam Sco t t Whited, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Wickham, Mat t h ew DeLayne Wildey, Kelci Erin Williamson, Melanie Lynne Williamson, Robert Ivan Wi l s t e ad, Austin David Winkelman, Kalli Rae Wolf, Joshua Patrick Wood, Tyler David Wood, Megan Diane Wright, Ni cole Renee Wroolie, Sheridan William Wrzesinski, Simean Yang, Stephen Haeyoon Yang, Brad l eyJames Young, Shalbie Dawn Young, Stephanie Jay Young, Christopher David Zweifel, Vladimir Vlad i m i r Bradu, Olivia Elin Dahmen , Sandro Degonda, Hannah Dhondt, Katrin Maria Heye rs, Dae- gyeom Hwang, Apichaya Jeneanongsilp, Karina Brun L a rsen, Zinan Ni, Alexander Josef Pauls, Leticia Milharezi Taves, Rinlada Udommangkorn, Juliette Valerie Estelle Vincent.

Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011


SOUTHRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 5 p.m. June 4, Toyota Center, Kennewick. Valedictorians: Tanner Call. Parents Debi and Ken Call. Plans to attend Brigham Young University to study media arts or English. Erica Floyd . Pa rents Ben and Lara Floyd. Plans Call to attend B r i gham Young Un i ve rs i ty to study nurs i n g. Orma Ravindranath. Parents Thaliyadath and Rashmi RavinFloyd dranath. Plans to attend Washington University in St. Louis to study environmental science and music with a minor in education. Salutatorian: Ravindranath Tyler Morrey. Parents Eugene and Kathy Morrey. Plans to attend Brigham Young University to study biochemistry. Morrey Se n i o rs: Ana Aguilar, Dav i s Alderman, Rebecca Alders o n , Joshua Alik, Larissa Anaya , G u adalupe Angeles, Heat h e r Angotti, Ann Arc h e r, Kirs t i e A r n b e rg, Alexandria Baasch, Ni collette Badger, Se l v i r B aj ra m ov i c, Christiaan Barcot, Fabian Barela, Danielle Barness, Martha Barr, Gustavo Barra z a , Mariela Barre ra, Austin Bartleson, Taylor Bauman, Jo rd a n Beddeson, Ne d z ad Begz ad i c, E d u a rdo Beltran, Roger Bennett, Hannah Berges, Zac h a r y Bigham, Haylie Blac kwell, Jaco b Bond, Zack Bonneau, Tanner Bottineau, Samantha Boyd ,

Marcus Bre s h e a rs, Zakery Brinkley, Austin Brinkworth, Jon B u f f i n gton, Brynn Bullinger, Noel Burc i aga, Emily Butler, Naomi Ca l d e ron, Cassandra Ca l d well, Ethan Call, Tanner Call, Abigail Ca m o rlinga, Priscilla Ca n c ad o, Andres Ca rdenas, Jose Ca rdenas, Stephanie Carlon, Zac kery Carranza, Joel Ca rson, Kathryn Ca s s i d y, Vi v i a n Castaneda, Carlos Ca s t i l l o, David Castillo, Caleb Castrejon, Ricardo Ca s t ro, Ro n ny Channita, Abel Chavez, Angel ChavezA r royo, Ca s ey Chen, Mallory Christianson, Kadie Clements, T ravis Clemmons, Jennifer Combs, Juan Contre ras, Erick Cordoba, Carlos Cox, Connor Cravens, Kira Cravens, Kiera Davis, Hay l ey Dawson, Ivan De La Mo ra, Ephraim DeCours ey, Adrianna Del Angel, Logan DeTienne, Kevin Dillera, Chelsie Dixon, Kassandra Downing, Bail ey Dykes, Kaytlyn Ecke rdt, Felicia Eddy, Justin Edens, Shaun Ehler, Cole Emmerson, Katie Erickson, Taylor Espinosa, SierraRae Estes, Alexander Fearing, Ro byn Feil, Desti Finch, Jebediah Flink, Erica Floyd, Kyle Fowler, Demi Galindo, Luce ro G a l van, Javier Gamez, Adolfo Garcia, Angel Garcia, Gaby Garcia, Humberto Garcia, Jeine Garcia, Lucia Garcia, Samantha Gawrich, Kathryn Gibson, A n d rew Godinez, Saul Gomez, Manuel Gonzalez, Ruben Go n z alez, Anthony Go rski, Madison Gould, Reilyn Gould, Christopher Gramling, Steven Gramling, Alexis Gray, Troy Gray, Shelly G reen, Ca rlton Gribble, Ashlan Griffiths, Gabriela Guere c a , Brian Haisch, Dave Hall, Tianna Hames, Mat t h ew Hamilton, D e rek Hansen, Vanessa Harper, Ca m e ron Harris, Danielle Harvey, Ella Hay, Dylan Heidebrink, Yumi Henchi, Austin Henders o n , R i c h ae Hietala, Kelsey Hilmes, Garrett Hinshaw, Bram Ho l l aday, Conner Huff-Gonzales, Je s-

selyn Hughes, Ni cole Huske, Nasir Hussaini, Kasey Hutto, Christopher Hutton, Kae l y n n H u we, Maricruz Ibarra, Edith Ibarra-Mendoza, Kristin In galls, B r yce Jackson, Ty Jac k s o n , Frank Ja nysek, Blanca Ja s s o, Ca rolea Jobin, RanDee Johnson, Dallas Jones, Mallory Jones, Kasper, Derrek, Alex a n d e r Kearsley, Andrew Keef, Naomi Kerr, Manjot Khosah, Austin Killian, Brian Kim, Logan Kleingartner, Caitlin Klepper, Skyler Klinginsmith, Brandon Knotts, Tazina Kori, Calvin Landby, William Landefeld, Ke l s ey Lang, Belmin Lapandic, Da u s o n Larrabee, Dylan Larrabee, M a x well Lembeck, Irina Le o n ov, Jordan Leseberg, Katherine Leverett, Melissa Ling, Jonathan L i ve n good, Devin Lo c ka rd, Ni cole Lowe, Elizabeth Lutz, Ivan Mancilla, Gardenia Manzo, Brock Marston, Javier Martinez, Courtney May, Mike McAd i e, Samantha McClintock, Emmily McColloch, Dylan McC ro s ky, M c K i n s ey McFall, Diana McGlynn, Abby McKe eve r, Lindsey McKinney, Nicholas McNa m a ra, William McNa m a ra, Zac h a r y McNa u ghton, Jack McQueen, Chantal Mejia, Joshua Mendoza, Anna Merku l ov, Sarra Merritt, Christie Messinger, Danye l l e Meye r, Steven Meye r, Lauren Mickelsen, Da n i ka Miller, Susan Miller, Zachary Miller, Jessica M i ramontes, Dmitriy Momotok, Amanda Montgomery, Cody Moon, Isabel Moore, BreAnna Mo rgan, Tyler Mo r rey, Wi l f re d o Nava Lobos, Tyler Ne l s o n , Newell Ng u yen, Jo u rd a n Nicholls, Devon Nield, Ashley Nielsen, Shaylin No rling, Vad i m Novo s e l s k i y, Brittan Nowlin, Aliviah Nudell, Hanna Ny b e rg, Christian O'Reilly, Chelsea Olivas, Kevin Ollero, Mistie Ord way, David Ortiz, Lorenzo Ortiz, Caleb Osborne, Dallin Palmer, L i n d s eyPark, Shane Parkhurst, Jessica Patterson, Daniel Pena,

Nayeli Pe rez, Taeler Persinger, Kailab Pe t e rs, Tristan Peterson, T roy Pfa f f l e, Sean Phenneger, Seryxai Phongs avath, Tyler P i c ka rd, Alyssa Pitt, Derek Porter, Gavin Porter, Brandon Power, Zachary Prince , Amanda Prunier, Addison Quam, Raul Ramos, Rebecca Ra n ey, Elisha Ransom,, Kari Rat c h fo rd, Orma Ravindranath, Silvia Raw l i n gs , Zakery Reams, Vi c t o r i a Reynolds, Kasey Rhode, Timot hy Rinehart,, Fermin Rive ra, Ramon Rive ra, Jose Rodriguez, Eloisa Rolon, Bobby Ro l p h , Amanda Roy, Roberto Ruiz, Zachary Russell, Shawn Samples, Morgan Sams, Miguel Sanchez, Dylan Sandbeck, Taylor Sanders, Samantha Santjer, Racheal Sauceda, Cinthia Schneider, Sarah Sc hwab, R e b e cca Sc hwartz, Eli Sc hwebke, Victoria Scogin, Kamphet Se n gd a ra, Mae Se r i e r, Blake Sickler, Bradlee Simmons, Joel Smiley, Aaron Smith, Andre a Smith, Steven Smith, Tyson Snapp, John Snider, Ke at o n So m m e r, Sierra Sonderman, Meghan So rensen, Pa i ge So rensen, Maricruz So s a , , Kaylee Spange n b e rg, Je f f rey Sprague, Mikayla Steberl, Ami Stephens, Trey Stephens, Corey Stro p e, Ashley Thomas, Julia Thomas, Teja Thompson, James Thoul, Chantel Tietsort, Olivia Tilson, Jaden Tinkcom, Heat h e r T r i vett, Jacob Tucksen, Ve ro n i ka Vazquez, Hamdija Velag i c, Majesta Vestal, Da n i e l Vidales, Jonathan Vue, Ta b at h a Warner, Geoffrey Webber, Sara Welch, Jo rdan Wendling, Drielle We s t b e rg, Cheyenne Westfall, Austin Westphal, Taylor We tzker, Scott Wheeler, Chance White, Annatasha Williams, Austin Williams, Jo n athan Wi l li n gham, Karrina Wilsey, Tyler Wilz, Jantzen Wo d e h o u s e, Tyler Wolf, Jherad Wo n d e rs, Miranda Woodrich, Ryan Young, Bro o ke Z l atich, Dillon Zuhlke.

RIVER’S EDGE HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 11 a.m., June 3 at Chief Joseph Middle School auditorium, 504 Wilson, Richland. Va l e d i c torian: Kyle Gro nross. Parents James and L a u ra Gro n ross. Plans to Gronross attend Columbia Basin College and is considering a career in journalism.

Seniors: Kevin R. Ashley, Joel Oliver Ballard, Lester J. Bauermeister, Nathan J. Byers, Symphony B.D. Camp, Steven C. Daling, Branden J. DeMeyer, Pedro A. Dimas, Savanna L. Elliott, Ashley N. Endine, Sara D. Foster, Kyle P. Gronross, Joel C. Guevara, Damon Hagel, Richard J. Harvey, Angel R. Hernandez, Judith Hernandez, James A. Hoffman, Timothy C. Houston, Robert M. Leonard, Madison C. Libke,

Todd A. Manley, Alexander T. McFadden, Fracisco X. Mendoza, Tabith N. Mitchell, Briley Scott Moen, Ariona Rose Monson, Clark Adam Myers, Levi S. Nelson, Shealeaha Rosenstein, Rachel N. Schildknecht, Charles Clint Sloan, Cheyenne A. Smith, Daniel E. Spore, Kelli N. Teal, Ethan G. Turnipseed, Frank Spicer Upson, Savannah K. Valencia, Echo von Echo, Dellas R. Ward and Nala L. Watters.


Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald



Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011

SUNNYSIDE HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 8 p.m. June 3, Clem Senn Field at the high school, 1801 E. Edison St., Sunnyside. Valedictorian: Christine Kim. Parents are Fred and Helen Kim. She plans to attend Pepperdine University to major in international rela- Kim tions and biochemistry. Salutatorian: Blanca Mejia. Parents are Jose and Berta Mejia. She plans to attend the University of Wash- Mejia ington to study medicine. Seniors: Marielle Helen Abbott, Thais Helena Abissamra, Orlando Acosta, Angel De Dios Aguilar, Elisabeth Aguilar, Marco Antonio Aguilar, Alana Ho kulani Ah Qu i n , Jessy Marie Alaniz, Sonia Alarcon, Eva Alva rad o, Alexus Danielle Alva rez, Angelica Maria Alvarez, Erivan Alvarez, Hilario Alvarez, Kevin Alva rez, Leanna Alvarez, Luciana Reyes Alvarez, Marisol Alva rez, Nataly Iris Alvarez, Saul Jr. Alvarez, Jose de Jesus Amador, Isabella Nicole Amaro, Eric Michael Antunez, Edgar Alejandro Armenta, Erika Rosemary Armstrong, Samantha Elizabeth Arola, Marina Arreguin, Beat r i ce Viviana Avalos, Carmela Ayala-Ramirez, Bobbie Jo Baird, Javiola Baldovinos, Rosalinda Baldovinos, Daniel Barajas, Juan Carlos Barajas, Joyanna Bardell, Selena Celestyna Barreras, Miguel Angel Barrios, Valeria Bedolla, Jose Ignacio Beltran, Walter Maricio Benitez, Humberto Bermudez, Ricardo Blanco, Esperanza Bojorquez, Joe Anthony Bonilla, Jacob Bos, Jose R Bravo, Ke l l eyLauryn Bridges, Adrian Bueno, Genoveva Karina Bueno, Monica Sue Calderon, Nicholas Robert Call, Alejandro Campos, Mercedez E Cantu, Jachin D. Capener, Crystal Carrillo, Gerardo Javier Carrillo, Yesenia Carrillo, Cynthia Casas, Oscar Casas, Toni Marie Castillo, Cindy Cazares, Salvador CerdaFernandez, Jaylyn Camille Cervantes, Maria Bernice Cervantes, Melissa Chapina, Juan Jose Chavarin, Adrian Chavez, Arturo Chavez, Daniela Chavez, Lionel Chavez, Maxine Chavez, Monica Cisneros, Sarah Ann Coffel, Fabiola O Contreras, Daniela Coria,

Candelaria Corona, Ivan Corona, Victoria Corona, Maria Coronel, Guillermo Correa, Latziry Gabriela Correa, Marissa J Correa, Alejandro Cortez, Mario Alberto Cortez, James Allen Cuddy, Eduardo Andrew Cuello, Janet Cuevas, Juan M. Cueva s , Andrew Reed Daley, Laura Damian, Araceli Rubi Delgad i l l o, Brigitte Ni cole Diaz, Manuel Alejandro Diaz-Calvillo, Guillermo Fernando Dimas, Hector Dominguez, Keala Michelle Drollinger, Anthony Michael Duran, Devan Ermey, Jose Escareno, Rodolfo Manuel Escobar, Nathan Ryan Espinoza, Gabriela Farias, Rodrigo Farias, Isiah Cruz Ferrer, Maria de Jesus Fi g u e roa, Adriana Fuerte, Liliana Marlene Fuerte, Samantha Paulina Gabino, Luis Galve z , Andres Garcia, Cody Garcia, Gilberto Vi r rey Garcia, Gloria Garcia, Jaime R Garcia, Jesse M Garcia, Josephine Garcia, Leopoldo Garcia, Maria Dolores Garcia, Marisol Garcia, Paul Joseph Garcia, Pedro Garcia, Shantel Garcia, Uriel T. Garcia, Stephanie Garcia-Duran, Cynthia Garibaldi, Bianca Lupita Garibaldo, Cheyenne Renee Garza, Isabella Nicole Garza, Lo renzo Garza, Eduardo Anselmo Gaspar, Abraham Godinez, Janet Gomez Morfin, Alfredo Gomez, Antonio Gomez, Juan Gomez, Zac h a r y Gomez, Ely Gonzales, Adrian Gonzalez, Claudia Catalina Go nzalez, Gabriela Ariana Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Thomas Eric Gonzalez, Dylan Ronald Graybeal, Jesus Salvador Gudino, Ana Victoria Guerre ro, Jonathan Guerrero, Yaquelin Arriaga Guerrero, Daisy Guizar, Mayra Patricia Guizar, Marcos Gurrola, Abigail Michele Gurwell, Ali Josue Gutierrez, Jo n athan Alan Gutierrez, Lourdes Andrea Gutierrez, Nancy Miranda Gutierrez, Mark L Hammond, Renae Haringa, Edgar H Hernandez, Jesse Ryan Hernandez, Nidia Hernandez, Tatiana Hernandez, Yoselin Mercedes Hernandez, Clemente Angel Herrera, Cristopher Herrera, Juan Herrera, Mitzi Herrera, Ruby Herrera, Levi Allen Hicks, Sydnee Renee Holland, Emily Rose Hutchins, Alex Nava r ro Isiordia, Adriana Jaquez, Gumersindo Jaquez, Kaden Jo h nson, Kaylynn Danielle Jongsma, Matilde Jose, Jesus Antonio Juarez, Star Marie Kibby, Aaron Kilpatrick, Christine S. Kim, Gabriel Lepez, Sergio Licona, Sylviano Gabriel Linares, Alan Jose

Lo e ra, Shanice Longoria, Alejandra Lopez, Jailyn Lopez, Jesus Antonio Lopez, Leonel Lopez, Luis Enrique Lopez, Ramiro Lopez, Rodrigo Lopez, Carlos Lugo Badillo, Ruben Lugo, Kristy Marie Luther, Daniel Macareno, Gloria Macias, Fernando Madrigal, Mario Efrain Madrigal, Miguel Madrigal, Samuel Mad r igal, Saul Madrigal, Juan Magana, Liced Magana, Aimee Maldonad o, Tanner Markham, Alexis Paulina Martinez, Briana Cervantes Martinez, Dulce Maria Martinez, Gardenia Connie Martinez, Jasmine K Martinez, Joel Martinez, Jo s celyn Andrea Martinez, Melissa Martinez, Michael Martinez, Mike Martinez, Ruby Martinez, Jesus Mata, Jaime Mat a m o ros, Joshua M cC reary, Harvey Nathaniel Medelez, Blanca Leticia Mejia, Humberto Mejia, Juan Carlos Mejia, Andres Mendez, Ricky F Mendez, Ana Maria Mendoza, Crystal Joselyn Mendoza, Guadalupe Mendoza, Lynette Marie Mendoza, Maria Guadalupe Mendoza, Se rgio Mendoza, Sergio Medina Mendoza, Roberto Merc ad o, Emily Renae Meyer, Isaac Meza, Miguel Angel Meza, Gabriela Michel, Roy A Mindieta, Josiah Lee Miranda, Jordy Mogrovejo, Maria del Ca rmen Monay, Estrellita Clara Mo ntoya, Oscar Morales, Tayler Makenzi Morales, Valentine Morales, Cinthya Violeta Moreno, Magali Melinda Moreno, Ca s s a ndra Morfin, Gabriel Alvaro Murillo, Guillermo Najera, Abear Nader Nassar, Monem Nassar, Selenia Nat e ras, Mayra Guardado Nava r ro, Noemi Nava r ro, Victoria Nava r ro, George Lee Noyola, Cecilia Ochoa, Francisco Ochoa, Maria Olivera, Ricardo Jesus Orea, Jazzmin Ortiz, Jessica Lea Ortiz, Uriel Osuna, Adeleny Pacheco, Marieliz Pacheco, Kennya Pala, Fernando Palma, Rica Llafi Parra m o re, Lo gan Michael Te r rel Parsons, Joseph D Pena, Danny Perales, Maria G Peralta, Mariela Peralta, Graham J Pe re dnia, Gabriela Pe rez, Gilbert Jaime Perez, Lenin Perez, Noemi Perez, Adam Peters, Sarali Phutiphat , Courtney Leeann Pillatos, Perla Rubi Po n ce, Ernesto Portillo, Amanda Lynne Powell, Ruben Prad o, Arasele Prieto, Ariana Quinonez, Adrian A Ramirez, Dennis Ramirez, Ismael Ramirez, Jorge Ramirez, Lisette Ramirez, Marlene Ramirez, Sandra Ramirez, Sonia Faviola Ramirez, Anna Irene Ramos, Daniel Ramos, Lilia Yanet Ramos, Mayra

C Ramos, Victor Javier Ramos, Diego Rangel, Omar Cristian Rangel, Donald J Reiff, Giovo n ny Leahon Reyes, Samantha Reyes, Martin Reynoso, Ryan Robert Rice, Esperansa M Richardson, Janessa T Riojas, Daniel Rivera, Maria Del Carmen Rivera, Reyna Rivera, Jessie Mary Robert, Dylan Ray Robledo, Cheyenne Marie Robles, Danielle Ni cole Rocha, Andrea Rodriguez, Daisy Zuley Rodriguez, Faviola Rodriguez, Jesus Lauro Rodriguez, Vanessa Rodriguez, Zane Olive r Rodriguez, Alexa Kori Roge rs , Spencer Lee Rojas, Freddie Roman, Michael Angel Roman, Corinna Alyssa Romero, Erik Isaac Ro m e ro, Joshua Ismael Romero, Santiago Ruelas, Anthony Refugio Ruez, Jav i e r Anthony Ruiz, Maria Ruiz, Mariana Ruiz, Adam Robert Ruppert, Anthony Salce d o, Jesus Saldana, Martin Saldana, Rosa M. Saldana, Edgar Salmeron, Noemi Andrea Salmeron, Rafael Salmeron, Alejandro G. Sanchez, Diana Sanchez, Eric Jason Sanchez, Jose Antonio Sanchez, Jose Nasario Sanchez, Luis Miguel Sanchez, Luz Mariela Sanchez, Ricardo Sanchez, Sac ramento Sanchez, Virgelina Sanchez, Yessica Sanchez, Emanuel Santana, Samantha Rennee Santos, Andre Thomas Sarmiento, Ayla Marcelle Schmick, Kyle Sco t t , Delia Serna, Jessica J Serrano, Alma C Silva, Ivan Silva, Ruby Silva, Becky Solis, Daniel Solis, Cee Jay So t o, Paul A Soto, Thomas Jacob So t o, Jillian Mae Spini, Timothy Paul Stiteler, Alexander Michae l -Allen Stremler, Cristina Tapia, Jose F Tapia, Juan Tapia, Maribel Tapia, Rogelio Tapia, Emmanuel Tejeda, Ana Patricia Torres, Elizabeth Torres, Patricia Torres, Maria Toscano, Joseph Kalob Tova r, Hector Trujano, Rigoberto Valdez, Ignacio Valdovinos, Anaceli Valencia, Leopoldo De Jesus Valencia, Rogelio Valencia, Alejandro Va rgas, Alex Vargas, Edgar Vargas, Estefani Vargas, Victor Vargas, Pablo V Vasquez, Ivette Vega, Uriel Velasco, Marisol Velazquez, Jennifer Vergara Pabon, Omar Vergara, Fernando Vi l l a fana, Rebekah Villaneda, Julian Vi l l egas, Tye E Walsh, Kevin James Waterman, Kellie Ann Wiersma, Keith H. Wolf, Syd n ey Wutzke, Ryan James Wyatt, Ru Hui Yan, Jocelyn Guadalupe Yanez, Marcos Yanez, Baylie Frances Yates, Kyle Justin Zamora, Sandra Zamora, Maria Zaragoza.


RIVERVIEW BAPTIST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Graduation: Riverview Baptist Christian School, 4 p.m. June 5, main auditorium of Riverview Baptist Church , 4900 W. Richardson St., Keister Pasco. Valedictorian: Della Rose Keister. Parents Paul and Ca rol Keister of Pasco. She plans to attend Golden State Baptist College in Santa Clara, Calif., in the fall. Salutatorian: Brooke Dacie Marie Hill, parents, Michael and Shelley Hill of Richland. She plans to attend Heartland Baptist Bible College in Heartland, Okla., in the fall. Seniors: Ethan A. Finch, Brooke D. M. Hill, Della R. Keister, Rachel D. Kin, Dwight M. Mathews, Shane A. Tucker, Ambrosio Zavala Jr.

SUNNYSIDE CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m. June 3 at Grandview Church of the Nazarene, 500 N. Elm, Grandview. Valedictorian: B rent Tyh u i s . Pa rents Doug and Ro s e Tyhuis. Plans to attend Tyhuis Pac i f i c L u t h e ran Unive rs i ty and b e come an anesthesiologist. Salutatorian: Analisa VanOostrum VanOostrum. Parents Henry and Marilyn VanOostrum. Plans to attend George Fox University to study pre-physical therapy. Seniors: Emily Bangs, Steven Bosma, Steven Broersma, Ryan Burton, Janelle DeGroot, Kevin DeJong, John den Hoed, Gabrielle Filicetti, Devi Knotts, Alexandra Laws, Trey Rice, Dillon Struikmans, Ryker Van Belle, Drew Van de Graaf, Renae Visser.


Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald



Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011




Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald

PROSSER HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 10 a.m. June 4 at Art Fiker Stadium. Valedictorian: Chad Hancock. Parents: James and Robin Hancock. Future plans to attend the University of Idaho, majoring in chemical engineering. Jordan Sperl. Parents: Jay and Hancock Nancy Sperl. Plans to spend a year in Germany as a Rotary exchange student. After that she plans to pursue a unive rsity education that matches her inter- Sperl ests and abilities. Seniors: Ashley L. Acosta, Kasandra R. Acosta, Vicki Acosta, Brooke E. Adams, Sandra N. Aguilar Palacios, Anna M. Alaniz, Kirsten Alissa Alter, Leydi Laura Alvarez, Yuliana Ambriz, Yessica Amezquita Padilla, Elvia Arroyo Lopez, Lizette Atilano, Sawyer W.

