Trifecta Magazine Issue 12: Fall 2016

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Fall 2016: Issue 12

Calgary's Well-Being and Mindful Living Magazine








HARVESTING A WORLD OF HAPPINESS: AKASHIC MASTERS SPEAK Photo by Vanessa Ronksley | the wellness trifecta: achieving optimal results in three aspects of health; the mind, body and soul


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A Recipe for Harvesting Success

By Abe Brown, Master Coach Trainer


Marsha Hebert’s Healing Soup

By Marsha Hebert


What if money grew on trees, would you be happier?

By Wendy Olson-Brodeur


When Passion Leads the Way


The 5 Keys to Get Out of Your Dang Way (So You Can Make More Money Doing What You Love)

By Ramona Remesat


Angels Signs



The Winding Path of Clarity: Christina Marlett shares with us her story of change through trials and tribulations and reminds us that everything happens for a reason. Discover her thoughts on success through persistence on page 14. Trifecta Magazine focuses on three aspects of health; Mind, Body and Soul. Achieving optimal results in these three areas is considered a perfect balance or trifecta, hence the name of this publication – Trifecta. Inspiring well-being and mindful living through community connection right here in Calgary, Trifecta Magazine provides a channel for community members to both share and learn from each other’s experiences in a solution-based forum of expression. Trifecta Magazine attracts readers, writers and advertisers with a desire for betterment and provides exposure to the many types of therapies, products and practitioners throughout Calgary and surrounding areas that can help people advance on their personal journeys. We hope you enjoy the experience and we look forward to sharing our passion in many issues to come.

For information on advertising opportunities or to contribute to Trifecta Magazine, email or phone 403-589-5060. Trifecta Magazine can be delivered quarterly directly to your home or office for only $24.95 + GST for a one year subscription. Email for more information. Published by Allison Cartwright and Cindy Drummond

By Jodi Dawson

By Nadean Ollech

By Christy Lowrance


Reap What You Sow


The Winding Path of Clarity

By Christina Marlett


Life is a Journey


When It's Time to Walk Away


PARENTING TIPS: Decrease School Stress


Harvest Time!


You Reap What Your Mind Sows


Do You Live with Worry and Fear?


What You Absolutely Must Know to Influence Anyone


Emotion as a Link Between Value and Meaning


A New Year: Wellness Tips for Teachers


The Secret to Starting a Meditation Practice


It Takes Guts to Make a Change

By Dr. Alma Nenshi, Registered Chiropractor

By Hazel-Jane Kalyn By Lisa Elle

By Marianne Disipio-Vitale By Lois Hamilton By Cheryle Cote

By Patrick Murray

By Anita Kozlowski

By Krystyna C. Laycraft, PhD By Joyce Sunada

By Stephanie Hrehirchuk By Monique Brown

The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work. No part of this work covered by the copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of Trifecta Magazine. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking on any exercise, medical or nutritional changes. Fall 2016

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A Recipe for Harvesting Success By Abe Brown, Master Coach Trainer

So how can we exert some influence over our karma, be it in business, relationships, or any area? In other words, what are the principles for successful harvests?

As a leadership and business coach, I am often asked to help business owners accelerate the development of their business, and to strategize with them about generating more revenue and squeezing out more profit. In a recent session with a very promising business owner, we began exploring the idea of seedtime and harvest, or in “business-speak”, making investments in their business. You might even call this business karma.

Success Principle #1 – We have what we have.

As we began to explore this, the owner expressed that she had no more money to invest, and that she was stretched to the end of her financial capacity. Having been there, I was able to reassure her that business investing is so much more than just money, and that the concept of seedtime and harvest, or business karma, involves so much more than cash.

Success Principle #2 – We plant what we have.

In my view the finest entrepreneurs on the planet are farmers; those who risk seed and sweat by investing in the soil, trusting that the external surroundings will all somehow align to serve their goals. And one thing every farmer understands is that in the end, we reap what we sow. If my current outcomes and harvest are not what I imagined or hoped for, the good news is that I can plant new seeds. Intentions and aspirations have limited value in and of themselves; wisdom teaches us that new results require new choices and new directions. Wisdom patiently teaches us that it’s not what you intend that makes the difference, or even what you dream of, but it’s what you do.

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You have what you have. You got what you got. When the business owner above shared her lack of financial resources, there is no sorrow or shame there. You have what you have. My advice to her was to celebrate what she did have, which in her case was passionate commitment to her cause, deep relationships with her customers, an innovative business concept, and a strong social media following for her business. Gratefully celebrate and embrace what you have because there is strength in that.

It makes sense to gratefully celebrate and embrace what you have because you can only plant what you have. And planting is critical. No outcomes will be produced without planting. This speaks to contributing your very best, each and every day. Those who plant reach deep into their bag of skill and capacity and talent and expertise, dig up the soil, and plant what they have. There is a sense of commitment, stability, and focus when you think about planting. Our daily self-evaluation is also not so much about what we harvest, but what we plant. Robert Louis Stevenson said this: “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant”. What are you planting today in terms of beliefs, thoughts, actions, and interactions? This is important because these will surely be your harvest tomorrow.

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

from the publisher Usually when I sit down to write my introduction for our magazine, I have no trouble at all putting pen to paper, explaining our theme and my relevant thoughts for the issue.

Success Principle #3 – We empower what we nurture.

In anything we plant, the principle is always the same: What we nurture we empower. If we are planting seeds for a healthier relationship, then taking steps to nurture a healthier relationship daily is key. If we are planting seeds for a more vibrant business, then building our business by nurturing our network, website, and relationships with key customers and suppliers is critical. If we are planting seeds for a stronger self-concept, than taking steps to nurture this with positive relationships and healthy environments is paramount. We empower what we nurture.

Success Principle #4 – We protect what we love.

In order to produce, what the farmer plants needs protection. In the natural world, crops can experience disease and predators which rob their fruitfulness, and in our lives, there are many forces at work to undermine our productivity and effectiveness. We protect what we love, and so if our goal is a healthier relationship, or more vibrant business, or stronger self-concept, we need to protect what we have planted and are nurturing in order to see the harvest fully come to fruition.

Success Principle #5 – We reap what we sow.

In Buddhist tradition, karma refers to action driven by intention which leads to future consequences. A person sows a seed, and there is a time lag during which a mysterious and invisible process takes place. Then the plant pops up and can be harvested. Life is boomerang. What you give, you get. You are free to make any decision you wish. But you are not free from the consequences of that decision. Planting the “right” seeds in order to change or improve outcomes is critical. Early each day, I look back at the previous day and reflect on the outcomes I experienced, and ask if I want changed or enhanced outcomes in my tomorrow, because if I do, I need to plant them today. Life is an echo: What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you. If you want kindness, be kind. If you want friends, be friendly. If you want help, be helpful. If you want love, be loving. If you want respect, respect others. If you want to innovate, get out of the box. If you want success in business, sow the seeds necessary for success in business. We reap what we sow, and so ultimately, what we harvest we have chosen. In life and in business, there is often not a lot I can do about my outcomes in this moment. But in this moment, literally right now, I can celebrate what I do have, plant what I have, nurture what I have planted, and protect it. I can plant new seeds today in order to reap a new harvest tomorrow. Whether the harvest you are looking for is emotional, physical, relational, financial, or professional, these principles will yield new outcomes in your life, and in the lives of those you value most. Abe Brown, MBA is the Coach’s Coach, and is the CEO of Momentum Coaching (, and the President of the Certified Coaches Federation ( Momentum Coaching has experienced triple digit growth for several years running, and the Certified Coaches Federation has trained and certified over 11,500 Life and Executive Coaches in the last 8 years. Abe does Leadership, Business, and Executive Coaching, and works with profit-based, and nonprofit organizations around strategic planning, cultivating fully engaged employees, and facilitating coaching and training programs. He has also worked with several small, medium, and large businesses to accelerate revenue growth and maximize engagement. Fall 2016

This issue is different, or maybe I am different. We focused our fall issue on Harvesting for Happiness which seemed appropriate for the season and suggested that if we do the hard work at the beginning of the year meaning if we set our goals, plant our seeds (ideas), lovingly tend our garden of life, we surely will have something to harvest at the end of summer, but what happens when fall arrives and we have nothing to harvest. Every farmer has a story to share about the drought from a few years back, the torrential rains, the wind, or any number of other factors that were out of his control. Well, isn’t our own garden of life also subject to the harsh outside elements? There will always be challenges and obstacles trying to stop you from harvesting a healthy and abundant crop for happiness and when this happens you must trust yourself to stay true to your path, focus on the positive and move forward. This issue marks the beginning of our fourth season. We started this magazine exactly three years ago because we believed there needed to be a platform for people to share their experience and help others gain and maintain mind, body & soul health. It’s been a hard journey. Both Allison and I work hard to ensure each issue of Trifecta is something we are proud of despite the challenges we face with every issue. You have our promise that we will continue to tend our beautiful magazine in tough economic times because you, our loyal readers often tell us how much you love Trifecta. Think of this issue as our harvest for you! With gratitude, Cindy Drummond

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Marsha Hebert’s Healing Soup Trifecta readers receive 10% off!

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By Marsha Hebert

Last fall, I went to a restaurant that is well known and a place I frequent. The dinner feature was beef and even though my inner voice was telling me no, I ordered it to get some extra iron in my body. Guess what? Immediately after eating, I experienced stomach pain and within a few hours more digestive issues. I thought, ok no more beef at that restaurant. Less than a week later, I was experiencing chest pains and was rushed to the emergency (twice in one week). I had ultra sound and a brain scan. I thought I was going to die. The doctor said I had a viral infection and my chest had become inflamed. They sent me home and recommended rest and pain killers. I was helpless and with every movement I experienced shortness of breath. My anemia only made the symptoms worse. My twin sister had to fly in from Montreal to assist in my recovery. I only take supplements and I know the healing properties of natural foods, so I became my own medicine woman and created this recipe for Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup with Tomatoes. In one week I was back to my fit and energetic self! I am certain this soup helped me recover faster!

Total Nutrients per serving:


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Calories (kcal)


Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Potassium (mg) Carbohydrate (g) Fibre (g) Sugar (g) Protein (g) Vitamin A (RAE) Vitamin C (mg) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) Vitamin D (mg) Vitamin E (mg) Thiamin (mg) Riboflavin (mg) Niacin (NE) Folate (DFE) Vitamin B6 (mg) Vitamin B12 (mg)

7.3 1.0 0.0 0.0 628.2 489.8 21.1 4.3 6.4 2.4 533.7 14.4 47.8 1.5 0.0 2.1 0.1 0.1 1.6 26.9 0.3 0.0

Source: 2016 eatracker by Dieticians of Canada

Marsha Hebert is a gluten-free and lactose-free cookbook author and EAT for Life Consultant at

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

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Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup with Tomatoes Makes: 8 cups (2 cups per serving) Total time: 35 minutes 2 tablespoon olive oil 1 cups diced onions 2 cups grated sweet potatoes 1 cup red split lentils (rinsed just before adding to soup) 1 1/2 cup tomatoes, diced with juice 5 1/2 cups water 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon parsley 1 teaspoon coriander 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon cayenne 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 bay leaves

Top Beneficial Ingredients:

Lentils Onions Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes

In a large non-stick sauce pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onions and sauté for 3 minutes.

