Trifecta Magazine Issue 1: Fall 2013

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Beyond the Beaches in Bali Basking in Beauty, Spirituality and Nature

fall 2013

tri·fec·ta [trahy-fek-tuh]

C a l g a r y ’s s o u r c e f o r N a t u r a l H e a l t h , We l l n e s s a n d I n s p i r a t i o n •

any achievement involving three successful outcomes


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mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine

photo by Karin van Til



Cover Story: Cathy Gotfried, Founder / Owner Erawan

27 Welcome to the premiere issue of Trifecta Magazine! Trifecta Magazine focuses on three aspects of health; Mind, Body and Soul. Achieving optimal results in these three areas is considered a perfect balance or trifecta, hence the name of this new publication – Trifecta. Inspiring well-being and mindful living through community connection right here in Calgary, Trifecta Magazine provides a channel for community members to both share and learn from each other’s experiences in a solution-based forum of expression. Trifecta Magazine attracts readers, writers and advertisers with a desire for betterment and provides exposure to the many types of therapies, products and practitioners throughout Calgary and surrounding areas that can help people advance on their personal journeys. We hope you enjoy the experience and we look forward to sharing our passion in many issues to come.

For information on advertising or contributing to Trifecta Magazine, email Trifecta Magazine can be delivered quarterly directly to your home or office for only $24.95 + GST for a one year subscription. Email sales@trifectamagazine for more information.

The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work. No part of this work covered by the copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of Trifecta Magazine. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking on any exercise, medical or nutritional changes.

Fall 2013

Travel Ventures takes us on a magical journey beyond the beaches of Bali to a place of spirituality, serenity and peacefulness. cover photo by Karin van Til


10 Your Life Path Number

Vikki MacKinnon, Author, International Speaker, Master Numerologist, and Empowerment Coach helps us make sense of numerology and our life path number.

12 Living Your Best Life!

Donna Reid, Nutrition & Wellness Specialist with Ellequin Wellness Centre shares her simple tips to attain physical, emotional and nutritional wellness.

16 When I’m Calling YU

Perri Besserer, CPCC; ACC Life & Success Coach at NuYU Life Skills Co. shares her story about how pain and grief led her on an amazing journey of self discovery.

20 Stress in the Workplace

Del Edwards, Owner of Blue Sky View Consulting Helps us understand that pressure in the workplace is unavoidable, but through healthy habits you can restore balance and reduce your stress levels.

Trifecta Magazine


The Story of the World! By Scott Clark

There is a deeper sense of contentment when we realize that the world is a story, and we are the author.

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You see, for our entire life times, we have been the reader. Some have been wise enough and insightful enough to write books, hold seminars, and teach the world their very wise and prophetic wisdom. This solstice has brought with it a higher awareness to the collective consciousness. People are beginning to take a swim into the waters of their soul. If their own curiosity has not yet shown them who holds the pen in this story, they are given the circumstances and experiences that seem to flip the page to the next chapter... the chapter of “Choose your own adventure”. So, it goes like this....We have been working for centuries to learn unconditional love. This starts within. If I am so dependant on others on being accepted, kept safe, protected, supported, and most of all, loved... then a part of me is suggesting that I lack unconditional love of myself and I must seek it elsewhere. This sets me up for a slew of fear to follow. The fear of not being loved and accepted, breeds loneliness and abandonment. As such I resort to blame, judgement, anxiety, panic, jealousy, and guilt as a defence mechanism in desperate fear that I may lose love and acceptance. Do I put acceptance and love from others before my own love and acceptance of myself? Can’t I be happy with myself unless others are happy with me? This seems a little backwards. Okay, so many of us know this already. We remind ourselves to be happy with ourselves and yet we forget, and soon begin reading instead of writing.

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Awareness often shifts more precisely when we are forced into our own personal state of oneness. For some, this required a harsh break up. For others, their death bed and still for others, a sense of psychic ability or clairvoyance. What ever sets an individual forth on the journey of self awareness and enlightenment, it always comes down to unconditional love. In a state of unconditional love, we are completely detached from the dependency of others. This is also to say it is a state of detachment from all fear and in this place of pure Essence, all things are filled to the brim with unconditional love. Thus, it becomes not a state of loneliness and despair, but a state of pure love ‘for’ and ‘from’ all things. This presents us with a world in which unity and freedom exist together. The new world! Most importantly for now, it allows us to take a very deep look at what really causes us the pain and despair we suffer. Awareness is the key, first of all. Simply the “knowing” that if we are in pain or despair, we are simply ‘crying’ for ourselves first. We lack a very crucial and important sense of self, where unconditional love is lacking. The Universe has portrayed a message for us this solstice. Don’t be afraid to be you first. You will no longer place blame. You will no longer seek false happiness from the world and others. You will no longer feel guilty for speaking your mind and making the choices in your life that suit your inner most desires. Speak from the heart. Live from the heart. Know that those you see in pain are simply seeking their own unconditional love and self awareness. That they too have become so dependant on the story as we know it, on what the world ‘needs to give them’ that they have forgotten who they are inside, and struggle to be unified, yet free. Teach them and show them the way. This my friend, grants you patience. This grants you purity. This grants you acceptance. This grants you love and the manifestation of whatever you desire. This grants you the pen to write your story. 3217, 380 Canyon Meadows Dr S.E. 4

Scott Clark Reiki Master, Muay Thai Instructor and Personal Coach at Limitless mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine

Look Alive. By Jenna Stuckey

from the publisher

Are we actually living our lives or just going through the motions? What does being alive even mean – not just existing, but genuinely soaking up everything life has to offer? Imagine if success was measured in the amount we had tried and seen and explored? Life would become an adventure in gathering as many experiences as possible. How amazing would that be? Being alive would become living.

Some ideas percolate for days, months and even years before they come to fruition and others, start with an “a-ha moment,” some quick

A lovely friend shared a Joseph Campbell quote with me a few weeks ago and I’ve found myself rolling over the words ever since:

collaboration and then hit the ground running.

“People say that what we are seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. What we seek is an experience of being alive.”

Our beloved publication, Trifecta, falls under the

… an experience of being alive.

second category. Not many

I’ve been fortunate to have had several clients come to me for spiritual coaching. I find spirituality fascinating, so I love when I can help someone else explore a deeper connection and meaning in their life. Spirituality doesn’t have to be anything more complicated than just being kind and believing in the inherent good in other people. For me, it’s the knowledge that my life has meaning. My existence is for a reason. And yours is too. When I feel in need of a higher perspective I remind myself that “we are not human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a human journey.” For me, Joseph Campbell’s words bring about the same idea. If the purpose of being alive is to experience life, everything that happened would be a blessing. Every experience would be an adventure. There would be no mistakes. Falling in love? A beautiful experience. Losing that love? An equally beautiful experience. I know that sometimes life sucks. Bad things happen and our hearts break and we carry stress and burdens far heavier than we feel we deserve. People we love pass away and things don’t happen like we had hoped and sometimes everything goes wrong. But if I can have an Oprah moment here, the fact we wake up every morning and breathe is a gift. Our heart beats. Our brain functions. The miracle of life day in and day out is something not everyone gets the opportunity to have. Living, even in the most basic way, is something special.

months ago, I had the opportunity to join a friend on one of her “running around” days. This busy self-employed, mother of two brought me along for the ride while she was working. I didn’t think much about magazines, publications or the print advertising business while we were in her car, but I did notice how passionate she was about her job and how optimistic she felt about what she was doing and the relationships she was building. The very next day, the idea publishing of a magazine on health, body and soul popped into my head. In a flurry of excitement I contacted one of my favourite people, Allison Cartwright, and asked her to be my business partner.

So let’s use the experience of being alive and actually live it up! Think of your life as a basket waiting to be filled and measure the worth of all your experiences equally. If the point of life is to simply live then even situations that completely go off the rails are a positive addition to your basket’s collection.

It was Allison who designed our inspiring publication and it was

This is your life. So whether you believe that this is it and you’re working towards heaven or if you feel you’ll be reincarnated back into the cycle once more, right now, you need to live this life to be best of your ability. Pick up the biggest basket you can find and start gathering.

results in three health areas; Mind, Body and Soul.

And remember, in the words of high school sports coaches everywhere, to look alive out there!

issue of Trifecta, but a special thank you to our contributors, our

Allison who came up with our name. Trifecta in the sports world is a run of three wins. In our world, Trifecta means achieving optimal

Many thanks to all of the women who helped us launch our premiere advertisers and Karen, the busy Mother of two who planted the “Trifecta seed”.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

With gratitude,

~ Maria Robinson

Cindy Drummond

Fall 2013


Your Past Lives & Present Dilemmas

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By Carolyn Tryhurn

You might be interested to learn that exploring your own past lives can have a powerful and transformative impact on your current life. In fact, many people have become unstuck and healed impossible relationships by exploring their past life experiences. We can think of our lives as a series of soul level learnings,and just like any education system, each grade level builds on the one before it, so as your soul progresses and evolves, the experiences of your past contribute to your soul’s learning and progress. We arrive at our earth lives with a rich history that informs who we are and encodes our talents, gifts, abilities and natural interests.

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To make your past life exploration useful, we always set the intention to explore only those lives that are impacting the current life. By setting that intention, we ensure you’ll receive therapeutic benefit to support your current incarnation. It might be fun to explore your life as Queen of the Nile but if you’ve already resolved everything there, it just won’t have that much impact for you now. What’s even more important and interesting is to investigate what’s going on right now and reveal what lessons and insights will help you move forward confidently.

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Understanding key relationships is a very rich aspect of your soul’s knowledge. If you’ve had that unusual feeling of knowing someone before, or instantly liking or disliking someone without any reason, that can be a sign that a past life was shared with that person. What we’ve seen is that the closest bonds like lovers/soul mates and parent-child relationships show up over and over again. And we know that these can sometimes be the most emotionally charged, difficult relationships to navigate and understand. The great news is that when you understand what’s happened between the two of you in other times and other places, it can bring a great deal of relief, compassion and understanding - instantly to your present day experience!