Bagge, Larry Bahena, Kyle Shane Bailey, Daniel Balaz, Dakota Raine Barnes, Miriam Barragan Zermeno, Cristian T. Betson, Brandon A. Boehmer, Rodrigo Bonilla Cruz, Mitchell V. Bousquet, Richard L. Brewer, Dean Burger, Wendy Carranza, Itzel Z. Carrillo, Arturo Castillo, Ariana Y. Chavez Espinoza, Micah A. Chavira, Kaylyn R. Cherry, Ashley B. Christoferson, Amanda N. Conley, Yoandra E. Cortez, Brandon S. Cromar, Gumaro Cruz, Ashley April Davis, Haiden L. Deaton, Nancy Degante, Enid Vanessa Delgado-Orozco, Nicholas Alexander Denchel, Jariel Nichole DeWitt, Samantha B. Dumler-Bond, Danny Enriquez, Cristian Enriquez, Felipe De Jesus Enriquez, Jillian Rose Espinosa, Carly J. Estey, Random M. Fairchild, Job Fajardo Virgen, Leandro J. Fajardo, Gustabo Fernandez, Elizabeth E. Ferry, Wilfred E. Finn III, Taylor Marie Flores, Jennifer E. Flores Arriaga, Walker D. Freepons, Isabel Fuentes, Robin C. Gabriel,

Mackenzie L. Gant, Elizabeth M. Garcia, Evelin J. Garcia, Alejandra Garcia, Adrian Garcia, Dominic Nicholas Garza, Daniel J. Gates, Gabriela Godinez, Ana K. Gomez, Estevan Cesar Gonzales, Monica Faye Gonzalez, Mariah L. Gooldy, Ethan J. Groom, Esperanza B. Guizar, Craig Robert Gustafson, Lawrence E. Hall, Chad M. Hancock, Zachary M. Hansen, Lee S. Hector, Antonio Hermosillo, Logan R. Holmes, Helena M. Hudak, Dillion Hughes, Lani Hulse, Rachel J. Hulse, Tayshia A. Hunt, Valeria Hurtado, Taurino Hurtado Perez, Justin A. Hymas, Amanda Camille Irby, Allan William James Isaacson, Sarah E. Jackson, Irvin J. Jaimez, Jessyca B. James, Alejandro E. Jasso, Ernesto Jimenez, Esmeralda Jimenez, Paloma Jimenez, Priscila Sheila Jimenez, Michael G. Johnson, Tamara C. Jones, Hannah Jane Juzeler, Jacob I. Khan, Sierra B. Klingele, John Brant Kluberton, Tyler P. Koch, William Michael Lane, Haily Jo Larson, Henri

KIONA-BENTON CITY HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 11 a.m. June 4 in school stadium, 1205 Horne Road, Benton City. Valedictorian: Erin McElroy. Parents Eric and Nancy McElroy. Plans to attend Washington State University in Pullman to study actuarial science. Salutatorian: Kathryn Landoe. Parents Terri and Sigurd Landoe. Plans to attend Central Washington McElroy University to study music, theater and criminlogy. Seniors: Jesus Ayala Flores, Lindsey Anne Barton, Vanessa Channelle Bragg, Kristen Nikole Brinlee, Cameron Mitchell Weber, Kili Ann Brundridge, Amy Lynn Campbell, Nicole Ashlee Carlson, Nancy Laura Castillo, Rosemary Anna Marlyss Clure, Katie Lynn Cords, Erika Anally Corona, Lindy Dannielle Covington, Chelsea Stormy Weather Cox, Tyler Jordan Davenport, Emily Elaine Day, Emily Anne Dodson, Brett Stephen Eagan, Skyler Keith Fox, Branden Leigh Gage, Maria Guadalupe Garcia Gomez, Robert Cody Cameron Genoway, David Gonzales, Ariel Kristine Gross, Antonio Guizar, Edgar Rafael Guzman, Athena Maree Rae Hagins, Nathaniel James Hansen, Angel Hernandez, Johnell Robin Holmboe, Logan Alexander Hudspeth, Elisabeth Huerta, Kyler Larry Hunt, Alena Cristina Inman, Sarah Leanne Johanns, Kystyna Leslie Joi Johnson, Brianna Lucille Jones,

Jessy Brandon Lee Kurth, Kathryn Elizabeth Landoe, Teela Tian Chawntel Lee, Jessica Aileen Elizabeth Lizana, Dylan Arthur Lotze, Ernesto Loza III, Porter James Lumpkins, Lauren Elizabeth Mack, Esmeralda Madrigal, Maria Luisa Martinez, Matthew Devin Mason, Benjamin Richard Mattson, Leonard Marcus McCallum, Erin Margaret McElroy, Amie Joy McKenna, Jorge Luis Mejia, Sergio Mejia, Robert Eldon Mosley, Kyle Andrew Murley, Selina Andrea Navarrete, Martha Lucia Nunez, Jonathan Walker Opel, Anahy Ortega, Veronica Ortiz, Janet Palencia Garcia, Andrea Michelle Pen, Donald James Pinkal, Jennifer Ann Pomeroy, Brian Gomez Quintero, Tyler James Reagan, Tania Lizbeth Reyes, Adela Marjorie Renee Rhynard, Dmitriy Dmitrieivch Rizin, Dwight Anthony Robertson, Rebecca Ann Robertson, Areli Roman, Aidair Salmeron, Breanna Lynn Scott, Levi Michael Scoville, Artem Pavel Shelestovskiy, Shawna V. Shelestovskiy, Kamilah Kimberly Shipton, Tawnee Jean Smith, Richard Wyatt Souriyavongsa, Elisha Thomas Stoddard, Devlyn Matthew Tobin, Marina Torres, Florentino Valdez, Taylor Cheyenne Van Hollebeke, Kevin Lynn Vermeire, David Wayne Walker, Garrett Reid Whitney, Dusti Ruth Wilcox, Hayden Alan Wing, Andy Scott Wingart, Samantha Jean Wright, Tahnee Christine Zipperer.

Leclef, Cesar Adolfo Lopez Mairena, Sonia Lopez Ramos, Brandon E. Lum, Jorge E. Luna, Cristina Macias, Anabel Madera, Gustavo Madrigal, Maria Yesenia Madrigal Mendoza, John Michael May, Daniel Garcia Mendoza, Emily Marie Mercer, Olivia C. Meza, Alexander W. Miller, Whitney Renee Milne, Norma Y. Miranda, Lillian M. Mireles, Belinda Montelongo, Gregory William Moore, Nicolas Miguel Morris, Ricks Alan Munn, Gilberto Muñoz, Eliazar Ignacio Muñoz, Miguel Muñoz Arias, Yesenia Muñoz, Maximiliano Muñoz, Mycole W. Muns, Jasmin M. Nava, Ryan Michael Nehls, Angelica Orta, Juaquin Ortiz, Trinidad Ozuna, Vanessa B. Ozuna, Kennen A. Pilot, Jacob M. Poteet, Roberto Preciado, Tyson David Rafferty, Drew A. Renollet, Rachel A. Rhynard, Alexander S. Richins, Susana Iveth Rios, Veronica Rivas, Diana Rivera, Eduardo E. Rivera Roman, Amanda Marie Rodriguez, Jordan J. Rodriguez, Noel A. Rodriguez, Sergio Rodriguez,

Veronica Rodriguez, Edward M. Rojas, Jacob Romero, Ema Lucila Monserrat Romero Magana, Enrique Romero Lopez, Mariah Karlee Rosas, Abel B. Rubalcaba, Kayla J. Saenz, Carla M. Sanchez, Jeymi Santana, Jori A. Sherrill, Jordin Anthony Silva, Braydon D. S. Smith, Kendra Louise Smith, Mackenzie L. Smith, Chase R. Snyder, Leonel Solorzano Ramirez, Jordan Sperl, April Leigh Stevens, Nathan M. Stice, Rut Suarez, Manuel Suarez, Cassandra B. Thomas, Joseph J. Thometz, Cheryl M. Thonney, Amado I. Torres, Lupita Torres, Eduardo Trejo Palencia, Dylan A. Truax, Catalina Valencia Gomez, Benjamin Velasquez, Marcel P. Velasquez, Daniel T. Veloz, Shelby L. Vice, Anna Elizabeth Villatoro, Veronica T. Walle, Timothy L. Warriner, Elissabeth D. Webberley, Halle Beth Weber, Tanner J. White, Bree L. Yanez, Catalina Yepez, Tumeka Marie Young, Jorge F. Zavala, Benjamin Jones Zocher, Delilah Aurora Zuniga.

SUNSET VIEW HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 6 p.m. June 3 in school performing arts center, 1205 Horne Road, Benton City. Se n i o rs: Nick Allen, Joeseph A n d e rson, Cheyenne Barnes, Jennifer Brito, M a rcelina Brito, Alejandro Ca rd e n a s , James Ca r t e r, Genesis Diaz, Christo-

pher Finn, May ra Garc i a -Gomez, Samantha Halls, Joshua Hard i n g, Amber Lee, Evan Olinger, Alyssa Ortega, Alexander Pe t t i g rew, Jo rd a n R e eve, Zachary Sc a rbrough, Saige Shelton, Ali Va rgas, Seth Waliser and A l exandria Williamson.

DAYTON HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 1 p.m. June 4, high school gym, 614 S. Third St., Dayton. Valedictorian: Molly Payne. Parents Mitch and Susan Payne. Plans to attend Washington State University as a Regents Scholar. Salutatorian: Victoria Payne House. Parent Cynthia House. Plans to attend Walla Walla Community College. Seniors: Caitland Nicole Benavides, Dillon Fay Bennett, Taylor Renae Brown, Jaron Andrew Button, Taylor Breanne House DeRuwe, Dalton Dewey Donohue, Richard Kenneth Allan Ells, Jeffrey Ryan Fone, Joshua Daniel Frame, Briana

Lane Fulbright, Christian Garcia, Dain Anthony Henderson, Victoria Rose House, Rowene Lola Huwe, Kyla Anne Ihle, Seth Alan Jackson, Madeline Jensen, Claire Ehrenreich Lyman, Brandon Eugene Massey, Amanda Kathryn Melton, Jason Bradley Norris, Robert Nickolas Owens, Molly Myra Payne, David William Phillips III, Nicholas Franklin Pulliam, Janalyn Richords, Gavino Ray Rivas, Rouchelle Leanne Robison, Dakota Glen Isidoro Rodriguez, Caylyn Genevieve Rolph-Tate, Zachary Roy Stenson, Jennifer Louise Stephens, Kailey Marie Stevens, Jennifer Rae Telford, Kyndell Marie Tiedemann, Patrick Hughes Trainor, Kayla Che’rie Turner, Cindy Jo Tziouvaras, Jacob Daniel Waggoner, Jacob Jeremiah Weeden, Kellie Ann Wessels, Kaitlyn Mackenzie West.


Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011




Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald

HANFORD HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m. June 3, at the Toyota Center, 7000 W. Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick. Valedictorians: Sydney Bader. Bader Parents are Kent and Sheila Bader. Plans to attend the University of Oklahoma to study chemical engineering. Stephen Grindel. Parents are Mike Grindel and Lori Wasner. Plans to attend Northwestern University to study music education and jazz studies. Rebecca Hu. Parents are Jian Hu and Mary Yang. Plans to attend the California Institute of Technology to study bio-engineering. Jennifer Kang. Parents are




Chih-Tsung Kang and Li-Yin Lin. Plans to attend the University of Washington to study computer science and engineering. Leonie Oostrom. Parents are Mart and Therese Oostrom. Plans to attend Harvard College to study chemistry. Ian Reddick. Parents are George and Julie Reddick. Plans to attend the University of Washington to study engineering. Salutatorian: Jennifer Chou. Parents are Matt Chou and Mei-



Ying Liu. Plans to attend the University of Washington to study bio-med engineering. Seniors: Emily Ann Albertson, Jordan Eduard Allan, Noor Alaa Aly, Avery Lauryl Anderson, Cody James Anderson, Elizabeth Cherie Anderson, Taylor Shea Anderson, Jordan Ryan Arquette, Sean Patrick Arrasmith, Mostafa Haider Azad, Sydney Paige Bader, Hannah Lisa Bailey, Zachary Patrick Baldowski, Kaylyn Dawn Ballard,

Catherine Tran Banh, Kylie Ann Barth, Ashley Lynn Bates, Marcos, Batres, Garrison Kenneth Becker, Dalton Richard Beebe, Chou Christopher John Beitz, Nakiya Chante' Belford, Kristen Marie Bennett, Nicole Elizabeth Bennett, Stephanie Anna Bergmann, Damian Russell Bigelow, Danae Michelle Birden, Colton Warner Blair, Katie Jean Blanchard, Alexander James Blythe, Courtney Marie Boehmler, Amanda Gabriel Bogen, Jannita Martin Bolin, Lars Bruce Boschek, Hailey Nichole Bowden, Lamar Frederick Bowser, Kaylea Michelle Brackensick, Sean