Add the sweet potatoes and lentils and cook for additional 5 minutes.

Add the tomatoes, water, season and bay leaf. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 25 minutes, until lentils and sweet potatoes is cooked through. Remove from heat and let cool 10 minutes.

Transfer soup to a blender or food processor and process until smooth (you may need to do in batches).

Return the soup to the rinsed-out pan and warm over low heat for 5 minutes.

Cholestrol Lowering



Digestive Health

Heart Health

Immune Function

Mental Alertness

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Weight Management

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Source: 2014 Reader's digest Super Foods Cookbook

Fall 2016

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What if money grew on trees, would you be happier? By Wendy Olson-Brodeur

Let’s talk about money and happiness. I’ve heard it all and then some. Often people will say, "If I only had more money. If I only made more money. If my x-spouse would just pay me more money. I`d be happier" Really... not according to the research. Money is NOT the key to happiness. Having said that, we do know that having enough money to cover the basic needs is key but beyond that there is research to suggest it’s not about the money. So if you are struggling about being happy, at the core, money will not help you. Just tune into the rich and famous and many of them although they have money are not very happy. Money may in fact be used as a tool for control and that perhaps that is not making you happy. You may feel you are being used and abused around money but that's not what is not making you happy. What is happiness and how can we harvest it? Take a minute and reflect about the last time you felt really really happy. Where were you, what were you doing, who were you with. Now do the same thing except think of time where you were really unhappy. What was going on? Who were you with? What were you doing? It is NOT someone else's job to make you happy. It is up to you. YOU are responsible for your own happiness. You let others treat you the way you accept. So if you are not happy, what are YOU going to do about it? You need a plan. If money is being used as a tool and it is affecting you then you would be wise to work with a professional and get some education and knowledge about what is really going on. Just recently I was working with a couple around a marriage breakup and the issue of support. It is usually a sensitive subject between the payer and the receiver. The issues come out of the wood work. It didn't take long to discover it was not really about the money. It was about seeing, being with, and spending time with the children and feeling like they had the resources to do that. So although it started about the money changing hands it was really about time spend being able to do things with the children. I could have carried on with the meeting but my goal is always to find ways to harvest the happiness again for people so they can move on with their lives. By listening to what was going on, I recognized the issue was not just about the money and a referral to a family counsellor who was the expert made sense. Now with a collaborative team in place we can really help this family. If you are in a relationship either beginning, middle or end and money is an issue, do yourself a favour and book an appointment with a money professional to discuss the issues because you could potentially save a lot of money in the long run. We know knowledge is powerful and without it how can you make educated decisions for yourself, your family or your future. As a collaborative professional it was easy for me to refer the family to a mental health professional or family counselor and work through the emotion first. We will get to the money and without a doubt it will be a much easier conversation after that. Our goal is always to harvest the happiness best we can for all families and a team approach is often more effective than going it alone. Wendy Olson-Brodeur is a Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist, Registered Family Mediator, and Collaborative Professional and Certified Financial Planner, whose passion is

helping clients work through all kinds of money issues.

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When Passion Leads the Way By Jodi Dawson

I feel so lucky, I’m giddy. I have the job of my dreams, yet I had no idea it was my dream job. I am the Manager of Economic Development for my hometown of High River. At no time in my education or career, did I imagine that I would be in Economic Development in municipal government. It wasn’t my career ambition; actually, it wasn’t even an identified option. In fact, I never imagined living and working in High River after high school, yet here I am and I couldn’t be happier. My story isn’t about setting goals and achieving them, actually I think that is a highly overrated idea. Instead my story is about holding an overall intention, listening to and trusting your heart and taking intentional and persistent action in the direction your heart is pointing you. When I look back on the thread of my life and career (oh, I sound old when I say that), I have had three main intentions; to challenge my brain, to be happy and to make a difference. It has been impossible to look forward and decide in advance exactly how this intention can be fulfilled. It has been entirely about being present, noticing opportunities that appear,taking action and then watching to see how things unfold. I feel like the best place to start is 2011. By 2011, I had spent a decade navigating the challenge of raising three children and pursuing a meaningful career. At the turn of the New Year, my husband had decided he’d had enough of commuting, so we began the challenge of investigating relocation. We considered Calgary, Vancouver Island and Vernon, but by July, when none of the options were working out, we came to the decision that we were meant to stay in High River. Once this decision was made, I traveled to Comox to spend two days on my own to recharge. I remember standing on the beach, closing my eyes and inviting the universe to bring me the next opportunity I could throw my heart and head into. In early

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

On ly S Bo po 40 ok ts. tod ay !

September, a friend of mine sent me a job posting that spoke to me and by November, I started as Vice President at an amazing non-profit in Calgary called Impact Society. Impact Society was a perfect opportunity to leverage every single piece of experience and expertise I had gained throughout my career. In the early part of 2013, my son was having some challenges and I made the very important choice to take a leave of absence to care for my family. Through that time, I began to be conscious of a question sitting in my heart, is there a way I can leverage all of my experience and expertise to serve my community? I was hearing it, but I had no answer. Then, in June, High River flooded. My family was evacuated and we spent eight weeks living with family and friends. I left my work to attend to my home and my family – there really wasn’t a question this was the right and necessary thing to do. In September of 2013, I received a call from a friend of mine who had decided to run for Mayor. He asked me to run for council. I can’t explain exactly why, but I knew immediately that I did not want to run and that there would be other opportunities for me to serve my community, so I declined. By January of 2014, our house was getting back in order, so I began investigating how I could be of help to High River. The last two years is kind of an unbelievable blur. I started my own consulting organization and supported business renewal projects. I applied for a couple of jobs with the Town, but received no response. I proactively met with the Manager of Community Services to position my capability and she gave me an amazing community development project. At the same time, I volunteered to become a member on a council appointed committee to advise the Business and Tourism department. In February of 2015, my friend (who was now the Mayor) approached me and asked me to be part of an Economic Development Task Force – I said yes, without hesitation. By October, when it became clear that the Task Force would be recommending that the town build an Economic Development department, I knew I had to apply. In January, I went through the interview process, but knew it was not going my way; I did not have the "right" credentials. I withdrew my application. They hired somebody else. I watched and licked my wounds – but deep in my heart, I knew that was my job. The other person lasted one month and it was decided she was not the right fit. As soon as the announcement was made, I went into action. I called the Mayor to ask if I had his support, and then convinced the hiring manager that I was the best candidate for the job which is why I am the Manager of Economic Development for High River! Passion has led me to opportunity and conviction has turned opportunity to reality. I listened and I acted and the right things happened. I didn’t plan it, I simply noticed and followed it. I am so excited, I truly can’t wait to see what happens next – this is what happens when passion leads the way.

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Fall 2016

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The 5 Keys to Get Out of Your Dang Way

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(So You Can Make More Money Doing What You Love) By Ramona Remesat

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Has there ever been a time in your life when you doubted yourself? Was there ever a moment when you let fear or negative selftalk completely derail you from moving your life forward.

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If you said yes, you are definitely not alone. Many of the women entrepreneurs I talk to experience this and I was there too! After going through a major identity crisis in my 30’s I took the tools and tactics I learned in over 30 years of voraciously studying mindset and self-development to finally get clear on my purpose, master my mind, and create a business and a life I love!

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But it took me navigating the dark night of my soul and learning how to conquer my inner critic, squash my fears and self-doubt, and crush my self-sabotaging behaviours, before I could really start living my IDEAL (not just my “possible”) life. Before I figured it all out, I felt like I was on a roller coaster. One day I would be excited about my business and go full throttle, and other days my mind would tell me I wasn’t good enough and nobody would want to work with me. As a result, I failed to take critical action in my business and it suffered. But worse than that, I was letting down all the wonderful women entrepreneurs out there who needed my help. They all had big beautiful purposes to fulfill but they were stuck too. And by me not helping them, they weren’t able to serve the clients THEY were meant to serve. I was creating a major traffic jam and it was time to get out of my own dang way. So I committed to using everything I’ve learned over many years of self-development study and I came up with five key things that have become my Total Confidence & Clarity System. It’s what got me back in the game and helped me, help clients all around the world and I’m excited to share them with you!

Key #1 is Motivation. You’ve probably heard the saying, “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life,” But I believe, to be truly successful in business and life you must be 100% in alignment with WHO YOU ARE. You have to DO WHO you are at the deepest soul level! If you don’t, it won’t matter how much self-development work you do, you will never be truly happy and successful and, you’ll risk spending your entire life feeling unfulfilled and having regrets.

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If you’re feeling stuck, unfulfilled or like you’re spinning your wheels right now, take a deep hard look at whether or not what you’re doing speaks to you at your deepest soul level. And if it doesn’t, you need to identify what sparks your passion and then create your game plan to go out and get it!

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Key #2 is Mindset. Have you ever noticed that the

moment you go charging out of the gates towards a goal, your mind decides to have a little chat with you? Usually it sounds something like this: “Nobody’s going to want to work with YOU – you’re no expert!” “What makes you think THIS will work, you’ve screwed up everything else you’ve done. “You’re not ready yet, you need more money/more time/ another certification” And on and on and on!! I have just three words to say about that…THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS. What you think about you bring about. So if you’re constantly focused on all the things you can’t have and can’t do, you won’t have them and you won’t do them. But what we think about tends to be habitual and it tends to be negative. We go into a “sound-track” and play it over and over and over again. And what’s really scary, is that this soundtrack is usually false! The things we’re telling ourselves aren’t even OUR beliefs! They’re things that we heard when our brains weren’t developed enough for us to process them correctly! So in order to get out of your own way, you must first be AWARE of what you’re saying to yourself and then ditch your unhealthy thinking habits, and establish new and more positive ones. When you do this consistently, your mindset becomes a powerful weapon to help you conquer your self-sabotaging behaviours.

Key #3 is Money Making Mojo. Everyone reading this

right now has a money story and it’s most likely that your money story was “implanted” in you when you were a young child. Maybe you were told money is the root of all evil, money is dirty, rich people are bad, or it’s not spiritual to ask for money, etc. Sadly, these money stories cause so many self-sabotaging behaviours like people-pleasing, undercharging for your services, and plateauing in your business. So if you want to move your life and business forward you must first identify, and then clear up, your money stories and develop a healthy relationship with your cash!

