Trifecta Magazine Issue 10: Spring 2016

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Spring 2016: Issue 10

Calgary's Well-Being and Mindful Living Magazine







| the wellness trifecta: achieving optimal results in three aspects of health: mind, body and soul


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A Positive Mindset

By Karen Keveryga


To Stay on Top, Lay it All Down

By Sue Styles


HeartSpeak for Mood Disorders


Piper Kerman - The Real-Life Inspiration Behind Orange is the New Black, is Coming to Calgary!

By Christina Pilarski and Bonnie Elgie


Don’t Turn Your Life into a Project

By Trisha Savoia


Simple Success Habits to Make Your Year a Smashing Success!

By Ramona Remesat


Finding the Unseen Path


Wisdom from the Akashic Records: Step Forward into Greatness


Car Accidents and Delayed Symptoms: What You Need to Know!

By Dr. Alma Nenshi, Registered Chiropractor


Renew! Refresh! Regenerate!


Finding the Zen at Lagree YYC


Rites Of Passage For Life Transitions


What to Do When You Get Stuck


Designing a Rejuvenating Master Retreat


Moving Past Financial Worry & Fear


Spring Cleaning, Spring Clearing!


Financial Spring Cleaning


Spring Forward


Beyond My Imagination


Ignite Your Inner Sparkle As You Let Go and Spring Forward


Indian Head Massage: An Ancient Infused Therapy


A Balanced Approach to Work-Life Balance

This issue we feature Kim Rothenberg on the cover of Trifecta Mind Body Soul and introduce the Lagree workout. If you can only incorporate one exercise program into your routine this is perhaps your best option! Lagree combines cardio, strength training, fat burning, endurance, balance and more into one efficient, high intensity yet low impact workout. If you plan to Spring Forward, you'll want to give the Lagree method a try. It's a workout worth investigating.

Trifecta Magazine focuses on three aspects of health; Mind, Body and Soul. Achieving optimal results in these three areas is considered a perfect balance or trifecta, hence the name of this publication – Trifecta. Inspiring well-being and mindful living through community connection right here in Calgary, Trifecta Magazine provides a channel for community members to both share and learn from each other’s experiences in a solution-based forum of expression. Trifecta Magazine attracts readers, writers and advertisers with a desire for betterment and provides exposure to the many types of therapies, products and practitioners throughout Calgary and surrounding areas that can help people advance on their personal journeys. We hope you enjoy the experience and we look forward to sharing our passion in many issues to come.

For information on advertising opportunities or to contribute to Trifecta Magazine, email or phone 403-589-5060. Trifecta Magazine can be delivered quarterly directly to your home or office for only $24.95 + GST for a one year subscription. Email for more information. Published by Allison Cartwright and Cindy Drummond

By Dr. Anne Jensen

By Loya Sales By Christy Lowrance

By Lois Hamilton

By Maxine Fischbein By Lisa Gilmour

By Cheryle Cote

By Natalie Fuglestveit By Lisa Elle

By Meghan Glenday By Sylvia McConnell

By Wendy Olson-Brodeur By Nadean Ollech By Bev Janisch

By Lee-ann Harder

By Abe Brown, Master Coach Trainer

The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work. No part of this work covered by the copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of Trifecta Magazine. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking on any exercise, medical or nutritional changes. Spring 2016

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Experience The Lagree Method ™ Strengthen, tone & elongate your muscles. Jump-start your metabolism. Burn fat & increase flexibility while creating a lithe and powerful body in only 45-minutes.

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from the publisher The days are a little longer, the skies are a bit brighter and there seems to be a faint detection of hope in the air which for thousands of Albertans, could be exactly what we need. Trifecta is not a political magazine, or a business magazine for that matter, but with the drastic changes Alberta has experienced over the last 12 months we need to at least acknowledge this season of uncertainty and confusion. Thousands of people have faced job losses, income cuts, increased costs and numerous other challenges. Many of them have sought out new sources of employment, others have changed careers entirely and hundreds have given up on Alberta indefinitely and moved out of the province in search of a new life. The theme for our Spring issue is Spring Forward which seems very fitting as we navigate our journeys ahead. With crisis comes change, but you don't have to emerge only through emergency. If you are struggling in your life, or just want to take some positive steps to move forward then I encourage you to read some of the inspiring stories in this issue and perhaps you too, will find a way to Spring Forward.

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With gratitude, Cindy Drummond

Stay Connected! /TrifectaMag /_TrifectaMag

Spring 2016

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A Positive Mindset By Karen Keveryga goals...resolutions... all sounds good right? But how do you stay positive, focused and driven - in a city that has had their share of setbacks in the last 12 months? A friend of mine once trained for a 10K marathon. I could never quite comprehend the thought of running - for literally hours on end. How did anyone stay focused for so long??? She told me the secret to her training, was setting short goals, and constantly achieving them. Literally she would tell herself, that she could make it to the next tree - or the next corner... and then she did. Then she would set another small goal...just make it to the water station...and then she would accomplish that. Ultimately, she completed her marathon goal of "same day finish - no injuries". Many times the big dreams/goals we set for ourselves are simply too overwhelming - and we get lost on the way to fulfilling them. As women, when we believe we can't achieve the goal - we can choose to abandon it altogether.... This damages us. Sets us back. And then the guilt comes..... There has to be a better way.

Obstacles occurred daily, weekly and monthly. But because my goals were small - I was able to constantly view the progress I was making - and continue to stay focused. Guess what - I did it! And now here I am doing (and loving) the actual job. My friend has no idea that she changed my life. Her simple explanation of how she managed her marathon training - was a lightbulb moment for me. I now believe in this philosophy 100%. I have adopted it into my personal life, my parenting, my relationships and my career. As women, I sincerely believe our greatest life role is to support and champion and learn from each other. Share your you you manage. You have the power to inspire! Karen Keveryga Hripko Nelson & Associates - Royal LePage Benchmark

Why don’t we change the way we think? Set small achievable goals - that help us get closer to achieving the big stuff. Then we can enjoy the journey - and truly begin to visualize the end result. I am a HUGE list person. I don’t just break up my big goals...I break up every single day. I put at least 20 things on the list. Big, scary, time consuming things and tiny things like; wake up kids. The reason I do this - well it is selfish really. I LOVE seeing the list at the end of that day. I feel so good about myself. I accomplished 15-17 things! Like anyone - I procrastinate... some things are on the daily list - for a LOT longer than they should be. However, I visually see what I accomplished each day, and this helps me to not get "overwhelmed" by the bigger picture. Want to change your career? I can speak to this personally. Very scary process. Affects your life, your emotions, your bank account, your family, your confidence. Once I decided to become a realtor (a process in itself just to decide!) I had to tackle the task of learning "how" to become a realtor. All this while working another full time job, raising two kids and keeping some semblance of a marriage/social life. I dedicated two hours a day to this goal. I does not sound like a lot. But for me - this was the only way I could survive the online education. Personally, I thrive on being with people. I would have loved to be in a classroom - but that option was not available to me. Many, many times I could have quit.

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

For Entrepreneurs To Stay on Top, Lay it All Down By Sue Styles

No one ever got to their destination by sticking their head in the sand until the storm blew over! Pull your head out, face your truth and get on with clear intentions.

How do you keep profits rising, sales increasing and a smile on your face through it all?

#3 The Bottom Line - Your action will trump your fear every time! What is the bottom line for you? Where does the rubber meet the road and prove whether one strategy is worthy of your effort or not?

One strategy many Entrepreneurs practice is taking purposeful and planned time out for giving themselves a REST.

You need to decide the direction you will take and ACT on it. After a weekend retreat where you have allowed yourself to see your challenges from every angle, the goal is to come away with a clarity you can focus on.

When is the last time you spent a weekend at a spa-oriented retreat?

Your values and priorities will point you in the right direction when it comes to plans for your future. After your internal investigation, pampering self-care and the support from other retreat guests you should have a new outlook that will highlight your utmost, valuesbased, priorities and point you in a direction that feels right for your life and/or business. You deserve it, you need it!

If you can't remember, allow me to remind you of some meaningful benefits of laying it all down and also some strategies that will help you in a holistic way - after all, as Wellness Coach, Joyce Sunada says "If you don't plan to take time for wellness, you'll be forced to take time for illness". Here are three steps to get you the most out of your Retreat Weekend: #1 Everything is Connected – There is a specialized massage that's purpose is to draw out toxins held hostage deep within the skin, it is called ‘Lymphatic Massage’. These toxins can make you look tired, make you look old, they are embedded without you even knowing and they suck the life out of you. By gently massaging and providing gentle suctioning they can be brought to the surface and be released. Just like toxins, we all hold negative energy inside of us for various reasons and coming from various sources. Maybe a new business is causing stress and fear, sometimes relationships can cause us to bury angry or hurt feelings, it could be money issues, health concerns; a myriad of challenges!

Want to give a Retreat your time and attention in 2016? There is a Women's Luxury Retreat being held at the prestigious Sparkling Hill Resort in Vernon, BC, June 10-12, 2016. If this amazing resort has been on your bucket list, maybe this will be your year? Early Bird rates are in effect until Feb.29 and if you own your own business, this retreat could be a business expense! For all details email: or call 403-805-7710.

Sue Styles International Speaker & Business Coach for Entrepreneurs

In our busy day to day living we often do not allow ourselves the time to open a wound and care for the healing of it, but when we take a focused time away from the everyday, we can tend to the toxins causing dis-harmony in our lives and businesses. Once the toxins are released, everything is affected for the better. #2 Face the Facts - When you take some time to quiet your mind, breathe and relax, what do you do with those things that come to the surface? If you have a whole weekend to review and face the facts, then your internal guidance will provide the answers that you need! Don't be afraid to confront your fears when they come into view. Instead, believe in your competence and purpose to work with laser focus until you have decided on your course of action. Being honest and deciding to just make a move, is a huge step forward!

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." ~ Amelia Earhart

If you have been suffering from the voices inside your head doubting your ability then confront that. If you have added twenty unwelcome pounds to your body over the last year then acknowledge it and make a plan to get back to a healthy lifestyle. If your business partner is dropping the ball and paperwork is slipping through the cracks then gather it together and implement better processes. Be bold enough to face the facts!

Spring 2016

Women’s Luxury Ret reat

Join Us!