Stewart Bradley, Veronica Rae Bradley, Ryan Victor Breitenfeldt, William McKinley Bricker IV, Natalie Christine Briggs, Shannon Lee Bronniman, Elijah Emmanuel Brown, Montana Clarence Claude Brown, PiperJane Page Brown, Sarah Marie de J Baroni Brown, Connor Lewis Burk, Lauren Mychel Burks, Matthew Ryan Burns, Jessica Alice Cadick, Robert Forrest Cantwell, Jamie Ann Carroll, Thomas Robert Cassidy, James John Chambers, Amber Nickole Chavez, Jennifer Wanshuan Chou, Timothy Tan Chu, Mae Lea Clardy, Laura Haruko Clymer, Danielle Lea Cockrell, Haley Jade Colleran, Robin Christopher Coppock, Donald Jay See HANFORD | Page 17

HERMISTON HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 10:30 p.m. June 4, high school gymnasium, 600 S. First St. Valedictorian: Not selected at press time. Se n i o rs: B r i t n eyKimberly Ackerman, Mary Elizabeth Adams, Joshua Estrad a Aguilar, Jo rdon Tyler Albertson, Darcia Dawn Alleman, Cody Mitchell Allphin, Jacob Andrew Almaguar, Alejandro Almeda Medina, Oscar Bardomiano Almonte, Betsy Alvarad o, Yessenia Yazmin Alvarez, William Andres, Cynthia Asce ncio, Zachary Alton Auvil, Jazmin Yaj a i ra Avalos, Dakota Rae Ballard, Mark James Barnett, James Michael Barnitz, Chasidy Ni cole Bartlett, Dustin James Bartlett, Kyle Robert Barton, Jordon Travis Beckl ey, Ashlie Lee Benefiel, Curtis John Berger Jr., Maria Te resa Bernal, Jacob Timothy Best, Thomas Emerson Bevington, Nathan Wesly Bishop, Audrey Ann Blad e, Emily Bobbitt, Austin Jeffrey Boedigheimer, Kyle S p e n cer Boes, Aaron Jay Boettcher, Kad e n Arl ey Bond, Mat t h ewBenjamin Booher, Kaylee LaVonne Bowman, Johnathan Coy Breshears, Tiffa ny Broderick, Yannik Brunner, Joseph Ca l l ow Burns, Sarah Elizabeth Cahill, Catherine Eileen Callahan, K a ren Ivette Ca rdenas, De’Monyka Deprise Ca ro, Mat t h ew Alan Cecil, Osten Riley Cerrillo Keelin, Elizabeth Cervantes, Jessica Mae Chapple, Gabriela ChoraPa redes, Hailey Kay Ciesiel, Mariza Cobarrubias Delapaz, Catalina Rae Coleman, R i e l eyOlivia Colgan, Travis Allan Cook, Christine Ni cole Cooper, Samantha Rae Cox, Robn Lee Cribbs, Anthony Ryan Deck, Anne-Laure DeGo u l a i n e, Eloy De La Cruz, Mariah Le n ae Delepierre, Juan Vi ctor Delgado, Brian William Dewald, Elias Diaz Benitez, Ross Alois Dimbat, Kevin Thomas Dopps, Andrew Douglass, Brandan Eli Eckhardt, Anthony Eisenbarth,

Brian Eisenbarth, Mat t h ew Dillon Epperson, Jessica Erickson, Vanessa Esparza Delapaz, Tori Maria Renee Espinoza, Mayra Stephani Estebes, Melanie Eva n s , Cal Eve rett Ezell, Trent Evan Ezell, Shilo Fay, Fo r rest James Field, Hanna Marie Findley, Kyla Allyce Fischer, James Patrick Fitts-Callan, Mat t h ew Aaron Fitzpatrick, Jorge Flores, Meliza Flores, Zarai Flores, Natashia Jean Folsom, Ivan Kent Ford, Johanna Claire Franell, Tanner Rya n Fraser, Erik D’Wayne Frederickson, Derrick M Furge rson, Deedra Maree Gag n epain, Karina Elizabeth Galaviz, Anthony Michael Gallegos, Luis David Garay, Ca rlos Reyes Garcia, Ileana Garcia, Mara Garcia, Uriel Arturo Garcia, Oscar Eduardo Garcia-Medina, Megan Trella Donna Gering, John Wayne Gibbons II, Megan Elizabeth Giesen, Kiersa Jill Gillet, Summer Elaine Go d i e r, Briseida Gomez, Maria Adelene Gonzalez, Monica Valery Gonzalez, BillyJoe Ray Griffin, Josue Grimaldo, John Guillen, Jean Fernando Gutierrez, Mary Kate Hawman, Karina Heredia, Joshua Esteban Herre ra, Peter Robert Basva Herrera, Peyton Floyd Hobbs, Allison Whitney Hobson, Mark Franklin Ho d ges Jr., Jeremy Morris Holden, Alex Homer, Taylor Joshua Hood, Annie Yohanna Hoogs t raten, Riley Britt Humphrey, Leticia Ibarra, Jordon Dennis Oneha Ige, Raine Dell Jackson, Samuel Thomas Johnson, Sierra L Jo h nson, Justin Lee Jones, Ryan Scott Kelley, Tanner william Keys, Mat t h ew Ro d n ey Kilsdonk, Iyo Kishimoto, Karly Marie Kuntz, Darren L Koehler, Yvonne Hansen LaCours i e re, Sabre Raniel Lane, Victoria Ann Lankfo rd, Edgar Barcenas Leal, Kaden Ledfo rd, Jared Shane Lee, Brent Michael Leopold, Arnold Lepez, Maria Isabel Lepez, Dallas Martin Lo n g-Reiber, Abraham Placido Lopez, Naomi Lo p e z ,

Brain Bernardo Lozano, Ni cole Rene Mack, Jose Eduardo Magana, Bryin Rac h e l Kalani Maine, Anja Marie Maiocco, Jessica Bradi Martin, Joseph Brian Martin, Willie J Martin, Andrew Martinez, Priscilla Martinez, Dalton Ray Massey, Katherine Nikole Matheson, Ridge C Matzen, Anthony Wayne May, Stephanie Brooke M cCanch, Mariah Mae McClain, Dylan McCork l e- R eyes, Cody McC u l l o u gh, Rya n Thomas McDonough, Bryce Dillion McMahon, Connor Jerry McMichael, Karen Denisse Mendoza, Brenda Mendoza Agustin, Harl ey Alise Bell Mesteth, Cameron Marshall Meye rs, Robert Lee M i l l a rd, Taylor Jean Miller, Sarah Mitchell, Jose Montes, Jo rdon Whitney Mo o d y, Brian Hollis Mo o re, Nicholas Alexander Mo o re, Roberto Moreno, Andre a Mosqueda, Stefani Jun Mullay, Patrick Christopher Mulvihill, Jenessa LeeAnn Munoz, Pedro Antonio Murillo, Briana Anadelly Navarrete, Alberto Nava r reteLara, Ivan Nava r rete, Maribel Nava r ro Mendoza, Rachel Allison Ne t h e rda, Devrin Philip Newton, Raul Nunez, Armando Ojeda-Alvarez, Omar Olivas, Eric Maudiel Ortega, Janet Ortega, Cecia Noemy Pa l acios, Jorge Alfredo Pantoja, Ethan Way n e Paris, Victoria Mae Paris, Gabriel L Parks, Ryan James Pa rsons, Chelsie Paul, Ilse Peralta Gomez, Jose Octavio Pe rez, Joshua Anthony Pe t e rson, Trevor Daniel Phillips, Nick A Pierce, Samual Bryce Pollock, Davin Michael Prewitt, Dallin Richard Puzey, Kyler Douglas Reco rds, Jose M Reyes, Jorge Ricardo, Joel Steven Riley, Robert Reginald Ritchie, Mitch Vaughn Ritzer, Reynaldo Rive ra Jr, Keara Alyn Robins, Francisco Armando Rodriguez, Kati Sue Rodriguez, Marrisa Danielle Rodriguez, Xavier Rodriguez, Austin Keith Roge rs, Jade Michele Romanick, Rya n

Michel Ronneburg, Ryan Lee Ross, Timothy Richard Allen Rude, Cesar Ruiz, Samantha Michelle Sabo, Ayde Marily Salas, Enrique Salas Oro z co, Orlando Munoz Salas, Laura Sanchez, Christina Ashley Sanchez, Zaira Zulema Sanchez, Juan Santana Jr., Nathaniel Mishael Sco t t , Fabian Esteban Sco t t o, Crytstal Se p u lveda, Kimber LeAnn Sharkey, Zachary Dewell Shasteen, Brittiany Shianne Shave r, Kirsten Ann Shockman, Ruthanna Rose Shore, Kurt Lee Simmons, Zachary Scott Sinclair, Woodruff Defriez Skinner, Brianne Ni cole Smith, Stephen Dav i d Smith, Tyler Rien Smith, John Patrick Sparks, Gwendolyn St Hilaire, Ashley Lynn Stephens, Cleora Marie Stollar, Megan Riley Strad l ey, Sombuck Sam Syharath, Chanadda Tachanantakul, Juan Jose Tejeda, Mat t h ew Cody Ternes, Laura Kathleen Tingey, Kurtis E Lane Toll, Magdalena De Jesus Torres, Michael Anthony To r res, Ni c kelina Maria Townsend, Ke l s ey Arielle Trotter, Kayda Laurn Turner, Andrew Valdez, David John VanSchoiack, Brandi Marie VanSwoll, Marco Polo Va rgas-Garcia, Corey R Vasquez, Ca l e b Velasco, Phi Hong Vo, Ashley Marie Vyhnal, Kodee Wag n e r-Campbell, Brenna Ni cole Walchli, Courtney Marie Walchli, Rebecca Jean Walker, Kayla Marie Walls, Alexis Ni cole Ward, Je f f rey John Wa re, Codi Marie Warren, Nicholas Brent Webb, Tanner Brock Webb, Nolan Ellis West, Brett William White, Maryissa Renae Wi dman, Alyssa Ann Wilson, Tyler Franklin Wilson, Ca s ey John Wi n t e rs, Saraya Katherine Wise, Marissa Kay Worstell, Reid L Wo rstell, Sara Ann Wyman, Michele Zamudio, Jose Jesus Zuniga, Amanda Jaye Zwiefelhofer, Dustin Charles Dyer, Andrew J Williams, Ad a s ael Garc i a Contreras, Ariana Mac i a s .


Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011

NEW HORIZONS HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m., June 3 at Columbia Basin College Byron Gjerde Center Va l e d i c torian: Liliana de Jesus. Parents Margarito de Jesus and Olga Garcia. Plans to attend Columbia Basin College, then transfer to Washington de Jesus S t ate University to study nursing. Salutatorians: Katrina Chantelle Rivera. Parents Leslie and Fidel Rivera. Plans to attend Columbia Basin College and study music education. Labra Maria Labra. Parents Lorenzo and Maria Labro. Plans to attend Columbia Basin College and study early childhood education. Mohammed Abdulrahim. Guardians Trevo r and Kelly King. Plans to attend Washington


LIBERTY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL State University in the ROTC program. Seniors: Mohammad Abdulrarim, Teresa Aguilar, Dylan Amadio, Rocio Ayala, Liliana Batalla, Haley Benner, Charles Benson Torres, Alejandro Capristo, Tanner L. Caraway, Liliana De Jesus, Laura Eddington, Ricardo Flores, Yessenia Garcia, Eduardo Godinez, Rebeca Hathcox, Ashley Hayes, Austin Hewett, Ariel Ibarra, Sophia Jimenez, Maria Labra, Raul Larios, Juan Llanes, Cesar Llanes, Tania Martinez, Christina Milewski, Zach Miller, Ruby Miranda, Jarad B. Mo, Ebony Morgan, Lizvette Negrete, Johanna Nice, Beau Phillip, Daniel Ramirez, Zenaida Reyes, Alberta Riojas, Katrina Rivera, Kamaria Robinson, Jeremy Rodriguez, Julio Salcedo, Ariel Salsbury, Beatriz Sanchez, Alejandro Sanchez, Lissette Sanchez, Tony Sandoval, Elodia Sierra, Jesenia Silva, Emmanuel Talavera, Bernardo Torralba, Diana Vazquez, Ramiro Villa, Wiley Williams.

Graduation: 4 p.m. June 4 at Liberty Christian School, 2200 Williams Blvd., Richland. Valedictorians: Hannah Croskrey. Parents David and Kammi Croskrey Croskrey. Plans to attend Washington State University TriCities. Ethan Dufault. Parents Pete and Susan Dufault. Plans to attend Seattle Pacific UniverHart sity. Caleb Hart. Parents Daniel and Dana Hart. Plans to attend Harding University. Sa l u t a torian: H aydin Brad s h aw. Pa rents Dennis and Traci Brad s h aw.