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The instant transformation may just be the biggest benefit of past life regression. Here’s why…. once you’ve explored the past life in detail, you will expand into the wisdom of your Higher Self Here is where you can access a level of expanded consciousness that isn’t usually attainable in ordinary consciousness. You’ll actually be looking through the eyes of your Higher Self and can see the past lifetime in an expanded perspective. Everything will make sense. You will see the whys and the wherefores. Even better than that, since you’re already in an expanded awareness, you’ll be able to see the impact of that past life on your current situation.

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from Home Tasting Room! Just show us how you are working on achieving your own health and wellness trifecta. Upload a photo on our Facebook page and we will choose one lucky reader! Contest ends January 15, 2014. Winner will be notified and announced through Facebook. 6

Typically, once you’ve discovered the patterns of the past and know that you’re still holding them, an immediate release is possible. For most of us, we just can’t see ourselves that clearly in our daily lives. It’s like being stuck in traffic behind a big truck. You don’t know what’s going on but you know you can’t move and it’s frustrating as hell. Imagine now that you’re in a helicopter looking down at the same traffic. You can see very clearly in all directions… you can see why you are where you are, the players involved and the clear path out. It’s the powerful AHA Moment! Now you can release the suffering and confidently move forward. Do you have any stuck patterns or issues that just won’t budge? Past Life Regression is an excellent way to release those old limiting patterns, the ones that haven’t been willing to release you no matter how hard you try. For example, if you find yourself always working for a difficult boss and you’ve had many different jobs but always seem to have the same difficult boss, it might be evidence that your soul is trying to work out some learning. A past life might reveal that you used to be the mean slave-owner or maybe you’ve had many lives of giving your power away. By looking at the past life conditions, and getting to the source of the problem, you can more easily access the solution and the learning – quickly – without further lifetimes of suffering. A similar pattern might be that you always attract unavailable partners. It can be very frustrating and difficult to understand. Again, finding the cause of this pattern and the soul-level history of the relationship will help you release it once and for all.

mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine

There are few signs that indicate a past life condition may be impacting your current life experience:

This is a unique opportunity if you are a personal trainer, manual therapist, physical therapist, athlete, or simply if you have been prone to injuries and would like to better learn how to take care of your body and prevent more injuries to occur.

• Strong emotional like or dislike for a person when you initially meet them. The feelings are intense and not easily explained. It can also be very hard to let go of that person even if you know you should.

Active Isolated Stretching

• Strong affinity for a particular culture or region of the world, that has no basis in your current life. For example, I adore the American South but have no idea why. Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky make me swoon but I’ve never been there and neither has anyone in my family.

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How to tell if a past life might be affecting you now?


• A pattern keeps repeating in your life. Same bad boss, same bad boyfriend AND the things you’ve tried to fix it just never work. There can be a feeling of helplessness involved. One of the greatest benefits of doing past life regression work is the self-understanding and self-compassion that emerges. I’ve witnessed over and over again when clients experience the AHA Moment and they realize why they are the way the are, it just brings with it a sense of peace and surrender. The struggle and resistance are released and like magic, the problem ceases to be a problem. Your past lives are a gateway to empowerment and freedom that can truly transform your life experience.

Carolyn Tryhurn Soul Clarity Hypnotherapy

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Fall 2013



recipe SWEET POTATO AND GINGER SOUP This simple soup is easy to make, but delivers a complex and nuanced flavor thanks to the fresh ginger, which gives it a kick.

Lessons From My Lab By Lauraine Laudel Some say everything you need to know in life you learn in kindergarten. I beg to differ. I completed kindergarten as well as several years of formal education (not to mention 52 plus in the School of Life) and I can honestly say everything I really need to know about life I’ve learned from my seven year old black lab, Kash. No classroom, lectures, exams or tuition required. Refresher courses are free and are offered daily. All you need is a leash and a pair of comfortable shoes!

This recipe also offers a trifecta of healthy goodness; it’s fat-free, cholesterol-free, and low-cal.

INGREDIENTS 3 cups water 3 cups peeled, diced sweet potato 1/4 cup julienne-cut peeled fresh ginger

Our (almost) daily 40 minute trek provides Kash ample opportunity to demonstrate the keys to living a happy, joyful life. Each day, when I stoop for my runners, regardless of where he may be, Kash is uncannily, lightning bolt fast at my side. Whether it is + or – 20 outside, he sits, vibrating with anticipation, tail wagging, ears perked, head cocked, an expectant, hopeful look in his big brown eyes. Therein lie the first two lessons:

2 tablespoons sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt

Lesson #1: Get outside and play, people! Breathe deeply and appreciate the beautiful world that surrounds you. Lesson #2: Approach each day with hope and eager anticipation.

DIRECTIONS Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan. Add remaining ingredients. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 30 minutes. Place half of sweet potato mixture in a blender; process until smooth. Return pureed mixture to saucepan; cook over medium heat until thoroughly heated.

With runners and leash securely fastened, I open the door. Kash bolts out, leaping and dancing in circles on the front porch. He peers at me quizzically, surely wondering why I am nowhere near as excited about our daily outing as he. His exuberance about the upcoming run is not to be contained. Kash completely disregards my commands to stop, sit, or drop the leash that he invariably insists on carrying in his mouth. Lesson #3: If you’re excited about something don’t let anyone or anything dampen your enthusiasm. The familiar hill holds the requisite stops at each and every light or fence post. I am in sheer awe of Kash’s bladder control. How do they do that? He sniffs, explores and stops with shoulder wrenching abruptness far more often than I like. However, I admire how he responds to his instinct or intuition without hesitation. There is no pre-determination, no weighing of consequences. He does not pause to consider what others might think or second guess himself. There is no fear – period! Lesson #4: Embrace the present. Follow your intuition regardless of who or what may be around you. The country portion of our walk is the unofficial off leash area (shhhhhh!). Here, with my thumb resting on the slide to release the leash, the only barrier between Kash’s bondage and his absolute freedom, I ‘get’ it. It’s in his eyes. Kash could be angry and resentful that he has been restrained for the past 10 minutes, but he isn’t. Instead, he is absolutely thrilled in anticipation of what he is about to experience. Lesson #5: Life is not about where you’ve been it’s about where you’re going. Where Kash and I are going is no surprise. We travel this path pretty much every day. And yet each day, once freed from the evil leash, Kash bounds forward on four legs, deer like, ears momentarily frozen in mid-flight (not unlike Sally Field’s hat in the Flying Nun) completely overcome with reckless frivolity, into each and every grove of trees and pond as if he’s never experienced such a thing in his life. He is unabashedly and unapologetically, joyfully delighted in the wonder of it all. The landscape has not changed in the least yet Kash sees this familiar landscape with new eyes, with possibility, every time. Freedom run complete, we begin our descent home. Kash is in a content place by this time. I can tell because the leash is (finally) slack and he remains close


mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine

by my side, frequently glancing my way to ensure I’m OK. I am touched by what a loyal and genuine friend Kash is. He doesn’t judge, criticize, condemn, fix or patronize. He simply sits (or lays) close by, his silent presence stating, “I’m here for you. I love you and whatever it is, I know you will figure it out.” He is a steadfast cheerleading team of one, sans pompoms. Lesson #6: The best support you can give someone is unconditional love and genuine, unwavering faith in their abilities. Even now as I type this, Kash is demonstrating yet another valuable life lesson. The sun is shining and he is laying on his back on the grass, four legs flailing in the air, writhing blissfully back and forth. Kash does not merely exist in the moment; he squeezes every ounce of fun out of it.

Lesson #7: Enjoy the journey. Life is supposed to be fun!

Testimonial “When Donna asked me if I wanted to do UBC again, I was up for the challenge. What I wasn’t excited about, was getting up at class by 6:30. I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON!!! But after being there just 5-10mins, my grumpiness subsided and I felt great. My classmates in the 6:30 am class were awesome, always happy, energized and worked their butts off each and every day. I ‘m the type of person who loves a challenge and am very competitive, so working out with other like minded people, helped me achieve MY BEST! Our instructors were AMAZING and put up with my cursing!! They inspired us all in every class and always encouraged us to do our best, for it was OUR WORKOUT and they didn’t want us to waste not even a minute!!! We LOVE you guys!

Such are the gifts of a 40 minute run with my dog. I want my approach to life to be like Kash’s approach to our daily walk. In his wordless wisdom, Kash has inspired me to create a new morning mantra. “I begin each day in a state of hope and eagerness. Each moment holds possibility so live each one afresh. I am so attuned to anticipation that nothing and no one will bring me down. I trust my intuition. I am so keenly focused on where I am headed that where I have been is irrelevant. I view the familiar with new eyes. I support others because I know we are each capable of navigating life’s challenges. I love others unconditionally, just as they are.” Admittedly, when the last two are just too big a leap, (because, let’s face it, who can do this 100% of the time??), grant me the serenity to offer others the human equivalence of the canine social protocol; to those they meet; a quick sniff, growl, or romp, then carry on and leave each unto their journey.

I’m Very Happy with my results and have had lots of compliments at work from colleagues and clients!!! That makes it all worthwhile!! I can fit into my skinny jeans again too! My cardio has improved 10- fold and I don’t do push-ups on my knees anymore. Yay! I would recommend this program to everyone because it WORKS!!!! But you also have to put the work in!! Thanks YYC, Amanda

Over the years I’ve been blessed with many wonderful teachers. Kash, however, is the only one who has imparted such profound wisdom with such effortless efficiency. Like all students, sometimes I need encouragement. Sometimes, I forget these precious lessons. . Thankfully, when that happens, all I need to do is reach for my runners.

Lauraine Laudel TouchStone Psychology & Wellness

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

~ Dr. Seuss

Fall 2013


Your Life Path Number By Vikki MacKinnon

One of the strongest and most impactful numbers in your profile is your life path number. The life path is a powerful vibration for all of us because it tells so much about the road we must travel, and the twists and turns, setbacks and breakthroughs that we will experience along that road. As we all know, life on Earth is a school and every part of our life here deals with learning certain lessons. The nature of our lessons can be found in several important aspects of your numerology profile, but as a core number, your Life Path provides insight into the themes of your most powerful lessons. In fact there are some numerologists who refer to this as the Life Lesson Number.