Key #4 is Minding Your Map. I’m sure you’ve taken a

road trip at some point in your life. But you probably didn’t just pack a suitcase, throw it in the car and start driving. You likely had a map or a plan of some kind because you knew that you would waste a lot of time and money getting to where you wanted to go if you just drove around aimlessly. In business, we create strategies and plans for how we’re going to get where we want to go. But what happens when your nasty

Fall 2016

inner critic starts to pull you off track and tries to convince you to stay in your comfort zone? Do you keep you moving towards your goals? Or do you get sucked into the vortex of despair? We all get thrown off course, from time to time, but the trick is to mind your map which means listening to your inner GPS. We all have an inner guidance system that guides us in the right direction and helps us stay on track. The challenge, is learning how to tap into it and trusting it enough so that you’ll actually take action on what you’re being guided to do. If you’re skeptical about working with your intuition you might want to consider that intuitive people are known for being more creative, more successful and living happier lives. And a study from the Newark College of Engineering showed that CEOs who demonstrate intuition create more PROFITS for their business! Start now. You’ll get to where you’re going much faster when you activate, and follow your inner GPS.

Key #5 is Make Magic! I truly believe that what makes successful people so successful is that they know how to work with (rather than against) the laws of the Universe and are ever mindful that thoughts become things.

They apply Universal Laws, like the Law of Attraction and the Law of Action, to help them super-boost their success and practice gratitude and forgiveness as well. When you put these all together you’ll make magic happen in your life and business and make more money than you’ve ever imagined just by doing what you love! So I’m not sure where you’re at right now. Maybe you’ve been feeling stuck in your business or you’ve been struggling to get clients consistently. Or maybe you’re tired of working hard yet not seeing the results that match. Maybe you know what you need to do to move your life and business forward yet fear is holding you hostage and you’re falling into traps like perfectionism and procrastination. But imagine what your life will look like when finally get out of your own dang way and you stop listening to your sabotaging sound track. Imagine when you stop self-doubting and second-guessing, bust through fear like a warrior and confidently take actions that move your business forward! You DESERVE that… And it’s completely possible for YOU. The only limit to what you can be, do or have, is you. Ramona Remesat is an Intuitive Mindset Coach and winner of the 2016 Influential Businesswoman Award for Most Inspirational Businesswoman Coach. Connect with her for a complimentary Clarity Call where you’ll chat about what you’ve been doing that hasn’t been working so well and put together, and discuss, a strategy for what would work better instead.,

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Angels Signs By Nadean Ollech

The signs came to me even before I knew what they really were or where they were coming from. Such as an urge to phone someone only to realize it was their birthday once we were chatting. Or seeing a dog and following him without knowing why. He lead me right when I had planned to turn left, only to find out later there was accident I would have been in the middle of if I had turned left. Once I understood what was happening the signs came fast and plentiful. The things I was experiencing were; feathers, cloud formations in the shapes of hearts, angels, angel wings and animals. There were heart shaped puddles, heart shaped rocks and one time a heart shape in the outer layer of my hard boiled egg once I peeled it. Repeated numbers, feelings, unexplained knowing and ideas came my way. Also animals I had never seen before or in places I would not expect them. Being stung by a wasp, for the first time in my life at age 42, only to research it and find that a wasp coming into your life means you have to start working on your dreams. I have learned the last couple of years to listen to these signs because they are divine guidance. Divine guidance is really from the place that we are connected to source (god, higher self, Angels what ever you call it) and can help you lead the life you most want to lead, the life you dream of. I will admit it takes a great leap of faith to change your life or even make decisions based on signs but let me explain how it works for me. I get signs all the time and I research them all but I base my decisions on the things that feel right for me. Sometimes it’s a feeling I have been having but ignored and the sign brought it right to my attention. Sometimes the sign is about something I really want and when the sign appears to me I feel supported by the Angels to take this leap, make the change or believe in the dream. So I guess what I am really saying is that I embrace signs because they feel to me like a support system from the Angels for me to live life in a way that is joyful, brave and aligned with my true self. I often think and have heard others say, “you have a magical life” I thank myself and my Angels signs for that.

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Akashic Masters Speak By Christy Lowrance

As you look at this symbol, you probably have some idea of what it represents to you. To some it is the infinity symbol representing something that never ends. One might think it resembles the double helix of our DNA, or it represents a connection that cannot be broken. To the Mètis people, it symbolizes the joining of two cultures and the existence of a people since time immemorial that will remain forever. It is a beautiful and simple representation of all of these things. What is important to us about this symbol is that it effortlessly displays how everything is connected. We intend to show you how you are connected to someone on the other side of the world, and why you should care so deeply about them. Imagine every human on this planet holding hands in the pattern of the infinity symbol. It is unbroken and everyone is connected. Each person can only see so far and only knows what is in the environment around them. Each person also wants the best for those around them. Though you cannot see the others that are out of your view, you still know that you want peace at every point of this connection because you know that somehow it will come back to you. You know that you will at some point feel the dis-ease of the others down the line. Herein lays the challenge: Given that everyone has basic human needs to meet, how will you come up with a system of living, a way of Being and interacting with each other and your environment that benefits everyone and keeps the peace? Some things to keep in mind: 1. Not only does each person have a special gift and unique talent to give, the environment and place they are in has special offerings as well. 2. Each person has a beautiful heart connected to Spirit that truly cares about the wellbeing of everyone. Each person is a Spiritual Being living a human existence. 3. This world is one of duality, where there is always a choice being presented. So what do you choose? Do you make decisions based on the self or the collective, knowing that everything you do affects everyone, always? Do you choose to connect to the spiritual self that exists inside each one of you, or do you connect more with the human ego self that serves one instead of many, again, knowing that it will affect everyone in the collective?

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Let’s come back to the idea that the infinity symbol is a joining of two. Good and Bad. Above and Below. In or Out. Self or Collective. You or Me. Same or Different. Light or Dark. They are not separate but a part of each other. Do you fight for one or accept that they are both essential and find the balance between them? Please recognize that there is beauty in the darkness as well. So, you are thinking as you are reading this, this is just life and you are asking me to solve the world’s problems that humanity hasn’t been able to figure out in eons. Yes, yes, we know that you know that you are already playing this game in real life and that it is not a simple question. But what would you do? What do you choose every day? Let us look at some different scenarios then. A fight breaks out at one end and the people at the other end hear about it but don’t concern themselves with it because they think it doesn’t affect them. After some time, they start feeling the tugging and pulling of the connection down the line. A real example is the war breaking out in Syria, and the beautiful souls, who are just like you but at a different point in the connection, cannot remain where they are. They do not want to leave, they love where they are and have a spiritual connection to the land around them and are connected by generations of ancestors - but they must leave to stay alive. Now where do they go? Do you open your arms, hold their hands, and let them into your space in the chain? Or do you cling tightly, lips pursed and say no way this spot is taken? How would you feel if that was your location that broke out into war, where would you go? Are you sure your way is the right way? Can you accept that values like human rights, peace, and community are what everyone wants, there are just different ways of interpreting it? Each culture is beautiful and flawed and that is okay because you are here to experience diversity of life. Perhaps that homeless man on the street doesn’t want to experience anything different this lifetime. Perhaps his soul has chosen to feel what it is like to have nothing and experience how people react to him; to know what it is like to be poor because he has already experienced a lifetime of wealth. You are all connected like the symbol above. You know where you are from and what your own experiences have been but you just don’t know what another person has lived through or is experiencing right now. You may not know why they do things a certain way but it is not for you to judge, it is for you to ask them and learn why. There is always a reason why or how it came to be, just as your world in your spot in the connection has a reason why. It is time to stop judging and start giving out your compassion to each other. Everyone has done their best to manage their situations, surroundings and leadership, while living in this world of duality and humanity. You must plant the seeds of communication, acceptance and love in order to reap the harvest of a world of love and happiness for yourself. Christy Lowrance Certified Akashic Record Reader

Fall 2016

“What’s your Soul’s story?” Akashic Record Readings Angel Card Readings | Reiki Healing

Readings can be done in person or via Skype or phone.

Christy Lowrance p: 587.888.9788

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Reap What You Sow

By Dr. Alma Nenshi, Registered Chiropractor INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 lbs ripe tomatoes (about 5-7), chopped 3 cups stale bread, torn into bite-size pieces 3-4 cups vegetable or chicken stock 1/4 cup best-quality extra virgin olive oil 2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 red onion, finely chopped, reserve a few Tbsp for garnish 1 cucumber, peeled, chopped, reserve 8 slices for garnish 3 Tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped, plus a few whole sprigs for garnish 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 tsp ground cumin Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS In a large non-reactive bowl, combine all ingredients. For the broth, begin with 3 cups. Working in batches, purée in blender. If consistency is too thick, add more broth. Once entirely blended, pour back into bowl and cover. Chill at least 2 hours in the refrigerator, preferably overnight for flavors to come together. Check for seasoning and adjust if necessary and stirring well, or pulsing in blender before serving. Garnish with cucumber slices, a sprig of cilantro, and/or chopped red onion. Serve cold. Serves 8

What is your greatest asset? Is it your wealth, your kids, perhaps your intelligence? There is no greater asset than your health, without which you cannot live your life’s full potential, physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

According to the World Health Organization, “Health is 100% function of every cell, tissue, organ and system, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Anything less than 100% function hints an underlying weakness that holds you back from living your life’s full potential. Let’s take a moment to appreciate few of the miracles of life. There are 100 billion nerve signals sending messages throughout your body this very moment! Your heart beats 3000 million beats in an average lifespan, and it’s only the size of your fist! You have 100,000 miles of blood vessels in your body and you can hold 1 quadrillion (1 million billion) bits of information in your long-term memory over a lifetime. 90% of your brain’s resources are devoted to ensuring you are able to stand upright to gravity with good posture. You have breathed 24,000 times in the last 24 hours. And finally there are 7,000,00 0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms that make up your adult body, all which started as two tiny cells that joined, multiplied and differentiated in an organized fashion, creating your life and the wisdom within it to create life again. You are naturally designed to be healthy, and the innate wisdom within you expresses health and healing through the nervous system as long as there is no interference in the communication pathways. The brain is the most adaptable organ in the human body as it has the ability to change physically and chemically based on experience and what is happening inside and outside the body. 85% of the human genome is concerned with the brain and it’s development leaving only 15% for the rest of the body including the development of your heart, lungs, digestion etc. A breakdown in spine flexibility causes a breakdown in brainbody communication, similar to driving in rush hour traffic. Signals want to move through rapidly but they may be slowed, diverted or even blocked. Arthritis, curvatures, poor posture, unhealthy eating, inactivity, etc., all may produce constant, chronic, low levels of stress on the brain and nerves leading to functional breakdown of the cells they supply. The result may be headaches, blurred vision, neck and shoulder tension, back pain, poor balance, muscle weakness, fatigue, digestive concerns, allergies, bedwetting, learning and attention challenges, vertigo, etc.