Plans to attend the Un i ve rsity of Washington. Seniors: Lacey Baker, Hannah Berges, Haydin Bradshaw, Brianna Chase, Kyle Collins, Bryan CorDufault rigan, Hannah Croskrey, Brian Daniels, Ethan Dufault, Caleb Hart, Zayne Hill, Amy Koller, Victor Krause, James Kwak, Scott Lehrman, Samantha Myers, Carson NesBradshaw bit, Jacob Peterson, Brittney Reed, Aaron Salzano, Zach Simpkins, Travis Sitton, Nathan Taylor, Brian True, Christian Vargus, Tim Woolever, April Wright.

HANFORD CONTINUED Couch, Caitlin Mackenzie Cowman, Corey Nathaniel Craig, Cory Allen Cross, Kelsey Reanne Cunningham, Russell Wilson Curtis, Jim Junlin Dai, Sydney Michele Dale, Brittnay Ellenann Davis, Christian Zachary Davis, Tyler Scott Davis, Mckayla Katherine Degeer, Allie Michel Delp, Kiana Li Dexter, Jacob Jackson Dudney, William Eugene Dvorak, Blake Ramsey Eastman, Savannah Kathryn Edmundson, Alexander Zachary Ehlert, Philip Martin Ellefson, Paeton Jacob Ellis, Raymond Alexander Engels, Seth Daniel Evosevich, Cory John Fennell, Javiera Camila Fernandez, Jason Bryce Field, Dallas Ellean Fisher, Hayley Flo Foraker, LaTessa Lace Gailynn Foster, Maria Ashley Francavilla, Victor Kenneth Freeman, Bradley Gene Frison, Alex Christian Froehlich, Matthew Tienkai Gadbois, Amanda Rose Gagnon, Mary Ellen Gallant, Mark Aaron Garber, Juan Atany Garcia, Arredondo Thaddeus Ray Gardner, Rachel Hamilton Garner, Jordan Carew Geiszler, Alex Scott Gilliland, Tracy Rene Gilliland, Chelsea Chauntae Gipson, Halle Ann Goodwin, Corrie Anne Gorton, Jordan Christian Grier, Kelly Christine Griffin, Stephen Michael Grindel, Isaac Aaron Henry Gropper, Edwin Josue Guizar, Alexis Richelle Hale, Kaiya Noel Hammerberg, Erik Paul Hansen, Samantha Jordan Hansen, Jordan Nicole

Harshfield, Heather Lynn Harshman, Kayla Ellen Hatchell, Joshua Jacobi Hawes, Toni Lee Hayes, Erin Margaret Hegarty, Joseph John Hendry, Tyler Devin Herrin, Jesslyn Rae Hewett, Mackenzie Lee Hidalgo, Erick Nathaniel Holguin, Sung Kyung Hong, Michael Allen Hopp, Tracie Lynn Hough, Hailey Tyann House, Autumn Lillian Hovermale, Summer Marie Hovermale, Rebecca, Hu, Nathan Kraig Hubbard, Travis Stuart Hubbard, Shanlyn LaVon Jaeger, Wrashmena Hedayatullah, Jalalyar, Jessica Lynn Jamieson, Acacia Lynn Jeppson, Logan Ian Jerrow, Amarilis, Jimenez, Catherine Louise Johnson, Monique Adara Johnson, Kahiesha Patrice Johnson, Amanda Cora Jones, Jennifer Rae Jones, Sarah Elizabeth Jones, Jennifer Helen Kang, Khai Allen Keffeler, Mikayla Valera Kent, Otar, Khvadagiani, Scott Kim, Stacy D Kim, Sung Min Kim, Brooks Reed Kindle, Phoebe Maureen Kirk, AnnaLee Rose Koeller, Christopher John Kulaga, Logan Duane LaDoux, Rebecca Leigh Lamastus, James Gordon Landen, Mary Christina Laube, Bethany Erin LaVille, Kevin William Laws, Nicole Audrey Ledgerwood, Hope Nicole Leinen, Toby Chen Liu, Beau Clinton Loid, Alexander Adrian Lopez, Christina Ann Louie, David Joseph Lowe, Taylor Duskin Lowe,Trenton Mitchell Kimo Lowery, Christopher Eugene Lujan, Eric David

Luther, Alyssa Dru MacDonald, Thomas Cade Maldonado, Rhiannon Marie Mallory, Eric Russell Malone, Haley Michelle Manning, Michaela Michelle Marty, Devin Marie Mattlin, Matthew Harold McClendon, Shawn Paul McElroy, Kelly Clayton McGrady, Jacob Owen McLerran, Armin, Mehinagic, Carissa Jo MenardMartinez, Skyler Upton Mendell, Humberto Ivan Mendez, Samantha Nicole Merry, Paul Thomas Mettille, Trevor Mark Middleton, Sofya Vladimirovna Mikheeva, Cindy Milardovic, Dana Karis Miller, Braden Kenneth Minaker, Angel Larae Mokler, Connor Buchanan Moore, Kelly Michelle Morgan, Casey Lee Nance, Marcus Walter Nash, Aaron Richard Neary, Ashley Dianne Nelson, Ryan Joshua Nelson, Alexander Dean Nester, Nicholas Allan Neumayer, Victoria Lee Newell, Keith Robert Nichols, Cristopher Michael Nix, Adam Phillip Chad Oakes, Britton Alexander Omel, Leonie Ashley Oostrom, Sara Christine Osterloh, Courtney Jae Otte, Matthew Dwaine Owens, Daniel, Pack, Elizabeth Jean Page, Ariel Hannah Pakizer, Breanna Nicole Palmer, Sara Kelsey Palmer, Irina Pavlovna Parkhotyuk, Tanner Andrew Alan Parsons, Aniket, Pattanayak, Rachel Lynne Paxton, Scott Payton Perkins, Roberto Alessandro Pierini, Alex Arthur Pilling, Gilbert Jay Pitkoff, Michelle Denise Pitts, Kristine Nicole Popielarczyk, Riley Keil Powers,

Shaun Michael Price, John Leonardi P Quisay, Shalini, Ramanan, Sarah Hope Rassat, Brian James Rathbone, Sarah Jane Rausch, Ariel Kari Ray, Ian Taylor Reddick, Carolyn Rose Reisenauer, James Bradley Reisenauer, Austin Jacob Remington, Robert Steven Richardson, Shad Daniel Ringo, Magdalena Lopez Rodriguez, Marina Cecilia Rojas, Jennifer Lynne Romano, Amy Marie Rovira, Kurt Justin Rueter, Donald Arthur Rumsey, Breanna Michele Sanger, Brent Garrett Sawicki, Daniel Aaron Scheibe, Franz Friedrich Scholz, Paul Spencer Schuler II, Matthew Morgan Schulz, Esperanza Lorena Scotto, Katherine Amanda Sederburg, Mikinzi Joy Setzer, Deondray Lamont Shaw Jr, Daniel James Shea, Sarah Anne Sheen, Joshua David Sheldon, Riley Durst Shintaffer, Hunter Hall Shipman, Amanda Marie Simons, Sengthian Kyndra Sisayaket, Armin Demoir Slatick, Kenton Paul Smith, Cole Matthew Snider, Ruben Newby Solis, Madison Kylie Spillman, Samantha Kay Stauch, Billie Jean Steele, George Austin Steele, Riley Alan Stringer, Hailee Noel Stroup, Kailey Erin Sturdevant, Katherine Anne Sullivan, Margaret Marie Sullivan, Sabrina Celine Sulloway, Kyle Patrick Sweet, Christopher Todd Synoground, Timothy Eugene Tanasse, Haylee Catherine Tayamen, Christian Robert Tenney

Chris DaichayAndrew Thatsana, Tiffany Marie Thibert, Cydney Blake Thompson, Jessica Marie Thompson, Kieran Robert Louis Thomsen, Andrew Douglas Thrall, Levi Daniel Tilley, Brooke Joanne Travis, Sean Joseph Truex, Muneer Kalim Ullah, Derrick James Valdez, Vedalakshmi Anjali Varada, Tessa Marie Vermeul, Amanda Mai Vo, Cameron Baxter Waddill, Cameron Lee Wagar, John Wesley Walter, Taylor Victoria Lynn Ward, Sienna Monique Ware, Jasmin Shelby Washburn, Karri Ann Wasney, Andrew Michael Watson, Dean Michael Wattenburger, Elliot Michael Weddle, Haley Lyn Whiting, Amanda Whitlock, Katherine Christine Wildenborg, Benjamin Michael Williams, Jessica Ann Williams, Remington Alan Williams, Shelby Kathleen Williams, Victoria Lyn Williamson, Paris Danielle Wilson, Alyx Marie Winder, Max Dalton Wood, Taylor Brianne Young, Teresa Tahirih Zorich, Isidro Angel Zuniga, Ekaterina Alekseyvna Agapova, Carolina Berchem, Julie Bergmann, Katharina Julia Dragon, Meerim Ibraeva, Youssouf Maghan Keita, Maroutcha Antoine Mouawad, Carolin Tanja Neu, Ivan Pedretti, Artem Olehovych Rubinskyy, Jan Lukas Schilliger, Ployratsamee Thammajindawong, Nguyen Minh Anh Thao.


Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald



Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011




Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald

WALLA WALLA HIGH SCHOOL Baccalaureate: 6:30 p.m. May 30, Cordiner Hall on Whitman College campus, 345 Boyer Ave. Graduation: 7 p.m. June 3, Wa-Hi Bermudez courtyard, 800 Abbott Road, admission by ticket only. Valedictorians: Janella Bermudez. Mother Maria Bermudez. Plans to attend Gonzaga A. Christina University. Andrew Christina. Parents Lynn and Daniel Christina. Plans to attend Walla Walla Community College. Welker Olivia Welker. Parents Scott Welker and Kimberly Montooth. Plans to attend University of Washington. Salutatorians: Nicholas Bushman. Parents Sylvia and Stephen Bushman. Plans to attend Brigham Young University. Brett Christina. Parents Lynn and Daniel Christina. Plans to attend Walla Walla Community College. Se n i o rs: Zachary Acton, Ni cole Elene Aichele, Sarai Ya smin Albarrán, Seth Bailey Alden, Emily Ann Allen, Ro b e r t M i c h ael Allen, Marcus Jacob

Allessio, Ni colas Almiron, Omar A l o n s o, Salomon Alvarado, Gabrielle Ni cole Anderson, John Terrance Anderson, Jo rd a n Anderson, Mitchell Rya n Anderson, Mad elyn Angulo, Eric Esteband Angulo, Sean Michae l B. Christina Archer, Na s o n Craig Babbitt, Mariela Bahena, David Aidan Baird, Jo ce l y n Emma Baker, Ryan J. Barber, Roxane Marie Rosette Barce n a s , Bushman Kendra Mae Barnes, Megan Lee Barnes, Alexander James Barnett, Nikki Belle Barra z a , Sean Michael Baughman, Gabrielle LeAnne Baxter, Tyler Raymond Baxter, Erica Crystal Baza, Adriana Beckwith, José Luis Beleche, Jon Bender, Dustin Joel Bennett, Aleesha Bernadene Berg, Janella Bermudez, Jacob Daniel Beuk, A s h l ey Elizabeth Bezdicek, Dustin Tyler Bezdicek, Kay l e e Anne Bialozor, Marcus Daniel B i e nvenu, Meranda M. Blac k , Paige Renée Blackburn, Kat h r y n Amanda Bogl ey, Kirsten Ni c h o l e B ow l e r, Samantha Jolee Brink, Amanda Lynn Bro gdon, Ashley Lynn Bro gdon, Tishara Loray n Brooks, Daniel M. Brown, Courtn ey Ni cole Bruner, Nicholas