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To find your life path number, add up your month, day and year of birth. Be sure to add your full year, for example, 1976, not 76. January 8, 1951 is calculated like this: 1+8+1+9+5+1=25, 2+5=7 This person has a 7 life path. In numerology we keep adding the digits together until we have a one digit number, unless the number we have is an 11, 22, or 33 January 13, 1961 is calculated like this: 1+1+3+1+9+6+1=22 This person has a 22 life path. There are twelve possible life path numbers, and four different types or stages of learning. We can refer to the first stage of learning, Life Paths, or “life Lessons” 1, 2, and 3 as: All About Me Life Path 1: Learning about myself and who I am. Getting clear on what I want and believing in myself enough to go after it. Example: Sammy Davis Jr.

Do you have an inspiring story to share or a skill to teach?

Life Path 2: Learning about significant individuals in our lives, what they bring out in us, and what we bring out in them. Trusting our intuition. Example: Prince Philip Life Path 3: Learning to sing our song and speak our truth. Expressing ourselves creatively. Finding ways to be seen and appreciated. (This can be a very fertile stage.) Example: Hilary Clinton

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The second stage in our learning, Life Paths 4, 5, and 6, can be referred to as: Me and the World I Live In Life Path 4: Learning to live and work within a degree of structure. Learning to respect laws and conventions that help society function. Attaining goals through diligent effort. Example: Bill Gates

Email Cindy Drummond and tell us more!

Life Path 5: Learning to communicate and be persuasive. Satisfying our curiosity about the world. Learning to live in the moment and savour worldly experiences. (The word “LIFE” is a 5 word.) Example: Abraham Lincoln

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Life Path 6: Learning to care for others. Accepting roles and responsibilities within our family and our community. Creating harmony in our relationships and our environment. Example: John Lennon mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine

The third stage in our learning, Life Paths 7, 8, and 9, can be referred to as: Me and My Spirituality Life Path 7: Learning to go within, connect with our inner self and our Higher Self. Strengthening our faith and learning to be alone without being lonely. “I am ENOUGH”. Example: George Harrison Life Path 8: Learning about the spiritual laws of abundance, that all abundance comes from the Universe, and that we can tap into it by taking action, walking in integrity, and following Universal laws. “As Above So Below”. Example: Norman Vincent Peale Life Path 9: Learning to feel and express love and compassion toward our fellow human beings and all other creatures who share our planet. “We are ALL ONE”. Example: Mahatma Gandhi Not every soul will experience a life path in the Master Numbers, 11, 22, and 33. We can refer to this stage of learning as:

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Me and My Assignment Life Path 11: Learning to use our power and energy in positive, life affirming ways. Setting standards and walking our talk. Example: Prince William

Trifecta Magazine

Life Path 22: Learning to refine our vision, to bring big ideas into tangible form, to create lasting value. Example: Margaret Thatcher

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Life Path 33: Learning to be courageous and outspoken in pursuit of fairness for all. Turning great love into powerful and far reaching action. Example: Dale Carnegie

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Of course, within each of those huge themes there are many smaller lessons that are more easily understood and acted upon when we examine your life path number within the context of other aspects of your profile. It is extremely important to know your individual life path number, but it is also important to remember that when we can see your entire number profile we are able to find your unique formula for personal and professional success. “Love yourself a little more each day, and you will be happier and healthier. Love others a little more each day, and the whole world will be happier and healthier” ~ Unknown

Vikki MacKinnon Author, International Speaker, Master Numerologist, and Empowerment Coach Got Your Number

“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.”

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Fall 2013



Living Your Best Life! by Donna Reid

1 bag of frozen cauliflower

Your time is limited, so don’t’ waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. ~ Steve Jobs

1/4 cup olive oil 2 large eggs 1 cup mozzarella cheese 1 can pizza sauce

• Are you Stressed? • Are you running out of time every day? • Do you feel like you are burning the candle at both ends? • Does your life feel like a blur?

1 medium onion lightly sautéed 5-6 mushrooms (rinsed, sliced and sautéed)

DIRECTIONS In a large pot of boiling water, cook the cauliflower until soft, about 20 minutes. Drain the cauliflower and transfer to a large bowl. Mash until the consistency of mashed potatoes with minimal chunks. Add the oil, eggs, and mozzarella cheese and mix well. Preheat the oven to 350 °F. Lightly coat your pizza pan or large rimmed baking sheet with about 1 tablespoon olive oil. Pour cauliflower mixture onto the pizza pan and press flat no more than 1/2 inch thick, mounding it up higher at the edges. Bake for 20 minutes Top with pizza sauce, onions and mushrooms, and bake until cheese is nice and melted, 10 to 15 minutes.

Does this sound familiar? In today’s society we seem to have so many pressures influencing us, where do you even start? We must understand that we need to take care of our whole selves: physically; nutritionally and emotionally. If we are unhealthy in any one of these areas, it has a direct effect on wellbeing. To live your best life you must create balance in all three areas of our life. Below are my top 5 for creating a whole new balanced YOU! Physical Wellness 10,000 Steps Per Day Get moving! Take your dog for a walk, go for a bike ride or a run, join a fitness class, try a new sport, go dancing. Park on the far side of the parking lot, take the stairs......keep it fun and get moving. Weight Train Two to Three Times Per Week Adding resistance training to your regime builds muscle, boosts your metabolism and burns more fat. It helps you lose weight, tone and reshape your body. Exercise releases happy hormones helping you feel better, have more energy and reduce stress. Maintain a Healthy Weight Carrying excess weight can contribute to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, joint and muscle pain, reduced immunity and increased cancer risk. When you maintain a healthy body weight, it helps you lower your risk for developing these problems helping you feel better and have more energy to enjoy life. Sleep at Least Eight Hours Per Night Your body repairs and rebuilds while it is sleeping. Here are just a few things your body is working on while you sleep: improved memory; reducing inflammation; improved performance; weight loss; and reduced stress. Journal Journaling your exercise will help you to keep track of your progress therefore enabling you to track your goals and celebrate the milestones. Nutritional wellness Drink Up Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Dehydration causes foggy thinking, lack of energy, and slows down your metabolism. Next time you are feeling tired or hungry, drink a glass of water. Eat Five to Six Times Per Day Eating five to six small meals each day starting with breakfast will boost your metabolism and get you fired up for your day. Eating small portions more frequently will help to stabilize your blood sugars, boost your metabolism, control cravings and keep hunger at bay, causing you to consume less calories throughout the day. Eat Protein and Complex Carbs Together Consuming lean proteins and complex carbohydrates together will help slow


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down the breakdown of sugars, keep you feeling fuller longer and help to stabilize your blood sugars. Small portion sizes In today’s society portion sizes all seem to be super sized. From restaurant meals to our kitchen dinning settings, we use bigger plates and load them up. Remember these great rules of thumb for calculating portion sizes: Lean Protein – the size of the palm of your hand (3 oz) Complex Carbohydrates – the size of your fist (1 cup) Healthy Fats – Thumb – 1 oz

Helping YOU Lose Weight, Look Good and Feel Great Take the 2 Week Challenge Weight Loss Self Esteem Cellulite Treatment Contact us today to learn more or to book a FREE Health Assessment! 403-680-9956 •

Journal your food intake People who journal their food intake lose up to 50% more weight than those who do not. Is there any better reason than to start journaling? Emotional Wellness Take Time for YOU Each Day Relax, mediate, read a book, take a class. When we put ourselves first and look after ourselves we become healthier, have more energy and less stress, therefore enabling us to be able to help others more. Create Goals and Write them Down Goals help you make positive changes in your life, create motivation and give you something to move forward to. Create personal, professional and play goals to keep you balanced and moving forward in all areas of your life. Visualization Creating dream boards and affirmations help keep you on track, pick you up when you get off track and create motivation. Visualization is key to manifesting the life you desire. Pay it Forward Do something nice for someone else. Find a way to help someone or make them smile. Give thanks, give things or give thoughts. Random acts of kindness not only benefit the person receiving the gift but also motivate and energize the giver! Talk about win-win!











Gratitude Journals Keep a gratitude journal. Every day write 3 things in your journal that you are grateful for. Bonus entry: write a 4th entry to reflect what you are looking forward to tomorrow! Donna Reid is the Owner of Ellequin Wellness Centre. She is a Nutrition & Wellness Specialist who believes in empowering individuals to eliminate their health and wellness roadblocks, enabling them to look good and feel great from the inside out. Her program is changing the lives of people in and around the Calgary Region.

Donna Reid, Nutrition & Wellness Specialist Ellequin Wellness Centre Fall 2013

Quantum Leaps Retreats reats 2119 Blaeberry Road, Golden, BC V0A 1H1 Ph. 1.800.716.2494 / 250.344.2114 14



The Benefits of Massage By Louise Proulx

Massage is very subjective. Some may find a gentle relaxation massage very fulfilling physically and emotionally, while others depend on deep tissue work to aid in recovery and pain management. However the treatment is performed, it is a powerful ally in your healthcare and wellbeing.

INGREDIENTS 6 large or 8 small bell peppers (any color but green) 1 large onion, diced

There are many physiological and psychological benefits to massage which include, but are not limited to:

3 medium carrots, peeled and diced 3 small zucchinis, peeled and diced

• Alleviating pain and improving range of motion. Trauma to muscle tissue, as a result of injury or over-use such as marathon runners, can cause muscle tissue damage, spasms and contractions that can alter your body’s alignment. Have you ever been injured on one side of your body so you alter the way you walk to compensate to avoid further pain? Prolonged adaptation can cause further damage. Massage can increase blood flow, flushing out the damaged cells with healthy new cells, calming the pain-spasm response thereby allowing the muscle to relax, heal and lengthen.

1 cup vegetable broth 3 cups cooked brown rice 5 Tbsp. tomato paste 3/4 cup whole fresh parsley, de-stemmed and chopped

• Reducing stress and depression. Chronic pain can take over physically, but can also begin to take over emotionally causing depression. During massage, endorphins are released into the bloodstream. In addition to decreased feelings of pain, secretion of endorphins leads to feelings of euphoria, regulate appetite, release of sex hormones, and enhancement of the immune response. With high endorphin levels, we feel less pain and experience fewer negative effects of stress.