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Regular chiropractic care clinically clears the traffic jams, alleviating nerve stress and restoring your brain-body communication systems. This results in better posture and frontal lobe activation, the area of the brain that is responsible for human executive functions like learning, planning, reasoning, intelligence and socialization. According to neurologist and Nobel Prize recipient Dr. Roger Sparry, “90% of ALL Nutrition and Stimulation to the brain comes from movement of the spine!” So how invested are you in improving your life’s greatest asset? You are worthy of enjoying the life of your dreams, it’s all in your head just waiting to be nurtured and cultivated. So what’s your next step? Embrace your innate wisdom and appreciate all that your body provides. You are designed to be healthy, strong and healing by nature. Reflect on your life and have gratitude for the gifts of experiences that have fashioned into this perfect You. Look ahead and visualize your desired future. Now make your vision a priority and resolve to take one action step today to enhance your health and move towards your goal. After all, you reap what you sow… Dr. Alma Nenshi, Registered Chiropractor Chiropractic Wellness Clinic

upcoming events Chiropractic Wellness Clinic

Dr. Alma Nenshi's Health Talks are FREE! Limited seating so reserve your seats. Visit for information. Raising Smart Kids! Improve Memory, IQ, Reading, Processing Speed & Attention Wednesday, September 28 | 6 PM Plantar Fasciitis Participants will get a FREE cold laser session and Computer Foot and Gait Assessment Saturday, October 15 | Noon Migraine Headaches Participants will get a free MindFit therapy session for Pain Relief Wednesday, October 26 | 6 PM Winter Health Problems Immune System Boost, Arthritis, Chinook Headaches, Osteoporosis, SAD & More! Saturday, November 26 | Noonis

Fall 2016

WOMEN’S HEALTH Dr. Nenshi’s Chiropractic and Functional Neurology treatments improve communication between your brain and your body. Hormone Imbalance and Weight Loss Migraines & Headaches Fatigue & Depression Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Infertility Pregnancy Memory Loss Progressive Weakness Numbness & Tingling Chronic Pain Muscle Spasms & Cramps Restless Leg Syndrome Balance Problems Tinnitus & Vertigo Allergies & Sensitivities Scars & Fasciitis Poor Circulation Healthy Aging

Let us help you express your full health potential!

Call today to set up a FREE Consultation



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The Winding Path of Clarity By Christina Marlett

Have you ever thought that you were really clear about something, only to find out that there was yet another level of clarity to uncover? That has been my experience so far. After completing four years of university, I still didn’t really know what I wanted to be. Then one day, I had an epiphany. I would be a teacher! It was a relief to have direction. I got another degree and then went to the interview with the Board of Education. I remember being asked how long I planned on being a teacher. “I will be a teacher for a really long time,” I replied. It turns out that was actually only the beginning. As I gained more clarity, I discovered that what I really wanted to be was a mom. My two incredible children entered my life. What I discovered next was that I wanted more. And I got it. For several years, I passionately taught people how to clean their homes without chemicals. I was certain that I had discovered my life’s passion. I was filled with energy, enthusiasm and joy. It felt like I had found my forever career. Then it changed. I got more clarity. Well, actually, for a while, I got very unclear. I experimented with a variety of pursuits that were definitely not for me. I had figured out that I wanted to do something big, something significant, something epic. However, it seemed like each new path was just an epic failure. I invested time, energy and money into several different ventures that fell flat, one after the other. I was off course, but clarity was nearby. I could feel it. While I was taking one of the dozens of personal development courses I’ve completed, I had another epiphany. Instead of promoting other people’s products and services, I finally felt confident enough to start my own business. The message I got was that whatever was in me was tired of being just in me. It longed to get out and reach more people. I kept putting one foot in front of the other with that new knowledge, and eventually, Dance Ugly Dance Awkward was born. It seemed right to combine my passion for movement and dance with personal transformation. Oh Sweet Clarity! It felt so good to land on the perfect blend of experience and novelty. I worked with business coaches and life coaches to help keep me on track. The work I did with private clients was profound. The transformation they experienced even surprised me at times. Who knew that life coaching, when combined with dance, could be so powerful? I traveled all over North America giving workshops and studying further to enrich my craft. If you’re wondering about the timeline here, I realized that I wanted to be a teacher in about 2000. Dance Ugly Dance Awkward emerged in 2013. (I just had to go check LinkedIn to verify that year. Good thing I have something that keeps track for me!)

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For 3 years, I immersed myself in my business. I took any opportunity that came my way, using my intuition as my guide. I wrote a book about my journey through perfectionism, and how Ugly Awkward Dancing liberated me. It was published in February 2016. Then, in March, I started filming my weekly web TV show, The Ugly Awkward Dance Show. Each new level of clarity I unearthed felt like truth, but around that time, another fork in the road appeared. I knew that I wanted to be doing more speaking, but whenever I mentioned anything about dancing, people didn’t understand. They couldn’t see like I could how dance could be transformative and not just a past time. People constantly asked me if I had a dance studio and where they could take my classes. It took a lot of effort to explain that I was more like a life coach who used dancing as a tool. Several of my personal coaches and mentors commented that ugly awkward dancing was my process and not my business. That made sense to me. Another level of clarity was revealed. And then the Universe hit me over the head with a spiritual 2x4. My website for Dance Ugly Dance Awkward was hacked. Thousands of codes of malware were hidden in my site so that it became an “attack site” that got shut down by Google. I would never be able to use the corresponding domain name again. Although I shed many tears due to the stress of the situation, I got the message loud and clear. Something needed to shift. A new idea kept appearing while I meditated. It whispered “Flawed, Fabulous & Free”. I liked the feeling of this new direction because it was clearer. I tested it out on a few people and they liked it too. I hired a team of web designers and explained my new idea. They got to work, and Flawed, Fabulous & Free took shape. If you check my LinkedIn profile, though, you won’t see anything about that in my history. Why not? It turns out that more clarity was on the way. In April, I traveled to California for a day of mentoring with my coaches, Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman. On the plane ride there, I had a new idea. It was for the name of a retreat I was envisioning, and it presented itself as “Courageous Self-Care”. I loved it! As Marci and Debra were coaching me, I shared my new idea and they both loved it too. So much so, that they said it wasn’t just a retreat, it could be a whole business. We debated back and forth between Flawed, Fabulous & Free and Courageous Self-Care. Ultimately, Marci said that I should just choose one because they were both great possibilities. I desperately wanted to choose Flawed, Fabulous & Free, because the website was half-built. I had also shared my new direction with many people. If I changed my mind again, I feared that I would come across as flakey. However, when I really tuned in, Courageous Self-Care was the one. It felt full of possibility. It had more clarity. And, I realized that I had been working with my clients on self-care all along. I just hadn’t recognized it. I took a breath, and announced to Marci and Debra that my choice was Courageous Self-Care. And then I burst into tears. Marci asked what those were all about. I replied that although it felt right, I was also deeply embarrassed. I was changing my mind Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

yet again. I was starting all over. Plus, I had a TV show and a book that didn’t match. Marci asked if I could write another book. “Yes.” (sniff ) She asked if I could change the name of my TV show. “I guess so.” (sniffle sniffle) Once the tears subsided, I felt stronger and knew that I had just made my own first act of Courageous Self-Care. I followed my intuition and chose the option that felt right, not the one that preserved my outer image. I changed my show to the Courageous Self-Care Show and I haven’t looked back. The clarity I have since experienced is unlike anything thus far in my professional life. For the first time since I’ve been an entrepreneur, I can succinctly explain what I do and people get it! That feeling alone has been worth the challenges. What does this have to do with you? Let’s pull out the lessons. 1.

Clarity is not a destination. It’s a process. We may think that we have arrived, but there are certainly more adventures on the way. Intuition is a helpful companion on the journey.


It can be very tempting to make choices based on what we believe other people will think of us. The only approval that matters ultimately, though, is our own. If we approve of our decisions and ourselves first, it doesn’t matter what others think.


The Universe is on our side. I love the phrase “Everything happens for a reason and that reason is to serve my highest good.” It was tempting to focus on the difficulty of losing

my website and lots of my hard work. It was more tempting, though, to get the lesson quickly and to move forward. 4.

Our passions can change. Trying to hold on to older energy is detrimental to our expansion. Along the same vein, nothing we do is ever wasted. Each experience builds on the next, even though it may seem unrelated at the time.


The main driving force in my journey has been persistence. I have done countless exercises and reflections on my “why”. For me, my why is simple. The thing that is inside of me must be shared. It longs to get out so that I can be of service to as many people as possible. When I share my gifts, I feel deeply fulfilled, and that truth gives me energy to persist.

There are many ideas throughout this story. What is the one idea that speaks to you right now? It’s so valuable to pause and take a moment to reflect. I’m grateful that my journey has intersected with yours in this brief moment. Please take what serves you and continue along on your path. May you gain clarity with each step.

Christina Marlett loves to help busy, overwhelmed women go from “Running on Empty” to “Renewable Energy”. Along with her signature Ugly Awkward Dancing Process, she uses her training as an Embodiment Coach to help her clients and students move through persistent energetic blocks to achieve lasting transformation. She is an engaging Public Speaker, a #1 International Best Selling Author, and the host of the popular web TV show, The Courageous Self-Care Show. To discover your own Self-Care Style, take the quiz at

Join Christina Marlett, Founder of Courageous Self-Care for her Live Complimentary Talk

Thursday September 8 at 7:00pm

Fall 2016

Text REGISTERME to 587-800-4323 for details

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Life is a Journey By Hazel-Jane Kalyn As much as clothing manufacturers would like us to believe there is no such thing as “one size fits all”. Happiness is no different!

It has taken me years to realize that for myself true happiness lays in the journey not in the goal. When I was younger and contemplating my life’s wants, needs and goals I would think “if I only had this or did that I would be happy. I would set my sights on what I wanted, figure out how I was going to obtain it, and I would set out on the path to possession. In the prime of my youth, thrilled with my decision, enthusiastic about obtaining it, and happy to be on the pursuit of my next achievement. I was like a plow horse with blinders on and a carrot dangling in front of my nose! I didn’t look to the left, I didn’t look to the right, I never took my eye off that carrot, and kept putting one foot in front of the other. “Sorry, I would tell my Friends, I can’t meet today because I’m too busy”. “Mom, I would love to do that with you but I can’t as I have work to do”. “Sweetheart, I’m too tired to go out tonight. Perhaps another night when I don’t have as many deadlines”. In time friends quit calling, mom quit asking, and my husband and I parted company.

spend some time with you”. While we work we discuss all of life’s critical issues, have lunch, sit on the back deck for an hour or two and play with her cute little dog Sophie. After we are finished for the day I feel a sense of contentedness like I have never felt before, and when I leave I always I tell her how much I love her. When I wake in the morning and it’s a beautiful day, no matter how much office work I have to do, I take the time to go out to my garden and tend to all of my little green friends. I water, I weed, I till the soil, I feel this incredible sense of peace. I touch their leaves and stroke their petals and I never quit telling them how much I love and appreciate them. I take the time every day to nurture my heart, mind, body and soul. The funny thing is, I still reach all of my goals, but now I pay close attention to the journey and the happiness I feel. It makes me appreciate every second, of every minute, of every day, of every week, of every year! And…I never quit telling the universe and the people surrounding me how much I love them, and the gift of life, because there is nothing more important than LOVE! Hazel-Jane Kalyn, ACE Certified Personal Trainer/Fitness Nutrition Specialist Integral Training Services Inc. Synthesizing life’s critical elements…Family, Friends, Fitness and career.