Branson Bushman, Jaco b Browning Campeau, Rac h e l Anne Campos, Amy Marie Ca nfield, Isai Carmona-Madrigal, Skyler Lee Carpenter, Morgh a n Alexa Ca r rera, Heiri Castellón, Marissa Renee Ca s t i l l o, Flor Miriam Ca s t i l l o, Samantha Rae Castoldi, Jesus Alejandro Cerón, Jahaira Alegria Chavez, Josue Chavez, Omar Alejandro Chavez, Kathryn Chav re, Syd n ey Christensen, Andrew Joseph Christina, Brett Daniel Christina, Dashari Diane Cinnamon, Ca m ron Jordan Clark, Ni colas Ian Clifton, Brittany Michelle Colis, Amy Christine Collins, Michael Allen Collison, Destinee Jae Conley, Joseph J. C o n radt, Marco Antonio Contreras, Ro ger Contre rasRodriguez, Kendall Doran Corn, Jesse Corona, Chareena Bryn Coro n ad o, Guadalupe Jose Cortez, Rosa Beatriz Cueva s Cortez, Tyler Robert Cosgrove, Zachary Tyler Cowden, Tre s s a Opal Criss, John Anders o n Crouter, Danae Cumbre s -Vi l l a , B r i t t n eyJoy Cutlip, Shelby Renee Da n d rea, Monica Ann Daniel, Chelsey M. Davidson, Jordan Aime Davin, Ca m e ro n Allan Davis, Kailee Rae Dav i sson, Nathan Wayne Deal, Fatima Delrosario Delira Contre ras, D even Charles DeSalvo, Maria G u adalupe Diaz, Edgar Diaz Salgad o, Cody James Dill, Briaw n a Louise Dinw i d d i e, Sarah Flore n ce Donaldson, Trevor Mason D o u glas, Benjamin Craig Down-

ing, Heidi Mariah-Lin Drury, M aeve Mary Duffy, Trevor Luke Dunn, Marshall Evan Dunova n t , Ke n d ra Lynn Dye, Blaid A. Edwa rds, Emmanuel Elizondo, K ati Elizabeth Engebretson, Maria Fernanda Enriquez, Zayda Enriquez Jimenez, Alex i s Enriquez-Diaz, To ny Escalante, Ethan Daniel Esposito, Salvad o r Manuel Esquivel, Ryan James E vans, Nasha Channel Fairl ey, Mary Alice Felt, Victoria Fi e l d , M adison Drew Filan, Ca m e o Fi n c h e r, Vi cente Flores, Ke l s ey Leann Fo r t n ey, Jamie Lee Foust, Ian James-Harris Fowler, Tyren Daniel Fre e, Joseph Reed F rench, Beatriz Adriana Fuentes Garcia, Ke n n ady C. Funk, Destiny Rose Furrow, Kelly Joseph Gallagh e r, Nat h a n M i c h ael Gallinat, Se rgio Iva n G a l van, Bryan Mitchell Gamez, Briana-Jo Lyzett Gara n z u ay, Erica Rosa Garcia, Jac kelin Garcia, Maria T. Garcia Hernandez, Tyler Stevenson, Alec Hayd e n Gauthier, Monique Sharee Gaytan-Jackson, Hanne Astrid Gehling, Samuel Ellis Krull Gerstmann, Jonathan Joseph Gilvey, Forrest Gissel, Andrew Joseph Glaeser, Jennifer Anne Golden, Lizzette Gomez, Tomas Go n z alez, Daijohn Anthony Gonzalez, Jennifer Pauline Goodwin, Kara Marie Goodwin, Matt James Gordon, Aksana Andre ev n a Gorkovc h e n ko, Kristen Da rline Louisa Grass, Nathaniel James G re e n e, Josh Gre e r, Kaitlynn Elizabeth Griffith, Maribel

G u a rd ad o, Diana Gueva ra, Fa b iola Gutierrez, Jose Luis Gutierrez, Taelor Marie Hack, Ro s e Elizabeth Hajduk, Brent Nat h a n H a l l owell, Zack Hansen, Jacob Turner Hanson, Natalie Hargre aves, John Le o n a rd Hartzell, Joseph Ian Cole Hartzheim, M i randa Nichole Hat f i e l d , D e l acey Jo Heat e r, Jason Anthony Heitzmann, Allison Delaine Henckel, Rob Henry, Colton Markus Hill, Mariah S.P. Ho fer, Cody Cole Ray Ho f f m a n n , Conner Hollis Holbrook, Kristina Ann Ho l e b rook, Larry Ty Holmes Jr., Kenneth C. Hull, Brittney Renee Husted, Justin Aldon Hutcherson, Araceli Ibarra, Natalie Elizabeth In gers o l l -Allen, Garrett Mag n u s - Ir i s h Jac ky, Kiersten Leanne Jenkins, Jake Jimenez, Julio Cesar Jimenez, Grace Johnson, Graeme Baker Johnson, Rachelle Marie Johnson, Rya n James Johnson, Victoria Anne Jones, Amairani Ju a rez, Krysta Leigh Ju e rgensen, Camille Je a nnine Kammer, Brandon George Kaup, Allexa Bryn Kay l o r, Chloe Monet Kellogg, Danielle Marie Kelly, Bryan Kelly, Mad i s o n Ke n ny, Robert Kisgen, Nat a l i e Breann Klein, Hope Marie Klicker, Acc aylia Jean Knigh t , Kolton David Kolbaba, Alex a nd rea Monique Krika, Justin Nicholas Krutsinger, Annie Ladderud, Linnea Ruth Lake, Xav i e r T re Lampkin, Katie Landwehr, Zechariah James LaPier, Alejan-

Flores, Clayton Dean Forshee, Ashley Dawn Freel, Shanice Danae Friend, Samantha Lynn Galbraith, Lucero Garcia-Gomez, Alejandra Dawn Garcilazo, Miryan Paloma Garcilazo Moreno, Jaimen Garza, Crystal Seleste Gomez, Obadiah Lee Harriman, Zacharias Eugene Harriman, Karina Juarez, Cory Wayne Kautz, Kassandra Marie Kennedy, Amanda Deanne Lacher, Thalia Leon-Leon, Gerald Zachary Lillie, Jessica Lynn Looman, Evelyn Lopez, Seth M. Lowrance, Jazzcee Martin Lozano, Edisandro Madrigal, Jennifer Madrigal, Diana Rocio Manriquez, Ashton Nicole Marshall, Janet Martinez, Forrest Cole McBride, Ainslee June McIntyre, LaDonna Marie

Mendieta, Francisco Gusman Mendoza, Marc Anthony Montez, Lynn Anne Nelson-Gall, Yeldar Orduna, Leonides Ornelas, Pedro Antonio Ortiz, Daniel Palomino, Berenice Delapaz Perez, Stephanie Amelia Perez, Gregory Poulin, Elizabeth Radillo, Samuel Otto Rhorer, Cesar Rodriguez, Karina Rodriguez, Catherine Louise Routson, Marilyn Ruiz, Martina Salas, Daniel Sanguino-Leon, Vincent Robert Stefani, Kaden Lee Stice, Neal Lowell Taft, Christina Angelina Tooley, Selene Torres-Medrano, Ashley Nichole Vandever, Omar Verduzco, Mathew Hal Warr, BreAnna Nicole Watson, Milton David Watson.

See WALLA WALLA | Page 21

UMATILLA HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 10 a.m., June 4, at the Umatilla High gymnasium, 1400 Seventh St., Umatilla. Valedictorians: Angelica Cole. Parents Ronalyn and Neal Cole. Plans to study nursing at Western University in Monmouth, Ore. Clayton Forshee. Parents Danica and Dean Forshee. Plans to join the Peace Corps, travel and then study oceanography at University of Oregon. Kassandra Kennedy. Parents Shelly and Keith Kennedy. Plans to study nursing at Blue Mountain Community College. Catherine Routson. Parents Parma and Leonard Routson. Plants to study construction management at Brigham Young University Idaho.




Salutatorian: Francisco Mendoza. Parents Rafaela and Fernando Mendoza. Plans to study history and education at University of Nebraska of Omaha. Seniors: Michael Thomas Abbott, Troy James Abbott, Maria Armenta-Mendoza, Ivette Marbella Arredondo, Baraja Jennifer, Sergio R. Barreto, Antonio Benitez-Sanchez, Cesar Beteran, Magdalena P Bombela, Felisha Mae Brooks, Daniela Campos,



German Campos, Jorge Armando Campos, Naomi Margarita Castanon, Beverly Jean Charles, Travis Andrew Clack, Kain Chavez Claustro, Angelica Marie Cole, Jacob Allen Conforth, Alexis Osvaldo Contreras, Cristal Coria-Garcia, Jorge Eduardo Corona, Omar Dominguez, Brenden M Dunleavy, Tanya Michelle Ehrmantraut, Jessica Escobedo, Brittany Kay Farr, Jose Javier


Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011


GRANDVIEW HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 11 a.m. June 4, Rich Leenhouts stadium, 1601 W. Fifth St., Grandview. Valedictorian: Chelsie McNabb, 17. Parent is Donna McNabb. Plans to major in education at Central Washington University in Ellensburg. Salutatorian: Daniel Licea, 18. Parent is Lourdes Vasquez. Plans to major in chemical engineering at Washington State University in Pullman. Se n i o rs: Mario Aguilar, Juan Alcantar, Brandy Atkinson, Jose Barajas, Emily Becenti, Leticia Benitez, Sarah Campos, Carina Campuzano, Ivan Campuzano, Bruss Cardenas, Karina Ca rdenas, Thalia Ca r i d ad, Monica Cervantes, Myro n Cervine, Javier Clara, Ruben Cortez, Courtney Deats, Milton Desiderio, Antonio Diaz, Angelica Diaz-Franco, Cynthia Dominguez, Anthony Donat o, Courtney Durad o, Karla Enriquez, May ra Escareno, Oscar Espinoza, Kaitlynn Eucker, Randi Fisher, Froylin Flores, Sonya Fraga, Eric Galaviz, Raul Gamboa, Ca rlos Garcia, Cristian Garcia, Elias Garcia, Evan Garcia, Fabio Garcia, Jeremy Garza, Se rgio Godinez, Zachary Goodboe, Araceli Granados, Guadalupe Gutierre z Anaya, Jessica Hall, Jessica Hernandez, Juan Hernandez, Claudia Herre ra, Maria Elizabeth Herrera, Mary-Alice Herre ra , Casandra Hudon, Isabel Islas, Eric Johnson,


Ranelle Kalaw, Thania Labra, Manuel Leon, Sayre Leyendekker, Daniel Licea, Aaron Ling, Angel Lopez, Jessica Lo p e z -Garcia, A reli Lora, Jenalee Mariotti, Daniela Martinez, Chelsie McNabb, Amairani Mendoza, M i kayla Mendoza, Yvette Mendoza, Alex Meza, Gabrielle Montelongo, Juana Montelongo, Adam Morales, Anthony Mo rales, Trent Mo t t i ce, Yomayra Munguia, Javier Neri, Daniel Nielsen, Olga Nunez, Diana Ocampo, Is m ael Ocampo, Enrique Ochoa, Judith Ontive ros, Marycruz Orduno, Yvette Ornelas, Maria Rebeca Oro z co Cendejas, Julian Pena, Daisy Pe rez, Kassandra Perez, Kianne Perry, Maria Pineda, Alejandro Ra m i rez, Julian Ra m i rez, Adriana Ra m o s , Ra fael Rangel, Rodolfo Rangel, Joshua Raymond, Adrian Reyes, Jesus Reyes, Jacob Rinehart, Jasmine Rodriguez, Jessica Rodriguez, Jose Rodriguez, Rya n Rodriguez, Alejandro Ruiz, Ru by Salgad o, Esmeralda Sanchez, Maricruz Sanchez, Madison Sartain, Gabriela Sauve, Sarah Schneider, Christian Sc h rank, Melissa Seitz, Marisol Serna, Haley Smasne, Zaida So b e ranes, Chanay Solis, Chantell Thompson, Ca rlos Torres, Erik Torres, Yad i ra Valencia, Vanesa Valles, Jiovani Vargas, Kevin Vasquez, Adrian Vela, Eduard o Velasquez, Tiffany Villa, Ashley Vi l l a r re a l , Brianna Ware, Ca rson Woody, Marcos Zambrano, Ezequiel Zamora.

Graduation: 8 p.m., June 3, Kison Court, Waitsburg High School gymnasium, 421 Coppei Ave. Valedictorian: Austin Beasley. Parents Kenneth and Pamela Beasley. Plans to attend Washington State University and major in physics. Salutatorian: Alyssa Hafen. Parents Paula Kelly and Brad Hafen. Plans to attend Walla Walla Community College and earn her associate’s degree. Her ultimate goal is to become a dentist. Seniors: Matthew James Hamilton, Trevor D. Van Drew, Timothy J. Hofer, Tre M. Hazelbaker, Justin R. Armstrong, Dru D. So m e rs, KateLinn C. Foley- H u tsell, Eric M. Lienhard, Joel D. Garcia,

Austin Garrett Nolan Beasley, Cobie Joslynn Watkins, Kristopher C. Cady, John Matthew Montgomery, Alyssa Shay Hafen, Casey Darlene Cates, Megan Michele Marie Wi t h e rs, Taylor Beasley Carolyn Moon, Ashley Chantel Wilson, Kazmira Ann Grende, Dylan Scott Stacy, Rachelle Marie Oseth, Cole Thomas Ray Smith, Sarah Emelie Wilson, Christy Ni cole Poirier, Genesis Francine Pearson, Rachel Diane Reedy, Nicholas Thomas Carpenter, Kimberly Faye Marie McCosh, Amber Eileen Mo rris, Jeneffer Gaylene Lyden.



Graduation: 7 p.m., May 27, Braddock Gymnasium, 355 S. Durrum St., Kahlotus. Valedictorian: Megan E. Blauert. Parents Arthur and Carol Blauert. Plans to attend the University Blauert of Idaho. Seniors: Megan E. Blauert, Brianna Hamilton and Breeann Jennings.