One weekend that can change your life! June 10-12, 2016 Sparkling Hill Resort, Vernon B.C. Early Bird Pricing: $525 Includes Room, Meals, Spa Amenities, Two Group Sessions

For more information: / 403-805-7710 Hosted by Sue Styles, Maximized Results

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HeartSpeak for Mood Disorders By Dr. Anne Jensen

Mild fluctuations in mood are a natural part of the human experience;1 however, when the intensity of these fluctuations is extreme, or prolonged, or interferes with quality of life, then intervention is necessary. The prevailing approach toward mood disorders focuses mainly on identifying distorted thinking and its ensuing behavior.2 However, with the prevalence of depressive disorders growing at an alarming rate,3 despite the increased use of cognitive interventions and anti-depressants,4 perhaps a variety of approaches is needed. HeartSpeak is a novel method for easing mood-related disorders and stressrelated diseases, and uses concepts from the field of affective science, or the science of feeling. While affective psychology is not a new concept,5 it seems to have taken a back seat to the now popular cognitive approaches. In contrast, HeartSpeak uses the paradigm that there are two minds: (1) the Logical Mind, and (2) the Emotional Mind.1,6 While the former mind thinks, rationalizes and explains, the latter mind simply feels. Therefore, in HeartSpeak, a patient primarily engages his Emotional Mind, feeling his way free of debilitating moods, putting his Logical Mind aside for the time being. It is suspected that it is the separation of the two minds that is the key to HeartSpeak’s clinical success. There is a growing body of research to support sensory-based processes for influencing emotional centers in the brain.7,8 HeartSpeak makes use of this concept, using little dialog, and focusing on sensing the feelings fully until resolution is achieved. Additionally, in HeartSpeak, it is recognized that emotional reactions consist of a composite of feelings, some of which can be identified as belonging to an emotional family (e.g. anger, fear), others as part of the stress response (e.g. the feelings of flight or flight), and still others belonging to no established categorization system. Anyone who can consciously evoke these feelings is a candidate for HeartSpeak. Since HeartSpeak is in its early stages of use, current evidence is limited. Until effectiveness and safety research is conducted, caution is urged about performing HeartSpeak with those who are acutely ill or psychotic. Nevertheless, the clinical evidence of HeartSpeak’s wide-ranging uses is compelling, and randomized, controlled trials are underway. Dr. Anne Jensen, DC, MSc, PhD HeartSpeak International

References: 1. Goleman D. Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1995. 2. Beck JS. Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond. 2nd ed: The Guilford Press, 2011. 3. Center for Disease Control. Current depression among adults --- United States, 2006 and 2008. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 2010;59:1229-1235. 4. Wiles N, Thomas L, Abel A, al. Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy for treatment-resistant depression in primary care: The CoBalT randomised controlled trial. Health Technology Assessment 2014;18:1167. 5. Kantor JR. The psychology of feeling or affective reactions. The American Journal of Psychology 1923;34:433-63. 6. LeDoux JE. The emotional brain: The mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. New York: Touchstone, 1996. 7. Öhman A, Mineka S. Fears, phobias, and preparedness: Toward an evolved module of fear and fear learning. Psychological Review 2001;108:483-522. 8. Holmes EA, Mathews A, Mackintosh B, Dalgleish T. The causal effect of mental imagery on emotion assessed using picture-word cues. Emotion 2008;8:395-409.

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The Real-Life Inspiration Behind Orange is the New Black, is Coming to Calgary! By Christina Pilarski and Bonnie Elgie

Piper Kerman is perhaps one of North America’s most popular prisoners thanks to the success of the award-winning Netflix original series, Orange is the New Black and her best-selling memoir of the same name. Kerman will share her incredible true story with Calgarians on Thursday, April 14, 2016 as the keynote speaker for Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary’s 50th Anniversary fundraiser, “The View from Behind Bars – an evening with Piper Kerman”. There are strong parallels between Piper Kerman’s personal story and the challenges facing As an advocate for prison the thousands of women reform, Piper Kerman Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary will talk about the (EFry) has helped through importance of helping its prison outreach program women transition from incarceration to community. over the years. Kerman’s vast popularity will raise awareness about a topic that doesn’t get a lot of attention: the unique struggles women and their families face as they try to start fresh following incarceration. “We’re incredibly excited to announce this event and to have Piper Kerman bring her humour and passion to our stage to help us shine a spotlight on the very serious challenges faced by women as they transition from correctional facilities back into the community,” says EFry’s Board President Virginia Ashley. 50 Years of Providing New Chances The 50th Anniversary of EFry catapulted the need for a large scale event in the community. EFry offers help, healing and hope to vulnerable women and youth impacted by poverty, legal and justice issues. The not-for-profit agency provides practical programs, basic necessities and connections to community resources, with the goal of creating more hopeful futures. December 2015 marked the fiftieth year of EFry providing these programs and services to Calgary and southern Alberta communities. “We have been advocating in Calgary for 50 years. Bringing Piper Kerman to Calgary allows us to amplify our voice within the community through her captivating story and passion for prison reform,” says Katelyn Lucas, Executive Director for the Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary. She adds, “There is a stereotype of women who become incarcerated which often isn’t congruent with the reality. Women’s crimes typically are acts of survival. The majority of women we assist are committing crimes of poverty to support

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Best-selling author Piper Kerman will be in Calgary on April 14 to share her story in support of Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary. themselves or provide for their children. Many women have also experienced abuse and trauma in their lives leading to a cycle of homeless, addiction, and incarceration.” About Piper Kerman Kerman is the best-selling author of Orange is the New Black, My Year in Women’s Prison and the inspiration for the award-winning series of the same name on Netflix. Her book explores the experience of incarceration and the intersection of her life with the lives of the women she met while in prison. A brief dalliance with drug trafficking while she was in her early twenties sent Kerman to prison ten years later on money laundering charges. She spent 13 months in the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut. “The public expects sentences to be punitive but also rehabilitative; however, what we expect and what we get from our prisons are very different things,” says Kerman. “The lesson that our prison system teaches its residents is how to survive as a prisoner, not as a citizen – not a very constructive body of knowledge for us or the communities to which we return.” Since her release from prison, Kerman has worked tirelessly to promote the cause of prison and criminal justice reform. This event promises to be a heartwarming and inspirational evening that brings together Calgarians who need to hear this important message that calls for reform and restoration, issues that the Elizabeth Fry Society has been advocating for the past half century in Calgary. Raising Funds for Prison to Community Transition The event is open to the public and all proceeds from the event will go directly to EFry’s prison to community transition programs.

Over the past 50 years, Elizabeth Fry Society has helped thousands of women find new hope.

How to Get Tickets Tickets for the April 14th evening event can be purchased at Eventbrite. ca (search Piper Kerman in Calgary) for $50 general admission or $100 for a VIP ticket that offers premium seating and a signed copy of Kerman’s book, Orange is the New Black, My Year in Women’s Prison. Join Piper Kerman and Elizabeth Fry Society at the Telus Convention Centre for what promises to be an event that will leave you inspired to help give women and their families another chance. Visit Elizabeth Fry on Facebook for more information about their organization and the Piper Kerman event:

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary is proud to present

The View from Behind Bars – An evening with Piper Kerman Thursday, April 14, 2016 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Telus Convention Centre

Get your tickets today! • $50 for general admission • $100 for VIP seating and signed book * service charges extra

“The funds will help us to connect more women with new chances at life in the form of jobs, homes and Women and their families can acceptance,” says Lucas. find another chance at life with “An important focus for us the support of Elizabeth Fry. to create a culturally safe environment for Aboriginal women, who represent 50% of the women in our prison programs and over 50% of our overall client mix. The Aboriginal women we help have a much lower return-to-custody rate (60 % less) than the national average.”

Spring 2016

Buy Your Tickets Now on (Search for “Piper Kerman”)


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Don’t Turn Your Life into a Project By Trisha Savoia

You want things to change. In fact, you know something needs to change. The quiet sadness, the corroding anger, the persistent discontent, the gnawing guilt, the isolating busyness, the shallow connections, the lingering anxiety….the ache of something missing; the ache for something more. You want to live a meaningful, joyful life…filled with fun, fulfillment and purpose. I know you want this (even if those aren’t the exact words you’d use), because this is what your soul wants for you; this is every human’s natural desire. It’s not wishful thinking. It’s your soul speaking. But not only do you have your soul speaking to you, you also have the on-going noise in the many forms of advice, recommendations, help, opinions, stories, warnings….many channels of information trying to get your attention and convince you you need to be doing something different; persuading you that there’s something wrong. We are bombarded with messages that we need to change ourselves, we need to love ourselves, we need to accept ourselves, we need to take care of ourselves, we need to clear our blocks, we need to think positive, we need to align our chakras, we need to, we need, we need to… We feel we need to be more; we need to do more…and we feel guilt when we don’t. Not only is this overwhelming, but it turns our life into a project. And that’s not why we came here. We didn’t come here to… • Figure out how to get it right • Learn a multitude of heavy life lessons • Strive and effort our way to success • Sacrifice our own joy for the service of others • Search for some secret purpose • Prove that we are good enough • Suffer our way to a better life We came here to enjoy our experience and expand into more…and we have to ensure this purpose doesn’t get lost in the commotion. We need to slow down, remember why we are here, and relax - relax our minds, relax our bodies, relax our emotions, relax our efforts…and let spirit through. When we relax, everything that we need is naturally revealed... • We don’t need to try to love ourselves…we just do. • We don’t need to heal the past…it’s already done. • We don’t need to try to be positive…we just are. • We don’t need to stop just dies away. • We don’t need to remember to nurture ourselves…we just will. • We don’t need to figure out what’s important to us…we’ll just know. • We don’t need to make things happen…they’ll just happen. All of this is already within us. It’s not something we need to do, need to figure out, or need to mentalize. Our lives aren’t projects to take on and accomplish. Our ONLY job is to experience, expand, and enjoy the adventure. So let’s do that. Trisha Savoia is founder of Absolute Awareness and creator of the Relax into Life series. She wants to remind you that life doesn't need to be a struggle. Just RELAX INTO LIFE and let it be raised to a higher've got a whole Soul Team helping you out!

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Simple Success Habits to Make Your Year a Smashing Success! By Ramona Remesat

Winter’s like a vacuum. It sucks…a lot! At least that’s my opinion. It seems that the older I get, the less I can handle the cold. So when Spring rolls around, I’m like a butterfly coming out of my cocoon, re-born in a way, and I’m ready to spring forward with vitality and embrace everything that life has to give! At this time of year, when most people’s thoughts turn to Spring cleaning, mine turn to checking in and making sure I’m on target to reach the goals I have set out for myself for the year. After all, there’s nothing worse (I believe) than getting to the end of another year and being in the exact same spot I was in when I started. Life is about growth and expansion. It’s about consistently Springing Forward!! To do this, I adopt success habits, things I do on a regular basis to boost my success factor and help bring me closer to the things that I want in my life and business. I like to think of them as helping me set my trajectory, so by the end of the year, I know EXACTLY where I am going to land. No surprises. No disappointment. If you haven’t adopted success habits of your own, then I invite you to give some of these a try (they’re my TOP THREE) and watch what happens! TOOL TIME - Create a “tool box” full of things that will help you get out of a slump when you are having a down day, because you and I both know those are going to show up from time to time. My “go-to” is music so when my ego is yammering away, and telling me all the reasons why I can’t do something, I put on my Don’t Stop Believing playlist and rock out to all the great songs that pump me up and help reboot my self-belief. I truly believe you cannot be listening to your favourite songs and be in a crappy mood at the same time.