What I discovered when I would finally reach that carrot was, it did not taste as sweet as I thought it was going too. A whole host of happiness preventing emotions invaded my psyche, sadness, hurt, despair, regret, fear, anxiety, depression, anger, you name it; I felt it deep to my very core. I wondered…Is this all there is? What went wrong? How could I have been so mistaken? It was such a beautiful dream! I wish I could tell you that I did this once, learned my lesson and never repeated this mistake again. However, that would be a lie! I had to repeat this same process several times before it finally dawned on me why the happiness I so desperately sought kept evading me! I was so focused on the end result I did not take the time to truly absorb, enjoy and relish in the journey. What an epiphany! All the funny little colloquial sayings my mother use to tell me came flooding back to me. At the time I chalked up to her just being a little old lady with nothing better to do than prattle on. Things like, “Honey, you should take time to smell the roses”, “Sweetheart, when God closes a door he always opens the window”, “My love, there is no time like the present”. Today I live in the present, because it is a reflection of the past and a prediction of the future. Now when my beautiful friend Hanna calls me and asks if I would have time to help her recover her dining room chairs, I tell her, “yes, I would love to come to your home and

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When It's Time to Walk Away


By Lisa Elle

2. 3. 4.

There is a time for everything under the sun. This includes a time to walk away. I’m not sharing today about the times in our life when we really need to leave a bad situation or close a chapter in our books because they no longer serve us or grow us as people. These seasons most definitely come and I know and you know they are hard seasons to walk through. My message today is something a little different. It’s about walking away from thoughts that don’t serve you. Today, I will share another story to illustrate my point on thoughts. Once upon a time, there live a beautiful, smart girl. One day, this girl decided she was going to wake up at 5am, write her blog, work-out, buy her favorite latte on the way into work, have a kick-ass day working with her team. She created the feelings and the life she wanted – positive, happy, beautiful, and uplifting. Others around her felt her joyful spirit and heart. And it was so. In a nearby kingdom, there lived another beautiful, smart girl. One day, this girl woke up on the wrong side of bed, and stubbed her toe and complained about her bad sleep. She was grouchy from the moment she woke up and said things like “I know today’s going to be a bad day.” She threw herself in her car and went to work, begrudgingly got a coffee, and everything she seemed to touch at work went wrong. She created the feelings and the life she wanted – negative, unhappy, and miserable. And it was so. If you believe and understand that your thoughts are like magnets and are attracting themselves, because “that which is like unto itself is drawn” – then you know that you are in charge of all of your thoughts (no one else can put a thought into your head). You are also in charge of all your feelings (again, you are in control of how you feel). You know that you are the person who gets to create the life that you want to live, feel how you want to feel and think what you want to think. WHAT A WONDERFUL THING!

Stop the thought by quoting Shakespeare “Out, damn’d Thought!” (Get it?! Macbeth?! High School?!) Make the biggest fakest cheeziest SMILE that you can make. Take a SELFIE of that biggest fakest cheeziest SMILE that you make. Then laugh out loud – YES, LOL at yourself.

Notice after following those 4 simple steps, you have turned your negative thought away. Okay, my method may not be the most clinical method, and other methods are perfectly acceptable – I won’t judge. Even if you create your own method to ward off negative thoughts – just make sure to follow through. Half of the battle is recognizing that you are having a negative thought. Also, if you can’t identify a negative thought, then look towards how you are feeling. Typically, for most of us it works like this: Negative Thought = Bad Feeling Positive Thought = Good Feeling This helps when you are identifying a negative thought pattern and will guide you in figuring out what negative thought caused you to feel bad to begin with. Bottom Line: Stop adding to your negative thoughts. Walk away from the thoughts that don’t serve you. They won’t serve you on your journey to financial health, physical health, mental health, or relationship health. If you are on social media, make a point to only share positive stories or words of encouragement.

Lisa Elle

Food for thought: Simple as this may seem, “most people” believe that they have no control over their feelings and that feelings happen to them (like a child – my children haven’t learned this yet!). To these people, life just happens to them, they don’t deliberately create a life they want. Whether or not you choose to believe me, you are attracting thoughts to you right now. The only difference is that some people actually take control of their thoughts and deliberately direct them into useful and positive ways, others simply let their feelings dictate how their day is going to go. Knowing that you can choose your thoughts, maybe it’s time to walk away from thoughts that don’t serve you. Do any of these ring true for you? “It’s going to be a bad day?” “I feel poor.” “The world is hopeless.” “Things are so bad right now.” “I’ll never be able to do it.” “I hate all that is going on in the world right now.” None of these statements serve you. They don’t help you grow or move toward the life you want to live. Do you see how one negative thought can manifest or expand into your reality and show up in unwanted ways? Here is my remedy to stop a negative thought:

Fall 2016

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Decrease School Stress By Marianne Disipio-Vitale

In this third part of our 4-issue feature, parents will receive guidance on how to encourage their child to analyze their own thoughts, put a positive spin on some of them, as well as completely rid themselves of unhelpful worries.

Getting into the habit of writing affirmations Cognitive behavioral science supports the idea that you can condition your mind to think more positively. Parents can help children come up with weekly affirmations that teach positive self-talk. The idea is to help children identify a real concern, and come up with an affirmation that addresses the issue in a positive way. It is important for the affirmation to be realistic and believable. Example: Concern: I am not good at math, and math period makes me very nervous.

Helping your child examine thoughts Everyone can get stuck thinking about the worse case scenario sometimes. In such situations, it helps to take the time to examine facts versus probability of an outcome. Some children require guidance on how to develop this skill. Parents can help them practice by talking it through as frequently as possible so it becomes automatic. Example: Child: I keep thinking about failing my spelling test. I can’t get that out of my head, and I can’t go to sleep. I don’t want to go to school the day of the test. Parent: It seems to be really worrying you, but how can you be so sure you’ll fail? Child: The word list is so long, and I don’t think I have enough time to memorize it all. I’m going to get 0%, I just know it. Parent: Let’s look at the list. How about we put a mark beside the ones you know. It seems you know at least half of them. You will at least get 50% right off the bat. How many words are left? Child: 10. Parent: How many days do you have left to memorize all the spelling words?

Affirmation: I can learn math at my own pace. It is safe for me to ask the teacher for help. Try posting the affirmations in the child’s bedroom, or in the kitchen so it can be read frequently. It helps to read it many times at loud initially. Affirmations help children feel more in control over their worries. By getting into the habit of writing affirmations, the hope is that children will start to change how they think about challenges.

Introducing your child to junk journaling It is common to go over the day’s events in your mind, right before bed. We all do it. Some children might have more difficulty than some processing their day, and parents aren’t always prepared to get into long discussions at bedtime. To avoid having your child go to sleep with too many worries, encourage them to write down any worrisome thoughts in a journal, then rip the page, crumple it up, and throw it in the trash. Those thoughts are “junk”. The actual physical act of doing this gives the child a strong visual of getting the thought out of their head. You can start by helping your child through this process, but as soon as they understand how to do it, they are to junk journal on their own. In the final upcoming issue, we will explore healthy routines.

Child: Only 5! But I have hockey 2 nights this week. Parent: What if we studied 2 words per day? You’ll get through all of them by then, and it won’t seem so overwhelming. Child: Ok. Parent: Chances are you will score way higher than 50% if you tackle it that way, don’t you think so? Child: Yeah, maybe.

Cavallo Wellness Services Marianne Disipio-Vitale, CWC, B.Sc. OT

Coaching and Consulting for Parents Wellness Services for Children


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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Harvest Time! By Lois Hamilton

Oh that exciting time of the year when an abundant supply of fresh food tempts us and overwhelms us at the same time! Whether you grow your own food or gather these fresh gems from your favourite farmers market, harvesting and preserving makes nutrition sense, provides convenient quick solutions throughout the year and can be quite rewarding! What to do with all that food? How about these ideas?

Ferment It Pretty much any vegetable, fruit, nut, seed or grain

can be fermented. Fermenting is NOT the same as pickling. Pickling is preserving food using acidity and is usually heated. Fermentation is preserving food using beneficial bacteria that breaks down the carbohydrates in the food. The huge benefit with fermentation is that it provides probiotics for our bodies! There are so many yummy recipes for fermented food, from kimchi, ketchup, apples to sauerkraut. Check out my blog for my favourite sauerkraut or fermented pickles recipe. ( #fermentedsauerkraut #fermentedpickles). “The Art of Fermentation” is a great book that explains fermenting in great detail!

Dehydrate It

Everything can be dehydrated and if you don’t have a dehydrator, most recipes can be done in your oven on the lowest oven temperature. Leaving the oven door open can help too. Try drying herbs, veggie chips (kale, turnips, sweet potato, zucchini, beets, parsnips) fruit (watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, banana, apple) or fruit leather. These are great ways to use up the produce and it makes great portable snacks for hiking, school lunches or travel snacks. Check out my blog for my family’s favourite Banana, Strawberry Fruit Leather recipe. ( #fruitleather) You won’t believe how easy it is to make!

Freeze It Of course we all know that you can freeze produce

(the trick is to freeze it uncrowded on baking trays so it won’t lump together and then transfer it to freezer bags for storage). How about freezing your favourite smoothie ingredients in individual serving bags? Kale and other smoothie greens that have been processed in your blender with a touch of pure coconut water can be frozen in ice cube trays and then transferred in bags for freezer storage. Fresh herbs with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil can be frozen in ice cube trays and then transferred in bags for freezer storage. This is so convenient when you want fresh herbs in your soups, stews, stir frys or casseroles. With a plethora of squash choices during harvest time you could make soup, muffins or quick breads and freeze them for later use. Think about the portion size that would suit you or your family – you might want to freeze the soup in individual portions or family size. Check out my website under soup recipes for the most delicious Pumpkin Protein Soup, a complete meal for sure! As with all food preservation methods, attention to food safety is of the utmost importance. The following is a link to a pdf on food preservation safety. Safe_Food_Handling_Tips_for_Preserving_Your_Harvest.pdf Wishing you a bountiful, delicious and safe harvest time! Lois Hamilton, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner Holistic Health with Lois

When cutting fruit and vegetables for chips it is helpful to use a mandolin or a professional meat slicer which is what I use. This will help to ensure even drying as will rotating the dehydrator trays. For veggie chips I coat them with either extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil (if you want a lighter more neutral tasting oil) and then season them with garlic powder, onion powder, unrefined sea salt and any other savoury spice that catches your fancy. With banana or apple chips I often use cinnamon and cloves or nutmeg. In addition to drying herbs, onion and garlic can be dried and then I just whir it through my spice/coffee grinder and I’ve got garlic or onion powder ready for adding to my cooking creations. Using your own herbs and flavourings in this way is far superior to the products in the store. While you’re at it, make your own spice blends and save money. Try it out for yourself!