3/4 cup whole fresh dill, de-stemmed and chopped 1/2-1 lemon, juiced 1/4 tsp. fresh ground pepper salt (or to taste) 1 lemon—cut into wedges (optional) DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350°F. Cut tops off of peppers, remove seeds and wash thoroughly. Place in an oven safe dish arranged upright and put tops back on. Bake for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, in a large pan, sauté. onions, carrots and zucchini in vegetable broth for 5-6 minutes. Stir in the rice and tomato paste and coat thoroughly. Add parsley, dill, lemon juice, pepper, and salt and stir to combine. When peppers are ready, remove from oven and fill with stuffing. Place tops back on peppers and bake for an extra 30-40 minutes until peppers are soft. Serve additional wedges of lemon if desired.

• Aid in the healthy functioning of our body’s systems. Light touch massage can aid in lymph fluid movement which removes metabolic wastes, reduces edema (swelling) and reduces excess fibrin (scar tissue). The main function of the lymph system is to protect the body from infection and disease via the immune response by producing, maintaining and distributing lymphocytes (infection fighting cells). Massage techniques such as tapotement (a tapping/knocking technique) can loosen mucus in the lungs thereby increasing respiratory function and reducing stress caused by conditions such as asthma, resulting in fewer attacks. • An adjunct in treating chronic conditions. Central nervous system conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, can cause motor dysfunction such as spasticity (involuntary movements). Although many chronic conditions are not reversible, secondary symptoms can be successfully treated. These include altered posture and restricted range of motion. Research continues to show the incredible benefits of massage for everyday occurrences. These include reducing discomfort and complications that arise during pregnancy, delivery and post-natal recovery. Another common event is motor vehicle accidents and the trauma of whiplash. Our modern lifestyles present us with daily challenges that we must overcome. Massage is becoming an integral part of the way we take care of ourselves. Taking the time for regular massage is an investment in your health and wellbeing. Be well!

Louise Proulx, Registered Massage Therapist Fruition Therapeutics 14

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our favourite apps Map My Walk MapMyWalk is a fitness tracking application that enables you to use the built-in GPS of your mobile device to track all of your fitness activities. Record your workout details, including duration, distance, pace, speed, elevation, calories burned, and route traveled on an interactive map. You can even effortlessly save and upload your workout data to MapMyWalk where you can view your route workout data, and comprehensive workout history.

Long Deep Breathing Relax now with Long Deep Breathing! The more slowly and deeply you breathe, the more calm you will become. This application offers a simple and always accessible way to learn and practice the Long Deep Breathing technique. Just a few minutes of practice during your busy days will make a major contribution to your health, longevity and happiness.

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According to the ancient yogis, Long Deep Breathing will calm the mind, balance the emotions, and harmonize body, mind and spirit. Long Deep Breathing can be used in everyday situations where you want to be in control of your emotions and able to think clearly and act effectively. Long Deep Breathing is also used in meditation and in the practice of yoga exercises. With the practice of Long Deep Breathing, your normal breath capacity can be significantly increased. Breathing slowly and deeply will also improve your immune and lymphatic functions. The expansion and contraction of the diaphragm caused by Long Deep Breathing actually stimulates your lymphatic system and massages your internal organs, helping the body rid itself of toxins, and leaving more room in the cells for an optimal exchange of oxygen.

concious readers.

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Long Deep Breathing is a fast way to trigger your parasympathetic nervous system, and induce a relaxed state in your body and mind. It is in this state that the body is able to heal and repair itself. Long Deep Breathing also releases endorphins into the circulation system. Endorphins are our body’s natural painkillers. This can help relieve general aches and pains, as well as help to lower blood pressure

Do Eat Raw This app is a great way to share recipes with people all over the world. It’s a raw recipe online cookbook where you can find the recipes we all make everyday and they are simple and delicious. With Do Eat Raw, you can add your recipes, post variants and comments to existing recipes and rate the ones you try. You can also add your photo and rate the most beautiful one uploaded by other users. Moreover you can find fellow raw food-lovers from all over the world. Start sharing yummy recipes and ENJOY!

Fall 2013


When I’m Calling YU? By Perri Besserer

I believe wholeheartedly that every single person on the planet is born with a purpose. So how do you discover your life purpose? While there are many ways to do this, some of them can be pretty involved. One of the simplest ways I know, is to just ask. And if you happen to believe in this sort of stuff, can surrender to a higher power and trust yourself, the process will naturally go a bit faster.

Pumpkin Spice Mix Mix the following in a nice gift jar: 1/3 cup ground cinnamon

My story, although loaded with trials and tribulations, is one of profound lessons and amazing gifts. There is always light available. I learned to step into it and that’s where I found my purpose.

1 tablespoon ground ginger 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg 1-1/2 teaspoons ground allspice Add a gift tag with these instructions: “Use this spice blend in pumpkin and sweet potato pies, sweet potato casseroles, custards, and other desserts.”

For me, it worked this way. My mother passed away in June 2003 and had suffered years of mental depression and physical illness. We called her the “energizer bunny” and literally planned her funeral twelve times. It was her spirit that was spunky, beautiful and alive within a body full of pain, suffering and shame. Over the years, I watched my Mom attempt counseling, therapy, suicide and sought out doctors, psychiatrists, priests, medication, even electric shock therapy. She turned to anything that would give her the fix of feeling good (giving her power away to food, cigarettes, alcohol, bad relationships, etc)…which ultimately ended up making her feel really bad. It all kept her in the past; in emotional and physical pain with the feeling of no way out. The ultimate search for finding self worth and self-love was filled with turbulent times and wreaked havoc within her body

Pumpkin Spice Latte


After three miscarriages, I delivered our second miracle baby five days after my Mom passed away. Such tremendous heartache had given me countless hours to spin in my own depression, shame and guilt. My self-awareness was low and I had an inner knowing something needed to shift. I simply asked for a way out. I eventually became very specific in my prayers. I knew I didn’t know what was next but I was open and willing for whatever came. I asked for the proper people to be put in my path so I could learn and grow as fast as possible. I asked for bigger ears to hear information and wider eyes to see what was being offered. I wanted to be available for others, to be of service.

2 cups milk 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix) 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar (to taste) 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin spice mix 1 tablespoon vanilla 1/2 cup hot brewed coffee

Garnish, if desired Whipped cream Dash pumpkin spice mix 2 cinnamon sticks In 2-quart saucepan, heat milk, pumpkin and sugar over medium heat until hot (do not boil). Remove from heat. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice, the vanilla and coffee. Pour into 2 large mugs. Garnish each with whipped cream, dash pumpkin pie spice and a cinnamon stick. 16

I have been on an amazing journey of self-discovery ever since. I switched careers after being in advertising for 25+ years – because I felt “a calling”. And it all began to form like a puzzle. For some reason, what I was saying was resonating with people and I began to notice a deeper passion, understanding and curiosity for others. I had always had it, like the “thread” Oprah speaks of, but it was more pronounced. It began to be an explosion of the right puzzle pieces in professional training; courses; colleagues; life lessons and now, as a Life and Success Coach, I witness others finding their purpose. Interesting, because my Mom never had a life coach ~ they didn’t exist back then. Coaching is very forward focused and enhances your power within. Something my Mom did not ever truly get to discover or realize. I can’t help but feel guided and am profoundly grateful.

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In doing my daily chores as a young adult, I often dusted two books that seemed to hold significance for my Mom. One was called Transitions with a cool and funky 70’s cover and the other was by Susan Jeffers “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway©”. My story of feeling the fear and doing it anyway has come full circle. I recently found this book again and challenged myself to write Susan about my Mom’s story….Today, I am one of seven licensed and trained facilitators to host her workshops throughout Canada. I LOVE that. And admittedly, although I have lived her words of wisdom and have passed them on for years, I only read the book in its entirety only a year ago. I personally feel my Mom “show up” in many sessions. It’s as if the words for a client seem to pop in my head exactly when we need them in the moment. And now, I feel incredibly blessed and yes, extremely honoured to witness people claim their courage every day. This is your opportunity to relate these lessons to your life. 1. Who are YU? 2. What do YU love to do? What do YU offer? 3. What do those people want or need from YU? 4. How do they change/transform as a result of what YU give? For most people, the first two take years and years to explore. They are filled with self-awareness/ME information. The last two are about being of service and helping others. By stepping out of ME to WE is where you’ll likely find your purpose. Love and Light Always,

Perri Besserer, CPCC; ACC Life & Success Coach NuYU Life Skills Co.

Calgary Chanting Events

Bringing together conscious community with sacred sound Sacred Song: Evening of Chant Series

With Tracy Gawley, Lisa Weleschuk & Fiona McGinn Come to one, or come to all: Nov. 14th & Dec. 12th, 2013 & Jan 16th, Feb. 13th & March 20th 2014 Thursday. 7:30-9:00pm Private Central SW Studio Offering: $20.00/night

Sounds of the Soul Festival

Featuring Tracy Gawley (Sat Sangeet), & friends Sunday, Nov.10th, 2013 Afternoon Workshop: 1:00-4:00pm Evening Concert: 7:00-9:30pm National Music Centre, 134-11 Ave SE $20 in advance/$25 @ door

Chant Celebration: Sat Sangeet Kaur with Ravidass Enjoy the the music of two of Alberta’s most celebrated chant artists, joined by Lisa Weleschuk & Fiona McGinn

Sunday, January 26th, 2014 4:00-6:00pm Location TBA (on website) Offering: $20.00

For event updates and tickets visit Find me on Facebook at Fall 2013


Beyond the Beaches of Bali

Basking in Beauty, Spirituality and Nature By Cathy Gotfried It was December 1983 when I first arrived in Paradise, a.k.a. Bali. After two months exploring Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore, my senses were first awakened to Indonesia (and not necessarily in a good way) when I first arrived in Jakarta, the capital and largest city in a country of “just” 248 million people. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough…

Cinnamon Nutmeg Blend

After two long days riding in dirty buses, rattling old trains and a sketchy ferry, I stepped foot on the beautiful and magical island of Bali. It would become my second home; although at that time I had no idea that I would ever return.