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

I also have a file on my computer called “I Rock”. When I am having a bad day, I open it up and spend a few minutes reading through all the kind notes, testimonials and success stories that client and friends have sent to me and it instantly lifts my mood and makes me feel strong and powerful! So take a moment now to figure out what tools you can set up (and have at the ready) for when your inner critic decides to start up a conversation with you.

Residential & Office Organizing

TAKE A ME DAY! - Take out your 2016 calendar right now and block off one complete day each month from now until the end of the year. This is your ME DAY where you get to do whatever the heck you want! Nap, shop, get your nails done, snuggle up and read a great book, take a workshop, have lunch with a friend, wander around a museum. YOU get to choose… with no guilt attached. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself, it’s good hygiene. You don’t beat yourself up for taking a shower. So don’t beat yourself up for taking a ME DAY! When you’re refreshed and recharged everyone else in your life gets the best of you. MIND YOUR MIND - Our thoughts create our reality and science is now proving that. If you don’t believe me, take a look at your life. If it’s not where you want it to be, notice what types of thoughts you think.

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If your attention is on all the things you can’t have and can’t do, then you won’t have them and you won’t be able to do them. If your attention is on the benefits, blessings and good fortune flowing into your life, you will find more and more of those things showing up. A great tool to keep your thoughts focused on the things you want is affirmations. John Assaraf calls them your “to be” list and I love that! One of my favourite affirmations is “Everything Works Out for Me”. Try repeating this daily (with belief and FEELING) and watch what happens.

Ramona Remesat is a Spiritual Life Coach, Speaker and Co-Author of the Amazon best sellers, 365 Ways to Connect with Your Soul and 365 Days of Angel Prayers. She helps spiritually-minded women, that struggle with self-doubt and fear, finally stop second-guessing themselves, crush their limiting mind stories and align with their purpose. Get started today with The Three Essential Steps to Getting Anything You Want in Life at

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Choose one of these success habits and put it into action right away. When you feel you have a good grasp on it, you can add in another one. Before you know it, you will be setting your trajectory for a year that’s a smashing success!




What is the biggest obstacle you face while promoting your business?

Tell me about it at

Spring 2016

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Finding the Unseen Path By Loya Sales

With my desire to heal from childhood trauma, I had sought out many avenues to help me understand what made me tick. Eventually I turned to spiritual healing, and was awakened in the sense of realization of the gifts I possessed. In a journey of healing and enlightenment, I have committed my life to use what I have learned from my own experiences and through the gifts of God, to help others. In my journey to becoming a spiritual healer, I watched many interactions, but kept feeling like our spirit selves have been pushing for something more. There is something that we need to do. And it feels like movement. I had received a message as I wrote this; Waiting for something to happen doesn’t give it the momentum it needs to become complete. It will be unbalanced, we need to give back, not just love and light, we need to move toward what we want. We cannot receive a peaceful life without doing something. We need to give back to our universe, in order to ask it to bring forward action and movement into our lives. This will allow the progression of the actions; you need to take to achieve it. I had felt that for me to work fulltime outside my home, do readings, write and be a single mom was too much. I felt the “All or nothing” scenario. I needed to do what was asked of me first, to prove that I will honour what I’m asking for. Then I was laid off of work and had to make sure I honoured my commitment by writing when I’m prompted. The problem was I also wanted to do the dishes. Once, I tried to use this new journey as a bargaining tool with God –not so smart on my part! He politely showed me he’s given me the time, availability, material with the right people in the right places. He has shown me the avenue and now it’s time for me to do my part and commit to the universe. I was shown how I needed to start following my path, so I could be granted all I asked for. If I was given everything I wanted, before I was ready, I would not have found my need for continual spiritual recognition. Divine timing has a purpose. Life’s ups and downs happen to help us move forward to the next step. If we stay stuck too long, it hinders our progress. If I had taken my dream job – it looked great on paper, but I would not be fulfilling my destiny. My career was in a blue collar environment. I cannot say that I have always aspired to be a healer, or write about life although I always loved talking about it. I brought passion to every job, so it took many years, and some pretty magical events to show me what my true passion was. Once I had decided to change my life, my life changed. Some people may be stuck and not know how or where to look for what they need to do to move forward. You may be positive, exercise and have great relationships, but still feel like something is missing. Life is designed to help us move forward, even the setbacks or delays. To move forward you may need to say “Yes” to a particular invite, a new job or unexpected opportunity and then relax and take it all in. It just may lead to something wonderful or illuminate the unseen path. There’s no such thing as coincidence, only divine planning and timing. Loya Sales “Live with Truth in Freewill”

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Wisdom from the Akashic Records: Step Forward into Greatness By Christy Lowrance

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman

One of the biggest obstacles to moving forward is fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of many things. It creates hesitancy, doubt, feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and even hopelessness. Many people just give up and don’t bother to try and live their dream because they figure they will just fail and dire consequences will follow. They see insurmountable hurdles in front of them and cannot see how the impossible will become possible. It is even more difficult to see how it is possible while living in such uncertain times, facing the economic downturn in this city and province. We are here to try to convince you why it is more important that you follow your heart, and perhaps fail, than it is to push aside who you really are and live a life of mediocrity. There is greatness waiting here and we want you to see it too. Why do you think you might fail? Why do you not trust yourself? And what is so bad if you do fail? Will you not learn some of the most valuable lessons of your life? Why are you so sure you will end up in a bad place and not a good one? These are questions everyone needs to ask themselves before they poo poo their beautiful ideas. You might be answering some of these questions saying, ‘Yes, I did fail in the past and it was awful and I ended up really hurt.’ Good. Now think even harder. Where did that experience take you? Did it build your inner strength? Did you have to fight for yourself and accept yourself the way you are despite everything? Did you have to humble yourself and compromise, or reestablish some relationships in new ways? Or do you have yet to do those things? There is a reason for everything because there is a lesson in everything. There are many of you in this beautiful city of Calgary that are living through some hard times. Some have lost what they had and many more are fearful they will lose what they still have. Quite naturally, this turmoil and insecurity of economic loss is frightening many of you and forcing you to question what you will do as an alternative. We ask you to consider, individually and collectively, how can you make this an opportunity for growth and renewal, and how can you move into real change that benefits everyone? We would like to suggest, stop doing things the old way. Stop thinking the old way. Let go of the fear and let flow your ideas. Put your faith in the new and unknown. It is time to move ahead.

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

The changing of the seasons, death and re-birth, these beautiful cycles are as old as time. They have their part to play in this world, and perception is everything. Many people cringe when they hear the word ‘change’, and we think it is a shame. From our perspective change and growth is absolutely vital. They signal knowledge gained from past experiences and lessons learned. You don’t want to be the same person or society as before do you? That to us is failure, which really means try it again a different way. Failure is such a negative word but if you were to really think about it you would celebrate and embrace it with gratitude. There are countless examples in history where ‘failure’ set brilliance on its path. So what are your gifts? What is it that you’ve always wanted to try but that you haven’t told anyone because you think people will laugh at you? What is it that you see is lacking in this part of the world that you think needs to be here? What have you seen in other places of the world that you think Calgary could benefit from? We are all ONE you know, so what others have or do would benefit you as well. What is so unique to this city that you know would be successful? We know we have asked you more questions than given you answers, but that is the point. We are not you, and you are here for this reason – to answer these questions. You are here in this place and time in these circumstances because you are needed here and now. You have the unique talent and gift that is making its place for you to give. We ask you to fill this space that has been created with your refreshing ideas and outlook. Now is the time to open your minds and hearts and renew your life and your city. See this economic suspension not as a burden that you must slog through, but as an incredible opportunity to live your dream and create your reality. So? How do you envision living the life you want to in this city, this province, this country, and this beautiful world? What does that look like for you? What fills your heart up and makes you feel like you’re flying when you think about doing it and living it? We know it has something to do with creating and helping or giving to others to make this a better, more colourful place, so go and do it. Calgarians have shown their kindness for each other over and over again. One only needs to think back to the flood as a beautiful example of how everyone came together to support each other. What needs to be remembered is that Calgarians and Albertans have beautiful hearts. Keep your faith in yourself and dream BIG. We believe in you and we love you. Christy Lowrance Certified Akashic Record Reader

“What’s your Soul’s story?” Akashic Record Readings Angel Card Readings | Reiki Healing

Readings can be done in person or via Skype or phone.

Christy Lowrance p: 587.888.9788

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TRIFECTA Spring 2016


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What You Need to Know!

By Dr. Alma Nenshi, Registered Chiropractor

Even if your recent fender bender didn’t seem too serious, there’s still a very real chance that you or your passengers may have been hurt. Most minor car accidents can cause hidden injuries and delayed symptoms. While damage to your car is likely obvious and easy to assess, evaluating damage to your brain and body may be far more difficult. In fact, it’s not unusual for a driver or passenger to walk away from a collision with potentially serious neurological or musculoskeletal injuries (such as a concussion or whiplash), without knowing it. Whiplash injuries may occur when driving as slow as 14 km per hour. Immediately after an accident the body's defenses are on high alert. Pain may be masked by the body’s stress response as endorphins circulate to manage pain and stress creating a temporary euphoria or "high" feeling. When the threat of the accident is gone, endorphin production slowly decreases and there surfaces the pain, tension, dizzy spells and other symptoms that may have remained hidden earlier.

