College Choir Paul Nicholson Having been away from Cambridge for the Easter term, due to the pandemic, it was wonderful to have students back in Cambridge for the Michaelmas term 2020. The Choir welcomed 14 new singers, and a new Junior Organ Scholar, Jonathan Lee, who joined us having spent his gap year at Hereford Cathedral.
The Choir’s pre-term rehearsals culminated in a Requiem Mass, sung liturgically with music by Maurice Duruflé, which is available to watch on our YouTube channel. Like all of the videos from this unusual year, it will provide historians with an interesting snapshot into the period we have been through, with the Choir spread throughout the Chapel to give social distance, and putting on masks when not singing. We were unable to welcome our usual congregations to Chapel for services during the term, but a weekly service of Choral Evensong was streamed for the College community on Sundays. Trinity’s Organ Scholars, Harrison Cole and Jonathan Lee, also gave a series of live-streamed recitals, which featured major organ works by J S Bach.
The Choir rehearsing in Wells Cathedral, July 2021.
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