Mix the following in a nice gift jar: 1/2 cup Sugar

I fell in love immediately – surrounded by breath-taking rice terraces and river gorges, gorgeous white sand beaches fringed with swaying palm trees and century old temples that were all too captivating. Of course there was also a plethora of delicious food and drink being offered at warungs, the Balinese version of a fast food restaurant (although nothing is fast when it comes to the care put into the complex spices and pastes used in the local dishes). I particularly remember the fresh fruit concoctions of mangos, bananas, rambutan and other mysterious exotics blended into frothy refreshments for less than fifty cents. And the lady on the beach slicing and dicing a perfect baby pineapple and putting those mouth-watering slices in a baggie to chill for later indulgence. It was a vision of a tropical Heaven on Earth!

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1/2 tesaspoon ground nutmeg Add a gift tag with these instructions: “Sprinkle on anything where you might like a nice sweet topping like on your toast, oatmeal or in your coffee.“

Cinnamon Nutmeg Oatmeal Porridge 1 cup steel-cut oats 5 cups water sea salt to taste 1 - 2 teaspoons of Cinnamon Nutmeg Blend (to taste)

But what I remember most is the people with their beautiful smiles that warmed my heart and captured my soul. The Balinese were the most kind and friendly people that I had ever encountered and I still feel the same 30 years later. I’ve marveled at how they live their lives – enjoying one day at a time, living in the moment and putting their families, community and faith before all else. They take great pride in making things look beautiful. They were plating food into works of art to honour the ingredients and to appeal to the senses long before it became a skill popularized by reality TV.

Soak oats for 12 – 24 hours in 2 cups of water. Keep container covered. The oats will absorb most of the water. When oats are done soaking, bring an additional 3 cups of water to a boil. Lower the heat and add the soaked oats with any remaining water. Add the cinnamon and nutmeg and stir until the oats are hot and have absorbed all the water, about 10 – 15 minutes. Stir constantly as the oatmeal gets thicker to prevent it from burning. Serve warm and garnish with a dash of Cinnamon Nutmeg Blend. 18

The entire island is one big artist’s colony. Every child learns various forms of art from a very early age. Balinese dancing is popular with both the boys and girls while other skills are also commonly shared with the younger folk – wood carving, preparing the daily offerings, playing the gamelan (a traditional instrumental ensemble of mind | body | soul

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Indonesia, typically including many bronze percussion instruments), embroidering with beads to make gorgeous sandals, decorations for woven baskets, belts and hair accessories, fruit carving, weaving, pottery, batik, silver jewellery design and stone carving. Such artistry takes great patience and precision and the Balinese enjoy the opportunity to sit quietly and to create something beautiful and unique while visiting with their fellow artisans. I devoted an entire month exploring this glorious island – from top to bottom while riding on local buses and shared minivans known as “bemos” (how many can you really put on the roof of this vehicle?) I never thought I would have the chance to go back to many of the places that I spent a year exploring in 1983, but I knew that if I had the chance, I would put Bali at the top of the list.

wave at the farm workers in their quaint homes, and chat with children playing or on the way to school…and for us, a little shopping begins at some very quaint and affordable art and handicraft shops along the way!

So, fast forward to 2013 and I am just about to embark on my 25th visit to my favourite place in the world. Someone recently commented that maybe I was in a travel rut. Really, who goes to the same place 25 times? I guess if there is a rut to be in, I am pretty happy that I found Bali and Bali found me. I always had wanderlust as a child and remember Social Studies being my favourite subject in school. I couldn’t wait to experience air travel, especially growing up in a family that spent our holidays camping. Fortunately a career in the travel industry was awaiting me 27 years ago, so my desire to fulfill my sense of adventure and love of travel has been amply rewarded. Back in 2002, I had the opportunity to organize and escort a group of women, mostly from Calgary, to my ‘happy place’. ‘Babes in Bali’ was born that year and I haven’t looked back. There is nothing that brings a smile to my face more than watching my clients who are experiencing Bali for the first time enjoy the warmth and hospitality of this stunning destination. Bali offers something for everyone but I believe that it is a particularly special place for women. The island is full of unique cultural and spiritual experiences.

If I had to pinpoint my happy place in Bali, it would be Ubud, a remarkable town in the middle of the island. For more than a century it has been the island’s centre for fine arts, dance and music. While it once was a haven for backpackers and artists, Ubud is now a hot spot for those looking for culture, comfort, nature and inspiration. Ubud is surrounded by most of the things that bring people to Bali – scenic rice fields, small villages, arts and craft communities, fabulous spas, ancient temples, palaces, rivers and the most wonderful restaurants on the island. And, did I mention shopping!!!! Cathy Gotfried is the Founder and “Head Babe” at Erawan Travel Ventures, renowned for her highly successful “Babes in Bali” escorted tours exclusively for women to this magical island.

Cathy Gotfried, Founder / Owner Erawan Travel Ventures

One of my favourite activities is the Purification and Cleansing Ceremony at Tirta Empul, Bali’s most sacred water temple. After dressing appropriately in a sarong and white blouse we travel from Ubud (the islands’ centre of spirituality) to this famous temple, built in 926AD around a bubbling spring. Normally this temple is packed with locals as they submerge themselves in the three holy water pools. The Balinese believe the spring was created by the Hindu god Indra and has magical curative powers. Each pool has a number of spouts from which the holy water flows, each representing one area of the experience of life. Running the water over one’s head represents purification of life such as clearing negative thoughts, cleansing family issues and health issues. Luckily for us, we go there after dinner when it is dark and quiet, which adds to the calm and serene atmosphere. After drying off, the final blessing is done in the inner courtyard of the temple by the Hindu priest we bring with us for this special, private and serene experience. After chanting and prayers, the priest blesses our group with sprinkles of holy water and rice which we stick on our forehead. Then the priest wraps a purification bracelet around each of our wrists, which we proudly wear until it eventually falls off. We sleep like babies that night! Another highlight in Bali is learning about the offerings that are presented to the Hindu Gods twice a day. The ritual of presenting offerings to the Gods is an integral part of daily life for every Balinese. To immerse ourselves in their culture and appreciate their spiritual commitment, our very first morning is devoted to creating two offerings; one which we display in our room and the other we present to the temple at our hotel. Afterwards, we stroll through the local village and meander through the rice fields before enjoying lunch at an organic restaurant perched on stilts. You get a taste of Balinese life as you walk through the paddies and duck ponds, Fall 2013


Stress in the Workplace By Del Edwards What is Stress? Pressure in the workplace is unavoidable, mainly due to the increased demands of modern working environments with all their technology and need for constant contact. However, once that pressure becomes excessive, meaning we have an issue handling it effectively, it can lead to health and performance issues, affecting both our working and family lives. In fact, according to Health Canada 60% of working Canadians say that they cannot balance work and family life. Whether we admit it or not, stress is something that we are all affected by at some point and doctors estimate that 70-80% of the patients they see show negative health symptoms brought on or aggravated by stress. These symptoms are both physical and emotional and include tension headaches, forgetfulness and indecisiveness, lack of concentration, increased blood pressure, stomach problems, and poor immune systems, irritability and anxiety along with feelings of helplessness and a loss of self-esteem. The more serious conditions can include heart attack and stroke. Remember, stress is the body’s reaction to a situation, NOT the situation itself. The World Health Organization research findings show that ‘the most stressful type of work is that which values excessive demands and pressures that are not matched to workers’ knowledge and abilities, where there is little opportunity to exercise any choice or control, and where there is little support from others’.

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If Stress is such a problem what can we do to reduce & control it? There are some simple things we can do to help manage the stress we face more effectively. They won’t eradicate the problem, but they will help reduce the negative effects stress has on our lives and help us be more effective both in work and at home.

Reflexology New customers receive 10% off your first appointment. All therapists at Your Health Span can issue insurance receipts.

Book your appointment today! 403-560-5329 20

Maintain good health habits Exercise regularly, eat a well- balanced diet, get enough sleep and avoid or reduce your alcohol or nicotine intake. Use your time wisely Don’t overdo it and try to do everything. Make a list and prioritize and don’t procrastinate – it will only make things worse. Also don’t forget to take a break and pace yourself sensibly – you will achieve more in the end! Improve your work habits Identify your sources of stress at work. Manage your time effectively and sensibly. Adjust your work environment – use the right equipment and resources, be positive about your work – positive thoughts are more likely to bring positive results. Ask for Help Never saying no + never asking for help = Overwhelm. Discuss any problems with your boss or colleagues, or ask them for help – you may be surprised at their positive response.

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Change personal habits Acknowledge your successes. Start taking time for lunch. Plan some leisure time to do things you enjoy and if needed, seek some new interests. Finally it is essential you know what is important to you in your life and make that a priority. Sometimes we may need additional help, so can professional coaching help? Professional coaching can be invaluable. An executive coach can provide objective support and expertise to help you identify and work on controlling your stress through planning and organization, handling conflict effectively and improving your work and communication skills. A quality coach can help you to look at some direct questions that may help bring balance. What one thing can you do that will help you bring balance to your life? Why have you chosen this and how will it help you? When are you going to start? How are you going to make it happen and when? From these answers you will be able to plan positive actions to control stress and negativity. A coach can provide the support you need to make that change and move forward. Remember that almost every situation has stress – it is a fact of life. The issue is how we deal with it.

Del Edwards Blue Sky View Consulting

Fall 2013

Salt Therapy, known also as a Halotherapy, or Speleotherapy is 100% natural, safe, and drug-free treatment method, based on the concept of inhaling mineral micro particles of salt deep into the lungs to destroy bacteria and fungi in the body, that cause infections.

FOR PEOPLE WHO SUFFER FROM Asthma and Allergies • Bronchitis • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases) • Sinus Infections • Cold and Flu symptoms • Smokers’ Cough Rhinitis • Skin Ailments (Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis) • Skin Aging Stress and fatigue • Overall wellness • Enhance athletic performance The Salt Crystal Health Center is a Calgary based Salt Room that uses Halotherapy, or Salt Therapy to significantly improve to rejuvenate and remove impurities from the body and boosts the immune system through the use of dry aerosol of salt micro particles and minerals which treat respiratory, allergies, skin diseases and other ailments. It is the only Salt Health Center in Canada and North America that has five salt rooms, each equipped with its own Halogenerator, the most advanced technology in the field.