STOP THE PAIN! Neck Pain Back Pain Headaches Shoulder Pain Carpal Tunnel Vertigo Dizziness Hormones Weight Loss PMS & Fertility Allergies Car Accidents Whiplash Injuries

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Perhaps the most common delayed symptom is soft tissue pain in the neck from the sudden acceleration and deceleration of the head, creating hyperflexion and hyperextension of the neck. This movement may not only cause damage to the muscles, tendons and ligaments of your neck, it can also occasionally cause functional neurological symptoms that persist long after the injury. Concussions injuries may occur without bumping the head. If the head is restrained in any way and the restraint suddenly stops or suddenly jerks into motion, a concussion may occur. Quite simply, a concussion is the result of the brain colliding with the inside of the skull from a rapid acceleration or deceleration. Symptoms include: • Headaches • Reduced range of motion or difficulty moving • Slowed reflexes • Vertigo or dizziness • Muscle spasms • Localized pain, weakness or numbness • Stiffness in shoulders and arms • Mood changes (anger and irritability) • Nausea • Spasms • Loss of balance • Blurred or double vision • Disorientation • Confusion • Amnesia and memory issues • Ringing in the ears • Difficulty concentrating or reasoning • Anxiety or depression • Tiredness, sleeplessness, or other problems with your ability to sleep So how do you know whether or not you had these symptoms before the accident. Someone who knows you or lives with you can help identify any changes in your behavior that may indicate a possible concussion injury. If you didn't have a symptom that you’re now experiencing, seek help right away. Seeing a chiropractor for a complete functional neurological evaluation as soon as possible after an accident is recommended no matter the severity of the injury. Chiropractors with training in functional neurology can help identify neurological problems that may not show up on MRI’s and CT scans. Starting appropriate treatment promptly can improve your chances of a more complete and rapid recovery. Dr. Alma Nenshi, Registered Chiropractor Chiropractic Wellness Clinic Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Renew! Refresh! Regenerate! By Lois Hamilton

Spring is a time for new growth, a time to shed the winter doldrums, a time to waken the senses! What a great time to cleanse the body of the heavier foods that comforted us in the cold months of winter. Spring is a good time to focus on greens such as: artichoke, beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, chard, collard greens, dandelion greens, green onions, kale, leeks, all the lettuce varieties, mint, mustard greens, parsley, sorrel greens, spinach, sprouts, sugar peas and watercress. Now that winter is over, fruits can be enjoyed in a greater variety and could include avocado, grapefruit, jicama, kiwi, lemon, lime, olive, orange, plum strawberry and tangerine. To lighten up your protein choices, buckwheat, rice, adzuki, fava, garbanzo, lentil and mung beans or fish would be a good choice. These food choices are primarily alkaline foods. Foods produce a residue or “ash” once they are metabolized and it is this ash that is either alkaline or acidic. Too much acidic food negatively impacts our blood and tissues. A balanced healthy diet will include some of both but with the emphasis on alkaline foods. During the spring and summer months, a diet that is 70-80% alkaline is considered ideal. Consider beginning your day with a huge green salad with some leftover fish tossed in and some avocado for a healthy source of fat. It makes me feel very light, energized and satisfied until lunch. Juice cleanses are another way to detoxify your system and you could use juices as a substitute for some meals or go on a 3 day juice cleanse, drinking nothing but cleansing juices and filtered water. It is my recommendation to have your health status assessed by a holistic practitioner prior to embarking on a strict juice cleanse as there may be factors that would make it unsafe for you. There are specific juices that help to detoxify your liver and thus cleanse your body. Here are a few to get you started. A juice extractor works best. Liver Tonic Plus – 1 inch of turmeric or ginger, 1 beet top, ½ large daikon radish or 4 radishes with tops, 2 carrots, 1 apple. Digestive Delight – 1 inch ginger, ½ cup mint leaves, 2 kiwi fruits with skin, ¼ pineapple with skin. Go Green - handful of parsley or wheatgrass, 2 kale leaves, 1 granny smith apple, handful of spinach, 4 celery ribs. Powdered Green Drinks that contain chlorella, wheat grass, alfalfa etc. can be great choices for a quick pick me up during the day and an excellent choice for detoxifying the body, but read the labels carefully to avoid added sugar or sugar substitutes. Sugar is very acidic and disease promoting. Choose wisely for your 20 – 30% of foods from the acidic side. There are plenty of charts on the internet showing the pH of food. Spring is also a good time to re-evaluate how our time is being spent. Susan Jeffers book, “Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway” is a great tool that can help us honestly look at how balanced our life really is. She suggests making a 3 square by 3 square box entitled Whole Life With Relationship. The 9 labels for the boxes are; Contribution, Hobby, Leisure, Family, Alone Time, Personal Growth, Work, Relationship and Friends. The general premise is that these boxes should be equally represented at all times in our lives. Of course extenuating circumstances do not allow for complete balance all the time but generally speaking, this is a pretty good reality check to help us with balance in our lives.

Spring 2016

Physically moving energy with the ancient arts of Tai Chi or Qi Gong is a fantastic way to regenerate our bodies, even if we have maintained an active lifestyle throughout the winter. These ancient forms of movement specifically open energy channels and remove any blockages that may exist. Lee Holden is an internationally known instructor in qi gong, meditation, and Tai chi. His dvds can be ordered at or you could choose to find a class in your area. Massage therapy and acupuncture also help to clear stagnant energies and allow your life force to flow freely as intended. Physical movement in general is important to get the lymphatic fluids flowing. Lymph fluid circulates throughout our body, removing foreign cells and proteins by dumping them into the blood to be broken down and eliminated. The lymphatic system does not have pumps like our blood circulation does, but relies on physical activity to move the lymph fluid around. In order for it not to become stagnant and cause infections, we need to move our bodies. EVERY LIVING THING CHANGES – Nothing remains static. Energy moves constantly, all round us and within us. To be in synch with our personal and global environment, we must constantly change also. We must move our bodies to keep our energy flowing and we must remember that the food we ingest, becomes who we area, thus the food we ingest must also change. Every little change counts!!! Renew with Spring!

Lois Hamilton, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner Holistic Health with Lois

A holistic nutritional approach can provide improvement for: • digestive disorders • stress related issues • allergies/intolerances • dietary restrictions • acid/alkaline balance • weight management • candidiasis

• asthma • liver health • cardiovascular health • hormonal health • bone health • fibromyalgia • chronic fatigue syndrome

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Finding the Zen at Lagree YYC By Maxine Fischbein

It may seem counter-intuitive, but Lagree YYC owner and lead fitness instructor Kimberly Rothenberg often finds herself counseling clients to hold back just a little as they attempt to dive headfirst into an exercise regimen.

As a post-rehabilitation medical exercise specialist and a preand post-natal exercise specialist with four children of her own, Kim discovered the power and potential of Lagree while on a fact-finding mission to New York City where she sought the best, most leading-edge workout. Securing exclusive rights for all of Alberta, she made local fitness history as the first person to introduce the Pilates-inspired Lagree Method to Western Canada.

"It’s common at this time of year for people to want to get into better shape. There is a natural desire to spring forward and become more physically active. But it is important to accomplish that in a mindful and balanced way,” says Rothenberg.

“I walked into my first Lagree workout confident that I was fit,” recalls Rothenberg of her NYC adventure.

The building blocks for a healthy and organic approach to fitness and well-being are artfully spelled out in colourful block letters on a feature wall at the state-of-the-art Lagree YYC studio in Britannia, one of Calgary’s best lifestyle neighbourhoods:

“It found muscles in my body I didn’t know existed, hitting me in a way that no other workout or piece of equipment could ever do.”


“And I was quickly humbled.”

At the heart of the Lagree experience – the brainchild of LA-based fitness Guru Sebastien Lagree - is the patented Megaformer, a moving platform manipulated through a system of springs, straps and pulleys, employing body weight to provide resistance. Individuals and groups of up to 12 are guided by certified and knowledgeable trainers though a 45 minute routine that works all muscle groups for a workout that is low impact yet high intensity. “I was blown away by the power of the Lagree Method to kick my clients’ exercise regimens up a notch. Here was a workout that could benefit a wide spectrum of people from the formerly sedentary to professional athletes,” says Rothenberg. “Over the years, I have encountered many people who were, for the most part, sidelined because of joint weakness or injury.” “The gliding motion of the Megaformer’s carriage makes the Lagree workout easy on the joints without sacrificing the intensity of the workout. While even a newbie can master the Lagree workout, it has the power to challenge the fittest of the fit.”

When challenged to summarize her fitness philosophy in a single word, it is “balance” that rolls gracefully off Kim Rothenberg’s tongue. “Armed with a B.Com Degree, Rothenberg began her professional life in the world of finance, but quickly discovered that her love for helping others was most powerfully realized when combined with her lifelong passion for fitness. Certified as a personal trainer in 2004, she has never looked back. Her firm yet encouraging, common sense approach makes her a very popular local trainer who spread her well-toned wings in February 2015 when she opened the doors to Lagree YYC, immediately attracting a diverse clientele from athletes to the formerly fitness phobic.

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The sight of the Megaformers may, at first, seem intimidating to the uninitiated, prompting the occasional humorous comparison to medieval torture. But with the solid orientation provided to newcomers and the occasional gentle reminder about how to change the spring load or use the various straps and pulleys, it doesn’t take long to get into the rhythm of Lagree. Instructors are enthusiastic about accommodating participants across the fitness spectrum, making Lagree a great choice even for those who are beginning their fitness journey. To keep the experience fresh and effective for their growing clientele, the Lagree team varies the exercises and changes the order in which muscle groups are tackled from class to class. Each Lagree YYC instructor has been handpicked by Rothenberg because of specific fitness, health and lifestyle specialties and proven track records as motivating – and often highly entertaining – instructors.

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Rites Of Passage For Life Transitions By Lisa Gilmour

As a Ceremonialist and Life Cycle Celebrant, I believe in the power of ritual and ceremony to aid in the transformation of life passages. Whether it is a difficult and painful passage or a joyous one, we are always leaving one situation or life experience for another. As in birth, a baby is leaving the home of the womb for something completely different and unknown, it could be seen as a death and loss on the side of the womb, as well as a great joy and birth on the side of the parents. Both exist, and both can be honoured. As my dear friend wrote: “I have pondered transitional times in my own life, and it struck me that my biggest struggles with transition were when I moved directly to celebrating the new, without honouring the endings.” Some are passionate about winter sports like skiing and snowboarding. Others find joy in dance or spin. Still others are accomplished yogis. All have found Lagree to be an ideal complement to a wide range of fitness and lifestyle practices that strengthen and nurture the mind, body and soul. Lagree comes quite naturally to practitioners of yoga because of its emphasis on slow and controlled movements. “It is all about bringing our muscles to fatigue rather than failure,” says Rothenberg. “In particular, the Lagree method stimulates the slow-twitch muscles, helping to create a feeling of well-being and, over time, a long, lean look.” Though devoted to the Lagree Method, Rothenberg includes yoga, cycling and free weights as well as other equipment and methods in her personal fitness routine and encourages others to do the same. “In fitness, as in life, variety is the spice. But if you can only do one thing, Lagree is a great choice,” says Rothenberg, lauding its efficiency in combining cardio, strength training, fat burning, endurance, balance and more. “One of the instructors’ most important roles is to help clients set realistic and achievable goals. They may at first seem small, but even slight lifestyle changes have the power to move you forward in exciting ways. There is a special place in Kim Rothenberg’s heart for those who are climbing back from injury and medical conditions. One Lagree YYC highlight she vividly recalls was the successful integration into a group class of a client who had recently recovered from hip surgery. “I was so proud of him,” says Rothenberg, who measures her success in the fitness, confidence and harmony she helps her clients to achieve daily. Maxine Fischbein, Calgary-based freelance writer and editor and Lagree enthusiast.