Graduation: 7 p.m. June 7, McFarland Middle School, at 790 S. 10th Ave., Othello. Seniors: Andy Aviles, Judith Camacho, Leticia Camacho, Colleen Carrillo, Ezequiel Castro, Julio Cerna, Yadira Espinoza, Jennifer Hernandez, Oscar Lara, Xicalali Levya, Victoria Madrid, Heli Moreno, Francisco Marin, Jose Luis Ramirez, Chris Rangel, Nick Rodriquez, Michael Ruiz.

WALLA WALLA CONTINUED d ro Lara, Emilio Lara, Josh Leamer, Kyle Creig Lees, Kevin M i c h ael Leier, Kristine Michelle Leier, Dustin Le i s l e, Rebecc a Jean Lemons, Mo rgan Max Le n ihan, Shelby Emma Limburg, Ca rson Kai Linklat e r, Colt Ta nner Lippincott, Mallory Jean Irene Livingston, Samantha Elizabeth Lizardi, Jazmin Llanes, Dylan J. Locati, Melissa Elizabeth Longoria, Marco Antonio Lopez, David Lopez, Nancy Judith López, Zitlalli Lopez-Gallegos, Roderick Joseph Love, Mary Elizabeth L u b b e rs, Pablo Luengas, Nat a l i e Lugo, Sarai Luna, Katelyn Elissa M adsen, Gerald Marshall Maib, Brandon James Maplethorpe, Amanda N. Marcum, Cristian R i c a rdo Marin, D'Sean Elmer Martin Marks, Julia Marl ey, Beau Alan Marshall, Ahnalisia Martinez, Is a ac Martinez, Jacqueline Martinez, Jose Is m ael Martinez, William Plamen Mat s c h u kat, Alex MayaCruz, Jo rdan Tyler May b e r r y, Andy Omar Maycumber, Marchand Ly n ae McCa u l ey, Micah James McCormick, Kelsi Marie M c Daniel, Kayla Sue Mcgill, B rendan Ryan McKinney,

Rachel Hope McMillan, Ro b e r t Charles McNi col, Alma Ro s e Medina-Saldana, Colin Ni c h o l a s Meister, Leslie Melgar Mo re n o, L i n d s eySue Meling, Ni gel Eva n Melling, So l m ayra Mendoza, U l i ces Raul Mendoza, Larissa Leigh Therese Merc ad o, Ju s t i n M. Meye r, Angelica Maria Meza, Ana Karen Meza, Adrian Michel, Honah Lee Miller, Josh Miller, Jakob Scott Miner, Sydney Anne Mo e l l e r, Karlie Jo Leona Mo n i z , Olivia Rose Mo ran, Tarl Mo reland, Joselino Mo reno C., Austin Nathaniel Mo rgan, Jacob Sco t t Mo rgen, Logan Maxwell Mo r r i s , Kamille Moses, Chelsea Rae Moss, Luis Eduard o M u ro, Mac k Ne avo r, Saw yer Michael Kecki Ne i f fe r, Aaron Michael Nelson, Brad Steven Nelson, Kenya Marie Ne s t e by, Heather Ann New by, Daniel Ni co a ra, Ia n James No rby, Alvaro Arturo Nunez, Maira Elena Nunez, Paul R i c h a rdson Oberg, Grasiela O c a m p o, Nicholas Ray Ocanaz, Anthony Jacob Olivos, Yesica A s h l ey Olivos, Keith Rodney Opsal, Mario Osorio Jr., Clarive l Osorio-Luna, Kyler Joelseph Bruce Oyen, Ke l s ey Ja n ae Palmer, Bahia Nuri Parrish,

Ro byn Lea Paul, Cenira Jane Pellham, Triton Ambros Byrlyn Perrin, Elise Ni cole Pettyjohn, Stephen Jean Pflugrad Jr., Austin Ja red Piek, Timothy Alan P i n a rd, Michelle Pinza, John Henry Plasencia, Elijah Po g u e, M i c h ael William Pontarolo, Nicholas Peter Poolman, M i c h aella Rose Pugliese, Micka Jean Quistberg, Cris Ra m i rez, Gustavo Ra m i rez, Quinnten Manuel Ra m i rez, Mike Ramos, Jorge Eduardo Ramos, Sydney Randall, Tiffa ny Ann Randolph, Gesner Ra n gel, Jennifer Diana R e a rdon, Jo n athan David Redd, Alanna Corinne Reesman, Rosio Rega l ad o, Drea Retherfo rd, Fátima Saucedo Reyes, Marco Rene Reyes, Houston Rice, Katie Elizabeth Riggin, Pablo Cesar Ritchie, Gemma Vere n i ce R i ve ra, Jacob Tyler Robertson, Mo rgan Edwin Robinson, Elida Rodriguez, Irvin Antonio Rodriguez, Ivan Ro d r i g u e z Marin, Levi Antonio Rodriquez, Tania Jo celyn Ro gel, Esmeralda Rojas, Jose De Jesus Ro m e ro, Angela Kay Ro m o, Kare n D e s s i re Ro m o, Bailey E. Ruff, Amber Lynn Rupert, Alex Ru zicka, Jaime Salas II, Berenice

Salazar, Ana Lucia Saldaña, José De Jesus Saldaña, Erica Salgado, Elisandro Chavez Sams, Melissa Jeseñia Santana Contreras, Jessica Sargent, Sandybell Saucedo, Savanah Elizabeth Scarborough, Micah Lee Schenk, Mark Jeremy Schmidt, Caleb Michael Schmidt, Cassidy Alexandria Schoblom, Michael A. Schumacher, Keri Denae Schwartz, Kassie Suzanne Sharpe, Anthony Lee Shearer, Troy Edward Shelton, Houston Dean Sherrod, Isaac T. Siller, Dominic S. Silva, Hector M. Silva, Amber Renee Sinden, Luke Timothy Skaarup, Matt Skorina, Dylan Russell Smith, Nicole Ann Smith, Christina Jo Smith, Ryan Zachary Snyder, Ivan Soto, Jesus Rivera Soto, Jessica Lyn Spalinger, Taylor Ariel Spence, Hallie Joy Stevens, Gregory Still, Jaymes R.D. Sullivan, Megan Brooke Sumerlin, Robert E. Sundin, Andrew John Sutherland, Levi Swenson, Daniel Phillip Taggart, Stetson Lee Talbott, Jacob Paul Tegtmeier, Adrian Tello Reyes, Seth Randal Thomas, Jacob Lyn Thomason, Dominic E. Thompson, Jocelyn Andrea Thompson, Vince Thorp,

Kevin James Toon, Christopher Benjiman Topel, Matthew Edward Townsend-Farr, Stacie Marie Trego, Emeline Trejo, Frances Louise Ungerecht, MaryAngel K. Unutoa, Selene Alejandra Urueta, Dakota James Vails, Israel Valencia, Olivia Margaret Van De Rostyne, Julian Villagomez, Juan EduardoVillegas, Rubi Guadalupe Villegas, Yesica Mayra Villegas, Johnny Villella, Michael Murphy Walsh, Jordan Taylor Warnick, Matt Watson, Alexandria Aurelia Watts, Melissa Ann Webb, Richard Robert Roger Webb, Rebecca Joelle Welck, Olivia Montooth Welker, Cara Christina Wernette, Samantha Lucia White, Wyatt Kolby Wilks, Alyssa Faith Williams, Hunter Shane Willis, Kyle Christopher Wilson, Stephanie Michele Wilson, Matthew D. Wilwand, Kyla Cheyanne Winger, Hayden Billie Winn, Joey R. Wolski, Kyle Daniel Woolcutt, Vanessa Wyckoff, Taylor Lee Yancey, Mike Yeager, Kacci Marie Yeend, Alexis Zamora, Lucy Zamora-Coutiño, Nancy Edith Zamora-Coutiño, Gregory Scott Zaro, Laura Renee Zaro.



Friday, June 3, 2011 • Tri-City Herald

CONNELL HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m. June 3, Esser Field, Connell. Valedictorians: Heidi Empey. Parents Lance and Janet Empey. Plans to attend Brigham Empey Young UniversityProvo next year and major in elementary edu- Eppich cation. Kraymer Eppich. Parents Todd and Janet Eppich. Plans to attend Brigham Young University-Provo next year and major in exercise science to become an orthopedic surgeon. Makenna Rowley. Parents Mike and Joyce Rowley. Plans to attend Brigham Young University-Provo next year

and major in nursing. Salutatorian: Alison Erickson. Parents Bill and Jenni Erickson. Plans to attend Washington State University next year and major in nursing. Rowley Seniors: Betsy Aleman, Sarai Alvarez, Ambar Lizandra Amezola, Joel Mendez Erickson Amezola, Bryant J. Andersen, Alison D. Anderson, Melody V. Arteaga, Ivan Barragan, Jessica Barrera, Dallin E. Benson, Dallin M. Beus, Jordan J. Bidleman, Kayla M. Bjorge, Manuel J. Bonilla, Kimberly R. Brown, Travis S. Butcher, Guadalupe Z. Cervantes, Mayda S. Chavez, Crystal G. Clyde, Cynthia Cortez,

RIVERSIDE HIGH SCHOOL James T. Coulson, Kellie L. Deruwe, Chirli S. Diaz, Heidi L. Empey, Kraymer T. Eppich, Alison Sue Erickson, Cristian Escalera, Misael Farfan, Angela Farias, Antelia Garcia, Elsa Garcia, Jose M. Garcia, Brooke Gibbons, Lorenzo A. Gomez, Salvador Gomez, Enrique Gonzalez, Guillermo Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Emily Sue Graves, Matthew A. Gray, Crystal R. Gutierrez, Angel Guzman, Mayralee Guzman, Sara Nicole Guzman, April Sage Hadley, Kate Cheyenne Hawk, Alan Norman Hawkins, Rosa Hernandez, Etzael Izazaga, Logan C. Joyner, Eduardo Landa, Jose M. Landa, Keneesha Jo Lloyd, Matthew J. Logan, Juan Carlos Lomeli, Sandra R. Long, Jose R. Lopez, Alfredo Luna, Cesar Luna, Rex J. Lyle, Juliet Manriquez, Darlene Maria, Rogelio P. Martinez, Michelle D. Mccary, Mayra A. Mendoza,

COMPASS HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 6:30 p.m. June 2 at county fair grounds on Wallace Way in Grandview. Valedictorian: Wesley Gamble. Parents Matt Mallery and Gretchen Wheelock. Plans to attend Yakima Valley Community College and Gamble then transfer to a four-year college. Salutatorian: Patrick Reese. Parents Shannon Reese and Stella Reese. Plans to go into Reese the Job Corps. Seniors: Luke Allen, Adan Alvarez, Joel Alvarez, Vernice Armas, Ana Bedolla, Kimberly Cendejas, Luis Chavez, Xochil Cisneros, Curtis Cooper, Adahara Cortez, Edgar Cruz, Robert Cruz, Jessica Cuevas, Vanessa Diaz, Eva Farias,

Laura Farias, Dana Fleming, Lisabeth Flores, Wesley Gamble, Abraham Garay, Cristian Godinez, Walter Gomez, Vanesa Gonzalez, Raul Gutierrez, Juan Guzman, Steven Hall, Jonathan Harshfield, Eric Herman, Angi Hernandez, Ricardo Hernandez, Stephanie Herrera, Ciara Jasso, Gladys Lupercio, Antonio Madera, Marcel Maldonado, Arielle Martin, Juan Martinez, Maribel Martinez, Salomon Martinez, Cynthia Mendoza, Efrain Mungia, Anthony Muñoz, Rosa Perez, Yarumy Policarpo, Marco Prieto, Diana Ramírez, Ernesto Ramírez, Magaly Ramos, Vrenda Ramos, Roberto Razo, Patrick Reese, Jorge Reyes, Calixto Rivera, Ramon Rivera Jr. , Jacob Rodriguez, Elizabeth Sanchez, Jaime Sanchez, Victor Sanchez Jr. , Joseph Scott, Briana Shipley, Danyel Stuber, Adriana Uribe, Miguel Chavez, Pamela Villarreal and Daniel Warner.

Monique L. Mendoza, Juan D. Meraz, Eduardo D. Miranda, Carissa V. Murphy, Joel B. Nunan, Francisco J. Oregon, Melissa Orozco, Monica Orozco, Jonni Pascacio, Galan Pena, Jorge Nahum, Javier Pena, Liliana Pena, Alice N. Phongsa, Daniel Purkeypyle, Yvette Quiroz, Jacob D. Rae, Licett Ramirez, Tyler M. Riggs, Chelsea M. Riner, Johnathan Rodriguez, Makenna Rowley, Iralda N. Saavedra, Fermin Salas, Irineo Salas, Sara Sanchez, Jessica R. Sandoval, Sylvester Sandoval, Casey A. Schultz, Hernan Serra, Trevor J. Simpson, Angel E. Tapia, Nidia Y. Tapia, Soledad M. Tapia, Kendall Taylor, Stockton J. Taylor, Christian Torres, Evelyn Torres, Zachary R. Tovar, Marisol Viveros, Laryn Wells, Maci Eileen Whitby and Nikoal B. Withers.