Contact us today for a relaxation session in one of our five salt rooms!

403.474.9080 • 128, 5403 Crowchild Trail N.W. •


Career Choices for the Courageous By Michelle Perratt The Formative Years

Trendy Creative Modern

On Location Photography Capturing Your Life, Your Love and You • 403-681-5970

Picture this: Calgary, 1993, 21 years old and had just received my permanent residency status having moved here from England a few years earlier. After being a live-in nanny for years, I was searching for the “right” job, one that would allow my creativity to flourish. I somehow ended up working in the following positions: • Serving customers at Tim Horton’s • Working as a hostess at the Hard Rock Café • Serving customers at Mona’s Kitchen and The Wine Gallery (the place where I met my husband a few years later!) • Working at a bagel store • Selling hot dogs and beer at a local concert venue • Running away with the circus, singing the national anthem and selling cotton candy, travelling across Western Canada (yes, you read that correctly, I ran away with the circus – and loved it!) • Selling relaxation products in a booth in a mall • Serving customers at Dairy Queen • Working as a reflexologist and reiki practitioner • Teaching dance at the YMCA (volunteer position) • Go-Go dancing at a nightclub (volunteer position) • Singing in The Young Canadians School of Performing Arts (volunteer position) I’m not sure how I squeezed in all those jobs, but I did. I was a hard worker and a positive team member in each position. I just had the desire to keep active, stay busy and enjoy the work I chose to do. I believed then, as I do now, that in this journey of life we can indeed create our own opportunities. And for me, that philosophy served me well. I was residing in Calgary without any other family in Canada. I lived pay-cheque to pay-cheque, but I was happy. I was living the life I chose to live, and for that I was grateful. The University Years It was at 23 that I recognized something within myself: I needed more. With my strengths in communication and working with children, I knew I wanted to become a child psychologist. So, I braved my biggest fear – mathematics! I upgraded and attained both a Bachelor Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Education. Along my journey in university I worked in some other fun positions: • Wedding/corporate DJ • Early intervention therapist for children with autism • Singing telegram performer • Professional actress • Continued working at Mona’s Kitchen and The Wine Gallery • Lingerie waitress! (Um yes, you read that correctly!) • Nanny/babysitter • Cartoon voice-over artist • Sold wedding dresses at a bridal store • Taught drama at Storybook Theatre • Demonstrated “Gordon’s Fine Sausage” at the Kitchen Theatre at the Calgary Stampede • Performed as a weekly radio guest on a popular morning show for two years on stations in Calgary and Edmonton (volunteer position) • Worked as a speech therapy assistant at the Alberta Children’s Hospital (volunteer position) Now, you might look at this list and think, “Now there’s a girl with an identity crisis!” Yet, truth be told, I just wanted to maximize my strengths, utilize my skills and have fun with my time making money. I wholeheartedly believe that life is short, and as such we need to enjoy our time. Even more relevant is the notion that we have absolute creative control of our career and lifestyle choices. It’s about listening to our body’s subtle energies so that we can learn where it wants to lead us. Then, we open our eyes and walk that way. It’s about fully embracing “Self” and using our skills, interests and passions to lead the way. And walking along that path is exactly what I did…


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Trifecta Magazine

photo by SarahAnn Dog Photography

The Parenting Years After attaining my degrees, falling in love and getting married, I worked in areas related to my education: • Teaching at a private homeschool • Working as a school counsellor and junior high teacher at a private school • School counselling and high school teaching at a charter school • Advising and enrolling students at a local university After years of working in those fields, my husband and I welcomed our son into the world! Soon after his birth, I felt compelled to leave the career I had worked so hard to attain. I wanted to stay home and raise my son while having a career involving some sort of creativity. At 38 years old, I knew it was time to shift gears. So, I created this: • Working as a professional photographer • Raising my son while my husband works • Babysitting a friend’s children part-time • DJing at Ranchman’s Cookhouse and Dancehall during Stampede When my son was just a month old, we had hired a professional photographer to take his photographs, and they were fabulous! It was then that I looked at my husband and said, “I can do that!” And that‘s exactly what I did! Now, three years later, at 41 years old, I am a successful family and wedding photographer in Calgary, and I feel fulfilled in so many ways. Funny, I had been raised by a photojournalist mother in England and had never once thought seriously of doing the same. I have come full-circle: taking photographs just like my mother did for her work, and playing with children all day, just as I did when I worked as a nanny when I first came to Canada. It’s my way of recognizing my own “circle of life.” My message in this story is to embrace each and every moment. Yes, embrace THIS moment, this one right here, right now, reading this article. Breathe, feel your pulse, the heartbeat of your being and listen to what it is telling you. Then, act. We absolutely have creative control of the changes we make in the present to positively affect our future. It is with this thread that I have sewn my own destiny, working in a wide variety of careers in order to fully experience life. I built on each opportunity and made life soar! In the words of Steve Jobs, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste

it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” That is how I live every minute of my life. I believe that having the courage to carve the life you want to create for yourself is paramount for living an authentic life.

Michelle Perratt, Owner / Photographer Michelle Spice Photography

Visualize Success – Achieve Your Goals One of the easiest ways to achieve success in any area of your life is to visualize it first. Athletes use visualization all the time to improve their performance, so why not give it a try? Visualizing success means creating clear pictures in your mind of having already achieved your goal. A few reasons visualizing success works are because it programs your brain to create solutions for achieving your goal, it helps you see ideas that you may have been ignoring, and it relaxes and calms your body and mind. Also, if you believe in the law of attraction, visualization can help attract the things you want to achieve into your life. Here are six steps to bring success into your life through visualization:


Decide on the goal you want to achieve. For example, a loving relationship, a new home, money in the bank, a new job or even a vacation. It can be anything you desire.


Find a comfortable place, close your eyes and imagine yourself achieving that goal - see it as already complete.


Focus on the picture in your mind and pay attention to the details. If you are visualizing a new house, see the colour of the walls; see your furniture placed throughout the rooms. Visualize yourself in the house. What sounds do you hear in the house?


Feel what it’s like to be successful at that goal. Are you relaxed, happy, proud? Also, see if you can imagine a sense of peace that you might feel having achieved your goal.

Fall 2013

5. 6.

Try to do this at least once a day for 10 minutes. If you can do it twice a day, try to do it first thing when you wake up and last thing before you fall to sleep. If you are feeling overly anxious about a goal or decision, take a few minutes to visualize your success several times a day. Some people find it helpful to create vision boards where they collect images and paste or draw pictures that symbolize what they’re trying to achieve. If you prefer, you can keep a small notebook to write down ideas of success as they come to you. Visualization is a powerful tool that you may have already used and may not even be aware of it. If you want to succeed , then take control of the images in your mind and use these six steps to visualize your personal version of success. If you can envision it – you can be it!


do what moves you How I Overcame Three Mid-Life Crises

Not all of us are gym rats, so the idea of heading to the YMCA or another fitness facility to run on the

By Laura Principe

treadmill or lift weights offers little appeal.

If people experience mid-life crises, it is usually only once. I’ve had three in the span of fifteen years and I am grateful for all of them. They were excruciating at the time, and once it felt like I was spiraling towards hell without any hope to return. However, the feeling once I pulled through was nothing short of miraculous. And I always pulled through. My first crisis was physical. A diagnosis of scoliosis with a bout of severe back pain prevented me from any posture except lying flat on my stomach or standing up. My body was telling me I was moving wrong. I was in my mid-twenties. I never struggled with back pain before but it hit me, and it hit hard. My chiropractor said I had scoliosis most of my life, but after years of training my body incorrectly through sports, dance, or at the gym, my body finally hit its maximum capability and I crashed into locked joints and muscle spasms. I liked to keep my body fit but now I had no idea what to do next.

If you are stuck in a rut, but want to get more active, you need to determine what type of exercise you could get passionate about because it’s just so much easier to stick with a fitness regimen you enjoy. Here are some fun ideas that will burn lots of calories in an hour. (based on a weight of 160 lbs).


Calories Burned

Bikram / Hot Yoga


Burlesque Dancing


Hiking 432 Kick Boxing


Tae Kwon Do


Volleyball 250 Zumba 576

Then I heard about this “plates” exercise, or what is correctly called, “Pilates.” It was my first “aha” moment regarding health in mind, body, and spirit. I finally understood how the muscular-skeletal system worked. I learned how to move it correctly to achieve maximum benefits with minimum effort. It felt so good to do and it got rid of my pain. I felt stronger, more flexible, and more balanced than ever before. With continued training, I now only see my chiropractor once a year (or so), for tune ups and I can do any movement with ease. My second crisis was mental. I’ve dealt with general anxiety all my life and have been on and off prescription medication for it, but it was my nervous breakdown that changed my approach to mental health. My thirty-second and thirty-third years were the most stressful times of my life. My dog, who I consider my best friend, was diagnosed with cancer and passed away. At the same time, I stupidly decided to go off my medication by myself, and I started school again. I was emotionally torn apart because of my dog and mentally torn apart because of school and being off my meds. I slowly spiraled for about six to eight months, getting worse and worse every day, until I hit my lowest point: I was having several panic attacks a day, getting only four hours a sleep at night, and having extreme mood swings. The absolute worst part was my OCD going haywire. I literally could not sit still. I was obsessed about being anxious and uncomfortable which created the inability to relax. The inability to relax created more thoughts of being anxious and uncomfortable. I paced the house all day long. Being deathly frightened of the next panic attack created another attack. It was a vicious circle that lasted for months. I visited the doctors (or the hospital) once a week because I thought something horrible was going to happen to me. My lowest point was deciding to call my mom to stay with me because I was afraid to be by myself. I decided to go back on my medication but I wasn’t happy about it. I wanted to find a long term solution to my anxiety, not just a fix that was out of my control. I took it anyways because I needed to stabilize, desperately. I had gone back to school during this period to study Holistic Nutrition. It was my second “aha” moment. I learned how to feed my mind to ensure positive mental health, as well as nourish the body as a whole. The experience was incredible. I was now able to take back control of my mental health instead of relying solely on the pill. I became empowered. I gained such confidence in my ability to heal myself. I am still on medication today, but it is half the dose that I used to take. While overcoming my second crisis was enlightening, it did lead to my third crisis; my spirituality. My lowest point here occurred just a few months ago, but it was five years in the making. Mentally, I had overcome my anxiety, and panic attacks, but I had also numbed myself out so completely, that I lost who I was in the process. I so desperately didn’t want to feel that out of control again, that I pushed myself in the direct opposite direction where I didn’t allow myself to feel anything. I became dead inside. I didn’t know who I was, what I wanted, or what my purpose was. I became unable to stand up for myself, speak my mind, or even make simple decisions. I think the worst part was my utter lack of inspiration to do anything. It was not uncommon to see me go days without a shower, brush my teeth, get off the couch, engage in conversation, work, or answer a question about myself. I was disengaged in life. I was lost.


mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine

10 interesting facts about breathing

It took a psychologist/hypnotherapist to lead me towards my third “aha” moment. She slowly awakened me into finding myself again that when I saw Deepak Chopra hosting a meditation retreat in Whistler, I knew the timing was right and I wanted to see if I could find the answer to all questions drifting around in my head. It was within that retreat, during a meditation, that I received my latest “aha” moment. I had a spiritual awakening. The experience was unreal. I felt my body move to the music but without me doing it consciously. It was spiraling around in space. It felt like it was floating, and my chest was arching to the sky. It was as kooky and weird of an event that I ever experienced, but that’s not the point. The point is how I felt. I had the most amazing feeling of peace and joy. I cannot even describe in words what it felt like except that in that moment, I shifted from my past self into my new self. It was drastic. All of a sudden, the cloud lifted and I wasn’t lost anymore. I still had questions and I still had progress to make, but I knew now that the answers were coming. I just had to patiently wait. During that moment in meditation, I felt a strong connection to the energy of the universe, and more importantly, the energy and power I had within myself. It was like a light switch. I felt “off” before and now I feel “on.” I cannot describe the feeling one has when they are connected to the deepest part of themselves and to the vastness of nature and the universe. The closest thing that comes to mind is “awe-inspiring” which is interesting because before the retreat, inspiration was the last thing I thought would occur to me. Because of that experience, I am enrolled in a Primordial Sound Meditation course and will in the near future, will be pursuing education in life coaching.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. This is my life and work now. I want to help others overcome their crises with the education of tuning into their body, mind, and spirit. I am passionate about it. I’ve been there. I’ve felt the struggle. But I’ve also felt the release and the renewal one gets when they finally become the person they were meant to be in health and wellness.

Laura Principe Revive Calgary

9. 10.

Ancient yogis believed we only have so many breaths for our life. If this is so why not stretch our life out a bit longer by taking slow and deep breaths? Breathing is the only autonomous system of the body that we can also control. This means that the body governs it but we can change how we breathe through conscious breathing practices such as pranayama. Our breathe is an indicator of our mood and our mood is an indicator of our breath. This means that if we change how we breathe we can change our mood. It also means that when our mood changes so does our breath. We breathe in and out of our nose during a yoga practice for a few reasons but the main one is that when we breathe like this we can’t take in so much air or expel so much air. So if we have to resort to opening our mouth to get more air it is an indicator that we have stepped into stressing or pushing our bodies. When we practice yoga, we don’t want to stress our bodies by doing open mouth breathing. Our practice should be a balance of effort with ease. When we breathe we are either right nostril dominated or left nostril. You can find out which is more active by wetting your thumb and holding it to the right then the left nostril. The yogis believe that when the right is more open or breathing more smoothly we are more driven by the sympathetic nervous system which means we are more fired up, more active and aroused. Dominance in the left nostril tends to happen when we are relaxed and at ease. The dominance changes around every 20 minutes during the day. Single nostril breathing can help regulate left and right sides thereby creating balance in our nervous system. Breathing more slowly and taking longer breaths can reduce your appetite. People who breathe quickly or rapidly often overeat. It is normal to take around 12 cycles of breath per minute. Asthmatics and people who hyperventilate can take in double this amount of breaths. This leads to taking in more oxygen but expelling too much CO2. When your CO2 is decreased you can’t get as much oxygen setting up a cycle whereby you breath even faster. There are some common breathing habits that we have that we may not even know about. They are; only breathing into the chest, inhalations stronger than exhalations, breath holding, mouth breathing, reverse breathing (where the diaphragm rises instead of falls on the inhale) and over breathing. Mouth breathing can contribute to the following: misaligned bite, bad breath, snoring and sleep apnoea. The lungs are enormous. The right lung is larger than left lung. The left lung is made up of two lobes while right is made up of three lobes. If you laid out the lungs flat they would cover a tennis court (about 70 square meters).

Gabrielle Harris

“We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Fall 2013


You Are Remarkable

Life Coaching

(maybe you just don’t know it!) By Bob McInnis Whether you are a student, a homemaker, an entrepreneur or the CEO of a large corporation, there will be days where the answer to a burning question escapes you. It may have to do with personal performance anxiety, social skills and relationships, idea generation, career transition, or building the next strategic positioning plan. You may feel an uneasiness that you can’t name or feel overwhelmed and unproductive. There is a solution; you most likely already know where to begin and what the desired outcome will require.


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Solution focused, feedforward coaching can help you help yourself get unstuck, make a plan, generate the next fresh ideas, make a decision or guide you through a life changing event. Rather than moving back in time and creating negative feedback, the feedforward approach moves you ahead in time to a place where the desired outcome is already achieved and recognition of the steps necessary for success are clear. The solution focused approach finds it more useful to focus attention directly on building solutions for problems than on analyzing causes of problems and making a diagnosis. The coach brings process, rich solution focused questions, and experiential exercises that help the client create action steps and commitment. The coachee (client) brings their experience, skills, and content to the session. I have worked with clients living in unhealthy relationships that discovered and acted on necessary steps with only one 30 minute telephone session. Coachees have been guided, over five or six sessions, from dismissals, layoffs, and unsatisfying employment to work that provides autonomy, mastery and purpose with a significant total compensation package. One client who was facing discipline for a performance issue was able to create a plan to improve and exceed standards with a monthly 40 minute session. A typical phone session would include: • Ice breaking / check-in / follow-up • A contracting exercise to ensure that the session will be the best and highest use • Development of positive outcomes and commitment • Action Steps and Commitment • Value Creation Assessment During the first few minutes, the coach asks open ended light questions to reestablish rapport and pulse check with the client. In most cases, an important concern or issue arises and the coach checks if this should be the area of focus for this session or if necessary the next few sessions. An agreement to move forward is reached and a metric that is positive and within the clients span of control. I always do a check-in here to see how satisfied the client is today with the current state that we have agreed to work on and what level they want to be at by the end of 30 minutes. The majority of the time is spent in the experience portion where the coach guides the client through an activity or exercise to help pull out the content that the client brings and any requirements for further information. As the client creates value for them self through the experience, the coach celebrates, acknowledges and reinforces the landmarks. At the end of the experience, the client should have two or three action steps to take – actions that they are fully committed to take, with timelines, criteria and success measurements. I make sure to once again ask if the client realizes the value they have created. This is a great reminder for the coachee and an accurate measurement of the coach’s performance. I hold a deep belief that all people are far more capable, resilient and resourceful than they are given credit for, by themselves or those around them. Helping unlock the gifts, build confidence and actively find solutions is as rewarding for me as it has been for my clients.

Bob McInnis, Solution Focused Coach Remarkable People mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine

you gotta read this A New Beginning By Taiya Brousseau

Whether this book is for a child’s dreamy tea-party or a grown-up’s costume-fantasy event or a creative afternoon in the kitchen, Alice Eats will delight, entertain and inspire. Readers who are “curiouser and curiouser” about planning an Alice-themed event, who want to know what an “Eat Me” cake might taste like or who want to make a memorable English afternoon tea will find both classic and out-of-this-world ideas in Alice Eats.

There I was, 37 years old, a newly divorced mother of two. One young woman and one pre-pubescent boy. Worst of all my ex-husband fired me! I had been running the office for 13 years, now what? Step one find somewhere to live, step two find a way to pay my bills. I chose to have my oldest right out of high school, so that took getting a legitimate education out of the running (so I thought). I was so focused on the “here and now” during those past years, taking care of the family, building “his” business but always forgetting to take care of myself and pursue my own dreams. I thought long and hard about my skills and what I was capable of doing. I know I’m good at book keeping, and I can paint really well. I also have a passion for interior design/renovation management and I love to shop! I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to be successful with this multitude of “scholar” attributes. For the six month duration that I was off work, I stayed very positive believing only great things were coming my way. I just needed to keep moving forward, keep planning and never letting myself feel over run. It was then that I noticed how people were always racing about the city. They were trying to balance working, enjoying time with their families, running errands and never had enough time to stop to take a few minutes for themselves. They looked like they were going insane being pulled in so many directions. They were just trying to find balance and enough time to take care of everything. I felt like I was the only unemployed person in the WORLD! One day it hit me, these people need help and I have all the time in the world. So I am choosing to step up and step out and start building a new business doing just that! Yes I’m scared, yes I might fail! But guess what I believe in myself just as everyone around me always has. Velocity Lifestyle Management here we go..... As strong women of Calgary we need to boost each other and have faith in ourselves, we are capable and we can do it!

Alice Eats A Wonderland Cookbook

of the original Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, Turn the page for an original recipe from Alice Eats

with recipes and photographs by Calgary’s own Julie Van Rosendaal and new, full-colour illustrations by Pierre A. Lamielle.