Spring 2016

Ceremony acknowledges that something is ending or dying as we move into a new situation or constellation. It holds us in the chasm of transition until the new is formed, and it brings good closure by marking an end to what was. Ceremony takes us through the transition of the unknown, and initiates a new beginning. Ceremony and ritual does not need to be elaborate, individuals involved do not always need to be present, and it can take place years after an event. It does however need to be spoken out loud, moved through the body and witnessed to really create change. There is something very important about this. Something transformational. For example, if you really need to let go of something to move on, it could be important to embody something in your ritual that is an act of letting go. Holding onto a rope for all your worth and then just opening your hands and releasing it while saying “I let go of this now.” When I turned 40 (10 years ago) I created a performance called “The Threshold.” For the piece that was called The Threshold, I lay a Sari on the floor, dipped my feet in water and then stepped in chalk dust. I then walked across this cloth. I stopped in the middle turned and bowed to the tracks behind me, I took in my present moment of loved ones witnessing me, and then I walked forward into the next chapter of my life. This was profoundly moving for me and for those witnessing me. I honoured my past and all that had brought me to where I was, I honoured the present and saw that I could now walk into my next decade with confidence. There are so many small and large passages that we move through in this life, and unfortunately many of them are passed through without acknowledgement. Everything from a child’s first day of grade school to coming of age, to losing your job, to retiring or moving into assisted living. I myself have experience profound support through conscious ritual and ceremony in the joyous and difficult passages of my own life. Only last year I went through multiple transitions at once, but I would say the hardest one for me was the selling of our family home of 23 years. Being a 50’s bungalow I knew it was going to be demolished after I moved out. The trees, the garden, the squeaky hard wood floors; gone. I did a few ceremonies to help me through this loss, however we did one big one with family, friends and neighbours to honour, bless and say goodbye to our home. As a Life Cycle Celebrant and Ceremonialist who has experienced the power of marking life transitions in meaningful ways, I invite you to consider where ceremony and ritual could be of benefit to you, your family, or someone you may know. Lisa Gilmour Life Cycle Celebrant ~Marking Life Passages In Meaningful Ways~

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What to Do When You Get Stuck By Cheryle Cote

It happens to the best of us. We have a plan, a goal, a focus, we are working towards it, motoring along and then suddenly we feel stuck. Things are not flowing. Everything feels stagnant and obstacles are presenting themselves all around us. We feel we can’t move or get out of the situation and don’t quite know how or why it happened. It just crept in when we weren’t looking! The key to getting out of a rut, is actively investing yourself in passions that resonate with you. To give our day-to-day activities a sense of meaning, of effort and reward, we need to spend time doing the things that satisfy us fully. Allow yourself to identify or reconnect with whatever it is that gets you excited. Nothing could be more essential to living than doing what matters to us most. Having a sense of passion and purpose in any area of your life will help you to move forward and keep you motivated. Make a list of things you might enjoy doing. Think back to what you used to enjoy doing when you were younger, and think about what you liked about those activities. Often, we lose sight of our younger passions as the daily grind of work and responsibilities makes so many demands of us. Look at your list, pick the activity that appeals to you the most, and do it. If it’s something big, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps that you can commit to in the coming weeks or months that would get the ball rolling.

Eden Energy Medicine Foundations Program

Year one Eden Energy Medicine Foundation classes teach you the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). You will learn the 9 energy systems of the body, and how to work with them to help your body return to, and maintain its natural state of wellness.

First cla ss starts April 7, 2 016 Reg ister today


The classes consists of lecture and hands on learning. Some of the topics covered include: • Self care techniques to increase energy and improve your vitality • How to deal with stress more effectively • Techniques to help with pain • Chakras and Aura • Meridian System and key acupressure points from Traditional Chinese Medicine

Is there an uncomfortable truth about some aspect of your life that you are having difficulty facing? Would making a change mean you would have to come to terms with something you’d rather not come to terms with? Quite often, we find ourselves in ruts when we are afraid to make an important change. Suppose you were able to make this change. What would be important about that for you? What could you do right now that might give you a bit more courage to start the process towards making that change? Make a list of the benefits of making this change. Think about the skills and experience you have and the different ways that you can make it happen.

Lori is a physiotherapist, a registered acupuncturist, and an Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner. She is passionate about wellness and teaching, and enjoys bringing the two together to promote health and wellbeing.

This is a year long program, meeting 4 times throughout the year for 3 1/2 days.

For more information visit: or contact Lori: 403-826-9106

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We are the only ones who can make the effort and change things. Sometimes it’s the most uncomfortable moments that can lead to an important connection or spark of inspiration. Getting stuck in a victim mentality is a sure way to staying stuck, because we end up feeling like everyone is against us, when really it’s just a matter of subjective perception. If we feel left out or behind, it’s not because other people are doing it to us; it’s how we’re choosing to react to life. We always have a choice about how we respond to any situation. Choose growth.

Lori Crabbe-Giesbers

Do you know another person that seems unstuck in the area that you’re stuck with? Talk to them and find out what they do to be in

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

that unstuck state. Their solutions might not necessarily work for you, but they may give you ideas about what you need to start doing, or help you to look at it from a different angle. Break your old patterns by doing things you wouldn’t ordinarily do. You may be fearful of going outside of your comfort zone, but it sets in play a process that gets you out of the rut. Make the most of your new experience, whatever it might be. It can be very empowering to do something you were afraid to do, and then realize there was nothing to be fearful of in the first place. Access your creativity. As an artist, I always go into an altered state when I am painting (as most artists naturally do). If you give yourself permission to have some creative time with whatever interests you (writing, painting, pottery, singing, dancing, to name a few), you access the intuitive part of your mind and connect new neuro-pathways with your thinking which can bring “aha” insights to your issues. If you are stuck with helping yourself, help someone else. Get out of your own head with your own issues and focus on helping others. When you return to your own situation, you may have a fresh perspective. Contribution is a need that is often closely tied to your sense of purpose. A sense of being appreciated or doing something of value often has a dramatic effect on your outlook to life. Don’t dwell on what you’re unhappy with and can’t change – focus on what you are happy with and the things that you do have the power to change. Be grateful for all the good in your life. Gratitude is a powerful state that helps to empower us.

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De-clutter your home and work space. This will help you to de-clutter your mind and give you a fresh perspective and environment to start new projects. Donate things that you no longer find useful while you are de-cluttering. Someone else may appreciate it more. Ask yourself; what is holding me back? What do I need to let go of? What do I need to move forward? Physically, you may want to de-clutter as well. Try a herbal detox, cleanse or fast. After a winter of less activity and heavier foods, your body may feel stuck and need revitalizing. When your mind is feeling in a rut, get moving. Exercise can do wonders for a healthy attitude. Weights, cardio, yoga, bootcamp, running, walking, dancing…whatever speaks to you…just do it. I have had some of my best intuitive insights while exercising. And finally, spend some time alone. Reflection, meditation and quiet time can help bring clarity and new insights for moving forward. Our society is so busy, noisy and active. Turn off your cell phone, find a quiet space and put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign and give yourself some silent solitude to refresh your soul so you can move forward with grace and ease.

Cheryle Cote helps empower people through her Hypnotherapy, Health & Wellness and Life Coaching programs.

Spring 2016

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Full Service Interior Design | Renovations | Interior Finishes & Selections Furniture & Space Planning | Millwork Design | Custom Drapery & Bedding Custom Furniture & Reupholstery | Wallcoverings | Hunter Douglas Blinds

Designing a Rejuvenating Master Retreat By Natalie Fuglestveit

It’s springtime and a perfect time to take a step back and look at one of the most important rooms in your home… your bedroom. It is amazing that the majority of people neglects this space and put it on the bottom of their design list. Whether you are a doctor, student, lawyer, skilled trade, or any other professional, your bedroom is a space where you need to get the rest and rejuvenation they need to maintain a balanced life. For a 2016 goal, I challenge you to work on your bedroom and make it the most desirable room in your home. Get a rejuvenating master bedroom! When designing a master bedroom for clients, I ask many questions to understand how they use the space, their sleep patterns, daily routines, likes, dislikes and what is working or not. Many people have no clue as they haven’t given it much thought, so we walk through their daily routine from morning to night. In order to design the bedroom, I need to break down and identify all items in the space and understand the user. In other words, I need to gain insight to my clients MIND – BODY – SOUL. MIND – It is important to ensure that the scale and proportion of furniture, accessories, and art in the room are appropriate and properly balanced. Many people don’t know why they don’t like or feel comfortable in a space, but we all instinctively know when something is off in a room. It makes us feel unsettled and instinctively we don’t want to spend time in that space. Typically,

a piece of furniture is too big or small, artwork is hung randomly with no intent or not lining up with another item, textiles are mismatched (not in a good way), or finishes/colors/wood stains are all over the map. If you are going to fix up your room, it is important that you take a close look at scale and proportion, how the elements are balanced, and how you are layering them. The end goal is create a functional visually balanced space, regardless of what your style is. BODY- In interior design, we are addressing areas of ergonomics, senses, stimulation, and user function. This begins with looking at your mattress, sheets, duvet & pillow inserts, blinds, drapery, flooring, task lighting, general lighting, and flooring. Anything your body touches or uses to needs be evaluated. For example, we need to ensure that if you read in your bed, you have adequate lighting that may not affect your partner. What systems do you need to address natural light? Do you prefer linen or cotton sheets (are you a furnace when you sleep or always cold?). Is it time for a new mattress? Compile of list of questions to ask yourself about your bedroom and answer them honestly. SOUL- Making your bedroom rejuvenating doesn’t mean everything has to be in neutrals colors, the end result needs to make you feel happy and calm. Create areas within you bedroom where you can take a deep breath and unwind. Make the space personal to you and include photos of loved ones and items from places you have travelled. Your bedroom design should be a reflection of you! By Natalie Fuglestveit, c.i.d.,b.a.i.d, Owner & Principal Interior Designer, Natalie Fuglestveit Interior Design

Photos by: Lindsay Nichols Photography, project: Kirouac Residence

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Moving Past Financial Worry & Fear By Lisa Elle

THE SKY IS FALLING! That is what it feels like for most of us in Alberta right now. As a resource heavy province where a substantial amount of jobs are oil and gas related, hence why most of my conversations with clients, friends, family and random strangers seem to end up in doom and gloom talks about how bad this year is going to be for our economy. (Although, I have personally tried to do my part to boost the economy by buying more shoes, however, I feel my efforts are in vain. :)

Most of these feelings stem from a place of fear and worry, and not only are they doing emotional and financial damage to your life they are also robbing you of today’s possibilities, happiness and the enjoyment of being in the moment. I think this is what happens. We get all concerned about ‘stuff’ that is out of our control, and we become notorious to try to make sense out of our crazy world. GUESS WHAT! The world will NEVER REALLY MAKE SENSE! So what do you do when the political party you didn’t vote for gets into power? You lost your job? Or the market drops 10% in one day? Or someone completely freaks out at you for no good reason? Or you think the world is coming to an end and your Shmita is over? These have been my biggest struggles: WORRY! FEAR! FREAKIN’ CONTROL ISSUES! (Do I hear an AMEN?!) I remember fear from the first time my cousin taught me about global warming in grade 4 and I remember having nightmares and thinking the world would end. I don’t think I slept for days because I was scared that the world would heat up like a big ball of fire the next day. I also stored up a basement full of water and food for the end of the world in 2012 – We are still eating the rice and the occasional canned good!