Can It Salsa, bruschetta, antipasto, or pasta sauces are great ways

to use up tomatoes and other vegetables. You might even prefer a fruit salsa with mango or pineapple – let your creativity flow. Pesto of all kinds can help you to use up the fresh herbs. Mustard, relish and applesauce are other condiments that are great to have around throughout the year. Check out my blog ( #relish) for a Thousand Island Relish recipe. Fall 2016

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You Reap What Your Mind Sows By Cheryle Cote

Whatever we focus on is what we get. What we sow, we reap. I know it is an old cliché, but it is so true. If we are negative and focusing on all the things that are wrong in our lives, then that is all that we will see or be aware of around us. Awareness of our attitude, self-talk and general disposition can help us to assess where we are and help us to make changes towards a more positive outlook and accomplishing positive goals. Part of your brain is known as the Reticular Activating System, or RAS. Your RAS plays a vital part in your ability to achieve goals. Your RAS is the automatic mechanism inside your brain that brings relevant information to your attention. Your reticular activating system is like a filter between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. It takes instructions from your conscious mind and passes them on to your subconscious. The subconscious mind is the part of your mind that likes familiarity, holds your beliefs and controls behavior. The beauty of the subconscious mind is that it cannot distinguish the real from the unreal or the truth from a fabrication. This is why vision boards can be so effective if they are inspiring and viewed repeatedly. If all you are thinking about are all of things that are wrong with your life, your RAS will pay close attention to more of those kinds of things and bring more of them into your awareness. It will feel like an endless cycle of negativity. And you reap what you sow in your mind. If you find yourself trapped in that cycle of negativity, there are things that you can do to break the cycle.

IMPROVE YOUR SELF-IMAGE: Your self-image influences your ability to achieve your goals. Use positive self-talk and never compare yourself to others. We all have unique gifts. Exercise, eat healthy and be your physical best. When we look after our body, we have more energy, feel better and it is easier for us to keep a positive attitude. Remember to do things that you enjoy. And most important, focus on the things that you can change.

CREATE NEW BELIEFS: Once you have written the beliefs in your journal, you need to examine them and find out if they are helping you reach your goals or if they are a hindrance. If they are a hindrance, how can you reword that belief so that it is supportive? Turn these into affirmations and work them into your daily routine. Try these new beliefs on as if they were a coat or piece of clothing. Use the new belief in place of the worn and outdated belief. Toss the old belief away. Create empowering beliefs. CREATE A VISION BOARD: A vision board is a compilation or collage of images that represent your goals, hopes and dreams for the future. You can clip pictures from magazines, print pictures from the internet or draw words that represent what it is that you want in your life. Using images and words that have meaning and are inspiring to you will capture your attention and help you to focus your mind. By putting your Vision Board in a place where you will see it daily (home or office, if appropriate), you will be triggering your RAS. You will be sending the message to your brain – “these things are important and have meaning”. And in turn, your subconscious will start to show you more related things and can even show you opportunities of how to get the things you desire. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE: If there are people in your life that are toxic, you may want to stop hanging around with them. They will hold you back. Associating with friends that are inspiring, supportive and positive will help you stay in a positive frame of mind. USE YOUR IMAGINATION: Visualize only favourable and beneficial situations. Use positive words in your inner dialogues, or when talking with others. Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively. Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it, and endeavor to replace it with a constructive one. If the negative thought returns, replace it again with a positive one. Hypnotherapy, Psychological Kinesiology, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or Life Coaching may help you to keep your mind focused on your goals and help you to reap a positive future. Cheryle Cote, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Practitioner, Life Coach, Intuitive Counsellor Owner of Celestial Life Services

EXAMINE YOUR BELIEFS: Do you believe that you will never reach your goals? Or that you don’t deserve success? Or do you believe life is meant to be hard? If you have beliefs that do not support your success and happiness, then they need to be eliminated and replaced with loving, supportive beliefs. Here are a few areas to get you started. You may want to keep these in a journal to work with. Ask yourself, What do I believe about: Myself, My Life, My Health, My Work, My Financial Situation, My Abilities, My Limitations, My Spirituality, My Family, My Background, My Relationships, My Past, My Future. You may even find other beliefs to examine.

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Do You Live with Worry and Fear? By Patrick Murray

Do you know somebody that is a worry wart? I think all of us do. “Oh, you can’t do that or this will happen.” “You can try to do that, but it won’t work.” Sometimes it seems that these people spew non-stop negativity to the masses. Of course, these people have support from others. Have you ever heard the line, misery loves company? How do you feel after spending a little time with a worry wart? Are you a little drained, to say the least? Why is it that people act in such a way? Are they well-meaning? Maybe. Are they jealous of you and want to bring you down? This is very possible. Or, is acting in such a way a habit? Sadly, this is also likely true. Do you know a lot of ultra successful worry warts, people that happen to draw others to them because of their enthusiasm and zest for life? This is not very likely. The truth is that worry warts are focused on worry and fear. In fact, all of us go through periods when we are worried and fearful. It is simply the way we are wired. As cave men, we had to be worried and fearful to get that next meal and to avoid being eaten. This is no longer the case for the majority, but these old thought patterns are very easy in which to revert to. It takes a lot more effort to look for positives and live your life in the moment and in a state of gratitude than it does to fall into the easy societal norms of worry and fear, our old wiring. Worry and fear are used as tools of manipulation. Governments use worry and fear. Remember the much supported war in Iraq based upon finding those weapons of mass destruction, which never did exist? I won’t get into politics here, but worry and fear were used to convince a nation to invade a country. What was the real reason? Will we ever know? Companies use worry and fear. If you don’t perform you will be out of a job. Parents do it. If you don’t make the honor roll, you can’t play sports. And people use worry and fear on one another. Let’s examine worry and fear a little more closely. When you worry and are fearful, you are trying to predict the future. You think things will go badly, but the future has not arrived. You can only live in the present. You can prepare for the future, but don’t mix up preparedness with worry and fear. They are very different things. In his book, The Power of Now – A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, Eckart Tolle describes problems as illusions. What a powerful and true statement. In this instance, worry and fear are illusions that you are focused upon. If you examine your now, do you have anything to fear or worry about? Don’t think about the future, and remember the past is long gone. I am talking about now. The answer is no. You are here and you are safe and reading this article. Do you know what happens to you when you focus on things? You actually bring your focus to fruition. Have you ever had a goal that you concentrated upon and wanted and achieved? It is the

Fall 2016

same thing. Now, when you worry and are fearful, you can also bring such events to occur. Would it not make better sense to concentrate upon positive outcomes? So how do we handle worry and fear when these ugly emotions rear their head in front of us? In his book, Before Happiness, Shawn Achor challenges the reader to consider a couple of questions when deciding if you actually need to be worried and fearful: 1. How often has this negative event happened to me in the past? 2. How often does this negative event happen to people in my situation? When considering these questions, it seems the probability level is quite low that things will go poorly in the majority of situations. So focus on the positive. Don’t fall into the worry and fear trap. The good news is that with practice, your positivity will shine through without much effort at all. Patrick Murray, Speaker, Coach, and Author WTF – Wake Up . Transform . Flourish Attain the Wealth You Deserve & Live Large Appendix: Achor, Shawn. Before Happiness. New York, New York: Crown Business, 2013. Tolle, Eckart. The Power of Now - A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. Vancouver, British Columbia: Namaste Publishing, 2004.

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What You Absolutely Must Know to Influence Anyone By Anita Kozlowski

Communicating is an attempt to influence. You want your message heard and received positively. You want them to “buy your ideas”.

judgments based on it. Match some aspects of their body language to create an other than conscious agreement you are on the same page as them.

Before they “buy” your ideas, they need to want to engage with you. They need to feel motivated to continue engaging with you. If they don’t want to engage with you, your message is irrelevant, regardless of its potential value. They will not care about what you have to say.

One of the greatest mistakes people make in their communication with others, is wanting to be right. When you are invested in wanting to be right you are focusing on yourself, making the other person irrelevant. Your tendency is to gather evidence they are wrong, which further removes you from any possibility of connecting. They will feel disrespected, ignored and even rejected. You may find yourself alone very quickly.

How do you get them to want to engage with You? I found the most important ingredient is curiosity. If they are curious about what you have to say, they will follow you. In order to feel curious, they need to perceive your message as relevant to them. This requires you to do some quick preliminary research on your part, and figure out how to make your message relevant to them subliminally. The art of asking the right question is the most important skills in communications. When you ask the right questions in the right way, people will feel important and happy to give you the answer. The answer will lead you to structure your message in a way that fits them. This is where the art of building rapport becomes fundamentally important. People will formulate their opinion about you, and decide to engage or not engage with you in the first 10 seconds of meeting them. This is your window of opportunity to connect with them. You must make the right impression immediately. Here is where the art and science of true NLP becomes extremely relevant. People respond positively to what they perceive as similar. They are much more likely to engage with you when they perceive you as familiar, like them. To become like them, you must be aware of their body language and many subtle other than conscious signals they give out, to match these aspects of their communication. A simple example is voice tonality and rhythm. If you match those, you will greatly increase your chances of connecting with them. Other aspects of their communication is the language they use. If their language, for example is filled with visual words, and you speak in auditory language, you will quickly “lose them” as they will not relate to your message. Soon they will not relate to you.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to prove your point but when your investment in proving your point supersedes the necessity to acknowledge the other person and their point of view, you have lost the discussion. I see this pattern all the time when coaching men who have trouble communicating with women. One such a client, Billy, came to see me with this problem. Handsome, young, vibrant, educated and well spoken, he seemed like the last guy on earth to have trouble connecting with women. I decided to test various hypotheses. The first and obvious was he felt uncomfortable and was involved in an internal dialogue with himself about communicating with the woman. When he went inside and started talking to himself, he was actively ignoring the woman in front of him. The dialogue was most likely about why he couldn’t communicate. The internal voice was probably loud and clear. “I don’t know what to say”, “I am going to make a fool of myself”. “What is the right thing to say?” If this were the case, this pattern would have been an old one, perhaps the voice of doubt installed years earlier during his formative childhood years. Most likely he was criticized as a child, maybe excessively corrected, or discouraged from expressing his opinion. So, I decided to test my hypothesis. I knew if that were the case he would have to silence his voice of doubt and develop better communication strategies with women.

Translating modalities of language takes time and energy. They will quickly get bored.

I created a role playing scenario where I were to play the role of a woman he meets at his usual social opportunities, and observe him. It was a fun exercise and one that gave me insight into the workings of his mind. I was right in my assumptions.

This aspect of communication is critical in education. Students do not pay attention to what they are being taught, often because the teacher’s language does not reflect the student’s internal processing of information.