Taiya Brousseau Velocity Lifestyle Management

Fall 2013

This delightful volume is the full text


10 tips on

overcoming s.a.d. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter. Here are 10 techniques to help deal with season affective disorder:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Exercise – Our body releases endorphins when we exercise which help to reduce stress, boost self-esteem, and improve mood. Try hot yoga, especially mid-winter. Get Outside – Do something outside each day. Bundle up in layers of clothes and take a walk. The fresh air will help you feel invigorated. Get a Hobby – Use the winter months to begin a new hobby, develop an old hobby or learn something new. Keeping your brain occupied and active can help you feel good and remain alert during the winter months.

by Candace Lacina We meet people every day. It could be the one and only time we interact with that person or it might be the first of many great moments together. Sometimes those meetings are awkward. We’re in a hurry. We’re not in the mood to engage with people. Other times, they are mundane and customary. But every now and then, we share a special moment when the connection with someone is immediate and has the power to last a lifetime. I recently experienced a moment like this when I met one of my all-time music idols, singer-songwriter extraordinaire, Jann Arden. Jann Arden has been a part my life for over 20 years. She’s an inspiration and one of the main reasons I wanted to be a singer and songwriter. She’s been by my side through celebrations, break ups, road trips and many other life dramas.

Add Colour to Your Environment – Bring in fresh flowers, add brightly colored accents or pictures to your home or paint a room with a bright color. Having bright colors around can improve mood.

So how excited was I to be volunteering at a charity event that was having her perform? As we were getting ready for guests to arrive, I was walking down a hallway and looked up to see Jann and her band coming in for sound check.

Add Color to Your Wardrobe – Many times fall and winter colors are muted, dark or earth colors. Add vivid colors to your clothes can make you feel more alert.

Suddenly, I was frozen. THEN - it hit me. Images of screaming Elvis groupies and 12 year old bawling Bieber fans flashed through my mind. This was it. It was really her! As she walked past I choked on the words ‘uh…hi..” and then I just stood there, waiting for my heartbeat to kick in again. She smiled and went to the stage. I took a deep breath and then, planned my next move. I decided - I had to meet her.

Keep up Social Activities –Although it is tempting to “hibernate” during the cold winter months, keep up social activities and contacts. Host a gathering once a month to keep friends and family together. Use the phone and email to stay in touch with others on a daily basis. Eat Healthy – Making healthy eating choices can help you to feel better, ward off winter colds and increase your energy. Choose the right foods to provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to remain healthy. Sleep Well – Make sure you get in 8 hours and nap when you need to. Splurge on a Massage – A massage puts the nervous system in the parasympathetic mode. The parasympathetic nervous system produces the relaxation response. When you are relaxed and feel safe, your body digests food properly and removes toxins from your tissues and blood, your heart rate slows, and your blood pressure eases. Find activities to make you feel good. Bake cookies, light a fire or scented candles, and enjoy the activities the cold weather offers. Cuddle up and read a book or gather the family inside for a day of games.

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If Only for One Moment

I’ve never considered myself a crazy-fan type of person, then again, I’ve never been so awe-struck! Through music I’ve had some amazing opportunities to perform alongside artists that I completely adore. I’ve been fortunate to sing with artists like Shania Twain, Beverly Mahood, and, yes - even Bob Magrath from Sesame Street. (I know. Big time, right?) As a general rule, I kinda thought I had a good grip on concept of humanity vs. celebrity. When sound check was over, Jann and her band went back to their dressing room. With a small window of opportunity before the show, I hustled down the hall and busted into her room. “Uh… hi, I’m Candace and I just really wanted to meet you. I just wanted to tell you that I’m a huge fan and….” “Hey Candace! Come on in! Have a seat. You want some cheese?” Jann smiled. I laughed nervously and rambled on.. “Ohmygod…yes, but I’m wearing this new dress and like, two pairs of spanx. I’m afraid if I eat something I might totally bust apart. I’m probably not even supposed to be in here,but I was hoping you might sign my book, and...” “Candace. Breathe, lady. Bring your book, have a seat.” I slowly lowered myself onto the corner of a chair and tried to get comfortable with my spanx, “Yeah…” Jann said casually, “Spanx are a bitch. I say, ditch the spanx and eat some cheese and pickles. I laughed again and this time, felt completely at ease. We talked and Jann shared funny stories about her parents and her dog and, I ate some cheese. I also made mental plans to ‘ditch the spanx’ and just relax. It was awesome. A little while later, I said good-bye and was walking back down the hallway and that’s when it happened. My “Oprah Ah-ha” moment. I realized - the way I felt, right then, I would remember for the rest of my life. Whoa. It wasn’t from being a fugitive in the dressing room or from the lack of blood flow to my brain from my Spanx. Truthfully, it wasn’t even about being awe-struck by my idol. It was just about the power of a human connection. The thing is, I know a lot of people who would love to hang out with Jann Arden. Play golf, have lunch, walk her dog, whatever. I think it’s because, in addition to sharing her incredible talent, she gives people a gift from the stage, or even in person that says, ”you’re important”. Sit down. Ditch the spanx. Listen, laugh, relax. Eat some cheese. We all have opportunities each day to make others feel like they have an important place on this planet. And, it doesn’t take a lot…a smile, a joke, a piece of cheese. I’m grateful to Canada’s sweetheart and Calgary’s own funny girl, Jann Arden for the reminder of the value in our everyday human connections. That’s one that I will never forget.

Candace Lacina, Singer/Songwriter mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine


I was at a wedding shower the other day and all of the women in the room agreed that the secret to a healthy relationship is communication. Duh! We know this, but sometimes it’s hard to start a conversation and even more difficult to share your feelings when you are going through a rough patch.

Winter is for Citrus and Tea

Winter isn’t often associated with fresh produce, but it’s the season for citrus - during the cold, snowy months you’ll see the varieties of orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit multiply in the produce section. Wintertime means citrus is at its peak - the perfect time to preserve it with homemade marmalade. What better to bring to a party than a jar of something delicious that you made yourself? This marmalade is spiked with vanilla bean, and is perfect on toast or crumpets - and a great excuse to host a wee tea party.

Alice’s Bittersweet Orange Marmalade

Makes about 4 cups

This recipe makes a large batch - about four jars - label them ‘ORANGE MARMALADE’ and stash them in your cupboard so that when there are fresh crumpets, you’ll never find an empty jar on your shelf.

A good way to start the conversation is by having each person in the relationship thoughtfully answer the following questions and then share their answers with the other. Remember, there are no wrong answers and it’s okay to disagree. The goal is to help you better understand each other.

3 large oranges 5 cups water pinch salt

What’s important to me in this relationship?

4 cups sugar 1 vanilla bean (optional)

What can I do to ensure excellent communication?

What is one goal I would like to work towards and by what date? What do I need on a regular basis?

How much personal spending money do I need each pay cheque? The ideal date night for me would include:

If I could work on one thing that I think would make my partner happy, it would be:

Cut the oranges in half and poke the seeds out; put the seeds into a tea ball if you have one, otherwise wrap them in cheesecloth. Slice the oranges thinly and then chop them crosswise as chunky or finely as you like. Put them and the tea ball into a pot with the water and salt and bring to a boil; simmer for half an hour. Turn off the heat and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. Stir in the sugar and bring the mixture back to a boil. Cook for about half an hour, or until the mixture gels; you can test it by dropping a small spoonful onto a saucer that has been chilled in the freezer while the marmalade simmers. Drop a spoonful onto it, and if you can drag your finger through and leave a trail, it’s ready. If you’re using a vanilla bean, cut it lengthwise with the tip of a sharp knife and scrape out the seeds. Remove the tea ball of orange seeds and stir in the vanilla seeds. Divide the marmalade into clean, warm jars, tuck in the vanilla pods if you like, and seal according to the jar manufacturer’s directions or cool completely and store in the fridge or freeze. Reprinted from Alice Eats - the Wonderland Cookbook, by Julie Van Rosendaal and Pierre A. Lamielle (Whitecap)

On a scale from 1 - 5, how happy am I in this relationship (five being extremely happy)? 12345

The assortment of inventive recipes in this book, all inspired by characters and events from the original story, include such imaginative and enticing dishes as:

On a scale from 1 - 5, how would I rate our communication? (five being extremely good)?

Cheshire Cat’s Grinny Grainy Mustard Rarebit


Caterpillar’s Double-Stuffed Mushroom Caps

When I am upset I want my partner to:

White Rabbit’s Cucumber Frames with Three Fillings

Mock Turtle’s Mock Mock-Turtle Soup The Queen of Heart’s Red Velvet Cupcakes with Regal Cream-Cheese Frosting

Fall 2013


our favourite things

for your Mind

No Limits 6027 Centre Street SW, Calgary

Casablanca Video 2101 33th Avenue SW, Calgary

Fit in YYC

Fair’s Fair Books 1609 14th Street SW #1430, Calgary New Age Books & Crystals 142 10th Street NW, Calgary REAP Supporting locally-owned businesses that care about the planet and our community. Soul Food Books 213 19th Street NW, Calgary

Rawbellion Foods Studio Gorgeous Silk Road Spice Merchant 1403A 9th Avenue SE, Calgary

for your Body

Yo Dance & Lifestyle Studio Bay 3 4640 Manhattan Road SE, Calgary

Bowness Health Foods 6435 Bowness Road NW, Calgary

Willow Natural Foods 1419 9th Avenue SE, Calgary

Central Blends Café 203 19th Street NW, Calgary Dr. Vikki McGuire, DTCM (Doctor of Traditional Medicine) LifeMark Physiotherapy 100 - 109 Quarry Park Blvd. SE, Calgary 403-720-2289 Espy Experience 1009 9th Avenue SE, Calgary

for your Soul Be Crateful 403-474-7618 The Divine Mine 222 11566 24th Street SE, Calgary

Kingsland Farmers Market 7711 Macleod Trail S, Calgary Lazy Loaf & Kettle 8 Parkdale Crescent NW, Calgary Massage for Health 11150 Bonaventure Drive. SE, Calgary Nurture Health & Wellness 63 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary

Floss Dental Hygiene 104 - 10325 Bonaventure Drive SE, Calgary 403-719-9805

Norwex Shelley Khalife Independent Sales Consultant 403-462-2419 Spruce it Up Garden Center 777 210th Avenue Macleod Trail SE, Calgary

The above mentions are the personal opinions of the publisher and believe the information to be true.

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mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine

Fall 2013


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mind | body | soul

Trifecta Magazine

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