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Learn – Gather Information to help others or to make an informed decision Save Money Create a Financial Plan, Business Plan, Launch Plan, Life Plan, Exercise Plan Listen to others! (That one I’ve gotten way better at over the years – but still is a struggle – I like to talk!)

Your list will look different of course – but it will be similar in many ways. All the Things Not in my Control: • Politics • Stock Market • Economy • Weather • How people respond to you • Outcomes • Medical Tests • How people treat you • Being put on this earth and getting booted off! The sooner you stop focusing on the things you can’t control and begin to TAKE ACTION on the things you can control, you will immediately feel better – worry and fear will leave you and only come back if you invite them. Take Action. Be in action on what you control. What would our world look like if we stopped feeding the “NOISE” in our lives we can’t control and started listening, helping and encouraging others with that time? Let GO of what you can’t control. Someone very wise once said “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.”

Lisa Elle

Fast forward to now. I still get freaked out about the things I can’t control, but now they aren’t consuming my time or pulling me away from my passion the way they used to because I’ve done this simple exercise that I’ve outlined below. I believe we are all here for a reason, and we all have amazing gifts to share with the world. The problem is when we are letting fear and worry run rampant in our heads, like a kid-on-popping-candy-sugar-high, it will stop us dead in our tracks from accomplishing our purpose. This is how you handle fear and worry: You take a piece of paper. Draw a line down the middle. On one side you write “All the Things in my Control” and on the other side you write “All the Things Not in my Control” and then you list them. For myself, this is what was on my list of “What I Control”: All the Things in my Control • Run/Walk/Fresh Air for an hour a day • Write for an hour a day • Call X number of clients a day • Send LOVE to my family and friends • LOVE like crazy on my 2 girls • Put myself out there with my message everyday • Watch what & how much goes into my mouth • Design my living space as a place I enjoy so I can love where I write, work & live • Vote • Be respectful of others Spring 2016

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Spring Cleaning, Spring Clearing! By Meghan Glenday

“If ever there were a spring day so perfect, so uplifted by a warm intermittent breeze that it made you want to throw open all the windows in the house and unlatch the door to the canary's cage,…. well, today is just that kind of day” ~Today, Billy Collins Something about springtime makes you want to emerge from your cave…drop the heavy winter and start to come alive again. It’s a time to reset and rejuvenate your space, and your health. You may have already adopted the ritual of spring cleaning; inviting the fresh revitalization of spring into your home by decluttering and deep cleaning your surroundings. Why not go even further into your cleansing routine this year…with spring ‘clearing’? Just as you accumulate lots and lots of stuff throughout the year (or years), you also accumulate stuff within your own energy field. There is no better feeling than releasing old and stagnant energy from the body. You feel lighter, rejuvenated, and exhilarated. Clearing out old energy and inviting in new energy will not only lead you to a higher state of health, but it will also invite new opportunities and new excitement into your life. As a Bio-Energy Healing Practitioner, I use a series of specialized techniques in and around your body’s bio-field to identify and remove energy blockages. In removing blocked energy from your body, I reestablish your bio-field’s natural balanced flow. This in turn allows your body to do what it does best - realign and heal itself. How many emotions have you suppressed in this past year alone…and how much physical and mental exertion have you weathered in that time as well? Without an outlet, these stressors continue to build up and bog you down. Eventually this wreaks havoc on your physical body, and your life. It’s time to remove some of that stagnant matter in your system and get your body back into alignment. There is no good nor bad energy; just blocked energy waiting to be released. So…continue to tend to your home this spring, but also consider opening up all of those windows and doors in your energy field and freeing those canaries from their cage. Invite new energy and beginnings into your body, and into your life!

3- Solar Plexus (Will – Self-Control – Courage): Ignite the fire within by incorporating fast pace activity into your routine. Find ways to increase your warrior speed and stamina. We can all get caught up in doing things at a sloth-like speed. Create mini challenges for yourself where you have to perform tasks at a faster pace than you’re normally used to (Just don’t be a speed demon in your car, be safe). The Solar plexus is your power center. A strong power center equals a strong will to act and take more control of your life. 4- Heart (Love – Compassion – Self-Acceptance): Whenever you take notice of something, or someone, that you love…pause for a moment. Focus on the subtle yet powerful feelings around it, or them, until those feelings expand and take over your whole entire body. They say that love heals all, so why not practice having the sensations of love rush through your veins as often as possible? 5- Throat (Expression): Focus on positive talk, using positive high vibrational words. Feeling emotional and overwhelmed? Talk things out with a friend. If you think you’re too busy to just sit and hang out with your buds, big mistake. Quality time with friends is extremely important to nourish the soul. Lack friends? Join a group, make friends. I know you have what it takes to have friends and be a friend, so go out and connect. Or at least talk to a pet, they’ll listen (even a goldfish, even a cactus). No excuses. Express yourself. Find that outlet for your emotions. 6- Brow/Third Eye (Thought – Perception): Build up the connection between your right brain hemisphere and your left brain hemisphere. Use your least dominant hand to perform simple tasks (i.e. brushing your teeth, eating your breakfast). Step forward with the opposite foot. Clasp your hands, or cross your arms the other way. There are many exercises online you can experiment with. Balancing the hemispheres will increase your awareness, offer new perspectives and heighten your ability to think outside the box. 7- Crown (Divine Connection): Make the conscious effort to commit to the first 6 recommendations, and find out for yourself what incredible impact it will have on your spiritual self…

Meghan Glenday Certified Bio-Energy Healing Practitioner

Want ways to boost your own energy flow? Here are 7 self-healing ideas to add to your spring rejuvenation list. Nourish each of your 7 chakras (listed below) and increase the flow of energy throughout your body, mind and spirit: 1- Root (Foundation – Support): Connect with Nature. Breathe in the fresh spring air. Immerse yourself into a forest...maybe even hug a tree, literally. Walk barefoot outside, plant your feet in a garden bed. Get to the mountains – what an amazing vibe out there! Just feel all of the energy that Mother Earth has to offer. 2- Sacral (Creativity – Pleasure): Go have fun. Add it to your calendar… add it to your check list if you have to, just make it a priority. Life is all about experiencing pleasure. Laugh, play, enjoy! Just drop whatever it is you ‘should’ be doing, along with the guilt, and go do something that excites you!

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

Financial Spring Cleaning By Sylvia McConnell

As March arrives and the days grow longer, Canadians seem to wake up from the cold, dark days of winter with a renewed energy that finds expression in a burst of spring cleaning. And while you're getting your house in order, this is also a great time for financial spring cleaning — which means getting your financial house in order. You don't need cleaning agents, mops and brooms for your financial spring cleaning — all you need is a lockable drawer or filing cabinet and a supply of file folders in which to organize and store all your financial information. Your financial filing system should include: • • • • • •

Bank statements Investment account statements Insurance policies and statements Tax returns from prior years and supporting information Mortgage and loan agreements and statements Investment purchases and sales confirmations

Documents such as wills and powers of attorney are best kept in a fireproof safe. As you receive information through the mail or otherwise, file it in the cabinet. When documents become older than three years or so, place them in inactive storage (perhaps in a banker's box, stored in a closet or your basement) to make room for new information. The Canada Revenue Agency suggests that income tax information should be kept for at least six years, however, some of your tax and

Spring 2016

financial documents should be kept for longer — for example, the evidence to support the cost of an investment property should be retained because it will be needed when reporting the capital gain or loss on the sale of the property. Your financial spring cleaning should also include organizing your tax info — T3, T4, T5 slips, RRSP receipts, public transit passes, charitable and political receipts, child care and child fitness receipts, and so on. If you intend to deduct employment expenses, be sure to keep and organize receipts associated with your automobile including car loan and interest payments, gas and maintenance expenses (don't forget car wash receipts) and insurance costs. And while you're doing your financial spring cleaning, why not get in touch with your professional advisor who can help keep your financial life on track — not just this spring, but for a lifetime.