In few seconds I noticed his eyes going side to side. I knew instantly was engaging an intense inner dialogue. I also knew that dialogue had nothing to do with me. Avoiding looking at me, he said nothing beyond a weak “hi”.

Students gets diagnosed with ADD and given drugs. If the teacher adjusted their communication, the students would be involved, curious, and thrive.

"STOP", I said, "What you just said to yourself is “This is stupid, I don't know what to say, I am being ridiculous". I mind read what I felt confident he was saying to himself.

Body language is huge other than conscious communication platform. People read your body language and make

He looked at me with surprise, and it was the first time he noticed I existed. "You are right", he said.

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Now he departed the inner sanctum of his mind and started noticing me in front of him. "When you are busy talking to yourself and seeking evidence why you should fail, I don't exist anymore. I become incidental".

The science of subliminal influence is an art it itself. People respond to certain words and phrases instantly. People operate on the premise of cause and effect. Human reality is created on the foundation of perceived causality. People take action because it makes sense to them.

"Your mind must be focused on what's in front of you, not creating movies inside your mind. If you think you have nothing to say, that can easily be solved. You can always ask questions. People love talking about themselves. When you ask questions they feel important and enjoy your presence because you are listening to them.

If you tap into the reservoir of their internal causal structures, you can influence anyone. Hopefully your intent is positive.

When you listen and hear and give them back on a silver platter what they said plus one additional expansion to their point, they feel acknowledged and significant. Soon they will start asking you questions, and your problem has been solved".

You are reading this article because you were interested in the topic, weren’t you? And because you want to improve your communication skills and become more influential, you may be interested in pursuing this knowledge further. And when you do, you will become irresistible, powerful and influential.

We practiced this skill, including what I call a "Silver Platter formula”, one of the most powerful communication tools on the planet. This skill will empower you in situations where you are dealing with hostile or critical people. It will give you an enormous advantage in sales, corporate meetings, negotiation situations, presentations. People who are skilled in this area are the movers and shakers in this world. Billy became a fluent and engaging communicator. We abolished his inner voices of doubt and in the process restored self-confidence. It is relatively easy to silence inner, critical voices, and replace them with different voices. It is also easy to replace negative images with positive ones. Doing this kind of work is a standard practice in my work. The most important aspect of any communication is how people feel. People want to feel important. When you give them a sense of significance, even when you disagree with them, you have accomplished the most important goal in your communication; you have given them the most powerful reason to want to engage with you. Bottom line in communication, the action is "out there," not inside your mind. Get out of your mind and engage with what is in front of you. Give others an opportunity to feel important and significant. When they do, they like you and are motivated to converse with you. Asking questions is one sure way to get outside your discomfort zone and give them an opportunity to feel validated and important. The most useful thing you can do is imagine yourself being them, and as them, ask yourself a question "What is it I need right now in order to feel important and significant right now?" Then, give it to them. How people communicate with themselves determines how to communicate with them. They use words and create pictures. Then they respond to what they created.

True NLP training focuses on the art and science of communicating to people’s internal causality.

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You will greatly enhance the effectiveness of your communication when you know the internal language of the person you are trying to influence. The art and science of NLP is the art of influence, using the internal communication system people use. Fall 2016

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Emotion as a Link Between Value and Meaning By Krystyna C. Laycraft, PhD

I love words! I am the person who when seated in the boardroom during a meeting often appears to have nothing to say when in fact, I am carefully crafting my thoughts, choosing my words carefully because they are so important to me.

In the previous issue of Trifecta, I wrote that emotions help us figure out what is the most important to us and which values are essential to our lives. Now I want to continue this subject.

I remember receiving an essay back from one of my instructors with a big read circle around one of my words with the initials WC. WC?!, I thought! WTF? I asked him what the initials meant and he told me that he was questioning my WORD CHOICE. Of course, I thought. Using the appropriate word is so important. It can make all the difference to your audience. If I were to write, “It made me very sad the day we said goodbye to our cat.” Or “I was heartbroken,” You can see the difference ONE word makes.

What are our values? How we can define them?

What will the long term effects be on society? Will it bridge our differences with other cultures because the smiling face emoji is universal or will it wedge us apart even farther? As we continue to choose email and text as our preferred communication styles, will we lose the ability to have deep and meaningful conversations? Will we struggle to explain our feelings because we won’t take the time to carefully craft a well thought out sentence? Many schools no longer teach cursive writing. Will printing also become obsolete?

Openness to Change

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As the mother of two teenagers, I will text my daughters when I want to know “Where R U” and respond with LOL when a friend texts me something amusing. I will still call my mom because I want to hear her tell me she loves me. I will to make time for face-to-face conversations with my loving partner and cherished friends because it is those talks that fill me up with love and gratitude. AND I will continue to share my thoughts on paper for those to take the time to sit down and read what I have to say.

1. Self-direction: Independence, Freedom, Creativity, Choosing Own Goals, Curiosity. 2. Stimulation: An Exciting Life, Novelty, Courage, Challenge. 3. Hedonism: Pleasure, Sensual Gratification, Enjoyment. 4. Achievement: Personal Success, Ambition, Influence. 5. Power: Authority, Wealth, Social Status and/or Dominance over People. 6. Security: Safety, Harmony, Social Order, Protection, Stability. 7. Conformity: Politeness, Compliance, Obedience, Self-discipline. 8. Tradition: Respect, Commitment, Acceptance of traditional customs, Devotion. 9. Benevolence: Kindness, Helpfulness, Responsibility, Forgiveness, Loyalty, Desire to do Good to Others, Goodwill, Philanthropic. 10. Universalism: Understanding, Appreciation, Tolerance, Equality, Peace, Unity with Nature, Wisdom.

Sti m ula tio n Hedonism



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Just a thought....

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Our writing style has become very casual; we often abbreviate sentences, use acronyms and use emoji icons instead of writing complete sentences.

Shalom Schwartz, a social psychologist and cross-cultural researcher, proposed ten distinct, broad and basic values that arise from the essential conditions necessary for human survival as biological organisms and social beings. They are:

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So here’s an interesting thought…

There are many definitions of values. Some of them are: • Values are beliefs that are closely related to emotions. • Values are our motivations and refer to our goals that we strive to attain. • Values guide the selection of actions, people, and events. • Values serve as standards or criteria.


Insert winky face emoji here!!

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

The circular structure of value relations expresses the total pattern of compatibility and conflict among these values. The closer any two values around the circle, the more compatible they are. For example, the pursuit of change (stimulation values) is compatible with the pursuit of creativity and freedom (self-direction values). The further away any two values are, the more they’re in conflict. For example, the pursuit of change (stimulation values) may be in conflict with the pursuit of harmony and stability (security values). Victor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist developed a philosophy called logotherapy that focuses on the meaning individuals give to their experience when they make decisions and take responsibility for their lives. According to logotherapy, the will to meaning is a primary motivating force in human beings. But what is the meaning of life? Frankl proposed three ways of discovering meaning in life: 1. Creative value: The first way of finding meaning in life is what we give to the world. It’s the way of becoming involved in purposed work, especially in the service of others. It also includes creativity in art, music, writing, and invention. 2. Experiential value: The second way of finding meaning is by noticing what we receive from the world in terms of our experience. Experiencing focuses our relationships with people, nature and culture. We can also find meaning by experiencing the beauty of great works or natural wonders. Frankl emphasized the importance of love in finding meaning in our lives. Only by loving someone can we understand he or her uniqueness and full potential. 3. Attitudinal value: The third way to find meaning is by taking a stand to fully experience our suffering and not become a victim to it. To do this we must change our attitude toward the world around us. Frankl didn’t teach us to escape from suffering but rather to embrace it and see it differently. For him, suffering became an opportunity to experience nobility and grace under pressure. He transformed his relationship with suffering by changing his attitude. Values and meanings are tightly linked and experienced emotions create this link. Emotions assign values to what is meaningful and connect us to things we regard as important for our wellbeing. They are closely connected to our choices, and decisions. Our decisions can be understood as successful solutions to conflicts between opposing values. In some situations, we feel conflicted emotions, which represent opposite values. These feelings create a chaotic state in our psyche. We cannot stay in such an exhausting mental state for long. Only by prioritizing our values are we able to release the tension between feelings that are in conflict. The higher priority values always win this conflict and become the motivating factors for our choices and decisions. When we are not able to do it, we stay in constant emotional turmoil. This drains our energy and brings unhappiness, misery, and depression. In my book, Feeling Life, I described emotions that became indicators of my values and then motivated my key life decisions. One of the most difficult decisions in my life was a decision of returning to Poland after living in Canada for eight years. News about political changes in Poland evoked in me enormous excitement, as well anticipation, curiosity and delight. Poland became a democratic country! I’d dreamt about those changes since my adolescence.

Fall 2016

These powerful emotions became a turning point for my family and me. I started to have a strange feeling that my life in Canada had become too ordered and predictable. I knew that I needed a change, and in this situation, the value of stimulation, expressed by experience of excitement, novelty, and challenge motivated me to make this important decision. They were experiential values. I believed that my life in Poland would be more meaningful than my life in Canada, and that I’d be able to do something good for young Poles. I’d chosen an exciting, challenging, and unpredictable life in Poland instead of security, predictability, and safety in Canada. After returning to Poland, I was completely committed to the idea of opening a high school with English immersion program. This time, the main value that guided my action was self-direction characterized by independence, freedom, and creativity. They were creative values. I was immersed in the process of exploring possibility, choosing options and creating something good for young Poles (benevolence values). I was able to influence others with my enthusiasm and developed friendships with many people who became involved in the project (experiential values). During this period of my life, I experienced feelings of acceptance, joy, anticipation, surprise, curiosity, enthusiasm, courage and satisfaction. I can say without any hesitation that those feelings assigned values to what was meaningful for me. I was deeply attached to my life. I felt that it was worth being alive and active. Krystyna C. Laycraft, PhD helps people to identify their emotions, how to respond to challenging situations that evoke negative emotions, and how to embrace positive emotions.

KL Emotional Consulting Greater Awareness - Meaningful Life Krystyna Laycraft helps people who need to experience new freedom, novelty, and understanding. She offers seminars and workshops on the emotional needs of adolescents and adults, the role of creativity in their psychological growth, and the importance of decision-making.

Krystyna Laycraft, PhD Consultant/Author/Speaker For information or registration email:

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A NEW YEAR: WELLNESS TIPS FOR TEACHERS Ah fall is upon us and the urge to get back in to a routine is building within. The relaxed pace of summer is slowly dwindling like the moments of day light and you are faced with heading back to school. Excitement, anticipation, or maybe apprehension washes over you. As the new school year begins, how will you adjust your wellness practices to ensure you stay healthy and well throughout the next ten months? Here are three suggestions: 1.