PRESCOTT HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m. June 10, Prescott Jr. Sr. High School gym, 207 S. A St. Valedictorian: Cesar Ricardo Munguia Figueroa. Parents Guillermina and Jesus Figueroa. Plans to attend Washington State University. Salutatorian: Iris Batalla Munoz. Parent Elena Batalla Zavaleta. Munguia Plans to attend a college in Washington. Seniors: Iris Batalla Munoz, Amanda Louise Beckman, Isabel Benito Isodoro, David Sevrin Brock, Anthony Joseph DepelMunoz legrini, Anahi Diaz Torres, Jose Eduardo Esquivel, Guillermo Magallan Hernandez, Marihela Iglesias, Amelia Olivia Paez Lopez, Cesar Ricardo Munguia Figueroa, Joseph Lee Purdin, Nora Lizzeth Solis Almanzar, Hugo Martin Valdovinos Pahua, Miguel Angel Velazco Rubio, Alexis Daniel Villalvazo.

Graduation: 10 a.m. June 4 at Dante Daltoso Gymnasium, 210 N.E. Boardman Ave., Boardman. Valedictorian: Kalynn McKee. Parents Kathleen and Richard McKee. Plans to attend Chemeketa Community College in McKee Salem, Ore. Salutatorian: Brigham Hansen. Parents Paula and Kent Hansen. Plans a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Hansen Latter-day Saints. Seniors: Irania Yaneth Amaya Orellana, Ignacio Cambero Perez, Michelle Cardenas Garcia, Sergio Carmona, Claudia Anjelica Carvajal, Hemanta Chapagai, José Guillermo Chavez Barrera, Jose Rodolfo Chavez Martinez, Jordan Nichole Lee Connell, Jackelyne Correa Ramos, Emily Ann

Doherty, Jose J. Fernandez, Jessica Dawn Ford, Cody James Frederickson, Stephanie Fuentes, Guadalupe Araceli Gameros Rodriguez, Juana Gaytan, Forrest G. Guenther, Brianda Gutierrez, Yvette Guzman Madrigal, Brigham Wheeler Hansen, Anthony P. Harrison, Michael J. Kummer, Erique Dale Locke, Jessica Marie Lofthouse, Joanna Marie Lomas, Luis Felipe Lopez, Luis Enique Lopez, Oscar Lopez, Joel Lozano, Oscar Madrigal, Francisco Martinez, Luis M. Maya, Kalynn Marie McKee, Cindy Jo McLaughlin, William Medina, Melanie Mejia, Alejandra Mendoza, Cain Murillo, John H. Orcutt, Cody Lee Parker, Bryan Alejandro Zurita Ramirez, Nuvia Mileni Ramirez Romero, Whitley Ann Proctor Reece, Abran Regalado, Ezio S. Rodriguez, Nadine LeeAnn Rodriguez, Alejandra Sanchez, Stephanie Sepulveda, Gerardo Tellez, Elisabet Villegas Rodriguez, Noel Villegas Ponce, Alejandra Zuniga, Rosa Maria Zuniga.


Tri-City Herald • Friday, June 3, 2011

LINCOLN ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 6 p.m. June 2 at Walla Walla County Fairgrounds Community Center, 363 Orchard St., Walla Walla. Valedictorian: To be announced. Salutatorian: To be announced. Seniors: Olivia Arevalo, Dontrice Benson, Conner Bouta, Tad Campbell, Carlos Chew-Mendez, Yoselin Cienfuegos, Lindsey Cobb, Amanda Conner, Whitney Contreras, Will Drumheller, Rachella Escott, Zachary Ferrel, Nicholas Filbrandy, Cody Finn,

Tyrel Gillespie, Stephanie Harris, Ryan Heighes, Caleb Higgins, Reyn Hodgson, Douglas Howerton, Chelsea Humphrey, Tabitha Imatong, Kenneth Jones, Matthew Leonetti, Janett Lopez, Vanessa Lucero, Kristin Matchett, Jordan Muldoon, Cortney Payton, Brady Pellham, Brandi Price, Conner Robison, Whitney Roulston, Chance Royse, Steven Scanlon, Fletcher Smith, Miranda Tolley, Magnolia Villagomez, Joshua Watts, Michael Zuniga

PALOUSE JUNCTION HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 6 p.m. June 2, school auditorium, 1100 W. Clark St., Connell. Seniors: Carlos Balderas, Felix Bueno, Michael Cantu, Pete Carrazco, Adilene Chairez, Summer Finley, Miguel Fuerte, Alma Gomez, Alejandro Gonzalez,

Francisco Herrera, Janel Johnson, Maria Manriquez, Alfonso Martinez, Brian Martin, Alfredo Morales, Lorenzo Peñaloza, Obniel Perez, Pedro Sandoval, Anthony Sereno, Jose Tapia, Ivan Villa and Ryan West.

HERMISTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Graduation: 7 p.m. May 27 at the school, 1825 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston. Seniors: Tyler Dyer of Hermiston and Skylan Myers of Lexington.

TOUCHET HIGH SCHOOL Graduation: 1 p.m. June 11, in the Touchet High gymnasium, 90 Champion St. Valedictorian: James Paul Riggs. Parents are James and Laurie Riggs. Plans to pursue a career in law enforcement. Salutatorian: Rebecca Thompson. Parents are Robert and Wanda ThompRiggs son. Plans to pursue a degree in nursing at Walla Walla Community College. Seniors: Merced Tomas Berumen, Lauren Marie Brashear, Tyler Lee Donovan Casebier, Rysom Keith Coffell, Courtney Lee Downing, Rolando Flores, Thompson Carley Leanne Frazier, Jacob Robert Hodnefield, Emily Elizabeth Huesby, Hillary Monroe Intinarelli, Dakota Allen Jacobsen, Taylor Ann Jaspersen, Matthew Rainie Kates, Joshua David Kraut, Ian Matthew Loney, Danica Evelyne Ollerman, James Paul Riggs, Stephanie Kay Samuel, Shelby Rose Sewell, Rebecca JoAnne Thompson, Moises Venegas, Joseph Allen Weber.


DESALES CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Baccalaureate Mass: 10 a.m. June 4, Assumption Church, 2098 E. Alder St., Walla Walla Graduation: 7 p.m. June 4, high school, 919 E. Sumach St., Walla Walla Va l e d i c torian: Peter Vander Griend. Pa rents Ja n i ce and Lo ren Vander Griend. Plans to attend University of Washington. Salutatorians: Danielle Hall. Parents Maureen and Terry Hall. Plans to attend Gonzaga University. Megan Moberg. Parents Debbie and Shawn Williams and Andy Moberg and Sara Braker. Plans to attend Washington State University.

Edwards, Erin Taylor Giusti, Thomas Jeffrey Gregg, Danielle L a Rae Vander Griend Hall Moberg Schmitz Hall, Kyle Kincaid Schmitz. Parents Dr. Martin Igoe Lindgren, Victor David and Polly Schmitz and Alberto Mata, Justin Michael Sarah Blattler and Gary Wass. Aden Meye r, Megan Sierra Plans to attend University of Moberg, Gabriela Narciso, Julieta Notre Dame. B. Rive ra, Joshua Michael Scheel, Seniors: Amanda Faye Arceo, Kincaid James Blattler Schmitz, Jinwoo Chang, Jeremy David Hanna Patrizia Schoeppner, Destito, Heather Julieta Diaz, Bo Linyu Shi, Peter Gerrit Vander James Donnelly, Parker Reid Griend, Angelina Marie Wallace, Eaglestone, Brady Freeman Sean Joseph Williams.

JUBILEE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Graduation: 2 p.m. June 3 at Jubilee Youth Ranch, 29 Jubilee Circle, Prescott Valedictorian: Cristian Zuniga.

Parent Maria Zuniga of Othello. Salutatorian: Peter Wilson. Parents Janet and Robert Wilson of Deer Park.

Seniors: Ramon Espinosa, Chris Navarro, Steven Rivas, Tony Thompkins, Peter Wilson, Cristian Zuniga.

GRADUATION SCHEDULE May 27 ◗ Kahlotus High School, 7 p.m., Braddock Gymnasium, 355 S. Durrum St., Kahlotus. ◗ Hermiston Christian School, 7 p.m., at the school, 1825 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston. ◗ Pleasant View Alternative High School, 7 p.m. at the Milton-Freewater Community Center, Milton-Freewater. June 2 ◗ Palouse Junction High School, 6 p.m., school auditorium, 1100 W. Clark St., Connell. ◗ Lincoln Alternative High School,6 p.m. at Walla Walla County Fairgrounds Community Center, 363 Orchard St., Walla Walla. ◗ Compass High School, 6:30 p.m. at county fair grounds on Wallace Way in Grandview. June 3 ◗ Sunset View High School, 6 p.m.in school performing arts center, 1205 Horne Road, Benton City. ◗ Prosser Falls High School, 7 p.m., Princess Theater in Prosser. ◗ Three Rivers HomeLink, 1:30 p.m., Southside Church, 517 Jadwin Ave., Richland. ◗ River’s Edge High School, 11 a.m. at Chief Joseph Middle School auditorium, 504 Wilson, Richland. ◗ Richland High School, 4:30 p.m., Toyota Center. ◗ Hanford High School, 7 p.m., Toyota Center. ◗ Walla Walla High School, 7 p.m., on the school grounds near the Commons. ◗ River View (Finley) High School, 7 p.m., in school’s John Doran Gym. ◗ Othello High School, 7 p.m., Huskie Stadium, 340 S. Seventh. ◗ Connell High School, 7 p.m., Esser Field, Connell. ◗ Sunnyside Christian High School, 7 p.m., at Grandview Church of the Nazarene, 500 N.

Elm, Grandview. ◗ New Horizons Alternative High School, 7 p.m. at Columbia Basin College Byron Gjerde Center, Pasco. ◗ Jubilee Christian Academy, 2 p.m. at Jubilee Youth Ranch, 29 Jubilee Circle. Prescott Kingspoint Christian School, 7 p.m. at Columbia Community Church, 150 Gage Blvd., in Richland. ◗ Columbia (Burbank) High School, 7 p.m. at the gym. ◗ Sunnyside High School, 8 p.m.,Clem Senn Field at the high school, 1801 E. Edison St., Sunnyside. ◗ Hawthorne Alternative High School, 7 p.m., June 3, at the Vert Auditorium in Pendleton. Joint ceremony will recognize six Hermiston, three Stanfield, and 31 Pendleton students. One student from Echo and three from Hermiston will be recognized for earning their general equivalency diplomas. June 4 ◗ Kennewick High School, 9 a.m., Toyota Center. ◗ Chiawana High School, 10 a.m., Edgar Brown Stadium ◗ Prosser High School, 10 a.m., Art Fiker Stadium. ◗ Umatilla High School, 10 a.m., in the gym. Riverside High School, 10 a.m., Dante Daltoso Gymnasium, 210 N.E. Boardman Ave., Boardman. ◗ Hermiston High School, 10:30 a.m., gym. ◗ Grandview High School, 11 a.m., Rich Leenhouts stadium, 1601 W. Fifth St., Grandview. ◗ Kiona-Benton City High School, 11 a.m. in school stadium, 1205 Horne Road, Benton City. ◗ Kamiakin High School, 1 p.m., Toyota Center.

◗ Dayton High School, 1 p.m., high school gym, 614 S. Third St., Dayton. ◗ Tri-Cities Prep, 2 p.m., 9612 St. Thomas Drive, Pasco. ◗ Liberty Christian School, 4 p.m., at Liberty Christian School, 2200 Williams Blvd., Richland. ◗ Southridge High School, 5 p.m., Toyota Center. ◗ Pasco High School, 6 p.m., Edgar Brown Stadium. ◗ DeSales Catholic High School, 7 p.m., high school, 919 E. Sumach St., Walla Walla. June 5 ◗ Riverview Baptist Christian School, 4 p.m. main auditorium of Riverview Baptist Church, 4900 W. Richardson St., Pasco. June 7 ◗ Othello’s ALPS High School (Alternative Learning Placement Site), 7 p.m. at McFarland Middle School, 290 S. 10th Ave. June 10 ◗ Prescott High School, 7 p.m., Prescott Jr. Sr. High School gym, 207 S. A St. ◗ Columbia Basin College GED, 7 p.m., Columbia Basin College Gym. June 11 ◗ Touchet High School, 1 p.m., in the Touchet High gymnasium, 90 Champion St. ◗ Columbia Basin College Dental Hygiene Pinning, 6 p.m., Columbia Basin College Theater. June 17 ◗ Columbia Basin College, 7 p.m. at Toyota Center, Kennewick. June 18 ◗ Columbia Basin College Radiologic Technology Pinning, 11 a.m., Columbia Basin College Theater. ◗ Columbia Basin College Nursing Pinning, 2 p.m., Kennewick High School Auditorium.

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