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Recommendation 3: Track student participation in extracurricular, co curricular, and experiential learning activities, and seek to broaden participation in such activities for students from historically underrepresented groups

Recommendation 3: Track student participation in extracurricular, co-curricular, and experiential learning activities, and seek to broaden participation in such activities for students from historically underrepresented groups.)

Rationale: A significant portion of the undergraduate and some graduate educational experience occurs outside the conventional classroom -- in study abroad experiences, internships, practicum, seminars, undergraduate research, leadership roles in student groups, etc. There is a widespread perception at Trinity that students of color and students from other historically underrepresented groups have lower rates of participation in many of these opportunities. This intuition would be better served with not only the collection and analysis of data but the use of that data to make decisions. Such data mining will empower various departments on campus to develop a coordinated strategy that will ensure that the Trinity student experience becomes equally rich and meaningful for all students. This strategy should be informed by an understanding of any current or historical barriers that may discourage some students from participating fully in the Trinity experience.

Stakeholders: Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, Community partners

Recommended Actions

Institutional Research and Effectiveness will gather, analyze, and widely disseminate data on student participation, disaggregated for various demographic and underrepresented groups.

Student Involvement, the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success, the Center for International Engagement, grant-writers and any other relevant stakeholders will develop a coordinated strategy for increasing participation by students from historically underrepresented groups.

Performance Indicators

Initial and follow-up reports will be completed annually.

An action plan will be completed for increasing participation bystudents from historically underrepresented groups.

Responsible Parties

President, Executive Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Involvement, CoDirectors of CELCS, Director of CIE, McNair Scholars Program Director

Implement an appropriate action plan that is strategic for increasing participation by students from historically underrepresented groups. Participation rates by students from historically underrepresented groups will be equal or greater to the representation of those groups in the student population at-large. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Involvement, CoDirectors of CELCS, Director of CIE, McNair Scholars


Suggested Timeline:

● Data collection and analysis should begin early in the FY22 and the initial report should be completed by the end of the fiscal year for FY22. ● Student Involvement, the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success, the

Center for International Engagement, and any other relevant stakeholders should begin their planning meetings in FY23. Their immediate goal will be to identify any current or historical barriers that may discourage some students from participating in extracurricular, co-curricular, and experiential learning activities; this goal may require the collection of qualitative data from our various groups of students. ● Student Involvement, CELCS, and CIE should complete an action plan for increasing student participation by the end of the Fall 2021 semester. Implementation of this plan should begin in Spring 2022, and the plan itself should be periodically refreshed on the basis of experience and new data.

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