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Beyond My Imagination By Nadean Ollech

Spring Forward By Wendy Olson-Brodeur

When you think of spring, you might be thinking of spring cleaning. Perhaps you are also thinking of cleaning up your relationship or your marriage. But where do you start? Anytime you think of venturing into new waters, it can come with anxiousness and fear. It is best if you do some due diligence, learn and get educated on the area before you dive in. We recommend you do the same when approaching the issue of marriage, separation and divorce. Before diving in head first, having a basic understanding can save you thousands of dollars, save stress and a lot of time. Marriage is a big commitment. We get together with a loved one and often we never discuss the BIG issues. Money is a big issue and is the number one cause of divorce. We all have money personalities. Why not have a third party professional help you discuss your money and create a financial plan. From there you may decide a pre-nup or marriage agreement makes sense. It you are a business owner, this is vital. Separation is a decision that often is broached by one person. There comes a time that you may be thinking about separation. Money can be a big part of the decision and the fear that comes with that is real. Understanding your money and financial situation is key. You may be able to fix your money issues that are causing your marriage strife or you may decide it is time to go. Making that decision is best when well informed about the issues , pros and cons. Protecting yourself, your children and your assets is critical. Understanding the process and making the right choice of professionals with the appropriate knowledge and experience is key to your success. Divorce happens for a number of reasons, but the number one reason is money. Money is also the source of much of the stress, fear, anger, possession and emotion that causes the divorce process to become long and drawn out. Income is a source of your money so that too is a big issue, both if you are the one with the income or the one with less or no income. It can be an issue if one party is self employed. Divorce is about the law but it is more about negotiation with your spouse. The courts want people to negotiate first. Alternative dispute processes may include mediation, collaboration, or arbitration. Most cases never go to court and most people cannot afford to do so. It is always recommended you get ILA (independent legal advice) but you want the right personality based on your situation. Understanding this, you may be able to agree on items yourselves or start with mediation for the items you need help with. New start with your clean house, can also be very fearful especially about the money. Will you have enough? Will your support be paid on time? Will the income cover your budget? Get help creating your new financial plan. Wendy Olson-Brodeur Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist and Registered Family Mediator

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Beyond my imagination is a phrase I have been using a lot recently. When I work with the world and ask for help for positive outcomes, I sometimes try to figure out in my head which way things could go. In Europe, I learned the world can bring about the most amazing things that are beyond my imagination, so I don't know why I have to keep reminding myself. When I went to Croatia two years ago, going to Ireland was so far beyond my imagination that it might as well have been Pluto. Pluto exists, I believe that, but I never think of it and certainly don't spend time dreaming of it as an answer. This is what Ireland was like. I knew where it was but I could think of no reason to go there never mind imagining that this would be the point of my entire journey that year. This is where I found myself on a solo seven-day walk through the Irish country side. Outside my imagination. That is what makes me different than the world (angels, God - whatever you call it). I have limited experience and view of the world and although I have a very good imagination, there is so much that is beyond it that when I ask the world to help something work out for my higher good I try to open up and let it happen as it will. When I was in Croatia, I had to get through Montenegro and Italy before Ireland even became a blip on my imagination radar and even then it was a lot of faith that the world would not lead me astray. What I gained from trusting in a bigger imagination than my own is actually the transformation into myself. This has so much more value than had I not trusted and demanded to stay in Croatia. I have been doing card readings for myself and have received the same message over and over, are you willing to let go of your attachment to it? What the world has for you will make you happier and more fulfilled. I am starting to relax into this idea as I know that it is beyond my imagination and so far this has never been a bad thing. I am also taking this approach when it comes to the things I want—a job, a home and love. I just keep asking the Angels to work it out. If there is something better and beyond my imagination, then I am definitely open to that.

Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

The Journey Continues After my job in Calgary ended, I moved to Nanaimo with my sister and her family because I believed the island is where I should be. Although, this idea started coming to my mind, it was just images of Victoria. The location, financial aspect or sense of belonging did not seem like a good idea, but the idea was persistent. The last couple of years have taught me that even if it does not make sense, I must go where my heart sends me. To some, this might seem crazy. Why go where you don't want to go? Go where you want! But this is all part of the lessons I have been learning on this journey. I have learned that what my conscious wants is what's in my imagination, what my heart wants is bigger than my imagination and if I trust it than I end up where extraordinary things beyond my imagination can happen. I found a little place in James Bay. As my sister, who kindly drove me from Nanaimo, was saying goodbye she said, “this is your writing place.” I was so happy that I was not the only one who could feel it. A true gift to ourselves is following our hearts beyond what our imagination can dream up and to where extraordinary things will happen. Nadean Ollech Co-Author of International best seller 365 ways to connect to your soul. Spiritual life coach at Healed Daisy Intuitive Guidance.

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Your 2016 Inspirational Speakers

> Angela Ahosaari Feng Shui Fundamentals > Bev Janisch The Extreme Art of Self-Compassion > Christina Read

Claudette Stiven Real Time Social Media Moments > Deborah Nichol Simple Steps to Activate Your Intuition > Donna Reid Living Your BEST Life > Jenn Lofgren Rising Up from Failure, Hurt and Mistakes > Joyce Sunada You are Here to be Seen > Karen Klassen Evolution of Relationships > Kelly Hipkin Organizing For Health and Happiness > Liane Knox Letting go of Samaskara: Yoga, Truth & the Authentic Self > Lois Hamilton • Let Food Be Your Medicine and Let Medicine Be Your Food > Lisa Elle Finding Financial Clarity > Stephanie Hrehirchuk • The Chakras: Your Roadmap for Life > Suzanne Presnial Vin a Gogh Go - Paint and Sip > Tamara Plant You still have time: How to Write a Story that Inspires Others > Wendy Froberg A Woman of a Certain Age™ Cultivate and Create happiness in Three Daily Practices >

.ca d@shaw rummon ation! d y d in c Email r more inform fo

Spring 2016

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Ignite Your Inner Sparkle As You Let Go and Spring Forward By Bev Janisch

Have you ever wondered who you are now that your kids are older and you have some space to look at your life? Do you feel something is missing in your life, even though you have so much to be grateful for? Or, perhaps you don’t know how to go about looking after yourself without feeling guilty or selfish. Maybe you’re one of those people who are so busy looking after everyone else, that you’re starting to feel drained and don’t know what you need anymore. If you can relate to any of this you’re not alone. I work with women from all walks of life, and when we peel away our apparent differences, many of us struggle with some of these same things. This issue of Trifecta has pulled at my personal heartstrings,as the one thing that I’ve learned from my journey is that I needed to let go of certain things in order to “spring forward.” Four years ago I felt like my head was spinning out of control with a lot of questions about my life and what brought meaning to my days. I was living the life that most people dreamt about and yet I felt a deep sense of emptiness. To put it simply, I had lost my inner sparkle. My life felt dull and I knew that I needed to make some changes. So I set out to get my sparkle back and re-connect with the parts of myself that I felt I had lost.

The process of letting go in order to spring forward is never an easy process. As I constantly reminded myself the process of letting go and moving forward is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and then you get to a place where the sun comes out again. Coming out of the cocoon and the messy part in the middle is when you feel the miracle of transformation. When I came out of the cocoon I wasn’t my old self anymore, I was actually better than my old self. I was living a life aligned with my soul’s purpose, feeling great about my relationships and myself and had that inner sparkle back. I decided that this type of transformation and return to health and happiness was powerful and needed to be shared. I began mentoring other women, supporting them as they went through the same process that I had gone through. The results were amazing and women began getting their inner sparkle back. I developed the “7-Steps to Ignite Your Inner Sparkle System” and it consists of a blueprint of learning when to hold on and when to let go in order to move forward. It has been my honor to hold the light for the women who embark on the journey back to wholeness and inner sparkle. One thing all women need to know is that when you make the decision to really look deeply within yourself and go through the steps to re-connect with who you’re meant to be, you will begin to sparkle from the inside out. And when that happens you will feel light, peaceful, content, calm and expansive as you live your life in alignment with your heart, your soul and who you’re meant to be. Bev Janisch Mindful Living Coach at The Compassionate Mind

I spent the next two years in a cocoon stripping away the layers that were dulling my sparkle. The layers were made up of the stresses of daily life, old beliefs, anger and resentment, an inner voice that was like a bad roommate and a lot of energy ignoring my inner wisdom and trying to ignore messages from my soul. In that cocoon I had to accept that I needed to let go of some things in order to move forward. While I was in my cocoon, I was determined to heal my life and get that inner sparkle back. I began to meditate and practice mindfulness in order to calm my busy, scattered mind. I learned how to tap into my inner wisdom and comfort myself when I was hurting or sad. I learned how to let go of anger and resentment that builds up over time. I learned how to love and be there for others while still being there for myself. I learned how to live in a stressful, chaotic world and still fill peaceful inside. I learned how to maintain the “I” in my relationships, which meant I could connect at a deeper level. In short, I healed myself and found a deep sense of meaning and contentment in my life.

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Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL


An Ancient Infused Therapy By Lee-ann Harder

Indian Head Massage is often mistaken as a North American native therapy or treatment. Since this form of massage is relatively new to North America, it is understandable why people might think this.

Indian Head Massage, also known as Champissage has been a traditional treatment in India for thousands of years. It’s introductory as a therapy into Europe was in the early 1980's. Since then it has travelled into North America and quite literally around the world. Asia, primarily, Japan has greatly embraced this treatment. Champissage is an enhanced form of the traditional Indian Head Massages one might find in India. While the traditional form of Indian Head Massage meets the greater needs of the clients in that culture that is not so true in our culture. This is because we have so much upper back, shoulder, neck and arm tension (due to our excessive use of computers, cell phones and general busyness) thus moves to address these issues were added. Traditional Indian Head Massage starts at the base of the skull and is only about 15 minutes in length whereas, Champissage starts at the mid back with a primary focus on the Trapezius, Rhomboids and Levator Scapulae muscles – muscles that tense up quickly when we work on our computers or look at our cell phones for too long. After this area is addressed a few moves are applied on the top of shoulders and the upper arms. 4 sets of moves are then applied to the neck region. All the moves after that are focused on the head with some moves on the face including the eye area, which helps greatly with eye tension. Eye tension is also a common complaint of over-using our computers, phone and tablets. Some people struggle to understand how clients can relax while fully clothed and seated in a standard armless chair. From the grounding moves at the beginning of the treatment to the 40 plus unique moves applied throughout, each set of moves induces another level of relaxation making it virtually impossible not to relax. During the final 10 minutes of the treatment a pillow is placed between the client's head and the therapist. This allows the client to sink deeper in their slumber since most people invariably fall asleep during the 30 to 40 minute treatment. Special hair oil is an optional add-on at the end of each treatment. Those who opt for oil are introduced to a blend of oils designed to alleviate dry scalp and hair. Even if these are not concerns for the client it is nice to way to condition the hair and scalp as well as

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experience the whole treatment. After applying the oil the therapist might recommend that you leave in this overnight but you can also leave it in with a hot towel wrapped around the head for 15 to 20 minutes and benefit just as greatly. Many clients who opt for the oil in their hair simple throw on a cap or a scarf and head off into their day. Benefits of IHM for the Client • General and specific relaxation for muscles, providing immediate relief. • Fibrous adhesions (knots and nodules) can be broken down. • Dispersal of toxins from tense, knotted muscles. • Relief from chronic neck and shoulder stiffness. • Loosening of the scalp. • Increased oxygen uptake in tissues. • Improved circulation of blood in previously congested muscles, providing extra oxygen for the brain. • Stimulation and improvement of lymph circulation. • Restoration of joint movement and mobility. • Promotion of hair growth. • Helps in relieving tension headaches, eye-strain, earache, tinnitus, jaw ache, sinusitis congestions, neck and shoulder stiffness, insomnia and disturbed sleep. • Relaxation of the whole person. • They can remain fully clothed. Benefits of IHM for the Therapist • Therapists are often surprised at the balancing of their own innate energy after a treatment of IHM. • Most find it easy to do several of these treatments back to back in one day. • This is a mobile treatment making it very easy to offer anywhere that would suit the situation and the client. Contra-indications for IHM Treatments? • Recent whiplash and surgeries to any of the body regions to be worked on during the treatment. • People with autoimmune diseases or those undergoing the standard allopathic cancer treatments. • Hair extension/dreadlocks or recent hair implants, unclean hair, lice or nits. How can clients prepare for an Indian Head Massage. Ensure their hair is free of heavy sprays or gels. Bring or wear a 90% cotton long or short sleep standard crew neck T-Shirt. This might be offered at the facility but this is the most ideal item to wear while receiving the treatment. Some spas may also have clients in robes, which is fine too. Review the contraindications and discuss with the therapist. Typical costs for a treatment. Typical fees for Indian Head Massage range from $35 to $75 per treatment. Prices are often dependant on the location and the length of the treatment. For E.G Spas versus health clinics, where steams and pools, might also be included with the treatment. The fees may or may not include the addition of the hair oil. It is best to clarify. Indian Head Massage is a treatment that can be experienced indoors or outdoors equally well. It is a very effective stand-alone therapy and well- suited add-on to many other therapies such as; reflexology, Indian Foot Massage, 1 hour relaxation massage. Be sure you give Indian Head Massage a try in 2016!