Identify and embrace your top wellness practices from the summer and embed them into your fall routine. (ok napping in the middle of the afternoon might not work since you will be teaching at that time, but maybe continue your daily walk, bike ride, or visit with a friend) Keep the activities that inspired and empowered you as part of your routine. The time of day will need to be altered, but it is imperative that you continue to nurture yourself, especially as demands increase at school. Create space in your calendar. As educators you work hard each week day facilitating the learning of your students and meeting their needs. Schedule opportunities for reflection and downtime. Recognize that it is during the downtime that your creative juices flow and fuel new ideas that inspire your life and your lesson plans. Consider downtime those moments when you are participating in activities that demand little doing or thinking on your behalf! Downtime is space in your calendar to simply exist. Encourage your colleagues to join you in creating a school culture where your students and staff can flourish. I suggest this can be done by taking time to ‘be present.’ Have meaningful conversations with students and staff. Really get to know one another and show each other that you care. Create lasting relationships, joyful memories and watch the wellness and learning thrive. As Theodore Roosevelt said, “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Be sure to start by caring about YOU!

Although summer is gone, it is important to carry on wellness practices that nurture you throughout the school year. Autumn is upon us, don’t let your health and wellness ‘fall to the ground.’

The Secret to Starting a Meditation Practice By Stephanie Hrehirchuk

A vast sea of research says meditation is good for us. Regular practice promotes a sense of well-being, inner peace, increased focus and improved relationships. Meditation is reported to lower blood pressure and heighten intuition. Thousands of years of practice says meditation stands the test of time. It brings liberation. So you wait until everyone is out of the house, you prepare your cushion, wrap your blanket just right, fold your legs together, straighten your spine, relax your shoulders and your belly, tuck your chin, lower your eyes, inhale and… make a mental grocery list remind yourself of your kid’s dental appointment on Tuesday revisit your friend’s comment about not eating gluten and how good she feels wonder if you should stop eating gluten plan the family vacation

Joyce Sunada, Joyful Endeavours

write the first chapter of that book you always meant to get around to peek at the clock through one eye to discover 2 minutes have passed

Are you longing for improved wellness? a happier relationship? more energy? work life balance? a more fulfilling career? joy and laughter in your life?

You know people who meditate. People talk about their practice… 30 minutes, 60 minutes. You read about people who meditate. You see images of smiley-faced folks, legs twisted into lotus pose, blissfully meditating. So why, when you first sit down to get your silence on, does 2 minutes feel like an eternity?

“My mind is like a bad neighbourhood, I try not to go there alone.” ~ Anne Lamott Meditation is hard. Until it’s not. There are practices to help ease us into meditation. One such practice is breath. Breath is the gateway to meditation.

Contact Wellness Coach Joyce Sunada today!

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

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Breathing practices have their own vast sea of benefits: from stress-release to balancing emotions, improving digestion to encouraging weight loss. Breathing techniques can stoke our digestive fire and increase metabolism or cool us down and help alleviate anger or hot flashes. Breathing can strengthen the superhighway in the brain, balancing left and right hemispheres. It can curb our fight or flight response and give us that grounded feeling when life moves too fast.

Exhale a partial breath releasing your collarbones and chest. (count in your head 3 )

All this and a gateway to meditation. Win-win! Rather than sit on your cushion and hope to empty your mind, learn a breathing technique and practice it daily. Start with a few minutes and work up to 11 minutes, 30 minutes or more. Or use your breathing in line at the grocery store, on your lunch break, in lieu of scrolling facebook posts on your phone at the dentist’s office, waiting at school to pick up your children, stuck in traffic or riding the train. 1 minute several times a day is better than no minutes at all.

Exhale pulling in the belly to release the remaining breath. (count 1 )

A practice to get you started: 3-part breath.

Exhale further drawing in the side ribs. (count 2 )

Allow your inhale and exhale to be smooth, one continuous wave up the body and back down. Make sure you fill each section. Don’t strain or struggle with the breath. Relax. Smile. As you continue with each breath, slow your count and deepen your breath comfortably as your body and mind relax further. Stay with it, slowing the breath and lengthening the count for several minutes.

As with most breathing practices, you will find it more comfortable on a stomach that has not just eaten. Use this breath daily and teach it to your children to help them calm themselves during stressful situations, bouts of anger or frustration, or school-related anxiety. Breath is free and it’s always with you.

Then relax your practice, keep your eyes closed and remain in the stillness for as long as you like.

Sit comfortably in your chair, feet on the floor or legs crossed. Relax your belly. Relax your shoulders. Release tension in the jaw or brow. Close your eyes. Smile. Take 3 long, slow breaths: in through the nose and out through the mouth. Release any tension in the body or mind with each exhale. Notice how you feel.

Deepen your practice:

Take the time to rest in this place. When you are ready, open your eyes. Notice how you feel.

Once you are comfortable with the 3-count, increase your count. Inhale for 6, exhale for 6 (2 counts per section). Stay with this practice. When ready, inhale for 9, exhale for 9 (3 counts per section).

Place your hands on your lower belly (which is completely relaxed).

Begin the dance with your breath and let it lead you into meditation.

Inhale a partial breath into your belly until it moves out into your hands. (count in your head 1 )

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”

Inhale further into your mid-section until your ribs expand on either side. (count 2 ) Inhale your remaining breath into your chest until your collarbones gently lift. (count 3 )

Fall 2016

~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Stepping into Freedom: Rules of Monastic Practice for Novices Stephanie Hrehirchuk is a contributing writer at Gaiam, with articles published at Sivana Spirit, Finer Minds and Guided Synergy Magazine. She facilitates yoga, breathing, meditation, nutrition and wellness programs in Calgary. Find her at

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It Takes Guts to Make a Change By Monique Brown

Yeast overgrowth, often referred to as candida, is one of the most common conditions that we experience, yet it is overlooked by many physicians. Candida is a fungus which lives in our mouth and intestines. Normally it aids in digestion and nutrient absorption, but when it is overproduced, it breaks down the intestinal wall, penetrates the bloodstream, and releases toxic byproducts into your body, causing leaky gut syndrome (LGS). I have been educating myself about LGS for the last three years, yet I have never really focused on its application to my personal health issues. I had my “ah ha” moment when I came across a list of symptoms of candida overgrowth: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Exhaustion Bad breath White coat on tongue Inability to lose weight Strong sugar and refined carbohydrate cravings Brain fog, poor memory, lack of focus Hormone imbalance Joint pain Loss of sex drive Chronic sinus and allergy issues Digestive problems (gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea) Vaginal infections, urinary infections, rectal itching, or vaginal itching Weakened immune system (frequent colds and flus, allergies, sensitivities to foods)

Most North Americans consume too much sugar and likely have been on antibiotics, so is easy to see how the ratio of beneficial gut bacteria can be overtaken by candida. At my worst, I was a very unhealthy weight and tired all of the time. My energy level was low, I felt like I was in a constant state of brain fog, and I had insomnia. Despite exercising frequently and eating a balanced diet, I could not lose weight. Knowing I had to make a change, but wanting to avoid taking any prescription medication, I began my extensive research on LGS. I now follow a healthy lifestyle program that involves supplementing with top quality plant based supplements which focus on improving gut health, regulating blood sugar levels, and decreasing inflammation in the body. This trifecta benefits numerous conditions, and may help reduce the need for some or all prescription medications. I also eat a whole foods diet, with very little starchy vegetables or refined carbs, and I practice a good exercise routine that is right for my body. Although I did not lose weight right away, I noticed other benefits, such as improved sleep, increased energy, and my sugar cravings disappeared. Sleeping deeply for the first time in years and being able to virtually kick my coffee habit meant so much to me. Eventually the weight started coming off in a healthy, sustainable manor, the brain fog was gone, and my energy level was better than ever. I am not a nutritionist, but I am a former pharmacist, with a huge passion for health and wellness. My focus has switched from pharmaceuticals to natural health supplements because getting to the root cause of disease is the most beneficial way to heal the body. My career path has changed and I am loving my new journey and my new healthy life. If you want to learn more about my journey, send me an email.

How Much is Too Much Sugar? Block up to 48% of Sugar while you eat...*

Many more symptoms could be added to this list, however, these are the most common. Personally, I could check off at least eight of these symptoms. From my pharmaceutical background, I know that these symptoms are often confused with other medical conditions and treated with prescriptions. For example, lack of focus is often treated by pharmaceutical meds for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or joint pain may be diagnosed as arthritis and treated with an anti-inflammatory. A problem arises because prescription medications do not get to the root cause of disease, and their side effects often make you feel worse than the condition being treated. Since I experienced so many of the symptoms of candida overgrowth, I decided to educate myself, which lead me to heal my body naturally. What Causes candida Infections? There are many possible causes of candida overgrowth, including a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol. In addition to diet, other potential causes include: • Broad-spectrum antibiotics • Birth control pills • Oral corticosteroids • Chemotherapy and radiation • Diabetes • Weakened immune system

28 | *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

upcoming events Chiropractic Wellness Clinic

Dr. Alma Nenshi's Health Talks are FREE! Limited seating so reserve your seats. Visit for information. See ad on page 13 Raising Smart Kids! Improve Memory, IQ, Reading, Processing Speed & Attention Wednesday, September 28 | 6 PM Plantar Fasciitis Participants will get a FREE cold laser session and Computer Foot and Gait Assessment Saturday, October 15 | Noon Migraine Headaches Participants will get a free MindFit therapy session for Pain Relief Wednesday, October 26 | 6 PM Winter Health Problems Immune System Boost, Arthritis, Chinook Headaches, Osteoporosis, SAD & More! Saturday, November 26 | Nooni

Speakers Retreat

Become a Certified Life Coach

If you are a speaker, coach or small business owner who uses live and virtual speaking in your business. If you want more speaking gigs or you want to have the tools and the arsenal to effectively 10x your speaking biz then this retreat is for YOU! Limited spots available!

A 2-day intensive course that will teach you everything you need to know to succeed. All Certified Coaches Federation graduates receive admission to their 1 year CCF Continuing Education Program at no additional cost. See ad on page 2

In Scottsdale, Arizona at the beautiful Scottsdale Plaza Resort October 21 - 23, 2016 See ad on page 7

Edmonton: November 19 - 20, 2016 Calgary: November 26 - 27, 2016

At This Retreat You Will: • Receive a professionally filmed speakers demo video • Speak in front of a live audience • Have your speaking business strategy created for one full year! • Create your promo content strategy & calendar • Learn the tools, technology and techniques needed to make high quality DIY videos • Set up your blogs, podcasts and webinars • Create your Facebook ads • Create your speakers media kit • Receive a new speakers head shot • Hear from expert speakers • Learn how to sell more from stage • How to get more media exposure • Meet potential partners & speaking agents For more information visit:

Licensed Practitioner of NLP International Certification November 12 - 18, 2016 livewithpower.coms

WOW5! Women Only Weekend

October 21- 23, 2016 Join us at the 5th annual WOW! in Canmore at the luxurious Solara Resort for a weekend full of fun and empowerment for women who are looking to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones. For more upcoming events visit


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