Lee-ann Harder Owner/Tutor , Canadian Training Centre for Healing Alternatives Spring 2016

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A Balanced Approach to Work-Life Balance By Abe Brown, Master Coach Trainer

I was in a coaching session the other day, listening to a business woman share some of her triumphs and trials. She was reviewing some of her progress from the past year, and we were taking a moment to pause and celebrate those victories. Then she began to share some of the struggles. Most of the time, she felt she was coming home from her successful business practice feeling drained, exhausted and yet also feeling that she was not accomplishing all she wanted to. Email was piling up, phone calls to return were growing, she needed to meet more and more clients, and had more and more projects to complete. Every moment of every day was being spent and yet the return wasn’t there, and there wasn’t much left in the tank. She is not alone. In a recent study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the U.S., time management statistics show that Americans spend an average 7.6 hours per day working, and 2.5 hours daily doing household activities. On top of this, if you have children under 6 years of age, the average person spends an additional 2 hours on childcare. This means that over half of your day is gone, with over 12 hours a day devoted to working, household and caring activities. Then there is time for sleep (an average of 8.6 hours) and eating. No wonder we feel pressured by time, with never enough. The challenge is the general lack of balance in this conversation. Simply Google “time management strategies” or “time management”, and you’ll find a plethora of readymade, apparently “life-transforming”, “game-changing” time management tools that look surprisingly a lot like each other’s! Add some positive thinking, affirmations, and zen to some time management chart expert’s and Boom! Your time is managed and you will be fine from here on out! If only it were that easy… This is not to discount the value of careful planning, positive energy, and attention to detail. However, many of these approaches fall into one or more of the following myths… The Top 3 Myths of Work-Life Balance: 1) Work-Life Balance is Easy to Achieve – Many gave up on Work-Life Balance because someone told us it was easy. We tried their formula, which was supposed to be easy, and gave up. Nothing could be further from the truth. Anything that has value takes time, intentional effort, sacrifice, and good old-fashioned trial and error. Work-Life Balance is no different. Work-Life Balance does not come without some hard work. 2) Work-Life Balance Occurs Without Intentional Planning – I actually once heard a business person say that they don’t take time to plan or strategize. Everything simply falls into place.

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However, they had two clients and undoubtedly, little cash flow. Work-Life Balance comes when we take time to plan, strategize, set boundaries, and be intentional. I love this quote by Betsy Jacobson: “Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices." 3) The Greatest Hindrance to Work-Life Balance Is Everything Else and Everyone Else – When someone wants to see change in their lives, and yet blames the lack of change on everything and everyone else, generally their own commitment to change is the problem. Like anything that is important, Work-Life Balance will not come if we wait for everything to line up. As Charles Buxton said, “You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it”. As we all know, life favors the proactive. I love this quote by Charles Richards: “Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week.” You and I have the same number of days available to us in a year as Abraham Lincoln, the same number of hours available to us in a day that Mother Theresa had, and the same number of minutes available to us in an hour that Martin Luther King, Jr. has. Take charge of your present and future NOW by setting a solid goal for Work-Life Balance! A Model For Work-Life Balance: I want to offer you here a simple model for Work-Life Balance. This model follows the journey of Sit, Stand, Walk, Run, and Soar. Sit – Stillness & Strategy - Work-Life Balance is established as we take time to sit. In that position, we are able to spend time in stillness and meditation. This insures that the next component of strategy flows from a place of peace and positive energy. I have found that taking time to sit, meditate, contemplate and be still has lent massive amounts of creativity, inspiration, intuitiveness, and imagination to my strategy and planning. We do not want to be an echo, but a voice. Maybe some lack the aura of vision and originality precisely because they are not taking time to draw from their own personal well. Stand – Focus & Fuel – Once you have had quality time to sit and ponder your Work-Life Balance, it is time to stand. We stand when we have had time to focus and fuel ourselves. Enough cannot be said about how important it is to replenish and feed ourselves. At one time, we all believed that we were indestructible and that we could be poured out, again and again, without any impact upon ourselves. Maturity has taught us self-care, and that we need to fuel and nurture ourselves. As the ancient Buddhist Masters would say: “Your breathing is your greatest friend. Return to it in all your troubles and you will find comfort and guidance.” Walk – Effort & Excellence – Standing in the place of focus and fuel, Work-Life Balance then evolves as we begin to walk and move forward with effort and excellence. This is all reducing the amount of “double-handling” in our lives. In other words, when we touch a project or a job, we need to touch it with effort and excellence. Rather than letting procrastination fool us into Trifecta Magazine MIND | BODY | SOUL

touching the same project half-heartedly, again and again, we need to touch it but once or twice with intentionality, focus, effort and excellence. We “double handle” things when we procrastinate and delay and push deadlines back and dither, thus wasting valuable time. This costs only you in the end. As Stephen Covey said, “The key is in not spending time, but in investing it”. We make a smart investment when we do the common tasks of our day with an uncommon touch and diligence. Run – Efficiency & Effectiveness – Charles Darwin said that, “A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.” In essence, he was saying that Work-Life Balance is about being efficient in the use of our time. Stay close to your core strengths. Discover your LIFEFIT, and be sure to stick to your LIFEFIT. One of the most difficult things I am learning in this process is that if I want true Work-Life Balance, I need to learn to say no. Sometimes this involves saying no to friends or family. Other times, it involves saying no to business associates, coworkers, or partners. Sometimes, it involves saying no to myself. Whatever the case, we cannot attain Work-Life Balance if we say yes to everything. If Work-Life Balance is important, we need to set boundaries, and run an un-distracted race that is efficient and thus effective. Soar – Reap & Enjoy – When we consistently and artfully Sit, Stand, Walk and Run, for a consistent period of time, the results begin to flow. Life begins to normalize. Work-Life Balance begins to take root and flourish within our lives. As Aristotle so wisely

Spring 2016

said: “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit”. WorkLife Balance becomes a habit we engage in, and then enjoy the results of. Moving forward, eat the meat of what you think will work for you in this article, and leave what won’t. But move forward with WorkLife Balance right away. Your personal life, and effectiveness as a coach or leader depends on it. And as your stress level goes down, and your success level goes up, those around you, the ones you know, serve and love, will thank you for following a Balanced Approach to Work-Life Balance. Abe Brown is the Coach’s Coach, and is the Founder and President of Momentum Coaching (, and the President of the Certified Coaches Federation (www.certifiedcoachesfederation. com). Momentum Coaching has experienced triple digit growth for several years running, and the Certified Coaches Federation has trained and certified over 10,000 Life and Executive Coaches in the last 8 years. Abe does Leadership and Executive Coaching, and works with profit-based, and non-profit organizations around strategic planning, cultivating fully engaged employees, and facilitating coaching and training programs. He has also worked with several small, medium, and large businesses to accelerate revenue growth and maximize engagement.

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upcoming events

Calgary School of Hypnotherapy

At the Calgary School of Hypnotherapy, we are proud to offer three avenues of hypnotherapy education to meet your needs. Each one is designed with your success in mind and includes the information you need to enhance your existing practice. Basic Hypnosis, February 27 - 28 , 2016 Basic Counselling Skills, March 12 - 13, 2016 Advanced Hypnosis, April 16 - 17 Basic NLP, May 14 - 15, 2016 Master Hypnosis, June 11 - 12, June 18 - 19

Become a Certified Life Coach

March 19 - 20, 2016 or July 23- 24, 2016 A 2-day intensive course that will teach you everything you need to know to succeed. All Certified Coaches Federation graduates receive admission to their 1 year CCF Continuing Education Program at no additional cost. See ad on page 27

Eden Energy Foundations Program

Starts April 7, 2016, Calgary Year One Eden Energy Medicine Foundation classes teach you the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). You will learn the 9 energy systems of the body, and how to work with them to help your body return to, and maintain its natural state of wellness. See ad on page 16

Indian Head Massage Training

Connecting Live ~ Opening Hearts

The View from Behind Bars An evening with Piper Kerman

Women's Luxury Retreat

April 8 - 10, 2016, Calgary This 3-day intensive course, will provide a comprehensive grounding in the theoretical basis and practical application of Indian Head Massage. See article on page 25

April 14, 2016 Telus Convention Centre, Calgary Piper Kerman will share her incredible true story with Calgarians on Thursday, April 14, 2016 as the keynote speaker for Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary’s 50th Anniversary fundraiser. See ad on page 7

Connect – Mother/Daughter Weekend

April 15, 2016 - April 17, 2016, Canmore Connect is an opportunity…to carve out some time for you and your daughter. Spend a weekend away in the mountains, enjoying quality time and creating memories through organized activities, facilitated speaker workshops and mother/daughter free time. See ad on page 17

June 3-5, 2016 Sheraton Cavalier, Calgary The Canadian New Thought Conference will showcase two and a half days of inspiring speakers, live, uplifting music and a series of enlightening hands-on workshops. See ad on inside back cover June 10 - 12, 2016 Sparkling Hill Resort, Vernon One weekend that can change your life! See ad on page 5

WOW5! Women Only Weekend

October 21- 23, 2016 Join us at the 4th annual WOW! in Canmore at the luxurious Solara Resort for a weekend full of fun and empowerment for women who are looking to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones. See ad on page 23 For more upcoming events visit


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Connecting Lives ~ Opening Hearts Awaken your soul's purpose in an evolving world

June 3-5, 2016

Keynote Speaker:

Dr. Jean Houston


featured at the Banquet Dinner

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Who will be Attending:

Event Overview

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